Ancient myths and legends of the peoples of the world. Myths Sumer and Akkada Interesting Stories and Legends

Ancient myths and legends of the peoples of the world. Myths Sumer and Akkada Interesting Stories and Legends

Mesopotamia (Mezrechy) Ancient Greek geographers called the flat region between the tiger and the Euphrate. Samulation of this area - Sennar. The center for the development of ancient civilization was in Babylonia ...

Myths of Babylon, preserved legends, legends about the gods and heroes

Hittite religion, like all the hatt culture, has developed due to the interaction of cultures of various nations. During the period of uniting the scattered cities-states of Anatoly to the United Kingdom, local traditions and cults apparently remained ...

The main monuments reflecting the mythological representations of the Egyptians are a variety of religious texts: the hymns and prayers of the gods, the records of the funeral rites on the villages of the tombs ...

We know about the Phoenician myths only what the antique authors report us, first of all Filon. In their negotias, the original basis in one degree or another is distorted ...

The earliest mention of Ugarite met in Egyptian documents II thousand BC. Two huge tsarist palaces were excavated, hit contemporaries with their luxury, the temples of the gods Ball, Dagan and, possibly, Ilu, at home, workshops, necropolis. The archive of the XIV century was also found. BC, which includes magical and religious texts ...

The myths of ancient Greece - the essence of them becomes clear only when taking into account the features of the primitive-free building of the Greeks, who perceived the world as the life of one huge generic community and in the myth of summarizing the variety of human relations and natural phenomena ...

To judge the oldest period of Roman mythology is extremely difficult, as the sources relate to a later time and often contain false etymology of the names of gods and interpreting their functions ...

Once Celts occupied the extensive territory of modern France, Belgium, Switzerland, part of Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Hungary and Bulgaria ...

Northern mythology represents an independent and richly developed branch of German mythology, which, in turn, dates back to the oldest pyranceo-European history ...

Vedic mythology - a set of mythological ideas of the Vedic Arya; Usually under Vedi mythology understand the mythological representations of the Ariis of the period of creation of the Vedas, and sometimes the period of creation of Brahman ...

Chinese mythology, a set of mythological systems: Ancient Chinese, Taoist, Buddhist and late folk mythology ...

Japanese mythology, a set of ancient'apon (syntoist), Buddhist and based on them (with the inclusion of elements of Taoism) late folk mythological systems ...

Buddhist mythology, a complex of mythological images, characters, symbols associated with the religious and philosophical system of Buddhism, which arose in 6-5 centuries. BC. In India, during the period of a centralized state, and widely spreading in South, Southeast and Central Asia and the Far East ...

Unlike antique mythology, well-known in the artistic literature and works of art, as well as the mythologies of the countries of the East, the texts of the myths of Slavs did not reach our time, because in that distant time, when the myths were created, they still did not know writing ...

Myths, Legends and Tale of Saami, Nenets, Khanty, Mansi, Komi, Yakut, Chukchi, Koryakov, Eskimos

Altai epics, Tuwly legends, Hakassky Epos, Evenki Traditions, Buryat legends, Nanaja Folkor, Udaegie Traditions;

Do you know why dogs, Chow-Chow breed, blue language? If such a question was asked by a resident of ancient China, he would not be difficult with the answer. There is an interesting Chinese legend, which says: "In a very long time, when God has already created the Earth and settled it with animals, birds, insects, fish, he engaged in the distribution of the stars in heaven. During this work, quite by chance, he fell off a piece of heaven and fell to Earth. All animals and birds, horrified, ran away on the sides and hid in secluded places. And only the most brave dog Chow-Chow was not afraid to approach the shatter of the sky, sniffing it and leased to his tongue. Since then, the dog Chow Chu, and all her descendants, the tongue has become blue. " Thanks to this beautiful legend, Chow-Chow, and today, they call the "dog, licked the sky."

The Austrian city of Salzburg is known not only by its picturesque surroundings, famous resorts, but also many historical sights. And, perhaps, the main of them is the Palace Mirabel with a complex of fabulous gardens. Pink stone, from which the palace is built, gives it ease and airiness. Of course, this is a wonderful creation of architecture, but it is not considered the main highlight, but, it is, the gardens Mirabel. Fountains, garden dwarfs, stone lions, trees and flower beds are very bizarre forms, elegant balustrades, theater with a lively hedge - not to describe. It must be seen. Real pride of Austria.

