Dictionary of Literary Terms of Belokurov. Brief Dictionary of Literary Terms

Dictionary of Literary Terms of Belokurov. Brief Dictionary of Literary Terms

\u003e\u003e Brief Dictionary literary terms

Allegory- Allegorous description of the subject or phenomenon in order to its specific, visual image.

Amphibehi - Three-sized verse size, in the row of which groups of three syllables are repeated - unstressed, shock, unstressed (-).

Anapaest - Three-sized verse size, in the row of which groups of three syllables are repeated - two unstressed and shock (-).

- a poetic story on the legendary, historical or household topic; Real in the ballad is often combined with fantastic.

Fable - A brief allegorical story of an instructive nature. Animals, objects and which human qualities are manifested by acting persons in Basna. Most often, fables are written in verses.

Hero (literary) - Character, acting face, artistic image of a person in literary work.

Hyperbola - Excessive exaggeration of the properties of the displayed item.

Dactyl- Three-sized verse size, in the row of which groups of three syllables are repeated - shock and two unstressed.

Detail (artistic)- Expressive details, with the help of which artistic image is created. The item can specify, clarify the plan of the writer.

Dialogue - Conversation of two or more faces.

Dramatic work, or drama - The work designed for the scene.

Genre literary- Manifestation in a more or less extensive group of works of common features of the image of reality.

Idea- The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe artwork.

Intonation - Main expressive Sound speech, allowing to convey the relationship speaking to the subject of speech and to the interlocutor.

Irony - Thin, hidden mockery. The negative meaning of irony is hidden behind the external positive form of statement.

Comedy - A dramatic work, which is based on humor, funny.

- Funny in life and literature. Main types of comic: humor, irony, satire.

Composition - Building, location and interconnection of all hour to the artistic work.

Legend- The work created by the folk fantasy, which combines real (events, personality) and fantastic.

Lyrical work - The work in which the thoughts and senses of the author are expressed caused by various phenomena of life.

- transfer the properties and actions of some objects to other, similar to them, but the principle of similarity.

Monologue- Speech of one person in the work.

Novella - narrative genreClose by volume to the story. From the story of Novel has the sharp and dynamic of the plot.

Elimination - Transferring signs and properties of living beings for non-living.

Description - A verbal image of something (landscape, portrait of the hero, the inner view of the dwelling and others).

Parody - Funny, distorted similarity of something; Comic or satirical imitation of someone (anything).

Pathos - In fiction: an elevated feeling, passionate inspiration, raised, solemn tone of the narrative.

Scenery - Image of nature in artistic work.

Tale - One of the types of epic works. For the coverage of events and heroes a story more than a story, but less than a novel.

Portrait - An image of the appearance of the hero (his face, figures, clothes) in the work.

Poetry - poetic works (lyrical, epic and dramatic).

Poem - One of the types of lyric-epic works: there is a plot, events (as in an epic work) and an open expression by the author of their feelings (as in lyrics).

Parable - small storyContaining a religious or moral teaching in an allequorative form.

Prose - Nestious artworks (stories, stories, novels).

Prototype - real face, served as a writer the basis for creating a literary image.

Story - A small epic work that tells about one or more events from the life of a person, an animal.

The narrator - The image of a person in the artistic work, on behalf of which is a story.

Rhythm - Repetition of homogeneous elements (speech units) at equal intervals.

Rhyme- consonance of the endings of poetic lines.

Satire - riding, exposing the negative aspects of life by image them in a ridiculous, caricature form.

Comparison - Comparison of one phenomenon or subject with another.

Verse- A poetic string, the smallest unit of rhythmically organized speech. The word "poems" is often used in the meaning of the "poem".

Poem - A small poetic work in verses.

Pooh speech - Unlike prose, speech is rhythmically ordered, consisting of similar sounding segments - rows, stuff. Often there are rhymes in verses.

Stanza - In the poetic work, a group of strings (poems), a component of unity, with a certain rhythm, as well as a repeated position of the rhymes.

Plot - Development of action, course of events and ionistic and dramatic works, sometimes lyrics.

Subject - the range of life phenomena depicted in the work; What is said in works.

Fiction- Artworks in which the world of incredible, wonderful ideas and images born by the imagination of the writer are created.

The character of literary - the image of a person in a literary work, created with a certain completeness and endowed with individual characteristics.

Korera- double-size verse with an emphasis on the first syllable.

Fiction - One of the types of art is the art of the word. The word in the artistic literature is a means of creating an image, image of a phenomenon, expressions of feelings and thoughts.

Artistic image - Man, subject, phenomenon, picture of life, creatively recreated in artistic work.

Ezopov Language- Forced allegory, artistic speech, rich in pioneering and ironic hints. The expression dates back to the legendary image of the ancient Greek poet Ezopa, the creator of the genre of Basni.

Epigram - Brief satirical poem.

Epigraph - Summary (proverb, quote), which the author places before the work or part of it to help the reader understand the main thought.

Episode - Excerpt for an artistic work with relative completion.

Epithet- Artistic definition of an object or phenomenon that helps to vividly submit an item, feel the attitude of the author to it.

Epic work - Artistic work in which the author tells about people, about the world around the world, about various events. Types of epic works: novel, story, story, fable, fairy tale, parable, etc.

Humor - In the artwork: image of heroes and funny, comic form; Merry, good-natured laughter, helping a person to be freed from flaws.

Jamb- double-size verse with an emphasis on the second syllable

L. A. L_Teatura: Perchnik for 7 CL. Zagalinosvіtnіh in the forefronts of Movyov's Movie. - K.: Pepha, 2007. 288 p.: Іl. - Mova Rosіyska.

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Avant-garde - The general name of a number of currents in the art of the XX century, which combines social injuries (i.e., commitment to any political flow, more often than a socialist orientation).

Alliteration - Expressive language: repetition of the same or homogeneous consonant sounds in order to create a sound image: " As if thunder rumble - / Heavy-ringing jumps / over shocked pavement ..."A. Pushkin.

Allyusia - The use of words, phrases, quotes as a hint that activates the reader's attention and allows you to see the connection of the literary or social and political life depicted with any known fact.

Antithesis - an expressive language: opposition to sharply contrasting concepts and images. For example, the story of A.P.hekhov "Fat and thin" is built on the principle of opposing two heroes, according to the principle of antithesis.

Dystopia - The genre of an epic work that creates a picture of the life of society, deceived by utopian illusions, the main pathos is the prevention of the danger of the incarnation of utopian ideas (E. Zamyatin "We", A. Platonov "Kotlovan", A. Kabakov "Non-return").

Association - the psychological phenomenon, when, when reading the work, one image in the similarity or opposite causes another one in the imagination.

Fiction - term, sometimes used for the characteristics of prosaic works of a low artistic level. V.G. Belinsky understood the "Easy reading" under the Belletrist, opposing her serious literature. At the same time, Russian writers, in particular F.M.Dostoevsky, noted the need for the people of "pleasant yes entertaining reading." Many works of the literature of the Soviet period on the "Evil of the Day" (D. Furmans "Chapaev", N. Oostrovsky "How Steel Hard", M.Sholokhov "Raised Coleno"), which was built into the rank of the classics, lawfully call fiction. Belletism as a "middle" sphere of literary creativity in contact with "riding", and with the "bottom" - mass literature.

Graphomania - Passion for literary creativity, not supported by the talent and recognition of readers.

Discourse - a specific method or specific rules for organizing speech activities (written or oral).

IN. tone - This is a combination of expressive and significant changes in the sound of the human voice. Physical (acoustic) The "media" of intonation is the timbre and the tempo of the sound of speech, the strength and height of the sound. Written text (if it is subjectively painted and expressive) carries a trace of intonation, which is noticeable primarily in syntaxstatements.

Intertextuality - "Dialogue" between the texts (artwork), "the text reads the story and fits into it," i.e. Includes previous texts and becomes part of the culture.

Intrigue - Movement of the soul, actions, character, aiming for looking for a washed of life, truth, etc., - a kind of "spring", driving action in a dramatic or epic work and informing it.

Catharsis - cleansing the soul of the reader, tested by him in the process of empathizing literary characters. According to Aristotle, Qatarsis is the goal of the tragedy, a refining viewer and reader.

Conflict - the collision of opinions, positions, characters in the work, driving like intrigue and collision its action.

Leitmotif - The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, repeatedly repeated and underlined.

Literary direction - characterized by the generality of literary phenomena for a certain time. The literary direction implies the unity of the worldship, aesthetic views of writers, ways to image life in a certain historical period. The literary direction is also characterized by the generality of the art method. The literary directions include classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, etc.

Literary process - The evolution of literature - reveals himself in the change of literary directions, in updating the content and forms of works, in establishing new links with other types of art, with philosophy, science. Proceeds in its laws and is not directly related to the development of society.

Mass literature - a multi-valued term having several synonyms: popular, trivial, para-, boulevard literature; Traditionally, this term denotes: the value "bottom" of the literary hierarchy - works attributable to the marginal sphere of generally accepted literature, rejected as kitsch, pseudolytera. Often, under the "Olit" understand the entire array of artistic works of a certain cultural and historical period, which are considered as a background of the vertex achievements of the writers of the first row.

Method - the general principle of the artist's creative attitude toward the reality, i.e. her re-creation; And therefore, he does not exist outside the particularly individual implementation. In such a content, this very abstract and now the unwitting category acquires more real outlines, often under the name "Style" .

Onomatopoeia (Greek. onomatopoieia. - Production of titles) - Sound-resolution, for example, "bug burned" - the sound of words reproduces a called phenomenon.

Plagiarism - Literary steam.

Subtext - Inner, verbally not expressed meaning of the text. The subtext is hidden and can be restored by the reader, taking into account the specific historical situation. Most often is present in psychological genres.

Pseudonym - (Greek. Pseudonymos from pseudos - fiction, lies and onoma - name) - a fictional name or surname, replacing the writer in a genuine print. For example, Boris Nikolayevich Bugaev is famous under the pseudonym Andrey White.

Style - Sustainable features of the use of poetic techniques and means that serve as an expression of originality, uniqueness of the phenomenon of art. It is studied at the level of the artistic work (Evgenia Onegin style), at the level of the individual manner of the writer (style N.Gogol), at the level of the literary direction (style of classicism), at the level of the era (Baroque style).

Artistic fiction - The fruit of imagination (fantasy) of the author, the creation of plots and images that do not have direct correspondences in preceding art and reality. Through the fiction, the writer embodies his view on the world, and also demonstrates embodies creative energy.

Essay - the artistic and journalistic work of a small volume containing the reflections of the author, but not limited to any composite framework and conditions.

Allegoria is an allegorical image of an abstract concept or phenomenon through a concrete image; Personification of human properties or qualities. The connection between the way and the concept, the image and its meaning is established by analogy.

Alliteration - Repetition in poetic speech (less often in prose) of the same consonant sounds in order to enhance the expressiveness of artistic speech, one of the ways of sound organization of speech.

Amphibrachius Three-lined verse size in which the emphasis falls on the second syllable in the foot.

Anapest is a three-sided verse size in which the emphasis falls on the last, third, syllable in the foot.

Antiteza - opposition of characters, circumstances, images, composite elements that create a sharp contrast effect. There are antithesis characters (in a character organization), plot (in plot construction), composite.

Aphorism is a brief speech containing complete thought, philosophical or everyday wisdom, an instructive conclusion that summarizes the meaning of phenomena.

Ballad - one of the types of lyri-epic poetry - a poem or narrative song with the dramatic development of the plot, the basis of which is an unusual case. For ballads, a relatively small volume, expressed story, special observance, magical musicality. The ballad is often present an element of a mysterious, inexplicable, unnecessary. By origin, ballads are associated with legends, folk legends, connect the traits of the story and songs.

Bass - a brief moral story in verses or prose with a clearly formulated morality, satirical direction and having an allegorical meaning. Persons, plants and inanimate objects are often speakers.

Obnna - a heroic-patriotic story-tale, telling about the exploits of the Bogatyurians and the reflective life of ancient Russia (IX-XIII centuries); A type of oral folk creativity inherent in a song-epic way to reflect reality.

Eternal images - Images of world literature, while holding time not lost its meaning.

Hero literary- image of a person in a works of art. It is often used by the "Character" value, the "acting person". An additional semantic shade is a positive personality dominant, CE originality, exception.

I andperbol artistic reception based on excessive exaggeration of events, feelings, the size of the depicted phenomenon. Used to create a comic effect when a separate portrait part exaggerates. Character character or character behavior line.

Grotesque the artistic technique, which is based on the emphasized, the highest possible exaggeration and acuction, violation of the boundaries of believing. The transformation of artistic images, leading to the compound of an intact - real and fantastic, terrible and funny, tragic and comic, ugly and sublime.

Dactyl Three-posted poems size in which he blackened on the first syllable.

Action - 1) The complete part of the performance, the plays (the same. As an act). 2) In the drama and epic - the development of events constituting the basis, "flesh" of the plot (fibulas). !) In the theater, the main means of incarnation of the stage image.

Dialogue - a conversation of two, sometimes more persons in the literary work, bilateral communication of people carried out in the form of concise statement (replica). Dialogue dominates in drama and is of great importance in epic works.

Drama - 1) Dramaturgy is one of the main births of literature, reflecting life in actions, actions and experiences of people, a literary work written in the form of a conversation of the acting persons. It is intended for execution (setting) of the scene, focused on entertainment expressiveness; Pvtor's speech replace remarks. Dramatic works include tragedies, comedies, actually drama, melodramas, water.

