Potentials pre-revolutionary and current: who is more? The thistles of the XIX century famous Russian patrons.

Potentials pre-revolutionary and current: who is more? The thistles of the XIX century famous Russian patrons.
  • Antonovich Irina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor
  • Bocharov Anna Sergeevna, student
  • Altai State University
  • Private charity
  • Domestic culture
  • Dynasty

This article presents an analysis of the history of the formation of private charitable activities in Russia. The motives and forms of manifestation of patients, as well as the importance of the charitable activities of the prominent patrons of Russia are considered.

  • Civil Society: Cartography of Russian Regions According to the results of surveys of the FOM 2007-2008
  • The influence of volunteer activities of students of social work on the formation of a tolerant attitude towards people with special needs
  • Cruel treatment of children in the family (on the example of the Altai Territory)

Our country has a large cultural heritage, both spiritual and material culture. A significant role in the formation of the National Cultural Fund, the replenishment of national artistic collections, the construction of theaters, museums, the creation of literary monuments, the development of science and education belongs to Russian patrimbs and public figures. Savva Ivanovich Mamontov, Savva Timofeevich Morozov, Kozma Terentyevich Soldatenkov, Nikolay Alexandrovich Alekseev, Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov - These names of patrons and educants are inextricably linked to the history and development of our country. All of them were united by passionate commitment to the cause of popular education and cultural creation.

Nowadays, Russia passes one of the difficult stages of its development. Now in our country there is a loss of moral and moral landmarks. Modern Russia needs the revival of spiritual traditions and there is a need to form new installations that would help the country to stand on the path of progressive development. Based on this, the study of our historical heritage is relevant, familiarity with the biographies of those people who for many years have been samples of true patriotism, selflessness, desire to help their homes, love for people.

Charity is a special form of social support, which consists in gratuitous provision of material assistance in need. Under the needs are understood not only people living in need , But people and public organizations experiencing a deficit in the means to solve various cultural, individual, civil and professional tasks.

Potentialness is a type of charity in the field of culture. The word "patron" was due to the name of the Roman statesman and the patron saint of artists and science of the patron of Guy Tsilnia (VIII century BC). The patronage in Russia showed widespread since the end of the XVIIIV ..

This article discusses the activities of the most famous and large benefactors and patrons of the XVIII-XIXVV.

Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn (1721-1793)

Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn - Russian officer and diplomat, was one of the most famous benefactors. It was among the first of the Russians who were fond of collecting paintings. During traveling in Europe, he managed to collect a stunning collection consisting of 300 paintings, many of which are written by the most famous masters, such as P.P. Rubens, Rafael, Caravaggio and many other artists.

In memory of his wife (after her death in 1761), Dmitry Mikhailovich took up the organization of hospitals in Europe and Russia, sacrificed money to the support of young doctors and medical students, as well as research in the field of medicine.

Golitsyn bequeathed 850 thousand rubles and its picture gallery on the device and the content of the Golitsyn hospital, which was opened in Moscow in 1802 as the "Hospital for the Poor". Now it is the Golitsinsky corps of the first urban clinical hospital.

Morozov dynasty

Timofey Savvich (1823-1889) and his wife Maria Fedorovna (1830-1911) Morozov

Timofey Savvich Morozov- Manufactory advisor, merchant.

It is from these people who originates the charitable activities of the Morozov family. Initially, it is associated with the improvement of the workers of their manufactory. With each manufactory, schools, colleges, hospitals, hostels for workers were built.

Accumulating your capital, these benefactors willingly shared them with poor and poor them, donated large amounts of money to many societies and institutions. With their help, for example, the most large and famous psychiatric hospital in Moscow - Alekseevskaya was built.

Maria Fedorovna was known for his charitable affairs in a secular society and in the religious world. After the death of her husband, he built his name to his name in the town of Trevo-Zuev, putting 500 thousand rubles on her account., Percent from which the alone could exist. The charity sacrificed the money of Moscow University, Moscow Technical School, allocated money on scholarships, laboratory. Hospitals, hulls, labor exchange in Moscow, several houses for the poor were built on it.

Savva Timofeevich Morozov (1862-1905)

S.T. Morozov, the Russian benefactor and the patron, son of Timofey Savvich Morozova.

It was greatly important in the development of domestic culture. The greatest merit is to help the Moscow Art Theater. There was significant funds for the theater. Without receiving assistance from the government, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko began to turn to patrons. Morozov took all expenses of the theater on themselves.

Mikhail Abramovich (1870-1903) and Ivan Abramovich (1871-1921) Morozov, helping the development of medicine, culture, science, contributed to charity.

Bakhrushina dynasty

Alexey Fedorovich Bakhrushin (1800-1848) -Colder of the Manufactory of Manufactory, manufacturer.

Actively investing funds, first of all, in medicine, culture and social construction of Moscow. At the end of each fiscal year, most of the profit contributed to charity.

Bakhrushini first built the first corps of the hospital for chronically ill (1887), which was perfectly equipped with equipment and appliances. Then the second case was built for incurable patients. Surgical corps, akin to amenuming office and an ambulatory were built. About 1 million rubles were spent on all this.

The next thing was built by the crustic, orphans. There were 5 houses where 20-25 children lived. Moreover, in the houses, it was preferable not to the peers, but children of different ages, so that the elders could help and take care of the younger. In this shelter, all boys received a vocational education. To do this, on the territory of the shelter, an educational building was built with craft and plumbing workshops. Later, a church was built on the shelter.

Alexey Fedorovich had three sons to whom he punished "not to deny anyone to help and not wait for them when they were told, and the first to offer her in need. You knew the need with me together, know how to respect it from others. "

In 1895 Senior son Peter died. The house of his soul was built by the house of free apartments for the ladies, which came to Moscow to receive higher education, and for poor large widows. More than 400 people lived there. For children there everything was free: Punching, food, all levels of education, treatment, etc.

In 1900 Brothers Bakhrushin Alexander and Vasilia gave the title of Honorary hereditary citizen of Moscow. 6 Schools, 8 churches, 3 theater, just more than 100 buildings were built with fringe. In addition, they constantly donated money on folk houses. Another example of Bakhrushin's charitable activities - in 1914. Vasily Fedorovich translated absolutely all his capital for the needs of the front.

In the third generation of Bakhrushini, Alexey Petrovich was glorified and Alexey Alexandrovich, who were both passionate collectors and left the descendants unsurpassed meetings.

Senior Brother Alexey Petrovich (1853-1904) Collected very valuable vintage things, such as tobacker, miniatures, engraving, porcelain dishes, decorations, books, decorations and more. All to the last thing he bequeathed Moscow museums.

Alexey Alexandrovich (1865-1929) under the influence of a cousin also became a collector. But he chose a rather original direction of gathering. Posters, performances of performances, photo portraits of actors, outlines of costumes, personal things of artists, their costumes - all this became the area of \u200b\u200binterest Bakhrushin. He became the founder of the Moscow Literary and Theatrical Museum. The whole collection was presented to the Academy of Sciences.

Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918)

S.I. Mammont- Sculptor, singer, writer, successful industrialist who continued his father's case and built railways, also Savva Ivanovich is the progenitor of the Russian opera and painting.

Organized in Moscow an informal association of artists, collecting the best representatives of Russian painting around the best representatives of Russian painting, such as V.M.Vasnetsov, V. SEROV, Polenov, Nesterov, Repin, M.A.Vrubel and many others. Savva Ivanovich helped people of art, eliminating them from the decision of household issues, allowing them to completely devote themselves to creativity.

Savva Ivanovich created the first private opera in Russia in 1885. The idea was to promote the work of Russian opera composers on the stage, which at that time were completely not quoted not only abroad but also in Russia. Thus, the goal was to increase the popularity of Russian composers and singers.

But, unfortunately, in the 1890s, Savva Mammoth was ruined and arrested. The property of Savva Ivanovich was almost entirely sold out.

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832-1898)

In the first half of the 1850s, he inherited the father's case, developed operations for the purchase of flax, its processing and sale of textile articles. In 1860, together with Brother S.M. Tretyakov and son-in-law V.D. The end of the trading house "P. and S. BR. Tretyakov and V.D. Konshin, "in 1866 - a partnership of the new Kostroma linen manuff.

By charity, the Tretyakov brothers allocate the means of G. Moskwe for the construction of the hospital and hospitals. Give money to the device of a children's psychiatric hospital. Hundreds of young people and girls receive education on Tretyakov. Among other charitable cases, Pavel Sergeevich was that he had financial support for the research expedition N.N. Miklukho-Maclay.

In the 1880s, the Tretyakov brothers participate in collecting money to build an Orthodox church in Japan. Their circle of charitable affairs was extremely wide and diverse.

In the 1860s, the first specialized school for deaf-and-dumb children appears in Moscow. Pavel Mikhailovich heads his Board of Trustees and sponsors the activities of this institution. Starting from 1863. And right up to the death of Tretyakov annually financed not only the activities of this school, but also the construction of new buildings. In addition, he participated in the life of this establishment, he often visited him, took exams among students, communicated with the children. Children in the school provided shelter, clothes, food, taught the elementary communication skills, taught them to talk, taught literacy.

The main case of the life of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov was the creation of a national art gallery. The patron began to collect his collection in 1854. He began collecting mainly Russian painting. Tretyakov dreamed of creating a gallery, in which the works of Russian masters would be presented. From 1881 His gallery has become publicly available. Tretyakova Gallery has become one of the attractions of the capital.

In August 1892, Tretyakov passed its meeting and mansion as a gift to Moscow. By that time, there were many paintings and drawings of the Western European school, the picturesque and graphic works of the Russian school, several sculptures and collection of icons.

Kozma Terentievich Soldatenkov (1818-1901)

K. T. Soldatnikov - Moscow entrepreneur, Old Believers, patronage and benefactor.

During traveling in Europe, European culture and art studied. Since the 1940s, Slot to collect his personal library, looking for the best books about science, literature and art as a whole. A few years later, Kozma Terentevich organizes his publishing house. Thanks to this, many scientific, philosophical works are printed for the first time, many foreign translation literature is published. Soldatenkov leaves himself only 5% of the annual profit, and the main income goes to the publication of new books.

From 1856-1901g. The publisher has released more than 200 books. Many books were published for the first time and once. Such images, these soldiers made an invaluable contribution to Russian culture.

All this publishing was charity, since under the publishing house there was a non-profit store, where people could attend very low prices to buy the literature published.

Kozma Terentievich was the first one who began collecting Russian painting. His meeting was second to scale after the Tretyakov Gallery.

In addition, the soldiers helped many educational institutions, museums. His money was built in Europe a charitable hospital for the poor.

Almost all his eight million state left for the needs of charity. For example, you bequeathed several millions to the construction of a hospital for the poor, which became the largest at the time in Moscow. Also, Kozma Terentyevich founded a jade, which was kept until the end of his life, and tested this institution a large amount of money. He left a big money for the creation of a craft school, where young men were trained to work in Moscow factories and factories. The whole collection of books, newspapers, magazines, icons and Kurtin Soldatenkov also received museums and libraries and the cathedral, where he was later buried.

Demidov dynasty

Demidov - Russian entrepreneurs and benefactors.

Demidov spent very large amounts of money for charity.

Nikita Akinfievich Demidov (1724-1789) provided great support to the Moscow State University. It was assistance in construction, payment of benefits to young professors, scholarships of poor students, as well as the transition to the university's property of the part of the Nikita Akinfiyevich collection.

At the end of the XVIII. The first educational house appears in Moscow. At the origins of his creation, the prophyuse of Akinfiyevich Demidov was stood (1710-1786), which donated more than 1 million rubles with silver.

Stroganov dynasty

Russian merchants and industrialists, major landowners and statesmen.

More substantive charity assistance of the rhodation of Stroganov can be traced in the XIX century. For the period from 1816 to 1830, there are archival information on Pavel Alexandrovich (1774-1817) and Sofier Vladimirovna (1775-1845) Stroganov. Their deposits for a chance and charitable assistance ranged from 1.8 to 6.4% of all their expenses.

Pavel Alexandrovich sacrificed in pensions the poor, the content of students in educational institutions, various godly donations, one-time benefits and other.

Sophia Vladimirovna made donations to the patriotic female society, distributed poor fires, sacrificed to pensions to various persons, on the maintenance of the Mining andavod school and hospital, and much more.

In archival documents of Stroganov for the 1st quarter of 1866, there is an entry: "To assist the poor" Petersburg part of St. Petersburg: the parish - 745 rubles, consumption - 738 rubles. Of these: apartment distributions - 360 rubles, a one-time assistance for money - 68 rubles, "for Christmas" - 59 rubles, "on bread is given one old woman" - 1 ruble, in the "Patriotic School of Girls" - 2 rubles.

In the 2 quarter report, there is an entry that there were 78 poor families on the care of Stroganov, of which 15 families fee for an apartment amounted to 26 rubles 50 kopecks per month, which amounted to 318 rubles. In addition, six families of the apartment were fully paid.

By the beginning of World War II, the dressing point of Count A.S. was organized Stroganova. From the explanatory note to the expenses of Count A.S.STrohanova for 1905 - 1914, it can be seen that the total amount of payments by the state amounted to 8.1 million rubles. Of these, pensions and benefits were spent - 210,178 rubles, on the "purchase of a cruiser" Rus "- 1,677,115 rubles. From the total amount of its expenses, this was 23.1%.

Charitable traditions of representatives of the Stroganov dynasty were brought up and passed from generation to generation. They made a large patriotic contribution to the support of the state, moral development and social assistance to those in need of compatriots.

In conclusion I would like to say, whatever the motives of Russian benefactors and patients, it is thanks to them in Russia in the XVIII-XIXV. There have been significant positive changes in many areas of society's life, such as education, medicine, culture, social sphere, etc. Nowadays, many cultural, scientific institutions are not able to fully fulfill their functions due to insufficient financing. From here, the need for revival in Russia of patronage and charity as social phenomena is brewing.

From the standpoint of today, the activities of the thistles of the XIX century. It has a wide historical value. They were and there are the personification of the best, the bright sides of the human person, as they saw more and sharper felt than many of their contemporaries, the needs of social development, which was given their strength, knowledge, mind and heart. And it is important not only worthy to evaluate the activities of such devotees, but also to comprehend it in the context of all historical development.


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  3. Historian - socio-political magazine [Electronic Library]. - Access mode: http://www.historicus.ru/mecenatstvo_i_blagorvoritelnost/. - Metsenate and charity in Russia at the end of the XIX - early XX century.
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Russian Entrepreneurs of the 19th century treated their work other than Western entrepreneurs. They considered it not so much a source of income as a mission that was assigned to their shoulders by God or fate. In a merchant environment it was believed that wealth should be used, therefore merchants were engaged in collecting and charity, which was considered by many as the purpose of over.

Most entrepreneurs of those times were fairly honest businessmen who considered the patronage almost their duty.

It was at the expense of patients in Russia that museums and theaters, major temples and churches appeared, as well as extensive collections of art monuments. At the same time, Russian patrons did not seek to betray their work to publicity, on the contrary, many helped people provided that their assistance would not be advertised in the newspapers. Some patrons even refused nobility titles.

The flourishing of the medacy, which began in Russia from the 17th century, stepped in the second half of the 19th century. City palaces and country noble estates were overcrowded by extensive libraries of rare books and collections of Western European / Russian art, which their owners presented the state.

Shooting richness were at all times. Exotic pets, strange friends, an unusual appearance, strange wills ... At the same time, often the oddities of the old Russian richness are equalized by charitable projects and bright ideas for business. From this point of view, the most unusual millionaires of Russia of the XIX century are not so different from modern. Although some patrons in the depths of the soul and cherished the dream to get a state award for their acts or to light up their name. Today, a charity in Russia is experiencing a revival, so it will appropriate to remember the most famous our patrons.

Gabril Gavrilovich Solodovnikovnikov (1826-1901). This merchant became the author of the largest donations in the history of Russia. His condition was about 22 million rubles, 20 of which Solodovnikov spent on the needs of society. Gavril Gavrilovich was born in the family of a paper merchant. The future millionaire from childhood was attached to the case, so he never learned to really write or state his thoughts. But in 20 years of licorice, I already became a merchant of the first guild, and at 40 years old earned my first million. The businessman became famous for his extreme calculation and thrift. It is said that he did not be rushed to eat yesterday's porridge and ride the crew without rubber on wheels. Cases of their maltovnikov behaved and not quite clean, but the conscience reassured her, making a well-known testament - almost all the state of the merchant went to charity. The first contribution of the patron Metzenate did for the construction of the Moscow Conservatory. The contribution of 200 thousand rubles was enough to build a luxurious marble staircase. The efforts of the merchant on Big Dmitrovka was built a concert hall with the theater scene, where you could put ballets and extravagancies. Today, he became the theater of operetta, and then there was a private opera of another patron, Savva Mamontov. Solodovnikov wanted to become a nobleman, for this he decided to build a good establishment in Moscow. Thanks to the patronage of the city, a clinic of skin and venereal diseases appeared, equipped with all the most interesting. Today in its room there is a Moscow Medical Academy named after I. M. Sechenov. Then in the name of the clinic, the name of benefactor was not reflected. At the expense of the merchant, his heirs were left about half a million rubles, the remaining 20147700 rubles were put on good deeds. But at the current rate, this amount would be about 9 billion dollars! A third of the capital went to the arrangement of Zemsky women's schools in a number of provinces, another third - to create professional schools and shelter for homeless children in the Serpukhov district, and the remaining part is to build houses with cheap apartments for poor and lonely people. Thanks to the insights of the patron, in 1909, the first house "Free Citizen" appeared on the 2nd Meshchanskaya street with 1152 apartments for lonely people, the house "Red Rhombus" was built there with 183 apartments for families. The devices of the commune appeared with the houses - shop, dining room, laundry, bath and library. On the first floor of the house for family-owned Nasli and kindergarten, the rooms were already offered with furniture. Only here to such comfortable apartments "for the poor" were the first to live officials.

