How to draw summer joys. How to draw summer? Tips for Young Artists

How to draw summer joys.  How to draw summer?  Tips for Young Artists
How to draw summer joys. How to draw summer? Tips for Young Artists

Summer is about flowers, butterflies, bright blue skies and green grass. This is the picture we are going to draw today. From this picture, you can make a postcard.

Necessary materials:

  • A sheet of white paper;
  • Colored pencils in yellow, orange, red, pink, dark green, light green and blue. Pink can be replaced with purple, then you get a real rainbow;
  • Thin black marker;
  • Plain pencil (preferably soft 3B);
  • Eraser.

First, with a simple pencil, outline where the flowers will be located. The lines should be very light, barely noticeable. The shape of the flower fits into an oval. Place the ovals at the bottom of the sheet, at different angles to the edges of the paper and to each other.

In the upper part, set aside a place for the butterfly, use light lines to determine its size and direction of flight.

If you connect the corners of the wings of any butterfly with lines, you get a trapezoid. Therefore, you need to start drawing a butterfly with this figure. Having outlined its outlines, divide the trapezoid with a line approximately in the middle. From the corners to the center of the trapezoid, round off the shape of the wings. Add guidelines for the torso and head.

Now you need to draw flowers. In the middle of each marked oval, you need to make smaller ovals.

From these small ovals, draw diverging lines to separate the petals.

Round off the petals without disturbing the intended flower shape.

Use light lines to mark the location of several leaves. They should be in different directions. First draw the middle line of the sheet, then two lines from the tip with a corner. Draw the leaves by rounding the lines.

Carefully trace the resulting outlines of flowers, leaves and a butterfly with a marker. Try to keep the lines smooth.

Take the blue pencil. With transparent lines sketch out the horizon line approximately in the middle of the leaf, as well as the lines of the hills below. Tint the sky with light strokes. Start toning from the top corners of the sheet to the horizon line, gradually weakening the pressure.

From the horizon line it is also very easy, with loose strokes with a gradual weakening of pressure, mark the distance with the hills.

Use a yellow pencil to paint the wings of the butterfly. This should be done in small strokes with even pressure. Do not press too hard on the pencil, it is better to go through the hatching several times in one place until you achieve the desired tone.

Paint over the body of the butterfly with orange, and draw small details with a marker: specks and black corners on the wings, eyes and antennae.

Now it's time to get busy with flowers. Shade the middle with a yellow pencil.

Then start toning the petals. To make the toning look neat, trace and color each petal separately. The strokes should be small, and the pressure on the pencil should be even.

In our illustration, there is a red, orange and pink flower. But you can think of a different combination.

Color the leaves in this way: one half of the leaf in dark green, and the other in light green.

Finish the drawing by working out the details with a marker. In the middle of the flowers, draw a few dots, draw veins on the leaves.

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Evgeniya Kirillova


1. By means of artistic words, show children how beautiful nature is in the summer season.

2. To develop children's emotional perception of the world around them, to form realistic ideas about nature.

3. Teach to reflect impressions and observations in artistic and creative activities.

4. To teach children the ability to select and reflect the colors typical for the summer season.

5. Encourage the initiative and independence of children in building the composition of the work and making additions to the drawing on the topic of the work.


Album sheet

Wax crayons

Simple pencil

Preliminary work:

learning poems about summer, viewing illustrations about summer, collective viewing of the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer" directed by V. Karavaev, excursion to the forest (glade, meadow).

The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational part.

The teacher begins the lesson by reading L. Korchagina's poem "Summer":

If the wind is warm, even though it is from the north,

If the meadow is in daisies and clover clumps,

Butterflies and bees are circling over the flowers,

And a puddle turns blue with a fragment of the sky,

And the childish skin is like a chocolate bar ...

If the garden grows red from strawberries -

A true omen: it has come….

Children. Summer.

