Biography of Lesia Nikityuk. Lesya Nikityuk: from "Eagle and Rush" to the photo in the style of nude - the whole biography of leading Lesya Nikityuk Civil Position

Biography of Lesia Nikityuk. Lesya Nikityuk: from
Biography of Lesia Nikityuk. Lesya Nikityuk: from "Eagle and Rush" to the photo in the style of nude - the whole biography of leading Lesya Nikityuk Civil Position

Lesya Nikityuk - Popular Russian TV presenter, immediate, and sometimes very insidious blonde, was born on October 19, 1987 in Ukrainian Khmelnitsky.

We start KVN.

Children's years of the Forests were not remarkable in general, except that, due to high growth (186 cm.) It often turned out to be the focus of peer. At first she was very complexed and worried about this, but then managed to turn growth into an indisputable advantage.

If others had to make an effort to attract attention, the forest was enough enough to use it that she over time and learned to do simply brilliantly. Not afraid to be funny, she quickly became a soul of the company and always had a crowd of fans. Podral, the girl thought about the profession of the teacher, and after receiving the certificate he entered the Khmelnitsky Personal Institute.

Student life has been fun, with numerous cabbagers, parties and parties on which Lesya has always shone. And in the second year she fell into the KVN Tornado team, where he quickly became one of the leaders. Public life and popularity liked the girl, and she decided to try to "light up" on television.


The first attempt to get on the screen was quite successful. With its then-friendly friend Olga Panasenko, the girl in 2009 took part in the program of the popular comedian and KVNchik, Uncle Jora "Biguchi Show". The viewers of the girl were remembered, but to the real popularity were still far away.

The second attempt to conquer Tehuit took place in 2011, when a new program "Mix comedians" was unwound. Make it girls managed as much as three times, on what they did well (10 thousand hryvnia) and decided not to risk further - the money was more necessary. In the blonde head, a cunning plan was ripe to prepare even better and disrupt the big kush the next time they did, having received the main prize in 2012 - 50 thousand.

To make money in Russia in participation in such a program could have been even more, and the girls went there. Their expectations were more than justified - a quarter of a million rubles and thousands of fans in the U-Tuba received their speech. But the real Grand Prix got Nikityuk in the form of an invitation to become a leading journey program "Eagle and the Ristka", which she accepted, without hesitation.

Eagle and Ruska.

What can be more pleasant than traveling the world and spend money at the same time, and not your own, increasing our own teleworking. Nikityuk used his chance for everything a hundred, quickly learning to work with constantly followed by the cameras. Show ratings grew, and together with them the forest is popular. Everything would be wonderful if there is no suddenly star disease.

Approximately on the fifth season she struck the forest to appear, and she managed to wash in a casino overnight 30 thousand dollars with the producers provided to it with a gold bank card show. The card was blocked, and from the forest itself categorically said goodbye. But the new presenter could not become a full-fledged replacement, and the program ratings began to fall.

In the anniversary season, the forest and producers again managed to somehow agree, and the girl returned to the screens. But for a while, soon she herself left the project for the sake of a more grandiose show "Around the Army". But there she lasted just a few months. Now Lesia is going under the sight of the cameras to go on a journey around the world in search of his man, who, according to rumors, she has not yet.

In the fact that Nikityuk adores nightclubs and there are no secular parties in any secret. And often it appears there with satellites. But by whom they are coming, and how long the relationship always remains a mystery. Nikityuk categorically refuses to respond to any polls. who relate to her personal life.

Lesya Nikityuk, a fairly well-known personality, both in Ukraine and in Russia. Leading the famous Transmission of Orel and Rushka. Thanks to this program, it began to be recognized in many countries. She was where a man's leg was not joined. Lesya has seen many countries, and exotic places, which is very happy, and what I wanted many to us.

The girl has a very interesting appearance that attracts many fans. But personal life is not exhibited for the publication of the public. To achieve something, the girl works hard, not in the hands. Lesia is actively fighting for the unity of his country, participates in various promotions, and supports them.

