World Cultural Heritage - Just Business Object. The subprogramme "Cultural heritage in the Chuvash Republic is seen how the dome melt greatly

World Cultural Heritage - Just Business Object. The subprogramme
World Cultural Heritage - Just Business Object. The subprogramme "Cultural heritage in the Chuvash Republic is seen how the dome melt greatly

The fire on the bell tower of the Novodevichy Monastery on March 15 of this year has already become a reason for gloomy conspiracy theories. I miss official information, according to which "serious damage did not receive the building" and "the bells were not injured," does not fit with the opinion of specialists. The official conclusion of the reasons for the fire in the Novodevichy Monastery will be done on the basis of an examination, which is carried out in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. However, it is already clear: the usual version of someone's negligence does not suit anyone.

Novodevichy Kolokolny, like the entire abode, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with the Church of Ascension in Kolomensky and Moscow Kremlin. The last time the Novodevichy Monastery was burning before the death of Ivan the Terrible in March 1584. And the monastery bell tower was last repaired in 1998, before the default: then during a hurricane, a cross fell from it. Now many too see in the event that has occurred a secret meaning: they see the symbol of the upcoming crisis. The information that we managed to collect "our version", leads to more landed thoughts.

What's silent bells

The preliminary reason for the ignition on the bell tower of the Novodevichy Monastery was named almost immediately: careless handling of fire. But in the company "StroyKomplekt", which conducted a restoration, said: all the work on the tanned bell tower were completed 12 hours before the start of the fire.

The second inconsistency in this story relates to what exactly and to what extent suffered as a result of a fire. Contractors immediately cheerfully reported: "There was no serious damage to the building - ignition touched in the main design of temporary forests. Deformed and damaged designs of the cross, sublit apple and cone. " The message published on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is no less optimistic: "Building forests burned, the penetration of fire inside the bell tower was not, therefore, most likely, the body of the bell tower was not injured with the exception of the soot from fire." The Deputy Minister of Culture of Russia Grigory Pirumov assured: "There is no serious damage to the monastery." By calling the Tour Bureau of the Novodevichy Monastery, I learned that "the bells during the fire were not melted, the appearance of the monastery was not injured, he did not close after the fire, the excursions did not stop."

However, there are other evaluations of the scale of the fire. So, the architect Konstantin Mikhailov is skeptical: "I am strongly not satisfied with the victorious relationships that everything is in order. For several hours, the bell tower was exposed to fire, then water. What is the condition after this stone masonry? Was she crap? In what state is the construction of the upper tiers? What is the state of the beam with wooden elements on which an ancient bell hangs? What happened to the bell? How did all this affect the white-named columns, platbands, carved scallops? "

Answer to these questions today no one has given ...

It can be seen how the dome melt greatly

Immediately after the fire was extended, the experts argued that the bell tower was practically not affected. But already in the afternoon the unarmed eye was visible how the dome was very melted. Its main value is a unique selection of bells. One of them (400-ton) was created on personal money the princes of Sofia. The material from which the dome cast can melt even at low temperature. Now there is no evidence that they survived in a fire.

On this topic

UNESCO rated the proposal to make Russian traditions of celebrating the New Year to the list of intangible cultural heritage of mankind. Russia cannot do this due to the fact that it has not ratified the relevant Convention.

The coordinator of the Public Movement "Archnadzor" Sergey Klychkov is also inclined to doubt that the bells are not damaged. That's what he told the "Our Version": "Kornari now speak carefully: they say, the damage is not so great. The temperature at which bronze melts is 1200 degrees Celsius. But even at a lesser temperature, the chemical composition of this metal is changing. How to change after that the sound of the bell, it is difficult to predict. Of course, it is necessary to appreciate it a professional rhodium. But will he tell about it? "

Senior Ringerie Cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin, Igor Konovalov, believes: "If under the influence of strong fire, the bell" Pot ", then in some cases it is impossible to restore it." If these concerns are confirmed, it means that a whole layer will die in the history of Russia ...

Anyway, the Novodevichy Monastery, most of the services in which he holds the Primate of the ROC of Patriarch Kirill, can stay for a long time without a bell tongue. Art historians fear that the fire fell forever the bells of the XVI century. The fact is that they are unique, such as the violin of Stradivari. It is impossible to restore them.

How to save on restoration?

The version of the careless handling of fire disappeared immediately: according to the representative of the company "StroyKomplekt", conducted by the restoration, thermal guns at the time of ignition were completely de-energized. Following this, in the depths of law enforcement agencies, they were talking about the fact that the fire in the Novodevichy Monastery could arrange hunters for gravestone gold, climbed on the scaffolding. "The dome of the bell tower was made goloby work. We have, unfortunately, people who, with the word "gold", turn off the brain. And no longer matters - jewelry, tin or samoyar, "said the source in law enforcement agencies of the city.

In the movement "Archnadzor" put forward their version of what happened. "In civilized countries, wooden forests during the restoration of the cultural object no longer uses such a value," the coordinator of this movement explained Sergey Klychkov, explained "our version". - Recently was in Italy - did not see wooden forests at all. Now in the course of metal forests. If there are no - they take a metal frame with a special impregnation so that they are not flammable. In my opinion, the use of ancient wooden forests during the restoration of the cultural monument of world importance is more than negligence. The forests were mounted with a complete violation of technology, as a result they began to burn massively. Why, when repaired by VDNH, used metal forests on modern technology? Why is the restoration of a unique historical monument, the UNESCO facility, entrusted the contractor without checking his technologies without assessing the risks? Where were the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Department of Cultural Heritage? Why did they arise only after the fire? There is another nuance. Now there are few high-class restorers with experience, they are expensive, instead they often use poor-quality labor of unqualified workers, because everything is struck by corruption. I look at the restoration of the Spasskaya Tower with horror and suffer a question: was she insured from fire? "

Fires in the crisis frequent

From the comment of the "Archnadzor" representative, another version follows, which is not yet officially appearing anywhere. Most likely it will not be announced in its expert conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture will not be mentioned in the Moscow Patriarchate.

Recall, the restoration works of the bell tower of the Novodevichy Monastery began in 2014. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave President Vladimir Putin Dmitry Medvedev. It was assumed to develop a set of measures to recreate the historical appearance of the monastery. Last year, 1 billion rubles was allocated for the design and construction work, the Ministry of Culture was allocated, in 2015, it was planned to allocate 2 billion, in 2016 - 1.5 billion, and in the first half of 2017 -

0.8 billion rubles. A total of about 5.3 billion rubles. But in view of the crisis, the amount began to decrease.

This is how the situation of Prododiankon Andrei Kuraev describes the situation: "The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation has allocated almost 800 million rubles for the further restoration of the Novodevichy Monastery. These funds are planned to repair the walls and towers of the female monastery, the singing chambers, the Lopukhin chambers, the cellars and the Irininskaya chambers. " Before the fire, the documentation looked different. "Purchase is made on the basis of the organizational and financial plan of the Federal Target Program" Culture of Russia (2012-2018) "for 2015 (paragraph 58. Preservation of cultural heritage sites, monuments of history and culture of religious destination in federal property)," in competitive documentation. But in the fall of 2014 it comes out the editor of the same resolution. Article 58 is reduced by 140 million. Protodiakon Andrei Kuraev comments this as follows: "Surprise the ease of financial maneuvers - in the middle of the fiscal year hundreds of millions can be so easy to transfer from some objects to others, and there are no emergency-victims from fire. It was repeatedly reported that only the scaffolding was burned in Novodevichy, and only the dome of the bell tower, neither the tower, no walls were injured. It seems that the fire is nothing more than a reason for this financial operation. "

Of course, while this is only an assumption. But it is not worth shooting it. The cause of fire, of course, will be installed, accusing someone once again in negligence. But the problem will remain: now even the object of the World Cultural Heritage, which is under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate, is no longer a shrine, but just the subject of business.

The Novodevichy Monastery founded Vasily III in the XVI century in memory of Smolensk, who has been under the rule of Lithuania. This completed the formation of a single and independent Moscow state. Throughout the entire existence, the monastery played a huge role in the history of the country. For example, in the troubled times, the monastery was a refuge for royal people, and in the XVII century there was sharpened princess Sophia. In 1812, the French retreating from Moscow wanted to blow up the monastery, but, according to legend, one of the nun managed to pour phytili water, which led to the cellar.

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About the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) in the Chuvash Republic

Chuvash Republic

About the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) in the Chuvash Republic

State Council

Chuvash Republic

This Law in accordance with the Federal Law of June 25, 2002 N 73-FZ "On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) is aimed at preserving, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage facilities (monuments of history and culture) in the territory of the Chuvash Republic.

(Preamble in the editorial office, of July 30, 2013 N 45)

Article 1. State Protection of Cultural Heritage

For the purposes of this Law under the state protection of the objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) (hereinafter referred to as the objects of cultural heritage) it is understood as a system of legal, organizational, financial, material and technical, informational and other bodies of state authorities of the Chuvash Republic and local governments within Their competence of measures aimed at identifying, accounting, studying the objects of cultural heritage, the prevention of their destruction or damage to them, control over the preservation and use of cultural heritage facilities.

