Singing developing lessons in kindergarten. Summary of the lesson in the children's vocal studio "Hello, music!"

Singing developing lessons in kindergarten. Summary of the lesson in the children's vocal studio "Hello, music!"

Abstract of an open vocal lesson "Introduction to the educational program" for children 6-7 years old

Compiled by:

Tanklaeva Svetlana Taymurazna,

additional teacher education

MBU DO "House of Creativity" about. Vyksa

Quantity children: 7

Annotation on educational program within which open class«» .

This class is carried out according to the educational-thematic plan of the additional general education(general developmental) programs artistic orientation "Melodies of childhood" (Further - Program) . Program, designed for 3 years of study. Participants programs children aged 7 to 17, classes organized according to age characteristics students.

Training on The program introduces students to musical art through singing, the most accessible to all children, active view musical activities... The training is based on voice training, which includes myself:

Respiratory system training using a special gymnastics:A. N. Strelnikova;

Articulation gymnastics according to the method of V.V. Emelyanov,

Breathing exercises according to the method of B.S.Tolkachev.

Diction activation - a set of exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus; warming up the vocal cords, rounding vocal sound and mastery, as well as sounding natural resonators; intonation - phonopedic method of developing the voice of V.V. Emelyanov.

Theme classes: « Introduction to the educational program»

Description classes and practical significance:

Elements of health-saving technologies are used;

Proposed on occupations the set of exercises is universal, it can be applied both in vocal children's groups and in preschool educational institutions for musical development children and prevention of respiratory diseases.

The proposed abstract shows an example of the first vocal lessons for children 7 years old... It can be useful for music teachers, leaders vocal studios, teachers of additional education.

Number of students: 7 people

Target: getting to know Unification program through vocal exercises.


To acquaint students with breathing exercises, the development of pitch hearing, the development of the articulatory apparatus;

Develop musical perception, memory through game techniques;

Build motivation through playful techniques

To teach the focusing of sound into resonators;

Teach the right vocal breathing

Methods and techniques used on occupations:

by source of knowledge:

Visual - personal display;

Verbal - comments, explanations (explanations of practical actions, conversation;

Practical - exercises, practical tasks;

by the nature of the cognitive activities: explanatory-illustrative, reproductive.

Technologies: developmental education, health preservation;

Form of organization of educational classes: travel game.

Receptions: dialogue, communication of information, play.

Form of organization classes: individual, group

Means of education:

Visual aids: cards for the game « Music Dictionary» , slides with text tongue twisters, with lyrics "Road of good» , with portraits of the composer Mark Minkov and the poet Yuri Entin, a seven-color paper flower with detachable petals.

Equipment: piano, chairs, multimedia equipment, laptop (a computer).

Plan classes:

1. Introductory, organizational part (3 min):


Goal setting classes.

2. Main part (15 minutes):

introduction of educational material;

Generalization. Systematization and consolidation of the material.

3. The final part (2 minutes):

Summarizing classes.

Stages lesson Course of the lesson

Organizational Educator:Hello, friends! I invite you to visit wonderful country "Kingdom of Singing?"

Answers children.

Educator: To go to the country "Kingdom of Singing", we need to get acquainted. And the song will help us with this (The teacher sings his name, the child his).

Educator: Well done, you did a great job, guys, and what will we take to the country "Kingdom of Singing"? (answers children)

Educator: For a magical journey, magical assistants are needed - this is a fabulous screen, and an extraordinary train. We have a fabulous screen, we will create an extraordinary train ourselves - I will be a steam locomotive, and you will be wagons... Let's line up now, join hands and try to hum like a real train.

The game "2 trains"

Purpose of the game: development of pitch hearing.

Result: development of the lungs, the ability to distinguish between the pitch.

We met 2 trains - a large and a small one.

Big says: "Uh!" (very low).

The little one can also talk: "Uh!" (very high).

Big welcomes small: "U-U-U!" (3 times short, low,

The little one also welcomes big: "U-U-U" (3 times short, high)... The big one wonders why he is so small? open your mouth wide, it turns out "UUUUUA").

"I'm not a little me!" - the little one was offended! open mouth.

Educator: Well done, you are doing great!

The teacher puts on a railwayman's cap, takes a flag and a whistle. Children depict a train.

Educator: - But what a journey without a funny song? To make the road more fun, I will sing a song, and you will try to remember not Difficult words and sing along with me.

So, get ready. Go…


We go, we go, we go

To distant lands

Good neighbors,

Happy friends

Educator: Guys, our guide to "Kingdom of Singing" there will be a seven-flowered flower. Here it is! (a flower appears on the screen - seven-flower without petals)

Educator: But why is he without petals-helpers? Without them, the song will not work ... A misfortune happened - the Silent Queen stole the singing petals.

And probably the music won't sound anymore. Help petals - helpers to collect!

But the Quiet Queen won't just give them away. She will assign us certain tasks. And we will receive assignments at each station. Only then will the Quiet Queen return them to us. Are you ready to fulfill them?

Answers children

Educator: Well, in order not to get tired during the trip, we need to stretch our shoulders.

Doing the exercise "Jacket". ("We put on a jacket"- move the shoulders forward, and "Take off the jacket"- hold the shoulders back) repeat 2 r.

The backs are now straight and ready to travel.

Let's get on the train soon and find them!

So, get ready. Go…

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move through the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We go, we go, we go

To distant lands

Good neighbors,

Happy friends.

The train stops. On-screen Inscription "Breath"

Educator: Probably, in order to get the first mate back, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. Breathing exercises will help us with this. So, a little effort - you will develop breathing.

The exercise: Inflated the cat balloon (dog, mosquito)

Here comes an angry hedgehog (Children with Educator: F f ... f .... F (you need to clasp your chest with your hands)

Educator: Where is the nose you will not understand (curled up hedgehog)

Children: f. f. f. f…. f. f. f. f. f

Educator: Here is the hilarious bee zzzzzzzzzzz (they circle their heads following the bee rise)

She flies high (Children with Educator: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (sound helps with sore throat)

She sat down on our elbowz

Flew on toe zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The donkey scared the bee (Children together with the educator: iaiaiaia (strengthening the larynx ligaments, preventing snoring)

To the whole forest, he shouted iaiaiaia

Geese fly across the sky, geese buzz to a donkey (Children, together with Educator: Gu-oo-oo-oo, gu-oo-oo-oo-oo (Walk slowly, raise your arms as you inhale, lower with a sound).


