The procedure for working with personnel in the electric power industry. Rules for work with personnel in organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation

The procedure for working with personnel in the electric power industry.  Rules for work with personnel in organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation
The procedure for working with personnel in the electric power industry. Rules for work with personnel in organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation

On approval of the Rules for work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation

In order to bring the Rules for Work with Personnel in Electricity Organizations of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated August 1, 1995 N 166 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 11, 1995, registration N 947, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. N 181-FZ "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1998 N 938 "On state energy supervision in the Russian Federation" I order:

1. To approve the Rules of work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation.

2. The rules of work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated August 1, 1995 N 166 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 11, 1995, registration N 947, shall be considered invalid.

3. The Department of State Energy Supervision and Energy Saving (Varnavsky B.P.) shall submit the Rules for Working with Personnel in Electricity Organizations of the Russian Federation for state registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

Minister V.I. Kalyuzhny

Registration N 2150



1. Introduction

2. Terms and definitions

3. Duties and responsibilities

4. General provisions

5. Organizational requirements

6. Training for a new position

7. Internship

8. Testing knowledge of rules and regulations

9. Duplication

10. Admission to independent work

11. Safety briefings

12. Control emergency and fire fighting drills

13. Special training

14. Professional development

15. Tours and inspections of workplaces

Appendix No. 1 Knowledge Testing Protocol

Appendix N 2 Form of the logbook for checking the knowledge of norms, rules, instructions

Appendix N 3 Regulations on the certificate for testing the knowledge of the rules and regulations of an employee of an electric power organization

Appendix 4 Indicative list of introductory briefing questions

Appendix N 5 Form of the register of the introductory briefing

Appendix 6 Indicative List of Key Issues for Initial Instruction in the Workplace

Appendix N 7 Form of the journal of registration of instruction at the workplace

1. Introduction

1.1. These Rules have been developed taking into account the social significance of the "Electric Power" industry, the potential danger of its equipment and devices for service personnel, on the basis and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. They take into account the requirements of existing norms, rules, state standards and other regulatory documents.

1.2. These Rules are a guiding document for the personnel of enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as organizations), regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, carrying out the design, operation, repair, adjustment, testing, organization and control of the operation of equipment, buildings and structures that are part of the electric power production, as well as performing other types of work in the conditions of an operating electric power facility.

The rules can be followed by any other organizations that include electrical and heat engineering personnel. The application of these Rules in the organization should be determined by an order or order.

1.3. When organizing work with personnel in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation", one should proceed from the principle of state policy on recognizing and ensuring the priority of the life and health of workers in relation to the results of production activities.

1.4. The Rules set out the requirements for the forms and content of the activities of organizations to ensure and constantly monitor the readiness of employees to perform the functions assigned to them, as well as to continuously improve their qualifications.

1.5. The requirements of these Rules should be contained in instructions and regulations, as well as in organizational and administrative documents in force in electric power organizations.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. "Head of the organization" -

a person directly managing the organization, regardless of the form of ownership (hereinafter in the text of the Rules - the head of the organization) who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the organization, to represent its interests in any instances, including judicial.

The owner of the property of the organization, carrying out direct direct management of his organization, belongs to the category of "head of the organization".

2.2. "Leading employees of the organization"- persons appointed in accordance with the established procedure as deputy heads of the organization, with certain administrative functions and areas of work (chief engineer, vice president, technical director, deputy director, etc.).

2.3. "Structural unit of the organization"(in the text of the Rules, abbreviated as "structural unit") - a management body established by an organization for a part of an organization with independent functions, tasks and responsibilities.

2.4. "Head of structural unit"- a person who has entered into an employment agreement (contract) with the head of the organization or appointed by him to manage the activities of a structural unit (chief, foreman, manager, etc.) and his deputies.

2.5. "Management personnel and specialists"- a category of employees that provides administrative and technological support for the organization's activities.

2.7. "Operational leaders"- a category of workers from among the operational personnel, carrying out operational management in the change of work of the objects assigned to them (power system, power plants, networks, facility) and subordinate personnel.

2.8. "Operational and repair personnel"- the category of workers from among the repair personnel with the right to directly influence the control bodies of technological equipment.

2.10. "Support staff"- category of workers of auxiliary professions performing work in the area of ​​operating power plants.

2.11. "Other professionals, employees and workers"- the category of workers who are not in the area of ​​existing power plants and are not associated with their maintenance.

2.12. "Power plant"- a complex of interconnected equipment and structures designed for the production or transformation, transmission, accumulation, distribution or consumption of energy.

2.13. "Workplace"- the place of permanent or temporary stay of workers in the process of labor activity.

2.14. "Work with personnel"- the form of the organization's production activity, which ensures the maintenance of the required professional educational level of personnel to perform production functions, a specific job or a group of jobs.

2.15. "Internship"- practical development directly at the workplace of the skills of performing a job or a group of jobs acquired during vocational training.

2.16. "Duplication"- control of the power plant or other functions in the workplace, performed under the supervision of the person responsible for the training of the backup.

2.17. "Special training"- a form of maintaining the qualifications of an employee through his systematic training in the management of production processes on educational and training means, the formation of his knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of organizational and administrative documents and the dismantling of technological violations, fires and cases of industrial injuries.

2.18. "Training"- one of the forms of additional improvement of the educational level of personnel, carried out through systematic self-education, industrial and economic studies, short-term and long-term periodical training in relevant educational institutions.

2.19. "Fire-technical minimum"- the required minimum amount of knowledge of an employee on fire safety, taking into account the peculiarities of the production process, means and methods of fighting fires.

3. Duties and responsibilities

3.1. The head of the organization is obliged to organize work with personnel in accordance with the current legislation and these Rules.

3.2. The rights, duties and responsibilities of the leading employees of the organization, heads of structural divisions for the implementation of the norms and rules established by the relevant state bodies, including for work with personnel, are determined by administrative documents.

3.3. Other categories of personnel, including workers, exercise their rights, duties and are responsible in accordance with job and production instructions and labor protection instructions in accordance with current legislation.

3.4. Work with personnel in each organization should be carried out on the principles of one-man management.

Responsibility for work with personnel is borne by the head of the organization or an official from among the leading employees of the organization, to whom the head of the organization delegates this function and rights.

In the event that the head of the organization transfers his rights and functions to work with personnel to an official from among the leading employees, all decisions that are made in accordance with these Rules can be made by this official.

3.5. Control over the fulfillment of the requirements of these Rules is carried out by the state energy supervision bodies.

4. General provisions

4.1. Work with personnel is one of the main directions in the activities of the organization and its structural divisions.

4.2. When working with personnel, the specifics of the workplace, the complexity and importance of the equipment being serviced, and the professional training of the employee must be taken into account.

4.3. The primary and periodic examination of knowledge by the owner of the rules and regulations on labor protection, technical operation rules (hereinafter - PTE), fire safety rules (hereinafter - PPB) and other norms and rules is carried out in the manner prescribed by these Rules and state supervision bodies in cases where he takes over the direct management and execution of work directly at workplaces and production areas.

4.4 Testing the knowledge of newly appointed managers, managers and specialists is carried out no later than one month after the appointment to the position.

At the same time, checking the knowledge of labor protection norms and rules, technical operation rules, fire safety and other state norms and rules of newly appointed heads of holdings, general directors (directors), chief engineers, deputy general directors (directors) of energy production and transmission organizations, as well as a periodic examination of the knowledge of these categories of persons who assume direct management and work directly at workplaces and production sites, is carried out in the commission of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia.

4.5. Mandatory forms of work with various categories of workers:

4.5.1. With the leading employees of the organization:

Introductory briefing on labor safety;

4.5.2. With the head of the structural unit:

Verification of knowledge by state energy supervision bodies of rules, labor protection standards, technical operation rules, fire safety and other state norms and rules;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.3. With management staff and specialists:

Introductory and targeted training on labor safety;

Testing knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, rules of technical operation and other state rules and regulations;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.4. With operational managers, operational and operational-repair personnel:


Special training;

Control emergency and fire fighting drills;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.5. With repair personnel:

Introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor safety, as well as briefings on fire safety;

Training for a new position or profession with on-the-job training (internship);

Testing knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, rules of technical operation, fire safety and other state rules and regulations;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.6. With support staff:

Introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor safety;

Testing knowledge of the rules, labor protection standards;

Fire-technical minimum;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.7. With other professionals, employees and workers:

Introductory and targeted briefings on labor safety;

Fire-technical minimum;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.6. When concluding an agreement with executives of organizations, heads of structural divisions, persons from among the management personnel and specialists, the head of the organization must familiarize this category of workers:

With the state of working conditions and the production environment in the area of ​​work of the organization entrusted to him;

With the state of the means of protecting workers from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors;

With industrial injuries and occupational morbidity;

With the necessary measures for labor protection, as well as with guidance materials and job responsibilities for labor protection.

4.7. Work with persons combining professions (positions) is carried out in full according to their main and combined profession (position).

4.8. Persons servicing facilities or performing work under the control of state supervision bodies and other departments undergo training, certification, knowledge testing and internship in accordance with the requirements of the rules approved by these bodies.

4.9. The head of the organization, in accordance with the legislation, is obliged to organize preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations of employees of the organization engaged in work with harmful substances, hazardous and unfavorable production factors.

The list of harmful production factors and work, during the performance of which preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out, and the procedure for their conduct, are determined by the normative acts of the relevant federal bodies.

4.10. The head of the organization, in accordance with the law, must not allow employees to perform their work duties that have not been trained, instructed, trained, tested labor protection knowledge, mandatory medical examinations, as well as in the case of medical contraindications.

4.11. Training of specialists and workers for projects under construction, expanding, reconstructed and technical re-equipment should be carried out ahead of the dates for the commissioning of these facilities. When determining the duration of training, theoretical and practical training (including an internship at existing power plants), participation in the commissioning of the facility's equipment should be taken into account.

Russian Federation Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia

On approval of the Rules for work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Justice N 2150 03.16.2000)

set a bookmark

set a bookmark

* Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 29, Article 3702.

** Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 33, Article 4037.

3. The Department of State Energy Supervision and Energy Saving (Varnavsky B.P.) shall submit the Rules for Working with Personnel in Electricity Organizations of the Russian Federation for state registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

The minister
V. I. Kalyuzhny

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
March 16, 2000
registration N 2150

Rules of work with personnel in organizations of the electric power industry
Russian Federation

1. Introduction

1.1. These Rules have been developed taking into account the social significance of the "Electric power industry" industry, the potential danger of its equipment and devices for service personnel, on the basis of and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. They take into account the requirements of existing norms, rules, state standards and other regulatory documents.

1.2. These Rules are a guiding document for the personnel of enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as organizations), regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, carrying out the design, operation, repair, adjustment, testing, organization and control of the operation of equipment, buildings and structures that are part of the electric power production, as well as performing other types of work in the conditions of an operating electric power facility.

The rules can be followed by any other organizations that include electrical and heat engineering personnel. The application of these Rules in the organization should be determined by an order or order.

