Oscar Wilde "Happy Prince." Oscar Wilde - Happy Prince: Fairy Tale

Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde "Happy Prince." Oscar Wilde - Happy Prince: Fairy Tale

There are fairy tales for the smallest. There are fairy tales just for small. There are fairy tales for schoolchildren. And there are fairy tales to read every regardless of age - so beautiful and at the same time are unusually vitality, and each of their phrase is filled with meaning. It is such fairy tales that the Irish writer and the playwright Oscar Wilde became famous. His fairy tales "Birthday of Infanta", "Fisherman and his soul", "Boy-star" and others affect the depth and fascinate.

The fairy tale "Happy Prince" is one of the most famous fairy tales of Wilde and, perhaps, one of the few works that are distinguished by optimism, even despite the rather sad end. And to understand who she was written for whom, and remember the true values, I want to reread her again and again.

A little about the author

Oscar Wilde is one of the most contradictory figures in world literature. Unique playwright, a magnificent essayist and the author of many journalistic essays, whose work was filled with paradoxes and generously seasoned with brilliant wit and an incredibly subtle sense of language nuances.

Wilde can be safely called the artistic word master: his magnificent epithets, flowery metaphors and allegories, strong and accurate repeats, impeccable calibises of phrases seem to be erased between literature and painting.

Oscar Wilde is a bright representative of the philosophy of aesthetism, movement in the art of the 19th century, recognizing the beauty of the only possible truth, and hedonism and sensual pleasures - the most correct way of life. For supporters of aesthetism, art should neither instruct nor to teach nor possess any complex content. Its essence is the predominance of external above the inner, the priority of beauty, refinement and sophistication of the shell. Wilde not only shared the views of aesthets, but also tried to convey the essence of his philosophy to all issuing writers and representatives of the art of Europe. Thus, the peculiarities of the fairy tales came out from under his pen.

Total Wilde belongs to two collections of fairy tales: "Happy prince and other fairy tales", first published in 1888, and a "grenade house", who saw the light in 1891. The uniqueness of these fairy tales is that under impeccable and exquisite speech turns and luxurious descriptions hides A truly deep meaning and an attempt to convey to readers a certain morality, emphasizing the exceptional importance of spiritual values \u200b\u200bthat an aesthetism, in general, not peculiar. Perhaps the writer was engaged exclusively fatherly feelings (the fairy tales he composed for his sons, Vivian and Sirila), who made him a few rethink the essence of being, and maybe it was no more than a rarity successful literary experiment - both versions are quite plausible. However, today the fairy tales of Oscar Uyald did not lose their relevance at all.

"Happy Prince." Charas and paradoxes

If you read a fairy tale for the first time, you might think that it belongs to Peru Hans Christian Andersen, since the story canvas is surprisingly similar: the talking swallow, flying into the warm edges, the statue that can think and feel, self-sacrifice, and the dedication of the main characters, sad, but at that The same time is surprisingly a light end, a clearly traceful religious motive. However, the style of work makes it doubtful: the luxurious descriptions, the magnitude of the East, the demonstration of rich language proficiency, though they were characterized by a talented Dane, but such a hoody worship was not observed for him.

Indeed, the art, with what Oscar Wilde uses epithets, is striking: the statue of a happy prince is not just a stone or bronze - she is golden, and even decorated with sapphires and rubies. The swallow was not just chasing the moth - he was "big and yellow", icicles - "brilliant lens", and the descriptions of Egyptian landscapes and a real holiday for the literary gourmet at all.

At the same time, it is impossible not to note the impeccable taste of Wilde: the text is not felt either overloaded nor excessive nor tedious. Each word acquires relief and full form, giving birth to amazingly bright images. And this is the secret of such a success of both this and other works of the writer. The fairy tale "Happy Prince" fascinates the beauty and grace of the language, which is impossible not to admit.

As for the idea and plot, even in such a genre as a fairy tale is manifested by the famous Traiga of Oscar Wilde to paradoxes, and not so much meaningful as a semantic plan. As a prince, who for his whole life did not know that grief, but little trouble, was so responsive and understood after death, where the free swallow learned such an aristocratic salon chatter, and why she, so careless and easy to rise, unexpectedly decided To sacrifice the sake of good - these are questions of the story plan, the answers to which everyone can find without difficulty: it is enough just to reread a fairy tale several times. Paradoxes fairy tale - in her idea.

Even though Wilde performed for the department of art from morality and believed that the literature should be more entertaining than instructive, in this fairy tale, it was not without condemning human workers and indifference, ridicuing human thrust to glory and honor, praise kindness, generosity and dedication and recognition of the soul as the highest value and the foundations of humanity as such. However, the paradox is that recognizing the exceptional significance of the spiritual principle, the writer as if refuses to him in beauty. For some reason, the good heart of the prince is tinned, the devotee and brave swallow - just a "dead bird" without any epithets, and to get to the throne, the Prince was able to get to the throne only when he lost all his gilding.

You will certainly be an interesting work of Oscar Wilde "Boy-Star", which tells about the boy who was very beautiful, but he had a stone heart in his chest.

In our following article, you will find the summary of the sad Tazzle Wilde about the beautiful, but heartless infanta and little dwarf, who danced for her on her birthday and did not guess his deformity.

Wilde as if trying to convey the thought to the reader that the essence of beauty is only in beauty, and the truths and soul are always unsightly and non-markets. Why a writer rejects the idea that the form and the content may be the same beautiful - a mystery. Perhaps the reason for this was the heavy internal contradictions, which tormented the playwright throughout his life and which he could not allow him when his life was so sad cut.

Why this fairy tale is worth reading children

Very small children, this fairy tale is most likely not caught, and older children will understand not to the end, although, perhaps, this is not necessary. Exquisite symbolism and the depthness of the meaning was obviously not designed for children's age, so parents are advised to do the emphasis on this.

In addition to the exciting and mysterious descriptions of distant countries, which will surely enchant impressionable and susceptible children's minds and hearts, the kids will probably touch the sad story of the Prince and swallows, on the example of which it is easy to explain to the child the importance of such values \u200b\u200bas generosity, love, kindness, altruism and dedication in which in Today's society, unfortunately, often neglected. Perhaps children and do not realize the meaning of the fairy tale immediately - but their vulnerable souls, it will undoubtedly touch and make you think about the device of the surrounding world and the characters of people living near people.