2) own drama is one of the leading genres of dramaturgy, an image of a person in her dramatic relations with society and hard experiences.

The genre is literary - the historically established type of artwork, organizing all its elements in a holistic artistic reality. The combination of works united by the community of items of the image, the circuit of the author to the described, unity of the components of the form, etc. The literary genres distinguish between the romance, the story, the story, in the lyrics - poem, Ode. In drama - tragedy, comedy. Each genre exists in a certain era in the form of typological species (for example, Roman psychological, historical, novel-sppon, etc.).

Life is the genre of the ancient Russian literature, the lives of people recognized by the Holy Christian church. Life differs from the biography is emphasized by a religious assessment and painted events described. The authors are unknown or not named.

Tie - the original event from which the development of the plot begins. The initial moment in developing events often defines all subsequent deployment of action.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe art is the main generalized thought underlying the work and expressed in figuratively. Copyright to the depicted version of the solution of the main problem is expressed in the entire artistic structure of the work.

Inversion is an unusual sequence of words in a proposal, a violation of the generally accepted grammatical sequence of speech, the permutation of parts of the phrase, which gives it a special expressiveness; often found in verses.

Irony - an allegory expressing a mockery or a lucavia, a double meaning when said in the context of speech acquires the opposite meaning. An ironic attitude implies a mockery as defined. But easily detected in the intonations of the antorrlsskaychik. The irony in the artwork can act as a turnover of speech, a trail and as an artistic principle that determines the sound of the whole work.

Classicism - the artistic direction established in the European literature XVIII c., Based on the recognition of ancient art by the highest example, the cult of mind, rationalism, imitation of nature, strict

scene-composite organization. Human characters are distinguished straight, positive and negative heroes are opposed. Separation of genres on high - tragedy, epic, sides and low - comedy, satire, fable. Mixing high and low genres is not allowed; Leading genre - tragedy.

The comedy is a kind of dramatic work, in which social and human vices are ridiculed. The comedy is based on a contradiction (inconsistency) of real and imaginary, true and imaginary. Beautiful and ugly.

Composition construction of a artistic work, the location of its parts, images, episodes in a certain sequence in accordance with the content and genre form of the work, the most important structural principle, a significant element of the style.

The conflict is a sharp clash of characters and circumstances, which is based on a naturally emerging confrontation, contradiction between heroes, groups of heroes, hero and society or the internal struggle of the hero with himself. The development of the conflict leads to a plot action. The conflict can be local, transient, unresolved, private or common, explicit or hidden, external or internal.

Culmination - The highest and turning point in the development of action, after which events move to the junction.

Legend - One of the genres of folk, non-bargaining prose, a national legend about an outstanding event or a person's act, which is based on a miracle, a fantastic image. At the same time, the plot of legends is based on real or permissible facts and is perceived by a teller as a permissible event. Legendary hero May have a prototype in real life or in historical reality.

Chronicle - The narrative genre of the ancient Russian literature in the form of records of the most important historical events by year, a consistent description of the events of their witness or participant.

Lyrics - one of the main birth of literature, reflecting life with helpspam images of feelings, experiences, human thoughts caused by dark or other circumstances. In the author's focus - an experience-experience, a lyrical hero, his feelings are not described, but are expressed. Characteristic features of lyrics; The poetic form, the absence of a fabul, subjectivism, a small volume.

Literature art- kind of art, recreationing a figurative, subjective picture of the world, reflection of life with the help of a word; Artistic way to comprehend man and surrounding reality.

Metaphor - The figurative meaning of the word based on the hidden comparison or the likelihood of one object, the phenomena to another in the similarity or contrast in which the words "as", "as if" are "as if" are missing, but implied. A variety of metaphors iselimination - Looking down a living being.

Metol artistic - a special TIN of the figurative vision of the world, a historically established method of reflection of reality, the general principle of selection, generalization and evaluation by a writer of life material, identifying in it the main thing general Type The writer's approach to reality.

Monologue - Speech of one person in the artistic work, the detailed statement of the character or narrator. Monologue can be facing

to a specific addressee or secluded - the receiving form of internal speech, spoken alone alone.

Artistic direction - the specific historical manifestation of the artistic method in the work of many writers, united by the generality of ideological and aesthetic principles, which are developing historically for a long time. Belonging to one literary direction implies the generality of cultural and aesthetic tradition. However, world viewing, however, the attitude towards the issues of various authors may be different. Main literary directions: classicism. Sentimentalism, romanticism, realism, neoromanthism.

Neoromantism is a literary direction, originating from romanticism. The revival of romantic traditions in the literature of the end of the XIX - early XX century. With the subsequent rethinking and addition of romantic mindings. Neoromantism is characterized by increased interest in a strong, demonic personality, exotic circumstances, the conflict of the ideal and real.

Novel has an epic genre close to the story, characterized by the clarity of the image of events, the surprise of their development and the junction. Traditional for Novella Plutal collision - the hero takes some actions that should lead him to success, while success comes to a strong, active hero.

The symbol image is an artistic image that embodies the characteristic features of a certain phenomenon with the greatest expressiveness. The symbol is meant, so its perception depends on the reader. Compared with the allegory, the symbol is more expressive, wide, gives greater freedom of interpretation.

Oda - a solemn poem who is chanting a historical person or


Elimination is an image of inanimate objects as animate. In which they are endowed with the properties of living beings: a gift of speech, the ability to think and feel.

Description - the type of narration, based on the image of static paintings - portrait, landscape, furnishings, interior or constantly repeated scenes. The message of the necessary signs of the described object, information about those signs of phenomenon or subjects that remain unchanged throughout the entire narrative.

Paphos is an emotional-estimated ratio of a writer to the reality depicted, an emotional sound, the mood of the works that determine its total tonality. There are a heroic, tragic, comic, exalted pathos of the work.

Landscape - Description of nature in an artistic work or recreated by words in the imagination of the reader's picture of nature as part of a real situation in which the action unfolds. Description-Painting includes a color palette, sound images, smell images, taste images, tactile images, images of flora and fauna. The landscape may emphasize or transmit the spiritual state of the characters, while the inner state of the person is often likened or opposed to the world of nature.

Song (song) - a small lyrical product intended for the nation; Opening of text in a certain rhythm under a certain melody. The origin of the song is associated with ancient rites and rituals.

Poss. The literary genre of the descriptive-narrative type, in which the reality of the hover and in the form of a number of episodes, stages from the life of the hero, the average epic form. By volume, the story more about the story and wider depicts human life, there are more events and actors in it, the chronological development of the plot and the corresponding construction of the composition are often used. Most often it is the history of a person's life, told either on the person's face, or on behalf of the hero himself.

Proverb small genre of folklore, a technician-shaped expression, allegorical definition of the subject; It may be part of the proverb or an independent expression.

Portrait - An image of the appearance of the character (faces, figures, body and its plastics, facial expressions, gestures, clothes) as a means of its characteristics: a type of description. There are static and dynamic portrait, deployed fragmented, psychological, leitmotive, portrait-described. Portrait-impression. The portrait of the literary illustrates the TS of the sides of the appearance and character character, which are presented to the author most important.

Proverb - Small genre of folklore, a brief, complete, shaped transaction of a generalizing nature, an instructive life observation applicable to various cases and situations. Proverbs can be folk and copyrighted.

Teaching the genre of the ancient Russian literature, in the edification form of the author's thoughts.

Poetry special organization of artistic speech, which is characterized by a poetic form, the presence of rhythm and rhyme; Lyrical form of reflection of reality. Often the term is used in the meaning of "works of different genres in verse." Passs subjective attitude to life, in the foreground - an image experience.

Parable - A small story of moral character, contains a teaching in an allegorical, allegorical form. Is one of the ways to express the moral and philosophical judgments of the author and is often usedfrom The purpose of directly instructing the reader in matters of human and social behavior; Proverbs with religious content are widespread.

Prose - Form of artistic speech or type of artistic text without explicit signs of regular rhythm. It is characterized by the life reliability, the "common" language and style. Pictures the daily genes of people in its complexity of n positiveness, to describe the events, characters, children who are organized in the plot. The author's focus - image-character. Three main types are highlighted. Propes: Story, Tale and Roman.

Prologue - preface, introduction to the work, in which the events of the past are narrated; Emotionally adjusts the reader to the perception of the work.

The disconnection is the final moment in the development of action, the final position of the narrative, the final episode, which describes the resolution of the conflict or is demonstrated by its principal non-use. The junction can be happy or unhappy, to flow out of the logic of the telied or being unexpected.

Story - Prose a small amount of small volume with the dynamic development of the plot, a small volume of the narration devoted to usually by one episode or several events from the life of the hero of the work. Existing

Faces a little, the described action is limited in time, great importance is attached to the ending, which is a conclusion from the telted.

Realism Creative method in literature and art, whose military manner Recreation of reality in specific images, reproduction of life in its law | * Nosti. Typical features n properties. The desire for a wide coverage of reality in its contradictions and development, the image of a person in its interactions with the medium, the inner world of the characters reflect the challenges of time; Much attention is paid to the social consumer background. The realism is inherent in historicism and a wide variety of artistic forms.

Remarika - a brief indication or explanation of the author, describing actions of the characters of a dramatic work, intonation, gestures, an action situation. Remarkets complement and clarify the main text, serve for expressing mines of the author's assessment, its vision of what is happening in the work.

Replica - saying, speech of the acting person of a dramatic work. facing other characters.

Refrain - repeating verse or row of poems usually at the end of the line.

Rhythm repeatability in the poetic speech of homogeneous sound, intonational. syntactic units, periodic repetition of shock and unstressed sounds and other elements of poetic speech at certain intervals. Creating an ordering of its sound system.

Rhyme - Repeat sounds that bind the endings of two or more rows, the same or similar sound of the endings of poems. Rhymes differ, but the place of emphasis, consonance and method of irrigation.

Roman is a big epic work, in which a comprehensive picture of the life of many people in a certain period of time or a whole human life is depicted, one of the large forms epic Roda Literature. The characteristic properties of the novel: the branchedness of the plot, the coverage of a wide range of life phenomena, problems and conflicts, a significant temporary length of action, many characters, wide social and historical issues. One of the most common genres in the literature. Family family-household novels, historical, adventurous, philosophical, social and psychological, love, Roman-epic, etc.

Romanticism The creative method in literature and art, which is based on the pursuit of a person to freedom, spiritual perfection, an unattainable ideal in combination with the understanding of the imperfection of the world. One of the main signs of romanticism is a tragic dowemirier: the hero is aware of the imperfection of the world and people, suffers from the generality with them and at the same time wishes to live in this imperfected world, dreams of being understood and accepted, painfully surviving disorders with reality. Proclamation of the cult of human personality, complex and deep, approval of human individuality, open subjectivity, a look at life "through the prism of the heart.

Romance is a worldview, a person's globility, in which a significant role is given to dreams, the desire for ideals, higher spiritual values, implies a critical attitude to reality. The direct expression found in romanticism, however, is an important element and realistic artistic method, since it is not an analogue of romanticism.

Sarcasm is evil and stinging, the highest degree of irony, one of the strongest products of satire. Sarcasm discovers and emphasizes the non-deposition of behavior or motivation of people.

Satira is a kind of comic, most mercilessly rumbles human imperfection. Satira expresses the abruptly negative attitude of the author to the depicted, implies an evil ridiculation of the characteristic character or phenomenon.

Sentimentalism - The literary flow recognizing the basis of human nature a feeling, not a mind. The most important property is the desire to submit a person in the movements of the soul, thoughts, experiences. The underlined subjectivity of the approach to the world, the cult of natural feelings, the approval of the moral purity, unspokenity of commoners, the opening of the wealth of the spiritual world of the lower estates. Idealization of patriarchal life, the distribution of email sentiment, educational character, introduction to literary language Spoken forms.

Syllabic poems - a syllable system of storm, based on the equality of the number of syllables in each verse with a mandatory emphasis on the penultimate syllable; Verse length is determined by the number of slots.

Syllabo tonic poems- Close storage system. which is determined by the number of syllables, the number of strokes and their location in the poetic line. Based on the equality of the number of syllables in the verse and the ordered change of shock and unstressed syllables. Two-lucked and three sizes differ.

Style - through the principle of constructing an artistic form that defines the integrity and a single tone of the work. It is manifested in the topics, ideas, characters, fine-expressive means of language, etc. The style of certainty is characteristic of a separate work (style of work). And for the creative personality of the artist of the word (style of the writer), and for a group of works of various authors (style), and for the literary era (the style of ancient Russian literature).

Stop is a stable combination of a shock syllable with one or two unstable, which is repeated in each verse. Stop can be a two-sided or three-seat, weakened or reinforced.

Stanza - a group of poems related to meaning, as well as the arrangement of rhymes, repeated in the poetic speech; Additional rhythmic element of verse. Often has completed content and syntactic construction. The smallest stanza is two-bed. Spearly on a letter of stanza are separated from one another in an enlarged interval.

The plot is a set of events in the artistic work, represented in a certain sequence, revealing the characters of the actors and the ratio of the writer to the vital phenomena depicted. The plot is closely connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and is a way to implement it.

Theme - circle of phenomena and events forming the basis of the work, object artistic imagethen. What the author tells about and what the readers' attention wants to attract.

Theme is a permanent number of those in the work of a separate author, a group of authors or in the literature of one or another era (household, social, historical subjects, etc.).

