Kalmyk proverbs and sayings with translation. AND

Kalmyk proverbs and sayings with translation. AND

The role of animal names in Kalmyk proverbs

Ledzhnova Valeria Vladimirovna

3 Course Student, ICFV, Kalmgu, RF, Elista

Ubosheiva Bamba Ehrengenovna

scientific leader, Cand. Phil. Sciences, Associate Professor KSU, RF, Elista

Folklore is a scientific term of English origin.

For the first time, he was introduced into a scientific job in 1846 by the English scientist William Toms (W.G. Thoms) "Quote". Literally, Folklore means "People's Wisdom", "People's Knowledge".

Under the folklore should intelligence the oral poetic creativity of the wide masses. Of course not only written artistic creativity, and verbal art in general, the folklore is a special department of literature, and folklourism is thus part of literary studies.

Proverbs - Brief sayings in relation to various sides of the life, which included in the turnover of spoken speech. By origin, its proverbs are extremely diverse. In reality, proverbs are different and in time of their origin, and by the peoples who created them, and according to the social environment, in which they arose or at least enjoyed special demand, and in sources that gave the material to create one or another saying.

Many proverbs were born as a conclusion from direct observations over real life.

Kalmyki, staying for 400 years in a foreign-speaking environment, retained the originality, colorfulness and imagery of their language. And proverbs are a bright confirmation. In the folklore of each people of the proverb and sayings occupy a special place. The artistic perfection of Kalmyk proverbs is the image, the depth of content, the brightness, the wealth of the language - provided them with eternal life in the people. In these small masterpieces of folk art in a brief, extremely compressed, poetic form, the experience of the people is summarized, the peculiarities of its national nature are captured. Born in different historical epochs, proverbs and sayings reflect the traits of life of their time, indirectly talk about long-standing events.

With confidence I can say that proverbs for many years will be an inexhaustible source of experience, wisdom and creativity and for writers who create their ingenious works and for the simple people living on the advice present in proverbs. You can add that some phrases can become proverbs and sayings from the works of modern writers. So, in the future, we will be able to enjoy interesting and smart statements, and therefore the past will live for a very long time.

Linguistic research of proverbs can shed light on solving issues of ethnobes and ethnic history of the people. Folklore language played a huge role in the formation and development of the literary Kalmyk language.

In the piggy bank of the Kalmyk people there are such works as 2 publications of the collection: Budmone Badm, Mazga Ivan. Collection of Halmg үlg.rmүd Hall Tәәlvrtә Touls / under. ed. A. Susseeva. - Elista, 1960. - S. 14, Budbleman Badm, Mazga Ivan. Collection of Halmg үlg.rmүd Hall Tәәlvrtә Touls / under. ed. A. Susseeva. - Elista, 1982. - P. 22.

As a source, I took the book by Todayeva B.Kh .. әРәСәН KHALMGUDN Born Kitdin ѳѳrd Moulin үlg.rmүd, Tәәlvrtә Touls. Proverbs, sayings and riddles of Kalmykov of Russia and the Ohratov of China / under total. ed. TS Purebeeva. - Elista, 2007. This publication is a publication of unique materials collected by the compiler during linguistic expeditions to study languages \u200b\u200band the shortcomings of all the mongony-language peoples living in China. In addition to these materials, collections of proverbs and sayings, mysteries, various dictionaries, works of fiction used in the book. The book consists of two sections - proverbs and sayings, mysteries.

The classification of proverbs and sayings is based on their semantic essence. The main thing is the characteristics of a person, its inner world and external manifestations. On the one hand, they are celebrated in them all good and good in man, and on the other, his vices are all that, bad and unworthy, which makes it immoral.

The classification of riddles is based on keywords - deposits associated with the names of human body parts, its physical and mental activity, life, moral values.

This book is of great importance in the folk treasury of the Kalmyk people, because proverbs and riddles are the eternal genres of oral folk creativity. Of course, not everything that was created and is created will endure checking the time, but the need for language creativity, the ability to him people is a faithful guarantee of their immortality.

Thanks to the names of animals, it can be understood what their role in the Kalmyk culture. After all, it is cattle breeding that is one of the main classes of the Kalmyk people. Also, it can be noted that due to the parallel, which is carried out in comparison of human qualities, you can accurately catch the meaning that we wanted to convey to the people. That is why, the names of animals are widely used both in Kalmyk Folklore and in the oral-folk work of other peoples.

I will consider one of the main fragments: fauna.

Considering Kalmyk proverbs, you can notice signs of culture and life in them. In proverbs with animal names, certain words and phrases, giving Kalmyk Proverbs, a special national-cultural flavor:

1. Er Zahuһin CheҗD / Emәltә Khazart MѳRN Bagtne.'In the soul of the present

men / Fixed Horse with Sedlom and Study '

2. ER KүMN NEG YGTә / ER MѳRN Nog Tashhurt. 'A true man is just one word / good horse enough of one whip'

3. Emin Muuһar Ger Bargdg / Emәlin Muuһar Dәәr һardg. "Because of the bad wife, the house is ruined / due to a bad saddle appears with a horse on the back of the horse '. "Quote."