Why this fairy tale is worth reading adults

If the integrity of familiarization with this fairy tale of young children is questionable, then adults seem to be an explicit target audience for any works of Oscar Wilde. Without a doubt, his own children admire his father's stories - according to contemporaries, his speech was "easy, beautiful, entertaining." But did they understand everything to the end?

For those who are far from philological delights - a chance to get out of the shell of indifference and removal, where most people pound themselves, and remember that there are always those who need attention and help.

His Majesty, Wilde, wanted to pick up His Majesty - however, without morality, it was still not worthwhile, which is actually fine. If everyone listens to a carefully hidden in a fairy tale of becoming kinder and humane, perhaps that day that the playwright wrote in his treatise "Social Society under Socialism" "When each member of society is a participant in general contentment and well-being." The fairy tale "Happy Prince", of course, is not so serious as a treatise. But its meaning is no less deep and humane.

Oscar Wilde "Happy Prince"

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Oscar Wilde

Happy prince

A happy prince stood on a slim column, towering over tiled roofs and sharp spiers. His clothes were sewn from thin leaves of the best gold, his eyes replaced two light sapphires, and his swords flamed bright red ruby \u200b\u200bon the handle. Residents of the city were delighted with him.

"He is beautiful as my vane," - said the adviser who really wanted everyone to know about his subtle artistic taste. "But not so useful," - - he added hastily, fearing seem impractical.

"That's what you need to take an example! - - the young mothers said to their children. - - The happy prince never crying."

"As I am glad that at least someone on this earth is really happy," - sadly said someone in a gray raincoat, looking at a magnificent monument from the dark gateway.

"He is exactly like an angel!" - - They said the shelter girls when they went home from the temple in their red jackets and clean white fronts. "How do you know? - Teacher asked Mathematics. - - You never saw Angels." "We saw, seen, - - Two sisters lated, - - They come to us in a dream." Mathematics teacher immediately frowned her eyebrows and became quite stringent. He really did not like that the children see dreams.

Somehow a little starlot flew over the city. His friends flew back to the distant Egypt for another six weeks ago, and he stayed. Skzorets was in love with the beautiful Costa. He met her on an early spring, when in pursuit of a yellow moth flew down the river. He was so fascinated by her grace, that he stopped talking to her. "Be my wife." - - Skzorten said strongly. He got used to immediately take a job. Crystina made him a low bow. And the starring began to fly, fly around her, touching the rivers with the wings, and covering the water with thin silver ripples. So he spent all summer.

"What is the ridiculous attachment," - - Chirikali Other Schworts: "She has no money at all, and the relatives of the pond pond." True, the whole river was damaged by reed.

When autumn came, birds flew away. Skzorets felt alone, and the beloved became gradually bored him. "She doesn't even know how to talk," he noticed. "- Probably she is a coquette - - she flirts all the time with the wind." Even after a light blow, the Crystin was crumpled by a variety of elegant renerests. "Let her and the household, but I like to travel, then my wife should like it." "Will you go with me?" - He finally asked. But the Costbar just shook her head, - - she was so tied to her house ... "You just fucked me!" "He cried:" Well, goodbye! "Pharaoh and Egyptian pyramids are waiting for me. Happily stay!" And the starfield flew away.

He flew all day, and only at night was in the city. "Where can I spend the night?" - I thought Skzorets. I hope the city authorities have already prepared for my arrival. " Here he saw a monument standing on the high column.

"That's where I will stop! - - exclaimed Skzorets. - Beautiful place, and so much fresh air!" And he settled straight between the shoes of a happy prince.

"Today I have a golden bedroom," he said smugly looking around. And only he wanted to hide his head under the wing, like - - Cap! - - From somewhere on top there fell a drop on it. "That's the story," said the star. "- In the sky neither the cloud, all the stars are visible, and it still rains! No wonder they say that in the north of Europe the disgusting climate. Only a rain could like this fool.

"Cap!" - - And one more drop fell on him. "What kind of programs in all these monuments, if they do not even protect from water. We will have a decent chimney." He did not have time to reveal the wings, as a drop fell on him again. Skzorets glanced angrily, and ... what did he see? The eyes of a happy prince were full of tears, tears glasses on golden cheeks and fell down. His face was so beautiful in the lunar light that the Prince became a small Skzortz.

"Who are you?" - - he asked. "Happy prince." "Why are you crying? I'm already fat."

"When I lived, I had a human heart," the monument answered, "" I didn't know what tears was. I lived in the palace of jellis, where the entrance of the sorrow is banned. In the afternoon I played with friends in the garden, and in the evening I opened my ball in the main one. The hall of the palace. The garden was acquired by a high wall, but I didn't want to know what is behind her. After all, everything was so beautiful ... The courtly called me a happy prince. Oh! If pleasure can bring happiness, as I was happy! And then I died. And now they put me so high that I see all the sorrow and the whole poverty of my city. And at least my heart is now tin, I can't not cry. "

"That's how! And I thought he was all of gold," "Skzorets thought. But he was too polite to make comments out loud.

"From from here," said the prince with a quiet gentle voice, "there is a quiet street, and on it an old house. One window is open in it, and I see a woman who is sitting at the table. She has a thin exhausted face, and tired red hands, All the crowded needle. She sews, and now she embroiders love flowers on a satin dress of the most beautiful of the Royal Frealin. She needs to have time for the court ball. In the corner on the crib lies her son. He is seriously sick, he has a heat, and he asks oranges. But there is nothing in the house, and mom can only drink it with water from the river, so he crys all the time. Dear Skzorets, take her, please, Ruby from my sword. My legs have grown to this column, and I can not get away from here. "

"But they are waiting for me in Egypt," said Skworten. My friends have long fly over the great Neil, over his shores, rich milk and honey. There they are talking to huge white lilies. Soon they will fly to the night in the title of the Great Tutankhamon. Already lies there in his painted tomb. On him the yellow linen apparel, and incense smoked around. On his neck, he has necklaces from green jade, and the hands are like autumn leaves. "

"My dear star, really you can not delay for one night, and do not serve me the service? The boy is so hard in hot, and his mother falls from fatigue."

"Actually, I don't really love the boys," - answered Skzorets. "- Last summer, when I lived by the river, two hefty guys, Melnik's kids, all the time threw me stones in me. Of course, they did not fall. We, Skvortsy , Too good for this fly. In addition, my family has always been distinguished by speed and agility. At least, they could not, yet it was an obvious disrespect from their part. "

But the lucky prince was so upset that the Skzortz became a little shame. "Okay," he muttered, "" I, so be, staying at night, and I will ask you that you ask me. Although still you have too cold here. "

"Thank you, Skvortyonok," - - said the prince.

