Orthodox holiday ascension. Folk traditions of the celebration of Ascension

Orthodox holiday ascension. Folk traditions of the celebration of Ascension
Orthodox holiday ascension. Folk traditions of the celebration of Ascension

One of the two-month holidays, established in honor of the advantage of the Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh on the sky, and promises about his second coming. The Holiday Ascension of the Lord is passing, always falls on Thursday, celebrated on the 40th day after Easter.

Video Ascension of the Lord from the "Summer Lord" cycle

Holiday ascension of the Lord

Until the end of the IV century The celebration of the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost was not divided. At the same time, the Pentecost was understood as a special period of the church year, not a festive day. Following the Pentecost, the Ascension of the Lord was distinguished in a special celebration. In Syria and Palestine to the end of the IV century. The ascension of the Lord and the Descent of the Holy Spirit was celebrated together on the 50th day after Easter. One of the last on this practice is the pilgrimage of Egeria, reporting that in the evening of Pentecost, all Christians of Jerusalem gather on Mount Eleon, "In the place from which Jesus Christ is on the sky," called the ISMON, and a service with the reading of the Gospel and Acts of Apostolic telling about the ascension of the Lord.

The division of the two holidays occurred after the conviction of the Macedonia heresy at the II Ecumenical Cathedral in 381 and was to emphasize the special role of the Holy Spirit in salvation.

Instructions for a separate celebration of the Ascension of the Lord are found in the Nissky Gregory and in the Anti-Choir sermons of John of Zlatoust. Directly about the celebration of the 40th day after Easter as the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Apostolic Resolutions speaks in 380. Sources of the V centuries unambiguously allocate the Ascension of the Lord in a separate holiday on the 40th day after Easter.

History of Ascension of the Lord

The event of the Ascension Holiday of the Lord is described in detail in the Gospel of Luke (LC 24. 50-51) and the acts of the Holy Apostles (Acts 1. 9-11). A summary of this event is given in the end of the Gospel of Mark (MK 16. 19). According to these narratives, after their resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ was disciples, certifying them in the truth of their bodily resurrection, strengthening faith in them and preparing for the adoption of the Promised Holy Spirit (Wed: In 16. 7). Finally, the commandments did not get out of Jerusalem and wait for the promised from his father (LK 24. 49; Acts 1. 4), Lord Jesus Christ brought students from the city to Bethyania, to Mount Eleon (Acts 1. 12), and, raising his hands, She taught them a blessing, and then began to move away from them and crawl into the sky.

In the Acts of St. The apostles are described that, starting to crawl, Jesus Christ was hidden by the cloud, and then "two husbands in white clothes" were "two husbands" who announced his second coming. The disciples also bowed to him and gladly returned to Jerusalem (LK 24. 52), where in a few days there were sv. Spirit (Acts 2. 1-4). Differences in the story of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke and in the Acts of the Holy Apostles are explained by the fact that in the first case all attention is focused on the end of the Savior's earthly ministry, while in the second - at the beginning of the apostolic sermon.

Separate elements of the story of the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Acts of the Holy Apostles point to contact with the next story about Him about the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles (for example, according to the Old Testament Prophecies, from Mount Eleon, which is stated in Dean 1. 12, the offensive should begin Lord Day - Zeh 14. 4). In Dean 1. Three period of phenomena of the Resurrected Christ is determined in 40 days, which correlates with other important 40-day periods in the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ: from His Christmas to the day when he was brought to the Jerusalem Temple and dedicated to God (LK 2 22-38), and after baptism on Jordan, when he retired to the desert before going to the sermon (MF 4. 1-2; MK 1. 12-13; LC 4. 1-2).

In some places of the New Testament, the phenomena of Christ students after the resurrection "in continuation of many days" (Acts 2. 32-36; 3. 15-16; 4. 10; 5. 30-32; 10. 40-43; 13. 31; 1 Cor 15. 5-8). In the Gospel of John, Christ himself indicates the time interval between His Resurrection and Ascension, saying, turning to Mary Magdaline, that he has not yet spanned to the Father "(In 20. 17).

