There are six periods of development of ancient Russian literature. Periodization of ancient Russian literature

There are six periods of development of ancient Russian literature. Periodization of ancient Russian literature
There are six periods of development of ancient Russian literature. Periodization of ancient Russian literature

The fire system of the Old Russian literature was changed, this is especially noticeable in the literature of the XVI-XVII centuries. At the same time, the genres of church books were more stable, less transformation was less than the genres of secular literature under the influence of folklore and business writing changed significantly in shape.

Old Russian literature is closely related to history. Therefore, literary changes coincide with historical. And as a result, the following steps can be distinguished in the development of ancient Russian literature:

1. Literature XI - early XII century. This is the period of the formation of the literature of Kievan Rus and its relative unity.

2. Literature XII - early XIII century. It reflects the resulting feudal fragmentation process and is marked by the strengthening of the secular humanistic principle.

3. Literature XIII - middle of the XIV century, the period of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. It is characterized by the development of the traditions of the Domongolian literature.

4. Literature XIV - early XV century. This period is called the literature "Treatment".

5. The literature of the middle of the XV - the first half of the XVI century. Its characteristic feature is the emergence of the elements of revival.

6. Literature of the second half of the XVI century, the period of centralization.

7. Literature of the XVII century as the literature of the Transition Age.

3. Ways of the formation of Russian literature of the XVIII century. Formation of its national originality

The literature of the XVIII century does not break the internal relations of Petrovskaya Russia with Dopurerovskaya Rus, who prepared Peter's reform. Europeanization of early XVIII century. - the case of a single historical development.

G.A. Gukovsky noted that the literature of the new century " i got into the scope of the old traditions transferred to the contemporaries of Tredyakovsky and Lomonosov by the XVII century and the Petrovsk epoch" As a result, "Original-Russian" literature of the new century was born.

D.S. Likhachev proved the organic development of cultural and aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the West on the entire historical path of Russia, noting the sustainable traditions of Russian literature for the new XVIII century.

New era, inheriting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe high public role of literature, freeing from business and church tasks, she gained independence and, putting forward important social problems, won a solid position in the spiritual life of society. Communication with modernity increased patriotic dominate, contributed to the formation of national self-consciousness. In the future, the role of literature in Russian society increased.

Aspiration use literature for the needs of the state that opped to the national tradition, distant and Peter I. He showed a practical interest in the literature, brought to himself talented writers (for example, Faofan Prokopovich). A gradual liberation from church influence strengthened the social status of new literature. Peter's reforms, the idea of \u200b\u200btransformation was determined by comprehending the literature of educational ideas - the concept of enlightened absolutism. In this and consists the root feature of the nature of the mastery of European experience in RussiaIn the complex movement, a political and aesthetic national-distinctive thought was formed.

Concept of enlightened absolutism confirmed the possibility of the arrival of the enlightened monarchwhich is capable of implementing the necessary transformation society, suggested by the wise and human-loving philosopher. In Russia, this political concept came to the soul, because Peter I. For most personified this wise monarch.

This is explained by the fact that Russian thinkers and writers for more than a century - from Faofan Prokopovich to Pushkin inclusively approved the theory of enlightened absolutism, since they relied on a real, imprinted history the experience of a Peter-converter.

The educational ideology gave a modern appearance to the traditional values \u200b\u200bof Russian literature. In the era of the forced construction of a Russian centralized state in literature, state and social topics prevail, publishing is rapidly developing. Publicistic penetrates into different genres of literature, giving her teacher. Teaching - One of the inherited features of Russian literature acquired additional quality: the Russian writer in accordance with the concept of enlightened absolutism acted as a citizen, daring to learn to reign another monarch. Lomonosov taught to reign Elizabeth, Novikov and Fonvizin - First, Catherine II, and then Paul I (when he was still a great prince), Derzhanin - Catherine II, Karamzin - Alexander I, Pushkin, after the defeat of the Decembrists' uprising - Nikolai I. Journalism - the prevailing feature of the Russian Literature XVIII century, defines its artistic peculiarity.

The most important and principal feature of the new literature It is that it is created by the efforts of individual authors. In society appeared new type of writerWhose literary activity was determined by his personality, this phenomenon is not only generated by the XVIII century, and was prepared in the XVII century.

Interest in person in generalThe inner world of the heroes and the fate of the author himself, in particular, appeared in ancient Russia (about 14 centuries). Readers wanted know the biography of the writerThe views inherent to him, his world-ups, which influenced the style of the narration. All B. about erumbing place in literature copyright As an independent person, in the XVII century. Forming presentation of the human character, strengthening the role of the author and hero at the same time. Many writers of this century have already reported important information about themselves, acquainted with their biography. Bright example - "Life" of the Avvakum Protopopop, the first experience of creating a complex, spiritually rich character of man.

Russian literature "admirated" the aesthetic experience of world literatures, in the shortest possible time wishing to "be compared" to "surpass" them in the disclosure of the universal and Russian.

The era of the Renaissance, marked by the unprecedented bloom of culture, had a tremendous impact on the spiritual and ideological life of humanity. "Amazed West" saw a new world when archaeological excavations of ancient Pompeii were produced (mid-18th century).

Revival in Russia did not coincide with the pan-European. There is an opinion (D.S.Likhachev) that Russia at the end of the XIV and in the XV centuries. worried about novel Treatment. But " russian prevention did not exceed the Renaissance" With the historically reasonable lag, Russia began to implement what was already executed in the West. Russian art actively solved the community problems.

First of all - the problem relationship to antique culture and mastering her aesthetic experience.

Term "Revival" Symbolizes the end of the Middle Ages, this is the discovery of mankind for himself the rich world of pagan antiquity at the time of the domination of the church and theological worldview. Reregnated antiquity served as the foundation created new Humanistic Culture. Increased interest in art, philosophy, literature, Greece and Rome, which arose in the following centuries. The study of the ancient world will become widespread. The art of the new time, enriched with the experience of Greek and Roman masters, has learned for many centuries and consolidated the plots of antique mythology, created an arsenal of general images and a common language of art. Antiquity philosophy gives impetus to the development of materialism and idealism of the new time. Ancient historians will have a huge impact on the nature of the image of events and people. The book of Plutarch "Comparative Bifoxies" is everywhere and at all times will bring up the heroes, ready to protect the freedom and independence of the Fatherland.

