United Kingdom and England What is the difference map. National Holidays Great Britain

United Kingdom and England What is the difference map. National Holidays Great Britain
United Kingdom and England What is the difference map. National Holidays Great Britain

What is the difference between England from the UK, the lords fee from the House of Commons, and Prince Harry from Princess Beatrice, you will learn from this article.

Most of us use the words "England" and "Great Britain" as identical concepts, without going into particular in the legal meaning of these concepts. Meanwhile, as they say in Odessa, these are "two big differences", two completely different territories.

England- Territory on the island of the United Kingdom, its largest administrative unit. The name "England" dates back to the name of one of the German tribes (angles), which once inhabited this historical region.

Scotland resident in traditional costume

In the era of medieval fragmentation of Europe, England was an independent kingdom, whose possessions increased, then decreased depending on the military successes of local rulers.

United Kingdom (Great Britain) "This is the name of the largest island of the British archipelago, where, in addition to England, there are two more independent territories, previously formerly independent states: Wales and Scotland.

Heinrich VIII - one of the most famous rulers of medieval England

Country of England or UK?

The country that we refer to that of England, the United Kingdom, is officially called the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland). Therefore, strictly speaking, both names are erroneous.

The ownership of the United Kingdom: United Kingdom Island, North Island Ireland, as well as many small islands and archipelagos around the world, such as Gibraltar, Bermuda, Falkland and Cayman Islands.

Tower Bridge - one of the most famous bridges of Great Britain

In Russia, this cumbersome name is often reduced to the United Kingdom. In Europe, the UK abbreviation is almost always used to reduce (from "United Kingdom" - the United Kingdom).

The main form of the royal guardsmen of Great Britain

United Kingdom of Great Britain: General Information

In which part of the mainland is the United Kingdom?

The United Kingdom, not counting the small islands, is located in the British archipelago, in the northwestern part of Europe. This region is often called foggy Albion because of the abundance of rains, dampness and endless fogs that bring cyclones from the Atlantic.

Warm water Golf Stream soften the climate: there is no too cold winters (with the exception of the mountainous terrain of Scotland and Wales), and in the summer the average temperature is kept in the region of 20 C heat.

Rains and fogs - frequent phenomenon in England

Capital of England and Great Britain

London is the capital of Great Britain, he is the capital of the Administrative Region England. This is the largest city in the kingdom, its cultural and economic center. London is also one of the global financial centers of the world.

Economic global economic institutions are concentrated here, through London the main financial flows of the largest transnational corporations and currency centers of smaller states are held.

London - the capital of England and the UK

London was founded by the Romans as the capital of the Roman Province of Britain, located on the British Islands. The first mention of London is found in 117 in the Roman historian of Tacitis - at that time the city has been existed for more than 50 years.

London occupies its leading position among other capitals from the times of the Middle Ages. According to the degree of influence on world politics, few of the cities of old world can compete with the center of the British Empire.

In the 20th century, London also acquired the fame of one of the main fashion and youth subculture centers. It is London that we are obliged to the appearance of the "Dandy" and "Casual" styles, rock musicians and the Beatles group.

"Beatles" - the most famous rock band of the United Kingdom

United Kingdom on world map

Today, the United Kingdom on the size of the territory occupies a modest 78 place in the world. It accounts for only 2% of the earth's surface. It can be said that the United Kingdom is only a small stain on the world map. But it was not always so.

In the period of the greatest flourishing of the British Empire belonged to the literal sense a quarter of the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, the United Kingdom was the largest state from ever existed on the planet (her record does not break until now).

Former colonies of the United Kingdom on the world map

In addition to the corona territories on the British Islands of Great Britain, Canada, Australia, Half of the African Continent, India, Oman, Iraq, Honduras, Bermuda and Bahamas, Malaysia, Burma, New Zealand, New Guinea, Cyprus and other smaller territories. The territory of the British crown is up to its independence war in 1776.

Contemporaries said that the sun never sits on the British Empire. In fairness it should be noted that the colonial policy of Great Britain did not promise anything good conquered territories. In the history of the British Empire there were quite a few bloody wars and the most severe punitive operations on the territories under control.

Modern territory of Great Britain on the map of Europe

Map of Great Britain in Russian

Detailed map of Great Britain, including map of attractions, automotive and railways, administrative division and many others you can see. All cards are available for download.

Political structure of the United Kingdom

Who is the head of state in the UK?

In the UK, a rather complicated and confusing control system. In addition to the monarch, there are such countries management bodies as the House of Lords, the House of Commons, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Prime Minister.

UK Parliament Building in London

United Kingdom Community Chamber

The main task of the House of Communities is to represent the interests of all classes of the population in the adoption of laws in the state. Members of the House of Communities are elected by voting in the UK administrative districts for a period of 5 years. This is the lower stage of the UK legislative authority.

House of Lords Great Britain

The House of Lords represents the interests of the highest aristocracy and clergy in the UK. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the House of Lords had the right to reject any bill proposed by the Chamber of Communities, if he believed that this law was infrinning the interests of the nobility.

United Kingdom Community Chamber

Currently, lords can only postpone the adoption of such laws for a period of one month to a year. The responsibilities of the members of the House of Lords also include consideration of judicial appeals.

The place in the House of Lords is inherited (with the exception of representatives of the Church, where members of the Palane Lords are appointed by the Board of Bishops), and this is one of the most archaic bodies in Europe. Members of the House of Lords, in contrast to the House of Commons, do not receive a permanent salary for participating in meetings and are not obliged to attend every meeting.

House of Lords Great Britain

Parliament Great Britain

The community fee and the House of Lords are found together by the UK Parliament. If necessary, the monarch can dissolve the parliament and declare early elections, or on the contrary, extend its powers.

Cabinet Ministers

The Cabinet of Ministers is the highest management body. The members of the Cabinet of Ministers are headed by various state structures (departments or ministries). The ministers are appointed from among the representatives of the parliament, their responsibilities include the management of ministries, as well as consultations with the monarch about the adoption of important decisions. The UK Cabinet of Ministers is subordinate to Parliament.

Cabinet of Ministers of Great Britain, 2012

British Prime Minister

British Prime Minister is the main official in the country after the monarch. He heads the government, in certain matters can act on the face of the monarch. The candidate for the post of prime minister is approved by the king or queen from among the most influential members of parliament.

Kings and Queen of Great Britain

The United Kingdom is one of the oldest monarchies in the world. The highest chapter in the country is the monarch (king or queen), the throne is transmitted by majority inheritance (that is, the eldest in the family).

Trone Hall of the Buckingham Palace in the UK

Despite the fact that outwardly members of the Royal House of Great Britain perform purely representative and ceremonial functions, the monarch in the UK has quite real power.

The King or Queen of Great Britain can dissolve the government, assign the title of Lord to citizens of underfloor origin to enter the ward of the Lords, to approve taken bills, to appoint ministers and prevent criminals.

Queen of Great Britain Elizavet the second on the throne

Conservative Party of Great Britain

United Kingdom Conservative Party (Tori's party) is the oldest political party in Europe, which arose in the XVII century. The party traditionally represents the interests of the nobility, clergy and bourgeoisie.

Historically, this is the most influential political force of the Kingdom, which invariably occupies most places in parliament. The brightest prime ministers in the modern history of Great Britain belonged to the Conservatives: Navill Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher and David Cameron.

The acting Prime Minister of Great Britain Teresa Mei is also a member of the Conservative Party.

Winston Churchill, United Kingdom Prime Minister during World War II

UK Queen Elizabeth second is one of the oldest ruling monarchs in the world. She adopted the throne from his father George VI in 1952 second year, and is in power for more than 60 years (in 2016 Elizabeth II turned 90 years old). According to the majority of the British, Elizabeth - a sample of an impeccable ruler, who did not spare his royal title.

Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II

Despite belonging to the weak floor, Elizabeth II is famous for its iron character, and will give odds to many men. Several interesting facts from her biography:

At the age of 18, Elizabeth persuaded her father to let her go to the operating army and in 1944 there were drivers-mechanical drivers, after which he entered the military service in the female self-defense squad and served about six months before the end of World War II. She is the only lady in the royal family who participated in hostilities.

Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II in childhood

His future husband, Prince Philip, Elizabeth loved still as a child. Philip - the heir to the impoverish Greek monarchy, whose representatives were forced to escape from their own country after expulsion. Philip's candidacy at all satisfied the parents of Elizabeth and the ruling top of the UK, but the princess managed to achieve consent to marriage. Moreover, she herself suggested his hand and heart, without waiting for response signs of attention.

Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II with future husband Prince Philip

The fabric for his wedding dress Elizabeth bought on discount cards coupons. In 1947, the Great Britain's economy has not yet managed to recover after the war, and Elizabeth considered indecent to spend the treasury of the Kingdom of lush celebrations.

Queen of UK Elizabeth II after coronation

Even in her 90 years, Elizabeth still personally holds all the most responsible meetings in the state and as the Supreme Commander Inspects all the military facilities of the Kingdom. For a direct heir to Prince Charles, she does not trust any of these questions.

Queen of UK Elizabeth II with son

The steel character of the queen does not prevent having small human weaknesses.

Elizabeth II is considered a legislator of a mod and a big amateur hats. She wears bright colors without looking at age, but never moves the boundaries of a strict classic.

Queen of UK Elizabeth II and one of her hats

According to the protocol, the queen cannot appear in official events in the same dress twice. Each of its toilet is entered into a huge directory, has its own sequence number and is accompanied by a record: where, when and under what circumstances she put it on - this makes it possible to avoid repetitions and confusion.

Queen of UK Elizabeth II and its outfits

The queen is obliged to be a benchmark of courtesy, but the number of meetings and audiences is so great that takes too much strength. Elizabeth II has several secret signs, for which the courtesies should understand that the event is time to finish. For example, if Elizabeth turns the ring on the finger, the conversation must be finished over the next 5 minutes.

Queen of UK Elizabeth II and her handbag

In his tight chart of Elizabeth II, it will definitely highlight the time to view your favorite TV shows and television shows. It is known that she is a fan of the English version of "X-Factor", as well as several TV shows, including the "Gaming of Thrones".

Queen of UK Elizabeth II. Something went wrong.

Once a year, Elizabeth takes a long vacation and retires in the castle in Scotland, where he spends most of the time for reading books and walks. In the same way, Elizabeth takes a warm bath every day, in which, according to court, cannot do without a small rubber clarification, presented to her still in childhood.

Queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II on vacation

Other representatives of the Royal House of Great Britain

Elizabeth II refers to the royal branch of windsor, the descendants of which in modern UK are quite a lot. The British are very preferable to the Institute of the Monarchy, among the members of the royal family they have their pets and scandalous people, whose name for all hearing.

Members of the Royal Family of Great Britain

Princess Diana

Diana Spencer (or Lady Di) is invariably included in the top 10 of the greatest British according to national surveys. The first wife of Prince Charles (Son Elizabeth II) has won the real sincere love of its subjects and millions of people around the world.

It is often referred to as the "queen of hearts" for a great contribution to charity, as well as the limitless personal charm, modesty and simplicity.

Princess Diana with sons

According to rumors, Elizabeth II very disliked her daughter-in-law for her popularity in the people (it was at times the queen itself).

In 1997, Lady Dee suddenly died in a car accident, which still causes a lot of rumors and suspicions: there is a version that the catastrophe admitted members of the ruling family. But even after the death of Princess Diana remains the queen of human hearts.

Princess Diana (Lady Di)

Prince William and Kate Middleton

Prince William - Grandson Elizabeth II, Son Princess Diana and Prince Charles. William inherited many traits from the mother (just as charming, he works a lot to charity), and in the degree of adoration of loyal represented recently rapidly overtakes her grandmother. It serves as a pilot of the helicopter of the Medical Service of England and takes focus in rescue operations.

Wedding Prince William and Kate Middleton

Kate Midleton comes from a simple family. With a future husband, Prince William, she met while studying at the university. The modest of Kate manner behavior very much resembles British Diana. They are attributable to her attitude towards children, impeccable manners, but most of all the public is lost by the romantic history of Kate and William, which is very similar to a tale about Cinderella.

William and Kate with children

Prince Harry.

The younger son of Diana and Prince Charles causes mixed feelings from the British. On the one hand, it is not distinguished by impeccable behavior, but on the other - he is such a cutie that the citizens of Great Britain everyone is forgiven. In addition, his antics are caused by curiosity and youth care rather than a spoiled temper.

Prince Harry.

The loudest "feats" of Prince Harry: Unlimited in love (Harry's photos are regularly falling into the press), hussars and sleeves and sleeves. But there are also serious achievements: Prince Harry took part in hostilities in Afghanistan as a private pilot, and exposed his life to the danger on a par with others without any concern.

Prince Harry with a partner while serving in Afghanistan

Princess Beatrice and Princess Evgenia

Beatrice and Eugene sisters are the granddaughters of Queen Elizabeth II, the daughters of her second son, Prince Andrew. Unlike William and Harry, girls cannot boast an ideal reputation in the eyes of others, or at least relative charm.

Princess Beatris

Old Beatrice Residents of Great Britain are often criticized for too extravagant outfits, not always relevant to the protocol. She also gets for too magnificent forms and idle lifestyle (in the UK affiliation to the royal house does not mean the right to the idleness). The rest of Beatrice can be kept down within the framework of decency.

Princess Evgenia

Junior Eugene is a real headache of his family. The girl regularly excites the British public with its antics and the next portion of the photos of the paparazzi: Drunk dancing, cigarettes and indecent tricks are the main thing than the famous Evgenia.

Video. Interesting facts about the UK

Usually we use the words "United Kingdom" and "England" as synonyms. In the rare minutes, doubts are graduated that there is a difference between these words. We will try today to place points over "I".

The combination of historical, geographical, political and cultural nuances made a significant contribution to confusion around the concepts.In everyday conversation, in order not to go into details, we mean that England and the United Kingdom are the same. And there is a proportion of truth in this: England is the main part of the UK, but it does not exhaust it.In Russia, the royal and in the USSR it was customary to put a sign of equality between names. It turned out a kind of geographical Synekdoha, where England performed a kind of trail denoting the UK.

Synekdoka - trail, subspecies of metonimia, taking style, consisting in the transfer of the name of the common one.

A bit of history

From the first mill agent to our era, the Celts tribes (Kimvra and Galela) lived on the territory of modern Britain. By 60, they were conquered by the Romans, successfully rominated. Britain began to be called one of the colonies of the Roman Empire.

  • Since the beginning of the 5th century, our era Rome fell into a deep crisis, which was reflected in the colonies. Britain broke up into several parts, and subsequently was conquered by tribes of angles, saks and yuts. The first was subsequently named the country. So began the Anglo-Saxon stage.

He will last to the Norman conquest of the islands in the XI century. Then there was a period of seven kingdoms (heptarchy).

Then they will begin to unite around Wessex. And Alfred Great, the King of Wessex will be the first to call himself the king of England.

Britain's origin and England

Britannia, Brittania ... It has Latin roots and is literally translated as "earth of Britt". Already in those distant times it applied to all British islands. It can be found in the works of Roman historians.

In the official English documents, it was first used in 1474 at the conclusion of marriage between the daughter of Edward IV and the son of the Scottish King James III. In the XVII century, James VI proclaimed himself "King of Britain, Ireland, France."

England, in turn, comes from the Staroangalian England, which means "land of angles", that is, one of the most common tribes here in the V-VI century. The Angles themselves, according to one of the versions of the onomastics professionals, comes from the Angeln Peninsula (today, the contiguous possession of Denmark and Germany. Another name used by the Romans is "Albion". Remember the expression "Foggy Albion"?

It is usually applied towards London, but sometime could be called the whole territory of the islands.

Some scientists believe that Albion comes from Latin "Albus" (white), some that from Celtic "Alb" (Mountain).

Names of states

Let's figure out a little with the names.

Officially, the state bears the name "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" ( The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) . The United Kingdom itself includes: England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. United Kingdom (United Kingdom, UK) consists of the UK (Northern Ireland) (Great Britain, GB).

