Description Ivan Timofeevich in the story Olesya. The main hero of Ivan Timofeevich - Barin, whom

Description Ivan Timofeevich in the story Olesya. The main hero of Ivan Timofeevich - Barin, whom
Description Ivan Timofeevich in the story Olesya. The main hero of Ivan Timofeevich - Barin, whom

One of the highest values \u200b\u200bin a person's life, according to A. I. Kurin, has always been love. Love that collects in a single bouquet all the best, all healthy and bright than life awards a person who justifies any deprivation and burden that can meet on his way. So in Oles. So in the "pomegranate bracelet". So in Sullamp. So in the "duel". Until the end of the life, he retained in his soul a romantic mood of youth, and his works are strong.

Many events pass in front of us on the pages of the story "Duel". But the Emotional Culmination of the work was not the tragic Romashov, but the night of love spent with the insidious and therefore an even more captive roster; And, tested by Romasov this predetermination at night, so great that it is the one that is one and is passed to the reader.

The story "pomegranate bracelet" makes us think about the tremendous strength of unrequited love. And a modest, inconspicuous telegraphist suddenly appears to us significant, great! After all, it is he carried through the whole life clean love, worship of a woman. And they will always sound like prayer, words: "!"

According to Kupper, a person close to nature is truly able to love. This topic is extremely interesting, he reveals in a story about the Polesian girl-sorry. The main characters of the work - and Ivan Timofeevich. One-piece and direct nature of Oleces stands out by the wealth of the inner world. It is rare to meet a person, so generously gifted by nature, in which naivety and authority, femininity would be combined, and proud independence, touching courage and delicacy, mental generosity. Together with the characters of the story, we are experiencing an alarming period of the origin of love and happy minutes of pure, full, all-consuming delight. The world of uniform nature merges with an excellent human feeling. Bright, the fabulous atmosphere does not fade even after the tragic junction. We depart on the second pursuit of the pursuit and gossip, the vile pursuit of the clerk. Above all the insignificant and evil won the big love, which is remembered without bitterness, "easy and joyful."

A. I. Kookin - idealist, dreamer, singer sublime feelings. He found special, exceptional conditions that allowed him to create romanticized images of women and their perfect love. In his surroundings, A. Kubrin saw a sad plant of beauty, sorrow of feelings, misleading thought. The ideal of the writer was sent to the victory of the spirit of the Spirit over the power of the body and to "love, faithful to death." For Kupper, the Love is the most wealthy form of approval and identifying a personal beginning in man.

Protesting against cynicism, sales of feelings, vulgarity, A. I. Kubrin created the story "Sullamif." She was written on the biblical "song songs" of King Solomon. Solomon loved the poor girl to the peasant, but because of the jealousy, she dies to the queen's assis. Before the death of Sullaif, he says to his beloved: "Thank you, my king, for everything: for your wisdom to which you allowed me to get along with your mouth, like a sweet source ... never happened and there will be a happier than me." The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis work: Love is strong, like death, and one, eternal, protects humanity from moral degeneration, which is threatened with modern society.

A new return to the topic of large, all-consuming love took place in the story "Pomegranate bracelet". A poor official of yolks, once having met the princess faith Nikolaevna, loved her with all his heart. This love leaves no place for the other interests of the hero. Yolks kill himself, so as not to interfere with the princess, and, dying, thanks her for the fact that she was for him "the only joy in life, the only consolation, one thought." This story is not so much about love how much prayer to her. In a suicide letter, the hero blesses his beloved: "Leaving, I am delighted with:" Yes, your name will be hid! "

Particularly Kubrin allocated the figure of the old general Anosov, who is confident that high love exists, but she "... there must be a tragedy, the greatest secret in the world," not knowing compromises. Princess Vera, a woman, with all its aristocratic restraint, is very impressionable, able to understand and evaluate the beautiful, felt that her life was in touch with this great love, the best poets of the world. Love Yolkolkova official alien to the deep centenary, in which noble modesty intertwined with noble pride. "Silent and die" ... This talent was not given yolk. But for him, "magic shackles" turned out to be a nail life.