Educator... You're right, summer is a wonderful, generous time of the year. Most recently, we met with one character who did not know what summer was. I will remind you of this story. Santa Claus lived in the far cold North. When winter came, he set out on a journey to help nature cover itself with fluffy snow, freeze rivers, and decorate the windows of houses with patterns. Santa Claus spent his time with benefit in the cold season. And he especially loved the New Year holidays - that was where there was a lot of fun, noise and joy. Together with the kids, he danced, sang, danced, played, and then presented gifts that he lovingly prepared for each child. Once during the New Year's holiday, one of the children asked Santa Claus: "Will you come to us in the summer?" Santa Claus became curious, and what is summer? The children were surprised that such an old grandfather had never heard, let alone seen summer, and they sang him a song about summer.

(An audio recording of the song "Song of Summer" by Yu. Entin to music by E. Krylatov is played)

Educator. Since then, Santa Claus lost his peace, he really wanted to see the summer with his own eyes. And he decided to come to visit the kids not in winter, but in summer. And hit the road. What happened to him?

Children... He felt very bad in the heat, and he began to melt.

Educator... Right. Santa Claus feels bad when it is very warm, he needs cold. Then the children figured out how to help their beloved Frost. They put him in an ice cream box. And in it they began to take him to different places: to the forest, to a meadow, to a river, so that Santa Claus would finally know what summer is. And then Santa Claus returned to his North to come to the children only in winter. Guys, how do you imagine the image of summer, his portrait?

Children's answers: In a motley sundress, with a wreath of flowers on his head, ruddy, cheerful, with freckles, barefoot.

Educator. Where do you think summer lives, where does it go when winter comes?

Assumptions of children.

Educator invites children to listen to B. Sergunenkov's story "Where is Summer Hiding?"

Once upon a time there was no winter on the earth, but there was one summer. What a wonderful time it was: the earth was soft as fluff, the water in the river was warm, the trees grew all year round, the leaves did not shed and were always green!

This continued until one day the winter took offense.

What is it, - he says, - all summer and summer, it's time to know the conscience.

Winter has begun to crowd in summer, but where can the summer go? Summer threw itself into the ground, and frost bound the ground. He rushed into the river - the river was covered with ice.

I am dying, - he says, - I have nowhere to go. Winter will kill me.

Here the buds on the trees say to the fly:

Come to us, we will hide you.

Summer and hid in the buds of trees, took refuge from the cold winter.

Winter is gone. The sun shone, streams rumbled. The buds on the trees swelled and opened. And as soon as they opened up, the summer escaped, rolled out into the wild. Summer has come to earth….

Educator. People rejoice and say: "Summer has come."

Today we are going to paint summer. What color do you think you will be using? What color is our summer?

Children. Summer is colorful.

Physical education "What color is summer?"

Summer ... Summer ... Summer ...

What color is it?

Tell me, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Soft green, like a grasshopper in the grass.

Yellow, yellow, like the sand by the rivers.

Blue, blue, the most beautiful.

What a summer!

Jumping in place.

Summer ... Summer ... Summer ...

What color else?

Tell me, describe it!

Clap your hands.

Bright, hot, like a dashing dance!

Starry, starry, like a night fairy tale!

Light, lightning, sweet strawberry.

What a summer!


Summer ... Summer ... Summer ...

What color else?

Tell me, describe it!

Clap your hands.

2. The practical part.

The teacher offers to draw pictures and present them later to Santa Claus.

3. The result of the lesson.

When examining the finished work, the teacher pays attention to the color scheme, the combination of shades, the creation of a composition, and the observance of proportions.

But what kind of work we got.

Summer ... For everyone, this time of the year is associated with something different. For some it is the sea and volleyball on the sand, for others it is the first love. Someone sees summer cool, in the canopy of dense green trees, and someone - bright and sunny.

How can you draw summer? There are many answers to this question. After all, every person is an artist at heart, even if he does not have professional skills. Human fantasy is limitless, and the more memories a person has, the brighter his ideas. This article will discuss how to draw summer. It is very important for aspiring artists to learn the sequence of steps in order to paint a good work. In fact, there is no single algorithm, but knowing a few useful tips, you can create a decent picture.

How to draw summer: getting started

The easiest way to depict summer is to paint a landscape. It can be an image of the sea, a flower field, an urban view, or green mountains.

Select the size for the picture and the layout of the sheet. Horizontal or vertical orientation - depending on the composition you want to paint.

Divide the sheet into two unequal parts: heaven and earth. The sky can be either smaller or larger than the earth, depending on what the artist considers the main thing in his drawing.

