What country is Robin Hood from. Robin Hood - real person or myth

What country is Robin Hood from. Robin Hood - real person or myth
What country is Robin Hood from. Robin Hood - real person or myth

Already almost 700 years there is a legend telling about the noble robber. He robbed the rich, and their selected wade disassembled poor. This man headed the hammer of the "knife and ax workers", numbering more than a hundred people. The desperate people in the Sherwood Forest (the County of Nottinghamshire) lived and delivered a lot of trouble with dishonest, greedy and greedy citizens.

Robin Hood (Robin Hood) - so called the legendary hero who wins about the good of simple and honest people. He is written about it so much laudatory ballads, which involuntarily begins to believe in the reality of this person. But did the noble robber live in reality or legend about him - a beautiful myth who has nothing to do with genuine life?

In the second half of the XV century unknown author Posted by 4 ballads dedicated to the brave leader of forest robbers. In the first ballad It is told about how Robin helps a poor knight, a ripped greedy abbot. The poor thing is homing large sum Money, and to the rescue is given to the faithful robber robbing leader Little Joe. It was a huge kids endowed with neurogenic strength. Naturally, the knight agitates a greedy abbot, and good triumphs.

Second ballad devoted to the conflict between Sheriff from Nottingham and noble robber. "Romance S. big expensive"They staged a hunt for deer in the lands of the sheriff, and then with the help of tricks were invited to the feast and the most terrible guard of order.

Third ballad Talks about the meeting of Robin with King Edward. He secretly arrives in Nottingham to incognito to investigate violations of the legality of local authorities. The defender of the poor and the thunderstorm of the rich goes to the service for the king and swear to his loyalty.

Fourth ballad The saddest. It tells about the death of a noble robber. He again begins to engage in dangerous fishery, but heats and goes to the Kärkley Abbey to undergo a course of treatment. However, the insidious prisons treats his leeches. Those suck blood, the noble robber weakens the day of the day and, in the end, dies.

Such is brief the essence of the legends about mushroom manThat faithfully served in ordinary people. Such ballads were written a great set. Robin is represented by proud and independent person, opposing the rich, oppressing the people. At the same time, the noble robber was faithful to the king and read the church. Near him all the time was a cheerful and kind monak named so.

As for the origin of the glorious hero, then some consider it a free peasant, others believe that he was a small nobleman. My wife was named Marian, however, she could be not his wife, but just a battle girlfriend.

Experts studied the registers of the Census of England in the period from 1228 to 1230. In these lists, a person named Robin Hood was found, which was listed wanted for crimes. This time is noteworthy folk unrest. He headed them some Robert Twing. Under his leadership, the rebels robbed the monasteries, and the seized grain was distributed to the poor peasants.

Some historians tend to believe that Robert Fitzug was the legendary robber. He was born around 1170, and soil approximately in 1246. This man had lost all his wealth Count Huntington. In essence, he was a rebellious aristocrat, but for some reason he did not oppose the king, but only assisted the noble nobles.

So Robin Hood is represented in Hollywood

Who sat on the royal throne during the activities of the noble robber? If you rely on ballads and legends, you can find the names of several crowned persons. In particular, it is Heinrich III (1207-1272). During his rule in 1261 broke out civil War. At the head of the rebel, Count Simon de Montfort (1208-1265).

Initially, the rebels won with the establishment of a rebellious graph dictatorship, but then Henry III in 1265 managed to return power. However, part of the rebels did not bow the head to the king. The nobles went into the forest and became robbers. Among them was our glorious hero. The king took everything from him, but could not pick up a noble heart. Some researchers believe that the courageous nobleman from the XIII century and became a hero of ballads and legends.

Robin Guda is also associated with the Graph Thomas Platagenet Lancaster (1278-1322). He opposed King Eduard II (1284-1327) and headed the baron opposition. The cause of dislike was that the count did not appoint the chief adviser at the court. In 1322, there was a rebellion. He was brutally depressed, and Lancaster himself beheaded.

Part of the rebel king pardoned. One of them was a man with a legendary name. He was taken to serve at the courtyard and gave the rank of chamener. During the year, this Mr. gently paid a salary. Then the newly minted valer disappeared, and that it became further with him - unknown. It is possible that for a number of reasons, he became a noble robber.

If we consider Eduard II as the main royal figure, then it can be assumed that "romantic and non-care from a large road" created good things in the period from 1320 to 1330. but famous writer And the historian Walter Scott (1771-1832) depicted the image of a noble robber in his novel "Richard Lion's Heart". This English king lived in the period from 1157 to 1199 years. And this indicates the earlier deadlines for the existence of Robin Gouda, or rather at the end of the XII century.

Nowadays, many researchers believe that bright and mysterious person It is a prefabricated image. That is, there was no particular person, and there was only a folk dream of a fair and honest Hero-robber. This is a purely folk creation, born in the environment. ordinary people. Since the image was extremely interesting and romantic, it became popular among poets and novelists. Creative nature turned him into a symbol of the eternal struggle of good with evil. That is why he remains not only popular, but also relevant for several centuries..

