The abstract of the lesson on the topic "Everywhere in the Fatherland, from the edge and to the region. The abstract of the lesson on the topic "Everywhere in the Fatherland, from the edge and to the edge there is a better native land

The abstract of the lesson on the topic
The abstract of the lesson on the topic "Everywhere in the Fatherland, from the edge and to the region. The abstract of the lesson on the topic "Everywhere in the Fatherland, from the edge and to the edge there is a better native land

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the stories and poems of your homeland, about your homeland; learn why his homeland is so important for a person; Perform interesting tasks.

Our Fatherland

Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia.

Fig. 2. Coat of arms of Russia ()

Fig. 3. Russian forest ()

My birthplace, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native to us; And the mother - because she fielled us with her bread, releasing her waters, learned her tongue; As her mother protects and protects us from any enemies, and when we fall forever, she will cover and our bones.

Fig. 4. Russian field ()

Our motherland-mother is great - Svyatourus Earth! From the west to the east, it stretches by almost eleven thousand luristers; And from the north to south of four and a half.
There is a lot in the world and except for Russia all sorts of good states and lands, but one person has a native mother - one and his homeland.

Fig. 5. Flag of Russia ()

In the text you met phrase "Impact of the century", Consider its value:

Score a century - has long been, for a long time.

Find answers to questions in the text of the story:

  1. Why are we calling Russia by the Fatherland?
  2. Why are we calling her homeland?
  3. Why do we call Russia's mother?


  1. We call Russia for the fatherland because it lived in the daytime of the Venta Fathers and our grandfathers.
  2. My homeland, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us a native language in it, and everything in it is native ...
  3. ... And the mother - because she fielled us with her bread, rehearsed with her waters, learned her tongue; As her mother protects and protects us from any enemies, and when we fall forever, she will cover and our bones.

Which of these proverbs are suitable for the story "Our Fatherland"?

  • To live home to serve.
  • Some of my own side.

Answer: This story suits every proverb.

Read the poem V. Orlov (Fig. 6) "native".

Fig. 6.N. Orlov ()


I found out that I have

There is a huge relatives:

And path, and fishing fish

In the field - every spikelet,

River, heaven I need me -

- It's all my native!

Fig. 7. Native edges ()

Motherland has his own, this is the land where you were born.

If you ask people born in Russia, draw their homeland, all drawing will be different: someone will draw a city, someone - the countryside, someone - the mountain region, and someone - Tundra. Every homeland has its own, but everyone has it better to write: she is one single - Russia.

Read two poems and determine that they are general:

Skzorets on a stranger(Fig. 8)

Skzorets flew away
Somil behind the sea lives,
Water drinks from warm puddles,
Only songs do not sing.

He rifles in the edges of the native,
Where was born and where they grew
Where in his own way for the first time
The word "mother" said.

He misses the trees
According to the ringing stream,
On benchmark,
By village
By neighbor Sparrow.

Allenka and Aleshka -
Expensive friends their
And a little cat,
What hunted him.

G. Ladonchikov

There is no native land

Zhura Zhura-Zhuravel(Fig. 9) !
He took place a hundred lands.
Took place, went around
Wings, legs noded.

We asked the crane:
- Where is the best land? -
He answered, fleeing:
- Better there is no native edge!

P. Voronko

These poems have the overall that in each of them the love of love for the native land.

Which of the proverbs comes to these poems?

  • To live home to serve.
  • Motherland is a mother, able to stand up for her.
  • For the Motherland, he does not regret nor life.
  • Some of my own side.

Answer: Last proverb.

Motherland - The place where we were born, we live now, our relatives and friends live (we call it a small homeland). We all citizens of one great country - Russia.

Our homeland, Russia, like other states of the world, has its coat of arms, flag and anthem (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Symbols of Russia ()

Connect parts of proposals and read proverbs about homeland:


For their homeland - the mother is not scary to die.

There is nothing more painful than our homeland.

Man without a homeland - that nightinglets without a song.

Add suitable words in the phrase:

Each of us is _______ Great Motherland.

Motherland should be _____!


Each of us is a citizen, a particle, the owner of the Great Motherland.

