Element of composition in a works of art: Examples. Structure of an artistic work

Element of composition in a works of art: Examples. Structure of an artistic work
Element of composition in a works of art: Examples. Structure of an artistic work

Today we are talking on the topic: "Traditional elements of the composition." But first should be remembered what "composition" is. For the first time we meet with this term still at school. But everything flows, everything changes, gradually even the strongest knowledge is erased. Therefore, we read, the old, and the missing gaps we replenish.

Composition in literature

What is the composition? First of all, we appeal for help to an explanatory dictionary and learn that in the literal translation from Latin, this term means "drawing up, an essay." What to say without the "essay", that is, without the "composition", no artistic work is impossible (examples follow further) and no text as a whole. From here it turns out that the composition in the literature is a certain order of arrangement of parts of the artistic work. In addition, these are certain forms and methods of artistic image, which have a direct connection with the content of text.

The main elements of the composition

When we open a book, then the first thing we hope and that we anticipate is a beautiful entertaining story that will be surprised or to keep us in tension, and after a long time not to let go, forcing it again and again to mentally return to the read. In this sense, the writer is a real artist who primarily shows, and does not tell. He avoids direct text type: "And now I will tell." On the contrary, his presence is invisible, unobtrusively. But what needs to know and be able to such skill?

Composite elements - this is the palette in which the artist is a master of the word, mixes his paints so that in the future it turned out a bright, colorful plot. These include: monologue, dialogue, description, narration, image system, author's retreat, plug-in genres, plot, plot. Next - about each of them in more detail.

Monologic speech

Depending on how many people or characters in the artistic work are involved in speech - one, two or more, - a monologue, dialogue and polylog are distinguished. The latter is a kind of dialogue, so we will not stop on it. Consider only the first two.

The monologue is an element of the composition, which consists in using the author of speech by one character, which does not imply an answer or does not receive it. As a rule, it is addressed to listeners in a dramatic work or to themselves.

Depending on the function, the text distinguishes such types of monologue as: technical - description of the hero of the events currently occurring; lyric - transmission by the hero of its strong mental experiences; The adoption monologue is the internal reflection of the character, which is located in front of the complex choice.

The following types are allocated in the form: the author's word - the author's appeal to readers, most often through one or another character; The stream of consciousness is the free course of the thoughts of the hero as they are, without obvious logic and not adhering to the rules of literary constructing of speech; Dialectics of reasoning - the presentation of the hero of all for both against; Dialogue in solitude - a mental appeal of the character to another acting person; Apart - in dramaturgy a few words to the side, which characterize the present state of the hero; Stans are also in dramaturgy lyrical reflections of the character.

Dialogical speech

The dialogue is another element of the composition, a conversation of two or more actors. Usually, a dialogic speech is the perfect means of transmitting a collision of two configuring points of view. It also helps creating an image, personality disclosure, character.

Here I want to say about the so-called dialogue from questions that suggests a conversation consisting exclusively from issues, and the response replica of one of the characters is the question, and the answer to the previous remark at the same time. (Examples follow further) Hanmagomedov Aydina Asadullaevich "Frame" is a bright confirmation of this.


What is a person? This is also a special character, and individuality, and a unique appearance, and the environment in which he was born was brought up and there is at the moment life, and his house, and things that he surrounds himself, and people, distant and relatives, and the surrounding His nature ... The list can be continued to infinity. Therefore, creating an image in a literary work, the writer should look at his hero from all possible sides and describe, without losing any detail, even more - to create new "shades", which cannot even be submitted. The following types of artistic descriptions are allocated in the literature: Portrait, Interior, Landscape.


This is one of the most important compositional elements in the literature. He describes not only the appearance of the hero, but also its inner world is the so-called psychological portrait. Molly and portrait place in artistic work. A book or, on the contrary, may begin (A. P. Chekhov, "Ionch"). Maybe immediately after the execution of some kind of act (Lermontov, the "hero of our time"). In addition, the author can draw a character in one fell swoop, monolithic (Raskolniki in "Crime and Cashcoat", Prince Andrei in the "War of War and the World"), and another time and dispel the features of the text ("War and Peace", Natasha Rostov). Mostly the writer himself takes over the brush itself, but sometimes it provides this right to someone from the actors, for example, Maxim Maxima in the "Hero of Our Time" novel so that he described the Pechorin as much as possible. The portrait can be written ironically satirically (Napoleon in the "War of War and the World") and "sidelive". Under the "magnifying glass" of the author sometimes gets only a person, a certain part or all of becoming a figure, manners, gestures, clothes (brooms).