Educator:Guys! So we got acquainted with the first petal of a flower - a seven-flower. We will definitely meet with him, but for now we are going on a journey in search of new friends.

A cheerful train takes us on a journey.

"train"- lip vibration.

Like a dog, the motor growls: "Stop"- is talking.

"The motor growls"- sound vibration "R".

The train stops.

On the screen

Inscription "Diction, articulation"

The exercise "Tongue Twisters"

Pronouncing tongue twisters, start at a slow pace, then continue at an acceleration.

"We crossed the coast"

"The dust flies across the field from the clatter of hooves." voiceless consonants;

"We were lazily catching salmon on the rocks"- to work the tip of the tongue. Are spoken 2 times in one breath.

Purpose of use: development of the articulatory apparatus.

Result: clear diction.

Trumpet sounds (phonogram).


Trumpeters sound the alarm - all the more likely to help.

We walked along the banks, we met a turtle

Slowly, without fear, the turtle sings to us.

"We crossed the coast"- lingering

A little faster - a bug, a spider bug.

We crossed the shores - with restraint

I heard the alarm and the moth.

We crossed the coast "- soon, accelerating

The most hasty is the ant, even faster.

We crossed the coast "- quickly

A signal sounds, a petal appears on the screen with the inscription "Diction, articulation"

Educator: Here we have returned and the second Petal of the flower-seven-flower. You are doing well, my friends!

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move through the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We go, we go, we go

To distant lands

Good neighbors,

Happy friends.

The train stops

On the screen

Inscription "Singing"

Educator: Singing is a very important stage in the singer's work in the Singing Kingdom. We need to warm up our voice, prepare our necks for singing. To do this, we will perform several exercises. And, perhaps, some of the exercises will seem funny and funny to you, know that they are the most useful for developing your voice. Plus, they'll help us get the next mate back!

3. The main stage

Story Exercise

Once upon a time there was a little Horse. She loved to run. Like this. Kids fast Click tongue half smile (high).

The horse lived with her mother - a kind and beautiful Horse. She walked like that. Children slowly Click tongue stretching out lips (low).

And very often the Horse loved to race with her mother. Alternating high-low, fast-slow "click" language.

But one day a strong wind blew. Active long breaths through the mouth 4 times.

The horse came up to its mother and asked: "May I take a walk?" From the bottom sound "Y" to the top "O". "U" - "O"?

“Where are you going to go? - answered my mother, - there is a strong wind outside "... From the top "O" to the bottom "Y". "O" - "Y"?

But the Horse did not obey and ran "Click" high.

Suddenly she saw in the clearing beautiful flower. "Oh, what a delight", - thought the Horse, ran to the flower and began to smell it. Inhale through the nose - light, silent, exhale - through the mouth with sound "a" slowly 4 times.

Only it was not a flower, but beautiful butterfly... She fluttered and flew away. And the Horse galloped on. "Click" high.

Suddenly the Horse heard a strange sound. Long sound "W - w - w".

"I'll come closer.", - the Horse decided. "Click" high.

It was big snake, who was crawling on a tree, she very much frightened the Horse. Sound "NS" short 4 times.

During walks The horse has heard many unusual sounds... Here a hedgehog ran. Sound "F" 4 times.

The grasshopper chirped. Sound "C" 4 times.

A beetle flew by. Sound "F" long lasting.

A mosquito is behind him. Sound "H" long lasting.

And the wind blew harder and harder. Exhale for a long time.

The horse is frozen. Sound "Brr" 4 times.

And she ran home. "Click" high.

She came out to meet the Horse kind mom. "Click" low slowly.

She began to warm the Horse. Exhale silently on your hands through open mouth 4 times.

The exercise: # 1 Mmm ... (yawn)

Exercise No. 2 I-E-A-O-U (tilted)

Exercise No. 3 MI-ME-MA-MO-MU

Exercise # 4 Trill with lips ...

Exercise № 5 7 "Here I go up

Exercise № 6 I sing, I sing well.


And now I will introduce you to a wonderful song from the TV movie "The Adventures of Little Torment"... The music for this song was written contemporary composer Mark Minkov, and the words are the poet Yuri Entin. I will not name the name of the song, I think you will tell me it yourself, after listening to the song.

Educator:Performance of the song "Road of good»


How would you name the song?

What is goodness?

Children answer.


Yes, this is all the best that happens in our life. For example: sun, spring, smile, mom, dad. Good is when people help each other.


A kind person is the one who:

Loves people and is ready to difficult moment come to their aid.

Loves nature and protects it.

Polite in communication, respectful towards adults and younger ones

A kind person notices in others, first of all, the good.


Become a kind wizard

Well try

There is no need for special tricks here.

Understand and fulfill the desire of another

One pleasure, honestly.

Do not stand aside indifferent

When someone is in trouble.

You need to rush to the rescue

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and your friendship

You are happy that the day was not lived in vain

You do not live in vain.

Learning the melody of the 1st verse

Educator: Well done! Here we have learned the melody of the song, the words. But for the listeners to like our performance, you need to sing very expressively.

Let's analyze what is the mood in the music of the song? What sound should you sing?

Children answer.

Educator: Let's play a game "Pick up the words".

We will split into 2 groups. I will give each group a card with a word that describes how the music sounds. For example: solemnly or tenderly ...

Your task is, one team member at a time, come to the table and choose a card with a word that matches the meaning of the word of your group. For example

by the word describing Solemn music fit the words:

1. majestic

2. grandiose

3. victorious, etc.

suitable for the word describing gentle music the words:


3.Affectionately, etc.

After the first players return, the second ones enter the game, and so on.

Time for the game is 3 minutes.

The game "Pick up the words"

Summing up the game.

Let's find words to match our song (noble, serious, benevolent and light)

Performance of the song (1.2.) (1.3.) (3.2.) (3.1.)

A signal sounds, a petal appears on the screen with the inscription "Singing"

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move through the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We go, we go, we go

To distant lands

Good neighbors,

Happy friends.

The train stops

First of all, every singer must take care of his voice:

Do not shout

Don't get angry

And then there are special rules for singers.

For example, you must not eat 2 hours before singing lessons.

