The origin of the Tatar people. Tatars (Origin, Customs, Traditions, Holidays)

The origin of the Tatar people. Tatars (Origin, Customs, Traditions, Holidays)
The origin of the Tatar people. Tatars (Origin, Customs, Traditions, Holidays)

I am often asked to tell the story of this or that nation. Including often asked about the Tatars. Probably, the Tatars themselves, and other nations feel that the school history of Lucavil about them, something was in favor of political conjuncture.
The most difficult when describing the history of peoples is to determine the point from which to start. It is clear that everything in the end comes from Adam and Eve and all the peoples of relatives. But still ... the history of the Tatars is likely to begin with 375, when a big war between the Huns and Slavs on the one hand and Goths happened in the southern steppes of Russia. In the end, the Huns won and on the shoulders of retreats were ready to go to Western Europe, where they were dissolved in the knightly castles of the emerging medieval Europe.

The ancestors of the Tatar are the Gunns and Bulgars.

Often the Huns consider some mythical nomads who came from Mongolia. This is not true. Gunns are a religious military education that arose as an answer to the decomposition of an ancient world in Sarmatia monasteries on a medium volgar and chamber. The ideology of the Huns was based on the return to the original traditions of the Vedic philosophy of the ancient world and the Code of honor. It was they who became the basis of the Knight's Code of Code in Europe. According to racial signs, these were blond and redheads with blue eyes, descendants of the ancient arions, which time for centuries lived on the space from the Dnieper to the Urals. Actually, Tata - Aries with Sanskrit, the language of our ancestors, and translates as "Fathers of Arii." After the army leaves the Huns from South Russia to Western Europe, the remaining Sarmatian-Skift population of Lower Don and the Dnieper began to call himself Bulgarians.

Byzantine historians do not distinguish Bulgar and Huns. This suggests that Bulgarians and other Huns tribes were similar to customs, languages, races. Bulgars belonged to the Aryan race, spoke on one of the military russian jargon (version of Turkic languages). Although it is possible that people of the Mongoloid type as mercenaries were also present in the military teams of the Huns as mercenaries.
As for the earliest references to Bulgar, this is 354 years old, the "Roman chronicles" of an unknown author (TH. Mommsen Chronographs Anni Ccliv, Man, AA, IX, LIBER Generations,),and also the work of Moise de Khorene.
According to these records, before in the middle of the IV century, Gunns appeared in Western Europe, the presence of Bulgar was observed in the North Caucasus. In the 2nd half of the IV century, some part of the Bulgarians penetrated Armenia. It can be assumed that the Bulgars are not entirely Hun. According to our version, Gunna is a religious military education according to the type of today's Taliban of Afghanistan. With the difference that this phenomenon appeared then in the Aryan Vedic monasteries of Sarmatia on the shores of Volga, Northern Dvina and Don. Blue Rus (or Sarmatia) after numerous periods of decline and dawn in the fourth century of our era began new rebirth to the Great Bulgaria, which occupied the territory from the Caucasus to the Northern Urals. So the appearance of the Bulgarians in the middle of the IV century in the region of the North Caucasus is more than possible. And the reason that they were not called Hunov, obviously, in the fact that at that time the Bulgars were not called Huns themselves. The Huns called himself a certain estate of military monks who were the keeper of the Cobare of Vedica Philosophy and Religion, martial arts connoisseurs and carriers of a special Code of honor, which later lay down the basis of the Code of honor of the Knight's Order of Europe. All Gunnsky tribes came to Western Europe on one way, it is obvious that they came not at the same time, but by parties. The appearance of Gunnov is a natural process as a reaction to the degradation of an ancient world. As the Taliban today is a response to the processes of the degradation of the Western world, so at the beginning of the era of Gunns were the answer to the decomposition of Rome and Byzantium. It seems that this process is an objective pattern of development of social systems.

At the beginning of the 5th century in the north-west of the Carpathian region between Bulgarians (Vulgars) and Langobards have doubled the war. At that time, all the Carpathians and Pannonia were ruled by the Huns. But this testifies that the Bulgarians were part of the Union of the Gunnsky tribes and that they came to Europe along with the Gunns. Carpathian vulgars of the beginning of the V century are the same Bulgars from the Caucasus of the middle of the IV century. Motherland of these Bulgars Volga, River Kama and Don. Actually, Bulgars are fragments of the Gunno empire, at one time destroyed the ancient world, which remained in the steppes of Russia. Most of the "people of long will", religious warriors who formed the invincible religious spirit of the Huns, went to the West and after the emergence of medieval Europe, were dissolved in knightly castles and orders. But the communities of their powers remained on the banks of Don and Dnipro.
By the end of the V century, two main Bulgarian tribes are known: the crooked and the witch. The latter settle down on the shores of the Azov Sea in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Taman Peninsula. Croaguri lived between the bend of the Lower Dnieper and the Azov Sea, controlling the Steppes of the Crimea, up to the walls of Greek cities.
They periodically (in the Union with Slavic tribes) make raids on the boundaries of the Byzantine Empire. So, in 539-540, Bulgarians spend raids on Thrace and Illyry to the Adriatic Sea. At the same time, many Bulgarians come to the service for the emperor of Byzantium. In 537, the Bulgar detachment fights on the side of the deposited Rome with Gotami. There are cases and hostility between the tribes of the Bulgar, which the Byzantine diplomacy skillfully fastened.
About 558, Bulgars (mostly Krogigur), under the leadership of Khan, Zakregan invades Thrace and Macedonia, are suitable for the walls of Constantinople. And only the price of great efforts by the Byzantines stopped Zavegan. Bulgars are returned to the steppe. The main reason is the news of the appearance of the east of the Don Unknown Horde. These were Avara Khan Bayan.

Byzantine diplomats immediately use Avar to fight against Bulgar. New Allies are offered money and land for settlements. Although the Avarian army is only about 20 thousand riders, it carries all the same invincible spirit of the Vedic monasteries and, of course, it turns out to be stronger than numerous boulars. It also contributes to the fact that after them is moving another horde, now Turks. The first are attacked by the wombura, then Avars crossed the Don and invade the land of Critian. Khan Pokagegan becomes Bayana's vassal. The further fate of Krogirov is closely connected with Avara.
In 566, the advanced Türkov detachments reach the Black Sea coast in the area of \u200b\u200bKuban's mouth. The pasters recognize the power of the Turkic kagan of Exemi on themselves.
By combining the army, they capture the most ancient capital of the ancient world of Bosporus on the shore of the Kerch Strait, and in 581 appear under the walls of Chersonese.


After the care of the Avar troops in Pannonia and the start of civil servants in the Turkic kaganate, the Bulgarian tribes again united under the rule of Khan Kubrat. The Kurbatovo station in the Voronezh region is an ancient rate of the legendary Khan. This ruler, who headed the Frogurov tribe, was brought up in the imperial courtyard in Konstantinople and was baptized in 12 years. In 632, he proclaimed independence from Avar and stood at the head of the association, who received the name of the Great Bulgaria in Byzantine sources.
She held the south of modern Ukraine and Russia from Dnieper to Kuban. In 634-641, Christian Khan Kubrat entered into an alliance with the Byzantine emperor Irakli.

The emergence of Bulgaria and the resettlement of the Bulgar in the world

However, after the death of Kubrat (665), his empire broke up because it was divided between his sons. The eldest son Batboyan began to live in a public in the status of Danistan Khazar. Another son - Kotrag - moved to the right bank of Don and also fell under the power of Jews from Khazaria. The third son - Asparuh - under the Khazar pressure went to the Danube, where, subordinating the Slavic population, marked the beginning of modern Bulgaria.
In 865, Bulgarian Khan Boris accepted Christianity. Mixing the Bulgarians with Slavs led to the emergence of modern Bulgarians.
Two more sons of Kubrata - Kutuuta (Cuber) and Alzek (Alzek) - went to Pannonia to Avaras. During the formation of the Danube Bulgaria, Kutouut raised the rebellion and moved to the side of Byzantium, settling in Macedonia. Subsequently, this group was part of the Danube Bulgarian. Another group led by Alzek intervened in the struggle for the throne in the Avar Kaganate, after which it was forced to escape and ask for refuge among the Frankish king Dagobert (629-639) in Bavaria, and then settle in Italy near Ravenna.

The big group of Bulgars returned to his historic homeland - in the Volga region and Kama, where their ancestors were in due time the whirlwind of the passionary gust of the Huns was taken. However, the population, which they met here, was not very different from them themselves.
At the end of the VIII century. Bulgarian tribes on the medium Volga created the state Volzhskaya Bulgaria. Based on these tribes in these places, Kazan Khanate originated.
In 922, the ruler of the Volga Bulgar Almas adopted Islam. By that time, life in the Vedic monasteries, sometime located in these places, was almost faded. The descendants of the Volga Bulgarians, in the formation of which a number of other Turkic and threat-Finnish tribes took part, are Chuvashi and Kazan Tatars. Islam from the very beginning strengthened only in cities. The son of King Almus went to pilgrimage to Mecca and drove to Baghdad. After that there was a union between Bulgaria with Bagdat. The subjects of Bulgaria paid the king to sue horses, leishes, etc. existed customs. A duty (tenth of goods) from merchant vessels came to the royal treasury. From the kings of Bulgaria, Arabic writers mention only the Silka and Almus; Franu's coins managed to read another three named: Ahmed, Taleb and Muman. The most ancient of them, named Tsar Taleba, refers to 338
In addition, the Byzantine-Russian agreements of the XX century. We mention the Horde of the Black Bulgarians who lived near the Crimea.

Volga Bulgaria

Bulgaria Volzhsko-Kamskaya, the state of Volzhsko-Kamsky, Finno-Ugric peoples in the XX-XV centuries. Capital: Bulgar City, and from the XII century. Bilar city. By the XX century Sarmatia (blue Russia) was divided into two kaganates - Northern Bulgaria and South Khazaria.
The largest cities - Bulgarians and Biil - in Square and population exceeded London, Paris, Kiev, Novgorod, Vladimir of that time.
Bulgaria played an important role in the process of ethnogenesis of modern Kazan Tatars, Chuvash, Mordvoy, Udmurts, Marie and Komi, Finns and Estonians.
Bulgaria by the time of the formation of the Bulgarian state (beginning of the 20th century), the center of which was the city of Bulgar (now with. Bulgarians of the Tataria), depending on the Khazar kaganant managed by Jews.
The Bulgarian king Almatas addressed support for the Arab Caliphat, as a result of which the Bulgaria adopted Islam as a state religion. The disintegration of the Khazar Kaganat after his defeat of the Russian prince Svyatoslav I Igorevich in 965 was consolidated by the actual independence of Bulgaria.
Bulgaria becomes the strongest state in blue Russia. The intersection of trade routes, the abundance of chernozem in the absence of wars made this edge quickly prosperous. Bulgaria has become a production center. From here, wheat, fur, cattle, fish, honey, craft products (caps, boots, famous in the East as "Bulgari", leather) were exported. But the main income brought trade transit between East and West. Here from the XX century. The own coin was minted - Dirham.
In addition to Bulgar, other cities, such as Suvav, Bilar, Oshl, and others, were also known.
Cities were powerful fortresses. There were many fortified estates of the Bulgarian nobility.

Literacy among the population was widespread. Lawyers, theologians, doctors, historians, astronomers live in Bulgaria. The poet Kul-Gali created the poem "Kuss and Jusuf", widely known in the Turkic literature of his time. After the adoption of Islam in 986, some Bulgarian preachers visited Kiev and Ladoga, offered the Great Russian Prince Vladimir I Svyatoslavich to accept Islam. The Russian chronicles from the X century distinguish the Bulgars of Volzhsky, Silver or Nukratsky (for chamber), Timtizhei, Cheremshansk and Hvhvais.
Naturally, a continuous struggle for leadership in Russia was carried out. Clashes with princes from white Russia and Kiev was commonplace. In 969, they were attacked by the Russian prince Svyatoslav, who ruined their land, on tating Araba Ibn Haukal, in resentment for the fact that in 913 helped Khazars destroy the squad of Russians who made a trip to the southern shores of the Caspian Sea. In 985, Prince Vladimir also made a campaign on Bulgaria. In the XII century, with the elevation of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, which undertook to spread his influence in the Volga region, the struggle between the two parts of Russia aggravated. Military threat forced the Bulgar to transfer his capital to the depths of the country - Bilar (now with. Bilyask Tataria). But the Bulgarian princes did not remain in debt. Bulgaram managed to capture in 1219 and plunder Ustyug in Northern Dvina. It was a fundamental victory, since here from the most primitive times were the ancient libraries of Vedica and the ancient monasteries by patronage
MY, as they considered the ancient, God Hermes. It was in these monasteries that knowledge about the oldest history of the world was hidden. Most likely, it was in them a military-religious estate of the Huns arose and a set of laws of the Knight's honor was developed. However, the princes of Belaya Russia soon revenged for the defeat. In 1220, Oshl and others were taken by Russian dibs. Only rich sputter prevented the ruin of the capital. After that, the world was established, confirmed in 1229 by the exchange of prisoners of war. Military collisions between white rules and bulgaria happened at 985, 1088, 1120, 1164, 1172, 1184, 1186, 1218, 1220, 1229 and 1236. Bulgars during the invasion reached Murom (1088 and 1184) and Ustyug (1218). At the same time, in all three parts of Russia, a single people lived, often talking on the naschas of one language and originating from common ancestors. This could not not impose a fingerprint on the nature of the relationship between fraternal peoples. So, the Russian chronicler retained under 1024 the news that
That year in Suzdal fired hunger and that the Bulgars provided Russians with a large number of bread.

Loss independence

In 1223, Genghis Khan's Ordans, who came from the depths of Eurasia, defeated in the south of Red Rus (Kiev-Polovkoy army) in the battle on Kalka, but on the way back were very bullied by bulgaria. It is known that Genghis Khan, when was still an ordinary shepherd, he met Bulgarian Buyan, a stray philosopher from Blue Rus, who predicted his great fate. It seems that he handed Genghis Khan the same philosophy and religion, which at one time gave rise to Huns. Now there has been a new horde. This phenomenon arises in Eurasia with enviable regularity as a response to the degradation of public hide. And every time through destruction, it generates a new life of Russia and Europe.

In 1229 and 1232, Bulgaram managed to re-reflect the raids of the Ordans. In 1236, the grandson of Genghishan Bati begins a new campaign to the West. In the spring of 1236, the Ordini Khan Subutai took the capital of Bulgar. In the fall of the same year, Bilar and other cities of Blue Rus were ruined. Bulgaria was forced to submit; But barely, the Ordane army left, the Bulgars came out of the Union. Then Khan Subayta in 1240 was forced to immediately invade, accompanying the campaign of blood and ruin.
In 1243, the Bate founded the state of the Golden Horde, one of whose provinces was Bulgaria. She enjoyed some autonomy, her princes became vassals of the Goldenordinian Khan, paid him tribute and delivered warriors to the Order of the Orda. The high culture of Bulgaria has become the most important part of the culture of the Golden Horde.
Termination of war helped to revive the economy. It reached the highest flourishing in this region of Russia in the first half of the XIV century. By this time, Islam was established as a state religion of the Golden Horde. The city of Bulgar becomes a Khan residence. The city attracted many palaces, mosques, caravan sheds. It had public baths, cobbled streets, an underground water supply. Here the first in Europe was mastered wing cast iron. Decorations, ceramics from these seats were sold in medieval Europe and Asia.