Decide immediately which detail will be the main one. In the case of the field, it is a few elaborate blades of grass and flowers in the foreground; if this is the sea - the waves closest to the artist. If you are faced with the task of depicting the sky, it is worth "writing out", that is, drawing in detail, specifying several clouds. The background is usually drawn blurry, indistinct, however, the shapes of objects should be guessed from the outlines.

How to draw summer: landscape

If you work with color (gouache, oil, watercolor, acrylic), this is called picturesque landscape. In this technique, colors and their shades should be evenly applied to different parts of the work, leaving no empty spaces.

Remember to mix colors on the palette. It could be a plastic palette or a piece of paper. The main thing is not to write with pure colors "from a jar".

Graphic landscape- this is another, no less interesting technique. Working with pencils of different softness, pens, liners, etc. is another way of how to draw summer. A classic example of a graphic landscape is any work by Shishkin. Graphics do not require special rules, the main thing is accuracy in the execution of details.

The most important advice concerning not only graphics, but also painting: at the very beginning of the work, determine what will be the main and what will be secondary. In the case of graphics, without selecting the main thing, it is very easy to darken the background. After that, it will be almost impossible to emphasize the main thing.

Trees can be depicted as shaded clouds of leaves, shadows as dark spots, and any object in the foreground can always be highlighted by making it more contrasting (black). Unlike painting, where mood and general impression are assessed, accurate rendering of form is important in graphics. The shape of tree trunks, stumps, leaves and branches - all these seemingly insignificant nuances create a coherent work.


This version of how to draw summer is suitable for those who like to portray people. The main idea of ​​the painting "summer-image" is the image of someone who personifies the idea of ​​this time of year. For the image of summer, the presence of attributes is required: ripe fruits, impenetrable foliage, bright flowers or golden ears.

People are usually chosen for images. Summer can represent a child, woman or man. The image of the summer image does not exclude the writing of a full-length figure.

Summer portrait

Let's consider the option with a portrait. Portrait- just for those who want to know how to draw summer in stages. Use a medium-soft pencil to outline the main lines. These are the head, neck, hair cloud and image attributes. Make sure that the compositional picture looks competent: do not draw a person too large or too small on the sheet. It is advisable to retreat from the top and bottom of the sheet at about the same distance (a little more from the bottom). If everything that you have in mind fits into the paper and there is still space left, you have passed the first step.

Start working on different parts of the face with the material you have chosen. If it is a pencil, be attentive to contrasts: light and shadow are very important points in every

Don't forget to paint the background at the end of the portrait. It can be fields, sea or something related to summer.

Summer mood

Abstraction- the simplest and most interesting idea of ​​how to draw summer. Such a drawing is especially easy for children: they are emotional and sincere, so they are not afraid to splash their feelings on paper with bright colors.

Such work is done with any materials, you can even make an applique, mix several techniques in one drawing. Complete freedom of the artist is the main
feature of abstract works. Patterns, irregular lines, colored spots, various textures - all this can be combined into a general idea of ​​summer.

Summer still life

Still life painting is the best way to learn all about shape and color for aspiring artists. Still life is a group of objects united by some common idea. Usually in still lifes they paint vases, fabrics, food, cutlery, flowers and other things that come to hand first. Objects are united according to their belonging to a certain sphere: a bathroom still life, a kitchen or garden (country) still life. However, it is possible to distribute items by the seasons as well.

Summer still life will look like a transparent vase or glass with a bouquet of small flowers of different colors and shades. Nearby you can put a light, the same translucent fabric and a few berries or fruits. Such a composition will look light and colorful at the same time.

The best materials for such a painting are watercolor or oil. Depending on the technique, you can clarify different details on a glass, a bouquet, or draw subtle folds of fabric.

Summer color combinations

Such a pattern will be unforgettable if you make it bright and balanced in color. Color combinations in paintings are a fine line between beauty and illiteracy, which is very easy to cross. When creating a drawing, remember the basic rules for combining colors.

The main contrasts that look advantageous in the works:

  • Red Green.
  • Blue is orange.
  • Purple is yellow.

By combining these and their shades, you can achieve good results. But you cannot add them to the drawing in equal proportions. Each of the two colors should be present in smaller quantities, as if diluting the picture.

