Tales for children of the younger group. Creative project "Our favorite fairy tales" for children of the first youngest group

Tales for children of the younger group. Creative project "Our favorite fairy tales" for children of the first youngest group

Arina Volkova
An exemplary list of references to read the first younger group

Russian folklore

Songs, sweatshops, shafts.

"Our Masha is small."; "Our opener in the morning.";

"Went a cat on Torzhok."; "Chiki, Chiki, Kichach.";

"Sunny, bucketshko."; "Oh do-Du, Du-Du, Du-Du!

Raven sits on the oak "; "Because of the forest, because of the mountains.";

"Okuchechik, Ozerechik."; "Hare York.";

"Fucked Lisa Lisa with a bodywork.".

Russian folk tales.

"Goats and Wolf", arr. K. Ushinsky;

"Kolobok", arr. K. Ushinsky

"Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", arr. M. Bulatova.

"Repka", arr. A. I. Anufriev "Games and classes for kids"

Works of poets and writers of Russia

E. Blaginina "Seed in the morning", "Alyonushka", ", Shines, shines the sun"

A. Barto "Bear", "Elephant", "Horse", "Ship", "Truck" (from cycle "Toys"); "Who screams";

A. Barto, "Tail girl", "Snow", "Masha".

V. Berestov. "Patient Doll", "Kitty";

B. Sadier "Hedgehog";

S. Marshak. "Tale of a stupid little mouse";

K. Chukovsky. "Confusion", "Fedotka";

G. Ladonchikov "I'm under the crane of the hand of soap ...";

J. Takes "Cube on a cube";

N. Sonskaya "Where is my finger";

Yu. Tuwym. "Vegetables";

I. Tokmakova "On the car drove";

J. Takes "Three kittens";

S. Mikhalkov "Song of friends".

N. Pavlova "Strawberry", "Who has what mom?"

V. Suteev. "Who said "meow".

K. Ushinsky Vaska;

K. Chukovsky "Chick";

E. Charushin "Hen"

V. Herbova "The Adventures of the Green Christmas Tree", "Cunning shoes"

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Tasks of education.

Protecting the health of children, cares about the further development and hardening of the organis-ma, balanced active behavior and put an emotional state.

Expand the orientation in the surrounding, form-present presentations and primary concepts about objects, qualities and phenomena. Continue the development of speech and on-shy-effective thinking.

Improve movement. Develop the playing activity of children. Expand and strengthen their positive relationship with each other and with adults. Raise the behavior of children in the team.

Improve elementary self-lining skills, educate cultural and hygienic skills, attract children to elementary labor actions.

Educate interest and love for music, singing, spindle stories, stories.

Characteristics of children of the third year of life.

With proper education over the third year of life in the development and behavior of the child there are existent changes. It continues several slowdown compared with previous years, but still intensive weight increase (on average, the child adds 2.8 kg in a year) and an increase in growth (by 7-8 cm).

The skeleton is continuing and the development of the functions of all organs, but as a result of their relative imperfection, the child is still very angry. The limit of the working capacity of the nervous system increases: the child can be awake continuously 6-6.5 hours, the required amount of daily sleep decreases to 11.5--12.5 CA-CA (of which 2--2.5 hours in the afternoon); Can deal with the same thing until 15-25 minutes.

The child develops the ability to restrain, brake their desires and actions, but it is not yet capable of long-term expectation, it is not possible to save the same position for a long time, quickly tires from monotonous movements, easily excited.

Due to the improvement of the quality of movements and the development of the ability to manage the child becomes more agreed and independent in food, dressing, game, occupations.

The child's speech quickly develops, which significantly changes his behavior. Enriches the content of speech. The dictionary is expanding. The child begins to use, although not always correctly, with all parts of speech, consume common and complex offerings.

To three years, all the sounds, with the exception of "P" and hissing, children are pronounced correctly, although in some combinations a replacement of some sounds of others. It becomes the main means of communication not only with adults, but also with other children. The child begins to establish the causal dependence of frequently repetitive phenomena, makes primitive comparisons, oblea-keen, summarizing a clear-effective nature.

In games, children more independently reproduce the actions of the surrounding people. There are joint games. By the end of the third year of life, initial forms appear role-playing game. It becomes possible to learn children by new activities: manipulating pencil goes into attempts fine activity, The game of cubes is gradually turning into the design.

In the second half of the third year, the child's life sometimes, before acting, defines the content of their actions in advance. "I am a sa-prayer outline"; increasingly acts on the basis of passed experience, enshrined in the form of ideas, concepts.

Children are vividly interested in all that happens around them. They monitor the labor actions of adults, nature phenomena, animals. At the same time, children are not up to-enlighten with the perception of the environment, but require explanations, ask questions: "Why?", "In -ny?", "When?", "Where?" They begin to compare pre-mets, phenomena, although their impressions are still superficial, fragmentary and unstable.

