The peoples of the South Urals. What nations inhabit the Urals

The peoples of the South Urals. What nations inhabit the Urals
The peoples of the South Urals. What nations inhabit the Urals

Peoples of the Middle Urals, Sverdlovsk Region: Russians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Mari, Germans, Azerbaijanis, Udmurts, Belarusians, Armenians, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Chuvashi, Kyrgyz, Mordva, Jews, Kazakhs, Gypsies, Moldovans, Chinese, Georgians, Greeks , Poles, Komi-Perm, Yezida, Lezgins, Koreans, Bulgarians, Chechens, Avars, Ossetians, Lithuanians, Komi, Latvians, Ingush, Turkmen, Yakuts, Estonians, Kumyki, Darginians, Mansi Indigenous Peoples of the Urals Vogulu - Russian Hungaries. Islands - who is he? For example, Bashkira, Tatars and Mariers live in this region for only a few centuries. However, before the arrival of these nationalities, this land was settled. On the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, in addition to the Tatars and Mari, the compact settlement have Mansi, whose settlements are located in the north. For Manxi, a very specific settlement network is characterized by a reflection of a semi-oxide lifestyle - very unstable, changing. In the Verkhtursky district of the Perm province at the beginning of the XX century. There were 24 settlements of Vogulov (Mansi), in which about 2 thousand people lived [see: Chagin, 1995,85]. In 1928, 7 German villages were noted in the Tagil district of Uloblasti. But, apparently, this is an incomplete list. In the Archive documents in 1930, 36 nomadic villages were noted, in 1933 - 28. The indigenous people were Manci, referred to as Voguli revolution. On the map of the Urals and now you can find rivers and settlements, called "Vogulka". Manci is the small people, to which 5 isolated from each other groups in accordance with the habitat: Verkhotur (Lozwinskaya), Cherdynskaya (Visherskaya), Kungurskaya (Chusovskaya), Krasnoufimskaya (Klenovsko-Bisertskaya), Irbitan. Today, Mansi remains less and less. At the same time, only a couple of dozen people live according to the old traditions. Youth is looking for a better life and even knows the language. In search of earnings, young mansi seek to go to the Khanty-Mansiysk District to obtain education and for the sake of earnings. Committee Komi-Permyaky, living in the Perm Territory, appeared by the end of the first millennium. From the XII century, Novgorod, engaged in exchange and commerce on the exchange, penetrated this territory. Bashkirs mentioned Bashkira are found in the chronicles, starting from the X century. They were engaged in nomadic cattle breeding, fisheries, hunting, beatow. In the 10th century were attached to the Volga Bulgaria and in the same period, Islam penetrated there. In 1229, Bashkiria was attacked by Mongol-Tatars. In the XVII century, Russians were actively started to go to Bashkia, among whom were peasants, artisans, merchants. Bashkirs began to lead a settling lifestyle. The joining of the Bashkir lands to Russia caused a repeated uprising of the indigenous inhabitants. In the uprising of Pugacheva (1773-1775), Bashkirs took the most active part. During this period, Salavat Yulaev was famous for the National Hero of Bashkiria. In the punishment of the Yaitsky Cossacks, who took part in the Bunte, the Yaik River received the name of the Urals. Mari Maryz or Cheremis are the Finno-Ugric people. Remainted in Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Udmurtia. There are Mari villages and in the Sverdlovsk region. First mentioned in the VI century by the Gothic historian Jordan. In total, in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region in the XX century. 39 settlements were noted with the Mari population located on the territory of the Artyinsky, Achitsky, Krasnoufim, Nizhnosherginsky districts. Nagaibaki There are several versions of the origin of this nation. According to one of them, they can be descendants of Nimanov's warriors, Turks, who were Christians. Nagaibaki are representatives of the ethnographic group of baptized Tatars of the Volga-Ural region. This is the indigenous small people of the Russian Federation. Nagaybak Cossacks participated in all large-scale battles of the XVIII century. Live in the Chelyabinsk region. Tatars Tatars - the second largest people of the Urals (after the Russians). Most Tatars lives in Bashkiria (about 1 million). In the Urals, a lot of all Tatar villages. In total, on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, 88 settlements were identified, in which Tatars lived, 12 of them had a mixed Bashkir-Tatar population, 42 -Russian-Tatar, one - Mari-Tatar. Tatar villages are concentrated mainly in the south-west of the Sverdlovsk region - in Arthnsky, Achitsky, Krasnoufim, Nizhnosherginsky districts. The nesting type of resettlement is generally preserved until now, and a number of village councils can be distinguished, which are mainly consisting of Tatar settlements: Russian-Potovsky, Talitsky, Azigulovsky, Ust-Manchazhsky, Bughashsky and others. Mordva on the Middle Urals during the second half of the XX century. It has a special dispersion of resettlement. In the Sverdlovsk region in 1939 they had 10,755 people, and by 1989 - 15,453 people, and 89.7% of them were treated to citizens. There are no compact residence of the Mordvoy in the countryside of the Sverdlovsk region. In 1989, 2 settlements were registered here: der. Keys of the Sysert district and der. Homutovka Pervouralsk, in which the mixed composition of the population consisting of Russian and Mordov is noted. Of great interest is the study of the dynamics of Kazakh rural settlements. In 1959 they are numbered 44, and in 1989 - 6. In total, in the territory of the Middle Urals in the second half of the XX century. 98 Aulov registered, which is much more than Tatar or Mari settlements. A number of areas can be distinguished, where the largest number of Kazakh settlements is observed, the South and South-East of the Sverdlovsk region (Kamyshlovsky, Baikal region, Irbitsky, Pyshminsky, the Durban, Kamensky districts). In the Northern and Western regions of the region of the Kazakhs, there are practically no participation. The Middle Urals is currently a region in which representatives of nearly 100 nationalities live. Geographically, it covers mainly the territory of the Sverdlovsk region, with the exception of its northern areas, as well as part of the Perm and South of the Chelyabinsk region.

