Elena Belousova Wife Evgenia how many years. The cause of the death of Eugene Belousov

Elena Belousova Wife Evgenia how many years. The cause of the death of Eugene Belousov

In early June 20 years ago, Zhenya Belousov died. The musician was only 32 years old when he left his life. But the songs with whom he collected stadiums in the late 80s and early 90s, still remember: "Girl-Girl", "Aleshka", "Girl My Siegyglazaya", "Short Summer", "Golden Domes" , "Evening-evening" is still remembered. Zhenya Belousov lived a short, but bright life. The site tells unknown facts from the life of Belousov and his heirs.

1. The daughters of the singer Cristina was 10 years old when dad died, now a young woman is 30 years old, she has a good job - she is working as a translator in a large company. Red-haired beauty worked in a modeling agency, graduated from music school, but he did not want to do professional music. He graduated from the Psychological Faculty of Medical University, perfectly owns English and Spanish. To friends, colleagues, Kristina, never told, whose daughter she. The girl impresses a modest, serious and purposeful person.

"The feeling that there is still a dad," said Kristina Belousov in the "Direct Ether" program. - What I know about Dad - he is always interested in philosophy, religion, psychology. And I'm all interesting to me ... I try not to think about the death of Pope with pain, I try to think about what he lived quite a bright life, he gave a lot to people who surrounded him, including me ... I don't want to I was admitted a label my daughter of a famous man.

Kristina Belousova. Photo: Social networks.

Christina lives in a three-bedroom apartment in Moscow, which he inherited from the famous dad. Eugene divorced his daughter's mother when the girl was 7 years old, but always helped the family. And with the extramarital son Roma Belousov communicated, although he did not marry his mother.

The son of Belousov is a novel of 24 years. His mother is Oksana Shidlovskaya (the former keyboard in the Belousov group). Yevgeny Belousova's wife Elena Khudik (Mom Christina) divorced him, when he learned that her husband had an extramarital son. Now women communicate, both arranged a personal life. Roman loves to drive on a motorcycle, learned to the welder, going to open a car service. With a sister sign, but the relationship does not support. The boy grows by a purposeful, soul of the company, like his father.

Evgeny Belousov with his son Roman. Photo: Archive.

Children of the singer music were not carried away, but his nephew (son of the twin brother Alexander Belousov) Professional musician. His, by the way, is also called Eugene.

2. Mom singer Nonna Pavlovna died three years ago. In the last interview, she recalled how the caring son was Zhenya: Mom often came from Kursk to his son to Moscow, he drove her around restaurants, bought gifts, even took a tour, helped materially. Mother and son had a close relationship. "The thrust for music at the magnitude appeared in childhood, we immediately gave it to the music school, - remembered Nonna Pavlovna. "When the wife was ten years old, a car hit him, he hit his head very much, a few days were on the verge of death ..." Grandchildren visited Belousov, and she herself after the death of the frank in Moscow visiting Sasha's son. "A novel came to me, very similar to Zhenya, only the features were labored, he was not very good - in his father! Christina Psychologist, languages \u200b\u200bteaches, she from the fiance - addiction to diets. He was fooling - she sat down his losing weight while his health was ruined. I wondered - came and saw that Zhenya was not eating anything for ten days, only drinking tea. And then on a banquet, he climbs something - here is the pancreas and inflamed! The first time he became bad, I myself reached the "Squil". But he has a tour, so after a day he fled from the chamber. The second time went to the hospital when it was already too late. He was dried so much medicine, and he had an intracranial pressure. For Zhenya, it was deadly. "

Evgeny Belousov entered the hospital with an attack of acute pancreatitis, after a while made himself knowing the injury of the head, received in childhood - the stroke happened. Two months later, the popular performer died.
3. Evgeny Belousov was married to Natalia Vetalitsky nine days. "While he was on tour, Natalia started a romantic relationship. Savoring such a girl was - under the wife. But she went away from him, and Zhenya really worried a lot, "- recalled the producer of singer Lyubov Voropaeva. After the divorce Zhenya married Elena Hudik, who by that time had already gave birth to Daughter Christine. Lena is his first love from Kursk.

Zhenya Belousov and Natalia Vetalitskaya in the registry office. Photo: Archive. Evgeny Belousov and Oksana Shidlovskaya. Photo: Archive.
Belousov with his wife Elena. Photo: Archive.

4. In recent years, Alexander Lyubimov was very close to Belousov, the TV host supported Eugene. Belousov's friendship and loved one was incomprehensible: loved intellectual, and Belousov grew up on Kursk streets, graduated from Ptu.

