Fool. Witty expressions and thoughts about fools

Fool. Witty expressions and thoughts about fools
Fool. Witty expressions and thoughts about fools

No matter how stupid words of the fool, and sometimes they are sufficient to embarrass the smart man. V. Gogolbritis from the buyer is distinguished by the fact that the first for a penny will drive anyone, and the second for a penny will help himself. Severe-proceedings "Dead Souls", made a big impression on me. In its work, the author uses a complex, multidimensional composition, which echoes the Dante Divine Comedy composite structure. One of the aspects of which are a composite construction. Hogol, as it were, shows the circles of hell: the first round - landlords, the second - officials, the third - the highest officials.

Special meaning is concluded in the name of the poem. Dead souls are not peasants, not men, it is a landowner. Moreover, each landowner in the poem is the embodiment of a certain human defect. Hogol, as a Satir writer, looks around the life "through the prominent laughter and invisible tears in the world," this phrase is the key to understanding Gogol's creativity.

In each word of the writer, it is felt at the same time and laughter, and some kind of sadness. Gogol sees all the shortcomings of Russian reality, he rises them, but it all touches it deeply and hurts, as a person, truly loving Russia. The writer, "which passes by the characters of boring, nasty, striking his reality ...". Both bitter and boring the Writer's road who daring to exhibit "his terrible, amazing life, the whole depth of cold, crushed, everyday characters ...

"Gogol writes that such a writer will never know the fame, such a writer never to avoid a hypocritical court," who will give him a despicable corner in a number of writers, insulting humanity. "In the end, the Satir-Satir writer remains. According to the definition of Ozhegov, 1. case incident. 2. Small, minor case.

3. Part of the artwork, which has relative independence and completeness. So the episode of the "dead souls" of chikchiki at the box, is only an integral part of a large work. But with all this has a storyline and completion. Alone contrast compared to other episodes allows for a long time to remember the actions and its heroes that occur in it. It consists of three "dead souls" consists of three externally closed, but internally interconnected units: landlords, urban officials and biography of Chichikov. Each of these links helps to reveal the ideological and artistic intent of Gogol.

Between the author and heroes there is a fairly clear distribution of roles: the author thinks the heroes act. But in spite of the prose of the historian, who tries to be objective and constantly emphasizes the distance between themselves and the heroes, the author is not at all indifferent to the events. When all the characters are "dead souls" perceive me as if double vision: first, they seem like that they seem like ourselves, and, secondly, what they really are. This contrast between the imaginary significance of the hero and his true insignificance is the source of a deep comiasis. Evail with landowners, the author uses it seemingly defined order: describes the house, interior, gives a portrait of the owner, turns the conversation and dead souls, talks about the life of the peasants. In each hero, the writer finds a bright, individual and sharpening it. According to the storyline of Chichiki after Manilov, he headed for the Schemevich. But it happened so that he got to the box.

This sequence in the development of events had its logic. Lucky manilahs and a tirelessly blooming box - in some way exactly opposite people. And therefore one character makes a clearer other. By my mental development, the box is below all other landowners.

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I am pleased to read this classics, I look at the successful emission of his works, enjoying satire, which, literally, permeated all the replicas and characteristics of his literary characters. And why am I focusing on it? This is the answer for the quiz Multi.Ru, where it was necessary guess the author quotes about fools.

Is it so in life? Can an intelligent person who is confronted with stupidity? I believe that it can. For the obvious nonsense, spoken out loud, is most often not amenable to any logic or thoughtful detail and discernment. And therefore, a person receives a portion of stupidity and, in part, at that moment heifies himself, trying to find an answer or an explanation for her.

I think that in such situations, you should not engage in the analysis, you just need to count to 10, passing through the filter of the brain files an unnecessary conversational slag, because This period of time, usually grabs, so that the attack of nonsense has come to "no"!

P.S. Soon it will be new film about Gogol itself, And it seems to me that it is worth seeing. For the biography of the writer is very tragic and mystically incomprehensible, and the new, modern reading of the writer should become a new milestone in a more thoughtful approach to his work missed through the prism of his life.

Do you know Gogol characters well?

Like neither the words of the fool, and sometimes they are sufficient to embarrass the smart person.

N. Gogol

3 minutes to understand

Quotes about fools

Fools are now no less, they just became smarter.

Boris Krutier

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At the Law Faculty, you do not tell you that in jurisprudence the most important is the ability to get along with fools.

D. Lessing

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God created idiots, and the Internet made them equal.

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If a woman in your presence says: "What a fool I am!", It does not mean that you have the right to agree that it is really stupid. When she exclaims: "What a fool I am!", She just wants to say that her natural mind changed her this time.

Pierre Daninos.

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Fools in general, and domestic - especially, love to manage something.

V. Klyuchevsky

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When the fools wonder, new fools will come to power.

Arkady Davidovich

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Smart knows everything that he says, and the fool says everything he knows.

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This is how it is being done on our century: for each tide on the tide, for everyone smartly - in a fool - everything is equally, everything is true.

B. Okudzhava

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All the more dangerous fools on the other side of the barricades.

3. Calendkevich

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Shoot the sip of the fool is impolitely, but let it continue - just cruel.

