Children's psychological tests in drawings. Determine the psychological condition of the child in colors

Children's psychological tests in drawings. Determine the psychological condition of the child in colors
Children's psychological tests in drawings. Determine the psychological condition of the child in colors

It is well known that children's drawings can tell a lot about much. Of course, all inner world The child will not reveal in them, but to understand his relationship with parents, peers and others are quite possible.

In a word, psychology for children's drawings is a very important area. The drawing will help to understand the emotional attitude of the child, as colors and paints are able to convey the feelings and experiences of the child. In the drawing, you can find out how much the child is open to the world and that it is disturbing.

All the details of the drawing are important, for example, if most of the sheet occupies the house, it means that the child is completely sociable, but if the doors in it are small, the child probably feels insecurity.

If there are no doors, the child has problems, he apparently lacks communication with his parents, and if the doors are drawn on the side or there is a castle, the child is lonely and closes. The house is the basis, her parents are laid from the birth of a child, so it is very important to look at the drawings, in the center of which is depicted.

If he is drawn away, then the child feels rejected, in the family a tense relationship, another confirmation of this, the staircase leading to nowhere.

The windows are also talking about, if many windows are drawn in the house, it means that the child is open with other children and people. If there are curtains on the windows, it is difficult for him to communicate, and if there are lattices on the windows at all, the child has internal conflicts and complexes, it means

Must be better, and communication is more.

The problems in the house says about the problems, if there is a liquid smoke from it, then the child lacks communication with his parents. If the pipe is hiding behind the roof, it means that the child does not want to communicate emotionally at all, and if the pipe goes thick smoke, he is hard on the soul.

What can designate colors in children's drawings

As for colors, purple and yellow are favorable, usually children use them optimisticly looking at the world. If red, the child is hyperactive, blue speaks of longing and internal tension. If green is dominated in the figure, it means that the child lacks peace and love.

Brown talks about discomfort, and black about falnial sentiments and depression. If a child draws only a pencil, without using paints, he lacks bright emotions. It is necessary to fix it, as it is that the child must constantly know the new

It is important to pay attention to how the child is in the picture depicts people. Often, children draw both themselves, if a child in a picture has big eyes, then he needs support if the eyes are small, then he is afraid of something.

  • If the hands are assigned to the sides, the child is active, if long and lowered down, then he needs help. If the drawn character is in a shaky position, then the child needs more attention, he lacks support in life.
  • Very good, if there are all family members on the family drawing of the child. If someone is not, for example, the child himself, he does not feel connected with this person.
  • From the growth of people in the figure depends on their preservation in the family, according to the child, for example, the mother may turn out to be above the dad, although it is not. It is important and the distance between the characters, on it, you can judge how close or far from family members from each other are.
  • Usually the child begins drawing a family with a person who has the greatest authority for him. If all people are small, the child has a self-esteem.

If the figures are drawn in the upper part of the sheet, the baby is dissatisfied with its position in the family and wants to correct the situation. If everyone is drawn downstairs, then the child has a low level of claims, a favorite family member is usually drawn first and draws better than everyone. If you pay attention to the drawings, you will understand many and you can fight with them.

The image of the child himself can tell about him almost everything, if you know what children's drawings mean, then it's just a storehouse useful information. If he painted himself with an increase in equal with adults or higher, he feels its uniqueness and importance. If his height is unnecessary, he feels humiliated.

If he drew himself in a hat, he needs protection. If the features of his face are badly drawn, it is unnecessarily closed. If his mouth is open and teeth are visible, he is overly aggressive. If his legs are widely placed, he is confident, and if they are removed behind their back, it speaks of uncertainty. If the child drew her ears, he listens to his parents, but they are rarely painted.

Children almost always paint the sun, it is a symbol of heat and well-being, but if there is someone who seggests the baby from him in the picture, he deprives the child of comfort.

If there are many objects in the figure, the family is focused on the material, and not on the spiritual one. If a lot of people are depicted, the child does not feel comfort and he wants to change. If the figures are drawn with sharp and intermittent lines, then these family members of the child are unpleasant, those whom the baby loves he draws smooth and soft lines.

"Letor" talked with Natalia Popova, a psychologist, an artist and the author of the book on art therapy "What is your child draws about, and compiled a clear instruction on deciphering children's drawings. To make you understand how to make psychological pictureNatalia analyzed 5 children's work. Look for examples of analysis at the end of the instructions.

Natalia Popova , psychologist, artist, author of the book "What your child draws"

Press pencil

Pay attention to the drawing style: how power the child clicks on the "instrument" of the artist:

Weak, light push, fuzzy lines. This style is talking about the shyness and indecision of the child. But it is also inherent flexible and movable thinking. Such children especially need your support in positive events.

Strong push. A small artist clearly thinks and emotionally balanced.

Too strong push, fatty, sweeping lines, filled paper. Obviously, your child is tense and inclined to blame himself.

Press, under whom paper is torn. This drawing style indicates aggression and hyperactivity.

Changeable pressure and intermittent lines, circle several times along the contour, strong hatching. You have grown impulsive child. Perhaps he suffers from anxiety: Check, whether the son or daughter is well hidden.


Colors are responsible for emotions, feelings and mood. They can even sign about the somatic processes of the body, for example, about diseases.

See what colors prevail in a children's figure.

There are no bright colors. If one or two colors prevail in the drawings or a simple pencil is used at all, pay attention to the emotional state of the child. Is there enough positive emotions?

Red. Signals both the power of the will, purposefulness and activity and irritation, anger, tension and alarm. Such a child used to defend its interests and borders. Important: The combination of red with dark or brown tones is talking about anxiety and depression.

Orange. With this color, the child expresses joy, bright emotions and the desire for merry. But too much orange can talk about excessive excitement and desire to assert. And even, oddly enough, about an uncertain situation in life.

Yellow. Symbolizes joy, volitional qualities, intellectual abilities, sociability, immediacy, playfulness and an inquisitive mind.

Green. This color is chosen balanced, contact, persistent children. The abundance of green in the drawings is talking about the search for safety and independence. Often, stubbornness and egoism are inherent in such children.

Dark green. Lovers of this color are distinguished by consistency. The material side interests them more than spiritual values: they will rather notice, in which shoes there is a classmate, than how she read the poem.

Blue. This color prefers peace-loving and sensitive children. But keep in mind that too much blue can talk about alienation and disobedience.

Blue. Children who are more likely drawn in blue, have good intuition and have artistic abilities. They are more tender and trusting. The abundance of this color says that for the child the mother's figure is very significant: unresolved questions with mom can especially negatively affect his psyche.

Purple. Such children are real fantasies. They are sensitive and susceptible, love to argue, but often doubt. Sometimes the abundance of purple color speaks of the inability to own its emotions.

Brown. Resistance and hard work - the main advantages of brown lovers. But often such children are more slow. In some cases, the "underwent" use of brown suggests that something has something to hurt.

White. If the child especially complains the white color, then, most likely, he is balanced and loves everything unusual. But remember that sometimes the children's subconscious chooses white to "light up" something unpleasant in his life.

The black. This color for kids is attractive with its brightness, so do not rush to beat the alarm. He can talk about aggressive perseverance, and about determination. The use of it is unconventional in a bad sign: for example, black snowflakes or teeth.

Human figures and faces

Pay attention to how the shapes are located in the figure, which size they are, how much is the one or another part of the body.

Casual creature. May talk about internal disadvantages.

A large figure in the face of the leaf. Confident personality.

Figure at the bottom of the sheet with emptiness above. Low self-esteem.

Figure or face in profile. Anxiety, inability.

Big head. Sophistication.

Clear features. Your child is open and sociable.

Focus on the ears. The artist perceives information on rumor.

Fuzzy features of the face. Remaining.

Widely spaced long legs. Self-confidence, desire for independence.

Very big eyes with pupils. Most likely, the child is experiencing strong fears and needs your help.

Headdress. The child needs your patronage and protection.

Outdoor with teeth. Aggression.

Lips in a smile. Positive attitude.

Highly dedicated mouth. In the family, most likely allow yourself verbal attacks.


Large, long hands. Speak about agility.

Wide scope of hands. Symbolizes activity.

Many fingers. Power depicted shape. If, for example, at the depicted grandmother "multiphalterness", it has a big impact on your family.

Little hands. Weakness depicted. If a child draws himself with tiny handles, he feels helpless.

Hidden hands behind her back or in pockets. Uncertainty.

Raised up arms, fists, weapons in hands. Aggression or desire to show power to defend against attacks.

Exppression examples of children's drawings

Girl, 5.5 years

Colors in this figure are used bright - pink, raspberry, green. This suggests that the child is open and emotional.

On the foreground The figures of people, children are bred. They are depicted largely in relation to other figures. This may indicate that the child brings himself to the first plan.

In this picture we see at home: they are depicted small, as if far from the main characters. A small house located away from the rest of the objects may indicate a child insecurity in a part of family relationships.