The Ascension of the Lord, as one of the secrets of the savings, surpasses sensual experience and is not limited to the event of the care of the resurrected Christ on the sky. In the New Testament there are a number of instructions for the glorification of the resurrected Jesus Christ or his exceeded position in heaven. Odessa Father, which is closely connected or a consequence of His Resurrection and Ascension (about "entering glory" speaks in LC 24. 26; Acts 5. 31; Eph 4. 8-10; FLP 2. 6-11; 1 TIM 3. 16; Heb 1. 3, 5; 2. 9; 5. 5; 12. 2; Options 3. 21; 12. 5; O " The glorification "after the resurrection - in 1 Peter 1. 21; about the" Sale of the Odessa of God "- in Rome 8. 34; Eph 1. 20; 2. 5-6; acc 3. 1). Often, these instructions are direct quotes from the Old Testament. So, the Savior himself even before the godded suffering, intense Ps 109, speaks of his "Sale of the Odessa of God" (MK 12. 35-37; 14. 62). In Open 3. 21, the sammetion of Christ with his father is represented as a result of his victory, and in the message to the Jews, the ascension, entry into the heavenly sanctuary and scholars, the Odessa of God are included in the high priest ministry of Christ (Heb 4. 14; 6. 20; 7. 26 ; 8. 1; 9. 11-12, 24; 10. 12). Predictions of the coming or return from the Heaven of the Son of Human (MF 16. 27; 24. 30; 26. 64; MK 8. 38; 13. 26; LC 21. 27) Meet the preceding ascension or ascent to heaven. In the Gospel of John the return of Christ to the Father Heaven (IN 3. 13; 13. 1-3; 16. 5, 28) appears in the world unity with its coming to the world (IN 3. 17, 31; 6. 38; 8. 23; 13. 3; 16. 28). The ascent of Jesus Christ says in Eph 4. 8-10 and 1 Peter 3. 18-22 (Wed: Ps 67. 19 and 138. 8).

Ascension Icons of the Lord

The earliest image of the Ascension of the Lord is the relief on the wooden doors of the Santa Sabina temple in the city of Rome from 430: Standing Jesus Christ with a script in his hand is surrounded by symbols of evangelists in medallions, on the sides of the letter A and W, below - the Mother of God, over the Virgin Maria two The apostle hold the cross in the circle. The image of the Virgin traditionally interpreted as a symbolic image of the church. Such a interpretation is maintained and in relation to the monuments of the Middle Ages. Description of the Ascension of the Lord in the Holy Scriptures and the image of this event in iconography differ in one important feature - the basis of iconography is a liturgical tradition that glorify the triumphant ascension of the flesh of Jesus Christ to heaven.

On all subsequent images in the center of the composition presented the Virgin; About her presence with the ascension of the Lord testifies to the church tradition: the creations of the Holy Fathers, the texts of the holiday service.

At the ampoule of the Temple of John the Forerunner in Monza in Italy, the fully established composition is presented: Nimbu with a raised Jesus Christ, who sits on the throne, maintain four angels, downstairs is depicted by the Virgin and twelve apostles.

In miniatures, Psaltiri, the Ascension of the Lord illustrates some psalms. So, in Khludovskaya Psaltiri on the miniature to the PS. 23. 9-10 ("Take the prince's gates of Knyazi", l. 22) It is Christ in shine, Mandorla carry two angels, in the celestial segment - doors; On the other, to the PS. 46. \u200b\u200b7 ("Bind God in exclamation", l. 46), Jesus Christ sits on the Rainbow. The last type of image has become the most common.

In the temple painting, the Ascension is placed in the dome: Church of Sofia in the Dessalonik, 880-885, where two angels carry the halo, the Virgin, Angels and Apostles - among the trees on the slopes of the dome. In the XII century The composition has increased by the number of angels, carrying the halo with a raising Christ, for example, the Spassky Cathedral of the Mozoan Monastery in Pskov.

On icons Kashinsky China XV century The Mother of God, standing frontally, is usually represented not with abreast hands, but with the revealed palm in front of the breast.

In 1799, the Ascension Church was built in Kashin on the site of a wooden church of the same name. The Ascension Cathedral is the second scale of the temple after the Resurrection Cathedral. In 1857-1860, the Ascension Church was rebuilt, in 1849 a separate bell was built near the temple.

The Ascension Cathedral in Kashin was underestimated in 1929, since 1962 began to be used under the furniture warehouse. Only in 1993 took place the transfer of the Temple of the ROC. Currently, the temple is valid.

The shrines of the temple are: the relics of the holy faithful, the cancer in which the relics of Holy until 2009, the icon of the Holy Dorofey Kashinskaya (the power is located in the Sretensky monastery), the icons of the Mother of God "all the mournful joy", the Mother of God "the recovery of the dead", the Mother of God "Athos Panteleimonova Monastery, the icon of the Great Martyr and Healer of Panteleimon, as well as the ancient image of the Archangel Gabriel.

Tropear ascension to the Lord

Ascended by ESI in glory, Christ, God, / joy created by the student / promise of the Holy Spirit, / I was notified by the former blessing, / Yako you are the Son of God, the delightful of the world.

Kondak Ascension of the Lord

Hean about us fulfilling the watch, / and Lodge on the Earth by connecting heavenly, / ascended to ESI in glory, Christ God, / Nikaznik, / but being relentless, / and a look like you and Nictena on you.

The Muscleness of the Ascension of the Lord

Major, / Exodus Christ, / And Wear hedgehogs to heaven, / with the precho, your flesh, / Divine Ascension.

Prayer ascension of the Lord

Lord Jesus Christ, God, coming from the Heavenly heights of the salvation of our for the sake of the sake of the sorry for the saint and the spiritual days of the resurrection of yours, and the Paks on the commission of the ministry of your ministry ascended from us on the sky with Gleva and Highlandland.

