Research paper on literature "means of transportation by air in literary works". The theme "Fabulous means of transportation. The project of a means of transportation in Russian fairy tales.

Research work on literature
Research paper on literature "means of transportation by air in literary works". The theme "Fabulous means of transportation. The project of a means of transportation in Russian fairy tales.

A small child of some acquaintances, being left at a party and extremely dissatisfied with this, said:
- At the behest of the pike, at my will, put on a T-shirt and underpants and I find myself at home.
This young man's words are an expression of the dreams of perhaps all people - freedom of movement. Thought you were in Moscow, and you thought again in London.
Thoughts about free movement for thousands of years, during this time humanity has fantasized many mythical mechanisms capable of moving them in space. Below is a list of the 10 most common mythical vehicles.


A bunch of bast, brushwood or a bundle of twigs, impaled on a stick, a tool designed to sweep the oven hearth before planting bread. One of the attributes of Baba Yaga, with which she covers her tracks.
Usually the "grandmother" moves not on a broomstick, but in a mortar, but there are examples of independent flights of witches on a broomstick and a broomstick.
Mentioned in many Russian folk tales.


A mythical carpet with which you can move in space over very long distances. The principle of operation is not known.
Mentioned in many oriental tales, popularity has brought mention in the Tales of a Thousand and One Nights.
The Old Man Hottabych figured in the Soviet film, personally I admired his coolness.


Magic shoes from the European WTC Slavic fairy tales giving +100 to the movement speed. Also known as seven-league boots, giving 7 miles minus 1 step to every step you take.
They are usually kept under lock and key in a casket, so they may not run away on their own.


A bummer's dream, self-propelled vehicle with voice control and heated seats. Technical characteristics: all-terrain vehicle, fuel - wood, coal, etc. passenger capacity is limited only by overall dimensions.
Mentioned in a Russian folk tale At the behest of a pike.


The people invented the Flying Ship, laid down an instructive story about it, in the fairy tale of the same name "Flying Ship". It has disadvantages and advantages over other magical things. There is only one drawback - this is low power, but there are also advantages - you have to say magic words in order to fly somewhere on it, and this gives protection against theft. The flying ship has a large capacity and the ability to carry various cargo and more heroes.


Sandals with wings attached to them. Used by Hermes, during the battle with the Gorgon Medusa. They were given the opportunity to rise into the air.
At the same time, nothing is known about the principle of action, and it is completely incomprehensible how the inner wings did not touch each other.


The Persian writer Kay-Kavusa invented such a miracle as the flying throne. The throne was an ordinary throne, to which four poles were attached at the corners. The roof was fixed on poles from above, and pieces of meat hung under the roof.
From below, eagles were tied to the throne, which reached for the meat and, taking off, lifted the throne.
In such a simple way, the author traveled to China.


Chinese literary character, the Monkey King - Sun Wukong, known from the novel "Journey to the West", knew how to fly on a cloud.
Sun Wukong went on a journey in search of a teacher who would teach him immortality. The Taoist who took him as a disciple taught him how to fly on a cloud, 72 transformations and other magical actions. Auspicious Cloud

9 Winged Disc, Nar, the pillar of fire on which Horus moved

an ancient mythological symbol widely used among the peoples of the Ancient East. The great-grandson of the god of the underworld, Horus, fought on the winged disc of his grandfather Ra (Marduk).
The winged disk of Ra, or the so-called Nar, the pillar of fire, was depicted as an elongated cylindrical object with fins or short wings.


Fantastic flying machine shown in the movie "Kin-dza-dza!" In some countries of the former USSR, the word "pepelats" has become a common noun for the ironic designation of inconvenient or old vehicles, since the pepelats in the film is small inside, poorly lit and noisy. Many people use this word to refer to their car. Also sometimes the word "pepelats" is called flying vehicles - helicopters, small aircraft.

Keywords: Russian folk tales, literary tales, magic items, helpers, modern inventions.