The celebrity of this girl, recently shrinks. It leads the transfer, participates in various shows, removed for magazines. Therefore, it is not surprising that this person is interested. For example, everyone wants to know growth, weight, age. How many years of Lesia Nikityuk can be found almost on all sites.

Today, beauty is 30 years old. Growth girl 180 centimeters, and weight 75 kilograms. Lesya is a very slim blonde. Although on the Internet you can find such articles like: Lesya Nikityuk, a photo in youth and now, and they are very different. In his youth, she was more complete, but lately she began to actively engage in weight loss, and the result on the face. Her figure is just a bomb.

Biography Lesia Nikityuk

Biography of Lesia Nikityuk, originates in the Malenko Ukrainian town. After graduating from school, the girl entered the pedagogy. When Lesya was a student, she participated in all parties, events. Soon she became a member of KVN.
Forest parents, father - Ivan Nikityuk, and mother - Ekaterina Nikityuk, in all supported daughter. Help her in all endeavors.

When the girls gave a diploma, she, without thinking, decided to devote himself to television. The first of her great work was to participate in the show with Uncle Jorus. In 2011, a girl with his girlfriend, let's go to raising comedians, but alas, good luck slipped out of her hands. The girls did not lose hope, and for the second time they experienced good luck, and won 50,000 hryvnia. For the third time, they went to Russia, at the same show, and there they broke the Kush, at 250,000 rubles. Their video in Utyuba gathered a bunch of views, it was a success.

In 2012, Lesya got on the "eagle and the rush", where she was a company to the permanent leading Andrei Bednikov. Before her presenter was Badoev, but she was tired of all these travels, and decided to devote the time to the family. Unfortunately, with the leading Nikityuk, the relationship outside the chamber did not work out. According to her, he came for everything to her. He did not like her not very good accent. Lesya tried not to focus his attitude towards Russia, and in every way avoided political discussions.

In such a tandem, Nikityuk, I liked the audience, and the Lesia itself was gained. Several seasons, she traveled with the team, and led good plots. Soon, some, not pleasant incidents happened, as a result of which Lesya left the program. The patience of the project organizers, could not stand when the forest lowered 30,000 in the casino. They blocked the card, and asked Lesia to leave.

Despite the fact that the girl joined the project, and I liked the audience, she went away, and her place was taken by Andrei's wife.
But soon, the Lesya appeared in a new project called Lesya Zdly. She watched celebrities, asked them insidious questions, and made photos with them.

The girl loves the parties and free alcohol insanely, so she joined this gear. But, despite everything, her image of a rural lioness, I liked the audience, and her loved, in all her role.
In the 10th season "Eagle and Rushka", it appeared again, but not alone, but with everyone.

Forest Life Forest Nikityuk

Forest life in Nikityuk, mystery covered with darkness. Or she hides her carefully, or she simply does not have it, there are not many options. When journalists ask questions about personal, the girl always stops it. Fans of Lesia, remains only to guess what is happening in her life.

On questions about your chosen, whether he has it at all, the girl does not answer. And in the photo in the networks, she is constantly with the same companion, with his beloved dog, about which, too, little knows. In general, a very secret person, this Lesya Nikityuk.

Family Forest Nikityuk

Forest family Nikityuk, depression, only her native and dog. Pile's own family, Lesya has not yet created, or at least he does not tell about it. But the groom, or the husband in the network is not. The girl is now actively engaged in his career, and there is no time to think about the family.

Although the age of such that advises at least think about. But with her appearance it is not a problem, she has a lot of fans, and for sure there are men who try to conquer her. But it is not a simple mortal. If something happens, she will not be able to hide it from the press.

Children of Lesia Nikityuk

Perhaps children of Lesia Nikityuk, exist only in its project. Like any normal girl, she thinks about the continuation of the kind, but until it comes to this serious step. She believes that planning children, it is necessary when you yourself feel what is ready for it. Lesya still does not feel. She lives for himself, tries to enjoy all the charms of this life.