From the cycle "On our" small "homeland"

The average Urals, especially its southwestern regions, are interesting in the ethnographic plan by the fact that they are multinational. Mariy residents occupy a special place: first, they are here of threatening finns; Secondly, they were the second, after Bashkir and the Tatars, (and in some cases first), settled several centuries ago on the extensive expanses of the ancient Ufa plateau.

The Thro-Finnish Group unites the 16th nations, there are only more than 26 million; Among them, Mariers occupy the sixth place.

The very name of this people "Marie", that translated means "man; A man ", global meaning: this word is of the same meaning in Indian, French, Latin, Persian.

Thro-Finnish tribes in ancient times lived from Zauraly to Baltic, numerous geographical names speak about it.

The ancient Mary Motherland is the middle Volga region, is the banks of the Volga, the Miscellaneous of the Winds and Vyatka: here they lived more than 1500 years ago, and the burials say: their distant ancestors chose this edge 6,000 years ago.

Mariets belong to the Europeanidid race, but they have some signs of mongoleness, they are believed to Subural anthropological type. The kernel formed in the 1st. thousand AD. In the Volga-Vyatsky intercourse of the ancient-Mari ethnos were the Finno-Ugric tribes. In the 10th The memorars are first mentioned in the Khazar document as "C-R-Mis", thugs believe that among the ancient-Russian tribes there was a tribe "Cher", which was paid to the tribute to Khazar Kagan (king) Iosif Dan, and on the basis of two Tribes "Merry" and " Chernoma "(MIS) emerged Mari people, although until 1918 this people wore the colonial name" Cheremis ".

In one of the first Russian chronicles, the "Tale of Bygone Years" (12th century), Nestor wrote: "On White Owl, the whole, and in the Rostov Lake Merey, and the lake in the ticks. And on Ocea Reta, where the flow in the Volga, Murom is my own language, and the Cheremis is your language ... "

"Then there were about 200 genera, combined in 16 tribes, which ruled the councils of elders. Once at 10 years, the advice of all tribes was collected. The remaining tribes created alliances "- from the book. "Urals and Marine"; Auto S. Nikitin with. nineteen

Regarding the translation of the name "Cheremis" tribe, there are different points of view: it is militant, both oriental, and forest, and the marsh, and from the tribe "Cher (E), SAR."

"The Lord Your Yes Nischifs Your Grace Your Ensure and makes your blessings for you." (From the Quran)

There is such a group of peoples, which is called Finno-Ugorskaya. Once they occupied a huge territory from the Baltic to Western Siberia, "from the north to most of the Central Russia, covering also the Volga region and the priestly. Thro-Finns in the world of 25 million, among them Mariers occupy the sixth place - about 750 thousand, of which About 25-27 thousand in our area.

In the unenmended circles it is believed that Marieza until 1917 were the dark and ignorant people. There is some truth in this: 18 men and 2 women knew the elementary diploma of 100 Mari to Soviet power, but it was not the fault of the people, but her trouble, the source of which was the politician of the Moscow government, which brought the Throat Finns of the Volga region to a shameful state - in lapties and trachoma.

Marities as an oppressed nation and in these conditions saved their culture, traditions, their diploma: they had their tags, which were preserved from time immemorial, knew the bill and price of money, possessed unique symbols, especially in embroidery (Mari embroidery is an ancient pictographic letter! ), In the wood carving, many knew the language of the neighboring people, were for the standards of competent people from among the rural elder, the paristers.