In the story, "Olesya" develops the topic of Kurrunsky creativity - love as a saving force that protects the "pure gold" of human nature from "beaning", from the devastating influence of bourgeois civilization. It is not by chance that the Kurpric was a volitional, courageous character and noble, good heart, who can enjoy the whole diversity of the world. The work is built on a comparison of two heroes, two natures, two worldviews. On the one hand, an educated intellectual, a representative of urban culture, rather humane Ivan Timofeevich, on the other - Olesya, "Child of Nature", not influenced by the urban civilization. Compared to Ivan Timofeevich, a good man, but a weak, "lazy" heart, Olesya towers nobility, integrity, proud confidence in his strength. Freely, without special tricks, he draws a dick of the appearance of a beauty of the beauty, forcing us to follow the wealth of the shades of her spiritual world, always distinctive, sincere and deep. "Olesya" - the artistic opening of the junk. The writer showed us the true beauty of the innocent, almost a children's soul of a girl who grew away from the noisy world of people, among animals, birds and forests. But along with this, the Kuprin highlights and human anger, meaningless superstition, the fear of late is unknown, unknown. However, this love won over all this. Thread of red beads - the last tribute of the generous heart of Olesy, "On her tender, generous love."

Feature of artistic dating A. I. Kurin - an increased interest in every human personality and the skill of psychological analysis - allowed him to fully master the realistic heritage. The value of his creativity is in the artistic and convincing disclosure of the soul of his contemporary. The writer considers love as a deep moral and psychological feeling. The story of Alexander Ivanovich Kurina raise the eternal problems of humanity - the problems of love.

History of creation

The story of A. Kookin "Olesya" first published in the print of 1898 in the Kievlyanin newspaper and was accompanied by a subtitle. "From the memories of Volyn." It is curious that the writer first sent a manuscript to the magazine "Russian wealth", since before that in this journal there was already a Kuprinsky story "Forest Wilderness", dedicated to the Woodland. Thus, the author hoped to create a continuation effect. However, the "Russian wealth" for some reason refused to produce "Olesya" (perhaps publishers did not suit the size of the story, because by that time it was the largest work of the author), and the cycle planned by the author did not work. But later, in 1905, Olesya entered the independent edition, accompanied by the entry from the author, which described the history of the work of the work. Later, a full-fledged "Polessky cycle", the vertex and the decoration of which became "Olesya".

Copyright access has been preserved only in archives. In it, Kuprin told that the guest in Polesie at the familiar landowner of the Powder, he heard many legends and fairy tales associated with local beliefs. Among other things, Poroshin told that he himself was in love with the local sorcerer. This history of Kuprin will later talk to the story, at the same time incorporating all the mystics of local legends, the mysterious mystical atmosphere and the shrill realism of the situation around him, the difficult fate of the Polessian residents.

Analysis of the work

Plot story

Compositionally "Olesya" - a story retrospective, that is, the author of the narrator returns in the memoirs to the events that took place in his life many years ago.

The basis of the plot and the leading topic of the story - the love between the city nobleman (Panyh) Ivan Timofeevich and the young resident of Polesia, Olesya. Love is bright, but tragic, since her death is inevitable in view of a number of circumstances - social inequality, the abyss between the heroes.

According to the story, the hero of the story, Ivan Timofeevich, spends several months in a remote village, on the edge of Volyn Polesia (the territory called in the royal times of Malorossey, today is the West of the Prieday lowland, in the north of Ukraine). A city resident, he first tries to instill culture to the local peasants, treats them, teaches to read, but the classes are unsuccessful, as people are overcome by concerns and they are not interested in education or development. Ivan Timofeevich increasingly goes to the forest for hunting, admires local landscapes, sometimes listens to the stories of his servant of Yarmol, who speaks of witches and sorcerers.

I am lost in one of the days on the hunt, Ivan falls into the forest hut - the same witch lives from the stories of Yarmols - Manulyjah and her granddaughter Olesya.

The second time the hero comes to the inhabitants of the hut in the spring. Olesya goes to him, predicted ambulance and adversity, right up to suicide attempt. The girl also shows mystical abilities - she can affect a person, inspiring her will or fear, stop blood. Panych falls in love with Olesya, she herself remains emphasized with him. It is especially angry with the fact that Panych stands up for her with a grandmother in front of a local squad, threatened to disperse the inhabitants of the forest huts for their, allegedly, vorozhba and harm to people.