Children love to watch pictures, while a lot of saying, they ask. They listen with interest and attention to what adults tell them.

Despite significantly greater independence in games, children provided for a long time sa mime, and in the third year cannot find a lesson, as a result of which becomes sluggish or, on the contrary, too excited.

In the process of activity and communication with adults, the child accumulates more and more knowledge and ideas about the nearest surroundings, its experience is expanding. It focuses in a group room, at home and G. D. Based on the experience and influenced by the educational agents of adults, the ability of the child to fulfill the elementary rules of conduct; It is complicated by his relationship with adults and children.

Children assist each other, manifest Internet to the activities of comrades. The child's experiences are becoming more diverse, and they arise in various reasons. A lot of positive emotions is experiencing a child in the perception of the surrounding, when communicating with adults, due to the results of its activities. All greater emotional response is the music, singing, artistic word.

Organization of the life of the group and raising children

The group establishes one general mode, but the game-classes, going for a walk, laying sleep is carried out according to subgroups.

Mode is drawn up on the clock day. The first morning breakfast children should receive no later than 1-1.5 hours after awakening.

The child of the third year compared to the child of the second year of life is much faster, less than a time - neither spends on washing, dressing and other processes. As a result, more and more time is filled with the game, classes.

Children 2-3 years old, even dressed in warm clothes and shoes, can be pretty free to move along the street. This allows you to lengthen the walk time up to 1.5 hours.

In the cold season, children walk twice a day. With the onset of warm days, part of the classes is transferred from the room to the site.

With daily dilapidation in children's garden Children at home make a hygienic bath once a week, in front of the night bed. If the dough is not produced, then children bathe twice a week. For healthy children, pouring is recommended throughout the year.

During the summer months of children in the evening lay down to sleep 30-40 minutes later than in winter. According to the daytime dream. The game and all classes are organized on the site. If there is a plot protected from sun, dust and noise on the site, then sleep and meals are also organized in air. With the onset of hot days, pouring is carried out on the site before dinner, and in front of the night beds, children wash and wash their legs.

Food, sleep, toilet and walks need to be organized so to provide children good appetite, fast and calm fallback, deep and sufficient duration sleep, hygienic care. All this contributes to the active behavior and cheerful behavior.

It is necessary to follow the right pion of children at the table.

In the third year, it is possible to wear wear, wash, feeding for the development of speech, movements, orientation in the surrounding and formation of organized behavior.

It follows by permanent exercises to fix the skills acquired earlier and develop great child's independence.

In the third year of life, the child must be a battery for such skills and skills: wash their hands before eating, there is neatly, to act preferably with the right hand; To three years - to hold the spoon correctly; We use the napkin; Before eating to get it, and after eating to clean; Do not go out of the table, without graduating for food; Do not interfere with other children; say "save-bo" after eating; yourself wash your face and hands and wipe them; Someone alone to remove and wear some items and shoes, unbutton and buckle buttons in front, unleash the shoelains at the shoe; Know the order of undressing and dressing, gently seeded with removed clothing.

It is necessary to teach children to use only the individual dealers of care: their nasal handkerchief, a towel, a pot; To wipe your nose itself, notice the dirty hands, disorder in clothes (lowered stocking, torn off buttons, etc.).

Children should be attracted to the fulfillment of various instructions, for example: to help the educathere to bring to the playground toys, bring and remove material for classes. In a child after 2.5 years, there may be an easy duties consisting of a number of consecutive actions, for example: to help nyan before eating to put chairs for the tables, bring plates with bread. Self-density and execution of orders are the initial forms of labor education.

The teacher should call items and actions, with whom the child faces, explain them, identify properties, appointing objects.

Children's service must be organized so that they do not have to expect each other. Washing his hands, the baby begins to eat, without waiting, while others are sitting at the table; It turns out from the table as soon as the sun. Children dressed and go for a walk not all at once: some group begins to dress while others still continue to play.

Dressed children overlook the platform to the platform, not expecting the nanny of Ode-no others. Children should wear heat, but it is easy that the clothes do not shy their movements. Children should be in the air as much time as possible. The conditions are created for the enrichment of children with diverse-different impressions for various games.

At the site, low benches or di-vans are needed on which children can sit and relax.

In the summer, on the site, you need to have benefits and toys for the development of various movements (hexagon nickname, gymnastic staircase, hoops, balls, etc.), natural material (sand, water) and benefits for games and desktop activities. In winter, children need shovels, sledges for riding from mountains, sledges for dolls, etc.

The teacher on a walk provides shifts of movements and games, shift different species Children's activities.

In everyday communication with children, the teacher expands their horizons and orientation in the surrounding, contributes to their sensory development, development of motion and speech. It attracts the attention of children to occasionally around, talking to children on diverse reasons: about such, for example, where the child went with her mother yesterday, who gave him a horse where Tanya, why it is not in the group, etc.; Pays their attention to what is beautiful in nature, in the surrounding items, in sounds.

