To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken on the novel of the Tolstoy War and the world. Abstract lessons "to live honestly ...", "antithesis as the main agent of an artistic image in the work" to live should be wounded to beat a mistake

To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken on the novel of the Tolstoy War and the world. Abstract lessons "to live honestly ...", "antithesis as the main agent of an artistic image in the work" to live should be wounded to beat a mistake

Sections: Literature

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce students with the biography of L.N. Tolstoy.

To live honestly, it is necessary to rush,
Confused, fight, mistake
Start and throwing, and again start and again
Throw, and forever fight and lose.
And calm - spiritual meanness.
L.N. Tolstoy

Guys, what do you think it means to live honestly? (Student Answers)

- But as L.N. answered this question. Tolstoy: "I ridiculously remember how I fumbled, and how you seem to think that you can arrange a happy and eternal world, in which it is calm, without mistakes, without repentance, without confusion to live a slowly and do, not in a hurry, it's neatly all Good. Funny! .. To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing, and again start and throwing again, and always fight and lose and lose. And calm is spiritual meanness.These words of Lev Nikolayevich explain a lot in his life and work.

- What facts from the biography of the writer are you already known? What works do you remember? ("Jump", "Shark", "Help is going", "Sevastopol stories")

The glimpses of these ideas early arose in the minds of L.N. Tolstoy. He repeatedly recalled the game that he loved in childhood. She invented the eldest of the brothers Tolstoy - Nikole . "So he was when we were with the brothers - I am five, and Mitenka six, seven years old, declared us that he had a secret, through which, when it opens, all people will be happy; there will be no disease, No trouble, no one will be angry at anyone, and everyone will love each other, everyone will make ant brothers.

What do you think, why is the ant fraternity? (Ants are workers, create everything together, this is peaceful, it is kindness, this is a mutual assistance)

And I remember that the word "ant" especially liked, reminding ants in the bar. "The mystery, according to Nikolya, the human happiness was" written on a green stick, and the wand is buried by the road on the edge of the old order ravine. "To learn the mystery, you need It was a lot of difficult conditions ...

The ideal of the ant brothers - the fraternity of the people of all the Mira - Tolstoy carried through the whole life. "We called it a game," he wrote at the end of life, - and meanwhile, everything is in the world, except for this ... "

Children's years in Tolstoy passed in the Tula estate of parents - Clear Polyana. Mother Tolstoy did not remember: she died when he was not two years old. At 9 years old, he lost her father. The participant of foreign hiking times of the Patriotic War, Tolstoy's father belonged to the number of nobles, critical of the government: he did not want to serve at the end of the reign of Alexander I, nor under Nicola.

"Of course, I did not understand this in my childhood," recalled a lot later Tolstoy, "but I understood the fact that my father never humiliated, did not change his boyfriend, cheerful and often mocking tone. And this is self-esteem that I am I saw in it, increased my love, my admiration for him. "

An educator of the orphan children of the Tolstoy (four brothers and sisters of Mashenka) was the distant relative of the Tatiana Alexandrovna Yergolskaya family. The aunt was H6Ferly good and somehow loved everyone happily. She taught this affectionate great love for people and children did not teach children, but an example of all his quiet, clear life. She loved the children as relatives, and was especially tied to a small leka.

The children's poems of Tolstoy, dedicated to the "cute aunt" preserved. He began to write with seven years.

-And who we still know from classics, who also started writing at 7 years old and dedicated to Mama's first poems? (N. Nekrasov "courtesy Mama, take this weak work and consider whether he is suitable somewhere."

We had a notebook for 1835, entitled: "Children's fun. First branch ..." There are different breeds of birds.

Falcon is a very useful bird she loves gazelles. Gazelle has an animal that runs very soon that the dogs cannot catch him, then Falcon goes down and kills him. (Spelling and punctuation errors are saved).