Do not use pastel, that is, light, diluted with white, they are more suitable for fresh spring. For a summer painting, juicy colors are suitable. It can be a contrast of primary colors or some few bright tones with black. Here you need to be careful: there should not be many dark areas in the picture, this will ruin the color balance.

To depict summer with its mood on the palette is not as simple as it seems at first glance. However, if successively, stroke by stroke, gradually transfer the elements, then the process will be simple.

Try to portray some kind of fun landscape that fits perfectly with your summer and vacation story.

The nuances and subtleties of how to draw summer, we will try to explain to you in detail. First, plunge into the range of experiences and sensations of this time of the year. This wonderful and vibrant season is full of different colors and events. Many of you, probably, would like to find yourself in a sunny meadow, saturated with the fragrance of various flowers.

Are you ready to get started? To fully understand how to draw summer - this wonderful time of the year - it is worth getting acquainted with the creations of painters of past eras and modern masters. The easiest way to learn to draw is with pencils.

After acquiring skills, you can safely switch to using paints and gouache.

How to draw summer in stages?

Step 1. Take a sheet of white paper and divide it into three parts, using a regular pencil, draw thin horizontal lines.

Please note that the middle should be the widest.

Stage 2. In the center of the foreground, place a sprawling large tree, its crown may go beyond the limits of the image. Erase the extra lines that fall on the tree drawing with an eraser.

Stage 3. Draw the mountains just above the outline of the horizon. Draw in the background several trees, conifers, deciduous trees, as well as bushes or a haystack. Draw a path that leads from the horizon.

Stage 4. Throughout the foreground, depict small plants: flowers, grass, shrubs.

Stage 5. The base of the landscape sketch is almost ready. Now you need to move on to coloring it with colored pencils. It will be nice if you can prepare pencils in a wide variety of shades and colors. This will help you to make the drawing more colorful and vivid.

Step 6. Take pencils of different shades of light blue and blue and shade the sky. The strokes may not be solid. In this way, you will achieve the most realistic drawing.

Step 7. Use different shades of green to paint the mountains. It is desirable to apply strokes horizontally. First in one direction and then in the other. If you wish, you can shade your piece a little with a piece of napkin or cotton sponge.

Step 8. Applying this principle, give a light tonnage to the foreground and background of the drawing using a green pencil.

Step 9. Paint the background elements with suitable colors.

Step 10. Paint the branches of the bush and the tree brown. With a green pencil, use circular motions to create a green effect.

This method is easy and it explains how to draw summer for children. 10 years is the age of cognition of the world and the manifestation of the great potential of creativity and boundless imagination.

Trying to paint summer

1. First, divide your sheet with a straight line, marking the horizon.
2. Draw the sun and clouds at the top of the paper. You can draw both a clear sky and a cloudy one.

3. Add some tree trunks in your drawing.
4. Next, draw branches on the trunk for a natural look.
5. Well, what summer is without bright and juicy foliage? Draw luxurious tree crowns.
6. Your summer landscape is almost complete. Now draw a house near the trees. We start by drawing the base of the house. It consists of two rectangular shapes.
7. Draw the roof to the rectangles. Remember to remove any unnecessary lines.
8. Add one more element to the roof - a pipe.
9. Draw square windows and rectangular doors.
10. Add details that will help you diversify the summer landscape: a small wooden fence, grass, flowers and a path to the house.

As a result, you should have a drawn summer. It remains to arm yourself with paints and pencils to add brightness and richness to the drawing.

Required materials and tools

Before getting started, you need to prepare the following materials:
● A blank landscape paper or white cardboard.
● An ordinary simple pencil.
● Washing gum.
● Markers, paints.
● Colored pencils in different shades.

Summer coast with palm tree and sea

Get out a pencil and a piece of paper and start drawing.

● In the lower left corner, draw a sketch of the embankment. It is a large stone with cracks.
● A little higher, draw the outlines of the leaves of the palm tree. If you paint with children, then they shouldn't have any difficulties.
● To complete the palm tree, add two arched lines to your summer drawing. This will draw the trunk of the tree. Draw a few strokes on it to make the palm tree look natural.
● Now draw a wavy curve on the side. This is a future bush that is located behind a palm tree.
● Let's move on to drawing the beach. In the picture, draw a curved line - the sea border between the beach and the sea. Draw mountain ranges on the horizon. This element will be the final stage of your drawing.