Motherland must love, protect, guard!

Be real patriots of your country. Read and remember the phrase:

Be predominant to your homeland!


  1. To define the concept Motherland.
  2. We learn by heart your favorite poem about the Motherland.
  3. Draw your native edge.


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite Pages: Literary reading tutorial for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: workbook to a textbook for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Methodical recommendations for textbooks 2, 3, 4 classes (with an electronic application). - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2 class. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  1. Tak-to ().
  2. ().
  3. ().

Reading the poem "Skzorets on a foreign land" G. Ladonchikov
Guys! Please listen to the poem, which I read you. Pay attention to my voice, intonation, with what I will read. This will help you answer my questions. So listen.
Skzorets on a stranger
Skzorets flew away
Synty for the sea lives,
Water drinks from warm puddles,
Only songs do not sing.
He misses the trees
According to the ringing stream,
On berth, in the village,
By neighbor Sparrow.
On Alenka and Aleshka -
Major friends mine
And a little cat,
What hunted him
Line-seller, guys, you noticed, how did I read this poem? (With sadness.) Which voice was my? (Sad, sad.) And what do you think why? (Because Skvortz was sad, he flew out of his home.)
But he flew away from the jewel. And by the way, what is "staud", how to say differently? Who will tell? (From the cold, the starfish flew away from Claus.) And what does it mean: "Somses surrounds the sea"? (Satisfy, it means good.)
And why, if he lives so well, he does not sing songs? What do you think? (He misses her hometown.)
Yes, because he is in a foreign land. Who knows how to explain the phrase "on a foreign land"? (On someone else's side, in someone else's edge.)
Excellent! Well done! Of course, he is far from his home. That's why he is sad and sad. And what does he miss? Did you remember? (According to the trees on the ringing creek, according to neighbor Sparrow.) And about whom? I will tell you: "In Alonka and Aleshka and a little bit ..." (on a cat, which hunted him.) Yes! The cat followed him, could eat him, and he still misses her. That is why this poem is sad, and it's a sorry for us a little squorter, but it's not necessary to worry very worry. And why? What do you think? Who can answer? Who guessed? (He will soon arrive at home again when spring comes.)
That's right, the house is waiting for his homeland - a birdhouse, and a cat, and Alenka and Aleshka. After all, the squorter is what kind of bird? (This is a fleeting bird)
What are you great! Everyone understood and explained why this is such a wonderful, but very sad poem.

Applied files

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the stories and poems of your homeland, about your homeland; learn why his homeland is so important for a person; Perform interesting tasks.

Our Fatherland

Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia.

Fig. 2. Coat of arms of Russia ()

Fig. 3. Russian forest ()

My birthplace, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native to us; And the mother - because she fielled us with her bread, releasing her waters, learned her tongue; As her mother protects and protects us from any enemies, and when we fall forever, she will cover and our bones.

Fig. 4. Russian field ()

Our motherland-mother is great - Svyatourus Earth! From the west to the east, it stretches by almost eleven thousand luristers; And from the north to south of four and a half.
There is a lot in the world and except for Russia all sorts of good states and lands, but one person has a native mother - one and his homeland.

Fig. 5. Flag of Russia ()

In the text you met phrase "Impact of the century", Consider its value:

Score a century - has long been, for a long time.

Find answers to questions in the text of the story:

  1. Why are we calling Russia by the Fatherland?
  2. Why are we calling her homeland?
  3. Why do we call Russia's mother?


  1. We call Russia for the fatherland because it lived in the daytime of the Venta Fathers and our grandfathers.
  2. My homeland, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us a native language in it, and everything in it is native ...
  3. ... And the mother - because she fielled us with her bread, rehearsed with her waters, learned her tongue; As her mother protects and protects us from any enemies, and when we fall forever, she will cover and our bones.

Which of these proverbs are suitable for the story "Our Fatherland"?

  • To live home to serve.
  • Some of my own side.

Answer: This story suits every proverb.

Read the poem V. Orlov (Fig. 6) "native".

Fig. 6.N. Orlov ()


I found out that I have

There is a huge relatives:

And path, and fishing fish

In the field - every spikelet,

River, heaven I need me -

- It's all my native!