Antiquity is mastered by those nations that have not been revived as a special stage of cultural development. Each nation and the country appealed to antiquity at one time. Russia appealed to antiquity at the beginning of the XVIII century. Until then, the books of religious content were held in terms of transfer literature. The originality of the process of comprehension of antiquity in Russia was that Russia did not know in its history of antiquity as a certain cultural stage, while in the West antiquity was already open, and her legacy was mastered several centuries. But, both in other countries and in Russia, antiquity and its ideological heritage used to generate their ideology, humanism primarily, of their original art(The first problem).

Interest in literature, philosophy and history of antiquity increased in Russia with each decade. The writings of Apuleuya, Plato, Seneki, Cicero, Lucian, Herodota, Terentation, Demosphen and many other authors were transmitted. Of particular interest was shown to poets. The first was translated Ezop. The book "Proverbs of Ezopovo ..." in the translation of Ilya Kopievsky printed in Russian and Latin in 1700 in Amsterdam. In Russia, the translations of Greek and Roman poets began to be regularly printed from the 1740s. The reader could get acquainted in Russian with verses of Homer, Ezopa, Anacreon, Horace, Vergilia, Fedra, Ovidid, Juvenal not only in professional translations, but also in poetic arrangements (from Cantemir and Lomonosov to Lviv, Dmitriev and Derzhavin). Two poet - (ancient Greek) Anacreone and (Ancient Roman) Horace - got the greatest popularity, had the greatest impact on Russian poetry, identifying two directions.

Goragian Beginning It is clearly manifested in many poets of the XVIII century. Creativity Horace turned out to be in demand from the poets, creating national-distinctive poetry. The "Monument" of Pushkin, who has gained experience not only Horace, but also Derzhavin, walked this tradition of Russian development of the heritage of the Roman poet.

Creation Anacreona Played a special role in creative activities. Derzhavina and others. Poets of the late XVIII century. Anacreon's experience brought Derzhanin to the first samples russian anthology poem (In the spirit of ancient lyrics).

The problem of personality There was a second revival problem, solved in Russia from the beginning of the XVIII century. European revival, opening in man a unique personality, spiritually rich personality, announced its highest value of the world and the measure of all phenomena and things. " The idea of \u200b\u200bman was born, the creatures of an individual, separate from the people, curious without relationship, in itself ..." That is why the Renaissance Epoch became the cradle of the "Newest Arts". The work of Shakespeare, according to Belinsky, is at the beginning of the literary direction, which later applied as "poetry of reality".

Philosophical generalization a new understanding of a person was humanism - the ideology of personality protection, her rights, freedom, happiness, dignity and independence.

In the Petrovsk epoch, Russian people realized themselves with participants in large-scale change and transformations, the creators of the new fate of their fatherland. Russia reached the international arena, becoming a major world power, quickly catch up with European nations, opening a new era of its history.

By reforming, Peter brought up its subjects. The development of culture and enlightenment was subordinated to the main task: clarify the politics of the monarch, develop the initiative, consciousness and patriotism, the desire to distinguish itself on the field of service of the Fatherland. Real, practical existence in Russia new relationship to man; It was not enough to order and drive it to the fulfillment of sovereign will - a practical need appeared in direct contact with a separate personFor the truth was realized: the better he would understand what and why he should do, the more productive will be performed.

Transformations spawned a new ideological climate in Russia, favorable to the development of literature, she awakened the self-awareness of the nation, revealed and formed a high understanding of a person and his elegant value.

A new understanding of a person (contrary to the political and social practice of the estate state) not only proclaimed literature, but also feeds its very development. Belinsky noted: " The first Russian magazines, whom the very names are now forgotten, were published by the circles of young people, brought together between themselves through the common passion for them to literature. Education equates people ... Who among those who have the right to the person does not wish with the whole of the soul, so that this public grew and increases not by day, but by the hour they grew up our fabulous warriors!».

Participation of millions of people of different classes in "Great Metamorphosis" gave birth idea personalityHer dignity was measured by the power of patriotism, and citizenship defined self-awareness. At that time in Western Europe, humanism was deformed. The philosophy of individualism destroyed the ideal free, harmonic, solid person.

Russia solved the personal problem otherwise. The national factor has affected the emerging Russian humanistic ideology. In the future, the social factor associated with the uprising of Emelyan Pugacheva 1773-1775 will declare, which will deepen the philosophy of the person, Patriot, a citizen.

Signs of this ideology affected the artistic practice of large poets of Russian classicism.

Classicism as a direction was formed before all in France in the XVII century. French classicism dismissed man and from the influence of the religious church morality, putting forward a human mind as a supreme and unimaginable authority. The desire to approve a person as the highest value of being, to defend his rights, to determine everything is truly beautiful in it. Classicism - the heir of antiquity, spiritually united humanity, produced total art language, Preparation of conditions for the expression in the language of classicism of original ideals, the individual experience of the historical life of each individual nation, national solutions of universal problems, disclosure of the person's ideal in a particular manifestation, in live social practice, in national and historical conditionality.

Russian classicismthe necessary stage of the development of Russian literature as a pan-European. He created nationwide art, intensively developing. Created multilay art, with advanced development poetry. Prose Will develop later - from the 1760s. and on another aesthetic basis. Many genres of lyric and satirical poetry were developed for the efforts of several generations of poets. Poets classicists (Lomonosov, Sumarokov, Heraskov, Princess) approved genre tragedypreparing the conditions for the theater success. Under the direction of Sumarokov, the Russian Theater, created by him in 1756, began to develop intensively, producing ideals of citizenship, Forming the idea of \u200b\u200bthe heroic character. The development of poetic culture, the development of the artistic experience of antique and European art, the inclusion of it in national literature, contributes to the analytical disclosure of a person's mental world in poetry.

Classicism of France created regulatory poetics, Subordination of the Consciousness of the writer and the artist with strict rules, harshly regulate the creative process. In Russia, the poetics of classicism was embodied ambiguously, the predominance personal beginning contradicted the regulatory system and rules in the literature. This is the essence national Optionrussian classicism. His damn: Communication with folklore, the development of satirical direction. Poets retired from the aesthetic regulatory code. A characteristic example is the either creativity of Lomonosov, expressed by the person of the author, his views and attitudes towards the depicted. He violated many strict rules, created a new form of ODY, embodied the details of Russia's political and national life.