TIN Artistic image, which reflects any socially significant, comprehensive human properties and qualities, the image of representatives of certain social groups in the appearance of a particular person, an embodiment in a character of one or several dominant features. components of repeating signs human character.

Typification of the method of artistic generalization of reality andyou beating CE characteristic features in specific images; The most importantmeans conversion of the truth of life into the artistic truth of the literaryproduction.

The literary flow is a steady variety of literary directions, which is a particularly artistic community of a certain style manner within the same direction. It characterizes the community of spiritual and aesthetic content in national literature, combines groups of writers (for example, civil romanticism as a kind of romanticism in Russian literature).

Tonic session - a system of renovation, which is based on the equality of the impact symbols in the row. The length of the verse is determined by the number of shock syllables, the number of unstressed syllables arbitrary. Major tonic forms: accent verse, dolnik, clock. Wide distribution received in folklore and in poetry began XX century.

The tragedy is a kind of dramatic work, which is based on an acute unresolved conflict of the identity of the hero with life or with himself.

In this conflict, the hero is a solid and strong personality - it is not able to retreat, so he dies, but wins moral victory. The tragedy is designed to repel the celebration of the Spirit of the Human Spirit, cause sorrow from the audience and the spiritual cleansing of a person through the suffering - Qatarsis.

Tragic - aesthetic category, based on the presence of a conflict in a person's life, which cannot be resolved. The subsequent conflict may be catastrophic for the hero, but its unreleased courage in the face of an imminent lesion becomes the basis for the faith and hope of viewers or readers.

The tradition of the literary is a continuity between old and new phenomena in life and literature, a conscious orientation on the artistic values \u200b\u200bof the past, elements of the literary heritage, transmitted from generation to the generation of poets and writers.

Trails - words and expressions used in the figurative sense to achieve artistic expressiveness of speech. At the heart of the trail - comparison of objects and phenomena; Varieties of trails: comparison, epithet, metaphor, irony, hyperbole, etc.

Fabul is an eventful core of a artistic work, his life or literary material, a summary of the narrative. Fabul performs the organizing function, combining the plot parts into a specific sequence.

The character is artistic - the image of a person presented in the literary work with sufficient completeness, in the unity of the general and individual. Objective and subjective, and therefore allows you to perceive the character like a living face. Artistic character is both an image of a person, and the author's thought. It is not an analogue of character in psychology.

HOREN - two-sided poems with an emphasis on the first syllable.

School literary group of writers, which unites ideological and aesthetic proximity and the availability of common creative program ("Lake School" in English Romanticism, Russian School of Critical Realism, etc.).

Exposure is an introduction to action, the presentation of the events necessary. To understand what is happening in the future, the image of conditions and circumstances. Preceded immediate start of action.

Elegy - a lyrical poem, transmitting deeply personal, intimate experiences of a person, imbued with trust of sadness. The most common topics of Elegy: contemplation of nature, philosophical meditation about life, regret for past or unrequited love.

Epigraph - short text, often quote, placed in front of the text of the work, expressing the basic idea, the mood of the entire artistic work. The epigraph sets the tone. Hints on what will be described in the work.

Epilogue is the final part of the work that briefly sets out what happened with the acting persons of the work after the end of the main storyline. The epilogue is sometimes the assessment of the depicted. It is built in the form of a message, without removing the characters on the stage.

Epithet is an artistic poetic definition, emphasizing any property of the subject or phenomenon to which the author wants to pay attention to strengthening the expressiveness of poetic speech.

Epos is one of the main births of fiction along with lyrics and drama. Reflects reality in the form of a narrative of man, his fate and events in which he participated. The main epic genres: epic, novel, story, story, novel, essay, bass. The term "epos" is also used in the value of the genus of oral folk creativity, in which Idealized form describes the historical events and exploits of the heroes of the past.

Humor is a soft form of comic; Laughter, which is not aimed at the purpose of the impact of phenomena: good-natured posting, combining a mockery with sympathy.

Yamb - double poetic size with an emphasis on the second syllable. The most common size of Russian poetry is a four-stranded yamb.

Literature for nuncotted reading

Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

1. Kalyazinskaya Cheerful

2. Zadonchnna

3. Tale of Yersh Ershovich

4. Tale of Boris and Gleb

5. Life Boris to Gleb

6. Tale of Mount Zloscha

7. Tale of Frole Squareswe

8. Tale of Ryazan Batym

9. Roman about Tropristan

10. Schepir U. "Romeo and Juliet"

Classicism and sentimentalism in the literature

1. Moliere ZB. "Stingy"

2. Lomonosov M. V. "Conversation with Anaconon", "Monument", "Morning thinking about God's Majesty"

3. Corezavin G. R. "Invitation to dinner", "ruler and judgments", "River Times", "Vision of Murza"

4. Fondvizin D. I. "Brigadier"

5.radishchev A.II. "WILLY"

6.Karamzin N. M. "Marfa-Poslinar"

Romanticism in literature

1.Biron J. G. "Shilonskny prisoner", "Pilgrimage to Child Harold"

2.Shiller F. "Cunning to love"

3. Fallennikov I. I. "Ice House".

4. Zhukovsky V. A. Poem. Ballet

5.Pushkin A. S. "Ruslan and Ludmila"

6.Vltman A.F. Novels

7. Deliverev K. F. "Olga on the grave of Igor"

8.Kühelbecker V.K. "Forest"

9.Lermontov M. Yu. "Fugitive". "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

10.Gogol N. V. "Portrait"

11.Hofman E. "Sandy man", "Kroashka Tsakhs"

12. Powered by E. "Murder on Morg Street", "Golden Beetle"

13. Doyle A. K. Novels about Sherlock Holmes

14.Standal. "Your VIINN"

From romanticism to realism

1.Get I. V. "Faust"

2.Chushkin A. S. "Shot", "Arap Peter the Great"

3.Gogol II. IN. "The story of that. How Ivan Ivanovich was quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich", "Marriage"

4. Tolest L. N. "Cossacks"

5.Turgenev I. S. "Date". "Asya"

6. Bulgakov M. A. "Life of Mr. DS Moliere"

7.Ahmatova A. A. "Reading Hamlet"

8. Tsvetaeva M. I. "Dialogue of Hamlet with conscience"

9.Pasternak B. L. "Hamlet"

10.Bolotsky N. A. "Ugrating Girl"

11.Anakov Yu. II. "In a dream, you cried bitterly ...". "Autumn in oak forests"

Neoromantism in the literature

1. Dostoevsky F. M."Sleep of a funny person"

2. Korolenko V. G. "Without Language", "Blind Musician"

3. Bunin I. A. "Margarita scratched into the Svetka"

4.Gumilev N. S. "Olga", "Margarita"

5. Green A. "Scarlet Sails". "Running on the waves"

Russian literature of Kazakhstan

1.Ivanov Sun. "Word about the regiment of Igor". "Kyrgyz TSMSRBEY"

2. Shukhov I. P. "Hate"

3. Relizhin Yu. M. "Forgiven Verevier"

4. Gert Yu. M. "Verdict"

5. Belger G. K. "Before Far"

6. Schmidt A. Lyric

7. Kittenko V. Lyrica

8. Servevonkin N. Stories

Dictionary of literary terms and reference materials 1

Accent verse - A variety of tonic verse, in which only the number of strokes in the string is settled, and the number of unstressed syllables fluctuates fluently. For example, V. V. Mayakovsky:

monument in Life
remies by rank.

Went would be
dynamite -


all sorts of man

all life!

ALLEGORY (Greek. Allegoria - allegory) - artistic reception based on the image of an abstract idea, an abstract concept through a specific image, thought. The relationship between the way and its value is set to similarity. For example, the olive branch in the hands of a person has long been an allegorical image of the world, the image of the goddess of the femids (women with tied eyes and with weights in their hands) - the allegorical image of justice; Snake, wrapping a bowl - allegory of medicine; Baby with onions and arrows - Cupid - Allegory of Love, etc.

In oral folk creativity Images of some animals are allegorical. Fox - analogue of tricks, hare - cowardice, lion - forces, owl - wisdom, etc.

As an allegory, the allegory is closest to the metaphor and is often considered as a common metaphor, or as a number of metaphorical images combined into a closed whole, in a single complex image.

For example, A.S. Pushkin in the poem "in the depths of Siberian ores ..." created an allegorical image of freedom, which will "take joyfully at the entrance" of the Decembrists-convict.

M.Yu. Lermontov in the poet's poem found the allegorical image of the "Blade, covered with rust contempt" to compare it with the poet, which has lost its "assignment".

ALLITERATION(from lat. A1 - K, with and Litera - Letter) - Repetition of the same, homogeneous consonants, creating fragrant, "musicality", intonational expressiveness.

For example, in the poem of K. Balmont "moisture", the sound effect is created due to alliteration "L":

Swan sailed in a twilight,

Distance, under the moon whole,

Waves will be swamming

Going to moisture Lilea.

One of the functions of alliteration - sound resistance. In the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino" sounds "s", "w", "h", "p", "c" transmit the dynamics of the battle; Whistle.

You do not see such battles! ..

Worn banners as shadows,

In the smoke fire glitter,

Sounded boulated, cart squeezed,

The arm of the fighters prick is tired,

And the nuclei interfered
Mount bloody bodies.

Amphibehi - In the Syllabo-tonic poems, a three-storey stop in which the percussion is the average syllable (- -) "Reasonable." In Russian poetry, amphibery is used since the beginning of the XIX century. For example, A. S. Pushkin used amphibery in the poem "I look like a crazy, on a black shawl ...", in the song about things Oleg", N. A. Nekrasov in the song" In a minute of the sadness, about Mother Mother! .. "from the poem" Who is in Russia to live well "and so on.

ANAPAEST- in the Syllabo-tonic storage of a three-way stop in which the last syllable strike is ( -): "human". In Russian poetry first appeared at A.P. Susharov (Oda "Antodheyev"). Used, for example, N.A. Nekrasov in the poems "Troika", "We are with you stupid people ...", A.A. Fetom ("I will not tell you anything ..."), A.T. Tvardovsky ("I killed under Rzhev ...") IT.D.

ANAPHORA(Greek. Anaphora is a dent) - unity, repetition of the word or group of words at the beginning of several stains, poems or semi-edge. Anaphor, as in general, the repetition of individual words or expressions, gives verse sharpness and expressiveness, emphasizing its important semantic moments. So, in Stravor A.A. Block:

Again with century
Noodled to the ground noodi

Again behind the misty river
You score me from afar.

Anaphoric "Again" shall with "Newness" of Russian longing
and the incompleteness of the voice that the poet calls somewhere.

In the poem, M. Tsvetaeva Anaphor sets the rhythm of sequential semantization named "block", "encrypted" in the comparison system:

Your name is a bird in hand,

Your name is iceclock in the language.

Single lip movement.

Your name is five letters.

ANIMALISM (from lat. Animal - Animal) - direction in the literature, which is based on an image of animals and human and animal relations. An animal as an object of the image along with other emergency phenomena acquires a value-semantic and aesthetic characteristic. For example, in animal poetry S.A. Yesenin ("Cow", "Song of the dog", "Fox") Animal, keeping objective, natural features, becomes unconditional and full lyrical object of the work.

Antagonists - irreconcilable opponents. For example: Chatsky and Magodhov ("Mount from Wit" A.S. Griboedov), Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov ("Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev), Satin and Luke ("At the bottom" M. Gorky), Yuri Zhivago and Pavel Strelnikov ("Dr. Zhivago" by B.L. Pasternak) and others.

ANTITHESIS (Greek Antithesis is a contrast) - a stylistic figure consisting in a sharp opposition of concepts or images. Most often, the antithesis is expressed openly - through antonym words, emphasizing the contrast of depicted phenomena. For example, in Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" it is said about the opposite characters of Onegin and Lensky:

They agreed.

Wave and stone,

Poems and Prose, Loda and Flame

Not so different among themselves.

The figure of the antithesis can serve as a construction principle for individual parts of artistic works in verses and prose. For example, the story of the transformation of a plush landlord in "Spread on Humanity" in the "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol shows how stupidity turns around with wastefulness.

The antithesis also build the title of many works: "War and Peace", "Crime and Punishment", "Shield and Sword", "Deceit and Love", "Red and Black", etc.

ASSONANCE (from lat. Assonare) - Repetition of the same vowels. Assonance is a bright means of expressiveness of the poetic language. An example of consumption of Assonance is an excerpt from the poem A. S. Pushkin:

I wander along the streets of noisy,

I enter the crowded temple

I'm sitting between young people insane

I indulge my dreams.

In this passage, a vowel "y" sounds, giving verse to the sadholder.

ASSOCIATION - A special form of communication between several ideas, in which one of the views is different. For example, Renanevskaya's replica: "Oh, my garden! After the dark, rainy autumn and the cold winter, again you are young, full of happiness, Heavenly Angels did not leave you ... "- Associatively generates the image of Eden - a blooming garden, where he bliss does not know the sin.

Archaisms- Outdated words, fully displaced from modern usage or replaced by other, denoting the same concepts. In fiction, used as an expressive technique for transmitting the color of the era, the speech characteristics of the character, to give speech solemnity or irony, etc. For example: "One shock to drive a fluid ..." (A.A. Fet), "And the dark shellenniya", "from the sights of a hypocritical ..." (A. S. Pushkin).

