Pencil drawing lessons step by step. Unusual ways of drawing What to draw when there are no ideas horror theme

Pencil drawing lessons step by step. Unusual ways of drawing What to draw when there are no ideas horror theme

Practically they are not limited to anything, but in drawing lessons at school, things may be different. Rules, prohibitions, strict frameworks sometimes turn such a process, so beloved from childhood, into a painful serving of a number. Unconventional approaches and methods, which are so necessary for drawing lessons in general and in particular, will help and make the drawing lesson itself interesting and exciting.

How to have an interesting drawing lesson: 11 unconventional ideas

Drawing is very useful for children as it develops attention, fine motor skills, imagination and memory. Such ones can be used not only in school drawing lessons, but also used for or for the entertainment of a child and his friends in nature or at home.

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Outline the shadow

Drawing can be turned into if you move the whole process to fresh air. All you need is paper, objects that will cast a shadow, and felt-tip pens. It is also a way to explain to children about the role of light and shadow, about the movement of the sun and the change of day and night.


Let the children draw their self-portrait, but not drawing it from scratch, but drawing only the right / left part. The principle of symmetry has not been canceled.

Portrait from memory

Alternatively, invite the children to draw portraits of each other from memory. Attach the leaves on the backs of the children (this will amuse them already), line everyone up in a row one after the other and have each draw a portrait of the one who stands in front of him. Those standing in front are forbidden to turn around. The technique is great and lifts the mood for a long time.

Fancy patterns on film

Use wide plastic wrap instead of traditional paper canvas. Stretch the plastic between two tables, cover the floor, and have the children put on aprons. Divide the children into groups: one draws, and the other lies under the film and observes the process through the film from the bottom up. Explain that paint spreads differently on different surfaces, so even splashes look unusual.

Longest tassel

Tape a long stick to each brush. Invite the children to start, and only then move on to drawing. Such an original way of drawing develops motor skills, coordination and dexterity, because it is much more difficult to handle a long brush than a regular one.

Drawing with feet. Everyone knows how to draw with their hands. But what about drawing with your feet? This is also an equally interesting and exciting process that requires concentration and patience. This painting technique is especially useful for.

Roll your head. In addition to drawing with your feet, you can also use ... the head. How? Attach two tassels folded at a sharp angle to each bicycle helmet, hand out the helmets to the children, and hang a large piece of Whatman paper in front of them. The task of the children is to draw on paper by moving their heads. Great charge for the cervical spine.


Instead of brushes, you can use cocktail tubes and blow through them onto the paint, thereby making colorful streaks on the sheet of paper. Thus, hairstyles for pre-drawn characters are interestingly obtained.

Inside out

You can draw not only at the table, but also under it. Attach the leaves to the inside of the table and have the children draw while sitting or lying on their backs, as Michelangelo did. The kids will love it, you'll see.

From figure to abstraction

To create a collective abstraction, you can use a mesh of body paths. Cover the floor with large strips of paper and have the children trace the outlines of each other's bodies, layering one on top of the other. After that, the children choose for themselves separate parts of the drawing and paint over them at their discretion.

Luminous painting

Fluid from fluorescent bracelets or sticks may serve. Take a few of these neon sticks, carefully cut off the ends with them and remove the rods. It is better to do everything with gloves. Place the glowing "filling" of bracelets or sticks in plastic cups half filled with water. Give the kids some paper, turn off the lights and let the magic begin!

These will add variety to the standard drawing program and help make drawing lessons interesting and fun. How do you draw with children at home or in class? Share your approaches in the comments.

Many people admit that they love to draw, although they do not know how to do it. Through the drawing, you can express your mood, feelings, attitude to some events. Even if, as a result of efforts, not a full-fledged picture is obtained, but only a funny and amusing sketch, the process of creativity itself relaxes and triggers special mechanisms of joy in the brain. At the same time, it is not always easy to find ideas for drawings, because it seems to an amateur or a beginner that nothing really beautiful will work out anyway.

It is not necessary to have an education or talent as an artist to paint. A simple desire and imagination are enough to start, and then the process will go easily and freely. It is important not to scold yourself or limit your own creativity. Indeed, in most cases, it is not the result that matters, but the process itself.