Any drawing is the result of your mood and aspiration. If your creation is not so successful, don't be discouraged, keep trying again. Don't throw out your first drawing. Perhaps, time will pass and you will accidentally find it among the dusty papers. And only then can you appreciate what is invested in it.

Help your child draw his summer: a river, sea, meadow or a house in the village. Learn to draw a girl who symbolizes summer.

Summer is a fertile time, a vacation time that children spend walking in the streets and parks, relaxing on the sea or by the river, being close to nature in the village with their grandparents. In September, when they return to school, they have a story to tell. Sometimes there are so many emotions that you want to create - paint a picture on the theme of "Summer".

What can you draw on the theme of summer for children? How to draw a drawing for children - "How I spent my summer"?

What is summer in the understanding of a child? What can he depict in his drawing?

Summer is a bright, hot sun, green trees, blooming flowers, butterflies and bees. A child can draw a meadow or a meadow - summer nature.

Children's drawing "Summer".

If a child spends summer vacations in the city, he can depict a playground with slides and swings, children playing in the sandbox, riding bicycles, roller skates and scooters.

Children's drawing "Summer on the playground."

Another popular theme of children's drawings about summer is the river bank. The child draws sand, reeds, running water, the sky and the sun, birds in the sky and, of course, himself and his family, swimming and sunbathing.

Children's drawing "In the summer on the river".

Did the child go to visit his grandparents living in the village in the summer? He will draw their house, garden, friendly dog ​​in the yard and domestic animals: goats grazing in the meadow, cows and horses, geese and chickens running in the yard, a pig with piglets eating from a trough.

Children's drawing "Summer in the village".

Summer vacation at sea for a child is very diverse. He will draw what impressed him the most: dolphins, sailboats and ships, a lunar path on the sea surface, people relaxing on the beach and swimming in the sea.

Children's drawing "Summer at sea".

How to draw summer with a pencil step by step for beginners and children?

Summer is a blooming meadow.

In the drawing on the theme of "Summer", the child draws a meadow lit by the sun with grass, flowers and green trees. In this clearing, he can portray himself.

  1. The child takes a sheet of paper, a pencil and an eraser. First, he needs to mark the sheet - draw a line - the "horizon" separating heaven and earth.
  2. His task is to draw a meadow. With thin pencil lines, he should mark where the grass bushes will be.
  3. Each blade of grass should be drawn.
  4. At the next stage, you can add several colors to the image of the meadow, and erase the auxiliary lines.

Summer meadow: step 1.

Summer meadow: step 2.

Summer meadow.

Methods for drawing grass.

You can draw summer flowers, such as chamomile and cornflowers.

Cornflower step by step.

Chamomile step by step.

Now the child proceeds to draw himself, for example, a girl picking summer flowers.

  1. You should start with the designation of the girl's head, torso and arms, they are denoted by ovals.
  2. The line of the hips (the girl will be in a summer dress) is drawn in a semicircle.
  3. On the face, draw lines of symmetry for the eyes, nose and lips. Next, the face is detailed.
  4. With smooth, light movements of a pencil, draw the girl's hair.
  5. Draw the girl's dress and her hands. A flower is being painted in her hands.
  6. Erase construction lines. With the help of pencil shading, they make the figure of the girl in the figure three-dimensional.

Girl in the meadow: step 1.

Girl in the meadow: step 2.

Girl in the meadow: step 3.

Girl in the meadow: step 4.

Girl in the meadow: step 5.

Girl in the meadow.

Let the child enliven the drawing - supplement it with images of insects: butterflies and ladybugs.

Addition to the landscape "Summer": the ladybug in stages.

Addition to the landscape "Summer": the butterfly in stages.

VIDEO: Draw a summer meadow

How to draw summer in a village?

In the drawing on the theme "Summer", the child often draws a house in the village.