Repeat singing rules (ask children)

If you want to sing while sitting

Don't sit down like a bear

Straighten your back soon

Feet on the floor boldly

A signal sounds, a petal appears on the screen with the inscription "Hygiene of the voice"

Hooray! Very soon, all the assistants of the singing Seven-Flower Flower will be collected and the song will sound! We continue our journey!

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move through the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We go, we go, we go

To distant lands

Good neighbors,

Happy friends.

The train stops

On the screen

Inscription "Rhythmics"

The game: "Rhythmic Echo".

The teacher plays with simple rhythmic patterns. Children must repeat them exactly. Complication: a foot stamp is introduced, with both feet.

One, two, three, repeat! An adult claps a rhythmic phrase that children repeat "Sounding gestures": claps, taps, flip flops, flicks, etc.

Yeah tee di doo

Knee slaps

A signal sounds, a petal appears on the screen with the inscription "Rhythmics"

Guys, we have already completed 6 tasks of the Silent Queen, the last one remains. Are you tired? Then go ahead!

Children, together with the teacher, begin to move through the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We go, we go, we go

To distant lands

Good neighbors,

Happy friends. The train stops

On the screen

Inscription "Scene" "Microphone"

Well, guys, we are with you and arrived at one of the most important places in the country "Kingdom of Singing" - "SCENE"... Everyone who gets here becomes real artists. And Microphone becomes their faithful friend. As with all friends, so with the microphone you need handle with care... Hold the microphone in one hand. 4 fingers should place everything together at the top, and the thumb at the bottom. The microphone should not cover your face and should be positioned at a distance of 5-10 centimeters. The sound should hit the middle of the microphone.

Throughout the story, the teacher demonstrates the correct microphone handling.

Educator: Now we will try to sing a song with microphones. If we are attentive, then we will get a real performance of little artists.

The teacher distributes microphones to all children. Music sounds. Children, together with the teacher, perform a song "We are going, we are going, we are going to distant lands".

A signal sounds, the seven-color flower appears on the screen

Educator: So our today's journey has come to an end. But in the country "Kingdom of Singing" many more, many interesting things. Catching up vocal creativity , you will be able to learn more and more about this country. Did you enjoy our adventures?

Answers children

Educator: And you know, we liked the Silent Queen so much that she gave us a gift.

The teacher gets music box... Casket opens... Magic music sounds.

Educator: In this box there are Petals that we were looking for! Take from the box the Petal of the same color as your mood on our occupations and attach to a seven-flowered flower. If your mood is cheerful, let these petals be red or yellow color, and if your mood is sad, then let these petals be blue or green.

Children take petals and attach them to a seven-flowered flower

Educator: Look, this is the guidebook of the Tsvetik-Seven-Blossom we got. Yes, from communication with music, we have become a little more beautiful and kinder today. Bring these feelings to our world and it will get better! Today we paid attention to the development of the speech and vocal apparatus, worked on consonant letters in tongue twisters and chants, on the text of a new song.

homework: - For the next lesson, work the same verse 2, and memorize the first.

You were wonderful companions, promise not to forget the road to musical country "Kingdom of Singing"... I am very glad that I met you today. Thank you very much. Until next time, friends!

List of used literature:

1. V. V. Emelyanov. "Phonopedic method of voice development".

2. O. V. Katser. "Game teaching methodology children singing» .

“If you have talent, share it with others! If you know what to say to this world, tell it! If your soul is singing, sing! "

Natalia Knyazhinskaya


Singing has a beneficial effect on the development of the voice and helps to build fluent and uninterrupted speech. Group singing is an effective means of stress relief and personality harmonization. With the help of group singing, an individual can be adapted to difficult conditions or situations. For children with speech disorders, singing is one of the factors for improving speech. For children of all ages, classes in a vocal association are a source of liberation, optimistic mood, and self-confidence. The program provides the formation of skills singing activities and improving special vocal and stage skills. Over time, singing becomes for the child aesthetic value, which will enrich his entire future life.

Material description: the summary of the vocal lesson presented by me is designed for working with a senior ensemble (13-14 years old). Topic of the lesson: "Concert activities". This material is offered to teachers additional education and music directors in houses of culture.

Topic: "Concert activity as one of the methods active learning»

Target: To increase the adaptive capabilities of the child's body through success or failure when performing in front of an audience.

Tasks:Educational: teach to be confident on stage in any unforeseen situation.

Developing: to promote the development of singing skills, stage skills.

Educational: to form goal-setting, sensibly assess their strengths, the situation in the hall.

Convalescent: creating a system for the prevention and correction of children's health by speaking to an audience.

Equipment, didactic material:

Piano, musical equipment.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizing time.

2. Repetition of the passed material.

3. Creative part

4. Summing up.


1. Organizational moment (2 min.)

Greetings. Mood for a good mood, a list of the order of performance.

Teacher:Hello my friends! Did you all come today?

Children's answer (checking those present)

I am very glad to see you, and I hope you also came to class with good mood... Moreover, today we have a very interesting and responsible day. And in order not to overshadow our lesson, I want to remind you what you need:

Be polite with the audience in the hall, do not walk during the performance of other participants;

Be careful not to get your concert costumes dirty;

Do not turn on or touch any equipment yourself;

Do not insert pens, hairpins, paper clips or other foreign objects into the outlet.

· Do not use electrical appliances if the wire is damaged.

2. Repetition of the covered material (10 min.)

Teacher:Let's continue with the vocal warm-up.

Exercise number 1

On one note we sing ma-e-e-o-u(upward movement in chromatism)

Exercise number 2

Sing by the syllables "I sing" by the sounds of T53 in a downward movement.

Exercise number 3

We sing yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes-yes along the upward and downward chromatic movement.

Exercise number 4

We sing the syllables "The night shone" from the sounds of T53 in a downward movement.

Exercise number 5

Sing "Here I go up, here I go down"

Exercise number 6

Do-re-do; do-re-mi-re-do; do-re-mi-fa-sol-fa-mi-re-do. The chant is chanted up chromatism.

Exercise number 7

We sing the syllables "We are going" on the sounds of T53 in a downward movement.

Exercise number 8

By the sounds of T53 during an ascending movement, we sing da-de-di-do-do; bra-bra-brie-bro-bru; za-ze-zi-zo-zu.

