The concept of "eternal image" in literature and art. Eternal images Watch what is "eternal images" in other dictionaries

The concept of
The concept of "eternal image" in literature and art. Eternal images Watch what is "eternal images" in other dictionaries
  1. The image system is a combination of all images in the artistic work (characters, symbols, details, nature). Together form a holistic picture. (The system of images in the novel "Oblomov" I. A. Goncharov, depicted landscape, symbols, detail, heroes)
  2. The image system is a combination of all characters in the work, their interaction. (The system of images in the novel "Oblomov" I. A. Goncharov (it includes Ilya Ilyich, Stolz, Olga Ilinskaya, Agafia Pshetitsyn, etc.)).

Eternal themes

Eternal themes - Permanent Themes of fiction reflect the inexhaustible problems of light.

Eternal themes in the literature:

  • families ("fathers and children" I. S. Turgenev);
  • life ("Man in the case" A. P. Chekhov);
  • death (Svetlana V. A. Zhukovsky);
  • good (Matrenin Dvor A. Solzhenitsyn);
  • evil ("Master and Margarita" M. A. Bulgakov);
  • wars (also revolutions) ("Vasily Terkin" A. T. Tvardovsky);
  • struggle for peace ("War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy);
  • love ("Pomegranate bracelet" I. A. Bunin);
  • hate ("War and World" L. N. Tolstoy);
  • spiritual development or degradation ("Oblomov" I.A. Goncharov;
  • zealing to power ("Captain's daughter" A.S. Pushkin);
  • friendship ("Eugene Onegin" A. S. Pushkin);
  • gordini ("" Crime and Punishment "F. M. Dostoevsky);
  • sin ("Thunderstorm" A. N. Ostrovsky);
  • cowards ("Silent Don" M.A. Sholokhov);
  • heroism ("Dr. Zhivago" B. L. Pasternak).

Eternal images

Eternal images - artwork characters that have survivors. They reflect all the main qualities and property properties.

Eternal images in the literature:

  • Prometheus (mythology, folklore);
  • Odyssey (mythology, folklore);
  • Cain (mythology, folklore);
  • Faust (Faust »Johanna Wolfgang Goethe);
  • Mephistopheles (mythology, folklore);
  • Hamlet ("Hamlet" William Shakespeare);
  • Don Zhuan ("Seville Libertine and the Stone Guest" Tirsco de Molina);
  • Don Kiheot ("Don Quixote" Miguel de Servantes);
  • Tartuf I. Journey ("Tartuf" and "Promotann in the nobility" J. B. Moliere);
  • Carmen (Carmen P. Merima);
  • Solvelin ("Woe from Wit" a. With . Griboedov);
  • Khlestakov, Plushkin ("Auditor" and "Dead Souls" N. in . Gogol).

"Eternal images" in the literature and their Russian reflections

R. G. Nazirov

1. Prometheus. The greatest cultural hero.

2. EDIP (and Sphinx). Prohibition of incest. - Drama atrides.

3. Pygmalion. Victory art over matter.

4. Orpheus. Tragedy of creativity.

5. Odyssey. The glorification of adventurism.

6. Elena. Rock beauty or wisdom of flesh.

7. Fedra. (Near Frina). Additions: Samos Polycrat.

8. Moses. Myth about the great chosen one.

9. David and Solomon.

10. Herod, Iodiad, John the Forerunner.

11. Virgo Maria. Heroic mother.

12. Jesus Christ. Bohelovka. Self-sacrifice for the sake of people.

13. Maria Magdalene. Repeated sinner. + Maria Egyptian.

14. Holy Grail. Lancelot and Fata Morgana.

15. Agasfer. Myth about the eternal Ski.

16. Paolo and Francesca. Love is stronger than death.

17. Faust. Deal with the devil, or demonism of science.

18. Don Juan. The eternal seeker of youth. + Celestine.

19. Rats from Hamelna.

20. Suppets.

21. Hamlet. Primputor of personal justice.

22. Don Quixote.

23. Tartuf.! -24. Golem- to Frankenstein. -! + Rouur.

25. Cinderella (+ Types of PERROR fairy tales).

26. Flying Dutchman (+ White Lady). + Groom ghost.

27. Melm.

28. Quasimodo.? 29. Copper rider.

30. Tragic jester.

31. King of Plague, or poetry of universal death.

32. Achill, invincible hero.

33. Mermaids. Sirens. Melzin. Undine.? 34. Madame Bovalar.? 35. Noble robber.

36. Prisoner. Famous prisoners.

37. Perseus and St. Georgy. + Cadm.

38. Dragons.

40. Mephistophelle.

41. Golden age.

42. Vampire.

Topics: Orest, Hamlet and Raskolnikov.

What is "eternal images"? These are literary images of folk-mythological origin, which, due to its tremendous typical, are artistic generalizations of a huge scale, a common treasure of art. Their mythological origin provides them immortality. They can move from the country to the country, from one national literature to another, since the myth by nature is generally common (myth is the general stage of culture through which any people passes; myth with the need to be taken out in all areas of culture except religion and artistva).

In European culture, eternal images are Agasfer, Don Juan, Flying Dutchman, Faust (and Pan Tvardovsky), Golem (and Frankenstein), Melmot, Pozuppet (Shey Lok, Harpagon), Prometheus, Cirque, Noble Robber, Pygmalion (artist, Winning nature), as well as wizards (myth about science), Avengers, advisers ...

Maybe it's not all, and I will also add.

Oedipus. Sphinx. Ulysses. Orpheus. Elena Troyanskaya.

Cain. Judas. Moses. Herod (Irodada).

Don Quixote and Sancho Pansy.

Christ and having Magdalene. Cinderella.

Garun al Rashid. Baghdad thief (caliph per hour).

A clever slave (servant of two gentlemen).

Roughs from Hamelna. Panurge. Paolo and Francesca.

Joseph wonderful.

King-plague. See the plague in Encyclopedias, Edgar by, Mitskevich.

1. Prometheus (in old Russia - Promi ^ to it).

Literally this name means "providers". So called Titan, who joined the fight against Zeus. Abduppings from the dwellings of the gods fire, Prometheus brought him to people. Already the Hesiod in the "writings and days" portrayed Prometheus as a friend of people, severely punished by Zeus: he was chained to a rock, and the eagle flew to peck his liver every day. All elements of this myth have numerous correspondences in the mythological systems of different peoples and go back to deep antiquity. Comparative-historical school considered birthday

fa about Promethea Caucasus, where there was a lot of legends about titanium chained to the mountains. [Moting the alarm of fire ancient mining by its friction].

The image of Prometheus, who took flour, for the sake of rescue people from the tyranny Zeus was created in the tragedy of Eshil. His Prometheus is not only a kidnapper of heavenly fire, but also a mentor of people who taught them crafts, agriculture, navigation, writing, account, arts and taming of animals. The ancient myth of the struggle of a person with the forces of nature gave rise to Prometheus - Creator of Culture. Deeply containable fact that the Creator of Culture is and the hero of freedom. Culture is the key to human freedom: such is the rational meaning of myth1.

Ovid in "Metamorphosis" showed Prometheus the defender of a person who creates the statues of people, "such gods"; Kidnapped them the fire revived these statues. [Rebating images] 2. In the center of the unfinished drama Goethe "Prometheus" (1773) is a proud rebellion and individualist Prometheus, hero in the spirit of storm and onslaught.

Belief in the final celebration of heroic will distinguishes the Bayronovsky "Prometheus" (1816); Byron calls him the "Prophet of Good".

Shelley in the drama "Prometheus Unbound" (1820) Prometheus, unlike Eschilovsky, after his release is not reconciled with Zeus.

"Wet" - romantic heroes, fighters for freedom of humanity.

In Russia: Ograv, poetry. "Prometheus" (1841) is an image of a philanthroper, calling for a feat.

Vyacheslav Ivanov's poem "Prometheus" (1919) Titan is depicted by a rebel, rightly punished for trying to help "contemptible humanity".

1. A. Veselovsky. Etudes and characteristics, 3rd ed., M., 1907.

2. I. M. Nosikov. History of the literary hero, M., 1958.

3. E. M. Meltellin. Prometheus ancestors ("Cultural Hero in Myth and Epos"). Bulletin of the history of world culture, 1958, № 3.

4. S. Markish. Myth about Promethea, M., 1967.

5. L. Zhukovsky. Prometheus of mankind, almanac "Prometheus", 1969, No. 7.

2. EDIP and Sphinx.3

EDIPUS (OIDIPUS) -Fivan hero, son of Laia and okasta (option: epicastics). Odip's father was predicted that he would be killed his own son. When Oedip was born, the foot pierced him feet ("Oedip" means "powdered", with swollen legs) and ordered a slave to throw a child in the deserted mountains to eat beasts. The slave, spraul a boy, gave him a shepherd of the Corinthian king Polyba (for the more ancient option, Oedip was thrown by the father

1 cm. Final "Formation of myths ..."

2 cm. The topic of reviving images and statues of Nasirova: the plot of the revival statue // Folklore of the peoples of the RSFSR. Vol. 18. Ufa, 1991. P. 24-37.

3rd with heading - inscription by other inks, with discharge: "Incest".

in the sea, but saved and was adopted by the Sikion king). Motive of wonderful salvation "Child (see also Moses) .4

Oedip Rose, being sure that he is the son of King Polyba. Junior he received the prediction of the Delphic oracle that he would kill his father and marry her mother. A frightened prediction, Oedip decided to leave the polyba and his wife Meropu forever and went to wander. At the crossroads of the road, he met Lai and, having joined him into a dispute, killed him and all his companions, with the exception of one who managed to escape.

The Oedip came of the hair, who suffered from the Sphinx, who asked the travelers who went to the city, the riddle and devoured them, as they could not guess her. EDIP was the first to solve the sphinx riddle and freed the inhabitants from the monster. The grateful fivans chose Edipa King and gave him to widow Liai Iocasta. From this marriage, the sons of Etookl and the polynomial and daughter of Antigone and Isken were born (option: All the children were born with the second wife of Odip).

After the long years of the successful rule of Edip, hunger and plague began in the philas. Delphic Oracle predicted that these disasters would cease when the killer king Liaia is expelled. Oedip began to vigorously looking for a criminal. Finding the only retarded companion of Laia, he learned that he himself was a killer. The only witness of the crime turned out to be a slave, which once handed the doomed baby Polyba Polyba. Now Oedip learned that the prediction came true that he was a fatherlyhead and her husband's husband. Oedip looked at himself, and the Queen of the okasta committed the life of suicide.

There are various legends about the end of the life of EDIP. The most ancient myth says that the blind camep to death remained dips. Late myths talk about the exile of Edip His sons. Leaving the cuts, the Oedip cursed his sons, and the father's curse was the cause of their contention and death. For another option, the cause of the death of ETECLA and Polinika was the possession of harmony necklace. The Athenian tradition called Color (the suburb of Athens) by the place of the last settlement and the death of Odip.

The myth of the EDIP is an option common to many peoples of the tale of a child bringing misfortune. The punishment, comprehended by EDIP, reflected the prohibition of marriage relations between parents and children. Ban incest \u003d family base. It was the World Revolution.

It is possible that the Oedip was a doggie deity, because In South and Central Greece, the remains of the EDIP cult was preserved.

The myth of Edipe was ingeniously developed by Sophokl tragedies "Edip-Tsar", "Oedip in Colon", later Seneca, and in new times - Cornel, Voltaire, Shelley, and others. - Igor Stravinsky wrote an Otriety "EDIP". Sigmund Freud announced "Edipov Complex" the core of the human psyche.

Allegorically, Oedip - means a wise, insightful person. Pushkin in the poem "Who in the snow occupied fekrite delicate roses?" Says: "Here is my riddle: Sunny Oedip, allow!" - This is due to the side motive of the myth, with the sphinx motive.

4cm. Also the appropriate article of Nazirov Child in the basket and complications of chosen. Experience of reconstruction of the ethnographic substrate of myths // Nazirovsky archive. 2016. № 4. S. 11-27.

Sphinx (Greek. Stitcher) is a winged monster with a lion torso and a head of a woman, a sewage of a table and echidna (or chimeras and ps orthra). The Sphinx died nearby on the cliff and killed travelers who could not answer his mystery: "What walks in the morning on four legs, at noon on two, and in the evening on three?" "The Oedip has solved a riddle: this is a man in childhood, maturity and in old age (two legs and stick). Sphinx rushed from the cliff, and on another option - he was killed by Oedip.

The image of the Sphinx was borrowed by Greeks from ancient Egypt (where he was depicted without wings).

"For these clever eyes and a mysterious smile, it was nicknamed by Sphinx" (Goncharov, "Literary Evening").

Posterness: Drama Atrides, myth about generic revenge.

The source of drama -Mif about the struggle of the brothers in Tiesta and Atreya (King Mygensky). Thiest seduced his brother's wife Eropo and with her help tried to reach the throne. Zeus opened Tiece's Kiece Atre, and he was expelled from Mycenae. Then Tiest prepared Plisphen, the son of Atere-Eva, kill his father. Atray, not knowing that his son, he killed Plisphen. For this, Mount Atii dismissed the terrible revenge: when Tiest arrived in Mycena for reconciliation, Atraya stabbed the sons of Tiesta and fed him (nothing suspect) their meat. Eropou threw in the sea. For these crimes, the gods cursed the entire genus atre.

At the order of Oracle, Atraya went to the wrapping of the fledgest Tiesta and during the wanderings he married his daughter of Pelopia, not knowing what "squeezed" his native niece. She also had a connection with a stranger shortly before that, not knowing that this is the father of her Tiest. Pelopia gave birth to the Son of Egista (the fruit of "double" incest). Through a number of years, Atraya ordered the aetist to kill Tiesta, but the latter recognized the Son, and everything was revealed. The pelopia nailed, and the same egish sword killed atre. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe pile of children for the sins of fathers and murder of parents on the motherboard (reflection of the matriarchate) is dominated in myth.

But the drama atrides continues. Atreya's sons are Agamemenon and Meneli. After the death of Tiesta, who retired in Mykhech, Agamemenon took the father's throne. Going to the Trojan Hike, he left his wife at her wife to Climer Lee (Elena's beautiful sister). Upon returning to Mycena, the king was treacherously killed by Climennest and her lover in the austerist, son of Tiesta. Orest, the son of Agamemnon, fled and 8 years old lived in exile, where his friendship began with Pill. Having reached the age of majority, he decided to take revenge on his father. The Delphic Oracle ordered him to kill the cliques and her new her husband of Egista.

After this massacre, Erinnia pursue Ores, and he runs to Delphi, to his patron Apollo; That shles him to Athens. There Africa Pallada collects the Areopag. Orest is justified by the fact that his mother killed her husband, and he was obliged to do the debt of blood revenge. Ernia answer: no crime is more serious than mothers, revenge should only be revenge (relatives from the mother). Cliqueness "With her husband, she was killed, in the blood relationship was not." Apollo Protects Ores: the father is more important than the mother ("Child is not creating a mother, but father"); Cliqueness broke the holiness of the marriage

uz and killed her spouse-Mr. The voices of Athenian elders were divided, and only white pebbles (that is, the exclusive vote) Athens decided the case in favor of Orest. - Athena installed the cult of Erinnia in his city, which began to be called Evmeniami (favorable).