Fig. 7. Native edges ()

Motherland has his own, this is the land where you were born.

If you ask people born in Russia, draw their homeland, all drawing will be different: someone will draw a city, someone - the countryside, someone - the mountain region, and someone - Tundra. Every homeland has its own, but everyone has it better to write: she is one single - Russia.

Read two poems and determine that they are general:

Skzorets on a stranger(Fig. 8)

Skzorets flew away
Somil behind the sea lives,
Water drinks from warm puddles,
Only songs do not sing.

He rifles in the edges of the native,
Where was born and where they grew
Where in his own way for the first time
The word "mother" said.

He misses the trees
According to the ringing stream,
On benchmark,
By village
By neighbor Sparrow.

Allenka and Aleshka -
Expensive friends their
And a little cat,
What hunted him.

G. Ladonchikov

There is no native land

Zhura Zhura-Zhuravel(Fig. 9) !
He took place a hundred lands.
Took place, went around
Wings, legs noded.

We asked the crane:
- Where is the best land? -
He answered, fleeing:
- Better there is no native edge!

P. Voronko

These poems have the overall that in each of them the love of love for the native land.

Which of the proverbs comes to these poems?

  • To live home to serve.
  • Motherland is a mother, able to stand up for her.
  • For the Motherland, he does not regret nor life.
  • Some of my own side.

Answer: Last proverb.

Motherland - The place where we were born, we live now, our relatives and friends live (we call it a small homeland). We all citizens of one great country - Russia.

Our homeland, Russia, like other states of the world, has its coat of arms, flag and anthem (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Symbols of Russia ()

Connect parts of proposals and read proverbs about homeland:


For their homeland - the mother is not scary to die.

There is nothing more painful than our homeland.

Man without a homeland - that nightinglets without a song.

Add suitable words in the phrase:

Each of us is _______ Great Motherland.

Motherland should be _____!


Each of us is a citizen, a particle, the owner of the Great Motherland.

Motherland must love, protect, guard!

Be real patriots of your country. Read and remember the phrase:

Be predominant to your homeland!


  1. To define the concept Motherland.
  2. We learn by heart your favorite poem about the Motherland.
  3. Draw your native edge.


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite Pages: Literary reading tutorial for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: workbook to a textbook for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Methodical recommendations for textbooks 2, 3, 4 classes (with an electronic application). - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2 class. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  1. Tak-to ().
  2. ().
  3. ().

If children's books 1950-1970s have been preserved in your house, then there will be one of them to be one of the books Georgy Afanasyevich Ladonchikov.

The poet was born in the Smolenskaya village, and the poems of his "drowning" in the peasant oco, all in them sincerely and thoroughly. Here the grandmother got a quashen, here the grandfather foma sculpted, but "the boots from the Mom Pet's shop brought. Smell fresh rubber, and shine like mirrors!"

Sleepers tells about the most simple and earthly, which is remembered by us, but it is already unknown to our children. Who will tell children today, for example, about Linear Montertera?

Father is going

In the morning bypass,

Monterter bag

And claws takes

Wires Soft Motion

Skiing - and for the threshold.

The door creaks again,

Following the Father

From the house Natasha

Hurry up on the porch:

- Where is it, dad, is suitable?

Again, you forgot the mittens!

- Oh yes! Mittens ... -

The little thought. -

Thank you Natasha,

That you guessed

In such a student

Bad without them Montera ...

At the front, ordinary Georgy Ladonchikov fought by the invoice in the rifle of the shelf on the Leningrad Front. He was injured, captured. Fight. Founded in the partisan detachment "Kotkas" (translated from Estonian - Eagle). In this small detachment, fighters and commanders who fled from captivity were fought, but also locals, Estonians. Obviously, that is why the Germans never managed to attack the trail "Kotkas".

The feat of the partisan was marked only 40 years after the victory. In 1985, the palters received the Order of Patriotic War II degree. None of his poem of Georgy Afanasyevich chose a word about what he fought.

