NEWZZ - current Ukrainian news from the network. The education system in the labor colony them

NEWZZ - current Ukrainian news from the network. The education system in the labor colony them
NEWZZ - current Ukrainian news from the network. The education system in the labor colony them

epinge. Institution for juvenile offenders on terr. Ussr (1920-36). It is organized as a colony for defective children by Poltava Lippowders (in the town of Trekki, 1920-24, and the former. The estates of the brothers in p. Ko-Valevka, 1924-26). First hands. Colonies - A. S. Makarenko (until 1928). From 1921, on the initiative of Makarenko and his pupils, the colony was named by M. Gorky. In 1923-26, she was experimental. The institution of the drug addict of the Ukrainian SSR, in 1926 translated into the smokehouse (near Kharkov). Pupils of the colony were children with negative social experience. Makarenko rejected the attitude towards them as the personalities of "morally defective", emphasizing that in these cases there are not children, but the relationship between the emerging person and society.

The activity of the colony was based on the principles of joining training with produces, labor (in workshops, p. X-ve) and self-service. The newest achievements in the field of agrochim were used. Science and animal husbandry. X-W was cost-effective and passed on to the hostect. Labor was considered as a ped. Factor, ped. Tasks prevailed over narrow-economic. Epinge. Activities were based on the principles of strict organized internal. Relations, disciplines, combining respect with confidence in the colonists, will put on development. Damn their characters. On the experience of work in the colony, Makarenko created the OSN. The situation of the theory of children. The team, used new forms of organizing his life. The colony had its own constitution (not publ.), I.e. Practically developed principles and rules mandatory for all - pupils and educators. The colonists were organized in constant multi-time units with the Council of Commander of the Councils, endowed with the authority of the highest host. organ There was a system of consolidated units, a general meeting. Cases of special misconduct of the colonists disassembled a friendly court.

Epinge. Work in the colony covered all parties to the life of children. Created their traditions, holidays solemnly celebrated. Pupils participated in games, performances, charaks, engaged in circles, orchestra. The library acted. Special attention was given to aesthetics of the medium, external. The type of colonists.

(according to various data from 4.5 to 7 million people), which appeared after the First World War, the October coup and followed Civil War In Russia, the state and the public, a number of measures were taken to eliminate this phenomenon not only by criminal prosecution, but also by resocialization (by returning to the culture of society), including the creation of colonies to re-order juvenile offenders.

The feature of the first years of activity of these colonies was extremely weak government security (both food and material and technical and organizational-methodical), which dialectically had not only negative sides (the need, often malnutrition of pupils and educators, the absence of many of the most necessary things, etc.), but also positive - in the conditions of a reduced organizational and methodological control for the most gifted and active leaders of the colonies, an increased freedom of pedagogical and educational creativity was opened, unthinkable 1917, nor after the mid-1930s.

Among successful examples Applications of this freedom can be called the experience of converting colonies (that is, in Russian, settlements) to the commune (that is, communities, communities of people associated with a common matter and goals). The most famous of them were the Commune "Red Zori" I. V. Ionin near Leningrad, Bolevskaya labor commune (1924-1937) M. S. Pogrebinsky (1895-1937) - near Moscow and Colony. M. Gorky (1920-1928) under the hands. A. S. Makarenko, founded under Poltava and essentially soon became the commune (which was reflected in the title of the next brainchild of Makarenko - the commune. F. E. Dzerzhinsky). Essentially, the activities and many finds S. T. Shatsky (the colony "Cheerful life") echoes the best experience and achievements of the colonial communes mentioned (although this institution was created not by the state and for the "cheerful life" of ordinary children, and not nonsense).

Colony under Poltava was created on behalf of the Poltava Gubnobraz A. S. Makarenko in 1920

The activities and innovations of Makarenko in the colony caused a variety of responses - from positive (for example, in a brochure M. I. Levitin (Pseud. Maro) The experience of the colony them. Gorky is called the best from a number of visited by the author), to a number of denoms and accusations, Briefly reflected in the well-known proposal from the "Pedagogical Poem" - "The system of Makarenko is the system is not Soviet ...". Prominent macarenkovad prof. G. Hillig (Germany) collected a number of evidence that the continuation of the activities of Makarenko under these conditions until 1928 was very much promoted by the head of the NKVD of Ukraine in those years of Vsevolod Appolinariaevich Balitsky (1892 or 1893 - 1937)

However, after sharp-critical accusations of the approaches of Makarenko by N. K. Krupskaya from the Tribunes of the next congress of Komsomol in May 1928, pedagogical officials put Makarenko before the choice: to abandon a number of their principles in educational work Or leave the colony. He chooses the last and fully passes into the previously created (in 1927) in the NKVD system of the commune. F. E. Dzerzhinsky, where before he worked part-time.

New chief of colony them. Gorky made efforts to ensure that the Makarenko approaches are no longer applied. A number of the closest associates of Makarenko either left him to the commune (for example, V. N. Teresky), or returned to the previous activities (so, N. E. Ferie took up agricultural science: first went to the scientific expedition, later defended the candy on the dissertation S / x purchased, worked by the teacher, was appointed head. Department of operation of the machine-tractor fleet of the Moscow State Agroenterminarian University named after V.P. Goryachkin.