5. Belousov's friend Igor Sandler in the "Direct Ether" program told: "Zhenya is a magnificent jazz musician, composer. But I was forced to sing "My Blue Siegyglazaya". He was tremended by himself. He put me his new arrangements, discs, these were the records of progressive jazz rock. And he said: "God forbid these discs will hear my fans! I then end! " He was tremendously worried in the depths of the soul that he could not implement himself as a musician. "

6. Producer Lyubov Voropaeva recalled that Belousov sang under the phonogram, since with the equipment in those years it was difficult, especially in stadiums, in open areas, where the performer often acted. After Eugene left the show business, he took up the business - began to sell alcohol.

7. Voropayeva told the story of the creation of the chief hit "My Sinegylazaya Girl". She was unexpected. The poetess, producer of the magnitude of Belousov dedicated the song to the computer of his husband's composer Viktor Dorokhin. Dorokhin sat for hours after the computer, which he called the "blue-eyed girl."

8. Producer Belousov first in the country began to use "Black PR" to promote the ward. Voropayeva, herself "merged" in the media "Sensation", wore cassettes with his records on radio and television, producer was familiar with the music editors. But in 1990, Voropaeva and Dorokhin stopped cooperation with Belousov. In an interview, Voropaeva said that one of the reasons was the addiction of Eugene at that time to alcohol. Shortly before the death of the singer, they resumed communication.

Do you remember how everywhere was the "Girl My Sinegylase"? It sounded from each gap, and even now, after a quarter of a century, it is easily remembered a simple motive and words. And in memory of the songs "Evening", "Night Taxi" and "Girl-Girl" pop up. Zhenya Belousov, the pop king of the Soviet and post-Soviet pop in a special presentation does not need, speak News in the world

Many rumors went and goes about his wife so far. Many do not know for what reason the singer died so early officially recognized and the final version - stroke, and relatives argue that if not for some circumstances, death could be avoided. Let's go back to the nearby past and find out a little more about Belousov's wife, who conquered with its hits millions of female hearts.

Zhenya Belousov at the peak of his glory was a famous pop performer, many musicians were frankly envied, and Rockers hated, considering it creativity of the toplessness and the benchmark of vulgarity. Zhenya someone else was interested in the least. While his others criticized, he collected stadiums.

Zhenya was fond of music from childhood, playing the guitar and participated in the school ensemble with his twin Sasha's brother. After the 9th grade, they together were enrolled in vocational schools on the locks, because new equipment was delivered there for amales. By the mid-80s, Zhenya had already spoke in Kursk restaurants, where Bari Alibasov noted, inviting to play in the group "Integral".

The salt career of Zhenya began in 1987, the composer Viktor Dorokhin and the poetess Lyut Voropaeva became its producers. It was these people who created that Belousov, whom you know. Songs "Alushta", "Night Taxi" and the unconditional hit "My Sinegylazaya Girl" are also written by them. Soon these songs sang the whole country.

The popularity has come instantly and in an unforeseen scale, with the tour, they brought bags of money, which just folded in the room. However, they were not kept for a long time, but everyone was bought, to which they could only reach: scarce products, furniture, household appliances.

Statistics Pepit with such numbers: For 6 years, about 15 million people visited Belousov concerts, and the first record was separated by a circulation of 17 million. However, such a flurry of popularity and glory did not pass for singer in gift, Zhenya began to drink. In the end, Dorokhin and Voropheyev stopped cooperation with him.

Igor Matvienko and Yuri Aisenshpis, Igor Matvienko tried to work with Zhenya, but this did not lead to anything serious, and by the mid-90s Belousov began to lose popularity rapidly. Then he decided to try himself in business and put funds into a liquor-vodka factory. But the first contracts were failed, and soon the singer was accused of smuggling and non-payment of taxes.

Zhenya Belousov has always been popular with women, even when it was not yet famous. Few people guess that he had a wife and little daughter. Nevertheless, the singer never refused society of beautiful fans. It is rumored that for three days in Yalta, more than 30 girls looked into the room.

Belousov left the family for Natalia Vetlitsky, when his daughter was only a few months. True, this marriage was recorded short - 8 days: Returning with the tour, Zhenya discovered Natalia with another. Later, the singer appeared son from communication with the Keyman of the Oksana Schidlovskaya group, and Elena Savina became the last wife, with which Zhenya met at the party.

Belousov landed at the hospital in March 1997 with a sharp attack of pancreatitis, and then he had a stroke. Doctors bind it with an old child injury when Belousov got under the car and received a strong concussion and aneurysm of brain vessels. The singer lay in a coma for more than a month, after which it died. It happened on the night of June 2, 1997.

