What is the generation of works in the literature. Literary Rod: Drama, Epos, Lyrics

What is the generation of works in the literature. Literary Rod: Drama, Epos, Lyrics
What is the generation of works in the literature. Literary Rod: Drama, Epos, Lyrics
Epos, Lyrics, Drama

Literary rod - A group of genres with similar structural features.

Artistic works are very different in the choice of the pictures of reality phenomena, according to the methods of its image, on the predominance of objective or subjective began, according to the composition, according to the forms of verbal expression, according to fine-expressive means. But all these diverse literary works can be divided into three kinds - Epos, lyrics and drama. The division into childbirth is due to various approaches to the image of peace and man: the EPOS objectively depicts a person for lyrics is characterized by subjectivism, and the drama portrays a person in action, and the author's speech has an auxiliary role.

Epos. (Greek means a story, story) - the narrative of events in the past, focused on the facility, in the image of the outside world. The main signs of the epic as a literary order are events, actions as a subject of image (events) and a narrative as a typical, but not the only form of verbal expression in the epic, because there are descriptions and reasoning, and lyrical retreats in large epic works (which connects the epic With lyrics), and dialogues (which connects the epic with drama). The epic product is not limited to any spatial or temporary framework. It can cover a variety of events and a large number of characters. In Epos big role Playing an impartial, objective narrator (the works of Goncharov, Chekhov) or a narrator ("Tale of Belkin" Pushkin). Sometimes the narrator transmits the story from the words of the storyteller ("man in the case" Chekhov, "old woman Izergil" Gorky).

Lyrics (from Greek. lyra.- Musical instrument, the sounds of which were performed by poems and songs), unlike the epic and drama, in which the completed characters acting in various circumstances are depicted, draws separate states of the hero in certain moments of his life. Lyrics depicts inner world Personality in its formation and change of impressions, sentiment, associations. Lyrics, in contrast to the epic, subjective, feelings and experiences of the lyrical hero, in it the main place, moving in the second plan of life situations, actions, actions. As a rule, there is no event plot in the lyrics. In the lyrical work there may be a description of any event, subject, nature paintings, but it is valuable in itself, but serves the purposes of self-expression.

Drama Pictures a person in action, in conflict situationBut the detailed narrative image in the drama is absent. The main text of the chain of statements of characters, their replicas and monologues. Most dramas are built on external action, which is associated with confrontation, confrontation of heroes. But it can prevail and an inner action (the characters do not act so much as they experience and reflect on, as in the plays of Chekhov, Gorky, Meterlinka, show). Dramatic works, like epic, depict events, actions of people and their relationship, but in the drama there is no narrator and descriptive image. The author's speech is auxiliary and forms a side text of a work that includes a list. acting persons, sometimes them brief characteristics; Designation of time and place of action, a description of the stage situation at the beginning of paintings, phenomena, acts, actions; Remarkets that give instructions for intonation, movement, facial character characters. The main text of the dramatic work is the monologues and the characters' dialogs that create the illusion of the present time.

Thus, the epic tells, fastenses the external reality, events and facts in the Word, the drama does the same, but not from the person's face, but in a direct conversation, the dialogue of the actors themselves, the lyrics focuses not on the external, but in the inner world.

However, it should be borne in mind that dividing literature on childbirth to some extent artificially, because in fact there is often a connection, a combination of all these three species, their merging into one artistic whole or a combination of lyrics and epic (poem in prose), epic and drama ( epic drama), drama and lyrics (lyrical drama). In addition, the division of literature on childbirth does not coincide with its membership on poetry and prose. Each of the literary gods includes poetic (verse), and prosaic (excessive) works. For example, by its generic basis, the epic is the novel in verses of Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin", the poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia." Many dramatic works are written in verses: Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit", the tragedy of Pushkin "Boris Godunov" and others.

Division into childbirth is the first division in the classification of literary works. The next step is the division of each kind of genres. Genre - Historically established type of literary work. Genres are:

  • epic(Roman, story, story, essay, parable),
  • lyrical(lyrical poem, elegy, message, epigram, s sonnet) and
  • dramatic(comedy, tragedy, drama).
Finally, genres usually get further divisions(for example, a household novel, an adventurous novel, psychological novel, etc.). In addition, all the volume genres is customary to share on
  • large(Roman, Roman-epic),
  • middle(tale, poem) and
  • small(Story, Novel, Essay).
Epic genres

Novel (from Fran. roman O Conte Roman - Story on romanesky) - A large form of an epic genre, a multi-grade work depicting a person in the process of its formation and development. Action in the novel is always saturated by external or internal conflicts or those and others together. Events in the novel are not always described consistently, sometimes the author disrupts the chronological sequence ("Hero of our time" Lermontov).

Romanes can be divided

  • on the thematic sign (historical, autobiographical, adventure, adventure, satirical, fantastic, philosophical, etc.);
  • by structure (Roman in verses, novel-pamphlet, novel-parable, novel-fekelon, epistolary novel and others).
Roman-epic. (from Greek epopiia.- Meeting of legends) Roman with a wide range of people's life in turning historical era. For example, "War and Peace" of Tolstoy, " Silent Don."Sholokhov.

Tale - an epic product of a medium or large form, built in the form of a narrative of events in their natural sequence. Sometimes the story is defined as an epic work, the average between the novel and the story - it is more a story, but less novel By volume and number of actors. But the border between the story and novel should not be sought in their volume, but in the peculiarities of the composition. In contrast to the novel, which is a witness, the material is set in chronically. In it, the artist is not fond of reflections, memories, details of the analysis of the feelings of heroes, if they are strictly not subordinate to the main action of the work. The tasks of a global historical nature are not put in the story.

Story - Small epic prosaic shape, a small work with a limited number of characters (most often narrates about one or two heroes). In the story, as a rule, one problem is set and one event is described. For example, in the story of Turgenev "Muum" the main event is the history of the acquisition and loss by Gerasim Dog. Novella It differs from the story only by the fact that there is always an unexpected finale (about Henry "Gifts of Magi"), although in general the boundaries between these two genres are very conditional.

Feature article - Small epic prosaic form, one of the species of the story. The essay is of greater explicit, affects mainly social problems.

Parable - Small epic prosaic shape, moral teaching in an allegorical form. The parable differs from the bass in that its artistic material draws from human life (Gospel Proverbs, Solomon Proverbs).