Lomonosov poetically summarized the experience of the nation of this era, imprinted the extensity of the Russian state, creating a geographical image of Russia. His poetry developed a self-consciousness of Russian people, embodying a powerful charge of the emotional energy of patriotism of man, pride and admiration for their homeland. The image of the Fatherland, created by Lomonosov, learned the subsequent poetic tradition (poem Batyushkova "Transfer through Rhine" and Pushkin "Slevishers of Russia").

Lomonosov in national gifts expressed the spirit of the developing nation. Paphos of his poetry became the idea of \u200b\u200bthe approval of the greatness and power of Russia, youth, energy and creative actions of the nation. Poetry Lomonosov existed next to the satirical direction, whose score was Kantemir. The vitality of the Lomonosov destination confirmed the subsequent history of Russian poetry of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

The second half of the century was restless in social terms. The memory of the peasant war is 1773-1775. Pugacheva will retain not only the people, but also power. Soon in 1789, a revolution broke out in France. Belief was born in the triumph of mind and freedom. In this wave arises education movement. The enlighteners criticized the power and church, defending the freedom of the people and man. The idealists sincerely believed that the inequality and enslavement of the people happened from the unreasonableness of people. therefore the main goal put enlightenment nationSimultaneously promoting freedom.

Proving the injustice of an existing society, the enlighteners substantiated the dependence of morality, the beliefs and the views of people from the conditions of their lives. If the living conditions are unreasonable, they stated, then they should change them and then the persecution of people will be better, in society will enthusiastic justice. The laws in the monarchist state establishes the monarch, therefore, if they enlighten the monarch, he will begin to publish fair laws. So produced political theory of enlightened absolutism. The tactics of enlighteners - to have an impact on the kings, "learn" to reign them.

The era of Russian enlightenment is associated with the activities of the whole pleiad of writers, scientists and publicists. Early Russian enlighteners - Kantemir, Tredyakovsky and Lomonosov - the first half of the XVIII century, the general objectives of the Fatherland Enlightenment were put forward.

In the 1760-1770s. New forces joined Russian enlightenment. On public arena, a journalist and writer Nikolai Novikov, playwright and prosaik Denis Fonvizin, Philosopher Jacob Kozelsky. Along with them, scientists S. Desnaitsky, D. Anichkov, propagandist and popularizer of the educational ideology, Professor N. Kurgan, is actively worked, the compiler of one of the popular books of the century "writing". In the 1780s. Novikov created in Moscow on the basis of the largest educational center in Moscow on the basis of the Largest Summary Center. In the late 1780s. A young writer joined the literature, a student of Russian enlighteners, Ivan Krylov. At the same time they came out of the press and works of Alexander Radishchev.

Education in the last third of the XVIII century. There was a great influence on the ideological life of society, primarily on the development of literature and art. Even writers who did not accept the social enlightener program felt the influence of educational philosophy, learned the educational ideas about the extrallinary value of the person and the concept of enlightened absolutism.

Largely thanks to educational philosophy In December 1825, a rebellion of the nobles occurred.

In Western Europe XVIII century. There was a "revolution in art." Classicism, established in the XVII century in France, continued to occupy a dominant position in a number of countries. But in the 1720-1760s. Updated Voltaire, who made classicism by the mouth of educational ideas. Attasted dissatisfaction with classicism (regulativity, regulation and, main, rationalism and philosophical rejection of the idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality). During the struggle with classicism, two new directions in the literature, later defined as realism and sentimentalism. This was a revolution in art.

Realism of the Epoch of Enlightenment is firmly associated with classicism. His originalityconsisted in difficulty interpretation of man Classicism.

"Revolution in Art" has seized Russia: educational realism and sentimentalism is formed. The domination of classicism in Russia is completed by the middle of the 1760s. Social contradictions of Russia have advanced new requirements to the classic poets, raised issues of the social and political life of the Russian state.

The needs of the time answered the educational realism, developing a new look at society, forming a new human philosophy as a free personality, the advantage of which is not determined by the estate, but personal dating.

At the early stage of Russian realism - From Phonwan to Pushkin - the important principles of the method were identified and designated. it understanding the extrallinary value of man, faith in his great role on Earth, patriotic, civil and social activities as the main path self-affirmation personalityliving in society, the explanation of a person by his social environment and, finally, the first steps in the artistic identification of "secrets of nationality", in the ability to show the Russian look at things, Russian mind. The most important feature of the method of realistic acting is the disclosure of its social contradictions, satirical and accusatory attitude towards it, which allowed to expose the fragmentation of slavery for the whole nation (Novikov, Fonvizin, Radishchev).

First successes new method won in dramaturgia: Comedy Fonvizin "Brigadier", "Lady" laid the foundation for Russian realism. Further development he will receive in prose.

Educational realism opened and artistically embodied the conflict between old and new Russia. Therefore, Fonvizin, and later Radishchev portrayed not a family drama, but drama idedey. Her hero they derived from private life, I put social problems before him, determined the choice of activities discovering him to off-essential self-realization of his personality. All this attached to the educational realism a special quality characterized by the word "journalism" as a special form of artistic in the realism of the enlightenment. It fully appeared in front of the reader. women's ideological life, His connection with the world of universal, the rejection of the private, selfish "lonely happiness".

Publishing was generated by the writer's desire to take care of the general good, and not a separate person. The enlightenment faith in the mind convinced that the word had a mighty, effective, almost imperative force. Pronounced in the word truthIt seemed that it was supposed to immediately make the desired action - dispel error. Therefore, the most important task of literature was formulation of the moral code, direct expression of the ideal, whose carrier and performed a positive hero. Psychologist as the disclosure of the contradictions of a person's consciousness was contraindicated by educational realism. Rationalism affected the construction of images in Novikova, Fonvizin and Radishchev.

"Revolution in Art" captured and poetryStuddered by regulatory. But this process was more difficult. Realism in poetry showed itself other than in dramaturgy and prose. A lot was done to be kept for the development of realistic lyrics: " Derzhavin put forward a new principle of art, a new criterion for selecting its funds - the principle of individual expressivenessand". " The poetic system of classicism turned out to be radically destroyed"(Gukovsky).

Simultaneously with realism In a number of countries - England, France, Germany, and then in Russia (1770-1790s.) Another literary direction was formed, which was called sentimentalism. He was stated in the fight against classicism. Between the realism of the XVIII century. and sentimentalism much in common. Both directions related to the educational philosophy defended the extrallinary value of a person, revealed the spiritual wealth of personality, choosing their heroes not only from the nobles, but also from the third estate environment - bourgeoisie, artisans, peasants. Both directions opposed the classicism and contributed to democratization of literature.