Article 2. Powers of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of objects of cultural heritage

The powers of the State Council of the Chuvash Republic in the field of conservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage facilities include the adoption of the laws of the Chuvash Republic, control over their execution and other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Chuvash Republic.

Article 3. Powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic in the field of conservation, use, promotion and state protection of cultural heritage facilities

(Article 3 name in the editorial office)

The powers of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic in the field of conservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage facilities include:

(Paragraph 1 as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of February 4, 2008 N 7)

1) possession, use and disposal of cultural heritage facilities in state ownership of the Chuvash Republic, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Chuvash Republic;

(Paragraph 1 in the editorial office)

2) participation in the development and implementation of federal targeted programs for the conservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage sites;

3) the development and implementation of state programs of the Chuvash Republic (subprograms of state programs of the Chuvash region) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe preservation, use, promotion and state protection of cultural heritage sites;

(Paragraph 3 1 in the editorial office

(Paragraph 4 is recognized as invalid)

5) the preservation, use and promotion of cultural heritage objects in state ownership of the Chuvash Republic;

(Paragraph 5 as amended by the Laws of the Chuvash Republic of February 4, 2008 N 7, of July 30, 2013 N 45)

6) making a decision on the inclusion of the object of cultural heritage of the regional (republican) and local (municipal) meaning to the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Register) in accordance with the Federal Law;

(Paragraph 6, as amended, July 30, 2013 N 45)

7) appeal to the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of state protection of cultural heritage sites (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Protection Body of Cultural Heritage Objects), on the exception of the Register of Cultural Heritage of Regional (Republican), as well as the object of cultural heritage of the local (municipal) meaning in coordination with local government;

(Paragraph 7 in the editors of the laws of the Chuvash Republic of February 4, 2008 N 7, dated October 7, 2008 N 52, of July 30, 2013 N 45)

8) the formation of a list of not subject to the alienation of cultural heritage facilities in state ownership of the Chuvash Republic;

(Paragraph 8, as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of July 30, 2013 N 45)

9) Establishment of a preferential rent and its size to legal entities and individuals who own the objects of cultural heritage in the state ownership of the Chuvash Republic in the state ownership of the cultural heritage, which has investigated its own funds on their preservation provided for in Articles 40-45 of the Federal Law and ensuring the implementation of these works in accordance with federal law;

(Paragraph 9 as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of July 30, 2013 N 45)

10) the establishment of the procedure for determining the amount of payment of the state historical and cultural expertise (hereinafter - historical and cultural expertise) concerning the objects of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) and local (municipal) meanings identified by cultural heritage facilities, objects representing historical and cultural value, objects with signs of the object of cultural heritage, as well as land plots subject to economic development;

(Paragraph 10 in the editorial office)

11) coordination of the submission of the Federal Body of Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects on the Recreation of the Lost Cultural Heritage Object at the expense of the federal budget;

12) coordination of the submission of the federal protection of the objects of cultural heritage on the procedure for the organization of the federal significance historical and cultural reserve, located in the territory of the Chuvash Republic, about its borders and maintenance mode;

121) Approval of the borders of the protection of the object of the cultural heritage of the federal significance (with the exception of the borders of the protection zones of particularly valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the objects of the cultural heritage included in the World Heritage List), the use of land and town planning regulations within the boundaries of these zones on the basis of the project zones for the protection of the object of cultural heritage in coordination with the federal authority of the protection of cultural heritage objects;

(Paragraph 121 is supplemented by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of July 30, 2013 N 45)

122) approval of the borders of the protection zones of the object of cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value and the object of the cultural heritage of the local (municipal) meanings, the use of land and urban planning regulations within the boundaries of these zones;

(Paragraph 122 is complemented by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of July 30, 2013 N 45)

123) Approval of the list of historical settlements, which are of particular importance for the history and culture of the Chuvash Republic (hereinafter referred to as the historical settlements of regional (republican) meanings), the subject of protection of the historical settlement of regional (republican) importance, the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of the regional (republican) value;

(Paragraph 123 is complemented by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of July 30, 2013 N 45)

13) other powers attributed to its competence, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Chuvash Republic.

Article 31. Powers of the executive authority of the Chuvash Republic in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of objects of cultural heritage

The powers of the executive authority of the Chuvash Republic in the field of conservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage sites (hereinafter referred to as the Republican Protection Authority of Cultural Heritage Objects) include:

1) the state protection of the objects of the cultural heritage of federal significance in accordance with the delimitation of the powers provided for in Articles 9 and 91 of the Federal Law, the objects of cultural heritage of regional (republican) meanings identified by cultural heritage sites;

(Paragraph 1 in the editorial office)

2) state control in the field of conservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage facilities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Chuvash Republic;

3) carrying out work on identifying and accounting of objects that are values \u200b\u200bfrom the point of view of history, archeology, architecture, urban planning, art, science and technology, aesthetics, ethnology or anthropology, social culture and recommended for inclusion in the registry;

4) monitoring data on the objects of the cultural heritage included in the registry, in order to timely change the data on the objects of the cultural heritage included in the registry, within its competence;

5) issuing the owner of the object of cultural heritage included in the registry, the passport of the cultural heritage object within its competence;

6) provision to individuals and legal entities of the information contained in the documents submitted to include the object of cultural heritage in the registry;

7) the organization of the holding of a historical and cultural examination in terms of the examination required to substantiate the decision-making (coordination) of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic or the local government authority, which is assigned to the authorities of these bodies in accordance with the Federal Law;

8) issuance of prescriptions for the suspension of earthy, construction, reclamation, economic and other works in the event of the foundation of the facility with signs of the object of cultural heritage in accordance with Article 3 of the Federal Law, as well as the issuance of permits for the resumption of suspended work;

9) issuance of prescriptions for the suspension of earthy, construction, landoral, economic and other works, which can worsen the state of the cultural heritage object, disrupt its integrity and safety, as well as the issuance of permits for the resumption of suspended work;

10) appeal to the court with a claim provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 54 of the Federal Law, with respect to the object of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value identified by the object of cultural heritage;

11) coordination of draft general plans, projects of land use and development rules, prepared in relation to the territories of historical settlements of regional (republican) importance, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

12) other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Chuvash Republic.

Article 4. Powers of local governments in the Chuvash Republic in the field of preservation, use, promotion and state protection of cultural heritage facilities

(Name of article 4 as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of February 4, 2008 N 7)

The powers of local governments in the Chuvash Republic in the field of protection of cultural heritage facilities are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Chuvash Republic.

Article 5. Measures to preserve, use, popularize and state protection of cultural heritage facilities

(Name of Article 5 as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of February 4, 2008 N 7)

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic directly or through the republican protection of the cultural heritage facilities is measures to preserve, use and popularize the cultural heritage sites that are in state ownership of the Chuvash Republic, the state protection of the objects of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value.

(Part 1 in the editors of the laws of the Chuvash Republic of February 4, 2008 N 7, of July 30, 2013 N 45)

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic directly or through the Republican Protection Authority of Cultural Heritage Objects, the following powers are carried out at the expense of subventions from the federal budget:

1) preservation, use and popularization of cultural heritage objects in federal property;

(paragraph 1 of Part 2 of Article 5 of the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated April 12, 2005 N 10 "On the objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) in the Chuvash Republic" suspended until January 1, 2016 by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated July 30, 2013 N 45)

2) the state protection of the objects of the cultural heritage of the federal significance in accordance with Article 33 of the Federal Law, with the exception:

registry maintenance;

(Paragraph 5, as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52)

organizing and conducting historical and cultural expertise in the part necessary to fulfill the powers of the federal government of the protection of objects of cultural heritage;

(Paragraph third in the editors of the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated July 30, 2013 N 45)

coordination of projects for the protection of objects of cultural heritage of federal significance and urban planning regulations established within the boundaries of the territories of the cultural heritage of the federal significance located in historical settlements and the boundaries of their protection zones;

issuing permits (open sheets) to carry out work on identifying and studying the objects of archaeological heritage.

(Part 2 is complemented by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of February 4, 2008 N 7)

In the event that the owner of the object of the cultural heritage, the registry enabled, or the land plot, within which the object of the archaeological heritage is located, does not comply with the requirements for the preservation of the cultural heritage object or performs actions that threaten the safety of this object and the loss of their importance, the Republican Protection Organ Cultural heritage sites for the objects of the cultural heritage of regional (republican) importance to the identified objects of cultural heritage appeals to the court with a claim for seizurement of the owner of the wrong contents of the object of cultural heritage included in the registry, or a land plot or a plot of a water object, within which the object is located Archaeological heritage.

(Paragraph 9 as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52)

In case of adoption by the court, the decision on the withdrawal of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value included in the registry, or the land plot, within which the object of the archaeological heritage is located, the owner containing this object or this land plot in the improper method, on the reposition of the republican protection authority Cultural Heritage Objects The appropriate authority for government management redeems this object or this land plot or organizes them to sell from public auction.

(Paragraph 10 is supplemented by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52)

Article 6. Financing measures to preserve, popularize and state protection of cultural heritage facilities

Financing measures to preserve, promoting and state protection of the objects of cultural heritage of regional (republican) importance is carried out at the expense of the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic, as well as at the expense of other revenues not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Chuvash Republic.