Sergey Lviv

He spent his life in the forest. He was afraid of barons, bishops and abbry. He was loved by peasants and artisans, widows and poor people. (From ancient chronicle.)

About his death are told so. One day, the nice arrows from Luke felt: in her hands lack strength to tighten the theater, and the legs are difficult to go along the usual forest path. And then he understood: old age approached ...
He went to the monastery, whose superior heard a skillful healer, and asked to pass it. The nun attracted that he was delighted with his arrival, who was joing the aliens in the far celia, carefully put him on the bed, a sharp knife opened a vein on a mighty hand (bloodletting was counted then good to a tool from many ailments). And, saying that he would immediately return, left.
Time flowed slowly. Blood flowed faster. But the nun did not return everything. Night has come. Dawn came at night, and then the shooter understood that he became a victim of betrayal. Above the headboard his bed was a window in the forest. But the forces to reach the window, the bleeding has already lacking. In the chest almost enough breathing to last time Protect into a curved hunting horn. Weak, trembling sound, horns sounded above the forest. The faithful friend heard a calling signal. In alarm, he hurried to help.
Late! Already no one could save the arrow. So enemies that long years Do not know how to defeat Robin Gula or in hot fighting, nor in a stubborn match, made it with black betrayal.
The old historian calls the year and day when it happened: November 18, 1247.
Passed several centuries. Wars began and ended. The shortest lasted for several days, the longest one hundred years. Expired epidemics swept around the cities and villages of England. Overbills broke out. The kings were replaced on the throne. People were born and dying, generations came to replace generations.
However, a stormy series of events, as they loved to speak in ancient books, could not be aimed from the memory of the British named after Robin Hood.
One day, it was two hundred fifty years ago, a heavy town near London was slowly drove away by heavy carriage. The carriage was elegant, lush: only the most important people The kingdom drove into such. Indeed, I was sitting in the carriage an important gentleman: London Bishop himself! He came to town to read the sermon to read the townspeople. As long as Khata was riding from the city gate to the Church Square, the bishop had time to notice that the town would seem to be extinct. The bishop was not surprised at this. So, the rumor about his arrival was ahead of the carriage, and the townspeople hurried to church: they are not often brought to see and hear His Eminence. And he used to presented himself as he came out of the carriage, how slowly rises along the steps of the temple through a respectfully divergent crowd ... But the church square was empty. In the church doors hung a heavy castle.
Long stood the bishop on the empty square, the bugger from the anger and trying to preserve a decent appearance that his saline and solemn rizam, which was completely difficult before the locked door.
Finally, some kind of passenger, hacked not at the church, threw the bishop on the move:
"Sir, you wait in vain, we celebrate today's Day of Robin Hood, the whole city in the forest, and there will be no one in the church.
Further is told in different ways. Some say that the bishop sat in the carriage and returned to London, pronouncing these words that bishops usually do not pronounce. Others argue that he went to the city meadow, where the townspeople, surrounding the Green Kaftans, depicted scenes from Robin Hood's life, and joined the audience.
What was this life? Why does the memory of it preserve the centuries? Why could the whole city could remember Robin Hood for a long time and think only about him?
What do you know about Robin Gude, except those pages of the novel Walter Scott "Avengo," where he was led by the name of the brave yomen, the free peasant Loksley?
Robin Hood has two lives. One thing is very short. Scientists gathered him in grains in the ancient chronicles. From this life method, you can find out that Robin Hood was ruined with rich enemies and ran from them to the Sherwood forest, a deaf and thick bowl, stretching on many dozen miles. They joined it the same as he, fugitives. He united them under his beginning to the Terrible detachment of the "Forest Brothers" and soon became the real Lord of the Sherwood Forest. Robin Hood and his arrows by a number of more than a hundred hunted to the Forbidden Royal Game, bent with rich monasteries, robbed passages of Norman knights, helped persecuted and poor people.
For the capture of Robin Guda, the authorities have declared a reward many times. But not a single peasant, in whose hut he came, none of the "forest brothers" was not seduced by these backs.
That's all or almost everything that historians are known about Robin Hood.
The second live language of Robin Hood is much more. From it, you can find out how he first encountered royal scaffolding and how this meeting ended; As he met with a raggy monk - Brother Tuko - and a little John, who became His assistants, and how Robin Hood defeated onion, how he was bent with Sheriff Nottingham, having opposed peasants, as the lion's heart refused to serve the King of Richard.