It should be not said that in the enlightenment of the Mari people and until 1917, it was done much, and all this thanks to the reforms after 1861 in the reign of Alexander I. In those years, important fundamental and meaningful documents were published: the provision "On the initial folk schools", who envisaged the opening of one-school schools with a 3-year learning term, the AU of the 1910th year began to open 4-year-olds; The situation "On the initial folk schools" from 1874, permitting the opening of 2-class schools with a 3-year learning period, i.e. In the 1st and 2nd grades, a total of 6 years have been trained; In addition, since 1867 it was allowed to teach children in their native language.

In 1913, the All-Russian Congress of Folk Education Workers was held; There was a Mari delegation, which supported the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating national schools.

Along with secular schools in the enlightenment affairs, the Orthodox Church actively participated: so, in the Krasnoufim district from 1884, christmas schools began to operate (in this mode, we observe, contrary to the Yeltsin Constitution, the merger of state and church hierarchy - the brother of the first persons, the active construction of new parishes With a shortage of places in preschool institutions and reducing schools and personnel of teachers, the introduction of a religious subject in the school curriculum, the entrepreneurship of the Church - it is in military units and prisons, the Academy of Sciences and the Space Agency, in schools and even ... in Antarctica).

Often we hear the "Isoressic Uralets", "Native Redoufimets", etc., although we know that the same, Tatars, Russians, Mariers, the Udmurts live in the south-west of the region of some few hundred years. Have these lands been inhabited before the arrival of these peoples? Were - and this indigenous people were Voguli, the so-called Mansi during the period of the Russian Empire, when, along with the title nation, Velikorsovs were the peoples of the second plan, the so-called "foreigners".

On the geographical map of the Urals, the names of the rivers, settlements with the name "Vogulka" are still preserved: from Efron-Brochaus's Encyclopedia - a few rivers in the Redoufimsky district, the left tributary of the Syl River; In the Cherdynsky district - the left influx of the river of the Elovka; in the Yekaterinburg county at the country of the Upper-Tagil Plant; In the Verkhtursky district - flows from the vertices of the treadmill.

Mansi (Vogulu) - the people of the Thro-Finnish group of languages, they are close to the tongue with Khanty (Ostiaria) and Hungary. No people acquired such fame in science, as a result of their relatives with Hungary. Once in antiquity, they settled the territory to the north of the Yaik River (Ural), later were ousted by militant nomadic tribes.

On Vogulkh wrote still Nestor in the "Tale of Bygone Years": "The Ugra-People saying is incomprehensible, and lives in the neighborhood with a self-login in the Northern countries." Yugroy was then called Mansi (Vogulov) ancestors, and a samoye - nonsense.

The second mention in written sources about Mansi refers to 1396, when the Military campaigns of Novgorod began to perform the Great Military Moving.

Russian expansion met active resistance: in 1465, the Vogul Princes Assica with the son of Yumshan made a campaign on the shores of the villages; In the same year, the king of Ivan IIC was organized by Ustyungina Vasily Dive; In 1483, the same ruins came with the regiments of the Voevod Fyodor Kursk - Black and Saltyka Travin; In 1499, under the start of the Seeds of Kurbsky, Peter Ushakov, Vasily Zabolotsky-Brownik. In 1581, Voguluy attacked the Stroganov cities, and in 1582 she approached Cherdin; The active foci of resistance was suppressed in the 17th century.

In parallel, the christianization of Vogulov was followed; They were first baptized in 1714, re-in 1732, later - even in 1751.

Since the "pacification" of the indigenous people of the Urals - Mansi, they were brought into an awesome state and submitted to the cabinet of his imperial Majesty: "We paid one Yasak foxes in the treasury (2 pieces), instead of which they were allowed to use arable and hay facility, as well as forest, they hunted already without special fees in the treasury; Released from recruitment service. "

About the origin of Bashkir

The Turkic-speaking group combines several tens of languages. The region of their distribution is extensive - from Yakutia to the banks of the Volga, from the Caucasus to Pamirs.

In the Urals, this language group is represented by Bashkirs and Tatars who have their state entities, although hundreds of thousands of their fellow tribesmen are in reality beyond the borders of these republics (which will become a "patient" by the place in case of exacerbation of interethnic relations).

Let's talk about Bashkira. The word "Bashkirs" in the Arab-Persian sources is given in the form of "Bashkard, Bashkhard, Bajgard". Bashkirs themselves call themselves "Bashkorts".

There are two points of view on the origin of the ethnonym "Bashkirs". "Bash" - head, "Kurt" - a lot of insects (for example, bees). Perhaps such a interpretation originated in ancient times when people were engaged in beekeeping. Bashka-Yurt is a separate tribe that united scattered Bashkir tribes.