Description of interior

The interior is an element of the composition of the novel, allowing the author to create a description of the housing of the hero. It is no less valuable than the portrait, since the description of the view of the room, the situation, the atmosphere, reigning in the house - all this plays an invaluable role in the transfer of the characteristics of the character, in understanding the depth of the created image. The interior discovers a close relationship with which is the part through which the whole is familiar, and the unit, through which the multiple is seen. So, for example, Dostoevsky in the novel "Idiot" in the gloomy house Rogozhina "hung" the picture of the Golbaine "Dead Christ", in order to once again pay attention to the irreconcilable struggle of true faith with passions, with a worker in the soul of Rogozhina.

Landscape - Description of Nature

As Fedor Tyutchev wrote, nature is not what we imagine, she is not soulless. On the contrary, it is much hidden in it: both the soul, and freedom, and love, and language. The same can be said about the landscape in the literary work. The author with the help of such an element of the composition as a landscape depicts not only nature, terrain, city, architecture, but thereby reveals the state of the character, and opposes the naturalness of nature with conventional human beliefs, acts as a kind of symbol.

Recall the description of the oak when traveling Prince Andrei to the house to Rostov in the novel "War and Peace". How he (oak) was at the very beginning of the path - the old, sullen, "contempt" among smiling peace and spring birch. But at the second meeting, he unexpectedly bloomed, updated, despite the century of rigid bark. He still obeyed spring and life. Oak in this episode is not the only landscape, a description of the coming nature after a long winter, but also the symbol of the prince of change, the new stage in his life, which managed to "break down" who had already had a desire to be a rougom life in him before the end of his days .


In contrast to the description, which is static, nothing happens in it, nothing changes and in general it answers the question "What?" The story includes an action, the "sequence of events occurring" and a key issue for him is "what happened ? ". If we say figuratively, the narrative as an element of the composition of the artwork can be represented as a slideshow - a quick change of pictures illustrating any plot.

System images

As each person has its own network of lines on the pillows of fingers, forming a unique pattern, and each product has its own unique image system. Here you can include the image of the author, if there is, the image of the narrator, the main characters, the heroes of antipodes, minor heroes, and so on. Their relationships are built depending on the ideas and purposes of the author.


Or a lyrical retreat is the so-called extrapty element of the composition, with which the identity of the author is ripening into the plot, thereby interrupting the immediate course of the storytelling. What is it for? First of all, to establish a special emotional contact between the author and the reader. Here the writer is no longer the role of a narrator, but opens his soul, raises deep personal questions, argues on moral, aesthetic, philosophical topics, shares memories from his own life. Thus, the reader managed to translate the spirit before the stream of the following events, stop and deeper into the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, think about the questions pondered before him.

Plugged genres

This is another important composite element, which is not only the necessary part of the plot, but also serves as a more voluminous, deep disclosure of the character of the hero, helps to understand the reason for his one or another life choice, his inner world and so on. Inserts can be any genres of literature. For example, stories are the so-called story in the story (the novel "Hero of our time" "), poems, stories, poems, songs, fables, letters, parables, diaries, sayings, proverbs and many others. They can be both their own essay and someone else's.

Plot and Fabul

These two concepts often either confuse each other, or mistakenly believe that this is the same. But they should be distinguished. The plot is, it can be said, the skeleton, the basis of a book, in which all parts are interrelated and follow one after another in the order that is necessary for the full implementation of the copyright, disclosure of the idea. In other words, events in the plot can occur in different time periods. Fabul is the base, but in a more compressed form, and plus a sequence of events in their strict chronological order. For example, birth, maturity, old age, death is Fabul, the plot is maturity, memories of childhood, adolescence, youth, lyrical deviations, old age and death.

Scene composition

At the plot, just like the literary work itself, there are its own stages of development. In the center of any plot, there is always a conflict, around which the main events are developing.