Where is all this and much is written about Robin Hood? Not in historical works, but in folk songs - ballads, as they call their historians of literature.
They were composed throughout England for many centuries. The author of these songs was the people, and performers - the wandering singers. Songs about Robin Gouda robbed in different details, several small songs merged into one or one large disintegrated into a few small things ... The singers who sang these ballads, if you knew how to write, they wrote down the words of the song and they gave them off their wishing to the fee. And when the first printing houses appeared in England, the songs about Robin Gude began to print. At first, it was separate sheets with writing songs. The inhabitants of cities and villages, who once a year, in the summer, celebrated the Day of Robin Hood, were willing.
Here in these songs gradually and the second live language of Robin Hood was developed. In it, he is such as his people imagined. If the old Latin Chronicle argues that Robin Hood was a nobleman, then the folk song strongly calls his son a peasant. Simple people of England legendary biography Robin Hood began to consider it with this life story. For decades and even centuries, everything that was told about Robin Hood in songs, the British believed as an immutable historical fact.
This is a curious testimony. In one of the oldest ballads, it tells how Robin Hood is a fifteen-year-old young man in the city of Nottingham on the contest of arrows from Luke. By halfway, the royal forests stopped him and began to mock him. "Is this a boy who barely bent his own bow, dares to appear in the face of the king on competitions!" They exclaimed. Robin Hood beat with them about the mortgage that he will hit the target for a hundred feet, and won this bet. But the Royal Foressings not only did not pay him a winnings, but threatened that it would be furious if he dares to appear on competitions.
Then Robin Hood, as the ballad says with delight, shot all the mockery from his bow. The people did not like the royal scaffoldings who did not give a poor man to gather a brushwood in the forest, no longer hunt for a forest game or to induce fish in forest streams and rivers. Not loving royal scaffolding, folk singers hung this ballad with delight.
And in April 1796, that is, five centuries after Robin Hood lived, a message appeared in one of the English magazines. Here it is: "When the workers dug the land in the garden in the garden in the town of Coxlein near Nottingham, they stumbled upon six human skeletons, which lay close to each other, carefully nearby. It is suggested that this is part of those fifteen forester that killed in their Time Robin Hood. "
You can imagine how the magazine publisher asked the author's notes: "Are you sure that these are the very skeletons?". And the author replied how the journalists respond to all times: "Well, what, we will impose the word" suggest. "But neither the author nor the publisher occurred to doubt that Robin Hood really fought with royal forests on the way to the glorious city of Nottingham : After all, it goes through the ballads!
Why Robin Hood became a favorite hero folk songs? To answer this question, you will probably remind you of what you have been taught in the history lessons: In 1066, England seized Normans with Wilhelm the Conqueror headed. In the indigenous population of England - Saksov - they took the land, houses and property, fire and sword imposed their laws. An old historian calls Robin Hood one of those who took the land.
The enmity between the old and new lords remained two centuries later. Remember what place is the book of Walter Scott "Ivango" Enmunt Saxon and Norman nobles? However, the Saxon nobles soon reconciled with conquerors. But the songs about Robin Hood were not forgotten. They were hung in the detachments of the peasants who were rebuilding under the leadership of Watta Tyler. The people felt the heart: the struggle of Robin Hood, glorified in the songs, is not only the fight against Normanov, but in general the struggle of the people against oppressors.
I turn the ancient book in which one after another ballads about Robin Gude is collected. Here is the ballad about how Robin Hood fought with another his worst enemy - the Knights of Gay Gaysburg and how, having defeated him and disguised himself in his robe, - and you need to know that Guy Gaysbourne always wore on top of the lat the Horse Skin, he was reached again Nottingham Sheriff. Here is the ballad "Robin Hood and Bishop", in which it tells how to reacted Robin Hood in the bishop against the church. Here is the ballad about how Robin Hood saved the three sons of the poor widow - and in each of these ballads he is always the same: brave in battle, faithful in friendship, joker, merry, mockery, not an aging folk hero.
I told you about Robin Hood, how he was portrayed folk ballads, and now you yourself will be able to notice what Scott Walter has changed this image when he brought him to "Ivango".
Walter Scott Joman Locli, the name under which Robin's Roman becomes faithful to Richard's assistant. Robin Hood, how his people melted, refused to serve the King of Richard a lion's heart.
The people remember Robin Hood exactly as he makes it in the old folk songs. And this is the immortality of Robin Hood.