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,

good fellows a lesson

Modern devices allow us to move quickly, get to know the world, expand our horizons, instantly learn the news, facilitate housework, etc. Machines and mechanisms have become so firmly established in our lives that we do not even notice them. But people have dreamed of such devices for a long time. Ideas can be found in fairy tales: a flying carpet, walking boots, a self-propelled stove, psaltery - samoguds ... We wanted a little differently than just a literary work, to look at some of the fairy tales, to trace the path of several inventions, from dream to reality.

I like to read fairy tales and imagine the life of this or that nation. While reading fairy tales, I noticed the presence of various magical objects, reminiscent of some modern inventions. How, in seemingly old fairy tales, people managed to predict the appearance of modern televisions and players remains a mystery. We decided to find out what specific objects of modernity are represented in fairy tales by writing a work on the topic: "Comparative analysis of magical objects from fairy tales with modern inventions."

The relevance of the study is due to the insufficient study of fairy tales. Nowadays, a lot of research is being carried out, the purpose of which is to draw up a unified classification of fairy tales, characters and plots. Therefore, it seems logical to study the realities presented in fairy tales. Such a study will help to gain a more complete picture of such a genre direction as a fairy tale. This is due to the scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the work.

The object of the study was magic objects that were given to help the main characters of various fairy tales.

The aim of the study is to carry out a comparative analysis between fabulous magical objects and modern inventions.

In accordance with the purpose of the study, the following tasks were set in the work:

Highlight magical objects found in fairy tales;

Consider their functioning in fairy tales;

Conduct a comparative analysis between fabulous magical objects and modern inventions.

The method of comparative analysis was used in the work. A comparison was made of fairy-tale objects and everyday objects of a modern person.

The research material was Russian folk and literary tales.

The subject of research was magic objects and objects - helpers in Russian folk and literary tales.

The tale is a whole trend in literature. Over the long years of its formation and development, this genre has become a universal genre, covering all the phenomena of the surrounding life and nature, the achievements of science and technology.

In ancient times, when there were no books or schools yet to tell their children and grandchildren about the world around them, grandfathers and grandmothers invented fairy tales. In them they talked about the struggle between good and evil, about the infinity of the world and about the dangers lurking in it. The older generation told these tales to their children and grandchildren, those to their own, and so from century to century.

Events in fairy tales were gradually corrected, acquired with new details, and unnecessary ones were gradually forgotten. This is how the age-old wisdom was accumulated - which has come down to us. In fairy tales, the actions of the heroes and their consequences are presented, thus, by their example, fairy tales help to avoid unpleasant mistakes.

The fairy tale was constantly changing, absorbing the features of the new reality, but remained continuously connected with social and historical events.

A fairy tale, as a figurative reflection of the world, requires from the reader special qualities of perception of the creative imagination, developed observation, the ability to understand allegories.

Reading fairy tales, we come across a large number of different magical objects and curiosities. In fairy tales, they have a variety of functions, one of which is helping the hero, facilitating his existence. Already at this stage, we can draw an analogy with modernity - the technique used by modern man.

Here are some magical objects, their functions in a fairy tale and compare them with modern inventions.

Fabulous items andtheir modern counterparts

Let's turn to the fairy tale "Old Man Hottabych": Hottabych, along with Volka and his friend, set off on a flying carpet - a magic carpet that flies through the air and moves characters from one place to another.

"Ivan sat down on carpet plane, flew out of the underworld and did not have time to blink, he found himself in a beautiful garden, sat down under a bush bush and began to watch, admire how gold and silver fish walk in the light water ”.

However, civilization does not stand still and, after a while, an airplane appeared, and then scientists invented modern airplanes. Thus, the analogue of the flying carpet is modern aircraft... It, like its counterpart, helps people move from one place to another, in a fairly fast time.

The first flight was made on an airplane designed by A.F. Mozhaisky, but the flight was unsuccessful. After 6 years, an airplane built by the brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright took off into the sky, flying the airplane 50 meters in 12 seconds. And in 1909, they also built an airplane that reached a speed of 60 km per hour. Since that time, the development of aircraft construction began in Europe.