In these proverbs, the basic objects that nomads often used were well traced. Thanks to Kalmyk proverbs, you can deeper the spirit of the Kalmyk people and get acquainted with his certain customs.

There are four main types of livestock in Kalmyk animal husbandry. These are rams, horses, cows and camels. They were based on the life of nomads. Thanks to the animals, they provided themselves with clothes, home, food and life objects. Since the most ancient times, when Kalmyki lived in kibits, animals were the basis of their activities. Therefore, in Kalmyk proverbs, they are so brightly reflected their role.

Animals can be classified on 4 types of livestock and other pets.

The main animal in Kalmyk cattle breeding is a horse. She helped nomads to quickly move along the endless steppe, passing various letters and wander from one place to another. It is the horse that is the main object used in Kalmyt Folklore, in particular, in proverbs. You can write more about the role of a horse in a nomad life.

1. KүMN BOLOH BAһAS / Kulg Bolh Unianas. "Will a man be seen since childhood / will be a good horse visible by the foal '

2. KүMN KѳGSHRVL Nutgen / AҗRһ KѳHSHRVL Iҗld. 'A man agitates among his / stallion older in herc

3. Kүnә Mur ONSN KүN / өVKәҗ KATRDG. 'A man saddled someone else's horse / rides a trick, lifted on the stirrups. " "Quote."

In this proverb, it is said that the rider who first sat down on the horse, lifted on the stirrups. This is done due to the fact that he does not know what move from the horse, gently or quickly he jumps, all this is unknown to him. Because the rider needs to feel the step of the horse to better master them.

The second animal, which made a huge contribution to Kalmyk animal husbandry is a cow. There are also many proverbs that are dedicated to this animal.

1. ҮСН уга КР MѳѳРәЧ / үРН Уга Гаргн уулуч. 'Cow, not giving milk, loves to wash / woman who does not have children, loves to cry'

2. Үс үKR MѳѳRMTHә / үЛ Уга Гару улумтха. 'Cow, giving a lot of milk, loves to wash / Snow, who is not capable of needlework, loves to sing. "Quote."

Here the images of the cow and women are used as creatures that suffer from both due to a certain agement. And in the second it is said that the cow and a snowy try to compensate for their drawbacks by other activities. Such similar proverbs have such a big difference between themselves.

Third animals from the main group is a ram. Thanks to this animal, nomads could provide themselves with meat products, clothing, household items and felt products.

This animal is also devoted by many proverbs.

1. Xѳn Sүlin tѳlә / Kүnnәnn tѳlә. 'Sheep born for Kurdyuk / man for children'

2. Khudin үg money / Huzin ѳvr Moshkrat. 'Words of the matchmaker are peeled and slices / and the horn of the ram twisted, twisted'. "Quote."

This proverb states that these things are pretty trivial and there is nothing surprising.

The fourth of this group is a camel. As well as other animals, he brought a lot of benefit, due to its excerpt and endurance.

1. Tomәn үkvl Thend Krdg Ugra. 'When a camel dies, it is not worth the price of a big thick needle'

In this proverb, it is said that, despite the enormous use of the camel, when he perits, everything will become useless. Because the camel brings help in its work.

2. Telenn Gichlә Yaman Hydh. 'He is talking about camel, and he is about the goat'

That is, in the meaning, I say one thing, and he answers me another. This proverb has an analogy from Russian folklore: "I am about a foma, and he is about Yero!".

3. Nes Telennә Khorһsnd Miñan Telenn Haldrdg. 'Thousands of camels (incorrect act of one) will slip on the rod of one camel. "Quote."

In addition to these animals, names and others were present in Kalmyk proverbs. All this was done to compare people with certain animals, conducting a comparison of their human qualities with established images of the animal world.

For example, a pig is associated with destruction, (һazr EVDG - һAha). "The pig always digs ground." Mongols even wore the boots with a sworn toe, in order not to hurt the earth. The snake in the proverbs often symbolizes the hidden character of something (Mojan Erәan һaza - the snake only the pattern outside).

1. KүMN KүMN Gihlә, / Kurӊ Erәn Moah Bolh. 'If a long time to pay for a person, he can become a brown-motley snake. (to him with good, and he with evil) '

2. KүMNI Kүkny Kүzүn BAT / KѳGSHN Tsarin Arsn Bat. 'In someone else's daughter, the neck is strong / at the old ox - skin'

The meaning of this proverb: "In someone else's plate food is better."

3. Kүn Medsәn Calm / Taka үzәn Choӊkdg. 'A person reads what knows / chicken pecks what sees'

4. ER KүMN Chonas Bishin Undg / Cholunas Bishin iddg. 'A man does not drive only on wolf / and eats everything except the stone'

It says about the strength of the Kalmyk man, who is in force to settle any animal. And in the second part of this proverb, the man's appetite is referred, because the pledge of power is the food. With the help of hyperboles, the value that wanted to transfer through this proverb is increasing.

5. Surgәsn Zulsn Buzz / Kerud Duta Em Ketzү. 'The bull, who ran away from herd / terrible woman is an amateur quarrel. "Quote."