Pictures of P. Bunin.

From the very childhood, the hero for many was and remains Robin Hood (English Robin Hood (and not "good" - "good"; "Hood" - "Hood", it makes sense to "hide (cover the hood)", "Robin" can translate As "Malinovka") - a noble leader of forest robbers from medieval English folk balladAccording to them, Robin Hood acted with his whip in the Sherwood Forest near Nottingham - robbed rich, giving extracted to the poor.
More than six centuries live a legend about the noble robber, and the personality of the prototype of these ballads and the legends is not installed.
In the publication of the Poem William Lengland Pakar Pierce, (1377), there is a reference to "poems about Robin Gude". The contemporary of Lengland Jeffrey Choseer in Troilus and Krisage mentions "thickets of nuts, where Merry Robin walked." Moreover, in the "Team of Gamelin", which was included by Choseer in "Canterbury Stories", also depicted a hero of the robber.

Several real real historical personalities which could serve as a prototype of legendary Robin. In the population census registers for 1228 and 1230, the name of Robert Hood, the nicknamed of the house, which is said that he was hiding from justice. At about the same time, a people's movement under the leadership of Sir Robert Twing was emerged - the rebels made raids on monasteries, and the troubled grain was distributed to the poor. However, the name Robert Gud was quite common, so scientists are more inclined to the version that the prototype of Robin Guda was a certain Robert Fitzug, a challenger on the title of Count Huntingdon, who was born about 1160 and died in 1247th. In some reference books, these years even appear as the dates of the life of Robin Hood, although writing sources of that time do not contain references to the rebellious aristocrat named Robert Fitzug.

Who was the king at the time of Robin Hood? The dating of historical events is also complicated by the fact that in various versions of the legend, different English monarchs are mentioned. One of the first historians engaged in this problem, Sir Walter Bower, believed that Robin Gud was a member of the uprising of 1265 against King Heinrich III, which headed the royal relative Simon de Montor. After the defeat of the monfora, many of the rebels were disarmed and continued to live like a hero ballad Robin Hood. "At this time, Bower wrote," the famous robber Robin Hood ... began to enjoy great influence among those who were deprived of the inheritance and declared the law for participation in the uprising. " The main contradiction of Bower's hypothesis is that the big onion mentioned in the ballads about Robin Gude, has not yet been invented during the rebellion of de Montfor.

In document 1322, the "Stone Robin Hood" is mentioned in Iorkshire. From this it follows that ballads, and maybe the owner itself legendary name There were already well known by this time. In the 1320s, the prone to look for traces of genuine Robin in the 1320s are usually offered to the role of the noble robber Robert Guda - tenant from Wakefield, who in 1322 participated in the uprising under the leadership of the Lancaster graph. In confirmation of the hypothesis, information is given that next year, the King Edward II visited Nottingham and took to his service as a championer of a certain Robert Hood, who paid a salary over the next 12 months.

If you take a mention of King Eduard II for the starting point, it turns out that the hero of the robber committed his feats in the first quarter of the XIV century. However, by other versions, it appears on historical scene As the brave warrior of the King Richard I is a lion heart, the board of which had to be recently decades of the XII century - it is this version in the artistic statement of Walter Scott, currently enjoys the greatest popularity. Since 1819, Walter Scott used the image of Robin Hood as a prototype of one of the characters of the novel "Ivango", the noble robber continues to remain popular hero Children's books, movies and television.

In one of the most full collections English ballad published by Francis Childe in the XIX century, there are 40 works about Robin Hood, and in the XIV century, there were only four of them:

In the first novel Robin leaves money and his faithful squire of a little John to a decent knight to take revenge on the greedy abbot.

In the second - cunning makes a hated sheriff from Nottingham dine with him venison, which robbers mined in the guarantee of the order of the order - the Sherwood forest.

In the third - Robin recognizes the disguised King Eduard, who incognito arrives in Nottingham to investigate violations of the law by local rulers, and comes to the service.

artist Daniel. CONTENT PUBLISHED by Rand McNally & Co ~ 1928

Artist Frank Godwin (1889 ~ 1959) Published by Garden City Publiching CO ~ 1932

In the fourth "The final part of the ballads, published in 1495, tells about the return of Robin to the robbery and betrayal of the prisons of the Kärklesky abbey, which brings him to death when he comes to her in the monastery.

Artist N. C. WYETH PUBLISHED by David McKay ~ 1917

In the early ballads there are no mention of the maiden Marianne, his beloved Robin. For the first time, it appears in the later versions of the legends arising at the end of the XV century.

Artist Frank Godwin (1889 ~ 1959) Published by Garden City Publiching CO ~ 1932:


Giant on nicknamed Little John is present in the detachment of the robbers already in the initial vents of the legend,



And my brother is so (a stray monk, a cheerful fat man), appears in a significantly later version. Yes, and Robin himself from Yomen (a free peasant) reincarnated over time in a noble exile.


Association of Robin Hood also is also known with Robin GoodFell (English Robin Goodfellow), or Pakki (English) - Forest Spirit in Folklore Fries, Saxons and Scandinavians.


Now most researchers agree that Robin Hood is the "net creation of folk music." And, according to M. Gorky - "... The poetic feeling of the people made from simple, maybe the robber of the hero, almost equal to the saint" (preface to Sat. "Ballads about Robin Gude", GHS. 1919, p. 12).

Artist Frank Godwin (1889 ~ 1959) Published by Garden City Publiching CO ~ 1932

Ballada about Robin Hood
(Per. I. Ivanovsky)

About the bold guy will be speech
He called Robin Hood.
No wonder the memory of the bolt
The people protect the people.