Skzorets broke the big ruby \u200b\u200bfrom the sword of the Prince, and carried it in the beak over the city roofs. He flew near the urban cathedral with marble angels, past the castle, past the joyful sounds of the ball and dancing. A lovely girl stood on the balcony with her beloved.

"What are the amazing stars here," he said to her. "- And as an amazing power of love." "I just ordered to embroider the flowers of love on my new dress," she answered. "- I hope it will be ready for the court ball. However, these seamstations are so lazy."

Skworets flew over the river, and saw the signal lights on the masts of the ships. He flew over the ghetto, and saw old Jews traded with each other, ringing cops. Finally, he found the same house, and looked inside. A poor boy rushed on his bed, and his mother was so tired that he fell asleep at the unfinished dress. Skzorets triggered inside, and put Rubin next to the thimble. Then he gently flush the bed of the boy, and his wings were trying to dispel his heat. "As well, -" the child whispered, "" I already easier, "and forgotten with a light sleep.

Skzortets returned to a happy prince, and told him, everything that did. "It's funny," he added, "" for some reason I am warm now, and there is still cold. " "It's because you have done a good deed," "said the prince. Little starfish thought, and fell asleep. Starting to think, he usually poured immediately.

When the sun looked out, he flew to the river and bought out in it. "What an interesting case!" - - said Professor of the Bird Sciences, moving over the River on the Bridge. "Skworts in winter!" And he immediately wrote about this is a big article in the city newspaper. Residents proudly showed each other this number - - there was so many incomprehensible words!

"Tonight I will have a web in Egypt," "said Skzorets, and this thought very happy. He managed to fly away all urban attractions, and even sat on the spire of the city cathedral. Wherever he appears, Sparrows started twitter. "Who is this mysterious wanderer?" - - They asked each other. Skzorets remained very satisfied with himself. When night came, and the full moon shone brightly in the sky, he looked goodbye to a happy prince.

"You do not have any orders in Egypt?" "" Skzorets shouted: "I'm just going to go there."

"Dear Skzorets," "said Prince," "You will not stay with me for another night?"

"But they are waiting for me in Egypt," "Skzorets answered. "Tomorrow my friends will fly to the great waterfall. There, among the reeds, Leviafany are buried in the thickets. There sits on a high granite throne Tsar Memnon. All night he looks at the stars, and when the first sunny beam appears, only one bitter moan breaks out of it, And then he again abides in silence. At midnight, huge yellow lions go down to the river to get drunk water. Their eyes are glowing in the night, like greenish beryllam, and the formidable roar sounds louder than the roar of the waterfall.

"My dear Skzorets," "said the prince. - - Far from here I see a young man bouncing over the table filled with papers. It works at a low attic, and next to him, in a glass, stands a bunch of dried violets. He has brown, curly hair and inflamed weathered lips. Large eyes are tired of work. He needs to have time to finish the play for the director of the theater, but the young man is so frozen that he can no longer write. In the fireplace there is no fire for a long time, and he has already exhausted from hunger. "

"I will stay with you for another night," said Skworten. He really had a good heart. "Did you consider another ruby?"

"Alas! I have no more rubies," "said the prince. "All that remains - these are my eyes. They are made of rare precious sapphires, which brought from India a thousand years ago. Take off one of them, and take the young man. He will sell him a jeweler, will buy firewood, and graduates.

"Dear Prince," "said Skzorets," "But I can't do it," and I cried bitterly. "Small, little shovels," "said the prince," - do, like I vela. "

Then Skzortets launched one eye of the prince, and flew to the attic to the poor writing. It was not difficult to get inside, because the roof was a hole through a hole. Immediately under it - - Dark room. The young man slept at the table, putting his head in his arms, and did not hear the noise of the bird wings. When, waking up, he raised his head - - a magnificent sapphire lay on dried violets. "Me I begin to understand! - He cried. - - Someone read my book. Now, now I will finish this play!" Now he had the appearance of the happiest man on earth.

The next day, the Skzorets flew to the harbor. He was sitting on the mast of a huge sailboat, and watched the sailors pulled large drawers from the hold on the ropes. "Are you! Once or two!" - - They shouted, raising the next box. "I'm flying to Egypt!" - - shouted the starlings, but no one was before him.

When the moon rose, he flew to a happy prince. "I want to say goodbye to you," he shouted. "Good Skworets," said the prince, "- You will not stay with me for another night?"

"It's already winter," - "Skzorets replied," - and soon cold snow will come here. And in Egypt, the sun warms the top of the palm trees, the crocodiles are not looking in warm tine, and lazily look at everything around. My friends are building a nest in Baalbek, and white and pinks. Pigeons welcome, watching them. Dear prince, I have to fly away, but I will never forget you. The next spring I will bring you two beautiful gems, instead of those that you gave. Ruby will be aley of red roses, and Sapphire Blue of the Great Sea " .

"There below, on the square," said the happy prince, "there is a little girl who sells matches. She dropped matches into a ditch, and now they are all wet. Father will beat her if she doesn't bring money, so she crys. She does not have a shoe, no stocking, and the wind blows through it. Take my second eye and take her, then the father will not punish her. "

"I will stay with you for another night," said Skzorets, "" But I can't take your second eye. You will then become blind! " "My dear Skzorets! - - said the prince. - - Do how I drove to you."

Skzorets shouted the second eye of the prince, and rushed down. He flashed past the girls, and when she came his senses, Sapphire sparkled in her palm. "What glassmaster!" "" She said, and fun to run home.

Skzorets returned to the prince and said: "You are now very blind, and I will stay with you forever."

"No, my little starfish," said the unfortunate prince, "" you should fly to Egypt. "

"I will stay with you forever," "said Skzorets, and fell asleep in the legs of the Prince.

Early in the morning he sat on the shoulder at the Prince and told him everything he saw over the sea. He told about the Red Ibis, who stand along the coast of the Nile, and catch their goldfish bears; About the sphinx, which old as the world lives alone in the terrible desert, and knows everything that happens on Earth; about merchants who are quenching on the backs of their camels with amber rosary in their hands; about black, like a resin, king of the lunar mountains, which worships the shining crystal; About a huge green snake that lives on the palm, and twenty priests feed it with sweet cakes; About the dwarfs who swim the lakes on the leaves of gigantic trees, and forever fight with butterflies.