The teacher must support the desire of children to speak. She turns the verbal treatment of a child if possible in a dialogue, gives verbal orders, in everywhere encourages the chatting of the child with adults and children. She brings up courage in children, persecution, encourages them to show efforts to achieve the goal, encourages successful attempts to act, providing assistance in difficulties that children cannot overcome themselves.

It is necessary to form positive social feelings in children, tend to comply with the simplest rules of behavior in the team.

The child must willingly fulfill the proposals of the Nortelnik - to go, wash your hands; Observe the speech-dock installed in the bedroom: to talk quietly, to lie in bed, do not interfere with others.

He must greet, say goodbye, verbally express his desires calmly, without a scream.

The teacher teaches his example and direct declarations of children affectionately to talk to each other, encourages mutual assistance (fasten the button, move the neighbor plate with bread), to help younger.

It should be cited as often as possible with each of the children not only for their development and the formation of practices, but also to please them, hang, sing a song to them, tell the poem joke, add, to climb.


The game occupies a painful place in the life of children of the third year. Along with the plot games, they have many more games without a certain plot; Children ride balls, put the wolf; They do not just go through the chalk toys, but also lay them out in color, size, form; Children in games go a lot, run, climb.

Children on the third year of life can continuously play or engage in anything within 15-25 minutes. The game of children becomes longer and focused. Although a great place is still occupied by an individual game, but children are already beginning to play together and in-it, as they can to some extent to coordinate their actions with others.

Educational tasks.

Provide a cheerful tune, the active behavior of children, improve movement and speech; cause joy and sense of satisfaction; bring up the positive relationships of children among themselves; diversify and complicate the game; The child of the third year of life should be learning to tell what, with whom he will play, how toys uses toys, etc.; clarify submissions, develop attention, thinking, memory; cause frequent speech communication of children with climbing and with each other; Rail respect to toys and benefits.

Organization of the game.

Everything free time It should be pre-delivered to children for active independent acts. To this end, it is necessary to give a variety of toys and benefits on the disposal.

The teacher during a walk and indoors should attract the attention of children to the actions of the surrounding adults and older children, to the life of animals; She herself should act in front of children - rice-to-deploy, build, repair toys, etc., to show an inse-throat, tell, show the image of different personalities in the pictures, etc.

Children on the third year are more independent in the game, but still their games are monotonous, primitive if the tutor does not lead them. He suggests new games, causes the memories and reproduction of any action that has previously seen by the child, its question-som direct children on the complication of the game started, encourages and teach them to play together, the participants himself in the game of children.

Having giving children the opportunity to choose a game, a non-nortifier should at the same time be able to promote the one-eating and changing the activities of children in the game by adding or withdrawing any toys or personal guidelines; Switches children from some movements to others, alternate moving and quiet classes.

In the morning watches, the teacher is busy taking children. She removes the complex benefits in advance (folding pictures, mosaic, etc.), the game with which it requires a standing observation. Do not give large cars at this time. In the morning, children, having come to the group room, play well already mastered toys: build from cubes, carry in the carts of dolls, we consider pictures, etc.

In the period from the morning breakfast, the tribulation should not stimulate those games that coincide with the nature of the upcoming classes.

Immediately before bedtime, de-tay should be attracted calm games various types.

The guidance of children's games in no case should not suppress their initiatives: it lies in live, emotional communication, taking into account the development of children, their interests and individual characteristics.

To maintain in children of cheerful, vigorous mood, as well as for the development of positive emo-cues, the educator organizes entertainment games - games "in hide and seek", "Catching", shows the planting funny toys, shadow Theater., Films. Many pleasantly deliver children familiar moving games and dances, fun puppet Theater. Positive emotions are brought up in these games. Words of the educator, movements should pass, glad to give children.

Types of games

Scene games. IN scene gamesah, children begin to display not only individuals often seen by them (laying sleeping, feeding, dressing up, etc.), but also more distant phenomena of surrounding life, such as the driver, hairdresser and much more. The game appears more and more details, for example: a doll before feeding it, your hands wash; When feed, tied up the napkin, etc.

By the end of the third year of life, a role-playing game appears in which children begin to perform a certain role. They do not just put or feed a doll, but depict mother, doctors, in advance, what role take over: "I will do a doctor" or "I am Mom, and this is my daughter." The role is still unstable, and children often change them. For the development of the role game, it is desirable to participate in her older children.

Outdoor games.

The children of the third year of life much faster than children under two years old, master the content of the game, are becoming more confident in movements, less needed in direct assistance to adult. They can portray birds, bunnies in games.

Gaming the theme of games and their contents are gradually expanding, the conditions and rules of the game are complicated. For example, children with an adult form common circle, fulfill the instructions of the teacher of one or another role, turn away when they hide their comrade.

Games are given more complex species Coordination of actions, for example: to dance with couples, holding for the ru, turn and run in the opposite direction.