Alexander Ludwigovich Shtiglitz (1814-1884). This Baron and Banker was able to sacrifice 6 million rubles from its state of $ 100 million. Stiglitz was the richest man in the country in the second third of the XIX century. He was inherited from his father, who won the Title Baron for the merit of Title Barona, along his title of Court Banker. Alexander Ludwigovich strengthened its position, performing an intermediary, thanks to which Emperor Nicholas I was able to conclude an external loan agreement for 300 million rubles. Alexander Shtiglitz in 1857 became one of the founders of the Main Society of Russian Railways. In 1860, Stiglitz appointed the director of the newly created state bank. Baron eliminated his company and began to live on interest, taking a luxury mansion on the English embankment. By itself, Capital brought 3 million rubles a year by Stiglitz. The big money did not make a baron sociable, they say that even the hairdresser's harsh hairdressed him did not hear his client's voice. The modesty of the millionaire took painful features. It was Baron Stiglitz standing for the construction of Peterhof, Baltic and Nikolaev (later October) railways. However, the banker remained in history not by its financial assistance to the king and not the construction of roads. The memory of him remains largely due to charity. Baron allocated impressive amounts for the construction of a technical drawing school in St. Petersburg, its content and museum. Alexander Ludwigovich himself was not alien to art, but his life was devoted to making money. The husband of the adopted daughter, Alexander Polovtsy, managed to convince the banker that the growing industry of the country needs "scholars of draftsmen." As a result, thanks to the Stiglitz, the School of his name and the first museum of decorative and applied art appeared (the best part of his collections over time was transferred to the Hermitage). Polovtsev himself, who was the Secretary of Alexander III, believed that the country would be happy when merchants would start sacrificing money for education without mercenary hope to obtain a government award or preference. Thanks to the inheritance of his wife, Polovtsy was able to publish 25 volumes of the "Russian biographical dictionary", however, because of the revolution, this good thing was not completed. Now the former School of Technical Drawing of the Stiglitz is called Muhinsky, and the marble monument to the baron-patronage from it has long been thrown away.

Yuri Stepanovich Nechaev-Maltsov (1834-1913). This nobleman donated about 3 million rubles a total of about 3 million rubles. At 46, he unexpectedly for himself became the master of the whole network of glass plants. He received them from his uncle-diplomat Ivan Maltsev. He was the only one who survived during a memorable massacre in the Russian embassy in Iran (then Alexander Griboedov was killed). As a result, the diplomat was disappointed in his profession and decided to do a family business. In the town of Gus Ivan Maltsev created a network of glass plants. To do this, in Europe, the secret of colored glass was used, with its help the industrialist began to produce very favorable window glass. As a result, all this glass-crystal empire, together with two rich houses in the capital, painted by Aivazovsky and Vasnetsov, was inherited by the elder already idling official Nechaev. Together with wealth, he got a double surname. The years lived in poverty, put their indelible imprint on Nechaeva-Maltsev. He walked a very stupid man, allowing himself to spend money only on an exquisite meal. A friend of Bogita became Professor Ivan Tsvetaev, father of future poetess. During rich feasts, he counted with sadness, how many building materials could be bought on gourmet money spent. Over time, Tsvetaev managed to convince Nechaeva-Maltsev to allocate 3 million rubles required to end the construction of the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. Interestingly, the pheck of glory himself was not looking for. On the contrary, all 10 years, which was the construction, he acted anonymously. The millionaire walked on unthinkable spending. So, the 300 workers hired by him mined a special white frost-resistant marble right in the Urals. When it turned out that in the country no one can make 10-meter columns for the portica, then Nechaev-Maltsev paid the services of the Norwegian steamer. Thanks to the patronage of Italy, skilled stone chambers were brought. For the contribution of the construction of the museum, the humble Nechaev-Maltsev received the title of Ober-Hofmeister and the Diamond Order of Alexander Nevsky. But not only in the museum inserted the "Glass King" means. A technical school appeared on his money in Vladimir, in Shabolovka - the Laddle, and on the Kulikov field the Church in memory of those killed. By the century of anniversary of the Museum of Fine Arts in 2012, the Foundation of the Shukhov Tower offered to give the institution the name of Yuri Stepanovich Nechaeva-Maltsov instead of Pushkin. However, rename never took place, but a memorable board appeared on the building in honor of the patron.

Kuzma Terentievich Soldatenkov (1818-1901). A rich merchant donated more than 5 million rubles for charity. Soldatenkov traded paper yarn, he was a co-owner of the Textile Qingdelev, Danilovskaya, as well as the Crenholm Manufactory, in addition to the Paid owned a three-story brewerous plant and the Moscow Accounting Bank. Surprisingly, Kuzma Terentyevich himself grew up in a ignorant old-supplied family, without being fraught with a diploma. From an early age, he was already standing for the counter in the shop of his rich father. But after the death of the parent, no one could stop Soldatenkov in quenching the thirst for knowledge. The course of lectures in the ancient Russian history he read Timofey Granovsky himself. He also introduced Soldatenkova in a circle of Moscow Westerners, accusing to create good deeds and sow eternal values. A rich merchant invested in a non-profit publisher, becoming at a loss to print books for a simple people. Another 4 years before Paul Tretyakov, the merchant began to buy paintings. The artist Alexander Ritzoni said that if there were not these two major patrons, then Russian masters simply would simply be selling their work. As a result, 258 paintings and 17 sculptures, as well as engraving and library, were in the meeting of Soldatenkov. The merchant even called Kuzma Medici. He visited the Rumyantsev Museum. For 40 years of Soldatenkov, annually sacrificed this public museum of 1000 rubles. Transferring its collection as a gift, the patron asked only to post it in individual halls. The unrealled books of his publishing house and the rights to them were transferred to the city of Moscow. Another million rubles, the polythet allocated for the construction of a craft school, and two million surrendered to the creation of a free hospital for the poor, where they would not pay attention to the title, estate and religion. As a result, the hospital was completed after the death of the sponsor, she was called Soldatenkovskaya, but in 1920 he was renamed Botkin. The benefactor himself would hardly be upset by learning this fact. The fact is that with the Botkin family he was especially close.

Brothers Tretyakov, Pavel Mikhailovich (1832-1898) and Sergey Mikhailovich (1834-1892). The state of these merchants was more than 8 million rubles, 3 of which they donated to art. The brothers owned a large Kostroma flax manuff. At the same time, Pavel Mikhailovich led on the factors themselves, but Sergey Mikhailovich contacted directly with foreign partners. Such a separation perfectly harmonized with their characters. If the elder brother was closed and unlikely, the youngest adored secular meetings and rotate in public circles. Both Tretyakov collected paintings, while Paul preferred Russian painting, and Sergey - foreign, mainly modern French. When he left the post of Moscow urban chapter, he even dared, which disappeared the need to carry out official techniques. After all, it made it possible to spend more in the paintings. Total Sergey Tretyakov spent about a million francs on painting, or 400 thousand rubles. Already from youth, the brothers have experienced the need to make the gift to their native city. At 28, Paul decided to make his condition for the creation of a whole gallery of Russian art. Fortunately, his life turned out to be quite a long as a result, a businessman could spend more than a million rubles for painting paintings. And Paul Tretyakov Gallery worth 2 million, and even real estate, was transferred to the city of Moscow. The Collection of Sergei Tretyakov was not so much large - only 84 paintings, but it was estimated at half a million. His meeting he managed to make a senior brother, and not his wife. Sergey Mikhailovich feared that the spouse would not want to part with the valuable collection. When in 1892, Moscow went to the art museum, he was called the City Gallery of the Pavle Brothers and Sergey Tretyakov. Interestingly, after visiting the meeting Alexander III, he invited the nobility to her eldest brother. However, Pavel Mikhailovich refused from such an honor, saying he wants to die merchant. But Sergey Mikhailovich, who managed to become a valid Stat adviser, this proposal would clearly accepted. Tretyakov, in addition to the gallery meeting, contained a school for deaf-dumbers, helped the widows and orphans of painters, supported the Moscow Conservatory and Artistic School. For its money and on its plot in the center of the capital, the brothers created travel to improve transport communication in Moscow. Since then, the name Tretyakovskaya has been preserved in the title and the gallery itself and the fare created by merchants, which turned out to be a rarity for the country with a turbulent history.

Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918). This bright personality in the history of domestic culture had a weighty effect on it. It is difficult to say what exactly sacrifice Mammoths, and it is quite difficult to calculate its condition. Mamontov had a couple of houses in Moscow, the estate Abramsev, the land on the Black Sea coast, roads, factories and a million capital. Savva Ivanovich entered the story not just like a patron, but also as a real builder of Russian culture. And Mammoths were born in the family of a wine smashingman, who headed the society of the Moscow-Yaroslavl railway. The industrialist has drawn up its capital on the construction of railways. Thanks to him, he appeared the road from Yaroslavl to Arkhangelsk, and then to Murmansk. Thanks to Savva Mammoth, a port appeared in this city, and the road that tied the center of the country with the North rescued Russia twice. First, it happened during the First World War, and then with the second. After all, almost all the assistance of the allies came to the USSR through Murmansk. The art was not alien to Mamontov, he himself looked good. The sculptor Matvey Antelian even considered him talented. It is said that thanks to the beautiful bass of Mammoths could become a singer, he even managed to make her debut in the Milan Opera. However, neither the scene, nor in Savva School, Ivanovich never fell. But he was able to earn so much money that he managed to arrange his own home theater and establish a private opera, the first in the country. There, Mammoths performed the director, and speakers, and the decorator, and also put the voice of his artists. Having bought the estate Abramtsevo, the businessman created the famous Mammoth circle, whose members constantly spent the time visiting her rich patron. On the piano, Mamontov studied Shalyapin, in the cabinet of the patron of his "demon" wrote Vrubel. Sava's superb item has made its suburbs of a real artistic colony. The workshops were built, the peasants were specially trained, and "Russian" style was embroidered in furniture and ceramics. Mammoth believed that the people should be accepted to be beautiful not only in the temples, but also at the stations, and on the streets. Sponsored a millionaire and magazine "World of Art", as well as the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow. Only here the fan of art was so carried away by charity, which managed to get into debt. Mamonts got a rich order for the construction of the next railway and secured the stock took a big loan. When it turned out that 5 million to repay nothing, Savva Ivanovich was in a Tagan prison. Friends turned away from him. In order to somehow repay the debts of Mamontov, his rich collection of paintings and sculptures was sold out for the auction at the auction. The inflicted and the aged patronage began to live with a ceramic workshop for the Butyrskoy Zaving, where it was imperceptible to everyone died. Already in our time, the famous patronage was put a monument in Sergiev Posad, because Mammonts laid the first short railway branch specifically for the carriage of the Bogomoles in Lavra. An early four monuments are planned to be a great man - in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, in the Donetsk railway and on theatrical square in Moscow.

Varvara Alekseevna Morozova (Khludova) (1850-1917). This woman owned a state of 10 million rubles, sacrificing more than a million charitality. And her sons Mikhail and Ivan became famous collectors of art objects. When her husband died at Varvara, Abram Abramovich, she was inherited from him in 34 years old Tverskaya Manufactory. Becoming the sole owner of large capital, Morozova took up the provision of unhappy. Of those 500 thousand that the spouse has allocated her to the benefits to the poor and the content of schools and churches, 150 thousand went to the clinic for mentally ill. After the Revolution of the A.A. Morozov's clinic was named after Psychiatrist Sergey Korsakov, another 150 thousand was sacrificed with a craft school for the poor. The remaining attachments were not so great - 10 thousand received the Rogozhsky women's initial school, the amounts went to rural and earth schools, on the shelters for nervous. The cancer institute on the girl's field received the name of its patrons, frost. And there was another charitable institution in Tver, a sanatorium in Gagra for patients with tuberculosis. Varbara Morozova consisted in many institutions. Her name, urgent college and elementary classes, hospitals, maternity shelters and alder in Tver and Moscow were as a result. In gratefulness for a donation of 50 thousand rubles, the name of the patronage was knocked out on the front of the Chemical Institute of People's University. For Prechisten's courses for workers in the course Lane Morozov bought a three-storey mansion, she also paid a move to Canada Dukhobor. It was Barbara Alekseevna that financed the construction of the first free library-reading record of Turgenev, open in 1885, and then also helped acquire the necessary literature. The final point of the charitable activities of Morozova was its testament. The manufacturer, put out the Soviet propaganda sample of the compassion, ordered to translate all its assets into securities, put them in the bank, and the funds received to give the workers. Unfortunately, they did not have time to appreciate all the kindness of their mistress - a month after her death, the October Revolution happened.

Savva Timofeevich Morozov (1862-1905). This patronage donated about 500 thousand rubles. Morozov managed to become a model of a modern businessman - he studied chemistry in Cambridge, and textile production studied in Liverpool and Manchester. Returning from Europe to Russia, Sava Morozov headed the partnership of Nikolskaya Manufactory, called him in honor. The managing director and the main shareholder of this enterprise remained the mother of the industrialist, Maria Fedorovna, whose capital was 30 million rubles. The advanced thinking Morozov said that thanks to the revolution, Russia will be able to catch up and overtake Europe. He even amounted to his own program of social and political reforms that set the goal to the country's transition to the constitutional regime of the Board. Morozov insured himself in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, and the policy was placed on the bearer, submitting it to his beloved actress Andreva. There, in turn, passed most of the funds to revolutionary. Because of the love for Andreva Morozov, the artistic theater was supported, he was paid for a 12-year-old rental of premises in the chamber of the camera. At the same time, the contribution of the patronage was equal to the contributions of the main shareholders, among which the owner of the gold-cannient manufactory of Alekseev, known as Stanislavsky, was also. The restructuring of the theater building cost Morozov at 300 thousand rubles - a huge amount of the sum. And this is the despite the fact that Architect Fedor Shechtel, the author of the Mkatov Seagull, made the project completely free. Thanks to Morozov's money abroad, the most modern scenic equipment was ordered. In general, the lighting equipment in the Russian theater first appeared here. A total of MHT building with a bronze bas-relief on the facade in the form of a sinking swimmer, the polythet spent about 500 thousand rubles. As already mentioned, frost sympathized with revolutionary. Among his friends was Maxim Gorky, Nikolay Bauman was hiding in the Palace of the industrialist on Spiridonovka. Morozov helped to deliver illegal literature to the factory, where the engineer served the future drug leonid Krasin. After the wave of revolutionary performances in 1905, the industrialist demanded that the mother convey the factory in his complete submission. However, she achieved the suspension of the plump son from affairs and sent him with his wife and a personal doctor to Cote d'Azur. There, Savva Morozov and committed suicide, however, the circumstances of death were strange.

Maria Claudian Tenishev (1867-1928). The origin of this princess remains a mystery. According to one of the legends, Her Father could be the emperor Alexander II. Tenisheva tried to find himself in his youth - she walked early, gave birth to a daughter, began to take singing lessons with the goal of getting on a professional scene, began to draw. As a result, Maria came to the conclusion that the purpose of her life is charity. She divorced and re-married, this time for a prominent entrepreneur, Prince Vyacheslav Nikolayevich Tenisheva. He was called "Russian American" for the business. Most likely, the marriage was for the calculation, because only the so grown in the aristocratic family, but illegitimate, the girl could get a firm place in society. After Maria Tenisheva became a spouse of a rich entrepreneur, she gave himself to his vocation. The prince himself was also a famous patron, founding the Tenishevskaya school in St. Petersburg. True, he still basically helped the most cultural representatives of the Company. Last lifetime, Tenishev's husband organized drawing classes in St. Petersburg, where Ilya Repin was one of the teachers, she also opened a drawing school in Smolensk. In his estate, Talashkino Maria opened the "ideological estate." There was a agricultural school where perfect farmers were brought up. And in the handicraft workshops they were preparing masters of decorative and applied art. Thanks to the Tenisheva, the Russian Starina Museum appeared in the country, which became the first museum of ethnography and Russian decorative and applied arts. For him, a special building was even built in Smolensk. However, the peasants whom the princess was bought, thanked her in his own way. The body of the prince, harmed for a hundred years and buried in three coffins, was simply thrown into the pit in 1923. The Tenishev itself, containing the Mammoth Mammoth Journal of Art, which gave the means to Dyagilev and Beno'a his last years lived in emigration in France. There she is still not old, engaged in enamel art.

Margarita Kirillovna Morozova (Mamontov) (1873-1958). This woman had to relate to relatives and Savva Mamontov and Pavel Tretyakov. Margarita was called the first beauty of Moscow. Already at 18, she married Mikhail Morozov, the son of another famous patellite. At 30, Margarita, being a pregnant fourth child, became a widow. She herself preferred not to engage in the affairs of the factory, whose co-owner was her husband. Morozova breathed art. She took music lessons from the composer Alexander Scriabin, who for a long time financially supported to enable him to create and not be distracted by life. In 1910, Morozov presented the artistic assembly of his deceased husband, the Tretyakov Gallery. In total, 83 paintings were transferred, including the work of Gauguen, Van Gogh, Monet, Mana, Munka, Toulouse-Lotrek, Renuara, Perov. Kramsky, Repin, Benoit, Levitan and others). Margarita financed the work of the Press Publishing House, which until 1919 released about fifty books, mainly on the topic of religion and philosophy. Thanks to the patronage, the magazine "Questions of Philosophy" and the Public-Political Newspaper "Moscow Weekly" went out. In his estate, Mikhailovskoye in the Kaluga province Morozova handed part of the lands of the teacher Shackov, who organized the first children's colony here. And this institution's institution supported materially. And during the First World War, Morozov turned his home to the hospital for the wounded. The revolution broke her life, and her family. The son and two daughters were in emigration, only Michael remained in Russia, the Mika Morozov, whose portrait wrote serms. The manufacturer itself lived her days in poverty at the summer dacha in Lianozovo. A separate room in the new building Personal pensioner Margarita Kirillovna Morozova received from the state a few years before death.

Studies show that the motives of charity and patronage of Russian entrepreneurs were complex and far from unambiguous. There was no single ideological basis for making charity actions. In most cases, both egoistic and altruistic motives were simultaneously acted: business, well-thought-out calculation, and respect for science and art, and in some cases it was a special genus of mobility, ascending its origins to national traditions and religious values. In other words, everything depended on the social appearance of philanthropists. From this point of view, we can talk about the most important motivities of charity and the patronage of Russian entrepreneurs.