"Good My Skzorets," "said the prince." - You told me a lot of amazing, but what can be amazing human grief. There is no secret so great as suffering. Passion, little starfish, my city, and tell you what you see. "

And the starway flew over the city, and saw the rich, having fun in all days, and the beggars sitting at their gates. He flew over the dark alleys, and saw the exhausted faces of hungry children, tiredly looked at the deserted, black streets. Under the arch of the bridge, having embraced, so much to warm up a little, lay two boys.

"I want to" - - they barely auditched them.

"It's not necessary to lie here!" - - I shouted to them a career of order, and they walked somewhere under torrential rain.

Skzorets returned, and told the prince all that saw. "I am all covered with clean gold," "answered the prince. "Remove it, and distribute to my poor; people are confident that gold can make them happy."

The leafle of the leaflets shot gold until the happy prince became completely gray and sad. He leafle behind the sheet he spread the gold to the poor, and a blush appeared on the faces of the children. "We have bread," "they happily shouted, playing with each other and merrily plowing. Then the snow came, and behind him and frost. The streets became such bright and shining, as if they were made of glass. Crystal daggers hung from the roofs long icicles. Residents wrapped in fur coats, and children whistled with roofs. Residents wrapped in fur coats, and children, put on warm hats, rushed to the rink.

The little starfish more and more frozen. When the Bullman did not see him, he picked up the crumbs in front of the door of the pastry shop. The poor thing tried to warm up, flapping with wings. Finally, he realized that he was dying. Having gathered his strength, he last took off his prince's shoulder.

"Forgive, dear prince!" He said. "-" Let me kiss your hand. "

"Little Skzorets, I'm glad that you finally visit Egypt," "said the prince." - You stayed here for too long. But you need to kiss me on your lips, because I love you. "

"But I'm not going to Egypt," said Skworten. - - I go to the castle of death. Death - - Sister's sister, right? " He kissed a happy prince on his lips, and fell on his shoes.

At that moment, a strange crash sounded inside the monument, as if something broke. This tin heart split over.

There was a terrible frost.

The next morning, the city chapter was held in the area, surrounded by his advisers. Going to the column he raised his head up. "God you are mine! - he exclaimed. Our prince was completely satisfied!" "Indeed," - said advisers who always agreed with the head, and also looked up.

"Ruby fell, there is no more eye, and gilding got out," said the head. - - No better than the beggar! "

"No better beggar", "- - repeated advisers.

"And some dead bird in his legs!" "She continued." - We need to publish a decree that the birds are strictly forbidden to die here. "

And the secretary made a mark in his notebook. The monument to the happy prince was removed.

"Once it is no longer perfect, he is more and no need." - said Professor of Arts at the University.

Then the monument was melted in the furnace, and the city council began to decide what to do with the metal. "Of course," said the chapter, "you need to make a new monument." - And this time I do. "

"And this time," - - - the advisers repelled, and immediately crumbled with each other. So they are worried so far.

"What is? - Asked the Koreaker itself asked himself. - This is a broken tin heart not melted! Well, the jester with him!" And he threw him on a dirty landfill, where the dead star was lying.

And the Lord angel said to his own way: "Go to this city, and bring me the most precious thing that you will find there." Angel went on the word of the Lord, took a tin heart and a dead bird from the trash can, and brought them before the face of God. "You chose correctly," said the Lord. "- The voice of a small starlet will not disappear in the garden, and the happy prince will reclaim me in the heavenly city of Love, and no one takes the joy of them."

Oscar Wilde

Happy prince

On a high column, over the city, stood a statue of a happy prince. The prince was covered on top to bottom of pure gold leaves. Instead of the eyes, he had sapphires, and a large scarlet ruby \u200b\u200bshone on the handle of his swords.

Everyone admired the prince.

It is beautiful, like a fluger-cock! - Brushed a certain urban adviser, who eager to hear for a subtle connoisseur of the arts. - But, of course, the fluger is more useful! - he added immediately, fearing that he would be turned into impracticity; And in this he was not won.

Try to look like a happy prince! - I urged the tender mother of his boyfriend, who all cried to give him the moon. - Happy prince never mapping!

I am glad that there was at least a single lucky on the world! - mumbled a hornbeam-persecuted by fate, looking at this beautiful statue.

Oh, he is just like an angel! - the shelter girls admired, the crowd leaving the cathedral in Bright Pelchovy Pellerinks and clean snow-white aprons.

How do you know that? - the teacher of mathematics objected. - After all, the angels you have never seen.

Oh, we often see them in a dream! - the shelter girls responded, and the mathematics teacher frowned and sternly looked at them: he did not like that the children see dreams.

Somehow, at night, flew over the city. Her girlfriends, now the seventh week, as flew away to Egypt, and she was delayed here, because she was in love with flexible beauty-co-cane. Another early spring she saw her, chasing his yellow big moth, and froze, suddenly elected by the harmony of her devoty.

Want, I love you? - asked the swallow from the first word, as she loved in all the directness; And the Crystina bowed to her in response.

Then the swallow began to spin on her, occasionally touching water and, leaving the silver jets behind them. So she expressed love. And so it continued all summer.

What a mustache connection! - Twitter the rest of the swallows. - After all, the Costainka has a penny for the soul and a whole bunch of relatives.

Indeed, all this river denounced reed. Then autumn came, and the swallows were completely flown.

When they all flew away, the swallow felt the orphans, and this attachment to the Costaque seemed very painful to her.

My God, because she, as a mute, do not give a word from her, "the swallow spoke with reproach:" And I'm afraid that she is a coquette: flirting with every breeze. "

And the truth is, just the wind, the Crystina and bends, and stands.

Let it be a domestic, but I love to travel, and my wife would not hurt too to love travel.

Well, you will fly with me? - finally she asked, but the Costbar only shook her head; She was so tied to the house!

Oh, you played my love! - shouted swallow. - Goodbye, I'm flying to the pyramids! - And she flew away. She flew all day and arrived in the city by night.

Where would I stop here? - the swallow thought. - I hope the city has already prepared worthy of meeting me?

Here she saw a statue for a high column.

That's great. I'll make it here: a great location and a lot of fresh air.

