Chaliapin is an opera singer. Fedor Chaliapin: little-known facts and milestones of creativity

Chaliapin is an opera singer.  Fedor Chaliapin: little-known facts and milestones of creativity
Chaliapin is an opera singer. Fedor Chaliapin: little-known facts and milestones of creativity

Fedor Ivanovich Chaliapin - the great Russian chamber and Opera singer, brilliantly combining unique vocal skills with acting skills. He performed parts in high bass, and was a soloist at the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters, as well as at the Metropolitan Opera. He directed the Mariinsky Theater, acted in films, became the first People's Artist of the Republic.

Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin was born (1) on February 13, 1873 in Kazan, in the family of the peasant Ivan Yakovlevich Chaliapin, a representative of the ancient Vyatka family of the Chaliapin. The singer's father, Ivan Yakovlevich Chaliapin, was a peasant from the Vyatka province. Mother, Evdokia Mikhailovna ( maiden name Prozorova), was also a peasant from the Kumyon volost, where the village of Dudintsy was located at that time. In the village of Vozhgaly, in the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Ivan and Evdokia were married at the very beginning of 1863. And only 10 years later their son Fedor was born, later a boy and a girl appeared in the family.

Fyodor worked as an apprentice of a shoemaker, turner, and scribe. At the same time he sang in the bishop's choir. WITH youthful years was fond of theater. WITH early years it became clear that the child had excellent hearing and voice, he often sang along with his mother in a beautiful treble.

Neighbor of the Shalyapins, church regent Shcherbinin, hearing the boy's singing, brought him with him to the Church of St. Barbara, and together they sang all-night vigil and mass. After that, at the age of nine, the boy began to sing in the church suburb choir, as well as at village holidays, weddings, prayers and funerals. The first three months Fedya sang for free, and then he was entitled to a salary of 1.5 rubles.

In 1890, Fyodor became the chorus player of the opera company in Ufa, and since 1891 he traveled around the cities of Russia with the Ukrainian operetta troupe. In 1892-1893 he studied with the opera singer D.A. Usatov in Tbilisi, where he began his professional stage activity. In the 1893-1894 season, Chaliapin performed the roles of Mephistopheles (Faust by Gounod), Melnik (Dargomyzhsky's Mermaid) and many others.

In 1895 he was accepted into the troupe Mariinsky theater, sang several parts.

In 1896, at the invitation of Mamontov, he entered the Moscow Private Russian Opera, where his talent was revealed. Special meaning for Chaliapin they had classes and subsequent creative friendship with Rachmaninov.

During the years of his work at the theater, Chaliapin performed almost all the main parts of his repertoire: Susanin (Ivan Susanin by Glinka), Melnik (Dargomyzhsky's Rusalka), Boris Godunov, Varlaam and Dosifei (Boris Godunov and Khovanshchina by Mussorgsky), Ivan Terrible and Salieri ("The Pskovite" and "Mozart and Salieri" by Rimsky-Korsakov), Holofernes ("Judith" by Serov), Nilakant ("Lakme" by Delibes) and others.

Chaliapin had great success during the tour of the Moscow Private Russian Opera in St. Petersburg in 1898. Since 1899 he sang at the Bolshoi and at the same time at the Mariinsky Theaters, as well as in provincial cities.

In 1901 he performed with triumph in Italy (at the Teatro alla Scala), after which he began his constant tours abroad, which brought the singer world fame... Of particular importance was Chaliapin's participation in the Russian seasons (1907-1909, 1913, Paris), as a promoter of Russian art and, above all, the work of Mussorgsky and Rimsky-Korsakov. Fyodor Ivanovich had a special friendship with Maxim Gorky.

The first wife of Fyodor Chaliapin was Iola Tornagi (1874 - 1965?). He is tall and bass, she is a thin and small ballerina. He did not know a word on italian, she did not understand Russian at all.

An Italian young ballerina was a real star in her homeland, already at the age of 18 Iola became a prima Venetian theater... Then followed Milan, French Lyon. And then Savva Mamontov invited her troupe on a tour to Russia. It was here that Iola and Fedor met. He immediately liked her, and the young man began to show all sorts of signs of attention. The girl opposite for a long time remained cold to Chaliapin.

Once during a tour, Iola fell ill, and Fedor came to visit her with a saucepan chicken broth... Gradually, they began to get closer, a romance began, and in 1898 the couple got married in a small village church.