Where and when to draw

In addition to the fact that good ideas for drawings do not always come to mind, another problem arises - where to draw. A large white sheet of paper can be frightening with its size and seriousness of the approach, therefore, a stupor of imagination arises. But a notebook or personal diary is conducive to the flight of thoughts and emotions, which are often expressed in small sketches or sketches. For many girls, it is not so difficult to find original ideas for LD, the drawings of which reflect mood or dreams.

You can draw in a diary or LD during meetings, in pairs at the university, even on the subway. And if fantasy does not allow you to come up with something small, but original, you can borrow ideas for drawings from those who have succeeded in this matter.

What to draw

A simple pencil is a versatile tool that allows you to translate the simplest and funniest drawing ideas on paper. But you can draw for the soul not only with a simple pencil. An ordinary pen is often a suitable tool for this, especially if the flight of imagination has been visited by a novice artist during work or study. Of course, the peculiarity of this tool is that what you have drawn cannot be erased, which means that any mistakes or flaws will remain on paper forever.

Drawing with colored pens or pencils is more interesting and brighter, but they are not always at hand. Such tools are more suitable for children, whose imagination can surprise any adult. They like to change the colors of pencils often, giving unusual shades to ordinary things.

What to draw

If you have no idea what to draw at all, but you want to plunge into the creative process, you can use several options to awaken your own imagination. There are several ways to find a creative spark:

  • you can take an explanatory dictionary, open any page and draw the first word that catches your eye;
  • look around, find any simple object in the immediate reach and try to portray it outside the box, for example, a half of a sofa and its insides, a TV of an unusual shape, a wall clock that comes to life, etc.

Sometimes it seems that all the ideas for drawings are over, but there is no desire to portray banal things. In fact, the world around us is full of unusual angles and options, and an individual vision will help you find your own plot.

How to help children draw

Many parents are faced with the fact that children come up to them and ask what to draw. Drawing ideas for children should not be too intricate, they will bring their imagination and an unusual vision of the world into any image. Therefore, it is better for children to give simple tasks for the drawing process - surrounding objects, animals, flowers and plants, family members. For parents, in such a pastime of their child, there will be a double benefit: the child will be busy with an exciting activity, and according to its results, a lot can be said about the mood and well-being of the little artist.

The process of drawing itself is a relaxation, in which thoughts, emotions and mood of a person are manifested. And it is not so important what, where and how to draw, it is much more significant what a person experiences at the same time and what kind of satisfaction he gets from his own creativity.

What can you draw with an ordinary simple pencil? Yes, exactly the one that everyone used at school. Children's drawing, sketch or diagram? And you know that there is a whole art in which the main character, or rather the subject, is an ordinary gray slate. with a simple pencil - room for human imagination.

Unusual art

One of the most accessible, but at the same time incredibly complex types of graphics is drawing with a simple pencil. It would seem that this is a common subject for us? It turns out a lot. Some museums and exhibitions boast an entire room with pencil drawings. They display a wide variety of ideas for drawings, which came at the moment of inspiration to famous artists.

The unsurpassed play of shadows, the maximum resemblance to the original, fascinate and captivate. Looking at some of the masterpieces, it is very difficult to imagine that this can be depicted with an ordinary gray lead. It seems that this is certainly a work done in, well, you cannot draw such a miracle with a simple pencil! However, if you look closely, it is no longer possible to hold back an admiring sigh.

Necessary materials

If you think that a lot of materials are needed to create such a masterpiece, then you are greatly mistaken. To complete the drawing, you need to have landscape sheets, a set of pencils, an eraser and a sharpener. And, of course, drawing ideas. If you have no idea what you want to reproduce, the result will be disastrous. Rather, this result will not be at all.

For more complex work, of course, a snow-white, slightly rough sheet of paper is chosen, on which every stroke will be clear and noticeable. Specialty stores sell ready-made sets of simple pencils, but you can purchase the most common ones. They must differ in terms of softness or hardness. The corresponding markings are certainly indicated on them. Such gradation is needed to create shadows, without which even the most daring ideas for pencil drawings are doomed to failure.

You also cannot do without a sharp one that will create the necessary sharpness of the rod. It is advisable to have several erasers that will erase the failed or extra lines according to the type of pencil.