Bashkirs are not indigenous inhabitants of the Urals, their ancient tribesmen came here from the distant East. According to legends, it happened for 16-17 generations (taking into account, the reader, taken from the sources of 1888-91), that is, 1100 years ago from today. Arab sources suggest that in the 8th century, seven tribes (Madjar, Nidge, Kürt-Darymat, Enee, Kesie, Kir, Taria) entered into an alliance in the country of Elegaz, and then moved to the West. Ancient Motherland Bashkir Many researchers consider Altai. A. Masidi, the Writer of the early 10th century, speaking of European Bashkhara, mentions the tribe of this people living in Asia, that is, remaining in their homeland. Researchers say that numerous Bashkir tribes mixed during promotion to the Urals with other tribes: with Kyrgyz Caissaca, Volzhsky Bulgarians, Nogai, Hunnam, Upto Finns, Voguli and Ostiaki.

Bashkir is customary to divide on the mountain and steppe, they in turn were shared on smaller tribes. Islam Bashkirs accepted relatively recently: this happened at Khan Uzbek in 1313-1326.

Features of the formation of the national composition of the Sverdlovsk region

Chapter 1. Formation of indigenous peoples of the Urals

For many centuries, the Urals remained the crossroads of the paths of many nations. Its geographical position at the junction of Europe and Asia largely predetermined the polyethnic composition of the population and the diverse and complex ethnic history. The researchers believe that the ancient urals belong to the Ural-Altai ethnolinggua community, and suggest that in the middle of 4 thousand to n. E the ancientural population was divided into two branches: Eastern (presumably - the ancestors of the self-dedication) and Western (Finno-Ugric community). 2 thousand BC e. Finno-Ugric communion broke into the Finno-Perm (Komi - Permikov and Udmurt ancestors) and Ugorsk (ancestors of Khanty and Mansi) branches. It is these peoples that relate to the Aboriginal Population of the Urals.

1.1 Komi Permika Kama

Archaeological culture of Komi - Permukov - Rodanovskaya (9-15VV.) - received its name for the same fortress. Rodanovo is one of the largest and interesting monuments. Now in the territory of the forest campaury over 300 such settlements was found. During this period, the fortified settlements became not only craft, economic, but also administrative centers. The economy of the Rodonov residents was complex, but differed in this ratio of industries depending on natural conditions. In the southern regions, arable agriculture was developed (there are many archaeological finds of millstones for the rubbing of grain, Kosz - Gorbosh, PS - grain repository), cattle breeding (mainly breeding cows), less - hunting and fishing. There were large and small log cabins on the settlements. In the northern regions, gravy agriculture was more developed, and fishing hunting and fisheries. Among the found bones of wild animals about half belongs to Bobru. Metal processing has reached a handicraft erodanov. The Social Device of Autochthons Prikamye was characterized by the transition from the generic community to the neighborhood.

1.2 Komi - Zyryan

The origin of Komi - Zyryan is currently associated with Vanvizdin (5 - 10 centuries) and subsequent domestic cultures. Vanvizdin monuments are common from medium pechens before the upper river. Kama, from the Mountains of the Urals to Northern Dvina. These are unreasted settlements and ground grains. In the settlements, ground dwellings, household buildings and production sites, including metrogenous: slag cluster, crucible, casting form). The main occupation of the population: hunting, fisheries and animal husbandry. The Center for the Formation of Culture Komi - Zyryan was the valley of r. Bye. With the addition of Komi - Zyryan ethnos, the Baltic Finns and Slavs were greatly influenced. Monuments of the Vyshny Culture (settlements and the Mogilniki) are located near the modern settlements of Komi (the topographic position of those and others coincides). Residents built ground dwellings. In the funeral rite, a connection is recorded with the river and the cult of fire. Many metal jewelry are found in the monuments - bubrels, penetrations, etc. A large number of settlements on the river. I could be connected with the service of a trading route from Russia to Siberia. In the burial grounds found things of Russian and Western European origin (German, Czech, Danish coins, Russian decorations and ceramics).

1.3 Udmurts

As already mentioned, at the end of 1 thousand n. e. From the general language linguistic community allocated Udmurt language. In the formation of the Udmurt ethnos (the old Russian name of the Udmurts - Owlocks or Wheels, Turkic - Aries) took part different groups of the population. There are several archaeological crops reflecting these processes. The strengthened villages at this time turn into protrud. One of these monuments was the settlement of Incenak on r. Chepts. Its area is about - 40 thousand square meters. m. There was a populated territory between the outer and inner shaft (as a positive in Russian cities), and the central playground resembled the fortified Kremlin. It was the center of Northern Udmurts. He received his name by name Hero - Prince Idna.

The settlement found things from metal and bones made with great skill. Other settlements are also known for the names of Heroes - Prince - Guryakar, Lyubar.

At the Udmurt population during this period there is an increase in pastry farming, animal husbandry, crafts, including jewelry and metallurgical, not inferior to the rustic level occur. According to findings on the settlements, you can talk about the effects and contacts of the Udmurts with the Volga Bulgarians and Rus. The resulting consolidation process and the formation of statehood at Udmurt was violated at 13V. In connection with the movement of the population under the Natius of Mongol-Tatars.