But much I. shared them, primarily image of man image. Realism, revealing personality, tied her with the world, showed the dependence of the nature of the circumstances of being, on the medium. Sentimentalism, exceeding a person, immersed him in the world of moral life, freeing it from the power of external circumstances and life. Sentimentalist writers do not see the relationships and dependence of the person from the morals, on the environment in which he lives. They sought to liberate a person from the power of the circumstances, which the world of passions and feelings were opposed, was revealed by "secret secret" - the life of the heart.

Russian sentimentalism is associated with European. Writers of Russia were well known for the works of English, French and German sentimentalists who were intensively translated by them. Hence, a peculiar community of topics, genres, motifs, and even the heroes of the writers of this direction. The creator of Russian sentimentalism As a new and deeply original artistic system was Karamzin. His creativity developed in the direction of the traditions of Russian literature, submitting to general and definite patterns. The enlighteners woke up in the young men Karamzin interest in man - Spiritually rich personality. The idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality becomes fundamental in the aesthetic concept of the writerWhat was approved to solve the revived problems, so Karamzin always showed interest, on the one hand, to Shakespeare, on the other - to Petrovsky transformations, proud of the success of Russia and the Russian nation.

Sentimentalism Karamzinassociated with the pan-European direction turned out to be in many ways new phenomenon. And not only the national living conditions, but also time separated Karamzin from his teachers, determined the originality of his work. The Sentimentalism of Karamzin, due to the enlightenment, was finally developed in the art system during the years of checking the theories of enlighteners with the practice of the French revolution. Much in the ideals of the enlightenment of the check could not stand. The Enlightenment Crisis will take many as the greatest drama of ideas, shooking to thinking Europe. Personal drama crisis was for Karamzin, finding catastrophy of being of a man of new time. All this has determined the special, National appearance of Karamzin's sentimentalism.

Love for humanity defined the moral and aesthetic position of Karamzin. Without accepting the educational teaching of social equality (he recognized only the moral equality of people), Karamzin was not a supporter of the revolution, the "violent" destruction of an existing system. The French revolution did not meet the hopes of humanity, did not approve the promised kingdom of mind. It demonstrated that the inner causes of the historical development of each country contain the truth. Hence the close interest of Karamzin to history, its inclusion in the creative consciousness of the writer led to the construction concepts of the history of the country. The answers to the alarming issues of modernity are now searched in deep antiquity, in this - the manifestation of the general patterns of the development of Russian thought and Russian literature, and not a random and private fact of the biography of the writer.

Since the XVIII century, national literature has been created in Russia, which is mainly a noble culture, focused on the culture of the French nobility. At the same time, Russian literature persistently sought to get closer to the national soil.

« Poetry of our simple people"(V.K. Trediakovsky) became the focus of Russian writers of the XVIII century. All writers from Cantemir to Derzhavin, Karamzin and Radishchev have shown to folk creativity. First widely proverbs were used - And as an expression of folk wisdom, and as samples of poetic, aphoristical-clear, syntactic-laconic phrase, who passed the Russian view on the phenomena of life - social, household, political.

From Petrovsky time began to develop tradition of processing works of oral folk art - Fairy tales, epic. They will be widely used in the work of M. Chulkov, V. Levshina, I. Dmitriev, N. Karamzin.

From the 1760s. Proverbs, songs, fairy tales, epics are published, several dozen songnies have come out for several decades. At the beginning of the XIX century. As a result of attention, the collection of Kirsi Danilova will be released in the collection of works of the people - the meeting of Russian epics. So through folk songs and proverbs, the democratic ideology "invaded" into high literature, became an event of literary life, participating in the process of creating new literature.

The struggle for the originality of the literature lasted for a very long time (not only for the 18th century, but also in 19). Her historical, national and social circumstances affected. One of the factors was folklore. From the empirical assimilation of folklore, literature passed to more complex tasks. Works of folk art served as a model for developing a truly Russian style, enriched the language of works " indigenous Russian words", Idiomas. Folklore helped disclose " mystery of nationality", Comprehend" the bend of the mind of Russian».

Ridicule, mocking, irony, joke, imprinted not only in proverbs, but also in fairy tales, various satirical "petrot", parody judges and even prayers, expressed a folk view of the phenomena of life, were popular evaluation and the court of all socially existing social, social and living conditions of life. Humor argued the moral dignity of a simple person deprived of social and political freedom and human rights. Contributed to the self-preservation of man, showed national heritage - lacking culture of the people, fruitfully impact on art (I wrote M.M. Bakhtin in the monograph "Creativity Francois Rabl and People's Culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance", 1965).

Laughter in low genres of classicism was literary character, the comic effect in "funny heroic poems" was born from the stylistic inconsistency between the syllable and theme, language and hero.

The manifestation of the person's personality in the work forced to retreat from the rules and master national sources of humor. "Anthem Beard" Lomonosov and parody works I.S. Barkova, some Basni Sumarokov and the poem. Yves. Majkova "Elisha, or irritated Vaca" directly go beyond folk satirical works.

A distinctive feature Narrative manners of phonvizin and satirical works Novikova is humor, correlated with the folk laughter. The characteristic genres of Novikov-Satirika is the "hospital", "recipes", Izvestia. Fonvizina - "Universal Court Grammar", "Weaching, Speed \u200b\u200bin Perfect Day", "Heading Uncle to your nephew", etc., consciously-oriented folklore satire, parody use of "petitions", "instructions", "teachings", "Recipes ", Creating not only in the XVII, but also in the XVIII century, widely distributed in the lists.

The use of irony of Russian literature is marked by Gogol: " We have all a lot of irony. She is visible in our proverbs and songs and, that all is amazing, often where the soul apparently will be injured and is not located at all for fun. The depth of this original irony still did not expose us, because, by raising all the European upbringings, we were removed from the native root ... It is difficult to find a Russian person in which it would not be combined, together with a decrease of truth, the property - Above something truly laugh" This property Gogol saw from Phonwan and Derzhavin. The latter, according to him, " salt Salt scattered him in her greater half of his».

The joke is the main stylistic feature of the new poetry of Derzhavin, its updated ODD. Later he will give himself the creation of a "funny Russian syllable".

The aggravation of the public conflict led to the emergence of a social theme and new heroes - peasants. Russian serfs were depicted in essays, in a comic opera, in the literary song, in the Iroi-comic poem, in a changed ODE. Proverbs and songs transferred folk ideals and understanding of life.