The proverb is used in the meaning that the furious bull is equivalent to a woman who spreads scandals, destroying everything around. Bull breaks the surroundings, and a woman who loves disputes, destroys relations.

Thanks to his research, I learned more about folklore, about Kalmyk proverbs, about their role in our lives. Using the use of animal names in Kalmyk Folklore, one can safely argue about their huge role in the life of the Kalmyk people.

I described various proverbs that reflect characters, activities and life. Because of them, each person can familiarize themselves with a special national flavor described in Kalmyk Folklore.

Thanks to proverbs, you can more accurately and more emotionally express your thoughts. Therefore, they can be used as direct arguments in various works, writings, etc.

I believe that the folklore of each people is unique, and we must maintain it and take care. After all, folklore is a peculiar history of the nation, a kind of window in culture and tradition.


  1. Todaeva B.H. ӘРәСәН KHALMGUDN Ball Kitdin ѳѳrd Moelin үlg.rmүd, Tәәlvrtә Touls. Proverbs, sayings and riddles of Kalmykov of Russia and the Ohratov of China / under total. ed. TS Purebeeva. Elista, 2007.
  2. Folklore // literary encyclopedia. T. 11., 1939. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: http://feb-web.ru/feb/litenc/encyclop/leb/leb-7751.htm (reference date 12/20/14).


The proverbs of sayings (in Kalmyk - YLGYR) not only in art, but also in the life experience of the people, A. M. Gorky: "Proverbs and sayings of exemption form the whole life, social student experience of the labor people, and the writer is absolutely necessary to meet with The material that will teach him to compress the words like fingers into the fist, and deploy words firmly squeezed by others, deployed them so that it is naked in them, hostile to the tasks of the era, dead ... I studied a lot on proverbs, - otherwise: on thinking aphorisms "

On the love of the people to proverbs and mysteries, the folk proverbs, sayings and figurative definitions of them are best. The British call the proverbs "fruits of experience", the Italians - the "School of Wisdom", oriental nationalities are "wisdom flowers" and "non-naked pearls." "Talk - Flower, Proverb - Berry," says the Russian proverb. "The mountain hawk flies to the mountains, and the wise son says in accordance with the proverbs," says the proverb of the Kalmyk people.

There is a well-known particularly large love for a colorful, figurative, flowery, reobulating aphorism languages \u200b\u200bin Eastern nationalities. Special popularity and abundance of proverbs and sayings among Kalmykov are clear.

Proverbs, sayings and riddles, this "small form" of folklore, especially firmly burned in speech, in art, in the life of Soviet Kalmykia. They express wisdom and centuries-old experience of workers, they enrich and decorate the language, oral creativity of the people. Often you can hear the proverbs in an ordinary conversation, at meetings, meetings, they are often found in fairy tales, folk songs, in stories and in the works of writers and poets of Soviet Kalmykia.

The first publications of Kalmyk proverbs and riddles are the beginning of the last century. In 1810, N. Prachov published 27 Kalmyk proverbs. N. Nefedyev in his book about Kalmyks, published in 1834, leads 6 proverbs and 14 of the sayings. A number of proverbs, sayings and riddles are given in Kalmyk offshore. The most fully represented by Kalmyk proverbs and sayings, transmitted in the adopted transcription and in Russian translation, in the book of the Mongolder VL. Kotchich "Kalmyk Proverbs and sayings." Several hundred proverbs and mysteries of Kalmykia published in magazines and newspapers in pre-revolutionary time.

A significant number of proverbs collected in recent times has not yet been published. We will use first.

It is difficult to establish when the Kalmyk proverbs and riddles have come to our time, but it is obvious that this is the most steady genre of the folklore and the life of the main part of them is determined by several centuries. In a number of proverbs and riddles, such geographical names and animals are mentioned, which are characteristic of Mongolia, from where, as you know, Kalmyki moved to the Volga in the XVII century. The proverbs reflected the archaic beliefs and ideas: the echoes of the generic device of society, primitive animistic views, hints for civilians between trading, Derbetami and other Oratsky tribes were preserved. Finally, in some proverbs and riddles, weapons are mentioned, the tools of labor and household items, which have long been out of everybody (Dartzog, boom or firey, flint and spark).

2. Proverbs

Of the historical Kalmyk proverbs, the proverb about an important event in the history of the Kalmyk people - the care of Jungaria in 1771, rather accurately transmitting his essence: "We left the white king's rope and got into the iron muzzle of Chinese Mandarins."

Significantly the number of proverbs about social relations, primarily about the attitude of the Kalmyk peasant to feudal, bourgeoisie and to the clergy. Satirical pointedness here is even more apparent than in fairy tales. Allocated according to the abundance of proverbs about Zainshang, Neuona and Khanakh.

Quite transparently, the proverb about the spiritual superiority over the Khangans of the poor, begging: "What is not in the treasury of Khan, then it is in the soul of the beggar." A proverb about the Khansky Court is expressed: "The Khansky Court of Kriva has."