I noticed that children in the figure are widely arranged hands on the parties. It can be said that the child is active, creative, but at the same time he is not very conceived. Starting one thing, can throw it and switch to another lesson. In the picture, we also see the dog: for this child is very important with the animal world. He is very attached to his pet either dreams to start it.

Girl, 4, 5 years old

In this figure we see a lot of red. The main character of the main character is painted red - girls or women. Red pencil child drew snowflake. Bright red color indicates emotional instability, hyperactivity and even child aggressiveness.

The figure of a man in the figure is one and she female. Either the child grows in an incomplete family, or in his family, the continued authority of the mother.

Tree. Despite the fact that it is depicted in green, which usually speaks about the inner calm, toys on it of one color. And only one painted with different color. It may say that the child in principle lacks emotions.

We also see the figures of animals in the picture. It is quite a domestic cat and a bunny, which is fenced off from other characters in the Christmas tree. Perhaps the child lacks communication either with someone from family members, or lacks communication in principle. It is as if closed in one space.

Boy, 5 years old

The drawing is made professionally. Most likely, his author is engaged in the art studio. It is clear that the picture is drawn under the guidance of an experienced teacher. It uses the characteristic colors of the winter New Year's landscape. Complied with all proportions of objects and characters.

The drawing for the child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express the fact that by virtue of age limitations he cannot express in words. In the process of drawing, the rational goes to the background, repaid prohibitions and restrictions. At this point, the child is absolutely free. Children's drawing most often clearly demonstrates the sphere of interests little artist. In the early stages of development (up to three years) - these are dashes, lines, circles. The kid "tries" a pencil or brush, experiments. Usually he first makes the drawing, and then comes up with what I portrayed what this is May be like. Later (by four years) appears configure drawing . From a certain age (at 3.5 to 4 years), a person becomes close attention and study. From the point of view of psychodiagnostics, a person's drawing is one of the most accurate and reliable sources of information. The difficulty lies only in the fact that the information contained in such a message, figuratively speaking "encoded", and the drawing needs to competently "read". Psychologists who use pattern techniques in the work should have sufficient qualifications and experience with children. However, attentive parents can always notice something unusual in the creative works of the child, to feel his mood, catch the hidden tension. Therefore, as a "trial aid" we offer several lessons of analysis children's drawing.

Details of children's drawing depend on age

The child needs to be suggested to draw his family. Moreover, so that everyone has been occupied by some business. Let him be the choice of color pencils and enough paper - a regular album sheet (A4 format) is quite suitable. Do not rush the baby or comment on its drawing during the drawing process. And when he finishes a family portrait, it's time to turn with questions: who exactly did and what are all these characters are busy. Starting to analyze the picture, adults should take into account that its content and, conventionally speaking, quality depend on age young artist. Three-year-old people have people most often look like "chasing": some creatures, the body and the head of which are a single "bubble" with legs. Rozhitsa may appear. But, strictly speaking, analyze the drawing from the point of view of personal development and psycho-emotional state will be or rather from 4-5 years. . By four years, the child usually already depicts a person in the form of two ovals with handles and legs - chopsticks. In the drawings of five year old children, head, eyes, torso, hands, legs appear. At six years to the above, the nose, mouth, fingers (their number is insignificant) are added. To seven years, "painters" no longer overlook such details human imageAs neck, hair (or cap), clothes (at least in a schematic form), and your hands and legs are depicted by double lines. Usually these criteria are focused when assessing the mental development of the child.

Analysis of children's drawing on ... own sensations

Homemade hierarchy

Special attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of the family drawing. It is necessary to compare its real composition with the one depicts a child on paper. It should also be estimated to draw the order of drawing, the size of the figures and their location on the sheet. The first and largest, as a rule, depicts the most significant family member in the understanding of the young artist. Children are usually drawn next to those who are experiencing the greatest attachment. And then everyone in the figure is the most incompatible kid relative. The image in profile or back also testifies to the tense relationship between this family member and the author of the drawing. Children live with momentary experiences. And often emotional relations with someone from the loved ones (recent quarrel, resentment) can make their own adjustments to the drawing. In this case, the baby can even "forget" someone. For example, 6-year-old Alyosha does not draw a father who pays little attention to him and is rude. And his absence in the figure explains the fact that "Dad went on a business trip." Alice (4 years) did not draw her younger sister Ksyusha, explaining her absence in that the baby "sleeps in another room." The girl cannot reconcile with the fact that Mom because of his sister does not give her as much attention as before. Inverse situations occur when a child is depicting in the figure of real non-existing family members. Sasha (5 years old) Many surprised his mother when he painted a baby's baby next to him and said that he finally appeared brother! Such "adjustments" in the family make children who are dissatisfied with their emotional position. They need more benevolent attention from adults and games "on equal", and better - entertainment in the company of other such babies. Important role When analyzing the children's drawing, it also plays what the family members are busy. If they are combined by some common matter, most often this indicates a favorable family climate. Very significant an indicator of psychological proximity is the real distance between the figures depicted . Drawing itself separately from the rest, the child can "signal" about its isolated in the family. If he separates his native partitions from each other or places them in different "rooms", this may indicate problems in communication. The image size indicates what place this person is in the emotional life of the family. For example, if the younger brother or sister child draws a larger, then you can assume exceptional attention to it from the side of loved ones. He "takes a lot of space in their lives." The absence in the picture of the smallest artist himself is a frequent sign that the child feels lonely in the family, and he is "no place" in relations between loved ones. You can check it, asking the baby question: "Maybe you forgot someone to draw?" It happens that even direct indication: "You forgot to depict yourself" The child ignores or explains: "There is no place left", "then Doris". This situation is a serious reason to think about family relationships. A very dense image of figures, as if overlapping each other, talks about such close relationships of people close to the baby or his need for such connections.

Evaluation "Letter Manner"

A fairly common feature of an increased anxiety of a child is self-adaptation. Especially such that do not lead to improved image quality. There are drawings from individual small strokes - the kid as it may be afraid to conduct a decisive line. Sometimes the whole drawing or some of its parts strokes. In such cases, you can also assume an increased anxiety of a young artist. It is worth paying attention to exaggeratedly large eyes in the portrait, especially if pupils are hustled in them. Perhaps the kid is feeling a fear. Numerous decorations the presence of additional parts and items of the costume in the author of the figure indicate the demonstration of the child, his desire to be noticed, craving for external effects. It is more often found in girls. Highly weak Pressure Pencil, Low (Not Pattern) Details The drawing is found in the children of asthenic, prone to rapid fatigue, emotionally sensitive, psychologically unstable. And the children who are easy to change the mood without apparent reason, usually in the process of drawing often change pressure: some lines are barely noticeable, others have been made with a noticeable effort. Impulse kids often do not bring lines to the end or, on the contrary, they draw squeezed, so their pictures Certain careless, uncontrolled. It is worthwhile attention to strong push and gross violations Symmetry. Sometimes the drawing "does not fit" on the sheet. There are pictures where everything The figures are depicted very finely. Usually the entire composition is oriented to any edge of the sheet. This means that the baby feels weak and does not believe in his strength. Perhaps one of the relatives are very strict with him or the requirements for the child do not correspond to its real possibilities. If baby pictures yourself in an open position (Hands and legs are widely placed, the figure is large, more often rounded), it speaks of his sociability and cheerfulness. And on the contrary, the "closed" posture (hands pressed to the body or hidden behind the back, the figure stretched, angular) rather indicates a person closed, inclined to restrain his feelings and thoughts. Both in the drawings of boys, and in the drawings of girls it is often possible to notice symbols of aggressive trends behavior: large accented fists, weapons, frightening posture, clearly painted nails and teeth. Despite the seeming hostility, they can be an expression of a protective form of behavior . Adults should be understood that it is for their child a source of increased emotional danger, and why he needed such a demonstration of his strength. Special place occupy pictures with violation of accepted images . In particular, the image of the genital organs. For young children (up to 4 years), it is rather frequent phenomenon. It reflects the trend towards the natural life of life in all its manifestations. Senior preschoolers have such a drawing about the demonstration, desire to draw attention to a provocative way, serves as an expression of aggression.

Palette - soul mirror?

Children are very early to "feel" color and pick it up in their mood and maidos. Dr. Max Lucher, a psychologist and a researcher in the field of color, studied the choice of shades from the colors of various people. He came to the conclusion that the choice of color reflects the psychological qualities of a person and the state of his health. The number of colors used by the child Can be viewed from several positions. First of all, this is the characteristics of the level of development. emotional sphere generally. Usually children use 5-6 colors. In this case, we can talk about the normal average level of emotional development. The wider palette of the color implies a sensitive nature, rich in emotions. If the child older than 3-4 years old draws 1-2 color pencils, it is most likely indicated by its negative state at the moment: anxiety (blue), aggression (red), depression (black). Using only a simple pencil (if there is a choice), they are sometimes interpreted as the "absence" of color, so the child "reports" that in his life there is not enough bright colors, positive emotions. The most emotionally significant figures allocate large quantity flowers. And openly not taken characters are usually painted with black or dark brown. Colors can also transmit certain properties of character and condition. Each of the colors has its own symbolic meaning. :

  • dark blue - concentration, concentration on internal problems, need for peace and satisfaction, self-analysis;
  • green - balance, independence, perseverance, stubbornness, the desire for security;
  • red - Will power, eccentricity, focus, aggression, increased activity, excitability;
  • yellow - positive emotions, immediacy, curiosity, optimism;
  • purple - fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);
  • brown - Sensual feeling, slowness, physical discomfort, often negative emotions;
  • the black - depression, protest, destruction, urgent need for changes;
  • grey - "No" color, indifference, detachment, desire to leave, not to notice what worries.