1.3. When organizing work with personnel in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation", one should proceed from the principle of state policy on recognizing and ensuring the priority of the life and health of workers in relation to the results of production activities.

1.4. The Rules set out the requirements for the forms and content of the activities of organizations to ensure and constantly monitor the readiness of employees to perform the functions assigned to them, as well as to continuously improve their qualifications.

1.5. The requirements of these Rules must be contained in instructions and regulations, as well as in organizational and administrative documents in force in electric power organizations.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. "Head of the organization" - a person directly managing the organization, regardless of the form of ownership (hereinafter in the text of the Rules - the head of the organization), who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the organization, to represent its interests in any instances, including the courts.

The owner of the property of the organization, carrying out direct direct management of his organization, belongs to the category "head of the organization".

2.2. "Leading employees of the organization" - persons appointed in accordance with the established procedure as deputy heads of the organization, with certain administrative functions and areas of work (chief engineer, vice president, technical director, deputy director, etc.).

2.3. "Structural subdivision of the organization" (in the text of the Rules for abbreviated form - "structural subdivision") - a body established by the organization to manage a part of the organization with independent functions, tasks and responsibilities.

2.4. "Head of a structural unit" - a person who has entered into an employment agreement (contract) with the head of an organization or appointed by him to manage the activities of a structural unit (chief, foreman, manager, etc.) and his deputies.

2.5. "Management personnel and specialists" - a category of employees that provide administrative and technological support for the organization's activities.

2.7. "Operational managers" - a category of workers from among the operational personnel who carry out operational management in changing the work of the objects assigned to them (power system, power plants, networks, facility) and their subordinate personnel.

2.8. "Operational - repair personnel" - a category of workers from among the repair personnel with the right to directly influence the control bodies of technological equipment.

2.11. "Other specialists, employees and workers" - a category of workers who are not in the area of ​​existing power plants and are not associated with their maintenance.

2.12. "Power plant" - a complex of interconnected equipment and structures designed for the production or transformation, transmission, storage, distribution or consumption of energy.

2.13. "Workplace" - a place of permanent or temporary stay of workers in the process of labor activity.

2.14. "Work with personnel" is a form of production activity of an organization that ensures the maintenance of the required professional educational level of personnel to perform production functions, a specific job or a group of jobs.

2.15. "Internship" - the practical development directly at the workplace of the skills of performing a job or a group of jobs acquired during vocational training.

2.16. "Duplication" - the control of a power plant or other functions in the workplace, performed under the supervision of the person responsible for the training of the backup.

2.17. "Special training" is a form of maintaining the qualifications of an employee through his systematic training in the management of production processes on educational and training facilities, the formation of his knowledge, skills and abilities, the study of organizational and administrative documents and the dismantling of technological violations, fires and cases of industrial injuries.

2.18. "Advanced training" is one of the forms of additional improvement of the educational level of personnel, carried out through systematic self-education, industrial and economic studies, short-term and long-term periodical training in appropriate educational institutions.

2.19. "Fire-technical minimum" - the required minimum amount of knowledge of an employee on fire safety, taking into account the peculiarities of the technological process of production, means and methods of fighting fires.

3. Duties and responsibilities

3.1. The head of the organization is obliged to organize work with personnel in accordance with the current legislation and these Rules.

3.2. The rights, duties and responsibilities of the leading employees of the organization, heads of structural divisions for the implementation of the norms and rules established by the relevant state bodies, including for work with personnel, are determined by administrative documents.

3.3. Other categories of personnel, including workers, exercise their rights, duties and are responsible in accordance with job and production instructions and labor protection instructions in accordance with current legislation.

3.4. Work with personnel in each organization should be carried out on the principles of one-man management.

Responsibility for work with personnel is borne by the head of the organization or an official from among the leading employees of the organization, to whom the head of the organization delegates this function and rights.

In the event that the head of the organization transfers his rights and functions to work with personnel to an official from among the leading employees, all decisions that are made in accordance with these Rules can be made by this official.

3.5 Control over the fulfillment of the requirements of these Rules is carried out by the state energy supervision authorities.

4. General provisions

4.1. Work with personnel is one of the main directions in the activities of the organization and its structural divisions.

4.2. When working with personnel, the specifics of the workplace, the complexity and importance of the equipment being serviced, and the professional training of the employee must be taken into account.

4.3. The initial and periodic examination of the knowledge by the owner of the rules and regulations on labor protection, technical operation rules (hereinafter - PTE), fire safety rules (hereinafter - PPB) and other norms and rules is carried out in the manner prescribed by these Rules and state supervision bodies in cases where he takes over the direct management and execution of work directly at workplaces and production areas.

4.4 Testing the knowledge of newly appointed managers, managers and specialists is carried out no later than one month after the appointment to the position.

At the same time, checking the knowledge of labor protection norms and rules, technical operation rules, fire safety and other state norms and rules of newly appointed heads of holdings, general directors (directors), chief engineers, deputy general directors (directors) of energy production and transmission organizations, as well as a periodic examination of the knowledge of these categories of persons who assume direct management and work directly at workplaces and production sites, is carried out in the commission of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia.

4.5. Mandatory forms of work with various categories of workers:

4.5.1. With the leading employees of the organization:

  • introductory briefing on labor safety;

4.5.2. With the head of the structural unit:

  • verification of knowledge by state energy supervision bodies of rules, labor protection standards, rules of technical operation, fire safety and other state rules and regulations;
  • professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.3. With management staff and specialists:

  • introductory and targeted training on labor safety;
  • checking knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, rules of technical operation and other state rules and regulations;
  • fire-technical minimum;
  • professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.4. With operational managers, operational and operational - repair personnel:

  • duplication,
  • special training;
  • control emergency and fire fighting drills;
  • professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.5. With repair personnel:

  • introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor safety, as well as briefings on fire safety;
  • training for a new position or profession with on-the-job training (internship);
  • checking knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, technical operation rules, fire safety and other state rules and regulations;
  • professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.6. With support staff:

  • introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor safety;
  • checking knowledge of rules, labor protection standards;
  • fire-technical minimum;
  • professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.7. With other professionals, employees and workers:

  • introductory and targeted briefings on labor safety;
  • fire-technical minimum;
  • professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.6. When concluding an agreement with executives of organizations, heads of structural divisions, persons from among the management personnel and specialists, the head of the organization must familiarize this category of workers:

  • with the state of working conditions and the production environment in the area of ​​work of the organization entrusted to him;
  • with the state of the means of protecting workers from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors;
  • with industrial injuries and occupational morbidity;
  • with the necessary measures for labor protection, as well as with guidance materials and job responsibilities for labor protection.

4.7. Work with persons combining professions (positions) is carried out in full according to their main and combined profession (position).

4.8. Persons servicing facilities or performing work under the control of state supervision bodies and other departments undergo training, certification, knowledge testing and internship in accordance with the requirements of the rules approved by these bodies.

4.9. The head of the organization, in accordance with the legislation, is obliged to organize preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations of employees of the organization engaged in work with harmful substances, hazardous and unfavorable production factors.

The list of harmful production factors and work, during the performance of which preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out, and the procedure for their conduct is determined by the normative acts of the relevant federal bodies.

4.10. The head of the organization, in accordance with the law, must not allow employees to perform their work duties that have not been trained, instructed, trained, tested labor protection knowledge, mandatory medical examinations, as well as in the case of medical contraindications.

4.11. Training of specialists and workers for projects under construction, expanding, reconstructed and technical re-equipment should be carried out ahead of the dates for the commissioning of these facilities. When determining the duration of training, theoretical and practical training (including an internship at existing power plants), participation in the commissioning of the facility's equipment should be taken into account.

5. Organizational requirements

5.1. In each organization, in accordance with the legislation and these Rules, a procedure for working with personnel must be developed, agreed with the state energy supervision authorities and approved by the head of the organization. If necessary, it must also be coordinated with other bodies of state supervision and control, the rules and regulations of which apply to the organizations of the electric power industry.

5.2. To ensure the required professional educational level, specialized educational institutions (training center, center (point) of simulator training, etc.) should function in each organization.

Facilities for personnel training should be equipped with training grounds, classrooms, workshops, laboratories, equipped with technical training and training facilities, staffed and be able to attract highly qualified specialists to teaching.

5.3. In each organization, a technical library should be created, as well as the opportunity for staff to use textbooks, teaching aids and other technical literature related to the profile of the organization's activities, as well as regulatory and technical documents.

5.4. In each organization, a safety cabinet and a technical cabinet should be created in accordance with the standard regulations.

5.5. In small organizations where the creation of a material and technical training and production base is difficult, it is allowed to carry out work to improve the professional educational level of personnel under an agreement with another energy organization that has such a base.

6. Training for a new position

6.1. Persons with a professional education are admitted to training for a new position, and those in power plant management also with relevant work experience.

6.2. Persons who do not have the appropriate professional education or work experience, both newly hired and transferred to a new position, must undergo training in the form of training in force in the industry.

6.3. Training of personnel for a new position is carried out according to plans and programs approved by the head of the organization.

6.4. The training program for operational managers should provide for their internship, knowledge testing (hereinafter referred to as testing), duplication, short-term independent work at the workplaces of facilities, including:

  • the dispatcher on duty of the unified electric power system (hereinafter referred to as the UES) and the united electric power system (hereinafter referred to as the UES) - internship at the workplaces of the shift supervisors of the thermal power plant (hereinafter referred to as TPP), nuclear power plant (hereinafter referred to as NPP), hydraulic power plant (hereinafter referred to as HPP) and power system dispatcher;
  • on duty dispatcher of the power system - internship as a shift supervisor at TPPs, nuclear power plants, hydroelectric power plants, duty dispatchers of an enterprise of electrical networks (hereinafter referred to as PES), an enterprise of heating networks (hereinafter referred to as PTS), substations of the highest voltage class for a given power system;
  • the duty dispatcher of the PES - internship, verification and duplication in the position of the duty officer of the base substation, the dispatcher of the area of ​​electrical networks (hereinafter - RES) and in one of the operational field brigades (hereinafter - OVB);
  • of the duty dispatcher of the RES - internship, verification and duplication in the position of the duty officer of the base substation. If the RES does not have a substation with a permanent staff on duty, training, verification and duplication in the OVB;
  • the duty dispatcher of the PTS - internship as a shift supervisor (duty officer) of a subordinate heat source and independent work as a duty engineer (duty officer) of one of the heating network districts;
  • an engineer on duty in a district heating network - independent work in the profession of a control board operator on duty and an internship as a senior operative of the emergency recovery service;
  • the shift supervisor of the power plant - independent work in the position of the shift supervisor of the electrical shop; internship, verification and duplication in the position of shift supervisor of thermal shops (boiler, turbine or boiler-turbine), as well as internship in the position of shift supervisors of other technological shops;
  • the shift supervisor of the electrical department - independent work at the workplaces of the senior electrician for servicing the electrical equipment of the power plant and the electrician of the main control panel of the power plant;
  • the shift supervisor of the boiler shop of the power plant - independent work at the workplace of the boiler operator; training, testing and duplication by profession of a driver (senior driver) of boiler equipment;
  • the shift supervisor of the turbine shop of the power plant - independent work at the workplace of a steam turbine operator; training, testing and duplication by profession of a steam turbine driver (senior driver) or a boiler equipment driver (senior driver);
  • shift supervisor of the boiler and turbine shop of the power plant with cross-links - independent work at the workplace of the driver of the central control panel for boilers and steam turbines; internship, checking and duplication by profession of senior operators of boiler equipment, turbine department or boiler-turbine workshop;
  • the shift supervisor of the boiler and turbine shop of the block power plant - independent work at the workplace of the driver of the block control system of the units (boiler, turbine); internship, checking and duplication by profession of a senior driver of power units;
  • shift supervisor of the fuel and transport department - internship, checking and duplication by profession of a car dumper driver, a control panel on duty and an automated fuel supply minder (fuel supply driver); ...
  • the shift supervisor of the thermal automation department - internship at the workplace of a steam turbine driver, boiler driver, power unit driver and independent work at one of the workplaces as an electrical fitter for maintenance of automation and power plant measuring instruments;
  • shift supervisor of the chemical department - independent work at the workplace of an express laboratory laboratory assistant; internship, verification and duplication in the profession of an operator of a water treatment plant of a power plant and internship at the workplaces of shift supervisors of boiler houses and turbine shops or a boiler and turbine shop.