Tolstoy's initial formation received at home, as was customary then in noble families, and at the age of 17 he entered the Kazan University, but in the spring of 1847 he left him and settled in the village. After the death of the Father, Lev, at his request, the estate was transferred to the estate of Clear Polyana. Here he is trying to find applying his forces. He leads a diary to give himself a "report of every day from the point of view of the weaknesses that you want to correct" is "rules for the development of will", it takes for the study of many sciences, decides to improve the life of the peasants. Lev Nikolayevich is flashing, looking for goals in life. He is going to go to Siberia, then goes to Moscow and holds there for several months, it goes to Petersburg, where he successfully examines the university to the university of the candidate, but does not complete this endeavor; it is going to the Connogvardeysky regiment; That suddenly decides to rent a post station ... (Tie with epigraph: "... and calm is spiritual meanness.")In the same years, L. Tolstoy is seriously engaged in music, opens up a school for peasant children, takes on the study of pedagogy. Known such a fact:

Simple people, having learned that there is such a graph that helps the poor, they decided to turn to him with a request. They advised them, they say, come, stand up on your knees and beate in front of them. Men and did it. L.N Tolstoy, seeing it, stopped in bewilderment. "How will I talk to you?" He asks, and they don't get up. Then he also sank to his knees. "Well, now we can talk to you."

So it means to live honestly ? (To live honestly, you need to respect a person, regardless of social status)

In painful searches, Tolstoy gradually comes to the main case, who dedicated the rest of life - to literary creativity.

In 1851 Together with his brother, Nikolai Lev Nikolayevich goes to the Caucasus, where an endless war was with the mountaineers, "he went, however, with the solid intention to become a writer. He participates in battles and campaigns, comes closer with new people and comes to the conclusion that the officers are real heroes, but a simple soldier whites win.

In the first year of the Caucasian service, he wrote a "childhood" and published it in the magazine "Contemporary", the editor of which was at the time N. Nekrasov, under the pseudonym L.N.

Nekrasov writes, if a thick non-random person in the literature, I advise you to pride under the full name. "Defense" (1854) and "Youth" (1857) and the first part of the autobiographical trilogy are printed later. The main character is spiritually close to the author, endowed with autobiographical features.

The innermost principle of Tolstoy - to write from the heart. False, hypocrisy are not compatible with the talent of a real man. As mentioned already, Tolstoy was painted by the Bar city way of life in a clear glade, he has repeatedly rushed to leave her. The first time he tried to leave the house in the summer of 1881, but the feeling of love and pity for his wife and children made him return from the road. So ended other attempts to leave it later. And on the night of October 28, 1910, Tolstoy secretly left the clear clearer, deciding to go south and settle in the peasant horses, wanting to spend the rest of his days among the labor people. His long-standing dream came true: on the way he fell ill with the inflammation of the lungs and was forced to go away on a small station Astapovo and ascend to the house of the head of the station. Rumor about the care of Tolstoy and his illness quickly spread. Hundreds of people rushed to Astapovo. Everyone wanted to see Tolstoy. But he felt very bad, and no one was allowed to him. In this house L.N. Tolstoy and died.

Thousands of people flocked on the funeral in a clear glade. When the writer writes is one thing, but when he lives as it writes and what is calling to live others, is completely different. It is very rare. And very difficult. But this is love.

The old man who lived to live according to the conscience turned out to be dear and necessary for all kind people.

The story "After Bala" was written L.N. Tolstoy in 1903, when the writer was already far in 70 years. More than 50 years ago, when L.N. Tolstoy was a student of the Kazan University, he told that he knew one colonel-commander, "who on the day before the daughter danced Mazurka on the ball and leaving earlier that the next morning to dispose of the drowning to death through the building The soldier - Tatar, killed this soldier to death and returned to dine in the family. " That's about such a colonel and remembered the writer in the story "After Bala"

- Who tells us about all the events that happen? (Ivan Vasilyevich)

- And this narration consists of how many main parts? (Of the two parts: Ball and after the Bala).

What kind of two parts do you consider the main maintenance of the main content of the work? (This is the 2nd part, where the colonel and the soldiers' submissive to him torture Tatar.)

Why did the writer needed the 1st part? He could start directly from the beating scene, once this is the main part. So it was possible to create a simple newspaper note, and L. Tolstoy creates a artistic work. Why? (Ivan Vasilyevich himself is very important in the story, his feelings, what he is experiencing on the ball and after the ball. Without the 1st part there would be no work of art, since it was the 1st part of the part tells how it was possible to make a mistake Appearance for real reality.

D / s. Make a table in the notebook

Theme of the lesson: antithesis as the main means of an artistic image in the work.

The purpose of the lesson: Show spiritual torments of an ordinary person.

In the past, we came to the conclusion that, compared with the first part, the second is more severely impressed. Let's see how it happens.