B. Franklin

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There was no sample, there were no predecessors in the Russian, nor in foreign literature. All theories, all the traditions of literary were against him, because he was against them. To understand him, it was necessary to throw them out of the head at all, to forget about their existence, - and this would mean to be reborn, die and relent again, "Wissarion Belinsky wrote. Better and not tell you about the amazing gift of this genius.

The classic of French literature of the 20th century, Henri Troyia, was expressed about Nicolae Vasilyevich: "In the eyes of the Western reader, the two pillars of Russian literature are F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy; In the eyes of the Russian reader, both of them are in the shadow of a low human growth with a long nose, a bird look and a sarcastic smile. This man is perhaps the most extraordinary, genius-nugget, who ever knew the world. Among the writers of their time, he appears as a unique phenomenon, which, very quickly getting rid of the influence of others, carries its admirers to the world of phantasmagorius, in which the funny and terrible coexist.

We selected 20 quotes from the works of Nikolai Gogol:

It is, of course, Alexander Macedonian hero, but why break chairs? "Auditor"

I'm wife of you so that you will not hear. "Marriage"

Sit me the eyelids: I do not see! "Viy"

I gave birth to you, I'll kill you! "Taras Bulba"

Like neither the words of the fool, and sometimes they are sufficient to embarrass the smart person. "Dead Souls "

I say to everyone openly, I take a bribe, but what bribes? Kick puppies. This is a completely different business. "Auditor"

Eh, Russian populists! Doesn't like to die with your death! "Dead Souls "

There is nothing stern of all kinds of departments, regiments, office and, in a word, all kinds of official estates. Now all the private person considers his entire society in his face offended. "Shinel"

Do you know the Ukrainian night? Oh, you do not know the Ukrainian night! "May night, or drowning"

The step rate is what is looking for our soul that Mile for her everything. My step is - you. "Taras Bulba"

The child was dying, and he cried and made such a grimace, as if he would prejudice that there would be a titular adviser. "Shinel"

The newspaper may lose their reputation. If everyone becomes started to write that he escaped his nose, then ... and so already say that many inconsistencies and false rumors are printed. "Nose"

One there is only a decent person: prosecutor; Yes, and that if you say the truth, a pig. "Dead Souls "

What burning does not take time? "Starlavetsky landowners"

You need to handle the word honestly. It is the highest gift of God man. "Selected places from correspondence with friends"

No ultrasound holy partnership! Father loves her child, mother loves her child, child loves her father and mother. But this is not something, brothers: loves and beast your child. But to breed the relationship to the soul, and not by blood, can only one person can. "Taras Bulba"

All deception, all the dream, everything is not what it seems. "Nevsky Prospect "

There is an enemy's Russian man, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, if he would be giced. This enemy is too lazy. Letter K. S. Aksakov, March 1841, Rome

There are only two endless things: universe and human nonsense. However, I'm not sure about the universe.

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Albert Einstein

Equality is a friend of nonsense. Who can not distinguish - for all equal.

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Wilhelm Schwebel

Fools are ready to sacrifice everything in the world for the sake of two acquisitions: happiness and freedoms, but they are punished by what they seek their own; And it turns out that you have happiness, they have no abilities, and what to do with freedom, they have no idea.

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George Bernard Show

If someone told you: "Fool!" - Do not rush to think that he is smart, perhaps he just introduced himself.

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Unknown author ()

Artificial intelligence and closely will not compare with natural nonsense.

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Lemma Sallyläne

Weakness is, as it were, a pure movement of mind, deprived of meaningality and constancy, some eternal flight, in the same moment erased from memory.

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Paul Michel Fouco

It seems that the infinity of nonsense is only her beginning ...

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Leonid S. Sukhorukov

The unconscious is the chapter of my story that contains a white spot or false.

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Lacan Jacques

Any fool will find even more fool who will be admired.

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Nikola Bouoye

A sage is similar to the merchant tray: it silently shows his perfections, and a fool as a campaign drum, possesses a loud voice, and inside is empty and insignificant.

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Muslihaddin Saadi

Universal nonsense? Are we too narrowing the border? !!

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Evgeny Kashev

By stupidity, converts her children.

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Valery Afonchenko

In the clever got, and did not come out of the fools.

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Folk wisdom

Stupidity from genius sometimes separates only a step, but it is unknown, in which direction ...

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Mikhail Mamchich

You need to be able to do those nonsense that our nature requires.

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Nikola Sebastian Champhic

No man is more blind than the one who does not want to see.

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Jonathan Swift, Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky

There are cases in life, to get out of which only nonsense can help.

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Francois de Larochefuky

Stupidity is usually logical.

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Hugo Steinhaus

We will leave this world as stupid and as evil, how caught him.

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Voltaire (Marie Francois Aruhe)

The measure of man's mind is his ability to doubt the measure of his nonsense - Legurgi.

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E. and J. Burgur

Other nonsense does not pass borders only from what she was denied visa.

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Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Madness and witchcraft are very similar. Kudeschnik is an artist madness.

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Human has two satellites: their own shadow and their own stupidity.

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Veselin Georgiev

Smart does not like to talk about stupidity to the same extent to which fool he loves to talk about the mind.

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Baurzhan Tyibyekov

It is better to pray and seemed fool than to open the mouth and finally dispel doubts.

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Mark Twain

An indulgent attitude towards nonsense is inherent to every smart person.