Age is certainly not small, but still tolerant, still ahead. And at first, it is necessary to find a worthy candidate for the role of the father of children, and the heads of the family. What is possible now and the forest is engaged.

Male Lesia Nikityuk

It is not known whether the husband of Lesia Nikityuk exists. Since Lesia does not comment on this. Her fans are in guesses. Who, who, but she can hide their personal life, and it does it well. With whom it consists in relationships, it remains only to guess. But there is nothing, all the secret becomes when, neither be apparent. And she, as a girl, can not hide his happiness, when finding his only and unique.

It remains to wish her good luck in this search, and finding exactly that person who will be close to her and heart and soul, well, and the mind of course.

"Eagle and Rusk" with forests Nikityuk

This transfer, has become a huge experience for it, and advancement on the stairs. I participated in several seasons, and then in four it was not, she was invited to the new season 12, "Eagle and Rushka. Around the world. This season, became grandiose in the entire history of existence. All the creators participated in it.

"Eagle and Rusk" with forests Nikityuk, became not forgotten project. Both for the audience and for the forest itself. She gained a huge experience that she gave her the transfer team. The experience was both positive and bitter. But they learn on errors, and everyone is known.

Photo of Lesia Nikityuk in the magazine "Maxim"

In addition to his career lead, photos of Lesia Nikityuk began to appear in Maxim magazine. Some fans are pleased, and some grieved. Like too frankly it turned out. But the lead itself, believes that this is a great experience for her, show yourself from all sides. And some praise her for courage.

Naked, the girl did not appear, she was in a swimsuit. What softened the blow of fans, which reacted negatively to this. But the girl believes that everything must be tried in this life, and nothing to be afraid. If there is something to show, then do not be shy.

Instagram and Wikipedia Forest Nikityuk are full of various interesting and exciting photos. She with joy sharing something interest from his travels. And she already has something to show.

The leading many fans and subscribers on the network. Lesya is registered almost on all sites, and with pleasure leads them. The only thing that even there she is not divided with his personal life, also keeps her secret. But there is nothing, when we will see such photos. Where she will with her husband and children.

Lesya Nikityuk - Popular Ukrainian TV presenter. The girl became known both in his homeland and in Russia, Belarus, Poland and Kazakhstan, thanks to the cognitive show "", dedicated to traveling. Due to the specifics of the transfer, a young girl has already visited many countries of the globe: and generally accepted resorts, and exotic corners of the world, where the foot of the traveler did not go.

In recent years, the TV presenter is at the peak of popularity: Lesia is removed in the new season "Eagle and Dishka" and is working on solo projects.

The biography of Lesia Nikityuk began in the provincial Ukrainian town of Khmelnitsky. After school, Lesya continued his studies at the Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy, participated in parties, celebrations and other events. I became a member of the KVN team "Tornado Lux".

With the receipt of a diploma Nikityuk changed his mind to move in the selected direction and decided to conquer television screens.

The first step in the career of Lesia Nikityuk was to participate in the Ukrainian "Biguchi Show" Uncle Jora. In 2009, Lesia appeared on television screens in the company with a close friend - Olga Panasenko.

Two years later, the girls appeared on the comedy project "Mix comedians" to show themselves and make money, but in the fourth minute lost.

For the second time, the girls were mixed in the company Evgenia Koshevoy (last season in the place of Eugene sitting). Lack of complexes, friendly mood, some stage experience played a decisive role - this time the girls took 50,000 hryvnia.

For the third time, persistent girls won 20 thousand. In several episodes, good luck brought a parody of Olga Gerasimyuk. In the Russian adaptation of the "Laughty comic room" girls removed Kush in 250,000 rubles.

Video performances of charismatic sharpeners gathered 5 million views on YouTube. It was a breakthrough on television.

Career on TV.