An important feature of the business world in Russia of the XIX century was the idea of \u200b\u200bserving with their wealth of mercy and enlightenment. This phenomenon was given the name "Potentialness". - The patronage of rich people to the development of science and art, which appeared in Russia of the XVIII century. The patron of mind is not only a patron, but also a person, very well-dismantling in various genres of art and know how to catch new directions of their development.
In the Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary, information about the approximate
The Emperor of Augustus, the Roman Venels Gaji Metzenate, which carried out diplomatic, political, as well as the EMPERATOR (I century BC). His patronage of talented poets made the name of the patronage of the Metricative.
Potenates began to call people voluntarily donating money and even a whole condition for building all kinds of public structures (theaters, hospitals, temples, educational institutions), helping people of art: writers, artists, poets, actors and musicians. As K. S. Stanislavsky wrote: "In order for the art that artists flourished, not only artists, but also patrons are needed."
In general, the attitude of the entrepreneur to his work in Russia was not quite as in the West. Russian business people looked at their activities not so much as a source of profit, but also how to fulfill the task, a kind of mission entrusted to God or the fate. It was believed that wealth is given to use, and not in the accumulation, therefore, in a merchant medium, charity and collective work were extraordinarily developed, which they looked at how to fulfill some of the appointed business. Many entrepreneurs had a reputation for honest merchants. For most merchant families, the patronage was often becoming mandatory.
It is the efforts of these people in Russia that theaters and museums were created, extensive assemblies of highly artistic monuments of art, centers of spiritual life. Moreover, the bulk of Russian patients did not need advertising, for example, S. Morozov promised comprehensive assistance to the founders of the Moscow Art Theater under one condition: it should not be mentioned in newspapers. Some patronas refused nobility, for example, A. Bahrushin, a collector of works of art, Bibliophile, who won his collections to the historical museum.
The development of patronage in Russia began with XVIII, and in the second half of the XIX century it was flourishing. In the country noble homes, the city's urban palaces gathered wonderful collections of monuments of Russian and Western European art, extensive libraries. Some of which were presented to the state.
Every city had his patron-patron, but the Moscow patrimonists were especially famous.
Name Savva Mamontov It is known to all Russia. His father Ivan, a merchant from the famous old kind, moved from Siberia to Moscow in the 1940s of the XVIII century and in ten years he became an honorary citizen of the second capital. His efforts were built one of the first Russian railways - Troitskaya, which connected Moscow and Sergiev Posad. Savva Mamontov was the fourth son of Ivan. After the death of his father, he began to head the railway company.
As K. S. Stanislavsky wrote about him in his book "My Life in Art": "This is he, Mammoths, held the railway to the north, to Arkhangelsk and Murman, to access the ocean, and south, to the Donetsk coal kop, To connect them with the coal center, although at the time when he started this important thing, they laughed at him and called him with a sweat and an adventurer. " Donetsk railway was built in 1882, Vologda-Arkhangelskaya - in 1897. Savva Mamontov consisted of the Board of the Company of the Moscow-Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk Railway.
But still, we know more about him as a cultural worker. He often recalled how in his youth participated in the setting of the play of the Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm", played the role of Kudryash, and the playwright itself performed the role of wild. At leisure Savva, Ivanovich loved to compose operas, then they were put on the home stage in the estate Abramtsevo, which quickly became one of the centers of the creative life of Russia. Here, the hospitable owner invited his friends from the world of art, mostly artists and musicians, one by one and families, provided them with housing in the outguns, together with them went to etudes, in nature. Polenov, Kramskaya, Vasnets, Serov, Vrubel, Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky came to him. Mammoths did not only provide them with hospitality, but also supported financially, ordered expensive work.
They also established a private Russian opera, thanks to which the brilliant F. Shalyapin was opened. It is important that the concept of theatrical artist appeared due to Mamontov, who becomes a full member of the troupe with his feed. For the production of "Snow Maiden", Rimsky-Korsakov V. Vasnetsov drew a famous series of sketches of costumes and decorations. On the performances of the Mammoth opera, the outstanding dating K. Korovina as decorator was revealed.
Another representative of one of the most famous names in the history of entrepreneurship - (junior). His father Savva Morozov (senior) was serfs from Rummy, but his hardworking, incredible working capacity and perseverance for huge money bought from the nobles of Rumin's "free" and achieved enrollment into merchants I guild. After 20 years, he and his family became honorary citizens and received their home in Moscow. The largest firm Morozov became Nikolskaya Manufactory. Savva Morozov (Jr.) graduated from the Chemical Branch of the Moscow Imperial University, then studied Chemistry in Cambridge and at the same time got acquainted how the textile business was organized in English factories. In 1886, he became the director of the Savva Morozov Son and Co. director of the Nikolskaya Manufactory. There were legends about the unprecedented wealth of frost, but Savva Timofeevich himself (ml.) He was unaffected and modest in everyday life, although chic techniques and balls were arranged on Spiridoniovka in his new mansion. There it was possible to see Shalyapin, Botkin, Mamontov, Chekhov, Bookper-Chekhov, Gorky, Stanislavsky and many famous persons of that time.
Savva Morozov was a lot of charity, sacrificed money for the construction of hospitals, shelters, cultural institutions, was an honorary member of the Society of benefits to the needy students of Moscow University. S. Morozov had a colossal assistance to the MHT. In 1898, he entered the partnership for the establishment in Moscow of the public theater, constantly contributed funds for the construction and development of the art theater, for some time he managed his financial part, was also the initiator and chairman of the board of a mutual partnership for theater and construction of a new theater building in Changer Lane. As K. Stanislavsky himself told him: "... The work made to me is a feat, and an elegant building that has grown on the ruins of tritons, seems to come true at night ... I am glad that the Russian theater found his Morozov, like the artistic waiting for his Tretyakov ..."
It is impossible not to mention the name Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, famous patron, entrepreneur, collector works of Russian visual art, founder of the Tretyakov Gallery.
Pavel Tretyakov was born in Moscow in the family of a linen trader. Two years later, Brother Sergey was born. The brothers since childhood were accustomed to work and carried out instructions in the Father's shop on a par with other employees. Both got a good home education. In 1850, after the death of Father Paul and Sergey became the heirs of his flax production, opened a store of plain, paper and woolen goods in Moscow, and then in the will of the father founded a spinning factory in Kostroma, which soon became the largest largest in Europe.
In the 1950s, P. Tretyakov begins to collect a collection of Russian art. The first work acquired by him: "Temptation" N. G. Schilder and "Shash with Finnish smugglers" V. G. Khudyakova. After them, paintings A. K. Savrasova, I. P. Trutneva, L. F. Lagorio, F. A. Bruni and other masters were acquired. Almost immediately, he decided to transfer his meeting the city, as stated in his testament, compiled in 1860. Very highly Paul appreciated the artist's creativity V. Perova, in every way supported him, ordered his portraits, he also helped other artists, for example, K. Flavitsky, F. Bronnikov.
For the collected collection in 1874, Paul built a special building - a gallery that opened for universal viewing in 1881. The following year, Pavel Tretyakov handed over his entire collection together with the Gallery Building to the ownership of the Moscow City Duma. A year later, this institution was called "City Art Gallery Paul and Sergey Mikhailovich Tretyakov".
Paul, together with his brother, was a trustee of the Arnoldsky school of deaf-and-dumb children. He acquired a large stone house with a garden for a hundred fifty pupils, boys and girls, and all material support took over, but it was known to a little. He also made donations to the families of the dead soldiers during the Crimean and Russian-Turkish wars.
In the world there are always strata of different caliber, scale, level, collectors. But few people remained in the history and memory of people: S. Morozov, S. Mammoths, Pavel and Sergey Tretyakov, V. Tredyakovsky, M. Belyaev, I. Ostrukhov, S. Ryabushinsky, A. Bakhrushin. These patrons have always been a bit.

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An important feature of the business world in Russia of the XIX century was the idea of \u200b\u200bserving with their wealth of mercy and enlightenment. This phenomenon was given the name "Potentialness". The patronage is the patronage of rich people to the development of science and art that appeared in Russia of the XVIII century. The patron of mind is not only a patron, but also a person, very well-dismantling in various genres of art and know how to catch new directions of their development.

On patronage issues write

A lot of documents are kept in the Central State Historical Archive of the USSR, one way or another related to charitable institutions. And all the accompanying references to these documents end with the same words: "The Great October Socialist Revolution is abolished."

The work was boiling - it was that abolished. An alleged department of the institution of the Empress Mary by the beginning of this century, there were 683 charitable societies and institutions, from which 645 were in the European part of Russia - shelters, educational houses, alone.

In total, 11,040 charitable institutions operated in the Russian Empire. Intected 19108 parish councils. Yes, there were a lot of need for Russia, but everyone received a help from it and support: no humiliated and offended social group was disregarded by many Russian charity societies had their distinctive signs. Believe me, their design, sophistication and originality did not inferior to military awards. Being accepted into society was considered great honor. But, of course, not Bravada signs of the differences attracted secured people in the ranks of benefactors. Say, I. I. Bezzka - the son of "Last Boyarina" General Field Marshal Trubetskoy and Baronessa harm. Education received in Paris and has devoted all his life to educational work in Russia. In St. Petersburg with the light hand of Beetsky, it is laid on the project of Stasov Smolny Institute for noble maidens.

Under Alexander, the prince P. G. Oldenburg's prince P. G. Oldenburg shone on the field of professional charity: 42 years of life he gave to serving disadvantaged people. In St. Petersburg founded the school of lawsurance, the first nightly children's shelter. Peter Georgievich kept for charity more than a million rubles. In 1889, a monument with the inscription was put on the casting prospectus: "Enlightened benefactor". It is not difficult to guess when the monument was demolished ...

But mostly in Russia, they were still charity, all the same women were engaged, and first of all - the Empress. The Great Reformer Catherine The second made charity to the public industry.

Empress Maria Fedorovna ratified for the women's enlightenment and good in this direction succeeded.

Charity and patronage in Russia

Under the word "charity" in Starin was understood by compassion for neighbor, mercy. For the needy, various godly institutions were built - hospitals, shelters, schools, schools, alignments. Charity was one of the most important virtues of Christianity. In pre-revolutionary Russia, charity usually was usually not included in the state assistance programs for the poor, individuals were engaged in private individuals and assistance societies. The state assistance was denoted by the term "charity" (public charity). Charity was widespread in the state and public life of Russia. As a prince, Vladimir, and the poor could come to the princely courtyard and get there "any need, drink and doubt ...". Vladimir Monomakh followed this example, in the following words, the duties of Prince in relation to the poor: "Be the fathers of orphans"; "Do not leave strong to destroy the weak"; "Do not leave patients without help." Russian kings and queens during the exits and trips, church holidays, visits to prisons were widely distributed by alms. Prince and royal charity was an example for boyars.

The basis of charity in the Dopurerovsky era was Orthodox churches and monasteries. At the latter, the allests were satisfied with the poor and the elderly, and in the lack of laws from the monastery reserves, edible supplies of the starving, general meals were arranged for beggars.

In 18 V. The scale of Russian charity has increased significantly. In 1775, a special order of public charity appeared as part of the new provincial institutions. It was concerned about the formation, treatment, a device of folk schools, orphanages, shelters and was watered for elderly, labor and strait houses. After 65 years in the country there were already about 800 such institutions. In 1860-1870. Caring for public charity was transferred to the deputy and cities. In Moscow in 1894, district trustees about the poor were established everywhere.

Moscow held a special place in Russian charity. Educational House (1763), Vddiy House (1772), Ekaterininskaya (1776) and Golitsyn (1801) Hospitals, Sheremetevsky Stainless House (1810) and Many other major charity institutions were opened here (1772), Ekaterininskaya (1776) and Golitsyn (1801) Hospitals (1810) and many other major charitable institutions (Golitsynskaya Hospital M. F. Kazakova).

The rise and flourishing of charity in the second half of the 18th - the first third of the 19th century. Become a consequence of noble philanthropy (philanthropy). The construction of hospitals, shelters, was wondering for the poor to be a matter of honor, prestige. Rich noblemen D. M. Golitsyn, N. P. Sheremetev, A. N. Strakalova and others sacrificed huge funds on a device of various godly orders.

The charity system in old Russia was distinguished by a variety of forms of institutions and societies. The semi-government, half-friendly character was the activities of the departments of the agency of the Empress Empress (1796), named so named Spouse of Emperor Paul I. By 1900, more than 500 educational and charitable institutions consisted in the department, where they lived, tens of thousands of people were treated. The largest institutions of the department of Mary were the Council of Children's Shelters, the ladies guardianship about the poor, the so-called Mariinsky hospitals for the poor and others.

In parallel with the department of Mary in Russia, it was created in 1802 at the initiative of Alexander I philanthropic (from 1816 - a human-loving) society, the main purpose of which was the provision of voluntary versatile aid to the poor. In Moscow, the system of this society included well-known allests - Moshosskaya, Nabilkovskaya, Cherkasy and others.

A wide scope in Russia had church charity. Only in Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. There have been 69 church guardians of the poor. The content of Moscow parish temples consisted of more than 100 small wasisuled.

Special importance in the system of private charity was the classrooms. In Moscow, educational institutions, shelters, alder, where representatives of this class studied or lived, were organized at the merchants of the nobility.

Russian state and private charity from the second half of the 19th century. existed mainly on donations of merchants. Especially great merit of this class for the development of charitable institutions in Moscow. Representatives of famous merchant dynasties: Alekseev, Bakhrushini, Baevov, battles, Lyamins, Mazurins, Morozov, Solodovnikov, Khurudov and others - built dozens of charitable institutions and institutions for their funds, provided them with modern for those times with medical equipment.

In total, in Moscow by the beginning of the 20th century. There have been 628 charitable institutions: it was virtied, shelters, temporary shelters and hostels, bedroom houses, free and cheap canteens and tea, household houses, communities of Sisters of mercy, ambulatory, etc. Aid forms in them also differed in a large variety: housing, overnight stay , free lunches, issuing one-time or permanent monetary and inventory benefits, medical assistance, payments for drugs. Approximately the same structure also had charity in other cities of the Russian Empire.

The most important part of a wide charity was a patronage, which played a huge role in the formation and development of domestic culture. The word "patronage" is due to the name of the Roman statesman, Guy's Metsenn, who lived in 1 c. BC e. and helped talented Roman poets of that time. The name of the patron, as a fan of graceful arts and patron of poets, has become nominative and entered into the languages \u200b\u200bof many nations of the world. We call the patterns of people who voluntarily donate money, condition, etc. to build various public buildings (temples, theaters, hospitals, educational institutions), helping artists, writers, poets, musicians. "In order for the art to flourish," K. S. Stanislavsky wrote, "not only artists need, but also patrons." It is the efforts of the patrons in Russia that the extensive assemblies of highly artistic monuments of art, museums, theaters and other centers of spiritual life were created.

The patronage as support to individuals of culture, science and art was developed in Russia from the 18th century, when the country has arisen for educational, museum-collecting and monument and football activities. Wonderful collections of monuments of Western European art, extensive libraries were collected in the city palaces and country noble homes. However, only individual representatives of the Russian aristocracy of the 19th - early 20th century. - N. I. Rumyantsev, A. S. Uvarov and P. S. Uvarova, M. K. Tenisheva, Yu. S. Nechaev-Maltsev and others gave their collections to the state or sacrificed great money on the device of new museums.

The flourishing of the patronage occurred in the second half of the 19th century. Thanks to the Russian merchandise, who adhered to the Orthodox traditions of helping the neighbor and support of cultural public institutions. Often, the patronage became mandatory for many merchant families. Each big and small city had such patrons, but Moscow patrons were famous for all Russia. The famous genus of Morozovye industrialists left behind the many monuments of cultural and educational activities. Thus, at the means of Mary Fedo-Rovne and Feodosia, many old-supplied temples were built and decorated, Sergey Timofeevich Morozov was built and decorated, Sergey Timofeevich Morozov built a handicraft museum in Leontyevsky Lane, and Savva Timofeevich is a magnificent building of the artistic theater.

The family of the merchants of Bakhrushinov, generously sacrificing millions for the construction of temples, houses with free apartments, were called professional benefactors. Alexander Alekseevich Bakhrushin handed over to the construction of the Korsha Theater building (now MCAT. Gorky on Moskvina Street) a large amount of money. But Muscovites and Russians Alexey Alexandrovich Bakhrushina, the founder of the famous Theater Museum, presented by the owner in 1913 of the Academy of Sciences, remember.

No less well-known patrons of culture were the Moscow merchants Schukina. Metsenate and collectibles are the long tradition of this family. Peter Ivanovich, who collected a huge collection of monuments of Russian art, built a museum building on Georgian street for his money, and then in 1905 gave it to the historical museum with a meeting with a meeting of about 24 thousand items! His brother Sergei Ivanovich gathered a wonderful collection of modern Western European painting, which became the decoration of the museum of the arts. A. S. Pushkin.

The basis of the world's largest museum of Russian art - the Tretyakov Gallery was the collection of the merchant Pavl Mikhailovich Tretyakov, transferred to them in 1892 as a gift to Moscow. Large railway industrialist Savva Ivanovich Mammoths, a man versatile, a large connoisseur and a connoisseur of art, created a peculiar creative circle in his estate, who united such talented masters of Russian art, as V. D. Polenov, M. A. Vrubel, V. M. Vasnetsov, V. A. Serov and others. On the scene of the private opera in Moscow, based on Mamontov, bloomed Genial Dar F. I. Shalyapin.

The first one was guided, apparently, religious impulses. The norms of Orthodox morality, which put in the head of the corner of Christian charity, help to all in need, prevailed in the Russian entrepreneurship and merchants. Even those rich who were not deeply believers were forced to deduct significant amounts for the victim of the poor and the help of culture from fears to be excommunicated from the church on charges of compliance and other vices.