Artist N. C. WYETH PUBLISHED by David McKay ~ 1917

He also never brill
And already arrows,
And the most dozen beard
He could not hurt him.

But his house burned the enemies,
And Robin Hood disappeared -
With Vathaga Valiant Arrows
Gone to the Sherwood Forest.

Artist N. C. WYETH PUBLISHED by David McKay ~ 1917

Artist Frank Godwin (1889 ~ 1959) Published by Garden City Publiching CO ~ 1932

Anyone shot without a mischief,
Jokingly owned by a sword;
Together to attack six
They were nippless.


There was a blacksmith, baby John -
Verlil from Verry,
Three healthy wellms
He drove on himself!

About the noble robber Robin Hood is written a lot of poems, stories and ballads. But whether he was a real person, or just beautiful legend? On this occasion, historical disputes have long come.

Who was the prototype of Robin Hood?

Probably the earliest source telling about the acts of this hero is the "Ballad of Robin Gude", written at the end of the XIV century. Proud, fearless robber from the Sherwood Forest robs rich, helps the poor, punishes evil and greedy ...
Later, the name Robin Hood begins to appear in other sources. For example, in "Canterbury Stories", Jeffrey Chosera is mentioned about the "thickets of Oshness, where Merry Robin walked."
Modern researchers believe that several historical personalities could be at once the prototypes of Robin Hood.
So, in the population census registers for 1228 and 1230, the name of Robert Hood on the nicknamed of the house is found. According to sources, he entered conflicts with the law. In addition, approximately the same time the emergence of a rebel movement led by Sir Robert Twing. It is known that the rebels robbed monasteries, taken from there the stocks of grains and distributed to the poor.
Another candidate for Robin Guda is Robert Fitzut. The legend says that the Fitzut was born in the aristocratic family, lived from about 1160 to 1247 and satisfied the torment, in order to win the alleged title of Huntington's title. In any case, the dates of the Fittsut's life coincide with the dates of life of Robin Hood, as they are indicated in some sources. However B. official archives Mention of Robert Fitzut not found. Robin Hood, however, skeptics indicate that modern records do not mention the rebellious nobleman named Robin Fitzouth.

Who was King Robin Hood?

In addition to the problems associated with the time of origin of the stories about Robin Hood, various sources tell us about the various kings. The first historian, Walter Bower confidently placed Robin Hood in the uprising of 1265 against the King Henry W, who was headed by his Simon de Montfort, the son-in-law of the king. After his defeat during the battle of Evech, most of the rebels remained in the army and led about such a life that is described in Ballades about Robin Hood. "At that time, I wrote Walter Bower - the famous robber Robin Gud spoke among those who were deprived of inheritance and sent for participation in the uprising. These people challenged their feats in romance, ideas and passages. " The main harness in the reasoning of Bower is the presence of a bow, which is so often found in the ballads about Robin Hood. It has not yet been invented during the time of the rebellion of Simon de Montfor.
The document dated 1322, talks about "Robin Hood" "Stone Robin Hood" in Yorkshire. It is assumed that ballads - not a person - were already well known by this time. Those who would place the real Robin Hood in this time segment suggests that Robin Hood, the Owner of Wakefield, who took part in the uprising of the Lancaster graph, was a prototype of a rebellious hero. The next year, they indicate, King Eduard II visited Nottingham and took himself to serve the court chainoner of some Robin Hood. The salary was paid by the next 12 months or before his dismissal, "because he could not work anymore." This testimony is perfectly represented in the third history of the "Little gesture of Robin Hood"
Mention of the King Eduard II will host the hero of the robbers in the first quarter of the 14th century. But in other versions of Robin Hood appears as a supporter of King Richard Lion's heart, which rules in last decade The 12th century, and the opponent of Brother Richard and his successor to John landless - so he was named the territory lost in France.

Fictional stories.

What is the most obvious in Robin Gude - this is the development of the legend about him. In the early ballads there is no mention of Marian, his beloved girl's girlfriend. She first appears at the end of the 15th century, when folklore songs and dances are becoming popular in the May holidays. John's huge kid together with Robin Hood at the very beginning, but the father of Tuk appears in the last ballad when he dodes Robin in storm flow. Real Robin Hood is a simple yomen, later it turns into a rebellious nobleman.
There are so many contradictory additions to the legend of Robin Hood, which is unlikely that something else will be found. Most scientists are currently agreeing that it is a type of a hero of the robber - which was described in the ballads transmitted from generation to generation from the 1300s. The storytellers are woven in their stories a variety of contradictory stories and real people And they turn all this in history about a person who may never exist. As one Professor wrote: "Robin Hood is a disposal of the muse," the invention of unknown poets, who wanted to glorify an ordinary person who was looking for justice against pressure of nobility and wealth. It was this that glorified him and made the hero ballad:
He was a good robber
And did a lot of good to the poor
And for this, the Lord spared his soul.