The death of the Volga Bulgaria and the birth of the people of Tatarstan

From the middle of the XIV century. The struggle for the Khan throne begins, separatist trends are strengthened. In 1361, Prince Bulat-Temir is spinning from the Golden Horde extensive territory in the Volga region, including Bulgaria. Khanam Golden Horde only for a short time manages to reiterate the state, where the process of crushing and separation is underway everywhere. Bulgaria disintegrates into two actually independent principalities - Bulgarian and Zhukotinskoe - with center in Zhukotin. After the start of civil workers in the Golden Horde in 1359, the army of the Novgorod residents took possession of Zhukotin. Russian princes Dmitry Ioannovich and Vasily Dmitrievich seized other cities of Bulgaria and put their "customs officers" in them.
In the second half of the XIV-early XV century, the Bulgaria is experiencing a constant military pressure of White Rus. Finally, the Bulgaria lost its independence in 1431, when the Moscow army of Prince Fedor was motley conquered the southern lands. Independence retained only the northern territories, the center of which was Kazan. It was on the basis of these lands that the formation of the Kazan Khanate and the rebirth of the ethnos of the ancient residents of Blue Russia began (and earlier the Aryans of the country of seven lights and lunar cults) in the Kazan Tatars. At this time, the Bulgaria had finally fallen under the authority of the Russian kings, but when it was - to say it is impossible; In all likelihood, this happened under John Grozny, simultaneously with the fall of Kazan in 1552. However, the title of "sovereign Bulgaria" was still his grandfather, John Sh. Since that time, it can be considered, the formation of the ethnos of modern Tatars begins, which happens already in the united Rus. Tatar princes form many outstanding kinds of Russian states, becoming
By the famous commanders, government officials, scientists, cultural figures. Actually, the history of Tatars, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians is the history of one Russian people, whose horses go to the most antiquity. Recent studies have shown that all European peoples somehow or other people from the Volga-Occan-Don Area. Part of the once of the unified people settled in the world, but some nations always remained in the original lands. Tatars are just from such.

Gennady Klimov

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At the end of the 19th - early 20 century. In the world and in the Russian Empire, a public phenomenon developed - nationalism. Which carried out the idea that a person is very important to calculate himself to a certain social group - nation (nationality). Under the nation understood the generality of the territory of the settlement, culture (especially, a single literary language), anthropological traits (body structure, face features). Against the background of this idea, each of the social groups had a struggle for the preservation of culture. Herald of nationalism ideas became the originating and developing bourgeoisie. At this time, such a struggle was conducted in Tatarstan - world social processes did not bypass our region.

Unlike revolutionary shouts of the first quarter of 20 V. And the last decade of the 20th century, which used very emotional terms - nation, nationality, people, in modern science it is customary to use a more cautious term - an ethnic group, ethnos. This term carries in itself all the same community of language and culture, as well as the people, and nation, and nationality, but does not need to be specified or the size of the social group. However, belonging to any ethnic group is still an important social aspect for a person.

If you ask for a passerby in Russia, what kind of nationality he is, then, as a rule, passerby with pride to answer that he is Russian or Chuvash. And, of course, from those who be proud of their ethnic origin will be Tatar. But what will mean this word - "Tatar" - in the mouth of the utmost. In Tatarstan, not everyone who counts themselves to Tatars says and reads in Tatar. Not everyone looks like a Tatar with a generally accepted point of view - mixing the features of Caucasian, Mongolian and Finno-Ugric anthropological types, for example. Among the Tatars there are Christians, and many atheists, and not everyone who considers themselves Muslim, read Quran. But all this does not prevent the Tatar ethnic group to preserve, develop and be one of the most distinctive in the world.

The development of national culture entails the development of the history of the nation, especially if we have prevented the study of this story for a long time. As a result, the unlawful, and sometimes vowel, ban on the study of the edge, entailed a particularly rapid surge of Tatar historical science, which is also observed to this day. The pluralism of opinions and lack of actual material led to the folding of several theories trying to combine the largest number of well-known facts. No just historical doctrines have been formed, and several historical schools who carry a scientific dispute. At first, historians and publicists were divided into "Bulgarists", who considered the Tatars that occurred from the Volga Bulgarians, and Tatarists, who considered the period of folding the Tatar nation, the period of the existence of the Kazan Khanate and denying participation in the formation of the Bulgarian nation. Subsequently, another theory appeared, on the one hand, contrary to the first two, and on the other - uniting all the best of the existing theories. She was called "Turko Tatar".

As a result, we can, relying on the key points designated above, formulate the purpose of this work: to reflect the greatest range of points of view on the origin of the Tatars.

Tasks can be divided according to the points under consideration:

Consider the Bulgaro-Tatar and Tatar-Mongol point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars;

Consider the Turkic Tatar point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars and a number of alternative points of view.

The names of chapters will correspond to the designated tasks.

point Vision Ethnogenesis Tatars

Chapter 1. Bulgaro-Tatar and Tatar-Mongol point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars

It should be noted that in addition to the language and cultural community, as well as common anthropological devils, historians pay a considerable role to the origin of statehood. So, for example, the beginning of Russian history consider not archaeological cultures of the Dlavyansky period and not even the tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs that moved in 3-4 centuries, and the Kiev Rus, which pretended to the 8th century. For some reason, a considerable role in the formation of culture is given to the dissemination (official adoption) of a monotheistic religion, which happened in Kievan Rus in 988, and in the Volga Bulgaria in 922, Bulgar-Tatar theory occurred, first of all of such prerequisites.

Bulgaro-Tatar theory is based on the situation that the ethnic basis of the Tatar people was the Bulgarian ethnos, which established on the Middle Volga region and the Ural of VIII. n. e. (Recently, some supporters of this theory began to attribute the appearance of the Turkic-Bulgarian tribes in the region to the VIII-VII centuries. BC. e. and earlier) The most important provisions of this concept are formulated as follows. The main ethnocultural traditions and the peculiarities of the modern Tatar (Bulgaro-Tatar) of the people were formed during the Volga Bulgaria (X-XIII century), and in the subsequent time (Goldenordinsky, Kazanskokhansky and Russian periods), they underwent only minor changes in language and culture. The principalitys (Sultanates) of the Volga Bulgar, being in the Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde), enjoyed a significant political and cultural autonomy, and the influence of the Ordan ethnopolitical system of power and culture (in particular, literature, art and architecture) was considered a purely external influence that did not provide Noticeable influence on the Bulgarian society. The most important consequence of the domination of Ulus Juchi was the disintegration of the Unified State of the Volga Bulgaria to a number of possessions, and the Unified Bulgarian Nature - into two ethno-territorial groups ("Bulgaro-Burtasa" Ulus Mushcha and "Bulgars" of the Volga-Kama Bulgarian principalities). During the period of the Kazan Khanty, Bulgarian ("Bulgaro-Kazansky") Ethnos strengthened the early Domongol ethnocultural features, which continued to be traditionally preserved (including the self-configuration "Bulgars") until the 1920s, when he was forcibly imposed on the Tatar bourgeois nationalists and Soviet government. Etnonym "Tatars".

Let us dwell more. First, the migration of the tribes from the northern Caucasus footage after the decay of the state of the Great Bulgaria. Why is Bulgarians currently assimilated by the Slavs, became Slavic people, and Volzhsky Bulgarians - Turkic Population, who has gained living before them in this area? Is it possible that the enlightened Bulgar was much larger than local tribes? In this case, the postulate that the Turkic-speaking tribes penetrated this territory long before the appearance of the Bulgarians - during the times of Kimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatov, Gunnov, Khazar, looks much more logical. The history of the Volga Bulgaria begins not with the fact that the nagged tribes founded the state, and with the association of the doors of the cities - the capitals of tribal unions - Bulgar, Bilyar and Suwara. The traditions of statehood also did not necessarily proceed from the seed tribes, since the local tribes adjacent to the powerful ancient states - for example, the Scythian kingdom. In addition, the provision that Bulgarians assimilated local tribes contradicts the provision that the Bulgarians themselves were not assimilated by Tatar-Mongols. As a result, Bulgaro-Tatar theory breaks about the fact that Chuvashsky is much closer to the ancient Bulgarian than Tatar. And the Tatars today speak the Turkic-Kipchak adveria.

However, the theory and advantages are not devoid. For example, the anthropological type of Kazan Tatars, especially men, relates them to the peoples of the North Caucasus and indicates the origin of the face - nose with a humpkin, a European-like type - precisely in the mountainous terrain, and not in Steppe.

Prior to the early 90s of the 20th century, the Bulgarian Tatar theory of ethnogenesis of the Tatar people was actively developed by the whole of pleate scientists, among which A. P. Smirnov, H. G. Gimadi, N. F. Kalinin, L. Z. Zalya, in . Yusupov, T. A. Trofimova, A. H. Khalikov, M. Z. Zakiev, A. G. Karimullin, S. Kh. Alishev.

The theory of Tatar-Mongolian origin of the Tatar people is based on the fact of resettlement to Europe of the nomadic Tatar-Mongolian (Central Asian) ethnic groups, which, mixed with Kypchak and adopted during the Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde) Islam, created the basis of the culture of modern Tatars. The origins of the theory of Tatar-Mongolian origin of the Tatars should be sought in medieval chronicles, as well as in folk legends and epic. The greatness of the Mongolian and Golden Chanis-based powers, the Presents says in Genghis Khan, Aksak-Timur, Epos about Igee.

Supporters of this theory deny, or inhabit the meaning of the Volga Bulgaria and its culture in the history of the Kazan Tatars, believing that the Bulgaria was a weakly mastered state, without urban culture and with superficially Islamized population.

During the period of Ulus Juchi, the local Bulgarian population was partially exterminated or, retaining paganism, moved to the outskirts, and the main part was attached to the assimilation by the sucked Muslim groups that brought urban culture and the language of Kipchak type.

Here, again, it should be noted that, in the opinion of many historians, Kipchak were irreconcilable enemies with Tatar-Mongols. With both the campaign of the Tatar-Mongolian troops - under the leadership of Subedes and Batu - was aimed at the defeat and destruction of the Kipchak tribal. In other words, the Kipchak tribes during the period of Tatar-Mongolian invasions were exterminated or ousted on the outskirts.

In the first case, the exterminated boils, in principle, could not cause the formation of the nationality within the Volga Bulgaria, in the second case, the theory is illogical to call Tatar-Mongolian, since the Kipchaks did not relate to the Tatar-Mongols and were a completely different tribe, albeit the Turkic-speaking.

Tatar-Mongolian theory can be called, if we consider that the Volga Bulgaria was conquered, and then populated by the Tatar and Mongolian tribes that came from the Empire of Genghis Khan.

It should also be noted that the Tatar-Mongols during the conquests were predominantly pagans, not Muslims, than usually the tolerance of Tatar-Mongol is explained to other religions.

Therefore, rather, the Bulgarian population, who learned about Islam in the X century, contributed to Islamization of Ulus Juchi, and not vice versa.

Archaeological data complement the actual side of the question: there are testimonies on the presence of nomadic (Kipchak or Tatar-Mongolian) tribes in Tatarstan, but the settlement is observed in the southern part of the Tataria.

It is impossible to deny that the Kazan Khanate, which arose on the wreckage of the Golden Horde, was marvelous to the formation of the ethnic group of Tatars.

This is strong and already unambiguously Islamic, which had a great importance for Middle Ages, the state contributed to development, and during the period of Russia's preservation of Tatar culture under the rule of Russia.

There is an argument and in favor of the kinship of the Kazan Tatars with Kipchak - the linguistic adverb belongs to linguists to the Turkic Kipchak group. Another argument is the name and self-identification of the people - "Tatars". Presumably from the Chinese "da del", as Chinese historians called part of Mongolian (or adjacent to the Mongols) tribes in the north of China

Tatar-Mongolian theory originated at the beginning of the XX century. (N.I. Ashmarin, V.F.Smolin) and actively developed in the writings of Tatar (Z. Validi, R. Rakhmati, M.I. Akhmetzyanov, Recently, R.G. Fahrutdinov), Chuvash (V.F. Kakhovsky, V.D. Dimitriev, N.I. Egorov, M.R. Fedotov) and Bashkir (N.A. Magita) historians, archaeologists and linguists.

Chapter 2. Turkic Tatar theory of ethnogenesis Tatars and a number of alternative points of view

The Turkic Tatar theory of the origin of the Tatar ethnos emphasizes the Turkic Tatar origins of modern Tatars, notes an important role in their ethnogenesis of the ethnopolitical tradition of the Turkic Kaganate, the Great Bulgaria and Khazar Kaganata, the Volga Bulgaria, the Kypchak-Kimakian and Tatar-Mongolian ethnic groups of Eurasia.

The Turkic Tatar concept of origin of the Tatars develops in the works of G. S. Gubaidullina, A. N. Kurat, N. A. Baskakova, S. F. Muhamedyarova, R. G. Kuzeva, M. A. Usmanova, R. G. Fahrutdinova , A. G. Mukhamadieva, N. Davletta, D. M. Ishakov, Yu. Shamiloglu, and others. Proponents of this theory believe that it best reflects the rather complex internal structure of the Tatar ethnic volume (characteristic, however, for all major ethnic groups), Connects the best achievements of other theories. In addition, it is believed that one of the first to the complex character of ethnogenesis, not conducible to one ancestor, indicated M. G. Safargaliyev in 1951. After in the late 1980s. Lost the urgency of the unlawful ban on the publication of works leaving for the framework of the decisions of the session of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR of 1946, and also ceased to be accused of "non-marxism" of a multicomponent approach to ethnogenesis, this theory was replenished by a variety of domestic publications. Supporters of the theory allocate several stages of the formation of the ethnic.

The formation stage of the main ethnic components. (Middle VI - middle of the XIII centuries). There is an important role of the Volga Bulgaria, Khazar Kaganate and Kipchak-Kimaki state associations in the ethnogenesis of the Tatar people. At this stage, the formation of the main components that united in the next stage took place. The role of the Volga Bulgaria, who laid an Islamic tradition, urban culture and writing on the basis of Arabic graphics (after a century), who has changed the most ancient writing - the Turkic mechanic. At this stage, the Bulgars tied themselves to the territory - to the ground, on which they settled. The territory of the settlement was the main criterion for identifying a person with the people.