In September 2012, Lesya Nikityuk passed the casting of a tourist television project - "Eagle and Rushka" and became SO-lead. Nikityuk's predecessor was. Badoeva at that time was tired of numerous travels and decided that it was time to pay the time to the family, which disliked it incredibly.

According to Nikityuk, she did not have a relationship with the poor. The co-hostage came up to its Ukrainian language and a specific accent. The forest itself tried not to focus its attitude towards Russia, Ukrainian politics and the world situation as a whole. Lesia adheres to the same tactics with the press, without giving comments on political reasons concerning Russian-Ukrainian relations.

In the creative tandem with the poor, Lesya quickly loved television viewers and quite professionally mastered the skills of the leading. For several seasons, she traveled with the creative team of the team and led fascinating plots. Due to certain incidents, Nikityuk left. They say that the patience of the organizers came to the end when the Lesya lasted on the Cote d'Azur descended $ 30,000 in a casino in a casino, as a result, the gold card was blocked by the trees of the show.

Lesya Nikityuk in the show "Eagle and Rusk"

Despite this, the new leading harmoniously joined the format of the program, and the care of Nikityuk upset many viewers. Then the place of the co-lead was taken by Andrei's wife.

Nikityuk did not have time to seal fans from the show, as soon as soon as she appeared on television screens in the transfer of "Lesya Zddzzya". An extraordinary leading provincial style in the style sets insidious questions to the representatives of Beaumd, do not shy to curious what they have in a handbag, with whom they walk and sleep that they eat where they dress up and so on.

According to the lead itself, the main goal of her race for celebrities is to cut the star and make a photo with her for the main page in social networks.

Tele-blonde adores parties and free elite alcohol in the star company. The forest how to anyone else can experience well-known persons on the nerves and endurance. Sometimes the report occurs in a pause between the dances on the bar counter. The girl was in his elements, and such an opportunity for her kindly provided the Lux TV channel.

Nikityuk itself allows themselves what others do not allow - they love and oppose it, she is rejoiced and avoiding. Despite the fact that Lesia Nikityuk walked like a "rural lioness" or "rural diva", they look and loved, because in fact as a poodle is a successful, ironic scenic image.

According to the TV presenter, she herself came up with this project. "Lesya Zd" is not the first show of this plan on television, but it is advantageous from the rest of the fact that the presenter does not try to humiliate and chain the interviewable stars - Lesya laughs first of all above itself. Therefore, Ceboribriti do not avoid conversation with Nikityuk. Lesia with laughter remembers cases when she even tried to pay to get into the transmission.

In the 10th anniversary season of the show "Eagle and Rush", Lesya Nikityuk reappeared on the TV screen together with all the leaders who conducted a transmission in different periods.

Personal life

Build a television library of the forest helped both artistic and humorous talents and a pretty appearance. Lesya is a slim blonde, height 186 cm, which, of course, meets world standards of female beauty. During the round-the-world travel, the public noted that the TV presenter was much lost and looked.

A mountain of messages hit the forest: requests to tell how she lost weight and discover the secret of the diet; Complaints that she is not fed while Nikityuk travels to exotic countries. For interest in his own figure, the TV presenter responded with humor and answered, posing a photo of the sea in Bikini: "It's time and I will write something about weight loss! I did not lose weight! Thanks to all".

Subscribers were admired by the figure of the artist, calling it ideal. It did not cost, of course, without envious. The photos caused the flow of gossip about the fact that the figure of the girl is the merit of plastic surgery.

Family Life Forest Nikityuk is a mystery. The girl stops journalists attempts to offer something personal. Curious spectators and numerous fans remain only to guess what is happening in the life of the TV presenter outside the camera, and with whom Lesya divides his happiness. Lesya does not answer the questions of journalists about personal life, and in the photographs in instagram and other social networks, only one permanent satellite Nikityuk regularly appears - a favorite dog.

Nikityuk is actively involved in charitable events and concerts for the unity of the country. TV presenter does not hide what is interested in this problem. Photos from these shares, Lesya shares with subscribers in social networks.