In the forest strip of the Urals from PP. Vishera and Lozva to Pyshma and Iset in 10 -13 centuries. Yudinskaya culture existed, the main signs of which coincide with the later - Mansiyskaya. Known settlements and grave of this time. The settlers were built on high banks of rivers or on relatively low terraces. They were surrounded by a moat 2 - 3 meters and a shaft, when equipped with wooden structures. The landing area ranged from 400 to 300m square meters. At the Yudinsk settlement parallel to the shaft, the dwellings were located two types: tents (lungs) and chamber.

In the rite of burial of Yudintsev, the cult of horse is observed, the widespread use of fire, the room in the grave of broken things (Likinsky grain). At the monuments of Yudinskaya culture found mitening dishes and figures of sitting people, iron knives, arrows, fishing hooks, axes, decorations - bubber, bracelets, earrings, noisy suspension. Among the listed things there are Slavic, Ural and Local. The population was engaged in hunting and fishing. Yudinsk culture is genetically connected with monuments of 6 - 9 centuries. On this territory. According to the funeral rite, patterns, dwellings, the similarity of generic signs and images on the writer, Yudinskaya culture can be defined as the culture of Mansi ancestors.

1.5 Selfies

The polar zone of the Northern Urals and the lowerhouse r. Ob in I-II thousand n. There were the habitat of the ancestors of the self-reading. In the Urals Language Family, Nenets, together with Entse, Nganasans and Selkups, constitute a special self-seedy group.

Self-friendly (Russian medieval sources called their samoye) - ancient ethnonym, which is repeated in different forms in the names of the tribes and childbirth of some nations of Siberia. Some of the researchers attracts here and the name of the males (Saama or the blades live at the present time on the Kola Peninsula, as well as in the northern regions of Norway, Sweden and Finland).

The formation of the peoples of the Self-Tea Group some scientists are associated with the Kulay culture (V c. BC. - V. N. E.), which prevailed in the territory of the middle acquisition. Recently, another point of view appeared on the authon origin of the ancestors of the self-identity in the north of Western Siberia, where the continuity of archaeological crops from Eneolita to the early Iron century is traced. "Stone SelfDie", as the Russian Northwaral Sophietes called later, nomaded in the pains of Shemel Tundra - from Pechora to the Ural Range.

The folding of the Mari ethnic community in the territory of the Volga-Vyatsky Meternrech belongs to I thousand AD. Already Jordan, the Gothic historian of the 6th century, knew the ancient Mariers under the name "Oremisco." In the Khazar document x in. They are referred to as "c-r-miss", and the ancient Russian chronicler calls them "Cheremy". A large role in the ethnogenesis of Marie played the neighboring tribes of the Udmurt and Mordov. Southern Mari, who lived next to the Volga Bulgaria, experienced Turkic influence. After the defeat of the Bulgarian state, Migolo-Tatars Maryz began to move to the northeast, pushing the Udmurt to the Wytheki willow.

In the economy and development of social relations, Mari residents had processes similar to those who were observed at Udmurts.

1.7 Bashkira

The formation of the Bashkir ethnos (self-calf - "Bajgard", "Bashkhat") was complex due to the great mobility of the tribes of the steppe and forest-steppe zone. According to some scientists, its foundation was the ancient Turkic tribes, which during the VIII - IX centuries. Mocked in the alarm and in Kazakhstan. According to others, it should take into account the role of the Ugric and Iranian components in the folding of Bashkir. The resettlement of the ancestors of Bashkir on their modern territory began with IX century. This process was long, and at the same time there was an influx of new populations. Perhaps in the XII - XIII centuries. The formation of the Bashkir ethnos influenced the promotion in this area of \u200b\u200bKipchakov. On the XII century map. The Arab geographer Idrisi Bashkirs are marked to the west of the Ural Mountains and east of the Volga Bulgaria. The center of formation Bashkir was Belebean elevation. Their main classes were shepherd or nomadic cattle breeding, in the northern regions - hunting and Bortnovnia.

Thus, ethnic processes in the Urals proceeded quite similarly on both slopes of the ridge, although they were somewhat delayed on the eastern slope. The development of the aboriginal population was based on these processes, which constantly flowed differently on the origin and number of ethnic groups. It happened most intensively in the era of the great resettlement of peoples and in the subsequent period, when the development of unions of tribes began. It was then that the foundations of large ethnic communities were laid, which became the direct ancestors of the modern peoples of the Urals.

formation composition of the Nation of the Ural

For the Ural region, there is a close interactiveness of components of industries and production, especially in the heavy industry. The mining industry serves as a base for black and non-ferrous metallurgy ...

The value of the Urals as an important economic region of the country

A significant role in the Ural production complex plays agriculture. Approximately 2/3 of all agricultural land accounted for arable land, the rest is the pastures, pastures, hayflowers ...