What epitats are the holiday from the leader? (The ball is wonderful, the hall is beautiful, the buffet is great, the musicians are famous; Mazurka's motive sounds almost continuous)

Who do we get to the ball? (With Varna and Colonel)

See how much in their description of bright, joyful, enthusiastic epithets! (in a white dress, in white gloves, in white shoes, she has a "shining, dumbfounded with a face and affectionate and, cute eyes"; it is beautiful, static, high, fresh, with white mustes, white babenbards, with shiny eyes, a joyful smile, with a wide breast, strong shoulders, long slender legs. How it is modest, assuring that he has learned to dance. But as "he fuckedly stunned by one foot, threw another, and his high rapid figure is quietly and smoothly, then noisy and violently Round around the hall ")

-Does the portrait of the colonel cause you a sympathy? What is the author to introduce the epithet "joyful smile"? (Show external benevolence.)

-Why L.N. Tolstoy describes dance? (Addition to harmony in appearance)

The word "beautiful" is used several times why? (Show that we have a knight, a cavalier with excellent manners).

What feelings are Ivan Vasilyevich on the ball? (Ivan Vasilyevich looks at the Colonel and Varniku with enthusiastic lunate. It seems for him even the unaware boots of the colonel: "To export and wear a beloved daughter, he does not buy fashionable boots, but wears homemade". "He gently, nicely wrapped his daughter with his hands for her ears. Kissing in the forehead, led her to me. "" To my father ... Her with his boots and affectionate, like her, smile, I felt at that time some enthusiastic, gentle feeling. "

What can be explained that in the Bala scene, all the surrounding hero perceives "with enthusiastic loss"? (The fact that he is in love, captured by the festive atmosphere of the evening, the proximity of the beloved girl, the feeling of his own youth and beauty).

This is in the 1st part, and in 2 oh?

Description of the colonel (high military in overcoats and cap ... Her father with his ruddy face and white mustache and bundlebards.) Mask is Torn. There is everything but smile. Where did the tender feelings and enthusiastic words come?

Consider in comparison of the colonel and punished (homework)

The contrast is increasing when Ivan Vasilyevich sees how high, the statutory colonel is a strong hand in a suede glove beats the face of a tiny, weak soldier (read)

What does Ivan Vasilyevich are experiencing, seeing this scene? (Almost physical, reaching for nausea longing).

With the help of what he transfers the rootless, duration and horror of the accomplished? (Repetition of the same words "... all the same Fallen on both sides of the strikes on the stubborn, prudent man, and all the same beat drums and whistled flute, and all the same A high step was moving high, the status figure of the colonel next to the punishable. "

Light, joyful bala paints, carefree fun young people who do not suspect the existence of another world sharply shade the gloomy picture drawn in the second part.

- Let's see how the transition from the 1st part of the 2nd one is planned. Compare the description of the ball at the beginning of the story describing the continued street. How gradually arises the contrast between the music of the ball, which still sounds in the soul of Ivan Vasilyevich, and other music that he hears, approaching the plato.

Why does the author need a contrast image of heroes, their psychological state, the situation in which they act? (This allows the author of their characteristics and at the same time expose the social contradiction of Tsarist Russia.)

Guys, and what do you think, why the colonel, as if loving, attentive father, turns out to be cruel in relation to soldiers? Was he double man?

Guys, it would seem the work of L.N. Tolstoy as if it would be written about the long-lasting life, but take a closer carefully: Does it make something to think about and now? About what? (Ivan Vasilyevich is covered on the ball with a feeling of beauty, a sense of love to all, a sense of happiness, which everything grows and grows. It seems to him that this is a real life. And Varena seems to him an ideal unearthly creature. But the case is confronted with genuine truth life, And all the views of him about happiness tipping over. The feeling of joy and happiness turns into a longing and physical nausea. Vammentka is still a graceful and beautiful girl, she is still young, inexperienced and who knows who she will be. But all the love for Varnah "went on not" .

-Why? (Ivan Vasilyevich himself answers this question: "When she, as it often happened to her, thinking, I immediately recalled the colonel on the square, and I became somehow awkward and unpleasant." Beauty Varnikov ceased to be attractive to Ivan Vasilyevich, Because, starting from the Ball, her appearance in the representation of Ivan Vasilyevich is closely connected with the appearance of her father.).