Scientific interpretation of myths for the first time gave Bakhofen ("Maternal law", 1861); Engels considered him a book by the beginning of the study of the history of family relations. The basis of the myth goes back to the deepest antiquity and reflects the transition from maternal law to the paternal. Erinnia (the most ancient, rather than the Olympic religion) set out the principles of blood revenge, mandatory for the era of the mother. Apollo expresses the ideas of the victorious Patriarchate. The decision of the Areopagu is the victory of father's right over maternal.

Eschil is the trilogy "Orestia". Sofokl - "Electra". Euripid- "Orest", "Electra". In new times-rasin, squirrelon, Voltaire, Alfiera, etc.

About Electra Also Hoffmanstal and Hauptman.

3. Pygmalion.1

The legendary sculptor, the king of Cyprus, who fell in love with the statue of a beautiful girl created by him from ivory bone. Aphrodite performed prayers of Pygmalion and revived the statue that became his wife [the motive of the coming statue2].

Otherwise, the statue revived the love of Pygmalion. Another option: Pygmalion praised the statue of Aphrodite or Neread Galatei.

The myth of Pygmalion, apparently, is associated with the cult of Aphrodite (Astarta), whose priest it was. In general, the myth reflects one of the ancient stages of religion-fetishism (the cult of things made by the person himself).

In the figurative sense of Pygmalion - a person who fell in love with his creation. The meaning of the myth: the victory of art over the oblique matter, spiritualization of nature by man.

The plot of the myth about Pygmalion and Galatee is often found in literature and art: for example, a statue of Falcone "Pygmalion" (Hermitage), Piez Gilbert, Pygmalion and Ga Latea, Comedy of the Pigmalion show.

The legend was forgotten in the Middle Ages, came to life again in the Renaissance Epoch, and the non-residual popularity was gained in the XVIII - XIX centuries as a symbol of the animization forces of artistic inspiration.

Falcone "Pygmalion and Galatia", 1768 (Leningrad).

Francois Bush "Triumph Galatei", 1740 (Versailles Gallery).

Jeorge Bendy (!) Pygmalion, 1778 (Opera).

J.-H. Rousseau, drama "Pygmalion" (1761).

Claris de Feorian, Galatee, 1783.

A. V.Shlegel, verses (1796).

1 to the right of the header of the attack by other ink, with discharge: "Fetishism".

2 Summary of the coming statue // Folklore peoples of the RSFSR. Vol. 18. Ufa, 1991. - P. 24-37.

W. Morris, Poems (1868).

Berkard Shaw, Pygmalion .1

Thracian singer, son of the river god Eager and Music Callopa. According to the most common myth, Orpheus invented music and poems, so it was sometimes called the son of Apollo. Orpheus music forced the plants to inclination branches, and stones shift; Sheltered wild beasts. Orpheus took part in the campaign of Argonauts and his magic game on kifare and singing had many important services to them (for example, disbelked their attention from Siren).

Orpheus's wife, Nymph Euridic, died of snake bite. To return his wife, he descended to Aid (descent of a living person in Hell. Babylonian myth about seminimide). His music told Kerber (Cerber, a three-headed dog, guarding entrance to Aid), defeated tears from Erinia and tumbled Perfaeson. The Queen of the Underworld allowed the Orphere to return the deceased Euridic to Earth, but with the condition did not look at the shadow of his wife and not to talk to her before going to the daylight. Orpheus broke the ban and lost his wife forever (one of the myths, Orpheus returned Euridic to Earth).

He died from the hands of Menad, angry with the fact that he refused to take part in the orgy: after the loss of Euridic, he began to avoid women (that is, abstinence wines against nature). The option is by the beings of Dionysus, angry at the Orpheus for the fact that the singer betrayed the service of Apollon and neglect the cult of Dionysis (possibly a reflection of the competition of two cults). The head and the liver of Orpheus were thrown by Menades in the sea.

One of the most popular myths of antiquity. Numerous scenes from it are preserved on vases, frescoes, etc. - An image of the Orpheus, surrounded by obedient and krobroi animals, is often found in the catacombs: Christianity saw in the Orpheus of the peacemaker, whose arrival of the Old Testament Prophet Isaiah.

Orphic myth is a myth of music, about the great cleansing force of art. At the same time, Orpheus is a symbol of high-art absolutism and the danger of his care from life. The tragedy of creativity (the desire for perfection is necessary for art, but contradicts life; the artist always sacrifices his life, the sake of art).

The myth of ORFE was inspired by Eschil and Euripid, glitch, Gaidna, Sheet and Stravinsky.

Tennessee Williams wrote an amazing tragedy "Orpheus Downward" ("Orpheus descending"), imposing the plot of the myth to the life and morals of the American south.

5. Odyssey (Romans Ulysses).

Mythical king Ithaca (small island). Penelope received his spouse as a reward from Tyndaray as a reward for the wise council. Shortly after the birth of the son of Telemach

1 to the right at the bottom of the Phanta Pages: "In Greek. Pygmalion \u003d "Love reviving". "

agreed to take part in the campaign of the Greeks against Troy, despite the unfavorable omen.

Under the Troy Odyssey was famous for courage, enterprise, cunning and mind (permanent epithets: "Multiple", "Clear"). In the tenth year of war, he convinced the Greeks to continue the siege, participated in the conciliatory embassy to Achilla after the latter quarrel with Agamemnon. Odyssey several times was made his way with a turncine in Troy, usually acting with someone from the heroes. He managed to capture the Trojan Lazon's Trojan and kidnap (along the later legends) Palladium -Cedded Statue of Pallades, patroness Troy. In all cases, Athena helped Odyssey.

After the death of Achille Odyssey, by decision of the troops, the weapon of the fallen hero went. According to the advice of Odyssey, the Greeks built the Trojan horse.

After the destruction of Troy, returning to Ithaca, Odyssey survived many misadventures. At first he visited the land of Kikon (Frace), where she lost 72 satellites, and then in the Lottone country, the lotus consumers, which gave them the oblivion of the past. - After that, the ships Odyssey arrived to the cyclops; Odyssey with 12 satellites got into the cave of the Giant Polyfem, who gradually jumped them. A sage with surviving comrades barely escaped from there by drinking the polyfem wine and blinding it. Since then, the father of Polyfem Poseidon, the Marine God, pursued Odyssey. On the island of the Vladyka of the winds of Eol Odyssey received a knotted bag with all winds, except for passing, the burial ships almost to Italian; However, during, however, during sleep Odyssey, his satellites were unleashed by a bag, and the winds prevented to freedom the winds in the open sea, to the ground of the cannibal lednigons who destroy all the ships except one. Odyssey reached the island of Ei, where the wonderful magician of Kirk (Cirque), the daughter of Helios and Perside lived. She turned satellites Odyssey in pigs, and he held him himself for a year (she gave birth to him the son of Telegen). Only with Hermes, Odyssey managed to achieve the return of human appearance by satellites.

Then Odyssey visited the kingdom of the dead, where Tiresia learned from the shadow of the sore agent, that he and his companions would safely reach Ithaca, if the herd of Helios is spare. After leaving Ey, Kirk Island, the Odyssey ship was safely passed by Siren Islands, Silla and Charibda and arrived at Trinakia Island, where the herd of Helios passed. Hungry satellites of the hero, violating the oath, killed and eaten the best bulls. In the punishment of Zeus struck the lightning ship from which only Odyssey escaped.

Seven years he spent on the island of Ohigii, captive at the beautiful Nymph Kalipso, which was striving to make Odyssey his spouse, promising for this eternal youth and immortality. But Odyssey sought homeland. Athena in the absence of Poseidon achieved the gods to resolve the hero return to Itak.

The last time Poseidon broke the raft Odyssey, but he escaped on the island of Schoryia. On the shore, he met an excellent princess for nothing, daughter Alkinoa, Tsar Feakov. Athena, appearing in a dream in Navika, told her to go in the morning with slaves as shore of the sea. There, Tsarevna found Odyssey, dressed him and sent alkino to the house. She hoped that the hero would be her spouse.

When Navikova learned about his desire to return to Itak, she, saying goodbye to him, asked him to remember the one that saved him. One of the best episodes of the whole "Odyssey, inspired by Sophokla to create a tragedy.

The hospitable and generous king of Alkina helped Odyssey to return to Itak, where hero arrived after a 20-year-old absence.

Odyssey learns that 100 husbands, considering his dead, looking for the hands of his wife Penelope and constantly feasting in his house, planting property. Penelope promised to choose a new husband after he finished weave to cover his father-in-law on the coffin, Father Odineeva - Laerta. However, at night she dismissed everything that he had time to push the day ("Penelope Yarn" is infinite work). After the betrayal of the maid was revealed, the grooms forced Penelope to finish the work. Then she announced that it would be for the one who would win the competition by shooting Odyssey Luka. The faithful Penelope hoped that no one would be able to even pull the Bogatyr onions.

At the decisive day of the competition returned Odyssey. (The plot is widespread in folklore about the return of a long missing wife for the wedding day of his wife). He returned under the guise of an old beggar, opened only by his servant of Evmey and son Telemakhu. One of the best, poetic scenes "Odyssey" is a scene of the meeting of Penelope with Odyssem and identify it.

Having considered the plan for revenge the grooms, Odyssey, Evmey and Telam came to the palace, where Odyssey had to endure a number of insults from the grooms. When no one could even pull the tent, "the beggar" took the bow, it was easy to pull the tent and got into the target, and then with the help of the Emune and Telemach interrupted the grooms.

The staffing legend gives Odyssey next to the devil (cowardice, deceit, cunning).

Myth about Odysheushese - the glorification of adventurism, the spirit of travel. The image of Odyssey was reflected in the tragedies of Sofokla "Philoktt" and "Eant", Euripid - "Iphigenia in Avlida" and others. On vases and frescoes (Pompeii) Odyssey was depicted in the form of a bearded man in an oval hat, which wore Greek sailors.

Telemas - Son, Waning Father, Synonymous Sons of Love; In the XVII century, Phenelon wrote the novel "The Adventures of Telemach", which was shifted into Russian Tredyakovsky ("Telemakhid").

The myth about Odyssey and Telemacure is the basis of the monumental novel "Ulysses" Jones. A. N. Veselovsky: "... The type of direct folk heroism with his real force and Lukeva Snorzka, who does not know the accounts with conscience, like Ulysses. . . "(" Historical poetics ", Gichl, L., 1940) (p. 70).

6. Elena Lovely (Elena Trojan Spartan).

Ancient Ming of the deity of vegetation; Peloponnese deity of fertility and light. In later legends - the daughter of Zeus and Ice, the spouses Tyndaray, the most popular

ine of Greek epic. The most beautiful woman in the world. In his youth, he was abducted by the Teshem, but her brothers (Dioskurs) freed it, and she returned to Sparta. Many heroes sought Hands Elena, but Tyndarey gave her for Meal, taking from all the heroes (on the advice of Odyssey) an oath that they would not raise the weapons against her spouse and would help him. Elena gave birth to Menel's daughter Hermione.

When Paris kidnapped Elena, Melaly called for the help of Greek heroes, and they made a campaign against Troy. After the death of Paris, Elena came out for his brother DeiFoba, and on the day of the fall, Troy handed down DeiFoba in the hands of Menel, with whom he returned to Sparta.

After the death of Menel, Elena, expelled from Sparta, fled to Rhodes, where he was killed.

The cult of Elena existed in Laconia, was associated with the ideas about the dying and resurrection nature. Like her brothers Daizkours, Elena was considered a patronage of sailors. The image of Elena embodies the ancient ideal of passive femininity, purely sensual beauty without thought and will. This beauty is given to the strongest, is not able to love anyone and causes universal lust, causing terrible discord and war. Elena is a rocky beauty. The cause of the death of the Troy and the many heroes.

Tragedy of Euripid "Elena". I did not reach us the tragedy of Sofokla "Embassy about Elena", "Lankänka". Paneligics Gorgia and Isocrat.

Goethe in the 2nd part of the "Fausta" made Elena wife of Faust. William Falkner under the influence of the myth of Elena created the image of Yula, the fatal passive woman. The wisdom of the flesh, mighty instinct (without intelligence).


Frina (Rctua) -Appognizable ancient Greek heterer who flourished in 4 V. R. Kh. Born in Fighter (Beochia), first was poor merchant, it was called "Frina", which means "toad", for pallor. Having traveled to Athens, Frina became famous hetera. The beauty of it eclipted the images of the gods, her spells conquered everyone, she played perfectly on musical instruments. During the Enerhie celebrations, on the bathing in the sea, the fin was exposed and began to publicly compare herself with Aphrodite, saying that she was more beautiful than Aphrodites. Someone came about this and accused Frin in blasphemy; And Fina appeared in front of the Athenian Areopag (Elders Trill) on the charges of wormless. She was threatened with the death penalty, but her syndic (defender) Speaker Iperide (Hyperide) saved her, thoring with Frinne covered and exposing her breasts. Elders justified her beauty. Frina was so rich that according to legend offered to rebuild the hair, with the condition that the inscription was made on the walls: "Alexander did not allow, and Frina recovered." The offer was rejected. The painter of the Apelles wrote his anodue with her, the great Praxitor took his beloved - Frin from Festia - a model for the statue of the Aphrodite of the Book. In the Faispi temple stood next to two Praxitelev Statues: Statue of Aphrodite and Frine Statue.

Ateney speaks of another heter of the same name, famous for his greed.

The second spouse of the Tereus, the mother of the demophone and Akamanta, inflamed love for his steppolitis. He rejected her passion. Then Fedra slandered the young man before his father, accusing the Ippolit in violence over her. Tsar Tesove asked Poseidon to turn the hippolyte. When the young man on the chariot rushed along the seashore, Poseidon sent a bull from the sea, who frightened the horses of the Ippolit; Horses dropped the hippolyte to the ground, and the young man died. But this death of the beautiful and innocent young men could not stand Fedra and committed suicide. The myth is processed in the tragedy of Euripid ("IPPOLIT"), later Seneca and in the XVII century Racin in his famous Fedra tragedy.

Supplement: Polycrat Samossky, or insane self-exclusion of success. History and legend.1

Polycrat - Tyrant Samos Island, seized power around 537: a rich artisan, he escaped to power, using the struggle of the demos against land aristocracy. The rules of the polycrate reasonably, rightly and successfully, developed her handicrafts and trade, built a lot and decorated Samos. According to legend, his friend was the poet Anacreon. Having a significant fleet and the hired army, the polycrat subjugated a number of the islands of the Aegean Sea and charged a large tribute with them.

According to the legend, the Egyptian king Amazis, a friend and an ally of the polycrata, wrote to him that the polycrate will cause some misfortune to warn those who prepare him the tinted fortune. (Meaning of the Council of Amazis: Permanent Happiness is dangerous, you need a victim to disrupt the envy of the gods). Polycrat performed this advice: he threw his most precious ring to the sea. A few days later, Tirana's cook found a ring in the stomach of a large fish brought to him fishermen. The gods did not take the victims of the polycrat.

Soon after that, what happened to Amazis was afraid. Despite the union with the Persia, the polycrate inspired her fears with his power. ORONT, one of Cambiza satraades (or Darius), leading with them the army in sardes, decided to take the Samos. He lured to him the polycrata under the pretext that he wanted to give him some of his treasures to help him help him, Oronta, in a mate against Cambiz. A core-boring polycrate appeared in Sarda, and Oront immediately culked him on the cross (524 or 522 BC). - According to other stories, ORONT has captured the Samos and crucified polycrat.

The plot is used by Schiller ("Polycrats Run"). "Balzac in" Shagreen skin "uses the motive of an ominous return of the discarded fetish (Rafael throws shaggy skin into a well, but it finds it and brings a gardener).