The wedding was modest, and a year later the first-born Igor appeared. Iola left the stage for the sake of the family, and Chaliapin began to tour even more in order to earn a decent allowance for his wife and child. Soon two girls were born in the family, but in 1903 grief happened - the first-born Igor died of appendicitis. Fyodor Ivanovich could hardly survive this grief, they say that he even wanted to commit suicide.

In 1904, his wife gave Chaliapin another son, Borenka, and the next year they had twins, Tanya and Fedya.

Iola Tornagi, the first wife of Fedor Chaliapin, surrounded by children - Irina, Boris, Lydia, Fedor and Tatiana. Reproduction. Photo: RIA Novosti / K. Kartashyan

But Friendly family and happy fairy tale collapsed in an instant. In St. Petersburg, Chaliapin had new love... Moreover, Maria Petzold (1882-1964) was not just a mistress, she became a second wife and mother three daughters Fyodor Ivanovich: Martha (1910-2003), Marina (1912-2009, Miss Russia 1931, actress) and Dasia (1921-1977). The singer was torn between Moscow and St. Petersburg, and tours, and two families, he flatly refused to leave his beloved Tornagi and five children.

When Iola found out everything, she hid the truth from the children for a long time.

Konstantin Makovsky - Portrait of Iola Tornaga

After the victory of the October Revolution of 1917, Chaliapin was appointed Artistic Director of the Mariinsky Theater, but in 1922, having gone abroad on tour, he did not return to Soviet Union and stayed to live in Paris. Chaliapin emigrated from the country with his second wife Maria Petzold and daughters. Only in 1927 in Prague they officially registered their marriage.

The Italian Iola Tornaghi stayed in Moscow with her children, survived here both the revolution and the war. She returned to her homeland in Italy only a few years before her death, and took with her from Russia only a photo album with portraits of Chaliapin. Iola Tornaghi lived 91 years

Of all Shalyapin's children, Marina was the last to die in 2009 (daughter of Fyodor Ivanovich and Maria Petzold).

Kustodiev Boris Mikhailovich. Portrait Portrait of M.V. Shalyapina. 1919

(Portrait of Maria Valentinovna Petzold)

In 1927, Chaliapin was deprived of USSR citizenship and the title was taken away. At the end of the summer of 1932, the actor starred in a movie, playing the main role in the film "The Adventures of Don Quixote" by Georg Pabst. the novel of the same name Cervantes. The film was shot in two languages ​​at once - English and French, with two cast of actors. In 1991 Fyodor Chaliapin was reinstated in the rank.

A deep interpreter of M.I. Glinka, A.S. Dargomyzhsky, M.P. Mussorgsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, P.I. Tchaikovsky, A.G. Rubinstein, Schumann, Schubert - he was also a heartfelt performer of Russian folk songs.

Chaliapin's multifaceted artistic talent manifested itself in his talented sculptural, painting, graphic works... He also had a literary gift.

K. A. Korovin. Portrait of Chaliapin. Butter. 1911

Drawings, portraits of Fyodor Chaliapin can be viewed

  • Married to

After artists or architects, something material remains. And what remains after the great singers? Largely technically flawed recordings. And it’s even a shame that this is so. That is why it is better to listen to such masters "live". Especially when there is such an opportunity. And if not - well, all that remains is to trust the tapes and memoirists.

Biography of Fyodor Chaliapin

He was born into a poor peasant family on 1 (13) .02.1873. The father dreamed of seeing his son as a man of a practical profession. Of course, music was not a business in his eyes. He raised his son in severity. It happened that I also brutally flogged in the stable. In 1883, Chaliapin first appeared in the theater. Everything he saw there magically amazed him for life. Later, Chaliapin travels a lot with various acting troupes. And from lack of money, he had to work on the pier - now as a loader, then as a hooker.

Fate brings him to Tiflis. Here he was seen and became interested in the then-famous singing teacher Usatov. In the past, he himself was a famous opera singer. He undertook to teach young Shalyapin vocals for free, feeling his remarkable talent. The student quickly made progress, and already in 1893 Fedor entered the professional stage. The choice was huge. In just one season, Chaliapin had to master as many as 12 operatic parts. He quickly became the darling of the public. She received him warmly and enthusiastically.