The amount of financing of state programs of the Chuvash Republic (subprogrammes of state programs of the Chuvashkaya Republic) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage facilities are established by law on the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic for the next fiscal year and planning period.

(Paragraph second as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of July 30, 2013 N 45, dated December 26, 2013 N 97)

Article 7. Deciding on the inclusion of the objects of cultural heritage in the Register

(Name as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52)

1. The objects of cultural heritage are included in the registry in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law.

(Part 1 as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52)

2. The decision on the inclusion of the object of cultural heritage of the regional (republican) importance to the Register is made by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic on the representation of the republican body of protection of cultural heritage facilities.

The decision to include the object of the cultural heritage of the local (municipal) meaning to the registry is made by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic on the submission of the republican body of protection of cultural heritage facilities agreed with the local government.

3. To make a decision on the inclusion of the object of cultural heritage in the Register, the Republican Protection Authority of Cultural Heritage Protection is in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic documents in accordance with the Federal Law.

4. Registry maintenance is carried out in the manner prescribed by federal law.

Article 8. Changing the category of historical and cultural value of the object of cultural heritage

1. A change in the category of the historical and cultural value of the object of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value is carried out by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic on the representation of the republican body of protection of cultural heritage sites.

2. The cultural heritage object recognized as not meets the requirements for the objects of cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value is taken into account in the register as the object of cultural heritage of the local (municipal) importance with the consent of the local government of the municipality in which this object of cultural heritage is located .

3. The object of the cultural heritage of the local (municipal) value that meets the requirements for the objects of the cultural heritage of regional (republican) importance, on the submission of the local government body of the municipality, in which this object of cultural heritage is recommended by the republican body of protection of cultural facilities Heritage for inclusion in the Register as an object of cultural heritage of regional (republican) importance on the basis of the conclusion of historical and cultural expertise.

4. The object of cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value that meets the requirements of the cultural heritage of federal significance can be recommended by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic for inclusion in the registry as an object of cultural heritage of federal significance.

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic sends the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inclusion of the object of cultural heritage of the regional (republican) importance to the federal protection of the cultural heritage of the cultural heritage of the federal significance on the representation of the republican authority of the protection of cultural heritage facilities on the basis of the conclusion of historical and cultural expertise.

5. Information on the change in the category of historical and cultural significance of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) and local (municipal) importance is sent to the republican body of protection of cultural heritage sites in the federal protection of cultural heritage sites.

(Part 5, as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52)

Article 9. Informational inscriptions and designations on cultural heritage sites

At the objects of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican), the values \u200b\u200bincluded in the registry are established inscriptions and notation containing information about the object of cultural heritage (hereinafter - informational inscriptions and notation). The inscriptions are performed in Russian and Chuvash.

The installation of information inscriptions and designations at the facilities of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value included in the registry is made in agreement with the republican protection of the protection of cultural heritage facilities in accordance with the requirements established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic.

The Republican Protection Body of Cultural Heritage Protection is entitled to establish information inscriptions and designations at the cultural heritage of federal significance in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

(Paragraph 3 is complemented by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of June 2, 2006 N 23)

Article 10. Cultural Heritage Protection Areas Areas

In accordance with the federal law of the border of the protection zones of the object of cultural heritage (with the exception of the borders of the protection of highly valuable objects of the cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation and the objects of the cultural heritage included in the World Heritage List), land use regimes and urban planning regulations within the data boundaries of zones are approved on the basis of Project zones for the protection of the object of the cultural heritage of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic:

in coordination with the federal body of protection of cultural heritage facilities, in relation to the objects of the cultural heritage of the federal significance;

according to the republican authority, the protection of cultural heritage facilities agreed with the local government body is in relation to the objects of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) and local (municipal) meaning.

(Paragraph 3 in the editors of the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52)

Article 11. Design and work on the preservation of the monument or ensemble and (or) of their territories

Design and carrying out works on the preservation of a monument or an ensemble and (or) of their territories in relation to the objects of cultural heritage of the federal significance in accordance with the delimitation of powers provided for in Articles 9 and 91 of the Federal Law, the objects of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value, the objects of the cultural heritage of the local (municipal) importance to the identified objects of cultural heritage is carried out in coordination with the republican authority of the protection of cultural heritage facilities.

(Article 11 as amended by the Laws of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52, of July 30, 2013 N 45)

Article 12. Restriction of the movement of vehicles on the territory of the object of cultural heritage and in the protection zones of the object of cultural heritage

1. In the event of a threat to the violation of the integrity and preservation of cultural heritage sites, the movement of vehicles within the territories of historical settlements, cultural heritage objects and their protection zones is limited or prohibited.

2. The decision to restrict or prohibit the movement of vehicles within the boundaries of the territories of historical settlements, cultural heritage facilities or in the zones of their protection is made by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic on the submission of the republican body of protection of cultural heritage facilities agreed with local authorities.

Article 13. The procedure for conducting work on the preservation of the object of cultural heritage identified by the object of cultural heritage

1. Work on the preservation of the object of cultural heritage of the federal value in accordance with the delimitation of the powers provided for in Articles 9 and 91 of the Federal Law, the objects of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value, the identified objects of cultural heritage are carried out on the basis of written permission and assignment to the specified work in In accordance with the project documentation agreed with the republican authority of the protection of cultural heritage objects, subject to the implementation of the indicated body control.

2. issuance of a task to carry out works on the preservation of the object of cultural heritage and permits to carry out work on the preservation of the object of cultural heritage, as well as the coordination of project documentation for the preservation of the cultural heritage object with the objects of cultural heritage of the federal significance in accordance with the delimitation of the powers provided for Articles 9 and 91 of the Federal Law, the objects of cultural heritage of regional (republican), the identified objects of cultural heritage are carried out by the republican body of protection of cultural heritage sites.

(Part 2 as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated December 26, 2013 N 97)

3. In the event that, during work on the preservation of the cultural heritage facility, constructive and other characteristics of the reliability and security of this object of cultural heritage are affected, such work is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 131. Conducting archaeological field work

1. Works on identifying and studying the objects of archaeological heritage, including works that are intended to search and seize archaeological subjects (hereinafter - archaeological field work) are carried out in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law.

2. In accordance with the federal law, an individual who received permission (open list) is obliged not later than five working days before the start of archaeological field work is to submit to the republican protection of the objects of cultural heritage, the local government of the municipality in the territories of which is planned Conducting archaeological field work, notice in writing about the conduct of archaeological field work, indicating the term and place of their holding, as well as a copy of the permission (open sheet).

3. In case of detection when conducting archaeological field works of the objects of archaeological heritage in accordance with the Federal Law, an individual who received permission (open list) is required within ten working days from the date of identifying this object in writing to inform the Republican Protection Organ of Cultural Heritage Protection and Send to the specified authority a description of the detected object of archaeological heritage, text and graphic description of the location of the boundaries of the specified object, as well as a list of geographic coordinates of the characteristic points of these boundaries.

4. In case the credentials of the archaeological heritage object changed as a result of archaeological field work (object area, the subject of protection and other data), in accordance with the federal law, an individual who received permission (open leaf) is required during thirty working days From the date of the completion of archaeological field work, in writing to inform about these changes to the Republican Protection Body of Cultural Heritage Objects. "

Article 14. Recreation of the lost object of cultural heritage

The decision to recreate the lost object of cultural heritage at the expense of the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic is adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic on the proposal of the Republican Protection Body of Cultural Heritage Objects, based on the conclusion of historical and cultural expertise and agreed with local governments, including public opinion, as well as in Case of recreation of a monument or an ensemble of religious appointment, taking into account the opinion of religious organizations.

Article 15. Organization of the Historical and Cultural Reserve and the definition of its border

1. The procedure for the organization of the historical and cultural reserve of the regional (republican) value, its border and the content regime are established by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic on the submission of the republican body of protection of cultural heritage facilities agreed with local governments in whose territory this reserve is located.

2. The boundary of the regional reserve of the regional (republican) value is determined on the basis of a historical and cultural support plan and (or) other documents and materials in which the proposed border of the republican body of protection of cultural heritage objects is justified.

Article 151. Town-planning, economic and other activities in the historical settlement of regional (republican) meanings

1. With regard to the settlement or its part, within the boundaries of the cultural heritage facilities included in the register, the identified objects of cultural heritage and objects that make up the object of protection of the historical settlement of regional (republican) importance, may be decided to include the settlement or its Parts in the list of historical settlements of regional (republican) meanings.

2. List of historical settlements of regional (republican) meanings, the subject of protection of the historical settlement of regional (republican) meanings, the boundaries of the territory of the historical settlement of regional (republican) importance are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic on the representation of the Republican Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects and in the presence of coordination with the local authority Self-government of the municipality, in whose territory there is a historical settlement of regional (republican) meanings.

3. Projects of the master plans prepared in relation to the territories of historical settlements of regional (republican) importance are subject to coordination with the Republican Protection Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects in accordance with the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the authorized Government of the Russian Federation by the federal executive body.

