Test lexical standards Preparation for the exam. Literary encyclopedia

Test lexical standards Preparation for the exam. Literary encyclopedia

The works are written "by first person" (for example, the trilogy "Childhood", "adolescence", "Youth"; Tourgeyev's story "Family Chronicle" and "Children's Years of Bagrova-grandson"; Roman "Life Arsenyev "; Stories M. Gorky from the collection" By Russia "and his trilogy" Childhood "," In People "," My Universities "; - Mikhailovsky" Childhood of Topics ";" Summer Lord ";" Childhood Nikita ";" Asya ", "First Love", "Wound Waters").

In autobiographical works, the author himself is always the author, and all the events described are transmitted directly through its perception. And yet these books are primarily works of art, and the information given in them can not be perceived as real history life of the author.

Let us turn to the works, and -imikilovsky. What do they unite them?

All heroes of the stored stories are children.

As the basis of the plot, the authors took the image of the arts of the spiritual growth little man. The narration of the past of his hero is not in the chronological sequence, but drawing pictures of the strongest impressions remaining in the mind of the child, artists of the word show how this events perceived the real time that he thought about how he felt the world. The author gives readers to feel the "live breath" of history.

The main thing for writers is not the events of the era, but their refraction in the soul of a growing person; Psychology of heroes, their attitude to life, difficult gaining themselves.

All writers their works claim that the foundation of the child's life is the love that he needs from others and which he is ready to generously give people, including close.

Childhood lessons are comprehended by heroes all life. They stay with him as benchmarks who live in their conscience.

The plot and composition of works are based on the life-affirming worldview of the authors, which they transmit to their heroes.

All works have a huge moral force that is needed today to a growing person as an antidote against confusion, violence, cruelty, swelling our society.

The works shown in the works seems to be both the eyes of a child, the chief hero located in the thick of events, and the eyes of a wise man, evaluating everything from the standpoint of great life experience.

What distinguishes these autobiographical works?

In the works, and - Mikhailovsky, the authors are told not only about the childhood of heroes, but also about how their independent life is.

And open the children's impressions of their heroes in front of the reader.

The life of small heroes is also folded and illuminated by writers in different ways.

Gorky work is different from other autobiographic ages by the fact that the child is in another social environment. Childhood, shown by bitter, is far from a wonderful period of life. Artistic task Gorky was to show the "lead abominations of life" of the entire social layer to which he belonged. On the one hand, the writer was important to show "Tight, soul circle Surrect impressions, "in which Alyosha lived in the Kashirin family. On the other hand, - tell about huge influence On Aleas, those "beautiful shower", with whom he met in the house of his grandfather and in the surrounding world and who instilled "hope for revival ... to the life of a bright, human".

The hero of "Childhood" is peering into this life, in the surrounding people, trying to understand the origins of evil and hostility, stretches to bright, defends his beliefs and moral principles.

In the story "My Universities" strongly publicistic start, which helps the reader deeper to understand the identity of Gorky, his thoughts, feelings. The main lesson of this story is the thought of the writer that a person creates its resistance to the environment.

The childhood of the characters of other writers was sograted and love relatives. Light and warmth family life, Poetry happy childhood carefully recreated by the authors of works.

But immediately there are also sharp social motives: the unsightly sides of the landlord and aristocratic-secular existence are drawn distinctly without embellishment.

"Childhood" and "adolescence" - the narration of Nicholya HRIETEN, whose thoughts, feelings and errors are depicted by a writer with full and sincere sympathy.

Nicholya Hirt, hero of the work, - a boy with a sensitive soul. He craves the harmony between all people and seeks to help them. He more acutely perceives the events of life, sees what others do not notice. Not about himself thinks, suffering, seeing human injustice. More complex life questions Puts a boy in front of him. What is love in a person's life? What is good? What is evil? What is suffering, and is it possible to live without suffering? What is happiness (and misfortune)? What is death? What is God? And in the end: what is life for what to live?

A distinctive feature of the nature of Nikoles is the desire for self-analysis, the strict court of his thoughts, motivation and actions. He blames, execute himself not only for unworthy actions, but even words and thoughts. But this is the flour of a sensitive children's conscience.

A different picture in the narration of the hero's youth. It has preserved former aspirations and noble soul quality. But he brought up in false prejudices of the aristocratic society, from which only the story is released, and only passing through doubts and serious reflections and meet other people - not aristocrats.

"Youth" is a story about errors and revival.

Books about childhood and adolescence were created to Tolstoy. But Tolstoy first introduced the topic of the formation of the human person internal struggle, moral self-control, revealing the "dialectic of the soul" of the hero.