D / s writing writing to the question "" What is the modern sound of the story of L. Tolstoy "After Bala"?

To live honestly, it is necessary to break, confused, fight, mistaken 8230 on the novel of the Tolstoy War and the world

The problems of morality, spirituality have always been the most important in the literature of the XIX century. Writers and their heroes were constantly worried about the deepest and most serious questions: how to live, what is the meaning of human life, how to come to God, how to change for the better not only your life, but also the lives of other people. It is such thoughts that overflow one of the main characters of Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Pierre Zuhovova.

At the beginning of the novel, Pierre appears in front of us completely naive, inexperienced young men who lived all his youth abroad. He does not know how to behave in a secular society, in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler he causes anxiety of the hostess and fear: "Although really Pierre was a few more than other men in the room, but this fear could only relate to that smart and together a robust, observational and natural look who distinguished him from everyone in this living room. " Pierre behaves naturally, he is the only one in this environment wearing a mask of hypocrisy, he says what he thinks.

Becoming the owner of a big inheritance, Pierre, with his honesty and faith in the kindness of people, falls on the network placed by Prince Kuragin. Attempts by prince to take possession of inheritance were not crowned with success, so he decided to get money in another way: to marry Pierre on his daughter Helen. Pierre attracts her exterior beauty, but he cannot figure it out, whether she is smartly, Dobilie. He is not solved for a long time to make her proposal, in fact he does not make him, the prince of Kuragin decides for him. After marriage, a turning point comes in the Hero's life, the period of understanding the whole of his life, its meaning. The culmination of these experiences Pierre became a duel with Doolokhov, Half Elen. In a good-natured and peace-loving Pierre, who learned about the brand and cynical attitude towards him, Elene and Dolokhova, the anger boils, "Something terrible and ugly rose in his soul." A duel highlights all the best qualities of Pierre: his bravery, a man's brave, who has nothing to lose, his humans, his moral strength. Raniv Dologov, he is waiting for his shot: "Pierre with a meek smile of regret and repentance, helplessly putting his legs and hands, straight with his broad breasts stood before Rolokhov and sadly looked at him." Pierre The author compares with Dolokhov in this scene: Pierre does not want to harm him, the more kill him, and she is crushing that she missed and did not get into Pierre. After the duel Pierre torment thoughts and experiences: "Such a storm of feelings, thoughts, the memories suddenly rose in his soul that he not only could not sleep, but could not sit on the spot and had to jump from the sofa and walk around the room" he It analyzes everything that happened, relationship with his wife, a duel and understands that he lost all life values, he does not know how he lives next, vinites himself in committing this mistake - marriage to Helen, reflects on life and death: "Who is right, who is to blame? No one. And alive - and live: tomorrow you will die, as I could die the hour ago. And is it worth it to suffer when it remains to live one second in comparison with eternity? ... what's bad? What well? What should I love to hate? Why live and what am I? What is life that death? What power manages everything? " In this state of moral doubts, he meets at the confusion of the courtyard in Torzok Masona Basdaev, and the "strict, intelligent and insightful expression" of this person is striking the bummer. Basdayev sees the reason for the misfortune of Pierre in his unbelief in God: "Pierre with a fading of the heart, looking in brilliant eyes in the face of the Mason, he listened to him, did not interrupted him, but he did not ask him, and he believed that he had said this someone else." Pierre himself enters the Masonic Life and tries to live according to the laws of good and justice. Having received a vital support in the form of Freemasonry, he acquires self-confidence and purpose in life. Pierre goes on its estates, trying to relieve life with his fortress. He wants to build a school for the peasants, hospitals, but the cunning manager deceives Pierre, and the practical results of the Pierre's trip are not. But he himself is full of faith in herself, and during this period of his life he manages to help his friend, prince Andrei Bolkonsky, who is engaged in the upbringing of the son after the death of his wife. Prince Andrei is disappointed in life after Austerlitz, after the death of a little prince, and Pierre managed to stir up, awaken interest in the surrounding: "If God is there is a future life, that is, the truth is virtue; And the Higher happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. We must live, you have to love, you have to believe that we live now only on this block of land, but lived and we will live forever there, in everything. "