A moving game is repeated 2-3 times in a row.

Approximate list of moving games.

"Bear white sits", "catching a ball", "catch up with me", "Khokhlychka chicken", "ball" and others.

In rolling games you need a change of movements, the transition from more calm to more busy movements, alternation of moments requiring stresses and outdates. But from children of this age, it is impossible to demand a quick transition from one movement to another.

Didactic games.

With the children of the third year of life you need to spend games that contribute to the variance and name of the color (red, blue, green, grinding); contrast sizes (big, small); forms (ball, cube, brick); formation of per-vyiving numerical representations (many, little, one, two); the development of visual and auditory perception, attention, shallow motility; Development of imitativeness.

These tasks are carried out in the following didactic games:

Games with collapsible toys (nesting, barrels, balls, turrets with single-color rings and rings of different colors).

Games with split pictures of 4-6 parts (from 2.5 years).

Games: Ku-Ka-Re-ku (author V. Fedyaevskaya), "Paired Pictures", "Large and Small", "Make," then I need, "" pictures with verses "(by N. EiGes) and others, in which the child is set to compare the task, to find pictures on a certain purpose (for example, to their young animals); According to this or the other, the poem is to find objects about which they go to them, etc.

Games for the development of hearing and orientation in the surroundings: "Let's listen and let's call what heard", "say, what does it sound?" (Bell, Drum, Dudge), "Find out who says?", "What am I doing?", "Do the same", "Tell me, what hid?", "Guess what in the bag?".

As children master the didactic games under the guidance of the teacher, they begin to use them alone. The educator monitors that didactic benefits are applied to their intended purpose.

Movable I. didactic games held both in specially highlighted time and in hours allocated for independent activity Children.


In the third year of life, the independent activity of the child compared with the previous age increases, but still a child cannot take a long time. Therefore, one occupation and one organized game is carried out in each segment. In the cold season, one of them is in the premises, another - on the site, in the summer of classes are transferred to the site.

Claims on the development of speech, with new material, tre-buoying explanations and assistance of adult (cut pictures, new designer, etc.), gymnastics are fulfilled with a small number of children (6-10).

The group is not divided into subgroups at musical classes, classes with construction material, to view a puppet theater or a diamond, Insece.

In the second half of the third year, when children had already mastered the necessary movements and learned the rules for the use of pencil, clay, drawing and modeling are also carried out with all children at the same time.

Classes with new material should be repeated more often for the abilities of children become resistant.

The duration of different types of classes and games ranges from 7 to 20 minutes and depends on the nature of classes, the development of children. Treating, drawing can last 7-10 minutes, musical classes, modeling, classes with construction material last 20 minutes.

For classes, you need to select children with more or less than the same level of development in each subgroup.

Speech Development, Environmental Orientation Expansion


Provide further development understanding the speech of others, enrich children affordable by him on-looking, impressions, teach oral speech Without visual support, expand the active dictionary of the child.

Learn to correctly pronounce sounds and words. Learning to speak suggestions, transfer your impressions, to answer questions.

Develop emotional expressiveness of speech. Continue to develop the ability to listen to a small oral storyShort poem.

Educating the ability to independently view pictures, books, talk about them, carefully handle the book.

For the development of speech and orientation in the surrounding the following classes are held:

Organized observations (for example, see how the building decorate to the holiday, how to remove snow from the site, how skiing);

Target strolls, for example: on the site for senior children, in the forest behind flowers, etc.;

Didactic games: "Let's see what we have", "let's call what we see", "who needs something", logo, etc. (see a special section);

Staging uncomplicated plots with the help of a game neck (for example, as a naughty kitten died to himself a paw; Like Natasha, a little bird did not flew away and G. p.);

Picture classes: viewing pictures depicting individual objects and actions, missing plots; considering several pictures, the unity common story. For such classes, you can use, for example, books: "Toys" A. Barto, "My Teddy", "Katya in the manger" 3. Alexandrova et al.;

Showing diamers with a tale of the educator; conversations that children saw on a walk, what houses there are toys, about the upcoming holiday, about what we will do on a walk, etc.;

Tale tale reading short stories, poems, sweeters, for example: "Knocha-Ryaba" (folk), "Cat and a goat" V. Zhukovsky, "lived at babous" (folk), "Vochushki" "Bayu-Bay", "Toys" I. Plochida, "Ball", "Bunny" A. Barto, "Holiday" Ya. Thai, Folk Leskov: "Ladushki", "Finger-Boy", "Pussy-Pussy";

The stories of the educator about the fact that the Deta did not directly seen themselves, but they can understand on the basis of their past experience (for example, how the boy rode on sledes, fell, a broken leg);

Using the impressions of the surrounding, diverse-different activities of the child and special classes, the teacher should contribute to the accumulation of ideas and elementary concepts about the uncertainty of inanimate nature (the sun shines, snowing, it is cold today); About animals (cat, dog, horse, cow, etc.); about vegetable world (flower tree,. thaw, leaf, apple, carrots, strawberries); about some phenomena public Life (Today is a holiday: a lot of people, red flags, children get gifts); About the work of adults (nanny washes the dishes, watering flowers, the driver drives on the car, the doctor treats children, etc.); On household phenomena and appointment of household items (sleeping on the bed, they eat at the table, milk is poured into a cup, the soup is poured into the plate).