Colony them. Gorky since that time as a sample of education in the scientific literature is not mentioned, and after some time (including due to the general reduction in the number of interferences), it was redirected to work with minor criminals, acquired a high fence with barbed wire, changed the name, etc.

Pupils and teachers of the colony

Among the most famous educators and pupils of the colony:

Summer uniform of colonists

From April to September, inclusive mandatory, regardless of the weather outside the window of the colonists of all ages included the blue shirt-blouse and spacious panties with the belt and with two front pockets. Girls instead of panties wore wide skirts by ankle, from the same fabric.

Another common point of goalkeeper and summer uniforms of Makarekovsky colonists was the presence of a gray flat cap as a casual headdress. Girls wore scales of light tones. In solemn cases, instead of a cap worn a dark velvet tubette.

Sometimes gray or black wool leggings were added to this uniform. But more often managed simple socks of the same colors. Or even put on shoes on a boss foot.

Instead of conventional pioneer intensity sandals colonists wore leather boots middle height On a rather thick sole. After all, in contrast to the pioneerlage, the main task of the colony was to raise physical labor, and not at all a relaxed leisure of the wards.

This was a rather rigid, but a very effective method of hardening, brought by A. S. Makarenko to perfection: "Murznesh, it means, moving faster, work hard!", And I had to work at all. Therefore, wearing all the summer, goalkeeper pants instead of the usual trousers were not embarrassed even the tutors of the latch, although they were not obliged to do this.


"…from early spring The colonists did not wear pants, the panties were hygienic, more beautiful and cheaper. "
A. S. Makarenko.

"When I arrived in the colony named after Gorky, Anton Semenovich said that I need to examine the colony. And there were such underground moves - interesting. He called Semyon, he entered the guy in raspberry shorts and a blue shirt - they all went to the shorts ... "
Kalabalina K.

Attempt to reproduce experience in the 1980s

Taking into account the worldwide fame of the educational experience of the colony. Gorky and commune. F. E. Dzerzhinsky under the leadership of A. S. Makarenko, many employees, including the leaders of the execution of sentences, could not not be interested in the experience of using educational pedagogy Makarenko. Among them was the head of the Kurazhsky Colony in the 80s of the twentieth century., Who decided to reproduce the experience of Makarenko in the institution subordinate to him.

This low-prepared and not very thoughtful (unlike Makarenko himself) experience in humans described in detail the teacher-educator of this institution Yuri Ivanovich Chapala in his book "Writing on a non-free topic", where it is noted that in the end of the "book" implementation of the Makarenko system grew as The level of relapses among convicts, and the situation in the colony itself worsened. And this result, unfortunately, is not united. The Makarenko system itself often turns out to be more complex (and, most importantly, more demanding to the Contractor) than it looks like after the first reading of the "pedagogical poem" ...

The well-known social teacher and writer V. A. Yerymin noted in this connection, which is often due to the attempts of partial, fragmentary implementation of only the "most convenient and appropriate" components of the Makarenko system and as an example tells which violations, and often The humiliation of prisoners leads to the use of (separately from the system) of the principle of collective responsibility among those condemned.

At the same time, the positive experience of the application of the Makarenko system is also known in the FSIN system with one of the pupils of Makarenko A. G. Yavlinsky (1915-1981). However, it is also known that advocate among colleagues right to continue this experience Over time, it was all heavier and expensive for the health of Alexey Grigorievich with all respect for him, including as a veteran and order of the Second World War.

Books and articles

  • Ostriatskaya N. // People's Teacher, 1928, No. 1-2. P. 42-77.
  • Ostriatskaya N. . Grozny, 1979 134 p. The first artwork about the colony them. Gorky (1st edition in 1930).
  • Makarenko A. S. (1 full. Ed. Ed. Dp.n. S. S. Nevsky) // M.: ITRK, 2003
  • Ferre N. E. // Memories of Makarenko (Sat. Materials) / Sost. N. A. Lyapin, H.A. Morozova. - L., 1960. 346 p. - P. 213-235
  • Hillig, G., Oksa N. N. // Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. - 2003. - N 38. - P. 87-93

see also

  • Pogrebinsky, Matvey Samoilovich - Founder and Head of the Bassevskaya Labor Commune

Write a review about the article "Colony of the name of Gorky"


  1. Read more Ionin I. V. . - L, 1933.
  2. Levitina M. I. (Maro). Work with street: Practice new work in USSR. - Kharkov, 1924
  3. Hillig, Gottz. // Culture of the peoples of the Black Sea region. - 2005. - N 62. - P. 65-67.
  4. // Page Department of Operation of the Machine-Tractor Park of the Moscow State Agroenterminarian University named after V.P. Goryachkin
  5. Ostriatskaya N. // People's Teacher, 1928, No. 1-2. P. 42-77.
  6. Unlike the current shorts, the cut and the fabric of such panties, have always been closer to the soaked linen than to the trousers. Most of all, this cut resembles the top cowards of the football goalkeeper of those years if the pockets were their mandatory detail. Obviously, however, that the very word "shorts" did not exist in the Russian language of the first half of the XX century. It is not in big explanatory dictionary Ushakov, and with the word "panties", it says:

    Panties, panties, and panties, panties, units. No (from Eng. Mn. Trusers - Pants). Short pants for bathing or for sports. Football players in white panties. Baby pants from light matter.