APHORISM (Greek. Aphorismos - Execution) - Execution, expressing any generalized thought, detecting general and typical in reality, in a laconic, artisticly pointed form. Aphoristic manner of scriptures and speech means compressed, a dismissed way of expression. In abundance Aphorisms scattered in the play A.S. Griboedov "Mount from Wit": "It would be glad to serve, sick,", " Happy watches Do not observe "," Who is poor, that you are not a couple ", etc.

BALLAD (from Lat. Ballo - Dance) - genre of lyrical poetry, which is a narrative. At the heart of ballads lies an unusual case. Special development The ballad got in poetry sentimentalism and romanticism. In Russian literature, the subject of ballads as a plot genre was V.A. Zhukovsky ("Lyudmila", "Svetlana", "Forest Tsar", etc.). Following him, samples of Russian Balladalia. Pushkin ("Song of the mean Oleg" and others), M.Yu. Lermontov (Borodino, "Spore", "Tamara", etc.), I.Ya. Kozlov, A.K. Tolstoy, V.Ya. Brucery, etc.

The genre of ballads in the poetry of the Soviet period is represented by the works of N.S. Tikhonova ("Ballada about the blue package", "Ballad of nails"), followed by S. Yesenin ("Ballad of Twenty Six"), E.G. Bagritsky ("Watermelon", "smugglers"), etc.

FABLE - This is a brief moral story in poetic form. The active persons of an allegorical fastener are more often animals, inanimate objects, but often people. The structure of the Basni implies a narrative and withdrawal from it, i.e. A certain position (rule, advice, indication), attached to the narration and often representing the final word of one of the actors. In Russian literature of the XVIII - XIX centuries, masters of the fastened genre were A.I. Sumarokov, I.I. Dmitriev, I.A. Wings. Of the modern Basinoisians, the most famous S.V. Mikhalkov.

BLANK VERSE - Unimproved verse. The name occurred from the fact that the endings of the verse, where consonance (rhyme) is usually placed, remain in sound offended ("white"). Nevertheless, the white verse is organized intonational and rhythmically. White verse written "Sea" V.A. Zhukovsky, "I visited again ..." A.S. Pushkin, the poem "Who lives well in Russia" N.A. Nekrasov.

Verlibr -cm. Free verse.

Eternal images - Images that generalizing the artistic value of which goes far beyond their specific historical content and the era threatened. Eternal images capture the most common, essential sides of human nature, express typical, constant conflicts and situations in the history of human society. Classic examples eternal images Serve Don Quixote, Prometheus, Hamlet, Don Juan, Faust. In Russian literature, Molchanin, Khleshtakov, Plushkin, Jewish puzzles and similar images live for many years and even a century in consciousness of several generations, as they are generalized typical, stable features of human characters.

Eternal Tyoma - Most significant for humanity in all epochs and constantly repeating in all national literature themes of life and death, light and darkness, love, freedom, debt, etc. For example, in the Roman Me. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" Eternal themes The struggle of good and evil, cowardice, betrayal, mercy, love and creativity become the subject of reflection of the writer and his heroes.

HYPERBOLA (Greek. HyperBole is an exaggeration) - a stylistic figure consisting in the obvious exaggeration of those or other properties of the image or phenomenon. The hyperbole may consist in quantitative exaggeration (for example, a "thousand times", "whole eternity", etc.), and in figurative terms, combined with other stylistic techniques, forming hyperbolic metaphors, comparisons, personification, etc.

Often the hyperbole is found in Russian songs and chastushki. In the spirit of folk reception uses Hyperbolu N.A. Nekrasov:

I drank how she mows:

That wave - then ready shock.

N. V. Gogol became famous for his hyperboles ("Rare Bird to the middle of the Dnieper"), V. V. Mayakovsky ("... I tell you: the smallest dusting is more valuable than what I will do and did!") And others.

The hyperbole is often used to indicate the exceptional properties or qualities of people, natural phenomena, events, things. For example, in the Poem M. Yu. Lermontov "MTSIR", the young man wins the victory over the predatory leopard, not yielding him in force and dexterity:

And I was terrible in this moment;

Like leopard desert, evil and dick,

I famed, squeal like him;

As if I was born myself
In the family of bans and wolves
Under the fresh color of the forests.

Gradation - chain of homogeneous members with gradual increases or decreasing their semantic or emotional significance. For example: "I called you, but you did not look back, I haven't lied tears, but you did not down ..." (A. Block) - ascending gradation. "He brought the mortal resin / yes a branch with faded sheets ..." (A.S. Pushkin) - descending gradation.

GROTESQUE(Franz. GroteSque is a quaint, comical) - an extreme exaggeration that gives the image a fantastic nature. The grotesque disrupts the boundaries of truth, gives the image to the image and displays an image beyond the likely, deforming it. The base of Grotesque is an unthinkable, impossible, but the necessary writer to achieve a certain artistic effect. Grotesque is a fantastic hyperbole. The hyperbole is closer to reality, grotesque - to nightmarish, fantastic sleep, vision. For example, the dream of Tatiana Larina (A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin") is filled with grotesque images of monsters:

One in the horns with a dog muzzle,

Another with a pet's head

Here is a witch with goat beard,

Here are the core and proud

There Karl with the tail, but
Polunuval and half-blooded.

Tatiana sees a fantastic dance in the "slaughter of the bundle" by a fantastic dance: "Cancer on a spider", "Skull on a goose neck / spin in the red cap", "The mill is dangling / and the wings are cracking and waves."

In Russian literature, the satirical function of Grotesque: N.V. Gogol ("Nose"), M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (fairy tales, "History of one city"), V. V. Mayakovsky (Mistere-Buff, "Khop", "Banya", etc.) is repeatedly resorted to Grotesque. Uses grotesque A.T. Tvardovsky ("Törkin on that light"), A. A. Voznesensky ("Oza"),

DACTYL- in the Syllabo-tonic storage of a three-way stop in which the shock is the first syllable (-  ): "wood". The poem of M. Yu. Lermontov "Tuchi" is written by Dactyl: Tuchcs of Heaven, Eternal Wanderers!

Stephaus Azure, Chain Pearl
Rather you, as if I am, exiles
From the cute north to the south.

DECADENCE (from Lat. Decadentia - decay) - the general name of the crisis phenomena of the culture of the late XIX - early XX centuries, marked by the moods of hopelessness, the rejection of life. For a decadence, a mysticism is characterized, faith in supernatural forces; extreme individualism and death of death, decomposition; Chase for the outside beautiful * cordiality of the literary form. Separate decadent trends were reflected in modernism literature (in symbolism, futurism, immudy, abstraction, surrealism).

DIALOGUE(from Greek. Dialogos) - a form of oral speech, a conversation between two or several persons. In Drama, the dialogue is the main means of development, the main way of image characters. In lyrics, dialogue is used to disclose the positions of the dispute participants, such as, for example, in the poem A.S. Pushkin "Customer's conversation with a poet", N.A. Nekrasov "Poet and citizen". This tradition follows O. Chukhontev ("Poet and editor (in the famous kind)".

DISTICH (or two-beed) is the simplest form of stanza, consisting of two lines connected by the general rhyme (AA, BC, etc.). For example, in the poem A.A. Block:

Seating sleep blooming

An endback of the day rushing light.

Opening the window, I saw Lilac.

It was spring - in a flying day.

Draced flowers - and on dark cornice
The shadows of the liking riz moved.

Pants the longing, the soul was engaged,

I open the window, trembling and trembling.

And I do not remember - where did you get into the face,

Sailing, burning, climbed onto the porch.

DIARY - literary form in the form of regular records leading in chronological order. A significant feature of the diary is his subjective form: the story about events is always conducted from the first person, the choice of the topic is always clearly depends on the personal interests of the author. In the artistic work, the diary of the literary hero is sometimes used (for example, the "People's Diary" in the "Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov, Diary of Dr. Bormental in the "Canine Heart" MA Bulgakov). The shape of the diary serves as a psychological disclosure of the inner world of the character or author.

Dolnik - A poetic size that preserves a rhythmic picture of a three-dimensional size, but the number of unstressed syllables between two percussion fluctuates (unstressed syllables "fall out"). A group of syllables combined by one blow is called a fraction, and depending on the number of such fractions, this dolnic is called a two-rod, a three-toll, etc. The use of Dolnik is first noted in the XIX century (M.Yu. Lermontov, A.A. Fet). In the active appeal, the dolnica is included at the turn of the XIX - XX centuries in the work of A.A. Bloka, A.A. Akhmatova, A. White, etc.

For example, A. A. Bloka:

In the thick grass, you will disappear with your head,

In a quiet home, you will log, without having stuck ...

DRAMA (from Greek. Drama - action) - 1. One of the birth of fiction (along with the epic and lyrics). The drama is designed to perform on stage. The main element of the dramatic work is the depicted action, sometimes an action is an act expressed in remarks, sometimes the word action. The only means of outlining actors in the drama is their own speech (dialogues, monologues, replicas). Actually, the author's comment on the play (the description of the situation, the atmosphere of action, behavior, the character gestures) is limited, as a rule, remarks. The nature of the drama plot is peculiar - it has much closer limits than the Epos (in terms of the number of actors, the coverage of time, etc.).

2. The dramatic genre, which is a play with a sharp conflict, which is in the final, is not a tragedy or comedy permission. The drama as a genre connects the tragic and comic principle, so it is often referred to as the middle genre. Highlight household, psychological, symbolic, heroic, romantic, socio-philosophical drama. An example of drama in Russian literature may be "Thunderstorm" A.N. Ostrovsky, "At the bottom" M. Gorky.

GENRE (from Franz. Genre - Rod, View) - Historically, the current and developing type of artistic work. IN modern literary study The term is used to indicate literary specieswhich is divided by the genus. For example, epic genres - novel, story, story, novel, essay, etc. The lyrical genres includes an oode, friendly message, epigram, elegacy, satire, sonnet, etc. To dramatic - tragedy, comedy, drama, melodrama, waterville, etc. In the classification of genres, the historical development of literature, manifested in literary directions, plays an important role. Thus, for classicism and romanticism, a strict orderliness of genres is characterized, and inside the realistic direction, rigid genre systems practically do not exist (for example, a novel in verses, a poem in prose, a poem in prose as synthetic forms).

Vazka - Start of contradiction (conflict), which constitutes the basis of the plot, the original episode, the moment determining the subsequent deployment of the action of the artistic work. Usually the tie is given at the beginning of the work, but can be introduced elsewhere. For example, about the decision of Chichikov (N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls") to buy the souls of the dead peasants reported at the end of the first volume of the poem.

Title (product name) - the most important component of the work located outside its main part, but in it the strongest position; The first element from which the reader's acquaintance begins with the text.

The main features of the title are:

Nominative (called) - the historically established source function of the title. Calling the text, the author highlights it among other works;

Informative - universal function, since any title to one way or another brings information about the text and reflects the content of the work;

Retrospective - title requires returning to him after reading the work, since the title not only expresses the content of the literary work, but should also be interested in intrigue the reader;

Expressively appeal - title can identify copyright position, as well as psychologically prepare the reader to perceive text.

The title introduces the reader into the world of the work:

Expresses the main topic, the main storyline is planned, determines the main conflict ("Who lives in Russia" N.A. Nekrasova, "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev, "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy, "Requiem "A. A. Akhmatova);

Calls the main character of the work (Evgeny Onegin A.S. Pushkin, "Oblomov" I.A. Goncharov);

It highlights a cross-cutting character of the text ("Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov, "Old Man Izergil" M. Gorky);

Indicates the time of action ("On October 19" by A.S. Pushkin, "Half" F.I. Tyutcheva, "Evening" A. A. Feta, "Winter Night" B.L. Pasternak, "In August, Fourth Fourth .. . "V. O. Bogomolov);

Indicates the main spatial coordinates ("I go out on the road ..." M. Yu. Lermontov, "in the restaurant" A.A. Bloka, "Quiet Don" M.A. Sholokhov);

Creates an expectation effect ("Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol, "Mount from Wit" A.S. Griboyedov).

The title is built according to certain structural models, which are based on general language syntax patterns, but at the same time have their specific features inherent only to the title.

The title can be represented:

In a word ("Thunderstorm" A. N. Ostrovsky, "Gojberry" A.P. Chekhov);

Writing a combination of words ("Crime of the Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky, "Master and Margarita" M.A. Bulgakov);

A subordinate phrase ("man in the case" A. P. Chekhov, "Mr. from San Francis Sk" I. A. Bunin);

A proposal ("An extraordinary adventure, formerly with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the country" Mayakovsky, "Somewhere Round War" V. Astafieva).

The title can be a trail ("cloud in the pants" by V.V. Mayakovsky, "Living Corpse" L. N. Tolstoy), Reminiscence ("Summer Lord" I. S. Shmeleva, "Lady McBet Mtsensky County" N.S. Leskov), etc.

Sounds - System of sound repeats of certain elements of the sound composition of the tongue: consonant and vowels, shock and unstressed syllables, pauses, various types of intonations, etc.

In the sound survey system, alliterations, associations, sound resistance play an important role.

For example, in the poem A. Voznesensky:

We are the opponents of dull,

We are accustomed to the width -

Samovar Lee Tulasky
Or "Tu-104".

Zoomorphic transformations (from Greek. Zoon - Animal, Morphe - Form) - Transformation of a person in an animal or the appearance of any characteristic zoological signs. For example, who enjoyed the glory of the Prince of Vince Polotsk, the hero "Words about the regiment of Igor", turned into a wolf, managed to overcome the huge distances from Kiev in one night, competing in his rapid running with the Sun soda himself.