4. Projects of land use and development rules prepared in the manner prescribed by Article 31 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, in relation to the territories of historical settlements of the regional (republican) meaning (hereinafter - projects of land use and development rules), in accordance with Part 81 of this article, are coordinated with Republican authority protection of cultural heritage sites.

The subject of coordination of projects of land use and development rules prepared in relation to the territories of historical settlements of regional (republican) importance is the compliance of these projects to the approved subject of the protection of the historical settlement of the regional (republican) meaning.

The Republican Protection Body of Cultural Heritage Objects within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the draft land use rules and development considers it for compliance with the approved subject of the protection of the historical settlement of regional (republican) importance, coordinates either refuses to agree on what the decision is made, which within five workers Days sends to the local government body, which submitted the draft land use and development rules.

Article 16. Providing for the use of the object of cultural heritage

The provision of the object of the cultural heritage, which is in state ownership of the Chuvash Republic, is carried out by the authorized body of the executive authority of the Chuvash Republic on the management of property in coordination with the republican authority of the protection of cultural heritage sites.

Article 16.1. Registration of security obligations, owner of the object of cultural heritage and security obligations of the user with the object of cultural heritage

The Republican Protection Authority of Cultural Heritage Objects in cases and procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation issues :;

security obligations of the owner of the object of cultural heritage in relation to the objects of the cultural heritage of federal significance in agreement with the federal body of protection of the objects of cultural heritage and objects of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value;

the security commitments of the user with the object of cultural heritage regarding the objects of the cultural heritage of the federal significance in agreement with the federal authority of the protection of the objects of cultural heritage and the objects of the cultural heritage of the regional (republican) value.

Article 17. Terms of use of cultural heritage facilities in state ownership of the Chuvash Republic

(Name as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of July 30, 2013 N 45)

1. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the objects of cultural heritage, which are in state ownership of the Chuvash Republic, land plots or water bodies, within which the object of archaeological heritage is located, can be used in economic and other practical purposes, if it does not damage the safety of the object and Does not violate its historical and cultural value, does not harm the surrounding historical and cultural environment, and also does not violate the rights and legitimate interests of others.

(Paragraph 1 as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52)

The decision on the possibility of using the object of the cultural heritage, which is in state ownership of the Chuvash Republic, is adopted by the republican body of protection of cultural heritage objects in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Chuvash Republic.

(Part 1, as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic of July 30, 2013 N 45)

2. In determining the possible use of the cultural heritage facility, which is in state ownership of the Chuvash Republic, or a land plot or aquatic object, within which the object of archaeological heritage is located, the requirements of the Federal Law, and also:

(Paragraph 1 as amended by the Law of the Chuvash Republic dated October 7, 2008 N 52)

compliance with the functional use of the cultural heritage object with historically established appointment;

preservation of the planning, volume-spatial structure, engineering and design features, decorative finishes and decoration of facades and the interior of the object of cultural heritage;

strict observance of the technical conditions of operation and the content of the object of cultural heritage in accordance with the requirements of the protection bodies of the objects of cultural heritage.

(Part 2 in the editorial office

Natalia Samro, historian

Cheboksary is one of the interesting historical cities of the Volga region, who once has a large number of objects of historical and architectural heritage. Until the last quarter of the twentieth century, he lived well-preserved, with a dense historical building, among which there were many interesting objects of architectural heritage, but as well as everywhere in Russia this legacy was not much studied. For state protection, the units of Cheboksary monuments were delivered, including several objects of civil architecture.

Type of Cheboksary from Yarilina Mountain. 1907

Panorama Cheboksary. 1930s.

Cheboksary with Yarilina Mountain. Photo 1930s.

At the turn of the 1970-1980s. According to historical Cheboksaras, a crushing blow was inflicted, physically destroyed a significant part of architectural monuments. But these days their history continues - in an equally regrettable, caricature form. And partly at the expense of the state budget. But first things first.

Victims of flooding

This incredible story began with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of August 30, 1960 No. 1327 "On the further improvement of the business of the protection of cultural monuments in the RSFSR", in accordance with which the object called the object in Cheboksary for protection as a monument of nationwide importance House Zelenshchova XVII century." Later, in the late 1970s, on the basis of attentive studies, the dating of the house was clarified, and it was attributed to the 30s of the 18th century.

House Zelenshchova. Factory ul. Photo 1930s.

Researchers paid attention to the preserved historical layout and such an interesting detail, as small octagonal windows above the doorways on the first floor. Probably, the originally house had a high hollow roof, characteristic of the Baroque style.

House Zelenshchova. Factory ul. OMDERS PA Teltevsky 1954 - 1956

The monument was called by the name of one of the last owners - Meschanin Zelenshchikova (more precisely, Zeeshshikov, as the Cheboksars themselves say), however, as now it is known, this house was built on the order Alexey Kadomtsev - one of the richest local merchants.

The state recognized the value of the Heritage of Cheboksar reluctantly and very gradually. Only on December 4, 1974, the decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 624 was also delivered to Goshraman as monuments of nationwide more than two objects, which are destined to play important roles in the future development of events. It was, firstly, House on the page (Salt Office Building) 1746, located at the address: Allied st., On the descent to the Volga (in local lore and historical and architectural literature, this building is sometimes called the home of the merchant Igumnov or describe it without specifying the owner as one of two historical houses on the Allied Street, 20).

Salt office. Photo 1970sg.

Salt office. SERMAND DRAWING PA Teltevsky. 1954-1956

And secondly -Ensemble of houses of the first halfXVIII in. at the address: ul. Kalinina, 6, 6a (in the yard), consisting of two single-storey residential buildings with a décor decor on the facades. Liures The last complex was also known as the houses belonging to Kommma Kadomtseva - one of the representatives of the merchant kind, which was owned by several stone houses in Cheboksary, including Baroque Zelenshchival.

House on Kalinin Street, 6. Photo 1950s.

House on ul. Kalinina, 6a. Photo 1930

All these monuments of history and cultures were, as it should be provided with passports: House Zelenshchikova even twice - in 1964 and 1972, Salt office - in 1972, the ensemble of houses on Kalinin Street - in 1972. However, a non-refining process Studies of monuments Benzhal, advancing him on his heels, a terrible threat: In accordance with the plans for the construction of Cheboksary hydroelectric station, most of the historic city center, unfortunately located in the Nisina, in the Volga of the Cheboksarka River, had to go under the water of the future reservoir. In fact, the architectural heritage of the capital of the Soviet Chuvashia was studied and fixed for farewell, before the inevitable destruction.

When it comes to megaranges in the field of electric power industry, the laws of the USSR and the RSFSR on the protection of monuments of history and culture were not able to protect monuments. Yes, dozens of historical villages and villages and thousands of hectares of land were doomed to flooding. The censes of the centered banks of the Volga, inseparable from the cultural memory of the Chuvash, Mari and Russian peoples, were to disappear forever.

In the late 1970s, the entire historical part of Cheboksary, who was in the zone of alleged flooding, was demolished, was demolished - with all monuments of church and civil architecture, which had misfortune there. Only the development survived on the high coast - the so-called Yarilina Mountain, or Western Kozoor, where the city citadel was located in ancient times. It was a small fragment of the previous city. Old Cheboksary stopped exist. In memory of them, only a pack of photographs and several historical and architectural passports remained.

House Zelenshchova before demolition. Photo 1979

Preparation of the lodge of the future reservoir. The development of Cheboksary is already demolished, on the right side of the frame allocated not disassembled House Zelenshchikova. Photo of the late 1970s.

Flooding Cheboksar. The beginning of the 1980s.

Bay on the site of the historic city

However, destroying his own heritage, the state simultaneously showed a kind of concern for him. Due to the inevitable loss of Cheboksary monuments that came to the flood zone, at the same time, in the late 1970s, it was decided to recreation in a new place of three monuments of nationwide importance: houses Zelenshchikov, houses on a bunch and ensemble of houses on Kalinin Street. To do this, on the brow of the Western Kosoyra, three plots were reserved on Mikhail street, 13, 15 and 17. There are copies of monuments, historically located far from each other, there was no matter how a fragment of the "historical city", which never existed in reality.

The scheme for the location of genuine (lost) monuments of Cheboksary and "Novodelov".

This idea, the artificiality of which in our time is striking, lying in the direction of the then ideas about the open-air museums as protective reservations for the old architecture, for various reasons displaced from emerging. True, the monuments of wooden architecture were usually subjected to such a transfer, and then there was a stone houses, more precisely repeating them with newcomers. In the seriousness of the intentions, fragments of the decor and block blocks were transported to the place of the alleged recreation, but did not go further. The recreation did not start soon after the demolition, no ten years later, and the forgotten piles of old bricks continued to freeze, mock and overcome nettle on the abandoned areas on the streets of Sailev, while, having come to the perfect dissent, were not taken out of the landfill with different city trash.