Horseshko beats the proverb on Zainshangs and Neuonam, by their greed, Samodor: "Neuon's mercy, (Zaisanga) is like snowfall on the back of the dog," "Let's play with the dog - you will stay without the floors, you will play with Neuon - you will stay without a head", " The life of a simple "," Neuon's favor - the unprinted shadow's favor "," What to wait for Dobo from Prince, better guard the back of the Camel Camel "," That Neyon, that the dog is one "(" Neuon Noha Haar ADEL ").

The later origin of the proverb about the ricers, fists, no less stinging, evil and talented: "The thief - with one sin, and the Bayone - with many sins", "who houses - a fist, that and outside the house - fist", "Rich in Pocket, the poor man in the soul "," At the sight of ruble paper, a speculator trembling the piles "," I was rich to believe - it's like a grain on the horn of a cow [on the edge of the needle] to throw "," Cattle will regret - in the mouth of the mouth will be rich, you will regret - In the blood of the head will be.

But what an assessment gives the proverbs of geruns and mangliks: "Better to die between the nails, than to get into the fingers of the Gologol Goyranung," "Avoid Gebourung, who has become Mirianin, run away from the will, former than a bull," "Greedy Manchik between two Hurulov's hungry remained."

By their expressiveness, the accuracy and bugs such proverbs cost other fairy tales.

Proverbs are an excellent evidence that the people have long known the essence and causes of social inequality. The Kalmyk Proverb knows that "five fingers are not equal, and people are not equal." She speaks about the material, and about the legal, and about political inequality: "Rich eats so far, the poor eats everything will eat everything," "a few - to satiety, and many - how much will it get", "a man who does not have yurts and livestock" Worse than the stray ps, "" who did not see the needs does not know her "," The man who in debt will not go up "," the word of the poor shape of a cow is like. "

Imprinted the Kalmyk Proverb and the experience of the class struggle, calling for this struggle. The people know perfectly well that "despair is unleashing the language, and the hunger is hands" and that "the wolf who often visiting herd falls into the trap." He knows about the solidarity of the workers, that "if you need help, it will help the poor." And the proverb openly calls for the struggle: "How many Nyun do not dominate - not content", how much black bone is neither tolerant - will rise. " At the same time, popular wisdom calls for remembering that "it is impossible to fight lonely" that "union is hero."

Wonderful in Kalmyk proverbs, as in general in folklore, the expression of love, respect for the people to work, in which the workers have long seen one of the basics of the coming human happiness. "When your hands are moving," jaws are moving, "says the proverb. "The chain of the chest ends, and the treasury of the palm does not end." And in the proverb, folk wisdom, as on the pages of the book, captures the experience of this work activity, generalizations, conclusions developed by the people over the centuries: "The case made to the owner seeks, the water from Kosoyra in the Nizin seeks", "Skill learned with the arrival of life Before the care of life is not forgotten, "" Giving food in the chest stops "," that a good worker will be seen by the child that it will be a good horse - it can be seen in the foal. "

Numerous proverbs, expressing the rules of social hostel, built on respect for a person, on mutual assistance and feasibility of collective labor: "stumbling will not twitch", "where the algae is good - the fish are collected; who has a good character - people are going "," I'll get a fought Introduction, hungry swari food "," Singers one boiler "," from words are frank good, from the friends of good good, "" When a person is bad - in his hoton goes to the bird Poor - in its nest is sent "," Lonely tree is not a tree, a lonely person is not a man. "

And the proverb boldly beating antisocial behavior, human defects, harming the team of workers: quarrels, revenge, chatty, rudeness, taciousness, stubbornness, envy, negligent attitude to work, etc. "Mekups will regret the Khansky Pictory," "from the miser friends are far from "," Bad man [a fool] of a club and a stone playing "," The Thief-Dog Laya comes, a liar-man laughing comes "," In the dust, the head of the impossible "," the bolt mouth is dirty, while troubled walking, " Lazy from a kibititis of meat will not get "," There is no fat that there is no fat, there is no rest, "if you take revenge - the thigh can break down," "Mount spoils the horse, the anger spoils a person", "the negligent work is doing twice," in the lair Kabanov alone do not go, among other people's thoughts do not give up. "

"White bone", Torgashi and Tsareki officials completely soldered Kalmykov, striving to pour vodka with a distinguished class hatred for enslavers. It is significant that in contrast to these aspirations, folk wisdom, folk art opposed vodka, against drunkenness: "Vodka spoils everything except the dishes," "drunk and mad is afraid."