Thus, we can safely make the first conclusion: England is part of the UK and it is its historic core, from where she went and grew up in the XIX century to the powerful colonial empire (which broke down after the first world).

What is UK?

This is a very large island that takes seventy-three percent of the archipelago space, the ninety percent of the population lives on it. Its three historical "countries", countries (or provinces) are part of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, here they are: England (more than 57 percent of the area and 86 percent of people), Scotland (about 34 percent of the area and 10 percent of people), Wales .

What is England?

It is the largest of the UK, named after the "Angles" - one of the German tribes. In the Middle Ages, in the period of feudal fragmentation, England was a separate kingdom, whose possessions were expanded, were narrowed (it was dependent on the military victories or defeats the rulers).

Who and how to call?

Accordingly, the British live in England, and the "British" correctly call the local population of England, Scotland, Wales.But South Ireland is an independent country, so its inhabitants are called Irish. By the way, the population of Northern Ireland is also more appropriate to call the Irish, despite the fact that it enters the Northern Kingdom.

Where is the United Kingdom?

British archipelago, Northwest of Europe.

The difference between England from the UK

England is the only part of the UK, which has no Parliament and Government (Government). Questions relating to England, Plenipotentiary to accept deputies of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Although the initiatives relating to Scotland is entirely completely behind the Scottish legislative bodies. In England, there is even a movement towards the creation of a separate English parliament. Laborians believe that such a step will strongly weaken the interaction between the units of the UK and will be the threat of the decay of the United Kingdom.

Laborists are one of the leading batches of Britain. It originated at the very beginning of the 20th century as a committee representing the interests of workers.

England is not engaged in foreign policy, she has no diplomatic relations. For many years, the United Kingdom has been included in many international organizations, including the European Union, from which it recently came out. There is also no in England: its own monetary unit and the army. But Britain has. Well, you understood.


The capital and the largest city in the UK. By the way, from 1707 to 1999, London was located the ruling center of the government of the entire United Kingdom. But at the end of the XX century Scotland and Wales were given the authority of self-government.

London remains a very important and influential city - through it the largest financial flows are held.

But what the City looks like is a business center. Experts predict the fall in the position of the City in connection with the policy of brekes.

  • Brexit (Brexit) is a neologism, which denotes the policy of exiting the British of their European Union.

By the way, London was founded by the Romans and was the metropolitan city of Britain's province. It was documented that the first references to the city are dating 117 years old.

United Kingdom today

Modern United Kingdom takes only two percent of the globe. But recently (relatively recently), during the years of lifting the British Empire, she was the master of the fourth part of the world. At the beginning of the 20th century, it was the largest of the states ever on Earth. This is how the map of the empire looked like, in the peak of its development - in the 30s.

In addition to the main territories, the Crown, the UK then owned a number of countries that are now independent: from Canada to Cyprus. To be more accurate, then there were: the territory of Australia and the good part of the continent of Africa, Australia and New Zealand, Burma, New Guinea, India, Oman, Iraq, Honduras, as well as a number of small territories. The United States, before won in the war for his own independence from the British metropolis in 1776, were also under the British crown.

Redigard Kipling, widely known as the author of the "Jungle book", is known as an ardent supporter of colonial politics, he outlined his views in the famous poem "White Man's burden" (THE WHITE MAN'S BURDEN).

Carrying this proud burden -
You will be rewarded
Treeds commanders
And shouts of wild tribes:

"What do you want damned
Why confuse the minds?
Do not bring us to the light
From the pretty Egyptian darkness! "

It must be said that the United Kingdom was not humane in relation to colonial possessions. At the expense of the colonies also provided and the rapid economic growth of the metropolis.

A little more stories

England became Great Britain in 1707, when all countries in the British Islands, with the exception of Ireland, began to obey it. Winning Spain, she became the "master of the seas", the most powerful marine power.

By the way, Peter I, during his "great embassy", lived there for three months, comprehending the seabed.Scotland became part of England in 1603 and became its top of the UK, when the King of Scotland James VI was inherited by the English crown. In 1707, the parliaments of these two countries united into the UNITED Kingdom parliament. Wales and Ireland were under the control of England.

Wales, separated from Ireland Irish Sea, is located in the southwestern part of the UK.

Northern Ireland was created in 1920 and gained independence from Ireland. It is located in the western part of GB. By the way, the British Islands also include small islands: White, Hebrid Islands, Maine, Norman, Orkney and others.

Having understood why England is called Britain, we can slightly clarify the device of its management system, which, we admit, not so simple. Everyone knows that in Britain the parliamentary monarchy, that is, the monarch fulfills a purely decorative role, personifying the inviolability of traditions. To date, sitting in the Buckingham Palace Queen Elizabeth II.

In addition to her, the country is managed by the House of Lords and the House of Commons, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Prime Minister.

Details Category: Western European countries Published on 06.06.2014 19:11 Views: 13983

The United Kingdom is one of the world's largest states. It consists of four "historical provinces": England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The state is located on the British Islands, which includes the island of the United Kingdom, the northeastern part of the island of Ireland, a large number of smaller islands and archipelagoes, including Hebrid, Orkney and Shetland Islands, Angles, Arran, White in the Atlantic Ocean. The United Kingdom is washed by North, Irish, Celtic and Hebrid seas. The south-east coast is divided by the strait of La Mans from the northern coast of France.
England takes more than half of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has sovereignty over 17 territories, which are not an integral part of Great Britain: 14 British overseas territories and three corona lands.

Dependent territories

Anguilla (Capital Valley), Bermuda (Capital Hamilton), British Antarctic Territory (Capital of Rother), British Territory in the Indian Ocean (Capital of Diego Garcia), British Virgin Islands (Capital Rod-Town), Gibraltar (Capital of Gibraltar), Cayman Islands (Capital Georgetown), Montserrat Island (Capital Plymouth), Islands of St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunya (Capital Jamestown), Pitcairn Island (Capital Adamstown), Turks Islands and Caicos (Capital Cobern Town), Falkland Islands (Capital Stanley), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (the capital of Gruvict) and sovereign military bases in Cyprus (the capital of the bishops).
The total area of \u200b\u200boverseas territories is 1,727,527 km² (without the British Antarctic Territory of 18,127 km²), and their population is 260,000 people. These territories are the remnants of the British Empire, who voted for the opportunity to remain British territories.

Note:British claims to the Antarctic are not generally recognized, the presence of military bases in Cyprus is disputed by the Republic of Cyprus, and the rights to the Falkland Islands - Argentina.

Crown lands They are the ownership of the crown, in contrast to the overseas territories. This includes ballests of the Norman Islands Jersey and Guernsey in the Strait of La Mans and Man Island in the Irish Sea. The area of \u200b\u200ball three corona lands is 766 km², and the population is 235,000 people. They are not part of the Great Britain or the European Union, although the Government of the United Kingdom manages foreign relationships and security, and the British Parliament has the right to issue laws on behalf of the territories.
On the United Kingdom's dependent territories on our website is described in the relevant sections.

State symbolism of Great Britain

Flag - It is a blue rectangular cloth with a red straight cross in white edging, superimposed on white and red oblique crosses. Flag approved January 1, 1801

Coat of arms - The official coat of arms of the British monarch. Other members of the Royal Family and the Government of the country use other coat of arms. The royal coat of arms occurs in two versions, one of which is used only in Scotland.
On the usual version of the coat of arms 2 of the lion and 7 heraldic leopards: 6 gold leopards with lazoic weapons on a shield, three in the 1st and 4th fields of a four-separated shield (they correspond to England). Cherry Lion with Lazorovo weapons in the second field personifies Scotland. Crowned leopard in the fabric. Golden crowned lion as a shield holder supports the shield on the right. On the other hand, the shield is supported by a unicorn chain.

State Device of Great Britain


Scotland - The most autonomous (possessing its own parliament, legal system and the state church, etc.) from all countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The country takes the North Island of the United Kingdom and borders on land with England.