It should be formed in children the primary ideas about space (close, far here, there), about time (UT-RO, evening, then, now, tomorrow, today).

Children must learn to understand the elementary connection of the phenomena (it rains, on the street of the puddle; a cup of Uro-Nili, she crashed).

Speech children with proper educational work Three years old reaches a significant level of development.

The child well understands the meaning of the speech of an adult that he surrounds himself, which is connected with his experience. With him, you can talk about his past impressions, about what he will do, where will go etc.

The child easily repeats everything hears; Covers mines short poems and songs. The dictionary reaches 1200-1300 words, it includes all parts of speech, except for communities and verbalies. The child consumes many-lyric phrases; At his speech begin to appear at dreach proposals (although grammatically, the proposals continue to remain wrong). He speaks a lot with adults and children on various waters, may on issues to transfer the contents of the asylum-chant fairy tale or the story. Its speech is emotional and expressive. Pronunciation is mostly correct, with the exception of sounds P, L and hissing.

Development of movements


Contribute to further perfection walking, running, climbing, throwing.

Develop the skill on the signal to suspend the movement, move from one move to another, measurant the pace of movement.

Contribute to the elimination of unnecessary concomitant movements, form more economical and rhythmic movements, bring up the correct posture.

The development of the child's movements occurs in a daily life, games (especially mobile), for a walk. In addition, in accordance with the appointment of a doctor, a daytime, gymnastics on certain compexes

By three years, children know how:

Walking in a straight and inclined restricted surface (on the $ 15-20 cm wide, raised from the floor by 25-30 cm), overcoming through obstacles (for example, through a stick at an altitude of 25-30 cm).

Climb and descend from the stairs, bring it out and sneak with a gymnastic wall with a height of 1.5 m. Picky and alternating step;

Throwing the ball into a vertically located goal, on-riding at the level of the child's eye at a distance of 100-125 cm, throw and catch a big ball at a distance of 70-100 cm;

Coordinate your movements with other children (an example, to walk in pairs, in a circle), to act simultaneously with hand and foot (for example, to turn foot, clap in your hands);

Change their movements by tempo, direction, characteristic depending on the external signal (for example, go from fast running to walking);

To restrain, albeit with some voltage, your movements, wait for the signal (for example, not to run, until "times, two, three," three, "calmly stand and not take the box from the floor until the last word is uttered).

Drawing, modeling and classes with construction materials


Call interest in drawing, modeling, constructure.

Learning to use a pencil (keep it in the fingers right hand Not too close to the honed end, carry straight, rounded and zigzag lines, closer in a round or angry form), act with clay (tear pieces, mine, roll out), desktop building material and a designer consisting of simple elements (Pa Loops, wheels, walls and a roof of a house).

Encourage the pictorial character of the drawing, post-rooki, modeling and repetition by the found child of the image form; Be able to show the showing elemental buildings.

Teach children understand the pictorial drawing or the construction of adults and other children.

Accustom to perform certain rules: draw only on paper or on the board, do not knock a pencil; gently use the material, not to mive paper; sculpt at the table, not to scatter clay; At the end of the classes, remove the material; Sit at the table in the right pose.

The teacher during drawing, modeling or by-nyatias with construction material teaches how to keep a pencil, shows how to roll out the clay, how to draw, for example, the track that you need to do so that the construction is not falling. Sometimes she herself draws, builds, tends a variety of items, easy to reproduce, for example: a carrot, an apple, draws a fence, a ball, build a house, garage, offering children to find out what she did.

With regular occupation, during the year, the children of three years are enforced by a pencil, global, building material;

Hooly paint, pested, build and call their post-roots, drawings by randomly occurring similarity, as well as a drawing, building, prachkit;

Sometimes they put a goal in advance and, accordingly, they draw it, they are pushed, although in the process of action often depart from the target set.

In drawings, buildings and modeling, similarities appear, although remote, with called objects.

Musical education


Develop the ability to listen to music, memorize and distinguish between her sound (thunder-ko, quiet; high, low registers); encourage children to fake; develop the ability to play plot-musical games, tie with music the overall nature of movements; Teach children with joint movements. Children listen to the melodies of familiar songs with entry and accompaniment, performed on the instrument (Milleton, Metallophone, piano), and piano plays, characterizing images of scene games ("Zai and Bear", "Birds and a car", etc. ); Sing individual sounds and sing songs, light on the melodies and the sound composition of words.