8. Moses (myth of legislative) .2

1 Nazirov R. G. The authentic meaning of Polykratov Parsnya // Humanitarian studies in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. 2010. № 4. P. 147-149.

2 Nazirov R. G. Child in the basket and election samples. Experience of reconstruction of the ethnographic substrate of myths // Nazirovsky archive. 2016. № 4. S. 11-27.

"The greatest prophet and the founder of the Jewish religion", one of the greatest heroes of the Bible. The myth about Moses begins with a wonderful salvation: a newborn baby was launched in a basket on the waves of the Nile, but he picked up the daughter of Pharaoh and raised him. Moses grew up by Moses became the leader of the Jewish people and under the guidance of God himself brought the Jews from the Egyptian captivity. The Bible talks about the constant contact of Moses with Jehovah (Yahweh): he is the only person who saw Yahweh.

During the outcome of Egypt, the Tharaoh army already overtowed the Jews on the shore of the curious (red) sea, but in the mania of Moses, the sea was broken, and the Jews were held on his bottom. When the Egyptians rushed behind them, the sea again closed and absorbed them (the reflection of the tides and sings of the Red Sea). In the desert, the Jews died from thirst, but Moses hit the rod in the rock and carved from her water.

God was Moses in the form of a burning, but not burning bush ("unalitable binary"). On Mount Sinai, God dictated Moses for the Jews "Law" (Pentateuch, otherwise). The Ten Commandments of Moses - the sum of the Hebrew religious morality, the consecration of the norms of the early slave-owner society.

Originally, Moses was worshiped by Jewish nomads not as a prophet, but as a deity, but later his cult was absorbed by the cult of Yahweh. Mentioning in the Bible: "The face of his face was horned" - confirms that the prototype of Moses is associated with a bull cult. Obviously, there was a long competition of cults of Moses and Yahweh (the first was God at the Phoenicians, and their mythology ancient biblical). The biblical image of Moses is a symbol of the Great Leader, the organizer, the miraculous legislator. This is the personification of power and wise, saving power. That is the "Moses" of Michel-Angelo. Biblical myths about Moses gave a number of plots Pussena and many other artists.

The second king of Israel, a young shepherd, a stone from Prazche, who struck Giant Goliaf and who boring his head with his as a sword, which led to the great victory of the Jews over their enemies ("Saul broke thousands, and David - darkness"). The Jews proclaimed the young hero of the king, and he created a single state with the capital in Jerusalem. Zion (Mountain, part of Jerusalem) became the residence of the "king- shepherd"; Here was the Temple of Yahweh (Zion -This "House of God").

David destroyed his military leader Uriju to master his beautiful wife Vir Savia, which the king from the roof of his palace saw during her bathing in the garden. - But the Bible glorifies David for fear of God, obedience to priests and prophets. He is attributed to the authorship of Psalms.

When David Odreaclel, and the blood did not grast it, to him began to put on the bed of young girls, with whom he spent the night, but did not know them (the symbol of senile creature). - In general, a very multifaceted image.

With the development of faith in the coming of the Messiah in Judaism, prophecies appeared that the Messiah will come from the "House of David", that is, there will be a descendant of David. In accordance with this, Christianity exits David the genealogus of Jesus Christ.

The third king of Israel was Solomon, the son of David, whose name became synonymous with wisdom in the Middle East (Suleiman Ibn Daud from Arabs). Built the magnificent Temple of Yahweh in Jerusalem, but built the temples Astarta, sick and other gods. Had 700 wives and 300 concubines. "Song of the song". Wisdom and creature.

10. King Herod, Iodiad, Salome

The name Herod was worn by several Hellenistic kings of Jews under Roman rule. Herod Great - Tsar Judea from 39 to 4 years before the Nativity of Christ, he was supported by Romans; He was attributed to the beating of babies. The name of this king became synonymous with cruelty. At Pushkin, Yurozhva tells Boris Godunov: "It is impossible to pray for the King Herod, the Virgin Mary."

His son was Herod Philip, he died in the year 34 of the new era. Brother of the Last, Herod Antipa, was Tetrarch Galilee from 4 years BC. e. up to 39 years e.; He judged Jesus Christ and ordered the beheads of John the Baptist.

John the Baptist (he is the forerunner) -prorok, predicted the close coming of the Messiah (Christ) and the cross of many Jews in the Jordan River. He is considered the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth. John Bestley and Jesus himself and presented him as a Messiah. When Herod Antipa, Tetrarch Galilee, took the hedge of Herodada, widow his native brother, Iroda Philippe, John sharply redeemed this marriage in front of the people and hyplicated the Irodada as the Bludnitsa. He was captured and kept in imprisonment, but the antipa did not dare to touch him. Then, the Iodiada rustled her daughter from Herod Philip, Beauty Salome; On the feast, the girl with his dances caused the mad delight of her uncle Antipa, and he told her to ask for any reward, which she wishes. Salome for the babysitting of Mother asked John the Forerunner's head. The antipa was forced to hold back the Word, John cut off his head, which Salome was brought to his mother's dish. - Christian stories belong to 31 N. e.

Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200bin the "Jewish Ancientifications" says that John the Baptist lived with Tetrarch Herrode Antipa, who was executed. Thus, John is a historical person, one of the numerous Jewish prophets of that turbulent era; Apparently, the cult of John the Baptist entered into Christianity as a result of the assimilation of the previously existing Jewish sect, which revered this prophet. Traces of beliefs of this sect preserved and today: Mandei, the small number of which is preserved in Iran and Iraq, honor John the Baptist (they call His Yahya), and Jesus is viewed as an impostor (for them, Moses, Abraham, Jesus -This False Frores) .1

1 See Roman Nazirova "Star and conscience": Nazirov R. G. Star and conscience. Fantastic novel // Nazirovsky archive. 2016. No. 1. P. 16-114

The dramatic legend of the execution of John the Baptist was developed by Gustave Flaubert in the Novodiada Novel.

11. Virgo Maria, Virgin Mary1

According to the Gospel, the daughter of St. Joachim and St. Anne, the wife of Joseph (who did not know her) and the mother of Jesus Christ. Greenedly called Theotokos, Theometer; Latin Mater Dei.

In antiquity, the cult of the Virgin was widespread from many nations of the Middle East, especially agricultural. An Egyptian Isis, Babylonian Ishtar, Phoenician Astart, was owned by the Viroditz, Ishtar, Phoenician Astarta. Close to them and Greek detertainers. The cult of the mother's goddess was closely associated with the circle of ideas about the dying and resurrect deity. The unusually listed the Virgin was considered both fertility deities simultaneously.

In Christianity, the cult of the Virgin has developed under the obvious influence of similar pagan cults. The evolution of Christian ideas about the Virgin was parallel to the development of the myth of the Bogoilian Christ. In the ancient Christian essay, the "Revelation of John" appears the mother of the Lamb, which is still purely cosmic creature: "Wife, clothed in the sun; under the legs of her moon, and on the chapter of her crown from twelve stars "; She flies on the eagle wings from Zmia and is hiding for a long time in the desert. As the myth develops about the embodiment of the Divine in a person, the image of the Virgin acquired more and more human traits. In the Gospel of Luke detailed the conversation of the Archangel Gabriel with Maria ("Annunciation"), its four-month stay of Elizabeth, etc., which is not in other Gospels, is described.

The evangelical story about the immaculate conception of Maria Jesus Christ finds many analogies in a significantly earlier myth of the conception of the Buddha Virgin Maiia. Early Christian images of Our Lady with a baby are very similar to the images of Isids with a mountain and Maya with a Buddha.

Officially, the church recognized Maria the Virgin on the III Evalist Cathedral (Ephesus, 431). The cult of the Virgin, the nobility, the most accurate, got a great distribution. "Holy Family" (Joseph, Maria, Jesus) turned out to be more understandable for believers than an abstract Trinity (God-Father, God-Son and God-Spirit). The Mother of God, practically becoming a female and female deity for the people, was perceived as a universal intercession and a bunch of goods (in the beliefs of peasants - a fertility, harvest).

The church, fearing to argue with the powerful traditions of pagan myths, took a dual position in relation to the folk cult of the Virgin: The Mother of God is recognized as a bodily ascended by the intercessory of people in front of God-Father and Christ, many holidays have been established in honor of her, her image has become the ideal of love for people and meek humility.

1 Nazirov R. G. Myth and a sense of history. To the paradox of the Virgin Mary // Nazirovsky archive. 2015. № 4. P. 32-42.

At the same time, the church carefully opposes the open generalization of the Virgin Mary, as it dispels with the dogma of the Trinity.

The Greek-Orthodox Church hits the Catholic for the assumption of excesses in the cult of Madonna, rejects dogma on the immaculate conception of Maria Anna and argues that Maria, along with other people, carried the burden of original sin.

The image of the meek of the comforter ("My sorrow") had a huge impact on the literature and art of all Christian peoples. The immortal image of the meek and heroic mother created Rafael in his "Sicstinian Madonna". With love and respect wrote about Mary's greatest poets. Pushkin has an erotic parody of the myth about the "immaculate conception" (the poem "Gabrialyada"), and a serious image of Madonna (for example, in the poem "lived a knight's knight"; however, the medieval mystical love of the knight to the Virgin is more depicted here).

Mary has a huge meaning in Dostoevsky's work. One of his characters says: "The Mother of God is the Mother Cheese Earth." Thus, Mary's identification with the pagan peasant religion of the earth occurs here, which is the return to the origins of the myth (the Vetolovsk Pormoika, in fact Dostoevsky heretic, his religion is ancient Christianity, as well as the religion of the Russian people).

"There is no such a sinner, which would not cover his Omophore Mother of God, if only they did not run from the appearance of the cover with their studi activities, perfectly in mousels."

Popular chanting one of the services: "Save your slaves from your belly, the Virgin".

12 Jesus Christ

In the III - II centuries BC e. In Judaism, due to the collapse of hopes for the restoration of the independent Jewish kingdom and the strengthening of the exploitation of the people's masses, the ideology of messianism was formed, faith in the coming of the Messiah, in the Hebrew "Masters" - "Anointer"; This is the "divine Savior", whom God will send the people. Messianism in Judea was particularly intensified after the establishment of Roman dominion. Jewish messianism was one of the sources of formation of a messianist myth about Jesus Christ.

Greek christos means "anointed", "Messiah". According to the evangelical myth, Jesus Christ - the Son of God, the God-Poor, the Savior, who was immune to the Virgin Maria, was born in Bethlehem in 749 from the foundation of Rome, preached a new religion in Palestine, made many miracles, was crucified on the cross, and On the third day, after death, 40 days were resurrected to the sky, and his second coming on Earth will be held in the future for the final victory over the forces of evil, for the resurrection of the dead in the flesh and the subsequent terrible court on which the merit and righteous will be redeemed, and wicked.

In the earliest New Testament essay - "Revelation of John" - Jesus is called Lamb, as it is "atoning victim for the sins of the world." This Lamb of God is depicted by a space creature and sometimes seems to be a special fantastic character: here he is God, and not the Bohell, which is presented in the Gospels. Scientists believe that the Christian myth developed not through the human deification, but on the lines of humanity to the deity. Therefore, the source of the evangelical story of Christ could not be memories of the real "founder of Christianity".

The genuine source of myth about Christ was primarily the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah. Large selections of prophecies were found among papirus in Oksinhek (Egypt), they are found in Kumranian manuscripts. The genealogy of Jesus, his place of birth, escape to Egypt, entry into Jerusalem and his death, all stated in the Gospels so as to make the impression that Jesus was a messiah predicted by the prophets.

The second source of the evangelical myth, in particular the story about the martyrdom of Christ and his resurrection, are massive African Asian ideas about the dying and resurrect God (Adonis, Attis and others) and that the voluntary death of God or his son is atgating the sins of believers and tribesmen. Traces of such beliefs are found in the legends of the death of the Athens Tsar coder, about the suffering and defeating Messiah in Talmud, in the Kumran ideas about the "Mentor of Righteousness", etc.

There are quite a lot of data on the pre-Christian cult of God Jesus (Yeshua); This cult, apparently, was also one of the sources of the evangelical myth.

Some elements of the myth (the birth of Christ) are associated with myths about Mitre. Arriving in recent century BC. e. In Iran, Mitraism got a great distribution and roldiously with Christianity, to the formation of which heavily influenced. In mitraism, joint meals with taste and wine reminded the Christian sacrament of communion. Posts and challenges were similarity with the establishments of Christian asceticism. Meetings in caves and dungeons resembled rites in Christian catacombs. Even the "holy sign" miter in the form of diverging rays comparable to the eight-pointed Cross of Christians.

Mitraism has already kept the teachings on the immaculate conception of Mitra, about the end of the world and about the afterlife court. The holiday of Christmas Christ is rising to the Mitraist teaching about the revival of the Sun on December 25 (on the day of the winter solstice). Unlike Christianity, Mitraism almost did not spread among women, remaining in the Roman Empire mainly by the soldiers' religion. As a result of a persistent struggle in IV - V centuries, Mitraism was defeated by Christianity.

Members of the Kumran sect on the shore of the Dead Sea already in the middle of the i century BC. They believed that the "mentor of justice", executed by the wicked high priest, will rise and all nations will be judged. Probably, this is another (and may be the most important) the source of the myth of Christ.

Christ was born in Bethlehem, the city near Jerusalem; In the same Bethlehem, David was born, and in the Old Testament it was predicted that the coming Messiah was born here. Christmas

Christ had December 25 (Mitra's birthday and the Day of Winter Solstice). He was born in the nursery of Hleva, the bull and died warmed him with his breath, and the "Bethlehem Star" shone "Bethlehem".

At the time of the birth of Jesus, his mother, Virgin Mary, heard the voice of the angel from the sky: "Glory to the High of God, and on Earth, the world, in man in favor." (No, this shepherds heard. Luke, 2, 14).

Shortly after the birth of Jesus, his parents are a receiving father Carpenter Joseph and Virgin Mary - fled with a baby to Egypt, for so ordered Joseph who came to him in a dream angel: For King Herod the Great was looking for a birthday who had already born in Bethlehem to destroy. In the Gospel of Matthew about the flight of Joseph and his son and her son in Egypt, it is true: "And Tamo to the death of Irodova, will come true from the Lord the Prophet, the verbal: from Egypt, the appeals of my son." (Prophet Asia).

Then angry Herod ordered to kill all the little boys in Bethlehem, from two years and less. (Massacre of the innocents).

When Herod died, an angel in a dream was Joseph, formerly in Egypt, and ordered to return to Israel, for he died of a soul of his father's soul. Joseph went to his homeland, but hearing that Archelai, the son of Herod, reigns in Judea, was afraid to return to Judea, and went to Galileo (the Northern Region of Israel, near the Gennisarsk Lake), where she settled in the city of Nazareth. (Therefore, Jesus was called Galileanin, Nazareanin, Norreham).

These days, Johann the Baptist had already preached in the Jewish desert: "Skay, the kingdom of heaven is approaching." The crowds of people from all over the country were flocked, confessed in sins, and he baptized them in Jordan, saying that one who was stronger than him and to whom he, Johann, not worthy of the boots to suffer ":" That you baptizes the Holy Spirit and fire. "He's a shovel in his hand and squeezed his hands, and his Wheat will gather his wheat in a resident, the splas will burn with the fire with negascious."