Canon Ascension of the Lord

IRSMOS: the Savior of God in Mori people with nemocular legs to the instrupture, and Pharaoh with all the world, I will sing that one, I can be glorifying.

Chorus: Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension.

We can be happy by the people, on the Rames of the Cheruvimski will be ascended with Glory Christ and the sideways of our father, the singer of the victory: Jaco glorified.

Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.

The guarantee of God and the man of Christ, the faces of the angelicate whisching with the flesh in the highest, wondering, according to the song Song of the victory: Yako glorified.

Glory: to God on the mountain of synaysty and the law of the governing boring Moses, from the mountain of Elaway ascended by the flesh, to that WSI I will be influenced by: I will be glorified.

And now: the recent one.

Akathist Ascension of the Lord

Podded Voivodo, Sky and Earth Card! The winner of death commendable bringing singing, Yako on the ledge of your dead resurrection to heaven with Glevoy ascended, and with the plurality of the flesh, the Odea of \u200b\u200bGod and the Father Havors, and our fallen nature is complicated with him, and from sins and from the eternal death freedom . We are divine your ascension is celebrating with your student from the soul to you yelling:

Jesus, ascended from us to the sky, will not leave us siery.

Archangels and Angels Lika co-chaired to you, the king of all, on the Elantian Mountain, with the fear of the victim, to the height of the heavenly elevation with the flesh, and the glorification of greatness of humanity.


1. Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskaya, the law of God.

"Orthodox Kashin", since 2010 from R.Kh.

Every year, on the 40th day after the Orthodox, the Great Betty Holiday is celebrated - the Ascension of the Lord, the history of which is connected with the earthly life of Jesus Christ.

The history of the Holiday Ascension

The name of the holiday is directly connected with the event that the entire Orthodox world notes. On this day, 40 days after the resurrection, Jesus Christ completed his earthly ministry and again entered the temple of the Heavenly Father, ascended to the sky.

As is well known, the sins of mankind hurt with their sufferings and death and became the Savior, giving people the opportunity to resurrect again and find eternal life. And his ascension is the celebration of the opening of the sky, the eternal abode for human souls. That is, with his ascension, Christ revealed us the sky as the kingdom of God, the kingdom of truth, happiness, good and beauty.

On the last day of his earthly life, Jesus Christ appeared to his students and followers. With them was his mother - the Most of the Virgin. He gave them the last instruction, commanded students to go around the world with the evangelical sermon, but before waiting for the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit.

His last words was the prediction of the Descent to the students of the Holy Spirit, who had to inspire and console them, blessing to preach God's teachings around the world.

After that, Jesus climbed the mountain of Eleon, raised his arms and, blessing students, began to rise from the ground to the sky. Gradually, the bright cloud closed him from the eyes of perplexed students. So the Lord rushes on the sky to his father. And before the apostles appeared two bright messengers (Angel), which were announced that Jesus, ascended on the sky, after some time would again come to Earth in the same way as she climbed on the sky.

The apostles consistent with such news returned to Jerusalem and told about this to people, after which the promised trace of the Holy Spirit began to be expected in constant prayer.

Thus, in Orthodoxy, the history of the Holiday History of the Lord is inextricably linked with the latest action of Jesus Christ in the matter of our salvation and the compound of earthly and heavenly. By his death, the Lord ruined the kingdom of death and gave a chance to all people to enter the kingdom of heaven. He himself was resurrected and became the forerunner in front of his father in the face of a redeemed person, making it possible to get to the paradise.

Folk Sights and Traditions of the Ascension Holiday

As with most others, with the holiday of the Ascension of the Lord and his story, many will adopt, traditions and ghostas.

The ascent of the Lord on the sky people always sought to note with a ritual sign like Easter cakes and eggs. On this day, the oven was adopted by the furnace pies with a green bow - the so-called bread "ladies" with seven crossbars, symbolized the steps in the number of heaven of the apocalypse.

At first, these "ladies" were sanctified in the temple, and then threw from the bell tower to the ground, guessing what of the seven heaven was destined to get off. If all seven steps remained the whole, it meant that he would fall directly to the sky. And if the "Lestenka" broke up, this meant the sinning of the thrust who was not suitable for any of the seven heavens.

According to believe, if the egg demolished on this day is to hang on the roof of the house, it will guard the house from harm.

If the ascension day goes abundant rain, it means preventing irreserving and livestock diseases. And after the rain, a good weather is always installed, which keeps to St. Michael's Day.

And most importantly - all that this day will ask in prayer, will certainly come true. This is due to the fact that on the day of his ascension, the Lord spoke to the apostles directly. And on this day, all people have a unique opportunity to ask the Lord about the most important.

The whole church year in Orthodoxy obeys a certain rhythm. And the main starting point, of course, is the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. As the date of Easter changes every year, the dates of other large holidays change. So, it is from Easter that it depends when the church celebrates the Great Two-Piece Holiday of the Ascension of the Lord. What is this day and why is it so great for the Orthodox?