Exercises for the articulation apparatus:

Exercise number 9

We sing a tongue twister "Under the footfall of hooves, dust flies across the field"

Exercise number 10

We say the tongue twister "A cuckoo sewed a cuckoo hood, a cuckoo in a hood is terribly funny"

Exercise number 11

Exercise to warm up the vocal cords:

Day itself, day. Each syllable is sung on one note. The exercise is performed in scale, depending on the range of the voice.

It is after chanting completely that I move on to the active teaching method developed by me:

An exercise aimed at self-affirmation and a positive attitude, contributing to successful self-realization:

We sing in chorus down the triad throughout the entire major scale up and down: "I sing, I sing well!"

After that, we move on to repetition of works aimed specifically at this concert or competition. If this reporting concert, we close it with a general song of the whole vocal studio... Works here active method training "Let's sing". We perform in chorus to reinforce positive emotions.

4. Creative part (30 - 35 min)

5. Summing up the lesson (4 min.)

An active learning method is perfect for summing up. Orchard". Instead of wood, you can take a scale step, and instead of lemons and apples, note durations.

Teacher:Thanks guys. Until next class.

Used Books.

1. Dubrovskaya S. V. Famous breathing exercises Strelnikova. - M .: RIPOL classic, 2008.

2. Emelyanov V. V. Development of the voice. Coordination and training. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan"; Publishing house "PLANET OF MUSIC", 2007.

3. Zhavinina O., Zats L. Musical education: searches and finds // Art at school. - 2003. - No. 5.

4. Morozov VP The art of resonant singing. Fundamentals of resonance theory and technology. - M., 2002.

5. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - SPb: PETER, 2000.

6. Razumov A. N., Ponomarenko V. A., Piskunov V. A. Health healthy person... - M., 1996.

Saranskaya Daria Antonovna
Educational institution: MOU Lyceum No. 11 Voroshilovsky district of Volgograd
Brief description of work:

Date of publication: 2017-08-07 Vocal lesson summary ( guidelines for the teacher) Saranskaya Daria Antonovna This lesson summary is intended to help the teacher in organizing the lesson.

View Publication Certificate

The lesson is held on educational program"Vocaletto" 1 year of study. This training session intended for the consistent formation of singing and performing skills.

The training lesson is designed for 2 academic hours with vocal ensemble"Vocaletto" (10 people) 1st year of study. Students age 7-17. The recruitment into the association is carried out on the basis of desire.

Lesson objectives:

1.the formation of students performing vocal skills and abilities.

2.creating an environment in which the student experiences ra sensation

performing freedom and creative comfort.


  1. development of singing skills (meaning sustainable singing

breath on support, evenness of sound throughout the entire range of the voice,accurate intonation, melodiousness, melodiousness of the voice, clear and clear diction, correct articulation).

  1. steady intonation of monophonic singing

4.skills of working with phonogram, microphone

Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, practical

Form of organization of a training session: individual, group

Equipment: piano, music center, microphone, piano, CD disks, phonograms minus, plus performance "About jam", "Three wishes", "Lyceum", handouts - lyrics

Stages and timing of the lesson

1 lesson - 1 hour 30 minutes

I.Organizational stage ... Checking the readiness for the lesson. Correct singing position - 2 min;

II.Preparatory stage : gymnastics of the articulatory apparatus, phonetic exercises, breathing exercises, vocal - intonation exercises - 14 min

III.The stage of assimilating new knowledge - learning the chanting of the canon - 12 min

IV.Main stage- work on the repertoire (work on

sound education, sound science, over the purity of intonation, over expressive singing, over the two-voice).

1.Singing songs "About jam", "Three wishes", accompanied by

piano and a capella - 8 min

2. Work with soloists. - 4 min

3. Singing songs to the soundtrack "minus" - 8 min

4. Singing songs with a microphone - 8 min

Dynamic pause - between songs 10 minutes to rest - relaxation,

Physical education

5. Work on the movements in the song "About jam" - 5 min

6. Repetition of the song "Lyceum" - 5 min

V ... Reflexive stage: self-assessment of children about their performance,

Emotional state - 2 min

Vi. Final stage: singing songs from start to finish under

Soundtrack with movements. Summing up, mistakes and successes

Each student - 10 minutes

Vii. The final stage : home assignment, message about the next

Lessons - 2 min

I. Organizational stage :

- meeting of children;

- checking those present;

- Correct singing position: stand up straight, chest free, shoulders turned and lowered down, good emphasis on both legs, hands free. Keep your head straight. Raising the head strongly tense the anterior muscles of the neck and constricts the larynx. The face should be free from grimaces. A smile on the face creates feeling of elation necessary for the lesson.

Preparatory exercises.

II ... Preparatory stage: Before you start singing, let's prepare your vocal apparatus. We begin each lesson with articulatory and breathing exercises, intonational and phonetic exercises. What is related to the articulation apparatus? ( tongue, lips, hard and soft palate, lower jaw.)

Articulation gymnastics

Gymnastics of the tongue

Bite the tip of your tongue lightly with your teeth four times. Stick out your tongue to failure, lightly biting the tip of the tongue consistently.

Bite your tongue alternately with the right and left sides. with my teeth, as if chewing it.

Make your tongue move in a circular motionbetween lips and teeth with closed mouth... The same versuspositive direction.

- Put your tongue on the upper lip, lower lip, right howling cheek, in left cheek, trying to pierce them through and through.

Gymnastics of the lips:

Bite your lower lip, upper lip, pull in your cheeks andbite their inner surface with your lateral teeth.

Intonation-phonetic exercises.

1. Starting position: the mouth is open as much as possible by the movements of the jaw forward and down. The exercise consists in a strong, active pronunciation of consonants in the following sequence: W, S, F, K, T. P, B, D, G. V, Z, Zh. Each sound is pronounced four times.

2. The sequence of vowels: A, E, I, O, U.

3. The starting position is the same as in exercise 1.
The main element of the exercise is a sliding ascending and descending intonation with a sharp transition from chest to falsetto register and from falsetto to chest with a characteristic fracture of the voice.

Oo ~ oo, oo ~ oo, oo ~ ah.

Tongue Twisters:

1. The bull is blunt-lipped, the bull is blunt-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

2. As on a hill on a hillock, 22 Yegorks lived. One Egorka, two Egorka, etc.

Breathing exercises.

- How does the singing process begin? ( with a breath)

- Where do we direct the air when inhaling ( in the belly). The body is free, the shoulders are lowered.