From theory to practice

So, the baby spent over a sheet of paper with pencils in his hands for a few minutes, and the picture is ready. How much important for himself and for parents is hidden in this picture! Let's try to read it? Here the child depicted himself, but the posture is unstable, and there is no face. And how to communicate without a face? - Complicated! Here is a baby in the crib - to relax. Maybe he is tired. Or maybe sick? And the color chose brown. Yes, it is - the temperature! Why do all girls draw princesses? That is how they feel or ... really want it. Just be the center of attention, to be the most ... Yes, and what about the princess demand? But the boy, armed to the teeth. He needs protection. Maybe someone offended him.

Examples of analyzing specific drawings:

Children's drawing 1.

The author of this "family portrait" is Alyosha (6 years old).

Age criterion In the behavior of the child there are features inherent in more early ageThe emotional-volitional sphere has immaturity. All characteristics of the figure are shown in one way. Clothing, with the details inherent in it, is missing. As a symbolic feature of the floor, the hairstyle appears. The characteristic absence of the neck in the depicted people in this case shows the difficulty of controlling the mind over bodily motivations, that is, in Alyosha's behavior there is high mobility, sometimes dismissance, impulsiveness. Emotional characteristic Figure bright, light, cheerful, ordered, rather friendly. Features of the image of the family Family in the picture is reflected in full composition. In the center of the composition - dad as an important entity in the home hierarchy. It is possible with sufficient confidence to assume that mom is physically and emotionally closer to Alya. The resulting couples are drawn: Mom - Son (Junior in the Family), Dad - Daughter. Lena's sister is farther from the author of the picture. Probably, not everything is fast in their relationship. It is significant that of all family members only dad "hard stands on Earth." The rest - soaring, slightly "twist in the clouds." In general, we can talk about sufficiently warm and close relations between family members. This is evidenced by a slight distance between them, the choice of general color and the image in the same range of the house with a smoke from the pipe, symbolizing the "Heat of Family Floral". "Master of Letters" All drawing lines are made by confident, decisive movements. It is probably the same style of behavior is the most characteristic of Alyosha. But strong push and accented bodies of the body of the boy talk about internal anxiety, anxiety, maybe physical (literally body) ailment. The hairstyle issues the nature active, at times, possibly aggressive. Interesting detail - peculiar antennas (according to Aleshi), which in the figure "grow up" from the boy's ears. They symbolize the need to receive information to compensate for the difficulties in communicating (the child has no person in the image). Posses of all the characters are open, the figures are rounded, which involves people of cheerful, sociable. In the case of Alesh, this apparent contradiction may mean: "I want to communicate, play, but I do not always understand me." Palette The color solution of the pattern is very symbolic. Little artist opted his choice on alarm red for all family members, especially emphasized for himself. This indicates the focus on the outside, sociability, increased activity of the author of the picture. Additional green emphasizes the desire for independence and the desire to insist on its as a familiar way of behavior. An important detail of the drawing is a clearly painted surface of the Earth. If Alyosha spent a lot of time on her image, it is probably something important for him. In this case, it is possible to consider land as a need for a support, greater stability and stability. The purpose of the drawing analysis is always a deeper understanding of the child, a look at his family eyes and the definition of ways to positive changes. In this case, I would like to recommend the parents of Alyosha, so that they pay more attention to deep, trustful communication with her son, more often talked to him just as they were interested in his opinion on various issues. They should also think about the difficulty of contact between the son and daughter. BUT leisureAir games can significantly reduce emotional and physical tension.

Children's drawing 2.

His author - Maxim (4 years 10 months)

Age criterion Such a drawing is rather characteristic of six-year-old children. It can be said that the boy intellectually develops with a lead of his age. Emotional characteristic The drawing is bright, dynamic, however troubled. Features of the family image. The family is depicted in full. Attention to the sexual identification of a young author with dad (see clothing). However, the child's emotionally is still closer to his mother, which is characteristic of the preschooler. Interestingly, the boy seems to not enough space in the picture, it is not hard for his feet. His position is unstable and changeable. Palette Child chose for himself purpleIn combination with his insecure position in the family (it was mentioned above) indicates possible psycho-emotional instability, frequent mood differences. For Mom, a small artist chose an energetic somewhat chaotic, yellow color. Dad - brown. In its image, attention is concentrated on the physical body. Such a child sees his parents. "Master of Letters" Figures are large, angry - most likely, in communication of the child there are some rectinence and a tendency to conflict (sharp angles). A noticeable hatching and clearly painted pupils give reason to assume the presence of a hidden anxiety.

Children's drawing 3.

Petya, 6 years old.

The drawing is bright, rich, energetic, well organized. It is quite consistent with the age of the artist. In the structure of the family, "adult" and "children's" groups are allocated. The younger brother and sister seek emotionally and physically being closer to the pave. Probably in the family psychologically close, equal relationship. Mom is the brightest, emotional image. The child highlights the image of the mother with a color and draws it first. Petya depicts an adult. The hands are somewhat shortened compared to other images. This is usually found in the drawings of children who consider themselves insufficiently skillful, critically relate to their practical skills, opportunities. The sun and flowers are very often found in the drawings of children. It is worth paying attention if their appearance is unnecessarily by the situation. For example, the sun appears in the drawing of the room. Then we talk about the need for more warm relations in family. In the Petita drawing, these characters most likely talk about a positive attitude towards their family.

Children's Figure 4.

Polina, 7 years.

Often children draw arbitrarily, without a special task, requests: "I draw a girl such as me." In this case, we see a somewhat idealized presentation of a child about yourself. Pay attention to the drawing of the polyna. It is located in the top of the sheet, quite large and bright. You can talk about the positive self-esteem of the child, activity, emotionality. Probably the girl has a high self-control, developed intelligence, sociability. But she lacks sustainability (pay attention to the focused land and small legs of the child). From a psychological point of view we are talking On insecurity. Usually it happens in the family where one child is brought up: he is given how it does not paradoxically sound, too much attention, control and direct each step. Thus, the child is deprived of the opportunity to somehow show independence. Gradually accustomed to this situation, the child is afraid to make an incorrect step and is waiting for "valuable instructions." Maybe polynet sometimes worth making their own mistakes and learn to them?

Children's drawing 5.

Alexandra, 4 years old.

The drawing is dynamic, bright, somewhat chaotic. The emotional center of the family is undoubtedly Mom: Heat (Sun), a child, dog focused around it. Her dress is decorated with a pattern. Please note that Sasha draws itself as equal to adults and only legs to the ground are not reached. The girl's character is probably a combat, impulsive, boyish. The lines of the pattern are squeezed, with a strong pressure involve the low level of self-control. For such children, games are useful with simple rules that assume that there are several players. Active sports will also be taught to better understand themselves and relate their desires with the interests of the team.

Children's drawing 6.

Petya, 4 years 6 months

A completely unusual drawing for a child of 4.5 years. Chats turned immediately into mature drawings. This is especially true of adult images. Undoubtedly, this is a drawing of a very observational, developed and at the same time anxious child. Abundant hatching, density, image pressure, are emphasized, the painted eyes indicate the presence of anxiety. The brightest, significant figure is dad. Pay attention to how the hatching of the clothes in family members differs. Pope - in a strictly defined direction, the official suit. Probably in the life of dad very organized, business man. Figures in the figure are highly tight. This may indicate as closely close relationships and in reality. But our chief hero seems to be necessary for active life a greater physical and psychological space. At first glance, it may seem that the analysis of children's drawings is not such a difficult task. However, I would like to warn parents from harsh wording and setting a psychological diagnosis. After all, behind the seeming simplicity and elegance of the method there are many nuances, the relationships of individual manifestations and features. In addition, the person analyzing the drawing considers it through the prism of his personal experience and states at the moment. Therefore, it is not necessary to independently do far-reaching conclusions. And if something in the picture is alerted or puzzled parents, it is better not to postpone the visit to a specialist. Let him help figure out!

  • Sex and children's drawings
  • Children's drawing and color
  • Recommendations Parents
  • Sometimes it happens that parents, having received children's garden Conclusion of a psychologist, fall into bewilderment: anxiety, aggression, rejection ... and is it all of the cute children's doodles? "All psychologists are charlatans!" Parents decide, and do not pay attention to their conclusions.

    Let's find out what kind of psychologists are seen in children's drawings?

    In children of what age you can analyze drawings

    Up to three years old young painters They are at the "CHILDRICS" stage - draw people - "bubbles" with sticking invasses, symbolizing the handles and legs. The drawing of the parts is not available to them, moreover, it's often "masterpiece" first is born, and only then his proud author begins to reflect on what he portrayed.

