Congratulations to all Slavs with the main holiday - the day of friendship and Slavic unity! Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs: History and traditions of the holiday Day of friendship and the unity of the Slavic peoples script.

Congratulations to all Slavs with the main holiday - the day of friendship and Slavic unity! Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs: History and traditions of the holiday Day of friendship and the unity of the Slavic peoples script.
Congratulations to all Slavs with the main holiday - the day of friendship and Slavic unity! Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs: History and traditions of the holiday Day of friendship and the unity of the Slavic peoples script.

24.06.2013 3024

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Thanks to this date, the Slavs around the world are combined with a single culture, folk traditions and customs

Every year on June 25, Slavs in all countries of the world celebrate. This holiday is particularly popular in three friendly countries - Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Thanks to this date, Slavs around the world are combined with a single culture, folk traditions and customs.

Slavs as a nation
At all, slavs - The most numerous part of the European population. That's why Notes by Bulgarians, Czechs, Belarusians, Slovenians, Slovaks, Serbs, Poles, Ukrainians and, of course, Russians. This holiday knows slavs in emigration. As for our country, the overwhelming number of residents of Russia have slavic roots.

Many cities create national-cultural organizations that help their activities to maintain identity slavs transmit from generation to generation traditions slavyanskaya Cultures, rites and centuries-old traditions.

After all, if you think about, almost each of us - slav or so slavyansky roots. This means that this holiday, indeed, for each of us. In other words, we have another reason to meet friends and celebrate a wonderful .

The ideas of the celebration of the Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs
The main goal of the institution Day of unity of Slavs - This desire to rally various branches slavs , more strongly link generations, preserve a centuries-old culture and friendship slavs .

Every year, on this day, the chapters of many states congratulate their citizens and residents of other countries with this wonderful almost multinational holiday. June 25. slavs Traditionally remember the main events in their culture and history, their roots and origins.

Traditionally on this day by national associations slavs A variety of festive events are organized. However, you can organize your own slavic holiday. After all, such a holiday should not be noted. In the evening after work, gather a friendly company of your comrades and organize the evening slavyanskaya Culture. Share the stories and legends that you know or heard of history slavyansky People. Perhaps you even have an intelligent evening with historical quizzes and theatrical statement of life slavs . As they say, fantasy to help you.

However, if you don't really want to bother, we recommend contacting one of the festive agencies of Nizhny Novgorod. Believe me, the events will come up with such a script to you, will offer you such a holiday concept that even if there are representatives of African American culture in your company, and they will feel real slavs .

History of Slavs.
Question about origin slavs still remains open. But "varieties" slavs defined long ago: South Slavs are Montenegrins, Slovenians, Macedonians, Herzegovintsy, Bosnians, Croats, Serbs, Bulgarians, Eastern slavs - Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians.
Slavic Languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the family of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bof the Sathem. From the point of view of syntax, morphology, vocabulary slavic Languages \u200b\u200bare close enough with the Baltic languages, and the general features between them are greater than any other similar groups of languages.

However, independent slavyansky States did not exist at all very long. By the middle of the XIX century slavs They constituted the bulk of the 3rd Great States of the Russian, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires.

Start writing B. slavyansky The people are directly connected with the names of Cyril and Methodius, which ordered slavyanskaya We are talking and organized writing.

Culture slavs It is so rich that all earthly nations enjoy its traditions and heritage. And this means that slavs were the great people and we should rightly be proud of our Slavyansky roots. After the working day, we quickly run into restaurants, clubs, and on weekends - to country hotels. And let's celebrate together, one common holiday for all of us. Call leading, Nizhny Novgorod artists. And let this holiday be for us, slavs , as important and necessary, such as, for example, the Day of People's Unity. After all, without unity there is no friendship, nor the state, no holidays, nor even just life.

Happy holiday, dear slavs .