There is also a version that Robin Hood was one of the soldiers of King Richard Lion's heart. That rules of England in the last decade of the XII century. However, the monarch mentioned almost never visited his power, spending time in foreign military campaigns. And the adventures of Robin Hood are unfolded in England.
The prototype of Robin Hood could be a certain tenant from Wayikfield, in 1322 she took part in the uprising of the Count Lancaster. This version It is confirmed by documentary information that in 1323 the English king Edward II, having visited Nottingham, accepted a person to his service by Robert Hud to service. In the "Ballada about Robin Gude", similar facts are given.
Historians believe that if Robin Hood really existed, he made his feats in the first quarter of the XIV century. This just coincided with Eduard II Board.

Man in the hood

Most researchers are still inclined to believe that Hood is a nickname, not the last name. Hood (Hood) translated from English means "Hood". it traditional element Clothes of all medieval robbers. By the way, this word could designate several headwear at once: a hood, sheps, whip, hood, helmet - most importantly, so that he defended his head ... And the term has figurative meaning: "Hide". Hence the expression "Hoodlum" - "thug", "hooligan" (after all honest people It is not necessary to close the face and head, if they are not warriors). Thus, under Robin Hood was understood as a man secretly and with hooligan sacks ...
So, most likely, the image of Robin Hood is collective. He dreamed of a poor hero, who fought for justice, protecting the rights of the most disadvantaged by the authorities and the rich men.

Grave of the Robber

Oddly enough, the mythical character has its own grave, next to which the monument to Robin Gouda is even installed. She is located near Kirksess Abbey in West Yorkshire.
As the legend says, the sick Robin Hood came to the abbatis of the monastery, he having heard that she was very knowledgeable in the medicine craft. But she turned out to be loyal to the pursuer to the robber and decided, on the contrary, accelerate his death. The woman went to the cunning: Made that Robin lost too much blood, and so that the patient did not notice this, she missed blood through a jug with a hole.
Realizing that the end is close, Robin Hood bequeathed to bury himself where the arrow released by him will fall. The booster fell about 650 meters from the monastery of the monastery, where, according to legends, the robber overtook death. There and arranged a memorial.
Meanwhile, the researcher Richard Rutherford-Moore doubts that Robin Hood could bury in this place. Having experimented with a bow and arrows of a medieval sample, he concluded that the arrow, brushed out of the windows, could fly away from it at most 5 meters. And the archives indicate that in the XVIII century, the remains of an unknown man were found in the process of laying pipes next to the notorious guide. Maybe this was the bones of Robin Hood? But where they now have to anyone unknown.

The troops of the king of England Richard stand on the verge of departure in the next crusade. But that the kingdom remains safe, it is necessary to leave a replacement for the throne, so that the Person's appointment rules the affairs and protect the people from all sorts of problems from enemies. King Richard leaves on the throne of a young prince named John. But it is very peculiar to state orders literally only feeling power.

Being a very severe tyrant, instead of protecting the people of England, he begins to bring troubles and frustration for civilians. King Richard at this moment is already in France, but thanks to Lady Marian, he still learns about the harsh reality. She writes a letter for his lover, who is the Duke of Huntingdon. It is he who accompanies the king of Richard in a military campaign. Even despite the fact that Huntingdon was very busy, he still returns to his native edges to fix everything. But at home, he together with all the arriving is the enemy of the new king. The history of the legendary Robin Hood begins with this.

Adventures Robin Hood (1938)

Traditions that came up to this day were saying that one day the brave king of England Richard, went to the crusade for long lands. He remembered to his people as a good ruler. But leaving his kingdom, the prince of Jonathan, who easily captured the throne came to change. Unlike Richard, John was a real test for ordinary people, because they just moved the greed and desire for easy profit. That is why he began to collect money from the usual population of the kingdom. One of the ruined people was Senor Robin Loksley.

He escaped to the Sherwood Forest. It was there that he proclaimed himself Robin Hood, and also collected a whole group of volunteers. The task of this company was to declare war on all people of the new king. To begin with, they needed to defeat the Guy Gizborn, as well as the Sales Sheriff Nottingham. But on love Front Robin Gouda will have to be not sweet to win the location of the beautiful Marianna.

Robber and Queen (1946)

The legendary hero Robin Hood called all his brave fighters to the Sherwood Forest. He had to play all the expanses of this wonderful place to collect everyone together. The leader of the resistance explains to free shooters that England and her freedom once again in great danger.

Cunning tyrant wants to get the throne, immediately after sustainable death King John. This time, William Wembrudsky pretends to the throne more known as Lord Regen. It was he who once created the Royal Council. Its tasks included the goals to cancel the ill-fated charter of liberty, invented by Robin Hood and his faithful assistants. Robert - Young Son Robin Hood now head the forest fraternity of the archers to give the enemy proper rebuff.