Tyoma Kartashev ("Childhood of Tyoma") lives in the family, where the father of the retired general gives a completely defined direction to raising children. The actions of the Töhoma, his pranks are becoming the most close attention of the Father, which resists the "sentimental" to raising the Son, "generating" from it "Natural butt". However, the mother of the Tyoma, the woman is smart and subtly educated, sticks to a different look at the upbringing own son. In her opinion, any educational measures should not destroy in the child human dignity, turn it into a "weed tricky", intimidated by the threat of corporal punishment.

The unlimited memory of the executions for misconduct will continue at the Tyoma long years. So, after almost twenty years, accidentally hometownHe recalls the place where his sequels, and his own feeling for his father, "hostile, never pretty."

"Mikhailovsky holds his hero, a kind, impressionable, hot boy, through all the burns of life. More than once his hero falls like a bug, "in the smelly well." (The image of the bug and the well is repeatedly repeated in the tetralogy as a symbol of the impasse state of the heroes.) However, the hero is able to revive. The plot and family chronicle composition are built as searching for exiting crises.

"My compass is my honor. You can worship two things - genius and kindness, "says Kartashev to his friend. The point of support in life for the hero will be the work in which the talents, spiritual and physical forces of the hero will be revealed.

In the "Children's years Bagrova - grandson" there are no incidents. This is the story of a peaceful, disassembled childhood, which is surprising only by an unusual sensitivity of a child, which is promoted by an unusually sympathetic education. The special strength of the book is in the image of an excellent family: "The family allows a person of any epoch more steadily in society ... Limiting the animal in man," said A. Platonov. He also emphasized that the family in the image of Aksakov brings up the feeling of homeland and patriotism.

Serge Bagrova had a normal childhood, sheedy parental love, tenderness and care. However, he sometimes noted the lack of harmony between his father and the mother because "that on the one hand was demanding, and on the other hand, the inability to satisfy fine demands." Seryozha's surprise noted that his hot beloved mother is indifferent to nature, arrogant to peasants. All this overshadowed the life of a boy who understood that the share of guilt lies on it.

At the heart of the story I. Shmelev "Summer Lord" lie the impressions of childhood and the reflection of the world of the children's soul. House, Father, People, Russia - All this is given through children's perception.

In the plot, the boy is allocated to the middle position, a certain center between the father, boiling in affairs and care, and a calm, balanced Gorkine, whom the Bogomolers take for the father. And the novelty of each chapter is in the child's discovery of the child's world.

The image of beauty in the story of Multician. This is, of course, pictures of nature. Light, joy - this motive in the perception of nature by a boy sounds constantly. Landscape - like the kingdom of light. Nature spiritually knows the life of the child, connects it to invisible threads with eternal and beautiful.

With the image of the sky enters the story and the thought of God. The most poetic pages of the story are pages, drawing orthodox holidays and religious rites. They show the beauty of spiritual communication: "Everyone was connected with me, and I was connected with everyone," the boy joyfully thinks.

The whole story is like sown bow and monument to Father, created in the Word. Very busy, father always finds time for a son, for home, for people.

One of the contemporaries writes about him: "... Great Power of Talent, but even stronger, deeper and irresistible tragedy and truth shocked and passionately loving soul... no one else is given to hear such a gift and guess someone else's suffering, like him. "

"Childhood Nikita." Unlike other works, in the story of Tolstoy, each chapter represents a complete story about a kind of event from the life of Nikita and even has its name.

From the children's years, A. Tolstoy loved the magic Russian nature, learned the rich, figurative popular speech, respectively referred to the people and entered all these qualities and Nikita.

Poetry is spilled in everything that surrounds this boy - gentle, observant and very serious. In the most ordinary events of the life of Nikita, the author finds inexplicable charm. He seeks to ooethyotize the world And infects this desire of others.

In this work, told with a joking smile, revealed big world and deep feelings of adults and children.

As can be seen from the analysis of works, the life of some heroes is serene and calmly in happy family (Serezha Baghrov, Nikita).

Other characters Shalyat, suffer, fall in love, suffer, lose their parents, fight, set themselves difficult philosophical questions, who have a thinking person from birth and to death.

Task 20.
Edit Offer: Correct the lexical error, eliminating the unnecessary word. Write this word.

1. One can talk about different types youth TheatersAmong them is a traditional realistic theater (with a psychological drama), theater on the basis of popular folklore, gaming festive theater, theater absurd.