State symbolism of Scotland

Flag - It is a blue rectangular cloth with a white slash (Andreevsky) cross. In some sources, the Scottish flag is referred to as the Andreevsky Cross. According to the legend, the Christian Apostle and Martyr Andrei was the first-surveyed, the patron saint of Scotland, was crucified on the oblique cross (read more on the site). Unlike the Royal Stand, the flag with the oblique cross is available for universal use. The flag is used by the departments of the Scottish government as one of the official characters. In the daytime, the flag decorates almost all government buildings. The flag is approved in the XVI century.

Coat of arms - It is a golden heraldic shield with a cherry dual inner border, sprouted by lilies. On the shield, the image of a rising lion of the same color with a laase weapon. Over the shield - a golden helmet, topped with the royal crown. In the fabric, the raised-sitting wormland crowned lion, holding a sword with a golden ephhes and a silver blade and a golden scepter. We need a silver ribbon with the motto "in defens", drawn by wormless literals. Around the shield collar of an ancient and noblest order of thistle. The shield supports the rising crimped silver unicorns with gold weapons (mane, horns and hooves), chained in golden chains and standing on green soil, whipped thistle.

State Device Scotland.

Form of government - a constitutional monarchy.
Head of State - Monarch of Great Britain.
Head of the government - Prime Minister of Great Britain. First Minister of the Regional Government of Scotland.
Capital - Edinburgh.
The largest city - Glasgow.
official languages - English, Scottish Gaeli, Anglo-Scottish.
Territory - 78 772 km².
Administrative division - 32 areas (municipality). There are 6 cities in Scotland: Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Sterling, Inverness.
Population - 5 295,400 people. The Scots make up 88%, the British - 7%, Irish and Poles - 50 thousand people, Pakistanis - 40 thousand people. and etc.
Religion - The majority are committed to the National Church of Scotland, organized by the Presbyterian type. About 16% of the population is a commitment to the Roman Catholic Church. Approximately 28% of residents - atheists.
Currency - pound sterling.
Economy - Mining and export of oil on the shelf of the North Sea. Scotland is an electricity market developed in the world developed by waves and tides. The country has the largest tidal turbines.
Sport - Popular rugby, autosport, chess, curling, golf, football, cricket. National Sports: Stone Pushing, Throwing gravity for distance, hammer throwing, throwing a pillar (the participant takes a post for a light end in a vertical position. After that, the throw itself begins. The athlete runs up and throws up the post and go ahead so that the heavy end burst into the ground , And the light fell to the ground in the direction of the player's run.)

Hammer throwing
Education - includes preschool, overall average, special professional and higher education. Preschool education. There are no familiar kindergartens in Scotland, there are preparatory classes, the analogue of our kindergartens, who attend children from 4 years and where they are taught painting, singing, dances, the basics of mathematics, reading and spelling. General secondary education. From 5 to 12 years, children attend primary school. Knowledge is checked using reading, writing and mathematics tests. Estimates vary from A (higher score, analogue of our five) to E. In 12 years, students go to high school. In 15 years, schoolchildren take exams for a general certificate of secondary education. After that, the student can either go to the College of Further Education, or continue studying at school in order to receive a certificate higher Step. For this, it is necessary to learn from 16 to 18 years and pass exams in 5 or 6 subjects. This certificate is enough to enter Scottish universities. To learn in other parts of the United Kingdom or get into one of the top universities of Scotland, it is necessary to finish the "sixth year" of the school and get a certificate.
Special vocational education You can get after graduation at the age of 16. In Scotland, 43 colleges on special or further education (analogue of Russian technical schools). In colleges you can get a specialty: information technology, study of the foundations of business, electronics, design, sports, tourism, internal and external design, health care, media, finance. Higher education. Alternative to training in colleges of further education can be the Foundation preparatory programs. There is also a single Scottish international preparatory program SIFP, the successful end of which gives graduates the opportunity to enter almost any university Scotland. The basic course of higher education in the Scottish University lasts 4 years. Upon graduation, the bachelor's degree is assigned.

National Symbols of Scotland

Bagpipes - National musical instrument, unofficial symbol of Scotland.

Domenicino "Virgo with Unicorn" (fragment of frescoes, 1602)
The unicorn traditionally entered many historical Scotch coat of arms (often in the form of a shield holder). Unicorn - Mythical creature, symbolizes chastity. It is usually in the form of a horse with one horn emerging from the forehead.

Tartan - Fabric with ornament from horizontal and vertical strips. From the fabric with such an ornament they sew national clothes of Scotland, including kilta, in Russia this fabric is called "Scotland".

Flower Chertopoloha He is a national symbol of Scotland and is depicted in monetary signs. According to legend, in the XIII century. Coastal settlements of Scott suffered from Viking raids. Once it was possible to avoid an unexpected nightly attack due to the fact that the Vikings barefoot went into the scottish thistle thieves than they gave themselves.


Lake Loch-Ness

The territory of Scotland includes the Northern Third of the Island of Great Britain and the adjacent Islands: Hebrid, Orkney and Smetland. The West Bank of Scotland is washes atlantic ocean, East - North Sea. The Western and Eastern Naval Coast of Scotland is connected by Caledonian Canal, part of which is the famous Lake Loche Ness. On the shore of the lake is the Museum of the Loch Monster.

Sculpture Nesseli
Studies involved in the search for this mythical character belong to the paradise and pseudoscience - cryptozoology.
Climate Moderate oceanic.


The animal world of Scotland is typical for the northwestern part of Palearctic eloons, with some exceptions.

Long-dress seal
In the temperate climate of Scotland there are 62 species of wild mammals: a population of wild forest cats, long-edged seals and seals ordinary, northern colony of dolphin-aphalines, about 250 species of birds (Tetrav-Kosach, White (Scottish) Partridge, North Olusha, Berkut, Scottish Clest, Orlans and Skops).

The sea of \u200b\u200bScotland is the most biologically productive in the world, the total number of marine species in them reaches 40000. There are about 400 genetically excellent populations of Atlantic salmon in the waters of the Scottish rivers. In fresh waters, 42 species of fish are observed, half of which appeared as a result of natural colonization, and half - as a result of introduction.
For Scotland are indigenous 4 types of reptiles and 6 species of amphibians, 14,000 kinds of invertebrates (including rare bees and butterflies).


The country has a very diverse landscape - harsh brazed sireland and Orkney islands, picturesque forests and lakes of the Trosxax district. On the quiet idyllic islands that are connected to the mainland, you can get acquainted with rare species of wild flowers.
On the west coast, the islands chain is a miniature copy of the Scottish landscape: desert beaches, rare flowers, mountains, rivers.

Culture Scotland.

Scotland is famous for its national men's clothing - kilt, which has many colors (tartanov). The country has been developed needlework.

Kilt - The subject of male national Scottish clothes, traditional clothing of Highlanders Scotland. It is a piece of fabric, wrapped around the waist, pleated (collected by folds) from behind and pinned with 2-3 buckles and straps; Usually kilt is worn together with a special handbag for small things.


Scottish literature has a rich history. The classics in their genres are the works of Robert Burns and Walter Scott, Robert Lewis Stevenson and James Hogga.
Scottish literature is written in English, Scottish Gaelle, Scott, Breton, French, Latin and many other languages \u200b\u200bon which ever wrote within the boundaries of modern Scotland. The earliest monuments of literature date back to the VI. XVIII century He became the "golden age" for all the literatures of Scotland, primarily for poetry.

Robert Burns.
The poet and writer of songs Robert Burns wrote on Scott, but a significant part of his works was written in English.

Arthur Conan Doyle
Some famous Scottish writers: Sir Walter Scott ("Ivango", "Quentin Dorvard", "Rob Roy", etc.), Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sherlock Holmes, "Lost World"), Robert Lewis Stevenson ("Treasure Island "Dr. Jackiel and Mr. Heid"), Kennene Graham ("Wind in Iwah"), William McGonagall ("Wheel of the Bridge over the Tay River", "Burns Statue", "Poetic Pears", "James Grema, Markiza Montrose" et al.), Irwin Welsh ("on the needle", "nightmares of Aist Marabu", etc.), James Barry ("Peter Peng").
Irwin Welsh (r. 1959)

music and dancing

From the folk instruments the most famous - boil.
Popular Scottish ballroom dancing and solo "Hyland". The dance is built mainly on the high half-winged jumps and the work of the legs; The housing is always right; Hands involved little and are mainly located in one of the few positions.
The famous modern musician and composer of Scottish origin is the Glasgow Founder and the leader of the Rock Group of the Dire Straits Mark Nopfler, now dealing with solo projects.