The meaning of the Holiday of the Ascension of the Lord

The Ascension of the Lord is the day when Jesus Christ left our world and ascended to heaven. It happened on the 40th day after his resurrection from the dead. This day marks a certain transition or border when the visible physical presence of God ends on Earth, and his invisible presence of the spiritual in the life of every believer begins.

The Great Two-Piece Holiday of the Ascension of the Lord

In theological sense, there are several meanings of this day for Christians:

  • ascension marks the compound of earthly physical nature with the divine essence;
  • this is the day of the last presence of God on Earth;
  • in moral sense, this holiday reminds us that a person consists not only of physical flesh, but still has a soul, which must strive for God all his life.

In the gospel, the events of this holiday describes quite detail the Apostle Luke, as well as the events set forth in the Acts of the Apostles. After his resurrection, Jesus Christ many times is pupils in the flesh, so that they can make sure the miracle occurred. When his students have enough strengthened in faith and became ready to make further ministry, the Lord gathered them on Mount Eleon.

In this mountain, Christ filed the last blessing, and began to be removed in the sky, surrounded by clouds. The disciples were filled with joy, and on returning to Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit came to them.

Important! From this day on Earth, the service of God is ends in human nature and the service of the apostles begins. The fact of the Ascension of Christ does not mean only physical care, but marks the special glorification of God, about which there are many words about the gospel. In addition, Christ himself, being on earth, said that he would send his father to his father heaven, i.e. It will become famous after his resurrection.

Thus, it can be said that the ascension has become the culmination of the glorification of God after his earthly life and criticism. That is why the meaning of this day is so great for every Orthodox person.

The Ascension of the Lord is associated with the return of Jesus Christ to Heavenly Father

The value of the Holiday Assessment for Orthodox Christian

At first glance it may seem that the meaning of this holiday is too complicated and incomprehensible for a simple Christian. In fact, it suffices to understand that this day means the victory of the Divine Nature over the sinful human essence.

Interesting! Number 40 is not random in all Christian symbols. Even according to the law, Moses was supposed to bring babies to the temple on the 20th day to devote them to the Lord. It is symbolic that you can trace the analogy with the Holiday Holiday.

Risen, as if born in Christ, goes back to the Heavenly Temple for the Eternal Celebration. For each believer person, this means the possibility of personal salvation, if we take the Lord with all my heart and go behind him.

How to hold the Holiday Ascension Believers

Any Orthodox holiday involves the participation of Christians in festive worship services. It is these Christian holidays differ from secular when a person allows himself to completely relax and relax. Important Christian dates are a reason for additional work on their soul, their lives. These days should be particularly pious, with memory of God, about his great sacrifice for each of us.

Since the ascension is observed on the 40th day after Easter, it always falls on a weekday. This imposes difficulties due to the fact that most people are at work. If there is such an opportunity, it is advisable in advance to take a quit or release the first half of the day to visit worship. If there is no such possibility, you can visit the festive evening worship on the eve of the evening.

Worships on holidays are always special, solemn, filled with grace and greatness

In any case, even if the person is in the workplace, it does not prevent him from remembering the Lord and pray to him. Of course, it is necessary to do this not only on holidays, but also on any other days. If a person is used to attending worship in addition to special days, it will be quite logical to take great holidays in the temple. Services on such days are always special, solemn, filled with grace and greatness. Staying on such days outside the temple walls, a person himself deprives himself communicating with God.

Tip! Walking into the temple on Sundays and holidays is a normal, natural need of a believer. God does not need our victims in the form of spent time for worship or prayer. Many people think that you can come to the temple, stand up in service, and the Lord "credit" it is like a good deal.

In fact, it is necessary to be in the temple for the soul of the person himself. The formal attitude towards faith is completely alien to Orthodoxy and kills him. Therefore, it is important to understand what our faith teaches. And the great holidays are better suited for deepening in the essence of Christianity.

Video about the sense of the holiday of the Ascension of the Lord

Every year on the 40th day after Easter, on Thursday of the 6th week for Easter, the entire Orthodox world celebrates one of the two celebrations of the church year - Ascension of the Lord. The birth name reflects the essence of the event is Ascension to the sky of Lord Jesus Christ, the completion of his earthly ministry. The number 40 is not random, but carrying sense. In all sacred history, it was the time of graduation of great feats. According to the law of Moiseev in the 40th day, the babies were to be brought by parents to the temple, to the Lord. And now in a fortieth day after the resurrection, as it were, after the new birth, Jesus Christ was to enter the heavenly temple of his father, as a savior of mankind.

The dates of the Ascension of the Lord:

Ascension 2015 - May 21st;Ascension 2016 - the 9th of June ; Ascension 2017 - May 25; Ascension 2018 - May 17; Ascension 2019 - June 6; Ascension 2020 - May 28.

After defeating death, this is a terrible consequence of sin, and thereby giving the opportunity to resurrect in glory, the Lord has grown human nature in his face, including the human body. Thus, the Lord opened each person the opportunity in a general resurrection to raise the highest abode of light to the most throne of the Most High. The evangelists Mark and Luka tell us about the event of Ascension, it is especially detailed to read about it in the book Acts of the Holy Apostles in Chapter 1. The Ascension of the Lord by giving students the last instructions, Jesus Christ "brought them out of the city to Bvifania and, raising his hands, blessed them. And when blessed them, he began to move away from them and crawl into the sky. They bowed to him and returned to Jerusalem with the joy of great ... ".