    This formulation is completely identical to the usual consumption of A. S. Makarenko.

  7. Ushakov D. N.
  8. Ushakov D. N.
  9. Makarenko A. S.
  10. Frolov A. A.
  11. Goods M. D. Publishing house "Physical Culture and Sport". 1948
  12. Morozov V. V.
  13. Chapal Yu. I. Essay on a non-free topic. Kharkov: National University internal affairs of Ukraine, 2003, 446 p. ISBN 966-610-011-8
  14. Thieves Vitaly Eremin; [Art. I. Suslov]. - M.: Izvestia, 1995. - 332 S.: ISBN 5-206-00464-2 (in Per.)


An excerpt characterizing the colony of the name of Gorky

Moscow, October 3, 1812.
Napoleon. ]

"JE SERAIS MAUDIT PAR LA POSTERITE SI L" ON ME REGARDAIT COMME LE PREMIER MOTEUR D "UN ACCOMMODEMENT QUELCONQUE. Tel Est L "ESPRIT ACTUEL DE MA NATION", [I would have been damned, if I watched at me on me on the first instigator, any transaction; Such will of our people.] - answered Kutuzov and continued to use all his strength on to keep troops from the offensive.
A month later, a change in the strength of both troops (spirit and numbers) was made to the strength of both troops (spirit and numbers), as a result of which the advantage of the Russian Federation turned out to be a change in the robbery of the Russian troop. Despite the fact that the position of French troops and its number were unknown by the Russians, as soon as the attitude changed, the need for an occurrence immediately expressed in countless signs. The signs of these were: and sending Loriston, and the abundance of the province in Tarutin, and the information came from all the parties about the inaction and unrest of the French, and the recruitment of our regiments with recruits, and good weather, and a long holiday of Russian soldiers, and usually arising in the troops due to recreation Impatience to fulfill the case for which everyone is collected, and curiosity about what was done in the French army, so long ago, and the courage, with which the Russians who stood in Tarutina, and the news of the light victories over the French of the French and partisans and envy excited by this, and the feeling of revenge lying in the soul of every person until the French were in Moscow, and (most importantly) is unclear, but the consciousness of every soldier who arose in the soul of the fact that the relation of the force has changed now and the advantage Located on our side. The substantial attitude of the forces has changed, and the offensive has become necessary. And immediately, as true, how to beat and play in the clock, Kurats, when the arrow made a full circle, in the top spheres, respectively significant change Forces, reinforced movement, hiss and the game of chimes.

The Russian army was controlled by Kutuzov with his headquarters and a state truck from St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, even before receiving the news of the leaving of Moscow, was compiled detailed plan War and sent Kutuzov to leadership. Despite the fact that this plan was drawn up under the assumption that Moscow is still in our hands, this plan was approved by the headquarters and was accepted for execution. Kutuzov wrote only that long-range diversion is always difficult to fulfill. And to resolve the difficulties, new instructions and persons who must follow their actions were sent and convey about them.
In addition, the entire headquarters transformed into the Russian army. The places of killed Bagration and offended, who was borclae, was replaced. Very seriously thought about what would be better: A. Put in place B., and B. in place D., or, on the contrary, D. in place A., etc., as if anything, besides the pleasure of A. and B., could depend on this.
In the headquarters of the army, on the occasion of hostility of Kutuzov with his headquarters, Benigsen, and the presence of trusted persons of the sovereign and these movements, went more than usually, difficult game Parties: A. Dipped under B., D. under S., etc., in all possible movements and combinations. With all these dugouts, the subject of intrigue for the most part there was a military case who thought to lead all these people; But this military thing went regardless of them, just as it should have to go, that is, never coinciding with the fact that people came up with, and emerging from the essence of the relationship of the masses. All these invented, crossing, confusing, represented in higher spheres only the right reflection of what had had to be accomplished.
"Prince Mikhail Ilarionovich! - wrote the sovereign from October 2 in the letter received after the Tarutin battle. - From September 2, Moscow in the hands of the enemy. The last of your reports from the 20th; And during this time, not just nothing has been done to action against the enemy and liberation of the first-hearth capital, but even, according to your last reports, you still retreated back. Serpukhov is already engaged in a detachment of enemy, and Tula, with the famous and so for the army with the necessary plant, in danger. According to reports from General Wincgerode, I see that the enemy of the 10,000th corps moves through the St. Petersburg road. Another, a few thousand, is also served to Dmitrov. The third moved forward on the Vladimir Road. The fourth, rather significant, stands between Ruzoy and Mozhaisk. Napoleon himself 25 E number was in Moscow. According to all the SIM, when the enemy, the enemy of the strong detachments crushed his strength when Napoleon is still in Moscow himself, with his guard, is it possible that the efforts of the enemy who are in front of you have been significant and did not allow you to act offensively? With probability, on the contrary, it should believe that he pursues you with squadders or at least a corps, much weaker than the army, you are entrusted. It seemed that, using this circumstances, you could with the benefit of attacking the enemy weaker than you and destroy it or, at least, how to retreat it, to preserve the notable part of the province in our hands, now the enemy occupied, and thereby disrupt the danger from Tula and other inland our cities. Your responsibility will remain if the enemy is able to divide the significant building for St. Petersburg for the threatening of this capital, in which there could not be a lot of troops, because with the army, acting with decisive and activity, you have all the means to disapperate this new misfortune. Recall that you are still obliged to answer the offended Fatherland in the loss of Moscow. You have experienced my readiness to reward you. This willingness will not weaken in me, but I and Russia have the right to expect from you to all the zeal, hardness and success that your mind, military talents, and the courage of troops, you are led by, we are foreshadowed. "
But while the letter is proving that the substantial attitude of the forces has already been reflected in St. Petersburg, it was on the road, Kutuzov could not already keep the army commander from the offensive, and the battle was already given.
October 2, the Cossack Shapovalov, being in the drive, killed one of the gun and shot another hare. Having chasing behind a shotgun hare, Shapovalov wandered far into the forest and stumbled upon the left flank of the Murat Army, standing without any precaution. Cossack, laughing, told his comrades, as he almost caught the French. Horunzhiy, hearing this story, told his commander.
Cossack called on, asked; Cossack commanders wanted to take advantage of this case to repel the horses, but one of the bosses, familiar with the highest ranks of the army, reported this fact to the Staff General. Recently, the position was in the headquarters of the army high degree strained. Yermolov, a few days before that, having come to Benigsen, begged him to consume his influence on the commander-in-chief, in order to have been made.
- If I would not know you, I would think that you do not want what you ask for. It costs me to advise one thing that the brighter probably did the opposite, - answered Benigsen.
The news of the Cossacks, confirmed by sent by the move, proved the final maturity of the event. Stretched string Jumping, and stuck the clock, and the chimes played. Despite all its imaginary power, to his mind, experience, knowledge of people, Kutuzov, taking into account the note of Benigsen, sent personally to the sovereign, expressed by all generals the same desire, the desire for the sovereign and the minor of the Cossacks, could no longer hold The inevitable movement and gave the order for the fact that he considered it useless and harmful - blessed the fact.