Currently, supersonic aircraft invented in Russia are successfully flying: the SU-27 interceptor fighter, the TU-22 M3 long-range supersonic bomber.

"Baba - Yaga bone leg quickly sat down in stupa, rose into the air and rushed after the girl with a pusher, chasing, sweeping the trail, sweeping away. "

In the fairy tale "Down the Magic River" the reader meets Baba Yaga's stupa, which, of course, can be compared with modern helicopters.

Despite the fact that the plane had dominated the air for many years, it had one drawback - in order to stay in the air, it must constantly and with a sufficiently high speed move in the horizontal plane, because the lift of its wings directly depends on the speed of movement ... Hence the need for takeoff roll and landing roll, the aircraft is chained to the airfield.

This niche, after a long design search, was occupied by a rotorcraft - a helicopter.

Helicopter is an aircraft with vertical take-off and landing. There are single-rotor helicopters with a tail rotor; two- or multi-screw.

Boris Yuriev made a significant contribution to the invention of the helicopter. He improved the propeller blades, created an automatic - skew, providing the necessary installation of the blades.

In addition, to move in space, the heroes of Russian fairy tales often used running boots... In various fabulous states, messengers always had a pair of magic boots for the quick transportation of royal decrees. So, for example, in the fairy tale "Down the Magic River" Tsar Makar sent a messenger in magic boots for advice from Vasilisa the Wise. In the modern world, we can find analogues of running boots even on children - figure skates in winter androller skates - in summer. Of course, the purpose of their use is somewhat different, but they still remain a means of movement in space. The first roller skates appeared at the beginning of the 17th century! The Dane Hans Bricure attached wooden spools to his shoes.

Among our compatriots, perhaps, there is not a single one who has not watched the cartoon "Well, wait!" in particular the episode in which the Wolf gets into a fairy tale. Entering Baba Yaga's house, he discovers there gusli-samogudy. This magical item plays music by itself, without human intervention.

In modern everyday life, a number of devices perform the same function - music player, tape recorder, player.

Speaking of modern technology, one cannot fail to mention television. The modern TV is modernized saucer withapple... The saucer was used to observe events, for example, those taking place in various places of the fairyland, for example, Baba Yaga in the fairy tale "Down the Magic River" with the help of a saucer learned about the main events in the capital of the fairy kingdom, and subsequently watched the battle between heroes of the Tsar and the army of Koshchei the Immortal.

In fairy tales, characters often found themselves in situations where they needed to get to someone's palace or castle, the location of which was unknown to them. In such situations, the heroes were always rescued magic ball thread or yarn showing the way.

Modern man often finds himself in such situations, and in our world comes to his aid navigator, which is an analogue of a fairy tangle.

The navigator was invented back in 1932, with a scrolling map, the scrolling speed depended on the speed of the car.

“Stove, according to the pike's command, according to my desire, go to the stove directly to the king in the palace. And the stove crackled, and suddenly flew out into the wild. And faster than any bird she rushed to the king. "

In the Russian folk tale "By the Pike's Command," the reader meets a magic oven, which Emelya drove.

It was enough for him to put the wood in the oven, and she was immediately ready to hit the road. The analogue of the magic furnace is modern car... The word car means "self-propelled vehicle", although in the modern world it is customary to call cars, only vehicles equipped with autonomous engines.

It is customary to count the beginning of the modern automobile era since 1895, when independently of each other G. Daimler and K. Benz built self-propelled carriages with internal combustion engines, with a large number of revolutions and a high compression ratio. Since then, the Russian automotive industry has come a glorious way. Russian inventors of the pre-revolutionary period made a significant contribution to the development of automotive technology, from the muscular self-propelled guns of Shamshurenkov and Kulibin to Puzyrev's cars and the products of the Russian-Baltic Carriage Works.

"High-spoke cockerel

I began to guard its borders,

A little danger where you can see

Faithful watchman, as if from a dream,

Moves, flutters,

To that side will turn

And shouts: "Kiri-ku-ku!"