    Starting from 3.5-4 years Children at first plan a drawing (its plan appears) and only then begin to execute. By four years, the child has a good enough pencil, and "chasonogues" evolve into "people-cucumbers" - two oval with fines of chopsticks.

    Five years The artist has already been able to draw large details (arms, legs, eyes, mouth), and smaller details appear in the drawings: the nose, fingers appear in the drawings. Often, children draw a picasso manner - the head of the character in the profile, but with two eyes.

    Finally, to seven years Drawn people turn out to be dressed, and in accordance with the floor and age, they appear hats and hairstyles and even neck!

    Figures of children from 4 to 7 years are best suited for analyzing their psychological state.

    We analyze the drawing of the family

    The most popular topic is a drawing of your own family. An experienced psychologist He can say a lot, but also ordinary moms and dads can learn from drawing a lot of useful information. First of all, pay attention to the alarming signs.

    Location of figures in the picture

    The location of family members in the picture very accurately indicates their relationship. Often, children "remove" an unwanted character from their work, explaining that "dad at work", and sister "in the next room." This does not mean that the relationship is destroyed completely, often brother or sister is sent in the picture "To another room" after a turbulent quarrel.

    Conversely, beloved relatives may appear in the picture, even if they live far away, so often happens with grandfathers and grandparents.

    The child's closest and beloved relative portrays next to him. If someone from the characters are separated from others, then, most likely, and from the family circle, his child mentally excludes. It can be a working dad, brother or sister, which is much older in age.

    Bad feature - if this "outcast" turns out to be the child itself, it is really an alarming situation!

    An image of yourself

    The child, as a rule, depicts either in the center of the drawing (this is the usual situation for a family with a single child), or next to the central figure. Depicting yourself with the edge of the composition, separately from the parents, the child shows that he feels its isolation from relatives. Sometimes he gives this a plot explanation, which confirms the fears of the observer: "Everyone is celebrated, and I have been punished (I must sleep, read, play one)."

    The pose of happy and self-confident baby is as open: the handles and legs "in the raops". If the child gives himself a work to draw himself with his hands pressed to the body, it symbolizes his insecurity. Too short hands Or their absence - fears of their own inefficiency. Maybe you too often criticize the baby?

    Usually the child depicts the dimensions of the figures in proportion real characters: Parents more, yourself - smaller, younger brother And sister - very small. The ambiguity of drawn himself speaks of uncertainty, care needs and, perhaps, fear.

    Another situation that speaks of uncertainty is the "gap" of a child from the Earth, when all the characters are drawn in loyal proportions, but the child does it seems between his parents: his head is at the same level with adults, and the legs do not get to the floor. Often, parents of such a small artist do not even guess that he is discomfort: after all, they communicate with him on equal!

    Fear and aggression in children's drawings

    Psychologists are aware of the signs of fear and aggression in children's drawings, which often remain unnoticed for parents.

    Large, just huge hand-rakes appear in that family member, who is distinguished by aggressive behavior. If a child is depicting himself, then it is likely that he constantly has to give an anger in himself.

    Clearly painted bright pupils - a sign of a child's alarm, as well as a hard hatch with pressure.

    Finally, hypertrophied fists, teeth, sharp nails - the most vivid evidence of aggression. If a child draws such a thing, then, most likely, he feels a constant need for the protection that the family cannot provide him.

    Sex and children's drawings

    Contrary to extensive concerns, the image of the genital organs in the figures of 3-4-year-old children does not at all indicate that someone corrupts the baby, rather about his interest in his own body and about the difference between the sexes, which he just found out.

    But if the child is 6-7 years old depicts himself with an adult physiological attribute: a girl with a clearly dedicated bust, a boy with a beard and mustache - it can alert. However, most often such drawings indicate the need of a child in attention, striving to embell themselves with any ways. That is why children, depicting a family, pay special attention to their figure: carefully draw clothes, accessories, decorations (babes often draw their crowns). This picture shouts: "Hey, see, finally, at me! I am the prince (princess)! "

    However, you still should once again pay attention to the environment of the child. Does anyone express suspicious attention to him if the child was available inappropriate for his age information (for example, porn film, posenal), which can scare him?

    Children's drawing and color

    The drawing of the child is usually multilight and PEST - usually children use 5-6 colors, it is considered the norm. The more confidently the child feels, the brighter the colors used to them. Of course, not everything is so unambiguous: the child can shade the dad black, because the dad really has a favorite sweater of this color, but if some pencil is among the pets and one or two colors clearly prevail in the figure, it is worth paying attention to This factor.

    Most experts rely on the interpretation of the colors of Max Lucher, a psychologist and a researcher in the field of color. He came to the conclusion that the choice of color reflects the psychological state of a person and even testifies to his bodily health.

    Here's how to determine the value of color in the children's drawing.

      dark blue - concentration on internal problems, the need for peace;

      green- equilibrium, independence, perseverance, desire for security;

      red - Will strength, aggression, increased activity, excitability;

      yellow - positive emotions, immediacy, curiosity, optimism;

      purple - fantasy, intuition, emotional and intellectual immaturity (children often prefer this color);

      brown - Sensual feeling, slowness, physical discomfort, often negative emotions;

      the black - depression, protest, destruction, urgent need for changes;

      if a child prefers simple pencil and does not paint drawing - indifference, detachment, desire to close.

    Experimenting with independent analysis of children's drawings, try to make the child to fulfill him with a desire, in a relaxed atmosphere without distracted.

    Pay attention to the following factors.

      Composition drawing. Are the characters in the center of the picture or in the corner, there everyone has enough space in the picture, in which family members are drawn.

      What kind colors Uses a child.

      What detailsit pays high attention. How hands, legs, faces of characters are drawn, whether the pencil is always the same.

      What kind unusual elements There is in the picture. Is there anything superfluous (for example, the sun in the room, non-existent pet or family members), or, on the contrary, lacking something (someone from family members).

      Like a child pictures yourselfWhat details pays high attention where he sees himself in a family hierarchy.

    We hope this little experiment will help you achieve mutual understanding with the child!

    Children's drawings are taken from free sources

    In order for you to deeper to look into the soul of your child and understand what he lives, what he breathes, what he thinks about, what dreams of, being in the family, if you do not have the opportunity to consult with the right specialist, spend one of the adapted specialist with it We are specifically for parents options - a variant of the picturesque technique "My Family", which detects intrameable interpersonal relationships.

    Picturesque technique "My family"

    Give your child a sheet of paper and set of colored pencils (black, blue, brown, red, yellow, green). Since this trial is adapted for parents and a specialist will not be evaluated, the set of pencils may contain not 6 colors, but much more.

    Offer your child to paint your family. After that, do something, pretending that you are not up to the drawing. Let him feel at least the illusion of freedom. Your gaze involuntarily makes my son or daughter "weighing" in the drawing in favor of you. Let the drawing dwell only alone with himself. Nevertheless, "working", you need imperceptibly to watch the child as he draws what he draws, where he draws.

    After the end of drawing, specify some details with the subjects. Then analyze the drawing sample data from the scheme below. And if you learn how to correctly interpret this data, you can not only reveal the nuances, but also the shades of them, the whole range of feelings experienced by the child in your family. All that your carefully hides, all that hides somewhere in the depth and is not able to express you out loud, all that in it "boil" and "boils", all that torments and worries him daily, suddenly Suddenly, like a genie from a bottle, "breaks out" out and freezes with a "dumb cry" on paper. And, frozen, silently shouting, prays you about help. And this "cry" must hear each of the parents. After all, we, parents, it is unlikely to come to mind that very often we are the culprits of all the troubles of the child.

    Analyzing the drawing, you need to pay attention to the number of details: the sequence of the task, the plot of the pattern, on how the family members are grouped, to the degree of proximity and the degree of remoteness from each other, to the location of the child among them, with who starts to draw a family, on whom finishes who "forgot" to portray, whom "added", who is higher than the growth and who is lower, who is dressed, who is drawn by a contour, who is listed before the details on color gamut etc.

    Let us dwell on some features of the drawing analysis.

    1. Sequence of task execution. As a rule, after receiving the installation, it immediately begins to draw all family members and only then complementing the drawing of the part. If suddenly the artist incomprehensible reason Accents its attention on anything other than the family, "forgetting" to draw their relatives and himself, or draws people after the image of secondary objects and items, you need to think about why it does it and what lies behind all this. What is the reason for his indifference to his loved ones? What is he delaying the time of the image of them? Most often, the Larchchik opens the leading questions and clarifying the shades of family relationships, other techniques. As a rule, the lack of family members in the figure or pulling the time of their image is one of the symptoms of the child's mental discomfort in the family and a sign of conflict family relationships in which the artist is involved.