Chaliapin shone in the role of Miller from "Mermaid". A year later, the beginner bass went to conquer the capital. There he was also noticed and appreciated. The directorate of the Mariinsky Theater signs a three-year contract with Chaliapin. The pinnacle of recognition is the imperial stage. Then he was invited to perform in a private troupe by a famous philanthropist. They immediately liked each other. but tempting offer Chaliapin does not accept Mamontova. He returns to the everyday life of the Imperial Theater. Then, yielding to the agreement of his beloved woman, the Greek woman Iola Tarnaka, he moved to Moscow.

Now, with enthusiasm, Chaliapin works at the Mamontov Theater. Here he can afford the most daring artistic experiences. Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov - a whole gallery of bright and expressive images. A number of parts for Shalyapin were helped to prepare by the then beginning composer and conductor. Their friendship lasted until the end of their lives. For his part, Rachmaninov even dedicated several of his romances to Chaliapin.

There were legends about Shalyapin's tough disposition. He lost his temper over any trifle. Especially I could not stand falsehood, hack on stage. I spent the most myself. Loved money. He said: "Only birds poop for free." Thanks to his unique vocal range, Chaliapin was both bass and tenor. Chaliapin had a chance to sing in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

The coming to power of the Bolsheviks at first did not change much. Chaliapin is still invited to perform at official concerts, it is in demand. He is awarded with honorary titles. But then official voices are heard demanding to socialize creativity, to put talent in the service of the people. In 1922, Chaliapin and his family left Russia forever. Officially - on tour, in fact - in exile. In 1927, in his homeland, he was deprived of the title of People's Artist. He was known all over the world, but he chose France.

Numerous tours, fame, purchase of a luxurious mansion. Chaliapin toured America with tremendous success. At the end of his life, he will write a memoir entitled "Mask and Soul". Chaliapin died of leukemia in 1938. Until recent years, he dreamed of returning to his homeland.

  • Few people know that Chaliapin owed the formation of his voice to Savva Mamontov. He sang superbly, although he did not make a career in this field.

Understanding the history of Russian musical theater it is impossible without considering the question of in which operas Chaliapin performed the main parts. This outstanding singer has provided a huge impact on the development of not only domestic, but also world culture. It is difficult to overestimate his contribution to the formation of the national operatic art. His phenomenal success abroad helped to spread and popularize not only Russian classical music, but also folk, folklore songwriting.

Some biography facts

Chaliapin was born in Kazan in 1873. The future singer came from a simple peasant family... He graduated from the local parish school and sang in the church choir since childhood. However, due to the difficult financial situation he studied handicrafts for some time. After a while, the young man entered the Arsk school. The beginning of it creative career connected with admission to the troupe of Serebryakov, where he initially performed small parts, participating in choral singing.

In 1890 Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin left for Ufa, where he entered the opera troupe. Here he began to perform solo parts. Four years later he moved to Moscow, and then to the capital of the empire, where he was admitted to main theater... Here he performed the roles of both foreign and domestic repertoire. Talent young singer immediately attracted the attention of not only the general public, but also critics. However, despite the growing popularity, Chaliapin felt somewhat constrained: he lacked freedom and personal initiative.

Carier start

The turning point in the singer's life came after his acquaintance with the famous Russian millionaire and philanthropist S. Mamontov. He first met him in search of talent and recruited into his troupe best singers, musicians and artists. In this city, Shalyapin's performances began with his performance of the title role of Ivan Susanin in M. Glinka's opera A Life for the Tsar. The performance had big success and played a crucial role in the artist's career, since it was in this production that his enormous talent was revealed precisely as a performer of Russian classical music, which he perfectly felt and understood.

Then Savva Ivanovich invited the singer to his private troupe. He wanted to create a Russian national musical theater, and therefore was especially concerned about attracting the most talented artists to himself.

The flowering of creativity

The Mamontov Opera has played an outstanding role in Russian culture. The fact is that on this private stage those operas were staged that were not performed in state-owned theaters. For example, it was here that the premiere of Rimsky-Korsakov's new work "Mozart and Salieri" took place. The role of the latter was brilliantly played by Chaliapin. Generally this new theater was intended to popularize the music of the representatives of the "Big Handful". And it was in this repertoire that the singer's talent was revealed to the maximum.