2. Cold snow stuck in the wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, in three girth, the trunk seemed stitched with silver threads.
3. When Kanonada subsided and they finally entered the house, they found a completely dead man on the floor.
4. Build true truth It was useless, yes Serpilin and did not consider himself to do it.
5. That steppe opened a distant and silent, then low, twisted with blood clouds, or even people, and a steam room, and thump drunk in the black darkness.
6. New, probably, badly converged with people: I didn't participate in common tea drinking, it was always silently, without words.
7. Oheshnik almost disappeared, and Bereza still robeth green, not trusting the coming warm, and the forest is completely transparent, without shadows, as if after a dream, the asking will be pushed.
8. They seemed calm and brave; However, with my approximation, both lowered heads were filled and closed with their heated sedras.
9. Often artworks are autobiographical. It is known that, creating a story "Flight to America", Alexander Green wrote his autobiography.
10. The performance still has big successDespite the fact that in the repertoire for more than one year: the first premiere of the play took place in the fall of a two thousandth year.
11. The deadlines for the commissioning of the military facility are violated, because many aggregates for the complex were imported from abroad, and due to sanctions urgently had to solve the problem of import substitution.
12. Supports these processes and an unusual election phenomenon when individuals remember the messages that correspond to their ideas.
13. Squire Trotoni, Dr. Livcy and other gentlemen asked me to write everything I know about the "Island of Treasure". They want me to tell the whole story from the very beginning to the end.
14. There is no significant difference in the moral priorities of world religions.
15. The dinner of Marya Sergeyevna baked an apple charlotte and invited her neighbors to tea.
16. That's what speech masterpieces are energized even very popular newspapers: "For this day, the cleaning of rice is completed in all rice farms of the district."
17. Finally, we see the forest, the gloomy sky in the shaggy clouds, between which the black darkness is visible.
18. Through yellowish wet water, the sandy bottom, which left deeper, and the lake water became black.
19. In the air has already begun to felt the hot heat, and in the blind frying it was so cool.
20. The rich luxury of nature did not touch the old man, but a lot of Sergey admired that for the first time here.
21. The commander was killed to death, and the command took over the young lieutenant, which arrived at part.
22. Little kids sat at the table, bowing the head, and, pronouncing words in a whisper, discussed, apparently, some important, in their opinion, the problem, so I tried not to interfere with them.
23. She went through a pouring shower, so it was impossible to go on the porch.
24. The table resembled the garden: it was placed on it so much blooming colors that dishes with snacks were lost in their mysterious more often.
25. It became clear that we misunderstood the basic essence of the experiment - now we will have to study first.
26. In the price list, we did not find goods, which we needed to complete the repair.
27. In a large company for the sale of office equipment, there is a free vacancy of the manager.
28. When you make a deed, for which it may be ashamed, you need to remember that someday you will get the effect of the reverse boomeranga.
29. The expedition was successful while Iceberg was not blocked the way the ship.
30. The view that angina happens because of a cold ice cream, erroneously was proved by Danish scientists.
31. Blond-haired blonde approached the man, and they spoke, as if they were known for a long time.
32. The director found and reflected the line between the epochs, which, as it seems to me, the film looks in one breath, despite his considerable timing time.

Quest Number Answer Quest Number Response
1 folk 17 black
2 cold 18 wet
3 completely 19 hot
4 True 20 rich
5 Changing 21 to death
6 without words 22 small
7 Squash 23 pouring
8 lowered 24 blooming
9 of its 25 main
10 first 26 prices
11 from abroad 27 free
12 unusual 28 reverse
13 All 29 Ice
14 substantial 30 cold
15 apple 31 blonde
16 this 32 time

Applied files

Info-lesson on the topic Autobiographical Paronyms - Autobiographical

Info-lesson plan:

1. The installation of paronyms autobiographical - autobiographical

2. Examples of phrases with a paronym autobiographical

3. Examples of proposals with a paronym autobiographical

4. Examples of phrases with a paronym autobiographical

5. Examples of proposals with a paronym autobiographical

1. The installation of the autobiographical paronyms - autobiographical

AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL - An autobiography reflecting it.

AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL - Containing elements of autobiography.

2. Examples of phrases with a paronym - autobiographical

1) autobiographical material

2) autobiographical genre

3) autobiographical book

4) autobiographical topic

5) autobiographical prose

6) autobiographical work

7) the autobiographical basis of the work

8) autobiographical character

9) autobiographical trilogy

10) autobiographical story

11) autobiographical story

12) Autobiographical Roman

13) autobiographical essay

14) Autobiographical entries

15) Autobiographical Notes

16) autobiographical film

17) autobiographical history

18) autobiographical essay

19) autobiographical image

20) autobiographical fact

21) autobiographic information

22) Autobiographical Moments

23) Autobiographical features

24) autobiographical references

25) autobiographical subtext

26) autobiographical plot

27) Autobiographical Episode

28) autobiographical fragment

29) autobiographical character traits

30) Autobiographical Dates

3. Examples of proposals with a paronym - autobiographical

1)Autobiographical The work is such a work in which the author talks about his life.

2) book wears autobiographical character.

3) We know many works autobiographical Character about childhood.

4) in the alleged autobiographical Notes Pushkin was going to write about childhood. (E. Mimin. Pushkin. Life and creativity)

5) only slow reading autobiographical The trilogy makes it possible to comprehend all of his idea and understand the rarest art of verbal painting.