During a break in the shooting in the Loud Show, Nikityuk continued to work a lot: the girl often appeared on corporate and weddings in the role of the lead.

Lesya Nikityuk Today

After skipping the four seasons of the Travel-show, which made Nikityuk famous, the girl agreed to become the leading new, twelfth season of the transmission "Eagle and Rusk: Around Move." This season became the most ambitious in the history of the project. The result of the show was the colorful editions of the TV show, as well as a kind of new record. The "Eagles and Ristik" team, both TV presenters, and the general producer of the project, director Yaroslav Andrushchenko and, operators Oleg Shevchishin, Dmitry Okrimhenko and Oleg Avilov, put a record for the longer uninterrupted round-world trip of the film crew.

Lesya Nikityuk in the show "Eagle and Rushka: Around Move"

In the middle of the project, the audience learned that. First, the producers retained intrigue, but later it became known that Nikityuk did not leave the television field, and simply became the leading new project: the forest fell out the honor of going around Polmir in search of an ideal man.

Later, the TV presenter explained the press that the interrupted "Around Movement" was not at all initiative or capricious - as honestly admitted Lesya, she signed a contract, and she does not have any ways, no desire to put production in such a strange and ambiguous position. Nikityuk was originally not to be filmed this season of the show and already in the spring planned to start working on another project, but the TV channel changed the plans.

In 2016, the TV presenter again appeared on the screens in the solo project "Around M". It was the first "guide to people," as the transfer of the TV channel called. The TV host compared men from different countries, on their own experience to learn the attitude of foreigners for marriage, traditions and women.

At the end of 2016, Lesya returned to the "Eagle and Rusk" project and became the TV presenter of the 13th season along with. The season focused on fabulous and, on the contrary, the terrible corners of the world and got the name "Eagle and Rushka: Hell and Paradise".

On March 26, 2017, TV presenter, together with the shooting group, "Eagle and Dishka" fell into an accident. The machine of television drivers turned over on the highway, trying to avoid a collision with another car, flying to the oncoming lane.

In the accident, no one seriously suffered. The film crew was separated by light damage and shock, and soon the Lesya shared their fright and experiences with fans of the TV shows in the official institution of the project. TV presenter was afraid that the nose broke, but the doctors stated only a strong injury. Now fans wish the TV presenter of early recovery and hope for renewing filming.

TV project

  • "Biguchi Show"
  • "Komik laugh"
  • "Eagle and Rush"
  • "Lesya here"
  • "Around M"

14:22 21.06.2016

On the costs of changing equestrian thrust during the intersection of waterways, the first officials of postal authorities were warned. But on television production, this principle is disappeared selectively. EXAMPLE FRESH - LESS CARE Nikityuk from the project "Eagle and Rushki", and even right in the midst of the Armenia, in which the Teen Spirit Studio group is more than half a year.

The news appeared so unexpectedly, he immediately covered the most different rumors. A little later, however, it turned out that the dramas in the separation of Nikityuk with the "eagle and a wide" is not - the leading simply waiting for work in the new project of the same product, and its place in a pair of leading will take the Russian actor Peter Romanov.

Since the information you need to discuss, a wagon with a trailer, I decided not to walk around and about, but to contact Producer Elena Sinelnikova. I will say right away - it was not easy: Elena wheelchairs along with the team and literally wakes up every day in a new place. But the road is an isylist going - and I am ready to tell you why in fact Lesya left the project who is such novels, and how to travel around the world for half a year, invariably receiving pleasure from it.

According to the producer, the decision to remove the forest from the Armenia, although it looks spontaneous, it has long been enough. " The new project with the participation of Lesia was thinking much earlier - in the summer of 2015, "says Elena. - Then we even removed a couple of episodes, but when the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Arounds came, I really wanted to be two girls - Lesya and Regina. Therefore, the development of the novelty was postponed for later by throwing all the forces on the season of "Eagle and Rushki". However, it turned out later that the TV channels very much want to quickly put a new show on the air, and I really understood that we would not have time to leave it if I start the work after returning from the Armenia. That is why they decided to replace the forest on Peter - so that she returned to Kiev and had already started working on a new project».