Venice - the city was shrouded in a light haze, it seems almost ephemeral and existing only in our imagination. But still you can see it not only in the pictures and in the cinema, it actually exists with all its squares, channels, bridges, cathedrals. I think that everyone who was not there, dream of making a romantic journey to Venice to catch the mysterious and mysterious essence of this unusual and magnificent city. One of the main symbols of the city is considered to be a gondola. Perhaps someone noticed that all of them are one color and like black swans disseminate the water of Venice channels. There is a legend who gives the answer to the question: why are all Venetian gondolas in the "love city" of black color?

Salzburg is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities of Austria. Located at the very foot of the Alpine Mountains, literally 5 kilometers from the border with Germany. The name of the city itself is associated with a nearby deposit of the cook salt. Her prey was engaged in time from time immemorial. According to legends, the fortress here was built to control salt export. So the name of Salzburg appeared, which means the salt fortress.

If someone at least once visited Krakow, it will never forget the charming atmosphere of this city. A difficult story, a unique culture, a unique architecture make Krakow a real paradise for poets, musicians, artists and just for any person. The city washed with legends, gladly reveals his secrets to everyone who visits him. If you were not lucky enough to go there, I really advise you to read the book N.G. Frolo "Old Krakow". One of the parts of this book is called "City Speak Characters." Who only does not participate in this eternal Krakow presentation: musicians, poets, warriors, kings, artists, adventurers ...

For the first time, this monument appeared in St. Petersburg in 1999 on the Small Sadovaya Street 3. The work of the sculptor V.A. Sivakova. The exact name of the "Monument of the Stray Dog Gavruch". But as soon as he was not called a monument to a good dog, and Gavryusha, and even just Nyusha. Satisfied there 8 years old dog breeded or hearing, or already legend. A very dog \u200b\u200bloved the teenagers. And so they came up with that if a dog write a desire, then it will be fulfilled. Since then, the courtyard on the Small Sadovaya, where the dog was standing, became the place of pilgrimage of tourists and residents of the city.

Holy Yang Nepomotsky is one of the most revered by the inhabitants of Prague Czech Saints. It is considered the patron saint of Prague and the whole Czech Republic. He lived in the XIV century, during the reign of King Waclav IV and was a priest. What Yang Nepomotsky guessed before the king, it is not exactly known, but one of the most believable assumptions the following. As the confessor of the queen, he refused to reveal the secret to the confession of his wife Wenceslas IV. For what, after long torture and torment. The king ordered him to execute. The priest was put in the bag and threw out from the Karlovy Bridge in Vltava.

Charles Bridge is one of the main attractions of Prague. Built was on the orders of King Charles IV in 1357. For five centuries, he was the only bridge through Vltava. Later in the XVII century, he began to decorate sculptures, the number of which reached 30. So the bridge turned into a real art gallery in the open air. In our time, the bridge is pedestrian and artists, sellers of souvenirs, street musicians and of course tourists were chosen. Many legends of old Prague are connected with the Karlovy Bridge. Here is one of them.


In the north of Moscow, in Hovrino, no longer one decade is an unfinished building, resembling a ghost ship. It still enters the fear of residents of this Moscow region, since it has long been a bad reputation. This building is unfinished. Its construction began in the 1980s, but never finished. In the people, this shortcut received the name of the Hovrinsky abandoned hospital and is among the top ten most terrible places in the world! As soon as he is called Hovrin's unfortunate: and the house of horror, and the cradle of nightmares, and even the Citadel Mraka.

According to the urban legend, the construction of this hospital began on the bones, i.e. In place, where the old abandoned was once located. Many people are confident that this is explained by all the failures that accompanied the building process. Olders say that earlier on the site of the Hovrinsky abandoned hospital there was a large fake. This is also evidenced by the fact that at present the foundation of the underground is even lower and lower in the groundwater. The construction of this architectural structure was suspended in 1985. Since the last builder left the territory of this building, the Hovrinsk hospital lives some kind of life, full secrets and tragedies.

Another Russian legend is associated with the ghost train and, like the first, is urban. According to legend, every month in the Moscow metro with a mad speed on the rails is rushing some strange ghost train. According to eyewitnesses, sometimes he makes stops and opens the doors of his wagons. People who argued that they saw in a residence, are confident that the silhouette of the driver, dressed in the construction form of pre-war time, is clearly visible in his cabin, and all other cars of this strange train filled with the souls of builders.