In plot musical Games Children perform the roles, portraying in accordance with music various actions (for example, the birds are sleeping, fluttering, and then a street).

In exercises and dances, children go from calm movements to faster depending on the contra-satiest sound different parts music; They go and run - with couples, holding one hand, circling in pairs, holding around both hands, with the help of an adult form a circle, go to the middle of the circle.

Music works for pod-pevai and me and singing: "Bunny", "Sunshine", Russian folk songs; "Rain", music ll. Ferre; "Bird", music T. Popatenko; "Fir-tree", Music by E. Tilicheeva; "Cat", music An. Alexandrova; "Cow", Music M. Rukhverger.

Musical works for Sun-Shanya: "Horse", "Mushroom", M. Rukhverger Music; "Winter", Music V. Karaseva; "Cat", Music V. Vitlin; "From under the oak", "Ah, you are sense", Russians on-native melodies; "Little Polka", Music D. Kabalevsky.

Musical works for the approach of children's movements.

For exercises: "Ladushki", Russian people, melody; "Hopago", "Stukolka", Ukrainian people's melodies; "Marsh", Music E. Parlova; Marsh and Running, Music An. Alexandrova; "Lovers", Music by E. Tilicaeva.

For the game: "Bunks", Music A. Grechaninova; "Med-After", Music V. Rebikova; "Festive walk", music An. Alexandrova; "Lullaby", "Game", Muzka V. Vitlin.

For dancing: "Oh, on the grief," Zainka ", Russian folk melodies; "Stukolka", Ukrainian folk melody; "Yurochka", Belarusian folk song; "Gu-lying and dance", Music M. Rukhverger

Music and song should sound not only in employment, but also during the independent activities of children.


In the days of nationwide holidays - May 1, November 7, festive matinees are organized for children. For children of this group, the feast of the Christmas tree is organized and their translation into the next group is celebrated.

Children up to 3 years


There was a grandfather with grandmother and granddaughter. And they had a dog bug, a cat Muska and a mouse-norushka.

I planted someone's grandfather repka, and a big rectuant grew up - the hands are not enough to clamp!

He became a grandfather of a repka from the ground to drag: pulls, pulls, can't pull out.

I called my grandfather to help the grandmother. Grandma behind the grandfather, Dage for the Republic: pull-pull, can't pull out.

I called grandmother granddaughter. Granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, Dedka for Rack: pull-pull, can't pull out.

Click granddaughter bug. Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dage for the Republic: pull-pull, can't pull out.

Course clikled cat. Cat for a bug, a bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for a grandfather, Dedka for a repka: pull-pull, can't pull out.

I clicked the Muska mouse. The mouse is behind the cat, a cat for a bug, a bug behind the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, Dedka for a repka: pull-pull - pulled out a rep.

4-5 years old

Tale "Three Piglets" There were three piglets who left Dad and Mom to wander through the light. All summer they ran through the forests and fields, playing and fun. There were no more than anyone, with all they easily started friendship, everywhere they were happy to take them. But the summer came to an end, and everyone began to return to their usual affairs, preparing for winter.

Autumn came, and three piglets with sadness understood that there were fun times and what to work, like everything to cold winter Do not stay without bed. Pigs began to consult which house to build them. The most lazy out of pigs decided to build a hut out of straw.
"My home will be ready in one day," he said to his brothers.

- He will be continuing, - brothers shook his head, not approving the decision of the brother.

The second piglet, less lazy than the first, went to look for boards and - Tuk-Tuk-Tuk - for two days a house folded myself. But the wooden house did not like the third piglet. He said:

- So do not build houses. It is necessary to build such a house so that there is neither the wind, neither the rain, nor the snow and, most importantly, so that he protects against the wolf.
Passed days, and the house of the wise piglery slowly, brick behind the brick, grew. The brothers laughed:
- Well, do you work so much? Don't you want to go with us to play?

But the pig stubbornly refused and continued to build:
- First we build a house, and only then go to play.

It was this, the smartest of three pigs, noticed that a huge wolf left nearby. Alarmed piglets hid in houses. Soon the wolf appeared and fiercely stared at the straw domishko of the lazy piglery.

- Come out, talk! - ordered the wolf, and he had dried salons in anticipation of lunch.

- I prefer to stay here, "answered, trembling with fear, pig.

- I'll make you get out! - shouted the wolf and blew to the house.

The straw house collapsed. Satisfied with success, the wolf did not notice how the pig slipped out of the pile of straw and ran to hide in the wooden house of his brother. When the evil wolf saw that the pig was running away, then shouted with a terrible voice:
- Well, go here!

He thought the pig would stop. And he already ran into the wooden house of his brother. Brother met him, shifted as an aspen leaf:
- Let's hope that our house will endure! Let us both kind of door, then the wolf will not be able to break to us!