And she sheltered at the feet of a happy prince:

I have a golden bedroom! She said freely, looking around. And she already settled down to bed and hid the head under the wing, as some kind of heavy drop suddenly fell on it.

How strange! She was surprised. - In the sky, neither a single cloud. Stars are so clean, clear, - where does it get rain? This northern climate of Europe is terrible. My Crystina loved the rain, but she is such a egoist.

The other drop fell here.

What the benefit from the statue, if it is unable to hide from rain. I will look for myself the refuge somewhere in the pipe on the roof. - And the swallow decided to fly away.

But she did not place the wings, as the third drop fell.

Swallow looked up, and what she saw it!

The eyes of a happy prince were filled with tears. Tears rolled along his gilded cheeks. And so beautiful was his face in the radiance of lunar rays, which swallow was filled with pity.

Who are you? She asked.

I am a happy prince.

But why are you crying? You knocked me through.

When I was alive and I had a living human heart, I did not know what tears were, "the statue answered. - I lived in the San-Souci Palace, where the input is prohibited. In the afternoon I got to the garden with the comrades, and in the evening I danced in the main hall. The garden was surrounded by a high stalk, and I never guessed to ask what was happening for her. Everything was so luxurious around me! "Happy prince" - the closest me, and really I was happy if only in pleasure happiness. So I lived and died. And now, when I'm no longer alive, I was put here, upstairs, so high that all the grief and all poverty are visible, which only is in my capital. And although my heart is now tin, I can not resist tears.

"And so you're not all gold!" - I thought the swallow, but, of course, not loud, because it was quite polite.

There, far, in the alley, I see a poor house, - continued the statue of a quiet melodic voice. - One window is open, and a woman seen near the table is visible. Her face is exhausted, the hands of the flabbing and red, they are solid with a needle, because she is seamstress. She embroides passionworthy flowers on a silk dress of the most beautiful queen Freinin, for the nearest court ball. And in the bed, closer to the corner, her sore child. Her boy lies in the fever and asks for him to give oranges. The mother has nothing, only river water. And this boy is crying. Swallow, swallow, crumb-swallow! Do you demolish her Ruby from my sword? My feet are chained to my pedestal, and I can not move away from the place.

They are waiting for me, will not wait in Egypt, "the swallow answered. - My girlfriends are spinning over the Nile and talk with lush lotuses. Soon they will fly for overnight in the tomb of the Great Tsar. He holds himself, Pharaoh, in his luxurious coffin. It is sealed in yellow fabrics and is palm with incense herbs. He has a pale green jade chain, and his hands, like autumn leaves.

Swallow, swallow, crumb-swallow! Stay here on one night and be mine messenger. The boy so want to drink, and his mother is so sad.

Not really to me the heart of the boys. Last summer, when I lived above the rock, the children of Melnik, evil boys, threw in me stones. Of course, where to get to them! We, swallows, too excited. In addition, my genus is famous for speed, but still in this mooring stones, in my opinion, little respect.

However, the lucky prince was so saddened that the swallow regretted him.

It's very cold here, "she said:" But nothing, this night I will stay with you and I will be on the parcels. "

Thank you, crumb-swallow, - Milns Happy Prince.

And here the swallow turned a major ruby \u200b\u200bfrom the sword of a happy prince and flew with this ruby \u200b\u200bover the city roofs. She flown over the bell tower of the cathedral, where the white marriage of angels. She flew over the royal palace and heard the sounds of dancing. Beautiful girl came to the balcony, and with her

Wild Oscar.

Happy prince

Oscar Wilde

Happy prince

A happy prince stood on a slim column, towering over tiled roofs and sharp spiers. His clothes were sewn from thin leaves of the best gold, his eyes replaced two light sapphires, and his swords flamed bright red ruby \u200b\u200bon the handle. Residents of the city were delighted with him.

"He is beautiful as my vane," said the adviser who really wanted everyone to know about his subtle artistic taste. "But it is not so useful," he hastily added, fearing seem impractical.

"That's what you need to take an example! - Young mothers told their children. - A happy prince never crying."

"As I am glad that at least someone on this earth is really happy," someone in a gray rainfall, looking at a magnificent monument from the dark gateway.

"He is exactly like an angel!" - They said the shelter girls, when they went home from the temple in their red jackets and clean white fronts. "How do you know? - asked Mathematics Teacher. - You never saw Angels." "They saw, saw," two sisters lated, "they come to us in a dream." Mathematics teacher immediately frowned her eyebrows and became quite stringent. He really did not like that the children see dreams.

Somehow a little starlot flew over the city. His friends flew back to the distant Egypt for another six weeks ago, and he stayed. Skzorets was in love with the beautiful Costa. He met her on an early spring, when in pursuit of a yellow moth flew down the river. He was so fascinated by her grace, that he stopped talking to her. "Be my wife." - Skzorets said strongly. He got used to immediately take a job. Crystina made him a low bow. And the starring began to fly, fly around her, touching the rivers with the wings, and covering the water with thin silver ripples. So he spent all summer.

"What for the ridiculous attachment," - Chirikali Other Schworts: "She has no money at all, and relatives Pond Pond." True, the whole river was damaged by reed.

When autumn came, birds flew away. Skzorets felt alone, and the beloved became gradually bored him. "She doesn't even know how to talk," he noticed. "Probably she's coquette - she is all the time flirting with the wind." Even after a light blow, the Crystin was crumpled by a variety of elegant renerests. "Let her and the household, but I like to travel, then my wife should like it." "Will you go with me?" He finally asked. But the Costbar just shook her head, - she was so tied to her home ... "You just fucked me!" - He cried: "Well, goodbye! - Waiting for Pharaoh and Egyptian pyramids. Happily stay!" And the starfield flew away.

He flew all day, and only at night was in the city. "Where to spend the night?" I thought Skzorets. I hope the city authorities have already prepared for my arrival. " Here he saw a monument standing on the high column.

"That's where I will stop! - Exclaimed the Skzorets. -Prade, and so much fresh air!" And he settled straight between the shoes of a happy prince.

"Today I have a golden bedroom," he said smugly looking around. And only he wanted to hide his head under the wing, like - Cap! - From somewhere on top there fell a drop. "This is how the story - the starlings were attracted. - In the sky neither the cloud, all the stars are visible, and it still rains! It is not for nothing that they say that in the north of Europe is a disgusting climate. Only this fools could like a rain."