To understand the meaning of this legend, it is necessary to remember exactly how the Moscow Metro was built. Its construction began in the 40s of the last century. Old-timers say that it was a grueling and grave work for all persons involved in the construction of the annular metro line. The fact is that most builders were real prisoners convicted for certain crimes of a political or criminal nature.

Moreover, the construction of this metro was marked by bloody events: at this time, a lot of workers died on the site on the site. The fact is that unstable designs were collapsed from time to time, and some people were generally driven into the ventilation mines and littered without investigation. After some time, the price of many human victims "bloody" the metro was still completed. In this regard, there was a legend of Russian-journey. So far, people complain that sometimes Phantom Rusty Electrics allegedly scares them. Eyewitnesses say that this train appears always after midnight and only on the annular line.

Urban legends are often exciting stories containing many folk elements, and they quickly spread in society. Stories are told dramatic, as if these are truthful stories related to real people - although in fact they can be 100% figurative.

Local strokes are often added to the legend, so it will be enough to hear the same story in various versions in different countries. City legends are often warning or any meaning that motivates the society to maintain and distribute them. You can definitely say one thing - some of these terrible urban legends did not give to sleep many people. Below are ten of the best urban legends:

10. Extraked Doberman

This urban legend comes from Sydney, Australia and it tells her story about Doberman, who choked something. Once at night, the married couple came to walk and sit in the restaurant when they returned home, they saw how their dog was choking in the living room. The man panicked and fainted, and his wife decided to call her old friend, veterinarian, and agreed to bring a dog to the veterinary clinic.

After she took the dog to the clinic, she decided to go home and help her husband go to bed. She takes some time for this and meanwhile, telephone. The veterinarian hysterically shouts into the tube that they need to quickly get out of their home. Without understand what is happening, the married couple comes out of the house as soon as possible.

When they go down the stairs, several policemen flee them to meet. When a woman asked what happened, one of the policemen replies that their dog choked into a man's finger. In their house, most likely there is a robber. Soon, the former finger owner was found unconscious in the bedroom pairs.

9. Suicidal guy

This story, also known as the "death of the boyfriend", is described in many versions and is considered a generalized warning not to move too far from the safety of his home. In our version will go about Paris in the 1960s. The girl and her boyfriend (both college students) kiss in his car. They parked near the forest Rambouillet (Rambouillet) so that no one saw them. When they finished, the guy came out of the car to breathe fresh air and smoke a cigarette, and the girl waiting for him in the safety of the car.

After she waited five minutes, the girl came out of the car to find his boyfriend. Suddenly she sees a man hiding in the shade of a tree. Running, she sits back into the car to leave back - but while she sat down, she heard a very quiet creak, followed by a few more creakings.

It lasts a few seconds, but the girl in the end decides that she does not have another choice and decides to leave. She presses the gas pedal, but can not leave anywhere - someone tied the cable from the bumper machine to growing near the tree.

As a result, the girl once again presses the gas pedal and hears a loud cry. She comes out of the car and discovers that her guy hangs on a tree. As it turned out, the creaking sounds were published by his shoes, dragging on the roof of the car.

8. Woman with torn mouth

In Japan and China, the legend is about the girl Kutisake-Onna (Kuchisake-Onna), also known as a woman with a torn mouth. Some say she was a samurai wife. Once, she changed her husband with a young and beautiful man. When the husband returned, he discovered her betrayal, and in a rage he took his sword and cut her mouth from the ear to ear.

Some tell that the woman was damned - she will never die, and still walks the world so that people can see a terrible scar on her face and regret it. Some argue that you saw a beautiful young girl who asked them: "I am beautiful?" And when they answered positively, she broke the mask and showed a terrible wound. Then she repeated his question - and anyone who stopped counting her beautiful, waiting for a tragic death.

In this story, two morals: do nothing worth making a compliment, and honesty is not in all situations is the best approach.

7. Bridge of a crying child

According to this legend, the couple returned to the car home from the church with his child and somehow argued about something. She walked heavy rain, and soon they had to move through a flooded bridge. As soon as they entered the bridge, it turned out that the water was much more than they thought, and the car was stuck - they decided that they had to go for help. The woman remained to wait, but came out of the car because of which you can only guess.