Ivan falls and the week is not in the forest hut, when it comes, it is noticeable that Olesya is happy to see him, and the feelings of both flashed. The month of secret dates and quiet, light happiness. Despite the obvious and resentful Ivan inequality of lovers, he makes Oles offer. She refuses, motivating the fact that she, a minister of the devil, cannot be found in the church, therefore, and marry, entering into the marriage union. However, the girl is decided to go to the church to make a pleasant pub. Local residents, however, did not appreciate the impulse of Oleces and attacked her, having troubled.

Ivan hurries to the forest house, where the beaten, defeated and morally crushed Olesya tells him that her concerns about the impossibility of their union were confirmed - they should not be together, so she will leave her home and grandmother. Now the village is tuned to Oles and Ivan even more hostile - any whims of nature will be associated with its hydration and sooner or later kill.

Before leaving to the city, Ivan goes back to the forest, but only Olesina red beads finds in the honeycomb.

Heroes Tale


The main character of the story - Forest Witch Olesya (her real name of Alena - reports grandmother Manuilich, and Olesya is a local name). Beautiful, high brunette with smart dark eyes immediately draws the attention of Ivan. Natural beauty in the girl is combined with a natural mind - despite the fact that the girl does not even know how to read, tact and depth in it, perhaps, more than in the urban.

Olesya is sure that "not like everyone else" and soberly understands that for this dissimary can suffer from the people. Ivan does not believe too believe in the unusual abilities of Oleas, believing that there is more centuries-old superstition. However, he cannot deny the mystics of Olesy's image.

Olesya greatly realizes the impossibility of her happiness with Ivan, even if he accepts a volitional decision and marries her, so it worked exactly and simply manages their relationship: first, it takes a self-control, trying not to impose a panic, secondly, decides on parting , seeing that they are not a couple. The secular life would be unacceptable for Oleces, her husband would inevitably become her after it turned out the lack of common interests. Olesya does not want to be a burden, tie Ivan's hands and legs and leaves itself - in this heroism and the power of the girl.

Ivan Timofeevich

Ivan - poor, educated nobleman. The urban boredom leads him to Polesie, where he initially tries to leave some things, but eventually only hunting remains. He refers to legends about withers as fairy tales - a healthy skepticism is substantiated by his education.

(Ivan and Olesya)

Ivan Timofeevich is a sincere and kind person, he is able to feel the beauty of nature, and therefore Olesya initially interests him not as a beautiful girl, but as an interesting person. He is wondering how it turned up that her nature was brought up, and she came out of such a gentle and delicate, unlike coarse inverted peasants. As it happened so that they, religious, although superstitious, rougher and tougher Olece, although it should be an incarnation of evil. For Ivan, a meeting with Olesya is not a Bar ash and a difficult summer love adventure, although he understands that they are not a couple - society in any case will be stronger than their love, destroy their happiness. The personification of society in this case does not matter - whether it is blind and dull peasant power, whether it is urban residents, colleagues of Ivan. When he thinks about Oles as a future wife, in a city dress trying to support a secular conversation with his colleagues, he just goes to a dead end. Loss of Oleas for Ivan - the same tragedy, as well as acquiring it as a wife. It remains beyond the framework of the story, but most likely the prediction of Oleas came to fully - after her care he was bad, right up to thoughts about intentional care.

Final output

The culmination of events in the story falls on a big holiday - Trinity. This is a non-random coincidence, it emphasizes and strengthens the tragedy, with which the bright fairy tale of Oleas is extruded by the people hated by people. There is a sarcastic paradox in it: the minister of the devil, Olesya, the sorcerer, turns out to be more open to love than the crowd of the people whose religion stacked in the thesis "God is love."

Copyright conclusions are tragic - the joint happiness of two people is impossible, when happiness for each of them individually is different. For Ivan, it is impossible for happiness in the separation from civilization. For Olesy - in the separation of nature. But at the same time, the author claims, cruel civilization, society can poison the relationship between people, morally and physically destroy them, and Nature is not.

Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin often painted the ideal image of a "natural" person, such that was not considered to the integral influence of light, whose soul is clear, is free, who is close to nature, lives in it, lives with her in a single impulse. A vivid example of the disclosure of the "natural" person's theme is the story "Olesya".

