People who hate Victor Korolev. Ether Radio Chanson

People who hate Victor Korolev. Ether Radio Chanson
People who hate Victor Korolev. Ether Radio Chanson

For many years, Victor Korolev remains faithful to his barustic image, which the cap fits very well, the visor backwards. The artist is always glad to meet with numerous listeners fully filling in concert halls. And this is not surprising, because Victor is still full of strength and optimism, which allowed him for all the years of career to release more than 20 solo albums. In 2017, Korolev also not refuses the active tour to please fans with their songs. But about the personal life, the singer prefers to be silent, which is very sad for his long-standing fans who want to know also about his wife and children.

Victor was born in 1961 in Tayshet, Irkutsk region. His parents were busy people: Mom worked as a school director, and his father was engaged in the construction of railways. In orphanage, the future performer of the Russian chanson was a very responsible and obedient boy: he studied only on perfectly and showed musical abilities. After graduation, the young man entered the music school that successfully graduated. Then he wanted to get an education at the Theater Institute, but did not pass the competition and went to the army.

Saying goodbye to the army service, Korolev left for Moscow, where he soon became a student of the theater institute named Schepkin. His creative career began with work on the theater scene, besides this, the novice artist was filmed in the cinema. At the same time, Victor was fond of music and singing, having released his first record called Broadway on Tverskaya.

In 1992, he became a diploma of the International Festival "Golden Deer", which was held in Romania. Three years after these events, the artist tried to find his calling, but despite the difficulties, it was the most interesting period in his life. In 1997, he recorded a new album - "Bazar-Station", which became very popular with many fans of Chanson. Among his creative works were recognized by such songs as "Broadway on Tverskaya", "pour", "a guy without a guitar", "jealous" and others. For many of their compositions, Victor writes music himself, cooperating with the poets of the Roman Cossack and Hermann, but sometimes turns to little-known authors. Often he performs compositions with other artists. So, with the Irina Circle, the artist performed the song "Bouquet of White Roses", which made the hearts of many of his fans fight. He also sang a duet with Olga Stelmakh, creating such a musical masterpiece as the song "Wedding Colek".

In the photo Victor Korolev

Korolev, I am pleased to tell about your creative work, but it concerns his personal life, he does not reveal. Perhaps because of this, incorrect facts from his biography appear often. Some sources argue that the singer broke up with his wife, and his grandchildren will already grow up. Questions about children also do not like. The life of the artist with a tight touring schedule is not easy, so Victor loves to have fun and do not mind talking to beautiful women.

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Published 05/20/2017

Talks Viktor Korolev:

I was born in the city of Taishet of the Irkutsk region. Mom, Alexander Vasilyevna, in the formation of a teacher, was the school principal in those distant Siberian regions. Father worked at the ABakan Taishet Railway Construction.

At school, and in general, in childhood, was very disciplined. First of all, in relation to yourself: always in shape, taut. Always was an excellent student, and if I have ever got four - it was a real tragedy! I have always had such a motto: "Knowledge and Teaching." After the ninth grade I took the documents and entered the music school in the class of piano.

I am so happy and happy what I studied there, because the professional luggage, which I received in a music school is the most valuable life contribution. Those teachers, the atmosphere, those classmates who studied with me are very talented, bright, individual .... It helped me a lot, because to learn surrounded by talented people - this is the biggest not only professional, but also human happiness. I graduated from the school with honors. In front of me, then there were wide musical perspectives, but I changed my "life track" and in 1981 I tried to enter the theater institute and ... did not do. In this connection, it was called in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

I served in Belarus in rocket troops - ordinary. Fortunately, I happened to play in the parent orchestra. It was the decoration of my everyday army life, because the musicians in the army were privileged people who were allowed to go to the movies, run into dismissal. And in general, the army-musical life was a kind of army "Bogoe" ...

After serving and quitting the reserve, I entered the theater institute. M. S. Shchepkin. Years of study at the institute I call the "golden years" of my life. It was fantastic! These were the birth of something new in me or even the birth of my new life. Meetings, artists, studies with such famous people. ... In the Theater Institute, I was fascinated by the French language. It was here that my big hobbies of painting, literature, history began. It seems to me that it is the theater institute that laid a limitless baggage of the knowledge of culture, art, and the main thing - acting skills. At the end of the institute, I came to the musical theater under the direction of Yuri Sherling.