IDEOLOGIST - expressive or defender of the ideology of any public class, socio-political system or direction.

A kind of idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero ideologue forms M.M. Bakhtin, analyzing novels F.M. Dostoevsky. The character of the hero ideologist is determined not so much by the influence of the social environment, how much the essence of the idea professioned by man. For Dostoevsky, the cause of the crime of Raskolnikov ("Crime and Punishment") in his theory, and not in his poverty (although the latter is not reset from the account, and the theory itself has social sources).

The hero ideologist in Dostoevsky's novels occupies a completely special place. The self-development / character characteristic of the characteristic work is also added freedom, and completeness in the expression of ideas.

IDEA (Greek IDEA is a concept, performance) - the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe artwork expressing the author's attitude to reality. You can understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work only in the aggregate and interaction of all artistic images of the work. For example, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem A. S. Pushkin "Arion" is the loyalty of the lyrical hero of the ideals of the Decembrism.

Imazinism (from Franz. Image - image) - the flow in the Russian decadere. The IMAZHINISTs argued the priority of self-concrete image, form above the meaning, idea. Adherents of the IMAZHINISM saw the task of creativity in the inventing of unprecedented images and words. At one time, the IMAZHINISTS was adjacent to S. A. Yesenin.

INVERSION(from lat. Inversion - permutation) - a stylistic figure, consisting in violation of the generally accepted order of words. For example, in Evgenia Onegin A.S. Pushkin:

Dowger past he arrow
Took off the marble steps ...

Inversion allows you to actualize the meaning of any word, giving speeches a special expressiveness.

Interpretation is a cognitive-creative development of the artistic content of the work, the result of which is the comprehension of its meaning and aesthetic integrity.

Interpretation of the literary work suggests:

Attitude towards text as integrity, artistically reproducing reality;

Recognition of the possibility of variable interpretation of the text on the basis of the multigid artistic image;

The need for dialogic relations with the author of the interpretable text under construction on the principles of trust and criticality;

The inclusion of the mechanisms of emotionally-shaped and logical and conceptual text comprehension.

For example, B.M. Gasparov interprets the content and structure of the poem A. Blok "Twelve" in the light of the theory of carnival M.M. Bakhtina. The action of the work, as researcher reveals, occurs in the days of the density. It is this time of action that imposes an imprint of the Carnival imprint on the event in the poem explains, according to B.M. Gasparov, the possibility of appearing in the poem about the revolution of the image of Christ. Everything that happens on the streets of the Winter City, as the interpreter believes, resembles a theatrical action. Among the characters are distinguished by the vital-generalized images - "Disclaimer", Bourgeois, a lady in Karakule, Writer-Vita. Their movements (slide, fall, they are picking) resemble the mechanical movements of dolls in a fegal representation. The atmosphere of the carnival presentation create "voices" from the street (shouts of prostitutes, cries of patrol, rifle pallet, etc.). The elements of the People's Theater are given in parallel to organized stage action and creates the effect of the destruction of the boundaries between the "literary" and "real" life. The pass-through leitmotif of the poem ("in the right step is held") organized according to the principle of the marchs in the final, in the final it turns into parade-apotheosis with a phony and decorative figure of Christ, in the hands of which, like Easter khorugv, fluttering a bloody-red flag. The procession following Christ is perceived as his "retinue", consisting of God's "Angels", or twelve apostles. B. M. Gasparov indicates the apocalyptic character of the carnival: "The end of the world" is denial, the destruction of the usual world, but this is "funny" destruction.

Modern researchers Peter Wil and Alexander Genis offer their interpretation of the main conflict of Roman I.S. Turgenev "fathers and children." The main ideological opponents, in their opinion, are the "civilizer" of the bazaars and the "guardian of traditions" of Kirsanov. Bazarov believes that somewhere there is a "welfare and happiness formula", which must be found and offered to humanity, and for this "it is worth sacrificing some insignificant trifles." The "civilizer" does not intend to create something newly, it plans to destroy already existing. The world, "reduced to the formula, turns into chaos", and the carrier of this chaos becomes bazaars. The unambigursors of the Bazarovsk "Formula" opposes the "diversity of the system", which Pavlich Kersanov personifies Petrovich. This hero of Turgenev is convinced that welfare and happiness are in a different accumulation, summation, conservation. In the collision of the "civilizational impulse with the order of culture" and is concluded, according to the interpreter, the main conflict of the work. Since the pathos of destruction and reorganization turned out to be unacceptable for Turgenev, he forces the Bazar "to lose."

INTERIOR (Franz. Interieur - internal) - internal space of the building or room in the building; In the artistic work - an image of the furnishings in which characters live and act. The interior can be saturated with a variety of details and subject items.

Such, for example, the interior of the house of Manilov (N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"): "Beautiful furniture, covered with Schiekolka Schiel Matter," "Shchegolian candlestick made of dark bronze with three ancient graces, with a pearl shield"; "The walls were painted with some blue paint like a gray, four chairs, one chair, the table on which the book was with the mortgage laying" and so on.

IRONY (from Greek. Eironeia - pretense, mock) - one of the ways of the author's assessment of the depicted, allegory expressing mockery. Irony - not laughter, but a mockery, and the narrator externally may be serious. Simplely expressed irony passes into a joke, evil irony - in sarcasm.

For example: "... he can see, and was born on the light already completely ready, in the Vitzmundire and with Lysina on the head" (N.V. Gogol), "... and with immense wide and dense, Rusmi with a selection of buchenbards , from which everyone would be for three beards "(I.A. Goncharov).

A.S. Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" with the help of ironic phrases characterizes one of the guests in the name of Tatiana Larina:

Nails, the owner is excellent,

Owner of the beggars.

In the novel "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev characterizes the servant of Kirsanov Peter as a "man of the newest improved generation", ironizing the views of the "children." N.V. Gogol in the "dead souls" calls the prosecutor "Father and the benefactor of the whole city", although it also turns out that he is a bribemer and Hapuga.

"Art for art" ("pure art") - common name aesthetic concepts, approved by the use of artistic creativity and independence of art from social and political circumstances and conditions. For example:

Not for everyday wave

Not for a peel, not for battles,

We are born for inspiration,

For sounds of sweet and prayers.

(A.S. Pushkin. "Poet and crowd)

Katrer (Quarters) - Stroof, consisting of four lines associated with common rhymes, which has a completed meaning. A variety of rhyme types are used in the katron: ABBA, ABAB, AABB. The most common - cross (abab).

For example, a poem A.S. Pushkin "Winter Road" consists of seven quatrains:

Thugs through wavy fog
Moon pursues

On sad glades

She pours sad light.

On the road winter, boring
Troika Borzaya runs,

Single bell
Tedious rattling ...

CLASSICISM(from lat. Classicus - exemplary) - artistic direction and style in art and literature of the XVII - early XIX centuries, for whom high civil subjects are characterized, strict adherence to certain creative rules and rules (for example, the rules of "three unities": time, places , actions), reflection of life in ideal images, as well as appeal to the ancient legacy as normal. Representatives of classicism in Russian literature were VK. Trediakovsky, M.V. Lomonosov, A.P. Sumarokov, G.R. Derzhanin.

CONTEXT- The speech or situational environment of the whole work or part of it, within which the meaning is most accurate and the meaning of the word, phrases, etc., for example: about the uniqueness of the metaphorical image of the dagger in the same poem A.S. Pushkin can be judged, considering it in the general context of the motifs of the dagger in Russian poetry ("Dagger" M.Yu. Lermontov, "Dagger" V.Ya. Bolsova, etc.).

Ending - Final component of the whole work or any part of it. In poetry - the final line, often aphoristic. For example: "And, by the coming of the sea and the earth, / Glagol Loggy of the heart of people!" (A.S. Pushkin. "Prophet"); "Life to live is not the field to go through" (B. Pasternak. "Hamlet"), in the drama - the replica of the hero "under the curtain" in the finale of any act or the whole play. For example: "Famuses. "Oh! Oh my God! What will say / Princess Marya Alekshna! " (A.S. Griboedov. "Woe from the mind"), "Satin (quietly). "Eh ... spoiled a song ... Dur-cancer!" (M. Gorky. "At the bottom"), in prose - the final centance, landscape, etc. "Dunned the wind and revealed from the lagowes, the old women of the old woman of the Izergil, falling asleep everything is stronger. I covered her old body and Loe myself on Earth near her. The steppe was quiet and dark. In the sky, everything crawled clouds, slowly, boring ... The sea noisily rustled and sadly "(M. Gorky." Old woman iszergil ").

COMEDY (Greek. Coraoidia, from Coraos - a fun crowd and OIDE - song) - one of the main types of drama as a kind of literature depicting such life positions and characters that cause laughter. The comedy forms a negative attitude towards the aspirations, passions of acting persons or to the techniques of their struggle. Comedy as a special form of comic most accurately catches and transfers its most important shades - humor, irony, sarcasm, satir. Bright examples of comedy in Russian literature - "Lady" D.I. Fonvizin, "Auditor" N.V. Gogol; Comedy called their plays A. S. Griboyedov ("Mount from Wit") and A.P. Chekhov ("Cherry Garden"),

COMPOSITION (Lat. Compositio - compilation, binding) - a set of techniques and means used by the author to build a work, disclosure and organization of images, their relationships and relationships.

The composition includes alignment of characters; The procedure for reporting events in the plot (plot composition); The alternation of the plot and extrapturate components of the narrative, change the techniques of the story (author's speech, narration from the first person, dialogues and monologues of characters, various types of descriptions: landscapes, portraits, interiors), as well as the ratio of chapters, parts, stanza, speech revolutions.

Especially significant in the artistic work there may be chronological rearrangements of individual events (M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time"). Important for understanding the copyright and ideas of the work can be such composite techniques, as the default or recognition, detainee exposure, lack of exposure or junction.

The following types of composition are distinguished: vertex ("Gypsies" A. S. Pushkin); Mirror ("Eugene Onegin" A. S. Pushkin); Ring (Troika N. A. Nekrasova); Open ("lady with a dog" by A. P. Chekhov); concentric ("fathers and children" I. S. Turgenev).

CONFLICT (from Lat. Conflictus - a collision) - a collision, the struggle on which the development of the plot in the artistic work is built. In the drama, the conflict is the main force, spring, driving the development of dramaturgical action, and the main means of disclosure of characters. In artwork, it is often observed a combination of the "external" conflict - the struggle of the hero with opposing their forces - with "internal", psychological conflicts - the struggle of the hero with himself, with their delusions, weaknesses. So, Evgeny Onegin (A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin") enters the conflict with the noble medium and provincial landlords, with other characters - Lensky, Tatyana Larina; Finally, with himself, trying to get rid of the Handra, inner discontent.

WINGED WORDS - Wide-consuming label figurative historical persons, literary characters, etc. For example: "Noise, brother, noise ..." (A.S. Griboedov). "Easiness in thoughts is extraordinary ..." (N.V. Gogol). Winged words often have the form of aphorisms. For example: "Inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell a manuscript" (A.S. Pushkin); "Man - it sounds proud!" (M. Gorky).

Culmination (from Lat. Oilmen - Top) - the moment of the highest voltage in the development of action, the most exacerbating the artistic conflict. So, in the story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Human" by the culmination episodes are those in which the hero learns about the death of his family.

In the literary work there may be several culminating moments. For example, in Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" in the storyline Evgeny Bazarov - Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov Culmination is a duel scene. In the storyline of bazaars - Odintsova is a culminated scene, when the hero is recognized by Anna Sergeyevna in love and rushes towards her in a rustling of passion. In the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" and in the poem A.T. Twardovsky "Vasily Torkin" Each chapter has its own climax.

LEGEND (from Lat. Legenda - what should be read or recommended for reading) is a term used in several values. In a broad sense, an inaccurate story about the facts of reality containing elements of heroic and fiction, in a narrower - prose genre of folklore; The narration of wonderful faces and events perceived, however, as reliable.

Sometimes writers and poets include folk or fictional legends in their works. So, the legend of Ataman Kudyar is included in the poem N.A. Nekrasov "Who is in Russia to live well", and the legend about the great inquisitor - in the novel "Brothers Karamazov" F.M. Dostoevsky. Legends about Larre and Danko are included in the story of M. Gorky "Old Man Izergil."

LYRICS(from Greek. Lyrikos - the Lyra pronouncing under the sounds) is one of the three birth of fiction (along with the epic and drama). This is a kind of poetic creativity, which expresses feelings and experiences about an event or fact, while Epos tells, enshrines the external reality, events and facts in the Word, and the drama does the same thing, but not on the person's face, but the direct conversation, the dialogue itself acting persons. Lyrics reflect individual status of character at certain moments of life, the author's own "I"; The speech form of lyrics is an internal monologue, predominantly poetic.

Lyrical hero - Hero of lyrical work, experiences, thoughts and feelings of which it reflects. The image of the lyrical hero is not identical to the image of the author, although it covers the whole range of lyric works created by the poet; Based on the image of the lyrical hero, a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of the poet is created. However, in most of its works A. S. Pushkin, N.A. Nekrasov, F.I. Tyutchev, A.A. Fire is lyrics without a lyrical hero. The author's image in their lyrical works would be merged with real personality - Personality of the poet. For example, in the poem "I visited ..." Pushkin, and not the lyrical hero makes the thought of the future, about the "tribe young, unfamiliar." Yu. Tynyanov allocated three poets that the author's "I" is embodied in the image of a lyrical hero, - M.Yu. Lermontova, A.A. Bloka, V.V. Mayakovsky.