The stage of the medieval Tatar ethnopolitical community (mid-XIII is the first quarter of the XV centuries). At this time, there was a consolidation of the components that pretended at the first stage in the Unified State - Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde); Medieval Tatars on the basis of the traditions of the nations united in one state not only created their state, but also developed their ethnopolitical ideology, culture and symbols of their community. All this led to the ethnocultural consolidation of the Goldenopaland aristocracy, military-serving classes, Muslim clergy and the formation in the XIV century of Tatar ethnopolitical community. The stage is characterized by the fact that in the Golden Horde on the basis of the Oguzo-Kypchak language there was a statement of the norms of the literary language (literary Old Tartarius). The earliest of the preserved literary monuments on him (the poem Kul Gali "Kõys-and Yosif") was written in the XIII century. The stage ended with the collapse of the Golden Horde (XV century) as a result of feudal fragmentation. In the formed Tatar khanaters, the formation of new ethnic communities, which had local self-discharges began: Astrakhan, Kazan, Kasimov, Crimean, Siberian, Temnikovsky Tatars, and others. During this period, the current cultural community of Tatars may indicate that the central horde existed (large Horde, Nogai Horde) Most governors on the outskirts sought to take this main throne, or had close connections with a central ordeal.

After the middle of the XVI century and until the XVIII century, the stage of consolidation of local ethnobroups in the Russian state is distinguished. After the joining the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia to the Russian state, the processes of migration of the Tatars (such a massive relocation from the Occassian and Samaro-Orenburg lines, with the Kuban in the Astrakhan and Orenburg province) and the interaction between its various ethno-territorial groups, which contributed to their linguistic and Cultural rapprochement. This was facilitated by the presence of a single literary language, a common cultural and religious and educational field. Unifying to a certain extent was the attitude of the Russian state and the Russian population who did not distinguish between ethno groups. Common confession is noted - Muslims. Part of the local ethnobroups, which included at this time in other states (first of all, the Crimean Tatars) further developed themselves.

The period from the XVIII to the beginning of the 20th century, supporters of the theory is defined as the formation of the Tatar nation. Just the time mentioned in the introduction of this work. There are such stages of the formation of the nation: 1) from the XVIII to the middle of the XIX century - the stage of the "Muslim" nation on which religion performed the unifying factor. 2) from the middle of the XIX century to 1905 - the stage "Ethnocultural" nation. 3) from 1905 to the end of 1920. - Stage of the "political" nation.

At the first stage, attempts were played by various rulers to conduct Christianization. The policy of Christianization Instead of the real translation of the population of the Kazan province from one confession to another unprincipled contributed to the cementing of Islam in the consciousness of the local population.

At the second stage, after the reforms of the 1860s, the development of bourgeois relations began, which contributed to the rapid development of culture. In turn, its components (education system, literary language, book publishing and periodic printing) completed the approval in the self-consciousness of all major ethno-territorial and ethnic groups of the Tatars of the presentation of belonging to the Unified Tatar nation. It is this stage that the Tatar people must be the appearance of the history of Tatarstan. During the specified period of time, Tatar culture managed not only to recover, but also reached a certain progress.

From the second half of the XIX century, a modern Tatar literary language begins to form, by the 1910s fully supplanted oldatar. The consolidation of the Tatar nation had a strong impact of the high migration activity of the Tatar from the Volga-Ural region.

The third stage from 1905 to the end of 1920. - This is the stage of the "political" nation. The first manifestation was the requirements of the cultural and national autonomy expressed during the revolution 1905-1907. In the future, the ideas of the state of Idel-Ural, the Tatar-Bashkir Wed, the creation of the Tatar ASSR. After the census of 1926, the remnants of ethnoslicate self-determination disappear, that is, the social interlayer "Tatar to know" disappears.

It should be noted that the Turkic Tatar theory is the most extensive and structured of the theories considered. It really covers many aspects of folding the ethnos in general and the Tatar ethnic volume in particular.

In addition to the main theories of ethnogenesis of the Tatars, there are still alternatives. One of the most interesting is the Chuvash theory of the origin of the Kazan Tatars.

Most historians and ethnographers are as well as the authors of the theories discussed above, are looking for the ancestors of Kazan Tatars not where this people live currently, and somewhere far beyond the territory of the current Tatarstan. Similarly, their appearance and design, as an original nation, are not related to that historical era when it took place, but to more ancient times. In fact, there is a complete reason to believe that the cradle of the Kazan Tatars is their real homeland, that is, the region of the Tatar Republic on the Left Bank of Volga between the river Kazan and the River Kama.

There are convincing arguments in favor of the fact that Kazan Tatars arose, took shape as an original nation and multiplied over the historical period, the duration of which covers the era from the founding of the Kazan Tatar kingdom of Khan Golden Horde Ulu-Mugometer in 1437 and up to the 1917 revolution. And their ancestors were not the seasured "Tatars", and local nationalities: Chuvashi (they are the Volga Bulgars), Udmurts, Marities, and possibly not surrendered to the present, but inhabited in those regions, representatives and other tribes, including languages Close to the language of the Kazan Tatars.
All these nations and tribes apparently lived in those wooded edges from a time immemorial historical times, and partially possible also moved from the order, after the invasion of Tatar-Mongol and the defeat of the Volga Bulgaria. According to the nature and level of culture, as well as a lifestyle, this heated folk mass, before the emergence of Kazan Khanate, in any case, was not enough from each other. Similarly, their religions were similar and took place in the reverence of various spirits and sacred grove - kireti - mission places with sacrifices. This convinces that the fact that up to the 1917 revolution was preserved in the same Tatar Republic, for example, about s. Kukmor, the village of Udmurts and Mari, who did not affect Christianity, nor Muslim, where until recent people lived on the ancient customs of their tribe. In addition, in the Aplastovsky district of the Tatar Republic, at the junction with the Chuvash ASSR there are nine Kryashensky villages and among them, D. Surinskoye and D. Star. Truisaardino, where part of the inhabitants even before the revolution of 1917 was "unresolved" by quickens, thus, thus, before the revolution, outside both Christian and Muslim religions. Yes, and the Christianity of Chuvashi, Mari, Udmurts, and quicken, were listed in it only formally, but continued to live in ancient old time until recently.

Along the way, we note that the existence of almost our time "unresolved" Kryazhenov sets the question of a very common point of view, which is embarrassed as a result of the violent Christianization of Tatar Muslims.

The above considerations make it possible to make the assumption that in the Bulgarian state, the Golden Horde and largely Kazan Khanate Muslims was the religion of ruling classes and privileged classes, and a simple people, or most of it: Chuvashi, Mari, Udmurts, etc. lived according to the old Dedovsky custom.
Now let's see how the peoples of the Kazan Tatars could arise and multipliate with the historical conditions, which we know them at the end of the XIX and the beginning of the 20th centuries.

In the middle of the 20th century, as already mentioned, on the left bank of the Volga appeared overthrown from the throne and escaped from the Golden Horde, Khan Ulu-Magomet with a relatively small detachment of his Tatars. He conquered and subordinate to himself a local Chuvash tribe and created the feudal-serf Casaan Khanate, in which the privileged estate was the winners, Muslim-Tatars, and serfdom - conquered Chuvashi.

In the last edition of the Big Soviet Encyclopedia in more detail about the internal structure of the state in the final period of its period, we read the following: "Kazan Khanate, the feudal state on average of the Volga region (1438-1552), formed as a result of the collapse of the Golden Horde in the territory of Volzhko-Kama Bulgaria. The founder of the Dynasty of Kazan Khanov was Ulu-Mohammed. "

The highest state power belonged to Khan, but was sent by the Council of Large Povels (sofa). The top of feudal nobility was Karachi, representatives of the four more significant births. Next, they were sultans, emirs, below them - Murza, Ulan and Warriors. Muslim clergy played a big role, which owned extensive vacufted lands. The bulk, the population consisted of "black people": free peasants who felt Yasak and other petas of the state, feudal-dependent peasants, serfs from prisoners of war and slaves. Tatar nobles (Emirs, Becks, Murza, etc.) were hardly very gracious to their fortress people, besides the innovative and innovative. Voluntarily or pursuing the goals related to some profitable, but over time, the simple people began to adopt his religion from a privileged class, which was associated with the refusal of their national identity and with a complete change in life and lifestyle, according to the demand of the new Tatar Faith - Islam. This transition of Chuvash to Moometanism was the beginning of the formation of the nationality of the Kazan Tatars.

The new state emerged on the Volga existed only about a hundred years, during which they almost stopped raids on the outskirts of the Moscow state. In domestic public life, frequent palace coups took place and the Khan Terra turned out to be the owners: then Turkey (Crimea), then Moscow, then the Nogai Horde, etc.
The process of forming the Kazan Tatars mentioned above by from Chuvashsky, and in part from others, the populations of the Volga region took place during the entire period of the existence of Kazan Khanate, did not cease after the accession of Kazan to the Moscow State and lasted before the beginning of the twentieth century., I.e. Almost to our time. Kazan Tatars grew in number not so much as a result of natural growth, as as a result of the utataring of other chicaps of the region.

We give another fairly interesting argument in favor of the Chuvash origin of the Kazan Tatars. It turns out meadow Marie and now call the SUAS Tatars. Meadowy Marie's time proofs closely adjacent to the part of the Chuvash people, who dwells on the left bank of the Volga and shattered first of all, so that there were no Chuvash village in those places for a long time, although they were there in the historical information and scriptures of the Moscow state lot. Marities did not notice, especially at the beginning, any changes in the neighbors as a result of the appearance of another God, Allah and forever retained in their own language for them. But for distant neighbors - the Russians from the very beginning of the formation of the Kazan kingdom there was no doubt that the Kazan Tatars were the same, who left the Russians in Russian, Tatar-Mongola.

Throughout the comparatively short history of this "Khanate", continuous raids of Tatars on the outskirts of the Moscow state continued, and the first Khan Ulu-Magomet in these raids spent the rest of his life. These raids were accompanied by the devastation of the edge, the robbeles of the civilian population and the coxy of it "in full", i.e. Everything happened in the style of Tatar-Mongols.

Thus, Chuvash theory is also not devoid of its reasons, although it represents us the ethnogenesis of the Tatars in the very original form.


As we conclude from the considered material, at the moment even the most developed of the existing theories - Türko-Tatar - is not ideal. It leaves a lot of questions for one simple reason: the historical science of Tatarstan is still exceptionally young. The mass of historical sources has not yet been studied, active excavations are conducted in the territory of the Tataria. All this makes it hope that in the coming years theory will be replenished with facts and acquire a new even more objective shade.

The material considered also makes it possible to note that all theories are united in one: the Tatar people have a complex history of origin and a complex ethnocultural structure.

In the growing process of world integration, it is already striving for the creation of a single state and the total cultural space European states. Perhaps not to avoid this and Tatarstan. The trends of the latter (free) decades indicate an attempt to integrate the Tatar people into a modern Islamic world. But integration is a voluntary process, it allows you to preserve the self-sizing of the people, language, cultural achievements. So far, at least one person will talk, and reading in Tatar, the Tatar nation will exist.

List of used literature

1. R.G. Fakhrutdinov. The history of the Tatar people and Tatarstan. (Antiquity and medieval). Tutorial for secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. - Kazan: Magarif, 2000.- 255 p.

2. Sabirova D.K. The story of Tatarstan. From ancient times to this day: Tutorial / D.K. Sabirova, Ya.Sh. Sharapov. - M.: Knorus, 2009. - 352 p.

3. Kakhovsky V.F. The origin of the Chuvash people. - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200bChuvash Book Publishing House, 2003. - 463 p.

4. Rashitov F.A. The history of the Tatar people. - M.: Children's book, 2001. - 285 p.

5. Mustafina G.M., Munkov N.P., Sverdlova L.M. The history of Tatarstan XIX century - Kazan, IGAID, 2003. - 256C.

6. Tagirov I.R. The history of the national statehood of the Tatar people and Tatarstan is Kazan, 2000. - 327C.

That the ethnonym "Tatars" was pretty easily perceived by the Turkic-speaking Muslim population of the Lower Volga region and Siberia. In the context of the formation of the Tatar ethnic community (the end of the 18th - early 20th centuries), the ethnonym "Tatars" made a real alternative to the amorphous confession of Muslims. It should be noted that by the 18th century of the Bulgar ethnos no longer existed for a long time, and the ethnonym "Bulgar", respectively, became ...

The unity of the horde was kept on a cruel terror system. After the Khan of Uzbek, the Horde was experiencing a period of feudal fragmentation. The 14th century - the Central Asia Asia was separated - the Kazan Khanate and the Crimean end of the 15th century were separated - the Astrakhan and Siberian Principality was separated. Tatar-Mongol invasions on Russia in the II half of the 13th century. 1252 - the invasion of Nhipility rati in North. - Conventional Rus for ...

Its reflection, mainly on national holidays, festivities - Sabanta, Bureau. Chapter II. Analysis of folklore and stage-processed dances of Astrakhan Tatars 2.1 General overview of the Astrakhan Tatars of the Astrakhan Tatars Tatars, as well as the art of any other people, is rooted in deep antiquity. Prohibition of Muslim religion for dance, humiliated ...

K. D'Moson) and Father's Father, who, in turn, became eponym Nogaev, or Nogai (21, p. 202). Historically, the explanation of K. D'Seson's explanatory explained is still presented, as well as why the ethnonym of Tatars moved to Turkic tribes and peoples and became synonymous with the ethnonym of the Turk. In Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde of Russian Chronicles, or Kok Orda "Blue Horde" in the Eastern Authors), which covered ...


Chapter 1. Bulgaro-Tatar and Tatar-Mongol point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars

Chapter 2. Turkic Tatar theory of ethnogenesis Tatars and a number of alternative points of view


List of used literature


At the end of the 19th - early 20 century. In the world and in the Russian Empire, a public phenomenon developed - nationalism. Which carried out the idea that a person is very important to calculate himself to a certain social group - nation (nationality). Under the nation understood the generality of the territory of the settlement, culture (especially, a single literary language), anthropological traits (body structure, face features). Against the background of this idea, each of the social groups had a struggle for the preservation of culture. Herald of nationalism ideas became the originating and developing bourgeoisie. At this time, such a struggle was conducted in Tatarstan - world social processes did not bypass our region.

Unlike revolutionary shouts of the first quarter of 20 V. And the last decade of the 20th century, which used very emotional terms - nation, nationality, people, in modern science it is customary to use a more cautious term - an ethnic group, ethnos. This term carries in itself all the same community of language and culture, as well as the people, and nation, and nationality, but does not need to be specified or the size of the social group. However, belonging to any ethnic group is still an important social aspect for a person.

If you ask for a passerby in Russia, what kind of nationality he is, then, as a rule, passerby with pride to answer that he is Russian or Chuvash. And, of course, from those who be proud of their ethnic origin will be Tatar. But what will mean this word - "Tatar" - in the mouth of the utmost. In Tatarstan, not everyone who counts themselves to Tatars says and reads in Tatar. Not everyone looks like a Tatar with a generally accepted point of view - mixing the features of Caucasian, Mongolian and Finno-Ugric anthropological types, for example. Among the Tatars there are Christians, and many atheists, and not everyone who considers themselves Muslim, read Quran. But all this does not prevent the Tatar ethnic group to preserve, develop and be one of the most distinctive in the world.