1. Inflate balloon(inhale through the nose, fix the breath, exhale on the CCC, the air comes out, the ball remains.)

2. A short breath into the abdomen, a short exhalation into "kysh", "quiet".

3. Riding a motorcycle (arms extended forward, inhale - hands counter-move, bartack, exhale on RRRRRRR).

4. Legs shoulder-width apart, arms at shoulder level, bent at the elbow parallel to each other. We connect the elbows with inhalation, elbows to the sides, bartack, body down. Exhale on "Ha"

5. Exercise to activate the work of the anterior abdominal wall on the sounds "k" and "g".

The teacher's attention should be directed to:

- muscle freedom

- correct posture;

- the ability to inhale and it is advisable to distribute the exhalation;

- operation of the resonator system;

- general intelligibility of speech;

- rhythmic accuracy.

Vocal and intonation exercises.

Goals of vocal and intonation exercises:

To form the skill of maintaining a tone at the same pitch, the same volume or with different nuances, which trains singing breathing
form the correct articulation of a particular vowel sound
to achieve certainty in the attack of the sound
clarify intonation at the moment of sound attack
line up unison

All exercises are performed in ascending and descending chromatic sequence (in the range of la m - fa 2)

1. Singing with a closed mouth contributes to the equalization of timbre sound, auditory tuning. The exercise is sung with slightly open teeth (mouth closed), high palate, sensation of sound in the upper resonator, to the sonorous consonant sound "M". (Ex 1) When there is a slight vibration and slight tickling of the lips.

2.Smoothing registers. (Lip vibration, then PPRR)

Maintain lip freedom and even, full sound when moving to

head register. The slower the vibration speed, the better.

3. Development of a soft but accurate sound attack. This will

facilitate the execution of the legato exercise on one note.

4. Exercise based on the sounds of the triad. Reliance on breathing.

Purpose: expansion of the sound range in order to equalize the register sound of voices and to activate the work of the anterior abdominal wall.

2.Exercise to develop voice mobility and work on diction.

To monitor the clear pronunciation of syllables, the jerky work of the diaphragm, the larynx remains in the middle position and does not rise behind the sound. The tip of the tongue touches the two upper front teeth.

III. The stage of assimilating new knowledge - learning the chanting of the canon "Birch in the field"

The first acquaintance with the two-voiced one must begin with the singing of the canons. This is the most interesting and accessible form polyphony for children. What is canon? Canon translated from Greek means "rule, order". The musical canon is a song performed in a special way. All performers of the canon sing the same melody with the same text, entering in turn. The one who starts singing first and finishes first. Singing by the canon became very popular in the 16-17th centuries, and now the canon is gaining a new boost in popularity among young performers due to the fact that it clearly demonstrates the singing technique of the performer

Stages of work on the canon:

1) speech recitation. Invite the guys to recite the first

line all together. Recite again, and the teacher recites the canon. Divide the ensemble into two groups, the second group is now instead of the teacher.

2) Having mastered the performance of the rhythmic canon, you can start singing.

To begin with, sing the melody of the canon to everyone together with the teacher:

Bring to clean a-cappella unison. After the melody is learned, the children perform the 1st voice, and the teacher - the 2nd.

Then divide the children into 2 groups. All sing a-cappella, in dynamics p, listen to each other, vertical. Remind children: "First I listen, then I sing." Pay attention to the exact introductions of the voices, the ability to keep the pace from start to finish.

Appendix # 1

Main part.

Work on the repertoire.

Work on the songs "Three wishes" and "About jam".

Stage 1 . Singing songs with accompaniment and a capella. Work on the purity of intonation, clear pronunciation of words, endings, on correct sound science, on unison.

The song "Three Wishes" has a complex dotted rhythm, it is important that each of the students mastered it. Simultaneous removal and introduction of voices on the hand of the teacher. Consonant sounds are pronounced easily, clearly, clearly and energetically. Pay attention to singing narrow vowels, avoid flat sounds. It is necessary forteach students to clearly pronounce consonants at the end of words, monitor the clear pronunciation of consonants in the middle of words in fast pace.

Particular attention is paid to the work on the two-part voice in the song "About jam" - pure intonation. the main task to teach students to listen to each other, to hear both voices, and not just their own. First, each part is worked out separately, then the voices are combined.

Stage 2. Working with soloists in the song "Carousel of Melodies". This song contains solo episodes.

Much attention is paid to work on intonation and work on sound education, since each student has his own timbre of voice and his own shortcomings. This applies to the vowels "A" and "E".

The basis of any singing is vowel sounds. From the correct sound formation of vowelssits the beauty of timbre. For students of the 1st and 2nd year of study school age the timbre is uneven, that obuscaught mainly by the "variegation" of vowels. Sound evenness is achievedby preserving the high sound (position) on all sounds of the singing range on.

The condition for competent sound production is a correctly open mouth, a freely descending jaw, active lips, clearly articulating eachsound. On initial stage, in general, you should pay attention to the fact thatthe student inhaled correctly, distributing the exhalation to the end of a word or a smallphrases without taking a breath in the middle of a word.

10 minutes rest

Facial massage

- Go over the entire face with a concussive massagechicks of bent fingers. The blows must be strong enoughso that the face "lights up".

- Massage your jaw-temporal joints with your fingers.Make a downward and forward circular motion with your lower jaw.: Move your lower jaw in a circular motion forward - right-back-left-forward.

Back massage.

Free time

Stage 3... Singing songs to the soundtrack. The songs are sung at a faster pace, in a clear rhythm.

Stage 4. Singing songs with a microphone.

Stage 5... Work on the movements in the song "Slush"

6 stage... Repetition of the song "New Day"

IV... Reflexive stage: self-assessment of children about their performance, emotional state

- What did you especially remember in the lesson and what did you like ...

V... Final stage: Singing songs from start to finish, accompanied by a soundtrack with movements. Summing up the results, mistakes and successes of each student

- What new concepts did you meet in the lesson?

- The meanings of the concept of canon.

VI... The final stage: home assignment, message about the next lesson


Gerasimova I. « Vocal and choral education children "Samara 2001

Gontarenko N.B. Solo singing. Secrets of Vocal Mastery. -

Rostov-on-Don, 2006

Methodical development. Samara, 1997

Dmitriev L.B. Fundamentals of vocal pedagogy. M., 1968.