A book from exposure or prologue begins, that is, with "clarification", describing the situation, that starting point, where everything began. Next, it is followed by the tie, you can say, the foresight of future events. At this stage, the reader begins to realize that the future conflict is no longer outside the corner. As a rule, it is in this part that the main characters are found, which are destined together, side by side pass through the coming tests.

We continue to list the elements of the plot composition. The next stage is the development of action. Usually it is the most weighty piece of text. Here the reader is already becoming an invisible participant in the events, he with all the sign, he feels, in which the salt of what is happening, but still intrigued. Gradually, the centrifugal force sucks him, slowly, unexpectedly for himself, it turns out to be in the very center of the waterproof. Culmination comes - the most peak, when both the main characters, and the real storm of feelings and the sea of \u200b\u200bemotions are collapsed on the reader himself. And then, when it is already clear that the worst behind and you can breathe, the junction is quietly knocking on the door. She chews everything, explains every detail, decides all things around the shelves - every place on his place, and the tension slowly falls. The epilogue also sums up and briefly describes the further life of the main and minor heroes. However, not all plots have the same structure. Traditional elements of the fairy-tale composition are completely different.


The fairy tale is a lie, yes in it hint. What? The elements of the composition of the fairy tale are fundamentally different from their "fellow", although when reading, easy and relaxed, you do not notice. This is the talent of the writer or even the whole people. As Alexander Sergeevich instructed, reading fairy tales is simply necessary, especially common, because all the properties of the Russian language are concluded.

So what are they are traditional elements of a fabulous composition? The first words are a surcharge that sets up for a fabulous mood and promises a lot of miracles. For example: "There will be this tale to affect the morning before dinner, there are soft bread ..." When listening to relaxes, sitting more comfortable and ready to listen further, the situation is the beginning. The main characters, a place and time of action are presented, and another trait is also carried out, the dividing world into two parts is real and magical.

Next, the fairy tale itself is, in which repeats often meet to enhance the impression and gradually approaching the junction. In addition, poems, songs, sound-powered by animals, dialogues - all these are also integral elements of the composition of the fairy tale. The fairy tale also has its own ending, which seems to be summarized by all the wonders, but at the same time hints at the infinity of the magical world: "Live, live and fit."

Structure of an artistic work

The idea of \u200b\u200ban artistic work

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe artistic work is a generalizing, emotional, figurative thought underlying the work of art. In other words, this is what the work is written for.

Plot artwork

The plot of the artwork is the development of action, the course of events in narrative and dramatic works, sometimes in lyrical. In other words, this is what the work. In modern literary and school practice, the terms "plot" and "Fabul" are recognized as synonyms. Or the "plot" is called the entire course of events, and "Fabul" is the main conflict that develops in them.

Composition of an artistic work

The composition of the artwork is the location and correlation of components in artistic form, that is, the construction of the product due to its content and genre. The main components of the composition:

1. Exposition- A part that precedes an action telling, as a rule, about the place, time and conditions of the future action.

2. Vazka - A part in which the conflict of the work is indicated, the prerequisites for the further development of the plot are created.

3. Development of action - Part in which the conflict is deepened, makes up in detail.

4. Culmination - The highest point of development of the plot, in which the conflict is as much as possible and requires immediate permission.

5. Junction - A part in which conflict comes to its logical permission.

6. Conclusion - Part of the final work, which reports additional information about the heroes of the work, drawing a landscape, etc.

As an example, we will analyze from the point of view of the composition Roman "Fathers and Children" Turgenev.

In order to determine the parts of the composition, it is necessary to determine the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, since the composition is nothing but a consistent, logically reasonable proof of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is the debt of the "nihilistic doctrine" of the Bazarov and the dogmatic hypocrisy of the Fathers generation in the face of P. P. Kirsanov, opposition to them of the true, "eternal" feelings (love, harmonious being, concern for the new generation, and so on.) . P. Kirsanova, as well as the history of Love Bazarov to Odse and Paul Petrovich - to Fenzheka. The death of Bazarov is a regular result of the tragic contradiction in which his beliefs (nihilism) and inner human essence come into.

Based on this:

Exposition - Waiting for N. P. Kirsanov and the old servant of Arkady's arrival, the story about the manor of Kirsanov, about the past family.