The development of national culture entails the development of the history of the nation, especially if we have prevented the study of this story for a long time. As a result, the unlawful, and sometimes vowel, ban on the study of the edge, entailed a particularly rapid surge of Tatar historical science, which is also observed to this day. The pluralism of opinions and lack of actual material led to the folding of several theories trying to combine the largest number of well-known facts. No just historical doctrines have been formed, and several historical schools who carry a scientific dispute. At first, historians and publicists were divided into "Bulgarists", who considered the Tatars that occurred from the Volga Bulgarians, and Tatarists, who considered the period of folding the Tatar nation, the period of the existence of the Kazan Khanate and denying participation in the formation of the Bulgarian nation. Subsequently, another theory appeared, on the one hand, contrary to the first two, and on the other - uniting all the best of the existing theories. She was called "Turko Tatar".

As a result, we can, relying on the key points designated above, formulate the purpose of this work: to reflect the greatest range of points of view on the origin of the Tatars.

Tasks can be divided according to the points under consideration:

Consider the Bulgaro-Tatar and Tatar-Mongol point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars;

Consider the Turkic Tatar point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars and a number of alternative points of view.

The names of chapters will correspond to the designated tasks.

point Vision Ethnogenesis Tatars

Chapter 1. Bulgaro-Tatar and Tatar-Mongol point of view on the ethnogenesis of the Tatars

It should be noted that in addition to the language and cultural community, as well as common anthropological devils, historians pay a considerable role to the origin of statehood. So, for example, the beginning of Russian history consider not archaeological cultures of the Dlavyansky period and not even the tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs that moved in 3-4 centuries, and the Kiev Rus, which pretended to the 8th century. For some reason, a considerable role in the formation of culture is given to the dissemination (official adoption) of a monotheistic religion, which happened in Kievan Rus in 988, and in the Volga Bulgaria in 922, Bulgar-Tatar theory occurred, first of all of such prerequisites.

Bulgaro-Tatar theory is based on the situation that the ethnic basis of the Tatar people was the Bulgarian ethnos, which established on the Middle Volga region and the Ural of VIII. n. e. (Recently, some supporters of this theory began to attribute the appearance of the Turkic-Bulgarian tribes in the region to the VIII-VII centuries. BC. e. and earlier) The most important provisions of this concept are formulated as follows. The main ethnocultural traditions and the peculiarities of the modern Tatar (Bulgaro-Tatar) of the people were formed during the Volga Bulgaria (X-XIII century), and in the subsequent time (Goldenordinsky, Kazanskokhansky and Russian periods), they underwent only minor changes in language and culture. The principalitys (Sultanates) of the Volga Bulgar, being in the Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde), enjoyed a significant political and cultural autonomy, and the influence of the Ordan ethnopolitical system of power and culture (in particular, literature, art and architecture) was considered a purely external influence that did not provide Noticeable influence on the Bulgarian society. The most important consequence of the domination of Ulus Juchi was the disintegration of the Unified State of the Volga Bulgaria to a number of possessions, and the Unified Bulgarian Nature - into two ethno-territorial groups ("Bulgaro-Burtasa" Ulus Mushcha and "Bulgars" of the Volga-Kama Bulgarian principalities). During the period of the Kazan Khanty, Bulgarian ("Bulgaro-Kazansky") Ethnos strengthened the early Domongol ethnocultural features, which continued to be traditionally preserved (including the self-configuration "Bulgars") until the 1920s, when he was forcibly imposed on the Tatar bourgeois nationalists and Soviet government. Etnonym "Tatars".

Let us dwell more. First, the migration of the tribes from the northern Caucasus footage after the decay of the state of the Great Bulgaria. Why is Bulgarians currently assimilated by the Slavs, became Slavic people, and Volzhsky Bulgarians - Turkic Population, who has gained living before them in this area? Is it possible that the enlightened Bulgar was much larger than local tribes? In this case, the postulate that the Turkic-speaking tribes penetrated this territory long before the appearance of the Bulgarians - during the times of Kimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatov, Gunnov, Khazar, looks much more logical. The history of the Volga Bulgaria begins not with the fact that the nagged tribes founded the state, and with the association of the doors of the cities - the capitals of tribal unions - Bulgar, Bilyar and Suwara. The traditions of statehood also did not necessarily proceed from the seed tribes, since the local tribes adjacent to the powerful ancient states - for example, the Scythian kingdom. In addition, the provision that Bulgarians assimilated local tribes contradicts the provision that the Bulgarians themselves were not assimilated by Tatar-Mongols. As a result, Bulgaro-Tatar theory breaks about the fact that Chuvashsky is much closer to the ancient Bulgarian than Tatar. And the Tatars today speak the Turkic-Kipchak adveria.

However, the theory and advantages are not devoid. For example, the anthropological type of Kazan Tatars, especially men, relates them to the peoples of the North Caucasus and indicates the origin of the face - nose with a humpkin, a European-like type - precisely in the mountainous terrain, and not in Steppe.

Prior to the early 90s of the 20th century, the Bulgarian Tatar theory of ethnogenesis of the Tatar people was actively developed by the whole pleate scientists, among which A. P. Smirnov, N. F. Kalinin, L. Z. Zalya, V. Yusupov, T. A. Trofimova, M. Z. Zakiev, A. G. Karimullin, S. Kh. Alishev.

The theory of Tatar-Mongolian origin of the Tatar people is based on the fact of resettlement to Europe of the nomadic Tatar-Mongolian (Central Asian) ethnic groups, which, mixed with Kypchak and adopted during the Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde) Islam, created the basis of the culture of modern Tatars. The origins of the theory of Tatar-Mongolian origin of the Tatars should be sought in medieval chronicles, as well as in folk legends and epic. The greatness of the Mongolian and Golden Chanis-based powers, the Presents says in Genghis Khan, Aksak-Timur, Epos about Igee.

Supporters of this theory deny, or inhabit the meaning of the Volga Bulgaria and its culture in the history of the Kazan Tatars, believing that the Bulgaria was a weakly mastered state, without urban culture and with superficially Islamized population.

During the period of Ulus Juchi, the local Bulgarian population was partially exterminated or, retaining paganism, moved to the outskirts, and the main part was attached to the assimilation by the sucked Muslim groups that brought urban culture and the language of Kipchak type.

Here, again, it should be noted that, in the opinion of many historians, Kipchak were irreconcilable enemies with Tatar-Mongols. With both the campaign of the Tatar-Mongolian troops - under the leadership of Subedes and Batu - was aimed at the defeat and destruction of the Kipchak tribal. In other words, the Kipchak tribes during the period of Tatar-Mongolian invasions were exterminated or ousted on the outskirts.

In the first case, the exterminated boils, in principle, could not cause the formation of the nationality within the Volga Bulgaria, in the second case, the theory is illogical to call Tatar-Mongolian, since the Kipchaks did not relate to the Tatar-Mongols and were a completely different tribe, albeit the Turkic-speaking.

Tatar-Mongolian theory can be called, if we consider that the Volga Bulgaria was conquered, and then populated by the Tatar and Mongolian tribes that came from the Empire of Genghis Khan.

It should also be noted that the Tatar-Mongols during the conquests were predominantly pagans, not Muslims, than usually the tolerance of Tatar-Mongol is explained to other religions.

Therefore, rather, the Bulgarian population, who learned about Islam in the X century, contributed to Islamization of Ulus Juchi, and not vice versa.

Archaeological data complement the actual side of the question: there are testimonies on the presence of nomadic (Kipchak or Tatar-Mongolian) tribes in Tatarstan, but the settlement is observed in the southern part of the Tataria.

It is impossible to deny that the Kazan Khanate, which arose on the wreckage of the Golden Horde, was marvelous to the formation of the ethnic group of Tatars.

This is strong and already unambiguously Islamic, which had a great importance for Middle Ages, the state contributed to development, and during the period of Russia's preservation of Tatar culture under the rule of Russia.

There is an argument and in favor of the kinship of the Kazan Tatars with Kipchak - the linguistic adverb belongs to linguists to the Turkic Kipchak group. Another argument is the name and self-identification of the people - "Tatars". Presumably from the Chinese "da del", as Chinese historians called part of Mongolian (or adjacent to the Mongols) tribes in the north of China

Tatar-Mongolian theory originated at the beginning of the XX century. (N.I. Ashmarin, V.F.Smolin) and actively developed in the writings of Tatar (Z. Validi, R. Rakhmati, M.I. Akhmetzyanov, Recently, R.G. Fahrutdinov), Chuvash (V.F. Kakhovsky, V.D. Dimitriev, N.I. Egorov, M.R. Fedotov) and Bashkir (N.A. Magita) historians, archaeologists and linguists.

Chapter 2. Turkic Tatar theory of ethnogenesis Tatars and a number of alternative points of view

The Turkic Tatar theory of the origin of the Tatar ethnos emphasizes the Turkic Tatar origins of modern Tatars, notes an important role in their ethnogenesis of the ethnopolitical tradition of the Turkic Kaganate, the Great Bulgaria and Khazar Kaganata, the Volga Bulgaria, the Kypchak-Kimakian and Tatar-Mongolian ethnic groups of Eurasia.

The Turkic Tatar concept of origin of the Tatars develops in the works of G. S. Gubaidullina, A. N. Kurat, N. A. Baskakova, S. F. Muhamedyarova, R. G. Kuzeva, M. A. Usmanova, R. G. Fahrutdinova , A. G. Mukhamadieva, N. Davletta, D. M. Ishakov, Yu. Shamiloglu, and others. Proponents of this theory believe that it best reflects the rather complex internal structure of the Tatar ethnic volume (characteristic, however, for all major ethnic groups), Connects the best achievements of other theories. In addition, it is believed that one of the first to the complex character of ethnogenesis, not conducible to one ancestor, indicated. After the unlawful ban on the publication of works leaving for the framework of the decisions of the USSR Academy of Sciences of 1946 is relevant, and the charges of a multicomponent approach to ethnogenesis have ceased to be used, this theory has been replenished with a multitude of domestic publications. Supporters of the theory allocate several stages of the formation of the ethnic.

The formation stage of the main ethnic components. (Middle VI - middle of the XIII centuries). There is an important role of the Volga Bulgaria, and state associations in the ethnogenesis of the Tatar people. At this stage, the formation of the main components that united in the next stage took place. The role of the Volga Bulgaria, which laid the tradition, urban culture and writing on the basis of Arabic graphics (after the X century), who changed the most ancient writing is. At this stage, the Bulgars tied themselves to the territory - to the ground, on which they settled. The territory of the settlement was the main criterion for identifying a person with the people.

The stage of the medieval Tatar ethnopolitical community (mid-XIII is the first quarter of the XV centuries). At this time, there was a consolidation of the components that pretended at the first stage in the Unified State - Ulus Juchi (Golden Horde); Medieval Tatars on the basis of the traditions of the nations united in one state not only created their state, but also developed their ethnopolitical ideology, culture and symbols of their community. All this led to the ethnocultural consolidation of the Goldenopaland aristocracy, military-serving classes, Muslim clergy and the formation in the XIV century of Tatar ethnopolitical community. The stage is characterized by the fact that in the basis of the Ogzo-Kypchak language there was a statement of the norms of the literary language (literary Old Tartarius). The earliest of the preserved literary monuments on him (the poem "Kõys and Yosif") was written in the XIII century. The stage ended with the collapse of the Golden Horde (XV century) as a result of feudal fragmentation. In the formation of new ethnic communities, which had local self-discharges began: Astrakhan, Kazan, Casimovsky, Crimean, Siberian, Dameman Tatars, and others. During this period about the current cultural community, Tatars may indicate that the central Horde has yet existed (a big horde, Nogai Horde) Most governors on the outskirts sought to take this main throne, or had close ties with the central ordeal.

After the middle of the XVI century and until the XVIII century, the stage of consolidation of local ethnobroups in the Russian state is distinguished. After the joining the Volga region, the Urals and Siberia to the Russian state, the processes of migration of the Tatars (such a massive relocation from the Occassian and Samaro-Orenburg lines, with the Kuban in the Astrakhan and Orenburg province) and the interaction between its various ethno-territorial groups, which contributed to their linguistic and Cultural rapprochement. This was facilitated by the presence of a single literary language, a common cultural and religious and educational field. Unifying to a certain extent was the attitude of the Russian state and the Russian population who did not distinguish between ethno groups. Common confession is noted - Muslims. Part of the local ethnobroups, which included at this time in other states (first of all) further developed themselves.

The period from the XVIII to the beginning of the 20th century, supporters of the theory is defined as the formation of the Tatar nation. Just the time mentioned in the introduction of this work. There are such stages of the formation of the nation: 1) from the XVIII to the middle of the XIX century - the stage of the "Muslim" nation on which religion performed the unifying factor. 2) from the middle of the XIX century to 1905 - the stage "Ethnocultural" nation. 3) from 1905 to the end of 1920. - Stage of the "political" nation.

At the first stage, attempts were played by various rulers to conduct Christianization. The policy of Christianization Instead of the real translation of the population of the Kazan province from one confession to another unprincipled contributed to the cementing of Islam in the consciousness of the local population.

At the second stage, after the reforms of the 1860s, the development of bourgeois relations began, which contributed to the rapid development of culture. In turn, its components (education system, literary language, book publishing and periodic printing) completed the approval in the self-consciousness of all major ethno-territorial and ethnic groups of the Tatars of the presentation of belonging to the Unified Tatar nation. It is this stage that the Tatar people must be the appearance of the history of Tatarstan. During the specified period of time, Tatar culture managed not only to recover, but also reached a certain progress.

From the second half of the XIX century, a modern Tatar literary language begins to form, by the 1910s fully supplanted oldatar. The consolidation of the Tatar nation had a strong impact of the high migration activity of the Tatar from the Volga-Ural region.

The third stage from 1905 to the end of 1920. - This is the stage of the "political" nation. The first manifestation was the requirements expressed during the revolution 1905-1907. In the future, there were ideas, Tatar-Bashkir Wed, the creation of the Tatar ASSR. After the census of 1926, the remnants of ethnoslicate self-determination disappear, that is, the social interlayer "Tatar to know" disappears.

It should be noted that the Turkic Tatar theory is the most extensive and structured of the theories considered. It really covers many aspects of folding the ethnos in general and the Tatar ethnic volume in particular.

In addition to the main theories of ethnogenesis of the Tatars, there are still alternatives. One of the most interesting - chuvash theory of the origin of the Kazan Tatars.

Most historians and ethnographers are as well as the authors of the theories discussed above, are looking for the ancestors of Kazan Tatars not where this people live currently, and somewhere far beyond the territory of the current Tatarstan. Similarly, their appearance and design, as an original nation, are not related to that historical era when it took place, but to more ancient times. In fact, there is a complete reason to believe that the cradle of the Kazan Tatars is their real homeland, that is, the region of the Tatar Republic on the Left Bank of Volga between the river Kazan and the River Kama.