When she turned away from the car, she suddenly heard her child crying loudly. She returned to the car and found that her child took water. According to the same legend, if you are on the same bridge, then you can still hear a crying crying (the location of the bridge, of course, is unknown).

6. Abduction of aliens Tanfretta (Zanfretta)

The history of the abduction of Fortunato Zanfretta (Fortunato Zanfretta) has been over the past few decades of one of the most famous urban legends of Italy.

According to his own stories (initially made under hypnosis), Zanfretta was abducted by the aliens of Dragos (Dragos) from the Titonia Planet (Teetonia), and for several years (1978-1981) he repeatedly kidnapped several times the same group with a different planet. As far as terrifying and terrible, this story would be sounded, if we consider the words Zanfretta, spoken by him during the hypnosis session, it is possible to address the intentions of aliens from an optimistic point of view:

"I know that you want to fly more often ... No, you can't fly to the ground, people are afraid of how you look. You will not be able to become our friends. Please fly away.

Zanfretta, perhaps, provided more details about his abduction by aliens than any other person in history - his detailed stories can make even the very old skeptics to think, whether the truth is there. Up to this day, the case of the tallery remains one of the most interesting and mysterious "secret materials".

5. White death

This story talks about a little girl from Scotland, who hated life so much that he wanted to destroy everything that was connected with her. Finally, she decided to commit suicide, and soon after that her family discovered that she did.

According to a terrible coincidence, all members of her family died a few days later, and their limbs were torn off. Legend says that when you recognize about the white death, the ghost of a little girl can find you and knock on your door many times. Each knock is becoming louder, while a person does not open the door, after which she kills him so that he did not tell anyone another about her existence. Its main task is to make no one knew about her.

Like most urban legends, this story is most likely a product of the unbridled fantasy of modern Ezop.

4. Black Volga

According to rumors, on the streets of Warsaw in the 1960s, the Black Volga was often noticed - in which people who kidnapped children were sitting. According to the legend (which, without a doubt, helped Western propaganda) Soviet officers drove out in the Black Volga in Moscow in the mid-1930s, abducting young, pretty girls to meet the sexual needs of high-ranking Soviet comrades. For other versions of this legend, vampires, mystical priests, satanists, traders and Satan himself were sitting in the Volga.

According to various versions of the legend, children were kidnapped to use their blood as treatment for rich people from different ends of peace suffering from leukemia. Naturally, none of these versions confirmed.

3. Greek soldier

This less famous legend talks about a soldier from Greece, who after the Second World War returned home to marry his bride. By his regret, he was captured by his compatriots with enemy political convictions, he was tortured for five weeks, after which they killed. In the early 1950s, mainly in the northern and central parts of Greece, history was distributed about an attractive Greek soldier in uniform, which appeared and quickly disappeared, seducing beautiful widows and virgins with one goal - to give them a child.

Five weeks after the child was born, the man disappeared forever - leaving a note on the table, in which he explained that he was returning from the world of the dead so that his sons, who could take revenge on his murder.

2. Elisa Day (Elisa Day)

In medieval Europe, a young girl named Eliza Day, whose beauty was like wild roses, growing near the river - bloody and red. One day a young man arrived in the city, who was instantly falling in love with Eliz. They met for three days. On the first day, he came home to her. On the second day he brought her one red rose and asked to meet where wild roses grow. On the third day, he took her to the river, where he killed. The terrible man waited until she turns away from him, after which she took a stone and whispered "all the beauty should die," killed her with one blow on his head. He put her rose in his teeth and pushed the body into the river. Some people claim that she saw her ghost, wandering along the banks of the river, with one rose in his hand, and from the head her blood flowed.

Kylie Minoga and Nika Kale has a very beautiful song on this legend - "Where the Wild Roses Grow":

1. Well in hell

In 1989, Russian scientists have drilled a well in Siberia with a depth of about 14.5 kilometers. Theberge fell into the cavity in the earthly crust, and scientists have lowered several devices there to figure out what the matter is. The temperature there exceeded 1000 degrees Celsius, but this shock was what they heard on the record.