The value of the Urals as an important economic region of the country

After the deep economic crisis, which comes in connection with the exhaustion of the potential of the socialist system, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the system of systemic economic reforms of the Ural, like all Russia ...

History of research and characteristics of the Ural Mountains

"A person is able to defeat many inconvenience of life ... Unless he is inspired by curiosity if the goal he wishes to achieve, he excites live interest in it." MA Kovalsky August 18, 1845 ...

General economic and geographical characteristics of Russia

By the beginning of the XX century. The territory of the Russian Empire reached 22.4 million km2 - and the population of the country was 128.2 million people. According to the census of 1897, in the ethnic composition there were 196 peoples (the proportion of Russians - 44.3%) ...

Ravines and fight against them

Obago formation is a modern relief process carried out by temporary channels of rain and melt water, as a result of which there are specific negative linear shapes on the surface of the sushi ...

Features of the spread of the marshes of Eurasia

The first swamps on our planet appeared at the junction of two geological periods of Silur and Devon (350 million years ago). It was during this period that the amelly ancestors of modern plants and the swamps played the role of a transitional bridge ...

2.1 The pagan beliefs and cults at the heart of the traditional beliefs of the indigenous population of the Urals lay a complex complex of representations that are rooted in deep antiquity. Along with commercial and military magic ...

Features of the formation of the national composition of the Sverdlovsk region

The Urals of the turn of the XX - XXI centuries is a unique ethnic and sociocultural region, in which representatives of more than 100 nationalities (indigenous and migrants of the epoch of the first wave of Russian colonization, Petrovsky settlement, Stolypin reforms ...

The concept of the "peoples of the North" includes representatives of 30 nationalities: Saama, Nenets Khanty, Mansi, Enzi, Sets, Selkup, Evenks, Yukagiri, Dolgans, Eskimos, Chukchi, Koryaki, Alets, Itelmers, Tofalars, Ulch, Nanice, Nivhi, Udahegians, Ungidaltsy , Orcoys ...

Problems of the development of the peoples of the North

In recent decades, the world community has become carefully observed for the situation of indigenous peoples, including the small peoples of the North of the Russian Federation ...

Traditions and geopolitics of countries in Africa

The colonization of Africa has a long history, the most famous phase is associated with the European seizure of Africa in the nineteenth century. From the middle of the second millennium of our era until the XIX century, the most important African goods were people - slaves ...

Fauna and vegetation of the Sverdlovsk region

The mountain band of the Urals is characterized by high-altitude changes in vegetation, which allow you to allocate three belts in the mountains. Mountain forests, rising on the slopes of the mountains to a height of 750-800 m, form a wide mountain-taiga belt ...

Ecological and economic assessment of the complex industrial development of the Polar Urals

"Natural wealth is a natural competitive advantage of Russia" (Putin V.V., 12.02.04). The mineral resource base is currently the foundation of the country's economy and will remain its basis for the coming decades ...

Economic and geographical characteristics of the city of Yekaterinburg as part of the Ural Federal District

The Ural Federal District is rich in large deposits of mineral raw materials. In the north of the region, in Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Districts, gas and oil fields are developed ...

The territory of the Middle and South Urals was never a "quiet corner", where the beast of forest residents were industrialed in the endless mountain taiga: Ostiabi, Voguli, Samoyed and others. On the contrary, we show historical materials, here everywhere and always boiled life.

It is generally accepted that for 3-4 thousand years BC, not only the whole south and east of the current Russia, but also the Urals were engaged in Scythian tribes, and then sarmatics and savromats. The northern border of this band took place along the line of Perm-Nizhny Tagil-Tobolsk.

Naturally, the question of the ethnicity of the Scythians, Sarmatov, etc. It is understood that in official historical science, it is considered that all these ancient breeding unions consisted mainly of Iran-speaking tribes. This point of view began to develop in the middle of the 19th century, and exists to this day. However, before that, there was another point of view, and this theory was supported by many mastic scientists. Now she is revived. According to it, Scythians, Sarmatians and Savromati, although they consisted of a variety of tribes, but the dominant role was played by Turks.

The ancient tribes, inhabited by the South and Middle Urals, were Turkic, in the northern part of the Middle Urals were the ancestors of threatening finns. This is also evidenced by numerous toponyms in Tatar and Bashkir languages. There are practically no geographical names of Iranian origin, and the Ugro-Finnish begin to appear only behind the Line Perm-Nizhny Tagil-Tobolsk.

Vogula who are considered indigenous inhabitants of the Middle Urals, lived, obviously north, in the zone of solid taiga, that is, behind the line, which is the border of the population of the Urals Turks. It is proved by the fact that the Russians have penetrated the Urals from the times of Veliky Novgorod not only to the North, that is, where the Taiga tribes lived, which, by virtue of their smallarity, inorganic and dispersion, could not have a serious resistance to Russian squads. Until the XVII century, that is, before the collapse of the Nogai Horde, the Russians could not get the south of the Perm line - the rover tours. This suggests that not small Vogul hunters lived here, and the powerful agricultural tribes of the Turks: Tatars and Bashkir, with them ahead - Mari.