There are convincing arguments in favor of the fact that Kazan Tatars arose, took shape as an original nation and multiplied over the historical period, the duration of which covers the era from the founding of the Kazan Tatar kingdom of Khan Golden Horde Ulu-Mugometer in 1437 and up to the 1917 revolution. And their ancestors were not the seasured "Tatars", and local nationalities: Chuvashi (they are the Volga Bulgars), Udmurts, Marities, and possibly not surrendered to the present, but inhabited in those regions, representatives and other tribes, including languages Close to the language of the Kazan Tatars.
All these nations and tribes apparently lived in those wooded edges from a time immemorial historical times, and partially possible also moved from the order, after the invasion of Tatar-Mongol and the defeat of the Volga Bulgaria. According to the nature and level of culture, as well as a lifestyle, this heated folk mass, before the emergence of Kazan Khanate, in any case, was not enough from each other. Similarly, their religions were similar and took place in the reverence of various spirits and sacred grove - kireti - mission places with sacrifices. This convinces that the fact that up to the 1917 revolution was preserved in the same Tatar Republic, for example, about s. Kukmor, the village of Udmurts and Mari, who did not affect Christianity, nor Muslim, where until recent people lived on the ancient customs of their tribe. In addition, in the Aplastovsky district of the Tatar Republic, at the junction with the Chuvash ASSR there are nine Kryashensky villages and among them, D. Surinskoye and D. Star. Truisaardino, where part of the inhabitants even before the revolution of 1917 was "unresolved" by quickens, thus, thus, before the revolution, outside both Christian and Muslim religions. Yes, and the Christianity of Chuvashi, Mari, Udmurts, and quicken, were listed in it only formally, but continued to live in ancient old time until recently.

Along the way, we note that the existence of almost our time "unresolved" Kryazhenov sets the question of a very common point of view, which is embarrassed as a result of the violent Christianization of Tatar Muslims.

The above considerations make it possible to make the assumption that in the Bulgarian state, the Golden Horde and largely Kazan Khanate Muslims was the religion of ruling classes and privileged classes, and a simple people, or most of it: Chuvashi, Mari, Udmurts, etc. lived according to the old Dedovsky custom.
Now let's see how the peoples of the Kazan Tatars could arise and multipliate with the historical conditions, which we know them at the end of the XIX and the beginning of the 20th centuries.

In the middle of the 20th century, as already mentioned, on the left bank of the Volga appeared overthrown from the throne and escaped from the Golden Horde, Khan Ulu-Magomet with a relatively small detachment of his Tatars. He conquered and subordinate to himself a local Chuvash tribe and created the feudal-serf Casaan Khanate, in which the privileged estate was the winners, Muslim-Tatars, and serfdom - conquered Chuvashi.

In the last edition of the Big Soviet Encyclopedia in more detail about the internal structure of the state in the final period of its period, we read the following: "Kazan Khanate, the feudal state on average of the Volga region (1438-1552), formed as a result of the collapse of the Golden Horde in the territory of Volzhko-Kama Bulgaria. The founder of the Dynasty of Kazan Khanov was Ulu-Mohammed. "

The highest state power belonged to Khan, but was sent by the Council of Large Povels (sofa). The top of feudal nobility was Karachi, representatives of the four more significant births. Next, they were sultans, emirs, below them - Murza, Ulan and Warriors. Muslim clergy played a big role, which owned extensive vacufted lands. The bulk, the population consisted of "black people": free peasants who felt Yasak and other petas of the state, feudal-dependent peasants, serfs from prisoners of war and slaves. Tatar nobles (Emirs, Becks, Murza, etc.) were hardly very gracious to their fortress people, besides the innovative and innovative. Voluntarily or pursuing the goals related to some profitable, but over time, the simple people began to adopt his religion from a privileged class, which was associated with the refusal of their national identity and with a complete change in life and lifestyle, according to the demand of the new Tatar Faith - Islam. This transition of Chuvash to Moometanism was the beginning of the formation of the nationality of the Kazan Tatars.

The new state emerged on the Volga existed only about a hundred years, during which they almost stopped raids on the outskirts of the Moscow state. In domestic public life, frequent palace coups took place and the Khan Terra turned out to be the owners: then Turkey (Crimea), then Moscow, then the Nogai Horde, etc.
The process of forming the Kazan Tatars mentioned above by from Chuvashsky, and in part from others, the populations of the Volga region took place during the entire period of the existence of Kazan Khanate, did not cease after the accession of Kazan to the Moscow State and lasted before the beginning of the twentieth century., I.e. Almost to our time. Kazan Tatars grew in number not so much as a result of natural growth, as as a result of the utataring of other chicaps of the region.

We give another fairly interesting argument in favor of the Chuvash origin of the Kazan Tatars. It turns out meadow Marie and now call the SUAS Tatars. Meadowy Marie's time proofs closely adjacent to the part of the Chuvash people, who dwells on the left bank of the Volga and shattered first of all, so that there were no Chuvash village in those places for a long time, although they were there in the historical information and scriptures of the Moscow state lot. Marities did not notice, especially at the beginning, any changes in the neighbors as a result of the appearance of another God, Allah and forever retained in their own language for them. But for distant neighbors - the Russians from the very beginning of the formation of the Kazan kingdom there was no doubt that the Kazan Tatars were the same, who left the Russians in Russian, Tatar-Mongola.

Throughout the comparatively short history of this "Khanate", continuous raids of Tatars on the outskirts of the Moscow state continued, and the first Khan Ulu-Magomet in these raids spent the rest of his life. These raids were accompanied by the devastation of the edge, the robbeles of the civilian population and the coxy of it "in full", i.e. Everything happened in the style of Tatar-Mongols.

Thus, Chuvash theory is also not devoid of its reasons, although it represents us the ethnogenesis of the Tatars in the very original form.


As we conclude from the considered material, at the moment even the most developed of the existing theories - Türko-Tatar - is not ideal. It leaves a lot of questions for one simple reason: the historical science of Tatarstan is still exceptionally young. The mass of historical sources has not yet been studied, active excavations are conducted in the territory of the Tataria. All this makes it hope that in the coming years theory will be replenished with facts and acquire a new even more objective shade.

The material considered also makes it possible to note that all theories are united in one: the Tatar people have a complex history of origin and a complex ethnocultural structure.

In the growing process of world integration, it is already striving for the creation of a single state and the total cultural space European states. Perhaps not to avoid this and Tatarstan. The trends of the latter (free) decades indicate an attempt to integrate the Tatar people into a modern Islamic world. But integration is a voluntary process, it allows you to preserve the self-sizing of the people, language, cultural achievements. So far, at least one person will talk, and reading in Tatar, the Tatar nation will exist.

List of used literature

1. R.G. Fakhrutdinov. The history of the Tatar people and Tatarstan. (Antiquity and medieval). Tutorial for secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums. - Kazan: Magarif, 2000.- 255 p.

2. Sabirova D.K. The story of Tatarstan. From ancient times to this day: Tutorial / D.K. Sabirova, Ya.Sh. Sharapov. - M.: Knorus, 2009. - 352 p.

3. Kakhovsky V.F. The origin of the Chuvash people. - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200bChuvash Book Publishing House, 2003. - 463 p.

4. Rashitov F.A. The history of the Tatar people. - M.: Children's book, 2001. - 285 p.

5. Mustafina G.M., Munkov N.P., Sverdlova L.M. The history of Tatarstan XIX century - Kazan, IGAID, 2003. - 256C.

6. Tagirov I.R. The history of the national statehood of the Tatar people and Tatarstan is Kazan, 2000. - 327C.


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In our country there are many nations-strangers. It is not right. We should not be someone else's friend.
Let's start with the Tatars - the second in the number of the ethnos of Russia (almost 6 million of them).

1. Who are Tatars?

The history of the ethnonym "Tatars", as it often happened in the Middle Ages, is the history of ethnographic confusion.

In the 11-12 centuries, the steppe of Central Asia was inhabited by different Mongolian-speaking tribes: Nimans, Mongols, Keritites, Merkites and Tatars. The last nomads along the borders of the Chinese state. Therefore, in China, the Tatars name was postponed to other Mongolian tribes in the value of "Varvara". Actually, the Chinese, the Chinese called the White Tatars, who lived north of Mongols were called black tatars, and inhabit the Mongolian tribes in the Siberian forests - wild tatars.

At the beginning of the XIII century, Genghis Khan took a punitive campaign against the real Tatars for the poisoning of his father. The order was preserved, which Vladyka Mongols gave his soldiers: destroy everyone who is growing above the TV axis. As a result of this massacre, Tatars as military-political force were erased from the face of the earth. But, as evidenced by the Persian historian Rashid-Ad-Dean, "because of their extreme majority and honorary position, other Turkic childbirth, with all the differences in their discharges and names, became known under their name, and everyone was called Tatars."

Mongols themselves never called themselves Tatars. However, the Khorezmian and Arab merchants constantly inserted with the Chinese brought the name "Tatars" to Europe before the advent of Batu-Khan's troops. Europeans have come closer to the ethnonym "Tatars" with the Greek title of hell - Tartar. Later, European historians and geographers used the term Tartarium as a synonym for the "Barbast East". For example, on some European maps of the XV-XVI centuries, Moscow Rus is indicated as "Moscow Tartarium" or "European Tartarium".

As for the modern Tatars, they don't have absolutely no relation to the Tatars of the XII-XIII centuries by the Tatars of the XII-XIII. Volga, Crimean, Astrakhan and other modern Tatars inherited from Central Asian Tatars only name.

The modern Tatar people have no single ethnic root. Among his ancestors were Huns, Volga Bulgars, Kipchak, Nogai, Mongols, Kimaki and other Turkic-Mongolian peoples. But even more on the formation of modern Tatars had the influence of Finno-Ugry and Russians. According to anthropological data, more than 60% of the Tatars prevail the European-like features and only in 30% - Türco-Mongolian.

2. Tatar people in the Epoch of Genghisids

The emergence on the shores of Volga Ulus Juchi was an important milestone in the history of Tatars.

In the Epoch of Genghisids, Tatar history became truly worldwide. Reached perfection of the system of public administration and finance, postal (Yamsk) service inherited by Moscow. More than 150 cities arose where the endless half-step steppes recently extended. Some of their names sound like a magic fairy tale: Gulstan (country country), Shed (Palace), Aktyuba (White Arch).

Some cities in their size and population population are far exceeded Western European. For example, if Rome had 35 thousand inhabitants in the XIV century, and Paris - 58 thousand, the capital of the horde, the city of Sarai, more than 100 thousand. According to the testimony of Arab travelers, there were palaces, mosques, temples of other religions, schools, public gardens, baths, water supply. There lived not only merchants and warriors, but also poets.

All religions in the Golden Horde used the same freedom. According to the laws of Genghis-Khan, the death penalty was relying for insulting religion. The clergy of each religion was freed from paying taxes.

The contribution of the Tatar in military art is indisputable. It was they who taught Europeans not to neglect exploration and reserve.
In the era of the Golden Horde, a huge potential for the reproduction of Tatar culture was laid. But Kazan Khanate continued this way for the most part of inertia.

Among the fragments of the Golden Horde, who scattered along the borders of Russia, Kazan had the greatest importance for Moscow due to its geographical proximity. Discussed on the banks of the Volga, among the dense forests, the Muslim state was a kinda phenomenon. As state education, Kazan Khanate originated in the 1930s of the XV century and for a short term of its existence managed to show its cultural originality in the Islamic world.

3. Taking Kazan.

The 120-year-old neighborhood of Moscow and Kazan was noted by fourteen major wars, not counting almost annual border skins. However, for a long time, both sides did not seek to conquer each other. Everything changed when Moscow realized himself "Third Rome", that is, the last defender of the Orthodox faith. Already in 1523, Metropolitan Daniel destroyed the further path of Moscow politics, saying: "The Grand Duke will take the entire land of Kazan." Three decades, Ivan Grozny performed this prediction.

On August 20, 1552, the 50,000-thousand Russian army was located under the walls of Kazan. The city defended 35 thousand selected warriors. About ten thousand Tatar riders were hidden in the surrounding forests and worried Russian sudden raids from the rear.

The siege of Kazan lasted five weeks. After the sudden attacks of the Tatars from the forest, the whole Russian army crossed cold autumn rains. Through the grooved warriors even thought that the bad weather was satisfied with the Kazan sorcerers, who, according to the testimony of Prince Kurbsky, when sunrise, went on the wall and worked out all sorts of hours.

All this time, the Russian warriors under the leadership of the Danish engineer are sporming a dope under one of the Kazan towers. On the night of October 1, the work was completed. In the subpople laid 48 barrels with gunpowder. At dawn hit a monstrous explosion. It was terrible to see, says the chronicler, a lot of insistered corpses and crippled people flying in the air on a terrible height!
Russian army rushed to the attack. The royal banners have already fluttering on urban walls, when Ivan Grozny himself came up to the city with the Guards Shelves. The presence of the king gave new forces to Moscow warriors. Despite the desperate resistance of the Tatars, in a few hours Kazan Pala. There were such a lot of those killed on both sides that in some places of piles of bodies lay in shorts with urban walls.

The death of Kazan Khanate did not mean the death of the Tatar people. On the contrary, it was precisely as part of Russia that the Tatar nation, which finally, was finally developed, the Republic of Tatarstan.

4. Tatars in Russian history and culture

The Moscow State never closed in the narrow national religious framework. Historians calculated that among the nine hundred of the most ancient noble gods of Russia, Velikors constitute only one third, while 300 surnames are immigrants from Lithuania, while the other 300 are from Tatar lands.

Moscow Ivan Grozny seemed to the Western European asian city not only in his unusual architecture and development, but also in the number of Muslims living in it. One English traveler who visited Moscow in 1557 and invited to the royal feast, noted that the first table was sitting the king and the sons and Kazan kings himself, for the second - Metropolitan Makarius with the Orthodox clergy, and the third table was entirely allocated to Circassian princes. In addition, two thousand noble Tatars have dated other chambers!

In the sovereign service, they were rendered not last. And there was no case that the Tatars in the Russian service change the Moscow king.

Subsequently, the Tatar childbirth gave Russia a huge number of representatives of the intelligentsia, prominent military and socio-political figures. I will call at least some surnames: Alyabyev, Arakcheev, Akhmatova, Bulgakov, Derzhavin, Milyukov, Michurin, Rachmaninov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Tatishchev, Chaadaev. The princes of Yusupov were direct descendants of the Kazan Tsaritsa Sunbik. Timiryazev comes from Ibrahim Timiryazev, the surname of which literally means "Iron Warrior". General Yermolov had his ancestor of Arslan-Murza Yermol. Lev Nikolaevich Gumilev wrote: "I am a purebred Tatar and along the Father's line and on the mother's line." He signed "Arslanbek", which translated "lion". You can enumerate indefinitely.