Before the microphone was melted, it was possible to burn only 17 terrifying seconds of sound. Many of the scientists who are convinced that they heard the screams of the damned from hell, threw their work - or at least this is said in history. Those who stayed were shocked even stronger at the same night. A stream of luminescent gas flew out of the well, which turned into the form of a giant winged demon, and then in the lights it was possible to read the words "I won." Although at the moment this story is considered fiction, there are many people who believe that it actually happened - the city legend "Well in Hell" is told, and to this day.

In the generally informal understanding of the ancient Ellinov, there was a variety of cult representations. All this is confirmed by numerous excavations of archaeologists and artifacts. It has been proven in which locality was overcasting certain gods. For example, Apollo - in Delphi and Delome, in honor of Athens, the capital of Greece, the god of healing Asclepia (the son of Apollo) - in the epidavre, Poseidon respected the ionians on Peloponnese and so on.

Opened in honor of this shrine of the Greeks: Delphic, Dodon and Delosskaya. Almost all of them are covered with some secret, it is deciphered in myths and legends. The most interesting myths of ancient Greece (short) we describe below.

Cult Apollo in Greece and Rome

He was called "four-humid" and "four,". Apollo numbered about a hundred sons. His myself was whether five, or seven. Monuments in honor of the Holy Not consider, the huge temples of his name too, are located in Greece, Italy, Turkey. And this is all about him: about Apollo - the mythical hero and God Eldla.

The ancient gods were not surnames, but Apollo has several of them: Dolphic, Rhodes, Belvedere, Pythia. This happened across the territories where his cult was most spaced.

Two millennia passed from the origin of the cult, and in a fairy tale about this, beauties believe today. What he entered the "naive mythology" and for what is fictitious in the souls and hearts of the Greeks and residents of other countries?

Westing the son of Zeus originated in Malaya Asia for two thousand years BC. Initially, the myths depicted Apollo not by a person, but a zoomorphic creature (the influence of pre-religious totomism) - a ram. The Dorian version of Origin is possible. But, as before, an important center of the cult is the sanctuary in Delphi. In it, the pronunciation uttered all sorts of predictions, the twelve mythic feats of Brother Apollo - Hercules occurred by her instruction. From the Hellenic colonies in Italy, the cult of God-Greek fixed in Rome.

Myths about Apollo

God is not lonely. Archaeological sources provide information about various sources of its origin. Who was Apollo: the son of the Keeper Athens, Coribant, the third and several other fathers. Mythology attributes Apollo thirty heroes killed (Achilles), dragons (including a ponyphone), cyclopa. He was told that he could destroy, but could help, and predict the future.

Mythology extended to Apollo before his birth, when the Supreme Goddess of Gera learned that from her wife Zeus Summer (Laton) should have a boy (Apollo). With the help of the dragon, she drove the future mother to a deserted island. Apollo was born there, and his sister of Artemis. They grew up on this island (Delos), in the same place he swore destroy the dragon for the persecution of his mother.

As described with an ancient myth, quickly matured Apollo picked up onions and arrows and flew to where the ponyphone lived. The beast crawled out of the terrible gorge and thrown on the young man.

Looks like an octopus with a big scaly torso. Even the cliffs moved away from him. Worried monster thrown on the young man. But the arrows did their job.

Piphon died, Apollo buried him, and here the real temple of Apollo was built here. In his room there was a real priesteen of the peasant. She pronounced the pronunion of allegedly by the mouth of Apollo. The questions were written on the ski and passed into the temple. They were not fictional, but from the real terrestrial people of different ages of the existence of this temple. They were found archaeologists. As the priestess commented on, no one knows.

Narcissus - mythical hero and real flower

Praphrasing the oldest sage, you can say: if you have extra money, do not buy bread from above that you can eat; Buy a Narcissus flower - Bread Body, and he is for the soul.

So the mythical nickname about the narcissist young man. Narcissue from ancient Eldlas turned into the name of a beautiful spring flower.

The Greek goddess of Love Aphrodite is severely revenge on those who rejected her gifts who did not obey her power. Mythology knows several such victims from her. Among those and the young man Narcissus. Proud, he could not love anyone, only himself.

Anger found on the goddess. One day, during the hunt, Narcissus approached the stream, he just fascinated by the purity of water, her mirror. But the stream was really special, perhaps also enchanted by Aphrodite. The goddess did not forgive anyone if they did not pay attention to her.

No one drank from the stream of water, even a branch, nor petals of flowers could not fall into it. Here is Narcissus and looked at himself. Leaned up to kiss his reflection. But there is only cold water.