    2. Plot drawing.Most often the plot is extremely simple. The child depicts his family in the form of a group photo, which contains all family members or someone. All present they are on Earth, stand on the floor or, for some reason, having lost their supports, hang in the air. Sometimes in the picture, in addition to people, flowers bloom, green grass, grows upstarts and trees. Some placed their relatives in own home Among furniture and acquaintances. There are often cases when someone is at home, and someone on the street. In addition to the frozen-monumental group portraits, there are also pictures on which all family members are busy business and, of course, the most important thing. These drawings are usually overflowing expression and dynamism.

    As mentioned above, sometimes they simply refuse drawing or limited to some, especially seemingly an abstract story, where there is no family (see Fig. 1). But this is only at first glance. Figure "Without family" - a child's protest cry and thus supplied by it - SOS. On the presented figure of a ten-year-old girl, jealous of their relatives to younger children in the family, all family members hid in the house behind the thick walls. Himself, like Carlson, she placed somewhere on the roof (the detailed interpretation of the figure will be shown below). When your draws family "Without family", threw things out and decide Sharada. Think about - why? Mouse over the bridges. Otherwise, you can "peck" something significant in your child and lose the "key" from it.

    If the family's drawing in the child associates with something pleasant, with warm, gentle memories, he covers all family members or someone from them bright Sun. - Symbol of caress, good and love. If there is dark clouds in a group portrait of the family or pour rain, then, most likely, it is associated with the discomfort of the child.

    3. The sequence of family members.Usually the first depicts or the most beloved family member, or, in his opinion, the most significant and authoritative in the house. If the most significant considers himself, he, without hiding it, draws his figure first. The sequence of the location of other family members and their ordinal numbers indicate the attitude towards them, rather, their role in the family in the eyes of a child or their attitude, according to the drawing, to it. The higher the sequence number at the depicted family member, the lower his authority in the child. Usually the most recent drawn relative has the lowest authority. Therefore, if I intuitively feels rejected and unnecessary parents, he depicts himself after all.

    4. The dimensions of the features of family members.The more authoritative in the eyes of the child is the family member depicted by them, the higher his figure and more significant sizes. Quite often, young children lack even sheet to place the whole figure completely, entirely. With a low prestience of a relative, the magnitude of the figure is, as a rule, much less real compared to the rest of the family members. Therefore, non-entry and rejected depicts themselves usually barely noticeable, short, tiny-and-finger boys or a dehyctic (see Fig. 2), emphasizing their cloth and insignificance. As opposed to the "rejected" idols of the family do not spare places for the image of their shapes, drawing themselves to the thief with a mother or dad and even higher them (see below. Figure 3).

    5. The magnitude of the space and its dimensions between the image of individual family members indicate either their emotional disunity, or on their emotional intimacy. The further the shapes are located apart, the more their emotional disunity, as a rule, reflecting the conflict situation in the family. In some figures, they emphasize the incompleteness of similar inclusion in free space Between family members of some strangers, even more disconnecting people. In order to reduce the disunity, the PCOS fills the gaps, in his opinion, uniting close relatives with things and subjects or draws among the members of the family who unfamiliar to him.

    With emotional intimacy, all relatives in the family are drawn almost close to each other and practically not disassembled. The closer I depict yourself towards any member of the family, the higher his degree of attachment to this relative. The further is from a member of the family, the smaller his attachment to this member. When he considers himself rejected, it is separated by a significant space from others.

    6. The location of the child in the picture- Source of important information on his position in the family. When he is in the center, between mom and dad, or draws himself the first at the head of the family, it means that he feels likely and necessary in the house. As a rule, places himself next to whom is most attached. If we see in the picture that I portrayed yourself after our brothers and sisters, away from the parents, then it is most often just a sign of jealousy to other children living in the family, in relation to her beloved mother or dad, and maybe both together And by giving themselves from everyone else, the artist informs us that he considers himself an extra and unnecessary in the house.

    7. When for some reason, "forgets" suddenly draw yourself, look for a good reason in your family relationships. They are usually not completely exemplary and, obviously, the child is painful. An image of a child's child without himself - a conflict signal between him and someone in your home or family of the whole in general, and in connection with this there is no sense of community with other people close to him. In this way, the artist expresses his protest response against his rejection in the family. I intuitively guessing that he had long rejected by you that you had almost "forgotten it", taking care of others in the family, "Mustrate" to you on paper, not realizing that he would refuse to draw herself he betrayed his secrets, unwittingly splashing the discomfort bubble in it .

    8. When for some reason, "forgets" suddenly draw someone from parents or other real members of his family, most likely, not anyone else, namely the "forgotten" relative of the child and there is a source of his discomfort, experiences and torment. Intentionally "forgetting" to include such a close to his family, no matter how it is indicated by the way to exit conflict situation And on the discharge of a negative family atmosphere. Quite often, the artist "eliminates" the competitors, trying to repay at least for an instant boiling jealousy to other children or parents of their sex. Especially persistently "Mustit" and does not draw on paper that a family member who constantly suppresses and humiliates it in the house. Therefore, usually on the question: "Where is this family member?" -, continuing to "take revenge" to him, carries continuous non-residents, absurdity and awkwardness, like the fact that this relative takes the garbage, washes the floor, it is in the corner .. In short, this way, albeit naively, but dreams of taking revenge, although I would mentally humiliate close, which constantly detects it really every day.

    9. When for some reason "complements" suddenly his seven non-existent relatives or outsidersThis is, he is trying to fill the vacuum in the feelings lost in the family, or use them instead of buffer, softening the feeling of its inferiority in the circle of relatives. Often fill this vacuum by those persons who are capable of, in their opinion, to establish close contacts with them and give them an opportunity to somehow satisfy their needs to communicate. Therefore, "simulating" the composition of his family, unwittingly invites us to its improved, improved and chosen by him, and not someone else.

    In addition to unauthorized persons, the artist often "complements" his seven animals of the world: we see birds, animals, but most of all the devotees and the necessary people of cats and dogs. And if there are no identification with a real member of the child's family, and if cats and dogs ... just fictional, they are not really at the artist, but he dreams for them to and replace him relatives and friends, then This means that it is eager to be someone necessary. He's necessary for him to love him and so that he will also love anyone too much. And if you did not satisfy him with your love, he is intuitively looking for love on the side. Therefore, think about how your goal, which is not deprived of anything, is stubborn every time in all the pictures of your family, the ghosts of the ghosts of non-existent and non-living in the house of cats and dogs, which even you did not promise to buy it. Think seriously. And regard it as a symptom that tells you about the shortage of the desired communication and deficiency of tenderness and caress that your. Think: aren't you to blame for this shortage?

    10. When for some reason, instead of a family draws only one itself, "Forgetting" to draw everyone else, it most often says that he does not feel himself a full-fledged member of his family and feels that for him it just lacks the place.

    Quite often in the drawings of one person's rejection of the child, family members can be seen through an emotional background and a gloomy color gamut. The loneliness of the rejected age, when they are not yet able to do without parents, is a formidable sign of an unfavorable situation in the family for your child. Sometimes the artist in the image of the family specifically highlights only one itself to emphasize its significance for the rest. This most often makes family idols or who do not hide their egocentrism. From rejected, such is distinguished by involuntary love, which is usually visible on coloring and detailing clothes or on secondary background items creating a festive mood.

    11. To carry out more analysis, consider in detail how the faces and other parts of the body evaporates. Especially informative in the picture of the head. When you see that the author for some reason i misses the parts of the person known in the figure known to him or in general depicts the face of "without face", that is, in addition to the contour of the face, there is nothing (nor eye, nor mouth, nor nose ...), then this is most often - the expression of the artist's protest The relation to the member of the family depicted in this method, because of which, obviously, is constantly overflowing with negative emotions.

    When the artist so depicts his face, a face without an eye, without his mouth, without a nose, then this is a sign of the alienation of him in the family and violations of communication with many people.

    When only some eyes are noticeable from all parts of the face, then, most likely, you are aware that this family member is watching and watching him, not allowing any misconduct, guys and pellery. And this relative "Everything see" is the source of most conflict situations for the child. A similar way can be a picture of a close "all hearing", on which the author is absorbed by the image of the ears exceeding the size of the ears of Cheburashka. When only the mouth allocates from all parts, then, most likely, the "owner of the mouth", as a press, presses on the artist, "raising" his infinite notations, morals within their own morality, and cultivates fear in it.

    When you see that in the figure, the artist emphasizes the attention on the head and thoroughly looms all parts of the person who preferring the face to all the rest, then, more clearly, it shows how much the closest relative is significant for him. And if yours is so depicting himself, then it's just admirement or one of the signs, indicating how he is seriously concerned about his appearance. Often this way the artist also searches his own physical "defect". And if the girl draws his face, then most often she simply imites her mother, who because of the coquetry constantly on her eyes tints the lips, drinking his nose, smoothes her hair.

    In addition to the head, you can give greater information and drawn hands. When the length of them immediately rushes into the eyes, then, most likely, they belong to this from the close member of the child's family, which aggressively treat him. Such a relative is sometimes depicting without hands at all, trying to be symbolically, but aggression.

    When we see the cheerless in the figure, we most likely, the artist wants us to inform us that he is completely powerless and has no voting rights in the family.