This tale can lead one to think about modern radar... Christian Hülsmeier first invented radar in 1904. Radar sends out a directed beam of radio waves. A car, plane or other large metal object that meets the radio beam reflects it like a mirror. The radar receiver picks up the reflection and measures the travel time of the pulse to the reflecting object and back.

“The light burns brighter,

The hunchback runs faster

Now he is in front of the fire.

The field shines as if during the day;

A wonderful light flow around,

But it does not heat, does not smoke

Ivan was a miracle here.

“What,” he said, “for the shaitan!

There will be five caps for the light;

And there is no heat and smoke.

This is a miracle - a light! "

The horse says to him:

There is really something to marvel at!

Here lies the feather of a firebird ... "

Are you talking about fluorescent lamps?

Daylight lamp is a fluorescent lamp with a bluish glow. Used for general lighting purposes. Fluorescent lamps are often referred to as all types of fluorescent lamps. It was invented in 1872 by the Russian electrical engineer A. N. Lodygin.

“... my grandmother took millstones and began to grind that you can't turn it - it's all a pancake, but a pie! " ...

This magical fairytale item can be compared with microwave oven. This device converts electricity into electromagnetic microwaves. The microwave oven was first patented by the American inventor Percy Spencer in 1945.

Summing up the work done, it should be noted that in Russian fairy tales there are many parallels with the life of a modern person. We came to the conclusion that the dreams of people are encrypted allegorically in these works.

These works indicate that a person's dreams can sooner or later be realized. The realization of any dream requires mental, physical efforts, economic opportunities, an irresistible desire.

But there is a magic object in fairy tales that can help heroes in various situations - a magic wand, and, unfortunately, an analogue of a magic wand has not yet been invented.


  4. Russian folk tales. Compiled and annotated by V.P. Anikin, Moscow: Children's Literature, 1986.
  5. Works in 3 volumes. Moscow: Fiction 1986.
  6. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 11. Technique. Editor-in-chief: Aksenova, Moscow: Avanta, 2004.
  7. The Little Humpbacked Horse: A Russian Tale in Three Parts. Moscow: Children's Literature, 2002.
  8. F. Kamov, A. Kurlyandsky. Well, wait a minute! - L., 1997.
  9. Lagin L. Old Man-Hottabych. Moscow: Children's Literature, 1973.
  10. Propp V. Ya. Historical roots of a fairy tale. L., 1986.
  11. Russian folk tale "By the pike's command."
  12. Russian folk tale "The Firebird".
  13. Pushkin A.S. The Golden Cockerel.
  14. Uspensky E. "Down the Magic River"
  15. Russian folk tale "Rooster and millstones". Arranged by A. N. Afanasyev.

Keywords: Russian folk tales, literary tales, magic items, helpers, modern inventions.

Annotation: The article is devoted to a comparative analysis between fabulous magical objects and modern inventions, an analogy is drawn between magical curiosities that help the hero and facilitate his existence with the technique used by modern man.

To the question What are the fabulous means of transportation known to you asked by the author I-beam the best answer is Geese swans - geese
Masha and the Bear - a box with pies and Masha
The frog princess - korobchenka
the chanterelle used the wolf - as a vehicle
A hut on chicken legs
STORM-HORSE - horse of Perun:
"The horse Perun has a pearl tail, his mane is gilded, all adorned with large pearls, and in his eyes he has a Margarite stone, wherever he looks - everything is on fire."
A LIGHT-WINGED BOAT, harnessed by white or golden swans, is a means of transportation for the Slavic gods or fairy-tale heroes.
GOOD - among the Western Slavs, the patron saint of good news, the messenger of the gods - something like the ancient Hermes (Mercury).
Descending from heaven, he put on winged boots, reminiscent of the boots-runners of Russian fairy tales.