Details created 06/27/2016 10:16

"The Slavs Brothers - one for us"
cognitive Entertainment Program

June 25 Slavs of the whole world, celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs. Librarian Timchenko L.N. I introduced the guys from the Summer School Camp School No. 6 with the history of this holiday. In the cognitive-entertainment program "The Slavs brothers - one for us the world" special attention was paid to the folklore of Slavs: proverbs, songs, customs.

The guys showed activity and cohesion, participating in the Slavic folk games - I enjoy played in the Russian game "River",

Belorussian - "Colepko".

Children carefully and with interest listened to the story of the director MBUK "Paramonovskaya settlement library" Chenko E.F. About Belarusian traditions, Belarusian creativity, which supports the folklore Belarusian ensemble "LEVONICH" Parameonovsky SDK (Head Bellaova V. M.)

Huge pleasure to guests of the library delivered the folk ensemble of Cossack songs "Critique"

MBUK Morozovsky RDK (Head Pisar O.V.).

Olga Vladimirovna told about the history of the team, Cossack traditions and encouraged children not to forget the history of their edge. In the execution of the ensemble, under the loud applause, the songs "Don you are free", "Kundyubochka", Ukrainian song "Carrying Galya Water".
Quiz "Guess the saying" rushed and surprised the guys - after all, sayings in Slavic languages, such as: Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian is understandable even to a child.
In the library it is customary to read books and talk about books. The participants of the event read the Russian folk fairy tale "Like Grandfather Savior Savior", calling for old people with respect.

The decorated book exhibition "Window to Slavic Mir" attracted the attention of all readers on this day. The exhibition presents literature on the history of Slavic peoples, their traditions and beliefs, as well as the objects of Slavic life.

The event ended by the friendly execution of the song "Kadril".

By summing up, the participants concluded that the Slavic peoples are a lot in common: both the language, customs, and traditions, and games, as well as the richest past, they have something to be proud and what to celebrate. The holiday turned out wonderful. In order not to lose your connection, continue to be friends, do not forget your roots, guests decided to spend this holiday annually.

Finished the event with the words:
We will live in the world,
And our friendship will go!
Let the friendship be strong, inseparable.
Problems, crisis she will survive.
There will be no wars, but only our friendship,
And in the countries of our way, peace, income.

The event prepared and told the librarian Timchenko L.N.
Edited - Director MBUK MCB S.A. Brave.

"The Slavs Brothers - one for us"
cognitive Entertainment Program

June 25 Slavs of the whole world, celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity of Slavs. Librarian Timchenko L.N. I introduced the guys from the Summer School Camp School No. 6 with the history of this holiday. In the cognitive-entertainment program "The Slavs brothers - one for us the world" special attention was paid to the folklore of Slavs: proverbs, songs, customs. The guys showed activity and cohesion, participating in Slavic folk games - gladly played in the Russian game "Rouh", Belorussian - "Colecko".
Children carefully and with interest listened to the story of the director MBUK "Paramonovskaya settlement library" Chenko E.F. About Belarusian traditions, Belarusian creativity, which supports the folklore Belarusian ensemble "LEVONICH" Parameonovsky SDK (Head Bellaova V. M.)
Huge pleasure to guests of the library delivered the people's ensemble of Cossack songs "Crnitsa" MBUK Morozovsky RDK (head clerk O.V.). Olga Vladimirovna told about the history of the team, Cossack traditions and encouraged children not to forget the history of their edge. In the execution of the ensemble, under the loud applause, the songs "Don you are free", "Kundyubochka", Ukrainian song "Carrying Galya Water".
Quiz "Guess the saying" rushed and surprised the guys - after all, sayings in Slavic languages, such as: Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish, Bulgarian is understandable even to a child.
In the library it is customary to read books and talk about books. The participants of the event read the Russian folk fairy tale "Like Grandfather Savior Savior", calling for old people with respect. The decorated book exhibition "Window to Slavic Mir" attracted the attention of all readers on this day. The exhibition presents literature on the history of Slavic peoples, their traditions and beliefs, as well as the objects of Slavic life.
The event ended by the friendly execution of the song "Kadril".
By summing up, the participants concluded that the Slavic peoples are a lot in common: both the language, customs, and traditions, and games, as well as the richest past, they have something to be proud and what to celebrate. The holiday turned out wonderful. In order not to lose your connection, continue to be friends, do not forget your roots, guests decided to spend this holiday annually.
Finished the event with the words:
We will live in the world,
And our friendship will go!
Let the friendship be strong, inseparable.
Problems, crisis she will survive.
There will be no wars, but only our friendship,
And in the countries of our way, peace, income.
The event prepared and told the librarian Timchenko L.N.
Edited - Director MBUK MCB S.A. Brave.