Shift managers of thermal shops, depending on the volume of work performed on the maintenance of electrical equipment of power plants, undergo training, knowledge testing and duplication at the workplace of an electrician (senior electrician) with the assignment of an electrical safety group.

6.5. The training of the listed operational workers is carried out according to individual programs.

The need and duration of each stage of training is established depending on the level of professional education, technical knowledge, experience of practical work in related positions, the position held before admission to training for a new position and taking into account the technical complexity of the object.

Note. The names of the positions of operational managers and professions (hereinafter) are given in accordance with the existing management structure in the electric power industry as of 01.01.2000. In the event that the owner changes the names of the listed positions, the specified requirements should be applied by analogy.

7. Internship

7.1. The internship is conducted under the guidance of a responsible trainer for the category of personnel specified in section 4 of the Rules.

7.2. The internship is carried out according to programs developed for each position and workplace and approved in accordance with the established procedure. The duration of the internship should be 2-14 shifts.

Note. The head of an organization or department can exempt an employee with at least 3 years of experience in the specialty who is moving from one workshop to another from internship, if the nature of his work and the type of equipment he previously worked on does not change.

7.3. Admission to an internship is issued by an administrative document (order, instruction) of the head of an organization or structural unit. The document indicates the calendar dates of the internship and the names of the persons responsible for its implementation.

7.4. The duration of the internship is set individually depending on the level of professional education, work experience, profession (position) of the student.

7.5. During the internship, the employee must:

  • learn PTE, safety rules (hereinafter - PTB), PPB and their practical application in the workplace;
  • study schemes, production instructions and labor protection instructions, knowledge of which is mandatory for working in this position (profession);
  • work out a clear orientation at your workplace;
  • acquire the necessary practical skills in performing production operations;
  • study the techniques and conditions for trouble-free, safe and economical operation of the serviced equipment.

8. Testing knowledge of rules and regulations

8.1. To work on the design, operation, repair, reconstruction, adjustment, testing of equipment, buildings and structures that are part of power plants, as well as to monitor their condition, persons who have undergone training and verification of knowledge of the relevant industry norms and rules, state supervision bodies are allowed and other departments whose rules and regulations apply to the electricity industry.

8.2. The procedure for training and testing the knowledge of personnel is determined by the head of the organization, taking into account the requirements of these Rules.

8.3. Knowledge testing is subject to:

  • executives of organizations and heads of structural divisions, management personnel and specialists;
  • workers, additional (increased) safety requirements are imposed on the professions and work in which they are employed;

Note. For other professions and types of work, training and knowledge testing of workers is carried out in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90 "Organization of occupational safety training. General provisions".

  • teachers of educational institutions leading the training of personnel for servicing energy facilities;
  • property owners or their authorized representatives for the right of economic management associated with the organization, management and performance of work directly at workplaces and production sites.

8.4. Knowledge testing and admission to independent work of employees of state energy supervision bodies, as well as persons carrying out their activities at facilities controlled by Gosenergonadzor, are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the State Energy Supervision Authority.

8.5. Testing the knowledge of employees is subdivided into primary and periodic (regular and extraordinary).

Primary knowledge testing is carried out for workers who first came to work related to the maintenance of power plants, or when there is a break in testing knowledge for more than 3 years.

A regular test of the knowledge of all categories of employees is carried out at least once every 3 years.


  • operational managers, managers of operational and repair personnel, administrative and technical personnel who directly organize work in electrical installations or have the right to conduct operational negotiations, as well as specialists who perform commissioning, preventive tests, at least once a year;
  • workers specified in clause 8.3, at least once a year.

8.6. An extraordinary test of knowledge is carried out regardless of the period of the previous test:

  • when introducing new or revised rules and regulations in the organization;
  • when installing new equipment, reconstructing or changing the main electrical and technological schemes (the need for an extraordinary check in this case is determined by the head of the organization);
  • upon appointment or transfer to another job, if new responsibilities require additional knowledge of the rules and regulations;
  • in case of violation by employees of the requirements of regulatory enactments on labor protection;
  • at the request of state supervision authorities, federal labor inspectorate;
  • at the conclusion of commissions investigating accidents with people or violations in the operation of a power facility;
  • with a break in work in this position for more than 6 months.

The amount of knowledge for an extraordinary check and the date of its conduct is determined by the head of the organization, taking into account the requirements of these Rules.

An extraordinary inspection carried out at the request of the state supervision and control authorities, as well as after the accidents, incidents and accidents that have occurred, does not cancel the terms of the next inspection according to the schedule.

In the event of changes and additions to the existing rules, an extraordinary check is not carried out, but they are brought to the attention of employees with registration in the Register of instructions at the workplace.

8.7. For each position (profession), the head of the organization must determine the scope of testing the knowledge of rules and regulations.

When determining the amount of knowledge, one should take into account the job duties and the nature of the production activity of the employee in the relevant position (profession), as well as the requirements of those regulatory documents, the provision and observance of which is part of his job duties.

The amount of knowledge on safety for all categories of workers is determined by the instruction on labor protection.

8.8. Knowledge testing in the organization should be carried out according to the approved schedule.

Workers subject to knowledge testing should be familiar with the schedule.

A copy of the approved schedule is submitted to the relevant state energy supervision authorities.

8.9. Before the next (extraordinary) test of the knowledge of workers, pre-examination training (seminars, lectures, consultations and other training events) should be carried out in accordance with the programs approved by the head of the organization.

Training can be carried out in specialized educational institutions (training centers, training institutes) or in an organization at the place of work.

8.10. To conduct a knowledge test, the head of the organization must appoint a permanent commission of the organization consisting of at least five people. As a rule, the chief technical leader of the organization is appointed as the chairman of the commission.

Members of the commission must pass a knowledge test in the commission of higher economic bodies or in the commission of state energy supervision bodies.

8.11. It is allowed to test the knowledge of individual members of the commission on the spot, provided that the chairman and at least two members of the commission have passed the knowledge test in accordance with clause 8.10.

8.12. In structural divisions, the head of the organization may create commissions to test the knowledge of employees of structural divisions.

Members of the commissions of structural divisions must be tested on the knowledge of norms and rules in the permanent commission of the organization.

8.13. During the procedure for testing knowledge, at least three members of the commission must be present.

8.14. The knowledge test of employees of organizations, the number of which does not allow the formation of commissions for testing knowledge, should be carried out in the commissions of state energy supervision bodies.

8.15. Control over the organization of work on training and knowledge testing is carried out by state supervision and control bodies.

According to their decision, representatives of state supervision and control bodies can take part in the work of knowledge testing commissions at all levels.

The participation of the state inspector for energy supervision in the work of the commission when checking the knowledge of directors, chief engineers, labor protection engineers of power plants, boiler houses, enterprises and areas of electrical and heating networks is mandatory.

At the same time, a knowledge test of the listed categories of workers, as well as an extraordinary test of the knowledge of any employee associated with his violation of the requirements of the rules and regulations, an accident, an incident in the operation of power plants or an accident, can be carried out in the commission of the state energy supervision management in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

8.16. The knowledge test of each employee should be carried out individually.

Pre-examination training programs, questions for testing knowledge are approved by the chairman of the commission and agreed with the state supervision and control bodies involved in testing knowledge.

The person being tested must be familiarized with the list of questions on which his knowledge will be tested.

The knowledge and qualifications of the examinees are assessed on a scale of "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory".

Based on the results of checking the rules for the installation of electrical installations (hereinafter - PUE), PTE, PTB, PPB and other normative and technical documents (hereinafter - NTD), employees servicing electrical installations, as well as executives of the organization and heads of structural divisions, a group on electrical safety is established.

If the person being checked did not give the correct answer to most of the questions of at least one of the members of the commission, the overall assessment is set "unsatisfactory".

The level of positive ("satisfactory" and higher) assessment according to the checked rules is established by the decision of the majority of the members of the commission.

8.17. It is allowed to use control and training machines based on personal electronic computers (hereinafter - PC) to test the knowledge of rules and regulations. At the same time, the developed program should ensure the possibility of using it in the training mode.

In the case of using a PC and receiving an unsatisfactory mark in the auto examiner's protocol, the examination committee asks additional questions. The final score is established based on the results of a survey of the commission, taking into account the requirements of clause 8.16 of the Rules.

8.18. The results of the employee's knowledge test must be documented in a protocol (Appendix No. 1), which is registered in a special journal (Appendix No. 2), and entered into his certificate (Appendix No. 3).

The order of storage of protocols and logs is determined by the head of the organization.

The protocol must be signed by the examinee.

8.19. A person who has received an unsatisfactory assessment based on the results of a knowledge test is obliged to re-test his knowledge within a period of no later than one month.

The question of the possibility of maintaining an employment contract with an employee who did not pass the exam for the second time is decided by the head of the organization in the manner prescribed by law.

9. Duplication

9.1. The categories of personnel specified in clause 4.5.4 of the Rules are duplicated after their initial examination of knowledge, a long break in work or in other cases at the discretion of the head of the organization or structural unit.

9.2. The admission to duplication is drawn up by an administrative document of the head of the organization or structural unit.

This document indicates the duration of the duplication and the person responsible for preparing the backup.

The relevant operational services, as well as the organizations with which operational negotiations are being conducted, must be notified of the admissions to duplication of operational leaders.

Both the main employee and the understudy are equally responsible for all actions of the understudy at the workplace.

9.3. Duplication should be carried out according to programs approved by the head of the organization.

9.4. The minimum duration of duplication after knowledge testing should be:

  • for operational managers, senior drivers and operators of boilers, turbines, power units, hydraulic units and workshops; boiler and turbine equipment crawlers; electricians for maintenance of electrical equipment of power plants, electricians of the main control panel of power plants; electricians for maintenance of automation and measuring instruments of power plants - at least 12 work shifts;
  • for other professions - from 2 to 12 work shifts.