In order to understand how much the roles of this outstanding performer have changed, it is enough to simply list in which operas Chaliapin performed the main parts. He began to sing a large Russian opera: he was attracted by a strong, powerful and dramatic music composers who wrote their works on historical, epic and fabulous themes... The singer especially liked traditional folk motives, and paintings from ancient Russian history attracted by their picturesqueness and depth. It was during this period of his career (1896-1899) that he embodied a number of outstanding images on the stage. One of his most significant works of this stage was the role of Ivan the Terrible in the work of Rimsky-Korsakov.

Historical themes in creativity

The opera "Pskovityanka" is based on historical episode and is distinguished by a sharp and dynamic plot and at the same time the psychological depth of the image of the king and the inhabitants of the city. The music of this piece was ideally suited to the singer's vocal and artistic capabilities. In the role of this ruler, he was very convincing and expressive, so this work became one of the most significant in his career. Subsequently, he even starred in a film based on this work. However, since the singer did not perceive the independent value of cinema, he almost did not act in films, and his first film did not deserve critical acclaim.

Features of execution

For an objective assessment of the singer's creativity, it is necessary to indicate in which operas Chaliapin performed the main parts. It should be noted that there are many of them. The opera "Pskovityanka" became one of the most significant in his career. However, he became famous in a number of other outstanding productions. During this period, he considered his main repertoire to be Russian opera, which he especially appreciated, and gave it great importance in the development of world musical theater. Contemporaries noted that the singer's popularity was explained not only by his amazing vocal abilities, but also by his artistry, the ability to get used to the role and convey in his voice all the smallest shades of intonation.

Critics noticed that he felt great musical language performed works... In addition, Chaliapin was an excellent theatrical artist, that is, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, he conveyed everything psychological traits depicted character. The singer had a talent for reincarnation. For example, he could play several roles in one performance. Fyodor Chaliapin became especially famous for this skill.

Boris Godunov is an opera in which he sang the roles of the tsar and the monk Pimen. His performance was distinguished by special expressiveness, since he knew how to find a new musical language for each role. Mussorgsky was his favorite composer.


Chaliapin's voice is high bass... And although he became famous for performing primarily dramatic parts, nevertheless, he possessed good feeling humor, and how great artist played great comedic roles, for example the part of Don Basilio in the opera "The Barber of Seville".

His talent was multifaceted: he sang superbly in episodic parts, as, for example, in Glinka's opera. Besides execution starring in the play "A Life for the Tsar" he played the role of one of the knights in his other work. This small mise-en-scene was positively noted by critics, who said that the artist managed to convey the image of a boastful warrior with surprising accuracy.

Another small but significant role is the party of the Varangian guest, which became business card the singer, and the image of the miller from another fairytale opera. Nevertheless, serious dramatic roles continued to be the basis of his repertoire. The work in the opera "Mozart and Salieri" should be singled out separately here. This work is a chamber piece and differs from those performances in which he previously participated. Nevertheless, Chaliapin proved himself to be a great artist here as well, having performed the bass part superbly.

In the first decades of the 20th century

On the eve of the first Russian revolution, the singer was already very popular. At this time, he sings songs from folk songwriting, which received a special sound in his performance. The song "Dubinushka" became especially famous, and the workers gave it a revolutionary sound. After the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917, Chaliapin became the de facto director of the Mariinsky Theater with the title People's Artist republics. However, due to frequent foreign tours and donations to the children of emigrants, he was suspected of sympathy for the monarchy. Since 1922, the singer lived and toured abroad, for which he was deprived of the title of People's Artist.


In the 1920s-1930s, the singer toured extensively, performing not only with domestic, but also with foreign repertoire. When characterizing this period of his work, one should indicate in which operas Chaliapin performed the main parts. So, especially for him, J. Massenet wrote the opera Don Quixote. The singer played this role and starred in the film of the same name.

Chaliapin died in 1938 from a serious illness, was buried in France, but then his ashes were transported to our country. In 1991, he was posthumously returned the title of People's Artist.

Chaliapin Fyodor Ivanovich is perhaps one of the brightest personalities in operatic art... Soloist of the Bolshoi and Mariinsky Theaters, winner of many honorary titles and awards. The name of this man is forever inscribed in bold print in the history of the opera. In addition, Chaliapin was fond of and showed good success in other types of art: painting, graphics, cinema. At the same time, Chaliapin's loudest achievements are associated precisely with opera music, which, due to his incredible acting talent and inimitable voice, sounded completely different in his performance.