John came to Johann and baptized from him, and when Jesus came out of the water; Heaven was rejected over him, and flew in the form of the pigeon of the Holy Spirit, and the voice said in the sky: "This there is a son of my beloved, about it in favor of the sameness." (All above - Gospel from Matthew).

In the gospel of Luke, it is described that Simeon, the resident of Jerusalem, was predicted that he would not die until Christ sees. Once, having come to the temple, where the parents brought the baby Jesus, Simeon took him to his arms and said: "Now let your slave, Vladyko, on the verb of yours with the world ..." (it became a death prayer "now let's vaccine", Latin "MIPE & T1SHV"; in everyday life, the exclamation of "now vaccine" was used when achieving something for a very long expectant).

After the baptism of Jesus (the Holiday of Baptism on January 6), the Spirit took him to the Desert "Artsi-Tsyuzi from the devil." Jesus fasted 40 days and 40 nights, after which the tempter appeared to him

and said: "The son of the Son of God, the RTS, and the Siesta of this bread will be." But Jesus responded to the first temptation: "It is written: there will be a person who is not alive for bread, but about every verb, which is outgoing from the mouth of God."

Second temptation. The devil moved him to Jerusalem and, putting on the wing of the temple, offered to rush down: the angels will pick him up in their hands. Jesus replied: "Paki is written: not the temptish of the Lord of your God."

Third temptation. The devil suffered Jesus on a huge mountain, showed him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them and told him: "This is the best to you, whether you dreamed." ("All this will give you, if you fall and bow me"). Jesus answered the third quote from Scripture: "To the Lord God to be bored and the same vestment." - And the devil left Jesus.

He heard the arrest of John the Baptist, left Nazareth and moved to Kapernaum, the city on the shore of the Genisaret (Tiberiatic) lake. This is a lake in Galilee, through which the Jordan River proceeds; It is called from the city of Tiberiad on the shore of it. Here he began to preach and met two brothers - fishermen, throwing networks into the lake, Andrei and Simon, nicknamed by Peter. He told them: "Mood for me, and you will create a catcher" ("Go after me, and I will make you the cathers of the people"). This was the first two student, Peter and Andrei Procreurn. The following two apostle Jacob and John, also fishermen. Jesus passed all Galilee, preaching and healing all the ailments.

Further, his famous Nagorny sermon follows: Matthew Chapter 5 - 7, Luke has 6. According to Matthew, she was uttered on the mountain and was addressed to the four first apostles. This is a compressed statement of the main moral principles of early Christianity and at the same time direct controversy with the commandments of the Old Testament, which Jesus quotes and refutes.

"You can not work God and Mamon" \u003d "You can not serve (at the same time) to God and Mamon." He called them them not to think about either about food or clothes. "I am also looking for the kingdom of God and the truth of him, and this is all will attribute to you. I do not get a fear of the morning, the morning boves ... Prochet the groove of him. "

"Do not judge, do not judge.

They also judge the court, judge you, and in Nyu the same measure, to take it away.

What we see the dried, the same in the scene of your brother, Bervnoy, hedgehog there is yours in Oce, not Coleshi. "

"Do not give a holy dog, do not mark the beads of your before the pigs, but do not go their legs with your own. . . "

When Jesus came down from the mountain, he touched his hand and in one word ("Cleaning") healed the sweened, the sick boy's sick, son of the centurion (centurion) healed in Kapernahum, and not even entering the house; Later, one touch healed Mother Peter, I expelled the word of evil spirits in the word from the standpoint people, etc.

When one of the students asked him to go to bury his father, Jesus answered: "Go for me and give the dead to bury our dead."

He called in the disciples behind Mat Matthew, seeing him sitting on my mother. (Mytari (Lat. Ricnsapie) are collectors of filters, the most designed profession in Israel of that time).

Twelve Apostles: Andrei and his brother Peter, Jacob and his brother Novann, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas and Matthew Mytar, Jacob (son Alpharey) and leftways, called Faddeem, Simon Channel (i.e., a resident of Cana) and Judas Iskariotsky, "izh and Find it. "

"Get to me VSI briefing and burdened, and you still do you." (In other words, the proletarians of all countries, connect!)

"I go my good, and my burden is easy."

The enemies of Jesus are the scribes and Pharisees. The scribes are the Jewish acuters who explained the Old Testament law. Pharisees are a religious and political sect or Hebra (that is, the "partnership"), opposition in relation to the temple nobility, but the despise of the simple people as "unclean." The people mocked their dismissed piety and called them "painted" (that is, by the Khanzhami). In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus says: "Mount you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites that eat the houses of the widows and hypocritically pray for a long time." He called them - "Dreaming of Echidnov." He predicted an eternal curse to them.

Further, Matthew Episode of the execution of John the Baptist at the request of Salome, on the feast on the birthday of Herod's fourth (ie Tetrarch Galilee). Jesus, having learned about it, retired to the desert, where the people came for him; Here he healed, and then five thousand people fed five bread and two fish, and 12 baskets were still filled with residues.

This follows the second miracle - walking on the water of the Tiber Lake.

Then he goes to the city of Magdala on the same lake, then in Caesara. Here he announced to the disciples that he is Christ (that is, the Messiah) that he needs to go to Jerusalem, a lot to suffer from the elders, bishops and scribes, "killed by life and on the third day to rebel." And after six days, Jesus took Peter, the John and James brothers, having erected them to a high mountain and transformed against them: his face became like the sun, and the rises became white as light. Three apostles saw Elijah and Moses who spoken with Jesus. Then they painted the bright cloud, and the voice said from him: "This has a son of my beloved, about him of the same as good or lichni." The apostles in fear fell fear of NIC, Jesus touched them, saying: "Stand up and do not be afraid." He was alone, and no one had no one. According to legend, it happened on the Mount Favor; In honor of the Event, the Christian Church later established a feast of "Transfigratio) -6 August. Russians call him also "second savage".

Jesus forbade three apostles to talk about this miracle until he resurrected from the dead. Here he said that John the Baptist was Ilya-prophet himself.

After that, Jesus went to Judea. Here, it is especially noteworthy of his meeting with a rich young men who are looking for the kingdom of heaven. Jesus told him: "Those of Khoshcheshi performed in life, go, selling your estate and gone to the poor: and have imash treasure in the sky: and the ridges after me." Rich young man left, sorrow, and Jesus told the disciples: "Easy to

the dish pass through the needle ears than rich in the kingdom of heaven. " And predicted that in a different life, many first will be the last, and the last first. [Evangelical Socialism]

"Many souls, few chosen."

When he entered Jerusalem, people spread their clothes and branches of trees in front of him: "Osaned his son Davidov! Blessed Grocery in the name of the Lord. Osaned in the highest! "

In Jerusalem, Jesus expelled trading from the temple, tilted in the temple of the "meals" of trumps (the tables changed and merchants were called the trapes) and sedals of sellers of pigeons. He said: "It is written: the temple of my temple of the prayer will be settled, you made it the Vertel Robbers (you will coordinate and the tweeters of the robber)."

Then he came out of the city in Bethyania and climbed there (in Bethifania there was a home Maunda and Mary Magdalene, if not mistaken). Here he rested and went to Jerusalem again.

Once, the Pharisees asked him (wanting to end in incitement against Rome): "Does you pay to Caesar worthy or not?" Jesus ordered him to submit him a coin and asked: "Whose image is and writing?" - "Cesarev". Then he said: "Return Cesareese Cesarean and God's Gods (so pay Cesarean Cesar, and God's God)". Caesar Denarium. Moral: obey all worldly power.

Soon, Sadduki, who did not believe in the resurrection of the souls, tried to catch him with a tricky question: there were seven brothers, the eldest died childlessly, on his widow on the law of Moses married the second brother, then he died, and so the seventh, after all his wife died; So whose wife will she be on the resurrection, "VSI Bo having yu"? "Jesus replied:" In the resurrection, they are not married, neither encroach, but the Angels of God in the sky. "

For the hypocrisy and murder of the prophets, Jesus swear Pharisees, scribes, "blind leaders": "Snakes, the generation of Echidnov, how do you scrip from the court of Geensky?"

Elders, bishops and scribes are going to the courtyard (high priest) Caia-Fium. A conspiracy against Christ is drawn up, and here Judas Iskariotsky comes to them (distortion of the Greek Issachariot-man from the kind of Issahar or the descendant of Issahar). He says: "Does the Data Knight, and Az you betray him." They give Jude thirty silventmen. It was a holiday Easter.

Jesus comes with students in the evening (festive dinner) and recalculation at the table, announces: "One of you betray me." All asked: "Is I not, Lord?" Judas also asked: "Isn't I Rabbi?" Jesus replied: "You said."

He took her bread, blessed him and prevented and gave students: "Press, do, this is my body."

Then I took the bowl and, reward praise, gave students: "Piyti from NEY DSI, this Boy is my blood, a new covenant, Laja for many of the sins." So at the secret evening, he established the communion community (Eucharist), the most important in the Christian church along with baptism.

This follows one of the strongest pages of Matthew-last night with students in the Garden of Garden. Taking Peter, John and Jacob with him, he moved away to pray to them. He began to grieve and sadness: "The soul of Ower is fatally grieved, wait here and mean with me."

Jesus Pal Nits, Praying: "My Father, if possible, then the bowl of this bowl, and however, let it happen, not as I want, but like you."

Returning to the disciples that left in several steps, he found them sleeping.

He prayed two more times. Pupils slept. Finally, he said: "Stop, go. That approached betraying me. "

Gudeximania included Judas with a lot of armed people. He agreed with them about the signal: "Who am I kiss, he is, take it." - Then came to Jesus with the words: "Rejoice, Rabbi!" -And kissed him.

Jesus replied: "Friend, if you came?" And immediately was captured by those who came.

One of the apostles snatched the sword and hit them the slave of Bishiyeva, banging his ear. Jesus ordered: "Return your sword to his place, for everyone who took the sword, a sword and perished. Or do you imagine that I can't at least be afraid of my father now? He will present me more than twelve legions of angels. But it seems to be so that the Scriptures come true. "

Pupils left him and fled. Warriors took Jesus to the high priest Caiafe, where the scribes and elders were waiting. They spoiled him in his face, beat him on the cheeks and "Zahaukha His", mockingly asking: "Prophet to us, Christ, who has hit you?" [Child Game]

In the morning, Jesus was devoted to the Roman governor (IMEMON, that is, hegemon) Pontius Pilate.

The scene of the arrest of Christ, all this chapter is one of the best in world literature, including a three-year resignation of Peter on this night. Kiss Judah ("Lobzia Judino") and the image itself of Judah - symbols of betrayal.

So, on this night, the Sedrinion, which gathered at Kaiaf, decided to execute Jesus. "Male death!" - they said. But the Sanhedrion (Greek. The Council) was the highest Irocratic institution, and for the implementation of his sentence, a civil court was needed and the sanction of the Roman authorities. Therefore, Jesus was transferred to the procurator of the Judea Pontius Pilate, who was named in the Gospels by the Greek title of the ImoMon.

[Historic Pontius Pilatus was the procurator of Judea from 26 to 36 years. e., was known for cruelty, leaning and contempt for the local population; Withdraw in Rome due to the general perturbation of the province of his rule].

In the Gospel of John it describes in detail about the conversation of Pilate with Christ, given to the governor to Pretoria. Pilate asked: "Do you king Judean?" And then: "What did you do?" Jesus's answer: "My kingdom is not from this world."

Pilate asked again: "So you king?" Jesus replied: "You say that I king; I was born and came to the world to testify the truth: everyone, God, is from the truth, she listens to my eyes. "

Pilate asked again: "What is the truth?" (Obviously a rhetorical question of skeptical-indifferent Roman, as he does not expect a response). And immediately went to the Jews, waiting outside the building, and told them: "I do not find any guilt in it. There is also a custom you have to make one of you for Easter: So, do you want me to let you go to the king of Juda? " In response, there was a friendly cry: "Not him, and Zarable!" - Wheel was the robber.

Then Jesus was beating, and then the warriors splured the crown from the thorns and put him on his head, and dressed him in the criminal robe (that is, in Purpur, the sign of the royal power). They said: "Rejoice, King Judaian!" - And beat it on the cheeks. Pilate came out again and said to those who were waiting: "Here, I bring it to you, so that you understand that I do not find any guilt in him."

Jesus was removed in the royal purple and a terns. Touched by his patience and tranquility, Pilate said: "CE Man." (Lat. Ecce Homo! ")

The bishops and their servants shouted: "Cutting, cut it!" Pilate replied: "Take it, and CPU, for I do not find the guilt in it."

He was answered: "We have a law, and according to the law, our should die, for the Son of God created himself." Pilate was worn and asked Jesus: "Where are you from?" Jesus did not answer. Pilate hesitated, not wanting the death of Jesus, but Jews began to shout to him: "If you let him go, you are not a friend Caesarem: everyone who creates himself to the king, opposed Cesare."

(It was, of course, a terrible threat: the suspicious and bloodthirsty Tiberius still lived on Care, the Romans trembled before him).

Pilate sat on the Sudilice, on the spot, called Gavwafa, in Greek Lifosterthroton. There was the 5th day of Easter, about 6 hours. Pilate said: "Here is your king." - "Take, take it, cut it!" - "Tsar do your time?" - But the bishops answered: "We have no king except Caesar."

Then Pilate gave them Jesus, and he was led. I carry my cross, he went to the place of executions, called Calvary. Here it was crucified in the middle between two criminals.

On the cross, it was written (on the table) in Jewish, in Greek and in Latin by Pilate: "Jesus Nazornan, the king of the Jewish". Jerusalem bishops with indignation indicated an error-should be written: "calling himself king Juda". But the Pilate replied: "Hegey ofps, wheels (what I wrote, I wrote)" 1.

The cross stood the mother of Jesus Deva Maria, her sister and Maria Magdalene, as well as one of the favorite students. At the time of the arrival or already on the cross, Jesus prayed to God for his tormentors: "Father! Let them go, do not master Bo, what they do. " (Gospel from Luke).

Matthew speaks of abuses over Christ, about how he, on the parish on Calvary, was given to drink vinegar, mixed with bile, and he, drinking a little, rejected. "If you are the Son of God, go from the cross!" "Other saved, so if you can not save? If he is the king of Israel, let him take away from the cross, and we will believe in it! " Even crucified robbers pouted him. From the 6th hour before the 9th Darkness was throughout the land. In the 9th hour, Jesus cried the Glass of Great: "Or, or, Lima Savachtani" ("My God, my God, why are you me

1 In Matthew, Pilate after the trial took the water, washed his hands before the people and said: "I am unhappy with his blood."

left! "). One of the assistants of the execution wet a sponge of vinegar, stuck on a cane and drove Jesus. And soon Jesus, once again screamed a lot, I was emptied the Spirit. In this case, an earthquake occurred; Frightened Centurion and Guardians, with him former with execution, exclaimed: "Truly, the Son was truly." The body of Jesus a little later, Pilate issued for the burial Joseph Arimafi, rich man, who also studied at Jesus.

Mark basically all this is described as Matthew, but the famous complaint on the cross sounds: "Eloi, Eloi, Lama Savachtani.

Luka tells that one of the two robbers crucified with Christ, hung him, saying: "If you are Christ, save yourself and us!" Another rejected him for it, saying that their two execute "according to Delwm", and Jesus did not create any evil; Then said Jesus: "Remember me, Lord, when you come to your kingdom." Jesus replied: "Amen, I tell you, today will be in paradise with me." - Next Description of darkness throughout the land and the eclipse of the sun. Jesus cried: "Father, in your hands, I pretend my spirit." And with these words died.