Mark Nopfler.
Nazareth Group, Alestorm, Mogwai, The Fratellis, Simple Minds, Franz Ferdinand also come from Scotland. The famous group "The Exploited" is from Scotland. The most famous Scottish punk alternative group is Primal Scream. Musicians of the legendary Australian AC / DC Group Angus and Malcolm Yanga, as well as Bon Scott - Scottish by nationality and natives of Scotland.
The festivals of the People's Music "Celtic Connections" in Glasgow and Hebridean Celtic Festival are held every year in Stornowee.

UNESCO World Heritage Site in Scotland

Saint Kilda

Isolated archipelago 64 kilometers north-west of North Wist Island in Northern Atlantic Ocean. Among the objects of the cultural heritage of the islands are numerous unique monuments of architecture of historical and prehistoric periods, although the earliest written mention of life on the islands belongs to late Middle Ages. The archipelago represents simultaneously natural, marine and cultural value. The medieval settlement on Hithe was restored in the XIX century, but the influence of religion, tourism and the First World War led to the evacuation of the island in 1930
Islands - the place of reproduction of many important types of seabirds (Northern Olusha, Atlantic deadlock and stupid).

Silly you
Endemics are common wretfish and mouse-staying Saint Kildy in Saint Kilda. Volunteer detachments work on the islands in the summer months over the restoration of many destroyed buildings that remained after the residents of St. Kildy. The island also houses a small military base created in 1957.

Old Town and New City (Edinburgh)

The Old Town in Edinburgh is the historic center of the Scottish capital, together with the new city in the style of classicism and part of the West End with Georgian building is a world heritage site. The old town retained a variety of medieval buildings and buildings of the reformation period.
Royal Mile consists of medieval buildings
Despite the name, most of the buildings in the new city refers to the XVIII-XIX centuries. and performed in the style of neoclassicism.

Monuments of Neolithic in the Orcane Islands

A group of monuments located on the island of Mainland in the Orkney archipelago in the north of Scotland and dated 3000-2000. BC e. These monuments of Neolithic give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cultural achievements of that time.

Factory village New Lanark

The small village of XVIII century, where Philanthrop and Utopist Robert Owen at the beginning of the XIX century. I tried to create the perfect sample of the industrial commune. An impressive body of weaving factory, spacious and comfortable homes for workers, general education and professional school - all this is preserved as a monument to Humanism Owen.

Scotland in the XIX-XXI centuries

Scotland is in many ways a unique position in the United Kingdom, which is associated with the history of its association with England and participation in the work of the National Parliament while maintaining its administrative and judicial system.
After World War II, Scotland experienced a sharp decline in production, but in recent decades there is a cultural and economic revival of the region due to the development of the scope of financial transactions and electronics production.
Since the beginning of 2000, the influence of nationalists increase in Scotland. In 2007, the National Party won elections to the Scottish Parliament, and its leader announced that the referendum on the independence of Scotland in 2014 will be achieved.

Principality Wales (Valis)

Wales - One of the four major administrative political parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Wales is located in the south-west of Great Britain. In the East, borders with English counties Cheshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire, surrounded by the sea from three sides: in the south, this is a Bristol Channel, in the south-west of Saint George, in the north and west - Irish Sea, in the northeast - the mouth of the river Di.

State Symbolism Wales

Flag - Presents an image of a red dragon on a white and green background. Legislatively adopted in 1959, although the Red Dragon was a symbol of Wales with Roman times. In the Middle Ages (with Tudor Dynasty), white and green colors are also associated with Wales. This is the only flag of the united kingdom parts, not included in its flag, which causes a certain criticism.

Coat of arms - Royal Wales sign. It is a dissection and crossed on gold and a shrill shield with four marching lions with azure armament (claws and tongue). The shield bordered by a green ribbon with the motto: "I am faithful to my country", a string from the Hales anthem. Crown Eduard crown sign crown. Around the sign placed a wreath of heraldic plants of composite parts of the United Kingdom: Wales, Scotland, Ireland and England: Luke-Soon, Chertopoloha, Trilister and Double Rostyudors.
The main national symbols of Wales are the Welsh Dragon, Leek and Narcissus.

State Device Wales

Form of government - a constitutional monarchy.
Head of State - Monarch of Great Britain.
Head of the government - Prime Minister of Great Britain. First Minister Wales.
Capital and largest city - Cartfidiff.
Territory - 20 779 km².
Official languages - English, Welsh.
Population - 3 063 456 people. Major peoples - Welsh and the British. 29% of Welsh's Welsh population in one way or another saves their tongue.

Church of the XIII century. In Kereedigione
Religion - The most common religion is Christianity (72%). In Wales, adherents of various religions live.
Currency - pound sterling.
Administrative division - 22 Unitary Administrative Units. These include 9 counties, 3 cities and 10 county cities. Unitary units, despite the difference in status name, have equal rights.
Economy - mining and industry, agriculture and cattle breeding (19% under arable land, 10% under the meadows, 3% under the pasture, 31% under the forest). Coal mining. Ferrous metallurgy. Non-ferrous metallurgy. Oil refining. Petrochemical and chemical industry. Agriculture, sheep, meat and dairy animals.

Sport - National fork of sports - rugby. The Millennium Stadium in Cardiff is the most beautiful rugby stadium in the world. On average and northern Wales, football is greater popularity. Boxing is also popular.
Education - It is mandatory for all citizens aged 5 to 16 years. There are two sectors of education: state (free education) and private (paid educational institutions). Training in schools is conducted in both English and Wales. Language learning choose parents or children. In the event of a choice of training in English, Wales is studied as a second foreign language. Pre-school education: from 0 to 5 years in kindergartens and preparatory groups. For children aged 0 to 3 years - preschool education Paid and implemented mainly in private educational institutions. General secondary education It is mandatory and free for children aged 5 to 16 years. Schools in Wales are divided into state (free) and independent (paid). Independent schools are not obliged to comply with state policy in the field of education, however, in practice, they follow the recommendations of the Wales Education Department.
Further education (after 16 years). Many can continue their education after receiving compulsory secondary education. You can continue academic education, get a certificate of advanced secondary education and enroll in the university (after 18 years). You can continue learning in professional colleges. In Wales there are 20 universities. Training partially paid. The state does not control the curriculum of universities, but controls the procedure for admission to universities and learning standards.


Wales is located on the peninsula. Most of the Wales Area is occupied by mountains, especially in the north and center. They were formed during the last glacial period, during the Devonian glaciation. The highest mountain is Snowden (1085 m).
Climate Mostly marine. Wales are majestic mountain landscapes and wide sandy beaches, monasteries and vintage locks, dense forests and crystal clear lakes. Most of the Wales territory constitutes national parks (Snowdonia, Bracon-Bikonz, Pembrokustira Coast) and "Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty", for example, Gower Peninsula.

Three Cliffs Bay
On the south shore there are many small bays and beaches. North-Kotsward tombs were found on the territory of Kurgan Park-Kum. In the caves of the peninsula, wall drawings of people who lived in the XII millennium BC. e. A complex of nine mengirov was also investigated (one fell). The peninsula is the ruins of six medieval castles.

Culture Wales


The most famous type of musical creativity is choir, especially male. The most ancient musical tradition of Wales is instrumental folk music. Traditional for Welsh folk music, the musical instrument is the harp (Wales Triple Harp). Traditional for Wales are the pybgorn ground rotta and horn.

Welly Triple Harp
In the 1990s. Super Furnry Animals, Manic Street Preachers, Catatonia, Stereophonics, etc. have appear. In recent years, the spread is obtained by an alternative rock and punk rock.


Welsh artist Richard Wilson was one of the first famous British landscape players, this is one of the first artists depicting the nature of Wales.

R. Wilson "Lake Aerno" (about 1765)
In 1865, the Cardiff Arts School opened, which gave impetus to the development of the visual art of Wales.