The duration of the duplication of a specific employee is established by the decision of the knowledge assessment commission, depending on his level of professional training, length of service and operational experience.

9.5. During the period of duplication, after checking knowledge, the employee must take part in control emergency and fire fighting trainings with an assessment of the results and registration in the appropriate logs.

The number of workouts and their topics are determined by the understudy training program.

9.6. If during the duplication the employee has not acquired sufficient production skills or received an unsatisfactory mark in emergency training, it is allowed to extend its duplication, but not more than the main duration, and to conduct additional control emergency training. The extension of duplication is drawn up by an administrative document of the head of the organization.

9.7. If, during the duplication period, the professional unsuitability of the employee for this activity is established, he is removed from training. The question of his further work is decided by the head of the organization in accordance with the law.

10. Admission to independent work

10.1. Newly hired employees or those who have had a break in work for more than 6 months, depending on the category of personnel, are entitled to independent work after passing the necessary instructions on labor safety, training (internship) and knowledge testing, duplication in the scope of the requirements of these Rules.

10.2. Persons admitted to work associated with hazardous, harmful and unfavorable production factors should not have medical contraindications for performing these works.

10.3. Admission to independent work is drawn up by an administrative document of the head of an organization or structural unit.

The relevant operational services and related organizations with which operational negotiations are being conducted must be notified of admission to independent work of the operational leader.

10.4. The effect of admission to independent work of persons for whom knowledge testing is mandatory is preserved until the next check and can be interrupted by the decision of the head of the organization, structural unit or state supervision authorities if these persons violate the rules and regulations that they must comply with according to their official duties.

10.5. Employees servicing equipment and facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia are allowed to work independently after training, certification and knowledge testing in accordance with the requirements of the rules of these bodies.

10.6. Employees of subdivisions for maintenance of railway sidings connected with the organization of train traffic and shunting work on the tracks of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Railways) or adjoining stations of the Ministry of Railways on their way, must also pass a knowledge test in commissions of the Ministry of Railways in accordance with the Charter of Railways.

10.7. With a break in work from 30 days to 6 months, the form of personnel training for admission to independent work is determined by the head of the organization or structural unit, taking into account the level of professional training of the employee, his work experience, official duties, etc. on labor safety.

10.8. Before the admission of personnel who have had a long break in work, regardless of the forms of training, they must be familiar with:

  • with changes in equipment, schemes and operating modes of power plants;
  • with changes in instructions;
  • with newly introduced normative and technical documents;
  • with new orders, technical instructions and other materials for this position.

10.9. With prolonged downtime of equipment (conservation, etc.) or changing the conditions of its operation, the procedure for admitting personnel to its control is determined by the head of the organization.

10.10. The personnel of repair, commissioning and other specialized organizations undergo training, testing of knowledge of norms and rules and gets the right to work independently in their organizations.

10.11. Organizations that send personnel to power facilities are responsible for the compliance of qualifications, knowledge and compliance by these personnel with PTB, PTE, PPB, production instructions and other scientific and technical documentation in the prescribed amount at these facilities.

11. Safety briefings

11.1. Depending on the category of workers (section 4 of the Rules), organizations must conduct work safety briefings in accordance with the legislation.

11.2. Briefings are divided into: introductory; primary in the workplace; repeated; unscheduled; target.

11.3.1. An introductory briefing on labor safety is carried out with all newly recruited persons, regardless of their education, length of service in a given profession or position, with temporary workers, business travelers, pupils and students who have arrived for industrial training or practice.

11.3.2. Introductory briefing in the organization is carried out by an occupational safety engineer or a person who, by order of the head of the organization, is entrusted with these duties.

11.3.3. Introductory briefing should be carried out according to programs developed in the organization, taking into account the requirements of the labor safety standards system (hereinafter - SSBT), norms, rules and instructions for labor protection, as well as the specifics of production and approved by the head of the organization.

An approximate list of questions for drawing up introductory instruction programs is given in Appendix No. 4.

11.3.4. Introductory briefing should be carried out in a safety cabinet using technical teaching aids and visual aids (posters; full-scale exhibits, models, models, films, filmstrips, videos, etc.).

11.3.5. An entry must be made about the induction briefing in the induction briefing log (Appendix No. 5) with the obligatory signature of the instructor and instructor, as well as in the employment document.

11.4. Initial on-the-job briefing.

11.4.1. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out with all newly admitted to the organization, transferred from one structural unit to another, business travelers, temporary workers, students and pupils who arrived in the organization for industrial training or internship, as well as with workers performing a new job for them , and with builders performing construction and installation work on the territory of the existing facility.

11.4.2. With persons who are not associated with the maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of tools, storage and use of raw materials and materials, initial instruction at the workplace is not carried out.

The list of professions and positions of workers exempted from primary instruction at the workplace is approved by the head of the organization.

11.4.3. Initial instruction at the workplace should be carried out according to programs developed and approved by the head of the structural unit (in the absence of a structural unit - by the head of the organization), taking into account the requirements of the Occupational Safety Standards System, norms, rules and instructions on labor protection, production instructions and other technical documentation. The program must be coordinated with an occupational safety engineer (occupational safety service).

An indicative list of the main questions of initial briefing is given in Appendix No. 6.

11.4.4. Initial briefing at the workplace should be conducted with each employee individually with a practical demonstration of safe working practices and methods.

11.5. Re-instruction.

11.5.1. All workers, with the exception of the persons specified in clause 11.4.2, undergo re-training, regardless of qualifications, education, length of service, the nature of the work performed at least once every 6 months.

In order to improve the quality of briefing and more complete assimilation by employees of safety standards and rules, it is allowed to reduce the frequency of re-briefing to one month with its conduct on individual topics of the full program, provided that each topic and the full volume of briefing will be repeated at least once every six months.

11.5.2. Re-training takes place individually or with a group of workers serving the same type of equipment, and within a common workplace.

11.6. Unscheduled instruction.

11.6.1. Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

  • when introducing new or revised norms and rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as changes to them;
  • when changing the technological process, replacing and modernizing equipment, fixtures and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety:
  • in case of violation of labor safety requirements by the employee, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, poisoning;
  • during breaks in work for more than 30 days;
  • at the request of state supervision authorities.

11.6.2. Unscheduled instruction is carried out individually or with a group of workers of the same profession. The scope and content of the briefing is determined in each specific case, depending on the reasons and circumstances that caused it.

11.7. Initial briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor of the employee (senior foreman, foreman, shift supervisor, etc.).

11.8. In exceptional cases, the primary briefing of single attendants in hard-to-reach and remote areas of the organization is allowed by phone. The list of such jobs is approved by the head of the organization.

11.9. An entry is made on the conduct of the initial briefing at the workplace, repeated and unscheduled briefings in the register of the briefing at the workplace with the obligatory signature of the instructor and instructor. When registering an unscheduled briefing, the reason that caused it is indicated.

The form of the journal is indicated in Appendix No. 7. The journals are kept by the persons responsible for conducting the briefings and are handed over to the archive one year after they are completely filled out.

11.10.1. Targeted briefing is carried out by:

  • when performing one-time work not related to direct duties in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the territory of the organization, workshop, etc.);
  • when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes;
  • when performing work for which an admission order is issued, an oral or written order is given;
  • when conducting an excursion in the organization.

11.10.2. Targeted briefing conducts:

  • the person issuing the task for the production of work to the work manager (the person to whom the task is directly issued);
  • admitting and executing work for team members directly at the workplace.

11.10.3. Conducting targeted briefing is documented in a work permit, operational log or other documentation that allows the production of work. It is allowed to record the targeted briefing by means of sound recording.

The form of entry in the documents can be arbitrary, but the position and surname of the instructor must be indicated.

When instructing by telephone or radio, records must be made in the appropriate documents of the instructor and instructor.

11.11. On-the-job briefings are completed with a test of knowledge by oral questioning or with the help of technical training aids, as well as a test of the acquired skills of safe ways of working. Knowledge is tested by the instructor.

11.12. Persons who have shown unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work on their own and must be instructed again.

11.13. When conducting labor safety briefings, it is allowed to combine fire safety briefings.

12. Control emergency and fire fighting drills

12.1. Each employee from among the operational and operational-repair personnel should be checked in the control emergency training once every three months.

12.2. Each employee from among the operational, operational-repair and maintenance personnel of power plants, electrical and heating networks, personnel of permanent sections of repair units serving these facilities must be checked once every six months in one control fire drill.

12.3. At newly commissioned power facilities, as well as at those operating by the decision of the head of the organization, the number of trainings may be increased depending on the level of professional training and skills of personnel in the prevention and elimination of emergencies.

12.4. The time spent on carrying out emergency and fire fighting trainings is included in the working hours of the trainees. Combination of emergency training with fire fighting is allowed.

12.5. Emergency training is carried out at workplaces or on simulators. The use of other technical means is allowed. The results of emergency and fire fighting drills are recorded in a special journal.

12.6. Persons who did not take part in the training within the established timeframe without good reason are not allowed to work independently.

12.7. An employee who has received an unsatisfactory assessment of actions during training must undergo repeated training within a time frame determined by the head of the organization or structural unit.

12.8. In case of repeated unsatisfactory assessment, the employee is not allowed to work independently. He must undergo training and knowledge testing, the scope and timing of which is determined by the head of the organization or structural unit.

13. Special training

13.1. The requirement for special training applies to workers from among the operational and maintenance personnel of power plants and networks.

Performing monthly emergency training drills does not cancel out the control drills in accordance with Section 12.

13.2. Special training of personnel should be carried out with a break from the performance of basic functions at least once a month and make up from 5 to 20% of their working time.

13.3. The scope of special training should include:

  • execution of training emergency and fire fighting drills, simulation exercises and other operations close to production;
  • study of changes made to serviced circuits and equipment;
  • familiarization with the current regulatory documents on accidents and injuries;
  • elaboration of reviews of accidents and technological violations that occurred at energy facilities;
  • conducting briefings on compliance with the rules of technical operation, production and job descriptions;
  • analysis of deviations of technological processes, starts and stops of equipment.

The list of topics for special training, depending on local conditions, can be supplemented by the head of the organization.

13.4. The special training program and the procedure for its implementation are determined by the head of the organization.

14. Professional development

14.1. Professional development of employees of energy organizations should be continuous and consist of various forms of professional education.

Responsibility for organizing advanced training of personnel is assigned to the head of the organization.

14.2. Short-term training of executives of the organization, heads of structural divisions and specialists should be carried out as needed, but at least once a year at the place of work or in educational institutions.

The duration of the training should be up to three weeks.

14.3. Long-term periodic training of the organization's executives, heads of structural divisions and specialists should be carried out at least once every five years in educational institutions of the personnel development system. Training programs, its duration are developed by educational institutions and approved in the prescribed manner.

14.4. Further training of workers is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the head of the organization, in educational institutions of the organization or in other specialized educational institutions.

15. Tours and inspections of workplaces

15.1. Each energy organization must carry out rounds and inspections of workplaces, including at night.

The order of their organization and conduct is determined by the head of the organization.