The note, filed by Benigsen about the need for an offensive, and the information of the Cossacks about the unclosed left flank of the French were only the last signs of the need to give orders about the offensive, and the offensive was appointed on October 5.
On October 4, in the morning, Kutuzov signed a disposition. Tol read her Yermolov, offering him to make further orders.
"Good, good, I have no time now," Yermolov said and left the hut. The disposition compiled by the Toler was very good. Just as in the Austerlica disposition, it was written, although not in German:
"Die Erste Colonne Marschiert [The first column goes (it.)] There and there, Die Zweite Colonne Marschiert [The second column goes (it.)] There is something there" etc. And all these columns on paper They came at the appointed time in their place and destroyed the enemy. Everything was, as in all dispositions, was perfectly invented, and, as in all dispositions, no column came in their time and in their place.
When the disposition was ready in the proper amount of copies, the officer was called up and sent to Yermolov to transfer his paper for execution. The young cavalry officer, the ordinar of Kutuzov, the importance of this assignment given to him, went to the apartment of Yermolov.
"We managed," Denknik Yermolov answered. A cavalry officer went to the general who often had Yermolov.
- No, and general no.
Cavalgard officer, sowing, drove to another.
- No, I left.
"How would I not answer for delay! Here is the annoyance! " - thought an officer. He traveled the entire camp. Who said that they saw how Yermolov drove with other generals where he said that he was, right, again at home. The officer, not dining, was looking for up to six o'clock in the evening. Nowhere Yermolova was and no one knew where he was. The officer Naskoro snapped from his comrade and went again to Avangard to Miloradovich. Miloradovich was also not at home, but here he was told that Miloradovich on the ball at General Kikin, which must be ermis there.
- Yes, where is it?
- And Vaughn, in Ochkin, - said the Cossack officer, pointing to the distant standing house.
- Yes, how is there, behind the chain?
- they sent two regiments of ours in the chain, there now such a bus goes, trouble! Two music, three choir of songwomen.
The officer went beyond the chain to Ochkin. From afar, then driving up to the house, he heard friendly, the funny sounds of the dance of the Soldier song.
"In Oluza and ah ... in Aluzi! .." - with the gastrip and with Torban, he was heard, occasionally drunk his votes. The officer and fun fell on the soul from these sounds, but at the same time and terribly for the fact that he is to blame, without having submitted an important order entrusted to him. Was last ninth. He tears from the horse and entered the porch and in the front large, preserved a landlord house, which was between the Russians and the French. In the buffet and in the front, lackeys with wines and disasters fussed. Songniks stood under the windows. The officer was introduced at the door, and he saw all of all together the most important army generals, including a large, noticeable figure of Yermolov. All the generals were in unbuttoned fructures, with red, lively faces and loudly laughed, standing by a semicircle. In the middle of the halls, a beautiful short general with a red face Boyko and deftly produced Trepak.
- Ha, Ha, Ha! Ai Yes Nikolai Ivanovich! Ha, Ha, Ha! ..
The officer felt that, entering this minute with an important order, he was doubly guilty, and he wanted to wait; But one of the generals saw him and, having learned why he, said Yermolov. Ermolov with a frowning face came out to the officer and, after hearing, took the paper from him, saying nothing to him.
- Do you think it's inadvertently he left? - said this evening a staff comrade Cavaliangard officer about Yermolov said. - These are things, it's all on purpose. Konovnitsa rolling. Look, tomorrow, what will happen!