Ascension Day - This is the celebration of the sky, the opening of the sky, as a new and eternal house, the sky as a genuine homeland. Sin separated the land from the sky and made us with the earth and one land living. This is not about the planning space and not about space. We are talking about the sky returned to us by Christ, about the sky, which we lost in the earthly sciences and ideologies, and which revealed and returned Christ to us. The sky is the kingdom of God, this is the kingdom of eternal life, the kingdom of truth, good and beauty.

Ascension of the Lord - One of the most important church holidays, which since ancient times is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter.

The Ascension of the Lord is one of the twelve of the two-month holidays, which are devoted to the key events of gospel history. This is a coming holiday: its date depends on the date of the Easter celebration. It belongs to the number of so-called gentlemen of the holidays, that is, referring to the Lord Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Jesus became a banner that his earthly life came to an end. But he did not immediately go to heaven, and another 40 days communicated with his students in the image of a person. Jesus gave them advice and blessed the apostles for future accomplishments.

On this day, we remember the events that occurred in forty days after Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross and rose. After the resurrection, the Savior did not once be his disciples, strengthening their faith and preparing for the descent of the Holy Spirit on them - to Pentecost. On the Ascension Day, the Lord gathered the apostles in Viph, on Mount Eleon. Christ blessed them and - as it was, in the flesh - ascended to the sky. The new covenant writes about this event:

He rose in their eyes, and the cloud took him out of their appearance. And when they looked at the sky, during his climb, suddenly they appeared two husbands in white clothes and said: Galilean's men! What are you standing and look at the sky? This Jesus, ascended from you to the sky, will come in the same way as you have seen it ascending to the sky. (Acts 1: 9-11)

When the ascension is celebrated

The ascension is celebrated on a fortieth day after Easter, the Resurrection of Christ, so the holiday always falls on Thursday.

Ascension events

The Ascension of the Lord is described in the Gospel of Luke, the acts of the Holy Apostles and, briefly, in the end of the Gospel of Mark.

After the events of the Resurrection, Jesus Christ was several times an apostle and preached the kingdom of God. It was not a vision, it was a living teacher, from flesh and blood. The evidence that the Savior is really risen from the dead and thereby defeated death. The phenomena of Christ the disciples were a kind of preparation for the Day of Pentecost - when the Holy Spirit came down on them so that they could preach the resurrected Christ to the whole world.

But this will happen later - a few days after the Ascension, but as long as the Lord calls the Apostles in the suburb of Jerusalem - Viph. There, on Mount Eleon, they last see Christ in the flesh. Having raised his hands, he blesses the students and crashes on the sky.

In the Acts of the Holy Apostles it is written that during the Ascension, the Savior was hidden by the cloud, after which the "two husbands in white clothes" came to the astounded out of the eyes - they announced the coming second coming of Christ:

Galilee's men! What are you standing and look at the sky? This Jesus, ascended from you to the sky, will come in the same way as you have seen it ascending to the sky. (Acts 1: 9-11)

After this amazing - joyful - separation from Christ, the apostles returned to the capital of Israel - Jerusalem. It was there that, a few days later, the Holy Spirit came off.

History of the Celebration of Ascension

Until the end of the IV century, the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost were, in fact, a single holiday. Pentecost noted not one day a year - it was a whole period of the church calendar. Tertullian called him "Laetissimum Spatium" - a joyful period.

When Pentecost became an independent holiday, the ascension began separately. The first references to this can be found in St. Gregory Nissky and in the Anti-Choir sermons of St. John of Zlatoust.

Features of the worship of the History of the Lord

The holiday lasts ten days: one day of the consideration, which coincides with the comment of Easter, and eight days of the cost. The celebration of the holiday happens to the next day Friday seventh weeks for Easter.

From the first day of Easter before leaving the ascension of the Lord of the vessels of clergy-white.

Ascension Icons of the Lord

Icons depicting the Ascension of the Lord, there is a clear iconography that all the icon paints adhere to. On the icon of the holiday, all twelve apostles are depicted, between which - in the center - stands the Virgin. Apostles or stand, or kneeling. Christ crashes in the cloud, surrounded by angels. On some icons there is an interesting detail - on the Eleon Mountain, from where the Savior climbed to heaven, captured the track from his legs.

Folk traditions of the celebration of Ascension

For the century of Christianity in Russia, the Holiday of the Ascension of the Lord in the People's Consciousness did the part of the pagan and agricultural customs. Spring and summer change, concern for the future crop, the first truly hot days - all this intertwined with the church meaning of the holiday. At the same time, of course, such folk traditions remained, and there were little attitude towards the church sense of the holiday, but they can tell a lot about the use of Russian peasants, their attitude towards the Holy Day.