It follows the lyrical hero to talk about when in a poem written from the first person, a lyrical entity is different from the poet, the author of the poem. The poet seems to be enjoyed in someone else's role, puts on a "lyrical mask". For example, "Prisoner" A.S. Pushkin, "Prophet" M.Yu. Lermontova et al.

Lyrical retreat (author's retreat) - Form of the author's speech; The word of the author-narrator, distracting from the plot description of events for commenting and evaluation or by other reasons, directly related to the action of the work. Lyrical retreats are characteristic of lyreepic works, retreats in epic works are called copyright. For example, lyrical deviations are in Evgenia Onegin A.S. Pushkin, "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol, author - in "War and the World" L.N. Tolstoy, "Vasily Turkin" A.T. Tvardovsky.

Laroepic genre - type of literary work that combines signs of epic and lyrics: the plot story about events is connected to emotional lyrical deviations. Most often, the work is taught in a poetry form (Svetlana V.A. Zhukovsky, "Evgeny Onegin" A.S. Pushkin, "Mcyri" M.Yu. Lermontov, "Who in Russia live well" N.A. Nekrasova, " Cloud in the pants "V. V. Mayakovsky," Requiem "A.A. Akhmatova et al.). The following genres of Laroepics are distinguished: epics, ballad, poem.

Literary direction - The concept characterizing the unity of the most significant creative features of the word artists at a certain historical period. This unity arises and is usually developing on the basis of the generality of artistic position, worldview, aesthetic views, ways to display life. The literary directions include classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, realism.

"Excess person" - The conditional name of a number of heterogeneous heroes, endowed with their own uselessness, suffering from the lack of a clear goal in the life, aware of their "social unnecessaryness".

"An extra person" in the Russian literature of the XIX century is presented as a national-peculiar phenomenon social significance. The creators of this type gave him a multilateral characteristic, revealed its contradictory essence, indicated on a positive and negative importance, determined the ideological meaning and the aesthetic significance of this "iconic" literary phenomenon.

Traditionally, it is believed that "extra people" in Russian literature are represented by two groups of characters: the first are the heroes of the 20-30s. XIX century - Onegin ("Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin), Pechorina ("Hero of our time" M.Yu. Lermontov) and some others, to the second - heroes of the 40-50s. XIX century - Beltova ("Who is to blame?" A.I. Herzen), Agarina (Sasha N.A. Nekrasova), Rudin (Rudin, I.S. Turgenev) and some others.

A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov was synthesized in their characters the features of the "excess person" of the entire previous Russian literature (the first contours of the heroes of this type were outlined in the "Knights per hour" N.M. Karamzin, the "Russian vertier" M.V. Sushkov, "Theon and Eschin" in .A. Zhukovsky, "Chudak" K.F. Ryleyev, "Strange Man" V.F. Odoyevsky, "Wandering and Domosted" K.N. Batyushkova, etc.) and outlined the main vectors further development of this type.

In the 20-30s. XIX century The meaning and content of the image of an "excess person" is in forced, historically determined abandonment of activities. "Extra People" of this period, possessing an extraordinary mind and energy, cannot act by virtue of objective reasons, so their forces are wondering to satisfy individual wish. The trouble of Onegin and Pechorina is not inability, but in the impossibility to fulfill its "purpose high". However, their positive importance is not in real activity, but in the level and quality of their consciousness and self-consciousness compared to the medium. The rejection of existing living conditions, the protest in the form of non-participation in any form of activity is due to the era of noble revolutionism and the subsequent reaction for it a special position of the "excess person" in Russian society.

In the 40-50s. XIX century With a change in social and historical living conditions, the type of "extra person" is changing. After a seven-year reaction, wider opportunities appear for activity, the goals and objectives of the struggle are clarified. Opens the "extra people" gallery of the 40-50s. Lestes. This is a hero with a "painful need of affairs", noble, gifted, but capable of "multilateral inaction" and "active laziness". Then the "extra person" becomes an "ideologist" - it promotes advanced ideas, affects the minds of people. The honorary role of the "sower" is given to Agarin - his noble ideas fall on fertile soil, and young Sasha will no longer stop on the "proclaiming" of his views, but will go further. The special place of Rudine in a number of "extra people" of that time is determined by the fact that his aspirations are directed not to personal, but for the common good. Having risen before the denial of evil and injustice, he strengthened his sincere word on the hearts of those who are young, full of strength and is ready to join the fight. His word is his historical business.

60s. XIX century made indigenous changes to the hierarchy literary heroes. The origin and appearance on the historical arena of the new social force - the revolutionary-democratic intelligentsia - clarify aspects and activities of the personality. Prerequisite "Usefulness" becomes the inclusion of a person in real social practice. This requirement was reflected in a number of sixtiene program publications (N.G. Chernyshevsky, N.A. Doblarubova, D.I. Pisarev, etc.). Noting the numerous weaknesses and disadvantages of the "excess person" of Russian literature of the XIX century, revolutionary Democrats 60s. Gave tribute to all the positive things that these heroes carried in themselves.

Other modifications of this type (Oblomov I.A. Goncharov, Paradoxolist F.M. Dostoevsky, Likharev and Laevsky A.P. Chekhov) cannot be considered "classic" due to the incompleteness of social significance and the nature of their influence on public consciousness.

"SMALL MAN" - The conditional name of a number of heterogeneous heroes that occupy the lower niche in the system of social hierarchy and the combined community of psychological and behavioral traits (vulnerable pride in combination with the awareness of its own gods, an understanding of the injustice of a social device, a sharp sense of personal insecurity). The main story of works on "small people" is usually becoming the history of insult or insulting the hero of the strong world of this, the main opposition is the opposition "Little Man" - "significant face".

The first sketch of the image of a small man appeared in Russian literature in the XIII century. Daniel Sharpener ("Daniel Charpening"), protesting against the tendency to evaluate a person on his wealth and thesis affiliation, complains that he lives in need and sadness, suffers under the "Rabatnaya Yoy" of Mr., constantly degrading him. In Molub, the Hero, faithful to the prince, hears the voice of a person who had experienced all the events of fate and passionately eager justice.

The gallery of classic "small people" opens Samson Vyrin (" Stationery"A.S. Pushkin). "The Fourteenth Class Martyr", insulted and humiliated, he dies due to the impossibility of defending his father's rights, his human dignity.

In the 30-50s. The XIX century the topic of a "little man" was developed mainly in line with a story about the poor official. Smart and unrequited Akaki Akakievich ("Shinel" N.V. Gogol) - "The creature is not protected by anyone, no one is expensive or an interesting thing for anyone." He not only suffers from despotically indifferent and disrespectful relationship, but also trying to protest. Theft of a new sheel, the wall of indifference by those who should have helped the hero on the debt, cause a kind of bounce - in the state of infamousness Bashmachkin addresses "significant face" "the most scary words", And after death, triumphs over the offender.

Writers of a natural school developed two directions in the image of a "small person" - the property-satirical and compassionative-sympathy. They saw the psychological generation of this type, characterized the phenomenon, subsequently called the "ideological underground". In the works of a genuine school, close attention is paid to the reasons, pride, ambitions of a "little man." These trends reach climax in "poor people" F.M. Dostoevsky. Makar girl is able to rise to understanding that he is a man's heart and thoughts. He protests against identifying himself with Gogol Hrozem, the awareness of the unjust of public order creates in his soul to the painful and controversial combination of humility and rebound.

In the 60s. The XIX century "Little Man" begins to lose his generic signs and gradually exhausted its original content. Democratic writers conducted an active struggle for the right of personality to independently dispose of their fate, and the "small person" in their works manifests itself as a person, ready to fight for his happiness, actively resist the circumstances.

By the 80th. Destruction of the image of a "small person" was continued in the work of A.P. Chekhov ("Death of the official", "fat and thin", "on nail" and others). His heroes are no longer "small", but "small people" and do not cause sympathy from the reader.

In the broad value of "Little Man" continued its existence in the literature of the end of the XIX - early XX centuries. But the heroes of A. Kurin, L. Andreeva, I. Shmeleva, A. Serafimovich, S. Skaltolets capable of a conscious protest against humiliation of them human dignityReady to make an independent moral choice, refuse to disagree the fate of the "little man." Therefore, due to the exhaustion of the crystal signs, the term "small person" as applied to these characters can not be used.

Meditative lyrics (from Lat. Meditatio - in-depth and focused reflection) - a special genre-thematic variety of poetry, representing an in-depth reflection, individualized contemplation aimed at comprehending the intimate patterns of being. Meditative lyrics are relatively philosophical, but does not merge with her. For example: "Will I go along the streets of noisy ..." (and S. Pushkin), "I go out one on the road ..." (M.Yu. Lermontov), \u200b\u200b"South South Stack (a .A. Fet). Samples of meditative lyrics are found at A.A. Bloka, I.F. Annensky, N.A. Zabolotsky.

METAPHOR(Greek. Metaphora is a transfer) - a view of a trail, which is based on the transfer of names for similarity or by analogy. Similar features can be color, shape, nature of movement, any individual properties of the subject: "Non-burning fire of unthinkable love" (V.V. Mayakovsky), "Fire Dawn" (A.A. Blok).

In the language and in artistic speech allocate two main models for which metaphors are formed. The first is the first lies an animation, or an impersonation (hours go, the year flew, feelings are faded), the second is the second - extraction (, iron will, deep sadness, flame language, fate finger). Poems F.I. Tyutchev "There is an initial autumn ..." built on alternation metaphors:

Where the cheerful sickle walked and fell sick

Now everything is empty - space everywhere -

Only cobwebs thin hair
Glitters on idle furrow ...

Metaphors can be the basis for creating character images. For example, in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Sail" Metaphors are the basis of a symbolic image of a sail:

What is looking for in the country far?

What threw him in the edge of his native? ..

Alas! He is not looking for happiness
And not from happiness runs!

And he, rebellious, asks the storm,

As if there are peace in the storms!

If the metaphor is revealed throughout a large segment of text or a whole piece, then it is called expanded. Mayakovsky in the poem "Cloud in the pants" unfolded the well-known metaphor "Nerves diverged":

as a sore from the bed,
jumping the nerve.

And so, -
first passed
then ran away

Now he and new two
dosaped by a desperate chief.

When the metaphorical expression is taken in a literal sense, its new understanding arises. This phenomenon is called the implementation of the metaphor. At this receipt, the ending of the poem of V. V. Mayakovsky "Provered", in which the household metaphor was implemented "It is broken into parts".

METONYMY (Greek. Metonymia - renaming) - a view of a trail, which is based on the transfer of the name of adjacency.

Unlike a metaphor that is formed as a result of similarity, the metonymy is based on a real connection, on real relations between objects. These relationships that make two subjects of thought logically adjacent to each other may be of different categories. In the novel "Yevgeny Onegin" A. S. Pushkin used metonimical allegoric: "I read eagerly apoolen, / and Cicero did not read" (the author and his work), "Language of Petrarks and Love" (signs of subject and item itself), "PARTER AND Chairs - all boils "(subject and man)," Everything than for the whims of abundant / trades London Splatile "(subject and space).

Monologue (from Greek. Monos is one and Logos - the word, speech) is a kind of artistic speech. In the literary work, the monologue is a speech of the acting person facing himself or others, but, unlike the dialogue, independent of their replicas. In the plays and epic works of monologues - the form of statements of characters. In Comedy A. S. Griboyedov "Mount from Wit" the main characters - Chatsky and Pharmuses - pronounce monologues, reflecting their worldview ("And who are the judges? ..", "In the room there is a slight meeting ...", "That That all you are pride! .. ", etc.). Most lyrical poems are a lyrical monologue.

Motive(from Greek. Moveo - moving, bring in motion) - the simplest unit of stories. Any plot is intertwining closely related motives. The motive is a repeating complex of the senses and ideas of the author. Traditional in the literature are the motives of the road, death, expulsion, flight, etc. and. For example, the main motive of lyrics M. Yu. Lermontov is the motive of loneliness ("Sail", Tuchi, "and boring and sad ...", "I go out on the road ..." and others).

Natural School - The conditional name of one of the stages of the development of critical realism in Russian literature (40s of the XIX century). It is characterized by a focus on "natural", i.e., strictly truthful, undischarged image of reality. Natural school united many talented writers of that time - N.V. Gogol, I.A. Goncharova, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.A. Nekrasov et al. - and played an important role in the formation and development of Russian literature.

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY- Philosophy of nature, speculative interpretation of nature, considered in its integrity. For example: Poets F. I. Tyutchev is characterized by a special philosophy of nature, or natural philosophy, since the poet makes the art image of all the universe, each MiG of Genesis relates with eternity, invades philosophy and forbidden areas of higher knowledge.

Neologisms (Greek. Neos - New and Logos - word) - words, phrases or expressions created to designate a new subject or phenomenon, as well as new values \u200b\u200bof old words. Language (general) and individual-copyrish neologisms should be distinguished, that is, those that entered the language use as a result of socio-political, scientific, cultural changes, and those that are created by the authors in order to enhance the impact of the artistic word on the reader. Rich in individually copyright neologisms of the poem V.V. Mayakovsky: "The third class is black from the nestry", "his prephabie" (capital), "Stomatyable Connon", "Dongeon" (about the ballerina), etc.