The story described in the story appeared not by chance. Once a day A.I. Kubrin was located in Polesie at the landlord of Ivan Timofeevich Poroshina, who told the writer a mysterious story of his relationship with some sorcerer. It is this story that is enriched with artistic fiction, and formed the basis of the work of Kupper.

The first publication of the story took place in the journal Kyivlyanin in 1898, the work carried the subtitle "From the memories of Volyn", which emphasized the real basis of the events taking place.

Genre and direction

Alexander Ivanovich was worked at the end of the 19th - early 20th century, when the controversy between two directions was gradually began to flared up: realism and modernism, which only started to declare himself. Kubrin belongs to realistic tradition in Russian literature, so the story "Olesya" can be safely attributed to realistic works.

According to the genre, the work is a story, since the chronicle plot prevails in it, reproducing the natural course of life. The reader lives all events, day by day, following the main character Ivan Timofeevich.


The action takes place in a small village of the prosperity of Volyn province, on the outskirts of Polesia. The young Barin writer misses, but once fate turns him on a swamp to the house of the Local Witch of Manulyhi, where he meets the beauty of Olesya. There is a feeling of love between Ivan and Olesy, but the young sorcerer sees that she is waiting for her death if she connects her destiny with an unexpected guest.

But love is stronger than prejudice and fear, Olesya wants to deceive fate. The young witch for the sake of Ivan Timofeevich goes to church, although in the family of classes and origin, the entrance is prohibited there. She gives to understand the hero that this bold act, which can entail irreparable consequences, but Ivan does not understand this and do not have time to save the Oresi from the angry crowd. Heroine is brutally beaten. She moves to the village in retaling to the village, and on the same night there happens a terrible thunderstorm. Knowing the power of human anger, Manuilich with the pupils hurriedly leave the house on the swamp. When a young man comes to this dwelling, then only red beads are like a symbol of them with a short, but real love.

Main characters and their characteristics

The main characters of the story are Barin-writer Ivan Timofeevich and the forest sorcerer Olesya. Completely different, they agreed, but could not be happy together.

  1. Characteristics of Ivan Timofeevich. This is a kind person, thinly feeling. He was able to see the alive, natural start in Oles, because he himself was not fully killed by secular society. One thing that he left the noisy cities in the village, speaks about many things. The heroine for him is not just a beautiful girl, she is a mystery to him. This strange surveyor believes in conspiracies, goes, communicates with spirits - she is a sorceress. And this all attracts the hero. He wants to see, learn something new, present, not covered with false and far-grained etiquette. But at the same time, Ivan is still in the power of the world, he thinks about the marriage on Oles, but it is confused by how she, Dicking, appear in the halls of the capital.
  2. Olesya is the ideal of a "natural" person. She was born and lived in the forest, Nature was her as an educator. The world of Olesy is the world of harmony with the outside world. In addition, it is in harmony with its inner world. You can note such qualities of the main character: it is an intense, straight, sincere, she does not know how to be chemmed, pretend. The young sorcerer is smart, good, it's only worth remembering the first meeting of the reader with her, because she gently carried in Petrol chicks. One of the main features of Olesi can be called non-completeness that she inherited from Manulya. Both of them, as it were, against the whole world: live alienated on their swamp, do not confess official religion. Even knowing that the fate would not leave, the young witch is still trying, hesitates himself with the hope that everything with Ivan will succeed. She is distinctive and unshakable, despite the fact that love is still alive, she leaves, throws everything, not looking back. The image and characteristic of Oleces are available.
  3. Topics

  • Main topic Tale - Love of Olesya, her willingness for self-sacrifice - is the center of the work. Ivan Timofeevich was fortunate enough to meet with a real feeling.
  • Another important semantic branch is the theme confrontation between the world's ordinary and peace of nature. Residents of the village, capitals, Ivan Timofeevich himself - representatives of ordinary thinking, permeated by prejudice, convention, cliché. The worldview of Olesy and Manulya is freedom, open feelings. In connection with these two heroes, the theme of nature appears. The environment - the cradle, which attacked the main character, an indispensable assistant, thanks to which Manulye with Olesya live away from people and civilizations without need, nature gives them everything necessary for life. This topic is revealed most fully in this.
  • The role of landscape In the story is huge. It is a reflection of the feelings of heroes, their relationship. So, with the birth of the novel, we see the sunny spring, and at the end the rupture of the relationship is accompanied by a strong thunderstorm. We wrote more about this in this.
  • Problems

    The problematics of the story is diverse. First, the writer acutely looms the conflict between society and those who do not fit into it. So, once brutally kicked the manulyhih from the village, beat Olesy himself, although both sorcerers in relation to the villagers did not show any aggression. Society is not ready to accept those who differ from them at least someone who is not trying to pretend, as it wants to live according to their rules, and not by the pattern of the majority.