We will specify that many Russian entrepreneurs-benefactors took place from old-supplied families where children were brought up according to the ancient Charter of the rallying - in rigor and obedience, in the spirit of asceticism and goodness. Thus, a millionaire-patron, the largest Russian publisher K. T. Soldenkov (1818-1901), all childhood spent in the old-supplied medium of the Rogozhskaya oblast, and later consisted of a member of the Rogozhsky Old Believer Community. The old faith was confined and members of the family of Ryabushinsky - a large clan of merchants of the end of the XIX - early XX centuries. The very fact of belonging to Orthodox and old-supplied families did not necessarily mean the deep tyingdom of certain patrons. However, even in this case, the family traditions of the kind have played, in our opinion, a decisive role in their patrons.

The second most important motivating factor, the activities of patriotism, is undoubtedly their patriotism, "RUSSIAN". So, L. Tretyakov, according to I. Repin, "carried out one on his shoulders the issue of the existence of a whole Russian school of painting. A colossal, extraordinary feat."

S. Mamontov created in Moscow, wrote V. Stasov, "On his own funds, a Russian opera," having an invaluable impact on all Russian opera art.

Publishing company K. SOLATENKOVA specialized in the publication of the compositions of large Russian writers - I. Turgenev, N. Nekrasov, A. Koltsova, etc. At the same time, the leading metropolitan patrons were actively collecting and promoted and promoted Western European art. And it is not by chance; Their patriotism did not interfere, but helped correctly assess the achievements of foreign culture in their attitude towards the culture of the Russian.

Finally, the third group of Russian patrons operated, apparently, from the desire to obtain social benefits and privileges - ranks, titles, orders, nobility. This question was fully reviewed by A. Buchanov, who correctly indicated that "charity often opened the only opportunity to get the ranks, titles and other differences, which otherwise it was impossible to achieve." The ranks and orders were, of course, not an end in itself, - they gave the opportunity to increase the estate status. So, all orders of I degree and Vladimir IV degree (since 1900 - III degrees) allowed the opportunity to receive an offacarious nobility. From this point of view, the history of the Entrepreneur-benefactor L. S. Polyakova is very characteristic (he made large sums on the Rumyantsev Museum and the Museum of Fine Arts), who received the Order of Vladimir III degree and Stanislav I degree and achieved the nobility on this basis. Some patriotts "ordered" orders and honorary titles in exchange for contributions: So, the director of the Moscow Philharmonic Society on the eve of his 25th anniversary in 1903, in the petition, to whom what award should be targeted: D. Vostryakov - the Order of Stanislav I degree, b . Vostryakov - the title of manuff advisor, K. Guthail - Order Vladimir IV degree, etc. But these cases were still not typical of the Russian patronage: Thus, the mentioned Director of the MFIs played, as we will see below, an important role in the financing of MCAT, but did not put forward similar conditions.

Sources of patient investments

Economic analysis of patients involves a thorough analysis of sources of charitable investments. Money from the air is not taken, they are usually removed from the trade and industrial spheres and are transferred in the industry of culture and art. To trace these financial flows is quite difficult, because in terms of private ownership of the funds of the capital owners, the patrons are reluctant to share their commercial secrets. Nevertheless, some conclusions here can be made from the comparison of trade and industrial activities of patients and their charitable work. Specific examples show that the initial capital of patients was created by their ancestors - grandfathers, fathers; The young generation in part multiplied the inheritance, partly gave him another appointment.

Thus, Alexey Fedorovich, the attorney of the Bakhrushinsky dynasty, who founded the leather production in Moscow and had three sons - Alexander, Vasily and Peter, who were established in 1864 also a cloud factory. The son of Peter - Alexey (1853-1904), became a famous collector who won his historical museum, and the son of Alexander - Alexey (1865-1929), financed the construction of the F.A. Korsch theater, convened the first theater museum in Russia - now the state central Theatrical Museum named after A. A. Bakhrushina.

Father K. T. Soldatenova traded cotton yarn and sieves. After his death, the Son continued his work, expanded him and became a shareholder of a number of large firms, including Nikolskaya manufactory.

The Father G. G. Solodovnikova led a manufactory trade in Ukraine in early XIX century. Gavril Gavrilovich himself was the owner of the store "Passage Solodovnikov" on Kuznetsky Bridge in Moscow, a banker, a large landowner.

The family of the Tretyakov has long been trading with linen cannol. By the end of the 40s of the XIX century. Tretyakov belonged 5 shops in trade orders between Ilyinka and Barbarbana. In the 50s, the Brothers Pavel and Sergey created a trading house under the sign "Partnership Brothers P. and S. Tretyakov and V. Konshin" In the middle of 60gh, they managed to build several flax factories on the outskirts of Kostroma and establish "Association of the Big Kostroma Linen Manufactory" with capital of 270 thousand rubles. This production and became the base of their patronage and charity.

Morozovsky dynasty - textile manufacturers. At the end of the XIX century. They owned four firms - Savva Morozova Son and Co., Nikolskaya Manufactory, "Vikula Morozov with sons," Bogorodskaya-Glukhovaya manufactory to the partnership of Tver Manufactory. The most important of them was Nikolskaya manufactory - now the Cotton Combine named after K.I. Nikolava in the Orekhovo-Zuyevo of the Moscow region. This manufactory was headed at the end of the first nineteenth early XX centuries. Famous Savva, she became the source of its fabulous income and donations.

Father and uncle Savva Mamontov were wine flaws. Father, Ivan Fedorovich, was engaged in spill in Siberia - in Sadrinsk and Yalutorovsk. In the late 40s, he moved to Moscow to lead the deposited household in the Moscow province, in the late 50s, he founded together with V. A. Kokorev, a Cospese trading partnership, who traded silk with the Persion, and in the 60s I build a trinity iron The road to Sergiem Posad is included in the management of the Company. Moscow-Yaroslavl Railway. All its capital and experience Ivan Fedorovich conveyed Savva, who after the death of the father became the director of the Moscow-Yaroslavl road company, extended her to Kostroma and Vologda, received a concession for the Donetsk railway, which was finally built by 1882 in this way, by the middle The 1980s Capital Savva Mamontov, arising from the sputters, trade in silk and rail construction, began to look for new spheres for investments. And such an attachment was art.

These are the most characteristic examples showing the history of the origin of major patrons. Macenated activity itself was the form of "transfusion" of funds from the material and industrial sector of the economy in cultural and artistic.

Potenates-organizers: K. Stanislavsky, S. Morozov and MCAT

Bright samples of the system of the organizer gave the Russian theatrical and concert case of the end of the 19th century of the XX centuries., First of all, the history of the famous Moscow Art Theater. This topic has already received coverage in the book of Yu. Oorlova. We will try to deepen the study of the patronage aspect of the activities of K. Stanislavsky and S. Morozov and offer the simplest classification of the forms of patronage in connection with the history of the MHAT organization. As the story testifies, the theater patronage could act as a tenant, founder, shareholder, entrepreneurs and landlords. These five forms of activity we will look at.

Even before the creation of MCAT, his founder K. Stanislavsky received the experience of patronage. In his memoirs, he noted that the activity of P. M. Tretyakava, K. T. Soldatenkova, S. Schukina, A. A. Bakhrushina, had a huge impact on him: "And with some modesty, P. M. Tretyakov! Who I would recognize the famous Russian Medici in a confused, timid, high and thin figure, reminding the spiritual person! He mentioned the kind word He also mentioned S. I. Mamontov - the creator of the Russian private opera: its artistic principles and organizational form were studied in detail in the late 80- x year of the XIX century

In 1888, he himself acted as a tenant patron. At the end of this year, the solemn opening of the Moscow Society of Art and Literature (Mel) was held; Stanislavsky not only has prepared a project for the creation of Moil, but also removed the room in the Ginzburg House for him for three years in 26.1 thousand rubles. In addition to the lease, he assumed to bring the hired room into a decent view, to update the scene and butafory, to buy furniture, etc. In response, the Company took all these spending on himself in the form of a debt, considering them as an inconspicuous loan, the debt was transferred to the annual contribution "for the following years until he was finally repaid." Personally, Konstantin Sergeevich personally stipulated in this project, with the exception of the acquisition of the entire property of Moil in the event of its existence. Despite such preferential conditions, the company actually failed: already in 1890, Stanislavsky's debts have so rose that the question arose about the closure of society. But before that did not come; We decided only sharply reduce rental expenses, moving into a small apartment at the cook.

Such sad experience went to the future. When during a famous meeting on June 22, 1897 in the "Slavic Bazaar", and then in a letter dated July 12 of the same year V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko proposed K. Stanislavsky to the case "The first years on his own risk", through the entreprepacy , the latter answered on July 19, with refusal: "Scientific bitter experience, I gave myself a word; never lead theatrical affairs for my own risk, since I don't have the right to do it, partly because I am not rich for this (my capital equals 300,000, which are all entirely in business), and, secondly, because I am a family man ... ". Stanislavsky consisted of a shareholder and co-director of the Factory Factory "Vladimir Alekseev", he knew well the economic philosophy of the Moscow merchant-patronage and therefore offered to create not theatrical entrepreneurs, but a partnership on the pays: in the first case, as he believed, merchants "on the principle will not go to Theater, and in the second case, only from the principle will be bumping a lot of money and go to the theater to support "your case". Thus, Konstantin -Sergeevich refused to become a mezzanite-entrepreneur, a tenant patron, and offered Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko to become the founders in the founders , that is, take on the gratuitous work of the preparation of constituent documents of the joint-stock partnership. And Nemirovich-Danchenko gave way, although it was not quite agreed with this idea. Soon Stanislavsky shows him his draft charter of the joint-stock company "National public theaters", the second edition of which was made by them Back in 1895, in August 1897 Nemirovich-Danchenko makes it The waters, in principle, with the model of the mutual partnership. This project recorded the goals of publicly available theaters, the form of their institution, the composition of the founders, as well as capital of 1 million rubles. Of 10 thousand shares of 100 rubles. Each. These ideas were developed by Nemirovich-Danchenko a little later - in the report "Moscow Public Outdoor Theater" read at a meeting of the Russian Technical Society on January 15, 1898. "It was clearly reflected three goals of the new theater - to provide for poor people for low prices. Comfortable places , to withdraw the stage art from the routine, to give the opportunity to develop young forces that have received theatrical education. Thus, Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko made an intellectual contribution to the formation of a new theater enterprise, performing the founders in the founders.

But for the creation of a new theater, the masters-shareholders were also required, capable of making initial capital. Attempts to find support from the millionaire V. A. Morozova, the wife of a cousin S. Morozova, as well as other major Moscow merchants did not give results; Without an answer, the appeal to the Moscow Duma remains. And here, a witty move found Nemirovich-Danchenko, who, well, having studied the philosophy of merchants-patrons, knew that in "Moscow cultural life, a private initiative always tried to find a support in some patronage." Taking in a music-dramatic school at the Moscow Philharmonic Society, which is under the auspices of the Great Princess Elizabeth Fedorovna, Vladimir Ivanovich finely used the high public assessment of his work of the princes and managed to attract rich entrepreneurs who consisted by the directors of the Moscow Philharmonic Society. Already on April 10, 1898, an agreement on the establishment of a publicly available theater was signed by 10 seconds. The largest contributions were made by K. S. Stanislavsky and S. T. Moroes - 5 thousand rubles, and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko entered the "personal labor". Among the shareholders were also 5 rich directors of the Company - D. R. Vostryakov, N. A. Lukutin, N. A. Prokofiev, K. K. Ushkov and K. A. Gutheil, as well as a member of the Board of Trustees of the same Society K. V.Sipov: their total contribution was 13 thousand rubles. The total capital of the future theater increased to 28 thousand rubles, which was enough to start the case. It is noteworthy that the contract was concluded "on the basis of the Brochure Agreement V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko" Moscow Public Actual Theater ". Thus, the ideas of the founders of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko were embodied in the form of a model that did not have analogue There was a joint stock company without shares, a voucher partnership: Of the 10 shareholders, only 2 were represented by the theater itself, 8 others were unauthorized persons, actually by the shareholders.

Among the shareholders, the name S. Morozova - a man who, in the expression of Stanislavsky, was destined to play an important and wonderful role of a patron, who knows how to bring material victims to art, but also to serve him with all devotion ... ". Why did the need for Morozov's capital appeared? The answer to this question is contained in the table.

Already the first MHAT season graduated with a deficit of 38.9 thousand rubles. Part of this deficit was covered by a spare capital of 28 thousand rubles, besides; Stanislavsky refused the salary of the director and the chief director, which gave 7 more (2 thousand; the situation remained, however difficult. It was further worsened in the third season, when expenses jumped almost 100 thousand rubles, and the deficit increased almost to 80 thousand rubles did not help and raise prices for tickets that increased the fees, but the main principle of the theater joined the main principle. And at that moment Savva Morozov saved the theater.

Morozov assumed the functions of the implanet mesenter. For the first four seasons, he was the largest shareholder and, moreover, the shortcuts marked above. In the fifth season, when the initial three-year contract has expired, it has compiled a new three-year "condition" between the MSCO shareholders, according to which the new "partnership is formed from 15 shareholders with a capital of 65 thousand rubles, where Morozov believed the largest Pai in 14 , 8 thousand rubles, other shareholders were credited to them on very preferential terms. He left the position of the Chairman of the Board and the right of general control over all of the case. Subsidation of the theater He intended to implement in the following form: Morozov took obligations to rent a house of Lianozov in Camgerian lane, rebuild the scene and room under 1200 seats, and then transfer the whole room to theater for 3 years with a rent of 15 thousand rubles. All its obligations of the patronage fulfilled. The theater was rebuilt by him in a fantastically short term - no more than six months, with April to October 1902, that is, just at the beginning of the fifth season. Repair cost expensive - 350 thousand rubles, but during it such technical The innovations that were not thought about the best theaters of the West - a rotating scene, a huge hatch, controllamp, a special, lighting system, controlled by the "electric piano", and even individually equipped grimmeds! Success exceeded all expectations: in the fifth and sixth seasons the theater not only rose to a new creative step, but also achieved a positive balance balance. A third of the profits received was distributed, according to "condition", between the shareholders as a dividend, the rest replenished the working capital. The calculation of the hezenate-entrepreneurs turned out to be true: Morozov saved MCAT from the financial catastrophe.

However, the victory S. T. Morozova contained grain and his future defeat. It was granted his gap e mhat. For the first time, it was manifested by 8 frequent conflicts of the patron with V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, in the cooling of his relationship with other shareholders, in Morozov's desire to support M. F. Andreev, which was submitted in February 1904 a statement about the care of theater. The inner cause of the rupture was, however, in another, the contradiction between the claims of the implant mesenger's claims on the sole leadership of the organizational side of MCAT and the internal laws of the mutual partnership, which theater was actually. This conflict broke up on April 21, 1904, when Nemirovich-Danchenko sent Savva Timofeevich project of a new partnership to continue the business of the Moscow Art Theater from June 15, 1905: In this project, the partnership form was recognized more preferable, rather than entrepreneurskaya, and the locomot of places was not found in it. .

Savva responded first with a complete refusal to participate in the case, but after persuasion put forward the oncoming conditions, according to which he agreed to the role of the standard. In a letter to V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko dated April 30, 1904, he reported increasing rent from 15 thousand to 25 thousand rubles, but evidenced only about the reduction of the subsidy, but not to terminate it: considering Theater costs were 350 thousand rubles, and the maturity of this amount was determined at 9 years from 4% per annum, Morozov believed that the full rent would have to be 40 thousand rubles. The patronage subsidy was thus 15 thousand rubles. In the autumn, November 29, S. T. Morozov in a letter to K. S. Stanislavsky and A. A. Stakhovich proposed to consider his Pay 14.8 thousand rubles. Either as a loan for the partnership with the obligation of the latter to charge the percentage or as a diet payment with the right to receive a dividend on it. All these proposals were adopted by MCAT, which was enshrined in the "condition" between the 13th theater oscillates and the Landlord by the Lessant S. T. Morozov dated January 5, 1905, the rent increased to 53 thousand rubles. A year, but at the same time, Morozov took over the costs of insurance, water and power supply of the building. In fact, the contract indicated the transformation of the patronage in the commercial sublender, relieving the house of Lianozov to give it to the partnership in order to cover losses from restructuring and profit. It seemed that the patron of the Sava stunned.

But fate ordered otherwise. Savva's death that followed on May 13, 1905, that is, 4 months after the signing of the last "Conditions", freed the MCAT from the painful payments of debt: Having left his life, Morozov left his capital to theater. Therefore, for the descendants, he remained not by the landlord, but by the philanthropist, the benefactor than and earned eternal memory.

Collectors' patrols: Brothers Tretyakov and their gallery

By the beginning of the 19th century, the first attempt apply to organize the first Russian art gallery - the Russian Museum. Its founder - P. P. Swinin (1787-1839) - was forced to sell his unique collection due to monetary difficulties in 1829. The proposal of Swinin, made by the state execution in 1829, did not meet a sympathetic response, and in 1834 the emperor refused to collector, allowed to sell a collection abroad. Already after the death of the collector, part of his paintings acquired the Academy of Sciences, the part entered the collection of F. I. Spainishnikov, and ultimately - to the Tretyakov Gallery. But all this happened in addition to the will of the owner of the collection.

A similar fate had an artistic assembly of N. D. Bykov (1812-1884), which began to develop in the 1930s of the XIX century. After the death of the owner, it was divided between the heirs and in a significant part of its part sold out with the auction in October 1884. Although part of the Bykov's meeting passed into the Tretyakov Gallery and some other museums, the collection as a whole ceased to exist.

Other, happing, fate was waiting for the art gallery F. I. Spainishnikov - Minister, a member of the State Council, who made a lot "to facilitate the core of our artists." His gallery is the only Russian private artistic assembly acquired by Kazna: It was bought in 1865 for 70 thousand rubles. And left spinning in life ownership. After 2 years, it was joined to the meeting of the Academy of Arts, and a little later - passed as a gift to the Moscow Public Museum. Such a government interest is explained not only by the high artistic meaning of this gallery, but also, probably, the high social position of its founder - F. I. Skinichnikov, however, who did not become a philanthropist: he sold his collection to the state, therefore, has implemented considerable material interest.

Until now, it was about Petersburg gatherers. Moscow collections had similar fate. Back in May 1810, according to the will of Prince A.M. Golitsyn, an art gallery was opened at the Golitsyn hospital - the first public art museum in Russia. But after 6 years, her heir - Prince S. M. Golitsyn - decided to sell it to extend the money to extend the hospital.