  1. On the sheet, they first designate the horizon line, thinly, so that it can be easily erased where it will not be needed.
  2. The sun and floating clouds are depicted in the sky (several pieces to make the weather look sunny).
  3. Trees will grow near the house, their trunks will be drawn.
  4. The trees are detailed - their branches and crowns are drawn.
  5. Draw a house. So that he does not look flat, they look at him as if from a corner. Designate a house with two rectangles.
  6. It will be easier for a child to draw a roof if he looks at the drawing - instructions on how to do this.
  7. A pipe is drawn on the roof. An attic is being drawn over the future entrance to the house.
    Draw the windows and the entrance to the house.
  8. It's time to add bright details to the drawing - a fence, grass, a path leading to the house, flowers.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 1.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 2.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 3.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 4.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 5.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 6.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 7.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 8.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 9.

Summer in the village in pencil: step 10.

Summer in the village in pencil.

You can also add animals to the drawing - a dog in a booth, a cat on a fence, or even a goat nibbling grass.

Addition to the landscape "Summer in the Country": a doghouse.

Addition to the landscape "Summer in the Country": a dog.

Addition to the landscape "Summer in the Country": a cat sitting on a fence.

Addition to the landscape "Summer in the Country": a goat.

VIDEO: How to draw a house in a village?

How to draw a summer landscape in stages with a pencil and paints?

For many children, the summer landscape is associated with the sea, the beach and sand castles.
The simplest version of the drawing "Summer Vacation at Sea" is an image of the water surface, the coast, a sailing ship floating on the water and seagulls flying in the sky.

The sea in summer.

You can also draw an exotic beach with palm trees.

  1. Mark out the sheet: draw the horizon line and the line where land meets water with thin lines, determine the places on which palm trees, a beach umbrella, and a chaise longue will be depicted.
  2. They draw and hatch trees, detail an umbrella and a chaise longue.

Beach: step 1.

Beach: step 2.

Beach: step 3.

Pencil drawing "Beach".

The drawing with children building sand castles on the seashore looks very summer-like.

  1. A horizon line is drawn, as well as a line separating the coast and the sea.
  2. On the shore, they draw figures of children, a boy and a girl, as well as the outline of a sand castle.
  3. Draw faces, hairstyles and clothes for children. They draw shoulder blades in their hands, and a bucket on the sand.
  4. They detail the sand, decorate the sand castle with shells and starfish.

Children on the beach in summer: step 1.

Children on the beach in summer: step 2.

Children on the beach in summer.

VIDEO: How to paint a summer beach in watercolor?

How to draw the nature of summer in stages with a pencil and paints?

The beauty of nature in summer can be conveyed by drawing a river bank. It is so much fun for the whole family to have picnics!

  1. Have your child sketch the shoreline with a thin pencil line. You also need to outline the horizon. There will be a fishing boat on the shore. It is necessary to outline its contours, and then detail it.
  2. The river will be surrounded by forests, so the outlines of the trees are drawn in the background first, then the trees are detailed.
  3. Also, hills overgrown with grass and bushes are drawn, framing the river.
  4. Reflection of trees on the water is indicated by hatching.

Summer river bank in pencil: step 1.

The river bank in summer with a pencil: step 2.

Summer river bank in pencil: step 3.

Summer river bank in pencil.

In the foreground of such a picture, you can depict a picnic scene - a girl sitting on a wicker basket, a bedding, a fire.

First, they draw the contours of the girl's figure, under her hips - a rectangle, which will later turn into a basket.

  1. Draw the ears and hair of the girl. They detail the shoulders and arms, draw them with smooth lines.
  2. Draw the girl's face.
  3. After that they make out a wicker basket.
  4. Draw clothes for the girl and a wide-brimmed hat with a bow. Wrinkles are depicted on clothes with light strokes.
  5. Remove auxiliary lines.

Girl on a picnic: outline.

A girl at a picnic: detailing the picture.

The bonfire is drawn according to the following scheme.

Bonfire in stages.

Summer: picnic in nature.

How to draw a girl Summer?

A girl symbolizing summer, sun and warmth, as a rule, is depicted in a light sundress, with her hair loose, developing in the wind, surrounded by greenery and flowers.
You can portray summer as a woman's likeness as a little girl, teenage girl, or young girl.
You can draw a Summer girl according to the scheme, as in the picture below.

For sketching: summer on the river.

VIDEO: Fast Drawing | Her name is Summer | Watercolor