Folklore is connected and the problem of nation. Writers-Realistic XIX century. - Pushkin, Gogol saw her manifestation in some works of the XVIII century, emphasized the Natopolis of the Comedy of Phononvizin, poems of Derzhavin, Prose and Basen Krylov. Belinsky wrote about it in detail. In "Literary Dreams", he claimed: " Our people are loyalty to the image of paintings of Russian life" On this basis, he put "inexpressible", "grief from the mind" and "auditor" in one series of "folk dramatic PESES". Speaking of Derzhavin, Belinsky emphasized the other aspect of the nationality: in his poems "the practical philosophy of the mind of Russian" is visible. "

Later, in the 1840s, for Belinsky, the content of the nation will enrich the concept of democraticness. And the nationality will be associated with Krylov's fables. It was he, according to the thought of criticism, contributes to the literature " a completely new element for it - a nationality, which only broke and flashed at times in the compositions of the Derzhaft».

Advanced literature XVIII century. The nationality was inherent as loyalty to the paintings of Russian life, as an expression of a Russian look at things. The synthesis of democratic and national in the artistic work of realist writers is present in the works of Pushkin and Gogol - they are capable of looking at the world "through the eyes of the whole people."

Radishchev determined the special character of folklorism. Songs and fairy tales, proverbs and intensity, epics and spiritual verses testified not only about the artistic adaratence of the people, but also about its powerful spiritual activity, the ability to work. And the uprising of oppressed for Radishchev is the highest form of folk activity, special folk creativity, which enlightens and awakens in every spiritually rich personality. From such positions and approached Radishchev to Folklore. Herzen said that in the song the author of "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" found "the key to the sacraments of the people." Radishchev relied on the revolution in Russia, in his opinion, she transforms the appearance of the Fatherland, because it will make it a people who qualify for the quality and features: "Hardness in enterprises", "tirelessness performed" will certainly turn with time when "comes Godina" , to reduce the "public bliss".

Such a long way of Russian literature on nationality and national identity. The most important revived problem - the combination of humanistic and folk began to be solved throughout the century - From Cantemir and Lomonosov to Pushkin, due to both historical times, and the circumstances of the social and national development of Russia.

Old Russian literature arose in the XI century and developed for seven centuries to the Petrovsky era. Kiev Rus replaced the time of the principalities of Northeast Russia with a price-troom in Vladimir, the chronicle of Russian land survived the MON-Golo Tatar invasion, freed from the yoke. The Great Prince of Moscow became the king, the sovereign of All Gorya, and Belya, and the Malya Rusi. The last died of "Knee Rurikova" died, the Romanov dynasty reigned on the throne. Rus became rosy, passing the richest literary traditions by his successor.

The term "Old Russian literature" is conditional. Starting from the XIII century, the literature studied by us is the pre-Potoshonic literature of the Middle Ages. Continuing to consume the term historically entrusted with the named phenomenon, we will not forget about its real meaning.

Old Russian literature is divided into several periods (according to D. S. Likhachev):

  • literature of Kievan Rus (XI-XIII centuries);
  • literature XIV-XV centuries;
  • literature of the XVI century;
  • literature of the XVII century.

In the era of Kievan Rus, the formation of literary genres occurred, the foundations of all Eastern Slavic lee-terators were laid - Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian. At this time, genres of Greek and Byzantine literats begin to develop on national soil. In the process of becoming an ancient Russian ledity language, not only a lively rogue language of that time, but also another language, a little bit of himself, although ingenic by origin, is the language of Staroslavansky (Church Slavic).

The literature of the next two periods is already the literature of the Russian people actually, which acquired national independence in the north-east of Russia. This is the time of creating traditions, the development of new ideas in Russian culture and verbal, time, which is called the prevention.

The XVI century - the development time of journalistic genres. Create "Domostroy" - the arch of everyday rules and instructions, reflecting the principles of patriarchal life. "Domostroy" tre-buet germanity.

During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, "Great Minei Cheti" are created - a set of twelve books, including reading for every month. Each of the twelve books numbers from you-Xiani five hundred to two thousand sheets of large format. The composition of the white lists lasted about twenty-five years. The books include works of various genres, to create, transferred and editing a large quantity of Russian writers, translators, scribes and correspondence. At the same time, a "facial arch" is created, which contains the position of the world history from the creation of the world to the XV century. Preserved ten volumes are about ten thousand sheets, decorated with 17,744 miniatures (color illustrations).

The XVII century - the era, when the worldview of people is changing, hundred-ry literary forms decay, new genres and ideas arise. It is planned to go to the literature of Petrovsky time. Satirical and household literature develops, the center of attention gradually moves to the life of a simple person - not the Knya-Zya, not saint.

Old Russian literature is not like the literature of the new time: it is permeated by other thoughts and feelings, in it a different way of life of life and a person, a different genres system.

In the Epoch of the Middle Ages, it is impossible to spend a clear boundary between literature of secular and church. They developed together, not denying, but enriching one different. The main types of Old Russian literary creativity - Logging, Zhiya, eloquencewhich includes teaching, genres praise and the words; Military stories, hozing (walking) and ambassador. Poets, dramaturgy, novel, a story in the modern understanding of these genres in the XI-XVI centuries was not. They arise only in the XVII century.

All genres of the Old Russian literature are developing in close relationship with oral folk creativity. Most of all the folk-lining element influenced the chronicle. Like folklore, the ancient Russian literature did not know the concept of copyright: each scribe could use everything that was written before him. This was manifested in widespread text borrowings. Pisss sought to leave unchanged only the texts of the liturginess books and legislation.

The main role of the book in the culture of ancient Russia is to serve as a means of salvation of the soul. In this regard, the most important was considered the New Testament, Sacred Scripture, Holy Creations, List Literature and Church Traditions. The historical works and monuments of business writing were also important. The worldly sochi, who did not pursuing the didactic goals were less valued. They were considered "siety".

At the beginning of its development, the Old Russian literature is very closely connected with the life, especially by the litrorship. The production, in addition to literary meanings, have also practicable, applied. Only gradually over time, the separation of the artistic and aesthetic function from would be, applied.