Lyrical genres

Lyrical poem - Malaya genre form Lyrics written or from the author's face ("I loved you" Pushkin) or on behalf of the fictional lyrical character ("I killed under Rzhev ..." Tvardovsky).

Elegy (from Greek eleos. - a plaintive song) - a small lyrical form, poem, imbued with the mood of sadness and sadness. As a rule, the elegium content is philosophical reflections, sad thinking, sorrow.

Message (from Greek epistole - Letter) - Small lyrical form, a poetic letter facing any person. According to the content of the message, there are friendly, lyrical, satirical, etc. The message can be addressed to one particular person or group of persons.

Epigram (from Greek epigramma. - The inscription) is a small lyrical form, a poem, ridicuing a particular person. Emotional range of epigrams is very large - from friendly mockery to angry chind. Characteristic features - wit and brevity.

Oh yeah (from Greek ode. - Song) - Small lyrical form, poem, distinguished by the solemnity of style and elevation of the content.

Sonnet(from Italian soneto. - Song) - Small lyrical form, poem, usually consisting of fourteen poems.

Poem(from Greek poiema.- Creation) - the average lyrol-epic form, a work with a plot-narrative organization, in which not one thing is embodied, but a number of experiences. The poem combined the features of two literary classes - lyrics and epic. The main features of this genre is the presence of a deployed plot and at the same time close attention to the inner world of the lyrical hero.

Ballad (from Italian ballada.- Dance) - medium lyrol-epic shape, work with a tense, unusual plot, story in verse.

Dramatic genres

Comedy (from Greek komos.- cheerful procession and ode.- Song) - the type of drama in which the characters, situations and actions are presented in funny forms Or imbued with comic. In the genreality, the comedies are distinguished by satirical ("inexpensive" FoviSin, the "auditor" of Gogol), high ("grief from the mind" of Griboedov), lyrical (" The Cherry Orchard»Chekhov).

Tragedy (from Greek tREDIA- Goat Song) - the type of drama, the work, which is based on an irreconcilable life conflict leading to the suffering and death of heroes. The tragedy genre includes, for example, the play of Shakespeare "Hamlet".

Drama - The play with an acute conflict, which, unlike the tragic, is not so elevated, more landed, commonly solvable and anyway. The specificity of the drama is, firstly, in the fact that it is built on a modern, and not an antique material, secondly, the drama approves a new hero who rebid against circumstances.

One of the founders of Russian literature was VG Belinsky. And although there were also serious steps in antiquity in the development of the concept of literary soda (Aristotle), it was Belinsky who owns a scientifically based theory of three literary clauses, with which you can get acquainted in detail by reading the article by Belinsky "Separation of Poetry for Birth and Types".

Three kind are distinguished fiction: epic (from Greek. Epos, narration), lyrical (Liru was called the musical instrument, accompanied by the versatile verses) and dramatic (from Greek. Drama, action).

Introducing the reader one or another subject (meaning the subject of the conversation), the author chooses different approaches to him:

First approach: you can detail tell about the subject, about events, with it related, the circumstances of the existence of this subject and I.T.; At the same time, the position of the author will be in one degree or another removed, the author will act as a kind of chronist, the narrator, or choose someone from the characters with a storyteller; The main thing in this work will be the story, the narrative of the subject, the leading type of speech will be narration; such a genus of literature is referred to as epic;

Second approach: you can not tell so much about events as impresswhich they produced on the author about those feelingsthey caused; picture inner world, experiences, impressions and will refer to the lyrical family of literature; exactly experience becomes the main event lyrics;

Third approach: you can pictitate thing in action, show him on stage; imagine his reader and the viewer is surrounded by other phenomena; Such a genus of literature is dramatic; In Drama, the author's voice directly will be less common to sound - in remarks, that is, copyright explanations to the action and replica of heroes.

Consider the table and try to remember its content:

Birth of fiction

(Greek - narration)

story On the events, fate of the heroes, their actions and adventures, the image of the outside of what is happening (even feelings are shown on the part of their external manifestation). The author can directly express his attitude towards what is happening.

(Greek - action)

picture events and relationships between heroes on the stage (special way Text records). A direct expression of the author's point of view in the text is contained in remarks.

(from the name of the music tool)

experience events; An image of feelings, inner world, emotional state; the feeling becomes the main event.

Each family of literature in turn includes a number of genres.

GENRE - This is a historically established group of works united by general signs of content and form. Such groups include novels, stories, poems, elegances, stories, feuethons, comedies, etc. In literature, the concept is often introduced literary speciesThis is a wider concept than genre. In this case, the novel will be considered a type of fiction, and genres - various varieties of novel, for example, adventure, detective, psychological, novel-parable, novel-antiutopia, etc.

Examples of rode-species relations in the literature:

  • Rod: dramatic; view: comedy; genre: sitcom.
  • Rod: epic; view: tale; genre: fantastic story etc.

Genres being categories historical, appear, develop and over time "go" from the "active stock" artists depending on historical era: Antique lyrics did not know the sonnet; Nowadays, the archaic genre has become born in antiquity and popular in the XVII-XVIII centuries. romanticism XIX. century caused to life detective literature etc.

Consider the following table in which views and genres related to various types of art of the word are presented:

Births, species and genres of artistic literature

National Author's National Author National Author
Poem (Epos):

Historical ...
Small genres:

Fees ...
Small genres:
Lit. story...
The game
Folk drama

Masks ...
Song Oh yeah

Modern literary studies also distinguishes fourth, adjacentring literature, combining the features of the epic and lyrical childbirth: laro-epicTo which belongs poem. And indeed, telling the reader some story, the poem manifests itself as an epos; Revealing the depth of feelings before the reader, the inner world of the face telling this story, the poem shows itself as a lyrics.

In the table you met the expression "Small genres". Epic and lyrical works are divided into large and small genres to a greater extent by volume. Close-to-major epic, novel, poem, to small - story, story, fable, song, sonnet, etc.

Read the statement of V. Belinsky about the genre of Tale:

If the story, according to Belinsky, is a "leaflet of the book of life," that, using his metaphor, can be figuratively determined by the romance from the genre point of view as "chapter from the book of life", and the story is like a "string from the book of life."

Small epic genresto which the story belongs is "Intensive" According to the content of the prose: the writer in view of a small volume is not possible to "grow thoughts on the tree", to get involved in detailed descriptions, enumerations, reproduce a large number of events in the details, and to tell the reader often needed a lot.