It was a new theater - the Musical Theater. I always wanted not just a dramatic theater, but the conferences of the theater, music, pop .... I worked there seven months and without waiting for the release of the first play, disappeared from the theater at your own request. After that, my samples as a pop singer began.

At this point, I am invited to act in the movies. It was the film of the Moroccan film director of Subey Ben Barca. I was dedicated to the shooting in this film, after which I starred in two films of the director of the Rhine Lamb "Silhouette in the window opposite" and "Playing Zombies. Then the vinyl record "Broadway on Tverskaya" was recorded.

In 1992, I receive an invitation from Romanian television to the city of Brasov at the Golden Deer International Song Festival, where he became a diploma.

after that, many records were made. Songs of different composers were recorded. I even recorded a solo album, but it was not published and still in my personal archive. The next album is "pouring," was published, but fortunately, somewhere lost. In general, this period from 1994 to 1997, these three years were the most severe, but at the same time, the most happy in my life. This is three years of searching for your inner state, three years of creative search, three years of throwing and whipping heads about the wall ...

In 1996, I recorded the album "Bazar-Station", which in 1997 was issued by the Soyuz Studio. At the same time, the Plasticine Clip "Bazaar-Station" is removed. It was the first animation clip in Russia. After the appearance on the screen, this clip became a locomotive of my further creative life ....

Since 1997, life has begun not by year, months or days, but just one solid wave. A wave that carries and carries you to joy, and only you !!! And if at least one of my song touched even one of the smallest cell of your body, then for me, soon not as for the artist, but as for a person Viktor Queen is the most present and great happiness !!!

Korolev Viktor Ivanovich:

The text of the biography of Victor Korolev is taken from open sources or added by the user.

We strive to ensure that the information provided on the site was the most accurate and complete. If you have add-ons or you noticed inaccuracy in biographies Victor KorolevYou can edit the biography given your comments. After moderation, the biography of Victor Korolev with your additions and adjustments will be available to other users. Registered users can recruit points for adding information (biographies, texts, chords), thus participating in the ranking of the most active users.

All songs of Viktor Queen about love. In one of his interviews, the artist reported that the songs written by them, this is his personal experiences. According to Viktor Korolev, his family life was difficult to build it difficult, since he did not give himself to work without a remnant. He believes that this is why it is divorced, and he does not have his wife.

Nothing is known about Viktor Queen's wife. In his interview, he does not mention her. Now the heart of the popular artist is free, he is in finding his muse.

Victor Korolev says that he does not give women a million roses and does not shoot fireworks under the windows, everything happens without sores. Holidays, he suits people at concerts.

Women, he conquers incredible expression, sincerity and life. At the concerts of Viktor Queen reigns a lyrical attitude. To fans, he exists a lot of attention, behaves relaxed.

May be hugging and kissing the audience, despite the presence of husbands in the hall. Everyone he wants to convey a piece of love, happiness, his crazy charging energy.

Victor Korolev wants people from his concert to leaving strong and vitality, charged with happiness and energy. His creativity helps people to reveal their essence, wake high feelings.

Victor Queen has a lot of fans bringing to his concerts, in addition to colors, products.

Women want to feed his beloved artist, bringing twists with vegetables, alcohol, fruit. So directly and touching they express their love for him.

In the repertoire of Victor Queen, the song "Paradise" "Sasha", "Sarah", "Tanya", "Little Vera" talk about the love of the artist to women. He himself admits that in love, speaking that there were many stormy novels in his life.

According to Viktor Korolev, these novels had, unfortunately, the tragic conclusion. He is confident that in his fate there will still be new names and new songs.

Now in the personal life of Victor Queen temporary calm. Knowing vitality and the unique charm of Viktor Korolev, no doubt that the favorite artist will always be surrounded by women's love.

Family Victor Korolev

Despite the visible openness of Viktor Queen, he becomes quite hidden when it comes to his loved ones. In his interview, the artist admits that he feels a happy man.

He can talk about friends and fans, about creativity, about life, about his plans. But I do not answer questions about my wife and children.

It is known that Viktor Korolev is divorced. The identity of the former wife Viktor Queen is unknown, he does not mention anywhere. About children Viktor Queen is also not known anything. According to rumors in the press, Artist has three grandchildren, respectively, children from Viktor Queen is.

In one of the interviews, he was asked what he regret. He replied that he had something to regret: about what "disadvantaged" (the reason - it was necessary to work a lot) and "misappropriate."

It is easy to guess that here is talking about his family. These regrets found expression and in his work.