    When the figure emphasizes the length of non-strangers, and his hands or draws them raised up, then he shows his aggressiveness or his desire to be aggressive to at least somehow approve himself in the family.

    12. Color gamma pattern- A peculiar indicator of the palette of the feelings emitted by the child when memories of the loved ones, which it depicts. Features and nuances of the emotional relationship of children to individual members of their family or to the family of the whole in general, the romance of affection and carefully hidden dislike, doubts, anxiety and hopes as if they are "coded" in color, which each character is decorated. And you, parents, you need to find a cipher to the code in order to help on time to help, generously stretching the entire hand, desperately enough for the thin straw, for one or another reason to the uniform under the press of hard everyday and everyday troubles, your child.

    As a rule, everything that is loved and what the child likes is drawn to them in warm, gentle tones. His attachment and romantic feelings for someone from those present in the figure, not guessing this, "protruding" a bright, juicy color, who involuntarily attracting your eyes. Usually the one who likes the child is dressed in a special festive outfit, which in its colors resembles a rainbow or clothes fabulous princesshaving doned in a magical dream.

    And even if yours does not use the whole range of paints available from him, he still wants to choose one or not wanting, but it distinguishes at least one extraordinary, beloved to your beloved relative to him among all the others.

    Moms are especially elegant. They express their love for them to designing such models of fantastic clothes for them, patents for which, probably, they purchased fashionable magazines. In addition to dresses, skirts, blouses, where Ryushki, embroidery, swans, in many mothers in earring ears, on the neck beads and hairpins in the hair. Almost all moms in fashionable shoes and with unusual hairstyles. And if you look into the hair color of them, then most often say: it does not happen - since when the hair is orange, yellow and even blue. So it does not happen in life, but it happens in the figure when in the flood of delicate feelings, splashing through this way.

    Favorite dads also have what to dress. And very often their outfits are practically not inferior to her mother's. The child also dresses brightly and all others do not indifferent to him relatives, drawing the most the smallest details their clothes. When the child in the family is good, it is also festively fitted and radiates warm tones.

    Cold tones depicted by a child - like a red color on the traffic light, signing "stop". Stay for a minute. Think about what it is
    so. Ask yourself mentally: "Why?"

    Cold tones tend to witness conflict relations between the child and the members of his family drawn by these tones. Especially informative black color, ordinary black color, most often carrying information about the emotional rejection by the child of the relatives in the figure, whom he portrayed it. And this rejection is apparent or hidden. On applied rejection, you, except for color, will tell another number of details. You will have to guess about hidden, unraveling the maze of the child's feelings. And if in black for some reason, a relative, whom he loves, is most likely, in this way, the involuntarily drawing splashes on paper, all that secretly worries, worries, torments him towards him the member of his family. And as if in these cases, the artist neither tried to assure you that he painted in memory, almost from nature, and his father really beloved shirt - "black", and mom also prefers to all colors "black", and the sister really prefers Spit "Black", you need to carefully check and understand the reason for His "realism". Especially when other relatives are fabulously dressed on the same drawing and hair is fabulously painted.

    As a rule, the reason for realism is that, God's mother or dad, no matter how much, but it can not and is not able to accept the fact that the dad drinks, cutshit, is a source of scandals, and the mother busy by endless affairs is not Notes a dedicated child's love. The sister simply causes jealousy. And suddenly she gets more tenderness and affection ...

    A disaster signal and disadvantaged for your child can serve also the contour drawing of individual members of their family or family as a whole, even when the artist depicts contours various colors, not a simple pencil.

    So, analyzing the features of the interprapping of the picture "My family", you seemed to re-recognized your child and realized that your personality, even a small, inconspicuous, but personality looking at the world with his own pure eyes, having a special angle of view of life. And this angle of view should be known for you. Otherwise, suddenly it turns out that you and your all see in different ways and different eyes and say often on different languages. And so that your tongue has been one, you need to know his symbolism for your child at least in the picture.

    Let's see what tools, details, the nuances, the artist informs you about his role in its own family and about the relationship between other family members.

    1. Emotional attachment The child to one of the parents is usually depicted so that it is close to this parent or next to him. The magnitude of the space between them is minimal. Often, their hands are extended to each other, emphasizing the complete consent between the parent and adoring his child. Almost always, the artist is trying to draw a beloved parent as one of the first in the picture. The figure of this parent is usually higher than all other figures or at least exceeding the growth of the child, thereby giving the young artist a kind of, understandable to him only one, the security necessary for life. So that the parent looks even more impressive, often put it on a pedestal specifically invented by them. The parent, adored by a child, not only thoroughly evaporates them, but also dressed in the most magical outfits, which are much brighter than the brightness of the artist's brighter. There are cases when the outfit of the artist and the best for him in the light of the mother or the most beautiful in the light of the dad is identical. During the first romantic love for parents, girls usually draw themselves next to dads, and boys are closer to mothers. In the period of imitation of the child, the parents of their gender is changing the laws and girls are already close to mothers, and boys are close to dads. Moreover, the parent, adored by the child, is not drawn by contours and strokes, and it looms literally before the details.

    When for some reason, suddenly drawing himself next to the adorable parent, unwittingly between this "nearby" leaves an empty gap, then, most likely, this gap is a reflection of the barrier invisible to us between two loving people. Most often, this barrier is the character traits of the parent, repulcing the child from herself and forcing the young artist to adhere to when communicating with the parent certain, as on a leash, distances.

    Its dissatisfaction usually expresses black or at least one pile smear. Look at the drawing of a teenage girl (see Fig. 4). Here, the black color of the beloved Pope testifies to the child's unrest on the fact that dad began to eat alcohol.

    When the attachment of the child is mutual, he is happy, reaching all the vertices of bliss.

    When the love of the child is unrequited, it is the notching source of the mental discomfort of the young artist. Therefore, analyzing the drawing and "solpidation", who most of all needs a child, you try to take a step towards him. Let him feel like it is necessary.

    2. Child rejection in the family (Emotional rejection). When he feels an extra and unnecessary, rejected in his family, he or simply does not want and does not want to draw his family, or
    draws it, forgetting to draw yourself. In some cases, the artist places his small and unpleasant figure away from everyone, emphasizing these their loneliness among their relatives. Quite often between remote from all the child and his family members there are some unnecessary items that increase the disunity of drawn people. Often, empty gaps suddenly fill by those relatives that are not, or actually existing, but very far away. The role of buffer is often played by cats and dogs.

    When he feels superfluous and unnecessary in his family, his figure is less than all, the clothes are gloomy and imperceptible. Such often simply depicts itself contours and strokes, without stopping on the details, drawing itself at the end of the plot. In cases where, in spite of everything, it is still tied to someone from the parents or both at once, it draws them with warm tones, not staring into affectionate paints. And these warm tones in contrast with those cold tones, which the artist shows, witnesses already formed or began to form the abyss of the relationship between the child and his family.

    Figure 5 (see below) a six-year-old girl, offended by the coldness of his parents and considering himself no needed, painted them festively and beautifully, deliberately "forgotten" to draw themselves next to them. At the request of the experimenter, she later thickened her figure, depicting it with a circuit and a black pencil, reducing the real dimensions. Then, by reflection for a minute, she suddenly happily illuminated himself with the sun, painted grass. And all of it appearance In the picture now spoke to everyone: see, look, what is me small. I still need to love me. And if the parents do not understand this, let the sun will replace them at least the sun.

    As a rule, rejected usually "forget" to draw the members of their family, which, in their opinion, rejects them.

    3. Conflict situation in the family. It is known that the younger and more sensitive, the more often he considers himself a culprit of conflicts in his family, regarding them in the form of a payback for pampering, disobedience and children's sins. The child, feeling guilty, is rejected in his own eyes, so his drawings almost always remind similar drawings with the emotional rejection of children in the family. Most often, the artist "forgets" to draw that close, because of whom, as he believes, a conflict arose. And if still draws that man, he, to attract attention to him, depicts it higher or lower than everyone, standing nearby, in cold, mourning tones. Often, with a conflict situation in the family, all relatives are drawn only by contours, and their separation is visible in the fact that they are removed from each other unnecessary objects, empty intervals, as if there are not all together, and each with themselves.

    When in conflicts, "forgets" suddenly draw yourself, then how he can punish himself. When unexpectedly, it depicts himself next to those relatives to which he does not eat warm feelings, then this way he most often wants to reduce, neutralize, and maybe completely lean the conflict.

    4. Jealousy to one of the parents in the family. When he feels jealousy to someone from his parents, he tries to trigger it in that he suddenly "forgets" suddenly draw a "unnecessary" parent or, drawing it, pens out with all ways to the background. As a rule, the "interweathing" parent is much lower than everyone, is unbelievable and slightly dressed. Often the child has enough patience only to portray it at least contours. The prefeulating parent in the figure most often "inactive", while the beloved is busy with the child a common matter.