Height, weight, age. How old is Fedor Chaliapin

Fyodor Chaliapin is very interesting personality for all classical opera lovers. Fans are interested in everything: Height, weight, age. How old is Fedor Chaliapin. And if with age everything is more or less clear, there is a clear date of birth and death of the artist, which makes it possible to state that he lived for 65 years, but with height and weight it is somewhat more difficult.

Until our time, data has been preserved that Chaliapin's height reached two meters (195 cm.), But data on weight have not yet been preserved, therefore it is not possible to clearly name the artist's mass.

Biography and personal life of Fedor Chaliapin

The biography and personal life of Fyodor Chaliapin are inextricably linked with music and creativity. Life path it started on February 13, 1873. As a teenager, he became an extra in the troupe of V. B. Serebryakov, and barely having celebrated his majority, in 1890, he moved to Ufa and became a member of the choir of S. Ya. Semyonov-Samarsky. In 1891 - became a member of the troupe of G.I.Derkach, entered the Tiflis Opera of Ludwigov-Forkatti and Lyubimov.

After 5 years, I received an offer from a patron of the arts Mamontov to become a member of the "Private Russian Opera". Since 1899 he has been working at the Bolshoi Theater. In 1918, Chaliapin took over as artistic director of the Mariinsky Theater. The outbreak of the revolution forced the conductor to best years spend in exile, where he popularized Russian opera. Chaliapin died in Paris on April 12, 1938. reburied at home

Family and children of Fyodor Chaliapin

The family and children of Fyodor Chaliapin is a topic for a separate conversation. Chaliapin was married twice and raised 8 children. In addition, the singer raised two children from the first marriage of his second wife. All children took over from their parent creativity and took pride of place in the history of theater, sculpture, media, opera.

It can be stated that Shalyapin's children became a worthy continuation famous father however, in creative family otherwise it could hardly have happened. After all, Shalyapin's wives were creative individuals(ballerina and actress).

The son of Fyodor Chaliapin - Boris

Boris was born on September 22, 1904. The son of Fyodor Chaliapin - Boris became famous sculptor and a patron of the arts. Sculpture is Fedor's childhood hobby, to whom he remained faithful until last day... Success came to him in London, where his debut exhibition took place in 1927. This was followed by events around the world, including a host of charitable projects.

The creator died on May 18, 1979 in exile. By the way, even abroad, he made generous donations. Russian organizations, in particular the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists.

Son of Fyodor Chaliapin - Fyodor

The third son of Fyodor Chaliapin - Fyodor devoted himself to cinema. Gained immense popularity in Hollywood, known as Fyodor Chaliapin (junior). He began his career in Paris in silent cinema. Real success came to him at a fairly mature age.

Fans remembered him for the films "The Name of the Rose", "Power of the Moon", "Cathedral" and "Inner Circle". Fyodor Chaliapin Jr. died on September 17, 1992, at that time the artist was 86 years old. He did not stop acting in films until the last. Less than a year before his death, he completed filming in the movie "The Inner Circle"

Daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Tatiana

The daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Tatiana - the first daughter famous artist, twin sister of Fedor. Her name is associated with journalism. She worked at the radio "Voice of America". Tatyana was a loving woman, she married three times, gave birth to three grandchildren to Chaliapin. She lived for 93 years, died in 1993 during the height of the anniversary events, on the occasion of the 120th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Chaliapin. Tatiana was buried next to her father.

Tatiana, although she did not make any significant contribution to the development of art, nevertheless remained in the memory of narrow circles as the daughter of the famous Chaliapin.

Daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Irina

The daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Irina - the artist's fourth child was born at the very beginning of the 20th century, on February 22, 1900. Tatiana became an actress of theater and cinema, increasing the fame of her father. She was part of a wide variety of artistic teams. Later she was engaged in preserving the good memory of her father, is the initiator of the creation of the Small Studio named after. Chaliapin, supervised the Moscow Museum. Chaliapin.

At one time she toured the country with a "story about my father" which was accompanied by recordings by Fyodor Ivanovich. Irina Chaliapina died in 1978.

Daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Lydia

The daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Lydia studied acting, toured Europe, participating in various theatrical performances... It was not possible to carry out all my career plans due to the creation of a family, which, in fact, turned out to be not so strong.