Over the centuries, the culture of Tatars was also herself in Russia, and now many of the originally Tatar words, household items, culinary dishes entered the consciousness of the Russian man as if their own. According to Valishevsky, entering the street, the Russian man put on shoe, Armyak, Zipun, Kaftan, Balyk, Cap. In a fight he put in business fist. Being judge, ordered to wear on the convicted candals And give it knuta. Going to the far path, he sat down in Sani yamchik. A, getting out of the postal sleigh, came in kabak, replaced by ancient Russian korchm.

5. Religion Tatar

After taking Kazan in 1552, the culture of the Tatar people remained primarily due to Islam.

Islam (in his Sunni version) is the traditional religion of Tatars. The exception is a small group, which in the XVI-XVIII centuries was facing Orthodoxy. They also call themselves: "Kryashen" - "baptized".

Islam in the Volga region established himself in 922, when the ruler of the Volga Bulgaria voluntarily turned to the Muslim faith. But an even greater importance was the "Islamic Revolution" of Uzbek Khan, which at the beginning of the XIV century made Muslim in the state religion of the Golden Horde (by the way, contrary to the laws of the Genghis Hana on the equality of religions). As a result, Kazan Khanate became the most northern stronghold of the World Islam.

In the Russian-Tatar story there was a sad period of acute religious confrontation. The first decades after the capture of Kazan were marked by persecutions on Islam and the violent plantation of Christianity among the Tatars. Only the reforms of Catherine II fully legalized the Muslim clergy. In 1788, the Orenburg Spiritual Assembly opened - the Muslim Office, with the center in Ufa.

In the XIX century, inside the Muslim clergy and the Tatar intelligentsia, the forces were gradually ripe, who felt the need for departure from the dogma of medieval ideology and traditions. The revival of the Tatar people began with the reform of Islam. This religious and renewed movement was called jadeidism (from Arabic al-Jadid - update, "new method").

Jadidism has become a significant contribution of the Tatar to modern world culture, an impressive demonstration of Islam's ability to modernization. The main outcome of the activities of Tatar religious reformers was the transition of Tatar society to Islam, purified from medieval fanaticism and meeting the requirements of time. These ideas were deeply penetrated into the crowd of the people, primarily through jadidist madrasas and printed products. Thanks to the activities of the jadidists, the Tatar at the beginning of the 20th century, Vera mainly separated from culture, and politics became an independent sphere, where the religion has already been subordinate. Therefore, today, Russian Tatars are in the full sense of the word with a modern nation, which is completely alien to religious extremism.

6. About Kazan Syrote and Uninvited Guest

Russians have long been said: "The old proverb is not afraid of it," because "on the proverb not a court, nor reprisals." It is not the best way to achieve an interethnic understanding of uncomfortable proverbs.

So, the "explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" Ushakov as follows explains the origin of the "Sirota Kazanskaya" expression: it was originally said "On the Tatar Mirza (princes), who became terrible after the conquest of the Kazan Khanate, Ivan Grozny, to get from the Russian kings all sorts of concern, complaining of her bitter fate" .

Indeed, Moscow sizards considered their duty to caress and train Tatar Murz, especially if they decided to change faith. According to the documents, such "Kazan orphans" received about a thousand rubles an annual salary. Whereas, for example, Russian drugs had only 30 rubles a year. Naturally, such a state of affairs gave rise to the envy of Russian seruners.

Later, Idioma "Kazan orphan" lost historical and ethnic stratum - so they began to talk about anyone who only pretties unhappy, seeking to cause sympathy.

Now - about Tatarine and Guest, which of them "worse", and who is "better."

Tatars of the times of the Golden Horde, if they happened to come to the subordinate country, behaved in it as the Lord. Our chronicles are full of stories about the oppression of Tatar Baskakov and the greed of the Khanian court. Russian people involuntarily accustomed to every Tatar, who came to the house, consider not so much a guest as the rapist. Then they began to say: "Guest on the yard - and trouble on the yard"; "And the guests did not know how the owner were tied up"; "The sewer is not great, and the guest will bring the chest - and the last will take." Well, and - "Uninvited Guest Worse than Tatar".

When the times changed, the Tatars in turn knew what he was Russian "Uninvited Guest". The Tatars also have a lot of offensive sayings about Russians. What can you do with this?

History is an irreparable past. What was, it was. Only the truth treats morals, politics, interethnic relations. But it should be remembered that the truth of history is not naked facts, but an understanding of the past in order to live correctly in the present and future.

7. Tatar Razba

Unlike other Turkic peoples, the Kazan Tatars centuries lived not in the yurts and kibits, but in the outgrow. True, in accordance with the general-Russian traditions, the Tatars preserved a way to separate the female half and a kitchen by a special curtain - Charshau. In the second half of the XIX century, a partition appeared instead of the old curtains in Tatar dwellings.

On the male half of the huts were the honorable place for guests and the place of the owner. It also highlighted space for recreation, a family table was covered, many homework were held: men were engaged in tailored, short craft, lapel weaving, women worked behind a weaving machine, triggered the threads, hung, rolled felt.

The front wall of the corner to the corner was occupied by wide scratches, on which soft down jackets, perins and pillows were resting, poorly replaced by felt. Nara in fashion and to this day, for them traditionally enshrined the honorable place. In addition, they are universal in their functions: can serve as a place of work, food, recreation.

The mandatory attribute of the interior was red or green chests. According to custom, they constituted the indispensable part of the dowry of the bride. In addition to the main purpose - storage of clothes, fabrics and other valuables - the chests markedly revived the interior, especially in combination with the bedding scenicly laid on them. In the outstands of the rich Tatars, the chests were so much that sometimes they were put on each other.

The next attribute of the interior of Tatar rural housing was a bright national feature, and characteristic only for Muslims. This is popular and universally revered Shamail, i.e. Written on glass or paper and inserted text from the Qur'an with the wishes of the world and the well-being of the family. The characteristic detail of the interior of the Tatar dwelling was also flowers on the windowsill.

Traditional Tatar villages (aules) are located along rivers and roads. These settlements are distinguished by the design of the development, the presence of numerous stupids. The buildings are located inside the estate, and the street forms a solid line of deaf fence. Externally, the Tatar horses almost do not distinguish between Russian - that's just the doors are not revealed in the Cell, but inside the hut.

8. Sabantuy

In the past, Tatars in their mass were rural. Therefore, their folk holidays were associated with the cycle of agricultural work. Like other agricultural peoples, the Spring has been particularly expected from the Tatar. This time of the year was celebrated by the holiday, which was called "Saban Tue" - "Plow Wedding".

Sabantuy is a very ancient holiday. In Alceaevsky district of Tatarstan, a tombstone was found, the inscription on which it says that the deceased reopened in 1120 on the day of Sabantua.

Traditionally, before the festival of youth and older men began to collect gifts to Sabantuy. The most valuable gift was considered a towel, which was obtained from young women who got married after the previous Sabantua.

The holiday itself was celebrated. The place of their holding was called "Maidan". The competition included jumps, running, long and height, national struggle of Korsech. Only men took part in all types of competitions. Women only observed from the side.

Competitions were carried out through the centuries developed by the Raunt. Started their jumps. Participation in them was considered prestigious, so all who could have been put on a rustic horse racing. The riders were the boys 8-12 years old. The start was arranged in the distance, and the finish is on the Maidan, where they were waiting for the participants of the holiday. The winner was given one of the best towels. The owners of the champs received separate prizes.

At the time when the riders went to the place of start, other competitions were held, in particular running. Participants were subdivided by age: boys, adult men, old men.

After the contests are completed, people diverged home to be treated with festive kushans. And a few days later, depending on the weather, proceeded to SEVA torn crops.

Sabantuy to this day remains the most beloved mass holiday in Tatarstan. The cities are a one-day holiday, and in the countryside it consists of two parts: gifts and Maidan collection. But if earlier Sabantuy was celebrated in honor of the beginnings of spring field work (at the end of April), now - in honor of their ending, in June.

Tata'ry, Turkic-speaking people; The main population of the Republic of Tatarstan (according to the 2002 census is 2.019 thousand people); The second number of the indigenous people of the Russian Federation (in 2002 - 5669.9 thousand people).

Name history (ethnonym). For the first time, the ethnonym of the Tatars appeared from the ancient Turkic tribes of Altai, Transbaikalia and Mongolia in the VI - VIII centuries in the forms of "Ouz-Tatars" ("Thirty Tatars") and "Tax-Tatars" ("Nine Tatars"). In the XIII century in the Mongolian Empire, the term "Tatars" indicated the aristocracy and was socially prestigious. In the Middle Ages, the term was used in Russia, in Western Europe and the Muslim East to denote the population of Ulus Juchi. As a result of the accession of the Tatar khanate to the Volga-Ural region and Western Siberia (XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries), their ethnopolitical system was destroyed to the Russian state, the territorial division of their unified culture, the declaration of the civil serving of naval and Christianization of the population, which contributed to the introduction of terms "Tatars" and "Muslims" on Wednesday of the Folk Mass. In the 2nd half of the XIX - early XX centuries during the bourgeois transformations and the rise of the national social and political movement, the concept of "Tatars" was common to a number of Turkic-speaking groups of the Volga-Ural region and Western Siberia. Local self-espongations were gradually lost: the Volga-Vura Liang Tatars - Mesaleman, Kazanla, Mishar; Astrakhan - Nugai, Karagash; from Siberian - Towllyk, Tural, Baraba; Polish-Lithuanian X - Mesalim, Tatarlar's head. In the 1st quarter of the XX century, the ethnonym "Tatars" became common to a significant part of the Turkic-speaking population of the Volga-Ural region and Western Siberia. According to the 1926 census, most Turkic-speaking Muslims of the Volga region, the Viuraly (with the exception of Bashkir) and Western Siberia adopted this name.

Requirement. The kernel of the Tatar people was formed on the territory of the Volga region and the Survival. Permanent migration, especially the Volga-Vura Liang Tatars, led to an increase in their accommodation in Russia and the world. Mass migration began after the Russian state conquering Tatar Khunni, which was associated with a sharp strengthening of the national, social and religious negle. At the end of the XIX century, over 1 million Tatars lived in the Ural region. In the XIX - early XX centuries, the Volga-Vura Liang Tatars have become a noticeable ethnososta part of the Tatar population of the Astrakhan Territory and Western Siberia.

In 1920-30, most of the Tatars lived in the RSFSR (95.2% in 1937). By 1959, their number outside the RSFSR sharply increased, especially in Kazakhstan and Central Asia (in 1959 - 780 thousand people, including the rapidly deported in 1944 of the Crimean Tatars). The increase in the number of Tatar people in this region, including the development of the virgin lands of Kazakhstan affected. By 1989, the Tatar diaspora Tatar diaspora (1179.5 thousand) was formed in the Republics of Central Asia (1179.5 thousand). According to the 2002 census, Tatars compactly live in the Volga-Ural region and Western Siberia, fragmented - almost in all regions of the Russian Federation. Tatars also live in the countries of near and far abroad.

Urbanization. Tatars are one of the most urban peoples of the Russian Federation. The beginning of urbanization refers to the periods of the Volga Bulgaria and the Golden Horde, in which there was a fairly developed network of settlements cities. In the 2nd half of the XVI - the beginning of the XVII centuries, after the joining of Tatar Khanate to the Russian state, the urban layer among the Tatars declined sharply. After the reforms of the 1860s, the urbanization of the Tatar population intensified. At the beginning of the 20th century, the urbanization of the Volga-Vura Liang Tatars was 5%, most lived in Kazan, Ufa, Samara, Simbirsk, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Astrakhan. In the 1930s, due to the rapid development of the industry and the growth of cities, more than half of the Tatars in the USSR became citizens (according to the 1989 census, 69% of the Tatars).

Basic ethno-territorial groups: Miscellaneous Vura Liang, Siberian Tatars, Astrakhan Tatars. The most numerous are the Volga-Vura Liang Tatars, including Kazan, Kasimov, Misham, the community of baptized Tatars and Nagaybakov. Among the Siberian Tatars, the ethnographic groups of Tobolsk, Tyumen, Barabinsk, Tomsk Tatars and the ethnophile Bukhara group are distinguished. Astrakhan Tatars are divided into Yurtovsky, Kundrovsky and Karagasha Nogai origin. An independent group is the Polish-Lithuanian E Tatars, formed as the commonality of the military-serving Tatars, resettled in the XIV-XVII centuries from the Golden Horde and Tatar Khanate to the Grand Principality of Lithuania.

Anthropology. The anthropological typology of the Tatars belongs mainly to the Ural group, which is a transitional between the European and mongoloid races. Ethnically, they were formed by mixing the European-wide population with the mongoloid components.

Colloquial. The People's Talk of the Tatar, which was formed during the centuries, belongs to Bulgaro-Kypchaksk, by the group of Turkic languages. Includes Mishar, medium and oriental dialects. Inside them allocate a number of loving. The People's Talk of Tatars, who formed along with the modern Tatar ethnic group, has a number of features that combine the dialects of the Volga-Vura Liang and Siberian Tatars and distinguish them from other Turkic languages. The language has actively interacted with the languages \u200b\u200bof neighboring peoples. During the formation and development, the Tatars language experienced a significant impact on the part of the Arab and Persian languages, which were in the period of the Golden Horde by the literary languages \u200b\u200bof this state along with the Volga Türku. The modern Tatar literary language was formed at the turn of the XIX-XX century on the basis of the People's talk of Kazan Tatars with the noticeable participation of the Mishar dialect. Tested the ethnocultural influence of Russian, Nogai, Chuvash, Bashkir, Mordovsky, Mari and Udmurt peoples.

Writing. The origins of Tatar written traditions refer to the ancient-Turkic Runic monuments of the VII-XI centuries, the basis of which is the ORCHON-Yeniseiso e letter used in the Volga Bulgaria. With the adoption of Islam in 922 in the official office work of the Bulgar, the Arab letter began to play a prominent role. The earliest of the preserved monuments of Bulgarian literature - the poem Kul Gali "Tale of Jusufe" (1233). Since the beginning of the XIV century, an Arab letter has been applied during the preparation of official documents. Until the 1st third of the 20th century, Arabic graphics were used. In 1928-29, the Arabic alphabet was replaced by Latin, in 1939-40 - a Russian letter created on the basis of Russified Cyrillic. In 2000, GC RT adopted a law on the transition to Latin schedule, but his practical implementation was stopped due to the amendment to the Federal Law "On the Languages \u200b\u200bof the Peoples of the Russian Federation" (2002) on the inadmissibility of the terr. RF use in the state. The languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Russia are non-crosslinic alphabets.

Religion. Believers Tatars are mostly followers of Sunni Islam. Religious centers are muftiats in Moscow, Kazan, Ufa, Saratov, Astrakhan, Tyumen, whose leaders are combined into the Council of Muftis of Russia and to the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia and European CIS countries. In the Russian Federation there are about 2.6 thousand Tatar-Musulm of nic parishes (Mahalles). In Russia, there are also small (about 35 thousand people in 2002) subconfestional groups of Tatars (baptism, Nagaibaki), the ancestors of which in the XVI-XVIII century were subjected to Christianization.