    The problem of relation to Oles is shown brighter in the scene of her hike to church. For the Russian Orthodox people of the village was a real insult that the one that serves evil spirits, in their opinion, appeared in the Church of Christ. The church, where people ask the grace of God, they themselves peaked the court cruel and merciless. Perhaps the writer wanted on the basis of this antithesis to show that the Society distorted the idea of \u200b\u200bthe righteous, good, just.


    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe story lies in the fact that people who grew away from civilization turn out to be much noble, delicate, polite and kinder than the "civilized" society itself. The author hints at the fact that herd life disudses the personality and erases her individuality. The crowd is submissive and illegible, and often the top of it takes the worst representatives, and not the best. Primitive instincts or acquired stereotypes, such as incorrectly interpreted moral, send a team to degradation. So, the inhabitants of the village show themselves large savages than two sorcerers living in the swamp.

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Kupper is that people should turn to nature again, must learn to live in harmony with the world and with them so that their cold hearts melt. Olesya tried to discover the world of real feelings Ivan Timofeevich. He could not understand this on time, but the mysterious sorceress and her red beads will remain in his heart forever.


    Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin in his story "Olesya" tried to create a person's ideal, show the problems of artificial world, to reveal to people eyes to the slave and immoral society, which surrounds them.

    The life of the wayward, unshakable Oleces was to some extent destroyed by the touch of the world of secular in the face of Ivan Timofeevich. The writer wanted to show that we ourselves are a wonderful thing that gives us fate, just because we are blind, blind soul.


    The story "Olesya" is one of the most famous works of A.I. Cooker. The power and talency of the story also appreciated the contemporaries of the writer.

    K. Barkhin called the work of "forest symphony", noting the smoothness and beauty of the product of the work.

    Maxim Gorky noted the youth, the directness of the story.

    Thus, the story "Olesya" occupies an important place as in the work of A.I. itself Kaprin and in the history of Russian classical literature.

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Ivan Timofeevich - the protagonist of A.I. Cooker. From his face a story is conducted. Ivan Timofeevich recalls everything that happened to him in Polesie, where he was six months in service.

The hero of the story was boring to be in Polesie. He read all his books pretty quickly, tried to get acquainted with the intelligentsia, but nothing came out of this. Therefore, his only passion was the hunt, which shershed the quiet and lonely day of the hero.

Ivan Timofeevich is a nobleman who, however, is not pleasant slave worship before him. The hero is not used to sit without a case. Sticking in the village, he decides to treat people helping them. He looked at the activity of the Railway from Unters and a District, who gave women and men to kiss their hands, and did not understand this. When the hero came to the treatment, people tried to kiss their hands, he immediately cleaned them. The narrator noted that when he just wanted to talk with a simple people, people tried to kiss his hands, because they were susceptible to old traditions and customs.

As a representative of the noble society, Ivan Timofeevich was a man educated. He could, unlike the servant of Yarmol or Olesi, read and write. The main character was a writer, therefore was interested in various local legends and legends.

Ivan Timofeevich is a kind person. He is talking to a yarm with spiritual warmth and spends his free time with him. He even teaches a literacy yarm that he can write his surname. In addition, the hero helps the Yarmola in the content of his family.

The hero was a higher society, but he decides to marry Oles, although he understood that it would not fit into the society in which he was.

Having become acquainted with Olesei, Ivan Timofeevich showed her his disbelief in divination and witchcraft. The hero tried to convince Oles in that she was too serious about this, but he did not succeed. Over time, when all that predicted Olesya, began to come true, he believed in the existence of an inexplicable.

It gives the characteristic Ivan Timofeevich, and in her words hero is revealed on the other side. The girl notes that the hero is a weak man who "not Mr." to his word. Olesya saw that the man did not want to obey other people, but obeys them. She also said that Ivan Timofeevich could not save money, so would never be a rich man.