Tie - the arrival of Bazarov, his unusual appearance and non-standard behavior.

Development of action - The verbal battle of Bazarov and Paul Petrovich, acquaintance with Sitnikov, Kukshina, a trip to Odintova.

Culmination - Explanation of the Bazarov and the refusal of Odenty.

Junction - Death of Bazarov.

Conclusion - Scene of the rural cemetery, Bazar's parents on the grave of the Son, the story of the future fate of the heroes of Roman - Arkady, Odintova, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova, and others.

Poetics of artwork, figures speech

Pathos (From Greek Pathos - suffering, inspiration, passion) - B.G. Belinsky considered Paphos as a "passion idea", which the poet "contemplates not mindless, not a reason, not a feeling, but everything is complete and the integrity of its moral being." In other words, this is the emotional orientation of the work (tragic, heroic pathos, satirical pathos, etc.).

Comparison - This is a figurative verbal expression in which the depicted phenomenon is likened to some other one for any common feature for them in order to reveal new, important properties in the comparison facility.

For example,: "The madness is an eternal poet - as a fresh key among the ruins" (Vl. S. Solovyov), "Beautiful as the Heaven Angel" (M. Yu. Lermontov).

Metaphor (from Greek Metaphora) - the transfer of the properties of one subject (phenomenon or aspect of being) to another, according to the principle of their similarity in any respect or contrast. In contrast to the comparison, which contains both members of the comparison (for example, "as wings, they grow out and separated from the ground" - B. L. Pasternak), the metaphor is a hidden comparison in which the words "how", "as if ", Like" omitted, but meant.

For example,: "Enchanted Stream" - V.A. Zhukovsky; "Living chariot Mirozdanya" - F. I. Tyutchev; "Life is a flexible fire" - A. A. Blok.

Epithet (from the Greek Epiteton - letters, "applied") - a figurative definition of the subject (phenomena), expressed mainly adjective, but also impurge, named nouns, numerical, verb. Unlike the usual logical definition, which allocates the subject from many (for example, the "quiet ringing"), the epithet allocates in the subject one of its properties ("proud horse"), or tolerates the property of another subject ("Live trail" ). For example, the so-called "permanent epithets" are common in people's poetic creativity: good well done, clean field, Krasno Girl.

Elimination - A type of epithet when the properties of the non-living are attributed to the properties of the living (for example, "Moroz-Voivoda wagon bypassing his own" - N. A. Nekrasov, "Russia will pelleget from sleep" - A. S. Pushkin, and so on.)

Hyperbola (From Greek HyperBole - exaggeration) - a stylistic figure, an artistic technique based on the exaggeration of certain properties of the image or phenomenon of the item. It is introduced into the work for greater expressiveness, characteristic of the poetics of the epic folklore, for the poetry of romanticism and the genre of satire (N. V. Gogol, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, V. V. Mayakovsky).

For example, "and the nuclei escaped the Blood Body Mountain" - M. Yu. Lermontov, "If the Son is black in the night" - V. V. Mayakovsky.

Litotes - The concept opposite to the hyperbole, that is, excessive understatement (for example, a "peasant with marigolds" - N.A. Nekrasov, "This though he himself, argues with a formidable bird" - V. V. Mayakovsky).

Metonymy (from Greek Metonumia - renaming) - at the heart of metonimia lies the principle of adjacency. Like a metaphor, flows out of the ability of the word to a peculiar "doubling" (multiplication) in the speech of nominative (denoting) function. It is an overlay on the portable meaning of the word of its direct value. So in the phrase "I ate three plates" (I. A. Krylov) The word "plate" indicates both two phenomena - a dishes and a plate.

A variety of metonymy is synecdoche (from the Greek Synekdoche - letters, correlation) - a verbal reception, by which the whole is detected through its part. For example: "Hey, beard! And how to drive from here to plush? " (N. V. Gogol), "And you, blue uniforms ..." (M. Yu. Lermontov).

The composition is the location of the parts of the literary work in a certain order, the combination of forms and methods of artistic expression by the author, depending on its plan. Translated from the Latin language means "drawing up", "Building". The composition builds all parts of the work into a single finished whole.