Biography Victor Queen

According to Viktor Korolev, he was very disciplined at school, stretched to knowledge. Finished with a red diploma Kaluga Music School in the Piano Class. After that, served two years in rocket troops in Belarus.

Entered the theater institute named Schepkin. His studies at the Institute Viktor Korolev calls "Golden years", there he became interested in history, painting, began to teach French. After graduating from the Institute, several months worked at the Music Theater under the leadership of Y. Sherling.

There is a desire to try yourself in a movie, and Victor Korolev leaves the theater. Next were the roles in the cinema. For two years, I was filmed in three films ("We play" Zombies "," Battle of three kings "," Silhouette in the window opposite "). After that, the thrust for shooting in the movie disappears.

Victor Korolev continues to look for his place in art. In 1992 he participates in the song contest "Golden Deer" in Romania. Although I did not take a prize room, but the Romanian audience marked him and loved.

After the competition often had concerts in Romania. In 1992, the first vinyl record of Victor Queen "Broadway on Tverskaya" saw the light.

From 1994 to 1997, Viktor Korolev calls very heavy, full of grades and creative search, the years of his biography. At the same time, they were happy and fruitful. The disks "Pull up" and "Bazaar-Station" followed. Victor Korolev is in demand on the Russian stage, actively tours.

Viktor Ivanovich Korolev - Russian actor, singer and composer, he was born on July 26, 1961 in the city of Tayshet of the Irkutsk region. His songs know and love both lovers of chanson and fans of other musical genres. The artist was remembered by all his cheerful and perky compositions that do not affect witness. He managed to succeed due to discipline, perseverance and severe nature. In many ways, his mother influenced the man, it was she who instigated him the desire to be the first in all life spheres.

Childhood and education

Vitya was born in the family of school director of Alexandra and the Ivan's work railway. As a child, he often sick, but then the solid character of the singer was already manifested. He was constantly engaged in sports, strengthened the health by all possible ways. Until 1977, the boy studied in High School No. 12, after that went to the Kaluga Music School on the Piano Class. In 1981, he graduated from an educational institution with honors. Victor always sought to receive only the highest marks, was frustrated even because of the fourth.

After the school, the young man tried to enter the theater institute, but did not gain enough points. As a result, he had to go to the army. Korolev served in the missile troops of Belarus, and in his free time he played in the parent orchestra. Thanks to this, Victor was more often released into the dismissal, he also had other privileges.

Experience in cinema and theater

When Vitya returned from the army, he took another attempt to enter the Schepkin Theater Institute. This time he did everything. In 1984, Korolev became a student, he still recalls these years with warmth. It was then that the musician faded painting, literature and French. He showed himself perfectly during study, so after the institute received an invitation from the director of the musical theater Yury Sherling. There Victor worked only seven months, but during this time he managed to get a tremendous experience.

Simultaneously with work in the theater, the singer began to film. His debut took place in 1990 in the film "Battle of Three Kings." After some time, after that, the actor played in the film "Silhouette in the window opposite" and "Playing Zombies". But neither in the cinema nor in the theater Korolev did not find the desired combination of the game and music. Therefore, he soon decided to make her debut as a performer.

Musical career

In 1991, the musician produces his first album called Broadway on Tverskaya. A year later, he wins the International Festival "" Golden Deer, which was held in Brasov. After that, in Romania, a film about Victor was removed, it was shown on top television.

For a successful debut, difficult years followed. Korolev searched his own style, worked with different musicians, but was not pleased with the result. During this time, he recorded two albums, but only one of them was released. The disk "Plive" came out with a small circulation, soon he was lost. The singer was even happy to this, because he did not satisfy him.

In 1996, the Korolev fans could again enjoy his songs thanks to the album "Bazar-Station". Representatives of the Soyuz Studio became interested in the perky performer of Chanson, they offered him a contract. Already next year, the record came out with a great circulation. The clip on the title composition of the album was twisted over all music channels.

Since 1997, Victor's career has developed confidently. He himself describes his life as a "solid joyful wave." The Korolev regularly records new songs, also in his repertoire there is a huge number of duets. The musician performed with Irina Circle, Mikhail Shufutinsky, "White Chernal" and "Vorovayki" teams. In addition, in 2008, he helped a vocalist of the last group Yana Pavlova in the recording of a solo album.

Among the most famous works of Korolev, such compositions as "a bouquet of white roses", "drunk cherry", "love ispin" and a duet with Olga Stells "Wedding Colek". Most often, he performs songs of other composers, for example, Rimma Cossack and German Yenin. But sometimes the singer creates music on his own. He writes only for himself, prefers not to give these compositions to other performers.