"Cap!" - And another drop fell on it. "What kind of programs in all these monuments, if they do not even protect from water. We will have a decent chimney." He did not have time to reveal the wings, as a drop fell on him again. Skzorets glanced angrily, and ... what did he see? The eyes of a happy prince were full of tears, tears glasses on golden cheeks and fell down. His face was so beautiful in the lunar light that the Prince became a small Skzortz.

"Who are you?" -- he asked. "Happy prince". "Why are you crying? I'm already fat."

"When I lived, and I had a human heart, I wrote a monument," I didn't know what tears such. I lived in the palace of jellis, where the entrance of sorrow is banned. In the afternoon I played with friends in the garden, and in the evening I opened my ball in the main The hall of the palace. The garden was acquired by a high wall, but I didn't want to know what is behind her. After all, everything was so beautiful ... The courtly called me a happy prince. Oh! If pleasure can bring happiness, as I was happy! And then I died. And now they put me so high that I see all the sorrow and the whole poverty of my city. And at least my heart is now tin, I can't not cry. "

"That's how! And I thought he was all of gold," thought Skzorets. But he was too polite to make comments out loud.

"Far from here," said the prince by a quiet gentle voice, "there is a quiet street, and on it an old house. One window is open in it, and I see a woman who sits at the table. She has a thin exhausted face, and tired red hands, All the crowded needle. She sews, and now she embroiders love flowers on a satin dress of the most beautiful of the Royal Frealin. She needs to have time for the court ball. In the corner on the crib lies her son. He is seriously sick, he has a heat, and he asks oranges. But there is nothing in the house, and mom can only drink it with water from the river, so he crys all the time. Dear Skzorets, take her, please, Ruby from my sword. My legs have grown to this column, and I can not get away from here. "

"But they are waiting for me in Egypt," said Skword. My friends have long fly over the great Neil, over his shores, rich milk and honey. There they are talking with huge white lilies. Soon they will fly to the night in the title of the Great Tutankhamon. Already lies there in his painted tomb. On him the yellow linen apparel, and incense smoked around. On his neck, he has necklaces from green jade, and the hands are like autumn leaves. "

"My dear star, really you can not delay for one night, and do not serve me the service? The boy is so hard in hot, and his mother falls from fatigue."

"Actually, I don't really love the boys," said Skzorets. - Last summer, when I lived by the river, two hefty guys, Melnik's children, all the time threw me stones all the time. Of course, they did not fall. We, Skvorts , Too good for this fly. In addition, my family has always been distinguished by speed and agility. At least, they could not, yet it was an obvious disrespect from their part. "

But the lucky prince was so upset that the Skzortz became a little shame. "Okay, he muttered," I, so be, staying at night, and I will ask you that you ask me. Although still you have too cold here. "

"Thank you, Skvortyonok," said the prince.

Skzorets broke the big ruby \u200b\u200bfrom the sword of the Prince, and carried it in the beak over the city roofs. He flew near the urban cathedral with marble angels, past the castle, past the joyful sounds of the ball and dancing. A lovely girl stood on the balcony with her beloved.

"What are the amazing stars here," he said to her. "- And how amazing the power of love." "I just ordered to embroider the flowers of love on my new dress," she replied. - I hope it will be ready for the court ball. However, these seamstances are so lazy. "

Skworets flew over the river, and saw the signal lights on the masts of the ships. He flew over the ghetto, and saw old Jews traded with each other, ringing cops. Finally, he found the same house, and looked inside. A poor boy rushed on his bed, and his mother was so tired that he fell asleep at the unfinished dress. Skzorets triggered inside, and put Rubin next to the thimble. Then he gently flush the bed of the boy, and his wings were trying to dispel his heat. "As good," the child whispered, "I already easier," and forgotten easy sleep.

Fairy Tale Happy Prince Oscar Wilde Read

Note: 1888
On a high column, over the city, stood a statue of a happy prince. The prince was covered on top to bottom of pure gold leaves. Instead of the eyes, he had sapphires, and a large scarlet ruby \u200b\u200bshone on the handle of his swords.

Everyone admired the prince.

It is beautiful, like a fluger-cock! - Brushed a certain urban adviser, who eager to hear for a subtle connoisseur of the arts. - But, of course, the fluger is more useful! - he added immediately, fearing that he would be turned into impracticity; And in this he was not won.

Try to look like a happy prince! - I urged the tender mother of his boyfriend, who all cried to give him the moon. - Happy prince never mapping!

I am glad that there was at least a single lucky on the world! - mumbled a hornbeam-persecuted by fate, looking at this beautiful statue.

Oh, he is just like an angel! - Priest girls admired, crowd leaving the cathedral in the bright Puntza Pellery and clean snow-white alerts.

How do you know that? - the teacher of mathematics objected. - After all, the angels you have never seen.

Oh, we often see them in a dream! - the shelter girls responded, and the mathematics teacher frowned and sternly looked at them: he did not like that the children see dreams.

Somehow, at night, flew over the city. Her girlfriends, now the seventh week, as flew away to Egypt, and she was delayed here, because she was in love with flexible beauty-co-cane. Another early spring she saw her, chasing his yellow big moth, and froze, suddenly elected by the harmony of her devoty.

Want, I love you? - asked the swallow from the first word, as she loved in all the directness; And the Crystina bowed to her in response.

Then the swallow began to spin on her, occasionally touching water and, leaving the silver jets behind them. So she expressed love. And so it continued all summer.

What a mustache connection! - Twitter the rest of the swallows. - After all, the Costainka has a penny for the soul and a whole bunch of relatives.

Indeed, all this river denounced reed. Then autumn came, and the swallows were completely flown.

When they all flew away, the swallow felt the orphans, and this attachment to the Costaque seemed very painful to her.

My God, because she, as a mute, do not give a word from her, "the swallow spoke with reproach:" And I'm afraid that she is a coquette: flirting with every breeze. "

And the truth is, just the wind, the Crystina and bends, and stands.

Let it be a domestic, but I love to travel, and my wife would not hurt too to love travel.

Well, you will fly with me? - finally she asked, but the Costbar only shook her head; She was so tied to the house!

Oh, you played my love! - shouted swallow. - Goodbye, I'm flying to the pyramids! - And she flew away. She flew all day and arrived in the city by night.

Where would I stop here? - the swallow thought. - I hope the city has already prepared worthy of meeting me?

Here she saw a statue for a high column.

That's great. I'll make it here: a great location and a lot of fresh air.