It helps the reader deeper to understand the content of works, supports interest in the book and helps in the final to make the necessary conclusions. Sometimes the composition of the book intrigues the reader and he is looking for a continuation of the book or other works of this writer.

Composition elements

Among such elements can be distinguished by story, description, dialogue, monologue, plug-in stories and lyrical deviations:

  1. Narration - The main element of the composition, the story of the author, revealing the content of the artistic work. It takes most of the volume of all the work. Transmits the dynamics of events, it can be retended or illustrated by drawings.
  2. Description. This is a static element. During the description of the event, it does not occur, it serves as a picture, background for the work of the work. Description is a portrait, interior, landscape. The landscape is not necessarily an image of nature, it can be a city landscape, a lunar landscape, a description of fantastic cities, planets, galaxies or a description of fictional worlds.
  3. Dialogue - The conversation of two people. He helps to reveal to Podabul, deepen the characters of the actors. Through the dialogue of two heroes, the reader learns about the events of the last heroes of works, about their plans, it begins to better understand the characters characteristics.
  4. Monologue - Speech one character. In Comedy, A. S. Griboyedov through the monologues of the Chatsky, the author conveys the thought of advanced people of his generation and the experiences of the hero himself, who learned about the treason beloved.
  5. System images. All images of the work that interact in connection with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. These are images of people, fabulous characters, mythical, toponymic and subject. There are no insurgent images of the image, for example, "nose" from the eponymous story of Gogol. Many images of the authors were simply invented, and their names became commonplace.
  6. Stick stories, story in the story. Many authors use this technique to tie intrigues in the work or during the junction. There may be several insertion stories in the work, the events in which occurs at different times. Bulgakov in the "Master and Margarita" was used by the reception of a novel in the novel.
  7. Copyright or lyrical deviations. Many lyrical deviations from Gogol in the work of "Dead Souls". Because of them changed the genre of the work. This is a great prosaic work called the poem "Dead Souls". And "Eugene Onegin" is called novel in verses because of a large number of author's digits, thanks to which the readers appear an impressive picture of the Russian life of the early 19th century.
  8. Author's characteristic. In it, the author talks about the character of the hero and does not hide his positive or negative attitude towards him. Gogol in his works often gives ironic characteristics to its heroes - such accurate and capacious that its heroes often become nucleating characters.
  9. Scene narration - This is a chain of events occurring in the work. The plot is the content of artistic text.
  10. Fabul - All events, circumstances and actions that are described in the text. The main difference from the plot is the chronological sequence.
  11. Scenery - Description of nature, present and imaginary peace, city, planets, galaxies, existing and fictional. The landscape is a feature, thanks to which the character of heroes is deeper, the nature of the events is revealed. You can remember how the seascape is changing in the Pushkin "fairy tale about fisherman and fish," when the old man is again and again comes to the golden fish with the next request.
  12. Portrait - This is a description of not only the appearance of the hero, but also its inner world. Thanks to the talent of the author, the portrait is so accurate that all readers are equally representing the appearance of the hero read book: what Natasha Rostov looks like, Prince Andrei, Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes the author attracts the attention of the reader to some characteristic character of the hero, for example, the mustache at Poiro in the books of Agatha Christie.

Do not miss: in the literature, examples of use.

Composite techniques

Scene composition

In the development of the plot there are its own stages of development. In the center of the plot, it is necessary to conflict, but the reader does not know about it immediately.

The plot composition depends on the product genre. For example, the bass necessarily ends with morality. The dramatic works of classicism had their own laws of the composition, for example, they had to have five acts.

The composition of the works of folk folklore differs in its unshakable features. Songs, fairy tales, epics were created in their laws of construction.

The composition of the fairy tale begins with the promotion: "As at sea-ocean, yes on the island of Buyan ...". The surcharge often composed in the poetic form and sometimes was far from the content of the fairy tale. The storyteller attracted the attention of the listeners and waited when he would not be distracted. Then he said: "This surcharge, not a fairy tale. The fairy tale will be ahead. "

Then followed the stained. The most famous of them begins in words: "lived," or "in some kingdom, in the thirtieth of the state ...". Then the storyteller passed to the tale itself, to her heroes, to wonderful events.