Basic concepts of origin. Naib Early of them - bulgaro-Tatarska I am theory, K-paradium is based on the state that Ethnic. The basis of T. was the Bulgar. The community that has developed in the CP. Volga region and a Ural of 8 c. (For other versions, in 8-7 centuries. BC. E. and earlier). According to this concept, the OSN. Ethnoculta. Traditions and ethnic. Features of the owr. Tatars. (Bulgaro-Tatars.) The people were formed in Volzhskoy Bulgaria (10-13 centuries). In periods of the Golden Horde, Tatars. Khunni, Russian State (16-19 centuries) they have undergone only small changes. Bulgar. Principalities (Emirates), while in the Golden Horde, used it means. Polit. and cult. autonomy. Influence of the Ordane ethnopolitis. The power systems, as well as cultures (in particular, lit-ry, the case and architecture) was considered purely external. Impact on the booleans. About and was not particularly noticeable. The most important consequence of Mong. Conquests 13 V. It was the fragmentation of the Bulgaria to a number of Emirates and the Sultanates, as well as the disintegration of a single boular. Nathodics at 2 ethnoterr. Groups (Bulgaro-Burtasa Ulus Mukhsha and Bulgars of Emirates Volga-Kamya). As supporters of this theory believes, during the period of the Kazan Khanate Bulgar. Ethnos strengthened early Domong. Ethnoculta. Features and ethnically persisted (including self-domestic. "Bulgars") up to the 1920s, when Tatars. Bourges. Nationalists and owls. The authorities were imposed by the ethnonym "T.". In their opinion, all other groups of T. (Sib., Astrakhan and Polish-Lithuania.) Food fell on the fellowship. Ethnoculta. The basis is actually off. Ethnic groups and ethnic. The history of Bulgaro-Tatars of the Volga-Ural region do not have a direct relationship. Concept in the Osn. The features were developed in con. 19 - Nach. 20 centuries. (Trudy H.-G. Gabyashi, Aahmarova, R. Fahrettina, etc.). In the 1920s, with the advent of the theory of the stagnation of the development of the language and autochthonic origin of the peoples (the teaching of Marre's language), it was further developed in the works of scientists. Period (N.N. Firsova, M.G.Hudyakova et al.). In the 1920-30s, as the introduction of "Leninsky-Stalin," ideology in owls. East. and linguistic science, Bulgaro Tatars. The concept has become decisive in sweepage. historiography (works by A.P.Smirnova, H.G.G.Gimadi, N.I.Vorobieva, N.F. Kalinin, L. Zalya, etc.). After accepting the post. Central Committee VKP (b) " On the status and measures to improve mass-political essay and ideological work in the Tatar party organization"From 9 Aug. 1944 and holding Scientific session of the USSR Academy of Sciences 25-26 Apr. 1946 on the origin of Kazan. T. This concept that received an officer. The support of the authorities began to play a primary role in the Tatars. and owls. historiography. The most important stage of ethnogenesis of Tatars. The people recognized Bulgar. The period was approved about the cult of the cult. - Evolutionary continuity of the Bulgar and T. up to con. 1980s. Bulgaro Tatars. The concept was actively developed by historians, archaeologists and literals G.V. Yusupov, A.Kh. Khalikov, M.Z. Zakiev, A.G. Karimullin, S.Kh.alishev, R.Kh. Bariev, F.Shusin, F.T.-A.Valeev, N.A.Tomilov, etc.

Mongol-Tatarska I am theory Based on the hypothesis of relocation to Europe of nomadic Türco Tatars and Mong. (Center.-Asian.) Ethnic. Groups (by one assumptions, in Domong, in others - in the goldside time), to-ry, mixed with the Cleps and accepting Islam during the Golden Horde period, created the basis of the SOC. Tatars. Culture. Supporters of this theory deny or understood the role of the Volga Bulgaria and its culture in the history and culture of Kazan. T., arguing that it was a weak state-in with a relatively Muslim (semi-public) population. They believe that during the Golden Horde b. h. Bulgar. Ethnos has undergone ethnocult. Assimilation from the sending Muslim Cipchak population with high mountains. Culture, and the other part (in the Osn. Bulgarians-pagans) moved to the outskirts of the Bulgaria and later became the basis of the Chuvash people. Some authors put forward the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "tatarization" of the population of the East. Europe and the Volga region, including the Volga Bulgaria, still in Domong. time. The concept emerged in the beginning. 20 V. In the works of Ros. Scientists (N.I. Ashmararina, V.F.Smolina, etc.), some of its aspects were further developed in the works of Tatars. Historians-Emigra NTU (A.-Z. Rakhimi, R. Rakhmati, etc.). Since the 1960s The theory of Mong.-Tatars. The origin of the Tatars. The people began to actively develop Chuvash. (V.F.Kovsky, V.D.Dimitriev, N.I.Gorov, M.R. Fedotov, etc.), Bashk. (N.A. Majitov, etc.) and Tatars. (R.G. Fakhrutdinov, M.I.Akhmetyzyanov, etc.) scientists.

Turkic Tatar theory The origin of T. indicates a wider than the Ural-Volga region, ethnocult. The area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of the Tatars. The nation is based on a new ethnological theory (constructivism, structuralism, new social. History). Her supporters emphasize Turko Tatars. The origins of the Sovr. T., while noting an important role in their ethnogenesis of the Volga Bulgaria and Kipchak-Kimax Kih Ethnic. Steppes of Eurasia. In the quality of the key moment ethnic. Tatars history. The ethnos considers the period of the Golden Horde, when on the basis of Mong.-Tatars. and local boulars. And the Kipchak traditions received further development of the states of the state, culture, lit. Language, new East. Tradition and ethnopolit. Self-consciousness in the form of ethnonym "T.". During the Tatars period. Hansels arising after the collapse of the Golden Horde, there was a deployment. Ethnoerr. Groups (Astrakhan, Kazan., Crimean, Sib. and others. Group T.). A big role during this period, especially after the conquest of the Tatars. Hangey, began to play a relig. (Musulm.) Self-awareness. In the 2nd floor. 19th century, in the process of active penetration of Bourges. Social-eco. relationships in the Tatar. OB-WITH, WATCH NAC. Culture and strengthening cult. - integrate ties between different terr. Tatar groups. Ethnic Sheets were updated by the ideas about the cult.-East. Unity of Tatars. Ethnic Sheet and recreated. East. Tradition in the form of Tatars. ideology (S. Mordzhani, I. Gasprinsky, X.ATlasov, etc.), the formation of the Council. "Ethnopolitical" Nation of T. and the approval of the general self-based. "T.". In the beginning. 20 V. This theory was developed by G. Bubaidullin; During the repression of the 1930s. Her supporters were physically eliminated; To some extent, this line was trying to continue the writer N. Isanbet. In the 1940-90s. The concept was actively developed in the writings of the Cub. Tatars. historians (Battal, A.N.Kurat, B. Hisbardin, A.-A.Rorilich, N. Davlet, Yu.Shamiloglu) and foreign. Tatarovyov (A.Kappeler, A. J. Frank, M. Kemper). In the USSR in the 1960-80s. Some aspects of this theory developed Tatars. Historians M.G.Safargaliyev, Sh.F.Muhamedyarov, H.H.H.Hasanov, M.A. Sumanov, R.A. Ma'irkhanov, Ethnologist R.G.Kuseev and Philologists E.N. Nadzhip, N.A. Baskakov , F.S. Fasyev.

In 1990-2000. The concept has found further development in the works of A.G.Mukhamadiev, I.R. Tagirova, D.M. Ishakova, I.L.Ismailova, F.A. Surattova, etc. Her supporters directly associate ethnogenesis T. with Turko-Tatar. (Dr. Turkic Tatars, Bulgarians, Khazara, Kipchak, Kimakov, Oguzami, etc.) and Finno-Ugric ethnic. Groups of Miscellaneous Vura Liang and West Siberianis about the regions. According to MN. Of these, the basis of ethnocult. processes that led to the formation of the SDU. Tatars. The nation was society. - Polit. and relig.-cult. Factors refracted in the identity of the people in the form of East.-genetic and cult. Language unity (general mythological ancestors, a religion. Representations, East. Fate, etc.), that there was a concentrated expression in the ethnonym "T.".

Traditions of statesman I. U T. have more than a thousand-year history. The first news of ethnopolitis. Associations by Vost. Turkestan and Mongolia refer to 6-8 centuries. In vet Europe, starting from the 7th century, the Turko-Bulgarians arose consistently. GOS-VA (Great Bulgaria, Khazar Kaganat, Volga Bulgaria). In 1208 as part of the Great Mongolian State-Va (Ek Mongol Ulus), Genghishana begins to develop Ulus Juchi, which included in 1227-43 in its composition Kipchak, Bulgar., Rus. and a number of other state-in and ethnopolitis. associations. Ulus Juchi in the Osn. The features continued Turko Mong. Traditions of state. Devices, and from the 2nd floor. 13 V. He began to acquire the features of Islamic Turk. Gos-Ba with his writing, mountains. Culture, state. Device and single ethnopolit. The system (TURKO-MONG. The tribal system, the ruling aristocratic Clans, military.-served aristocracy, Kurultai), the ruling dynasty (Juchis), etc. After the collapse of the Golden Horde on its terr. There were new Turkic Tatars. GOS-BA, who continued its traditions: Kazan, Tyumen (Siberian), Crimean, Astrakhan and Kasimovskoye Khanate, a big horde, Nogai Horde, etc. in the period of 16-18 centuries. All Tatars. Khanate was conquered by the Russian state, but the old state. Traditions served as one of the important incentives to preserve the unity of the people.

In the beginning. 20 V. T. has intensified the struggle for the restoration of its state ownership and, first in the form of NC.-cult. Autonomy. In 1918. Millet Mejlisi. decided to create Ural Volga State. An attempt to its implementation on March 1, 1918 (see " 3Abural Republic") Was stopped by owls. pr-in. In 1918, the People's Commissariat of Nationalities of the RSFSR published the Regulation on Tatar-Bashkirs Koi Soviet Socialist Republic (remained unrealized). In 1920, the Tatar ASSR was formed as part of the RSFSR. Declaration of the Sun of the Republic of 30 Aug. 1990 The TASSR was transformed into RT, after the March referendum of 1992, declared the sovereign state-in, the subject of the international. The rights associated with the Russian Federation by the constitutions of both republics and contractual relations on the delimitation of powers between the Russian Federation and RT (1994, 2007).

Ethnopolitical story. Ancestors Sovr. T., like other Turk. Peoples are associated with their origin with Prototurn. Population Center. Asia (Altai, Transbaikalia, Mongolia), where they entered various ethnopolitis. Association. At 6 - beginning. 13 centuries. Dr. Tatars. Ethnic. Groups created to the center. Asia row in your tribe. associations and state-in. Ethnopolitis. The community "OUZ-TATAR" was formed in the steppes of Mongolia; In the 8th century As a result of the military. - Polit. Pressure of the Chinese and the Tuchius she broke into several. Top. associations. Naib Izv. And the strong of them was the Association of Tokuz-Tatars. On the language and culture of Dr.-Tatars. Tribes (6-8 centuries) there are no fairly reliable information; Non-ry linguists consider their Turk. People (Franz. Orientalist P. Pellyo), others (M.TS. Munkuev, J. Zhele) - Mong. Top. Association "Tokuz-Tatars" in the military. - Polit. Events Center. Asia often became an ally of Kyrgyz, speaking on their side against the Turkic Kaganate (War 723-24). After the collapse of this kaganata, Dr.-Tatars. The tribes created their ethnopolitis. Association to Vost. Turkestan, which in the Union with Oguzami led the war against Uigur Kaganata. As a result of the defeat from Uigur, some of them were part of the Uygur Kaganat, Depth. Groups moved to the south. Siberia, where, together with Kimako-Kipchak, kimaki kaganat formed. As noted in the work of Zapin al-Akhbar ("News ornament", 11th century) Gardisi, the ruler of this kaganate, according to the Kimakian tradition, belonged to the tribe of T. 842 Uygur Kaganat was defeated by Kirgiz, the lands of Dr.-Tatars. Tribes are included in their possession (this is evidenced by the inscription in the R. TES valley). After the expulsion of Kyrgyz in the 2nd floor. 11 V. Dr. Tatars. The tribes became part of the Uygur Principles (Ganzhou, Turfansky, etc.), later created their semi-independent principalities at the East border. Turkestan and Kit. Gansu Province. In vet Turkestan between the states of Karakanids and Tangutov (SIA) was formed several. Princess Zap. Dr. Tatars. tribes. They led active external. Policy in the center. Asia (Embassies to China in 958, 996, 1039, 1084, in Wed. Asia in 965, 981, etc.), fought for control over the led. Shelkovoy, concluded military. - Polit. Unions with Ganzhou and Turfan Principles. Rulers of these Tatars. The principalities wore the title "APA-Tekin" ("Tags"). In 11-12 centuries. Dr. Tatars. Ethnopolitis. Top. The associations occupy means. Terr. South. and east. Mongolia, North. China, Vost. Turkestan. In the beginning. 13 V. These associations were part of Mongol Empire (According to China. Sources, it means. Part of the DR Tatars. Tribal was destroyed GengizhanomThe remaining participated in its conquest campaigns). All this terr., Populated by Dr. Tatars. People, in Musulm. The historiography of the countries of the East received the name. "Chet-and Tatars" ("Tatar steppe"), and the term "T." He consolidated for a part of the population of the steppes center. Asia. In the dictionary "Sofan Lugat AT-Turk" ("Assembly of the Turkic Instant"), compiled in 1072-74 Mahmud. Kashgari., Language dr.-Tatars. Tribes Vost. Turkestan is fixed as Turkic. Presumably, land. Their part was confessed by Buddhism, others - Manichaean and Islam.

In the Volga-Ural region Ethnic. The substrate T. was half-bore Turk. and UGORS ( hungary, madjara and others) tribes, which are in 7-9 centuries. Actively interacted with the peoples of the Turk. Gos-to the Center. Asia, south. Siberia and North. Caucasus ( Turkic kaganat, Great Bulgaria, Khazar Kaganat, Kimaki kaganat and etc.). As a result of close interethnich. Relationships in Ethnic. The substrate T. penetrated the Bulgarian socially developed. Tribes: bulgars, barcily, baranjara, saviry et al. in con. 9 - beginning 10 centuries. In the process of education of the State Naja. Strong turned out to be ethnopolitis. The community of Bulgarians created in the CP. Volga region in the 910-70s. Bulgarian and Suvarian Principalities (Emirates). Presumably, in 980 on the basis of these emirates, etc. Lands were formed by state-in Volga Bulgaria. As the Bulgarian state and expansion of its terr is strengthened. Bulgars actively assimilated off. OGUZO-BEKHEKSKY X ( oguzov, pechenegov) and kipchak tribes (see Kipchak), as well as other neighboring ethnic. Groups ( burtasov, Majar, etc.). Huge importance in the consolidation of the Bulgar. The ethnos played the adoption in the 922 Islam in the quality of the state. religion. This contributed to the establishment of a regulatory lit. Language, ethnic. History ("History of Bulgaria" Yakuba ibn Nugman et al.) And, ultimately, the formation of a single supervision culture and ethnopolit. Self-consciousness Bulgarians, expansion polit., ECON. and cult. connections with external. Musulm. The world, primarily with the countries of the East. In 10-13 centuries. In the steppes of Eurasia, DR.-Tatars have developed., Kipchako-Kimakski E, Bulgar. and others. Turk. State Education. Inside them there was a consolidation of the Turk. Tribes, the influence of Muslim increased. Consciousness.