For work at a professional level, you will need an easel, since it is better to create a picture in an upright position. In this case, the tool will easily slide along the paper, accurately conveying the smoothness of the lines.

How to hold the instrument correctly?

To create a masterpiece, you must master the correct grip of the pencil. It should be held in the palm of your hand, pressing. Such a grip should be developed, but after getting used to it, the results will be more obvious. In art schools, the first few lessons are devoted to the skill of holding a pencil.

Of course, the simplest pencil drawings do not require any special skills. They can be created by holding the tool like a pen when writing. After all, there is simply no risk of smearing simple drawings: their lines are clear and there is no play of shadows. But still, if you want to learn how to draw professionally, it is worth holding the instrument masterfully from the first attempts.

The simplest pencil drawings

The simplest in technique are children's drawings. They are completely uncomplicated in execution, they can be drawn in several stages. But it is with them that you can begin to develop the artistic talent of kids or try your hand at graphics.

Drawing ideas for children are varied. These are birds, animals, cartoon characters. The most important thing is to carefully consider the object, take into account all its characteristics and try to reproduce what you saw. This is how children draw, so it is worth trying for an adult too. Below are just some ideas for drawings with step-by-step execution of all operations.

Agree, everyone can draw this. But even more complex, seemingly, objects can be reproduced on paper if you break the whole into parts. See how easy it is to create a beautiful swan. By the way, this figure already uses some techniques for the play of light and shadow (pay attention to

Similarly, in just 13 steps, you can draw Kitty for a child - the heroine of the animated series.

The fact that the drawing is simple at first glance does not matter. If you got it without any problems, start working with the shadow, trying to give the figure volume. To do this, use pencils of different hardness, and also experiment with pressure.

If reproducing children's drawings is too easy for you, create your own paintings. Start with simple things - a cup, a phone, a book, gradually complicating your work. Believe me, even the most seemingly ordinary object in a talented performance will play very attractively. See: the picture below shows a regular light bulb. But thanks to the play of light and shadow, recreated with a pencil, the drawing enchants with its realism.

Such images are often referred to as 3D. This technique is difficult to master, but still possible. In them, the realism of objects is built on the play of light and shadow, which makes everything drawn seem real.

But for a start, it's worthwhile to translate into reality the ideas for simpler pencil drawings. These can be household items, wildlife that surrounds you. For more complex work, you can choose a color drawing and draw it in black and white. There are a lot of options: you just have to look around you, and your heart will tell you what exactly to display on paper.

Instead of an epilogue

You don't have to take art school lessons to learn how to draw. Vigorous exercise at home can also pay off. The simplest pencil drawings can be the first steps. On their basis, you can complicate the technique, fantasize with forms - and then everything should work out. Believe in success and improve your skills.

What to do at home with your baby when it's cold outside? Of course, creativity! And we have made for you just a huge selection, in which we talked about all sorts of unusual ways of drawing. Let's get started soon!

Top 40: unusual ways to draw!

If you have a pencil at home with an eraser on the other end, then this idea is for you! A little time to prepare, and you can create vivid pictures. You will appreciate the simplicity and accessibility of this type of creativity, and the little one will have fun and usefully.
Draw with an eraser!

We have an entertaining idea for you and your little ones, which combines creativity and the study of the laws of physics! This activity will captivate the whole family!

Thanks to this idea, crumbs will be able to better study colors and their combinations. And the method will definitely surprise them!
Making magical colored milk!

We have a great idea for you how to entertain your baby while developing his creativity. It will not take much of your time and money, but the idea will definitely amuse the baby!
We paint with a spray!

If it suddenly rains outside, this is not a reason to be sad! We offer you and your little ones entertainment in inclement weather. Just remember to put on your raincoats)

What are cars for? Of course, arrange races, roll your favorite toys and give your parents a back massage in the morning) Have you tried using them as a drawing tool? We would like to offer you and your fidgets a simple but very unusual idea.

All kids love to do something unusual and interesting, discovering a lot of new fun. Therefore, we try to find for you and your little ones only the most curious and informative ideas! And this time we offer you to make bright ice paints! In the process of drawing, the baby will easily learn the colors and their combinations.