And the hungry wolf, standing near the house, heard that they spoke piglets, and, anticipating double prey, began to drum into the door:
- Open, open, I need to talk to you! Two brothers cried from horror, but tried to keep the door. Then the furious wolf was drunk, swelled the chest and ... Fu-U-y! Wooden house collapsed as card. Fortunately, their wise brother who saw everything from the window of her brick house, quickly opened the door and let the brothers running away from the wolf.

As soon as he managed to let them, like a wolf, pounded on the door. This time the wolf was puzzled, because the house seemed to him more durable than the previous ones. And in fact, he blurted out once, Touched the other, the third tree - but everything is in vain. The house was still standing, and the piglets are no longer as before, trembled from fear. Exhausted wolf decided to go for a trick. Nearby stood the staircase, and the wolf climbed to the roof to explore the smoke tube. However, everything that he did, noticed a wise pig and commanded: - Quickly divor the fire! At this time, the wolf, putting the paws into the pipe, hesitated, whether he should descend into such black.

It was not easy to climb there, but very appetizing the piggy voices came to the bottom. "Dying from hunger! I'll try to go down! " - And he flopped down.

Already having come to himself, the wolf saw that she landed straight into the burning focus. The fire covered wool wolf, the tail turned into a smoking torch. But this did not end. The wise pig shouted: - Bates him, yes row! The poor wolf was beaten as followed, and then, moaning and coming from pain, thrown out the door.

- Never! I will never climb pipes again! - shouted the wolf, trying to pay off his blazing tail. In one moment he was far from this ill-fated house. And happy piglets danced in their yard and sang a song:
- TRA-LA! The wolf will never return!

From this scary day The brothers of the smart piglery also took up work. Soon the brick house was added to two others. Once the wolf wandered into those places, but as soon as he saw three pipes, it seemed to feel unbearable pain in the burned tail, and he left those places forever.

Then I confident that nothing is threatened with them anymore, the smart piglery said:
- Now it is enough to work! Let's go to play!

5-6 years old Princess on the Pea

There was a prince, he wanted to take himself to the wife of a princess, but only a real princess. So he traveled all the world, I was looking for such a thing, but there was something wrong everywhere; The princesses were fully, but the real whether they could not recognize this to the end, it was always something wrong with them. So he groved home and burned: so he wanted a real princess.

Somehow a terrible storm played by the wage; Sparkling lightning, thunder thunder, rain lilts like from the bucket, horror what is! And suddenly they knocked in the city gate, and the old king went to turn off.

The gate stood the princess. My God, to whom she was like rain and bad weather! Water flowed from her hair and dresses, flowed right in the shoes socks and flowed out of his heels, and she said that she was a real princess.

"Well, we'll find out!" - I thought the old queen, but I did not say anything, but I went to the overtaking, took off all the mattresses and pillows from the bed and put the pea on the boards, and then took twenty mattresses and put them on the pea, and on the matties there are still twenty-fertilizers.

At this bed and laid the princess over the night.

In the morning she was asked how she slept.

- Ah, terribly bad! - answered the princess. - I did not close the eyes all night. God knows what I had there in bed! I lay on something hard, and now I have the whole body in the bruises! It's just horror what is!

Here everyone understood that the real princess was before them. Still, she felt the pea in twenty mattresses and twenty perin from the Pooh! Only a real princess can be such a gentle.

The prince took her to his wife, because now he knew that he would take a real princess for himself, and the pea was in Kunstkamera, where it can be seen and today, if only no one pulled it.

Over 6 years old

Genzel and Gretel

He lived on the edge dense forest poor woodcutter with his wife and two children; The boy was the name of the Genzel, and the girl is Gretel. Lived woodcutter injunction; Now it came in that land such a high cost, which is not what it was for him to buy even bread for feeding.

And so, in the evening, lying in bed, he began to think, and all overwhelmed his various thoughts and care; He kept himself and tells his wife:

- What will happen to us now? How do we feed the poor children, we have nothing to do with themselves!

- And you know what, - Wife answered, - Let's go early in the morning, just starts the light, we will start children in the forest, in the most deaf thicket; By divorcing them a fire, we will give everyone a piece of bread, and we will go to work yourself and leave them alone. They will not find the road home, here we will get rid of them.

- No, wife, - says the woodcutter, - I will not do this; After all, my heart is not a stone, I can't throw children in the forest in the forest, there will attack wild animals and will tear them.

- Oh, you, dive! - says wife. "After all, otherwise we are all four times with the hunger, and only one will remain," the coffins are narrowing. "And she brought him up as long as he agreed with her."

- Still sorry for me my poor children! - said the woodcutter.

Children from hunger could not sleep and heard everything that the stepmother said to the Father. Greethel was lit by bitter tears and says Henzel:

- It can be seen, we will now have to disappear.

- His quieter, Gretel, - said Genzel, - Do not burn, I'll think about something.

And when the parents fell asleep, he got up, put on his jacket, challenged the door to Seni and quietly climbed into the street. The moon shone brightly, and white pebbles lying in front of the hut, glittered, like piles of silver coins.