After breaking up with her husband, Lydia opened vocal studio, taught, sometimes spoke at private events. Lydia Chaliapina died at the age of 84 in the United States. After the death of the actress, Yosif Darsky published the book "Through the Eyes of a Daughter", based on the data from Lydia's diary.

Daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Martha

The daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin, Martha, is an "information gap" in the artist's biography. The press knows little about her. The scantiest information about the personality of this woman has reached our days. Her husband was a certain Danila Gartner.

He took Martha to London, where she spent her entire adult life, gave birth to two children, who then, according to various estimates, gave her at least 10 grandchildren. Martha is the only daughter of Chaliapin who did not make a significant contribution to the development of art. Died Martha Chaliapin in Liverpool at the age of 93.

Daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Marina

The daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin, Marina, unlike her brothers and sisters who grew up in Russia, spent her childhood in France, where Fyodor Chaliapin emigrated. There she became interested in the art of ballet, acted in films.

She learned to be a filmmaker, married Luigi Freddie, close to Italian cinema, and became a real star of Italian cinema, becoming a kind of symbol in it. Russian people. Last years life was organizing musical events on a transatlantic liner. She died in 2003 and was buried in Italy.

Daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Daria

Daughter of Fyodor Chaliapin - Daria - the most youngest child Chaliapin. Very little information about her has survived. It is known that she spent her entire adult life in America, was married twice, gave birth to two children. She worked as a theater actress, but she went down in history as the only descendant of Chaliapin who was against the transfer of her father's ashes to Russia.

It was her position that slowed down the process by long years, and the burial of Chaliapin in his homeland became possible only after the death of Daria. It is worth saying that she died at a rather young age, compared to her brothers and sisters (56 years old).

The ex-wife of Fyodor Chaliapin - Iola Le-Presti

The ex-wife of Fyodor Chaliapin, Iola Le-Presti, was a ballerina. He met her during her tour in Nizhny Novgorod... It was stormy and passionate romance... They were married in 1898. Iola gave up her career in favor of the family. But happiness did not last long, a few years later, Chaliapin became close to actress Maria Petzold and began to live in two families.

For a long time, Iola tried to save the marriage and did not give her husband consent to divorce, but then she accepted the fact of inevitability and lowered her beloved to her rival, despite the fact that she had already raised four children.

Fyodor Chaliapin's wife - Maria Petzold

The wife of Fyodor Chaliapin - Maria Petzold - became the second closest woman for Fyodor. She was the second in a row, but in her heart famous singer she took first place, so he left his wife without hesitation and began to live in a civil marriage with Maria, adopting her two daughters from his first marriage as relatives.

Later, Maria will give birth to three more children to Chaliapin, after 20 years the dormouse will formalize their relationship. Like Iola, Maria preferred a family to a career, but unlike Chaliapin's first wife, she did not lose, the choice in favor of Fedor turned out to be correct.

Instagram and Wikipedia Fedor Chaliapin

Fyodor Chaliapin's Instagram and Wikipedia sounds kind of ridiculous, taking into account the fact that Chaliapin lived and worked in the 19th and 20th centuries. Of course, then they still did not even know about the Internet, not to mention social networks.

Nevertheless, today, historians have recreated bit by bit the life of the famous opera singer and with the facts of the artist's biography, his creative activity can be found at the most different resources, including Wikipedia, where the artist's page presents all creative stages life, titles of awards are indicated and listed memorable places associated with the name of Chaliapin. The article was found on

Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin (born 1873 - died 1938) is a great Russian opera singer (bass).

Fyodor Chaliapin was born on February 1 (13), 1873 in Kazan. The son of a peasant in the Vyatka province Ivan Yakovlevich Shalyapin (1837-1901), a representative of the ancient Vyatka clan of the Shalyapins (Shelepins). As a child, Chaliapin was a singer. Received an elementary education.

Chaliapin himself considered the beginning of his artistic career in 1889, when he entered the drama troupe of V. B. Serebryakov. First, for the post of statistician.

On March 29, 1890, the first solo performance Chaliapin - the part of Zaretsky in the opera Eugene Onegin, staged by the Kazan Society of Amateurs performing arts... Throughout May and the beginning of June 1890, Chaliapin was the chorist of the operetta enterprise of V. B. Serebryakov.

In September 1890, Chaliapin arrived from Kazan to Ufa and began working in the choir of the opera troupe under the direction of S. Ya. Semyonov-Samarsky.