Takers of a fabulous composition, a triple repetition of events: Bogatyr is fighting three times with the snake of Gorynych, three times the princess sits at the Terema window, and Ivanushka on horseback comes to it and breaks the ring, three times the king experiences a daughter in the fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog".

The ending of the fairy tale is also traditional, about the heroes of the fairy tales say: "Live - and we are doing well." Sometimes the ending hints towards a treat: "You have a fairy tale, and I have a branch of a knitting."

The literary composition is the location of the parts of the work in a certain sequence, this is a holistic system of forms of an artistic image. The means and techniques of the composition deepen the meaning of the depicted, disclose the characteristics of the characters. Each artwork has its own unique composition, but there are traditional laws that are respected in some genres.

In the times of classicism, the rule system existed that the authors had prescribed certain rules for writing texts, and they could not be disturbed. This is a rule of three unity: time, places, plot. This is a five-act construction of dramatic works. These are talking surnames and a clear division on negative and positive heroes. Features of the composition of the works of classicism went into the past.

Composite techniques in the literature depend on the genre of the artwork and from the talent of the author, which has in stock species, elements, adoption of composition, knows its features and is able to use these artistic ways.

There are three levels of the literary work:

    Subject image - Life material

    Composition - organization of this material

    Art language - speech system of the literary work, at all four levels of the artistic language: Fonika, vocabulary, semantics, syntax.

Each of these layers has its own difficult hierarchy.

The apparent complexity of the literary work is created by the difficult labor of the writer at all three levels of artistic integer.

We will get acquainted with several definitions of this concept and various classifications, when the text composition is revealed by different signs and indicators.

Artistic text is a communicative, structural and semantic unity, which manifests itself in its composition. That is, this is the unity of communication - structures - and meaning.

The composition of artistic text is "mutual relationship and location units of the pictured and artistic and speech funds. " Units depicted here mean: theme, problem, idea, characters, all aspects of the depicted external and inner world. Artistic and speech facilities are the entire form of a language system at the level of its 4-layers.

The composition is a construction of a work that defines its integrity, completeness and unity.

Composition - is "System connections » All his elements. This system has an independent meaningful, which should be disclosed in the process of philological analysis of text.

Composition, or structure, or architectonics - this is the construction of an artistic work.

The composition is an element of the form of an artistic work.

The composition contributes to creating a work as an artistic integrity.

The composition combines all components and subordinates their idea, the plan of the work. Moreover, this connection is so close that it is impossible to remove or rearrange in places by any component from the composition.

Types of composite organization Works:

    Scene view - that is, PodaBuli (Epos, Lyrics, Drama)

    Navigable species - Besfabul (in lyrics, in epic and drama created by the creative method of modernism and postmodernism)

The scene view of the composition of the composition of the work is two types:

    Event (in Epos and Drama)

    Descriptive (in lyrics)

Consider the first type of scene composition - event. It has three forms:

    Chronological form - events develop in a straight line of time, the natural temporal sequence is not disturbed, there may be time intervals between events.

    Retrospective form - a retreat from a natural chronological sequence, a violation of a linear order of passage of events in life, interrupting the memories of the heroes or the author, familiarize the reader with the prehistory of events and the life of the characters (Bunin, "Light Breathing")

    Free or assembly form - a significant violation of spatial-temporal and causal relationships between events; Communication between individual episodes is an associative-emotional, and not logical-sense ("Hero of Our Time", "Process" of Kafki and other works of modernism and postmodernism)

Consider the second type of composition - descriptive:

It is present in lyrical works, they are mainly missing clearly limited and connectedly detailed action, the experience of the lyrical character or character is put forward to the fore, and the whole composition is subordinate to the objectives of its image, this is a description of thoughts, impressions, feelings, paintings by experiences of the lyrical hero .

The composition is external and internal

Exterior composition (Architectonics): chapters, parts, sections, paragraphs, books, volumes, their location may be different depending on how to create a plot selected by the author.

Exterior composition - This is a selection of text characterized by continuity to discrete units. The composition, therefore, is the manifestation of significant intermittentness in continuity.