According to John, his last word was: "happened."

Joseph Arimafi, a student of Jesus, who hid his faith, "fear for the sake of Jewish", took the body of Jesus with the permission of Pilate; Nicodemus delivered aromas (a mixture of Smirns and Aloe), the body en mastered in funeral clothes and buried in a coffin.

But in three days the coffin was empty. Jesus has resurrected. He appeared Mary Magdaline, eleven apostles, later than 500 brothers gathered at the field of Apostles ... He commanded the apostles: "Go around the world and preach the gospel of the whole creature." (Mark, XVI, 15). Then the phenomena stopped. It raised on the sky on the outcome of 40 days.

The image of Jesus Christ, the fruit of the contamination of the Jewish legends with Mitraism, the cult of Dionysus, etc., the final result of the Hellenistic mixing of crops, had a huge impact on the literature and art of Europe.

Poetry Dante, Milton and many others.

In Russian literature, his immediate image was given Dostoevsky in the "Legend of the Great Inquisitor" and Mikhail Bulgakov in the novel "Master and Margarita".

The legend of the ruin of hell and the medieval image of Christ

In the Middle Ages, the story of the ruin of hell was enjoyed in tremendous popularity: about how Jesus between his crucifixion and the resurrection destroyed the hell, having riding the soul of the dead from Muk.

In some embodiments, Jesus eliminates the flour of the departed righteous, in others - all souls in hell. There is nothing like this in the canonical bible; The legend dates back to a detailed story about it in the apocryph "Gospel of Nicodemus".

Numerous options for legends, from medieval Miracle to Langland's Poemland "Peter Pahar", paint Christ as a defender of oppressed, who defeats death and saves the souls from the ultrasound; He is attached to the traits of another partly of the barbaric epic hero, he acts as a warrior, although comes on the donkey; He crushes the Gate of Hell, which

depicted as a typical feudal castle protected by mighty barons. Christ destroys and praises hell.

13. Maria Magdalina

Maria Magdalina - Maria from the city of Magdala1, very beautiful harlot, extremely vicious. Jesus healed her, drove seven demons from it, after which she repented in his depraved life and became one of his faithful sequences.

In the Gospel of Luke contains such a story about Magdaline: "He prayed for his own from the Pharisees so that he would be with him; And he, by entering the house of Farisa, Earl. And here is the woman of this city, which was a sinner and who learned that he would face in the house of Pharisai, bringing Ala-Wasting of the world and knew his feet behind, crying, began to wash his legs with his tears and wipe his head with his heads, and wrapped his legs, And so did the world.

Seeing this, who invited him by Pharisee said to himself: "If he had been a prophet, he would know who and what woman touches him: for she is a sinner."

And in response, Jesus told him: "Simon, I have to tell you something." He answered: "Speak, teacher."

Jesus said: "Two had to have a certain lender, one five hundred dinarians, another fifty; Since they could not pay, he forgave the debts to both. Who are of them, tell me, will love him anymore? "

Simon replied: "Many, that he who forgave more." Jesus said to him: "You have judged the right."

And, turning to the woman, said Simono: "Do you see this woman? I entered your house, you did not give the water to wash my legs: she poured my legs with tears and gone his head with his heads. "

"Lobzia did not give me me: she, as I entered, never ceases to tell me the legs."

"The oil did not inspire the head to me: she also smelled my legs peace."

"That sake, I tell you, the sins of her many are released, for she loved a lot; And the same, who loves less, is less left. "

And he told her: "Sins are released."

(This episode from Luka served as the theme of Rubens and Van Diek "Pier at Simon Farisay", in the Lenigrad Hermitage).

The famous painting of Titian "Crawling Magdalen", the paintings of Corredago, Guido Reni and others.

According to evangelical stories, Magdalene was in Calvary during the crucifix; I scarked Jesus after his death; And he first appeared after the resurrection. In the apocryphal gospel, Foma says that Jesus loved Maria from Magdala more than all his students and often kissed her on his lips.

1 Magdala is a city in Galilee, on the shore of the Tiberiastic Lake, where Christ preached.

Magdalene - sister Martha and Lazarus, resurrected by Jesus (but Lazaror lived in Viph, and not in Magdale).

The image of a sinner, whose repentance still captivating her former sin, always retained the famous ambiguity: the relationship of Christ and Magdalene - the secret sexual psychological motive of the Gospel (a love desire, overwhelmed by religious reverence, is reborn in Magdalene to extreme masochism).

This image of the legend brilliantly developed Dostoevsky in the novel "Idiot" (Prince Myshkin and Nastasya Filippovna).

14. Holy Grail

The gospel legend in the Middle Ages, contaminating with many Celtic and German myths, gave rise to a lot of apocrypha and national Christian legends. One of the first such legends was the legend of the Holy Grail.

The origins of it, in the gospels; There is talking about the notable Pharisee Nicodemus, devoid of his dignity for the burial of Christ, and about the rich village of Jerusalem Josepha from Ari-Mafia, the disciple of Christ, who hid his appeal of "fear for the sake of Judaisk." Joseph rebounds the body of Christ after passion and buried him along with Nicodemus in his garden. This is all that says in the Gospels.

According to the traditions of the Middle Ages, Joseph Arimafi sailed by the sea from Judea to Provence, and from here headed to Britain, which brought the Christian faith and the Holy Grail. He put this relic from the country to the country, preaching Christianity. Grail (the word ancient-french) is the name of the mysterious bowl made from solid stone - Emerald; She was brought to the land of angels, and Christ drank from her of her at the Last Evening. During the passions, Joseph Arimafi collected the blood in this bowl argued from the wound in the side of the crucified Christ, where he pierced with a spear centurion. Grail with Holy Blood gave her owner the ability to work wonders, but could only be achieved by a virgin knight. The legends about the search for Holy Grail make up an important part of the arturovsky cycle (when the Grail was lost, the Knights of the Round Table made several expeditions with the aim of his finding).

The most famous round table knights is Lancelot Del Lac. He brought up the Fai of Lake, from here and his nick. Lancelot - Beloved Queen Ginevra, Spouses King Arthur. In vain, he is involved in the search for Holy Grail: to get a great relic. He prevents the sin of adultery over him. Lancelot - the victim of the magical spell of false jinear. The son of Lancelota, pure from the sin Galaad, mastering the Holy Gray.

The repentance and death of Lancelicota are completing his stormy fate. Fata Morgana (i.e. Fairy Morgana) - In Breton legend, the summary sister of King Arthur, rejected Lancelot's beloved; This is a wizard living at the bottom of the sea, in a Crystal Palace; she is

cheats navigators with ghostly visions and ruin them. In the figurative sense of "Fata Morgan" - a deceptive vision, a mirage.

The Knight, departed in search of a graveyard, must reach the chapel of the dangers and ask there magic issues that make it the owner of the bowl and spears and freeing the country from speech. On the approaches to the chapel of the hazards of the Knight-seeker of the Grail, horrors are besieged, and among others - bats with babies heads.

The English folkloclist of Jesse L. Weston in the book "From Ritual to the Knight Roman" took the reconstruction of the legend about the Holy Grare. In her opinion, the Grail is a magic talisman, relieving the vision of infertility imposed on the fabulous country of the Tsar-Fisherman, a character of a number of "myths of fertility". The basis of the search for graveyla is one of these oldest myths associated with the cult of the dying and resurrecting God and with the primitive rite of initiation (cruel tests when dedicated to men's dignity). Thus, the tale of the Holy Glaye - at the very basis of its pagan, ancient, and not Christian.

15. Agasfer, or punishment of immortality

Agasver (Ahasverus) - he is the eternal liquid, Le Juif Errant. Another later legend, added to the Christian myth. According to this legend, the Agasfer called the Jerusalem Bashman, who did not accept Jesus, who wanted to relax on his way to Calvary; For other versions, the Agasfer called the servant of Pilate (Cartvil), which had hit the Jesus after the trial. Generally speaking, Agasfer ("Prince") - this word is called Midiy and Persian kings in the Bible.

They told that Jesus, carrying his cross and bending under his weight, wanted to relax in front of the door of the Agasfer's shoeman, but he rushed him. Jesus said: "I want him to stay, how I will come." (Or: "You will wander around the ground, while I do not come"). Thus, Agasfer was convicted of wandering on the ground to the second coming of Christ. There is no death for him, but there is no rest. This punishment of eternal immortality and eternal wandering symbolizes the fate of the Jewish people, condemned to wander in the light away from their homeland.

According to the legends, Agasfer, after the words of Christ, immediately went out and could no longer stop.

The legend has developed in the XIII century and has acquired broad popularity. In various European countries, especially in the XVII century in the German cities, rumors were spreading about the appearance of it there, then here is a wandering Agasfer, about meetings of people with him. In the library of the city of Bern even showed shoes and cane of Agasfer.

At the same time, a number of folk books about the Agasfer spent on French and ancient languages \u200b\u200bappeared in Germany. In the XVIII century, the People's Song "La Complainte Du Juif Errant" ("Complaint of the Eternal Jew") acquired great popularity in England and Belgium.

The wide popular popularity of the legend, due to the fact that the fate of Agasfera symbolically associated with the fate of all deprived of the Motherland, which was in the "scattered

the NII "of the Jewish people, gave rise to numerous processing in the literature of almost all European peoples. One German treatments are over 60. The plot of the Agasfer was vividly interested in the German "stormy geniuses" (the poem of Shubart) and in general, romantic poets (Shelly, Lenaau, Zhukovsky, etc.). Young Goethe learned from the folk books a legend about Agasfer and began to write a widely conceived poem about him, wanting to "depict the most outstanding moments in the history of religion and church." In his famous autobiography "Dichtung und Wahrheit", Goette tells in detail about his idea to "process the epically story of eternal Jew". Excerpts from the unwritten poem Goethe were published in 1836. (Is it true?)

As a minor, but a detailed drawn Character Agasfer was bred by Jan Pototsky in his famous novel "Manuscript found in Saragoss". This book knew and loved Pushkin, which D. D. Good in his research "Creative Way of Pushkin".

In 1823, the French historian Edgar Kina published the Satyric Poem "Tablettes du Juif Errant" ("Notes of Eternal Jew), close to the progressive views of Madame de Stelle and Benjan Konstan and aimed against religious dogmas and superstitions. Kina was fond of German philosophy and studied her in Heidelberg. He translated from German, he tried to imitate Wolfgangu Goethe in his philosophical drama "Agasfer" ("Ahasverus", 1833), embodiment in the legendary image of the eternal Jewish the winsted spirit of mankind.

Eugene Xu described the adventures of Agasfer in the form of an adventurous novel "JUIF ERRANT" ("Wandering Jam", 1844), directed against Jesuits. France in France received a Bearing Song under the same name. Artistic processing of legends continued to continue until the 20th century.

As I found out the good, the unfinished sketch of Pushkin "in the Jewish Lampada Hut" (Boldinskaya Autumn of 1830) is the beginning of the poem or a large poem about the Agasfer, not written by the poet. Francishek Malevsky at the evening N. A. Polevoye heard the story of Pushkin about this plan: "A child dies in the Jewish hut. Among the crying, a person says Mother: "Do not cry. Not death, life is terrible. I woofing liquid. I saw Jesus, carrying a cross, and mocked." With it dies a hundred twenty-year old man. It made a more impression on him than the fall of the Roman Empire. " Malevsky's diary got fame only in 1952.

In his novel, the "Golden Challenge" Soviet writers Ilf and Petrov created the original "completion" of the legend of Agasfer: according to the story of Bender, the eternal liquid was killed by Makhnovtsy (or Petlisters?) During the civil war in Ukraine.

More about the origin of the legend. In East Folklore, the Quran already meets the theme of the punishment of the sinner of immortality, the legend was finally developed in the era of crusades, pilgrimage in Palestine, the vagabilities of the beggars, roasted by feudal and persecution of the Jews in medieval Europe.

One of the first European legends options leads the Italian astrologer of Guido Bonatti ("Astronomical Treatise", published in 1491).

Provencal and Italian legends of the XV century narrated the immortal Jew who wandered around the cities of Italy. Many who experienced, he gave wise advice to ordinary people. The rulers tried to execute him, but he remained invulnerable.

The Jewish Bashman, punished by eternal wanderings, appears in the German folk book of 1602 years.

The mysterious image of Agasfera, the eternal sovereign, everly living among people, who observes their mistakes, suffering and joy and not by anywhere else, inspired many writers.

Shubart - "Eternal Jam", 1783.

Goethe - "Eternal Jam", 1773.

Zhukovsky -

Jan Pototsky - "Manuscript found in Saragoss", 1804.

Edgar Kina- "Notes of Eternal Jew", 1823.

Pushkin- "In the Jewish Lampad hut", 1830.

Edgar Kina -tram "Agasfer", 1833.

Lenao- "Eternal Jam", 1833.

Eugene Su- "wandering liquor", 1844.

Berance is "wandering liquid".

Gofman in the story "The choice of the bride" is the eternal flu - the owner, a trade affair in Berlin.

Poem V. K. Kyhehelbecker "Agasver" (1832-1844), where the strange tragedy of the fading world is depicted.

16. Paolo and Francesca

In the XIII century "Signor" (that is, the Tiran) of the city of Ravena, Guido da Polenta, had a beautiful daughter named Francesca (Francesco Da Polenta). The father betrayed her for the most notable and rich, but the ugly and coarse lunchotto (Lianciotto), the son of Malatet, "Signora" of the city of Ri-mini. Lunchotto's younger brother was a wonderful young man Paolo. Francesca loved him; Lunchotto found them together and killed both.

This story was famous thanks to Dante. In his "ADE" (song V), the poet devoted about 70 poems by the image of the limitless love of Frances and Paolo. Dante's attention is attracted by two embracing shadows that are worn together in the hellish swirl, without separating even among the torment. The name of Love Dante calls them to themselves. Francesca is deeply touched by his sympathy and tells about his only love that led him here. Once they read along with Paolo about love Lanchelot and Queen Ginevra. When they read that Lanchelot kissed Ginevore, Paolo kissed Francescu - "And in this

we did not read the day. " And in hell (Francesca says) "He still does not leave me." Love and will last forever, as forever and punishment. And the poet, grasped pity, falls without feelings. In the spirit of medieval asceticism, Dante was placed in the hell of these passionate lovers, but he himself felt them and expressed them a flame sympathy.

The image of Franni and Rimini and later inspired painters, musicians (including P. I. Tchaikovsky). Silvio Pelliko wrote a tragedy about this love, and Bayron translated it into English. In the XIX century, Rimini still showed a room where Paolo and Francesca were killed.

17. Faust. Deal with the devil

Dr. Johann Faust is a historic face, a warlock, wandering in Germany at the beginning of the 16th century. His legendary biography was already in the era of the Reformation and became the Great Theme of European Literature.

The historical Faust was born, apparently, about 1480 in the city of Kkittlingen, in 1508, with Franz, the von Zickkengen received a teacher's place in Creitsna, but was supposed to run from the persecution of fellow citizens. As a warlock and astrologer, Faust drove in Europe, issuing himself for the great scientist and boasting that he could create all the wonders of Jesus Christ. In 1539 the trace is lost. In the era of the Renaissance, when Vera was still alive in magic and miracles, and on the other hand, science tried outstanding victories, the figure of Dr. Faust quickly acquired the legendary outlines and wide popularity.