I failed in this field and the famous Moscow merchant-collector V. A. Kokorev (1817-1889). The gallery was created by their personal funds and wondered very widely as the Museum of Old and New, Russian and Western European Painting. The gallery was placed in a mansion in a large three-way alley equipped with the latest museum technology and became the first special building in Moscow. But as a result of the financial nutrition of Kokorev, it was forced to sell it and in 1864 to translate the gallery into his mansion on the Sofia Embankment. From now on, he began selling a collection. In 1866, he applied to the Ministry of the Imperial Court to buy a part of the collection, in 1869 had similar negotiations with P. M. Tretyakov, and next year - with the heir to the throne Alexander Alexandrovich. Buyers made a number of acquisitions, but from "wholesale purchases" refused. The balance remains were sold out by the heirs V. A. Kokorev in 1890-1910, and many valuable work went for a snaps.

Otina turned out to be the fate of K. T. Soldatenkova (1818-1901) - a largest private collector of the second half of the XIX century, which occurred from the Wednesdays of the Forechests-Old Believers of the Rogozhskaya oblast. Already in the 60s of the XIX century. His gallery, stirred in a rich and famous House of Soldankovy on meat, became an artistic attraction of the capital. In the 90s, by the end of life, the same problem arose before Soldatenkov, as before the majority of Russian collectors: what to do with your meeting? He solved this question otherwise than predecessors, having bought his extensive library and about 300 picturesque works, including 230 Russian paintings, Rumyantsev Museum. Thus, in the face of Kuzma, Terentyevich Soddenkov, we see one of the first classic Russian patrons that created the collection and disinterestedly, in the will, who passed its society. Soldatenkov failed only in one - he could not create his own gallery, which could kindle his name. This luck fell out the brothers of the Tretyakov, which to the world, the highest examples of the Russian patronage.

The economic philosophy of third-party patrons was best manifested in their wills. The first testation letter Pavel Mikhailovich was written to them at the age of 28, May 17, 1860 in Warsaw. Of all the capital from the capital of 266 thousand rubles. Pavel Mikhailovich bequeathed to give 150 thousand rubles- on the device in Moscow "Art Museum or Public Art Gallery". The input board in the gallery was supposed to be 10-15 kopecks. Silver, and the fees, on the thought of the testator, were to "postpone into the stock capital of the gallery and agrees with interest as it is more profitable." A third of the total capital of Tretyakov suggested to spend on the purchase of a collection of F. Spainishnikov, which was supposed to connect with the Tretyakov Meeting and form a gallery kernel. "Society of art lovers, but private, not from the government, and most importantly, without officialhood, should be organized on most of the remaining amount": This society was to manage the gallery in the future, to buy a house for her, to acquire new works, etc.

After 28 years, on November 16, 1888, Sergei Mikhailovich Tretyakov writes his will. In it, he joins his brother in his decision to convey the Moscow City Duma the Tretyakov House and the collection in it, but on the terms of Pavel Mikhailovich; In addition, Sergey Mikhailovich Giving Moscow City Governance 100 thousand rubles., interest from which were to be used to purchase the works of Russian artists in order to replenish the collection. This will were announced after 4 years - July 25, 1892, when Sergey Mikhailovich passed away; A month later, Pavel Mikhailovich writes a statement to the Moscow City Duma, which confirms a joint decision on the transfer of a meeting of Moscow and puts forward a number of conditions of the Duma: to keep the right to use residential premises in the house for his family, to leave the place of life guardian of the gallery, to provide a free visit Galleries at least 4 times a week, etc. Total for only two weeks it took, the Duma to take a gift on the conditions of the patron: the gallery became state, but in the title retained the memory of the creators - became Tretyakovskaya.

After 4 years, September 6, 1896, shortly before the death of Pavel Mikhailovich writes the second and last testament, which makes "one hundred thousand rubles to use interest on the gallery repair, one hundred and twenty-five thousand rubles for the purchase of percentages from this amount of pictorial and sculptural artistic works to replenish the collection ... "After 8 months, however, the patron makes a prescription to the will, sending the specified amount of 125 thousand rubles. Not to replenish the meeting, but "for repair and maintenance of the gallery, together with the sum above the appointment."

What is the features of the third-party brothers patient, what are their economic philosophy? They carried on their shoulders and retained for the descendants the Russian National School of Painting, having completed it, as already mentioned, "a colossal, extraordinary feat." Unlike its predecessors, they from the very first steps abandoned the use of a collection for commercial purposes, "the goal was raised to give it to Moscow, Russia. The collection of works of Russian visual arts was practiced to them, "it's enough to remember the collections of Svetin and Snidishnikov, but only the Tretyakov managed to collect a holistic, representative, comprehensive, character collection. Waving to Her Moscow, they repeated the step of Soldatenkov, but unlike him created their own gallery, indifferent to his name and matter.

At the same time, this act of Russian patrons should not be excessively idealized, because they were entrepreneurs, people with a practical surf. Their views passed a complex evolution, which is the easiest to be traced, comparing the testament of the Tretyakov brothers. In the original intent, the Museum was to be exclusively public, in the final version of the social and state, which are under the control of the Moscow Duma, the nose of the implementation of a number of restrictive conditions: all the case was to lead the public trustee, the composition of the collection should have remained permanent, premises Galleries could not give up for rent, etc. This model was developed by Pavel Mikhailovich in 1860-1888, because it was already fixed in the will of Sergei Mikhailovich, it was quite definitely: the question of increasing the collection was not resolved by Pavel Mikhailovich: the later searcharge of redirect 125 thousand rubles. According to experts, under the influence of the dissatisfaction of the testator to the modern state of the Russian art of the late 90s of the XIX century; Tretyakov was afraid of formalistic trends, which, as he thought, bear the threat to the integrity of the collection.

The thoughtfulness of the Tretyak Plan, their unfortunate and patriotism caused the success of their project. In the provisions on the management of gallery approved by the Moscow Duma in June 1899 and in October 1904, all wishes of the brothers regarding the trustees and the organization of the museum were taken into account. Later, in 1913-1916, a new trustee I. E. Grabar somewhat changed the exposition, the gallery was replenished with new works, the building was subjected to reconstruction, but the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Tretyakov remained - the public Russian National Gallery worked in Moscow. Nowadays, when the gallery leadership, there is a temptation to increase the entrance fee or include alien works in the collection, it should be more likely to turn to the completion of the founders of the gallery: their economic philosophy, as we hope will help determine the appearance of real and future Tretyakov.

Summing up our study of the economic philosophy of the great Russian patrons of the late XIX - early XX centuries, we note their decisive role in the development of domestic entrepreneurship and culture. In nature, these are tragic figures: the transfer of huge amounts from the commercial sector to a non-commercial challenged the world of business and the laws of a market economy, and this inevitably enthrall the envy, mockery, Ostraikism on the part of colleagues-entrepreneurs, and sometimes - the danger of ruin. Even the world of culture and art did not always correctly accepted and evaluated these victims: after all, it was necessary for obtaining gifts, as V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko recalled, "to humiliate in the living room ... people we say sincerly ... did not respe - Neither them nor their capital. And the patrons felt this cold, but the best of them was still sacrificed from the interests of culture as a whole, its future creators and performers. And it was the right choice: the grateful descendants attending galleries and theaters, libraries and museums created on the means of old patrons sometimes recall people who took upon themselves a heavy cross and suffered it to "become perfect."

Departmental institutions Empress Mary: Gubernskoe guardianship of children's shelters

The mercy and the virtues of ancient times amounted to an important part of Russian self-consciousness. The adoption of Christianity in Russia delivered charity at a higher level, giving it, above all the systematicity and ideological justification. The proof of this can serve as the theory of Saint Rus, one of the postulates of which is, the fact that in order to achieve the kingdom of God, it is necessary to constantly work out the benefit of the siema and the poor of this world. However, the development of charity in Russia, and later in Russia, it is impossible to fully put in the merit of the Orthodox Church, the church only managed to use the features of the people who are known to us under the name - "Russian", and here it does not matter what it has been quite a significant part of it Not Slavs. Quite severe climatic conditions, infinity of spaces, raids of hostile tribes encouraged to such a form of a hostel which is known for us by the name "Verve".

Representatives of all classes accepted live and active participation in everyday trustees on the suffering. In the history of charity in Russia, two main periods can be distinguished in Russia, firstly, the period of the Doperer Rus, the main characterizing its sign is a fairly weak participation of the state in charitable acts. Russian princes, the kings committing acts of claims, were not as the personification of the state, but as individuals. The second period was the period from Petrovsky times and up to the events of 1917-18. This period is characterized by the dominant role of the state in charity, determined, initially the needs of the Russian Empire under construction, and then the specifics of its existence, as the second feature of this stage, you can allocate a tightening of the relationship from officials to the suffering.

This chapter makes an attempt to briefly illuminate the issue of the formation of a system of charitable institutions in the Pskov Earth, on the example of children's shelters.

History of education for children's shelters in Russia

Since the 70s, the 18th century in the administration of each province, a special place was held by the order of public charity, which was managed by educational, medical, as well as charitable institutions. The governor himself was the chairman of the order of public charity. It also included the leader of the nobility, the city head, 6 representatives from the nobility, merchants and state peasants, the order was in submission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Senate. However, in spite of the fact that the state began to take control of charitable institutions and all associated with them, monasteries continued to be a great contribution to the help of the need to help, in which children's shelters were massively opened in the 18th century. They contributed their contribution to the case of charity and the first Russian major about the musculin, so in 1837, in St. Petersburg, the first Nononastra's shelter was opened on the funds of P. G. Demidov. A year later, according to the order of Nikolai I, the main guardianship of children's shelters under the highest patronage of the empress was established, and on December 27, 1839, the provision of children's shelters developed by the guardianship was approved. According to the situation, the shelters provided temporary asylum and primary education to young children.

In 1840, in April, the Chairman of the Main Guardianship Grigory Alexandrovich Stroganov, recommended to all the governors to show the initiative and arrange children's shelters. So by 1843, 12 shelters were opened in one capital of Russia.

Pskov Children's Shelter Saint Olga

In Pskov, the first children's shelter was opened in 1844. March 15, 1844, Major General Fedor Fedorovich Bartholomew addressed the "Pskov provincial statements" with a special "invitation to the charity to open a children's shelter", in addition, it was reported that at his petition, the empress on January 31, 1844 assigned to the first alleged shelter in Pskov The name of the Pskov shelter "Saint Olga Russian", in memory of Princess Olga, born in the vicinity of Pskov. Also, the empress Alexander Fedorovna was made a cash gift for a future shelter in the amount of 300 rubles. The direct patronage of the shelter was provided by Princess Olga Nikolaevna, the daughter of Nicholas I.

A clear example of helping the future shelter by the reigning persons, as well as the appeal of the governor to all classes and officials, had their own action, more than 3 thousand rubles were collected promptly. Help in organizing a shelter and a leaving from the Pskov province, V. G. Zhukovsky (state, public figure, industrialist and benefactor). They were transferred to the needs of shelter 1000 rubles by the assignments and in the future it was promised to transfer to 100 rubles annually on 100 rubles.

On July 11, 1844 in the Winter Cathedral of the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral, where there was an Aldhish limit, Archbishop Pskovsky and Liflyandsky Nafanal 1st Pavlovsky, in the presence of all the provincial bosses served the Divine Liturgy, thus the opening of the shelter for the Day of the memory of St. Olga. After the worship service, Archbishop made coverage of the shelter. Pupils treated festive lunch. Honorary guests, proclaiming toasts for the health of the imperial home and the benefits of the first in Pskov of the shelter, and at the same time they made new donations.

In the future, the Olginsky Children's shelter, existed for donations of wealthy Pskov. The leadership of the shelter in the first years of its existence was carried out on a social basis created for these purposes by local trusteeship. Elena Mikhailovna Bartholoma (Spouse of the Governor) was appointed the first trustees of the shelter (Spouse of the Governor), and the director - the ruler of the office of the Governor Konstantin Ivanovich Pinabel. From 1858 to 1859. The guardianship of the shelter was Varvara Stepanovna Perovskaya (mother of Sophia Perovsky), the spouse of the Vice-Governor of Lev Perovsky.

When opening, 40 children were accepted into the shelter, of which 31 girls and 9 boys. However, since 1863, only girls were accepted into the shelter. At that time, the pensioner lived in a shelter to 12 years. They wore pupils sitse dresses and white dresses. And the rest, incoming children could attend shelter to 16 years. Essentially, they only spent the night with their parents, and all day they spent in the shelter, where they received food about education. Training of pupils was carried out under the program of the initial 3-year-old school. Special attention was paid to the teaching needlework. Pupils sewed underwear for the shelter, and from 1863, they began to take and private orders of citizens.

The main task of the leadership of the shelter, in addition to the upbringing of pupils, was the research on the maintenance of the shelter. In addition to the shares on the collection of private donations, concerts were held, charitable performances, which brought income in the amount of 200-300 rubles, were also held by the lottery, things for which Pskovs were sacrificed. Difficult times for the shelter occurred in the 60-70 GG. The 19th century, when the amount of cash donations sharply decreased, but thanks to the efforts of the shelter administration, the situation was managed. And from the end of 1872, the shelter had permanent sacrifices who undertake to annually make an amount in the amount of at least 100 rubles and received in exchange the title of honorary members of the guardianship.

In the first years of its existence, the shelter was located in the rented house of Litvinov's meshman on Sergievskaya Street. In 1848, the guardianship was acquired for 2500 rubles a house. It was a single-storey wooden house with annexes and a garden. Somewhat later acquired another, two-storey house. In 1905, the Pskov provincial guardianship of children's shelters was not only the oldest Pskov shelter Saint Olga under the direct patronage of their imperial Majesty, (Mary Alexandrovna, Maria Fedorovna), opened in 1844, and outside the provincial city, Toropetic county trusteeship was supposed to be supervisory In 1860, the Kholm district trustees, open in 1867, the Porchovsky county guardianship, open in 1900. And as, before, the provincial guardianship, cared for the material and spiritual development, which was under their care, the Pskov Children's Shelter of St. Olga, as in the previous years, the shelter was exclusively maiden. There were 40 girls on the full service of the shelter, the remaining 91 pupils were coming. It should be noted that the number of pensioners of the shelter for decades has remained unchanged since 1844, and amounted to 40 pupils, but since 1872 their number has been increased to 60.

At school, the shelter was taught:

1. Law of God
2. Russian
3. Church-Slavic language
4. Reading
5. Arithmetic
6. Choral singing

As before, much attention in organizing an educational process was paid to the training of needlework, gardening and garden work.

The entire routine of the shelter's day was under the constant observation of the guardianship of the shelter, the spouses of the governor, the Countess of Catherine Nikolaevna Adlerberg and her assistants, the spouses of the retired Major Major General Sophia Karlovna Ushakova. The head of the shelter, the Pskov merchant nephew, Ilya Alexandrovich Safyanchikov, was engaged in the economic part of the shelter. Behind the state of health pupils followed the doctor, Stat adviser, Ludwig Caesarevich Bialoblotsky (and free of charge). The content of each pupil accounted for a year - 127 rubles. 50 kopecks, and each coming - 12 rubles. 50 kopecks Daily food content was 9 kopecks for each pupil.

On May 29, 1905, the 25th anniversary of the adoption by the imperial Majesty of the Empress of Empress Maried Fedorovna under Augustor, the Office of the Empress of Empress Mary, committing the Glasses of God's gratis, in the presence of the Chairman of the guardianship and their honorary members, the service and administrative staff of the shelter and sentenced children, To whom she addressed the shelter, Archprises Alexander Petrovich Korolev, who felt in the Word. And in the name of the Empress, a telegram was sent to the expression of loyal feelings from all those present, and on which her imperial Highness was honored by Count Alexander Vasilyevich Adlenberg with a highly smell response.

This anniversary holiday caused grateful memories of bright pages from the historical past, by the members of the Pskov provincial guardianship, an Olginsky shelter. After all, a lot is obliged to shelter in the case of its development, successful by the high-handed works and the concerns of the former guardianship of the shelter - Countess E. K. Palen (from 1864 - to 1868) and Baroneles L. H. Ikskul-Gildenbandt (from 1886 . - By 1888). Subsequently, the above-mentioned persons became lifelong members of the guardianship, at the request of the Pskov provincial guardianship of children's shelters before the empress and from her blessing.

Throughout the time of the existence of the shelter, donations were constantly received, including in 1905, for example, a significant monetary donation was received (according to the spiritual will of the dead widow of the College secretary of Anna Karlovna Matveyeva) in the form of five temporary evidence of 5% of the 1905 state loan for a none The amount of 3300 rubles. And in cash in the amount of 39 rubles. 70 kopecks The most major income articles, as in previous years served:

1. Getting percent of the capital of guardianship.
2. Fees for the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and St. Easter.
3. Original contributions of honorary members.
4. Subsidies of the Pskov provincial and county leaving for the content of fellows and on the device of the study part in the shelter.

As mentioned above, the Olginsky shelter was located in a two-story wooden house on a stone foundation, with high white rooms, and how, the first shelter buildings, he was in the same quarter, on the right side of Sergievskaya Street, between Ivanovo and Wall. Currently, this place is occupied by House No. 15 in the October Prospect, stretching from Gogol Street to Sverdlov.

During the First World War, the shelter experienced difficult times, and was evacuated in September 1915 in Novgorod, but already in November 1916, he was transferred back to Pskov.

Toropetsky children's shelter Saint Olga

On December 6, 1860, another children's shelter of St. Olga was opened in the county town of Toroptz. The children's shelter was discovered for a statistical adviser V. L. Nefedieva for this purpose. Placed the shelter on the second floor of a stone two-story house, which also belonged to him. In the shelter they were brought out exclusively to the girls aged 3 to 12 years. The shelter existed percentage from the fundamental capital of the founder, and from capital, which was formed from the lottery and donations of individuals in the amount of 3200 rubles, as well as interest from capital in the amount of 3,600 rubles, donated in 1903 by the captain of the 2nd rank Vladimir Nikolaevich Skvortsov and the widow Captain 1st Rang N.N. Kiselova for the maintenance of two scholarships. L.N. Skvortsova. In addition, the capital was 1000 rubles, donated in 1891 by the hereditary honorary citizen Peter Petrovich Kalashnikov intended for the purchase of a sewing machine for one of the shelter graduates. All of the above, the listed capital was kept in the Pskov provincial guardianship of children's shelters. The local county Zemskoye stop annually allocated for the maintenance of a shelter of 300 rubles, also Toropetsk city society released funds for the content of 4 pupils.