Tolstoy shows us how the period of understanding his life can be replaced by a complete disappointment and despair, which happens with his favorite hero. Pierre loses faith in the teachings of Masons when he sees that they are all busy not by the device of the world, but their own careers, well-being, pursuit of power. He returns to the secular society and again lives an empty, bad life. The only thing that he has in life is love for Natasha, but the union is impossible between them. War with Napoleon gives the meaning of Pierre's life: he is present on the Borodino battle, he sees the courage and heroism of Russian soldiers, he is located next to them on the Battery of Raevsky, makes it the shells, helps what can. Despite his ridiculous form (he came in a green fruque and a white hat), the soldiers fused the sympathy to Pierre for his courage and even gave the nickname "Our Barin". The terrible picture of the battle struck Pierre. When he sees that almost everything died on the battery, he thinks: "No, now they will leave it, now they are terrible what they did!" After the battle, Pierre reflects on the courage of Russian soldiers: "The soldier be, just a soldier! Enter this common life to all the creature, to imbued with what makes them such ... the most difficult thing is to be able to combine the meaning of all .... No, not to connect. You can not connect thoughts, and to match all these thoughts - that's what you need! Yes, you need to match, you need to match! " Match your life with the life of the people - this is what the idea comes Pierre. Further events in Pierre's life only confirm this thought. Attempting to kill Napoleon in the burning Moscow turns around to save the life of the French officer, and the salvation of the girl from the burning house and help a woman - capturing. In Moscow, Pierre makes his feat, but for him it is the natural behavior of a person, since he dare and noble. Probably the most important events of Pierre's life take place in captivity. Acquaintance with Plato Karataev taught Pierre that the necessary vital wisdom, which he lacked. The ability to adapt to any conditions and not lose with humanity and kindness - it revealed Pierre a simple Russian man. "For Pierre, as he introduced himself on the first night, incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth, so he remained forever," so writes Tolstoy about Platon Karataev. In captivity, Pierre begins to feel his unity with the world: "Pierre glanced into the sky, deep into the outgoing playing stars. "And all this is mine, and all this in me, and all this I am!"

When Pierre liberate when it starts completely different, full of new problems, life, in his soul, everything that he has reinforced and listed. All the experienced Pierre did not pass without a trace, he became a man who knows the meaning of life, her goal. Happy family life did not make him forget about his destination. The fact that Pierre enters the secret society is that he is a future Decembrist, naturally for Pierre. He lined up the right to fight for the rights of other people.

Describing the life of his hero, Tolstoy shows us a bright illustration of the wrong words that he recorded once in her diary: "To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing, and starting again, and again throw, And forever fight and lose. And calm - spiritual meanness. "

To live honestly, it is necessary to break, confused, fight, mistaken 8230 on the novel of the Tolstoy War and the world

The problems of morality, spirituality have always been the most important in the literature of the XIX century. Writers and their heroes were constantly worried about the deepest and most serious questions: how to live, what is the meaning of human life, how to come to God, how to change for the better not only your life, but also the lives of other people. It is such thoughts that overflow one of the main characters of Roman L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Pierre Zuhovova.

At the beginning of the novel, Pierre appears in front of us completely naive, inexperienced young men who lived all his youth abroad. He does not know how to behave in a secular society, in the salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler he causes anxiety of the hostess and fear: "Although really Pierre was a few more than other men in the room, but this fear could only relate to that smart and together a robust, observational and natural look who distinguished him from everyone in this living room. " Pierre behaves naturally, he is the only one in this environment wearing a mask of hypocrisy, he says what he thinks.