Early removal of Nikityuk from the distance, even if it became a surprise, has its advantages. The girl managed to turn around most of the planned route, after watching men in different countries, and now one hundred and one hundred is ready to plunge into search of her female happiness. " Lesya did a lot and felt a lot, and now she has something to tell the audience about men around the world, - explains the producer. - Women's part of the audience will be able to see the features of representatives of strong sex in different countries and cultures, and men's - to understand what foreigners like girls».

Speaking about the new project, Elena is not in a hurry to disclose all the cards - after all, before his premiere there is still time and you need to store intrigue. However, something I have yet managed: " You can say so: Lesya will look for his love, but not her husband. Why - while I can not say, but it will be very exciting and interesting. I have long wanted to think of some kind of show, where the forest would be leading, and this format is suitable for her as it is impossible».

The project, by the way, has already received the working name "around M", and its premiere is planned for August in the Ukrainian Inter and Russian "Friday".

As you can see, the mission on Nikityuk is entrusted very important: Lesia will not only be driving around the world in search of his happiness, but also to suggest in need of ladies, where they are waiting for the strongest and reliable male shoulder. This, in turn, once again proves the absurdness of rumors that the forest from "Eagle and the Rush" "asked" due to the mysterious quarrel with its creators. " Of course, I did not quarrel with the forests. How do you imagine that, considering that I, being co-author as an "eagle and ripe" and a new project, invited her to be leading? We just can't afford to swear"," Says Elena. And truth, do not be rumored.

However, the experiences of the show fans are quite explained: during the participation of Nikityuk in the project, the audience fell in love with it so much that any separation causes panic. But Sinelnikov and this applies to this: "There is a sixth year of" Eagle and Dishki ", and I can not understand why it is still not ready for such turbulent reactions. Each time we change the leading, in our accounts and on the site there happens panic. When Alan Badoev left the project, everyone shouted: "Return Alan, remove this poor one!" And when Zhanna replaced Lesya, said: "What is this horror, return our favorite Jeanne!" And so literally every time! In principle, over time, I feel easier to worry such bursts - before I was terribly insulting that the beginners do not give a chance, and now I understand that sooner or later the audience will love them too. However, every time it's a surprise for me"Elena laughs.

The only thing that the current wave of indignation of the audience differs from the previous ones - the charges ceased to be faceless and roll straight to Sinelnik. "I explain it by the fact that now we have a site that we are actively doing enough, we communicate, answer questions of fans. The creators of the project, let's say, have found a name, and, of course, to blame them in the first place, even if they are - that is, we are not guilty of anything. At first it did it, but now I understand that over time everything will fall into place. ". But the forest on Sinelnikov and Ko does not take offense at all - well, and who, tell me, will not want to get a solo project at his disposal?

Now, as you already know, the audience "Eagle and Dishki" will have to get acquainted with the new leading - Peter Romanov. Elena is confident that over time, the audience will love him no less than predecessors, but as long as promises that the project creators will do everything possible so that Peter was "a little different":

- We stopped on Romanov, because they always chose the leading principles - clinging us or not. This time, candidates who would suit us were catastrophically, only two. We, in general, liked both guys, but Petya won due to the fact that the channels liked more.

To a natural question, do not experience in Teenspiritstudio that the Ukrainian viewer will not understand the replacement of compatriots by the Russian actor, Sinelnikova is quite calm: " Most likely, they will talk about it, to warm up in every way, emphasize attention. To be honest, claiming Petya, we didn't think about it at all - they were so abstracted from all this. Moreover, I believe that if our Ukrainian product buys a Russian television channel, then it is cool! And if you need, we will teach Petya to speak in Ukrainian", Whether he is joking, or Elena.

By the way, it is possible that the ability to express our Romanov still useful: the producer does not exclude that cooperation with Peter can last longer than one season - the main thing is that he liked the audience, and "Eagle and Rushka" fell in love with himself.