In 1587, in Germany, the first literary processing of the legend appeared in Germany - the Folk Book of Faust: "Historai Von Dr. Iohann Fausten, Dem Weitbeschreite Zauberer und Schwartzkunstler etc. - The books are crowded with episodes confined to various sorcerers (Simon Volkhv, Albert Great, etc.) and related to the wax. The author, apparently, Lutheran's cleric, depicts Faust by the bolded wickey, who entered the union, by the devil for the acquisition of great knowledge and strength ("Faust reflected the eagle wings and wanted to penetrate and explore all the foundations of the sky and the earth"). The final head of the book tells about the "terrible and terrifying end" of Faust: he is broken by the demons and the soul it goes to hell. It is characteristic that the Faust is gave the features of the humanist.

These features are noticeably strengthened in the publication of 1589: Faust reads lectures on the Homere at the University of Er-Furth, at the request of students causes the shadows of the heroes of classical antiquity; The love of humanists to antiquity is implemented in the book as a "godless" connection of the lustful Faust and beautiful Elena. Despite the desire of the author to condemn the Faust for his wormlessness and pride, the image of it is still Oveyan famous heroism; It reflected the Epoch of the Renaissance with the thirst for unlimited knowledge, the cult of unlimited personality opportunities, a riot of medieval quietism.

The English playwright of Christopher Marlo took advantage of the folk book about Fauste, which created the first dramatic treatment of legends. This is his tragedy "The Tragical History of The Life and Death of Doctor Faustus", 1588-1589, published in 1604. Marlo knew the book description, it was translated into English in 1588. Knowledge for the hero of the English tragedy is above all, and for the sake of this he reins against religion. The tragedy of Marlo about the Faust-top of his humanistic drama, although knowledge needs to be by the faast as a means of achieving power and wealth.

Garlo strengthened the heroic features of the legend, turning the Faust in the carrier of the heroic elements of the Renaissance. He draws titanium covered by the thirst for knowledge, wealth and power. From the folk book, Marlo inherited the alternation of serious and comic episodes, as well as the tragic legend final, expressing the condemnation of Faust and his dorned breakthroughs.

Apparently, at the beginning of the 17th century, the tragedy of Marlo is entered by English stray comedians to Germany, where transforms into a puppet comedy, which receives significant distribution (to it, by the way, many must and Goette when creating their "Faust").

The folk book is also at the heart of the extensive essay of Vidman on Faust, published in Hamburg in 1598; Vimmana reinforced the moralistic and clerical and didactic trends of the folk book, he created a story about the "terrible and disgusting sins and actions" of the famous Warlock. At the footsteps, Vidman went the Pfitzer (Pfitzer), who released his processing of the folk book about Faust in 1674.

Faustic theme exceptional popularity received in Germany, in the second half of the 18th century ("Storm and Natisk"). Lessing left fragments of the unfulfilled play about Faust. Friedrich Muller (artist and poet, he called himself "Maler Muller" and entered the story as "Muller - painter") left an unfinished tragedy "Faust's life" (Fausts Leben Dramatisiert, 1178); He has a titanic image of Faust turned out to be too one-sided, because The reason for his union with Mephistofel Muller did only thirst for pleasure. In the description of Hell, the sharp-satirical sketches of modern Muller morals are given. In 1791, Friedrich Maximilian Klinger published his philosophical novel "Fausts Leben, Thatn und Hollenfart" ("Life of Faust, Acts and Demands in the hell"), which combined the legend with a sharp criticism of absolutism and feudal society (the arbitrariness of feudal, monarchs and clergy crimes , depravity of dominant classes, portraits of Louis Xi, Pope Alexander Bordjia, etc.).

The greatest peak of this tradition was the tragedy Goethe "Faust" (about her next). It was created from 1774 to 1831.

As a wandering quarrel of the 16th century, Faust is in the novel of Arima "Die Kronenwatcher" ("Guardies of the Crown", 1817). The legend of Faust was developed by Grabbs ("Don Juan Und Faust", 1829), Lenae (Faust, 1835-1836) and Heine ("Der Doctor Faust. Ein Tazpoem, 1851).

In Russia, Pushkin - "Scene from Faust"; Outflows of the Gothev "Faust" we find in the "Donjuan" A. K. Tolstoy (Prolog, Faustsky features of Don-Zhuana) and in an episristolar story

Turgenev "Faust". - "Russian Faust" called Ivan Karamazov from the last novel of Dostoevsky. In the 20th century - Bryusov and Lunacharsky (drama for reading Faust and City).

"Faust" Goethe, or the Spirit of Eternal Care

Tragedy Goethe is the top of all German literature. In the processing of the plot, the poet relied on the national book on Fausta (1587), on the texts of this book in the publication of the PHTICNER (1674) and called the "believer of Christian" (Anonymous, 1725), as well as on the puppet drama.

The first option (the manuscript was detected in 1887) called "urfaust" ("Prafaust" appeared in 1773-1775); He remained unfinished. Reziving against the "dust and tens" of bookscholasticism, striving for the completeness of life, Faust expresses here only a vague impulse, characteristic of the era of "Storms and Natika".

A somewhat smoothing historical style, Goethe publishes a fragment from Faust in 1790.

The most intensive work on the "Faust" (June 1797 - January 1801) is associated with the understanding of the French revolution. In these years, the philosophical concept of the tragedy is developing, its first part ends (published in 1808). In 1825-1831, the second part was written, with the exception of the episode with Elena, which emerged in 1800.

If the tragedy is still fragmentary in "Prafaust", then with the advent of the prologue "in heaven" (written in 1797), it acquires the grandiose outline of humanistic mysteries, numerous episodes of which are associated with the unity of the great artistic plan. In the spirit of enlightenment and the French revolution, Goethe poses the question of the dignity and appointment of the individual, about its release from the social and ethical norms of the Middle Ages. He leaves the church concept of a nullity of man and immemorial mind. In the form of Faust, faith is embodied in the limitless creative possibilities of a person.

The inquisitive mind and daring of the Faust are opposed to the fruitless efforts of dry Pedant Wagner, extinguished from life, from practice, from people. Goethe expresses his thought in the famous Faustic Aphorism: "Seres theory, my friend. But forever green tree of life. " Overcoming the contemplation of German social thought, Faust puts forward the act as the basis of being. He does not accept biblical approval: "In the beginning it was a case." He is a general seeker of the "faithful way", alien rest; His distinctive feature is constant dissatisfaction, Die UnzufriedRnheit.

In the tragedy, brilliant transcriptions of dialectics were reflected. Gota removes the metaphysical opposite of good and evil. The denial and skepticism embodied in the formation of Mephistophele becomes a driving force that helps the Foust in his search for truth. The path to creating passes through the destruction - this is the conclusion to which, according to Chernyshevsky, comes Goethe, summarizing the historical experience of his era. In the first part of the tragedy, concrete features of German life were reproduced. History Gretchen becomes an important link in the process of finding Faust. The tragic situation arises as a result of an insoluble contradiction between the ideal of a natural person, which seems to be

ust Margarita, and the real appearance of limited biming. At the same time, the Margarita victim of public prejudices and dogmatism of church morality. (Meek sinner is also an eternal image).

The first phenomenon of Mephistofel is remembered in the form of a black poodle, a story with a pentagram on the threshold, Drunk Burshi in the legendary zucchop Auerbach, Mofistofel's song about flea, the famous Valpurgiyev Night (Shabash on Mount Broken), where the naked witches, and with every Witch's word crashes red Mouse ... Everything is amazing in this great tragedy!

In the second part, the concreteness of household scenes is inferior to the Renice of the episodes of SIM-VOLICO-allegorical character. Scenes at the Imperial Court are talking about the inevitable collapse of the feudal system. In the desire to approve the humanistic ideal Faust appeals to antiquity. The marriage of Faust and Elena becomes the symbol of the union of two eras. Antique beauty enters into a synthesis with a new poetry: Elena studies at the faust to speak rhyme. She gives rise to a wonderful son, it is Euforye (Byron). When the young man dies, Elena disappears, and only her clothes remain in the hands of Faust. A union with antique beauty is only aesthetic visibility.

Faust is trying to create an artificial life, growing in the retort of a little man - so he was called Latin icotipsey. This is a small intoleration being endowed with the supernatural power of the magic ...

The result of Faust's quest is the belief that the ideal must be carried out on real land. At the same time, Götte already understands that the new bourgeois society, created on the ruins of feudal Europe, is far from the ideal.

Robbery, trade and war.

Not all? Their goal is alone! -

declares Mephistofel. His mouth of Goethe exposes the root side of the bourgeois progress. But for him, unlike romantics, not a disappointment and tragic disorder with the bourgeois world, and faith in the possibility of overcoming social evil on Earth. The 19th century issued before the complex complex of the 19th century, Goethe preserves educational optimism, but turns it to future generations, when free work will be possible on free land. In the name of this future, a person must act and fight, not knowing peace:

Only that worthy of life and freedoms,

Who goes for them every day!

The tragedy is penetrated by pathos of creativity. In it, everything is in motion, in development; A mighty creative process reproducing yourself in more and higher steps.

At the end of the tragedy, dyeing and already blind Faust is a beneficial ruler of a free earth. His minister, Mephistofel, deceives Faust: By his order, grave

lemurs are digging for Faust the grave, and the blinder imagines that it is his people, according to his order, dig a canal. He is deeply happy with the victory of his idea, celebration over the elements (lands in the sea); Blind, he already sees the kingdom of freedom and universal labor prosperity. By the joy of Faust, the fatal words specified in the Treaty with Mephistofel: "Stop, instant, you are fine!"

And falls dead. Under the terms of the Covenant, at the time of satisfaction, his soul becomes the property of Mephistople.

But in the symbolic final, the battle between demons and the angels for the soul of Faust is played. Mephistofel seated and does not have the right to her. Angels defeat the power of evil, hitting them with roses. The deceased Faust is honored with the "space" apogeeosis: the angels raise his soul to the abode of bliss, and on the way she (soul) talks with the soul of Gretchen.

The creative spirit of Faust merged with the creative forces of the universe. "Eternally and feminine calling us up!"

Such a gigantic work inevitably gave rise to a lot of interpretations and various approaches.

The biggest after Goethe development of the topic is the dramatic poem of Nicholas Lenaau "FAUST" (1836). The Austrian poet was a romantic-pessimist, Ein Weltschmerzer, and his Faust is the hero of the intellectual rebound. Poem Lenaau Fragmennna: Epic narration, lyrical monologues, dramatic scenes - episodes of the life of a thinker who despises the world of oppressors and a boredrals, but dusing in search of abstract truth. This Faust is unable to creative activity, this is a dual, hesitating, doomed rebel. He dreamed of "connect the world, God and himself"; The inability to defeat the dark forces turns him into despair. Unlike the tragedy Goethe, Lena wins not Faust, and Mephistofel - denial without approval, without creativity, evil and corrosive skepticism (it looks like Mephistofel Goethe). The spirit of negation and skepticism triumphs over the rebellion, over the Faustian spirit. From the poem Lenae begins the collapse of the humanistic concept of legend about Faust.

In the "Sunset of Europe" (1918-1922) Oswald Spengler discarded optimism embodied in the "Fauste" Goethe, and calls "Faustic" senior rubbing and philosophy of fatigue.

Nowadays the Faustian beginning (spirit of the quest) is opposed to Asian passivity and is nominated as the innate difference between EvhPROPEIS.

The original understanding of the Great Tradition was expressed in the famous novel of Thomas Mann "Doktor Faustus" (1947), in which the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Union with the Devil for the sake of creativity is divorced as a tragic mistake leading to the death of the artist. Antiphust

The source of the whole Foustovsky tradition-folk childbearing worship before the wizards of science, the myth of the demonisha of science, which arose as a result of the religious ban on the knowledge of the world.

The predecessor of the Faust in European mythologies is the wise wizard of Merlin (evil will and frightening longevity).

"Romantic Faust" is called Bayronovsky Manfred.

"Monk" Lewis.

"Melm Skitalets".

18. Don-Zhuan

The Spanish medieval legend created the image of Don Juan, a daring impairment of moral and religious norms, a seeker of sensual pleasures. The legend has developed around the historic person - Don Juan Tenorio, the court Castilian king, he is mentioned in the chronicles and in the list of knights of the Garter Order. According to legend, Don Juan long dispersed with impunity, but once killed the commander of the Order who defended his honor to his daughter; Then the Franciscan monks lured him into the monastery garden and killed, spreading the rumor that Don Juan was overthrowing him to hell offered by him the statue of the Commander.

The image of the All-Russia Feudal, who devoted the life to the secession of women and fight, was so typical for the era, which soon became one of the heroes of all European literature. One of the first treatments of the legend belongs to Peru Tirsco de Molina. It was the alias of the monk Gabriel Tellalles (1571 - 1B48), a prominent playwright from the Lope de Vega. He wrote a play "Seville Naughty, or Stone Guest" ("El Burlador de Sevilla Y Convidado de Piedra", 1b30), where the hero from misunderstanding invites the statue of the Anna's father killed by him for dinner, and only the stoneware of the stone hand inspires him horror and repentance; Blowing ethical norms, Don Juan falls into hell.

The play of Tirsco de Molina did not differ in particularly large artistic advantages, but the type of Don Juan had such a social importance that he immediately acquired great popularity. The era of the Renaissance, the image of Don Juan was at the same time generated by a humanistic protest against church dogs about the sinfulness of all earthly. In this regard, Don Juan looks like a freestyle, a hero that tears the medieval ascetic morality. That is why the legend of Don Juan gave rise to such numerous literary offspring.

The plot migrated to Italy: Comedy J. Chiconini (about 1B50) and Gilibrato (1B52), Comedy Del Arte (1B57-1B58). Tractionedies of Dorimon appeared in France (1B58) and De Ville (1B59). In 1BB5 in the Paris Theater Pale-Piano, the premiere of the comedy of Moliere "Don Juan Ou Festin de Pierre" ("Don Juan, or Stone Pier" took place. Moli-Rovsky Don Juan - at the same time both free-refumen, and a depraved cynical aristocrat. It is not surprising that already in 1bb, the comedy of Moliere for many years was removed from the stage. Moliere created a classic type of type.

In 1669, published in France "Le Nouveau Festin de Pierre, Ou L" ATHEE FOUDROYÉ "; the author was Riotok-treasure Laroz (pseudonym Jean-Baptiste du Mesnil). In 1677 Tom Cornelre created his" Le Festin de Pierre "; it was a brother Great Pierre Cornel, but without his genius.

In the same epoch, the plot goes to England: TH. Shadwell, "The Librrtine", 1676.

In 1736, Goldeni, Venetian playwright, created "Don Giovanni Tenorio Ossia Il Dissoluto". He was even relatively young, his thing does not matter much.

In 1787, Mozart "Don Giovanni" was put in Prague, written on the libretto of Italian playwright Lorenzo da Ponte "Il DonSoluto Puinto Ossia Il Don Giovanny" "1787. Mozart's music emphasized the humanistic features of the image of Don Juan, who is unrestrained by the joys of life. The conflict characteristic of previous interpretations (personality - society) Mozart replaced the tragic conflict of the doomescence of Subitivist, although the daring arbitrariness in the face of objective necessity and death. Mozartov's understanding of Don Juan led to the interpretation of him as a lonely rebel, the doomed seeker of the ideal of spring youth and femininity. It was this interpretation that the 19th century romance was developed.