Becoming the owner of a big inheritance, Pierre, with his honesty and faith in the kindness of people, falls on the network placed by Prince Kuragin. Attempts by prince to take possession of inheritance were not crowned with success, so he decided to get money in another way: to marry Pierre on his daughter Helen. Pierre attracts her exterior beauty, but he cannot figure it out, whether she is smartly, Dobilie. He is not solved for a long time to make her proposal, in fact he does not make him, the prince of Kuragin decides for him. After marriage, a turning point comes in the Hero's life, the period of understanding the whole of his life, its meaning. The culmination of these experiences Pierre became a duel with Doolokhov, Half Elen. In a good-natured and peace-loving Pierre, who learned about the brand and cynical attitude towards him, Elene and Dolokhova, the anger boils, "Something terrible and ugly rose in his soul." A duel highlights all the best qualities of Pierre: his bravery, a man's brave, who has nothing to lose, his humans, his moral strength. Raniv Dologov, he is waiting for his shot: "Pierre with a meek smile of regret and repentance, helplessly putting his legs and hands, straight with his broad breasts stood before Rolokhov and sadly looked at him." Pierre The author compares with Dolokhov in this scene: Pierre does not want to harm him, the more kill him, and she is crushing that she missed and did not get into Pierre. After the duel Pierre torment thoughts and experiences: "Such a storm of feelings, thoughts, the memories suddenly rose in his soul that he not only could not sleep, but could not sit on the spot and had to jump from the sofa and walk around the room" he It analyzes everything that happened, relationship with his wife, a duel and understands that he lost all life values, he does not know how he lives next, vinites himself in committing this mistake - marriage to Helen, reflects on life and death: "Who is right, who is to blame? No one. And alive - and live: tomorrow you will die, as I could die the hour ago. And is it worth it to suffer when it remains to live one second in comparison with eternity? ... what's bad? What well? What should I love to hate? Why live and what am I? What is life that death? What power manages everything? " In this state of moral doubts, he meets at the confusion of the courtyard in Torzok Masona Basdaev, and the "strict, intelligent and insightful expression" of this person is striking the bummer. Basdayev sees the reason for the misfortune of Pierre in his unbelief in God: "Pierre with a fading of the heart, looking in brilliant eyes in the face of the Mason, he listened to him, did not interrupted him, but he did not ask him, and he believed that he had said this someone else." Pierre himself enters the Masonic Life and tries to live according to the laws of good and justice. Having received a vital support in the form of Freemasonry, he acquires self-confidence and purpose in life. Pierre goes on its estates, trying to relieve life with his fortress. He wants to build a school for the peasants, hospitals, but the cunning manager deceives Pierre, and the practical results of the Pierre's trip are not. But he himself is full of faith in herself, and during this period of his life he manages to help his friend, prince Andrei Bolkonsky, who is engaged in the upbringing of the son after the death of his wife. Prince Andrei is disappointed in life after Austerlitz, after the death of a little prince, and Pierre managed to stir up, awaken interest in the surrounding: "If God is there is a future life, that is, the truth is virtue; And the Higher happiness of a person is to strive to achieve them. We must live, you have to love, you have to believe that we live now only on this block of land, but lived and we will live forever there, in everything. "

Tolstoy shows us how the period of understanding his life can be replaced by a complete disappointment and despair, which happens with his favorite hero. Pierre loses faith in the teachings of Masons when he sees that they are all busy not by the device of the world, but their own careers, well-being, pursuit of power. He returns to the secular society and again lives an empty, bad life. The only thing that he has in life is love for Natasha, but the union is impossible between them. War with Napoleon gives the meaning of Pierre's life: he is present on the Borodino battle, he sees the courage and heroism of Russian soldiers, he is located next to them on the Battery of Raevsky, makes it the shells, helps what can. Despite his ridiculous form (he came in a green fruque and a white hat), the soldiers fused the sympathy to Pierre for his courage and even gave the nickname "Our Barin". The terrible picture of the battle struck Pierre. When he sees that almost everything died on the battery, he thinks: "No, now they will leave it, now they are terrible what they did!" After the battle, Pierre reflects on the courage of Russian soldiers: "The soldier be, just a soldier! Enter this common life to all the creature, to imbued with what makes them such ... the most difficult thing is to be able to combine the meaning of all .... No, not to connect. You can not connect thoughts, and to match all these thoughts - that's what you need! Yes, you need to match, you need to match! " Match your life with the life of the people - this is what the idea comes Pierre. Further events in Pierre's life only confirm this thought. Attempting to kill Napoleon in the burning Moscow turns around to save the life of the French officer, and the salvation of the girl from the burning house and help a woman - capturing. In Moscow, Pierre makes his feat, but for him it is the natural behavior of a person, since he dare and noble. Probably the most important events of Pierre's life take place in captivity. Acquaintance with Plato Karataev taught Pierre that the necessary vital wisdom, which he lacked. The ability to adapt to any conditions and not lose with humanity and kindness - it revealed Pierre a simple Russian man. "For Pierre, as he introduced himself on the first night, incomprehensible, round and eternal personification of the spirit of simplicity and truth, so he remained forever," so writes Tolstoy about Platon Karataev. In captivity, Pierre begins to feel his unity with the world: "Pierre glanced into the sky, deep into the outgoing playing stars. "And all this is mine, and all this in me, and all this I am!"