Three times the three monuments of the architecture of state importance - House Zelenshchova, the house on the block (Salt office) and the ensemble of houses of the first half XVIII in.However, oddly enough, this not only did not become a point at the end of the sad story, but on the contrary, it was the starting point for a completely unexpected development of events. Losts monuments were not removed from state bootsand the existence continued in the form of some kind of accurate accounting units. The state officially recognized the death of only a smaller of two houses entering the ensemble (ul., Kalinin, 6a); Almost twenty years later, after his actual death, he was removed from the regulation by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 452 dated May 5, 1997. "On the clarification of the composition of the objects of the historical and cultural heritage of the federal (all-Russian) meaning." That to the rest of Cheboksary ghost monuments, then in 2002, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Cultural Heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation", they safely gained the status of the cultural heritage of the federal significance, in which they are This day.

Meanwhile, the city itself experienced no less amazing metamorphosis. Dissatisfaction of the authorities and the public of the Gorky region, Chuvash and in particular the Mari ASSR, which threatened the loss of the third territory, led to the fact that the lift of the Cheboksar reservoir planned for 1987 to the level of 68 m did not take place. The reservoir mirror froze at 63 m. As a result, the territory of the former historical part of the city, the water has not reached the territory of the former historical part of the city. The destruction of old Cheboksary with all their monuments turned out to be completely meaningless.

Old Cheboksary. Figure A. and L. Aktsynovy. 1960s. In the center - the Assumption Church, which in the late 1970s will be on the shore of the "man-made sea", and in a few years - on the artificial island.

Center Cheboksary before flooding. The beginning of the 1980s.

The huge wasteland, in the middle of the city, was finally eliminated only in the second half of the 1990s. In its place there was a so-called bay - a picturesque artificial reservoir at the foot of Western Kosoyra, the beauty and pride of the current Cheboksary.

Beginning of flooding center Cheboksary. 1981 On the left side of the frame - the Assumption Church is now restored, it stands on an artificial island in the middle of the bay. Her lower - concreted - the tier is forever hidden underground.

Center Cheboksary. Photo 1981

Cheboksary Bay. Modern photo. In the left side of the frame - the surviving fragment of the historic city.

Thus, in the last quarter of the twentieth century, the town-planning situation of Cheboksary has changed radically. This is emphasized, in particular, in the modern General Plan of the Cheboksary City District. Summarizing the changes, comprehended by the city, this document talks about creating a "new volume-spatial structure and a functional system of the center, which is essentially globally different from previous historical stages of development."

In the same years, in the State Program for the Conservation and Development of Culture and Art of the Chuvash Republic for 1994-2000. There was a mention of plans to create a certain Museum of Stone Architecture of the XVIII century in Cheboksary on the street. M. Sespely. In accordance with this program, it was assumed to recreation at the expense of the budget of only two monuments - Salt Office and the House of Zelenshchikov. The third ghost object, which continues to be referred to as an ensemble of houses, despite the fact that only one house, only one house is already on state boots, it turned out to be in the center of special, unique history.

"Recreation" twenty years later. Episode first. House-Samozvana

As long as the state only planned the creation of the Museum of the new-fashioned architecture of the XVIII century on Mikhail Sespely's street, 13 and 15, the underestimating private initiative already mastered the plot at number 17, once intended to recreate the ensemble of houses. There on the means "production and commercial firm" Eleon "in the second half of the 1990s. The object was constructed, called "House merchant Kozma Kadomtseva" or just "House Kadomtseva". A large volume with a high roof, grown on the rifle of the hill, departed a view from the bay on the bay of the introduction of the Cathedral - a genuine monument of architecture of the XVII century, who previously played the role of the main town-planning dominant Cheboksary.

"House Kadomtseva", built in 1998

As it is not difficult to notice, with genuine houses of Kozma Kadomtseva, at one time the ensemble on Kalinin Street, 6, 6a, this building had no similarity. The source of inspiration for the author of the project of the newly "House of Kadomtseva" R.S. Bashirov served as the appearance of the outstanding monument of civil architecture of Cheboksar of the late XVII - early XVIII centuries, known as Zelenshchikov's house, served as the end of the XIX century. These magnificent Ancient Russian chambers should be distinguished from the later baroque house of Zelenshchikov, in favor of the end of the 1970s. Both houses located next to each other on the left bank of Cheboksarka, in the former leather Sloboda, at the end of the XIX century. belonged to one owner. For convenience, we denote the chamber as the "Early House Zelenshchikov".

"Early" House Zelenshchikova, disassembled in the 1880s. OMDERS B. Veselovsky and L. Dalya. The wooden upper part of the building is presented in the hypothetical reconstruction B. Veselovsky.

The measurements and the graphic reconstruction of the facades of the early house of Zelenshchov were published in the book "Monuments of the Ancient Russian Architecture" (Issue 1. SPB., 1895) Ed. V.V. Suslova. The wooden parts of the building are a high roof and a magnificent "barrel", the wedding porch, were a hypothetical recreation, that is, the fantasy of the architect, because at the time of the examination the house was in very poor condition, actually was a half-screen. The book Suslova saw the light when the early house of Zelenshchival no longer existed, he was disassembled back in the 1880s. However, be that as it may, thanks to this publication, his spectacular appearance entered the history of Russian architecture, as well as in scientific and local history literature on Cheboksary.

To a modest ensemble of Kozma Kadomtseva houses, Early House Zelenshchova did not have, of course, nothing, but that is such a charm of his image, or for what reason, only an erroneous identification of it with the main house of the ensemble - the object of cultural heritage of the federal value "Residential House, The first half of the XVIII century. " Not only widespread in tourist and local history literature, but also contained in official documents. It was precisely this that, under the guise of reconstitution of the monument, to build a building in the prestigious region of Cheboksar, significantly exceeding the original in the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bCheboksar, and resolutely different from him with his appearance. And now the confusion embodied in the brick and reinforced concrete, acquires the importance of an immutable fact. For example, in an explanatory note to the General Plan of the Cheboksary City District in the section dedicated to the objects of cultural heritage, called "Residential House, 1st Paul. XVIII century. " A description corresponding to the early house of Zelenshchikova is provided, and the existing building at: ul. Mikhail Sespelya, 17 Nobody Fight Interpreted as a recreated monument.

Meanwhile, it is quite obvious that the object built in the 1990s. on ul. Mikhail Sespell, 17 and now known as the "House of Kadomtseva", can not be considered recreation of the monument standing on state protection - the ensemble of the houses of the first half XVIII in., or at least one of them. If he can be considered, then only a monumental illustration for the immortal maxim of the prutkova goat "If you read the inscription" Buffalo "on the elephant cage, do not believe our eyes."

"House Kadomtseva" 1998 "Details" and "interiors".

Today, the self-stocked "House of Kadomtseva" is in private property and registered as a non-residential object. Building with a total area of \u200b\u200b2069 square meters. M, has four floors, including attic and basement with a garage and a swimming pool, as well as a basement, a terrace - a viewing platform overlooking the bay, with an area of \u200b\u200b348 square meters. m, and fenced territory with a separate guard for the protection. Internal layout Modern, outdoor decor eclectic. The area of \u200b\u200bthe land plot put on cadastral records, including the built-up, is 1,668 square meters. m. The value of this property can be judged by the fact that in early 2013 the owner exhibited the object for the sale for 45 million rubles (about $ 1.5 million at the then rate). Not surprisingly, in 2000s. He several times became the subject of raiding and court proceedings.

Announcement of the sale of "House Kadomtseva".

And now for further observations over the amazing features of the "House of Kadomtsev", we will be transferred from the shores of the Cheboksary Bay into a virtual bureaucratic space. The building that interests us predictably does not have a passport of the cultural heritage object, nevertheless, in the database of "Real Monuments of History and Culture" on the website of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, we discover the entry on the object of the cultural heritage of the federal value called "House Kadomtseva", located at the address: Chuvash Republic , Cheboksary, ul. Sareements, 17. It also indicates its dating - the first half of the XVIII century, and the unique monument code - 2110009000.

The origin of this entry in the official database is mysterious as its maintenance. How did the self-commercial house come there? Information that an act of giving an act of giving the building of the modern building called the "House of Kadomtseva" the status of the object of cultural heritage and even more so the monument of federal significance, it was not possible to detect. Although in the same database, it is argued that the "House of Kadomtseva" was put on state security by the resolution of the Summina of the RSFSR of December 4, 1974 No. 624, this information, as well as false dating, is clearly borrowed from the genuine ensemble of the goat Kadomtsev. But if the "House of Kadomtseva" officially never put on guard, then where did the monument code come from? Maybe it's just a copy of the code of one of the ensemble of houses? But no, the code "House of Kadomtseva" does not coincide with any of the codes assigned to the "ensemble of houses of the first half of the XVIII century."

It remains to state that the fake, although quite the real "house of Kadomtseva" coexists in the database of the Ministry of Culture of Russia in equal rights with genuine, although the ensemble of houses dematerialized thirty-five years ago. Looks like we are dealing with the reproduction of the monuments of the federal value of the kill. It is curious that the bumping object inherits only some signs from maternal, the most important of which is the land plot attached to the latter.