UNESCO World Heritage Site in Wales

Eduard I Castles in Wales

Northeast Carnarvon Castle Tower
Castles and fortresses of the King Eduard I in the ancient principal of Guindd - well-preserved fortification facilities of the Eduard I Board (1272-1307), located in North Wales in the territory of the Kingdom of Guide. Castles of Bomaris and Harleck are a unique achievement of the architecture of the end of the XIII century, consisting in the use of double walls and concentric layouts.

Minopaped Blynavona landscape

The neighborhood Blynavon reminds that in the XIX century. South Wales was the world's largest iron and coal manufacturer. It still has all the necessary components for this: coal and iron ore mines, quarry, primitive railway system, melting mountains, dwellings of workers and social infrastructure facilities.

Aqueduct Panthasillte

Shipping aqueduct over the valley of the Di River in Northeast Wales. The Llangelen canal passes through him, the aqueduct is located between the villages of Kevn Maur and Vronxigratte and is the longest and high aqueduct in the UK. He is perfect in a difficult landscape. More than 200 years after its discovery, it is still used and is one of the most loaded areas of the UK channel network, skipping about 15,000 boats per year. The height of the channel on both sides of the valley of the di river is 38 m.

Wales in the XX and XXI centuries

After graduating from the First World War in Wales, as well as throughout the UK, significant social changes occur, including those related to the provisions of women.
During World War II, a number of cities of Wales were injured from the nails of German aviation.
After the war, decay the traditional heavy industry continues, but in general, as throughout the UK, there is a significant increase in welfare. In 1955, Cardiff officially becomes the capital of Wales.
Since the 1960s In society, the issues of nationalism are acute, which is connected, in particular, with the famous Sanders of Lewis "Fate of the Language", after which the Welsh Language Association is created. The partnership conducted a number of civil disobedience shares, demanding to duplicate road signs in Welsh. Among other important events, the protests against the flooding of the village of Drop Kelin can be called, where all the inhabitants spoke on Welsh, the reservoir, which supplied the water of English Liverpool, and the struggle for the creation of the Welsh TV channel (opened in 1982).
Plans of the Government Margaret Thatcher for the privatization of the coal industry in the mid-1980s. They led to unsuccessful strikes in South Wales.
In 1993, the Welsh Language Act was adopted - Welsh receives equal status with English within Wales. In 1999, the work of the Wales Assembly began. The Assembly has the right to take laws acting on the territory of Wales. The building of the National Assembly is located in the capital of Cardiff.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland - Administrative political part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, located in the northeastern part of Ireland Island.

State Symbolism of Northern Ireland

Flag - Flag is officially represented by the UK flag. From 1953 to 1972 The Government and government organizations of Northern Ireland used a special flag, known as the "Olster Banner". He consisted of the St. George Cross, inside of which the white six-pointed star and a red hand brush were located (an ancient olter symbol). From above over the star was a crown.

Unofficially inhabitants of Northern Ireland hang out for the holidays, the flag that corresponds to their political preferences: the flag of Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Irish Republic.

Coat of arms - got the approval of the Cabinet of Northern Ireland. The Royal Decree, signed by Georg V and approved in the Ministry of the Interior, was signed on August 2, 1924. The coat of arms was registered in the coat of arms in Dublin, what is the following entry: "In the silver field, a wormal cross, on top of which a silver six-pointed star, crowned with the imperial crown And burdened with the wormal right palm, cut off on the wrist. " In 1925, a red lion was taken as the shield holders in a gold collar with the Ireland's banner (Golden Harp on the Blue Field) and Irish Elk, also in the collar and with the sign of the Dukes de Burgo, which is the base for the Flag of Olster. In 1971, the London College of Arms added the foundation on which the shield holders cost. Since 1972, this coat of arms is not official.

State Device of Northern Ireland

Form of government - a constitutional monarchy.
Head of State - Monarch of Great Britain.
Head of the government - Prime Minister of Great Britain. First Minister of Northern Ireland.
Capital - Belfast.
Largest cities - Belfast, Derry.
official languages - English, Irish, Olter Scottish.
Territory - 13 843 km².
Administrative division - 6 counties and 26 districts.
Population - 1.810,863 people. The ethnic composition of the population of Northern Ireland is not nhealthy: about 500 thousand indigenous people of Ireland are lived here - Irish Catholic Island and about 1 million Anglo-Irish and Scotland Irish.
Religion - Most Protestants (53%), 44% - Catholics and 3% of the population - atheists or follow another religion.
Currency - pound sterling.
Economy - Northern Ireland is the poorest of the United Kingdom. 80% of the Earth make up agricultural land. The main products of agriculture are milk, meat, bacon, eggs, oats, potatoes and barley. In Northern Ireland, brown coal, iron ore, bauxite, lead and copper ores were found, but they are unprofitable to produce them. Developed by limestone, sand, rubble. Aerospace and electronic industry develops. The industries of the processing of agriculture products remain strong.
Industry is concentrated in large portions. One of the most famous ports in the entire United Kingdom is Belfast.
Education - An act of education in 1947, Catholics was given an opportunity equal to the Protestants for access to education. Training in primary and secondary school mandatory for all children aged 5 to 16 years. The average level of education corresponds to classic, medium and technical schools. For admission to classic and technical schools, you must pass the qualifying exams. The higher education system includes technical colleges, universities and pedagogical colleges. The University of Queen in Belfast, founded in 1845, is known for its medical school and is the center of studying humanitarian and technical sciences. Olster University in Collars was created in 1984

Nature Northern Ireland

Nature is very picturesque. Home Feature - Amazing Beauty Landscapes with antique castles, towers and houses. Between the lakes - hilly hills. Lake Loche is the largest in the UK (392 sq. Km). The second largest lake system is the top and bottom Loch Ern in the south-west of Northern Ireland. Very picturesque coastal territories.
Climate Northern Ireland is moderate, with soft winter and cool summer. The amount of precipitation is quite large, in the west they fall more than in the east.
6 national parks reflect unique landscapes and country landscapes: National Park Ballible Created to protect the landscapes of mountains and lowland swamps on the Atlantic coast, Park Burren - for the protection of unusual landscapes of this area, primarily limestone rocks, Glenway - Forest and lake landscapes.

The main attraction of the reserve is the same castle, built in 1870-1873. Captain John George Edir.

Culture of Northern Ireland

Throughout almost the entire history of Northern Ireland literature There was a privilege of the Protestant population, the development of the same literature among the entire population began only in the 1960s.
Development graffiti The region has a long history. In the times of Wilhelm Orange drawings, placed on the walls of fortifications, denoted the statement of the British and Protestantism there. Catholics began to use this type of art only during campaigns for providing Homrulya at the beginning of the XX century. By the middle of the XX century. Graffiti gained enormous popularity among the population and became a kind of field for ideological war.

Architecture Northern Ireland is structures similar to the majority of buildings of the British islands. The main view is the "long house", similar to the main features of the internal planning with the Middle Eastern Type of House common in Europe. In its original form, this house was a single-chamber building, in which the residential premises and the stall were combined under one roof. Another common view is the "Hall House", in which the stall began to be built separately from the house, and the huge room of the hall was used under housing. Such types of houses are also inherent in other regions of Europe.

Main holiday - St.Patrick 's Day (March 17). Holy Patrick, according to legend, brought Christianity to the pagan island and expelled all the snakes. In honor of St. Patrick, a parade with songs, dances and mass festivals are arranged, even though the holiday most often falls on the great post. St. Patrick's Day Overgrown National Borders and became an international day of Ireland. In different cities and countries of the world, including in Russia, celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Holiday symbols are: green, mythical creatures Leprechauns and a shadownik. The tribal became a symbol of the freedom-loving spirit of the Irish and the symbol of the struggle for self-determination. St. Patrick's Day is also the National Independence Day of Ireland.

UNESCO World Heritage Site in Northern Ireland

"Road of Giants"

This is a unique coastal area, which is about 40,000 interconnected basalt (or theezite) columns formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption. Located in northeastern Northern Ireland. The tops of the columns form in the form of a springboard, which begins at the foot of the rock and disappears under the surface of the sea. Most are hexagonal columns, although some are four, five, seven and eight corners. The highest about 12 m.