If the earth and processing of it are in the focus of the Russian peasantry in the center of attention, then in Kalmyk proverbs, it is quite natural, the animal world dominates; From the animal of the world there are comparisons, metaphors: "Treasure - a horse that makes distant land close; The treasure is a girl who makes two people with friends, "if the bull on the head beat, then the cow spin hurts," "run - the mare quick, drag - the stallion is fast," "Cattle is breeding cattle", "Bad Buggy on your head Enroll. "

Proverbs, pretending the worldview of the people, generalizing, comprehending phenomena in the field of social life, ideology, in matters of life and death, youth and old age, past and future, etc. The latitude of generalizations, wisdom, sobriety of views, materialistic positions are What is characteristic of these proverbs. "It's all good that soon, except for death," "The face of the dead - like ash, the face of the living - like gold," "Create a person, create and eat", "Who thinks about the future - a wise, who reveals the old - master", " The young man who caught the first Tibenka smarter than the king, who owns the state, "" turn better to the young, throwing the country than to the old one, who spent his own eyelids. "

The proverbs affected the big traction of the people to the knowledge, the path to which Noyon and Bayna were blocked. "Science to learn - there is no old age," says Kalmyk Proverb; "Before one hundred years, the mind learn", "if, learning, then to the end, if you put on the top of yourself, then to bring to the house."

Huge importance and power attacks the word, his social function. It glorifies wise, truthful, accuracy, expressiveness and strength of the word. "Even a cobblestone cracks from the human language," says the beautiful Kalmyk proverb, "the wound from the wound is helated, it does not hesitate from the language," the other ends it. "The sick hat on the head is pleasant, the fair word is pleasant," "The Word, said without a consideration, like a shot without a sight," "Many talk is a confusion, talking little - wisdom."

A lot was recorded by Kalmyk proverbs, which captured the remnants of the generic device of society.

Here are some of the similar proverbs: "If the stronge is a belt four - the legs of the support, if the four-hot brothers are supporting," the beginning of the river - the source, the beginning of a person - the ancestors of the mother, "" a multi-way one who does not know his grandson "," Bird Poor - in his nest strives, man is bad - she strives to his rod, "" the elder brother will die - Snow inheritance will fall Merin - Skura inheritance. "

The influence of the ideology of feudal nobility and clergy on the proverbs and sayings has affected slightly. It is known that heberungs widely promoted the "sinfulness" of purity, prohibiting the people to wash, get rid of lice, etc. And it is from them that the proverbs seem to be as follows: "Who is dirty, that pious." From the same source, proverbs, degrading women, glorifying to know. The number of such proverbs is insignificant, they are immelled in the bulk of proverbs - the excellent creation of folk wisdom and creativity.

Among the ancient Kalmyk proverbs, as well as riddles, there are many traces of the primitive animistic worldview, manifested in an animation of the objects of nature and in such images of ancient mythology, like Tengri, mangons, etc. This kind of proverbs, sayings and riddles are of great value for researchers -thnetographers, as they give material to restore archaic representations and beliefs.

3. Riddles

A favorite folk genre of Kalmykia Children - Riddles (Calmyck Tile Gatay or Toule). Several hundred riddles are given in the column of VL. Kotchich, but this is only a small part of what is among the Kalmykov.

Curious form of existence of mysteries in Kalmykia - collective contest (game) for the best gaunting. Participants of such a game are usually divided into two parties, each of them chooses their leader (Telgoyachi). One party asks the riddle of another (in turn), and that party that will give the right answers, is considered the winner. In the process of such a competition, new riddles are often created. Such contests are organized not only among children, but also among adults.

There are in riddles and social motives. So, the irony, directed against the Khan and the clergy in the next riddles: "Khan came out, raising the dagger upwards" (the dog came out, raising the Huost), "Graying Ehrenrygen warms the liver, three manles warm their pants" (boiler and tagan).

Everything characteristic of the nomadic life of the old Kalmykia was reflected in the riddles. The kibitka in the riddles is particularly popular, and there are riddles on individual parts of the kibility: unins, smoke, a hob, etc.: "Belly is great, and the head of the hole" (kibitka), "on the shore of the round lake, which is stuck 10000 copies" (poles in The roof of kibititis), "sat down at the corner and scored the IV branches" (disassembly of the kibitat), "You go there, I will go here and at the door of Khan we will meet" (braid, joining a kibituka) and others. Similarly, the hearth belongs: Tagan, boiler, bucket, etc.

Much attention is paid to the mystery to the primitive tools of the nomadic: Arkana, gun, needle, a file, nippers, spindle, etc.; "On the other side of the house, a camel shouts, in the prominent place the dust rises" (shoot from the gun), "at the iron pig's tail from the beans" (needle), "Gray Sheep is fatting until it can get up" (spindle). A peculiar reflection is also found by individual labor processes: "Places that do not achieve a person reached a bird of Kurulda; The man who wished to get her took out the bird of another title "(Having a hot-hot-hot iron by the iron)," runs quickly (as if drops fall), with a firm, sits like a khan, has a black barley hat "(needle, thread and thread used When sewing), "A man with a spear drives a man with a subcovery" (needle and thimble), "Yellow dog, wagging a tail, fat" (spinning with threads).