A miracle unprecedented in the framework of administrative procedures, however, embarrassed the protection authorities of the monuments of the Chuvash Republic. The faith in the conference of the monuments, they preferred a more traditional faith in the resettlement of the souls and simply recognized the four-level terremen of the modern building with a garage and a basic reincarnation of a single-story goat Kadomtsev's goat. As a result, in the list of objects of cultural heritage of the federal significance of the city of Cheboksary, posted On the official website of the government of Chuvashia, the object with the name "House of Kadomtseva" is generally absent, but at the address: ul. Mikhail Sesby, 17 Mentioned "Ensemble of Houses, 1st Half XVIII century." marked with that one of the two components of his monuments is lost. The second, it became, exists and is observed by the naked eye. If, of course, believe your eyes.

"Recreation" twenty years later. Episode second. Fake porch and unsuccessful sale of wasteland

While around a private house on the street. Mikhail Sesby, 17 The above-described paranormal phenomena, the state, for their part, also contributed to the development of an abnormal zone on Western Kosobore. As a result, the second monument of the ghost found the flesh - House on the page (Salt Constor). He was recreated in 2005 at the expense of budget funds of the Chuvash Republic on the site at: ul. Mikhail Sesby, 13 on the project, developed back in 1980 by the Institute of Special Processation. (According to the leaders of local structures for the protection of monuments, in the recreation, genuine bricks were used, survived by this time from ... House of Zelenshchival - Red.).

Recreation was declared as a scientific, based on the research materials of the deceased script. In particular, the restorers reproduced the historical layout of the building and even the archives of the interior. But at the same time, the recreated house on the bonde acquired a pseudo-historical porch, which a genuine monument never had. "Improve" distorted the composition of the facade, whores two of the six of his windows, and one of them turned into the door at all. Unfortunately, the building posted on a very winning place - on a high shore above the bay, addressed to the bay of a deaf end wall, which does not allow the city walking along the banks and guests of the city to admire this sample of the creative approach to the preservation of cultural heritage.

Salt office. Photo 1970s.

Salt office in a new place and with a new porch. Photo 2005

All this, however, does not interfere with the object representing the modern inaccurate reconstruction of the monument, lost at the turn of the 1970s - 1980s, possess the status of the cultural heritage of the federal value and how no means dating from 1746.

The Government of the Russian Federation by his order dated October 17, 2009 No. 1543-p attributed a monument to the federal value "House on the connecting" to the property of the Chuvash Republic. There were plans to post a museum there, however the building was not connected to engineering networks and, accordingly, unsuitable for operation. For several years, the house was empty, and only in 2013 it is as it is - without networks - transferred to the gratuitous use of the Cheboksar-Chuvash Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Meanwhile, on the site at: ul. Mikhail Sespelya, 15, located between the house on the block and the "Kadomtsev house", slowly unfolded the events around the third ghost monument - Houses Zelenshchikov. That is the Barochny, who at one time was next to the same names, now magically embodied in the "Kadomtsev House". The first attempt to recreate it was taken back in the 1990s. Due to extrabudgetary funds, a project of recreation was developed, but the work further laying the foundation then did not advance.

In 2008, the Director of the State Center for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of Chuvashia Nikolai Muratov in an interview with the REGNUM information agency said: "The project of the building is already ready. There are investors who are ready to invest in this considerable means ... with the condition of privatization. " Here in this condition and turned out to be the main snag.

In 2009, in fact, a non-existent monument - House Zelechnoshov (already with the new address on ul. Sespelya, 15) was issued to the ownership of Chuvashia by the same order of the Government of the Russian Federation as the house on the page. It opened the way to privatization, and in the same year he as a "incomplete construction of the facility" with a total area of \u200b\u200b296.6 square meters. M is included in the forecast plan (program) of the privatization of state property of the Chuvash Republic for 2010.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Property of the Chuvashia dated October 26, 2010 No. 900-R "On the conditions of privatization of state property of the Chuvash Republic - the objective of the construction of the object - the foundations of the architectural monument of the XVIII century - the houses of Zereshchikov, moved from the flooding zone, located at the address: Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, ul. M. Sesby, d. 15, and the land plot engaged in them and necessary for its use, ", the initial price of the property of the property was established in the amount of 607,700 rubles. (taking into account value added tax), and the cost of a land plot of 376 square meters. M - in the amount of 3 million 230 thousand rubles.

However, the privatization failed.

A year later, the Minas of Property of Chuvashia took a re-attempt and issued a decree of June 30, 2011 No. 584-P, in accordance with which the initial price of the property decreased to 277 thousand rubles, and the cost of the land plot - up to 1 million 465 thousand rubles .

However, after lowering the price, privatization did not take place.

September 20, 2013 Minister of Culture, on the Affairs of Nationalities and Archival Case of the Chuvash Republic V.P. Efimov in his speech mentioned the need to include Zelenchikov's house in the forecast plan (program) of the privatization of state property of the Chuvash Republic for 2014, but this time the case was not shorted from the dead point.

The project of recreation of the house of Zelenshchikov in the panorama of the Western Kosoyra. Bay.

The object of protection of a non-existent architectural monument

The ability to build a building at such a prestigious place in the city center, which has an excellent view of the bay, is probably attractive for private investment. What is the case? The reason, apparently, was not covered in the misfortune of Cheboksary investors, but in the absence of a non-existent monument of the documentation necessary for its reconstruction and to issue a security commitment to the future of the new owner. First of all, the established subject of protection of the object of cultural heritage of the federal value was required.

And on November 5, 2014, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation issues Order No. 1864 "On approval of the subject of protection of the object of cultural heritage of the federal value" House Zelenshchikov ", XVII century." (Chuvash Republic) and its registration in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation. " Like this: until Thousands of genuine monuments in all cities and weights of Russia do not have approved security items, the Federal Ministrycantum issues an order for the provision of a non-existent object of cultural heritage.

The object of protection is the thing is not cheap. The lack of funds for their development is usually united by the owners and the monument authorities in response to reproaches in insufficient care of the heritage entrusted to them. There is such a problem in Chuvashia, but for the sake of Zelenshchikov's houses found.

The nameless author of the subject of the protection of the house of Zelenshchova (and the law definitely requires a certified expert of the State Historical and Cultural Expertise to the Developer of the Project of the Project of Protection), he managed to create a completely amazing document. Guided by the principle of "mixing, but not to scold", he connected in one text the characteristics of the long-lost monument with the characteristics of the new land plot, and also pressed all this actual error. First of all, the preservation of the name of an object containing dating XVII century, refuted over thirty years ago, is striking. Along with the historical layout, vaults, large brick, outdoor coating, the "eared" platbands and the octamic windows of the second light, which once amounted to the distinctive feature of the genuine house of Zelenshchikov, in a new object of protection included such urban planning characteristics as "the location of the building on a plot located In the historic part of Western Kosoyra, in the center of the former Kremlin, on the street. Safe. " Reading this, unfamiliar with the situation, a person might think that the monument, the whole and uncructible, safely remains in its historical place in his native architectural and natural environment. The order of the Ministry of Culture does not contain the slightest hint that we are talking about a non-existent object to be reconstituted in a completely new landscape situation.

Sheel, however, do not hide in the bag. Everything becomes in its place when Zelenshchikova's house in the text of the security subject is called "an important part of the formative on the street. Uspelling an architectural ensemble of cultural heritage objects. "

"The emerging ensemble of cultural heritage objects" is not an oxymoron, it is a reality that is partially reflected in the waters of the bay. The ensemble is this outstanding, it includes exclusively monuments of federal significance: the liar-house of Kadomtseva, the new-fashioned house on the blockage with a fantasy porch and so far the non-existent house Zelenshchova.

It is necessary to say that, by itself, the question of the feasibility of reconstitution of the monument, lost more than thirty years ago, and even in a new place, in a fundamentally different landscape situation, from the point of view of modern heritage science, is, to put it mildly, very debated and precedent significant? However, claiming the subject of protection, the future house of Zelenshchikov, the Ministry of Culture did not consider it necessary to make his project for consideration by the Federal Scientific and Methodological Council on Cultural Heritage. And that's right: this document falls in a timely manner in the hands of specialists, he would not have a chance. Yes, and the "emerging ensemble of cultural heritage facilities" on Western Sobor would attract unwanted attention to themselves.

And what to do now?

First of all, it is necessary to recognize the obvious: the authentic monuments are irrevocably lost, and the fact that now appears under their names cannot even claim to be called "Novyodel", because it does not correspond to the criteria for the scientific and reliability of recreation.

Let us imagine that in the diamond pantry brazing among diamonds discovered glass. How should the leadership of this institution? And now I will replace Gokhran to the Ministry of Culture ...

In order to avoid falsification of the cultural heritage of Russia, the status of monuments of federal significance should be removed from the house of Zelenshchikov, at home on the block (building of the salt office) and the ensemble of houses of the first half of the XVIII century - in connection with the loss, as well as with the so-called "House of Kadomtseva" - in connection With the fact that such a monument never existed. The Ministry of Culture of Russia as a state body responsible for the preservation of the unique cultural heritage of our country can make an initiative of the publication of the relevant decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Obviously, the Federal Ministry accounting will also need to cancel its own order of November 5, 2014; The order of the Ministry of Culture, on the Affairs of Nationalities and Archival Case of the Chuvash Republic of October 28, 2014, is also subject to cancellation, on the statements of the territory and legal regime of land in the borders of the territory of the object of cultural heritage (monument of history and culture) of the Federal Heritage Values \u200b\u200b"House Zelenshchova, XVII century.".