Today, the "Giant Road" belongs to the National Fund, which organizes the access of tourists and engaged in the protection of this facility. The road of giants is the most popular attraction in Northern Ireland.

Northern Ireland in the XX and XXI centuries

In 1916, the Irish Republican Brotherhood Group, with the support of the Irish Civil Army and members of the trade union militia, organized an "Easter uprising" in Dublin. During the rebellion, several buildings were captured in the city center, "proclamation on the creation of the Irish Republic" was issued, but the rebellion was depressed by the British naval artillery. This uprising gave impetus to further large-scale struggle for Irish independence. In general elections, 1918, the Irish Republicans received most places in parliament and proclaimed Ireland an independent country, formed their own parliament (Dale) under the leadership of Imon de Valera. These events have become a reason to the English-Irish War, which lasted from 1919 to 1921.

The war ended with the signing of the Anglo-Irish Agreement in 1921, according to which 26 Irish counties were provided with independence, and 6 counties were given the right to independent branch from the UK. Northern Ireland voted to remain part of the United Kingdom with his own parliament and the government, which was the basis of the Olste conflict. On the rest of the territory of the island, the creation of an Irish free state was proclaimed, the predecessor of the Republic of Ireland. In 1937, a new constitution was adopted there, in accordance with which the former Dominion became the sovereign state of Eyre. And in relations with Northern Ireland, the most important point of the Constitution was an article about the need to reunite a single Irish state. In 1949, Ireland declared himself an independent republic and left the Commonwealth.
After the branch of the Republic of Ireland and throughout the century there was numerous terrorist attacks carried out by the Irish Republican Army in order to prevent the North Government to exercise their power in this territory. The most significant campaign against the northern counties was deployed between 1956 and 1961.
The predominance in the Parliament of Protestant forces led to a gradual growth of dissatisfaction from Catholics. In 1967, the activists of the Catholic movement created the Northerland Association for the struggle for civil rights, which required civil equality for Catholics and Protestants. Their rallies under the slogans for the protection of the rights of the Catholic population led to the intensification of the activities of radical religious and political groups and to a new exacerbation in interfaith relations. So the conflict began in Northern Ireland.
An events in Londonderry in August 1969 were the apogee clashes in August 1969, then armed riots began in Belfast. Regular army parts were introduced into the territory of Northern Ireland. But these measures did not help improve the situation in this part of the country, and in 1972 in Northern Ireland a direct rule regime was introduced. This led to the most severe unrest and uprisings. Apogee - "Bloody Resurrection" January 30, 1972, when the British troops opened fire on the rebel Catholics and killed 13 people. The rebels broke into the British Embassy in Dublin and burned him down. In total from 1972 to 1975. 475 people died in Northern Ireland. The British government decided to hold a referendum, but he was boycott with a Catholic minority. In 1973, the leaders of Great Britain and Ireland signed the Sunningdale Agreement on the establishment of the Council of Ireland - the Interstate Advisory Authority from Ministers and members of the Parliament of the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland, but the ratification of the Agreement was torn by the speeches of Protestant extremists. An attempt to recreate the Assembly in 1974 and elections to Convert 1974 was completed
The Anglo-Irish Agreement was signed in 1985. It was confirmed by the belonging of the territory of Northern Ireland of Great Britain until the majority of its inhabitants are. As a result of these agreements, the Irish Republican Army announced the cease-fire, and for her Protestant military organizations. The new terrorist attack of the members of the Irish Republican Army in London on February 9, 1996 interrupted a truce.
Negotiations of all parties of Northern Ireland and Government of Great Britain and Ireland ended on April 10, 1998 by the signing of an agreement between a passionate Friday, or the Belfast Agreement.

The United Kingdom is an island power in the north-west of Europe. The state is localized on the numerous British islands and the northern part of the island of Ireland, two straits and the North Sea are separated from mainland Europe. The composition of Great Britain is very diverse, and includes 4 major countries, as well as 17 dependent territories.

Features of the geographic location

Historically, the United Kingdom of Great Britain includes 4 large regions: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The Western European Power has a land border with only Ireland, since it is surrounded from all sides with water. The UK is washed by the water of the North, Celtic, Irish and Hebrid seas, as well as two straits: La Mans and Pa de Cala.

The whole coast of Great Britain is written by numerous delta, bays, bays, and therefore most of the country is located from the sea at a distance of no more than 120 km.

Fig. 1. United Kingdom on the map.

The sovereignty of Great Britain extends, in addition to four countries, another 17 territories:

  • 14 British Overseas Territories, among which Bermuda, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands and others. These territories are the legacy of the British Empire and they decided to preserve British sovereignty.
  • 3 Crown lands are private ownership of the British Crown: large islands of Guernsey, Balli and Maine.

The geographical position of Great Britain affected the ethnic composition of the local population. The ancestors of modern White Britons were Romans, Celts, Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Normans.

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Starting from the 18th century, black and Asian migrants began to assimilate in the United Kingdom. The strongest migration waves were recorded in the second half of the 20th century.

Composition in UK

The United Kingdom includes 4 countries in the region:

  • England - The oldest monarchical power in Europe, the largest administrative and political part of the UK. The capital of England is London, a large megalopolis with a well-developed infrastructure and more attractions. In England, there are 9 regions, each of which has a distinctive culture and tradition. Official language - English.
  • - incredible beauty Country with majestic mountains, deep blue lakes and picturesque green hills. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh, the country includes 9 districts and about 800 different islands, a third of which is not suitable for life. Official languages \u200b\u200b- English, Scottish and Scottish Gaelsky.

Fig. 2. Scotland.

In 2014, a referendum was held in Scotland about the exit from the UK. However, most of the population voted against the proclamation of independence.

  • Wales - The edge of the picturesque landscapes and vintage castles, the capital of which is the city of Cardiff. Over the years, Wales for many years serves as a natural scenery for the filming of historical paintings. Official languages \u200b\u200b- Welsh and English.
  • - The smallest autonomous region of the United Kingdom, the capital of which is the city of Belfast. It includes 26 districts, official language three - Irish, Olter Scottish and English. The country is famous for its picturesque nature, rich history, culture and traditions.

Great Britain (Great Britain. ) - the kingdom located in the north-west of Europe, in the British Islands. Full title - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), consisting of four national regions (on the fact of 4 different countries with their own characteristics): England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Great Britain - these are mountains, lakes, wildlife corners and scroll sounds of Scotland; Amazing castles and Wales National Park; architectural monuments, theaters, museums, art galleries, shops, bars and restaurants of England; Unique natural monuments Northern Ireland.

United Kingdom - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

1. Capital

The capital of Great Britain - city London (London. ) - One of the largest population of the cities of the world, located on the plain at the mouth of the shipping river Thames, near the North Sea. London - Amazing, ancient city, whose history has almost 2000 years. Capital It is geographically divided into 4 parts: City, West end, East-end and Westminster. London City - the financial and business center of the capital, has the status of ceremonial county, not subject to royal power, and is a state in the state. There are a bank of England and the London Stock Exchange. West End - the main entertainment center of the British capital, in which a large number of theaters, galleries, concert halls, popular boutiques and restaurants focused. East End - Industrial area located in the eastern part Londonin which there is a huge number of emigrants. Westminster - Historic District London and political center UK. Here is the residence of British monarchs - the Buckingham Palace.

2. Flag

— « Union Jack"(" Union Jack ") is a blue rectangular cloth with a 1: 2 aspect ratio. The canvas intersect two diagonal lines of red with a white contour and located over them with a wide red cross with a white contour.

  • Straight Red Cross in the center - this is the cross of St. George, the symbol of England
  • White Diagonal Cross - Cross of St. Andrew, Patron of Scotland
  • Red oblique cross - Cross of St. Patrick, Symbol of Ireland

3. Coat of arms

State Coat of arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland It is a shield that hold the golden lion and a white unicorn, standing on a green meadow, crumpled roses, thistle and clover. The shield is divided into 4 segments: the first and fourth segment is coat of arms of England (three golden lions (leopard)); second - coat of arms of Scotland (Image of red lion); the third - coat of arms of Ireland (musical instrument - harp). Around the shield is the blue tape of the noblest order of garter with the motto: " HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE » (« Shame to someone who is bad think about it"). Over the shield is a golden tournament helmet and the royal crown, on which the golden crowned lion is. At the bottom of the whole composition there is a golden-silver tape with the inscription: "Dieu Et Mon Droit" ("God and my right").