6) And could the writer his autobiographical Hero award the paradise finals?

7) in 1933 I.A. Bunin was awarded Nobel Prize, as he believed, above all, for autobiographical Roman "Life Arsenyev".

8) Children's memories have always remained for L.Nolstoy the most joyful: family legends, first impressions of life noble manor served as a rich material for his works, reflected in autobiographical Tale "Childhood".

9)Autobiographical We call the story, which is based on reliable events and facts that have been preserved in the author's memory.

11) I managed to find autobiographical Information about the artist V.M.vasnetsov.

12)Autobiographical The story of M. Gorky "Childhood" talks about the formation of the personality of Alesh Peshkov.

13) Great Success fell to the stake of Test V.A. Sayeva "Dink" having autobiographical character.

14) all these verses contain autobiographical subtext.

15) U. french writer R.Rollana to L.N. Tolstoy was a particularly warm feeling. He wrote: "Art and life are inseparable. None of any other creativity is so closely intertwined with life ... wears autobiographical character. According to the work of Tolstoy, we can, starting in the ten-year-old age, step by step, trace contradictory search, which this rolling life is so rich ... one was the tragedy of his art and his life. "

16) B. autobiographical The essay of Akhmatova described A.A. Blak so: "In one of the last resurrections of the thirteenth year, I brought the block of his book to sign them. On each he wrote just "Ahmatova - Block" ... And on the third volume he wrote the Madrigal dedicated to me: "The beauty is terrible, you will tell you" These books Akhmatova got back in January 1914. Then in the response letter and the poem was invested "I came to the poet in Guests ... "

17) story A.I. Solzhenitsyn " Matrenin Poult", Written in 1959, has autobiographical Foundation.

18) Heroes most autobiographical and "sincere" stories L.N.andreev are in a tragic contradiction with their surrounding reality; They painfully try to resolve the "riddles" of human existence and cannot give a convincing answer to any of the "damned issues", posed before their life. (By G.P. Lazarenko)

19) about harsh and ruthless education in the family of Kashirinsky M. Gorky told in autobiographical Tale "Childhood".

20) "Where did he come from? Who were his parents? What prompted him to choose a strange life, what did he learn? No one knew that. I know only the fact that he from the fifteenth year became known as the warring, which winter and summer walks barefoot, visits the monasteries, gives the patterns of those who love, and says the mysterious words that some are accepted as predictions that no one ever knew him in another the form that he occasionally guarded to her grandmother and that some said that he was an unfortunate son of rich parents and a pure soul, and others that he is just a man and a lazy, "says L.N. Tolstoy about whisching autobiographical Trilogy "Childhood. Defense. Youth"

21) Tale "Childhood" is the first part autobiographical Trilogy L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood. Defense. Youth".

22) Mother's image in the poem N.Anekrasov "Knight for an hour" came out far beyond autobiographical The plot, became a symbol of the immetic suffering of many women.

23) "How Steel hardened" - autobiographical novel soviet writer Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky, written in 1932.

24) Autobiographical element in my real work is very small; In it is someone else's stirred with your own, and at the same time, there is a place and fiction. (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Poshekhonskaya older)

25) My story will have autobiographical Form. (N.G. Chernyshevsky. Evening at Starobelskaya)

4. Examples of phrases with a paronym - autobiographical

1) autobiographical type

2) autobiographical character

3) autobiographical situation

4) autobiographical story

5) autobiographical events

5. Examples of proposals with a paronym - autobiographical

1)Autobiographical The work is a product that contains only the elements of the autobiography.

2)Autobiographical Songs are songs in which the text is directly related to the history of the author of the musician itself.

3) ... almost all things Cookick autobiographical. (K.G.Pautsky. Life flow)

4) image lyrical hero often happens autobiographicalBut it is impossible to identify it with the author, even if the narrative is leading from the first person.

5) In the story of "soldiers and a boy", A.I.pr Development turned to the theme of the orphan childhood. Autobiographical At its base, she became a step towards creating the very famous work The author is the story "Tuchka Golden!" For the first time published in the magazine "Banner".

6) It is known that the story of V.G. Rasputin autobiographical, and teacher Lidia Mikhailovna after publishing the story read it and recognized himself in the main heroine. She herself found Valentina Grigorievich, and for a long time they rewrote.

7) Poem A.A. Block "Solovyan Garden" is built on the contrast, which emphasizes the struggle between real life and the world of perfect beauty, or rather, even beautifulness. On the one hand, the poem A.A. Blak "Nightingale Garden" is a poem about the meaning of life, about choosing your own life path, about moral values and landmarks in this life. On the other - in the poem a lot autobiographicalAnd it can be viewed as a poetic confession about his creative path.

8) Lorism of the Yesenin poetry as much autobiographical, personal, how much and universal, national.