Many rumors walked after the death of Zhenya: And that he was killed because of the business, and that he was cut, and that endless diets were caused due to overweight problems. Few people believed that all wine hemorrhage into the brain.

Since then, 20 years have passed, and the legendary songs still remember many! Share this post with others, even if they remember those times when the whole country sang: "My Siegyglazaya girl."

Evgeny Viktorovich Belousov - Soviet and Russian singer and songwriter. The most famous compositions in its execution are the "cloud of hair", "Girl-Girl", "Girl My Siegyglazaya", "Aleshka" and many others. The site in honor of the 21th anniversary of the death of the artist will tell you about life and his death.

Creative Waves of Belousov

Zhenya Belousov and his twin brother were born in Ukraine on September 10, 1964. When the boys were about two months, the family moved to Kursk, Russia. In school, Zhenya studied badly, loved to loasting, but at that time he dreamed of becoming an artist. The guy was engaged in a music school, where he studied to play on the accordion, and performed in the school music team.

In 20 years, the boy knocked the car, Zhenya very hit his head on the asphalt and then all his life was tormented by terrible headaches. After school, Belousov entered a vocational school, which successfully graduated and received a locksmith-repair diploma.

According to a close friend of Zhenya, in the school they were received due to the fact that in this university there was a chic musical instrument on which they allowed to play. The guys were just preserved in music and participated literally in all competitions and reviews.

After that, Zhenya Belousov studied at the Music School of the city of Kursk, Russia, where he learned the game on the bass guitar. In 1984, during a speech at the restaurant, a talented guy, the head of the Integral ensemble was noticed, which took the guy to work in his musical team.

Zhenya Belousov moved to Moscow and began to perform with the "integral". At the beginning, the novice artist was very worried and even almost spoiled one of the speeches, but later it was drawn up and began to confidently feel on stage. The artistic guy quickly became a pet female half fans.

In 1987, Zhenya Belousov met the famous producer of Martha Mogilevskaya, which helped the artist to start the solo career. And after a year, Eugene went on stage already as a singer.

A new bright stage image, youth dances and hitched compositions made a real pop star from the young Belousov. His songs sounded on all radio stations, and the concerts came a record number of fans. The first album of the "Girl My Siegyglasa" quickly became popular.

Later, the singer decided to change the producer and began working with Igor Matvienko. Since 1992, Zhenya Belousov has actively opposed, each of his concert visited an incredible number of people who were not always placed in the auditorium. The next album "Girl-Girl" became a hit again.

Belousov's wife really liked such popularity, but he was tired of the image of the Szhasty Boy and wanted to prove that he was able to sing songs not only about romantic feelings and incredible love. A talented musician decided to take a small creative vacation and engaged in business. But Eugene did not work in a complex business and he decided to return to the scene. But, unfortunately, Zhenya Belousov could no longer be achieved by their popularity.

Belous's personal life life

Zhenya has always been the center of attention, millions of women dreamed of spinning a novel with a famous artist. But despite this, Belousov never could build a happy family. Romantic relationship with Martha Mogilev was very bright, but the novel ended very quickly. Elena Khusik, who gave birth to the singer to Christine, was the first official spouse Belousov.

The second wife of Zhenya became the famous singer Natalia Vetytsky, but the marriage was very short - across nine days the artists divorced. Later Belousov fell in love with a musician who played the keys in his group, Oksana Shidlovskaya. In 1992, the Son Roman was born with lovers.

The latter, with whom the fiance Belousov had a relationship was the civilian wife of the pop artist - Elena Savina, who, after the death of the singer, performed under the pseudonym Elena Belousov.

The death of Belousov

In the late 1990s, serious health problems began in Belousov. At the end of March 1997, the artist was urgently hospitalized with an attack of acute pancreatitis. During treatment at the Sklifosovsky Institute, Yevgeny had a stroke, the doctors say that the cause was the crank-brain injury in childhood.

The popular artist was urgently operated on, but lived a few more weeks, on June 2, 1997, Zhenya Belousov died. The singer is buried in Moscow on the Kuntsevsky cemetery.

Today, all fans of Belousov remember their idol. And yesterday, the whole world honored the memory of the French fashion designer. The designer died on June 1, 2008.

In the late 1980s - early 1990s. Songs "Girl My Siegyglazaya", "Girl-Girl", "Evening", "Night Taxi" knew everything, and their artist Zhenya Belousov was one of the most famous pop singers. Rock musicians called him a "standard of vulgarity", and in the meantime he collected stadiums of sobbing fans. Belousov's star, Belousov burned as suddenly, as he fell. In 1997, everyone shocked the news: on the 33rd year of life, the singer died suddenly. The cause of death became a stroke, but close Belousov argue that it was given by certain life circumstances, which could be avoided.