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomensky

The church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomensky is one of the few preserved monuments in the capital of the Epoch of Ivan Grozny. Located in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, in the former village of Selom Kolomenskoye.

The temple was built in 1532 on the command of Vasily III. According to the legend, the reason was the birth of the King of the long-awaited heir - Ivan IV, the future of Grozny.

This is the first tent church in Russia. Its construction laid the beginning of a unique temple style, which existed to the reform of Nikon's patriarch in the middle of the XVII century. There is a version that it was built by the Ascension Temple Italian architects, perhaps Peter Francisk Hannibal, or, as he was called in Russia, Petrifs Small, who arrived in Moscow in 1528.

In the Soviet years, the temple together with the rest of the monuments of Kolomensky was transferred to the Museum-Reserve organized in 1928. Reinforced the temple on December 8, 2000. Since 1994, he was assigned the status of the Temple of the Patriarchal Foreigner. In 2007, a long restoration of the church was completed.

The meaning of Ascension

Archpriest Igor Fomin, abbot of the temple of Alexander Nevsky at MGIMO, cleric cathedral icons of the Kazan Mother of God on Red Square.

On the day of Ascension, our Lord Jesus Christ instructs all humanity - and each of us. And it does it through his students - the apostles. It was they who witnessed how the Savior ascended to heaven forty days after his resurrection.

When the Lord for forty days is his disciples after the Cross and Resurrection, he thus strengthens their faith, gives them support, hope for the coming kingdom of heaven. And the ascension of the Lord, as it were, puts the point in the case of the house building of our salvation. He is like a man, in his human physicity, cares for the sky. Thus, his feat of redemption ends - a person is being built on the sky! The Lord, as it were, puts the point, but does not leave the apostles, which means all of us alone. Christ says that if we face the ascension, he will send the Holy Spirit that comes us. This consolation is in the Pentecostal festival, which the church celebrates a few days after the Ascension.

Prayers ascension of the Lord

The canons of ascension are written by the Holy John Damascus and Saint Joseph. Kondak and Ikos belong to the Holy Roman Sladkopevtsu.

Tropear ascension of the Lord

Ascended by ESI in glory, God of God, the joy is created by the student, the promise of the Holy Spirit, who was notified by the former blessing, Yako, you are the Son of God, the delightful of the world.

You ascended in glory, Christ, God, joy fulfilling the students the promise of the Holy Spirit, according to their blessing in the fact that you are the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.

Kondak Ascension of the Lord

Hean about us perforing the watch, and I put on the earth to the earth by the Heavenly, ascended by the Esi in Glory, Christ, God, is nikaznik, but being relentless, and the award loving you: Az Yes, and Nictena on you.

Translation into Russian Hieromonach Amvrosia (Timrota):

Having fulfilled the whole idea of \u200b\u200bour salvation, and the fact that on Earth connecting with heaven, you ascended in glory, Christ, God, without leaving us, but being inseparable and appealing to those who love you: "I - with you and no one - against you! "


Major, / Exodus Christ, / And read the hedgehog to heaven / with the prech, your flesh // Divine Ascension.

Translation into Russian Hieromonach Amvrosia (Timrota):

We glorify you, the gifts of life of Christ, and read the Divine Ascension to Heaven with the prechurch.

Canon Ascension of the Lord

Tropar, voice 4th
Ascended by ESI in glory, Christ God, the joy of the student of the promise of the Holy Spirit, who was notified by the former blessing, Yako, you are the Son of God, the delightful of the world.
Voice 5th

IRSMOS: the Savior of God in Mori people with nemocular legs to the instrupture, and Pharaoh with all the world, I will sing that one, I can be glorifying.
Chorus: Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
We can be happy by the people, on the Rames of the Cheruvimski will be ascended with Glory Christ and the sideways of our father, the singer of the victory: Jaco glorified.

The guarantee of God and the man of Christ, the faces of the angelicate whisching with the flesh in the highest, wondering, according to the song Song of the victory: Yako glorified.
Glory: to God on the mountain of synaysty and the law of the governing boring Moses, from the mountain of Elaway ascended by the flesh, to that WSI I will be influenced by: I will be glorified.
And now: the Major Mother of God, embodied from you, and from the depths of the parent who has not completed the god incessantly moths, from all the circumstances to save, Like it.

IRSMOS: The strength of the cross of your Christ, approve my thinking, in the Petit and Savita Saving Highness.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
Having traveled to the life of Christ to Father, and the genus the genus of our auditing, inevitable with your progress.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
Chini Angelic, Savior, Human Nature Severe Comcompensable to you, incessantly surprising the advent of you.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
The horrors of the angelicate of the face, Christ, in vain, with a television with a television ascend, and the Holy Ascension!
Glory: Human nature, Christ, the drainage of the fallen eagerness, and you would reconcile the Estex, and we glorified with us.
And now: moths are incredulously, clean, made of your pronounced, get rid of the charms of the dialect, singing, Mother of God.