9) Story V.P.Astafieva "Vatukino Lake" autobiographical.

Used sources

Autobiography is A description of your life, its own biography - a genre of documentary and artistic works, mainly in prose. The word autobiography occurred from the Greek Autos - himself, BIOS - Life and Grapho, that in translation means - I write. For the first time, the term autobiography used the English poet-novelist Robert Sauti in 1809.

Types of autobiography

Autobiography can be written in the form:

  • dialogues between people;
  • jokes;
  • memoirs;
  • notes, memories, repentance.

For a product in an autobiographical style, a description of the specific human image and the time of the narrative is characteristic. The texts of autobiography talk about the author's life path, with the appearance of the "first person."

Formally autobiography, this is a structured set of data on a person and his life. The historical value of the autobiographical work can only be estimated after a certain period of time. Over the years, artistic part The narrative can eclipse a documentary and vice versa.

Literary autobiography

For the most part, the product of this type consist of documentary evidence and descriptions. Facts dominate the art component of the text. All events are described with accurate datesMassay I. acting persons. Participants of the narration real people, no fiction.

An autobiographical product is limited to a temporary framework. After all, it, in contrast to the biography, the author writes himself. The action always breaks down on the moment of writing.

Many writers have several versions of autobiographies in their piggy bank. Bright examples Such Mastags of Russian literature can serve as S.A. Jenin, M.Yu.Gorky, M.A. Bulgakov and other authors. The same author can write an autobiography in different reasons, using various stylistic and linguistic techniques. Over time, the author may change his beliefs and values. All this is reflected on the content of autobiographical works.

A vivid example of variability in the narration is Russian writer M.M.Zoshvenko. In 1928, he wrote an "autobiography" for the journal "Hippo". It turned out fun and ironic. The text of "autobiography" from 1953 was written, in a dry and strict business style.

From autobiographical sources, you can get comprehensive information not only about the stages of the writer's life, but also about creative endeavors and successes.

The role of autobiography

The author is not just writes about his life. In autobiographical works you can see the self-analysis of the works of the writer. He, as it were, open the curtain of the mystery, telling about the events preceding the writing of the text. The author gives the reader his own point of view on his works. He can act as a third-party criticism of his own creativity. Historical value Autobiographical works depends on the accuracy of the status of the facts. Often writers betray events and dates with the accuracy of pharmaceutical scales. They seem to open through the exact description of the spirit and the trend of their time.

But documentality does not always accompany the process of writing autobiographies. Often the authors prefer to embellish or not talk about some events in their lives.


IN artistic literature A genre of autobiographicism is common. The author of beret is real events from his life and transfers them to paper, in the form of scene line. By analogy, the writer takes the basis of his personality and character, creating a fictional main character. Artistic autobiographical works are different by the genre of writing. It may be novel - "Other shores" Vladimir Nabokova (1954), the trilogy - "Childhood" (1913), "in people (1916)" Maxim Gorky or a story.

In the Renaissance Epoch autobiographical Romanov The reflection of the personality becomes popular and spread. More early works - "To myself" (2nd century), Mark Auraliya and "Confession" (about 400 years of AD) Augustine Blessed are represented by reasoning and philosophical calculations of the author on religious topics. Evpeary autobiographical literature 17th century is filled with well-known political and important in the management of the state Figures: Persons of royal surnames (Margarita Valua, Henrietta English); cardinals (regime, mazarini, ris); writers (Ford Larancy).

Plots are filled with political activities and military actions. As a rule, the author of such works acts as a historical arbitrator. The tonality of the narration completely depends on the political views of the writer himself. "Confession" (1792-1789), the author of which became J.Z. RUSSO, was the harbinger of a new stage in development autobiographical genre in literature. A. Volter and P.O. Bormesh also gave a weighty push to the development of the genre.
The autobiography of the famous A.Kaliostro and J. Kazanov, in essence their plutical adventure novels, made a significant contribution to the development of the genre. Such works are no longer worth considering how purely documentary or historical. They prevail the fiction and fantasy of the author.

Autobiography in Russian literature

The first autobiographical work in Russian literature is commonly considered "Life" (about 1673), written by the old man Avvakum.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Russian thinkers began to think more often about the role of a person in the history of the world, the consciousness and psychology of being. This trend leads to the development of the autobiography genre.

Popularity gets a genre of autobiographical notes: "Notes of Empress Catherine 2" (original on french, translated into Russian in 1907), "Notes" E.R. Dashkova (original in French 1804-1806; Translated into Russian in 1859), "Notes from those known to all incidents and genuine cases entering into ourselves life of G. Pedzhavin "(1812-1813)," Other recognition In the affairs of my and thinking "D.I.Fonvizin (1789). Reserved entries of autobiographical nature in personal notebooks Mikhail Lermontov.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol writes "Author's confessions" (1847). There he declares his life principles. The most important qualities He considers honesty and impersonal judgment that the reader can see last book Lermontov "Selected places from correspondence with friends." Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy argues about the meaning of the existence of "educated" people in the autobiographical work "Confession" (1884).