In the 1220-40s. All state and tribes North. Eurasia were conquered by Mong. Khana and entered the composition of Ulus Juci. Seduced state (Rus. Principal, dissected by the Emirates Bulgarian state-in, Khorezm) became vassal possessions, and b. Terr. Volga Bulgaria turned into a part of the Khan domain, and the breeding unions of Kimako-Kypchakov turned out to be fragmented, their tribal to know the part was exterminated, part of the Juchid Aristocracy, the population of Laja and Kipchak (steppes of Eurasia) was included in the military.-Adm. and clan system of ulus juchi. It is characteristic that in gray. 13 V. They began to disappear Domong. Tribal named. And they began to replace them with Turko-Mong. (Kyat, Naiman, Kungrat, Keeit, Katata, Mangyt, Burkut, Jalair, Uyhun, etc.), repeated in various combinations in a number of terr. Groups of CP.ran. T., there were also 4 ruling kinds (shirin, ladies, Argyn, Kypchak). The influence of these Tatars. (Turko-Mong.) Clans turned out to be NaB. Strong in the bottom. Volga region, Ural and Zap. Siberia, where they included in their structure and in the OSN. Assimilated the Ugric and Kipchak-Kimax kiwa. It is since this time in the environment of various groups of T. (incl. Astrakhan, Sib., Crimean) and Nogai Vedas. The situation was taken by Tatars. (Turko-Mong.) Clans: Tabin, Katata, Taz, Naiman, Kungrat / Kurdak, Kerit, Karagay, Elan, Tokuz, and others. Turkized Ugric groups included in their composition, received named. IISTEK / USTEC / OST Yak, and Dr. called. Ugric origin - b. Top. Etnonyms of the Survival (Exterior, Bikatin, Jurma, Gaina, Uvat, Supra, etc.) - preserved in the Osn. Only in toponymy.

Simultane Within the framework of the Unified State-Wa, the formation of a special Turkic Tatar. Ethnic. Identity. An important element of the integration of the Goldenordinian population was distributed in Ulus Juchi Islam, which became from the beginning. 14th century, during the reign of Khan Uzbek (1312-41), state. religion, as well as the creation of a regulatory lit. Language (Volga. Turks), development of writing and lit-ry. The core of these cult.-East. The processes were the formation among the military. - a servant for the imperial supporting culture, which included mythologies and symbols of the Juche tradition, partly Musulm. worldview. All this led to sociocult. Consolidation of the Goldenordopian aristocracy and to the appearance of 14 V. The new ethnosocial community "T.", Kraya consisted of ch. arr. from Musulm. Nature that came into a clan-tribe. Ulus juchi ulus system. This aristocracy received to possession of land and uluses in the Volga-Ural region, to know the local peoples became its component. This is also evidenced by the language, toponymic, etc. Materials, in particular, the appearance in the Wednesday. Halzh. - Ural, T. called. Generic clans (sometimes in toponymics, nodes, etc.), such as Kungrat, Burkut, Ming, Tokuz, Toxoba, Keeit, Katay, Tabin, Kipchak, Alat, Badrak. Sel. And, partly, the mountains. Applied population ( kara Halyk.) Used for self-dome. Tahlisy, formed most often from toponyms (al-Bulgari, AS-soras, Mün-Bilar, etc.).

After the collapse of the Golden Horde in Ser. 15 V. As part of the Latezolotoords of the Naxian political. Educations began the formation of new ethnopolitis. Communities that had their local self-confidence., And the term "T." It becomes general designation and self-based. For the estate of their military. - a servant nobility united in the clan system and a marked sentence "serviced Tatars". The final design of these ethnoerr. Groups occurred in 15-16 centuries. In the framework of the Türco Tatars based on the Golden Horde. State-in (Big Orda, Nogai Orda, Siberian, Kazan, Crimean, Astrakhan and Kasimovskoye Khanate), sometimes beyond their limits (in the Grand Duch of Lithuanian, in the Budzhak steppe of the Ottoman Empire). However, the general states. and ethnocult. Traditions still remained one of the important reasons for preserving the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the people. After joining the 2nd floor. 16th century Kazan, Astrakhan and Siberian Hangey to the Russian State intensified the processes of migration and interaction between different ethnoterr. T. in the Volga-Ural region and Siberia, as a result of resettlement, it means. Group servile TatarsConsistent with the OWN From the target and cauldron. T., there was a linguistic and cult. Rapid of various ethnic. Tatars groups. population. Naib Intensive nature, this process acquired in the Volga-Ural region, in K-Rom to Con. 17th century Group Volga. - Uralskky T. The overall formation of this group was facilitated by General East., Relig., Language and cult. - Household traditions that have arisen during periods of Golden Horde and Tatars. Khunni, as well as the objective need to confront the policy of Christianization, rusification and others. Forms of nat. Net. One of the features of ethnoculta. The development of various groups of T., condition and consequence of their rapprochement became awareness of belonging to a single faith, the approval of the general confessionism "Muslims".

Stormy Development Bourges. Relations in Russia in the 2nd floor. 19 - Nach. 20 centuries. led to the activation of T. in society. - Polit. and cult.-lumen. Life grew. about During this period during the Bourges. The transformations gradually happened to form a new, nat. Type ethnic. Self-consciousness based on the ethnonym "T.", as well as consolidation of various Europe intensified. and Sib. subectoic. and ethnogr. T. TSN. Condition for the formation of Tatars. Bourges. The ideology of the reformation of the patriarchal bases of the Tatars was the ideology. OB-VA (see Jadidism), leading to the emergence of the general basis. period. Print, Novometer Tatar System. confessional education about education, Sovr. Lit. Language, secular lit-ry, nat. typography.

One of the evidence of the completion of the consolidation process of the Tatars. nation to start. 20 V. It was the assimilation of all the land. Ethnoerr. Turgo-Tatars groups of a single Tatar. Self-consciousness and approval of the ethnonym "T.". According to the census of the USSR 1926, 88% of the Tatars. European population. Parts of the country recorded themselves T. and only a small part of it in the frame of ethnonym used the deployment. Local names: Volzh.-Urstska Ye T. - Mishar, Kryashen (some of them - Nagaibak), Tsellar; Astrakhan - Nougay, Karagash; Sib. - Buchalky, Temanlik, Baraba, Tingyllyc. This testified to the preservation of the Depth. Forms of patriarchal and ethnoterr. Traditions among part T.

Simultane This happened to form a new Tatar. ideology. OSN. Her provisions formulated S. Mordzhani. The key element in the process of becoming the Tatars. The ethnos, in his opinion, became the goldside traditions, preserved in Tatars. Hunters. The ideas of Martzhani were developed in the works of I. Golpinsky, R. Fakhrettina, X.ATLASov, Ibrahimov, Ishaki, etc. This ideology was widespread in the Muslim environment. Turkic Tatars. Russian population. In places of compact residence of T. Everywhere various Muslims were established. charity. Org set, ch. The purpose of which was the development of a single ethnocult. and ethnopolit. Self-consciousness. Higher. Form of the implementation of generalization. Ideologies began to create in 1906 political. Party " Yttifak al-muslim"And the post. The presence of its leaders in the state. Russia's Duma of all convisions (S. Alkin, A. Akhtyamov, Ibn. Ahtyamov, S. Maxudov, etc.). The program of this party advanced ch. Tatar requirements. Population: provision of broad NC.-cult. autonomy, incl. in educational and relig. regions.

During Revolutions 1905-07 He received the development of the idea of \u200b\u200b"Tatar statesstosst and", original. in the form of nat.-cult. Autonomy, Local Bureau "Yetifak Al-Muslimin" served prototypes of K-Roy. After the overthrow of the king and coming to the power of the temporary pr-va (1917) it is political. Movement consistently achieved the creation of a wide NC.-cult. Autonomy T. in 1918 Nats. Muslim Internal Assembly. Russia and Siberia (Millet Medezhlisi) decided to form the Ural Volga state. However, the attempt of the Tatars. NC.-Democr. Forces to implement it on March 1, 1918 was stopped by owls. PR-VOM (see " Forced republic"). In 1918, the drug addict on the affairs of the RSFSR in the quality of the Ural Volga state under pressure from the National-Bolshevskaya Ikov (M. Vakhitov, M.Sultan-Galiev A, Ibrahimova, etc.) was proposed a project to create the Tatar-Bashkir Soviet Republic (remained unrealized). In 1920, the Tatar ASSR was formed as part of the RSFSR, this process was associated with the broad support of the Tatars. Movement by the population and his readiness is political. Methods to protect their nat. Interests. In the author. The republic was included a little more than half of the Tatars. Population owls. Russia (1459.6 thousand of 3.3 million people). As a result of arbitrary establishment of the boundaries of the Tassr and Arts. Dismemberment of Tatars. The people in its composition did not even entered those counties with compact accommodation by T., Terr. They were directly adjacent to the newly formed Republic: Belebean y. with a population of 671 thousand people. (62% of Tatars and 4.5% Bashkir) and Birsky y. - 626 thousand people. (55% of Tatars and 4.4% Bashkir). In the Tatar Republic only approx. 50% of the population was T.

With the creation of the Tasser means. Part T. got the opportunity to develop nat. The system of education and culture in the native language. For the first time after the fall of Kazan Khanate in 1552 Tatars. Language, along with Rus., became state. In the republic was created. Academic Center For org management. Issh. in the field of humanitarian sciences. The rapid development of nat. Cultures and mass education of the population contributed policies cONENERIZ State Apparatus and wide introduction to Delivery-in Tatars. Language. In the republic, work was carried out on the preparation of NAC. personnel and replacing positions in state, party., Prof., Court. and other authorities, on the implementation of the Tatars Implementation Program. Language in state bodies. and societies. Management, cultural institutions. Mask work.

In the 1920-30s. She walked the active process of forming a new generation of Tatars. Intelligentsia, new industries were created. Cultures (Fine lawsuits, opera, ballet, etc.), humanitarian science, also conducted a policy to strengthen the position of the Tatars. Language in the Tassr and other regions of the country. In 1926-29, the Tatars translation was carried out. Alphabet for lat. graphics. According to the census 1939, the literacy of the Tatars. The USSR population was quite high: in the age group of 50 years and older, the share of literate was 48.3%, 20-49 years - 78%, 9-19 years - 96%. All R. 1930s. Of the 3339 schools of the Tasse schools 1738 (St. 50%) were Tatar. By 1939, of all the schools of the republic of the republic, 48.7% were trained in Tatars. Language. Among the students of universities, the share of T. by 1939-40 reached 17.2%, among the student of the SR. -EHN. Uch. Vehicles - 49.5% (data on the TASSR).

At the same time, after the formation of the USSR (1922) of the National Committee. The policy of the country's leadership began to shift towards the restriction of ethnopolit., NC.-original development T. and began to have a focused impact on the National-Scientific spheres of the self-consciousness of peoples. Owls. Functioners based on traditional presen. Imposure of imperial politics and determined. The features of traditional nat. T. and manipulating rites, they began to create new forms of ethnoculture other than the Tatars. Ethnic. mentality and socio-family obstacles (see Cultural revolution).

The "Big Terror" 1937-38 became a new tragic period in the life of the T: on falsified cases of belonging to Bourge.-Nationalisale, Sultagalievskaya, Trotskyist, Bukharinskaya and other org organizations, for indentation charges, etc. Persecution and arrests were subjected to thousands of prest. Polit., scientific and the creative intelligentsia T. Mass repression led to the fact that the entire capabilities of the Tatars. Polit. And the intellectual elite was physically destroyed or found itself in prisons and concentration camps (on Jan. 1942 in the system of Gulag was 29.1 thousand prisoners-t.). Simultane With the introduction of Rus. Alphabet (1939) to it. The degree was violated by the East.-cult. continuity in the cult. Life of the people.

In the years led. Ovech Wars, during the period of deportation of Musulm. Population Santa. Caucasus and Crimea, intensified ideological-polit. and ethnocult. Pressure on T. Huge damage to the development of Tatars. nat. Cultures and science caused a post. CCP Central Committee (b) "On the status and measures to improve mass-political and ideological work in the Tatar party organization" (1944). One of the specials. Events of this kind have become the session of the relevance of the history and philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, organized by the joint venture. With the In-Tom of the Language, Lithing and History of CFAN USSR in Moscow (25-26 Apr. 1946), in fact, canonizing the tendency study of ethnogenesis T. in the framework of the Bulgarians alone. Theories (see Scientific session of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR). A further step towards the restrictions on the interests of this was the division in 1952-53 of the TASSR to Bugulminskaya, Kazan and Chistopolian regions (after the death of I.V. Stalin in April 1953, they were eliminated).

During the years "Khrushchev thaw" Naib. Active prest. Creative and scientific Tatarstan's intelligentsia began a ideological struggle for nat. Revival. In 1954, a letter was sent to the Central Committee of the CPSU, in K-Rom indicated to the arts. Coherent development of NAC. Culture, reducing the number of Tatars. Schools, distortion of the history of Tatars.-Rus. Relationship, bringing the role of Tatars. The people in the history of the Russian state, and the problems of NAC were raised. Toponymics, the question of providing the status of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic of Tatarstan. In the 2nd floor. 1950s. Activity nat. Intelligentsia was noticeably intensified by owls. The leadership was forced to go to a number of measures that contributed to the discharge of the situation in the Tatars. Oh-ve. As a result, in 1957, spelling and the work of the Commission on improving Yu Tatar resumed the work. Language, in 1958 Plenum Tatars. Commander CPSU adopted post. "On the state and measures to improve the work of Tatar general education schools", in October 1958 the 1st Congress of Culture Workers was held, on May 24 - June 2, 1957 in Moscow Decade of tatar art and literature etc.

In the 1950-80s. There was a noticeable rise in the field of Tatars. Culture and Nar. Education has increased significantly. Tatars. scient., tehn. and creative intelligentsia. In the 1970 Ud. in. T. in the USSR among specialists with high. and cf.-specials. Education reached 1.5% (the figure was higher than the same indicator on Azerbaijanis, Kazakhs and Lithuanians). In 1956-57, among the students of universities, the USSR was 25.3 thousand, in 1974-75 - 99.8 thousand. T. to 1965/66 Uch. G. Their share among the stude