Answer from Hummingbird fresh[guru]

Answer from freshly salted[guru]
Kernel (Münghausen). , wild geese (Niels, the traveler frog)
And the word "boots" is not inclined (except for walking boots)

Answer from ~ Caroline ~[master]
Baba Yaga mortar, flying carpet, flying ship, sivka burka, running boots, geese-swans, gray wolf, hut on chicken legs, help of wizards, pumpkin carriage, oven, humpback horse, fairy-tale heroes sometimes turn into animals and runs away, damn it, riding animals and birds, wearing an invisible hat, a broom, magic shoes (flying)

Answer from Sailor[guru]
Gray wolf, pepelats, stove, stupa, magic ring, Sivka-burka

Answer from Yovetlana Prokofieva[guru]
Walking boots!

Answer from Echidna[guru]
house, silver shoes and flying monkeys - "emerald city"
train - "Alice Through the Looking Glass"
May beetle, water strider and other insects - a tale about an ant who was late for an anthill
umbrella - Mary Poppins
coffin - a lady at Gogol

Answer from Vladimir Vekshin[guru]
A broom, a broom, a stove from "By the Pike's Command", in the same place, and the sled on which Emelya rode from the forest, sledges-scooters are mentioned in the fairy tale "The Rooster and the Cat", as edited by Ushinsky, a hut on chicken legs, geese-swans, gin from 1000 and one night, which takes the hero to different places, somewhere there is a magic ring, with the same functions. There is a Russian folk tale "The Flying Ship", in various tales the hero escapes on an eagle, feeding him meat cut off from his thigh. If you remember the mythology, then there is Pegasus, sandals on which Perseus fought with a dragon, centaurs, clouds.

Answer from Qwerqwerqwe rqwerqwerqw[master]
If according to the modern
Vacuum cleaner-broom This is for babaezhok
Airplane carpet For all sorts of tourists and aladdins.
Deltoplane - eagle. For extremists and hobbits.
Fighter - Dragon For pilots and Aragons.
The machine is a wolf for everyone and Ivan the Fool.
Tank - A stove for tankers and all sorts of things.
You can associate for a long time. The main thing is that we have transports that are no worse than in fairy tales.
About the time machine ... This is more a field of science fiction than fairy tales.

Answer from Yoamilo Kishka[guru]
Little Flour's shoes

Answer from Fabull[guru]
Bake. Damn (evenings on a farm near Dikanka)

Answer from Nick Storozhev[guru]
a donkey

Answer from Darya[guru]
disappear instantly and appear where it is necessary, in the old tale there was a flying ship
broom, stove, sivka-burka, and fairy wizards help the like

Baba Yaga's stupa, with the help of the ring, ended up in another place, Sivka Burka, the Gray Wolf, with the help of Old Man Khattabych and other djins.

What are the fabulous vehicles known to you?

  1. Stupa (drive with a pestle, sweep the trail with a broom) or just on a broom
    Mountable fairy animals (pegasus, dragons)
    Stove (Emelya with pike)
    Sports horse (Soviet cartoon about a boy who did not want to do exercises)
    Barrel (the tale of Tsar Saltan)
    sandals with wings (at Mercury)
    cloud ("On the road with clouds")
    flying ship
  2. If according to the modern
    Vacuum cleaner-broom This is for babajok
    Airplane carpet For all sorts of tourists and aladdins.
    Deltoplane - eagle. For extremists and hobbits.
    Fighter - Dragon For ltchikov and Aragons.
    The machine is a wolf for everyone and Ivan the Fool.
    Tank - A stove for tankers and all sorts of erm.
    You can associate for a long time. The main thing is that we have transports that are no worse than in fairy tales.
    About the time machine ... This is more a field of science fiction than fairy tales.
  3. A flying carpet, a pepelats, a stupa with a broom at Baba Yaga, at the behest of a pike ...
  4. disappear instantly and appear where necessary, in the old fairy tale there was a flying ship
    broom, stove, sivka-burka, and fairy wizards help the like
  5. Kernel (Münghausen). , wild geese (Niels, the traveler frog)
    And the word "boots" is not inclined (except for walking boots)
  6. Baba Yaga's stupa, with the help of the ring, ended up in another place, Sivka Burka, the Gray Wolf, with the help of Old Man Khattabych and other djins.
  7. Little Flour's shoes
  8. wolf, eagle, dragon, barrel
  9. teleport
  10. Simicflower flower (made a choice and moved)
  11. stupa of baba-yaga, carpet-flying, flying ship, sivka burka, boots-runners, geese-swans, gray wolf, hut on chicken legs, help of wizards, pumpkin carriage, stove, konk-humpback, fairy-tale heroes sometimes turn into animals and runs away, hell, riding animals and birds, wearing an invisible hat, broom, magic shoes (flying)
  12. Baba Zhka's stupa
  13. house, silver shoes and flying monkeys - "emerald city"
    train - "Alice Through the Looking Glass"
    May beetle, water strider and other insects - a tale about an ant who was late for an anthill
    umbrella - Mary Poppins
    coffin - a lady at Gogol
  14. Geese swans - geese
    Masha and the Bear - a box with pies and Masha
    The frog princess - box
    the chanterelle used the wolf - as a vehicle
    A hut on chicken legs
    STORM-HORSE horse of Perun:
    The horse Perun has a pearl tail, his mane is gilded, all adorned with large pearls, and in his eyes he has a stone Margarita, where he looks, everything is burning with fire.
    A LIGHT-WINGED BOAT, harnessed by white or golden swans, a vehicle for the Slavic gods or fairy-tale heroes.