The following features are characteristic of the story:

  • small volume;
  • the plot is based on one event most often, the rest are only plotted by the author;
  • small number of characters: as a rule, one or two central hero;
  • the author is interesting to some kind of specific topic;
  • some kind of main question is solved, the rest of the questions are "derived" from the main thing.

STORY - This is a small prosaic work with one or two main characters dedicated to the image of a single event. Somewhat volume taleBut the difference between the story and the story does not always manage to catch: the work of A.hehhova "Duel" some call a small story, and some are a big story. The following is important: as wrote at the beginning of the twentieth century critic E. Aichkov, " in the center of the stories it is worth a person person, not a whole group of people. "

The flourishing of Russian small prose begins in the 20s of the XIX century, which gave excellent samples of small epic prose, among which the unconditional masterpieces of Pushkin ("Tale of Belkin", " Peak lady") And Gogol (" Evenings on the farm near Dikanka ", Petersburg Tale), Romantic novels A.Pogorelsky, A.Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, Vodoeevsky and others. In the second half of the XIX century, small epic works F.Dostoevsky ("Sleep of a Funny Man", "Notes from the Underground"), N.Leskova ("Levsha", "Tuppean artist", "Lady Macbeth Mtsensky County"), I.Turgenev ("Hamlet Schigrovsky County", "Steppe King LIR "," Ghosts "," Hunter's Notes "), L. Tolstoy (" Caucasian Captive "," Haji Murat "," Cossacks ", Sevastopol stories), A.hehkhova as the largest Master of a short story, works V. Garshina, D.GRIGOROVICH, G. Sushensky and many others.

The twentieth century also did not remain in debt - and the stories of I. Bunin, A. Kuprina, M.Zoshchenko, Tehfi, A. Averschenko, M. Bulgakov ... Even such recognized lyrics, like A.Blok, N.Gumilev, M.TSvetaev "Embodied to a despicable prose," saying Pushkin. It can be argued that at the turn of the XIX century, the small genre of epics took master Position in Russian literature.

And therefore, it should not be thought that the story raises some minor problems and affects shallow themes. The form Status laconicAnd the plot is sometimes uncomplicated and concerned at first glance, simple, as L. Tolstoy, "natural" relations spoke: a chain chain of events in the story just nowhere to turn around. But in the fact that the writer's task is to enter into a small text of the text to conclude a serious and often inexhaustible subject of conversation.

If the plot miniatures I. Bunina "Muravsky Shlyakh"consisting of all of the 64 words, seizes only a few moments of a traveler conversation with a yammer in the middle of the endless steppe, the story of the story A.hehkhova "Ionch" It would be enough for a whole novel: the artistic time story covers almost one and a half dozen years. But the author does not matter what happened with the hero at every stage of this time: it is enough to "snatch" a few "links" - episodes, similar to each other, like droplets of water, and the whole life of Dr. Startsev becomes extremely clear and author, and reader. "How do you live one day of your life, you live and all your life," the Chekhov says. At the same time, the writer, reproducing the situation in the house of the "cultural" family of the provincial city of S., can focus all the attention on the knocking knives of knives from the kitchen and the smell of roasted onions ( art details!), but about several years of a person's life say, as if they were not at all, or it was "passing", a uninteresting time: "four years have passed", "a few more years have passed," as if it's not worth spending time and Paper on the image of such a strawberry ...

Picture everyday life man deprived of external storms and shocks, but in the routine of the forcing man eternal to wait never coming happiness, became a cross-cutting theme of A. Chekhov's stories, determined further development Russian small prose.

Historical shocks, of course, dictate other topics and plots. M.Sholokhov The cycle of the Don Story speaks of terrible and beautiful human destinies in the Godin of revolutionary shocks. But the point here is not so much in the revolution itself, how much in eternal problem The struggle of a person with himself, in the eternal tragedy of the crash of the old habitual world, which mankind has repeatedly experienced. And therefore Sholokhov appeals to the plots that have long been rooted in world literature, depicting private human life as it were in the context of world legendary history. So, in the story "Mole" Sholokhov uses an ancient as the world, the plot of the father's father and son, not recognized by each other with whom we meet in the Russian epics, in the epos of the ancient Persia and medieval Germany ... But if the ancient epic tragedy of the father who killed his son in battle, explains the laws of fate , not subject to person, Sholokhov talks about the problem of choosing a person of his life path, a choice that defines all further events and eventually makes one animal in human kind, and the other is equal to the greatest heroes of the past.

When studying the topic 5, you should read those artworks that can be considered within the framework of this topic, namely:
  • A. Pushkin. Tale "Dubrovsky", "Blizzard"
  • N.Gogol. Tale "Night before Merry Christmas", "Taras Bulba", "Shinel", "Nevsky Prospect".
  • I.S.Turgen. The story "noble nest"; "Hunter's notes" (2-3 stories of choice); Story "Asya"
  • N.S.Leskov. Stories "Levsha", "Tuppean artist"
  • L.N. Tolstoy. Stories "After Bala", "Death of Ivan Ilyich"
  • M.E.Saltykov-Shchedrin. Fairy tales " Wheat Pescar"," Bogatyr "," Bear in Voivodeship "
  • A.P.Chekhov. Stories "Pumpgun", "Ionch", "Gooseberry", "About love", "Lady with a dog", "Chamber number six", "in a ravine"; Other stories for your choice
  • I.A. Bunin. Stories and Tale "Mr. San Francisco", "Sukhodol", " Light breath", "Antonovskaya apples"," Dark alleys "A.I.Kuprin. Tale" Olesya ", story" Pomegranate bracelet "
  • M.Gorky. Stories "Old woman Izergil", "Makar Mirara", "Chelkash"; Collection "Undime Thoughts"
  • A.N. Tolstoy. Tale "Gaduka"
  • M.Sholokhov. Stories "Molenia", "Alien Blood", "Fate of Man";
  • M.Zeshoshchenko. Stories "Aristocrat", "Monkey Language", "Love" and others in your choice
  • A.I. Solzhenitsyn. Story "Matrenin Dvor"
  • V.Shukshin. Stories "I believe!", "Sapozhoki", "Cosmos, nervous system and Shmat Sala", "Miles Pardon, Madame!", "Slaux"

Before you perform the task 6, contact the dictionary and set the exact value of the concept with which you have to work.