In the 20th century, the Russian autobiographical confession did not lose its relevance and popularity. A worthy continuation of the works of the great "fathers" of the Russian autobiography can be considered: "Before the sunrise" (1943), M.M.Zosgeshchenko, "Security grade" (1931) B.L. PASTNAKA, "Breaks a calf with a doodle" ( 1990) A.I. Solzhenitsin, "Funny Soldier" (1998) V.P.Astafieva.

Option 9.

Read the text and execute 1 -3 tasks

(1) The language at any time of the history of its development is a system that is naturally linked to the previous and is the basis for the future. (2) As one and the same character clarifies its character for the viewer in various scenes of the play, and the language, the centuries trying to different needs different epochs, It comes to each generation of the treasury of the entire previous life of the people. (3) The incredit and primary value of the language is that it stores and transfers the initial look of the people to the world and life, as well as all the amendments and clarifications made to the subsequent generations.

1. Specify two proposals in which it is right Main informationcontained in the text. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) Natural language is a multi-level sign system, which serves primarily to transmit information when communicating.

2) The language system continuously varies depending on the purposes that the era poses.

3) the significance of the language as a system variable in time is that it retains the foundations of a popular worldview, complementing their subsequent generations.

4) At each moment of its development, the language system is always the basis, the base for those changes that sooner or later will find their reflection in the works of art, in particular in various plays.

5) The language, being a continuously developing system, not only the initial look of our ancestors to the world, but also all the amendments made by descendants, and this is its particular value.

2. Which of the words below (words combinations) should stand at the place of passing in the third (3) text offer? Write this word (combination of words).

If you want to write down the word with a comma, it is not necessary to enter it in response.

On the contrary

For example,

In this way,

3. Read the dictionary in which the words system are given. Determine what value is this word is used in Proposition 1. Write the figure corresponding to this value in the dictionary article.

SYSTEM, s; g.

1) a certain order in the location and communication of actions. Lop into the system your observations. Work on the strict system.

2) Form what is the organization. Selective with. S. Agriculture.

3) something integer, which is unity of naturally arranged and in mutual communication of parts. Grammatical with. Language. Periodic with. Elements(D.I. Mendeleeva). S. Views. Philosophical with. (teaching). Pedagogical with. Ushinsky. C. Channels.

4) Public system, form of a public device. Social with. Capitalist with.

5) A combination of organizations, homogeneous in their tasks, or institution, organizationally combined into one. Work in the system of the Academy of Sciences.

4. In one of the words below, an error is made in the staging of the emphasis: the letter denoting the shock vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word.



5. In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrect. Correct the error and write this word correctly.

The eyes of the stranger were colorless, like rainwater.

In order to turn the situation, the niece took enough effective and traditional stroke for such cases.

"Not sat down under your feet," Popov blocked, a person is very unlump, but Grubian and ignorant.

The storm flew to the morning and destroyed almost the entire enemy fleet - the main part The precipitated army.

As soon as Natalia Arsenovna left, Arkady Viktorovich confidently began to tell you that this lady is not easy.

6. In one of the above words, an error is made to form a word form. Correct the mistake And write down the word correctly.

Both students

Slipped and fell

Drive right

five tomatoes

new jumpers

7. Set the correspondence between the grammatical errors and suggestions in which they are allowed: to each position of the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.



A) incorrect construction of a sentence with inconsistent application

B) violation of communication between the subject and faithful

C) violation in building a sentence with an adapted circulation

D) incorrect construction of a proposal with a particular turnover

E) violation in building a sentence with homogeneous members

1) The impossibility of returning after the war of 1812 to the old orders was widely felt in society, survived the national lifting.

2) Each weapon brings the highest benefit in the hands of those who have learned it as deeply.

3) Today's day in the novel, Ch. Aitmatov "And the longest century lasts a day" carries the deep gravity of memory, since "the human mind is a thicker of eternity, which has entered our past, present and coming."

4) The nature of the doctor not only the soul of man, but can be blind and cruel to it.

5) B. the last novel His epic "Katorga" Pikul tells about the savages on Sakhalin.

6) Upon returning to the capital of Vostrikov, firmly decided to make an offer of his hand and heart Marie Alekseevna.

7) Having finished reading, something turned over in my soul.

8) The crowd of listeners as soon as the speech was completed, jumped out of the places and began to shout loudly.

9) It seemed to me that everyone looked at me with condemnation.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missed letter.


potted (peace)

asked ..

thought ..


9. Determine the range in which one and the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missed letter.

under .. and, out

(not) .. Long, Be .. pay

from .. to heat, poses .. yesterday

pr..ited, etc.

be .. Band, Ra..Kryl


package ..


circuit tubing ..