Old Russian literature - pre-market, medieval, examination shows us how different is our perception of the world from the perception of our ancestors. In the consciousness of the life of the ancient Russia, the book was a symbol of Christianity, enlightenment and special lifestyles. When testing a Christ-Annia, idolaters first of all the audit was the book. In the "Life of Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir" is rated, as pagans demanded that Patriarch Fotiy put a book in the fire, which teaches Christian faith. Evan-helium has not burned down on fire. The amazed pagans believed in the insignity of the new teaching and baptized. Both the book, and the written written name of the miracle halo. Slavic ABC was given by Konstantin after his prayer as a divine revelation. The concepts of "Christianity", the "book" and "miracle" closely intertwined each other.

The wonderful of the Russian language is that a person even with small philological training can read (prepared) texts of almost millennial limitations. But often the words that seem familiar to us have a different meaning, there are many incomprehensible words, the syntax structures are difficult to be perceived. Names of objects, names, details of the life, the logic of events - everything requires a comment. Do not frighten in the meaning of the work, the modern reader, as it were, deceiving himself. So, for example, "Tale of Peter and Fevronia Muromsky" seems to him a funny fairy tale, and its Bo-Goslovskaya problem and philosophical depth remain non-noticed.

For the last century, the stereo-types of public consciousness, the norms of behavior, the thinking of Chel-Leng, have radically changed, the old words have gained a new meaning, the actions were filled with other content. Already with the invention of typography to the book began to be different. Material from site.

Initially, the whole literature was exclusively church. Themes and ideas of works could be different, but deeply religious was the globility of the authors and readers. This is manifested not only in liturgical and theologian texts, but also in the description of history, in military stories and secular plots.

In the representation of the Orthodox Middle Ages, "West Book" was moral merit and virtue, an approach of the person to comprehend God. To do this, it was necessary to read and re-read the spiritual literature. "The Tale of Bygone Years" writes that Yaroslav Mud-rye arrived. The art of reading consisted in a slow, concentrated and deliberate perception of the written "Visse Semant". Chita-Tel stopped, re-re-reading important places, look at the depths of meaning. Such a culture of reading was taught to recognize behind the outer shell of the hidden nature of the above, comprehend the "spiritual purple" an invisible world of the world.

The book is a microcosm, in which the "lovers of duzatvitamius" enjoy the eternal truths and receive a spiritual medicine - consolation and teaching. It was not necessary to read a second-pya, but accustomed from everyday bustle and empty distillations. It was believed that by contacting the work with sinful thoughts, it is impossible to extract anything useful for the soul from it. Until now, in our consciousness, an ancient faith remains in the wonderful power of the word.

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • periodization of the ancient Russian literature on Likhachev
  • brief description of the Domongolian period
  • eastern Literature Development Periods
  • the history of the Old Russian literature briefly
  • what teaches the ancient Russian literature

In the Epoch of the Middle Ages, it is impossible to spend a clear boundary between literature of secular and church. They developed together, not denying, but enriching one different. The main types of Old Russian literary creativity - the literature, lives, eloquence, which includes teachings, genres of praise and words; Military stories, hozing (walking) and messages. Poets, dramaturgy, novel, a story in the modern understanding of these genres in the XI-XVI centuries was not. They arise only in the XVII century.
All genres of the Old Russian literature are developing in the Test Relationship with oral folk creativity. Most of all the folk element influenced the chronicle. Like folklore, the ancient Russian literature did not know the concept of copyright: each scribe could use everything that was written before him. This was manifested in widespread text borrowings. Pisss sought to leave unchanged only the texts of liturgical books and legislative acts.
The main role of the book in the culture of ancient Russia is to serve as a means of salvation of the soul. In this regard, the most important was considered the New Testament, Sacred Scripture, Holy Creations, List Literature and Church Traditions. Important also considered historical works and monuments of business writing. The worldly essays that did not persecute didactic goals were valued. They were considered "siety".
At the beginning of its development, the Old Russian literature is very closely connected with the life, especially by the litrorship. Works, in addition to literary meanings, have a practical, applied. Only gradually over time there is a separation of the artistic and aesthetic function from the household, applied.
Old Russian literature - pre-market, medieval, studying it shows us how different our perception of the world from the perception of our ancestors. In the consciousness of the residents of ancient Russia, the book was a symbol of Christianity, enlightenment and a special way of life. When testing Christianity by idolaters, first of all the audit was the book. In the "Life of Equal-Apostles Prince Vladimir", it tells how the pagans demanded that the Patriarch Fotiy put a book in the fire, which teaches Christian faith. The gospel has burned down on fire. The amazed pagans believed in the truth of the new teaching and baptized. Both the book, and the writing itself wrestled by a miracle halo. Slavic ABC was given by Konstantin after his prayer as a divine revelation. The concepts of "Christianity", the "book" and "miracle" closely intertwined each other.
The wonderful of the Russian language is that a person even with small philological training can read (prepared) texts of almost millennial limitations. But often the words that seem familiar to us have a different meaning, there are many incomprehensible words, syntactic structures are difficult. Names of objects, names, details of the life, the logic of events - everything requires a comment. Not trying to think about the work, the modern reader, as it were, deceiving himself. So, for example, "the story of Peter and Fevronia Muromsky" seems to him a funny fairy tale, and her theological issues and philosophical depth remain unnoticed.
For the last century, the stereotypes of public consciousness, the norms of behavior, human thinking, the old words have gained the new meaning, the actions were filled with other content. Already with the invention of typography to the book began to be different.
Initially, the whole literature was exclusively church. The topics and ideas of works could be different, but deeply religious was the globility of the authors and readers. This is manifested not only in the liturgical and theological texts, but also in the description of history, in military stories and secular plots.
In the representation of the Orthodox Middle Ages, the "reverence of book" was moral merit and virtue, brought a man to comprehend God. To do this, it was necessary to read and re-read the spiritual literature. "The Tale of Bygone Years" writes that the Yaroslav Wise arrived. The art of reading consisted in a slow, concentrated and deliberate perception written by "all my heart." The reader stopped, re-re-reading important places, carefully peering into the depths of meaning. Such a culture of reading learned to recognize the hidden nature of things behind the outer shell, comprehend the "spiritual" the world is invisible to the simple eye.
The book is a microcosm, in which the "lovers of duzatvitamius" enjoy the eternal truths and receive a spiritual medicine - consolation and teaching. It was not necessary to read a hurry, but bypass from everyday bustle and empty distillations. It was believed that by contacting the work with sinful thoughts, it is impossible to extract anything useful for the soul from it. Until now, in our consciousness, an ancient faith remains in the wonderful power of the word.

According to the established tradition, three main stages associated with the development periods of the Russian state allocate in the development of the Old Russian literature.