And she sheltered at the feet of a happy prince:

I have a golden bedroom! She said freely, looking around. And she already settled down to bed and hid the head under the wing, as some kind of heavy drop suddenly fell on it.

How strange! She was surprised. - In the sky, neither a single cloud. Stars are so clean, clear, - where does it get rain? This northern climate of Europe is terrible. My Crystina loved the rain, but she is such a egoist.

The other drop fell here.

What the benefit from the statue, if it is unable to hide from rain. I will look for myself the refuge somewhere in the pipe on the roof. - And the swallow decided to fly away.

But she did not place the wings, as the third drop fell.

Swallow looked up, and what she saw it!

The eyes of a happy prince were filled with tears. Tears rolled along his gilded cheeks. And so beautiful was his face in the radiance of lunar rays, which swallow was filled with pity.

Who are you? She asked.

I am a happy prince.

But why are you crying? You knocked me through.

When I was alive and I had a living human heart, I did not know what tears were, "the statue answered. - I lived in the San-Souci Palace, where the input is prohibited. In the afternoon I got to the garden with the comrades, and in the evening I danced in the main hall. The garden was surrounded by a high stalk, and I never guessed to ask what was happening for her. Everything was so luxurious around me! "Happy prince" - the closest me, and really I was happy if only in pleasure happiness. So I lived and died. And now, when I'm no longer alive, I was put here, upstairs, so high that all the grief and all poverty are visible, which only is in my capital. And although my heart is now tin, I can not resist tears.

"And so you're not all gold!" - I thought the swallow, but, of course, not loud, because it was quite polite.

There, far, in the alley, I see a poor house, - continued the statue of a quiet melodic voice. - One window is open, and a woman seen near the table is visible. Her face is exhausted, the hands of the flabbing and red, they are solid with a needle, because she is seamstress. She embroides passionworthy flowers on a silk dress of the most beautiful queen Freinin, for the nearest court ball. And in the bed, closer to the corner, her sore child. Her boy lies in the fever and asks for him to give oranges. The mother has nothing, only river water. And this boy is crying. Swallow, swallow, crumb-swallow! Do you demolish her Ruby from my sword? My feet are chained to my pedestal, and I can not move off the place,

They are waiting for me, will not wait in Egypt, "the swallow answered. - My girlfriends are spinning over the Nile and talk with lush lotuses. Soon they will fly for overnight in the tomb of the Great Tsar. He holds himself, Pharaoh, in his luxurious coffin. It is sealed in yellow fabrics and is palm with incense herbs. He has a pale green jade chain, and his hands, like autumn leaves.

Swallow, swallow, crumb-swallow! Stay here on one night and be mine messenger. The boy so want to drink, and his mother is so sad.

Not really to me the heart of the boys. Last summer, when I lived above the rock, the children of Melnik, evil boys, threw in me stones. Of course, where to get to them! We, swallows, too excited. In addition, my genus is famous for speed, but still in this mooring stones, in my opinion, little respect.

However, the lucky prince was so saddened that the swallow regretted him.

It's very cold here, "she said:" But nothing, this night I will stay with you and I will be on the parcels. "

Thank you, crumb-swallow, - Milns Happy Prince.

And here the swallow turned a major ruby \u200b\u200bfrom the sword of a happy prince and flew with this ruby \u200b\u200bover the city roofs. She flown over the bell tower of the cathedral, where the white marriage of angels. She flew over the royal palace and heard the sounds of dancing. A beautiful girl came to the balcony, and her beloved with her.

What a miracle these stars, "said her beloved - and what a miracle the power of love.

I hope my dress will drive to the court ball, "she replied to him. - I ordered on it to embroider passionless, but the seamstress is so lazy.

She flew over rocules and saw lights on ship masts. She flew over the ghetto and saw the old Jews, who conclude the transactions and weighing coins on the copper scales. And finally, she flew to a wretched home and looked there. The boy rushed into the heat, and his mother fell firmly, "she was so tired. The swallow passed into the camork and put Ruby on the table, next to the vice seamstress. Then she began to be silently spinning over the boy, Torning the coolness on his face.

How I got cool! - said the child. - So I will soon get better. "And he fell into a pleasant dormant."

And the swallow returned to a happy prince and told him about everything.

And strange, she added: "Although in the yard and a fortune, I'm not at all cold."

This is because you have done a good deed, "the lucky prince explained to her.

And the swallow thought about it, but immediately tried. It was worth it to think, and she fell into a nap.

At dawn, she flew to the river to swim.

Strange, inexplicable phenomenon! Said Professor of Ornithology, held at that time on the bridge. - Swallow - among the winter!

And he printed this in one of the local newspapers a lengthy letter to the editor. All quoted this letter: it was filled with words that did not understand anyone.

"Today at night - in Egypt!" - thought swallow, and immediately she became fun.

She examined the whole city, every public monument and was sitting on the spire of the Cathedral Bell Tower. Wherever she came, Sparrows were taken to tweak: "What a stranger! What a stranger! " - And called it with a noble foreigner, which was extremely flattering for her.

When the moon rose, the swallow returned to a happy prince.

Do you have instructions in Egypt? She asked loudly. - I'm flying at a minute.

Swallow, swallow, crumb-swallow! - Milns happy prince. - Stay on one night only.

I am expected in Egypt, "the swallow replied. - MY girlfriend will fly tomorrow to the second thresholds of the Nile. There are hippo lies in reeds, and the God of Memnon granted on the great granite throne. All night he looks at the stars, and when Dennica will shine, he welcomes her with joyful click. At noon, yellow lions go to the river on the water. Their eyes are green Berylla, and the roar of their louder than the roar of the waterfall.

Swallow, swallow, crumb-swallow! - Milns happy prince. - There, far, I see the young man in the city of Mansard. He leaned over the table, over the papers. Cheerful violets in front of him. His lips of Ala, like grenades, his black hair will go, and his eyes are more and dreamy. He is in a hurry to finish his play for the director of the theater, but he was too cold, the fire was gentle by him in the focus, and he deprived of his feelings.

Well, I will stay with you until the morning! - said the prince's swallow. She, in essence, was a good heart. - Where is your other ruby?

I have no more rubies, alas! - Milns happy prince. - My eyes are all that remains. They are made of rare sapphires and a thousand years ago were brought from India. Take off one of them and take a person to that. He will sell him a jeweler and buy meals and firewood, and finish his play.