Slavs are the largest group set of peoples. These people combine common traditions, looks for life similar languages. The number of representatives of this nation on different estimates is from 300 to 350 million people. They are divided into 3 categories - Eastern, Western and South. The first group includes Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Rusins, in the second - Poles, Slovaks, Czech Republic, Luzhican and Kashuba, to the third - residents of Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia, Macedonia. They all celebrate the day of friendship and unity annually. Date of celebration - June 25.

history of the holiday

The Slavic people are great and one of the most ancient. Accurate historical facts about where and when it appeared does not exist. There are only probable assumptions and curious hypotheses. Previously, representatives of this beautiful nation lived in the territory of the 15 republics united by one state. In the first half of the 90s. XX century His disintegration occurred. Then the majority of the republics then became independent. To rally people, a holiday was established, allowing to preserve the unity of fraternal nations.

The purpose of this event is to strengthen the ties, the savings of spiritual community. It is celebrated in the territory of many countries that were previously part of the USSR. The first who carried out serious steps in unity, became the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. These countries have concluded a number of agreements aimed at mutual cooperation involving equality.

In the second half of the XIX century, almost all Slavic peoples lived in 3 empires: Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. However, Montenegrins lived in the small independent state of Montenegro, and Luzhican - in Germany. At the end of the twentieth century, these peoples, in addition to Russians (which are considered to be a state-forming ethnicity) and Luzhic, have gained state independence.

This holiday is celebrated on June 25. And his appearance preceded, oddly enough, the collapse of the USSR. Yes, it was in the 90s of the last century, when the 15 republics became independent states, fraternal Slavs - Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians, in addition to the freedom, felt a shortage of communication. And it was decided to: so that the peoples did not lose their connection to continue to be friends, so as not to forget their roots, to hold a holiday every year - the day of friendship and unity of the Slavs.

But not only the countries of the former Soviet Union, but also Bulgaria, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and other European states are also celebrated on June 25. It is clear if we consider that the Slavs in the world there are about 350 million! Not surprisingly, therefore, as in Africa, and in America know about this holiday. The rigor's richest past, they have something proud, which means there is something to celebrate.

Show greetings

Friendship Day, Unity of Slavs,
We will celebrate today with you
Friendship Day, Unity of Slavs,
Not in vain invented this holiday by us.

We will be friends forever, for centuries,
And respect we will be all in the world.
And friendship does not erase the running year,
And the kids are proud of the friendship!


All Slavic peoples, congratulations today,
From one, because we are breed, then we are one family!
And it does not matter, in fact, the Belarusian you are Ile Pole,
You are Slav, it is important, the rest is all a trifle!
Unity our power, you need brothers to be friends,
To in the world and rest for a long time to live and not trust!


All Slavs brothers, sisters. So long lasts.
We love the land. We and the sun, respect the darkness and light.
Congratulations on you today on the day beautiful and big.
Happy day when the people of Slavic are very friendly and one.
Let him not be able to destroy us, divide and crush
Expressive lady, our tricky life.
On this day, I all of the Slavs send their huge hello,
And I wish to live happily, together, peacefully for many years.
Have fun and live brightly, sunny, easy.
So that a dream, like a bird, was raised high.