Revenge Robin Hood (1950)

1214 year. Great England during this period experienced a lot of negative on themselves. The brother's brother's brother entered the throne - new king John first. Direct relative of Richard, good ruler. John has one favorite passion - knight fights. And this time, Boldrik is fighting, which is an absolute champion, as well as Count Huntington - Robin, offspring of the legendary Robin Hood from Sherwood forests.

John wins the son of one who once managed to avoid royal taxes. But providing a boldrick for a crime, he still does not know what he is waiting for him. Robin inherited the brave of his father, so copes with his enemy. The king is very angry, so poisoning his troops to Hangtington to collect all the debts over the past years.


The good-natured king Richard goes back to a dangerous crusade. In order for the kingdom to be left without a leader, he sends his brother to the throne. Now Prince John is a full king of these lands. But unlike his good brother Richard, John immediately establishes very harsh laws.

Now all residents, including full poor, need to pay large tax. But most people have no money at all. Fortunately there are heroes who are ready to confront new orders. Robin Fitsus, the brave son of Hengery at the kingdom, in secret from everyone collects archers and brave fighters in the Sherwood Forest. By calling himself Robin Hood, he goes to help all those needing people.

Avengo (1952)

Wilfred is the legendary Knight of Saxony. In 1190, he returned to the third crusade. Staying in England, he needs to collect gold to try to redeem the captive king. Richard - the lion's heart is imprisoned by the opponent - the Austrian troops. Ivanho suddenly finds out about the affairs of Brother Richard.

John, who came to power in connection with such a situation, makes many incorrect decisions. He wants to overthrow the former power. But to avoid this, Ivanho participates in the knightly battle. If he wins, then the money is enough to return the England of her former king.

People from Sherwood Forests (1954)

The English kingdom on the threshold of 1194 was experiencing not the best of times. King Richard was captured while in the third crusade. All this time, his brother, Prince John managed the state. But now, when Richard, the Lion Heart returned to his palace, John secretly organizes a plot. He does not want to lose power to which he is so accustomed. Even despite the blood relations with Richard, he organizes the murder of the real king. But Richard's faithful minions learn about it and winning time trying to ask for help from the brave forest warrior - Robin Hood, who has repeatedly saved the situation.

Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960)

Many legends go about the legendary fighter for the justice of the people of England - brave and brave Robin Hood. Being a noble robber, he often saved ordinary people from arbitrariness and injustice. Being a leader of resistance against the new orders of the greedy king, he walked alone and always sought his goals.

So this time he faces the naked sheriff of Nottingham. Robin Hood will not give the opportunity to become a selling policeman to overtake himself a family mansion at the heirs of the famous Lord Borti, the hero, bravely died in the fighting of the third crusade under the leadership of King Richard, the first, better known as the lion's heart.

Legend of Robin Hood (1970)

In order to return his king, England had to gather a serious ransom. Thanks to its minions, it was still possible to realize. King Richard was in captivity, after a collision with Austrian forces. But Brother King Lion's Heart - John, the young prince, who got the throne in this difficult moment for England, wishes to pick up the whole gathering redemption for himself.

Feeling the taste of power, the prince does not want to give it back, but wishes himself to manage the whole washing. But these plans are not destined to come true when the legendary gang of forest robbers comes to the opposition path, led by the legendary Robin Rud - the King of Sherwood Forests.

Arrows Robin Hood (1975)

Medieval English folk tales They were saturated with ballads about the legendary forest robber - Robin Gude. It was he who hurried to help the needy and always punished the perpetrators in injustice. Acting with his gang, he had any enemies for them. For Robin Hood and Forest Archers, it was no matter who in front of them is a priest or feudal. If this man brought only troubles and problems for peaceful citizens, then the gang was severely punished the culprit. When they came across arbitrariness in relation to ordinary people, then you can be sure - the villain will be punished.

Robin and Maryan (1976)

King Richard died suddenly. Now Robin Hood with his best friend Little John returned from crusades. Upon arrival in England, to the local Sherwood, Robin immediately faces Maryan's goveling beloved. But the old enemies also did not leave these places, for example, a selling local sheriff. At this soil, a fee is again arising. But for Robin, who is no longer so young there is one desire - to live peacefully with his beloved in the forests. However, the new king gives the order to destroy all forest rebuilders.

Artist from Sherwood Forest (1980)

Soviet television performance.

Robin Hood reappeared on the war path. But this time he is waiting for not only old heroes, but also absolutely new faces. Sheriff's daughter, with whom Robin fought for so long, went into his heart. Maria has incredible beauty. Even despite the fact that the forest archer has an excellent beloved Maryan, he could not resist the charm of Mary. Being both between two lights, Robin will have to face the next splash of injustice. But thanks to faithful friends, he will again give a rebound to those who decided to commit injustice.