Novella(Italian. Novella is a story) - an epic genre, a variety of story. It is distinguished by a sharp, exciting plot and an unexpected ending. Sometimes the novel is called the head of the novel, since it is inherent in an extraordinary sense tank, the desire to reveal the hero in a concise form. These are "Ionch" A.P. Chekhov, "Mr. San Francisco", "Clean Monday" I.A. Bunina, "The Fate of Man" M.A. Sholokhov.

"NEW PEOPLE" - The conditional name of the heroes that became the embodiment of a new type of public figure, which appeared in Russia in the 60s. XIX century In the medium of the intelligentsia. In the literary use, this term was introduced by N.G. Chernyshevsky. Dmitry Lopukhov, Alexander Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna, Katya Polozov, Spouses Merzalov and many other heroes of the novel "What to do?" nothing like your literary predecessors - "extra" and "small" people.

Heroes N.G. Chernyshevsky, received labor education, distinguishes the thrust for knowledge, most of all interest their natural sciences. Materialists and socialists, they have a program of reorganization of society on new, reasonable principles, own economic theory of organization collective labor (Socio-labor and household communes without operation on the basis of equality).

New moral and ethical norms define their relationship with other novel heroes. At the heart of the actions of the "new person" - correctly understood expediency, their actions are regulated by the theory of "reasonable egoism" or, as it is also called, the theory of benefits and benefits. People of moral perfection, Heroes N.G. Chernyshevsky embodies the life "norm" to which every "ordinary" person should strive to strive.

Since "new people" are the embodiment of "reasonable" ideas about life, the concept of personality presented in the Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky, got the name "rationalistic".

Showing the reader a new "time hero", the author partly answered the question made in the title of works: To live decently in the present and bring the lucky future, you have to be a "new person."

It is believed that the modification of the "new person" is the heroes and other works of the 60s. ("Fathers and children", "On the eve" I.S. Turgenev, "Hard time" V.A. Sleptsova et al.). Like the classic "new people", the characters of these novels are characterized by an exacerbate sense of self-esteem, the desire for the denial of the existing order, the high intellect, the political and social definition of ideals. The main content of the life of the "new person" of the 60s. Work becomes for the benefit of the future, an orphanage power. However, the Turgenev Bazarov no longer has a clear program of creating a future ("First you need to clear the place ..."), and Bulgarian Insarov fights against external enemies for freedom of their own homeland. Therefore, the question of who will fight "internal Turks", remains open in these works.

Further literary fate of the "new person" to trace it difficult: the heroes of the works of the parody of the novel of N.G. are also becoming "new" Chernyshevsky, and the heroes of famous "anti-nigilastic" novels, and literature heroes socialist realism. Therefore, it is traditionally believed that "classic" representatives of this literary type are the differences of the 60s., Ideologues and practices seeking to radically change the life of Russian society.

OH YEAH (from Greek. Ode - Song) is a lyrical work dedicated to the image of large historical events or persons affecting the significant topics of religious-philosophical content saturated with a solemn tone, the pathetic inspiration of the author. In Oda, high, book vocabulary, archaisms, allegory were used. Genuine heyday this genre of poetry reached in the XVIII century. - In the era of classicism - in the work of M. V. Lomonosov, G.R. Derzhavina ("Monument"). In the XIX - XX centuries. The genre of ODA has undergone significant changes in the content, and in style. A.S. also appea Pushkin ("Velost"), V.V. Mayakovsky ("Ode Revolution"), O.E. Mandelshtam ("Twilight Freedom") and others.

OXYMORON(Greek. Oxymoron is a witty nonsense) - a stylistic figure, consisting in the intentional combination of incompatible definitions, concepts. This is a verbal antithesis, as a result of which unexpected images arise. "Eloquent silence", "get out dry out of the water" - oxymorrhea of \u200b\u200bordinary speech. In the lyrics of the oxymmer reflect the complexity of the emotional world of the lyrical hero or the inconsistency of the phenomena of reality. For example, I love the magnificent nature of fading ... "(A.S. Pushkin)," Rissy luxury of the outfit "(N.A. Nekrasov)," It has fun to be sad, such an elegantly naked "(A.A. Akhmatova). At the oxymoron, the title of the literary work is built - "Live Corpse" L.N. Tolstoy, "hot snow" Yu.V. Bondarev, etc.

Obrawing - view of a trail, denoting an image of an inanimate or abstract object as an animal (capable of thinking, feeling, talking). For example, a bright image-personification was created by A.S. Pushkin in the poem "to the sea". In the image of the poet, the sea is a living being, able to be sad, be angry. Therefore, so naturally matching the sea with the Bayron - the singer of the sea and the man created by His "Spirit". The inner spiritual relationship connects with the sea and the poet itself: the sea - "Friend", sad together with him, his "reviews", "deaf sounds" and "the abyss of Glas" are understandable to the poet.

FEATURE ARTICLE - "Small" epic genre, based not in the image of the conflict, as the genre of the story, but on a descriptive image of any socially or morally significant phenomenon or event. Eliminate travel, documentary, portrait, "physiological", psychological essay.

Parallelism syntaxic (from Greek. Parallesmos - Radom Going) - a similar syntactic construction of two (or more) proposals or other fragments of text. Parallelism is used in the works of oral folk creativity (epics, songs, couples, proverbs) and close to them in their artistic peculiarities of literary works ("Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" M. Yu. Lermontov, "Who in Russia live well" N.A. Nekrasov, "Vasily Torkin" A.T. Tvardovsky). Parallelism as a composite acceptance is widespread in lyrics:

And, new devoted passions,

I could not believe it:

So the temple left - all the temple,

Kumir attacked - all God!

(M. Lermontov)

When the horses die - breathe,

When herbs die - dry,

When the sun dies - they go out,

When people die - sing songs.

(V. Khlebnikov)

Paronimia(Greek. Raga - Near, Outside and Onyma - Name) - Reception of artistic speech, consisting in the establishment between the words close on the sound by the words, sharpen poetic associations. Paronims create expressive consonants, emphasizing the originality of the semantic relationship between words. For example: "Siberians! Solva is not lying, - / at least with Bor, with pine people, / at least he, but selected ... "(A.T. Tvardovsky).

PATHOS(from Greek. Pathos - Passion, feeling) - ideological and emotional maturation of the artwork or all of creativity; Passion that permeates the work and tells him a single stylistic color. Heroic, civil, lyrical, tragic, etc. are isolated. Types of pathos.

For example, in the poem A.A. Blok "Russia" The fate of the country is comprehended as tragic. The corresponding pathos permeates the lines:

Russia, the poor Russia,

I am in gray your

Your songs winds -

How the tears are the first love!

SCENERY (Franz. Paysage, from Pays - Country, Area) - An image of nature paintings, performing various functions in the artwork depending on the style and artistic position of the writer. There are the following landscape varieties: lyrical, romantic, symbolic, psychological. Depending on the kind of literature, the landscape can carry different semantic loads. So, in the lyrics of nature paintings reflect the moods and experiences of the lyrical hero. For example, the sense of loneliness of the lyrical hero in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Tuchi" shall with the "Tuchs of Heaven, Eternal Wanderers", and the joyful mood of the lyrical hero in the poem A.S. Pushkin " Winter morning»Matching with such a landscape:

Under blue skies
Gorgeous carpets.

Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;

Transparent forest one black

And spruce through frost green,

And the river under the ice shines.

In the epic works, nature is often an independent image object. Nature affects not only the actions of people, but also on their psychological condition. For example, a landscape, placed in the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" (I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"), shows the state of pacification, peace of mind and harmony of the main character, immersed in the feeling of their childhood.

Periprase (periprase) (from Greek. Pariphrasis - retelling) - a trail denoting the replacement of the direct name of the face, subject or phenomenon with a description of their essential features or an indication of their essential features. For example: "Tsar of Beasts" instead of the lion; "Pea coat" instead of a detective; "Foggy Albion" instead of England. Instead of saying that Onegin settled in Dydy's room, A.S. Pushkin in the novel "Eugene Onegin" writes:

He settled around

Where Rustic Starzhil
Years forty with the key screamed

I watched the window and the flies pressed.

THE CHARACTER (Franz. Personnage, from Lat. Persona - Personality, face) - the acting face of the artwork or scenic presentation. In any product, the characters are divided into central (main), minor and episodic.

As characters, animals (fables, fairy tales), inanimate objects and fantastic creatures can act as characters - in the event that they reveal the character traits.

The central characters are depicted in more detail, they are the main participants in the events, often the work is connected with them. The image of secondary characters more concisely, their characteristics are less detailed, and the role in the plot of works is limited to participation in small quantity events. Episodic characters often serve in order to create background, action environment. They can be discussed with just a few strokes. So, in the Roman MA Bulgakova "Master and Margarita" by central characters are Pontius Pilate, Yeshua Ga-Nochri, Master, Margarita, Woland. Minor characters - Kayfa, Varenuha, Roman, Step Lyarkheev, episodic - Annushka, Juice Accountant, Baron Maygel Idr.

IN dramaturgical works Acceptance characters are also highlighted - those people who are not on the stage and which therefore are not literally not the characters. However, they are mentioned in conversations or replicas, they are talking about approval or condemnation. For example, insisting characters in the play A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit" are the nephew of Princess Togukhovskaya, Brother Scalozuba, Maxim Petrovich, Princess Marya Alekskna, etc.

SONG - a small lyrical product intended for singing; Usually a bought (stubbic). A folklore song and a song as a genre of writing poetry should be distinguished. In oral folk art, the following varieties of the genre of the song were developed: lyrical, historical, comic, love, dance, ritual and calendar (reflux, passenger, spring, harvested, etc.) and others. In the literary product, or actually folklore songs may be included. ("The Song of Girls" in the third chapter "Eugene Onegin") or - more often - the stylization of folklore songs (songs in the poem N.A. Nekrasova "Who lives well in Russia"). Vintage Cossack songs are organically included in the structure of the Roman MA. Sholokhov "Silent Don", symbolizing the community of fate of the Cossacks of all time. .

Tale - "Middle" in terms of volume and coverage of vitality Genre of Epos (along with the "big" genre of Roman and the "small" genre of the story). The leading genre sign is likelihood, i.e., the preferential attention of writers to the image of life and the morals of a certain social environment. For example, "Shinel" N.V. Gogol, "One day Ivan Denisovich" A.I. Solzhenitsyn.

Repeat - Repetition composite elements, words, phrases and other fragments of text in the artistic work. Distinguish sound repetitions (Assonance and alliteration, rhyme), anaphor, epifora, refrain, chorus, etc. Repeat may emphasize the key value of a word to characterize the state of a person or its relationship to something emotionally highlighting or enhanced it. For example, in the poem "Railway" N.A. Nekrasov Anaforically repeated verb "carried out" the strength and patience of the Russian people underdeveloped:
Ruled Russian people enough

Made this road iron -

Will lead everything that the Lord will send ...

Substituet - Hidden, different from the direct value of the expression meaning, which is restored based on the context. In the theater, the subtext can be disclosed with default, intonation, irony, gesture, facial expressions. Subtext is more characteristic of realistic worksbased on psychologism.

Great importance The subtext has in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, M. Gorky. The system of subtext values \u200b\u200bin Dramaturgia A. P. Chekhov is especially developed.

PORTRAIT(from Franz. Portrait is an image, portrait) - an image of the appearance of the hero (damn face, shapes, poses, facial expressions, gestures, clothes) as one of the means of its characteristics; A variety of description. The portrait gives the writer wide opportunities for the characteristics of not only appearance, but also the inner world of a person, because in the guise of a person always to a greater or lesser extent manifests his views on life, character, psychological peculiarities.

The history of the literary portrait is rooted in deep antiquity and reflects the process of knowledge by the artist of the world, the search for the ways to create an individual human character.

In the early stages of the development of the literature, a personal beginning in the portrait was unbearable. Folk Heroes were endowed with a conditional symbolic appearance: the "red" girls, well-known "good", the warriors "mighty", etc.

In the literature of ancient Russia, a generalized-abstract portrait performed an estimated function, indicating, as a rule, on the social status of the hero.

Classicists created two stereotypes: "Idealizing" portrait of a noble hero and a portrait of a low-level hero.

The portrait from sentimentalists is already psychologically, he is designed to help see the hero primarily "sensitive" soul.

Romantics portrait exotic colorful, transmitting contrast qualities with a bright, independent, chosen personality: "... a wide forehead was yellow as the forehead of a scientist, gloated as a cloud covering the sun on the day of the storm, lips are thin, pale, were stretched and compressible "With a convulsive movement, and in the eyes shone a whole future ..." (M.Yu. Lermontov. "Vadim").

In realistic literature, the portrait is characteristic: the appearance of the hero reflects the traits of its character, individual social, family, age and other features.

The portrait gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe aesthetic ideal of the writer and allows you to identify the author's understanding of the category of beauty.

Portrait can be a one-time description or consist of several descriptions with various degrees remote from each other. Concentrated portraits are characteristic of episodic characters, dispersed - the main one.

The portrait structure may be simple or complex. The portraits of a simple structure include portraits-details, consisting of a description of one portrait feature, and sketch portraits consisting of a description of several parts. In portraits of a complex structure, portrait components are presented in the complex, for example: "It was a young woman about twenty-three years old, all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, with red, childish plump sponges and gentle handles. It was a neat stem dress; The blue new brazing easily lay on her rounded shoulders "(I.S. Turgenev." Fathers and children ").