15.2. Workplace visits are carried out in order to check:

  • compliance by personnel with the rules, production and job instructions, maintaining the established operating mode of the equipment;
  • compliance by personnel with the procedure for acceptance and delivery of a shift, maintaining operational documentation, production and labor discipline;
  • timely identification by personnel of existing defects and malfunctions in the operation of equipment and prompt adoption of the necessary measures to eliminate them;
  • correct application of the established system of work-permits when performing repair and special work;
  • maintenance of occupational health by personnel in the workplace;
  • serviceability and availability at workplaces of devices and means for safety and fire safety;
  • compliance with the social conditions of production activities, etc.

15.3. Leading employees of the organization, heads of structural divisions, their deputies and other employees of the organization should take part in the rounds.

Appendix N 1

Knowledge Test Protocol N ___

Check date ____________________________________________

Reason for checking _________________________________________


(name of the commission)

composed of:

Chairman of the Commission

(position, surname and initials)

Commission members (position, surname and initials):




tested the knowledge of PUE, PTB, PTE, PPB and other NTD (cross out unnecessary)


Test results:

Commission conclusion

* indicated for the operational manager, operational and operational-repair personnel;

** signs if participates in the work of the commission.

Appendix N 2

The form
logbook for checking knowledge of norms, rules, instructions

Subsequent sheets:

Full Name,
position (profession)

Protocol number,
surname of the chairman

Date and subject of the check

Note. The pages of the journal should be numbered and protected from withdrawal and attachment.

Appendix N 3

on the certificate to test the knowledge of the rules and regulations of the employee
energy organizations

1. A certificate of verification of the knowledge of the rules and regulations of an employee of an electric power organization is a document certifying the bearer's right to work independently in the specified position (profession).

2. The certificate is issued to the employee by the personnel department of the organization when applying for a job and is valid only after the appropriate records of the results of checking the knowledge of the rules and regulations.

3. On the second page, a general grade is given for knowledge of the rules of construction, operation, safety and fire safety. For personnel who are not assigned an electrical safety group, a dash is made in the appropriate column.

4. The third page of the block is filled in for personnel who, according to their job duties and the nature of production activities, require certification for industrial safety and other special rules.

5. The fourth page of the block is filled in for personnel admitted to carry out special work (climbing work, testing, etc.).

6. The certificate must always be with the employee during the performance of his official duties and be presented at the request of the controlling persons.

7. The certificate is subject to replacement in the event of a change in position or return upon dismissal of an employee.

8. The certificate consists of a hardcover cloth backed cover and a block of four pages. The size of the certificate is 95 x 65 mm. The preferred lid color is dark cherry.

9. On the front side of the cover, the inscription is embossed in a contrasting (white or yellow) color:

Second page of the block:

Third page of the block:

The fourth page of the block:

Indicative list of introductory briefing questions

1. General information about the organization, the characteristic features of production.

2. The main provisions of the legislation on labor protection.

2.1. Labor contract, working hours and rest time, labor protection for women and persons under 21 years of age. Benefits and compensation.

2.2. Internal labor regulations of the organization, responsibility for violation of the rules.

2.3. Carrying out work on labor protection in the organization. Departmental, state supervision and public control over the state of labor protection.

3. General rules of conduct for workers on the territory of the organization, in production and auxiliary premises. Location of the main workshops, services, auxiliary premises.

4. The main hazardous and harmful production factors typical for this production. Methods and means of preventing accidents and occupational diseases: collective protective equipment, posters, safety signs, alarms. Basic requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries.

(name of company)


Started "__" ______________ 200___
Completed "__" ______________ 200___

(Subsequent pages)

Surname, name,




of the


of the moderated

division, in
is sent




Indicative list
basic questions of initial instruction in the workplace

1. General information about the technological process and equipment at this workplace, production area, in the shop. The main hazardous and harmful production factors arising from this technological process.

2. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace.

3. Dangerous areas of the machine, mechanism, device. Equipment safety equipment (safety brakes and guards, interlocking and signaling systems, safety signs). Requirements for the prevention of electrical injury.

4. The procedure for preparing for work (checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools and devices, interlocks, grounding and other protective equipment).

5. Safe techniques and methods of work; actions in the event of a dangerous situation.

6. Personal protective equipment at this workplace and the rules for using them.

7. Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory of the workshop, site.

8. Intrashop transport and lifting equipment and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations and transportation of goods.

9. Typical causes of accidents, explosions, fires, industrial injuries.

10. Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Obligation and action in case of accident, explosion, fire. Methods of using the fire extinguishing means available on the site, emergency protection and signaling their location.

Workplace Briefing Log Form


(Subsequent pages)


Type of instruction


Name Patronymic name



(primary, on




The text of the document is verified by:
"Bulletin of regulatory
federal acts
executive power",
N 14, 03.04.2000

Rules "Rules of work with personnel in organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation"

On approval of the Rules for work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation

In order to bring the Rules for Work with Personnel in Electricity Organizations of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated August 1, 1995 N 166 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 11, 1995, registration N 947, in accordance with the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. N 181-FZ "On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 12, 1998 N 938 "On state energy supervision in the Russian Federation" I order:

1. To approve the Rules of work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation.

2. The rules of work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia dated August 1, 1995 N 166 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 11, 1995, registration N 947, shall be considered invalid.

3. The Department of State Energy Supervision and Energy Saving (Varnavsky B.P.) shall submit the Rules for Working with Personnel in Electricity Organizations of the Russian Federation for state registration with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

Minister V.I. Kalyuzhny

Registration N 2150


work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation

The order of storage of protocols and logs is determined by the head of the organization.

The protocol must be signed by the examinee.

8.19. A person who has received an unsatisfactory assessment based on the results of a knowledge test is obliged to re-test his knowledge within a period of no later than one month.

The question of the possibility of maintaining an employment contract with an employee who did not pass the exam for the second time is decided by the head of the organization in the manner prescribed by law.

9. Duplication

9.1. The categories of personnel specified in clause 4.5.4 of the Rules are duplicated after their initial examination of knowledge, a long break in work or in other cases at the discretion of the head of the organization or structural unit.

9.2. The admission to duplication is drawn up by an administrative document of the head of the organization or structural unit.

This document indicates the duration of the duplication and the person responsible for preparing the backup.

The relevant operational services, as well as the organizations with which operational negotiations are being conducted, must be notified of the admissions to duplication of operational leaders.

Both the main employee and the understudy are equally responsible for all actions of the understudy at the workplace.

9.3. Duplication should be carried out according to programs approved by the head of the organization.

9.4. The minimum duration of duplication after knowledge testing should be:

For operational managers, senior machinists and machinists of boilers, turbines, power units, hydraulic units and workshops; boiler-room and turbine equipment operators; electricians for maintenance of electrical equipment of power plants, electricians of the main control panel of power plants; electricians for maintenance of automation and measuring instruments of power plants - at least 12 work shifts;

For other professions - from 2 to 12 work shifts.

The duration of the duplication of a specific employee is established by the decision of the knowledge assessment commission, depending on his level of professional training, length of service and operational experience.

9.5. During the period of duplication, after checking knowledge, the employee must take part in control emergency and fire fighting trainings with an assessment of the results and registration in the appropriate logs.

The number of workouts and their topics are determined by the understudy training program.

9.6. If during the duplication the employee has not acquired sufficient production skills or received an unsatisfactory mark in emergency training, it is allowed to extend its duplication, but not more than the main duration, and to conduct additional control emergency training. The extension of duplication is drawn up by an administrative document of the head of the organization.

9.7. If, during the duplication period, the professional unsuitability of the employee for this activity is established, he is removed from training. The question of his further work is decided by the head of the organization in accordance with the law.

10. Admission to independent work

10.1. Newly hired employees or those who have had a break in work for more than 6 months, depending on the category of personnel, are entitled to independent work after passing the necessary instructions on labor safety, training (internship) and knowledge testing, duplication in the scope of the requirements of these Rules.

10.2. Persons admitted to work associated with hazardous, harmful and unfavorable production factors should not have medical contraindications for performing these works.

10.3. Admission to independent work is drawn up by an administrative document of the head of an organization or structural unit.

The relevant operational services and related organizations with which operational negotiations are being conducted must be notified of admission to independent work of the operational leader.

10.4. The effect of admission to independent work of persons for whom knowledge testing is mandatory is preserved until the next check and may be interrupted by the decision of the head of the organization, structural unit or state supervision bodies if these persons violate the rules and regulations that they must comply with according to their official duties.

10.5. Employees servicing equipment and facilities controlled by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia are allowed to work independently after training, certification and knowledge testing in accordance with the requirements of the rules of these bodies.

10.6. Employees of subdivisions for maintenance of railway sidings connected with the organization of train traffic and shunting work on the tracks of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Railways) or adjoining stations of the Ministry of Railways on their way, must also pass a knowledge test in commissions of the Ministry of Railways in accordance with the Charter of Railways.

10.7. With a break in work from 30 days to 6 months, the form of personnel training for admission to independent work is determined by the head of the organization or structural unit, taking into account the level of professional training of the employee, his work experience, official duties, etc. on labor safety.

10.8. Before the admission of personnel who have had a long break in work, regardless of the forms of training, they must be familiar with:

With changes in equipment, schemes and operating modes of power plants;

With changes in instructions;

With newly introduced normative and technical documents;

With new orders, technical instructions and other materials for this position.

10.9. With prolonged downtime of equipment (conservation, etc.) or changing the conditions of its operation, the procedure for admitting personnel to its control is determined by the head of the organization.

10.10. The personnel of repair, commissioning and other specialized organizations undergo training, testing of knowledge of norms and rules and gets the right to work independently in their organizations.

10.11. Organizations that send personnel to power facilities are responsible for the compliance of qualifications, knowledge and compliance by these personnel with PTB, PTE, PPB, production instructions and other scientific and technical documentation in the prescribed amount at these facilities.

11. Safety briefings

11.1. Depending on the category of workers (the Rules), organizations must conduct labor safety briefings in accordance with the legislation.

11.2. Briefings are divided into: introductory; primary in the workplace; repeated; unscheduled; target.

11.3. Induction training

11.3.1. An introductory briefing on labor safety is carried out with all newly recruited persons, regardless of their education, length of service in a given profession or position, with temporary workers, business travelers, pupils and students who have arrived for industrial training or practice.

11.3.2. Introductory briefing in the organization is carried out by an occupational safety engineer or a person who, by order of the head of the organization, is entrusted with these duties.

11.3.3. Introductory briefing should be carried out according to programs developed in the organization, taking into account the requirements of the labor safety standards system (hereinafter - SSBT), norms, rules and instructions for labor protection, as well as the specifics of production and approved by the head of the organization.

An indicative list of questions for the preparation of induction programs is given in.

11.3.4. Introductory briefing should be carried out in a safety room using technical teaching aids and visual aids (posters, full-scale exhibits, models, models, films, filmstrips, videos, etc.).

11.3.5. An entry must be made about the induction instruction in the induction instruction log () with the obligatory signature of the instructor and instructor, as well as in the employment document.