Avengo (1982)

Avengo - An Englishman, a legendary knight, which, because of the tricks of his enemies, deprived the roads of the name. He is deprived of everything, even his inheritance and possessions. He is no longer able to be with his beloved. The only thing he has is his honor, which he will not give anything. Now enemies will have to pay for all suffering. Now, who owns his sword, and also enlisted the support of his faithful friends in the face of Robin Robin Hood, together with a mighty black knight, he will give properly disgrace with all the villains that hurt him. Their enemy Brian de Buagilbert, along with his minions, does not yet know what he is waiting for him.

Ballada about the valiant knight of Avengo (1982)

One of the most legendary stories On the adventures of the valiant knight of the Ibergo. Brave warrior returns from a long crusade. Now he wants to return his kind name, merit, inheritance, as well as achieve the location of his beautiful beloved. Avengo appears in the Royal England at the moment when the real war is unfolded for the throne. Prince John, who felt power, does not want to return her to his brother - King Richard Lion Heart.

Robin Hood (1991)

Return from the bloody crusade to Austria was far from all the warriors. Robin is trying to avoid death, being imprisoned by traitors, so I use the help of prisoners. One of them is a Muslim apprentice, but the enemies of religion have already rallied in order to get out of complex situation. The English throne is already captured. At the throne, the impostor, which pursues only mercenary purposes. The uninterests remained betrayed by the new king, who decided to use the authorities only in his personal good.

Robin Hood: Prince Thieves (1991)

Few returned from the crusade. Robin from Locksley to avoid the death in imprisonment from the wrong, had to take advantage of the help of one of the Muslim Prisoners: Religious enemies rallied overall misfortune. But the biggest threats are awaiting a hero from the side of the uninterests: the English throne is captured by the impostor! Only green Forest, Only lost everything, and ready for all friends, only faith in their correctness will help Robin to stand in an unequal struggle. And his enemies will come to shudder from an ominous whistling whistling arrogant arrows.

Robin Hood: Men in Triko (1993)

The film is a parody of Robin Hood.

Robin Gud Together with the company of his friends - Forest Archers, disappear from themselves, even her trite to confront the next villain. Prince John entered the throne of the kingdom absolutely illegally. He submitted his native brother Richard, whom the townspeople loved so much. Now Robin needs to help King Lion's heart Return power, as well as pick up the key to the heart of his beloved, named Marian. But he does not even suspect that the keys should be selected to the belt of loyalty to this beauty.

Robin Hood's daughter: Princess Thieves (2001)

Robin Hood is true and noble to serve the British throne. He already had a daughter who, fortunately, or unfortunately went to his father. Young Guine does not want to constantly sit at home. Father and noticed did not have time, as she learned the hold of archery. Also, in secret from his father, Guine is very confident in the saddle and riding. Very soon acquired skills will be useful. Richard Lion's Heart dies suicide, and come to the throne brother - Prince John. According to his decree, Robin Hood must be hidden in prison, and the heir to the throne of Philip - kill. But Guine, having learned about it, is already in a hurry to help her father.

Sherwood Forest (2009)

Robin Hood is a legendary fighter for justice. Thanks to his activities, many people were rescued from injustice. The leader of the whole army of the robbers of the Sherwood Forest understands that the number of his followers every day is growing. Twenty years ago, it was in these forests that his father was killed. Now it is difficult when the cunning sheriff Nottinghamsky comes out on the trail of Robin Hood in order to destroy it and all his minions. For this difficult task, the sheriff uses a mysterious monster, which at night takes the image of a girl.

Robin Hood (2010)

He is the one who was an ordinary archer in the army of the good king Richard. He is the legendary Robin Hood, who again went on the track of the war, in order to take revenge on the Norman invaders. After the death of his king, the lion's heart, Robin, together with like-minded people, intends to put an end of injustice in native lands and put an end to endless victims. They are ruled by the desire for revenge, justice, as well as an insurmountable force he gives the belief in him ordinary people who collided with inhuman injustice from the hands of the new king entered the throne.

Robin Hood: Ghosts Sherwood (2012)

The legendary archer, the king of thieves and the forest hero named Robin Hood sells his soul. The witch was not honest with him, and he dies in the next battle. Robbin Hood's faithful friend is a little John and the beloved Maryan are saddened with such a grief, but do not intend to put up with it. Re-entered into a deal with dark forces, with the help of enchanted potion they are trying to revive the deceased warrior. But they are returning not exactly that Robin, whom they knew, as a result they receive a living dead man.

Robin Hood: Start (2018)

Robin Gud returns to re-humiliate the villains and help in need. A lot of legends walks about this hero, thunderstorms of injustice, but now it will be about his origin. Why he became a hero and that they were moving at the time of creating the most famous gang of forest robbers. What had to lose to gain strength to resist such strong enemies. Being ordinary person, faced with the arbitrariness and arrogance of the new king, he possessed the power of the Spirit, which allowed us to give a significant reversal. His imitators flooded Sherwood forests, which gave even more headaches for Prince John, who illegally fell to the throne.