After taking Kazan, the turn reached the Nogai, which by diplomatic, military and other actions by the Russian administration were weakened, then the horde broke up. Hand and Kalmyks put on the allies of Russia. Nogai Tatars, as well as Kazan, were forced to conquer and live as a subject of Russian powers. The nomadic part of the Nogaites moved in the Pre-Bukcascia. The Russians, Chuvashi, Meshcheryaki and Kazan Tatars are moved to the land of Nogai: Ufa Fortress (1586), Orenburg, which then became the center of province.

In the north along the road leading to Tyumen, custhess and towns were built:

  • Leesvinsky (1593),

  • Verkhoturier (1598),

  • Turinsk (1600g.), Etc.

And only after a hundred years, that is, after a complete victory over the Nogai Tatars, the administration was able to start building fortresses, cities of the future of the Mining Zharal:

  • Nevyanskaya (1701g.),

  • Kamensky (1701g.),

  • Alapaevskaya (1704g.),

  • Uktussky (1704),

  • Polevskoy (1727),

  • Nizhne-Tagil (1725), etc.

To overcome the resistance of the Tatars, the imperial administration applied different methods: direct physical destruction, waging one on others, i.e. Policy "divide and conquer". For this purpose, various estates of local nationalities were created, the largest of which was Bashkir. To do this, the Ufa Province was renamed Bashkaria (unofficially). Although Bashkir was in it no more than 35 thousand, there was a lot of Tatars, and the Chuvash, and Mari, and even a certain number of Russians. This estate received significant benefits and, in the way, a layer of the population that was considered trustworthy was created. According to the Kazan governorVolynsky A.P. The number of Bashkir for 20 years (1710-1730) at the expense of other peoples increased to one hundred thousand. Thus, many Ural Tatars recorded by Bashkirs then.

Archaeological research OH. Khalikova, I.V. Salvan. allowed us to conclude that 3-4 thousand years ago (and even earlier, in the era of isolate) in the South and Middle Urals (as well as in the pre-rally) as a result of the mixing tribes Abashevsk, Brankon, Andronovskaya, Imhenkovskaya and other ancient cultures that were the signs of a European and mongoloid anthropological nature, the formation of a grateful type, called the name ural (sublaponoid ), which has become characteristic of m ari, Udmurtov, Komi , and also notes in one quarter of the composition of the Tatars, which is not in other Turkic peoples. It is also indicative that the Tatars are descendants of indigenous urals.

These considerations confirm the opinion of scientists - linguists, noting the strong influence of the Tatar language at Finno-Ugors: Mari, Udmurt and Komi, in which there are a lot of Tatar words. All the above conclusions and the provisions of historians, archaeologists, linguists make it possible to conclude that:

  1. In the South and Middle Urals, the tribal unions of Scythians, Sarmatov, Savromatov, in which Turkic-speaking tribes dominated (Scythians in translating Turkic people with knives; Sarmatians and Savromyati - People with a leather bag - Sarma). In the first millennium, our era of their ancestors entered the state Biaromia. and then in Volzhsko-Kama Bulgaria .

  2. In the resulting after invasion khan Batya The state, all Turkic tribes in the territory of Western Scythians were formed in a single ethnicity and got a name "Tatars".

  3. After the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Tatars, living in the Urals, and Bashkirs became part of Nogai Horde , the rest of the Tatars are another five Tatar state formations.

  4. The approval of the official historical science that the Tatars came from the east together with the Mongols, is bluff, because to populate such a huge territory as the golden horde, who came people or to keep the entire local population on this territory, creating a state that is equivalent to the then Russian It would be necessary to relocate millions of people from the east.

  5. Tatars are indigenous inhabitants of the Southern and Middle Urals, this is proved by numerous topomic, archaeological, linguistic and other materials. Yes, and the word "Ural" itself - Turkic origin. If the Tatars came from the east, their language would have been identical to the language of Altai, Pribaikali Turks, and it is very different from them, having both in vocabulary, and in phonetics, and in grammar elements, clearly proving thousand-year contacts with the Urals.

The author of the dinential article is not a historian scientist, but at its disposal there is enough work, recognized ethnographers, linguists, archaeologists and other specialists, which makes it possible to produce the above conclusions.

Ildus Khuzin


At the end of the early Paleolithic 300 - 100 thousand years ago, the settlement of the Urals began. Severe two main paths of this movement:

1) from Central Asia

2) From East-European Plain, also Crimea and Transcaucasia.

In 1939, the archaeologist M. V. Talitsky discovered the parking lot of Neanderthal at the cave log on the right bank of the Chusovaya River. Example parking age - 75 thousand years.