Unity is the power!
Wherever life does not wear us
Russian, Pole
Neither to start a "fight".

Belarusian or Croat -
You are Slav, then brother.
Roots because we have some
Angrily from himself.

And no matter who you are in life,
All love is "screeching":
Czech, Serb, Ukrainians
Cook your hotels.

All the Slavs we congratulate
With the unity of a bright day.
Friendship, communication generations
We carry in life.


It has long been done from Kievan Rus,
What lives to live better in the unity.
Who would not be who you are not asking
Always friendly, if in the surroundings.

Bulgarians near, Serbs, Rusins,
Bosnians and Slovenians, Ukrainians.
All imaginary boundaries are demolished,
When everyone is near people, brothers, faces.

So together we celebrate in June we are friends
Let a long day still slightly last,
And the goats build, it is impossible to fight,
Universal friendship can be only proud!


Twenty-fifth June
On green on the planet
Wearing and dancing,
People adults and children
Glorious holiday celebrate.
All Slavs are united!

Songs all at festivals
In Slavic languages
Friendship to us in wreaths woven,
What communicates for the century.
The threads are very durable.
Nobody to break them.
Historical milestones
We rushed to walk
Only one dear!
With our holiday, nations!


In the steppes in the sun burned,
Among dense forests lives
Uniform mother born,
Slavic, proud, our people.

Pole and Russian, Ukrainian,
Croat and Serb, as well as Czech -
Slavs, now we will take
In honor of our unity of all.

Slovak and Belarus, Bulgarian,
Each other speech will always understand
In their veins, the blood flows native,
By side, they all live.

Yes, let we sometimes sometimes
And between us fragile bridge,
We ship now feast sorry,
In honor of our friendship, say toast.


There are many nations on the planet,
No better, worse - all are equal,
All without exception in response
For peace so that there was no war!

We are the Slavs that we divide us, brothers!
Are we not blood brothers?!
All of us with our hands would take
In friendship to live in God's love.

Let the world be under our sky will
Who will start war - the end,
Remember, brothers, we are people, people -
Not for wars we created the Creator!


Roots united us
Blood we knew in the veins
Ukrainians, Belarusians,
And Bulgarians, Czechs, Rus
Russians and Croats,
Serbs are all one rich.
General Generation Foundation
He has not been ease with the centuries,
Only he became stronger, stronger.
And now you are right
All borders forget
And the peoples to be friends.


In our veins - the power of the Holy
Infinite Faith Spirit.
We are like a cloud, like a flock:
Every - brother and every one.

Sons of Earth United
Born good one
With generous heart, with a grip of lion -
It is better to live with us in the world.

Wise ancestors honor covenants.
We are all brothers - blood alone.
If in battle, then to victory,
If you drink, then to the bottom!

Each strong and hardy -
Drop, drive to yell!
Beam first, questions after,
Behind his wife, for honor and mother.


Language Slavic - Eat
Slav Slavyansk - like a mountain.
Earth Slavs truth will be introduced,
And truth with them forever.

Day of unity of Slavs
People's holiday for century.
For the truth, conscience, honor and fraternity
Today music river!


With a folk holiday, with the day of the unity of Slavs,
With that friendship that the people unites,
Let the Russians, Belarusians, Moldovan,
Bulgarians, Ukrainians equal.

Let it be in your life forever happiness
Health, love, friendship forever,
Bypassing all bad weather
Be proud of the fact that you are Slavs, always.


All the Slavs are very necessary
So that the brothers lived together.
If we are all united,
We will become invincible.

Let the peace be the sky
In the covers more bread,
Let Slavic our people
Increases genus!


Slavs - friendly people!
And today, on your day, we wish good discoveries,
Let them be lucky in all endeavors
In life there will be a lot of happy events,
Let the smiles of the passing wind bears.
Life with Likhvu will give success,
And the Great culture from you will not leave
Saving your connection for long century.