The animal and vegetable world is widely represented in the riddles. Here we will find all the most characteristic representatives of the animal and plant world of Kalmyk steppes: wolf, fox, hare, horse, tushkanchik, crotch, frog, turtle, snake, ant, reed, kobyl, etc. Most of all domestic riddles: camels, horses, cows, sheep. "Mount leading to the thread" (entrance and camel), "The grass grown - reeds grew up between the two mountains" (wool that grew up from a camel between humps), "With a foil, with straight digging, with two stakes on the cliff" (cow), "On the other side of the current, under the growing curious boy who fell a blowing" (on the other side of the river under the tree, the wolf ate the sheep). Animal riddles are distinguished by great observation, curious comparisons. "The skin of the dead snake, the ears of a frightened camel" (Fox), "FROM SERNA - SERNA, SHOULD HOUSE - KOSE, CHRACT AND WITH WRITE - Sable, kill and see - horse" (hare), "runs screamed, with Mordo, like a calf "(Tushkanchik)," In an earthen tube - a meat cork "(Suslik).

Transferring to the Volga, Kalmyks first had the opportunity to observe agricultural work. Curiously, as the first acquaintance with agriculture was reflected in Kalmyk riddles. Bread ears got in the riddles the following figurative, metaphorical description: "The tree swings, swinging on the tree 80,000 branches, on each branch of the nest, in every nest of the testicles." Another mystery is curious: "At the origins of the Tar River I threw something-noticeable; When I went to see what he was, it turned out that it was alerted ears and drove her eyes "(Bread on the root).

Natural phenomena, sky and air in Kalmyk riddles, as in proverbs, often take pictures of pets, household items. The starry sky becomes a carpet at which it is impossible to step, the moon is a silver cup on ice or a cushion on a pillow, a piping on Tulup, half a pancake on the top of the yurt, the sun - the size of the size with a cup, in which the whole people is heated, or oil, grandmother who commemorate all living beings. Thunder and rain turn into a rusty blue stallion and in 99 fevering mares. The land becomes in the riddle of Tulupa father, through which it is impossible to cross, and the water is Tulup Mother, which cannot be collapsed. By the way, many of these images are generally distributed in Kalmyk Folklore.

Kalmykia Riddles on human body parts (fingers, eyes, eyelashes, teeth, etc.), clothes and shoes (hat, boots, stocking, turpentine, etc.), food (kaymak, mosic, milk, chailum) . For example: "Camel fell into the sea; The camel does not feel anxiety, and the sea feels "(Sorinka got into the eye)," On the banks of the round lake grew around Ramysh "(eyelashes)," Quick language licks the Earth "(boot)," Upper - not quite white, medium - so-so White, the lowest is very white. "(Top film kaymak, kaymak, milk).

In the circle of those Kalmyk mysteries, not only things, but also distracted concepts. In the riddles, folk wisdom seeks to comprehend the phenomena and in the field of spiritual life. For this number of riddles are characterized as follows: "It's walking on foot, it comes to the horse" (grief), "it's clear to the brain, in the pupils hidden" (thought), "a place that does not achieve a person reached his little baby" (human mind), "Red Burdyuk, drawing, not exhausted" (human mind), "Three things joyfully come in our world; What are they? " (Sun, Father's Heart, Mother and Father's Duma).

A few words about the original work of the Kalmyk folklore "Cost of the vertebra." Characterized by the execution of this work. One of the performers depicting the father of the bride, puts on the stick of the vertebral bone of the ram. "Bone is difficult to nibble," says I say, "and to say everything, it is even more difficult to say." After that, tapping on various protrusions and bumps of the bone, the teacher sets his partner who performs the role of the groom, mysterious questions for which the groom is obliged to give a witty resourceful answer. The topics of questions and answers are the most diverse, sometimes they approach the theme of Kalmyk mysteries.

The common genres of folklore should also include the expression-sharpness, which are often sake of the jokes exchanged the obsoles. It is said that Zaistangi and Neuona ordered their hired Duulcy to meet with such industrial coats of unwanted guests for them. The most successful from such exhibitions is preserved in folk memory and are transmitted from mouth to mouth. Talk, for example, the next episode.

A guest came to one Zaynutan, widely waving his hands. He met the remark of Duulchi:
- Without water on the boat, we do not make mash.
The guest also turned out to be resourceful.
- The bird has a wings, a man's hands.
"The mill is without a business - in vain the shaft was washed," Duulchi replied to him.

As can be seen from the example, similar sharpness-exposure is close in their essence to the proverbs. Sometimes whole competitions were arranged in such sharpness between Duulchi.

4. Poetics of proverbs and mysteries

Naked outwardly, the world surrounding the nomad is filled in riddles and proverbs with colorful images. Things through riddles are not perceived in an eternal form; With the help of taught comparisons, the metaphor appears in the new light, multifaceted, multi-stage; It becomes more visual and brighter their connection with the outside world.

The features of the artistic form of proverbs and riddles are determined by the installation to the maximum compressed, colorful and talex expression that summarizes a separate phenomenon of real reality, or on a shaped description with a metaphor or comparison of a separate subject. For most proverbs and riddles, it is characteristic of a song artistic form.

Each proverb and the mystery usually represents one simple or complex offer. According to the compositional system, the Kalmyk proverbs are divided, less frequently and polynomials, at the same time (the syntactic construction of the proverb is very clear) the meaning of the proverbs is strictly calculated, purposeful.