Erokhina I.A. Working with aspiring singers. Methodical development. -Samara, 1999

I. Isaeva « Pop singing... Express course for the development of vocal abilities "

Ogorodnikov D.E.... Musical and singing education of children in a comprehensive school. - M .: Muzyka, 1972

Romanova L.V. Pop vocal school. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan"; Publishing house "PLANET OF MUSIC" 2007.

Stulova G.P. Theory and practice of working with a children's choir. Moscow 2002

Seth Riggs How to become a star. -M, 2004.

, . ... Lesson topic: Vocal word and diction. (For children of the second year of study) (1 slide).
The form of organizing the activities of students in the classroom is individual.
Purpose: Development of the vocalist's articulatory apparatus by means of practicing the correct pronunciation of a word while performing a piece of music.
Learning correct singing breathing, singing words on a yawn, singing consonants.
Learn to transmit a melody, purely intonate
Develop diction skills and skills.
To develop creative thinking by means musical expressiveness,
logical skills, the ability to analyze the semantic content of works, deep understanding in the work semantic meaning words, phrases, sentences, see in musical image semantic dominants and embody them in everyday life.
To develop the culture and manner of stage vocal performance: creative self-expression, vocal individuality, muscular apparatus and fine dictionary motor skills, the ability to convey the word to the listener.
To contribute to the formation of a culture of singing among pupils, as an aesthetic need, as part of their common artistic, and more broadly, spiritual culture.
Contribute to the formation of interest in individual forms of vocal performance, solo singing, concert performances, creative self-expression, for the realization of the spiritual and creative potential of each child, while embodying feelings and thoughts that excite him in a song, disclosure of semantic content performed work.
Equipment and materials:
- spacious bright room;
- piano;
- mp3 player;
- mirror.
- notebook.
Teaching method: Conversation, performance of training material, demonstration of exercises, learning and singing a song.
Psychological conditions in the classroom. Affirming joy in the lesson.
Personally-oriented communication - taking into account individual abilities, the level of musical development, a differentiated approach.
Psychologically comfortable atmosphere - emotional satisfaction, the right to learn for success.
Projected result. The child should have a steady interest in the exercises he performs, have a steady interest in the song, be able to emotionally, melodiously, with good singing breathing and with good diction to perform it.
Concertmaster O. V. Samoilenko.
The class includes a student of the 2nd grade of the Children's Music School No. 2 Zainetdinova Guzel.
Organizing time.
Teacher: Hello, Guzel!
We are glad to see you on individual lesson on vocals.
A short conversation with a student about the emotional state, internal sensations. Creation of an atmosphere of joy and self-confidence through a friendly smile, a teacher, and encouraging voice intonation.
Introduction to the topic.
A word well spoken is already singing
a well-sung phrase is already speech.
K.S. Stanislavsky. (2 slide)

Educator: Throughout school year we learn to sing, we work on our voice.
Guzel, can you tell us what is most important in singing?
The student's expected answer: Purity of intonation, correct singing breathing, sound production, diction.
Estimated Student Response: Correct. All this is very important when singing, and without which the meaning and content of a piece of music we will not be able to convey to the audience?
Estimated student response: No diction or words.
Explanation of the topic.
Teacher: Quite right. The topic of our lesson is "Vocal word and diction". Today in the lesson we will work on diction, on the formation singing sound... Singing - the only kind musical and performing arts, where musical performance is organically combined with the need for expressive delivery of the speech text. The clarity and clarity of pronunciation of words and even individual syllables to a greater extent depends on the mobility of the singer's articulatory apparatus (cheeks, lips, teeth, tongue, jaws, soft and hard palate, pharynx, larynx.).
(Demonstration of the poster "Articulating apparatus"). (3 slide)
- Are all these organs involved in the formation of sound?
Estimated student response: Yes.
Teacher: Try to say without using the language: "I got a bean" (the student tries).
See what happened? Can not understand anything.
Now try to say the same thing without using your lips (the student is doing the task).
Again, nothing is clear. So what conclusion can be drawn? All organs of the vocal apparatus must be involved in the formation of sound; it must be actively working. The work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus aimed at creating speech sounds (vowels and consonants) is called articulation. In the flow of speech, vowels and consonants have a different function. The voice, its emotional color, strength and richness of sound comes primarily through vowel sounds. Dictation clarity, speech intelligibility is associated with clear pronunciation of consonants. Diction is a clear, clear, legible pronunciation of words in a text. (4th slide).
The teacher draws the student's attention to the poster "Table of division of consonants."
Consonant division table. (6 slide)


K, P, S, T, F, X, Ch, Ts, Ch, Sh, Sh

B, C, D, D, F, Z, L, M, N, R

Vocal consonants. (7 slide)


Have sonorousness

Have a length

Voiced explosive

Not vocal consonants. (8 slide)

S F W K P T Z Ch Sh Sh - pronounce with greater intensity


Voiceless consonants are pronounced in a whisper, the glottis is open in the cartilaginous part