Another day, early in the morning, the stray Kutuzov got up, prayed to God, dressed and with the unpleasant consciousness that he had to lead the battle, whom he did not approve, sat down in a stroller and drove out of the leaving, in five versts behind Tarutina, to the place, Where the upcoming columns were collected. Kutuzov drove, falling asleep and waking up and listening, is there no right shots, didn't it start? But it was still quiet. Just started the dawn of raw and cloudy autumn Day. Drown to Tarutin, Kutuzov noticed the cavalries who were driven by horses across the road at which the stroller was eager. Kutuzov looked at them, stopped the stroller and asked what shelf? The cavalrymen were from the column that had to be far ahead in the ambush. "Error, maybe," thought the old commander-in-chief. But, passing further, Kutuzov saw infantry shelves, guns in goats, soldiers for porridge and with firewood, in the entras. Called an officer. The officer reported that there was no statement about the speech.
"As I would not ..." he began Kutuzov, but immediately silent and ordered to call the senior officer to himself. Sleeping from the stroller, lowering the head and breathe hard, having silently waiting, he walked back and forth. When the officer of the General Staff Eichn, Kutuzov, was not overwhelmed, that this officer was a wine mistakes, but because he was a decent subject to express anger. And, shaking, choking, an old manWhen having come to the state of rabies, in which he was able to come when she was lying on the ground from anger, he was frightened to Eichen, threatening his hands, shouting and swearing with square words. Another turned down, Captain Brozin, not to blame for nothing, suffered the same fate.
- What is the channel yet? Shot by flashing! - He shouted hoarsely, waving his hands and staggering. He experienced physical suffering. He, the commander-in-chief, the little, whom everyone assures that no one has ever had such power in Russia as he, he is put in this position - raised to laughter in front of the army. "In vain so worried to pray for the current day, it did not sleep in vain and was thinking about everything! - He thought about himself. "When was a boy officer, no one would have a dream so much to do with me ... and now!" He experienced a physical suffering, as from corporal punishment, and could not not express his angry and suffer cries; But soon his strength weakened, and he, looking around, feeling that he had a lot of good, sat down in a stroller and silently left back.

Colony of the name of Gorky

Colony of the name of Gorky - Labor colony for juvenile offenders in the village of Kovalevka, near Poltava.

In 1921, the colony was assigned the name M. Gorky, in 1926 the colony was transferred to the Kryazhsky Monastery under Kharkov; He began (1920-1928) A. S. Makarenko.

It was created on behalf of the Poltava Gubnobraz A. S. Makarenko.

M. Gorky in colony them. Gorky, June 1928

Summer uniform of colonists

A young teacher of a children's colony chicken Maxim Surin in pants with strap and walkrs.

From April to September, inclusive mandatory, regardless of the weather outside the window of the colonists of all ages included the blue shirt-blouse and spacious panties with the belt and with two front pockets. Girls instead of panties wore wide skirts by ankle, from the same fabric.

Another common point of goalkeeper and summer uniforms of Makarekovsky colonists was the presence of a gray flat cap as a casual headdress. Girls wore scales of light tones. In solemn cases, instead of a cap worn a dark velvet tubette.

Maxim Gorky observes agricultural workers in the children's colony.

Sometimes gray or black wool leggings were added to this uniform. But more often managed simple socks of the same colors. Or even put on shoes on a boss foot.

Instead of the usual sandals, the colonists wore leather high height boots on a rather thick sole. After all, in contrast to the pioneerlage, the main task of the colony was to raise physical labor, and not at all a relaxed leisure of the wards.

This was a rather rigid, but a very effective method of hardening, borrowed by A. S. Makarenko from the British and brought to them to perfection: "You will blame, which means moving faster, work diligently!", And there was no little work. Therefore, wearing all the summer, goalkeeper pants instead of the usual trousers were not embarrassed even the tutors of the latch, although they were not obliged to do this.


"... From early spring, the colonists did not wear pants, the panties were hygienic, more beautiful and cheaper."

A. S. Makarenko.

"When I arrived in the colony named after Gorky, Anton Semenovich said that I need to examine the colony. And there were such underground moves - interesting. He called Semyon, he entered the guy in raspberry shorts and a blue shirt - they all went to the shorts ... "

Kalabalina G.K. .