11. Write down the word in which the letter E.

rasky ..

nothing ..

unquisition .. "

obid ..

oblast ...

12. Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word. Open brackets and write this word.

The action of Roman V. Nabokova "under the sign of illegitimate" unfolds in (not) called the police state headed by the dictator of the Paduk.

In the story "cut off" Shukshin showed a rustic resident at all (not) a characteristic role.

Our trains stood side by side, as the twin brothers, (not) learned each other, and were divided forever.

(No) Looking at the comrades, Kirill went down the corridor quickly step.

In life, he was unnecessarily diplomatic and tried to act (not) directly, as his father would have received, but an obsolete, a hint.

13. Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words.

The house opposite was (for) half in the forests, and in the open part of the brick facade, I wn around, so that inside always reigned (semi) darkness.

That (if) did not decide the father, I was ready to accept it, (by) how he respected his opinion.

The sun was faded for the aspen grove (c) of the garden, the shadow from her (without) end stretched through fixed fields.

Cloud, black, with (white) snow edge, froze in the east, and on the west side (between) the sun shone.

(No) looking at the fact that most of the story is devoted to the experiences of Timothy Ivanovich, all (as) the author pays enough attention to the description of the morals and the lifestyle of his heroes.

14. Specify all the numbers in which the NN is written.

Pushkin easily left the walls of his native home and never in verses mentioned either the father nor the mother, but at the same time his heart was not delicious (1) about kinship (2) feelings: brother and sister he gently loved all his life, selflessly (3 ) He helped them, even being in stained (4) material circumstances.

15. Put the punctuation marks. Specify two sentences in which you need to put Onecomma. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) the information of contemporaries about the character of Prince Ivan Dolgoruky contradiction and this is not only a contradiction of the points of view of memoirists, but also the inconsistency of the nature of the prince Ivan Alekseevich.

2) Pushkin was physically strong and hardy possessed force and good health.

3) Coldly and brightly shine over heavy clouds, the blue sky and because of these clouds slowly float the ridges of snow clouds.

4) Along the sea and in parallel, long lakes and swamps were stretched by rows.

5) Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba spoke leisurely thoughtfully looked at himself on herself not that inside himself.

16. Establish all punctuation marks:

But she would still not consider his face if there was again zipper (1) the leaning stars (2) did not illuminate it. As lightning light, she saw all his face and (3) to see peace and joy (4) smiled at him.

17. Establish all the missing punctuation signs: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

GM! GM! Noble Reader (1)

Healthy (2) Your whole relatives?

Let me: maybe (3) please (4)

Now learn from me,

What does it mean to relatives.

Native people are what:

We must caress them

Love, sincere respect

And (5) by the custom of the people (6)

About Christmas to visit them ...

18. Establish all the signs of punctuation: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

Near the picturesque old house (1) Near (2) from which (3) Ros orchard (4) I stopped (5) to make sketches on paper.

19. Establish all the punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

Legend says (1) that (2) When Yesenin saw the Aseedor Duncan (3) he was conquered by her plastic (4) wanted to shout about her instantaneously arising in love (5) But Sergey did not know of English language.

20. Edit Offer: Correct the lexical error, excluding too much word. Write this word.

Often artworks are autobiographical. It is known that, creating a story "Flight to America", Alexander Green wrote his autobiography.

Read the text and execute 21 -26 tasks

(1) Let's, dear reader, think about whether the fairy tale is something far from us and how much she needs it. (2) We make some pilgrimage to magic, lined and beautiful edges, reading or listening to fairy tales. (3) What do people from these edges bring? (4) What is going on there? (5) What does a man ask a fairy tale and what exactly does she answer him? (6) A person has always asked a fairy tale about what always all people from the century will ask, that all of us is important and necessary. (7) First of all, about happiness. (8) Does it come in life or should it be mined? (9) Do not necessarily need work, tests, dangers and feats? (10) What is the happiness of a person? (11) in richness? (12) Or maybe in kindness and right?

(13) What is fate? (14) Is it really impossible to beat it and a person remains unfortunately to sit and wait for the weather by the sea? (15) And the tale generously tells how to be a person at the crossroads of life roads and in the depths of the life forest, in trouble and in misfortune.

(16) What is more important - the outer shell or invisible beauty? (17) How to recognize how to teach the beautiful soul from the scary and the ugly soul from the Beauty?

(18) And finally, is it true that it is possible only possible, but impossible and is indeed impossible? (19) Does not fall in things and souls surrounding us, such opportunities that are not all sorts of solving?

(20) This is what a person asks, and especially Russian people, his fairy tale. (21) And the fairy tale answers not about what is not and does not happen, but about what is there now and will always be. (22) After all, the tale is the answer all the antiquity of the children's soul entering into the world. (23) Here the wise antiquity blesses Russian infancy to the yet tested by him. hard life, contemplating from the depths of its national experience in the difficulty of life path.