When Pierre liberate when it starts completely different, full of new problems, life, in his soul, everything that he has reinforced and listed. All the experienced Pierre did not pass without a trace, he became a man who knows the meaning of life, her goal. Happy family life did not make him forget about his destination. The fact that Pierre enters the secret society is that he is a future Decembrist, naturally for Pierre. He lined up the right to fight for the rights of other people.

Describing the life of his hero, Tolstoy shows us a bright illustration of the wrong words that he recorded once in her diary: "To live honestly, it is necessary to rush, confused, fight, mistaken, start and throwing, and starting again, and again throw, And forever fight and lose. And calm - spiritual meanness. "

"We did the impossible, because they did not know that it was impossible."

W. Aizekson

To be honest - it means to live and act, guided by the truth. A honest person is always sincere and highly highly, has no intentions supported by a carefulness, the desire to harm another person. Life is honest is a kind of synonymous life of the righteous, and there is enough forces on it only in a few: it would seem even the most sincere people, but one day they still make a mistake.

And if you browse the actions of each person, it turns out that the absolute honesty without the slightest offshoes is a real miracle, which occurs very rarely. I believe that the desire for honesty is a long way and difficult, and any path lies through a number of errors, loyal and wrong solutions.

Honesty is achieved by the inner struggle of the human soul with various desires, contradictory morals. This is the process of forming a worldview, requiring enormous labor. In the literature, a lot of writers, the main task of which was a description of the human soul and changes in it due to various events. However, it is worth highlighting the writer who paid the most attention to reflections on the dialectics of the soul of their characters, Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

In his works, the great Russian writer makes literary heroes undergo a huge number of tests. In the novel "War and World" Prince Andrei Bolkonsky passes a huge path of internal clashes and changes. He goes to war with the French, but in the end falls on another war - with himself. Life is honest, disinterested does not imply aspires to material, earthly values, aimed at committing good and renunciation from evil. Prince Bolkonsky followed its dreams of glory, and this fact does not give it actions to become a feat. In the battle under Austerlitz, he saw that the bannamers was killed, sitting on a white horse, picked up the banner and ended up with him ahead of the soldiers.

However, was it heroism? Prince Andrei first of all wanted the "beauty of the painting", where he looks like a hero, but all this was insincere, only for himself. And only one incident discovered his eyes: he began to realize that he lives not to honor when he was wounded in battle, Loku in the open sky and not seeing nothing but nature. This experience, who brought him closer to death, opened his eyes to all mistakes, all the wrong aspirations, which Andrei Bolkonsky lived. The desire for glory, the greatness of Napoleon, the beauty of their own feats - everything seemed to him false. For this short time, he passes a huge path, leading him to a true understanding of honest, heroic life. In the battle under the village of Borodino, there is already a completely different prince Andrei Bolkonsky - sincere, honest, on their own experience aware of the real values \u200b\u200bof life and who felt all his mistakes. Tolstoy proves the idea that honest life becomes just through a huge way of their own mistakes and experience.

Honest man - not thinking always only about himself, and especially the person thinking primarily about others without thought about its own advantage - it is extremely rare, so much that it seems almost impossible or perceived as almost wildness. In the story of "Matrenin Dvor" Alexander Iseevich Solzhenitsyn, the main heroine, Matrius Vasilyevna, appears before the reader as an image of a person with a truly honest life. On her way there was a huge number of obstacles, but each of them she passed and spiritually did not break, did not allow mistakes. She fought and confused, and came across a lot of difficulties, experienced the injustice of fate, lost the most native people - children, in a word, made it impossible, but for her it was not a feat. Errors allowed all other people who belonged to her consumer who realized it only after the death of Matrioli Vasilyevna - because everything is good with time becomes usual, but even "mandatory", and understanding true value comes only with her loss. Unfortunately, people often erroneously relate to those who chose honest life.

The honor only at first glance seems to easily, in fact, this is a difficult path, requiring the readiness of the person to "rush, be confused, fight, mistake ..."