With the rotations of the leading, we figured out, moving to the world. The main question that bothered me from the very beginning of the trip of the film crew is distinguished by the current season from what she had to worry about. " Around the world is harder, but more interesting. We have been filmed by the pools before, and at once they ran around several countries. When we first had to squeeze the material in five countries, I thought I could not end it, and was very afraid. It even disappeared this feeling, you know when for the first time you come to a new city - just a hell wanted to sleep. And now, here we have just discussed the other day, we have left for only 10 programs, but the energy is still fully and even the feeling of sadness from the fact that it will soon have to part"Share Sinelnikov.

By the way, the travel experience of the world's trip is also valuable in that the whole team is in the same way in this difficult way of life and do not even suspect a lot of things about which in the usual mode would not even suspect. This, first of all, concerns, at first glance, banal, but important household trifles. On the go, there are ways to feed (most of all among the group in the go of buckwheat and oatmeal), find ways to save money on the washing of clothes ( "Do not hurry to take things in hotel laundries - literally around the corner you are fastened 30 times cheaper»), even with self-treatment there is no problem: " Most of all have to be treated from allergies to insect bites, also regularly occur with food and water poisoning. And if at first it still caused some concern, we went to doctors, now I will not even pay special attention».

It seems that experienced travelers do not scare anything, but Romanov, who just joined them, is still drawn - and on a lot, according to Elena, looks with horror. " Petya is slightly shocked by all that around him occurs. I will tell you a secret: We recently were in Honduras, and there it fell to have fun in the poor. We have prepared it, as we could, but it was really scared: Not only began, so also Honduras, just say, dangerous. And since I want to show everything, as it is, we sent him to the most dumbies, pushed to try to try the most nasty food. And I can tell you that the whole release is likely to be built on one and the pave - he coped so cool. Looking at him, I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time" Even if the promises make the release of the benefit of Romanov not fulfill, see there will be what, believe me. Doubt? Then here is a small spoiler: the team accompanying the team was a local criminal journalist, and to the question of whether it is possible to remove any crime, he replied: "The murder will suit you? When shooting? "

As before finance, the Around the Move is expected more expensive than the previous season. First, the group had to leave the house for many months, and the daily size corresponds to the scale of deprivation. Secondly, no one is able to work without days off, and in the army they are also paid. Although there is an article of significant savings - air travel. Since in the context of continuous travel there is no need to return to Kiev, then the docks are easier and cheaper.

Even a two-week trip to the sea rarely costs without difficulties and surprises, and in a multi-month journey, they are in principle more than rare hours of calm. You remember that the Regina Todorenko is constantly attacked - then with stones in Bangladesh thrust, then in South Africa robes, threatening with cold weapons? Taking this opportunity, I decided to ask Elena, with which I had to face a group during filming, and how her members are experiencing difficulties and deprivation. " Each of us from the very beginning I understood that it would be hard. I actually did not have to go: how so, leave the selling, right there is a lot of things. But then we have changed the decision, because in the Armenia it is simply necessary that there is a person solving organizational and financial issues. The first of the difficulties that comes to mind is lost things. We are already even a list and at the end of the journey it will definitely vote. Of course, there are quarrels and breakdowns, but we have an iron rule: to express boil and forget about it. If we talk about the most dangerous places, I became Johannesburg for me. There, the city center is occupied by black, and the white entrance is prohibited. It is natural to us urgently needed to get there(laughs) . You will see all the details on the air, I will only say that it was terribly scary. Approximately the same was in Maputo (the capital of Mozambique - PN). There was a poor forest, and the local who organized the shooting, at some point I had to take it on the hands and endure. It was dangerous to Bangladesh, but not in the criminal sense, but in hygienic - there are a lot of diseases, everywhere dirt and antisanitary, and we even feared something».