Music Zhenya Belousov was fond of childhood, played the guitar and already at 12 years old participated in the school ensemble together with the twin Sasha's brother. When after the 9th grade Sasha entered in PTU at the lock repairman, Zhenya soon followed him only because a new equipment was brought to the school. In the mid-1980s, Belousov performed at Kursk's restaurants, where he once noted Bari Alibasov and invited Bas-guitarist to the ensemble "Integral".

Brother's twin brother Alexander Belousov

In 1987, Zhenya Belousov began a solo career. His first producers became composer Viktor Dorokhin and the poetess Lyubov Voropayeva. They have formed the image of Belousov and wrote a song "Alushta" for him, "My Sineglazaya Girl", "Such a short summer", "Golden Dome" and "Night Taxi". After years, Love Voropaeva admitted that one of the most popular hits "My Sineglazaya girl" was actually dedicated ... Computer Viktor Dorokhina, who was a joke called "a blue-eyed girl. Belousov with Dorokhin demanded one hundred percent hit with simple and vulgar text. She was angry and as Steba wrote words that soon sang the whole country.

Zhenya Belousov

Popularity fell on him suddenly and immediately brought tangible dividends: they brought bags with money and folded them in the room, which was called the "wallet". This money bought everything in a row - scarce products from black entrance, import refrigerators and furniture, costumes and bags. For 6 years, 15 million people visited the singer concerts. The first record with his songs came out with a circulation of 17 million copies. But Belousov began problems with alcohol, and in 1990 Dorokhin and Voropayeva decided to stop working with the singer.

Kumir Girl Zhenya Belous

After that, Igor Matvienko and Yuri Aizenshpis, Igor Matvienko, was produced, but this cooperation was also not long. In the mid-1990s. Belousov began to lose popularity and decided to do business - invested money in the liquor-vodka factory. The first deal turned out to be a failure, and then the singers accused of smuggling, embezzlement and non-payment of taxes.

Artist songs * Girl My Siegyglazaya * And * Girl-Girl * Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya Belousov

Belousov has always enjoyed incredible popularity in women. At the same time, few guessed that the singer is married and he has a daughter. With Elena Hudik, they played a wedding before Belousov became famous. But he never missed beautiful fans. The wife knew about his fleeting intrigues, and serious novels. If you believe the administrator of one of the hotels in Yalta, only for 3 days the tour in his room visited more than 30 fans.

Left - Zhenya Belousov and Natalia Vetytsky. Right - Zhenya Belousov and Elena Savina

Zhenya Belousov and Elena Savina

When his daughter was a few months, Belousov left the family and married Natalia by Vetlitsky. True, their marriage lasted only 8 days. Soon after the wedding, the singer went on tour, and when he returned, caught his wife with another. In 1992, the Keynaccisters of the group Oksana Shidlovskaya gave birth to a son from Belousov, although at that time was married to another man. In 1994, the singer at one party became acquainted with the 18-year-old student Elena Savina, who became his last civil wife.

Popular in the late 1980s. Singer Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya Belousov

In March 1997, Belousov was taken to the hospital with the attack of pancreatitis. After he has already taken an amendment, suddenly there was a stroke. Probably, this happened because of the old injury - in his childhood, Zhenya got under the car, got a strong concussion and aneurysm of brain vessels. More than a month after stroke and operation, the singer spent in a coma, and on the night of June 2, 1997 he died.

Popular singer whose early death shocked fans

Kumir Girl Zhenya Belous
Despite the official conclusion of physicians, fans, familiar and relatives Belousov still express various versions about the reasons for his death. Mother of the singer was confident that her son was killed by diet, which he was forced to adhere to the problems with overweight in recent years. Week, he could not eat anything - only drank tea and smoked a lot.

Popular in the late 1980s. Singer Zhenya Belousov

After his sudden death, there was a lot of rumors - and that he was killed because of the problems in the business, and about what he was cut - no one could believe that death had actually had as a result of hemorrhage into the brain. It happened 20 years ago, but Belousov's songs are incredibly popular to this day - they often sing other performers.

Biography of celebrities - Evgeny Belousov

The idol of a million fans of the beginning of the 90s of the last century, the singer Yevgeny Belousov rapidly took off at the peak of Glory, but for a while, at the age of 32, Zhenya left the life and the causes of death lead to the excitement still his fans. Few who managed to become so popular performer for such a short time.