11.4. Initial on-the-job briefing

11.4.1. Initial instruction at the workplace is carried out with all newly admitted to the organization, transferred from one structural unit to another, business travelers, temporary workers, students and pupils who arrived in the organization for industrial training or internship, as well as with workers performing a new job for them and with builders performing construction and installation work on the territory of the existing facility.

11.4.2. Persons who are not associated with the maintenance, testing, adjustment and repair of equipment, the use of tools, storage and use of raw materials and materials, initial instruction at the workplace is not carried out.

The list of professions and positions of workers exempted from primary instruction at the workplace is approved by the head of the organization.

11.4.3. Initial instruction at the workplace should be carried out according to programs developed and approved by the head of the structural unit (in the absence of a structural unit - by the head of the organization), taking into account the requirements of the Occupational Safety Standards System, norms, rules and instructions on labor protection, production instructions and other technical documentation. The program must be coordinated with an occupational safety engineer (occupational safety service).

An indicative list of key initial briefing questions is provided in.

11.4.4. Initial briefing at the workplace should be conducted with each employee individually with a practical demonstration of safe working practices and methods.

11.5. Re-instruction

11.5.1. All workers, with the exception of the persons specified in clause 11.4.2, undergo re-training, regardless of qualifications, education, length of service, the nature of the work performed at least once every 6 months.

In order to improve the quality of briefing and more complete assimilation by employees of safety standards and rules, it is allowed to reduce the frequency of re-briefing to one month with its conduct on individual topics of the full program, provided that each topic and the full volume of briefing will be repeated at least once every six months.

11.5.2. Re-training takes place individually or with a group of workers serving the same type of equipment, and within a common workplace.

11.6. Unscheduled instruction

11.6.1. Unscheduled briefing is carried out:

When introducing new or revised norms and rules, instructions on labor protection, as well as changes to them;

When changing the technological process, replacing and modernizing equipment, fixtures and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;

If an employee violates labor safety requirements, which can lead or have led to injury, accident, explosion or fire, poisoning;

In case of breaks in work for more than 30 days;

At the request of state supervision authorities.

11.6.2. Unscheduled instruction is carried out individually or with a group of workers of the same profession. The scope and content of the briefing is determined in each specific case, depending on the reasons and circumstances that caused it.

11.7. Initial briefing at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled briefings are carried out by the immediate supervisor of the employee (senior foreman, foreman, shift supervisor, etc.).

11.8. In exceptional cases, the primary briefing of single attendants in hard-to-reach and remote areas of the organization is allowed by phone. The list of such jobs is approved by the head of the organization.

11.9. An entry is made on the conduct of the initial briefing at the workplace, repeated and unscheduled briefings in the register of the briefing at the workplace with the obligatory signature of the instructor and instructor. When registering an unscheduled briefing, the reason that caused it is indicated.

The form of the journal is indicated in. The logs are kept by the persons responsible for conducting the briefings and are handed over to the archive one year after they are completely filled.

11.10. Targeted briefing

11.10.1. Targeted briefing is carried out by:

When performing one-time work not related to direct duties in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, one-time work outside the territory of the organization, workshop, etc.);

When eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes;

When performing work for which an admission order is issued, an oral or written order is given;

When conducting an excursion in an organization.

11.10.2. Targeted briefing conducts:

The person issuing the task for the performance of work to the work manager (the person who is directly assigned the task);

Permitting and executing work for team members directly at the workplace.

11.10.3. Conducting targeted briefing is documented in a work permit, operational log or other documentation that allows the production of work. It is allowed to record the targeted briefing by means of sound recording.

The form of entry in the documents can be arbitrary, but the position and surname of the instructor must be indicated.

When instructing by telephone or radio, records must be made in the appropriate documents of the instructor and instructor.

11.11. On-the-job briefings are completed with a test of knowledge by oral questioning or with the help of technical training aids, as well as a test of the acquired skills of safe ways of working. Knowledge is tested by the instructor.

11.12. Persons who have shown unsatisfactory knowledge are not allowed to work on their own and must be instructed again.

11.13. When conducting labor safety briefings, it is allowed to combine fire safety briefings.

12. Control emergency and fire fighting drills

12.1. Each employee from among the operational and operational-repair personnel should be checked in the control emergency training once every three months.

12.2. Each employee from among the operational, operational-repair and maintenance personnel of power plants, electrical and heating networks, personnel of permanent sections of repair units serving these facilities must be checked once every six months in one control fire drill.

12.3. At newly commissioned power facilities, as well as at those operating by the decision of the head of the organization, the number of trainings may be increased depending on the level of professional training and skills of personnel in the prevention and elimination of emergencies.

12.4. The time spent on carrying out emergency and fire fighting trainings is included in the working hours of the trainees. Combination of emergency training with fire fighting is allowed.

12.5. Emergency training is carried out at workplaces or on simulators. The use of other technical means is allowed. The results of emergency and fire fighting drills are recorded in a special journal.

12.6. Persons who did not take part in the training within the established timeframe without good reason are not allowed to work independently.

12.7. An employee who has received an unsatisfactory assessment of actions during training must undergo repeated training within a time frame determined by the head of the organization or structural unit.

12.8. In case of repeated unsatisfactory assessment, the employee is not allowed to work independently. He must undergo training and knowledge testing, the scope and timing of which is determined by the head of the organization or structural unit.

13. Special training

13.1. The requirement for special training applies to workers from among the operational and maintenance personnel of power plants and networks.

Performing monthly emergency training drills does not cancel out the control drills in accordance with Section 12.

13.2. Special training of personnel should be carried out with a break from the performance of basic functions at least once a month and make up from 5 to 20% of their working time.

13.3. The scope of special training should include:

Implementation of training emergency and fire fighting drills, simulation exercises and other operations close to production;

Study of changes made to serviced circuits and equipment;

Familiarization with the current regulatory documents on accidents and injuries;

Elaboration of reviews of accidents and technological violations that occurred at energy facilities;

Conducting briefings on compliance with the rules of technical operation, production and job descriptions;

Analysis of deviations of technological processes, starts and stops of equipment.

The list of topics for special training, depending on local conditions, can be supplemented by the head of the organization.

13.4. The special training program and the procedure for its implementation are determined by the head of the organization.

14. Professional development

14.1. Professional development of employees of energy organizations should be continuous and consist of various forms of professional education.

Responsibility for organizing advanced training of personnel is assigned to the head of the organization.

14.2. Short-term training of executives of the organization, heads of structural divisions and specialists should be carried out as needed, but at least once a year at the place of work or in educational institutions.

The duration of the training should be up to three weeks.

14.3. Long-term periodic training of the organization's executives, heads of structural divisions and specialists should be carried out at least once every five years in educational institutions of the personnel development system. Training programs, its duration are developed by educational institutions and approved in the prescribed manner.

14.4. Further training of workers is carried out according to programs developed and approved by the head of the organization, in educational institutions of the organization, or in other specialized educational institutions.

15. Tours and inspections of workplaces

15.1. Each energy organization must carry out rounds and inspections of workplaces, including at night.

The order of their organization and conduct is determined by the head of the organization.

15.2. Workplace visits are carried out in order to check:

Compliance by the personnel of the rules, production and job instructions, maintaining the established operating mode of the equipment;

Compliance by personnel with the procedure for acceptance and delivery of a shift, maintaining operational documentation, production and labor discipline;

Timely identification by personnel of existing defects and malfunctions in the operation of equipment and promptly taking the necessary measures to eliminate them;

Correct application of the established system of work permits when performing repair and special work;

Maintaining occupational hygiene by personnel in the workplace;

Serviceability and availability at workplaces of devices and means for safety and fire safety;

Compliance with the social conditions of production activities, etc.

15.3. Leading employees of the organization, heads of structural divisions, their deputies and other employees of the organization should take part in the rounds.

Knowledge Test Protocol N ___

Check date __________________________________

Reason for checking _______________________________

Commission ______

(name of the commission)

composed of:

(position, surname and initials)

Commission members (position, surname and initials):




tested the knowledge of PUE, PTB, PTE, PPB and other NTD (unnecessary

strike out)


Full Name __________________________________________________

Place of work ____________________________________________________________

Position _______________________________________________________________

Date of previous check ________________________________________________

assessment, electrical safety group ___________________________________

Test results:

By design and technical operation ________________________________

Labor protection _________________________________________________________

Fire safety ________________________________________________

According to other rules of state supervision bodies _____________________

(name of rules)

Conclusion of the commission:

Overall grade _____________________________________________________________

Electrical Safety Group ___________________________________________

Duration of duplication * _________________________________________

Approved to work as _____________________________________________

Date of next check _________________________________________________


Chairman of the Commission ____________________________________________________

Commission members __________________________________________________________





(signature, surname and initials)

Representative (s) of state supervision and control bodies ** -


(signature, surname and initials)

I am familiar with the conclusion of the commission _____________________________________

(signature, surname and initials)

* - indicated for the operational manager, operational and operational-repair personnel;

** - signs if he participates in the work of the commission.

The form

logbook for checking knowledge of norms, rules, instructions

Format A Title sheet


(name of company)

(structural subdivision)

Record book for checking knowledge of rules and regulations

Started "___" ____________ 200_

Completed "___" ____________ 200_

Subsequent sheets:

N p / p

Surname, name, patronymic, position (profession)

Protocol number, surname of the chairman of the commission

Date and subject of the check




Note.The pages of the journal should be numbered and protected from withdrawal and attachment.



on a certificate for testing the knowledge of the rules and regulations of an employee of an electric power organization

1. A certificate of verification of the knowledge of the rules and regulations of an employee of an electric power organization is a document certifying the bearer's right to work independently in the specified position (profession).

2. The certificate is issued to the employee by the personnel department of the organization when applying for a job and is valid only after the appropriate records of the results of checking the knowledge of the rules and regulations.

3. On the second page, a general grade is given for knowledge of the rules of construction, operation, safety and fire safety. For personnel who are not assigned an electrical safety group, a dash is made in the appropriate column.

4. The third page of the block is filled in for personnel who, according to their job duties and the nature of production activities, require certification for industrial safety and other special rules.

5. The fourth page of the block is filled in for personnel allowed to carry out special work (climbing work, testing, etc.)

6. The certificate must always be with the employee during the performance of his official duties and be presented at the request of the controlling persons.

7. The certificate is subject to replacement in the event of a change in position or return upon dismissal of an employee.

8. The certificate consists of a hardcover cloth backed cover and a block of four pages. The size of the certificate is 95 x 65 mm. The preferred lid color is dark cherry.

9. On the front side of the cover, the inscription is embossed in a contrasting (white or yellow) color:


10. Pages must contain:

The first page of the block:

Second page of the block:

Results of checking knowledge of regulatory documents (PUE, PTE, PTB, PPB)

Check date

Reason for checking

Electrical Safety Group

Overall score

Date of next check

Signature of the chairman of the commission

Third page of the block:

Results of knowledge testing of regulatory documents on industrial safety and other special rules

Check date

Name of the Rules

Commission decision

Signature of the chairman of the commission

The fourth page of the block:

Indicative list of introductory briefing questions

1. General information about the organization, the characteristic features of production.

2. The main provisions of the legislation on labor protection.

2.1. Labor contract, working hours and rest time, labor protection for women and persons under 21 years of age. Benefits and compensation.