Saddle, voice 8th
Following the clouds of heaven, leaving the world by the goal on the earth, he traveled to the village of Odessa Father, and Smya and the Spirit. More than bo and in the flesh appeared, but an unspoken was abandoned by ESI: the chases of making an end, trusting the world to the world around the world. Orthodoxian Lord, we are taking our souls, the restoration of giving giving, I. God gracious, your slave.

IRSMOS: Hearing the hearing of the Power of the Cross, Yako Paradise We rejected them, and ropes: Glory by your strength, Lord.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
Ascended to the glory, the angels of the king, the comforter to us from the father sent. Dormy cry: glory, Christ, ascension to your.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
Yako Vseder saved to his father with the flesh, surprised by the angelic worm, and rope: Glory, Christ, ascension to your.
Glory: Angelskaya Power Highlighter: Gate Take Christ to our King, Enerpie Smearing Chape with Father and Spirit.
And now: Virgo Rodi, and the mother does not know: but Mati Tso is, the devotee, in the southeless, hanging, rejoice in the Virgin, call.

IRSMOS: Meritatively, the Lord, save us: You are our God, isn't you anyone else know.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
Having fulfilled merry all sorts, merciful, the mines came to the mining forces with the flesh.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
Angelskiy forces from the elevation to you seeing, the gate, to see our king, parable.
Glory: Apostles whose elevated Savior, with a trembling to the king to our: Glory to you.
And now: the Virgin Merry Christmas, the Virgin, you bodied the words of Mirov's fleet of Mirov.

IRSMOS: Family of the abyss, the coffin to me whale, Az and ropes to you a phraser, and your sackets of yours, Lord.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
We will reconcile the apostles, in vain to the height of the ridiculiar to the soul mate, the hope of the Spirit, and the fear of Zowahu: Glory to your rising.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
Introduced by Angeli, with your pupil with your student: guessing Christ's vidris ascending with the flesh, Paka will take the righteous judgment.
Glory: Yako video task to spas our heavenly strength, to the height of the body with a body, scored, verbally: Veliko Vladyko, is human humanity.
And now: Kupina Tu is unalimized, and the mountain, and an animated chance, and the door of Heaven is worthy of Slavim, Marie Glorious, Orthodox praise.
Lord have mercy. (Three times.) Glory and now.
Kondak, voice 6th
Hean about us perforing the watch, and I put on the earth to the earth by the Heavenly, ascended by the Esi in Glory, Christ, God, is nikaznik, but being relentless, and the award loving to you, and you are with you.
Land of land on land left, Like the ashes of the pests in the lands, take back, and at the height erect the eyes and thoughts, consider views, coupled and feelings, at the Heavenly Gate, Squads, at least in Mount Mountain, and We will break on the delight on the clouds. The Lord of the Lord in the Heavens of Rethere, and Tamo Darolurubesty the gifts distributing the apostle to her, comforting me, I will have a father, and I admire the sons of Jaco, and spectacle to them: I can not ourselves, Az Yes, and you are.

IRSMOS: In the Peshi Fires Pesnovlovtsy Savorny Falls, God's Father's Father blessed.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
In the clouds of light ascended, and the saving world, God's father of ours blessed.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
On Ramo Spass, the nature of the nature, hesitated, ascended, to God and Father brought them.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
Early in the flesh to a blindfall, blessed God's father of ours.
Glory: Surcharged our sin nature, your peculiar father, rescue, led them.
And now: from the Virgin, the southes of the Virgin of the Mother of God, God's Father's Father is blessed.

IRSMOS: From the father before the age of the son of the Son, and God, and in the last summer embodied from the Virgin Mother, the priests sing, people exal in every day.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
In the two creatures of Christ's vital vital in heaven with Gleovoy, and the Father of the neighboring, the priests sing, the people exal over all of the eyelids (twice).
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
From the work of the idolskaya creature, I am delivering, and presented that free your father, you, sacket, and we extol in all of the eyelids.
Glory: His arrangement of low-cost Supostat, and His His His Higher Surveys, the priests please sing, people exal over all times.
And now: Cherubimov sent to Esi, the Virgin Clean, in the waters of your Sima wearing that I worn: the Eagle with challenging, the people of Slavor to all the eyelids.

IRSMOS: Master of the mind and the word of Mother of God, in the summer the Negotnago unhappyly rising, Vermina is very important.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
You, the delight of the world of Christ of God, the apostles are seen divinely elevated, with the fear of playfully great.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
Your wonderful flesh is in vain, Christ, at the height of Angeli to each other verbahu: the realist of this is our God.
Glory, Lord, Holy Ascension to your.
You have a challenging rank, Christ, in the clouds, a voucher seeks, catching: the glory of the king, the gates undress.
Glory: you are complained even to the last lands, and the person is saved, and the ascent of your elevated, then Major.
And now: Rejoice, the Virgin Matty of Christ of God: Esgent God gave birth to the earth with the Earth's Earth, erected.