After the war, the poet and partisans went to work by Monterter at the Moscow telephone station. I went to challenge, chinel phones. So he once found himself in the house of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak and admitted that he also writes poems for children. Marshaca poems liked. Lorders entered the highest literary courses, and soon his first book for children came out.

The poet died in 1992, and forgot about him for a long time. But fortunately, his poems recently began to return to the young reader. Over the last year, three books of Ladonchikov came out. The most beautiful of them is called "about big and small" and she came out in the publishing house "Nigma". Designed a book Petersburg illustrator Vera Pavlova. Unfortunately, a year and a half ago she died. And only now to publishers and readers, the understanding comes that we have lost the Great Master.

From poems George Ladonchikov

- Dad, I revealed the secret! -

Praised somehow Tanya

Dining table.

- What kind of mystery?

- The thing is...

The thing is,

What I found out

Where the stream takes the beginning.

It seemed to me - in the springs.

It turned out - in about b l a k a x!

In about t!


Ludge glows on the pros

Blue sky blue.

Circling, circling,


Butterfly with a pack over it.

Love over the puddle


They carelessly circle ...

Many things need to

To be happy to be?!

Skzorets on a stranger

Skzorets flew away

Somil behind the sea lives,

Water drinks from warm puddles,

Only songs do not sing.

He rifles in the edges of the native,

Where was born and where they grew

Where in his own way for the first time

The word "mother" said.

He misses the trees

According to the ringing stream,

On benchmark,

By village

By neighbor Sparrow,

Allenka and Aleshka -

Expensive friends their

And a little ... on a cat,

What hunted him.

Winter pictures

Sun earth warms weakly,

At night, frost cracks.

In the courtyard in the snowbab

Plait carrot nose.

Under the birch on the hill

Old hedgehog arranged mink,

And under the leaves lie

Two young hedgehogs.

Squirrel hid in the hollow -

In it and dry and warm

Establish mushrooms and berries

So much not to eat and for the year.

Under cigor

Sleep the Bear as if

in the House.

He put a paw in his mouth

And, like a small, sucks.

Careful Fox.

It came to the stream

get drunk

Leaned and water

Mobility and hard.

There are no burgoots,

He does not need Nora:

Feet saved from enemies

And from hunger - bark.

On the clearing of Kuropkka

Snow is digging without a blade.

And cunning enemy

Do not notice them in the snow.

The grains want a blue

But in the feeder it is afraid.

"Be bolder, not Roby!" -

Invites Sparrow.

Cat all day at the battery

Then the sides, then the paws warms.

He from the kitchen nowhere

Does not go to the cold.

Under the window of Tamara with Fedi

Pose a polar bear

And the brother of them, Oleg,

Snow wears a teaspoon.

Like Snow Maiden, in a white coat

Masha from the slide rides boldly.

Vasya rolls a snowball

He decided to build a house.

Lena rolling on skis,

Leaving a smooth mark.

Next to her bobka redhead

Only bobki skis.

On the pond rink good.

The ice sparkles like glass.

Alyosha runs on skates

And in the frost it is warm.

Winter joy

White snow-snow

Zhizhka, sicks.

Come out, friend,

For the Occolic.

There snow mountain


There is a skiing yesterday

Me is laid.

We run with you

To blue forest,

Bring home

Joy winter.

One hundred years ago in the Smolensk village Kamenka was born poet Georgy Ladonchikov. This village saw the artist Vera Pavlova. Photo: Vera Pavlova.

K. Ushinsky "Our Fatherland"; V. Orlov "Native". G. Skzorets in Stranchin "
Reading - Thought

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the stories and poems of your homeland, about your homeland; learn why his homeland is so important for a person; Perform interesting tasks.

Read words by syllables, and then - in a whole word:

o-Thier-Chered - Fatherland

by-soup - protects

go-su-Dar-State - State

Read whole words:

mother Mother

rod gave birth was born

learn learned learned

food fed focused

i threw it spread out

Read ply:

Mother - Svyatourus Earth.

Read the story K. Ushinsky (Fig. 1), which is called "Our Fatherland".

Fig. 1. K.D. Ushshinsky ()

Our Fatherland

Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia.