Recommended literature for work 4:
  • Grechnev V.Ya. Russian story of the late XIX century of the XX century. - L., 1979.
  • Zhuk A.A. Russian prose two halves XIX. century. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981.
  • Literary encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 1987.
  • Literary studies: Reference materials. - M., 1988.
  • Russian tale of the XIX century: history and problem of genre. - L., 1973.

For thousands of years cultural Development Humanity has created countless literary works, among which some major types can be distinguished, similar to the method and form of reflecting a person's ideas about the world around. These are three kinds of (or species) of literature: Epos, drama, lyrics.

What is the difference between every kind of literature?

Epos like a birth of literature

Epos.(EPOS - Greek, story, story) - this is an image of events, phenomena, processes, external with respect to the author. Epic works reflect the objective course of life, human existence in general. Using various artistic agents, the authors of epic works express their understanding of the historical, socio-political, moral, psychological and many other problems that live human society In general, every representative in particular. Epic works have significant visual capabilities, thereby help reader to know the world, comprehend the deep problems of human existence.

Drama as a birth of literature

Drama (Drama - Greek., Action, Action) is a genus of literature, the main feature of which is the scenario of works. Pieces, i.e. Dramatic works are created specifically for the theater, for setting on stage, which, of course, does not exclude their existence in the form of independent artistic textsdesigned to read. Like the Epos, the drama reproduces the relationship between people, their actions arising between them conflicts. But unlike the epic, which has a narrative nature, the drama has a dialogic form.

Connected with it features of dramatic works :

2) The text of the play consists of conversations of heroes: their monologues (one hero's speech), dialogues (conversation two characters), pollogs (simultaneous exchange of replicas of several participants of the action). That is why the speech characteristic turns out to be one of the most important means of creating a memorable character of the hero;

3) The action of the play, as a rule, develops quite dynamically, intensively, as a rule, it is given 2-3 hours of stage time.

Lyrics like family literature

Lyrics (Lyra - Greek, a musical instrument, which was performed by the accompaniment of the poetic works, songs) is distinguished by a special type of artistic image building - this is an experience of an experience in which the individual emotional-spiritual experience of the author is embodied. Lyrics can be called the most mysterious family of literature, because it is addressed to the inner world of man, his subjective sensations, ideas, ideas. In other words, the lyric work is primarily an individual self-expression of the author. The question arises: why readers, i.e. Other people turn to such works? The thing is that a lyric, speaking of his name and about himself, an amazing way embodies universal human emotions, ideas, hopes, and the more significant personality of the author, the more importantly, its individual experience for the reader.

Each family of literature also has its own system of genres.

Genre (Genre - Franz. Rod, view) - a historically established type of literary works, which has similar typological devices. The names of the genres help the reader to navigate in the boundless sea of \u200b\u200bliterature: someone loves detectives, the other prefers fantasy, and the third is a fan of memoirs.

How to determine What genre is a specific work? Most often, the authors themselves help us in this, calling their creation by Roman, the story, poem, etc. However, some copyright definitions seem to us unexpected: Recall that A.P. Chekhov emphasized that the "cherry garden" is a comedy, and not the drama at all, and A.I. Solzhenitsyn considered the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" by the story, not the story. Russian literature Some literary critics call the meeting of genre paradoxes: Roman in the verses "Eugene Onegin", the poem in prose " Dead Souls", Satyric chronicle" History of one city ". A lot of disputes were relative to the "war and the world" L.N. Tolstoy. The writer himself said only about what his book is not: "What is" War and Peace "? This is not a novel, even less poem, even less - the historical chronicle. "War and Peace" is what the author wanted and could express in the form in which it expressed. " And only in the 20th century, literary crowns agreed to call the brilliant creation of L.N. Tolstoy romance-epic.

Each literary genre has a number of sustainable signs, whose knowledge allows us to attribute a specific work in a particular group. Genres are developing, modified, die and born, for example, literally before our eyes arose new genre Blog (Web Loq English Magazine) - personal internet diary.

However, for several centuries, there are sustainable (they are also called canonical) genres

Literary literary literature - see Table 1).

Table 1.

Genres of literary works

Epic genres of literature

Epic genres primarily differ in volume, they are divided into small ones ( essay, Story, Novel, Tale, Parable ), medium ( tale ), large ( roman, Roman-epic ).

Feature article - A small sketch of nature, the genre at the same time descriptive and narrative. Many essays are created on a documentary, life-based, often they are combined into the cycles: a classic sample - " Sentimental journey In France and Italy, "(1768) English writer Lorenz Stern, in Russian literature - this is a" travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow "(1790) A. Radishchev," Fregat Pallada "(1858) I. Goncharov" "Italy" (1922) . Zaitseva, etc.

Story - Small narrative genrein which one episode is usually depicted, an incident, human character or an important case from the Hero's life, which influenced his further fate ("after the ball" L. Tolstoy). Stories are created as on documentary, often autobiographical basis (Matrinin Dvor A. Solzhenitsyn) and thanks to pure fiction ("Mr. from San Francisco" I. Bunin).

The intonation and content of the stories are very different - from comic, curious (Early stories of A.P. Chekhov ") to deeply tragic (" Kolyma stories "V. Shalamov). Stories, like essays, are often combined into the cycles ("Hunter's Notes" I. Turgenev).

Novella (Novella Ial. News) is largely akin to the story and is considered to be a variety, but is distinguished by the special dynamism of the narrative, sharp and often unexpected turns in the development of events. Often, the story in the novel starts from the final, built according to the law of inversion, i.e. reverse order when the disconnection precedes basic events ("terrible revenge" N. Gogol). This feature of the construction of the novel will be later borrowed by a detective genre.

The word "novel" has another meaning that future lawyers need to know. IN Ancient Rome The phrase "Novellae Leges" (new laws), called the laws introduced after the official codification of the right (after the release of the Codese of Feodosia II in 438). Novels of Justinian and his successors, who came out after the second edition of the Code of Justinian, amounted to later part of the Roman law (Corpus Iuris Civilis). In modern era, Novella called the law introduced for consideration by Parliament (in other words, the draft law).

Story - The most ancient of the small epic genres, one of the main in the oral work of any people. This is a small work of a magical, adventurous or domestic nature, where fiction is clearly emphasized. Another important trait folklore fairy tale - Her edging: "The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint of a good young lesson." Folk fairy tales It is customary to divide the Magic ("Tale of the Tsarevne Frog"), domestic ("porridge from the ax") and fairy tales about animals (Zayushkina History).