A more complex look - portrait-comparison. The author resorts to this type of portrait characteristic in cases where he needs to call certain associations from the reader. In the story N.S. Leskova "Enchanted Wanderer" The narrator represents the main character, Ivan Severnovich Flyagin: "... He was in the full sense of the word Bogatyr, and, with the Typical simpleness, good Russian Bogatyr, resembling Grandfather Ilya Muromets in the beautiful picture of Vereshchagin and in the poem of Count A. TO. Tolstoy. "

Even more complex form is a portrait-impression. With almost the absence of portrait parts, it leaves the reader bright impression And encourages sensing text created by the author. This is the portrait created by A.A. Fetom:

You are all in the lights. Your granitsa
And I sparkles decorated;

Under the shadow of gentle eyelashes
Heavenly fire is not afraid.

But I'm afraid of these heights,

What gives me your soul?

With the first acquaintance of the reader with the hero, an exposure portrait is usually given. FM Dostoevsky, obviously wanting to arrange the reader to his hero, represents Rodion Skolnikova: "By the way, he was wonderful good, with beautiful dark eyes, dark-rus, tall above average, thin and built."

In the leitmotable portrait for the character, some individualized part is fixed, which is repeated throughout the entire narrative. For example, the leitmotive detail in the portrait sketches of Matrius (Matrinin Dvor A.I. Solzhenitsyn) becomes "radiant", "kind" smile. The portrait of the "enlightened" maghryna becomes a means of disclosing the inner world of the heroine, which reigns peace, peace and goodness.

Psychological portrait expresses this or that condition of the character. In Marmaladew (F.M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment") was something "... very strange; In the view, he was glowing as if even an enthusiasticity was, - perhaps, there was a meaning, and the mind - but at the same time flashed as if madness. "

Two varieties of psychological portrait have developed:

1) Portrait, emphasizing the appearance of the hero of his inner world; 2) Portrait contrasting with the inner world of the hero. For example, in the "Hero of Our Time" novel discrepancy appearance Pechorina (intake indifference, coldness, calm) His genuine spiritual qualities, the passion of his nature. Often, the portrait contains the author's assessment of the character (for example, a portrait of Olga in Evgenia Onegin A.S. Pushkin or Helen in the "War and the World" L.N. Tolstoy).

MESSAGE - Work written in the form of a letter or appeal to any person (persons). For example, Messages A.S. Pushkin "To Friend a poem", "To Chaadaev", "I.I. Pushchina "; Messans S.A. Yesenin "Letter of Mother", "Letter to Woman", "Letter to grandfather", "Letter to the sister" and others.

POEM (from Greek. Poiem - Create, Poiema - Creation) - Laro-epic work with a narrative or lyrical plot. The peculiarity of the poem is based on the combination of the narrative characteristics of the acting persons, events, etc. and their disclosure through the perception and assessment of the lyrical character, the narrator playing an active role in the poem.

Depending on the artistic position of the author and artistic techniques, heroic, romantic, lyrical and psychological, philosophical, historical and other poems ("copper rider" A.S. Pushkin, "Mcyri" and "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov" M.Yu. Lermontov, "Who lives in Russia" N.A. Nekrasov, "Twelve" A.A. Bloka, "Requiem" A.A. Akhmatova).

POETICS (from Greek. Poietike is poetic art) - section of the theory of literature, which studies the structure of literary works and the system of articles used in them. The term "poetics" also denote the system of artistic agents characteristic of the writer, certain genres, literary directions of the era.

Reception- The design principle of the organization of a literary work: plot-composite, genre, stylistic.

For example, adoptions in the composition of the composition: the introduction of extra-made elements, a change of points of view; Stylistic techniques: metaphors, inversions, repeats, etc.

PARABLE - moral teaching in allegorical form. According to its nature, the parable is close to the Basna, but the meaning of parables is always deeper, philosophic. The parable nature is legends about Larre and Danko (Older Izserge A.M. Gorky), in which the author affects philosophical problem An extraordinary personality of man and its place in society.

PROLOGUE (from Greek. Prologos is a preface) - an introductory part of the artwork, in which events preferring the event event. Prolog episodes are not part of a plot action, but necessary for his understanding. In addition, the prologue may be given detachable characteristics of characters, their past is shown, the author's position is expressed.

For example, poem A.S. Pushkin "Copper Horseman" is opened by a prologue in which the poet creates a multifaceted image of St. Petersburg, expresses the copyright attitude to the "Grad Peter".

SPACE AND TIME - Conditional forms of meaning of being. They are the most important characteristics of the art painting created by the author, determine the rhythm and tempo of the text, provide a holistic perception by his reader.

Various forms of the organization of space and time in the work are ensured by the specifics of the artistic direction, the genre features of the text, the method of building the plot, etc.

In folklore, space and time are universal: the depicted events occur "everywhere" and at the same time "nowhere", "always" and at the same time "never."

Classicism requires compliance with the unity of time, place and action, strict regulation of spatio-temporal relations.

Romantic worldview, which gave rise to the idea of \u200b\u200b"dvoemirine", significantly expanded the capabilities of this category. Since the object of close attention of romantics is not so much external as the inner world of the person, it is he who becomes the center of space-time coordinates.

In the realistic art of priority, the concept of a linear time was, according to which the time for everyone is equally moving in a straight line from the past through the present to the future.

"Copernists coup" made the authors of the "large" novels of the XIX century. The main characteristics of the artistic time are duration or shortness, static or dynamism, interruption or continuity, etc. The artistic space is determined by the closedness or unlimitedness, proportionality or deformation, integrity or fragment, etc.

Depending on the degree of artistic convention, space and time can be abstract or specific. The action in fairy tales occurs "in some kingdom", "in some state", and in the fables - in general "in the world" ("For me, those unfasteless, / in which there is no use, / at least sometimes they are divided by light") and "Always" ("how many times the world was told, / that flattering is harmful; but it's not all the future, / and in the heart of the smoke always finds the corner."

Specific space connects the depicted world with toponyms (from the Greek Topos - the place and OUTUT - the name, name) of the world of real. Space space is used in order to create generalized images of the "World", "Cities", "Villages", "estates", etc. Spatial coordinates placed in the text of the story I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday" (Ordinet, Red Gate, Griboedovsky Lane, Okhotny Ryad, "Prague", "Hermitage", Rogozhsky Cemetery, Novodevichy Monastery, Marfo Mariinsky Resident, etc.), contribute to the creation of the image of Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. Spreading the spatial-time framework of the work, they enter the specific space of Moscow in the overall space of Russian history.

The degree of concreteness of time in different works is different. Depending on the realization of real and artistic time, there is no disassembled, or "zero", time (author's descriptions of the interior, landscape, portrait of heroes) and event. Event time can be chronically domestic (repeated multiple times in time.

The ideological and artistic function of the chronicle domestic time - reproduction of sustainable forms of being (for example, the noble cultural and household and family lifestyle in Romanov I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov" and I.S. Turgenev "Noble Nest"). The event-storyline allows to show the life of the hero as a "self-reflection" of an individual personality in space (ideological and moral quest Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Lesukova; Life of Ivan Flyagin, the main character of N. S. Leskova, Main Hero, " etc.).

In the literature of the XX century, the space-time organization of the art world is complicated. Along with the traditional types of organization of time and space ("Silent Don" MA Sholokhov) appear new: a single state in E. Antiutopia Zamyatina "We", Chengur in the same name A.P. Platonova, Yershalaim in the "Master and Margarita" M.A. Bulgakova, "absurd", "internal" space that has become the realities of the text, and not reality in the "school of fools" S. Sokolova, "Moscow - Petushki" V.V. Erofeev.

Other concepts - chronotope and space-time continuum are used to designate space and time.

Junction - the element of the plot, which implies the outcome of events, the decision of the contradiction (conflict) between the heroes. Usually, the junction is located at the end of the work, but sometimes, in accordance with the author's intent, in the middle and even at the beginning (for example, in the story I.A. Bunin "Light breath"). In Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Warm" is a scene after the ball in the Famusov House, which completes (although it is not allowed) Chatsky's conflict with the Famow Society.

Sometimes the junction indicates the insoluability of the main conflict, in this case they say about the open finals of the work ("Eugene Onegin" A.S. Pushkin, "Cherry Sad" A.P. Chekhov, "Quiet Don" M.A. Sholokhova, etc.) .

Size poems - Method of organizing the sound composition of the poetic work. Determined by the number of syllables (in Sillabic poems), the amount of strokes in the line (in tonic poems), the number of impact syllables (in silhlor-tonic storage). In Sillabo-tonic stations, double-lined (chorea, yamb) and three-seat (dactyl, anapest, amphibrachius) poetic sizes are allocated.

STORY - "Small" epic genre, characterized by a small volume and compression of images of life phenomena. As a result, a small number of actors, short-term events, a simple composition (in the center of the work only one episode from the life of the chief hero). Stories are such works as "student", "man in a case", "Death of the official" A. P. Chekhov, "Clean Monday" I.A. Bunina, "The Fate of Man" M.A. Sholokhov.

REALISM (from Late. Realis - real, valid) - artistic method (and literary direction), following which the writer objectively, reliably depicts life in the typical characters acting in typical circumstances. The main task of a realistic writer is a study of human and society social relations. In the artistic work - a historically concrete image of characters and circumstances in their interdependence. The most important stages of the development of realism as an artistic method are: educational (D.I. Fonvizin, I.A. Krylov), critical (N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov et al,), Socialist (M. Gorky, M.A. Sholokhov, etc.).

Realine - A word denoting the subject, a concept or phenomenon, characteristic of history, culture, life of a kind of people or country. For example: "The throne" ("Word about the regiment of Igor"), "Gorenka" ("Who lives well in Russia"), "Stalley" ("Shinel"), "Camp", "Soldering" ("One day Ivan Denisovich" ),

Reason - Art character, inclined to permanent declarations (official or solemn software statements) and declaigns. For example, the resonel is true in the play D.I. Fonvizin "Lady", Chatsky in Comedy A.S. Griboedov "Woe from Wit", Kuligin in the play A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

Remark(from Franz. REMARQUE - a remark, note) - Explanations that the playwright predicts or accompanies the course of action in the play. The remarks contain directions to the place and time of action, movement, gestures, facialy, intonation of heroes. For example, in the play A. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden":

F and R C (fits the door, touches the handle). Locked We left ... (sits on the sofa.) Forgot about me ... nothing ... I sit here ... And Leonid Andreich, I suppose, no fur coats, I went to the coat ... (I sigh concernly.) I I did not see ... young-green! (Mumbles something that cannot be understood.) Life has passed, as if it did not live ... (I lie down.) I'm lying ... You have no silholes, there is nothing left, nothing ... oh you. ..Nedotype! (Lies motionless.)

From the end of the XIX century, remarks in the dramas A.P. Chekhov, M. Gorky, etc. Perform an increasingly important role, revealing the author's assessment of the character or episode.

Reminiscents- present in the artistic texts "references" to the preceding cultural and historical facts, works or their authors. As reproduction of a fragment of "foreign text" at any level (scene, shaped, quotable, metric, etc.), the reminissosis may be included consciously or arising independently of the author's will, involuntarily.

Reminiscesses may be quotes or their retelling; the names of works that are often used in the meaning of art centers; Characters names that have become symbols; Events performing functions fine remedy; Borrowings in which the story scheme, the arrangement of heroes, their features and the characters are still changed by the author.

For example, in the poem "singer is in sea waves ..." F.I. Tyutchev used the image of the "thought reed" belonging to B. Pascal ("Thoughts"), for B. Pascal, this metaphor is the familiar to the presence of a person in the world of nature. F. I. Tyutchev This image helps to explain the tragedy of Being the "discharge" of a person with nature, as a result of which the "thinking reed" remains only bitterly complaining and protest: "And the thinking reed is pushing ...".

In the work of A.A. The block used a biblical reminiscence "Carry your cross". Introduction of it in the artifuction of the "Korevun" poem allows the author to draw out the traditional meaning of "submission of fate": "Grow, conquer, cross the cross." In the poem "Russia", this image leads to the appearance of other shades ("and the cross is its carefully carrying"), which contributes to the emergence of a new, symbolic meaning of the text: the suffering prepared by the lyrical hero is not only initially inevitable, but also holy. He is ready to consciously accept them and "carefully" to demolish.

Compounds of several reminiscence form "Reminiscent sockets". So, for example, the second line of the poem O.E. Mandelstam: "I read the list of ships until the middle ..." ("insomnia. Homer. Tight sail ...") - refers to the reader to the second song "Iliad" ("Sleep Beochie, or a list of ships"). The list given by Homer contains the names of 1186 ships going on Troy. This explains the appearance in the text O.E. Mandelstam images related to the category of time and with the movement (view of the lyrical hero located in the state of insomnia, slides on the lines of "Iliad", and they see him floating in the sky with a caravel brood, wedge, train). The edges of the cranes generate the second layer of reminiscence ("Alien", the "wedding train"), about the goal of the hike in the third stanza: "When would not Elena, / what exactly is one, the Ahasey men?". All a reminiscent nest allows you to clarify the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text - everything in the world "moves love", and should be submitted to this universal law, as it was obeyed by him once proud and courageous aheitsa.

"Polygenetic reminiscence" refer to the reader not to one, but to a number of sources. For example, lines from the poem M.I. Tsvetaeva "Who is created from a stone, who is created from clay ..." cause the reader association associated with the content of some myths about the creation of a person from the Earth and clay, apocryphic legends on the creation of Adam, biblical motifs of baptism of water are introduced.



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