2.2. Internal labor regulations of the organization, responsibility for violation of the rules.

2.3. Carrying out work on labor protection in the organization. Departmental, state supervision and public control over the state of labor protection.

3. General rules of conduct for workers on the territory of the organization, in production and auxiliary premises. Location of the main workshops, services, auxiliary premises.

4. The main hazardous and harmful production factors typical for this production. Methods and means of preventing accidents and occupational diseases: collective protective equipment, posters, safety signs, alarms. Basic requirements for the prevention of electrical injuries.

5. Basic requirements for industrial sanitation and personal hygiene.

6. Personal protective equipment. The order and norms of issuance, terms of wearing.

7. Circumstances and causes of certain typical accidents, accidents, fires that occurred at the enterprise and other similar industries due to violations of safety requirements.

8. The order of investigation and registration of accidents and occupational diseases.

9. Fire safety. Methods and means of preventing fires, explosions, accidents. The action of the personnel when they occur.

Date of instruction

Year of birth

The name of the unit to which the instructed is sent

Surname, initials, position of instructor




Indicative list

basic questions of initial instruction in the workplace

1. General information about the technological process and equipment at this workplace, production area, in the shop. The main hazardous and harmful production factors arising from this technological process.

2. Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace.

3. Dangerous areas of the machine, mechanism, device. Equipment safety equipment (safety brakes and guards, interlocking and signaling systems, safety signs). Requirements for the prevention of electrical injury.

4. The procedure for preparing for work (checking the serviceability of equipment, starting devices, tools and devices, interlocks, grounding and other protective equipment).

5. Safe techniques and methods of work; actions in the event of a dangerous situation.

6. Personal protective equipment at this workplace and the rules for using them.

7. Scheme of safe movement of workers on the territory of the workshop, site.

8. Intrashop transport and lifting equipment and mechanisms. Safety requirements for loading and unloading operations and transportation of goods.

9. Typical causes of accidents, explosions, fires, industrial injuries.

10. Measures to prevent accidents, explosions, fires. Obligation and action in case of accident, explosion, fire. Methods of using the fire extinguishing means available on the site, emergency protection and signaling their location.

Workplace Briefing Log Form


(Subsequent pages)

Date of instruction

Surname, name, patronymic of the instructed

Year of birth

Profession, position of instructed

Type of instruction (primary, at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled)

Briefing topic





work with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation

APPENDIX N 1 Knowledge Testing Protocol

APPENDIX N 2 Form of the logbook for checking knowledge of norms, rules, instructions

APPENDIX N 3 Regulations on the certificate for testing the knowledge of the rules and regulations of an employee of an electric power organization

APPENDIX N 4 Indicative list of introductory briefing questions

APPENDIX N 5 Introductory briefing log form

APPENDIX N 6 Indicative list of key issues in initial workplace coaching

APPENDIX N 7 Workplace Briefing Log Form

1. Introduction

1.1. These Rules have been developed taking into account the social significance of the "Electric Power" industry, the potential danger of its equipment and devices for service personnel, on the basis and in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. They take into account the requirements of existing norms, rules, state standards and other regulatory documents.

1.2. These Rules are a guiding document for the personnel of enterprises, organizations and institutions (hereinafter referred to as organizations), regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, carrying out the design, operation, repair, adjustment, testing, organization and control of the operation of equipment, buildings and structures that are part of the electric power production, as well as performing other types of work in the conditions of an operating electric power facility.

The rules can be followed by any other organizations that include electrical and heat engineering personnel. The application of these Rules in the organization should be determined by an order or order.

1.3. When organizing work with personnel in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Labor Protection in the Russian Federation", one should proceed from the principle of state policy on recognizing and ensuring the priority of the life and health of workers in relation to the results of production activities.

1.4. The Rules set out the requirements for the forms and content of the activities of organizations to ensure and constantly monitor the readiness of employees to perform the functions assigned to them, as well as to continuously improve their qualifications.

1.5. The requirements of these Rules should be contained in instructions and regulations, as well as in organizational and administrative documents in force in electric power organizations.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. "Head of the organization" -

a person directly managing the organization, regardless of the form of ownership (hereinafter in the text of the Rules - the head of the organization) who has the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of the organization, to represent its interests in any instances, including judicial.

The owner of the property of the organization, carrying out direct direct management of his organization, belongs to the category "head of the organization".

2.2. "Leading employees of the organization"- persons appointed in accordance with the established procedure as deputy heads of the organization, with certain administrative functions and areas of work (chief engineer, vice president, technical director, deputy director, etc.).

2.3. "Structural unit of the organization"(in the text of the Rules, abbreviated as "structural unit") - a management body established by an organization for a part of an organization with independent functions, tasks and responsibilities.

2.4. "Head of structural unit"- a person who has entered into an employment agreement (contract) with the head of the organization or appointed by him to manage the activities of a structural unit (chief, foreman, manager, etc.) and his deputies.

2.5. "Management personnel and specialists"- a category of employees that provides administrative and technological support for the organization's activities.

2.7. "Operational leaders"- a category of workers from among the operational personnel, carrying out operational management in the change of work of the objects assigned to them (power system, power plants, networks, facility) and subordinate personnel.

2.8. "Operational and repair personnel"- the category of workers from among the repair personnel with the right to directly influence the control bodies of technological equipment.

2.10. "Support staff"- category of workers of auxiliary professions performing work in the area of ​​operating power plants.

2.11. "Other professionals, employees and workers"- the category of workers who are not in the area of ​​existing power plants and are not associated with their maintenance.

2.12. "Power plant"- a complex of interconnected equipment and structures designed for the production or transformation, transmission, accumulation, distribution or consumption of energy.

2.13. "Workplace"- the place of permanent or temporary stay of workers in the process of labor activity.

2.14. "Work with personnel"- the form of the organization's production activity, which ensures the maintenance of the required professional educational level of personnel to perform production functions, a specific job or a group of jobs.

2.15. "Internship"- practical development directly at the workplace of the skills of performing a job or a group of jobs acquired during vocational training.

2.16. "Duplication"- control of the power plant or other functions in the workplace, performed under the supervision of the person responsible for the training of the backup.

2.17. "Special training"- a form of maintaining the qualifications of an employee through his systematic training in the management of production processes on educational and training means, the formation of his knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of organizational and administrative documents and the dismantling of technological violations, fires and cases of industrial injuries.

2.18. "Training"- one of the forms of additional improvement of the educational level of personnel, carried out through systematic self-education, industrial and economic studies, short-term and long-term periodical training in relevant educational institutions.

2.19. "Fire-technical minimum"- the required minimum amount of knowledge of an employee on fire safety, taking into account the peculiarities of the production process, means and methods of fighting fires.

3. Duties and responsibilities

3.1. The head of the organization is obliged to organize work with personnel in accordance with the current legislation and these Rules.

3.2. The rights, duties and responsibilities of the leading employees of the organization, heads of structural divisions for the implementation of the norms and rules established by the relevant state bodies, including for work with personnel, are determined by administrative documents.

3.3. Other categories of personnel, including workers, exercise their rights, duties and are responsible in accordance with job and production instructions and labor protection instructions in accordance with current legislation.

3.4. Work with personnel in each organization should be carried out on the principles of one-man management.

Responsibility for work with personnel is borne by the head of the organization or an official from among the leading employees of the organization, to whom the head of the organization delegates this function and rights.

In the event that the head of the organization transfers his rights and functions to work with personnel to an official from among the leading employees, all decisions that are made in accordance with these Rules can be made by this official.

3.5. Control over the fulfillment of the requirements of these Rules is carried out by the state energy supervision bodies.

4. General provisions

4.1. Work with personnel is one of the main directions in the activities of the organization and its structural divisions.

4.2. When working with personnel, the specifics of the workplace, the complexity and importance of the equipment being serviced, and the professional training of the employee must be taken into account.

4.3. The initial and periodic examination of the knowledge by the owner of the rules and regulations on labor protection, technical operation rules (hereinafter - PTE), fire safety rules (hereinafter - PPB) and other norms and rules is carried out in the manner prescribed by these Rules and state supervision bodies in cases where he takes over the direct management and execution of work directly at workplaces and production areas.

4.4 Testing the knowledge of newly appointed managers, managers and specialists is carried out no later than one month after the appointment to the position.

At the same time, checking the knowledge of labor protection norms and rules, technical operation rules, fire safety and other state norms and rules of newly appointed heads of holdings, general directors (directors), chief engineers, deputy general directors (directors) of energy production and transmission organizations, as well as a periodic examination of the knowledge of these categories of persons who assume direct management and work directly at workplaces and production sites, is carried out in the commission of the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia.

4.5. Mandatory forms of work with various categories of workers:

4.5.1. With the leading employees of the organization:

Introductory briefing on labor safety;

4.5.2. With the head of the structural unit:

Verification of knowledge by state energy supervision bodies of rules, labor protection standards, technical operation rules, fire safety and other state norms and rules;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.3. With management staff and specialists:

Introductory and targeted training on labor safety;

Testing knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, rules of technical operation and other state rules and regulations;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.4. With operational managers, operational and operational-repair personnel:


Special training;

Control emergency and fire fighting drills;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.5. With repair personnel:

Introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor safety, as well as briefings on fire safety;

Training for a new position or profession with on-the-job training (internship);

Testing knowledge of rules, labor protection standards, rules of technical operation, fire safety and other state rules and regulations;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.6. With support staff:

Introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings on labor safety;

Testing knowledge of the rules, labor protection standards;

Fire-technical minimum;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.5.7. With other professionals, employees and workers:

Introductory and targeted briefings on labor safety;

Fire-technical minimum;

Professional additional education for continuous professional development.

4.6. When concluding an agreement with executives of organizations, heads of structural divisions, persons from among the management personnel and specialists, the head of the organization must familiarize this category of workers:

With the state of working conditions and the production environment in the area of ​​work of the organization entrusted to him;

With the state of the means of protecting workers from the effects of hazardous and harmful production factors;

With industrial injuries and occupational morbidity;

With the necessary measures for labor protection, as well as with guidance materials and job responsibilities for labor protection.

4.7. Work with persons combining professions (positions) is carried out in full according to their main and combined profession (position).

4.8. Persons servicing facilities or performing work under the control of state supervision bodies and other departments undergo training, certification, knowledge testing and internship in accordance with the requirements of the rules approved by these bodies.

4.9. The head of the organization, in accordance with the legislation, is obliged to organize preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations of employees of the organization engaged in work with harmful substances, hazardous and unfavorable production factors.

The list of harmful production factors and work, during the performance of which preliminary and periodic medical examinations are carried out, and the procedure for their conduct, are determined by the normative acts of the relevant federal bodies.

4.10. The head of the organization, in accordance with the law, must not allow employees to perform their work duties that have not been trained, instructed, trained, tested labor protection knowledge, mandatory medical examinations, as well as in the case of medical contraindications.