  • 1. The literature of the ancient Russian state of the XI - the first half of the XIII centuries. The literature of this period is often referred to as the literature of Kievan Rus.
  • 2. The literature of the period of feudal fragmentation and the benefits for the union of Northeast Russia (the second half of the XIII is the first half of the XV centuries).
  • 3. The literature of the period of creation and development of a centralized Russian state (XVI-XVII centuries).

However, during the periodization of the literary process, it is necessary to consider:

  • · Circle of original and translational monuments that appeared in this or that period.
  • · The character of ideas, themes reflected in the literature.
  • · Leading principles of displaying the reality and character of genres, styles that determine the specifics of the literary development of this period.

The first students of the Old Russian writing monuments are known only from the second half of the XI century:

  • - Ostromiro Gospel (1056-1057);
  • - "Izborchik 1076";
  • - "The Blagger of the Grand Duke Svyatoslav 1073".

Most of the works created in the XI-XII centuries have been preserved only in the later lists of the XIV-XVII centuries.

However, the intensive development of writing in Russia began after the official adoption of Christianity in 988. At the same time, a certain system of education arose. In the 30s of the XI century, scribes work, who not only rewrite books, but also translate them from Greek. All this allows you to highlight the end X - the first half of the XI century as the first period of the formation of ancient Russian literature. About the circle of works of this period, their subjects, ideas, genres and styles there is no information.

The second period is the middle of the XI - the first third of the XII century - the literature of Kievan Rus. This period of the heyday of the original Old Russian literature, represented by the genres of the didactic "word" (Feodosius Pechersky, Luke Look), genre varieties of original lives ("Tale" and "Reading" about Boris and Gleb, "Life of Feodosia Pechersk", "Memory and Praise Praise Vladimir ") Historical legends, the leaders, legends, which were the basis of the Chronicles, which at the beginning of the XII century receives the name" Tale of Bygone Years ".

Translated literature during this period is widely represented by philosophical - didactic and morally - didactic collections, graders ..., historical chronicles, apocryphic works.

The central theme of the Old Russian literature becomes the topic of Russian land, the idea of \u200b\u200bits greatness, integrity, sovereignty.

During this period, various styles are developing: epic, documentary historical, didactic, emotional expressive, autographic, which are sometimes present in the same work.

The third period is the second third of the XII - the first half of the XIII centuries. This is the literature of the period of feudal fragmentation, when the Russian land broke into a number of independent semi-states. The development of literature becomes regional in nature. Based on the literature of Kievan Rus, local literary schools are created: Vladimir-Suzdal, Novgorod, Kiev-Chernigovskaya, Galico-Volynskaya, Polotsk-Smolenskaya, Town-Pinskaya, which will then become the source of the formation of literature of the three fraternal peoples - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.

In these regional centers, local chief shooting, agiography, travel genres, historical agents are developing.

The vertex of the literature of this period was the "word about Igor's regiment", firmly related to the exhaust traditions of the heroic durane epic. The original bright works are the "word" of Daniel Sharpener and the "Word about the death of the Russian Earth."

The fourth period is the second half of the XIII-XV centuries - literature with the Mongol-Tatrasian conquerors and the beginning of the formation of a centralized Russian state, the formation of the Great Russian nation. The development of literature during this period takes place in such leading cultural centers as Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov, Tver.

The awareness of the need to combat ingenic enslavers led to the cohesion of the folk forces, and this struggle is hand in hand with the political association of Russia around the single center, which Moscow becomes.

An important milestone in the political and cultural life of Russia was a victory overwhelmed by the Russian people on the field of Kulikov in September 1380 over the Horde of Maama. She showed that Russia has forces for decisive struggle with enslavers, and these strength is able to rally and unite the centralized power of the Grand Duke Moskovsky.

In the literature of this time, the foreman becomes the flame of the struggle against ingenic enslavers - Mongol-Tatars and the topic of strengthening the Russian state, the glorification of the rolling and moral feats of Russian people, their acts. Literature and visual art reveal the moral ideal of the person.

Further development receives the style of historical narration. He is influenced by the democratic landing segments of the population, on the one hand, and church circles - on the other.

In the historical narration, the entertainment, artistic fiction begins to penetrate. A fictional legends accepted for the historical ("Tale of the Mutyansky Voivod Dracula", "Tale of Basarche"). Publicistic, political trends that emphasize the importance of Russia and its center of Moscow - the political and cultural succession of the ruling world powers are enhanced in these legends.

In the XV century, Novgorod literature reaches his heyday, brightly reflecting the acute struggle of classes within the feudal city republic. The Novgorod Ladree played an important role in the development of Old Russian literature.

The development of the style of "idealizing biographer" is planned in the literature Tver. With a democratic urban culture, "walking in the three seas" Athanasius Nikitina is connected.

In literature, interest in the psychological states of the human soul, the dynamics of feelings and emotions increases.

The literature of this period reflected the main features of the character of the folding Great Russian Nature: Resistance, Heroism, the ability to transfer adversity and difficulties, will to fight and victory, love for homeland and responsibility for her destiny.

The fifth period of development of the ancient Russian literature falls at the end of the XV - XVI centuries. This is the period of literature of a centralized Russian state. In the development of literature, he is marked by the process of merging local regional literature into a single community literature, which gave the ideological substantiation of the centralized state of the sovereign. Acute internal political struggle for the strengthening of the unique power of the Grand Duke, and then the Sovereign of All Russia was due to the unprecedented flourishing of journalism.

The official style of the era becomes a representative, magnificent, well-wing style of Makarev literary school. Political journalistic literature gives rise to more free, living literary forms related to business writing, everyday household entrance.

Two trends are traced in the literature: one - observance of strict rules and canons of writing, church ritual, household text; Another is a violation of these rules, the destruction of these canons. The latter begins to manifest itself not only in journalism, but also in the agiography and historical narration.

The sixth period of development of the ancient Russian literature falls at the XVII century. The nature of literary development allows you to allocate two stages in this period:

  • 1st: from the beginning of the century to 60 years;
  • 2nd: 60s - the end of the XVII century. The first quarter of the 18th century.

The first stage is associated with the development and transformation of the traditional and agiographic genres of the Old Russian literature. The events of the first peasant war and the struggle of the Russian people with the Polish-Swedish intervention were an impaired on religious ideology, the course of historical events. In the public, political and cultural life of the country intensified the role of pose - trade and craft population. A new democratic reader has appeared. Responding to his requests, the literature expands the scope of reality, changes the previously established genre system. Life turns into a life description, the genre of historical story democratizes.