    KIND among the Western Slavs is the patron saint of good news, the messenger of the gods - something like the ancient Hermes (Mercury).
    Descending from heaven, he put on winged chbots, reminiscent of the walking boots of Russian fairy tales.

  15. A broom, a broom, a stove from "By the Pike's Command", in the same place, and the sled on which Emelya rode from the forest, sledges-scooters are mentioned in the fairy tale "The Rooster and the Cat", as edited by Ushinsky, a hut on chicken legs, geese-swans, gin from 1000 and one night, which takes the hero to different places, somewhere there is a magic ring, with the same functions. There is a Russian folk tale "The Flying Ship", in various tales the hero escapes on an eagle, feeding him meat cut off from his thigh. If you remember the mythology, then there is Pegasus, sandals on which Perseus fought with a dragon, centaurs, clouds.
  16. Bake. Chrt (evenings on a farm near Dikanka)
  17. Gray wolf, pepelats, stove, stupa, magic ring, Sivka-burka
  18. Walking boots!
  19. horse-kogbunok, time machine

Natalia Skochedubova


1. Help children understand that a book is a source of knowledge;

2. To teach to understand the content of the read, to use the knowledge gained;

3. Maintain interest in independent reading, books, foster respect for it.

Questions quiz

1. What vehicle helped the Snow Queen steal Kai; (sled)

2. On what Ellie flew to Fairy Land; (in your own house)

3. What made the house go up and fly away to Fairy Land; (Hurricane)

4.With which fabulous remedy Ellie returned home; (silver shoes)

5. What vehicle helped build Ivan Vodyanoy; (flying ship)

6. Which one fairytale hero, having violated the rules of conduct on the road, he received a severe injury, and he had to sew on the legs; (K. Chukovsky "Aybolit" Bunny - "... he was running along the path, and his legs were cut.")

7. What vehicle cut Bunny's legs in Chukovsky's tale"Aybolit"; (tram)

8. What fabulous the hero does not need to fly transport; (Carlson)

9. Fairy an airplane without doors and walls; (carpet plane)

10. On what the vehicle drove Emelya to the king; (stove)

11. What vehicle turned into a pumpkin when the passenger did not return home on time; (coach, story"Cinderella")

12. First fairytale woman - pilot; (baba - Yaga)

13. For which road the vehicle does not need any gasoline, no electricity, no rails, you don't even need a license (bicycle)

14. Fairy aircraft for one; (broom, stupa)

15. What child vehicle moves without fuel and without wheels; (snow scooter)

16. What fairytale hero - vehicle punished for frequent delays because of love for nature, for birdsong; (Locomotive from Romashkovo)

17. On what fabulous transport Did the evil envious people send the queen and her son into exile? (barrel, « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» )

Thank you for your attention!

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