The bourgeois society gave food to the criticism of Filiuterism and the praise of individualism, which gave rise to a whole Pleiad of frustrated and titanic Don Juanov. Hoffman in his novel "Don-Zhuan" (1814) gives a purely romantic interpretation of the Opera Mozart, creating his story as a "superstructure" over the plot of the opera. Christians Dietrich Grabbs, the son of the prison caress, "Spoken of Genius" from Detmold, wrote the tragedy "Don Juan and Faust" (1829), in which the conflict is depicted between the desire for the knowledge and the cult of pleasures.

Byron, the Buntar Singleman himself and a passionate lover, could not pass by this plot. His satirical poem "Don-Zhuan" (publ. 1819-1823) remained unfinished; But this magnificent panorama of Europe of the 18th century has gained huge and honored glory. The Bayro-NRV DON-Zhuan is a Spanish nobleman, a timely and windy, violating the bans of the Hangestick morality, but quite moral and difficult moments of life (episode with Guyidi, the salvation of the girl-Turkanka after taking Izmoil Suvorov, etc.). The skepticism of the Bai-Ronovsky Hero is caused by the viciousness of society, the disappointment of Don Juan - the fores of the social rebellion in the name of personal rights.

Bayron's poem is one of the best in the world history of works about Don Juan; This thing that has influenced the "Eugene Onegin" is comparable only with the comedy of Moliere and the Immortal Opera Mozart.

Great development received the plot in France. Onor de Balzac completely used him in the novel "L" Elixir de Longue Vie "(1830). Alfred de Mouse was written by Namun's poem (1832), Alexander Duma-Father -" Don Juan De Marana Ou La Chute D "Un Ange "(1836). Prospere Merim in the novel "Soul Purgatory" tried to explain the vanity of Don-Jouan with the peculiarities of life and the medium.

The wonderful image of the indifferent-proud Don Juan, who is not aspiring even after death, even in Floor Charon, created Charles Baudleigh in the poem "Don Juan Aux Enfers" (1857); In the first, magazine edition, it was called "unrecognized."

The concepts of romantics develops Barba d "Orevili (" The most beautiful love of Donzhuana ", 1874). Already in the 20th century, the eternal plot to develop a delicate Estet, Academician Henri de Rainier (" Don Juan Au Tombeau ", 1910).

From works of other literature should be noted the Spanish "Don Juan Tenorio" (1844), which was written by Zorrilla Y Moral; Dramaturgical poem Lenaão Don-Zhuan (1844), the most interesting philosophical and aesthetic lyrics of Sereya Kirkegore "Don Juan Mozart".

In Russia, at the very beginning of the 18th century, in the first public theater organized by Peter I in Moscow, the comedy about Don Yane and Don Pedre was delivered. It was the Russian alteration of the French conversion of the Italian Gilibrato (1B52), which, in turn, redoned the play Tirsco de Molina. This is a special attention of this setting, apparently did not attract, and in Russia of that time "the Donjuan tragedy" did not intensive.

At the beginning of the XIX century, an immortal play of Moliere is put in the theaters of St. Petersburg and Moscow, two ballet about Don Juan and Mozart Opera; Pretty wide fame receives the poem of Bairon. From this point, the image of Don Juan is firmly included in Russian everyday life. In 1830, Pushkin creates his brilliant "small tragedy" "Stone Guest". Restating the real Spain of the Renaissance, Pushkin showed "Don Guana" (he tried to span on this film name) the living hero of this era.

Don Guan dare, charming, spiritually gifted, cheerful, but full of egoistic gusts; In an effort to enjoy, he does not spare anyone. The traditional conflict of personality and society in the humanistic interpretation of Pushkin develops into the tragedy of passions. I needed human laws, Don Guan is doomed to death.

B. M. Tomashevsky thoroughly proved that all the largest works about Don Juan Pushkin knew perfectly well: of course, and the comedy of Moliere, and the poem of Byrona, and Lorienzo's libretto, and Ponte to Opere Mozart, and - very likely - Novallla Hoffman, and much more ( See Comment by Tomashevsky in the 7th Tome of Complete Cathed. Op., Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1935, p. 184-185).

Alexey Tolstoy wrote the dramatic poem "Don Juan" (1859), Alexander Blok - poem "Commander Steps" (1912). The drama of Lesia Ukrainki "Stone owner" (1912) is directed against Nietzshean philosophy, against individualism.

Don Juan is the eternal seeker of love, nor in one woman is not a good ideal. His tragic death (the motive of a coming statue) expresses the doomes of "prospecting absolute" in love. The image that, after romanticism, was canonized in the European Consciousness, there is an image of the absolute seeker, similar to all non-corrosionist seekers, like Balzaki Claus ("Looking for Absolut"). Absolute love is impossible, as well as absolute knowledge.

Lepogello (in the Moliere tradition of the Sganarel) - the servant and the permanent satellite of the Donjuana, the accomplice of all his seductions and love intrigues.

In Spain, in the homeland of Don Juan, almost always interpreted with the admiration and sympathy of the Seville seducer, whom Zorilla popularized and even decided to save. From the famous "generation of 98 years" two writers wrote about Don Juan: Ramiro Maeztu, who announced him, together with Don Quixote and Celestina, one of the embodiments of the Spanish Soul (known essay "Don Quijote, Don Juan Y La Celestina" ), And Dr. Gregorio de Maranon, who interprets the figure of Don Juan from a scientific point of view, attributing homosexual inclinations to him.

In 1970, the first one about Don Juan was published, written by a woman: This is Mercedes Saenz Alonso, a famous cultural activity from San Sebastian; Her book "Don Juan Y El Donjuanismo" is awarded the award of the Gvipo Province in the Basque Country. Mercedes Saens Alonso opposes the interpretation of Dr. Gregorio de Maranyon, working out all sorts of hypothesis about homosexuality. She writes: "Dear Don Juan, from the moment when he ceases to look for pleasure from a prostitute, at the first female, leads him to the searches of a woman, to a meeting with a woman, it is from that, he would like it ... blindly walking Towards the only woman, Don Juan denotes, emphasizes his will, so that sex subjugate the possession of this woman. . . And here does not play any role that his impermanence pushes him every time to another woman who should give him satisfaction. However, not that satisfaction that can give the first counter. . . "

She writes about the life of genuine Don Juanov, as, for example, Marani (famous for the story of Merim), Wilmedins and others who could inspire poets, and cums modern Don Juans, like Rudolf Valentino and James Bond. In her opinion, the ideal Don Juan, the most worthy of love, was Marquis de Bradovin, Hero Valle Inclan. - There is little original book in the book.

Ramon Maria Del Valle-Inclan (18B9 - 183B) - a talented romantic from the "Generation of 1898"; In 1902 - 1905, he created a cycle of novels with one hero, this is Marquis de Bradovin, "Knight Saving Dream Heart", a distinct image of an irreconcilable enemy of bourgeois bureaucratism.

19. Roughs from Hamelna

A wonderful German legend, reflected in poetry of different countries and found the second meaning in the XX century. In the Middle Ages, there was a story about how the terrifying number of rats were divorced in the city of Hamelna, who eaten all the supplies and threatened their hunger. The magistrate announced a huge award to the one who would relieve the city from rats. Then an unknown person with a kick behind his shoulders appeared; He took out a dog (or flute) from Kotomka and played on it. On this melody began to bother the rats and walked behind the flutist, as the desired; Old, sick rats they dragged on themselves. All Rats Hamelna walked behind the musician, and he did not stop playing. So he reached the River Weser; At the shore swayed

the boat, he joined it, without stopping playing, pushed himself and swam down the river. And all the inconspicuous Halior rats went behind him and drowned in the Wezer (the reflection of the famous biology. Fact-mass migrations of rodents, for example, lemming).

When the rats returned to the city saved by him for the award, the magistrate whether he refused him, whether he was offered the same amount in silver instead of the promised gold. Then the mysterious stranger went outside and played a different melody on his twin. Submitting to her with a mounted force, all the children of Hamelna went after him. The magic musician came out with them from the city, entered the cave, they are behind him; The entrance to the cave closed, and residents of the city have never seen their children anymore. - The meaning of this sad legend didactic: it is impossible to violate this promise. Against greed.

But in the twentieth century "opened" more terrible sense of legend, the focus was made on the wizard, lubricating children, like rats (on adults, his music does not work). Roughs from Hamelna is fascism.

For rats, see: Roman Belousov, "What books were silent."

At the heart of the legend of rats - a historical fact. Back in the XIV century, a certain Johannes Pomarius, referring to the legend, wrote the book "The death of children of Hamelna"; Since then, a huge amount of research has been written about this. But at the heart of everything - an entry in the old Gamelnian chronicle: "In 1284, on the day of Johann and Paul, that was 26 day of the month of June, dressed in the Flotist's Persisa brought out of the city of one hundred and thirty-born in Gameln's children on shops near Calvaria, where They are missing. " The details of the tragedy have not reached us, for those who survived it with the biggest part died in a few years during the plague. Perhaps children and flutist drowned in a swamp near the village of Koppenbrugg for the mountain Kalvarienberg. In the future, the historical prehistory of rats for the historically reasonable legend of "risk"; Gameln's neighbors envied the wealth of the city and wanted to post the cunning and greed of the Gamelsky City Council. In the 17th century, the legend took his canonical form. Oral tradition and folk ballad went around Germany.

The street song about the rats, according to Goethe, was deprived of the grace, and he composed on this plot of the famous ballad. Heinrich Heine and Prospere Merim ("Chronicle of Charles IX", where the legend tells the cheerful Virgo, Walking with Raiters), Robert Browning ("Flutist from Gamelna", Poem, Translated by S. Marshak), Valery Bryusov ), Marina Tsvetaeva (poem on the same topic), Victor Soak (Czechoslovak Poet; Fairy Tale), composer Friedrich Gofman (Opera).

At the end of the XVI century in Marzkirche, by order of one of the Burgomistrics of Gamelna, a stained glass window was installed, which was not preserved to this day, but described more than once (including in the poem of Browning). According to the winding depicted, they were not children, but teenagers who had a certain recruiter persuaded to move to other land. The unexpected tribe, who spoke in German, appeared far in transylvania.

Herman Caulbach wrote a famous picture of "Care of children from Gamelna".

In Gamelna, there is to this day "House of Krysol" and "Silent Street", on which it is forcomed to play musical instruments for a long time.

The history of literature knows a lot of cases when the works of the writer were very popular for his life, but time passed, and they forgot them almost forever. There are other examples: the writer did not recognize the contemporaries, and the true value of his works opened the following generations.

But in the literature there are very few works, the value of which is impossible to overestimate, as they create images that convert every generation of people, images that inspire the creative searches for artists of different times. Such images are called "eternal," because they are carriers of the traits that are always inherent in a person.

In poverty and loneliness lived by Miguel Cervantes de Saoveoven, although during his lifetime he was known as the author of a talented, bright novel "Don Quixote". Neither the writer himself nor his contemporaries knew that he would pass several centuries, and his heroes would not only be forgotten, but would become "the most popular Spaniards", and compatriots would put them a monument. What they come out of the novel and will be lit by their independent life in the works of prosaikov and playwrights, poets, artists, composers. Today it is even difficult to list how many works of art are created under the influence of the images of Don Quixote and Sancho Pansees: Goya and Picasso, Massne and Minkus appealed to them.

The immortal book was born out of the plan to write a parody and ridiculously knightly novels, so popular in Europe of the XVI century, when he lived and worked Servantes. But the plan of the writer increased, and the Spain of the book came to life on the pages of the book, he himself was changing himself: from the parody knight he grows funny and tragic figure. The conflict of the novel at the same time historically concrete (it reflects the modern writer in Spain) and universal (for exists in any country at all times). The essence of the conflict: the collision of ideal norms and ideas about reality with the most reality is not the perfect, "earthly".

The image of Don Quixote became eternal, too, thanks to his versatility: always and everywhere there are noble idealists, defenders of good and justice, who defend their ideals, but not able to realize reality. Even the notion of "Donctivity" occurred. It combines a humanistic desire for ideal, enthusiasm, perturbation, on the one hand, and naivety, extremity, the commitment of dreams and illusions - on the other. The inner nobility of Don Quixote is combined with the community of its external manifestations (it is able to love a simple peasant girl, but sees only a noble beautiful lady in it.

The second important eternal image of the novel is witty and terrestrial Sancho Pansa. He is the complete opposite of Don Quixote, but the heroes are inextricably linked, they are similar to each other in their hopes and disappointments. Cervantes shows its heroes that reality is impossible without ideals, but they should be based on reality.

A completely different eternal image appears in front of us in the Maeyagedia Shakespeare "Hamlet". This is a deeply tragic image. Hamlet well realizes reality, soberly assesses everything that happens around him, firmly stands on the side of good against evil. But his tragedy lies in the fact that he cannot move to decisive actions and punish evil. His indecision is not a manifestation of cowardice, it is a bold, frank man. His oscillations - the result of deep reflection about the nature of evil. Circumstances require him to kill his father's killer. He fluctuates, because he perceives this revenge as a manifestation of evil: the murder will always be murder, even when they kill the scoundrel. The image of Hamlet is an image of a person who understands its responsibility in resolving the conflict of good and evil, which stands on the side of good, but its internal moral laws do not allow to switch to decisive actions. It is no coincidence that this image has acquired a special sound in the 20th century - the era of social upheavals, when each person decided for himself an eternal "Hamletovsky question".

You can bring some more examples of "Eternal" images: Faust, Mephistofel, Othello, Romeo and Juliet - they all reveal eternal human feelings and aspirations. And each reader studies in these images to understand not only the past, but also the present.

Alternatively, it is customary to call images of literary characters, which, as it were, step off the boundaries of a literary work or a myth that gave rise to them, and receive an independent life, embodied in the writings of other authors, centuries and cultures. Such are many biblical and evangelical images (Cain and Abel, Judah), antique (Prometheus, Fedra), Novoe European (Don Quixote, Faust, Hamlet). Successfully determined the contents of the concept of "eternal images" Russian writer and philosopher DS Memerhkovsky: "There are images whose life is associated with the life of all mankind; They rise and grow together with him ... Don Juan, Faust, Hamlet - these images made a part of the human spirit, they live with him and die only with him. "

What properties provide literary images the quality of the eternal? This is primarily incorporated by the content of the image to the role that is fixed behind it in a particular plot, and its openness for new interpretations. "Eternal images" must be in some extent "mysterious", "bottomless". They cannot be completely defined by a social and household medium, or their psychological characterity.

Like myth, the eternal image is rooted in more than a long standing, sometimes archaic layers of culture. Almost every hour, the mphological, folk or literary predecessor is calculated to the eternal.

Triangle "Karpman": executioner, victim and rescuer

There is a triangle of relations - the so-called carpman triangle, consisting of three vertices:


Persectention (tyrant, executioner, aggressor)


This triangle is also called magical, as it is worth getting into it, so his roles begin to dictate elections, reactions, feelings, perception, sequence of moves, and so on.

And most importantly, the participants are free "float" in this triangle on the roles.

The victim turns very quickly to the chassis (aggressor) for the former Savior, and the Savior - very quickly becomes a victim of the former victim.

For example, there is someone suffering from something or someone (these "something" or "someone" is the aggressor). And the sufferer (sufferer) is like, the victim.

The victim quickly finds the Savior (or Savior), which (for various reasons) tries (or rather, trying) to help the victim.

Nothing, but the triangle is magical, and the victim is absolutely no need to get rid of the aggressor, and the Savior is not needed that the victim cease to be a victim. Otherwise, she will not need her. What is the Savior without a victim? The victim "will cure", "will get rid", whom to save it?

It turns out that the Savior, and the victim are interested (unconsciously, of course) in the fact that everything remained before.