Have you ever painted in 3D? We have found for you and your little ones an extraordinary idea for creativity, which combines painting, paper sculpture and the study of nature! It is very simple to implement it, but how much joy and new discoveries this activity will bring you!

After drawing with crayons, small "stubs" remain, which are no longer so convenient to use. We want to offer you an idea of ​​how you can use them. Continue to paint with them, just a little differently! Make paint out of them!

We will need: crayons, thick food bags, a hammer.
Put crayons of the same shades in a bag, close tightly. Tap the bag with a hammer to turn the crayons to powder. Be careful not to hit too hard or the bag may break. Pour the resulting powder into a bowl and add water. The paint is ready! It's that simple! This paint will adhere gently to paper or any other surface. Draw with pleasure!

This time we again want to invite your kids to draw, only now with ice crayons on butter! It turns out very nice and cool, besides, in the process, the kid observes that the oil does not mix with water, and this can be used as an artistic technique.

In summer, nature appears before us in all its glory! Berries, fruits and vegetables ripen, on the street there is a riot of greenery, flowers bloom and give us their aroma. We invite you and your children to try one interesting summer fun - to make a natural watercolor! And if it's cold outside, you can buy flowers in the store. This paint will be completely natural and safe, and it's so much fun to make! Try it yourself!

We would like to tell you about an artist named Jackson Pollock and his painting technique that your children will certainly love. The most remarkable thing about this technique is that you need to "splash" with paint for your own pleasure! Jason Pollock's technique is to place the canvas on the floor and spray paint from brushes without touching the canvas with the brush. In 2006, a painting titled "Number 5, 1948" was sold at Sotheby's for $ 140 million!

We are sure that you have never painted with frozen paint! Today is the very day to discover new horizons and try this fun kind of drawing.

Is it still raining or is it over and you haven't seen the rainbow ?! No problem! Today we will make our rainbow out of colored rice (we will also tell you how to paint it), and at the same time we will repeat all the colors and learn a funny rhyme about the rainbow. We can admire our rainbow at any time, regardless of the weather and season!

Have you ever thought about becoming an artist? That's right, through practice and training. In general, drawing teachers have a lot of interesting and entertaining exercises, performing which you cannot say that you are undergoing training. That is how we treat them - as creative entertainment! Today we will share with you one of them - drawing circles.

Usually balloons become obligatory guests at every holiday. But then time passes, and the balls begin to deflate. You think they can no longer bring joy, but you are mistaken! Today we are going to show you how to create a wonderful portrait using a balloon. We guarantee fun! :)

We want to tell you about another funny kind of art - drawing with film with pimples. So it's time to get the still not thrown out box from under the TV, mixer or juicer, the film from there will be very useful for us today in the creative process;)

Today we invite you to bring our hooligan idea to life. Let's combine water balloon throwing and art! What will we get? Of course, great fun for a warm summer day! Intrigued? ;)
Let's paint with watercolor pencils!

We decided to invite you and your children to master an unusual type of drawing, which will surely amuse the whole family with its slightly hooligan mood! Today we invite you to draw using old pieces of yarn or thick threads, which are sure to be found in every home!

We decided to show you a recipe on how to make body paints at home. The best part about this recipe is that the paint is absolutely safe for your baby's skin! If your children have grown up, then be sure to let them make paint themselves, imagine their pleasure when they get real body paint from different materials!

Everyone knows about drawing on the asphalt with crayons! Today we will tell you about another curious idea of ​​asphalt art - painting with paints, and we will also give you a recipe for how to make these paints from scrap materials! With this idea, you will always have an answer to your child's question "What are we going to do today ?!"

Everyone knows about drawing with fingers, palms or a brush. Have you tried to paint with a living flower?

Do you want to know another unusual type of drawing? Then this idea is for you, because today we will draw on stones. The idea is very simple, but, nevertheless, it can successfully keep your child busy for a very long time. Such an unusual drawing develops imagination and contributes to the formation of a creative Self in your fidget.

Coloring is always a fun pastime for children. After reading this article, you will learn how easy and simple it is to make your own unique drawing templates and color them! Abstract coloring encourages children to use their imaginations and can keep them busy all day. Also, drawing actively develops fine motor skills, which favorably affects the development of speech and mental abilities.