Zhenya Belousov was born in the Kharkiv region in the village of Zhihar on September 10, 1964. The family was brought up with his brother by twin Alexander. When the children were very small, at the age of 2 months, the family decides to change the place of residence and move to Kursk. From the twins Zhenya appeared on the second, so he was considered the younger. The brothers had an older sister - Marina. Children brought up in a simple working family, which at that time was millions. The boys studied at the usual school first, and then they were transferred to mathematical. Since childhood, the guys had a tendency to work. Sasha was drawing to the sachet, and his wife music.

Gemini Belousov - Zhenya and Sasha

In childhood, the trouble happened in his childhood, after the car's car's departure, the child was diagnosed by the crank and brain injury. Doctors have been warned since childhood about possible health problems. He was even freed from service in the army for this reason, and for the same reason death was diagnosed after many years.

Start of a creative path

From the young years, Zhenya attracted music, he wanted to become a musician. Therefore, graduating from school, entered the Kursk Music School in the Bas Guitar Class. However, the parents had a different opinion - they believed that the man should get a profession and firmly to become legs. So Evgeny threw the music, and entered in vocational school by choosing a specialty repairman.

Zhenya Belousov in his youth

There was a middle of the 80s in the yard, youth demanded livelihoods and Zhenya, who had a certain talent, finds part-time job in Kursk restaurants and bars. And once the fate of a talented young man with a famous producer Bari Alibasov. He noticed a bright person and invited a young man to work in the group "Integral" as a vocalist and bass guitarist.

These were the very first steps in the work of Eugene. After there were numerous solo performances and followed the invitation to take part in popular television transmissions of that time. In 1987, shooting in the "Morning Mail" program took place, and later the popular New Year's transfer was published on the screens. And a year later, in 1988, Zhenya performed the song "The Girl My Siegyglazaya", which later became a hit. She knew and sang everywhere, the young musician had hundreds and thousands of fans throughout the country.

For the promotion of a young talented musician, spouses were taken by Viktor Dorokhov and Love Voropheyev, thanks to the competent work soon in a young man was in love. During their work, two albums came out.

In the photo: Viktor Dorokhin, Evgeny Belousov and Love Voropaeva

Since 1991, Zhenya has a new producer - Igor Matvienko. New songs appeared, and new conquered vertices, and the song "Girl-Girl" lightningly occupied the leading position and became a hat. The stunning result influenced the organization of 14 concerts at the stadium "Luzhniki". Posters with photo artist, audio cassettes - all this was sold to a million circulation.

Zhenya Belousov - Evening

Zhenya was bought in the rays of glory of the star of Soviet space. But as it often happens, and glory comes, I want something new. The change of producer did not bring the desired role, the created image is not so easy to change. Zhenya loved precisely in the image of a sweet boy. And all his repertoire was appropriate, the songs of love were more suitable for adolescents, and he wanted to try in something more consistent.

Zhenya Belousov - Girl Girl

So, wanting to change your life to a more successful, Eugene becomes the owner of the vodka plant in Ryazan. But the hopes were not destined to come true, the businessman from the artist was bad, and shortly followed bankruptcy. The creativity also observed a decline. The released new album did not bring the expected success, moreover, the fans met him cool. In 1995, the last album was released during the singer's life, but he did not return him to the former glory.

Personal life

Eugene was married several times, despite his short life. Elena Hudik became the first wife of Eugene, they lived several years together, in 1987 they had a daughter of Christina, but the marriage broke up. Then the zhenium had a relationship with March Mogilev, they met the shooting of the transfer - "Morning Mail", Martha became the civilian wife Eugene. The next marriage took place with the singer Natalia Vellytsky, but their marriage existed only 10 days. Next was the relationship with Oksana Shidlovskaya, she played in their group on the keyboards. As a result of their relationship in 1992, the son of the novel was born. Elena Savina became the next civilian wife, Elena Savina, who subsequently took the names of Belousov. At the time of their dating, the girl was 18 years old, and his wife was already 29. 3 years old lived together to the death of the singer.

The last spouse of Belousov - Belousov and Elena Savina

Why died Evgeny Belousov

On June 2, 1997, the famous singer Yevgeny Belousov left the life. It was the wrong loss for his family and numerous fans. The cause of death was hemorrhage into the brain. In March 1997, a young man was brought to the hospital with a diagnosis of pancreatitis. In the hospital, after the surveys conducted, problems with the brain were diagnosed, possibly the injury of the head was obtained wines to all this. It was decided to conduct an operation on the brain, she lasted about 7 hours, after her, without coming to himself, Zhenya fell into a whom, in this state he stayed a month. Next to him was his last wife Elena, according to her, Zhenya just came to himself before his death. Buried on June 5, 1997 at the Kuntsevsky cemetery in Moscow.

The cause of the death of the singer was hemorrhage into the brain