(24) All people are divided into people living with fairy tale, and people living without a fairy tale. (25) And people living with a fairy tale have a gift and happiness ... to ask our people about the first and last vital wisdom and with an open soul to listen to the answers of his original, prehistoric philosophy. (26) Such people live as if in Lada with their national fairy tale. (27) And the benefit of us, if we keep in the soul of an eternal child, that is, we can and ask, and listen to the voice of our fairy tale.

(by I.A. Ilyin *)

*Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin(1883-1954) - Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify response numbers.

1) reading fairy tales, a person is immersed in the world of fantasies that are not related to reality.

2) The fairy tale gives a person answers to many important questions: About happiness, about fate, about true beauty.

3) fairy tales are useful for children, because this folk wisdom Prepare a child K. adult lifeHowever, adults no longer need to read fairy tales.

4) The tale says that there will be always, and not about what is not and does not happen in life.

5) to awaken children's interest To the fairy tale, you need to attach a child to her through theatrical performances, art films, national music.

22. Which of the listed statements are loyal? Specify response numbers.

Figures indicate in ascending order.

1) The sentences 1-5 presents the argument.

2) The sentences 8-12 presents a description.

3) Proposition 23 explains, complements the content of the sentence 22.

4) The sentences 13-17 presents the argument.

5) The proposals 26-27 presents the narration.

23. From proposals 3-6, write out phraseologism.

24. Among the proposals 22-26, find such (s), which is connected (s) with the previous one with the help of writing unions and lexical repeats.

Write the number (s) of this (s) offers (s).

25. "Leading with the reader a conversation about the fairy tale, I.A. Ilyin creates a very concise text from the point of view of the form of the text, but at the same time saturates its emotionality and imagery, competently using a whole range of speech expressive means. In an effort to involve the reader in his reflections, the author actively uses such a syntax as (a) ________ (for example, Proposals 3, 4, 13). Often meets and such a reception, like (b) ________ (for example, Proposals 16, 17), helps to understand how much questions find a response to people. A special pathos text gives such a trail as (c) _______ (proposal 23), as well as such a lexical means of expressiveness, as (d) _________ ("Assure", "to health" in a sentence 25). "

List of terms

1) Elimination

2) outdated words

3) Parcelation

4) hyperbole

5) Epiphara

6) Questions

7) lexical repeat

9) Antiteza

26. Write an essay on the read text. Approach one of the problems set by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two examples-illustrations from the read text, which, in your opinion, are important to understand the problem of source text (avoid excessive citation).

Word the position of the author (narrator). Write, agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Agregate your opinion, relying primarily on readership experience, as well as knowledge and vital observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

Operations volume - at least 150 words.

1. Answer: 35 | 53.

2. Answer: Thus | Such

3. Answer: 3.

4. Answer: sent

5. Answer: Neveza

6. Answer: Go.

7. Answer: 58714.

8. Answer: Justling

9. Answer: Syzhilbypsy

10. Answer: Lock

11. Answer: Thoughtful

12. Answer: Unnamed

13. Answer: HalfPolumirak | twilight

14. Answer: 234.

15. Answer: 23 | 32

16. Answer: 1234.

17. Answer: 1356.

18. Answer: 145.

19. Answer: 12345.

20. Answer: Ov

21. Answer: 24 | 42

22. Answer: 134.

23. Answer: 25.

25. Answer: 6912.

Approximate circle of problems

1. The problem of the role of a fairy tale in a person's life. (What role does the fairy tale play in the life of a person?)

1. The fairy tale is the wisdom of national experience, all experienced antiquity; She is able to give a person answers to all of his questions: moral, ethical, philosophical.

2. The problem of preserving the "Eternal Baby" in the soul of man. (Is it necessary to keep the baby's features in his soul?)

2. Even in adult life it is very important and you need to be able to ask and listen to the voice of our fairy tale. People who preserved an eternal child in themselves, easier to live: they are in Lada with national fairy taleSo, with national wisdom, from the depths of prehistoric philosophy, you can draw answers to many eternal questions.

3. The problem of understanding the concept of "fairy tale", the problem of the relationship of the fairy tale and the national consciousness. (Is the fairy tale just a fantasy, an excellent country of dream or it is something more important and necessary? Is the fairy tale with the national consciousness, the wisdom of the nation?)

3. 3. The fairy tale is the wisdom of antiquity, which has passed through the time illuminating real, and not fictional difficulties of life path and helping to cope with them. Story

it is inextricably linked with the national self-consciousness, so it is very important and needed.

* To formulate problems, the examiner can be used vocabulary, differing from the one that is presented in the table. The problem can also be quoted by source or indicated using links to offers