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Colony O'Neal
  • Colony Movero on Gibraltar

Watch what is the "Colony of the name of Gorky" in other dictionaries:

    Colonym named M. Gorky - educational institution for minor violators in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (1920 36), which led (until 1928) A.S. Makarenko. From 1921, on the initiative of Makarenko and pupils, the colony was named by M. Gorky. Organized as a colony for ... Pedagogical Terminology Dictionary

    Colonym named M. Gorky - Education. Institution for juvenile offenders on terr. Ussr (1920 36). It is organized as a colony for defective children by the Poltava pussy pray (in the town of Trekuch, 1920 24, and the former. The estate of the brothers in the village. Ko Valevka, 1924 26). ... ... Russian pedagogical encyclopedia

    Colonym named M. Gorky - Educational institution for juvenile offenders. It was organized in the 1920 Poltava Gubnami under Poltava, in 1926 translated under Kharkov (smoking). In 1920, the colony was headed by A. S. Makarenko. In 1921 she was ... ...

    Colony (values) - Colony: Colony in politics and social sciences dependent, incomplete territory, possession of a foreign state; Colony in geography and history new, undeveloped territory to be exploration and settlement; Colony in ... ... Wikipedia -

    Makarenko Anton Semenovich -, Soviet teacher and writer. After the end of the Kremenchug city school and pedagogical courses at him (1905), met in Ukraine. In 1917 he graduated from Poltava ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Makarenko - Anton Semenovich, Soviet teacher and writer. After the end of the Kremenchug city school and pedagogical courses at him (1905), met in Ukraine. In 1917 ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Educational institution for juvenile violators in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR (1920-36), which led (until 1928) A.S. Makarenko. From 1921, on the initiative of Makarenko and pupils, the colony was named by M. Gorky. It is organized as a colony for defective children by the Poltava gaming in the town of Break, under Poltava; From 1924 was located in former estate Brothers Finch s. Kovalevka; From 1926 - in p. Smoking under Kharkov. In 1923-26 was an experimental institution of the drug addict of the Ukrainian SSR. Children with negative social experience were brought up in the colony, among which there were many former homeless children and orphans. Makarenko embodied his ideas for creating a children's team into practice. The history of the colony is devoted to his book "Pedagogical Poem" (part 1-3, 1933-1935).

(Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 2002. P. 123)

see also Makarenko, Anton Semenovich

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    Moscow (Encyclopedia)

  • - Theatrical School named after B.V. Schukina with the name of the name of the EUG. Vakhtangov, theatrical university prepares actors and directors. Leads history from student theatrical Studiofounded and led from 1913 ...

    Moscow (Encyclopedia)

  • - Central Pkio named after M. Gorky. Moskva. Central Park of Culture and Rest named after M. Gorky, in the central part of Moscow, between the Pushkin Embankment of the Moscow River and Leninsky Prospect ...

    Moscow (Encyclopedia)

  • - In the central part of Moscow, between the Pushkin Embankment of the Moscow River and Leninsky Prospect ...

    Moscow (Encyclopedia)

  • - See in Art. Libraries in ...

    Sovetskaya historical encyclopedia

  • - Moscow state University them. M. V. Lomonosov, one of the oldest scientific Libraries And the largest university library in the USSR. Founded in 1755 ...
  • - Educational institution for juvenile offenders. It was organized in the 1920 Poltava Golovka shape under Poltava, in 1926 translated under Kharkov. In 1920-28, A. S. Makarenko coincided with A. S. Makarenko ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - in Moscow. Founded in 1756. In 1993 St. 8.5 million units. xp It consists of a fundamental library and sectoral libraries in the faculties. Methodical center of libraries of Soviet universities ...
  • - Dramatic, founded in 1918 ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - one of the two theater groups formed in the division of Moscow artistic academic Theater In 1987 ...

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - car. Take the need, misfortune. SRGK 4, 605 ...
  • - White. Test a lot of grief, deprivation, misfortunes. Mokienko 1990, 85 ...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

"Colony named after M. Gorky" in books

On suicidomania Maxim Gorky Personality of Maxim Gorky in the light of the attempted suicide committed in December 1887. Dr. I. B. Galant

From the book of the author

On suicidomania Maxim Gorky Personality of Maxim Gorky in the light of the attempted suicide committed in December 1887. Dr. I. B. Galant The attraction to suicide or suicidomania (Suicidomania) is a phenomenon that as many other incomprehensible phenomena has been in science.

Chapter Fourth "Water Name named after Stepan Razin"

From the book Arkady North, Soviet Union by Petrov Dmitry.

Chapter Fourth "Water Name named after Stepan Razin" "Well, why didn't you know me, what? I am Arkady North!" A. North, February 1975. By the beginning of the 70s, the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting the "thoughts" songs accompanied by the orchestra rushed in the air. The black market was just boiled

From the book, Mikhail Sholokhov in memories, diaries, letters and articles of contemporaries. Book 2. 1941-1984 Author Perezin Viktor Vasilyevich

A.I. Ovcharenko, Head of the Sector of the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Place " Quiet dona"In the literature of the modern era instead of the generally accepted report written with the involvement of the entire Arsenal

Chapter 4. Leningrad State Big Drama Theater named after M. Gorky

From the book Amplua - the first lover Author Volin Margarita Georgievna

Chapter 4. Leningrad State Big drama Theater M. Gorky Natoskoy will not speak. Fortunately, this long name sounded and sounds briefly: BDT. Theater of the theater (Fontanka, 65) was built at the end of the XIX century by architect A. Fontan (easy to remember) for

Park of Culture and Recreation named after M. Gorky

From the book Moscow in the cinema. 100 amazing places and facts from favorite films Author Oleg O.