Also known such parking of an ancient person in the Urals as a deaf grotto and Elniki-2 in the Perm region. At the southern Urals, Bogdanovka parking was opened, dated 200 thousand years ago!

The man of the paleolithic era - Neandertalez was a great hunter, knew how to produce fire artificially, to build primitive dwellings, make clothes from the skin of animals. He possessed human speech and mind. The growth was just below the average modern person. Some bright pronounced features of his face - a sloping forehead, protruding arcs, red hair color. Nourished Neanderthal meat mined animals, joined the fruits of plants.

Late Palayolith

In the middle of the last Würi-Valdai glaciation (40-30 thousand years ago), a man of a modern type appeared in the Urals. The Ural began to settle quite tightly. Now people occupied not only the caves, but also arranged shelter out of them. These were housing such as a branch of a branch or jelia, covered with skins. For a long stay, a village was built with a hearth inside. The hunting facilities have already served not mammoths, but smaller animals - a bear, deer, elk, roe, boar, etc. A fishing appeared. Agriculture has not yet appeared.


In the Urals, a close to modern climatic regime is installed, modern flora and fauna folds. Intected the influx of tribes to the Urals. In its natural geographic areas and zones, language breeding communities began to take shape, which marked the beginning of the future peoples of the Urals. The lifestyle of the Mesolithic tribes of the Urals is possible to submit to the lifestyle of the Indians of North America. The farm has a fish-gathering hunting (6 thousand - beginning. 3 thousand BC. E.).


Archaeological monuments are represented by parking lots, settlements, workshops for the processing of stone, weak pictures. The population of the region is growing. There is a concentration of settlements on the banks of rivers and lakes. There were no sharp natural changes. Mining stands out in a special industry. Found workshops for splitting stone at the exits of silf and jasper. Neolithic-time grinding guns and wooden products (skis, sleigh, boats). An important occupation becomes pottery. The first dishes had a semi-day or sink form. The surface was covered with patterns consisting of straight and wavy lines, triangles.

Eneolita era

The farm becomes more specialized. Residents of the Southern Urals are actively engaged in cattle breeding. On the eneolytic monuments found products from native copper. In the Southern Urals, the metallurgical source was developed in the southern Urals.

The art of this period is represented by ornaments on ceramics, rock paintings. An images of birds and animals, man appeared.

Bronze Century

II thousand BC-VIII century. BC e. The time of the domination of bronze. Ore mining, its crushing, enrichment was produced at the Tash-Kazgang, Nikolskaya fields, Kargali.

In recent decades, over 20 monuments of the beginning of the II thousand BC were opened in the Southern Urals. With a circular layout, the most famous from which Arkim and Synthashtin settlement are known. Archaeologists call these monuments of the "country country".

Arkim is a settlement of about 20 thousand m2. The outer circle includes 40 dwellings. They had wells, foci, storage pit. Found remnants of metallurgical production (for this period of very large production). Residents of such trobodov can be considered metallurgists, cattlemen, farmers and warriors. In the settlement of 4 entrances oriented in parts of the world. The system of pvs and walls was a complex and beautiful composition. Of course, Arkim is built on a thoughtful plan (which is unusual for that time). It is clear that the bronze era existed a high, interesting culture, the development of which was interrupted for unknown reasons. Today, Arkim-Reserved Earth: protected and fenced, although further excavations are planned.

Iron Age. The formation of the peoples of the Urals. (III V.N.E.-Nach. II thousand AD)

The great relocation of peoples is numerous movement of the tribes in the I thousand AD, the beginning of which laid migrations are ready from Scandinavia to Crimea and group tribes Hunna from Southeast Kazakhstan. The reason for this movement could be draining steppes. It was Hunnu, moving along the steppes of the South Urals, mixed here with the local population of Sarmatians and Sargatov, and from the III century are known as Gunns. Chelyabinsk archaeologists discovered the Gun grazing in the pool r. Karagans. Promotion of nomadic steppe tribes has drawn into its orbit and forest-steppe and forest tribes of the Zauralye and Viurala. The formation of the Bashkir ethnos is connected with these processes, the spread of the Turran language in the Southern Urals.

People lived in log houses with cellars. They were engaged in covered agriculture (cut down the forest, burned it and on the ashes sowed barley, peas, oats, wheat). Divorced cows, horses, bird. Exploring numerous settlements, we learn that iron and metalworking becomes an important occupation. The center for smelting iron in Prikamye was the fidelity town. The main production team was a family. Significantly allocated tribal to know the warlords.

The beginning of the II thousand N.E. -The at the formation of the modern peoples of the Urals. The ancestors of the Bashkir are formed in the steppes of thence and regions of Central Asia, and then moved to the steppes and forest-steppe. The ancestors of the UDMurts are formed in the freedom of the Volga and Kama.