Quite by accident, I had to transform from a chorus into a soloist, replacing the sick artist in Moniuszko's opera "Pebbles". This debut put forward the 17-year-old Chaliapin, who occasionally began to be entrusted with small operatic parts, for example Fernando in "Troubadour". The following year, Chaliapin performed in the role of Unknown in Verstovsky's "Askold's Grave". He was offered a place in the Ufa zemstvo, but the Little Russian troupe of Dergach arrived in Ufa, to which Chaliapin joined. Wandering with her brought him to Tiflis, where he was first able to seriously practice his voice, thanks to the singer D.A.Usatov. Usatov not only approved of Chaliapin's voice, but, due to the lack of the latter material resources, began to give him singing lessons for free and generally accepted great participation... He also arranged for Chaliapin in the Tiflis opera of Forcatti and Lyubimov. Chaliapin lived in Tiflis whole year performing the first bass parts in the opera.

In 1893 he moved to Moscow, and in 1894 - to St. Petersburg, where he sang in "Arcadia" in the opera troupe of Lentovsky, and in the winter of 1894/5 - in the opera company in the Panaevsky theater, in the troupe of Zazulin. Beautiful voice the novice artist and especially the expressive musical recitation in connection with the truthful playing drew the attention of critics and the public to him. In 1895, Chaliapin was adopted by the Directorate of St. Imperial theaters he joined the opera troupe: he entered the stage of the Mariinsky Theater and sang with success the roles of Mephistopheles (Faust) and Ruslan (Ruslan and Lyudmila). Chaliapin's diverse talent was expressed in comic opera"Secret marriage" by D. Cimarosa, but still did not receive a proper assessment. It is reported that in the season 1895-1896. he "appeared quite rarely and, moreover, in parts that were not suitable for him." Famous philanthropist S. I. Mamontov, who held at that time Opera theatre in Moscow, the first to notice in Chaliapin a talent out of the ordinary, persuaded him to go to his private troupe. Here in 1896-1899. Chaliapin developed in an artistic sense and developed his stage talent, performing in a number of roles. Thanks to his subtle understanding of Russian music in general and the latest in particular, he completely individually, but at the same time deeply truthfully created a number of types in Russian operas. At the same time, he also worked extensively on roles in foreign operas; for example, the role of Mephistopheles in "Faust" by Gounod in his transmission received strikingly bright, strong and unique lighting. Over the years, Chaliapin has gained great fame.

Since 1899, he again served at the Imperial Russian Opera in Moscow ( The Bolshoi Theatre), where he enjoyed tremendous success. He was highly acclaimed in Milan, where he performed at the Teatro La Scala in the title role of Mephistopheles A. Boito (1901, 10 performances). Chaliapin's tours in St. Petersburg on the Mariinsky stage constituted a kind of events in the St. Petersburg musical world.

In the 1905 revolution, he joined progressive circles, donated fees from his speeches to the revolutionaries. His performances with folk songs("Dubinushka" and others) sometimes turned into political demonstrations.

Since 1914 he has appeared in private opera enterprises of S. I. Zimin (Moscow), A. R. Aksarin (Petrograd).

Since 1918 - artistic director Mariinsky Theater. Received the title of People's Artist of the Republic.

Chaliapin's long absence aroused suspicion and a negative attitude in Soviet Russia; so, in 1926, Mayakovsky wrote in his "Letter to Gorky": "Or should you live / how does Chaliapin live / with stifled applause / olyapan? / Come back / now / such an artist / back / to Russian rubles - / I will be the first to shout: / - Roll back, / People's Artist of the Republic! " In 1927, Chaliapin donated the proceeds from one of the concerts to the children of emigrants, which was interpreted and presented as support for the White Guards. In 1928, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, he was deprived of the title of People's Artist and the right to return to the USSR; This was justified by the fact that he did not want to "return to Russia and serve the people whose title of artist was awarded to him" or, according to other sources, by the fact that he allegedly donated money to emigrants-monarchists.

In the spring of 1937, he was diagnosed with leukemia, and on April 12, 1938, he died in the arms of his wife. Buried in the Parisian cemetery Batignolles.

October 29, 1984 in Moscow at Novodevichy cemetery the ceremony of reburial of the ashes of F.I. Shalyapin took place.

The opening took place on October 31, 1986 gravestone to the great Russian singer F.I. Shalyapin (sculptor A. Yeletsky, architect Y. Voskresensky).