In the church calendar of May there is the most important date we simply cannot bypass attention. This is the Holiday Ascension of the Lord. Since it has a greater importance for believers, the editors I want traditionally publishes interesting information about the Ascension of the Lord in 2017, and what can be done and what can not be done for the Ascension of the Lord: the moments that everyone needs to know. Read more about it.

The Ascension of the Lord History History suggests that this is one of the 12 most important church holidays for Christians. It is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter. The Ascension of the Lord does not have a fixed date, but always falls on Thursday. Holiday The Ascension of the Lord in 2017 falls on May 25th.

The gospel says that after the resurrection, Christ was still 40 days old. It is believed that it was on this day Jesus got to heaven, and so finished his earthly path. On the day of Ascension, Jesus Christ gathered the Apostles in Viph, on Mount Eleon. He blessed the disciples and ascended to the sky. So ended the earthly ministry of the Son's God. The Ascension Day of the Lord is in himself a symbolism: Human sins by the sufferings and the godfather death, Christ in his face, ascended by the human nature to the throne of the Father's God and "preliminarized the nature of a person to adopt the Holy Spirit." Therefore, every year, remembering the promise of the Second Coming, all believers celebrate the Holiday Ascension of the Lord.

Earlier, we published prayers for the Ascension of the Lord, as well as the tradition and conspiracy on the ascension with which you can find on the link. But in view of the fact that our readers are actively interested in the fact that it is impossible to do on the Ascension of the Lord, we publish information about the absenteeism of the Lord.

Ascension of the Lord: what can not be done on this day

  • On this day, the phrase "Christ is resurrected" cannot be pronounced, because in the Ascension from the temples, they are removed.
  • It is impossible to do home cleaning and other hard work. It is better to spend in a quiet family circle and in prayer
  • In the Ascension, the world and peace of mind must be observed. Try not to quarrel with loved ones.
  • In the Ascension, the Lord can not be thought of bad. Instead, they advise you to remember the deceased relatives, to fill the spiritual relationship with them.
  • In the old days, it was forbidden to spit and throw garbage on the street, since "you can get into Christ, who comes to home under the guise of beggars."

On May 25, the Ascension of the Lord, so this day also have the prescriptions of what can be done on the Ascension of the Lord. Christian traditions are very closely intertwined with folk, so the challenges for the Ascension of the Lord also play a big role.

What can be done in the Ascension of the Lord

  • in many regions, there is a custom walking on this day to visit native and acquaintances - it was in the old days called "go to the crossroads";
  • keep in the soul world and tranquility;
  • on the eve of the ascension of the "Christ on the track" bake special pancakes (they are called "Lady Outka", "Oncotty", "Christ's" laptic "), girls drove rounds, services are held in churches;
  • also listened to the weather. If the weather was good for the Ascension of the Lord, then this will last before St. Michael's Day (November 21). The rain foreshadowed the disease and crumbling.
  • it did not do without ghostas. Girls swam in braids a few birch branches. And, if the twigs did not start ten days before the Trinity, then a wedding was expected this year;
  • the girls collected herbs at dawn, as it is considered healing on this day, and the herbs increase and retain their healing properties before the onset of Ivan Kupala (July 7).

Now you know about bans and regulations for the Ascension of the Lord in 2017. We also recommend reading the information about when the Trinity 2017.

Cover: Maizrun Trete Pivnі

Ascension of the Lord 2017: What must be done on this day

The Ascension of the Lord is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on the 40th day after Easter. And the holiday falls on Thursday. In 2017, the Ascension is celebrated on May 25. And, despite the fact that it is not a day off, it has a series of restrictions and will adopt about which it is worth knowing.

Ask for help

It is believed that it is on this day that the Lord hears all requests and therefore it is worth praying especially zealously, asking what is vital. True, money and wealth is better not to ask this day. The exceptions are cases when money is needed for a medicine or for survival.

Bake a "staircase"

Pie or cookies in the form of a staircase (or as it is also called "rods") baked our ancestors to ascension. Considering that after consecration in the church, this baking becomes a guard for the whole family. The "stairs" was kept behind icons. And our ancestors had enough entertaining fun - throwing this baking from the roof! If the cookies did not unfold, then you are holy person. The greater the "staircase" broke, the more sins have a man.

Many the mustache

On this day, it was also possible to remember the deceased relatives. For this, pancakes roasted or eggs were preparing. Cooking small hotels, you can also go to the cemetery.

Drag alms

Money, products or just clothes - it does not matter what you give up to the poor, but it is necessary to do it. This is guaranteed to help save the world in your home.

Wash dew

It is believed that the Rosa for Ascension has a miraculous force. Girls helps to preserve beauty and youth, and old men give strength.


The great sin is the work on this day. It is better to devote him to communicating with relatives and loved ones. It is also worth stopping and think about yourself, about faith, about good.

Hold rituals

Despite the fact that on the Internet today you can find quite a few rites and conspiracies that are recommended to hold on ascension, it is better not to do this. The desired result is in the form of money, good luck, career promotion - you may, and get, but rollback in the form of punishes will fall on children. Because the church does not encourage such actions.