Can provoke forced sound production

Great vocal teachers have always paid attention to the fact that vowels are "carriers" of vocal sound, they occupy almost the entire duration of the intoned sound. "The consonants are shortened as much as possible, pronounced very clearly and clearly." This is one of the secrets of the cantilena. "The vowels are like a shell in which the singing sound is clothed, therefore the education of the singing voice begins with working on the formation of vowels. All the basic vocal qualities of the voice are developed on these sounds. From the vocal voice. correct formation vowel depends artistic value singing voice. "(S. Yudin) (9-10 slides)
The activity and coherence of the work of the articulatory organs determines the quality of pronunciation of speech sounds, intelligibility of words, or diction. And lethargy in the work of the articulatory organs is the cause of poor diction. So, diction is a clear, clear, legible pronunciation of the words of the text. The vocalist's mouth should be free and “beautifully active”, depending on the jaws, tongue, lips. Vocal beautiful opening of the mouth only helps the correct position of the tongue, pharynx, larynx and the correct position of the entire vocal apparatus. The clamped lower jaw interferes with the opening of the mouth, and through the hyoid bone this clamping pulls up the larynx, which can cause throat singing. A clenched jaw can be the cause of overextension of the tongue, and it is the main articulator of vowels. The lower jaw should be free, not pinched, passive. Being passive, she still should not lean back too much, hit the larynx. It should be held by the muscles of the cheeks and the corners of the lips, by the lips themselves, actively pronouncing consonants.
The lips take part in the final formation of the vowels and are the main shapers of the labial consonants. The position of the lips affects the timbre of the singing sound. Smiling brightens the timbre. "The lips should lie on the teeth," - said M. Garcia.
Guzel, you know that the singer before the start of singing musical works must prepare my musical instrument, or rather, customize it. What is needed for this?
Estimated student response: Speak tongue twisters in order to tune your voice, for a clearer pronunciation of words, do exercises to develop singing breathing and chant.
Teacher: Well done, Guzel!
Please tell me, why do you need to chant at each lesson? Or maybe this is not necessary at all?
Estimated student answer: Singing at each lesson is mandatory, as the vocal cords get stronger and grow. The voice, like any musical instrument, requires correct setting.
Teacher: Quite right. Tongue twisters liberate the vocal apparatus, and vocal exercises develop the vocal apparatus.
The practical part.
Educator: We are moving on to the practical part of our lesson.
Educational and training exercises for the development of the speech apparatus. (11 slide) Teacher: And now, Guzel, I propose to recall the tongue twisters that we learned in previous lessons. Estimated student response:
Greek rode across the river,
Sees the Greek in the river cancer
Put the Greek's hand in the river
Cancer for the hand of the Greek tsap.
In a tongue twister, the correct pronunciation of the consonant letter "P" is practiced, and work is also carried out to liberate the speech apparatus.
If the text sounds clear and confident, you can gradually increase the tempo, but we must not forget that everything in the tongue twister is important not the tempo, but the clarity and clarity of pronunciation.
Educator: Cuckoo cuckoo
I bought a hood
Like in the hood
He's funny.
Let's repeat the tongue twister in various images and with the emotions inherent in the character shown in the picture, in the image funny hare, sad puppy and happy cat. (12 slide)
Teacher: Thank you, Guzel!
Having worked on the development of the speech apparatus, you can proceed to vocal exercises on the development of the voice. Singing, our vocal cords warm up and tune properly.
Educational and training exercises for the development of the vocal apparatus.
To achieve the correct sound formation at the initial stage of teaching vocal, it is necessary to more often invite students to perform the exercise, singing the sound "m" with a closed mouth. At the same time, the teeth should be unclenched, the soft palate should be activated in a slight yawn, the sound should be sent to the head resonator, which in vocal pedagogy means the upper part of the face with its nasopharyngeal cavity. Sending sound to the anterior part of the hard palate at the roots of the anterior upper teeth ensures its best resonance, due to which the sound acquires strength, brightness and flight. The less nasal and throat tones will be present during singing, the higher and more accurate the vocal position, the purer and more natural the timbre of the voice will be.
After singing with our mouth closed, we sing to the syllables “zo zi zo”. Only 5-6 exercises.
The singing breath should be taken quite actively, but silently, deeply, simultaneously through the nose with the sensation of a slight half-yaw. Sing in one breath, smoothly, softly, lingeringly move from one note to another.
Each subsequent performance of the melody takes place when it is raised by a semitone. This is natural for all chants, without exception.
Work on diction and articulation while learning a vocal piece. Teacher: Well done Guzel, at the last lesson we began to learn the song "True friend", lyrics. M. Plyatskovsky, music. B. Savelyeva. Homework was to learn the words of the song by heart.
Teacher: Guzel, did you like the song? What is it about?
Estimated Student Response: Yes! Highly beautiful song, about friendship.
Teacher: The song is written in a verse (3 verses and a chorus). Size - 2/4.
Recommendations: The song is funny, in the character of a polka. Based on this, the child cannot sing sluggishly. But you can't get too carried away with a hard attack of sound. Otherwise the conversation will go in tonality. Melody is the main thing in singing, therefore it is necessary to combine syllable by syllable, sound by sound.
We sing the song (verse 1, then the chorus) according to phrases with a closed mouth to the sound "m". When the melodic segment has already been worked out in this way, you need to sing it with words, while maintaining the design of vowel sounds, their coherence, while consonant sounds must be pronounced, clearly, briefly without exaggeration. The activity and coherence of the work of the articulatory organs determines the quality of pronunciation of speech sounds, intelligibility of words, or diction. And lethargy in the work of the articulatory organs is the cause of poor diction. The vocalist's mouth should be free and “beautifully active”.
It is especially worth noting that the student's attention should be directed to the flow and concatenation of vowels among themselves. Then the stream of consonants will be properly organized, which must be pronounced quickly and clearly, "compress" them, but not "shoot" them, so as not to damage the stream of vowels, that is, the sound stream, not to tear the cantilena, not to make the singing chanted. "Torn" diction is harmful not only vocal, but also artistically. Exists famous aphorism: "U good singer good diction, a bad singer has bad diction "(14 slide)
After such work in small parts on sound science, on breathing, you need to work on the work as a whole. Try to perform it in full (verse 1 and chorus) to the accompaniment of the piano, which should be quiet, light, in no way drowning out the child's voices.
Teacher: Let's summarize the results of our lesson.
Today we paid a lot of attention to the development of the speech and vocal apparatus, worked on consonants in tongue twisters and chants, worked on breathing, on sound production in general. We got acquainted with new concepts.
So, the skill of articulation includes:
- clear, phonetically specific and competent pronunciation;
- moderate rounding of vowels due to singing on a hidden yawn;
- finding a high vocal position;
- the ability to stretch vowels as much as possible and pronounce consonants very shortly at any rhythm and tempo. (13 slide)
And so that our work is not in vain, at home in front of the mirror expressively pronounce the lyrics of the song, which will help you to achieve expressive sound formation when singing. This will be your homework.
Organizational end
Well done, Guzel! Thanks! Goodbye. See you.

List of sources of information and illustrations. (15 slide)
1. Aspelund D. Development of the singer and his voice. M., 1997.
2. Varlamov A. Complete school of singing. M., 1989.
3. Varlamov A.E. "Complete School of Singing" St. Petersburg, Publishing House "Planet of Music", 2008.
4. Dmitriev A. Fundamentals of vocal techniques.- Moscow. Music. 1968
5. Dmitriev A. Vocal apparatus of the singer.- Moscow. Muzgiz. 1964.
6. Emelyanov V.V. "Phonopedic method of voice development" Toolkit 1999
7. Emelyanov V.V. Voice development. Coordination and training. SPb. 1996.
8. Katser OV Game method of teaching children to sing.- SPb. ed. "Musical Palette" 2008
9. Lukanin V. Training and education of a young singer.- Leningrad. Music 1977
10. Morozov V. Secrets of vocal speech.- Leningrad. Science. 1967
11. Ivanchenko V.N. "Classes in the system of additional education for children" Publishing house "Teacher" 2002.
12. Orlova T.M., Belkina S.I. "Teach Children to Sing" Moscow 1987.