    5. Jealousy to brothers and sisters.The hardest to cope with the child with surgeon suddenly on him a sense of rivalry to other children in the family, the more clearly he gives it a feeling, despite the disguise. Usually younger jealous to the older, and the elder is to the youngest child in the house. But most of all the average: his love for parents with him immediately two - and the youngest, and the oldest. Even more difficult to small jealous large families. Often, brother is jealous of mom with dad to his sister, sister is jealous to his brother. In short, in any family, where there are several children, there is always a soil on which jealousy grows. And you, parents, should remember this to snatch with the root even her first sprouts.

    Usually the one to which is jumped, draws close to her parents or close to them. Often with this child and the drawing begins to attract your attention to "pet"; Jealous or thoroughly, literally before the details, it looms all his figure, increasing the growth and dressed in catchy, once again emphasizing this, as a "pet" lives well in the family, or, forgetting about all precautions and "straightening" with her " "At least on paper, depicts its contours in mourning tones to give to understand you, as a" pet "is unpleasant to the artist. If jealousy is so strong that your own can cope with himself, he inadvertently suddenly "forgets" to incorporate his brother in his family, then sister, and both at once, although remembers their existence in the house. There is another option .. To attract the attention of parents, jealous, carefully drawing brothers and sisters, does not leave himself places in the picture or depicts his fragile figure in the distance from everyone, emphasizing it that he is superfluous.

    If in your family there are several children and one of them during the sample in the picture only depicts the brothers and sisters next to you, "Forgetting" to draw yourself, or draws yourself in distance from everyone, think about what the cause of the discomfort of a young artist And if your guilt is in it.

    6. Incomplete family.Probably, a particularly severe injury in childhood is the divorce of parents. The child just do not understand how it can his favorite dad (most often dad) or mom, without which
    in general, it is impossible to live, leave the house, and for a long time, forever. And somewhere in the depths of the soul, considering itselves the culprit of events, he wants and dreams to return the past, putting everything in the old, former, so convenient for him places.

    In addition, it wants to hide the conflict from the outsiders, especially when the picturesque test is not you. Therefore, usually there are all family members in the figure, even if they are already former. Moreover, the parent who does not live in the house is depicted by the latter, after long-lasting thought, pauses, praying pencils. The child, as if Hamlet, should make a choice: "to be or not to be" ... draw ... or not ... And if the choice is made to draw, the missing family member is drawn as if he is real and very often Even has a lot of similarities with the artist himself. Often, such a member of the family is depicted by an unclear contour, and there are various items between him and all the rest, pets, neighbors, relatives and friends or friendly strangers - the phenomena of the magic dreams of a child, in short, all those who can soften the fate of the young artist.

    When it gets used to and in his own way, he is asked that he has an incomplete family, he paints everything as it really is. And to once again show that it is indifferent to him, he compensates for the absence of a parent with some other, important for this moment for it. As a rule, an incomplete family, depicted by a child, almost always has a buffer zone in the figure, the zone of hope, the zone of the relation and dream of a child, so at any moment the incomplete family is capable of becoming complete.

    7. The only one often draws himself between mom and dad.When there are no conflicts in the family, he is the main link to the association of parents. The smaller the distance between the child and parents, the closer the members of the whole family to each other, the stronger the relatives that bind them. When in the family is not all safe or in a period of romantic love for parents, family idyll in the form of a triad - Mom, your, dad or dad, yours, mom - undergoes the collapse. And in the figure of a young artist, the sequence of location of all family members may have many options. And with a chronic conflict situation, with a sharply pronounced shortage of communication in the family, as if an aliens, looking for new contacts outside the family and "complements" his family of those who never lived in their house, but with whom he can in a difficult moment to take at least a soul . Most often, the only one, telling about the family, depicts the type of parent education.

    Recognition of types of education in drawings

    We give examples of the most common options for drawings of various types of raising children.

    1. Kumir family.At the same time, the type of education is most often starting to draw a family from the image itself, and its figure in the center of the paper sheet. Parents are slightly gone, admiring them. The magnitude of the figures below or in the magnitude of the form of their idol. The artist distinguishes himself with bright outfits, his crown is often bangled on his head. And small girls-idols almost always identify themselves with young princesses. The outfit of parents is much more pronounced and serves as a gray background for comparison. Against this background, the idol looks like, as if the holiday among the days (see Fig. 3).

    2. Hyperopka. The child begins to draw a family from the one who takes it the most. Then paints himself with him. Typically, hyperocamed are close to mom with dad or, at least, tightly hold them by arms. Rather, the mother with dad is tightly kept behind the hands of the child. When something does something in the figure, the parents admire them, not descending with him admire. At the same time, the type of upbringing is lower than parents, only sometimes the birth with them. His clothes are very similar in coloring with an outfit mom or dad, and sometimes both at once: he does not seek the idol, to be a holiday on the background of everyday life, perfectly realizing that the hyperopka for him is a peculiar Chinese wall, who is instilled once again confidence.

    3. Gipopka. At the same time, the type of education most often expresses its attitude to what is happening different patterns of drawings. There are often cases when he carefully depicts all my family, suddenly "forgets" among all to draw yourself. And on questions: "Where are you?", "Why forget?" - comes up with the most ordinary versions, justifying his absence in this moment: "In kindergarten", "walk in the courtyard", "the teacher detained at school."

    The polar version of this option, when for some reason, of all family members prefers to draw only himself, while arguing that there is no one at home: parents went to the movies, to someone to visit, did not come from work ...

    When still draws fully his family, he once again emphasizes the disunity of its members in large intervals.
    the spaces between them, involuntarily led to the idea that every member of the family exists here only by itself, he does not have anything to others, especially before the young artist. Drawing fully your family, it accommodates itself in the distance from everyone, quite apart and lonely. And it creates the illusion of the simultaneous presence - the presentation of it among others.

    Quite often, with a hypoophek, they depict themselves only with contours. The figures are much lower than the figures of others even when these "others" are really below the young artist. As a rule, a drawing with a hypoophec accommodates both cold, and warm tones, their different nuances and shades. When the artist, despite this method of upbringing, worship his parents, he does not regret them the brightest paints. He yourself, even dressed, does not see festively dressed. In his outfits, it will be necessary at least one detail, but painted in cold tones, and the black color prevails from all these tones.

    4. Non-postback. Non-entry most often refuse drawing. They just do not know what a family is. After many rapidations, yielding to persuasion, agreeing to participate in the sample, draws itself in the form of a small, tiny person in huge space. Absolutely one man, whose man can be viewed under the microscope, is apparent in the clothes of cold tones. The mourning color of these tones is like his soul, turned inside out, crowded with loneliness. Hopelessness and unnecessarily blows from this soul.

    5. BAS by type "Cinderella". At the same time, the type of education begins to draw a family usually from that brother or from that sister to which it is contacted in the house. Behind your brother or sister draws parents, and the artist himself leaves a place somewhere in the distance from everyone or does not leave at all, emphasizing it that he is superfluous and unnecessary in his own family. Everything in the picture is focused on the rival of a child. His figure is higher than the growth than drawing, monumental, more significant. He - or in the center, surrounded by relatives, or - the first among all. They admire, admire ... especially when he does something (see Fig. 6). And if even "Cinderella" in a hundred times better makes some tasks, parents do not give "her" tasks of particular. At the same time, the type of education does not know how and cannot hide his tangling jealousy. Therefore, the drawing is filled with cold tones. And, by the opponent, the artist often dresses him prosaic and every other than herself, it often makes it difficult for your analysis and interpretation of this picture.

    6. "Yellow Mittens".At the same time, the type of education of the child is very hard to draw the family all as a whole. Fearing someone from parents or both at once, he wants to "neutralize" his fear at least on paper. Therefore, it is usually in the picture there is no one of the members of his whole family who holds it in these "mittens". But herself surrounds by any relatives, except for his parents, and even distantly familiar, in short, those people who at least to some extent can, let it even for a while, soften his fate, reducing the degree of discomfort. When a child in the picture has to portray parents, then it usually does not leave the place for himself in his plot, in any case, does not reveal the true cause.

    At the same time, the type of upbringing the size of the figure in the child in the figure is much lower than the size of the figures of his parents, and not just lower, but deliberately understated.

    As a rule, the member of the family who keeps the young artist in the "Help Mittens", is depicted with unusual large mouth, most often revealed, or with huge clawed hands.

    When such a type of parenting is literally brought to white crown and so afraid of them, which though he wants, but it does not dare to "forget" to draw "tormenting", he draws him most often without any mouth in general or completely without hands, so that At least such a naive way to reduce the captured fear.

    As a rule, the drawing is filled with cold tones. All warm tones belong only to those who give the affection and regrets the young artist, at least by a drop alleviating it his life.

    7. BAS by type of increased moral responsibility. At first glance, it usually it seems that all the drawings of such children are just one of the many copies of a typical pattern with a hyperex. But this is only at first glance. In fact, with an increased responsibility, the artist just like the hypertension, dreams of showing myself in a relatively profitable light for him, then something busy, something that makes it, to pay at least part of our attention.