By the way, the protection of the cultural heritage of Chuvashia in the late 1990s. They planned to rent a house Zelenchikov with security in connection with a loss, but this could not be done due to the fact that the work to exclude monuments from the registry was suspended during the preparation of the new Federal Law "On Cultural Heritage facilities".

To prevent such stories in the future, there would be another two Cheboksary object of cultural heritage of federal significance, also lost at the turn of the 1970-1980s. - "Residential house of the middle of the XVIII century." at the address: ul. Union, 18 and "residential house of the first half of the XVIII century." at the address: ul. Chernyshevsky, 6.

This will allow the list of Cultural Heritage of Cheboksar in accordance with reality.Gorky, but reality.

It is impossible, of course, not to take into account the complexity and delicacy of the situation. After the tragic history of Cheboksary, about mass destruction in the late 1970s. Historical development of the city, including the most important monuments of architecture of the XVII - XVIII centuries, you can understand the desire of the republican and city authorities to restore the historical image of at least some buildings. The point is only that, solving one problem, do not create another.

Glasses themselves can be beautiful and sparkling are not worse than diamonds, but placed in the pantry along with diamonds, they depreciate the real stones and abolish the concept of "jewelry". The copy, even the most accurate, never compares with the original, because it is a copy. Cultural heritage can only be genuine; Everything else is falsification. Neighborhood of the Terema with a swimming pool in one list with an ensemble of the introduced 1651 ensemble with its unique, not like painting, offensive for the historical memory of Cheboksary, Chuvashia, Russia. Offensively for all of us.

Our legacy can not be faked, you can not contribute to the register of deliberate novels, it is impossible to refer to the monuments of federal significance such buildings, which conscientious would be ashamed to be ashamed.

However, if there is no heritage on Mikhail street and there can be no heritage, it does not mean that there can not be built a building in a historic style, since the desire of the Republican and city authorities and the consent of the investor. It is not scary if a new house in the style of Russian Baroque, resembling the deceased House of Zelenshchikov, will appear on the bay mirror of the bay. The main thing is to stop deceiving yourself. In general, let him hang out over the streets of absurd climb, and everything will be honest.

Instead of comment. Director of the State Center for Cultural Heritage ProtectionChuvash RepublicNikolai Muratovin two Recent interview IA REGNUM made such estimates of the events of the late 1970s. and the current "recreation" in Cheboksary :

"It was 1978 - 1979. All objects that were demolished were not included in the register of monuments, in which the trouble. Why it happened, I can not understand ... whole quarters - a mansion to the mansion - everything was demolished, and everything turned out to be "not monuments" ... when the historical part of Cheboksary was carried out and the bed of the Cheboksarsky reservoir was preparing, a large debate was about to save and how to save. As a result, the main objects were identified, which represent the value at the federal level - the merchant mansions of the XVIII century - the house of Kadomtseva, the House of Zerechshchikova and the Salt Constor (Izumnova House). These buildings were cut into blocks, transferred to the streets of Sespely. According to the General Plan, they are subject to restore on the site of wooden dilapidated houses that went under demolition. Unfortunately, the blocks of houses-monuments, unfortunately, could not be preserved - laying on the street sespelling a couple of dozen years, the laying was mounted in crushed stone. The best bricks from the remaining allowed to restore the salt office. Investor's forces, Eridan, without attracting budget funds, restored the house of Kadomtseva.

Church of the crosses in Cheboksary on the banks of the reservoir. The beginning of the 1980s.

The fragment of the walls with the window and the head of the crusading church were stored. By the way, she was blown up in 1989, in the anniversary of the Chuvash Autonomy, so as not to spoil the surroundings - when the reservoir flooded, the bell tower spoke out of the water ... This church also wanted to recreate this church - near the temple of Mikhail Archangel (corner K. Ivanova and Bondarev ), Which then was a bookkeeping. No one could assume that soon he would again become the acting temple. Now there is nowhere to build. There were attempts to restore it and next to the previous place where the river port is now, - the Cossacks became interested in the temple, but the issues of placing an object and financing could not be solved.

The initial decision - to recreate the objects of civil architecture on the street Sespelya - was wise. After all, it is this scorch and is the historical center of Cheboksary. He had to become a "highlight", a tourist destination, where it was possible to show, what were the XVIII century Cheboksary and what mansions were built rich merchants. Talk about the fact that it was a flourishing of stone construction ...

In fairness, I will say that the restoration of these houses, indeed, went in different ways. For example, the house of Kadomtseva Now we see exactly the way he was historically, how he was read on ancient engravings - with the attic floor. But in the process of negotiations, the new owner set the condition that it would give the house only an appearance, and the layout will make such as you need. Or he will not build anything at all ... nothing can be done. Private property. There is no ruble of the budget there. And, in fact, the current house Kadomtseva is indeed, only a reminder that in the XVIII century was Cheboksary such a building.

Meaning (maintaining the security status of such monuments - ed.) There. Another question is a category. It may not be necessary to put it on the federal level, but it is enough to make it regional and even municipal. On the other hand, according to the law 73-FZ "On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation" buildings that represent architectural value can go into the rank of monuments 40-50 years after construction. So, for example, at the same house, Kadomtsev will again be a complete right to be called the monument in two hundred years.

But the salt office, fortunately, managed to restore using the original material. True, in her masonry left all the more or less remaining brick of the disassembled house of Zerechshikov. But it is also planned to be restored. Literally recently, Zereshchikov's house was registered with the Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation in order to recreate the appearance and layout. The recreation project was made thanks to the preserved photographs of the expedition of the famous professor of the story of Nekrasov, who worked in Cheboksary in the 30s. The twentieth century and revealed this most valuable object. Unfortunately, for a number of reasons, the recovery of the house of Zerechikov today froze at the stage of the foundation and 115 cubes of the masonry. "

On the direct question of the journalist: the house of Kadomtseva is the actual Novodel. Nevertheless, he is presented to tourists as a monument of civil architecture of the XVIII century. Do we have moral right to consider it a monument? - Nikolai Muratov answered like this:

"Yes, from the point of view of the restoration case, it is immoral And it is not good anywhere. But if life forced to apply such a method? "

In 2010, the term of the rules of protection, restoration and use of monuments of history and culture established by Decree of the Sovin of the USSR in 1982 is completed. In 2011, the new edition of the law "On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation should be fully implemented. Officials were concerned about the development of the new law long before this date - even in the late 90s of the twentieth century, and if it were not for the suburcticity of the process, stretching this work for a half decade, the new law could already work successfully. However, it has not yet been adopted by the last of the necessary shareholders necessary for this - on the procedure for certification of experts. The lack of this act for many years does not allow the subjects of the Russian Federation to update registers, excluding physically lost monuments and including newly identified. According to experts, the issues unresolved at the federal level affect the preservation of cultural heritage facilities and carry a real threat to the loss of cultural heritage objects outside the legal field - that is, their loss. These years have not been gone for many potential cultural monuments, which turned out to be very subject to time, in contrast to the unshakable unfortunate of officials.

There is in Cheboksary on the street "House of Zeechshikov" - a monument of federal significance, a valuable sample of civil architecture of the XVIII century. More precisely, its foundation, plenty of smoking bushes. The house was disassembled in the 70s of the twentieth century in the process of preparing the flooding zone, and the foundation is restilted in a new place. In the 90s, attempts were made to restore the monument, success, and not crowned: to revive him at the expense of the budget was simply unthinkable. True, due to extrabudgetary funds managed to develop a project of restoration. But the building-monument, although the "virtual" is an object of federal property, which means that the alienation of such state property has been prohibited and the recreation of the facility due to the means of a wealthy investor, naturally, with the condition of privatization of the structure was impossible. That was, in the late 90s, prepared documents for the exception of the "House of Zeemshchikov" from the list of monuments of history and culture protected by the state. But it was at this time that the activities on the inclusion and exclusion of monuments from the registry ceased.

"All began to wait for the release of the new law" On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation, "the director of the State Center for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Nikolai Muratov explained the situation. -" Upstairs "immediately warned that the applications should not be sent yet, that "So far, the law has not come out, the objects will not be excluded in the old scheme." The Federal Law "On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation" was released in 2002. Work on its preparation was conducted on the basis of world practice The law was a huge minus. He meant the presence of a large number of registered acts. At the federal level, the publication of the Regulation on the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation was assumed. In this, the most important sub-banner should be specified by the list of documents required for the formation and registry maintains, their forms are defined. Must be Relief and form of a passport of the cultural heritage facility, which is a mandatory document submitted to the body that carries out the state registration of rights to real estate. The most important documents related to the conduct of historical and cultural expertise of objects and others were also developed. Work on these acts stretches for another few years.