Websites on the Internet.
1.http: //
2.http: //
3.http: //
4.http: //
5.http: //www.100
1.http: //
2.http: //
3.http: //

Synopsis of the musical lesson "Vocal and singing activity"

Musical director

MADOU "Child Development Center - kindergarten number 108"

Syktyvkara Yurlova Svetlana Mikhailovna,

Topic: "Unusual invitation" - the final lesson of the end of the first quarter for children 5-6 years old


  1. 1. To consolidate the knowledge of children about correct breathing, sound formation (we form a natural sound, draw only vowel sounds), clear articulation, rhythm in singing;
  2. 2. To consolidate the concept of "concert".


  1. 1. to develop ear for music, a sense of rhythm, the ability to distinguish between correct and incorrect sounding (high and low sounds, duration, pitch, direction of the melody);
  2. 2. Develop a voice, forming a natural sound, expand the range;
  3. 3. to develop Creative skills, independently perform the song repertoire.


  1. 1. To cultivate love for one's neighbor, Motherland, nature, love for music, singing, performing for the audience;
  2. 2. To form in children the correct singing skills and abilities that contribute to expressive performance;
  3. 3.To learn how to perform the song with the help of an adult and independently, accompanied by an instrument and akopella.

Equipment: music center, microphone system, multimedia equipment, presentation, score of the song "Believe in a fairy tale" lyrics and music by L.A. Starchenko, light plastic snowflakes on a fishing line according to the number of children, discs with recordings of songs "Kindergarten is a house for children "," Mom - there is one word on the planet. Mama!" words and music by A. Petryasheva.

Course of the lesson:

Children enter the hall. Greet the guests. The music director asks them to come to the screen, draws their attention to the screen and the envelope.

Moose. hand .: Guys, an unusual invitation has come to us. In order to find out where we are invited, we must open this word, all the letters of which are hidden behind the stars. But we will be able to open and find out only by completing the tasks.

Let's see which 1- task. (Several exercises are proposed from the complex "Respiratory gymnastics" by A.N. Strelnikova: "Ladoshki", "Pump", "Hug your shoulders", "Head turns").

(The music director asks each child to come up to the chairs and stand near their own chair; after completing the exercises of the first task, we open the 1st letter - K on the screen, we call it a chorus).

Moose. hand .: Guys, in order for another letter to open, we need to complete the second task. Let's take a look in the envelope and find out which one. And here it says - work on breathing. Snowflakes will help us to complete this task. Take each snowflake by a thread in right hand(showing) so that the snowflake is in front of the mouth. Mouths closed, we take breath with a nose (silently, calmly, easily).

(Task 2 - work on breathing. Task for children: while the melody of the familiar song "Believe in a fairy tale" sounds, the children, taking their breath at the beginning of each phrase, blow on a snowflake. This melody is performed on the piano).

Muz.ruk .: Well done! We have completed the second task and you can open the next letter on the screen. (We open the 2nd letter T).

The children sit down in their seats.

Moose. hand .: Come on, guys. Let's see what the next task is. And the envelope will help us again. And the next task will help us learn how to pronounce words clearly in songs.

(Children are offered the tale "The Adventures of the Tongue" from articulatory gymnastics by V. Emelyanova).

Moose. hand.: So the third letter from unusual word- letter E.

Let's see the next task - in order to correctly combine sounds in singing, to pull them beautifully, we will play "A Terrible Tale"

(Children, sitting on chairs, perform a phonetic exercise by V. Emelyanova "A Terrible Tale")

Moose. hand.: Here the letter has opened. What is it called? - letter O.

Let's look in the envelope, what else is there? And there - the game "Zoom-Zoom".

(A game "Zoom-Zoom" is held with children.

Purpose of the game: development of rhythm, coherence, attention.

Game progress: music director pronounces the words of the game - children repeat the words, accompanying them with movements.

Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom - (on the knees with both hands)

There is controversy and noise here.

Who took the keys to the sideboard on the shelf with candy? - (alternately on the knees with the right, then the left hand)

Moose. hand .: Sasha? (the child gets up)

Children: Sasha got it? (tapping out words rhythmically).

Sasha: -Who? I AM? (punches his chest, indignantly)

Children: - Yes you! (claps)

Sasha: - I didn't take it! (stamping feet)

Children: - Who? (clap).

(play continues with other children)

All: - There are no keys to the buffet! (on the knees with both hands).

And the mice on the shelf finished the candy.

Zoom -4 times (finger clicks, you can add a tambourine, triangle)

An argument verse and noise (on the knees with both hands).

Boom! (cotton).

Boom! (cotton)

Muses hands .: Well done! We open the letter. What is it called? - N. There are two stars left - two letters. The envelope contains two tasks. One of them is chanting.

(Children sing the familiar chant "Echo"

Purpose: chanting in a large range, the development of sound dynamics.

  1. 1) First, sing all together.
  2. 2) Individually - ask 2-3 children.

Moose hands .: Let's open the letter. Letter - R.

Here we already have a word. After completing the last task, we will read the word.

(The song "Believe in a fairy tale" is used.

  1. 1. Work on phrases and rhythm (cubes) (we slap at a slow pace and in the rhythm of the song).
  2. 2.Singing on phrases, in turn, individually).

Mus.ruk .: We open the 7th letter - Ts. What happened? What is the word? (Children read in chorus).

CONCERT - what is a concert? (answer).

Moose. hand .: A concert is a public performance of musical works in combination with vocal, choreographic, and other numbers according to a certain, pre-compiled program.

Guys, tell me, where were we invited?

Mus.ruk .: for a concert in which we ourselves participate and perform - we will perform songs for our guests.

Children perform three songs:

  1. 1. "Believe in a fairy tale" (synthesizer)
  2. 2. "Kindergarten" (with soloists and microphones).
  3. 3. “Mom - there is one word on the planet. Mama!"

Musical instructor: The concert is over, the music suddenly stopped.

But is it?

It seems that now it sounds ... ... and will be for a long, long time

Still sound for each of us.

(Children say goodbye and leave the music hall).