    However, it is not realized, as a rule, all the nuances and shades of parental education in the family differs in such pictures. And if, with the hyperfect, parents are really unable to take their admiring look from the actions of the young artist, while the type of education of their look is not at all admiring, rather evaluated and even a bit fores. And the color scheme in the figure is the most different. However, most often a member of the family who laid the foundation of increased responsibility in a child, painted it much colder than others. At least, there are always at least one dark smear on it, most likely black - a kind of indicator of a genuine child's relationship to the member of his family depicted. Simple, normal indicator, breaking all the masks.

    Take a look at Figure 7 (see below). You see a kind of arbitrator. Court of child, the first time brought home the triple. Eyes of parents, like a blowing pistol, ready to shoot in one target. And this target is a first grader, cristed in the chair, who dreams of merging with him together, disappear, dissolve in it, so that only not to see this infrared view of his parents. View-torture and Punishment. A look that says more than words. The plot is saturated with black. All people look like blacks. And only a vase with bright colors on the table Yes, I broke out the "fire" of the carpet instill some hope in us. The child will ever cope, a little later, with the heavy mission of increased responsibility suddenly on him. He will be, he will endure, he will win.

    8. BRE "In the cult of the disease."And in the drawing, the cult is always a cult, whatever he is. Even in spite of the fact that it is only a cult of illness. At the same time, the type of education drawing as if permeated with all-consuming egocentrism. Over all owes. And you involuntarily concentrate your attention on his figure. Like the idol or like a hypertension - in such a picture most often in the center. Around him those who cares constantly behind him in the house. This is usually a mother or grandmother. The share of other family members is rarely a place on paper. Quite often, even the picture is depicting how they are sick, and next to them those who break them out greatly and vigilly, or rather - constantly. But no matter how sad it seems to us sometimes such a plot, the "patient" prefers him to paint with warm colors ..

    9. Bas for the type of "Kronprinta"."Kronprintsy" first paint things. The world of things surrounds them from all sides literally from birth, the world of things, and not the world of people. Then the "cronprints" is usually in the figure depicts itself playing with these things. He recalls parents rarely. Much more often, he puts his friends next to him who are able to divide loneliness with him, playing with the little "crown" by his overseas, invaluable toys. There are often cases when the "Crown Princes" "replace" drawing of their own family drawing room with things ..

    10. Contliminate. This type of education is quite difficult to catch one drawing. The child most often "grows" individual family members in small groups. He puts himself next to whom is most attached. And those of the relatives who "interferes" to him usually places in the distance. There are often cases when the artist in the form of "buffer" draws his grandparents even when they are not alive.

    11. Change of samples of education(See Figure 1 below). The drawing most often identifies the reason for the change of the type of child's education, and not the type itself, the type, which is actually not.

    When the newborn family appears in the family, the former idol usually "forgets" to draw it among his relatives or, depicting the baby next to his parents, leaves no place for himself. When dad leaves out of the house forever, it still continues to draw him in the family, as if nothing happened, often even starting his drawing from his father. Probably, he just recalls good and beautiful past, which would like to return and make it a real again.

    Fig. 1. Drawing girls 10 years Saul R. "My family." The type of education is to change the samples of education. Kumir, who rejected because of the family in the family of other children. And although the main in the picture is a house, his hearth, like Carlson, somewhere there on the roof of the house (or behind it). And in the house of the former idol just there is no place.
    Fig. 2. Figure Girls 6 years Lera E. "My Family." Type of education - hopelessness. Lonely, no one needed, rejected. And even the fragile figure of the girl resembles the letter "I". I, I am completely alone on white light. And really there is not even a person in the city, which I would need ...
    Fig. 3. Drawing of a girl 7 years old Olya M. "My family." Type of education - idol family. Kumir family in all its monumentality.
    Fig. 4. Figure Girls 6 years and 7 months. Svetts T. "My Family." Type of upbringing closer to the hypoophec. Child, often feeling lonely in a family, jealous of parents to his younger sister, To the sister, which is not only your mother's masses with dad, but even their flowers. Black Pad pants pushing the thought that the girl is concerned and harmful habits Father is a source of scandals in the house.
    Fig. 5. Figure Girl 6 years 5 months. Lera G. "My Family". Type of education - hypoophek. Another example, when in a completely prosperous seme, even admiring her mother with dad, feels superfluous, believing that he doesn't need at all. Against the background of festively dressed parents, all the time employed only by themselves, agreed only at the request of the senior to portray themselves and that faceless silhouette.
    Fig. 6. Drawing of a girl 13 years old Lena K. "My family." Bas Type "Cinderella". As if Cinderella did not try to attract the attention of parents to themselves, playing on the piano, his mother with dad to her there is no case, and they are completely absorbed in the family of poles and her brother's cereals.
    Fig. 7. Drawing a boy of 7 years 6 months. Idana S. "My Family." RED for high moral responsibility.
    Fig. 8. Drawing of the girl 10 years Saul R. "The family I want." Overheaded idol (see Fig. 1) dreams of revering to the family so that the family will be like that, as before, with one child, of course, they. But, speaking with black strokes in Figures, harsh reality does not give him peace: it is unlikely that it will be able to reiterate in his family.
    Fig. 9. Drawing of a girl 6 years old Lera E. "The family I want." Dreams and dreams of a hopeless child. At least the holiday reiterated the family. Let mom and dad finally see what grew up, became equal to them and dreams of living in their family.
    Fig. 10. Figure Girl 6 years 9 months. Tanya B. "The family I want." Dreams and dreams Girls, which father holds in "Help Mittens" (see the text in the text).
    Fig. 11. Figure Girl 6 years 8 months. Oli B. "The family I want." I want a family impregnated with the sun, so that we are always only together together, so that everyone has been for everyone, and all - for one!

    Modification of the picturesque technique "My family" - "Family I want"

    So, you only made the first steps to diagnose intrasday relations on such a simple and so universal simultaneously sample "My family". However, in order to still look deep into the child in the soul, you can also use our version of this sample, modifying it into the "Family I want."

    To do this, after your finish draw your family, turn the paper sheet to the other side and give him a new task: let him draw another pencils another family, but not a seven twin, and the one that he would like to have, otherwise - "The family I want."

    "The family I want" ... You managed to involuntarily press the child's fantasy levers, remove the brakes, raise the veins of the secrets, seeing what was hidden even for a child. And if the first of the drawings is most often something like a lock, open which is not always possible due to the cipher, then the second pattern is the key to the lock, code to the cipher. The second pattern is a positive after the operation of the retoucher with the negative of the first drawing. The second drawing is "input" in the desired, "entrance" in the "beautiful far", which would not be minded now. You will not find on the second drawing even a hint of the silhouettes of the future husband or the future wife of the artist. You will not find in the second drawing of his future children. The child is just not able to portray himself.

    "The family I want" it represents only in the present. "Beautiful far" for him is desired today. And so that it becomes clear, it is necessary so little only to eliminate obstacles that prevent on the way. And he easily "eliminates" on paper, "neutralizing" their own methods. Therefore, it is usually in the figure "Family I want" often "disappears" by someone from the true family of the child or doubtful relatives appear, which few people knew. The artist or "shortens", or "lengthens" his family, producing in it only understandable to him and replace the scenery. When there is no visible replacement, then usually on the second figure, the sequence of the location of the parents of the child's parents, as well as his brothers and sisters, is different and differs much from the one we saw in the sample "My Family." As a rule, almost all relatives for some reason change places. And if suddenly the father of the artist kept him in "Help Mittens" and because of this was the first in the figure "My Family", then the second sample puts everything as it should. Therefore, when still decides in new family "Leave" even such a dad, he draws it in a distance from everyone and after all.

    That relative that for some reason "forgets" to portray in the "family I want," as a rule, is the source of his discomfort, the cause of all experiences and adversity. And, "excluding" him on their own from the members of his own family and thus accomplishing his "court", the artist as if we suggest a way out of the situation and "hints" how to implement it.

    Take a look at the drawing former idol (See Fig. 8). In My Family (see Fig. 1) only portrayed himself. But in the "family I want," he seems to be restored by the past. And dad with my mother again next to him, and not as before, behind the closed door. Indeed, "My Family" really often is a locked door. But the "family I want" - smashed manifests for other gates. And now we are already rejected (see Fig. 2) Dreams by the holiday to merge the family in which he himself would be like a holiday (see Figure 9) And the one whom the father kept in the "Help Mittens", takes everyone except Pope , by chance "forgotten" to call with me the Father (see Fig. 10), and sends a senior sister for urgent, urgent and important things for it, so that finally be alone with his beloved mother.

    Oh, if only the fairy tale has become a javley! Oh, if I suddenly turned into a fairy tale! And over the family always b shining the sun. And everyone would not live without each other (see Fig. 11). I want a family impregnated by the sun. I want a family like the sun. I want to always live in my family, faith and love!

    Probably, you were convinced that most often "masks" with the analysis of the picture "My family" "breaks" only a drawing "Family I want." And if you had to suddenly restrict ourselves to one drawing, you doubted B in their own guesses. Therefore, when it will suddenly be difficult to decode the picturesque sample "My Family", use its option "Family I want."