The main character falls in love with Olesy and helps her and her grandmother Manulya in the fact that they are not kicked out of the house. However, from the prediction of Olesya, which the girl gave before their love relationship, the reader understands that Ivan Timofeevich loved Olesya not really, because he will never be able to love, as his heart is cold and lazy.

Thus, in the Kaprun story, "Olesya" the image of Ivan Timofeevich is shown ambiguously, as the description comes from the very narrator and from the sorcerer of Olesya, which speaks about what the hero is actually expected in the future.

Ivan Timofeevich is the main character and narrator story "Olesya". Very soulful and lyrically, the writer managed to describe his hero readers. The story shows the image of the usual intellectual of that time. From the story we see that these are not ordinary people, it is a special class of the population. These are people very thin with the shower and body, read and educated, but what is the most interesting, they float towards their lives, do not want to influence something or change. The main character belongs to the Russian intelligentsia of the last century, it is very attentive to all people. Very picky.

The writer managed to show his hero readers at the crossroads of two roads. When you read the story, there is a two-way attitude to the hero, on the one hand we estimate as a positive character, but at the same time negative features appear. He is a very clever and educated person, but boredom defeats this man, he does not know how to get into his mist. At this time he is in Polesie, and his inaction leads to trouble.

The main character never discussed the personal lives of people, but he tries to teach society with their stories and morals to teach something useful. Ivan Timofeevich, he treated people, engaged in tutoring and even wanted to cooperate with the local government. But he has so thin soul that he is all boring. We need more excitement and adrenaline. He is ready for extremes, going to get acquainted with a witch who lived in those edges.

Very well describes the hero of a resident of the forest Olesya. She said that his life was very unhappy, filled with grievances and disappointments. But Olesya simply noticed that Ivan Timofeevich, a very well-well-well person, knows a lot of branches of science, but he wished to connect not connected. He loved to make gifts to girls. Once he asked her hero. What she wants to get as a gift that the girl asked to go to her church. For her, it would be the best act. But he knew that the girls could not go there. He ran after her, begged, fell on his knees, asked her, whatever she was there. But it was not possible to convince the girl for which she suffered melt.

Our hero is a very soft nature. He does not have the power of will, the person is slightly accuracy, he does not like when his hands kiss, and when it is very close to approach. He likes to keep people at a distance. They say that you will not run away from destiny, so Ivan Timofeevich did not try to escape from her, thereby destroying the young girl. It pleases one thing that in this situation the hero does not justify himself and somewhere deep in the soul even cosy himself for it.

History of Ivan Timofeevich

Change of the situation to all we need from time to time to relax, gain new impressions. So Ivan Timofeevich rides in Polesie. Ivan Timofeevich found himself in the Polesian depth on duty and with the hope of collecting folklore for his literary undertakings. In reality, everything turned out to be not so riddling: Hoodles did not go to contact, he was a stranger for them, they also did not go out.

The only entertainment was hunting. And once getting lost in the forest, Barin meets beautiful Olesya. Beautiful, friendly, with a velvety alive voice, the girl seemed to captivate Ivan Timofeevich. Meetings of lovers in the forest were for a Barin as if balm per soul.

The girl, like her grandmother Manuilich, was able to guess well. The divination of the same Oles foreshadowed trouble from meetings with Ivan Timofeevich. The girl felt the weakness of the Barin, but it did not even stop her.

And the Barina really did not have the will of the will: did not know how to finally bring things to the end, threw all his undertakings on the floor of the path (an attempt to teach handhelds), the words were dispersed with his actions, although he was not the words with his owner.

As time went. Relationships with simple peasants did not become better, relations with Olesey continued. Although Ivan Timofeevich was smart, intelligent, kind, but not even with his thoughts could not figure it out.

And Olesya to accept the one that she also could not. Ivan Timofeevich and at all puts the girl in front of the choice: or he or her witchcraft. Time it took him to dare to make Oles's proposal of hands and hearts.

Having agreed to the girl who ordered himself to the faithful death. Barin felt that the campaign of Oleces to church was clearly nothing good to end, but did nothing to save her from shame. Ivan Timofeevich dared to look at her after what happened. Humiliated, patient, frightened Olesya.