With the development of written literature, literary fairy tales in which are used traditional motifs and the symbolic possibilities of the folk fairy tale. The classic genre of the literary fairy tale is rightfully considered the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875), his wonderful "mermaid", "Princess on the pea", "Snow Queen", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Shadow", "Thumbelina" are loved by many Generations of readers as very young and quite mature age. And this is not by chance, because Andersen's fairy tales are not only unusual, and sometimes the strange adventures of the heroes, they contain deep philosophical and moral meaning imprisoned in excellent symbolic images.

From European literary fairy tales XX century classic became "Little Prince" (1942) french writer An-Tuana de Saint-Exupery. And the famous "Chronicles of Narnia" (1950 - 1956) of the English writer CL. Lewis and the "Lord of the Rings" (1954-1955) also Englishman J. R. Tolkina was written in a fantasy genre that can be called modern transformation of an ancient folklore fairy tale.

In Russian literature unsurpassed, of course, the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin: "About the dead princess and seven heroes", "About fisherman and fish", "About Tsar Saltan ...", "About the Golden Cockerel", "On the Pop and an employee of his Bald". The substantive storyteller was P. Ershov - the author of the "Skate Gorbunk". E. Schwartz in the 20th century creates the shape of the play-fairy tale, one of them "bear" (another name "ordinary miracle") is well known to many thanks to the wonderful film of the director M. Zakharov.

Parable "Also a very ancient folk genre, but, unlike a fairy tale, parables contained written monuments: Talmud, Bible, Koran, a monument of Syrian literature" Education Akhahar ". Parable is a work of an instructive, symbolic nature, is distinguished by the elevation, seriousness of the content. Ancient parables, as a rule, are small in volume, they do not detailed story On the events or psychological characteristics of the character of the hero.

Purpose of parables - edification or, as they said, learning wisdom. IN european culture The most famous are parables from the Gospels: about prodigal Son., Oh richer and Lazar, about the wrong judge, about the insane richer and others. Christ often spoke of allegorically with students, and if they did not understand the meaning of parables, explained it.

Many writers appealed to the genre of parables, not always, of course, putting a high religious sense into it, rather trying to express some moralistic ignition in allegorical form, as, for example, L. Tolstoy in his late work. Puli. V. Rasputin - Farewell to the Materia "You can also be called a deployed parable in which the writer with anxiety and sorrow speaks of the destruction of the" ecology of conscience "of man. The story "Old Man and the Sea" E. Hemingway Many critics also classify the tradition of literary parables. The well-known modern Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho in his novels and reports also uses the parable shape (Roman "Alchemik").

Tale - The average literary genre, widely represented in world literature. The story shows several important episodes from the Hero's life, as a rule, one story line and a small number of actors. The stakes are characterized by a large psychological saturation, the author focuses on the experiences and change of mood of heroes. Often the main theme The love of the main character becomes the story, for example, "White Nights" of F. Dostoevsky, "Asya" I. Turgenev, Mitina Love I. Bunin. The stories can also be combined into cycles, especially written in autobiographical material: "Childhood", "Defense", Youth L. Tolstoy, "Childhood", "In People", "My Universities" A. Gorky. Intection and themes of the ABS are characterized by a huge variety: tragic, addressed to acute social and moral issues ("All flows" V. Grossman, "House on the Embankment" Y. Trifonova), romantic, heroic ("Taras Bulba" N. Gogol), philosophical, parable ("Kotlovan" A. Platonova), Naughty, comic ("Three In the boat, not counting the dogs "English writer Jerome K. Jerome).

Novel (Gotap Franz. Originally, in later Middle Ages, Any work written in the Romanesque language, as opposed to was written in Latin) - a major epic work, in which the story focuses on the fate of a separate person. Roman is the most complex epic genre, which is distinguished by the incredible number of topics and plots: love, historical, detective, psychological, fantastic, historical, autobiographical, social, philosophical, satirical, etc. It combines all these forms and types of novel its central idea is the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality, individuality of a person.

The novel is called the epic of private life, because it shows the diverse connections of peace and man, society and personality. Environmental reality is presented in the novel in different contexts: historical, political, social, cultural, national, etc. The author of the novel is interested in how the environment affects the character of a person, as it is formed, how his life develops, whether he managed to find his purpose and realize himself.

The emergence of the genre is many refer to antiquity, it is "Daphnis and Chloe" Long, "Golden Donkey" Apulela, Knight's Roman "Tristan and Isolde".

In the work of the classics of world literature, Roman presented with numerous masterpieces:

Table 2. Examples of the classic novel of foreign and Russian writers (XIX, XX century)

Famous novels Russian writers XIX. in .:

In the 20th century, Russian writers develop and bring the traditions of their great predecessors and create no less wonderful novels:

Of course, none of such enumerations can claim completeness and comprehensive objectivity, especially this applies to modern prose. In this case, are named the most famous works, glorifying both the literature of the country and the name of the writer.

Roman-epic.. In antiquity there were forms of heroic epic: folk sagas, runes, epics, songs. This is Indian "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata", the Anglo-Saxon Beowulf, the French "Song of Roland", the German "Song of Nibelunga" and others. In these works, idealized, often hyperbulsed form, the exploits of the hero were extended. Later epic poems "Iliad" and "Odyssey" of Homer, Shah-Science of Firdosi, while maintaining the mythological nature of the early epic, however, had a pronounced connection with the real history, and the topic of weave human fate And the life of the people becomes in them one of the main. The experience of the ancients will be in demand in the 19th-20th centuries, when the writers will try to comprehend the dramatic relationship of the era and individual personality, to tell about how morality is subject to, and sometimes the psyche of a person at the time of the greatest historical shocks. Recall the lines of F. Tyutchev: "Blessed, who visited this world in his moments of fatal." The romantic formula of the poet in reality meant the destruction of all the usual forms of life, tragic losses and non-closed dreams.

The complex form of Roman-epic allows writers to artistically explore these problems in their entirety and contradictions.

When we talk about the genre of Roman-epic, of course, immediately remember "War and Peace" L. Tolstoy. Other examples can be called: "Silent Don" M. Sholokhov, "Life and Fate" V. Grossman, "Saga about Forsyites" of the English writer Golsuorussi; Book of American writer Margaret Mitchell " gone With the Wind»Also with a great base can be found to this genre.