We give an example of a two-glued and polynomialic saying:

Gone on my feet comes.
Closed shovel does not come.
Hands not stored - the mouth stores
The mouth did not stop - the throat stores
The throat did not store - the stomach stores.
Kӱrzӓr Darsn Irdg Ugra.
AMN Es Hadgulssig - Hool Hadgildg
Hool Es Hadgulssid - Gasn Hadgildg.

We give a curious in composition a polynomial riddle:

Above the ground is built
Glass House;
There is no windows or doors,
There is no pipes in it,
And inside it is full of lamps.
Gazart Kӱrl Uga
Schil gear burӓtӓ;
Totrn Dunn Öbmr.

For the syntactic structure of many proverbs and riddles, syntactic parallelism is characterized - the monotony of the construction of simple proposals in a complex sentence, for example:

Rich - from one blizzard,
Bogatyr - from one bullet
Baatre, NEG SUN.

Multi-semen - not knowing his grandson
Rich - not knowing his Merinov.
Achan Tandg Ugra Önr,
Aghipan Tandg Ugra Bain.

In the latter case, as it happens often in Kalmyk proverbs and riddles, we meet the parallelism not only syntactic, but also rhythmic. In general, for Kalmyk proverbs, it is characterized by a rhythmic rank, although it is impossible to install strict rhythms in them. The sound organization is even more characteristic of them, the use of various sound repeats and alliterations.

Alliterations in rhythmic proverbs are built according to the same principle, as in folk songs, according to the principle, so to speak, rhymes or assembly at the beginning of the line, for example:

Barsin Slap Beach Bur,
Barsn Höön Beach Piz

Maddgin ӱG KEG,
Marengd Garӓӓs Shah.
Characteristic in sound proverb:
Hargoodgo Hargudgo
Khairkyn Hargydyk -
In it, in almost every word, the sounds "X", "O", "H", "P" are repeated. In addition, in proverbs you can detect internal and final rhymes.

The main artistic techniques of proverbs and mysteries - metaphors and comparisons. However, it is often possible to meet Kalmyk riddles in the form of a simple question. Pretty parts of this kind of riddles about "three things". The world has three things gloomy:

Glooming mangzhik shower not a knowledgeable law
Gloomed hoton in which there is no sheep,
The shower of a woman who does not have children is gloomy.

Three white things in the world, what are they?
(Teeth of laughing, hair aged, dice of a dead man).

Widespread in proverbs and especially in the riddles, the use of hyperboles, for example: "A sheep fell on the rock; The sheep does not feel anxiety, and the rock feels "(the meat fell between the teeth)," the mountain is leading for the thread "(to entrust the camel)," on the banks of the round lake that 10,000 copies are stuck "(poles in the roof of kibita).

In proverbs and riddles of Kalmykov, you can trace the influence of other nationalities. Interesting in this regard, transformation from Kalmykov of the Russian riddle: "Without windows, without doors, full of the hillside" (watermelon). This riddle of Kalmykov sounds: "Without a door, without Harachi, and full of kibita of people" (watermelon).

Explanation of the Kalmyk Terms given in the footnotes, made by prof. N. V. Kuner and L. V. Zevina.
A. M. Gorky. About how I learned to write.
N. Strakhov. The current state of the Kalmyk people, with the addition of Kalmyk laws and proceedings, the ten rules of their faith, prayers, moral stories, fairy tales, proverbs and songs. Savardine, St. Petersburg., 1810. Proverbs are shown on page 88-93.
N. Nefedyev. Detailed information about the Volga Kalmyks collected in place. St. Petersburg., 1834.
The scroll for Kalmyk ulus schools. Kazan, 1892 (15 mysteries and 25 proverbs in Russian transcription, without translation). Kalmyk-Russian letter. Ed. Dep. State Earth. Property, SPb., 1902, 70 pp. (35 mysteries and 81 proverbs).
Mangus is a monster, evil spirit.
For a detailed description of such competitions from Buryat and Kalmykov, see Hamboev. Sechzig Burjatische Rathsel. Bull, Historico-Philolog., T. X IV, №11, Melages asiat., T. III. - M. SSHRefoRer. Alexander Castren's Versuch Einer Buriatischen Sprachlehre Nebst Kurzem Wortherzeichniss. - Nordische Reisen Und Forschungen Von Dr. Al. Castren.
Unin - Springs (sticks inserted into the upper circle of yurt).
Kaimak - Penka, shot from milk.
Shulum - soup, broth.
Duulchi - Singer, Saucer.
Sumbal - Arrow, bullet.

Kalmyki. - Western Communion (Ohirat) people who live mainly in the Republic of Kalmykia - the subject of the Russian Federation. Talk to Kalmyk and Russian. Kalmytsky language refers to the Mongolian family of languages \u200b\u200band has two dialects - Derbetsky and Torgutsky, between which there are no significant differences. There are descendants of the Ohirat tribes migrating at the end of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries from Central Asia to the Lower Volga and in the Northern Caspian. Ancestors of Kalmykov: Dzungary.
The number of Kalmyks in Russia is about 185 thousand people, there are also small diasporas abroad. The main religion of believers Kalmykov is the Tibetan Buddhism of the Gelug School.
For Kalmyk oral folk art, various genres are characteristic of: heroic folk epic, fairy tales, historical, lyrical, ritual songs, label proverbs and sayings (Ulgur). In many of them, the following traces of ancient mythology. In Kalmyt Folklore, the proverbs occupy a prominent place. As in These intelligible and undercover expressions instill love for labor and native land, bring up a valor, honesty, courage and courage, ridicule and branded vices, condemn evil.