Less dramatic difficulties still arise and because you have to fly a lot. Lesya, for example, in one of the airports lost a bag with documents and risked there to hang. It is good that at the last moment her passport was still found. But in the case of the cancellations of flights, the team is not always lucky: a lot of docks, and the planned route can snew due to one failure. In the process of shooting the most common problem - prohibitions. Elena admits that the NOT Allowed phrase has already become their inner meme. However, it is just like to fight it easier: for 5.5 years of the project's existence of a group in stock, many ways to shoot where it is impossible to do this.

Well, finally, I will reveal another intrigue: if anyone tells you somewhere, that after the world's trip "Eagle and Rush" will end - do not believe it! The producer already now confirms that the new season will certainly be, but on what they will be built - while the secret. But I know exactly and I can promise - it will be interesting!

Photo - elena Sinelnikova Personal Archive

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FULL NAME: Nikityuk Lesya Ivanovna

DATE OF BIRTH: 10/19/1987 (Scales)

PLACE OF BIRTH: G. Khmelnitsky, Ukrainian USSR

Eye color: Blue



A FAMILY: Parents: Ekaterina Petrovna Nikityuk, Ivan Ivanovich Nikityuk.

HEIGHT: 186 cm



Ukrainian TV presenter. Parents of Lesi-workers OJSC UKRELEKTROAPArat. After graduating from school, Lesya received a higher education in the Khmelnitsky Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy. During his studies, the girl was a member of the KVN team "Tornado Lux". Staging "Galya, I am in a minibus" gathered more than 4,200,000 views on YouTube. After graduating from studying, I decided not to go to work in a specialty, but to try happiness in another sphere - on television.

The first success on television came to the forest Nikityuk in 2009. Then she risked with his girlfriend Olga Panasenko to play "Biguchi Show" Uncle Jora. Two years later, in 2011, girls "lit up" in the "comic laugh". The goals they had pretty pragmatic - show themselves and earn money. True, for the first time, Lesya and Olya earned only 10 thousand hryvnias. In the next, 2012, they again came to the show "Mix comic". This time, the acting talent and the congenital sense of humor helped earn an already 50 thousand hryvnia. And in December of the same year - another 20 thousand hryvnia. Moreover, Lesya Nikityuk and Olga Panasenko successfully performed at the "comic room", regardless of the judicial composition - and when Vladimir Zelensky worked by Smikhail Galustin, and when he estimated jokes already with a colleague Yevgeny Koshev. It is worth noting that Lesia Nikityuk participated in the Russian humorous show, where girls managed to win 250 thousand rubles.

In 2012, Lesia became the leading cognitive television program for traveling "Eagle and Rushka". In 2013, the Channel of the K1 starts the author's transfer of forests about show business - "Lesya-Zdř".

On February 8, 2015, the announcement of the jubilee, the 10th season of the Transmission of Orel and the Rushka began, in which Lesya Nikityuk took part with other "colleagues" on the show.

In 2015, Lesya Nikityuk, together with Andrey Bednikov, Regina Todorenko and Jeanne Badoeva, starred in the video of Svetlana Loboda "Time". Nikityuk was also nominated for the National Television Award "Teletriarium" as a leading entertainment program.

On December 10, 2015, Lesya Nikityuk went into a world journey along with the TV shows "Eagle and Rushki", but after the 24th release left the "Around the World" in favor of his new show. On the Ukrainian television channel "Inter" showed the name "Around M", on the Russian TV channel "Friday" it was the name "Lesya Zd". This time it is devoted to no show business, but men from around the world. Premiere of the show took place on September 10, 2016.

In December 2016, he took part in a frank photo shoot for the Men's magazine "XXL".

At the end of 2016, Lesya went along with Regina Todorenko at the shooting of the 13th season "Eagle and the Rusk" in the "the most heated and hellish places of the world." The premiere of the season took place in February 2017.

Despite the constant rotation in the secular circles, nothing is known about the chief of forests of Lesia Nikityuk. Any attempts of journalists to derive something about a possible beloved presenter stops, keeping it secret.