Let's become artists for today? But we will create our own creative masterpieces in a very unusual way - put multi-colored stamps made from ordinary pepper. This simple method will allow even the smallest creators to create their first artwork, and more adult artists - to show their imagination and understand that there are practically no boundaries for creativity.

We invite you to show your child what miracles are in the world of science. Has your child ever seen paint grow before their eyes? If not, try this unusual experiment. The child will be delighted when he sees that the picture has become three-dimensional!

For sure, every child loves to embody his flight of fantasy in drawings. But have you already got tired of ordinary paints and pencils? Try offering the little artist a new way to paint with salt and glue. You will be surprised how much delight and emotion this unusual way of drawing will cause. After all, it is so interesting to observe how the colors themselves "disperse" in the drawing, and the picture turns out to be bright and voluminous.

For many, autumn is a time of inspiration, someone begins to write poems or whole poems, someone conveys what they see in stories, and for someone the creative process turns into autumn pictures. It is on drawing that we want to stop and tell you about another unusual view - drawing on autumn leaves.

How wonderful it is when you can take a walk in the autumn park and enjoy the rustle of autumn leaves. But the weather is not always conducive to such a walk. Today we offer you, together with your fidgets, to create a unique autumn mood in your home - we will make leaves with unusual, creative colors.

To make your walks brighter and more colorful, we suggest you pour paint into spray guns and paint a molded snowman or paint a whole picture in the snow.

Drawing, as you know, develops the creativity and imagination of a child, so we decided to offer you another unusual way of drawing, namely drawing with soap bubbles. You will get an unusual picture in which you can search and represent animals, plants or even various cartoon characters.

The experiment is very interesting and magical. You will see the white flowers turn into color. In addition, a wonderful holiday on March 8 is on the nose and such a spring bouquet will be an excellent gift for mothers and grandmothers!

What can you draw when you're bored? The question that the site actually has a hundred answers to, but let's talk about everything in order.

The easiest ideas for beginners

Not all of us are good at drawing, and bothering with complex drawings in those moments when it’s just boring, we don’t really want to. Here is a whole set of cool and interesting drawings to draw when you or your child really want to draw to kill boredom:

More ideas

What else can you draw when you're bored? Let's dream up.

  1. Comic ... Surely you have had funny stories not so long ago that you have told your parents or friends more than once. What if you draw them in the form of a comic? It is likely that your story will catch on to many, and you will even become famous! You can find examples of comics on the Internet - on the Internet today you can find almost anything: how to call a life operator, how to make a craft and how to fly an airplane.

  2. Your character from the game ... If you are a fan of any computer toy, be it minecraft or League of Legends, you definitely have a favorite character that you would like to draw. Try to portray him in battle or, on the contrary, in some unusual situation - for example, as if your character got into our world;

  3. You yourself ... Drawing yourself is difficult, but very interesting! Try to draw your own portrait in your favorite style - you may not only find something to draw when you are bored, but also get a unique and unusual avatar!

  4. Idol ... If you have a favorite actor, singer or just a cartoon character - why not draw it when you're bored? Drawing a loved one from the world of show business or just a fictional cartoon character will take your time and leave an excellent result in the form of improved drawing skills and cool drawing!

  5. Your girlfriend or boyfriend ... This is a great opportunity for you to practice your drawing skills and keep yourself occupied when you are bored, and just imagine how nice the person you drew will be!

  6. Relatives ... Mom, dad, grandparents, sisters and brothers - all these people who are very close to us always support us, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, and, of course, it will be very pleasant to draw a beloved relative in pencil on paper or in digital form.

  7. Pet ... If you have a favorite animal, then this is a great chance to learn how to draw an animal from life. Of course, you need to persuade your pet to quietly pose for a long time, but if suddenly you are lucky and the kitty curled up into a ball for a nap - do not waste time, grab pencils, paper, an eraser, and start drawing!

  8. Something wonderful. Think about what triggers the most emotions in you? Maybe a bright rainbow after a rainy day, rays of the sun in mom's hair, some sight, a graceful butterfly, or just something ordinary at first glance, but insanely dear to your heart.

I leave you cool drawings for inspiration - if you still haven't figured out what to draw when you're bored - just check out the gallery and choose what you like!