Fig. 2. Coat of arms of Russia ()

Fig. 3. Russian forest ()

My birthplace, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native to us; And the mother - because she fielled us with her bread, releasing her waters, learned her tongue; As her mother protects and protects us from any enemies, and when we fall forever, she will cover and our bones.

Fig. 4. Russian field ()

Our motherland-mother is great - Svyatourus Earth! From the west to the east, it stretches by almost eleven thousand luristers; And from the north to south of four and a half.
There is a lot in the world and except for Russia all sorts of good states and lands, but one person has a native mother - one and his homeland.

Fig. 5. Flag of Russia ()

In the text you met phrase "Impact of the century", Consider its value:

Score a century - has long been, for a long time.

Find answers to questions in the text of the story:

  1. Why are we calling Russia by the Fatherland?
  2. Why are we calling her homeland?
  3. Why do we call Russia's mother?


  1. We call Russia for the fatherland because it lived in the daytime of the Venta Fathers and our grandfathers.
  2. My homeland, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us a native language in it, and everything in it is native ...
  3. ... And the mother - because she fielled us with her bread, rehearsed with her waters, learned her tongue; As her mother protects and protects us from any enemies, and when we fall forever, she will cover and our bones.

Which of these proverbs are suitable for the story "Our Fatherland"?

  • To live home to serve.
  • Some of my own side.

Answer: This story suits every proverb.

Read the poem V. Orlov (Fig. 6) "native".

Fig. 6.N. Orlov ()


I found out that I have

There is a huge relatives:

And path, and fishing fish

In the field - every spikelet,

River, heaven I need me -

- It's all my native!

Fig. 7. Native edges ()

Motherland has his own, this is the land where you were born.

If you ask people born in Russia, draw their homeland, all drawing will be different: someone will draw a city, someone - the countryside, someone - the mountain region, and someone - Tundra. Every homeland has its own, but everyone has it better to write: she is one single - Russia.

Read two poems and determine that they are general:

Skzorets on a stranger(Fig. 8)

Skzorets flew away
Somil behind the sea lives,
Water drinks from warm puddles,
Only songs do not sing.

He rifles in the edges of the native,
Where was born and where they grew
Where in his own way for the first time
The word "mother" said.

He misses the trees
According to the ringing stream,
On benchmark,
By village
By neighbor Sparrow.

Allenka and Aleshka -
Expensive friends their
And a little cat,
What hunted him.

G. Ladonchikov

There is no native land

Zhura Zhura-Zhuravel(Fig. 9) !
He took place a hundred lands.
Took place, went around
Wings, legs noded.

We asked the crane:
- Where is the best land? -
He answered, fleeing:
- Better there is no native edge!

P. Voronko

These poems have the overall that in each of them the love of love for the native land.

Which of the proverbs comes to these poems?

  • To live home to serve.
  • Motherland is a mother, able to stand up for her.
  • For the Motherland, he does not regret nor life.
  • Some of my own side.

Answer: Last proverb.

Motherland - The place where we were born, we live now, our relatives and friends live (we call it a small homeland). We all citizens of one great country - Russia.

Our homeland, Russia, like other states of the world, has its coat of arms, flag and anthem (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Symbols of Russia ()

Connect parts of proposals and read proverbs about homeland:


For their homeland - the mother is not scary to die.

There is nothing more painful than our homeland.

Man without a homeland - that nightinglets without a song.

Add suitable words in the phrase:

Each of us is _______ Great Motherland.

Motherland should be _____!


Each of us is a citizen, a particle, the owner of the Great Motherland.

Motherland must love, protect, guard!

Be real patriots of your country. Read and remember the phrase:

Be predominant to your homeland!


  1. To define the concept Motherland.
  2. We learn by heart your favorite poem about the Motherland.
  3. Draw your native edge.


  1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite Pages: Literary reading tutorial for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  2. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: workbook to a textbook for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  3. Kubasova O.V. Methodical recommendations for textbooks 2, 3, 4 classes (with an electronic application). - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2 class. - Smolensk: "Association of the XXI Century", 2011.
  1. Tak-to ().
  2. ().
  3. ().