Updated: 2016-12-11

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"For the six days already, as I entered the clinic, and now six days, as I am almost satisfied with myself," this is how the first diary record begins, which is March 30 (March 17, on the old style) of 1847, made the future great writer and publicist, and Then the 19-year-old student of the Law Faculty of the Imperial Kazan University Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy.

In his first record, young Tolstoy reflects mainly about the benefits of privacy. "It is easier to write 10 volumes of philosophy than to attach one beginning to practice," he completes his arguments, perhaps the first of his diary aphorisms.

Activation in that, first, notebook a whole block of rules, which, among other things, included an outline of all read books and important events, Lion Tolstoy continued to keep diaries until the end of life and considered them the most valuable of everything written. The favorite diary topics of the writer will be religion, family, moral education and love.

Izvestia chose a few bright quotes from his diaries of different years.

About life

"To live honestly, it is necessary to go away, confused, mistaken, start and throwing ... and forever fight and lose. And calm - spiritual meanness. "

"Our good qualities will harm us anymore in life than bad."

"Nothing is so weakening the human strength as hope in any other effort, to find salvation and benefit."

"Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one thinks about how to change itself."

"The case of life is not to be great, rich, glorious, but in keeping soul."

About happiness

"There are two kinds of happiness: the happiness of people of virtuous and happiness of people of vain. The first comes from virtue, second from fate. "

"Happiness is more willing to go to the house, where a good mood always reigns."

"Happiness is not to do always, what you want, but to always want what you are doing."

"The misfortune does virtuous - virtue makes happy - happiness makes vicious."

About myself

"When I was looking for pleasures, it ran away from me, and I fell into a difficult position of boredom - a condition from which you can go to everything - good and bad; And rather to the latter. Now, when I just try to avoid boredom, I find pleasure in everything. "

"It is strange that I have to be silent with people living around me and talk only to those distant in time and the place that will hear me."

"The mystery is that I have another one and the same. The fact that I am still the same, makes my consciousness; The fact that I have another one for any minute, makes space and time. "

About knowledge

"The point is not to know a lot, but to know from all that you can know the most necessary."

"Knowledge is an instrument, not a goal."

About dealer

"For a common cause, it is probably better to do to everyone that he ordered, and not what he seems good."

"What suggested to do, do not postpone under the pretext of scattered or entertainment; But immediately, although externally, take a job. Thoughts will come. "

"It is better to try and spoil (a thing that can be converted) than not to do anything."

"Try to fulfill your duty, and you immediately learn what you are standing."

About dreams

"The dream has a party that is better reality; In fact, there is a side better than the dream. Full happiness would be the connection of that and the other. "

"I do not know how others dream of how much I heard and did not read, then not at all like me<...> Others say that the mountains seemed to spoke that, and the leaflets are something, and the trees called there. How can such a thought come? We must try to drive in mind such nonsenpitsa. "

About nations

"The life of all nations everywhere is the same. More cruel, inhuman, walking people feed violence, war, softer, meek, hardworking - prefer to endure. History is the story of these violence and fighting them. "

"If the Russian people are unkivated barbarians, then we have future. Western nations are civilized barbarians, and they have nothing to wait. "

"Western peoples threw agriculture and everyone wants to rule. Over yourself can not, here they are looking for colonies and markets. "

About family and relationships

"There are such minutes when a man tells a woman more thing that she should know about him. He said - and forgot, and she remembers. "

"There is a strange, rooted error that Strana, Sewing, Washing, Nitchin makes exclusively a female thing, what to do is a man - even ashamed. Meanwhile, it's a shame: a shameful man, often unoccupied, spending time behind trifles or do nothing while tired, often a weak, pregnant woman through strength, erases or nursing a sick child. "

"If how many goals are so many minds, then how many hearts are so many loving love."

About old age

"Old age is the greatest surprise in life."

"In deep old age, there is the most precious, right life for himself, and for others. The value of life is inversely proportional to the squares of the distance from death. "

Last diary

August 16, 1910 (August 29, old style) - less than two months before death - Lev Nikolayevich will begin his last diary notebook, enthusiastic of her "Diary for Himself."

"All the same, even worse. Just not to sin. And not having evil. Now there is no, "Lion Tolstoy recorded in it in two months, October 16, 1910.

On November 7, 1910, Lion Tolstoy died in the village of Astapovo Ryazan province. After it, about 4.7 thousand pages of diary records were left, who were 13 of the 22 volumes of the full collected writer's writer.