The very name of the genre indicates synthesis, the connection in it of two mains began: romance and epic, i.e. associated with the subject of the life of a separate person and the theme of the history of the people. In other words, in Roman-epic, it is told about the fate of heroes (as a rule, the characters themselves and their fate are fictional, invented by the author) on the background and in close connection with epochal historical events. So, in "War and the World" - these are the fate of individual families (Rostov, Bolkonsky), Favorite Heroes (Prince Andrei, Pierre Beszhova, Natasha and Princess Mary) in a turning point for Russia and all of Europe historic period The beginning of the XIX century, the Patriotic War of 1812. In the book Sholokhov - the events of the First World War, two revolutions and the bloody civil war are tragically invade the life of the Cossack farmer, the family of Melekhov, the fate of the main characters: Grigory, Aksigni, Natalia. V. Grossman talks about the Great Patriotic War and its main event - the Stalingrad battle, about the tragedy of the Holocaust. In "life and fate" also intertwined historical and family topic: The author traces the story of Shaposhnikov, trying to understand why the fate of the members of this family was so differently. Golzouorsi describes the life of the kind of foresites throughout the legendary Victorian era in England. Margaret Mitchell - a central event in the history of the United States, Civil War between the north and south, the many families and the fate of the most famous heroine of American literature - Scarlett o` Hara.

Dramatic genres of literature

Tragedy (Triadia Greek. Goat Song) - dramatic genrewhich originated in ancient Greece. Appearance antique theater And the tragedies are associated with the worship of the cult of god fertility and wines of Dionysus. He was dedicated a number of holidays, during which ritual magic games were played with rich, satiirs that the ancient Greeks were represented in the form of two-legged goat creatures. It is assumed that it is such an appearance of satirs that performed hymns into the glory of Dionysus, gave such a strange name in translating the name of this serious genre. Theatrical action in ancient Greece was attached to magical religious importance, and the theaters built in the form of large open-air arena are always located in the very center of cities and were one of the main public places. The audience spent sometimes spent the whole day: ate, drank, loudly expressed their approval or the censure of the represented spectacle. Flewing ancient Greek tragedy Located with the names of three great tragics: it is Eschil (525-456 BC) - the author of the tragedy "Chained Prometheus", "Oresteya", etc.; Sofokl (496-406 BC) - the author of "Tsar Edipa", "Antihas", etc.; And Eurypid (480-406 BC) - the creator of "Medea", "Troy-Nok" and others. Their creations will remain samples of the genre, they will be attempted to imitate, but they will remain unsurpassed. Some of them ("Antigona", "Medea") are put on stage and now.

What are the main tragedy features? The main one is the availability of an unsolved global conflict: antique tragedy This is the confrontation of rock, fate, on the one hand, and a person, his will, free choice - on the other. In the tragedies of later epochs, this conflict gained moral and philosophical character as the confrontation of good and evil, loyalty and betrayal, love and hatred. It is absolute in nature, the heroes embodying the opposing forces are not ready for reconciliation, compromise, and therefore in the final of the tragedy there are often many deaths. So built tragedy of the great English playwright of Villama Shakespeare (1564-1616), remember the most famous of them: "Hamlet", "Romeo and Juliet", "Othello", "King Lear", "Macbeth", "Julius Caesar" and others.

In tragedies french drama XVII century Cornel ("Horace", "Polyevk") and Racina ("Andromach", "British") this conflict received a different interpretation - as a conflict of debt and feelings, rational and emotional in the souls of the main characters, i.e. I found the psychological interpretation.

The most famous in Russian literature is romantic tragedy "Boris Godunov" A.S. Pushkin, created on historical material. In one of his best creations, the poet sharply set the problem of the "real misfortune" of the state of the Moscow - chain reaction of impostations and "terrible villains", for which people are ready for power. Another problem is the attitude of the people to the whole occurring in the country. The image of the "silent" people in the final "Boris Godunova", to this day, continues discussions about what he wanted to say to the most Pushkin. On the tragedy, the Opera M. P. Mussorgsky was written, who became a masterpiece of Russian opera classics.

Comedy (Greek. Komos is a cheerful crowd, Oda - Song) - a genre that originated in ancient Greece a little later than the tragedy (V c. BC). The most famous comedian of that time is Aristophane ("Clouds", "Frogs", etc.).

In comedy with the help of satire and humor, i.e. Comic, moral defects are ridiculous: hypocrisy, stupidity, greed, envy, cowardice, complacency. Comedy, as a rule, isolavous, i.e. Frames to social issues, referring to the deficiencies. Distinguish comedies of positions and comedies of characters. In the first, internally important intrigue, the chain of events ("comedy of mistakes" of Shakespeare), in the second - the characters of the heroes, their absurdity, one-sidedness, as in the Comedy "Lady", D. Fonvizin, "Moborism", Tartuf, belonging to Peru Classics Genre, French Comediography of the XVII century Jean Batista Moliere. In Russian dramaturgy, especially in demand turned out to be satyrian comedy With her acute social criticism, such as the "auditor" of N. Gogol, "Bagher Island" M. Bulgakov. Many wonderful comedies created A. Ostrovsky ("Wolves and Sheep", "Forest", "Mad Money", etc.).

The comedy genre consistently enjoys success among the public, perhaps because the celebration of justice claims: in the final, the vice must certainly be punished, and virtue to triumph.

Drama - A relatively "young" genre, which appeared in Germany in the XVIII century as lesedrama (it) - a play for reading. The drama is addressed to the daily life of man and society, everyday weekdays, family relationships. The drama is primarily interested in the inner world of man, this is the most psychological of all dramaturgical genres. At the same time, it is the most literary of stage genres, for example, A. Chekhov's plays are largely perceived as texts for reading, and not as theatrical productions.

Larine genres of literature

Division on genres in lyrics has no absolute nature, because The differences between genres in this case are conditional and not so obvious as in the epic and drama. More often, we will distinguish lyrical works on their thematic features: landscape, love, philosophical, friendly, intimate lyrics, etc. However, some genres can be called, which have pronounced individual signs: Elegy, Sonnet, Epigram, Message, Epitaph.

Elegy(Elegos Greek. Postal song) - poem of medium length, as a rule, moral and philosophical, love, confessional content.