The Park of Culture and Rest named after M. Gorky in the center of Moscow a few months later, the heroine says goodbye to the time with his dream. The final walk before parting takes place on the Embankment of the Yauza (there she walks together with the hero of Alexander Mikhailov) and a glimpse - in the park

Gorky Culture Park (now Park Culture)


Gorky Culture Park (now Park Culture) The first stage of the first stage, located under the Crimean Square of the Garden Ring, was called "Crimean Square" in the project. The word "Square" in the names of the stations was more often lowered, and the station was supposed to be

Gorky Culture Park (now Park Culture)

From the book of the Stalin Metro. Historical guidebook Author Zinoviev Alexander Nikolaevich

Gorky Culture Park (now Park Culture) Station "Pkio named after Gorky" opened on January 1, 1950 as part of the first section of the ring line. The station name received a radial station along the neighboring station, open as part of the first stage of the metro station. Station station -

Know where the light is to understand where the darkness of the People's Artist of the USSR, artistic director of MCAT named after M. Gorky Tatyana Doronin

From the book of the author

Central Park of Culture and Recreation named after Gorky

From the book 100 great reserves and parks Author Judina Natalia Alekseevna

Gorky Central Culture and Recreation Park Central Park of Culture and Recreation named after Gorky (CPKIO) is a single green array on an area of \u200b\u200b177 hectares, located along Moscow-river. The open "Parter's Garden" Park begins directly

Red Colonia (Colony of Shepherders and Berch)

From the book Historical Areas of St. Petersburg from A to Z Author Glazers Sergey Evgenievich

Red Colonia (Colony of Shepherders and Beard) for more than a hundred years, up to the Great Patriotic WarOn the lands between the auto and the country there was an extensive settlement of the German colonists - a red colony. The name happened from the river Krasnoye, which took place nearby. how

Colonym named M. Gorky

From book big Soviet Encyclopedia (Ko) author BSE

Paphos of the early romantic works M. Gorky (ideas and style of romantic works of Gorky)

Author Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich

Pafos early romantic works M. Gorky (ideas and style of romantic works of Gorky) I. "It is time for the need for heroic" (bitter). The reasons for the appeal of Gorky to the romantic poetic during the heyday of realism.II. Faith in humans and opposition

In the early work of Gorky "excess" colorfulness was closely connected with the globalism of the young writer, with his understanding of genuine life as a free game with no shackled forces, with the desire to bring a new - life-affirming tonality into literature. In the future, the style of prose M. Gorky EV

From the book how to write an essay. To prepare for the exam Author Sitnikov Vitaly Pavlovich

IN early creativity Gorky "excess" colorfulness was closely connected with the globility of a young writer, with his understanding of genuine life as free game No hard forces, with the desire to bring a new - life-affirming tonality into literature. IN

From the book notebooks Author Chekhov Anton Pavlovich

Academy of Sciences of the USSR Institute of World Literature named after A. M, Gorky A. P. Chekhov Full Collection of Works and Letters in Thirty Overactions in Eighteen Tomas Publishing

St. Holy Martyr Art Demon (the great importance of the name of the person in general and the Christian name in particular)

From the book a complete one-year circle of brief teachings. Tom II (April - June) Author Dyachenko Grigory Mikhailovich

Sv. Holy Martyr Art Demon (the great meaning of the name of a person in general and christian name In particular) I. St. Holy Martyr Art Demon, the memory of which is currently committed, during the Great Dioclitian persecution of Christians, before the suffering was called to interrogation; To the question

This book describes not only brain changes occurring with age, but also ways with which you can prevent them. In the end, age is just a fiction of boring people! And when it comes to years left behind the shoulders, physical and mental wear is less destructive, than the reluctance of the person himself to restore their losses. Weakening mental abilities Over time, it is not an inevitable consequence of the years. And if you follow the advice from this book, your brain will remain plastic, vigorous and ready to perceive the new one at any age.

From this book you will learn:
How communicating with other people affects your brain
Why those whom "for" happier than young
What thoughts will allow you to manage the level of stress
What are the types of memory and how to train them
How to change with age-solving strategy
Why excess sleep is as bad as its flaw
How our longevity depends on the genes

about the author
John Medina is a major neurobiologist, the author of several bestsellers, including the famous book "Rules for the development of your child's brain development", director of two brain research institutes: the center of applied and learning studies of the brain at the Pacific University in Seattle and the Talaris Research Institute.

519 rub

Speech therapy grammar for kids. For children 2-4 years

In the task of a speech therapist working with children to school ageIt includes the formation of not only the correct sound; but also grammatically correct speech, the expansion of the dictionary and the development of the logic of thinking, the expansion of the horizon.
The book of the famous speech therapist O.Anovikovskaya includes a large number of grammatical games For kids who will help in this speech therapist.

182 rub

Remember everything. Mastering Knowledge without boredom and cravings

"Speech in the book is about effective methods of learning and mastering skills, and this is a process in which the ability to delve into the essence is much more important than mechanical memory. That is why the book will be very useful for those who want to be effective in the informational explosion era."