4.11. Training of specialists and workers for projects under construction, expanding, reconstructed and technical re-equipment should be carried out ahead of the dates for the commissioning of these facilities. When determining the duration of training, theoretical and practical training (including an internship at existing power plants), participation in the commissioning of the facility's equipment should be taken into account.

5. Organizational requirements

5.1. In each organization, in accordance with the legislation and these Rules, a procedure for working with personnel must be developed, agreed with the state energy supervision authorities and approved by the head of the organization. If necessary, it must also be coordinated with other bodies of state supervision and control, the rules and regulations of which apply to the organizations of the electric power industry.

5.2. To ensure the required professional educational level, specialized educational institutions (training center, center (point) of simulator training, etc.) should function in each organization.

Facilities for personnel training should be equipped with training grounds, classrooms, workshops, laboratories, equipped with technical training and training facilities, staffed and be able to attract highly qualified specialists to teaching.

5.3. In each organization, a technical library should be created, as well as the opportunity for staff to use textbooks, teaching aids and other technical literature related to the profile of the organization's activities, as well as regulatory and technical documents.

5.4. In each organization, a safety cabinet and a technical cabinet should be created in accordance with the standard regulations.

5.5. In small organizations where the creation of a material and technical training and production base is difficult, it is allowed to carry out work to improve the professional educational level of personnel under an agreement with another energy organization that has such a base.

6. Training for a new position

6.1. Persons with a professional education are admitted to training for a new position, and those in power plant management also with relevant work experience.

6.2. Persons who do not have the appropriate professional education or work experience, both newly hired and transferred to a new position, must undergo training in the form of training in force in the industry.

6.3. Training of personnel for a new position is carried out according to plans and programs approved by the head of the organization.

6.4. The training program for operational managers should provide for their internship, knowledge testing (hereinafter referred to as testing), duplication, short-term independent work at the workplaces of facilities, including:

Duty dispatcher of the unified electric power system (hereinafter referred to as the UES) and the unified electric power system (hereinafter referred to as the UES) - internship at the workplaces of the shift supervisors of the thermal power plant (hereinafter referred to as TPP), nuclear power plant (hereinafter referred to as NPP), hydraulic power plant (hereinafter referred to as HPP) and power system dispatcher;

Duty dispatcher of the power system - internship as a shift supervisor at TPPs, NPPs, HPPs, duty dispatchers of a power grid enterprise (hereinafter referred to as PES), a heat network enterprise (hereinafter referred to as PTS), a high voltage substation for a given power system;

Duty dispatcher of PES - internship, verification and duplication in the position of duty officer of the base substation, dispatcher of the district of electrical networks (hereinafter - RES) and in one of the operational field brigades (hereinafter - OVB);

Duty dispatcher of RES - internship, verification and duplication in the position of duty officer of the base substation. If the RES does not have a substation with a permanent staff on duty, training, verification and duplication in the OVB;

Duty dispatcher of the PTS - internship as a shift supervisor (duty officer) of a subordinate heat source and independent work as a duty engineer (duty officer) of one of the heating network districts;

Duty engineer of the district heating network - independent work as a duty operator of the control panel and internship as a senior operational person of the emergency recovery service;

Power plant shift supervisor - independent work in the position of shift supervisor of the electrical shop; internship, verification and duplication in the position of shift supervisor of thermal shops (boiler, turbine or boiler-turbine), as well as internship in the position of shift supervisors of other technological shops;

Shift supervisor of the electrical department - independent work at the workplaces of a senior electrician for maintenance of electrical equipment of the power plant and an electrician of the main control panel of the power plant;

Shift supervisor of the boiler shop of the power plant - independent work at the workplace of the boiler operator; training, testing and duplication by profession of a driver (senior driver) of boiler equipment;

Shift supervisor of the turbine shop of the power plant - independent work at the workplace of a steam turbine operator; training, testing and duplication by profession of a steam turbine driver (senior driver) or a boiler equipment driver (senior driver);

Shift supervisor of the boiler and turbine shop of the power plant with cross-links - independent work at the workplace of the driver of the central control panel for boilers and steam turbines; internship, checking and duplication by profession of senior operators of boiler equipment, turbine department or boiler-turbine workshop;

Shift supervisor of the boiler and turbine shop of the block power plant - independent work at the workplace of the driver of the block control system of the units (boiler, turbine); internship, checking and duplication by profession of a senior driver of power units;

Shift supervisor of the fuel and transport department - internship, checking and duplication by profession of a car dumper driver, a control panel on duty and an automated fuel supply minder (fuel supply driver);

Shift supervisor of the thermal automation department - internship at the workplace of a steam turbine driver, boiler driver, power unit driver and independent work at one of the workplaces as an electrical fitter for maintenance of automation and power plant measuring instruments;

Shift supervisor of the chemical department - independent work at the workplace of an express laboratory laboratory assistant; internship, verification and duplication in the profession of an operator of a water treatment plant of a power plant and internship at the workplaces of shift supervisors of boiler houses and turbine shops or a boiler and turbine shop.

Shift managers of thermal shops, depending on the volume of work performed on the maintenance of electrical equipment of power plants, undergo training, knowledge testing and duplication at the workplace of an electrician (senior electrician) with the assignment of an electrical safety group.

6.5. The training of the listed operational workers is carried out according to individual programs.

The need and duration of each stage of training is established depending on the level of professional education, technical knowledge, experience of practical work in related positions, the position held before admission to training for a new position and taking into account the technical complexity of the object.

The enterprises of the energy industry belong to a very complex production, therefore, special attention is paid to working with people who are ready to work in such conditions. Work with personnel in the energy sector is based on the principle of taking care of the health of employees. To fulfill this principle, rules have been developed and are in effect, which are based on government regulations.

This is because the industry uses equipment that is hazardous to workers' lives. Therefore, the rules are the main document for energy organizations performing:

  • installation of equipment)
  • control over his work)
  • maintenance of enterprise buildings)
  • other works of the electric power company.

The equipment must work perfectly so as not to endanger humans. A specialist must properly and professionally operate this equipment. And for this you need to act according to the rules, go through all the necessary stages in complex production and hazardous equipment.

The rules help the organization:

  • interact with people)
  • improve the production skills of workers.

How is work with people organized

The head of any enterprise plays a major role in working with personnel in the energy sector. Regulations and modern laws help in this function. Each person in production has:

  • rights)
  • responsibilities)
  • a responsibility.

The main principle in such industries is one-man management, that is, the employee knows that there is only one director, and he must obey him completely.

Each employee performs his production activities according to various instructions:

  • official,
  • production,
  • labor protection instructions.

Control over compliance with the rules is carried out by the state energy supervision.

Features of work with the personnel of energy organizations of the housing and communal services system of the Russian Federation

In organizations of this kind, an employee is determined:

  • specific characteristics of the place where he works)
  • nature of the tool)
  • preparation for professional work.

The director develops plans for working with employees. They are promising and current. They reflect work in the following areas:

  1. Training of workers.
  2. Retraining employees for new professions.
  3. Training in hazardous occupations.
  4. Test of knowledge.
  5. Trainings and instructions.
  6. Professional skill contests.
  7. Medical examinations of staff.
  8. Training.

Special attention is paid to fire safety. The employee regularly undergoes fire-prevention instructions in accordance with the approved procedure, and then passes the minimum.

If a device or production is just being put into operation, employees go through the necessary development, study of the information received 30 days before the start of daily work. Mastering is carried out according to the instructions.

Mastering goes through the following stages:

  1. Study of theory, technology, equipment, conditions under which labor is organized.
  2. Practical work.
  3. Participation in the preparation of new equipment.

The time for each stage naturally depends on the complexity of the technique. Control over the development of any orientation is carried out by commissions.

Let's dwell specifically on the following specialties:

  • Top and middle management personnel. Such employees should go through introductory instructions on OT, and then - a test of the acquired knowledge.
  • Operators and operators with repair capabilities. Pass:
  1. introductory, primary, repeated instructions on safety and labor protection rules,
  2. mastering your workplace,
  3. study of the required standards,
  4. duplication and various kinds of training,
  5. work on qualifications.
  • Repairmen. All the previous points, only without duplication and training.
  • Other low-skilled workers.

If an employee combines two different professions, then communication with him is conducted for each job separately and in full.

Each employee undergoes a medical examination when he gets a job, and then at intervals if his work activity is associated with:

  • harmful or poisonous substances)
  • harmful or hazardous production)
  • difficult working conditions.

Necessary organizational work

Each enterprise in the energy industry has a document called the Procedure, which is used to interact with people. It must be approved by the director and coordinated by higher, controlling organizations.

Every energy company has an educational institution, for example, a training center, training center or training center. Such objects have:

  • classrooms)
  • Technical equipment)
  • staff of qualified teachers.

In the absence of an educational institution, it is possible to conduct training for employees where it is.

Energy enterprises and work with their personnel: training and supervision

Employees with an existing education can be trained for a new specialty. For this, the following stages are carried out:

  • internship)
  • knowledge control)
  • duplication)
  • independent work.

Operational staff are undergoing training. The duration of their preparation depends on the following factors:

  • professionalism)
  • knowledge in technical sciences)
  • skills of related professions)
  • last work in progress)
  • characteristics of the institution.


Internships are held for two to fourteen shifts. It depends on the education and profession that the person managed to get, as well as on work experience.

At the end of the internship, the employee:

  1. Knows the TB rules, can use them.
  2. Knows all the necessary instructions, knows how to apply them.
  3. I have acquired the necessary skills.
  4. I learned how to use the technique correctly.

Knowledge control

A very important point for employees of energy organizations is the control of knowledge. Moreover, it can be primary or periodic, and the latter, in turn, can be regular or extraordinary.

If an employee is hired for the first time or his knowledge has not been tested for more than three years, then an initial test is carried out. With a periodicity of three years, all employees undergo periodic control of their knowledge. However, an extraordinary control may occur, the reasons for which are as follows:

  • change in standards)
  • changing schemes)
  • new profession)
  • violations of labor protection rules)
  • accident)
  • failure to fulfill official duties for more than 6 months.

The institution has approved schedules, according to which the knowledge of employees is monitored. All subordinates should be familiar with these schedules.

Knowledge is controlled by a commission of five people, which can be multi-level. However, it is very important that knowledge control is carried out individually for each employee. The results are recorded in the protocol.

If a person's knowledge is assessed as unsatisfactory, the employee tries to pass the control again. After the second failure with the employee, the question of dismissal is decided.


Before starting work on their own, employees spend several days (2-12) doing duplication. The term depends on the experience and education of a particular employee. During the dubbing, all kinds of rehearsals are held - their number is determined in the program. This process helps to make a conclusion about the professional suitability of the specialist.

Next, you need to check his knowledge in practical reality. Therefore, several tests are carried out in conditions close to real ones in production. The employee demonstrates his practical capabilities, how he can protect himself in emergency situations.

Independent activity

After all these necessary procedures, work begins independently. It is not allowed for a specialist to have medical contraindications.

Only strict observance of all the rules will allow to preserve the life and health of people and the uninterrupted operation of energy organizations.