During the years of waiting for the law in the UMMAR District, the Church of the Tikhvinian Mother of God (1882) burned, in the Mariinsko-Posad district, the hurricane destroyed the windmill (1911), in Alatra, due to the adhesion of the soil, it became in the emergency condition built in the second half of the XIX century Tavern building. It was stood, tilted like the Pisa Tower, and the remaining fragments of the building were dismantled, as the danger to the life and health of people. The soil movement near the Sura River was turned into ruins and a complex of buildings of the Alaki Holy District Desert.

"And the Cross-Promotional Church (Cheboksary) is not since the late 1970s," Nikolai Muratov continued. "She was dismantled in connection with the preparation of the zone of the reservoir, and the bell tower, which was over the water after filling the reservoir, was blown up in 1980. Of The remaining fragments of the temple should have been restored in a new place, near the Church of Mikhail Arkhangel. But, firstly, it is impossible to restore on the slope - it is impossible to restore because of landslides, and secondly, then it was not assumed that the temple of Mikhail Archangel would again be in force. Since 1996, it has been used by the diocesan spiritual school, and therefore the new temple in the territory of the current temple will not put in any way ... The Cross-Costa Church is still listed in the list of historical and culture monuments. Moreover, the object as a federal property is on our balance ".

Not only physically lost monuments are subject to exclusion from the registry. On the objects included in the registry, work is constantly being carried out by their survey, archival data is being studied, the historical and cultural value is specified. Over time, the estimates of some events have changed, and, accordingly, some objects. Thus, according to experts, without a proper basis, at one time, a telegraph and hotel "Chuvashia" in Cheboksary was introduced to the list of monuments of regional importance. Recommended to exception from the registry and building of the anti-tuberculous sanatorium (p. Church, Alakura district), for a long time considered by the house where Klim Voroshilov stopped. It was revealed that the famous People's Commissar stayed in another house, once part of a sanatorium building complex, but now lost.

Or - a long-standing building along the street of composers Sparrows, 5a in the very center of Cheboksary, opposite the building, where the National Congress is located. In the course of the research, it was established that the structure, which was considered a monument of the era of constructivism, has no historical and cultural value, and was originally only a transformer booth. The building was purchased by LLC "Tupik" in the hope that these obstacles would be removed and it would be excluded from the list of monuments, which will make it possible to disassemble the dilapidated designs and build a decent structure. But time is coming, and according to the documents, this is still a monument, and therefore no manipulations, except for the restoration, cannot be produced in it, otherwise criminal liability faces. The case went into a dead end not only because Ironically, the new building owners is such a name, but also because, in fact, the new law does not work for a complete coil.

In the summer of 2009, the meeting of the Nizhny Novgorod region was held at the Nizhny Novgorod region meeting on issues related to the implementation of legislation on the protection of cultural heritage facilities. Representatives of all regions in one voice stated that it was necessary to take action immediately, because in the regions the mass of monuments or lost, physically not existing, or objects, the value of which was not confirmed, but which are still labeled in the registry. Then Rosokhrankulture went to meet, promising, despite the fact that the Light "Regulations on Historical and Cultural Expertise" did not see the light of the "Status" on the old scheme. It was proposed to urgently prepare documents on excluded objects. Chuvashia introduced documents for 21 objects. As long as they were considered, the Regulations on the cultural expert commission came out. And the case rose once again: from Rosokhrankultura, the answer came to exclude objects without conducting historical and culturally prohibited. As they say, "look above."

"So, in order to eliminate the monument of the history of culture from the registry, there must be a positive conclusion of the state historical and cultural expertise, - comments on Nikolai Muratov. - It would seem that there is nothing terrible, didn't we create commissions? But now there is one nuance: experts must be certified. At the federal level. What it is, while no one knows. There is such a moment: the state historical and cultural expertise will be carried out on a paid basis. What does this mean? It means, for example, that the owner of the object on the street. Composers Sparrow, 5a, who wants So that the object is excluded from the registry must write a statement and pay for the work of experts. It is very strange. Imagine what mine is led? "

In early 2000, a list of 37 objects recommended for the inclusion in the registry was drawn up, but the expectation of the new law stroked the procedure for the adoption of newly identified monuments under state protection for several years. In the absence of legal acts and methodological documents, in particular, the procedure for determining the subject of protection, the borders of the territory of the monument, it is impossible to ensure the safety of the object of cultural heritage during its privatization or transmission to use, experts are considered. For example, in the house on the street. Dzerzhinsky, built on the project of the famous architect Ivan Vedenin, new buildings of the building took and cut the parapets with balusters on the roof. And it is impossible to punish, because the house is not even a monument. And it is not even in the list of identified. In order for the monument to be detected, he needs to go through a certain procedure, after which the object is applied to the inclusion in the registry. Here, the issues of the regulatory framework are again arising, now not solved.

"For a long time," intersacon "had more than 100 objects worthy of being monuments," Nikolai Muratov said. Good half of them - the monuments of archeology. These are the ancient standings of various eras identified in recent years in recent years. But many and many architectural monuments. . For example, the building of the Cheboksary City Administration, to our shame, is still not a monument. Like a similar building - at the corner of the street. Leningrad and Pl. Republic. The buildings were built in the 50s of the famous Chuvash architect Feofan Sergeyev. If these Buildings are not monuments, the fact that then the monuments? As it happened - it is unclear. Probably, because according to documents, the monument is the average part - "dropping" building, located between them, (this is a monument of history related to the evacuity supportal) - but It was considered purely the monument to be all three buildings. Among the candidates for entering the register of monuments and several residential buildings of Cheboksary, in particular on the street. Textiles and at the pl. Victories playing a special role in the formation of the architectural panorama, the railway bridge (the beginning of the twentieth century. (Kanashsky district), a monument of Mother T.N. Nikolaev (Morghausky district), several temples. "

He noted that the cultural heritage is protected and persisted in strict accordance with the Law 73 - FZ "On the objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation." In accordance with its status, the monuments receive federal or regional subsidies for repairs, restoration and recovery. The only question is when it comes to turn and how much money will be allocated. So the salvation of the monument of history and culture in some cases can come only in the person of a local investor.

Perhaps this reason has become one of the decisions in making a decision on the transfer of the cultural heritage facilities of the federal significance relating to federal property to the ownership of the subject. In Chuvashia, this issue is resolved for seven objects. Among them - "House of Zeleshchikov", which is mentioned above.

"Now, I think the new owner - Major Property of Chuvashia - surely solve the issue of reconstitution of the monument with the new owner and a potential investor," says Nikolai Muratov. "There was hope and to complete the work in the nearly located salt office, the monument of the XVIII century. At the expense of the budget yet. Sogli ruin only the box. The object is not exploited because there are no networks - heat, water, electricity, and bring them in that area is no own.

But the law, no matter how beautiful it is, is always a stick about two ends. The transfer will affect positively two, transmitted now to the ownership of the republic. But five monuments it leaves sideways. It may be without financial support from the federal bodies of the House of the merchant Fedor Efremova, where the department of Russian and foreign arts of the Chuvash State Art Museum is located, the House of the merchant Nikolai Efremova, now the building of the National Congress. However, in the latter managed to accomplish a significant amount of work on the selected early tools, but remained unrealized project to restore an old stone parapet with vases. Now it is alarming and the fate of the house of Mathematics Nikolai Lobachevsky in Kozlovka. This year was submitted an application for scientific and design work and to the priority restoration. There must be the interiors, it is necessary to find out the original appearance of the Russian stoves, which were in the house, as there is information that they were temporable.

It remains without serious financial support for the building of the Cheboksary Art School - the house of Solovtsov, the XVIII century. In the last years due to federal funds, large-scale repair and restoration work is conducted. In 2008, at the expense of the funds allocated from the budget of Chuvashia, a project to restore the attic floor demolished in 1816 was developed. The designer decided to check whether the foundations could withstand and dug a shurt in the yard, the water clowd there. It turned out that the building was allocated all this time. In the fall of 2008, counter-emergency work was carried out, the foundation was strengthened. Due to this, it was possible to avoid large-scale destruction. In 2009, the funds allocated from the federal budget was replaced by the ceramic floor, the restoration of the part of the premises was restored. For 2010, an application was filed for 20 million rubles for the fulfillment of the complete restoration of the facades. But as a result, the remedy for the restoration was not highlighted.

Along the way, Muratov noted that the manager of the Cheboksar-Chuvash diocese Metropolitan of Varnaba categorically refused to take into the ownership of the diocese of the building-monuments of federal significance related to the property of Russia, and such facilities in Chuvashia - 20. The position of the Lord is due to the prospect of termination of the financing of work in the temples and monasteries from the federal budget.

"By the way, the objects included in 2010 on the list of monuments restored at the expense of federal means of monuments were requested by documents confirming their federal property. Thus, there is a real threat that federal money for the revival of the monuments of the federal significance that has become property facilities Chuvashia, may be no longer allocated, - explains the situation Nikolai Muratov. - Anxiety In connection with the prospect of termination of federal financing of such objects, it was still at the congress of monuments of monuments in Kazan in 2007. But then it was stated that the transition of an object from federal ownership in The property of the subject does not in any way affect further federal funding that the historical and cultural value of the object for Russia has crucial importance here. Now, based on the modern regulatory framework, if you look strictly on the letter of the law, you can be sure that ruble will not give. But we will look for options for solving I".

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