The second stage of the development of Russian literature of the second half of the XVII century is associated with the church reform of Nikon, with the events of the historical reunification of Ukraine and Russia, after which the intensive process of penetration into the ancient Russian literature of Western European literature began. The historical story, losing relationships with concrete facts, becomes an entertaining narration. Life is becoming not only by household life, but also by autobiography - confession of a hot rebellious heart. Traditional genres of church and business writing become objects of a literary parody: the church service is paroding to the Kabaku service, the life of the Holy - in the life of the drunkard. A wide wave in the literature rushes folklore. The genres of the folk satirical fairy tale, epic, the song lyrics are organically included in the literary works.

The process of identity identity is reflected in the new genre - household stories, in which a new hero appears - a merchant son, a whirlwind, rooted nobleman. The nature of the translation literature changes.

The democratization process of literature meets a response from the dominant estate. In court circles, artificial regulatory style, ceremonial aesthetics, lively folk lyrics are opposed to artificial sillybic book poetry, a democratic satire - the moral abstraction of Satira on the morals in general, the People's Drama is the court and school comedy.

Academic science uses the periodization of the ancient Russian literature, based on the historical principle, starting from the XI century:

  • Literature Kiev Rus (XI - the first third of the XIII century)
  • Literature of the period of fragmentation and Tatar-Mongolian yoke (second third of the XIII-XIV centuries)
  • The literature of the time of the unification of the northeastern principalities in the Unified Moscow State (End of XIV - the beginning of the XV century)
  • Literature of a centralized Russian state (the end of the XV-XVI centuries)
  • Literature of the stage of formation of the Russian Nation (XVI-XVII centuries)

Stages in this periodization were the most important historical events, such as

  • the invasion of Tatar-Mongol in 1237-1240,
  • the emergence of specific principalities at the post-space of Kievan Rus,
  • association of Northeastern Lands,
  • the elevation of Moscow and the creation of a Moscow state, its further flourishing and the allocation of the Russian nation.

But opinions and on this score in the historians of literature diverge. All existing periodizes are similar, but at the same time they differ. The number of steps ranges from 4 to 7. There were attempts by D.I. Chizhevsky, D.S. Likhacheva, G.K. Wagner allocate periods in the ancient Russian literature, based on the style of epoch. But the scientists did not come to a common opinion.

Literature Kiev Rus (XI - the first third of the XIII century)

The literature of this period arose with the introduction of Christianity in Russia is closely related to the church. The first chronicles were the monks of the Sofia Cathedral and the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

"The Tale of Bygone Years" is ancient written source of that time. It consists of chronicle materials written and rewritten by several authors of the X-XI centuries. Reached the "Tale of Bygone Years" in the form of Lavrentievsky, Ipatievsky and Radziwill lists created in subsequent centuries. In the chronicles in the chronological sequence, the main events in the state and in the world were described, the dynasties of the princes, armed campaigns, biblical stories were described, stories and legends from oral folk creativity and the Holy Scriptures. The history of Kievan Rus, many interpret exactly this source.

Other literature samples of this period were:

  • oratoric prose "The Word of Law and Grace" (1037 - 1050 years. XI century) Illarion,
  • list of legal rules "Russian Pravda" (1019-1054) Yaroslav Wise,
  • the life description of the "Tale of Boris and Gleb" (the middle of the XI century) of an unknown author,
  • pedagogical prose "Weaching to Children" Vladimir Monomakh,
  • sample of pilgrimage records "Walking Iguman Daniel",
  • "Praying" Daniel Sharpener (1213 - 1236),
  • philosophical reflections "Parable about the human soul" Kirill Torovsky (end of the XII century).

In 2000, three wooden shovels with scratched letters were found in Novgorod archaeologists. This discovery was called the Novgorod Code and date it no later than the 1st quarter of the XI century. Psalms are written on the skulls, but under the wax "hidden" more ancient texts. Salt this riddle, like the mystery of the "velebook", the scientists are still to be.

Literature of the period of fragmentation (mid-XIII-XIV century)

During the absence of a single center, the chief spelling in individual principalities was carried out at each other. Kiev, Novgorod and Pskov's christmas collections reached us. The legendary "word about Igor's regiment" (about 1185) became an apogee development of the literature of fragmentation period. Written by the figurative language, which absorbed the national beliefs "The Word about the regiment of Igor" said about the campaign of Russian princes in 1185 against the Polovtsy, who ended in failure. The word is saturated with patriotism and the desire to unite the scattered Russian lands.

There is such a genre as a military story:

  • "Tale of killing in Horde Mikhail Chernigovsky and Boyarina of his Fedor,"
  • "The story of the ruin of Ryazan Batym."

And in the "Word about the killed Russian land", and in the "Life of Alexander Nevsky", written after the death of the Grand Prince, the greatness and power of the Russian land, the courage and the glory of Russian warriors challenge.

The literature of the time of the unification of the northeastern principalities in the Unified Moscow State (End of XIV - the beginning of the XV century)

The literature dominates expressive-emotional style and theme. After the Tatar-Mongolian period in many large cities, the lunches are reborn, works of historical nature and pagic aeography appear. On the wave of admiration from victory in the Kulikovsky battle, military leads "Tale of Mamaev Boy" and "Zadonchina" arise.

Literature of a centralized Russian state (the end of the XV-XVI centuries)

Translation literature, publicism, historical prose developing.

Establish during this period and fiction (secular narrative literature translated from other languages):

  • "Tale of Dracula"

  • "Tale of Basarge."

Literature of the stage of formation of the Russian Nation (XVI-XVII centuries)

During this period, traditional forms dominate, the official impact on the literature on the part of the rulers, individual styles are suppressed.

  • "The Life of the Avvakum Protopopa", written by himself,
  • "Tale of Peter and Fevronia Muromsky" Yermolaya-Erasta,
  • collection of spiritual rules and instructions "Domostroy", attributed to the priest of the Annunciation Cathedral Sylovestra,
  • collection of religious content "Great Chetty Mini",
  • travel records of the ambassadors "Time of Trifon Korobeynikov to Tsargrad"

and "Tale of the breakdown and burial M.V. Skopina-Shuisky "- the brightest works of that time.

During this period, a transition to the new literature was carried out, the basis of which was the professionalism of each particular author, his personal perception of reality, protests and preferences.

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