External composition: The boundaries of each composite unit allocated in the text are clearly specified, are determined by the author (chapters, the heads, partitions, parts, epilogs, phenomena in drama, etc.), it organizes and directs the perception of the reader. The architectonics of the text serves as the way "portioning" meaning; With the help of ... composite units The author indicates the reader to the union, or, on the contrary, the dismemberment of the elements of the text (and therefore its content).

External composition: No less significant and lack of membership of the text or its deployed fragments: it emphasizes the integrity of the spatial continuum, the principal non-compliance of the organization of the narrative, non-differentiation, the flow of the painting of the world of the narrator or character (for example, in the literature "Consciousness flow").

Inner composition : This is a composition (building, location) of images - characters, events, action of action, landscapes, interiors, etc.

Internal (Sustainable) The composition is determined by the system of form-character, features of the conflict and the scene originality.

Not to be confused: the plot is elements the plot, the composition is - there receivers(internal composition) and parts (external composition) composition.

The composition includes, in its construction, both all the elements of the plot are scene elements and extra-wedge elements.

Internal compositions:

Prologue (often attribute it to the plot)

Epilogue (often refer to the plot)


Portraits of characters



Extrapty elements in the composition

Classification of composite techniques for the selection of individual elements:

Each composite unit is characterized by methods of extension that provide selection the most important meanings of the text And the reader's attention is activated. It:

    geography: various graphic isolations,

    reversals: Repeats of language units of different levels,

    strengthening: strong positionstext or its composite part - the position of the extension associated with the establishment of a hierarchy of meanings, focusing on the most important, enhancement of emotionality and aesthetic effect, the establishment of significant links between elements of adjacent and distant, belonging to one and different levels, the provision of connecting text and its memories. Strong text positions are traditionally related title, epigraphs, beginningandendworks (parts, chapters, mastergua). With their help, the author emphasizes the most significant elements of the structure and at the same time determines the main "semantic milestones" of a particular composite part (text as a whole).

Wide distribution in Russian literature of the end of the XX century. Installation and collage techniques, on the one hand, has led to strengthening text fragment, on the other hand, it opened the possibilities of new combinations of "semantic plans".

Composition in terms of its connectivity

In the peculiarities of the text architectonics, such a most important feature is manifested as connectivity.The text selected as a result of the segment (parts) correspond to each other, "curb" based on common elements. Two types of connectedness differ: cohesion and coherence (terms are offered by V. Dressler)

Kegezia (from lat. - "be connected"), or local connectivity, - Linear type connected, expressed formally, mainly by language means. It is based on the location of the substitution, lexic repetitions, the availability of unions, the correlation of grammatical forms, etc.

Coherence(from lat. - "Clutch"), or global connectivity, - connectedness, nonlinear type, combining elements of different levels of text (for example, title, epigraph, "text in the text" and the main text, etc.). The most important means of creating coherence - repetitions (primarily words with common semantic components) and parallelism.

In the artistic text, semantic chains arise - rows of words with common seeds, the interaction of which generates new semantic communications and relationships, as well as the "increment of meaning."

Any artistic text is permeated by semantic rolls, or repetitions. Words associated on this basis may occupy a different position: to be located at the beginning and at the end of the text (the annular semantic composition), symmetrically, to form a gradation series, etc.

Consideration of the semantic composition is the necessary stage of philological analysis. It is especially important for the analysis of "unustool" texts, texts with weakened causal relationships of components, texts saturated with complex images. The identification of semantic chains and the establishment of their connections is the key to the interpretation of the work.

Empty elements

Plug-in episodes

Lyrical retreats

An artistic advance

Art framing




Putting episodes - These are part of the narrative, which are not directly related to the plot, events that are only associated and recall in connection with the current events of the work ("Tale of Captain Copekin" in the "Dead Souls")

Lyrical deviations - There are lyrical, philosophical, journalistic, express the thoughts and senses of the writer directly, in direct author's word, reflect the author's position, the attitude of the writer to the characters, some elements of the theme, problems, ideas of the work (in the "dead souls" - about youth and old age , about Russia as a bird - Troika)

Artistic advance -image of scenes that are ahead of the further course of events (

Art Framing -the scenes begins and ends with an artistic work, most often this is the same scene given in development, and creating ring composition("The Fate of Man" M. Sholokhov)

Dedication -short description or lyrical product having a specific addressee, which is addressed and dedicated to the work

Epigraph -aphorism or quote from another known work or folklore, located in front of the whole text or in front of its individual parts (Proverb in the "Captain Daughter")

Title- The name of the work that always contains the topic, problem or idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, a very brief formulation, which has a deep expressiveness, imagery or symbolism.