He forgot about the hunt, and the desire to get a drink. Everyone admires, forgot about food, sleep. And suddenly I woke up: "I really loved you so much, but we can't be together?" So began to suffer that the strength left him. Feels what will go to the kingdom of darkness. But the young man believes that death will finish His Flour of Love. He is crying.

Along with the land of Narcissus heads. He died. Cried nymphs in the forest. They dug the grave, went for the body, and it was not. On the grass, where the head of the boy fell, the flower grown. He was called Narcissus.

And the nymph echo forever remained to suffer in that forest. And she did not respond anyick more.

Poseidon - Lord of the Seas

Zeus sits in the whole divine magician on Mount Olympus, and his brother Poseidon went to the sea bunch and from there burst water, stimping troubles on navigators. He wants to do it - he takes his main weapon in his hand - a terrice with a trident.

He and the palace is better than a brother on land. And he reigns there with his charming wife amphitrite, the daughter of the sea god. Together with Poseidon, she rushes along the waters on a chariot with horses harnessed in it or zoomorphic creatures - triton.

Poseidon looked after his wife from the waters on the shore of the island of Naxos. But she ran away from him to the handsome atlas. I could not find Poseidon himself. Dolphins helped him, who delivered it to the palace at the bottom of the sea. For this, Marine Lord presented the volphins of the constellation in heaven.

Perseus: Almost like a good person

Perseus, perhaps, one of the few sons of Zeus, who had no negative character traits. As an amateur herakla with his attacks of an inexplicable anger or Achille, who was not considered with the interests of others and admiring only his own "I".

Perseus was beautiful as God, brave and clever. Always tried to seek success. Mythology Persea is such. His grandfather, one of the earthly kings, was creating in a dream that death would bring him grandson. Therefore, he stunned the daughter in the dungeon behind the stones, bronze and castles, - away from men. But all the obstacles for Zeus, who liked the tax was nipple. It penetrates her through the roof in the form of rain. And the son named Persem was born. But the malicious grandfather had a mother with a child in a drawer and sent them to swim in the box on the sea.

The prisoners still managed to escape on one of the islands, where the waves knocked the drawer to the shore, the fishermen of the fishermen resulted their mother and son. But I reigned on the island of a man, nothing is better than Father Danai. He began to pester a woman. And so have passed years, now Perseus could stand for the mother.

The king decided to get rid of the young men, but so that the anger of God Zeus is not to accuming himself. He schitril, accusing Perseus in an unsalted origin. To do this, it was necessary to make a heroic act, for example, kill the malicious jellyfish Gorgon and drag her head to the Palace of the king.

It really was not only a marine, but also flying monster, which turned into a stone of those who look at her. Without gods here was not to do. Zeus's son helped. He was presented with a magic sword and a shield mirror. In search of the ruins of Perseus, many countries passed and through many barriers arranged by opponents. Nymphs also presented him with a lot of things.

Finally, he reached the abandoned country, where sisters lived that the gorgon itself. Only they could have a young man to her. Sisters had one eye and one tooth on three. While led the youngest Gorgon with the eye, the rest could not take anything. Further in the sky he flew to the mandes. And he came across the sleeping jellyfish. While she did not wake up, the young man cut off her his head and put in a bag. And I took the course across the sky on my island. So he proved his destination to the king and, having taken the mother, returned to Argos.

Hercules marry

A lot of perfect exploits, the slave labor at Queen Ommopals took the strength at Hercules. He wanted a quiet life at home. "House is unlimited, but you need a loving wife. Here it is necessary to find it, "the hero has built plans.

Somehow I remembered the hunt for the vapor near Kalidon with the local Tsarevich and meeting with his sister. And he went to South Etolia to wonder. At this time, the police had already been married, and a lot of grooms came across.

There was also a river God - the horror of which the light did not see. The father of the officials said he would give the daughter to someone who defeats God. One heraklon remained from the grooms, since others, seeing the opponent, changed his mind to marry.

Hercules captured the hands of the opponent, but he stood like a rock. And so several times. Already almost ready the result for Hercules, as God turned into a snake. The son of Zeus was still in the cradle strangled two snakes, I coped here. But the old man became a bull. The hero broke one horn, and he gave up. The bride became his wife Hercules.

These are the myths of ancient Greece.

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