Personal life

Like many musicians, Korolev does not like to communicate with journalists. He behaves politely and openly during an interview, but tries not to affect personal topics. Therefore, about the family of the artist knows a bit. The press managed to find out that the singer was divorced, now he has three grandchildren. Victor repeatedly called himself very loving, he does not hide passion for beautiful women and drinking. The funny lifestyle reflected on the appearance of the musician, so he turned to plastic surgeons several times.

For his career, the Contractor recorded 14 albums. Also in 1997, he removed the first animated clip in Russia for the Bazar-Station. In 2010, Viktor received the Order "For the contribution to the culture" of the second degree. Twenty-sixth March 2011, Korolev participated in the annual ceremony of awarding the "Chanson Year" award, which was held in the Kremlin. In the same year, he was awarded a reward from the governor of the Moscow region. Now the singer continues to speak, he belongs to life with a positive, tries to teach it and his fans. Free time the musician spends the TV or reading classical literature.

First person:

I was born (07.26.1961) in the city of Tayshet of the Irkutsk region. Mom, Alexander Vasilyevna, in the formation of a teacher, was the school principal in those distant Siberian regions. Father worked at the ABakan Taishet Railway Construction.

At school, and in general, in childhood, was very disciplined. First of all, in relation to yourself: always in shape, taut. Always was an excellent student, and if I have ever got four - it was a real tragedy! I have always had such a motto: "Knowledge and Teaching." After the ninth grade I took the documents and entered the music school in the class of piano.

I am so happy and happy what I studied there, because the professional luggage, which I received in a music school is the most valuable life contribution. Those teachers, the atmosphere, those classmates who studied with me are very talented, bright, individual .... It helped me a lot, because to learn surrounded by talented people - this is the biggest not only professional, but also human happiness. I graduated from the school with honors. In front of me, then there were wide musical perspectives, but I changed my "life track" and in 1981 I tried to enter the theater institute and ... did not do. In this connection, it was called in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

I served in Belarus in rocket troops - ordinary. Fortunately, I happened to play in the parent orchestra. It was the decoration of my everyday army life, because the musicians in the army were privileged people who were allowed to go to the movies, run into dismissal. And in general, the army-musical life was a kind of army "Bogoe" ...

After serving and quitting the reserve, I entered the theater institute. M. S. Shchepkin. Years of study at the institute I call the "golden years" of my life. It was fantastic! These were the birth of something new in me or even the birth of my new life. Meetings, artists, study with such famous people. ... In the Theater Institute, I got fascinated by French. It was here that my big hobbies of painting, literature, history began. It seems to me that it is the theater institute that laid a limitless baggage of the knowledge of culture, art, and the main thing - acting skills. At the end of the institute, I came to the musical theater under the direction of Yuri Sherling.

It was a new theater - the Musical Theater. I always wanted not just a dramatic theater, but the conferences of the theater, music, pop .... I worked there seven months and without waiting for the release of the first play, disappeared from the theater at your own request. After that, my samples as a pop singer began.

At this point, I am invited to act in the movies. It was the film of the Moroccan film director of Subey Ben Barca. I was dedicated to the shooting in this film, after which I starred in two films of the director of the Rhine Lamb "Silhouette in the window opposite" and "Playing Zombies. Then the vinyl record "Broadway on Tverskaya" was recorded.

In 1992, I receive an invitation from Romanian television to the city of Brasov at the Golden Deer International Song Festival, where he became a diploma.

After that, many records were made. Songs of different composers were recorded. I even recorded a solo album, but it was not published and still in my personal archive. The next album is "pouring," was published, but fortunately, somewhere lost. In general, this period from 1994 to 1997, these three years were the most severe, but at the same time, the most happy in my life. This is three years of searching for your inner state, three years of creative search, three years of throwing and whipping heads about the wall ...

In 1996, I recorded the album "Bazar-Station", which in 1997 was issued by the Soyuz Studio. At the same time, the Plasticine Clip "Bazaar-Station" is removed. It was the first animation clip in Russia. After the appearance on the screen, this clip became a locomotive of my further creative life ....

Since 1997, life has begun not by year, months or days, but just one solid wave. A wave that carries and carries you to joy, and only you !!! And if at least one of my song touched even one of the smallest cell of your body, then for me, soon not as for the artist, but for a person Viktor Korolev - This is the most present and great happiness !!!