In 1905, the shelter contained 11 girls, on the full content, and 37 girls arriving. Of the arrivals, 17 girls were trained for a fee, which was 12 rubles a year.

The daily content of each of the pupils accounted for a shelter in 18 kopecks. The annual budget of the shelter was 737 rubles per year.

The priest of the priest in the shelter was the priest of the local Blagoveshchensk Church - Nikolai Prokopyevich Knyazev, Natalia Timofeevna Grigorieva was the shelter, and her assistant Bala Varvara Fodorovna Grigorieva. In the educational process, various techniques were used, so, for example, the literacy training was organized according to the Tikhomirov method, spelling on the Nekrasov method, the law of God-Cheltsov. The educational process was followed by the program approved by the Ministry of People's Enlightenment for Folk Primary Schools. The focus on training was given to the formation and development of housekeeping skills in pupils. For successfully mastered educational wilkers, encouragement, so, for example, one of the graduates was awarded for their success in teaching a sewing machine.

Pupils at the end of the course of study were transferred to the care of parents or replacing them. In conclusion, I would like to mention that in the time consideration in the Pskov province there were other shelters under the auspices of the Empress of Mary, so, for example, Holmsky "Kushelevsky" children's shelter, open on January 1, 1867 for funds donated by the Holm landlord, Major From the cavalry in the resignation of Luko Ivanovich Koshelev. There was a children's shelter and in Porchov, opened in 1900, with a fixed capital of 4,000 rubles.

Summing up this paragraph, you can allocate the following features of the formation and functioning of children's shelters in the Pskov province in the 19th century.

1. At first, the initiative in the creation of shelves proceeded from the state, reform 60-80 years, as a result of which the country began to switch to capitalist development rails, led to the emergence of a sufficient number of wealthy people who were on a par with the state to participate in the opening and support of children's shelters.

2. There is a large role of individuals, various charitable societies in support of the existence of children's shelters.

3. Opened children's shelters were mainly focused on girls, with the construction of an educational program the main emphasis was taught teaching economic oriented objects (needlework, housekeeping, etc.). This circumstance was due to the provision of a woman with the structure of the Russian society of the late 19th start - 20 centuries.

4. Especially the rapid growth of children's shelters is observed at the end of the 19th - early 20th century, this circumstance was caused by the improvement of the overall economic situation in the country and an increase in the interest of society to the situation of the needy members.

The role of the state in the development of charity in the Russian education system in the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

The modernization of Russian recent, which unfolded in the last decade, touched upon all its parties - political, social, economic, cultural, spiritual. The regular reassessment of many well-established ideas began. The values \u200b\u200bdefined in the Soviet period began to be supplemented with universal, who have not recently not recognized. Among these values \u200b\u200bis such a humane phenomenon as charity. Its genuine sense today is only comprehended, although Russia had a centuries-old historical experience in this regard.

More recently, historical experience in the field of charity was rejected and did not investigate, since the official Soviet ideology did not find him places in the social process. With the establishment of Soviet power, public and private charity was replaced by the state care system. The official position on this issue is clearly illustrated by the state edition of 1927 by the Big Soviet Encyclopedia: "Charity - a phenomenon inherent only to a class society. The social system of the USSR is alien to charity."

Today, the traditions of charity are increasingly demanded for the following reasons. As a result of the radical reforms carried out, Russian society turned out in a short time in a completely different socio-economic space. Folded qualitatively new social relations were accompanied by an accelerated property bundle of people, the distance between highly secured layers and low-increhensible was increasingly increased. There was an objective need to assist the latter, for which the appropriate mechanisms are needed, which were not available. The situation was aggravated by the fact that as such traditions did not appear in the Soviet period, and the experience that was formed in the past was artificially interrupted by the well-known events of 1917. Thus, the current modernization, proclaiming a radical breaking of the former public institutions of the Soviet sample, made in demand many little-learned aspects of the speakers. Among them - a charitable practice that existed in Russia throughout its history.

Of particular interest in this regard is the activities of the Russian state for the development of charity, improving the education care system, analysis of the effectiveness of organizational and legislative initiatives of state bodies. This activity was built in three directions: first, the legislative direction, i.e. creation of legal space for the activities of all forms of charity; secondly, the development of an incentive measures, which would stimulate the activity of benefactors; Thirdly, direct charity, i.e. Appointment from the treasury of cash on the needs of the education system. Undoubtedly, each of these directions does not exhaust the entire variety of practical approaches, although the latter in the main mass constituted the content of these areas.

Legislative activity

Historical roots of charity practices go back to the Old Russian era. In particular, Prince Vladimir Monomakh, turning to his sons in 1117, punished: "The most important thing - do not forget the poor and how much can feed them!" . In fact, charity becomes an element of life from the very beginning of the formation of an ancient Russian state, the norm of the behavior of the class of immutors.

In the future, the phenomenon takes effects more and wider scope, it includes an integral part in government policies, covers the general public and individuals. A very solid legislative framework is supplied to this phenomenon. For a better understanding of the historical roots of the Russian state activity in the field of charity, it is useful to recall some earlier stages of its development.

First of all, this is the XVIII century, the time when it is being done, in essence, the first attempt to organize the state system of charity. Thus, the Manifesto of Catherine II of September 1, 1763 was announced about the creation of the first educational house in Moscow. Then such institutions began to appear in other provincial cities, including Kazan. It was assumed that in these homes of having fun children will not only feed, but also teach labor skills. Then in 1781, private charity is officially allowed. As a rule, the sacrifices advocate noble nobles, the persons of the reigning house, rich industrialists. But the main act of this period was the creation of public charity orders in 1775, which existed until 1864, when Zemstvo institutions were introduced. They were entrusted with the tasks of conducting people's education, public health, public charity.

Undoubtedly, in many ways, all these efforts were a kind of tribute to the politicians of "enlightened absolutism", but it is impossible not to see the other: an attempt by Catherine rule to give a certain systemic nature. This consisted in particular importance of the second half of the 18th century. Next, which rightly note, then this is the nature of material sources of charity. With the condition that the folding practice provided for the responsibility of both government agencies and by private benefactors, in reality, the largest share of expenses carried the latter.

In all respects, the XIX century appeared for Russian charity. Continuing largely in the case of the previous century, this period at the same time has made fundamental additions. Thanks to a number of legislative measures, all forms of charity - state, public and private - together taken begin to acquit a certain systemic appearance. As for charity in the field of education, the coordinators represented here in the face of the Ministry of National Education, established in 1802, as well as in the person of the Training District, whose position was introduced in 1803. And since 1835, according to the situation on academic districts, the latter becomes the head of all educational institutions entrusted to him or another district. At about the same time, in 1828, the title of honorable trustee establishes for individuals who made large donations. All these measures, an autocratic state demonstrated attention to the problems of education as a whole, charity in particular.

Simultaneously with the legislative standard of government, organizational events were held. So, in 1816, an imperial human-loving society is being created, for which the priority was established by the care of the orphans and children of the poor. Over time, this society becomes one of the most influential charitable organizations located a wide range of powers and opportunities.

In 1864, Zemstvo structures in many ways took over the care of folk education. In particular, the Regulations on the provincial and county diseases institutions of January 1, 1864, they were concerned about the status of urban and rural educational institutions. The exercise of this reform, the state relieved a significant part of the duties on a whole range of issues, above all, material and financial nature. However, the autocratic state left the control and permissive function. So, for example, the Circular of the Minister of Internal Affairs dated October 12, 1866, it explained that the overall observation of the process of education in the field was given to the governors, which in their actions are obliged to rely on the trustees of educational districts and profile government agencies.

The socio-economic situation that established in autocratic Russia by the end of the second half of the 19th century was largely remarkable. The originality of the period was determined not only by the well-known reforms of the 60-70 years or the process of the rapid entry of the economy into capitalist LONO, but also the activated offensive of liberal ideas. The opposition in socio-political life demanded from the state of completely different approaches and decisions in the management corresponding to actions. The historical fact that a significant "majority of the Russian king lived in the world of ideas and norms, very far from pragmatism, rationalism, individualism - the characteristic features of capitalist socio-economic systems," was not the guarantor of the sustainability of previously formed conservative orders. Therefore, the state in the established conditions was sought to strengthen their presence at all levels of social and political life, one of whose components of charitability.

During liberal reforms of the 60-70s, charity continued to develop, producing new forms in accordance with changing real conditions. The order of opening charitable formations was fundamentally changed in 1862. According to the adopted law, the highest permit has given way to the procedure for approving the charters of the Creative Charitable Societies by the Ministry of the Interior. Stressing the desire to continue to promote the case of popular education and charity on his field, the government issued a number of legislative acts that improve the existing: Regulations on initial folk schools, a gymnasium charter, a university charter.

Then, at the end of the 19th century, it was decided to streamline the case of charity, to bring under it a modern legal base, for which in 1892 a special commission is being created at the head of K. K. Grotto. It was believed that the charter adopted in 1857 was outdated, so the Commission undertook to prepare a draft new document. As a specific task, it advanced, such as the clarification of the contingent of the sentences, systematization of funds for financial resources, preparation of the proposal on the issue of whether to be charity is class or unspelled.

The state's activity in this direction is noticeably reduced at the beginning of the 20th century. It is possible to indicate only some initiatives, which determine the condition of the system of charity and guardianship. In particular, the Law of 1902, all the contribution bodies of public education from the reference of the Ministry of the Interior are submitted to the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment. By the beginning of the 20th century, the charity system was formed in the main features and remained almost unchanged to the well-known events of 1917.

In the late 19th - early 20th century, the legislative side of the charity problem was dispersed by individual elements in such legal documents as "General Charter of the Imperial Russian Universities on June 18, 1863", "Regulations on the city schools of 1872", "Regulations on the initial national schools on May 26 1874 "," Rules on the establishment of educational institutions of the nominal scholarships of 1876 "," On some measures to develop primary public education on May 29, 1864 "," Regulations on guardianship with primary schools on March 25, 1907 "," Law on the highest initial Socialists on June 25, 1912, "et al. Splatting from different positions the problem of charity, all these legislation shaped the legal field for its permission.

Speaking about the legislative activities of the state, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the bureaucratic apparatus of Russia at all times sought any phenomenon to put in the regulated framework. It is enough to say that only on the issue of donation in order to charity in the arrangement of the laws of the Russian Empire is given without a small 300 articles. In all details, the rules of donation are described. For example, according to 21 Art. The counting charter of 1857 "Money of benefactors is not mixed with treasury, they are on a special account." And in accordance with 980 Art. The Code of Laws of the Edition of 1887 was allowed donations "not only by movable property and capital, but also inventive lands in favor of godly, session and other institutions." At the same time, in the case of the donation of a large building, the minister of the Interior was required.

In Russian legislation, approaches to the problem of charity were built mainly from two positions: on the one hand, charity was considered as a social phenomenon that allowed to attract additional funds into the education system, it was welcomed and encouraged; On the other hand, it was recognized necessary to put this phenomenon under the control of administrative authorities. Perhaps there is no such particular that would not be normalized by all sorts of documents, and any retreat from the established requirements quickly stopped. For this reason, there was an extensive correspondence between different instances for each little thing.

Thus, the Regulations on urban schools of 1872 was determined that these educational institutions may be held on the means of government, Zemstvo institutions, city societies, classes and individuals. Provided when the sources of financing are subject to land, public or private benefactors, such colleges are opened only with the permission of the custody of the academic district. The latter controls both the structural organization. For example, only with his consent may appear a guesthouse, subsidized by the benefactors.

Extremely strict legislation approached the issue of participation of persons related in any way with the education system, in various political parties. Even the remote belonging is paid, not to mention the direct actions. But at the same time, any restrictions on class notities were not envisaged, representatives of various estates could be benefactors on legal grounds. It is not by chance in their composition we see the nobles, merchants, employees, people of spiritual title, as well as from the peasant environment.

Stimulating the activities of the state

The Russian state stimulated the development of charity, encouraged all sorts of signs of the attention of those affair. In autocratic Russia, all forms of public occupations, such as service in urban, zemstvo or professional organizations, participation in the activities of charitable societies, membership in the Board of Trustees of higher educational institutions, schools and schools were considered public affairs and were welcomed by the authorities. The benefactors who donated large sums of money or realized real estate, were awarded honorary titles, signs of differences and various class privileges.

Members of the Board of Trustees used the right to carry the Mundir VIII of the discharge of the Ministry of Public Education, which was compared to the Petrovsky "tabel about ranks" by the rank of college assessor and gave the opportunity to receive a title, and with him and the privileges of the hereditary nobleman. A similar perspective was opened with the award of the 1st degree government orders or the Order of St. Vladimir IV degree. According to the Regulations on awards, the Order of St. Anne could be awarded the benefactors who made the most significant contribution to the care of the education system. A special type of encouragement was developed for mercenaries of a merchant class: General Chin, who complained about the donation of a significant collection in favor of the Academy of Sciences.

At the same time, the administrative apparatus strongly tried to regulate the award process. In particular, in one of the circulars of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, it was directly indicated that "the judgment of the works and the merits of each employee belongs to his bosses, and therefore no one can ask for his awarding for the service." The number of awards was also rigidly defined. If we talk about the trustees, then in this category one award accounted for five persons of secondary and higher educational institutions and also one award for 20 initial persons.

As for the position of the official authorities, there is a complete clarity on this issue. Interested in attracting additional funds to the system of public education, the state stimulated this process by providing the opportunity for this circle of persons "to go beyond the limits of social dispensing."

But it is very important to understand the position of the other party, directly the benefactors themselves, how they themselves regarded the importance of the incentive system of incentives. To begin with, we note that the Russian society of the late 19th - early 20 centuries, despite the quantitative and qualitative socio-economic changes, remained still strictly ranked. The accumulated material wealth has not yet guaranteed the relevant place in the social hierarchy, the lack of privileged pedigree roots is not always and not compensated for by the property status. Under these conditions, for many, charity performed the real possibility of promoting the social staircase, the way of self-affirmation.

In connection with the appropriate relevant will lead the following fact. The full-time caretaker of the Makansky school of the Saratov province was written to the Board of the Kazan Training District: "With a diligent effortion to replace the said post (the globulers of the Blagoveshchensky School), I found at the position of the guardian of one worthy person who agreed to take it with the obligation to sacrifice in favor of the school annually 150 rubles, but Unfortunately, this person has declared me that it only takes the position of the guardian if only this position gives the right to receive the ranks, and when I declared him that this right the position of the guardian does not give, then he refused to take a post office " . Therefore, the county official was requested before the district inspector of national schools and schools of the Kazan academic district on providing councilors the right to receive certain ranks for charitable service.

In fairness it should be noted that the motives of charitable activities were not only a desire to occupy a certain social situation, but also the causes of moral nature. Some researchers of the issues of charity in their works link it with liberal ideas of the late 19th century. This phenomenon shows not only an effective means of smoothing the acuteness of the social issue, but also the expression of the responsibility of the intelligentsia for the plight of the masses, the path to public reconciliation. The Zemskaya idea about the well-being of the people and charity is determined by the phenomena of one order, relatives by the very essence. Many researchers factor of morality put in the chapter of the wake-up mechanism, regarding the charity, almost decisive "the condition of personal moral health" of man. At the same time, it is often emphasized that charity was more needed a person who directly implemented it than whom she was intended. Untregnated elements with such an approach are the motives of public debt, disinterested ministry of the care of the poor.

The government understood that charity needs not only in the presence of a legislative basis, but also in public recognition, attentive to state structures and conducted policies to publicity in this matter. Publicity was considered one of the most important conditions for the development of charity. Moreover, on the one hand, it was the form of encouraging benefactors, and on the other hand provided control by the Company and his confidence in the activities of charitable organizations and individual donors.

The names of the benefactors were introduced into special books of honor, they were printed in newspapers with an indication of what purpose their donations went, in reports on the state of people's schools, for example, the Symbirian province was given a special place to describe the charitable activities of citizens in favor of popular education with name and surnames, social status , accommodation and type of assistance.

The Russian government demanded complete information on the state of charitable activities in society, the Emperor of Russia was reported on special cases. Trustees even received gratitude personally from the emperor of Russia. For example, in the epistle of March 31, 1873, it is said: "... On behalf of the Emperor's sovereign, the Empress was appreciated for the device of the house church in the building of the Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium and the preparation of capital in 600 rubles. For the content of the fellow heir to Cesarevich ... The actual statistical adviser to Isakov, Fatyanov with his wife, Hvoschinsky with his wife, ... Mrs. Bychkova, ... merchant Sapozhnik. " In the message from August 2, 1875 It is said: "... Empress's sovereign, ... In the 9th day of July 1975, he deigned to the definition of the retired valid Static adviser to Isakov for the significant benefits of the symbirsk marine female gymnasium, an honorary guardian of that institution ..."

Charitable state of state

If we talk about charity in the literal sense, then assistance from the treasury, as a rule, was prescribed mainly to maintain the godly institutions, namely: children's shelters of various types, houses of diligence, educational houses, prison guardians, survival, and so on. As for Directly educational institutions, here charity has developed more in the line of provincial and county leaving. It should also be indicated that initially the costs of public enlightenment were considered optional for the substrate, and this provision largely emphasized the humane meaning of their activities in this regard.

So, according to our estimates, in the 1880s, the financing of national education on the part of the depths exceeded the volume of funds allocated by Kazan, in the Kazan province by 4.6 times, in the symbirsk - 4.7 times and in Saratov province 14.8 times . In total, on the same Kazan province of 427 primary schools on the content of Zemstvo institutions in 1882 there were 350 (or 82%). The exploited characteristics of the state of cases give sources in the Symbirian province for 1889. It is extremely clear that from the aggregate sum of money, the lion's share of expenses accounted for Zemstvo. In percentage terms, it ranged from cumulative costs 65.6%, while only 14% fell on expenses on the treasury. The fact that the amount of donations from public and private benefactors is noticeably superior to the execution of the treasury, accounted for 20.4%.