B. Ogachu and on the edge of the abyss - paradise.

In the middle of the lake - the duck is beautiful, in nomads - scientist.

Highly spoils man, very white quickly dirty.

A mountain hawk flies to the mountain, the son of the wise father says.

A tree growing on the edge of the forest - flexibly; Courageous man - proud.

For the ocean and drop - add.

Do not ask badly: he will say himself.

If the downtown is fat, then he and the owner flashes.

If the hands work, then the mouth works.

If there is a meager in treats - friends far.

Woman enjoys a domestic life, and a man - dear.

You will touch Neuon - you will stay without a head; Play with the dog - you will stay without the floors. (reflects the oppression of poor rich)

Winter weather can not be trusted.

From the flap clothes will save, I will cook from the last. (Outdated proverb about good wife)

From the seven one is always smart.

However far, go expensive; As if old, neither - take a girl.

As a frog is not jumping, but everything is in his pool.

As a poor snake. (speaks of any unfinished business)

No matter how angry swan - and he does not beat his eggs.

High-quality copper is not rust; Children and mother relatives do not forget each other.

When the fish dies, there are bones, when a man is dying, stays honor.

When the cap is suitable - nice head when they say right, then it's nice to heart.

The goat, dreaming of a double, remains without a kid.

Kozrenok to grown horns, mother barely; Water to engage the shore - hits them.

In addition to death, everything is fast, good.

Who loves his homeland, it is easier to overcome the enemy.

Who crumble meat, he licks his hands.

Where will get the leg - will hit where the neck will reach - bites.

Lazy and in his kibitka meat will not get. (i.e. lazy even ready to take)

The horse because of the consuming back is forced to go internally, a man because of poverty is forced to engage in sign.

Better when the rope is long, and the speech of the radar.

Best food treat guests, best clothes put on yourself.

A man has no free time, sandalwood has no flaw.

Male is better death than shame.

Things - on the throne, ass - in the mud.

Do not be offended by calling bad: it is impossible to say that it will be with him, did not praise in advance of good: it is not known what will be.

You should not trust the tigra, and should not laugh at the coming.

It is impossible to tear the tongue from the lip, on which there is a wound, you can not take a look from your beloved.

It is impossible to constantly speak only because the mouth is located under your nose.

A frivolous person is far a road.

There are no boys who have not experienced sorrow.

No baby, and adult will not.

Fall in the abyss contributes to the damnation, funeral - gerus.

There is nothing to drink, but he loves Jombu, riding nothing on anything, but loves foreign goods.

A bad person insults people, a bad horse stumbles on the trees.

Hanna feed - that spring snow.

We take care of a disturbing person - the head will be in the blood, take care of the cattle - oil will be in the mouth.

While young - Meet People, while the horse is good - cross the earth.

After the rain, the sun burns, after a lie, the shame is burning.

You will lose your favorite friend - you remember seven years, leave your homeland - you will remember her to death.

Tie a horse in an open place, be frank only with a friend.

Straightforward man does, as he says; A sharp knife cuts as soon as she touch.

Bird is strong in wings, man - help.

Let the winter are soft, but still - winter.

Crafts learn - no old age.

The race is thrown on his daughter's children.

Fish does not show a knife, a person does not make evil.

With warmer, do not argue because of food, do not argue with richness because of happiness.

Sigak is fat on a good feed, Grayan is riches when a lot, dead mans. (directed against Lamisian clergy)

The lamp before smoking, flashes.

Pig does not see the sky.

By force you can defeat one, knowledge - many.

Strictly do not flatter, weak are not offended.

Strong growls, powerless - squeal.

A bold badger is better than a fifth bull.

The dog that runs will find a bone.

Own the smell of man is unknown.

The sun is always shining, and learning is sweeter than sugar and honey.

First drink, then ask, why arrived.

Standing face forward, laughing, standing face back - weed.

The insidious luck has once, at skillful - twice.

Who has no desire, there is no strength.

At the stick two ends.

Lovely ask the reason, and crying calm down.

Decoration of a man - courage.

Smart hides dignity in the heart, stupid keeps them in the language.

Teaching is a source of happiness, lazy - the source of torment.

Doctrine is a spring mind.

Character is good when he is suitable, and the collar is good when he is on the fur coat.

Although it was raining, but do not leave the cattle without water. (proverb associated with basic classes, above all, with cattle breeding)

Man who has gone food, eating and drink.

A man playing himself never loses with himself.

The more you will interfere with tea, it becomes thicker.

Than to be an elephant tail, it is better to be a head camel.

On this page: Kalmytsky folk proverbs and sayings with translation into Russian.