So cowardice, weakness, the fear of the barina was able to destroy the young girl. Kuprin does not condemn Ivan Timofeevich, and on the contrary sympathizes him because despite everything, but Barin understands his guilt and responsibility for what happened, but nothing can be corrected, the image of an amazing Olesi will remain only in memory.

Essay 3.

Ivan Timofeevich is an intelligent born in the city, he also begins to write stories. Once in the same area called Polesie, he is trying to find various epics in order to start his creativity.

Discussion of the personal life of other people never caused positive emotions from Ivan Timofeevich. But throughout the story, it is impossible to be approved only because he is trying to teach each way. He combined what was impossible: he treated sick people, she was engaged in tutoring and tried to give people at least some kind of education. But he is very boring to do all this, he wants to receive a maximum of adrenaline and unforgettable feelings from life.

One day, the bararie learns about the existence of a witch named Manulyjah. According to the stories, she lives next to the swamps. Ivan Timofeevich became interested in this case. Of course, he did not believe in some phenomena that could not occur from this world, but he wanted to meet her. Such a meeting soon happened. Being on the hunt, the protagonist was lost and reclined to the house of the witch. The old woman looked like a real witch. The uninvited guest, she took very badly, but for the coin promised to repay. As it turned out after some time, the granddaughter turned out to be a granddaughter, with the same abilities. The name of her Alena, but nicking her Olesy for their actions. The girl was incredibly beautiful, Ivan could not suck her. She remembered him so much that he could not forget her image.

Ivan was a good man, but this kindness did not come from a pure heart. Olesya understood it right away, but could not do anything. Barin was not responsible and did not bring a single thing to mind. The only example can be brought from which everything will become clear: Ivan Timofeevich tried to train the peasants of a diploma, he quickly ended due to the fact that they did not shine their mind. Olesya gathered in the church, and the trouble was inevitable, but the protagonist did not decide to prevent it. Although this man was frank and responsive, but still the heart did not allow him to open people.

The hero of this story is very gentle in nature, as a result of which he shows its weakness. He destroyed a poor girl, not trying to even do something in order to correct the terrible situation that occurred at the end of the story. But the reader can understand that Ivan does not justify himself and even scolds himself for what happened, because he understood that everything depended only from him.

Option 4.

Kubrin is a Russian writer who grew up without his father, and began his creative activity in Moscow. After the death of his father, he moved to her mother there. There graduated from a military school and began to engage in foreign work. Later began to get involved in writing his own works that came to local journals. Because of this, the writer was gaining popularity among the locals, and this gave a impetus to writing the story "Olesya."

The most vivid character of this work was Ivan Timofeevich. This intelligent person had vivid character traits, and the right warehouse of the mind. Despite this, the hero of the story is pessimistically refer to the flowing life, in his peace of mind, such people are not able to become a ruler in society, and something to change in themselves or others. He was still tired even then the tutoring, which he sometimes loved to do the most. He even tried to treat people, but it did not consult his nature to the whole taking place. The character's soul wanted grand variables in life. His attempts to find common friends in the government crowned boredom, and it pushed him to a decisive step - to change their life with a trip to Polesie.

Thanks to this move, the author was able to show the image of the main heroine of Olesi, which Ivan Timofeevich met, having lost over in the forest. Olesya, was beautiful and attractive. The origins of this dating are from the hobbies of the character to the hunt. In the hunt, Ivan Timofeevich was able to be alone with nature and with himself.

In these events, the attachment of the main characters is born to each other. Despite the fact that Olesya had the ability to guess and own extraterrestrial forces, she decided to become a wife of Ivan Timofeevich. Heroine's mother, in every way explained that she was not needed this marriage. The hero of the story, without having a "solid" word, somehow influenced the girl, and brought her fragile heart into disappointment. In such events, Olesya remains alone, and her former spouse due to his sluggish mind, cannot change anything. His indifference to life, ruined everything on his way. The author is some expensive even regret the character. Decorating his image of kindness and responsiveness to people, he never tries to bring his end dock. As a result, he remains a complete loser. In the depths of the soul, he scolds himself, and understands that there is no vilah something to change, his indifference tightened him into the outer failure, from which no longer get out.

This work of the author, vividly expresses the actions of people who are not the "hosts" of their own words. Kuprin very beautifully expressed self-esteem of the main character, which was instructive to affect society. Just because of this work, many readers saw the essence of pessimism in a person, which he leads, and what happens to.

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