The following facts clearly demonstrate the place and role of land agencies in the development of the education system. In all this, there was their own historical logic, since the current practical tasks designed to solve for the most part should be objectively engaged in all what is associated with the system of popular education. Among these tasks there was a lot of charitable nature, for the solution of which special cash accumulations were created in estimated capital.

Now it is logical to see what specific items were directed by the departments funds. A typical situation identifies an analysis of the practice of the Saratov provincial Zemstvo. Here for the 1899-1900 years, the cash was distributed as follows: at the extra charge of the salary of teachers for all this time there were 5,760 rubles, on students' benefits - 2000 and for charitable assistance to government-class institutions - 18,700 rubles. The nature of the appropriations after a half dozen years old (see Table) has practically changed. Judging by the above indicators, the greatest part of the money went on a payment of a salary to teachers, in second place there are costs of economic needs of educational institutions, mainly on repair work. Not in the last place were direct costs of charitable goals, which suggested payment for training and renting apartments, buying clothes, shoes, providing opportunities for free use of educational benefits.

Table. Articles of consuming estimates on education in the Saratov province,%

Objects expenses Years
1913 1914 1915

Slashing teachers

On business goals


Preparation of teachers

Charitable benefits

Miscellaneous events

For the needs of school libraries

Repair work





























Compiled by: Public Education in the Saratov province on January 1, 1915: Statistical Review. - Saratov, 1915. p.130.

In many ways, a similar situation was characterized by the situation in the Kazan province. Here, too, in the scale of priorities, the content of teachers, school premises was attached great importance. And they had its foundations: in 1897, in such distortions such as Cheboksary, Laishevsky, Kosmodemyanovsky and Tsarevokokshayshai, out of 183, School 101 (55.2%) were in unsuitable rooms.

Within the framework of the Zemskaya Charity, there was a significant place for the preparation and retraining of teaching staff. In real practice, Zemskaya assistance in solving a personnel issue was largely reduced to maintaining teacher seminaries and pedagogical courses, on the maintenance of scholars who studied in teacher institutes and other educational institutions. Each of these areas was attractive for the scum due to the characteristics inherent in it: they provided the opportunity to cover the wide masses of the local population, were publicly available to persons of any class, the learning process lasted a short time, etc.

In particular, the Saratov provincial zemstvo financed the holding of summer teacher courses 1895, 1896, 1897 and 1900. Each time the land was prescribed an amount ranging from 1500 to 2100 rubles. But at the same time, provincial vowels said that one-time assistance did not solve the problem of training teachers, for this, a systematic approach is needed. Similar facts took place in other provinces of the Volga region.

All of the above was of fundamental importance, if you look at the real situation with the personnel of teachers, which has developed at the beginning of the 1890s. Thus, in the Kazan province, over a third of primary school teachers had only lowered education, there were 26.5% in the Symbirian province. No better picture was observed in the Saratov province, where every fifth teacher had only home training.

A significant place in the Zemsky care about the education system was held by students and students who had limited material possibilities. According to the vowels themselves, the real form of subscription was the most preferred, since it had a targeted nature, was distributed directly to a particular person. The guideline was published in 1876 the rules for institution in educational institutions of registered scholarships. The main thing about which attention was paid is to ensure that any help is quite ensured by the contribution of cash or guaranteed by the government in interest. An indispensable requirement was that the scholarship was considered the poorest and differ in the best way to successes in studies and arrogance. In addition, at the request of the founders, class affiliation, nationality, religious worldview, gender, age could be taken into account.

As a rule, the size of the presence in the form of a scholarship was the amount that was paid for annual training. Most often, the scholarship was translated into account of that educational institution where the classroom has passed a candidate for obtaining it, but in some cases it could be issued in hand. Depending on the conditions formed earlier, the scholarship part of the money could use for the purchase of textbooks, clothes and shoes, pay accommodation in the apartment.

In general, the mechanism for the appointment of scholarships, with minor amendments to local conditions, was as follows: Public Commissions for Zemsky Supports or the members themselves collected information on the social composition of the contingent of students, the material situation of the latter, their progress and behavior; Based on the information received, recommendations were made to subscribe to specific persons; Dealted proposals were carried out at the meeting of the Zemstvo Meetings, which took the appropriate rulings and were entrusted with the same assault or public commission execution of decisions. Almost during the entire period of the period, this mechanism was not subjected to any major changes.

Assistance in the form of scholarships was also inherent in private philanthropists, but in the latter case, as a rule, in the appointment of cash benefits, in addition to the above conditions for assistance (property insolvency, prudency, diligent behavior), a considerable role was played by a considerable role. Each of the benefactors in determining scholarships pointed out from which class should be allocated for candidacy. Depending on the estate belonging of the donor, among the scholars, you could meet immigrants from the nobles, merchants and burghers.

And on the contrary, the Zemskie institutions did not recognize such conditions, scholarships were established solely for reasons of the material condition of students in educational institutions. For example, in 1905, the Karsun district of the Symbirian province in memory of the late Yu. D. Rodionova, who served 12 years after the chairman of the local district meeting, was determined at the expense of the Symbirian male gymnasium of 1500 rubles for the purpose of "institutions with a percentage of this scholarship amount for the fee for the right The exercises in the gymnasium scholarship from the Harvestians of the Carsun County without the difference of belonging to the class. "

Noting all these facts of the Zemsky care about the education system, at the same time, it is fair to recognize that, in general, the participation of substrates in material support does not cover real needs. Not always the humane aspirations of the glooms were supported by real possibilities, besides, the costs of a similar nature were legally determined for the substrates as optional. This gave the right of part of the vowels, primarily a conservative, to periodically raise the question of the feasibility of charitable assistance to educational institutions. The overall picture of financial expenses can be submitted on a typical example of again by Saratov Zemstvo. Here at the turn of the 19-20th centuries, the costs of the "Folk Education" article looked as follows from the total amount of expenses as follows:

1898 - 3.9%
1898 - 5.3%
1900 - 4.1%
1901 - 5.7%

Finally, it is impossible not to say that weak assistance in charity, for example, leaving peasant societies provided. Unlike urban, they did not have sufficient funds for this, almost all worldly fees went to satisfy everyday needs. In addition, the charity of this kind was not traditional for the peasantry, it was knocked out from the generally accepted ideas about the essence of the presence. "Otherwise, the situation is in the villages.

Charity, existing there, is organized by the people themselves and in a completely different way, having their household forms: assistance to perspirates, widows and orphans, with znith, field work, feeding of non-truth old people and old women in turn or for fee from society. Help students in any form in these ordinary forms is not included, "N.V. Chekhov in the early 20th century.

Another portion of care is hard work at home. They were organized in order to maintain street children left without parents or lived in disadvantaged families. The famous researcher P. V. Vlasov wrote on this occasion: "Heavy social and living conditions, frequent epidemics, high incidence and mortality among the poorest population constantly replenished the army of street children." State administrative bodies did not coordinate the activities of these establishments, the care of them was trying to shift to the Zemstvo institutions, peasant societies, at the volost authorities and the public. In homes, hardworking learning process was inseparable from labor, and, in its content, he approached professional more.

In Symbirsk, the first house of hardworking appeared in 1820 on the initiative of the public actor V. I. Ivasheva. The institution was under the patronage of the "Women's Society of Christian Mercy", which in turn was conferred by Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna. In 1836, Emperor Nicholas I visited the Simbirsk and familiarized himself with the house of hardworking V. I. Ivasheva. He found an institution in good condition and complained to maintain 10 thousand rubles. The very founder of the work of hardworking was awarded a special imperial favor for noble work.

Despite such obvious positive characteristics, at the same time, such charity institutions did not receive widespread in the Volga region. At the beginning of the 20th century in different years they were operating 3-4, each, as a rule, for a short time. The situation was not better in other regions of autocratic Russia, and, apparently, it was not by chance that the problem was the subject of active discussion by the participants of the congress on children's charity, convened on May 11-16, 1914 by the Ministry of the Interior.

The congress recognized educational and labor shelters a promising form of education and upbringing street children. At the same time, a special importance was attached to the selection of educational staff, the importance of the formation in the team of warm home furnishings. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of this form of charity, the congress believed "it is necessary to make the conservation of all possible measures of the family".

At the same meeting, a program of primary training course was developed, which included such objects such as fatherland, drawing, drawing, arithmetic, reading, Russian, singing; And for the physical development of children - labor and gymnastics. The care bodies were determined by the Ministry of the Interior, the provincial and county facilities, as well as precursors.

Thus, the considered directions on which the state developed charity in the education system, give rise to some conclusions. One of them lies in the fact that state charity should be taken as one of the components of a single phenomenon of care. Recognizing this species an important role, at the same time it is impossible to consider it exhaustive. Basically, this role, in our opinion, was reduced to create the necessary conditions for charity in general, by the forces not only by state bodies, but also public organizations and individuals. Therefore, in the organization of the case, much depended on how effective the organizational, legislative initiatives of the state, whether they were answered by the requirements of a particular stage, as promoted the improvement of the education care system.

A direct confirmation of the concurrent is the fact that sources of charitability in monetary terms are far unevenly distributed. In particular, in the first All-Russian congress of charity figures in 1910, it was noted that from the entire amount spent in charitable purposes, only 25% accounted for allocations from the state treasury. The rest of this amount came from other sources of financing. A particularly marked material factor of state charity began to be suspended with the emergence of Zemsky institutions. It was on them that the state laid the greatest share of the costs of the charity line, primarily on those subjects of attention, which was given to the care of local governments, - public education and public health, allest, libraries, children's shelters, etc.

Here we approached the progress of reasoning to the next conclusion regarding the place and role of Zemskiy institutions in the development of charity. It will be fair to answer immediately that the efforts of the zeal is the case of a presence and charity change and qualitatively changed for the better. It became systemic and targeted, covered a fairly wide range of acute issues of the education system, including such as the material state of educational institutions, the provision of the training process with visual benefits, the organization of catering in the canteens, the possibility of students and students to pay their training, etc.

It seems to us that the content of this component in charity is largely due to the very Zemstvo idea of \u200b\u200bserving people. It was understood by many vowels completely specifically: come to help the needy, facilitate the position of the distinguished. "The main, the main character of all the measures is the same; these measures should be imbued with concern about the disadvantaged man, care, understood in the widest and best sense of the word," spoke at the Emergency Gubernsky Zemsky Meeting in May 1895, a vice saratov district of the same The province of E.A. Isaev.

It is necessary to state the fact that from all educational institutions of the Zemstvo assisted most of all collections and school schools. In a certain sense, such an approach was determined by the elementary desire of the Zemstvo Meetings and the Company to correct the situation of things primarily in those educational institutions where the children of peasants were engaged in the bulk. Recognizing the peasant question for its practical activity of the rod, Zemstvo institutions tried to send forces and funds throughout the entire complex of unresolved problems.

Finally, it is impossible not to point out the fact that in solving issues of the association in the Zemstvo environment, there was no or serious contradictions. Zemskiy vowels of different classes, especially liberal views, were united in estimates of the unsatisfactory state of popular education, in order to allocate appropriate material tools.

In general, state charity in any of its manifestation was at the end of the 19th - early 20th century not only the continuation of the previously established traditions, but also an integral element of general socio-economic processes.

We will summarize the study of the role of guardianship in education in the 19th - early 20th centuries, their relationship, the path of further development. Stepping on the throne, Paul very soon makes such a decree: "As the will of our Heria Imperial Majesty, the courtesy of humanity urgent to her and wanting to promote a common good to accept the main bosses over educational houses in both the throne cities of our institutions established with all the institutions belonging to them ; then as a result of this and we command the trustees, these are among what is to do with the Majesty! "

Maria Fedorovna was appointed actually the first minister of charitable institutions, followed by her (soon it became a tradition) the agency began to head the wives of the emperors, and each introduced his contribution. Let's say, Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna, Alexander First's wife, contributed to the creation of two societies - the imperial human-loving and female patriotic. About each of them should be said especially.

"... touched to be externally and very often deceptive views of poverty and poverty is not still well-bodies. It is necessary to seek the unfortunate in the dwellings themselves - in this abode of crying and suffering. Affectionately appeal, saving council, in a word, all moral and physical ways to facilitate their fate: This is what true benefits are "- these words of Alexander first became the motto of each person of a human-loving society.

In the account he was located alone, houses of complimentary and cheap apartments, sleeping shelters, folk canteens, sewing workshops, ambulatory and hospitals. The first concern was "to withdraw from poverty those who manage their own and industry can impregnate."

Commerce Minister Count Rumyantsev, Schcherbakov Advisor, the merchant Fan der Flit becomes the first members of this society. For them, high rank people, charity was the need and a kind of privilege. A human-loving society, founded in 1802 "for the alex of all kind of poor," by 1900 distributed its help for 160 thousand people.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a patriotic society was born in the St. Petersburg mug of the Great Ladies (V. A. Repnina, M. A. Vorontsova, E, A. Uvarova, M. V. Kochubey, M. D. Nesselrode, A. I. Orlova, S. P. Svechina, E. V. Novoseltseva, E. I. Baherkh, S. G. Volkonskaya, A. P. Vasilchikova, E. M. Olenina - Here are the names of the founders) after the war of 1812, when Moscow burned down, deprived The beds were distressed.

Contributions made up the fees. The first to make his contribution to the sovereign emperor - 50,000 rubles. For one year, the expense in favor of the victims amounted to 287 201 rubles 15 kopecks. By the way, the accounting of funds Russian statistics were brilliantly. From the statements everything can be found. For example, 15 thousand rubles left for the content of the school of orphans in 1812. No one dozen have been opened for such schools in a hundred years.

In the surround "directory on charitable institutions operating in the city of St. Petersburg" (St. Petersburg., 1913), told about the activities of everyone. Here, for example: "The protection of" women ":" The activities are aimed at combating trading in women for depravity. The Society is part of the International Union of National Committees, fighting with the same evil, contains two hostels for 80 women, a cheap dining room and a library with a care department of Jewish girls, and also helps money and arranges in need of seats in charitable institutions. "

I consider the table: members and employees - 670; successful - 400; Annual receipt of money from institutions and individuals - 6,321 rubles. Of course, this is a very small society. Nevertheless, 670 St. Petersburg-Tsev was sick for the fate of the former prostitutes. And they made some money from year to year to mitigate their fate.

Here is the annual table of the reference book. What is the arrival of money for charity for 1913 in all establishments of St. Petersburg? Staggering digit: 7,918 160 rubles. Tsariy!

Who just did not pay the funds for charity! Even the floresmans donated money on the device of educational houses, and then have already received the right to walk with a scarmer on the streets. In favor of the poor there was a sale of forgotten things. Large fees were very popular. Iron circles hung on the walls of shelters, shops, the bazaars - people willingly threw their five-ways there.

For charitable purposes, card production was monopolized. The only factory that produced playing cards was the property of the Imperial Educational House and was under the jurisdiction of the St. Petersburg Guardian Council. An impressive gave revenue. Curious note of the Arkhangelsk Mesheanin V. F. Kapling the head of the Empress of Empress Mary dated March 10, 1895: "Every year in Russia players in three clubs, for the year the amount of winnings is 5 million 400 thousand rubles. I propose to put clubs tax - ten percent in favor of the Red Cross ... "

By 1913, 1200 monasteries and even more temples operated in Russia. There was no such church institution that would not contain hospitals, allests or shelters. It is not by chance that these institutions were called the godly. Love for God was claimed through the love of neighbor, and the second biblical commandment ("Love the Middle Middle, as Himself") was fulfilled by himself.

Board of Trustees in the 19th century should be considered as a social institution of public participation in education management. Such participation was necessary both for considerations of the education system of modern economic, social and cultural significance, and for considerations of the consolidation of society and the choice of Russia of their new historical development path. Sometimes the trustees invested their capital and the soul only from mercantile interests. Education may and should be a sphere that takes an active part in the formation of a state, civil society.

In the history of Russia, this problem is perceived as a peculiar order to the education system: not only the raw orientation of economic injections is not only Russian patrons, but also foreign investors. In recent years, the 19th century there has been a tendency of the social orientation of education, its participation in meeting the needs of the local community. The orientation of education for the development of culture is manifested by the innovation movement, the establishment of the independence of schools in identifying the content of education.

The emergence of the social institution of guardianship in connection with this should be understood as concretizing the mission of the education system in the changing economic, social and cultural conditions of the country's life.

In this regard, the main purpose of the Board of Trustees is as follows: - Being a Public Institute of Examination of Education Development Strategies, orient the content of educational reforms to ensure social well-being and cultural development; - to attract additional resources to the education system to implement innovative educational programs; - initiate the development of the Institute for Examination and Monitoring the Education System; - to promote the development of forms of public participation in education management.

We decided to compare the scale of pre-revolutionary and today's charity and learn with the numbers and the facts in their hands, who is more better, stronger?

That truly the grandiose charitable activity, which was engaged in Russian entrepreneurs, industrialists and merchants at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries were widely known. It is no coincidence that time from the beginning of the 1860s. And right up to World War II called the "golden age of Russian patronage". However, our largest entrepreneurs are increasingly engaged in charitable activities, including those who are called "oligarchs". We decided to compare the features and extent of that and today's charitable activities of the largest domestic entrepreneurs and find out with numbers and facts, who is more, better, stronger?

As Konstantin Sergeyevich Stanislavsky wrote, "In order to flourish the art, not only artists are needed, but also patrons." He knew what he said, because he himself was not only a great theater director and the reformer of the theater, but also took place from the merchant family Alexeyev, who consisted of relationship with S.I. Mamontov and the Tretyakov brothers. Also, for example, the famous Moscow city chapter and benefactor N.A. Alekseev was a cousin Stanislavsky.

Only some very

In order to fully present all the charitable acts of pre-revolutionary patrons, it is necessary to write not one doctoral dissertation. We will list here only some of the most vibrant and large blessings that allowed more than a hundred years ago intensively develop Russian art, medicine, science and education.