The victim should suffer, and the Savior must help.

All satisfied:

The victim receives his stability of attention and care, and the Savior - Gord, what role he plays in the life of the victim.

The victim pays the Savior to the recognition of his merit and role, and the Savior pays for this victim to the attention, time, energy, feelings, etc.

So what? - you ask. Yet satisfied!

How wrong!

This triangle does not stop. The victim becomes not enough that she gets. She starts more and more to demand and delay the attention and energy of the Savior. The Savior tries (at the conscious level), but he does not work. Of course, he is not interested in the unconscious level to help finally, he is not a fool, lose such a tasty process!

He does not work, his condition and self-esteem (self-esteem) decrease, it becomes bad, and the victim continues to wait and demand attention and help.

Gradually, and unnoticed the Savior becomes a victim, and the former victim becomes a persecutor (aggressor) for his former Savior. And the more the Savior invested in the one who he saved, by the time, he becomes more. Expectations grow, and it is obliged to implement them.

The former victim is increasingly dissatisfied with the "Savior not justified its expectations." It is more and more confusing, who is actually the aggressor. For her, a former Savior is to blame for her troubles. Somehow, the transition is inconspicuously happening, and it is almost consciously dissatisfied with the former benefactor, and he is already accused of almost more than that (that) who had previously considered his aggressor.

The former Savior becomes for a former victim by a deceiver and a new aggressor, and the former sacrifice arranges a real hunt for a former Savior.

But that's not all.

The former idol is defeated and not scattered.

The victim is looking for new saviors, because her number of aggressors increased - the former Savior did not meet expectations, by and large, deceived it, and should be punished.

The former Savior, being already a victim of his former victim, exhausted in attempts (no, not help, now worries only one thing - you will be able to escape from the "victim") - begins (already as a true victim) to look for other saviors - and for yourself, and For his ex-sacrifice. By being speaking, it may be different saviors - for the former Savior and the former sacrifice.

The circle expands. Why a triangle is called magic that:

1. Each participant happens in all its corners (plays all the role in the triangle);

2. The triangle is arranged so that involves new and new members of the orgy.

The former Savior, Used, is thrown, it is exhausted, and the victim can no longer be useful, and the victim is started in search and in chasing the new Savior (future victims)

From the point of view of the aggressor, there are also interesting things here.

The aggressor (real aggressor, the one who considers himself an aggressor, the pursuer) as a rule, does not know that the victim is not really a victim. That she is not really defenseless, it just needs this role.

The victim very quickly finds the saviors, which "suddenly" appear on the path of "aggressor", and he is very quickly becoming their victim, and the Saviors turn into the pursuers of the former aggressor.

This greatly described Eric Bern on the example of a fairy tale about a red hat.

Cap - "Sacrifice", wolf - "aggressor", hunters - "Savior".

But the fairy tale ends with a wolf belly.

Alcoholic - the victim of alcohol. His wife is the Savior.

On the other hand, an alcoholic is an aggressor for his wife, and she is looking for the Savior - a narcologist or psychotherapist.

From the third party, for an alcoholic wife - the aggressor, and his savior from his wife is alcohol.

The doctor quickly from the Savior turns to the sacrifice, because he promised to save both his wife and alcoholic, and even took money for it, and the alcoholic wife becomes his pursuer.

And the wife is looking for a new Savior.

And by the way, the wife acquires a new offender (aggressor) represented by a doctor, because he offended and deceived it, and did not fulfill his promises, taking the money.

Therefore, the wife may begin the persecution of the former Savior (doctor), but now the aggressor, finding new saviors in the form:

1. Media, judicial authorities

2. Girlfriends with which you can move the bones already and the doctor ("Oh, these doctors!")

3. A new doctor who, together with his wife, condemns the "incompetence" of the previous physician.

Below are features for which you can find out when you are in a triangle.

Feelings that experience participants of the events:


Feeling of helplessness


coercion and cause




no one needs

own incorrectness




frequent wrong

own weakness and weakness in the situation

pity to me


Feeling pity

wish to help

own superiority over the victim (over those who want to help)

much competence, great strength, mind, greater access to resources, "he knows more about how to act"

condescension to whom wants to help

the feeling of pleasant outbound and omnipotence towards a specific situation

confidence that can help

the conviction that he knows (or at least, can learn) how it can be done

the inability to refuse (inconveniently refuse to help, or throw a person without help)

compassion, a sharp dedication feeling of empathy (pay attention, this is a very important point: the Savior is associated with the victim! And therefore, it will never be able to help her!)

responsibility for another.


The feeling of own wrong

noble perturbation and righteous anger

desire to punish the intruder

desire to restore justice

offended pride

conviction that only he knows how to

irritating to the sacrifice and especially on the Savior, which perceives, as the preventive factor (the saviors are mistaken, because only he knows how to do right now!)

azart hunting, excitement chase.

The victim is suffering.

The Savior - saves and comes to help and revenue.

The aggressor punishes, pursues, teaches (exams).

If you are in this "magic" triangle, then you know that you have to visit all the "corners" of this triangle, and try all his roles.

Events in the triangle can occur as much as possible - regardless of the conscious desires of their participants.

An alcoholic wife does not want to suffer, an alcoholic does not want to be an alcoholic, and the doctor does not want to deceive the alcoholic family. But everything is determined by the result.

So far, at least someone will not pop up from this damn triangle, the game can continue arbitrarily for a long time.

How to pop up.

Usually in the manuals give the following advice: invert roles. That is, replace the roles to others:

The aggressor should be a teacher for you. The phrase, which I speak to my disciples: "Our enemies, and those who" interfere "are our best coaches and teachers)

Savior - assistant or maximum - conductor (can be a coach, like in a fitness club: you do, and coach trains)

And the victim is a student.

These are very good tips.

If you caught yourself for the role of the victim - start learning.

If you caught yourself on the role of the Savior - throw out stupid thoughts that he, "who needs help" is weak and weak. Taking his thoughts, you make a bear service. You do something for him. You prevent him from learn to learn something important to him.

It is impossible to do anything for another person. Your desire to help - art, the sacrifice is your tempter, and you, in fact, are a tempter and a provocateur who wants to help.

Give a person to do it yourself. Let him be mistaken, but it will be his mistakes. And he will not be able to blame you when trying to move to your pursuer. A person must pass his way.

Great psychotherapist Alexander Efimovich Alekseychik says:

"You can only help someone who does something."

And continued, turning to the one who was at that moment in helplessness:

"What are you doing, so that he (one who helps) could help you?"

Gorgeous words!

In order to help you, you must do something. You can only help what they are doing. You do not - you can't help.

What do you do - in that help you and possible.

If you are lying, you can only help you lie. If you stand - you can only help stand.

It is impossible to help get a man who lies.

It is impossible to help get a man who does not think to get up.

It is impossible to help get a person who only thinks to get up.

It is impossible to help get a person who only wants to get up.

You can get up can man who gets up.

You can find only a person who is looking for.

You can only help someone who goes.

What does this girl do from what you are trying to help her?

Are you trying to help her in what she doesn't?

Does she expect actions from you in what she does not do?

So does she really need what she expects from you if she doesn't do it herself?

You can only help a person who gets up.

"Gets up" - it applies efforts to get up.

These efforts and specific and unequivocal actions are observed, they have specific and undivided signs. They are easy to learn and identify precisely for signs that the person tries to stand up.

And even something very, in my opinion important.

A person can help stand up, but if he is not ready to stand (is not ready that you will remove support), he will fall again, and it will fall many times more painful than if he continued to lie.

What person will do after it turns out to be in a vertical position?

What is a person going to do after that?

What is he going to do with it?

Why does he need to get up?

How to pop up.

The most important thing is to understand what role you entered the triangle.

Which of the corners of the triangle was for you input to it.

This is very important, and this is not described in the manuals.

Input points.

Each of us has familiar, or favorite roles in the entrances to such magic triangles. And often in different contexts each inputs have their own. A person at work can be a favorite entrance to the triangle - the role of aggressor (well, he loves to restore justice or punish fools!), And at home, for example, a typical and favorite entrance is the role of the Savior.

And each of us is worth knowing the "point of weakness" of your personality, which simply make us enter these our favorite roles.

It is necessary to study external manouses that lure us there.

One of this is someone's trouble or "helplessness", or a request for help, or a delighted view / voice:

"Oh, Great!"

"Only you can help me!"

"I disappear without you!"

Of course, you learned the Savior in the White Clothes.

Others have a mistake, stupidity, injustice, incorrectness or dishonesty. And they bravely rush to restore justice and harmony, falling into the triangle on the role of the aggressor.

Thirdly, it can be a signal from the surrounding reality that you don't need it, or she is dangerous, or she is aggressive, or she is heartless (indifferent to you, your desires or troubles), or she is poor resources for you, it is at the moment . These are lovers to be victims.

Each of us has their own shuttlecock, whose lubrication is very difficult for us to withstand. We become like zombies, showing heartlessness and stupidity, zeal and recklessness, falling into helplessness and feeling their rightness, or worthlessness.

The beginning of the transition from the role of the Savior to the role of the victim is a sense of guilt, the feeling of helplessness, the feeling of forcing and commitment to help and the impossibility of one's own refusal ("I have to help!", "I have no right to help help!", "What will think about me how I will look, if I refuse to help? ").

The beginning of the transition from the role of the Savior to the role of the pursuer - the desire to punish the "bad", the desire to restore justice aimed at you, a sense of absolute mistakes and noble righteous perturbation.

The beginning of the transition from the role of the victim to the role of the aggressor (pursuer) is a feeling of resentment and injustice, creating in relation to you personally.

The beginning of the transition from the role of the victim to the role of the Savior is a desire to help, pity for the former aggressor or the Savior.

The beginning of the transition from the role of the aggressor to the role of the victim is a sudden (or growing) feeling of helplessness and confusion.

The beginning of the transition from the role of the aggressor to the role of the Savior is a sense of guilt, a sense of responsibility for another person.


The Savior is very pleasant to help and save, nice to stand out "in white clothes" among other people, especially before the victim. Narcissism, self-confidence.

The victim is very pleasant to suffer ("like in the movies") and be saved (take help), feel pity for yourself, earning the future of non-specific "happiness" suffering. Masochism.

The aggressor is very pleased to be a warrior, punish and restore justice, to be a carrier of standards and rules that it impresses others, it is very pleasant to stay in sparkling armor with a fiery sword, it is pleasant to feel its strength, invincibility and right. By and large, someone else's mistake and wrong for it is a legitimate (legal and "safe") reason (permission, right) to commit violence and impunity to cause another pain. Sadism.

The Savior knows how to ...

The aggressor knows that it is impossible ...

The victim wants, but can not, but more often nothing else wants, because everything got everything ...

And another interesting way to diagnose. Diagnostics by feelings of observers / listeners

Feelings of observers can suggest what role a person is playing telling you or a problem with you.

When you read (listen) the Savior (or watch him) - the heart is filled with pride for him. Or - laugh, to what a fool brought himself to his desire to help others.

When you read the texts written by the aggressor - noble outrage covers - either to those, about whom the aggressor writes, or - to the aggressor itself.

And when you read the texts written by the victim or listen to the victim - covers an acute soul pain for the sacrifice, acute pity, desire to help, the most powerful compassion.

And do not forget

that there are no savior, nor victims, no aggressors. There are live people who can play different roles. And each person falls into the trap of different roles, and happens in all the vertices of this enchanted triangle, but still, each person has some inclined to one or another top, the tendency to linger on one vertex.

It is important to remember that the entrance point in the triangle (that is, what has involved in the pathological relationship) - most often happens and the point on which a person is delayed, and for which and "flew" into this triangle. But not always it is.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that the person does not always take exactly the "vertex" on which it complains.

"Victim" may be an aggressor (hunter).

The "Savior" can actually play, tragically and death to play the role of the victim or aggressor.

In these pathological terms, as in the famous Carrolovsky "Alice ..." everything is so confused, turned over and falsely, that in each case it requires a fairly attentive observation of all the participants of this "triangular dance", including both, too - even If you do not participate in this triangle.

The power of the magic of this triangle is such that any observer or listener - begins to tighten into this Bermuda triangle of pathological relations and roles (c.)

The history of literature knows a lot of cases when the works of the writer were very popular for his life, but the time passed, and they forgot them almost forever. There are other examples: the writer did not recognize contemporaries, and the real value of his works opened the following generations. But in the literature there are very few works, the value of which is impossible to exaggerate, as they have created images that concern every generation of people, images that are involved in creative search for artists of different times. Such images are the name of the "eternal", as they are coat carriers that are always inherent in a person.

In poverty and loneliness lived her age Miguel Servantes de Saoveovena, although he was known for his life as the author of a talented, bright novel "Don Quixote". Neither the writer himself nor his contemporaries knew that he would pass several centuries, and his heroes would not only be forgotten, but would become "popular Spaniards", and compatriots would put a monument to them. What they come out of the novel and will be lit by their independent life in the works of prosaikov and playwrights, poets, artists, composers. Today it is even hard to recalculate how many works are artificially created under the influence of the images of Don Quixote and Sancho Pancona: Goya and Picasso, Massk and Minkus appealed to them.

The immortal book was born out of the plan to write a parody and ridiculously knight novels, such popular in Europe XVI century, when he lived and created Cervantes. And the writing of the writer expanded, and on the pages of the book, the modern Spain came to life, he also changed the hero himself: from the parody knight he grows funny and tragic figure. The conflict of the novel at the same time historically-specific (he knocks off the modern writer in Spain) and universal (as it exists in any country at all times). The essence of the conflict: the collision of ideal norms and ideas about reality with the most reality is not perfect, "earthly". The image of Don Quixote became an eternal, too, thanks to his versatility: always and everywhere there are noble idealists, defenders of good and justice, who defend their ideals, but it is not possible to realize reality. Even the notion of "Donctivity" occurred. It unites the humanistic desire for the ideal, enthusiasm, disinterestedness, on the one hand, and naivety, extremity, favorables to dreams and illusions - from the other. The inner nobility of Don Quixote is combined with the community of its external manifestations (it is able to love a simple peasant girl, but sees only a noble beautiful lady in it).

The second important eternal image of the novel is witty and earthly Sancho Pacck. He is the complete opposite of Don Quixote, but the heroes are inextricably linked, they are similar to each other in their hopes and disappointments. Cervantes shows its heroes that reality is impossible without ideals, but they should be based on reality. A completely different eternal image arises before us in the tragedy of Shakespeare "Hamlet". This is a deeply tragic image. Hamlet well understands reality, soberly appreciates everything that happens around him, firmly stands on the side of good against evil. But his tragedy lies in the fact that he cannot move to decisive actions and to punish evil. His indecision is not a manifestation of cowardiness, it is a bold, frank man. His indecision is a consequence of deep thinking about the nature of evil. Circumstances require him to kill his father's killer. He fluctuates, as he perceives this revenge as a manifestation of evil: the murder will always be murder, even when they kill the scoundrel.

The image of Hamlet is an image of a person who understands its responsibility in solving the conflict of good and evil, which stands on the side of good, but its internal moral laws are not allowed to go to decisive actions. It is no coincidence that this image has acquired a special sound in the XX century - the pores of social upheavals, when each person decided for himself the eternal "Hamletovsky question". You can bring some more examples of the "eternal" images: Faust, Mephistofel, Othello, Romeo and Juliet - they all reveal eternal human feelings and desire. And each reader studies in these images to understand not only the past, but also modern.

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