Maxim Potashev, Master of the TV game "What? Where? When?"

What is this book about
"Repetition is the mother of the teaching!" We all know this simple truth since childhood. The more tool and you repeat more often, the better remember. But can we remember this knowledge after some time and take advantage of them at the most unexpected moment in practice? The answer is no! The authors of this book conducted a global study in the field of cognitive psychology and found out that all those memorization methods to which we are accustomed to, surface and short-lived. Why are the intensive courses of studying one subject ineffective? Why is it important to overcome difficulties in the process of obtaining new information? What is remembrance and why is it much more efficient to memorize? Why is the jump from one topic to another useful for long-term memorization? How to quickly check your progress and identify gaps in knowledge? This book is not only for teachers and students. It will be useful for everyone who wants to effectively absorb new knowledge and use them in practice.

Why the book is worth reading

  • This edition will turn your ideas about how our memory works;
  • in the book are described effective methods memorization that make it possible to use the knowledge gained in practice after for a long time;
  • the authors acquaint the reader in detail with such techniques, as interliming, remember, self-control, interval and variable training, etc.;
  • in the book, it is described whether it is possible to increase its IQ and how to train your brain.

    Key concepts
    Training, memorization, memory, brain, remember, efficiency, knowledge, memorization, testing.

    "How do we remember? As a rule, focusing efforts on a memorable, concentrating the will and repeating, repeating, repeating ... It is this way a way to master knowledge and deny the authors of the book" Remember everything ".
    Peter Brown, Henry Rödiger, Mark McDaniel wrote wonderful book, Outlining B. affordable form the latest techniques memorization without boredom and cramp. Why is the transmission mechanism and useful tests? What is intersecting learning and how to train your brain? In the book you will find specific recommendations for those who study all your life, that is, for us with you. "

    Mark Kukushkin, Senior Partner Best T & D and "Training Boutique", Head of Projects Answer and Development Practices, Associate Professor of HSE

  • 453 rub

    Therapeutic fairy tales in the correctional work with children

    In the book are represented therapeutic fairy tales For an organization correctional work with children who have certain violations psychological health Or other psychological difficulties - in communication, adaptation to school. The typology of violations of psychological health, as well as a technique of working with fairy tales is presented.

    The book is designed for teachers, psychologists and parents of children of preschool and younger school age.

    186 rub

    Speech therapy grammar for kids. Handbook for classes with children 4-6 years

    The proposed allowance allows you to introduce a child preschool age With the grammatical forms of the Russian language. This book is essentially the first textbook in the native language. It gives the opportunity to spend the teacher, parents to conduct classes with children in gaming form.
    The book of the famous speech therapist O.Anovikovskaya includes a large number of grammatical games for children 4-6 years.

    225 rub

    Home speech therapist

    Thoughtful moms of babies are looking forward to the first words of their children. But the first joy of communication is very soon replaced by anxiety and experiences - and will my child speak correctly? Teach a child to pronounce all the sounds native language - very important. A clear and intelligible pronunciation shows that the child correctly understands what he is told, finds mutual language With peers and adults, successfully seizes with a diploma. Poor speaking children gradually begin to realize their drawback, become closed and shy. In this book you will find an effective program independent classes Parents with a child - tasks and exercises for sound-proof. Games and riddles, patters and small poems with bright pictures - you will certainly teach the child to pronounce sounds and words correctly!

    689 rub

    Practical training simulator. Issue 3.

    "Practical simulator ..." is intended for classes with preschoolers for 5-7 years, including children with ONR, and recommended for correction and development mental processes (speech, attention, thinking, memory, perception). Training and gaming tasks are chosen taking into account the lexical topics studied in Dow in accordance with the recommendations of the program and the requirements of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. Performing tasks will help children in the game form to develop the necessary skills and prepare for school training.

    121 rub

    Works work. Strategies for working with behavior. Training plan intensive behavioral therapy with autism

    Applied behavioral analysis, or Avasherapy, is successfully used to improve the lives of people with autism. Neat and systematic use of behavioral principles can effectively develop significant species behavior - cognitive abilities, speech, social interactionAdaptive skills and practical skills. In addition, using these principles, behavioral analysts successfully reduce the problem behavior, which is either dangerous, or prevents person to fully participate in the life of the family and society.
    The leaders offered to you are designed and written by the leaders of the International Autism Partnership, one of the oldest scientific and experimental groups that introduced AMA to modify the behavior of children and adolescents with autism and creating curriculums for their development.
    The first part of the book is devoted to the construction of intensive behavioral therapy, with the proposal of programs to overcome unacceptable behavior: hysterics, autostimulation, sleep problems, disorders of food behavior, hygienic problems, as well as with a description of the principles and examples of learning to the game and social skills.
    The second part contains a description of the training method by individual blocks (DTT) and 57 curricula with examples, ranging from building cooperation and non-verbal imitation and to training hygienic skills, self-help skills and initial academic skills.

    We recommend for specialists engaged in teaching children with races, supervisors, avas-therapeuts, parents and students of defectological, psychological and pedagogical faculties.
    All programs are adapted for learning in Russian.