Make a mistake just that we, firstly, we will talk about the largest acts of charityBut not about the lower and middle of its layer. Indeed, in some sense, already at the top of the vertices can be an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ratio of the scale of charity today and then.

Secondly, we, of course, we will only talk about what we can be known in principle. Charity, mercy ideally must be done in secret so that no one knew about it. Let the left hand know that it makes the right. Therefore, we willingly admit that, perhaps, do not know much about the secret blessings of today's entrepreneurs. But we also do not know this and relatively pre-revolutionary patrons. So, as they say, "with other things being equal," the comparison planned by us seems quite justified and logical.


Truly grandiose were the investments of pre-revolutionary patrons in medicine. In one Moscow, 3 whole medical towns were fully built on private capital!

One was located near the Novodevichy Monastery on the Girl Field. There for funds Morozovy, Khludovy, Soyputin And others were built 13 clinics. The second, the huge medical complex was built in Sokolniki for funds of philanthropists Bakhrushina, Combat and Alekseev.

The third town was built alongside the Kaluga stamping. The current 1st and 2nd Hospital, the Children's Morozovskaya hospital (was built on the merchant of the first guild of E.V. Morozov, hence her name) - they were all built on private capital. The same is the current 5rd Gradskaya, or Tsarevich Hospital Alexy (former Medvednikovskaya).

She was created on the money of the Widow of the Siberian gold miner Alexandra Medvednikova. According to her will, 1 million rubles. It was intended for a hospital device for 150 beds for incurable patients "Christian religions, without distinction of title, gender and age" and 300 thousand rubles. On a jade for 30 old men and 30 old women. Medvednikova ordered in the will to arrange at the hospital and the Hospital of the Church, so that there was a "eternal commemoration of the sacrifice and those indicated in the will of persons."

Also, for example, the famous Kashchenko or Kashchikov Dacha, it is the same 1st Moscow Psychiatric Hospital No. 1. ON THE. Alekseeva was built in 1894 on funds of patients. The fundraiser was held on the initiative of the urban head of Moscow N.A. Alexseeva (the most cousin K.S. Stanislavsky). The next legend exists on her account. One of the merchants told Alekseyev: "Booked at all in the legs - I will give a million to the hospital (according to other sources -" total "300,000 rubles). Alekseev bowed - and received money.

Of the other metropolitan hospitals, we mention, first, the Children's Hospital named after St. Vladimir in Moscow, founded by the patron and a benefactor Pavlom Grigorievich Derviz background. His children died in infancy, the oldest one was called by Vladimir, and it was his memory that his memory is obliged to existence the current children's hospital. Secondly, the hospital named after Botkin, to the creation of which donated 2 million rubles a merchant, collector and publisher, a benefactor Kozma Terentievich Soldatenkov (1818-1901). Before the building of the Botkin Hospital in 1991, the bust K.Soldtenkov bust was established in 1991.


No less ambitious was the activity of Russian patrons and in the field of arts.

Railway builder, entrepreneur and patron Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841-1918) Created a private Russian opera ("Mamontovskaya Opera"), thanks to which, in particular, brilliant Shalyapin was opened. In the opera troupe, he invests huge money. As the great singer remembered, "S.I. Mamontov told me: - Fedenka, you can do everything you want in this theater! If you need costumes, tell me, and there will be costumes. If you need to put a new opera, put the opera! All this dressed my soul my festive clothes, and for the first time in my life I felt free, strong, able to defeat all obstacles. "

Thanks to Mammoth in Russia, the concept of theatrical artist appeared, which becomes a full member of the troupe. For their finanted productions, the sketches of costumes and decorations were painted, and the scenery themselves M. Vasnetsov and K. Korovin.

The famous estate Abramtsevo Mamontov has become truly a truly center of the russian life of Russia. Great Russian artists, V. Serov, V. Vasnetsov, V. Serov, V. Vasnetsov, V. Serov, M. Vrunetov, M. Nesterov, V. Polenov, and others were living for a long time. Mammont, Mammont, including financially supported .

Savva Timofeevich Morozov (1862-1905) provided his colossal assistance to the famous MHT theater. He constantly sacrificed enormous funds for the construction and development of the art theater, for some time even began his financial part. This is what one of the founders and managers of MHTA K.S. Stanislavsky once told him: "The work you entered to me is a feat, and an elegant building, which grew up on the ruins of tritons, seems to come true at night ... I am glad that the Russian theater found his frost like that How art was waiting for his Tretyakov ... "

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov (1832-1898) founded the famous Tretyakovsky Art Gallery. Back in the 1850s. He begins to collect a collection of Russian art. Already in 1860, the Tretyakov decides to transfer its magnificent collection of the city. For the collected collection in 1874, he built a gallery discovered for universal search in 1881. Later, Pavel Tretyakov conveys all his collection together with the Gallery Building to the ownership of the Moscow City Duma. By the way, the last of his words before the death of relatives were such: "Take care of the gallery and be healthy."

Among other things, Pavel Tretyakov, together with her brother, was a trustee of the Arnoldovsky school of deaf-and-dumb children. To do this, he acquired a large stone house with a garden for a hundred fifty pupils, fully provided this school and his pupils.

The largest Russian patron and benefactor (1826-1901) built the theater in Moscow on the street. Big Dmitrovka (now theater operetta), also transferred 200 thousand rubles from the Moscow Conservatory.

In connection with the pre-revolutionary patronage in art, it is possible to recall the creation Alexey Alexandrovich Bakhrushina (1865-1929) the first in Russia of the Theater Museum, and the foundation of the timber industry and merchant Mitrofan Petrovich Belyaev (1836-1903) The so-called Belyaev mug, which united many outstanding musicians, and much more.


Gold miner Alphonse Leonovich Shanyavsky (1837-1905) In 1905, he will make all its funds for the creation of a People's University in Moscow, accessible to everyone regardless of gender, nationality, religion with the most moderate board. In 1905-1908 For his funds, the funds of Lidia Alekseevna's wife, as well as a large group of Moscow patients, the Moscow City National University named after A.L.Shanyavsky, who played a huge role in pre-revolutionary education. Now in his building on the Mius Square is the Russian State Humanitarian University (RGGU).

In 1907, the first institute, which issuing merchants with higher education was created in Moscow, a commercial institute. Now this is the famous Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. Plakhanov. Its foundation was essentially the beginning of the creation of a system of higher economic and commercial education in Russia. Most of the funds for construction amounted to private donations of Moscow merchants and industrialists collected on the initiative of the merchant of the First Guild Alexey Semenovich Vishnyakova. Also contributed to the creation of the future "Plekhanov" Konovalov, Morozov, Ryabushinsky, Chetverikov, Sorokumovsky, Apricot and etc.

In the "golden age of Russian patronage", a lot of secondary special scientific institutions was opened: the Maltsevsky Craft School at the expense of funds Nedchava-Maltsev, Dulevsky two-year rural school in the porcelain factory of the partnership M.S. Kuznetsova et al. Also V.M. Morozova Opened one of the first professional schools in Russia (Morozovskaya School). At the same time, she sacrificed large sums of the People's University. Shanyavsky, Moscow University and other universities.

The science

Pre-revolutionary entrepreneurs-patrons took great part in the development of Russian science. Many scientific research institutes were created and financed at the time of private funds. We give a few examples.

Moscow millionaire Vasily Fedorovich Arshinov (1854-1942) A merchant I Guild and the owner of a closed factory in Zamoskvorechye to his funds built and equipped the latest equipment The first in Russia private research institute Lithogaea ("Stone Land"), who was under the leadership of his son Vladimir Russian scientific center of petrography and mineralogy.

Large Vologda entrepreneur Christopher Semenovich Ledolytsov (1842-1907) All its capital bequeathed on the development of natural sciences in Russia. Thanks to him, the famous physiological laboratory I.P. Pavlova was built at the Institute of Experimental Medicine. He also financed the work of the great Russian scientists P.N. Lebedeva, N.E. Zhukovsky, V.I. Vernadsky, N.D. Zelinsky and many others.

Dmitry Pavlovich Ryabushinsky (1882-1962) With the assistance of the "Father of Russian Aviation" N.E. Zhukovsky in his estate Kuchino (now this is the neighborhood of the near Moscow region) in 1905 built the world's first aerodynamic institute "for the practical implementation of the dynamic function of flying ...". He played a very important role in the formation of aviation science in Russia and the world.

Social activity

Pre-revolutionary, entrepreneurs have actively engaged in social activities, using the poor. So Alexander Alekseevich Bakhrushin (1823-1916) donated 1 million 300 thousand rubles to the Moscow City Public Office. More family Bakhrushina contained in Moscow "House of Free Apartments for Large Widters and Poor Curses" on Bolotnaya Square in the very center of the capital, where 2,000 people lived for free. The tenants of the house were free of charge with a lazaret, reading rooms and a library, two kindergartens. School, etc.

Bakhrushinov opened actually the first hospice in Russia - a house for the charity of incurable patients (today it is a Hospital No. 14 in Sokolniki, the former 33rd Ostrumovskaya Hospital). Also, the Bakhrushin family created and contained the first children's home in Russia, where 150 children lived, a craft school for boys, a nursing home of artists, etc. Also, the brothers built 10 temples, systematically helped 17 temples and 3 monasteries.

Flor Yakovlevich Ermakov (1815-1895), the owner of the real textile empire, after the death of the parents, his wife and two sons sold all its factories and plants, and the shelters and hospitals for the poor built the money. He donated to charity over 3 million rubles for charity. On his money in the capital built two huge alpine on 1500 people. On his money, the Ermakovo branch was created for 100 people in Alekseevsky psychiatric hospital. He also, for example, opened a free dining room for 500 people. Every day he fed about 1000 people.

Already mentioned Varvara Alekseevna Morozova Built a whole residential complex with hospitals, school, theater, jetty, library for workers of their factory. She also founded Zemstvo hospitals and schools in different provinces. More Morozov constantly helped victims of hunger, diseases, natural disasters, etc.

How many pre-revolutionary patrons on charity

Bakhrushini spent on philanthropy, cultural and social charity, including the needs of the Church almost 6 and a half million rubles. At the same time, by 1917, real estate of the firm was estimated at 5 million 215 thousand rubles.

The brothers of the Tretyakov had a capital of 8 million rubles, but donated in aggregate to different charitable projects more than 3 million rubles. At least half of the earned profits were spent on charity in the field of culture, education, medicine, social charity. As Pavel Tretyakov said, "My idea was to be based on the most young years in order to be accessed from society, a society would also be returned to any useful institutions; This thought did not leave me all my life. "

Also mentioned above the largest Russian patron and benefactor Gabril Gavrilovich Solodovnikovnikov (1826-1901) Sons and relatives in the will left 815 thousand rubles. At the same time, more than 20 million rubles he bequeathed on various charitable projects: to create schools and professional schools in the northern provinces of Russia, the maternity hospital in Serpukhov and houses of cheap apartments in Moscow.

Moscow manufacturer and homeowner Ivan Grigorievich Simoneakov (1843-1915), who had 21 children, left 1.5 million rubles to her inheritance. At the same time, about 1 million rubles were spent on charity: to create shelters, schools, hospitals for ordinary people.

Today's benefactors

Now from the "golden century of Russian patronage", when truly "flourished one hundred colors", let's go to today, much more modest scenery of charity. We will negate that we will talk here only about the largest entrepreneurs, about the richest people of Russia, those who are called "oligarchs".

Today's Russian Russian entrepreneurs have created special charitable funds through which they provide sponsorship and patron support for various social and cultural endeavors.

The largest private charitable funds include:

Charitable Foundation Vladimir Potanina Created in 1999. The budget of the Fund is formed from Interros and personal deductions. Vladimir Potanina (the only owner of this largest holding).

The figure of Vladimir Potanina for us is especially indicative because it is one of the one, if you can put it, the "flagships" of today's charity. It is no coincidence that he has been headed by the Commission for the Development of Charity and Volunteering of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, and Larisa Zelskova is his deputy in this commission, the Director General of Vladimir Potanina Charitable Foundation.

So, the main activity of the Potano Foundation is the distribution of scholarships and grants among students and teachers of leading state universities in Russia, as well as support for museums (4 grant programs). The size of its activities speak the following numbers. For example, in the past school year, the size of scholarships on the scholarship competition of the Fund for students was 5,000 rubles per month. 1,200 students from 57 universities of the country were scholars (totaling this year, 72 million rubles were spent on this year, or about $ 2 million 300 thousand dollars).

The annual grant fund of the most extensive program - "Museum in a changing world" is 20 million rubles, the amount of one grant is up to 2 million rubles.

In total, the total budget of the Charitable Foundation Vladimir Potanina is $ 10 million a year. True, in 2010, Vladimir Potanin spoke of the intention to spend $ 250 million for charity in the next 10 years (25 million US dollars per year). At the same time, he became the first Russian, who joined the Giving Pledge initiative ("Oath of Darment"). V.Potanin said that he would spend most of his state of charity without specifying the exact amount nor the timing when it would happen.

Today, Potanin is the only owner of the Interros company, the market value of the assets of which today is estimated at 12-13 billion US dollars. Having a personal state of $ 17.8 billion, Potanan in 2011 ranked 4 lines in the list of 200 richest businessmen of Russia (according to Forbes magazine). Also, for example, in 2011, only the net profit of Norilsk Nickel, one of the main enterprises in Interros, amounted to $ 3.626 billion.

Foundation " Filter"Created in 1998 and is formed from personal funds Oleg Deripaska and the deductions of the company "Basel". The Foundation provides programs to support science and youth, the material support of schools, restoration of monasteries and temples, etc. The most large-scale program of the Foundation - "Temples of Russia" - costs about $ 7 million every year.

"Free business" spends the amounts comparable to the Amir Potanina Foundation's sums. In 2010, the total financing of the Foundation program amounted to 420 million rubles (a little less than $ 12 million). In 2009 - 287 million rubles.

At the same time, Oleg Deripaska, possessing the estimation of the Forbes magazine by the personal state of $ 8.5 billion, in 2013, ranked 16 lists in the list of 200 richest businessmen of Russia (also according to Forbes magazine).

Foundation " Dynasty"Created in 2001 to the funds of the founder of VimpelCom (the Beeline trademark) Dmitry Zimin and his family members. "The dynasty puts its main goal of supporting fundamental science and education in Russia, leads 20 programs and projects. These include programs for supporting young physicists and mathematicians, supporting teachers and gifted schoolchildren, public lectures of famous scientists, etc. Very interesting project of the Fund - a popular site about the fundamental science site "Elements".

The planned budget of programs and projects of the Dynasty Foundation in 2013 is 328 million rubles. In 2012, the Fund's budget amounted to 314 million rubles.

"Charitable Fund of Cultural Initiatives" ("Foundation Mikhail Prokhorov") Created in 2004 Mikhail Prokhorov To support projects in science, education, sports, as well as artistic initiatives and theater projects. At first, the Fund's programs operated mainly on the territory of the Industrial Norilsk District, but now it also works in the Central Federal District, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Urals, Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts.

Prokhorov Foundation actively operates at the level of the regions, especially in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as in the field of contemporary art. For example, the Foundation is the General Partner of the Small Drama Theater of Lion Dodina, the Russian National Orchestra under the control of Mikhail Plenev, and so on.

At the time of the creation of the Foundation, its annual budget was 1 million US dollars. In 2011, the total budget of the Fund amounted to 322 million 450 thousand rubles, in 2010 - 321 million rubles.

According to Forbes magazine, the personal state of Prokhorov for 2013 was estimated at $ 13 billion. Among other things, Prokhorov owns the American basketball team New Jersey Nets, two 96-meter Palladium and Solemar yachts, as well as GulfStream and Falcon airplanes.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Renova CJSC Victor Vekselberg In 2004, established the fund " Time communication"Who was supposed to be engaged in returning to Russia of historically significant works of art abroad. The most famous project of the Fund was the acquisition of the famous collection of Faberge eggs, which was spent 100 million US dollars.

Also among the projects of the Foundation "Communication of Times":

  • return from the US Bells of the Holy Danilovsky Monastery,
  • return in 2006 Archive of the Russian philosopher Ivan Ilin in Russia,
  • restoration of the Vrubel Hall in the Tretyakov Gallery,
  • restoration of the historical monument of Fort Ross (California, USA).

According to Forbes, Victor Vekselberg's personal state of Victor Vekselberg is estimated at $ 15.7 billion in 2013.

There are, of course, and other large charitable funds that are engaged in charity. So, according to the "Donor Forum", in 2012, the total total budget of the 70 largest funds exceeded 13 billion rubles (about $ 439 million).


First, of course, the scale. The share of funds allocated to charity in pre-revolutionary patrons and the current "oligarchs" is simply incompatible. Of course, among the currently there are pleasant exceptions, but we are talking about a general trend. It is enough to see, on the one hand, the ratio between the budget of the Potanina Charitable Foundation (US $ 10 million) and the profit of Norilsk Nickel in 2011 - $ 3,626 billion. And on the other hand, you can remember that, for example, the brothers of the Tretyakovs of at least half of their profits spent on charity.

Secondly, despite many useful undertons, the activities of today's patrons are not a systematic nature, while the patrons of pre-revolutionary rendered culture, art and science of real infrastructure support, contributed to the rise in entire cultural and scientific industries. It is no coincidence that if the first part of our material was divided into the spheres of "Science", "Art", "social activity", etc., then in the second part it is impossible - for the lack of at least some less solid actual base. At the same time, without the "golden century of the Russian patronage", we would not have a masterpiece K. Brullov and A. Ivanov, I. Rupin and V. Perova, such heights of national culture as a Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow Art Theater, Manor Abramtsevo, Russian Opera With the Great F. Shajapin.

Activities in the sphere of charity today's largest entrepreneurs often wears predominantly PR-character, is focused largely only on the spectacular component. It seems that it is designed more to be perceived, rather than comes from real desire to help. For example, in the field of education, they help the leading capital universities, and in which things are relatively good - if compared with the rest of the country. Including therefore, the current Russian oligarchs spend much more money to spend high achievements and the purchase of expensive foreign sports clubs than, for example, to support mass sports in our country.