  • the lion standing on the crown is the symbol of the state of the state
  • Royal Crown - symbolizes the monarchical system in the UK
  • white Unicorn, Caught in Chains - This is Scotland, subordinate to England within the United Kingdom
  • lion holding shield - symbol of England
  • roses, thistle and clover - symbolize the unity of the three powers: England, Scotland and Ireland.
  • Garter Order - Higher Award of the United Kingdom

4. Hymn.

listen to the anthem of Great Britain

5. Currency

National currency in Kingdompound sterling (Pound Sterling) (Symbol £ ; Bank code: GBP. ) equal to 100 pensame. In circulation there are coins with a nominal value of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 pence and 1, 2 pounds, as well as banknotes worthy of 5, 10, 20 and 50 pounds. British pound sterling - This is a monetary unit that is at the same time official for UK, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as parallel currency of the Crown lands of Guernsey, Jersey and Islands of Maine and the legal payment facility for British Overseas Territories: Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Saint Helena Islands. The course of the British pound sterlingto ruble or any other currency of the world can be viewed on the currency converter below :

6. United Kingdom on the world map

Great Britain - Island state located in the north-west of Europe. The kingdom occupies an island Great Britain, Northeast part of Ireland Island, Man Island, White, Norman and numerous small islands. General square United Kingdom make up 244 820 km 2 , consisting of 4 national regions: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The country has a land border with Ireland, in the north and west is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in the east and south - the waters of the North Sea and the straits of La Mans and Pa de Calais.

Great Britain It has a large number of rivers, many of which are shipping and interconnected by the channels, the largest of them - Thames, Trent and Severn. In the north of the country, the largest lakes are Loche in Northern Ireland, Loch Ness and Loch Lomond in Scotland.

In the north and west, mountain relief prevails - North - Scottish Highlands, South Scottish elevation, Penninsky and Cambrian Mountains. The eastern and southern part of the kingdom occupy hilly plains.

7. How to get to the UK?

8. What is it worth looking in the UK?

But small list of attractionson which attention should be paid when drawing up an excursion plan for UK:

  • Big Ben - Main Bell Tower of the Westminster Palace in London
  • British Museum in London
  • Buckingham Palace - Queen Residence Elizabeth II in London
  • Windsor Castle in England
  • Westminster Abbey in London
  • Hyde Park - the largest of the royal gardens of London
  • Castle Balmoral - Scotland
  • Warwick Castle - England
  • Sterling Castle - Scotland
  • Parliament Building - Westminster Palace in London
  • Millennium Wheel - Giant Ferris Wheel on Thames in London
  • London Tauer - Historic Castle on the Thames in the center of London
  • Cape Beachi Had - Natural Monument to South England
  • Snowdonia National Park - Wales
  • Oxford University - England
  • Lake Loch Ness - Scotland
  • Tower Bridge - London
  • StoneHedzh - Architectural and Archaeological Monument in England

9. The largest cities

List of ten largest cities in United Kingdom:
  1. London (London) the capital of Great Britain - England
  2. Birmingham (Birmingham) - England
  3. Leeds (Leeds) - England
  4. Glasgow (Glasgow) - Scotland
  5. Sheffield (Sheffield) - England
  6. Bradford (Bradford) - England
  7. Manchester (Manchester) - England
  8. Edinburgh (Edinburgh) - Scotland
  9. Liverpool (Liverpool) - England
  10. Bristol (Bristol) - England

10. Climate

Climate United Kingdom - Moderately continental, soft and humid, which is characterized by warm winter and relatively cool summer. The average temperature of the summer is +12 ° C ... + 18 ° C, and in winter - +4 ° C ... + 6 ° C. Weather feature B. UK is instability and abundant rainfall, as well as "heavy" clouds and fogs. The maximum amount of precipitation is observed in the west of the country, where the year falls from 1800 mm to 3000 mm. In the south and east of the country there are much less than 600 - 800 mm per year. The dry time is the period from March to June.

11. Population

Number great Britain's population make up 65 373,099 people (Data as of February 2017). The ethnic composition of the country's inhabitants differs from the rest of European states, by their diversity: 83% are the British, 9% - Scots, 4% - Welsh, 2.5% - Irish and 1.5% - other nationalities (Indians, Pakistanis and people from African countries). The life expectancy of the female half of the population is 78 - 81 years old, male - 74 - 76 years.

12. Language

State uK Languageenglish At the same time, the Scottish language and two Celtic languages \u200b\u200bare actively existing: Welsh and Gaelle. National language Wales - Welsh, having equal rights with English. In the territory Scotland They speak three languages: English, Scottish Gaelle and Anglo-Scottish. IN Northern Ireland The official state language is English, and Gelsky has the status of the National Minority language. With an increase in the flow of immigrants, other languages \u200b\u200bwere launched, such as: Italian, Greek, Panjabi, Urdu, Bengali and others.

13. Religion

In Great Britain There are two officially recognized churches: anglican in England and presbyterian in Scotland. In the territory Wales and Northern Ireland There are no state religions. The prevailing religion of the country - Christianity - 71% of the entire believing population of the country (Anglicans, Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodists). Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Judaism are also confessed.

14. Holidays

National Holidays of Great Britain:

  • January 1 - New Year
  • January 5 - twelve night
  • January 25 - Night of Bern. Robert Berns Birthday - National Scottish Poet
  • February 14 - the day of all lovers
  • March 1 - the Day of the patron of Wales Saint David
  • March 17 - Day of the patron saint of Northern Ireland of St. Patrick
  • movable date in March - April - Easter
  • April 23 - the patron saint of England of St. George
  • April 23 - Memorial Day William Shakespeare
  • May 1 - Celtic Fire Festival - Beltane (Beltain)
  • May 1 - May Day - Spring Meeting
  • movable date in August - Frendge Festival in Edinburgh
  • movable date in August - Notting Hill Carnival
  • October 31 - Halloween
  • November 5 - Bonfire Night Night
  • November 11 - the day of memory of those killed in wars
  • November 30 - Saint Andrew Saint Scotia Patron Day
  • December 25 - Christmas
  • December 26 - Day of Gifts

15. Souvenirs

Here is small list The most common souvenirwhich tourists usually bring from the UK:

  • ties
  • umbrellas
  • books
  • smoking pipes
  • juniper vodka and gin
  • models of a red double-decker bus, Big Ben, Tower and Westminster
  • scarves
  • scottish whiskey
  • porcelain and Crystal
  • football attributes
  • tea and Tea Accessories

16. "Not a nail or rod" or customs regulations

Customs rules of Great Britain Do not limit the import and export of any currency, but the amount of more than 10 thousand euros and the equivalent amount in other currencies must be declared (for non-EU countries).


Persons over 17 years old, can be imported (to choose from) 200 cigarettes, 100 Sigarill, 50 cigars or 250 gr. Tobacco, 1 liter of strong alcoholic beverages (over 22%), 2 liters of alcohol less than 22%, 60 ml of perfume, 250 ml of toilet water. Personal uses can be imported totaling 145 pounds per tourist.


It is forbidden to import and export of objects with artistic and historical value, drugs, drug-containing medical staff (special permit), firearms and cold weapons, ammunition, explosives, poisoning, poisonous substances, pornography. It is forbidden to import and export plants without permission, flowers, wild animals and birds, various products from rare and endangered species of flora and fauna.

As in all countries of the European Union, in United Kingdom, It is projected to import meat and dairy products, including canned food and even sweet chocolate candies. Exception - baby food and special meals for people with various diseases.


Pets can only be imported in the presence of a veterinary certificate of an international sample and a special license obtained no later than half a year before the entry in United Kingdom.

17. Voltage in the electrical network

Voltage in the electrical network: 230 VOLT. At frequency B. 50 Hertz. Type of sockets: Type G..

18. Telephone code and domain name

Country Code: +44
Geographical domain name of the first level: .uk

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