Object of literary analysis in the study of the composition Can be different aspects of the composition:

1) architectonics, or the external composition of the text, - it is membership in certain parts (chapters, subpower, paragraphs, stanzas, etc.), their sequence and relationship;

2) system of patterns of artwork characters;

3) shift points of view in the structure of the text; So, according to B.A. Supenssky, it is the problem of the point of view amounts to "Central Production Problem»; consideration in the structure of the text of different points of view in the ratio with the architectonics of the work allows you to identify the dynamics of the deployment of artistic content;

4) the system of parts presented in the text (part composition); Their analysis makes it possible to reveal the ways of deepening the depicted: how it was finely noticed by I.A. Goncharov, "Details that appear in the long run of common plan and separately", in the context of the whole "merge in general, ... as if thin invisible threads act or, perhaps, magnetic currents;

5) correlation with each other and with the other components of the text of its extra-wing elements (inserted novels, stories, lyrical deviations, "scenes on stage" in the drama).

Analysis of the composition, therefore, takes into account the different aspects of the text.

The term "composition" in modern philology turns out to be very multivalued, which makes it difficult to use it.

To analyze the composition of the artistic text, you must be able to:

To allocate in its structure to interpret the work repeats, which serve as the basis of cohesion and coherence;

Identify semantic roll calls in parts of the text;

Select markers - dividers of different composite parts of the work;

Relate the peculiarities of the design of the text with its content and determine the role of discrete (individual parts) of composite units in the composition of the whole;

To establish the connection of the narrative text structure as its "deep composite structure" (B.A. Uspensky) with its external composition.

Determine all the techniques of the outer and inner composition in the poem F. Tyutchev "Silentium" (namely: parts of the composition, the type of plot - non-sales, event - descriptive, cutting individual elements, type of their connectivity, - NB

Literature and library science

The structure of the literary work is a kind of structure of the work of verbal art of its internal and external organization. A method of communication of the components of its elements. The presence of a certain structure ensures the integrity of the work its ability to embody and transmit content expressed in it. Basically, the structure of the artwork is such: the idea is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work in which the writer is expressed to the depicted phenomena.

The structure of the artwork.

Artwork is an object with aestheticvalue, material product of artistic creativity, conscious human activity.

The artwork is a complex integer. It is necessary to know its internal structure, and that is, to allocate its individual components.

Structure of RA Literature it's some kind oftrojery of the work of verbal art, its internal and external organization, a method of communication of the components of its elements. The presence of a certain structure ensures the integrity of the work, its ability to embody and transmit content expressed in it. And that is, it is very important in the work.

Basically the structure of the artwork is as follows:

Idea - This is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, which expresses the attitude of the writer to the depicted phenomena.General, emotional, figurative thought underlying the artwork. For what this work is written.

Plot - This is a combination of events and relations between the actors of the work, developing in the work in time and space. Simply put, this is what the work is written about.

Composition - Internal organization of the artistic work, the construction of episodes, main parts, system of events and patterns of characters.

The composition has its own major components:

Exposition - Information about the life of the characters before the development of events. This is an image of those circumstances that make up the background of action.

Tie - An event that aggravates or creates contradictions leading to conflict.

Development of action - This is the identification of relationships and contradictions between characters, further deepening conflict.

Culmination - the moment of maximum voltage of action, aggravation of the conflict to the limit. In the climax, the goals and characters of heroes are best.

Junction - a part in which the conflict comes up to its logical permission.

Epilogue - Image of events after a certain time interval after the junction.

Conclusion - Part of the final work that reports additional information about the heroes of the work, drawing a landscape.

With the usual reading of the work, this structure is not traced, and we do not notice any sequence, but with detailed analysis of the text you can easily reveal it.

Thus, it can be said that it is impossible to write a work and interest the reader to them without a certain structure. Although we read it do not notice any building, but, nevertheless it plays very important, or even one of the most important roles in writing a artistic work.

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