Cute prince, I will not do it! - And the swallow began to cry.

Swallow, swallow, crumb-swallow! I will fulfill my mind!

And swallowed the swallow from a happy prince eye and flew to the poet's dwelling. She was not difficult to penetrate there, for the roof was breathing. The young man was sitting, closing his face with his hands, and did not hear the trembling of the wings. Only then he noticed the sapphire in the beam of the faded violets.

However, I begin to appreciate! He joyfully shouted. - This is from some noble fan. Now, I can graduate my play! - And happiness was on his face.

And in the morning the swallow went to the harbor. She sat on the mast a large ship and began to look from there, as the sailors unloaded with ropes from the hold of some drawers.

Friend! Friend! - They shouted when the box climbed upstairs.

And I fly to Egypt! - the swallow told them, but no one paid attention to her.

Only in the evening, when the moon rose, she returned to the prince.

Now, probably, goodbye! - She scored screamed.

Swallow, swallow, crumb-swallow! - a happy prince responded. - Will you stay until the morning?

Now winter, "the swallow replied," and soon the cold snow will go here. And in Egypt, the warm sun on the greens of palm trees, and crocodiles stretched out in Tine and lazily look around. My girlfriends are already crowned nests in the Baalbek temple, and white and pink pigeons look at them and welcome. A cute prince, I can't stay, but I will never forget you and, when the spring come, I will bring you from there, from Egypt, two gems, instead of those that you gave. Alya than a larger rose, there will be ruby \u200b\u200bwith you and sapphire blue waves.

Below, on the boulevard, - a happy prince brought, - standing a little girl with matches. She dropped them into a ditch, they spoiled, and her father would whine her if she returns without money. She cries. She has neither shoes, no stocking, and her head uncovered. Take off the other my eye, give it to the girl, and the father will not touch it.

I can stay with you, "the swallow replied," but I can't cut your eyes. " After all, then you will be blind.

Swallow, swallow, crumb-swallow! - Brought a happy prince, "the will of my will.

And I turned out again at the prince a little swallow eye, and twitched to the girl and dropped her treasure in her hand.

What a beautiful glass! - exclaimed a little girl and, laughing, ran home.

Swallow returned to the prince.

Now that you are blind, I will stay with you.

No, my cute swallow, "answered the unfortunate prince:" You have to go to Egypt. "

I will stay with you forever, "the swallow said and fell asleep at his feet.

And in the morning, she spent his whole day on his shoulder and told him about what he saw in the distant areas: about pink earlings that the long phalange stand along the Nile coast and the kerats caught the goldfish; about the Sphinx, old one, like a world living in the desert and knowing everything; about merchants that slowly march next to their camels, with amber labels in their hands; about the king of the lunar mountains, which is black, like a black tree, and worships a large piece of crystal; About a great green snake, sleeping in a palm tree: You need twenty priests to feed it with honey gingerbread; About pigments that swim on the lake on flat wide leaves and forever fight with butterflies.

A cute swallow, "the lucky prince brought," you tell you about much amazing. But the most amazing in the world is human suffering. There is no miracle wonderful needs. Passionate, honey, my city and tell me everything, honor you will see there.

And the swallow flew over the capital and saw rich in the lush wards, and the poor sit at their threshold. She visited Dark Nakoleki and saw the pale sheepdowns of depleted children, sadly-looking at the black street. Under the bridge, two little boy lay hugging, trying to warm up.

We want to eat! - They repeated.

It is not necessary to lie here! - shouted on them the watchman. And again they went under the rain.

Swallow returned to the prince and told everything that saw.

I am the whole gilded, - a happy prince brought. - take gold from me, leaflet leaf, and distribute it to those who need. People, as long as they live, think that in gold happiness.

Sheet behind a sheet of swallow removed from the statue of gold, as long as the happy prince did not make misty and fad. Sheet leafleman distributed his pure gold to the poor, and the children's cheeks were reproached, and the children began to laugh and sunk on the streets of the game.

And in the whole bread! - They shouted.

Then the snow came, and frost came behind the snow. Like silver streets, glittering and shiny; icicles, like crystal kinzaliki, hung on the roofs of houses; Everyone wrapped in fur coats, and boys in red caps rode ice ice skates.

Swallow, poor, chille and Merzla, but the prince did not want to leave, as he loved him very much. She picked up in a bunny crumb and slammed with wings to warm up. But finally she realized that she had time to die. Only she had enough strength - the last time you climb the prince on the shoulder.

Goodbye, cute prince! She whispered. - Will you let me kiss your hand?

I am glad that you will finally fly to Egypt, "answered a happy prince. - You stayed too long here; But you have to kiss me on the lips, because I love you.

I do not fly to Egypt, "the swallow replied. - I fly to the monastery of death. Death and dream are not family brothers? And she kissed a happy prince in the mouth and fell dead to his legs. And at the same moment, a terrible crash rang out the statue inside, as if something was broken there. This split the tin heart. Truly there was a cruel frost.

Early in the morning at the bottom of the boulevard walked the urban head, and with him urban advisors. Passing past the prince's columns, the head looked at the statue.

God! What kind of hanging this lucky prince began! - exclaimed the urban head.

It is exactly obsolete! - picked up city advisers, always agreeable with heads.

And they approached the statue to inspect it.

Rubin is no longer in his sword, his eyes fell out, and gilded with him, "continued the urban head. - He's worse than anyone!

It is worse than the beggar! - confirmed urban advisors.

And at the feet I was lying on some kind of dead bird. We would have to publish a resolution: to die here to dying.

And the secretary of the city council immediately brought this proposal to the book.

And overthrew the statue of a happy prince.

It has no beauty, and therefore there is no benefit! - spoke at the university professor aesthetics.

And they melt a statue in Mountain, and convened the head of the city council, and decided what to do with the metal. - Let's make a new statue! - suggested the urban head. - And this new statue of letting me depicts me!

Me! Said every adviser, and they all began to quarrel. I recently happened to hear them: they quarrel and Dynam.

Amazing! - said the main founder. - This broken tin heart does not want to melt in the oven. We must throw it out.

And he threw him into a bunch of Sora, where she lay and dead swallow.

And the Lord ordered the angel to his:

Bring me the most valuable thing you find in this city.

And brought him an angel tin heart and a dead bird.

Fairly you chose, "said the Lord. - For in my paradise gardens, this small bird will now forever in the eyelids, and in my golden title, a happy prince will praise me.