The genre arose in antiquity, and his main sign was considered an elegic distortion, i.e. division of poems for two hundreds, for example:

MiG Welded: Finished my work many years, so that incomprehensible sadness secretly disturbing me?

A. Pushkin

In the poetry of the XIX-XX centuries, division on biennium is no longer such a strict requirement, now we are more significant to be semantic signs that are associated with the origin of the genre. Contact Elegy dates back to the shape of ancient burial "ponts", in which, mourning the deceased, simultaneously recalled his extraordinary advantages. Such an origin predetermined the main feature of Elegy - the combination of grief with faith, regret with hope, the benefit of being through sadness. The lyrical hero of Elegy is aware of the imperfection of the world and people, their own sinfulness and weakness, but does not reject life, but takes it in all tragic beauty. Bright example - Elegy A.S. Pushkin:

Mad Years Falling Fun

It is hard for me as a vague hangover.

But like wine - sadness of the past days

In my soul, than an older, the stronger.

My way is sad. Promises me work and grief

The coming worried sea.

But I do not want, o'D, dying;

I want to live to think and suffer;

And I know, I will enjoy

Between the sorrows, worries and distill:

Sometimes again harmony I wish,

I will share tears over the fiction

And maybe - on my sunset sad

Liberates love with a smile farewell.

Sonnet (Sonetto Italy. Song) - the so-called "solid" poetic form, having strict rules for constructing. In the sonnet of 14 lines, divided into two quatrains (katro) and two trials (tercet). Only two rhymes are repeated in the katsins, two or three tercets. The methods of rhymes also presented their requirements, which, however, varied.

Motherland Soneta - Italy, this genre is also represented in English and French poetry. The Italian poet of the XIV century Petrarch is considered to be the Coriferation of the genre. He dedicated all his sonnets with his beloved - Donne Laura.

In Russian literature, Sonnets A.S Pushkin remain unsurpassed, beautiful sonnets also created the poets of the Silver Age.

Epigram (Epigramma Greek, inscription) - a short mockery poem, usually addressed to a specific person. The epigrams write many poets, sometimes increasing the number of their ill-wishers and even enemies. The epigram on Count Vorontsov turned around for A.S. Pushkin hatred of this Veelmazby and, ultimately, sent out of Odessa to Mikhailovskoye:

Pop Milord, Semi-merchant,

Semi-sage, semi-ignorant,

Semi-scoundrel, but there is hope,

What will be full finally.

Mocking poems can be devoted not only to a specific person, but also a generalized addressee, as, for example, in the epigram A. Akhmatova:

Could beat Dante Dante

Should Laura's feather love to reclaim?

I taught women to talk ...

But, God, how to silence them!

Also known even cases of peculiar duels of epigram. When the famous Russian lawyer A.F. Konsi were appointed in the Senate, the unfriendlies spread to him the evil epigram:

In the Senate Konia Kaligula led,

It is located, removed and in the velvet, and in the chant.

But I will say, we have the same arbitrariness:

In the newspapers I read that the horses are in the Senate.

To which A.F. Horses, distinguished by an extraordinary literary talent, answered:

(Epitafia Greek, gravestone) - Farewell poem with a deceased person intended for a tombstone monument. Initially, this word was used in the literal sense, but in the future it turned out to a greater extent figurative meaning. For example, I. Bunin has a lyrical miniature in the prose "Epitaph", dedicated to the farewell from a dear for a writer, but forever leaving the past Russian manor. Gradually, epitaph is transformed into a dedication poem, a farewell poem ("Wreath of the Dead" A. Akhmatova). Perhaps the most famous poem of this content in Russian poetry is "death of the poet" M. Lermontov. Another example is "epitaph" M. Lermontov, dedicated to the memory of Dmitry Venerevitinova, the poet and the philosopher, who deceased at the age of twenty-two years.

Laro-epic literature genres

There are works in which some features of lyrics and epics have connected, as the name of this group of genres itself. Their main feature is the substitution of the story, i.e. Status of events, with the transfer of feelings and experiences of the author. It is customary to the lyrol-epic genres poem, ODU, Ballad, Bass .

Poem (PoEo Greek. I create work) - a very famous literary genre. The word "poem" has many values, both direct and portable. In antiquity, poems called large epic works, which today are considered epic (already mentioned above the poems of Homer).

In the literature of the XIX-XX centuries of the poem, this is a large poetic work with a deployed plot, for which it is sometimes called poetic story. The poem has characters, the plot, however, their destination is somewhat different than in Prosaic Tale: In the poem, they help the lyrical self-expression of the author. Probably, so this genre of romance poets ("Ruslan and Lyudmila" of the Early Pushkin, "MTSI" and "Demon" M. Lermontov, "Cloud in the pants" V. Mayakovsky).

Oh yeah (ODA Greek. Song) - Genre, presented mainly in the literature of the XVIII century, although also has ancient origin. Oda goes back to the ancient genre of Diffiram - a hymn glorifying national Hero or the winner of the Olympic Games, i.e. man outstanding.

The poets of the XVIII-XIX centuries created ODD for various occasions. It could be an appeal to the monarch: M. Lomonosov devoted his ODD to Empress Elizabeth, G. Derzhavin-Katerina P. glorifying their acts, poets simultaneously passed the empress, inspired them with important political and civil ideas.

Significant historical events could also be the subject of glorifying and admirable in Ode. G. Derzhavin after taking the Russian army under the command of A.V. Suvorov turkish Fortress Ishmail wrote OED "Thunder Victory, distribute!", Which was the unofficial anthem of the Russian Empire for some time. There was a kind of spiritual OD: "Morning thinking about God's magnitude" M. Lomonosov, "God" of Derzhavin. Civilians, political ideas could also become the basis of ODD ("liberty" by A. Pushkin).

This genre has a pronounced didactic nature, it can be called a poetic sermon. Therefore, it is characterized by the solemnity of the syllable and speech, the famous passage from "ODD for the Day of Eden to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty of the Empress of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna Petrovna, M. Lomonosov, written in the year, as Elizabeth approved the new charter of the Academy of Sciences, significantly Increased funds for its content. The main thing for the Great Russian Encyclopedist is a young generation education, the development of science and education that will be, on the conviction of the poet, the key to the prosperity of Russia.

Ballad (Balare Provence - dance) enjoyed extremely popular at the beginning of the XIX century, in sentimental and romantic poetry. This genre arose in French Provence as a folk dance love content with mandatory repetitions. Then the ballad moved to England and Scotland, where new features acquired: now it is a heroic song with the legendary plot and heroes, for example, the famous ballads about Robin Hood. The constant sign remains only the presence of refrains (repetition), which will be important for ballads written later.

Poets of the XVIII and the beginning of the XIX centuries fell in love with the ballad for her special expressiveness. If you use an analogy with epic genres, a ballad can be called poetic novel: an unusual love, legendary, heroic plot that captures imagination is required in it. Often in ballads are used fantastic, even mystical images And the motives: remember the famous "Lyudmila" and "Svetlana" V. Zhukovsky. No less famous "Song about things Oleg"A. Pushkin, Borodino M. Lermontov.

In the Russian lyrics of the XX century, the ballad is a love romantic poem, often accompanied by a musical accompaniment. Ballads in the "bard" poetry, anthem, whose anthem you can call the favorite Ballad of Yuri Vyborribor.

Fable (Basnia Lat. Story) - short story in verses or prose didactic, satirical character. The elements of this genre from ancient times were present in the folklore of all nations as fairy tales about animals, and then transformed into jokes. The literary fables took shape in ancient Greece, her founder is Ezop (V c. BC), according to his name, allegorizing speech began to call "Ezopov language". In the bass, as a rule, two parts: plot and moral. The first contains a story about a funny or ridiculous case, the second - morality, teaching. The heroes of the Bassen often become animals, under the masks of which are completely recognizable moral and social defects that are subject to ridicule. Great Basinople were Lafontiton (France, XVII century), Lessing (Germany, XVIII century) In Russia, the Coriferation of the genre will remain forever I.A. Wings (1769-1844). The main advantage of his Bassen is alive, people's Language, combination in the author's intonation of the lucavia and wisdom. Plots and images of many Bassen I. Krylov look quite recognizable in our day.

Drama is one of the four literature clans. In the narrow sense of the word - the genre of the work depicting the conflict between the characters is widely - all works without author's speech. Types (genres) of dramaturgical works: tragedy, drama, comedy, waterville.

Lyrics - one of the four birth of literature, reflecting life through the personal experiences of a person, his feelings and thoughts. Types of lyrics: Song, Elegy, Ode, Duma, Message, Madrigal, Stans, Eclog, Epipram, Epitaph.

Epos is one of the four clans of literature, reflecting life through a story about a person and the events taking place with him. Main types (genres) epic literature: Epopea, Roman, Tale, Story, Novel, Art Sketch.

Birth of literature - These are large associations of verbal and artistic works by the type of relationship of the expressing ("speech carrier") to the artistic whole. Three kinds are distinguished: drama, epos., lyrics. Between all kinds of literature, and there are three of them - epos, lyrics and drama - a lot in common. First of all, they have a general subject of the image - a person. Literature - all of her childbirth is different from other clans and types of art by the fact that it has the only image of the image - in a word. The fact that every three birth of literature is that each of them How would penetrate into another. The drama has a number of signs of epic and lyrics, the lyrics often possesses a number of signs of drama, Epos also has a number of signs of drama and lyrics. Epos - the word ancient Greek. It means "Song". Epos dates back to ancient times when there was no writing and when historical narrations The past, tied most often with military exploits, was maintained in the memory of the people in myths, remembered in songs. Epic antiquity songs know however, both love, labor and even sports topics. The image of the image of the epic is one or another saturated period of social development. As in all other cases, in general, in general, in the literature, in particular - time It is not pictures in abstract, but through the heroes, through a person.

So, the Epos embodies the image of the era in heroes. Recall the most famous epic works of modernity. For example, Sholokhov "Quiet Don". The term "lyrics" also occurs from ancient Greek word, from the name string tools Lira. Lyrics, unlike the epic, creates mainly the image of the internal state of the person, depicts the experience, as a rule, is simultaneous, which a person is experiencing. It depicts a certain state of the soul, which we learn because each of us probably experienced a similar philosophical mood, drama has a lot in common with the epic, and with lyrics. Drama, like Epos, depicts a person in one or another era, creates an image of time. But the drama has significant differences from the epic and its own specific features. First, the drama is in principle devoid of the speech of the narrator, copyright characteristics, author comments, author portraits. This rule knows known exceptions. For example, in modern dramaturgy, a person from the author is becoming increasingly, which takes on the author's commentary, the characteristics of heroes, where the presenter determines the compositional structure.

Ticket 3.

B. Action - Main expressive Theater and spectacular art. Elements of action.

Action is a psycho-physical act aimed at achieving the goal in the fight against the proposed circumstances. The difference between the stage action from the action in life: - Dynamics - dynamism, the expiration can be moved and in time and in space - the stage action is a push of feelings. The scene is the scene.

1. Make changes to the environment.

2. Change the inner world.

Physical action is an action that aims to make this or that change in surrounding man The material environment, in one or another item. The effective effect is an action that is aimed at the human psyche by the impact on feelings, consciousness and will. Can be directed to a partner and on yourself. There is a faithful effect - this is a look, the movement of the hand is aimed at the psyche. There is a challenge effect - according to the principle I can not silent. Chase attention is to focus on the object. It can be raised. It happens an arbitrary on stage, involuntary - in life. Increasing information - I evaluate - I make a decision - the device - we begin to act. Increasingly, attention is subject to rotation and imagination. It happens external on the external object, and internal self. Objects attention: partner, viewer, I myself. Circles of attention: Small - not, Middle - on a partner, scenery and stage platform, and big - auditorium and scenes. Conflict conflict in its development. Unity of action. Action - the main expressive means of spectacular art. Stage action is embodied in the actor. The source of our actions are the circumstances in which we fall. In the poetic material, all the action should be conditionally, no everyday decision! Clear miceanssen. Conditional reception of the organization-Soncentricity of thoughts, feelings, moods-compression is conciseness of the plot and the presentation of thoughts. In the composition effect effect, the reception of the transfer is when the outcome of the situation in the final changes 180 degrees.

The characteristics of the characters must be pointed. And the external and internal and plastic and in the speech version of the characters we go to exaggeration.

The rate should be rapidly tense.

The most expressive sharp contrasts in the development of action, curses in the emotional state of actors. Oilness, gravity.

Elements of action.

Work organs of feelings

Memory on the feeling

Creating shaped visions

Activity imagination

Logic and sequence of thoughts and feelings

Physical and verbal interaction with the object.