The Hansel was bent and filled with a full pocket. He then returned home and says Gretel:

- You will be comforted, a pretty sister, now calmly sleep, the Lord will not leave us. - And with these words, he again lay down in bed.

Only it became light, she also did not eat the sun, and the stepmother came and began to wake the children:

- Hey you, Legemboki, it's time to ride, are going with us in the forest for firewood!

She gave each of them on a piece of bread and says:

- That will be to you for lunch; Yes, look, do not eat it ahead of time, you will not get anymore.

Gretel hid bread into his apron, because the middle of the pocket was full of stones. And they gathered to go together into the forest. They passed a little, suddenly the manzel stopped, looked back, looked at the hut, - so he looked back and stayed all the time. And his father says:

- Hanzel, what are you all looking around yes behind? Watch do not yawa, go to the apartments.

- Ah, Batyushka, "Genzel replied to him," I'll look at my white cat, she sits on the roof, as if he wanted to tell me for goodbye.

And stepmother and says:

- Oh, the fool you are not your kitty, it is morning sun shines on the pipe.

And the Genel looked at all and did not look at the kitty, but I got out of his pocket and threw the shiny pebbles on the road.

Here they entered into the very following forests, and father and says:

- Well, children, collect now a trust, and I reconcile fire so that you do not drown.

Genzel and Gretel collected a whole bunch of ravar. Spinned a fire. When the flame flames badly, the stepmother says:

- Well, kids, go to bed now by the fire Yes, relax as it should, and we will go to the forest firewood chop. As we end the work, go back and take you home.

Genzel and Gretel sat down by the fire, and when noon came, each of them ate on a piece of bread. They all the time heard a knock of the ax and thought that their father somewhere nearby. But that was not at all a knockout knock, but a chumbana who tied the woodcutter to the dry tree, and he, swinging under the wind, knocked on the trunk.

They sat for a long time so by the fire, they began to close their eyes from the fatigue, and they firmly fell asleep. And when they woke up, there was a deaf night. Planked Gretel and says:

- How do we now get out of the forest?

Began to console it.

- Wait a little, the moon will go soon, and we will find the road.

When the moon climbed, he took a sister sister for his hand and went from a pebble to the pebble, - they sparkled, as if new silver money, and pointed the way the road. They walked all night long and approached dawn to the father's hut.

They knocked, stepmother opened the door to them; She sees that this is a genes and Gretel, and says:

- What are you, bad children, have slept so long in the forest? And we really thought that you do not want to return at all.

My father was delighted, seeing children, - he had hard on his heart that he threw them alone.

And soon, hunger and the need came again, and the children heard, like a stepmother, lying in bed, said Father:

- We are again all eaten, only the breakfasts of bread remained, it can be seen, we will soon come to the end. We should get rid of our children: let's get them away in the forest, so as not to find them the road back, - we do not have another way out.

The children have not slept and heard the whole conversation. And only parents fell asleep, hezel rose again and wanted to get out of the house to collect pebbles, like the last time, but the stepmother was locked the door, and the Hansel could not get out of the hut. He began to console his sister and says:

- Do not cry, Gretel, sleep calmly, God will somehow help us.

In the early morning, stepmother came and raised children from bed. Gave them a piece of bread, he was even less than the first time. On the way to the forest, the Hansel crumbled bread in his pocket, everything stopped and threw bread crumbs on the road.

- What is it you, the Hansel, everyone stays yes, you look around, "said Father, - go to his dear.

- Yes, I look at my dove, he sits on the roof of the house, as if she says goodbye to me, "Hansel replied.

- The foolness you, "said the stepmother, is not your pigeon at all, this morning sun glitters on the top of the pipe.

And the Genesel threw everything and threw the bread crumbs along the road. Here I started stepmother children even deeper into the forest, where they never had ever had. We spread again a big bonfire, and says stepmother:

- Kids, sit here, but you will get tired, so sleep is small; And we will go to the woods of firewood to chop, and in the evening, as we end the work, back and take you home.

When noon came, Grethel shared his piece of bread with the Hansel, "after all he reached all his bread on the road. Then they fell asleep. But even the evening passed, and no one for the poor did not come. They woke up dark nightAnd he became the Hansel to consult his sister:

- Wait, Gretel, now the moon will go, and the bread crumbs will be visible, which I scattered on the road, they will point us home.

So the moon rose, and the children went on the road, but did not find bread crumbs, - thousands of birds, which fly in the forest and in the field, all bored them. Then the Hansel and says Gretel:

- We somehow, let's find the road.

But they did not find her. I had to go a whole night and all day, in the morning and until the evening, but they could not get out of the forest. The children were greatly hungry, because they did not eat anything, except the berries that were collected along the way. They are so tired that barely moved their legs, and here they lay down under the tree and fell asleep.

The third morning came since then, as they left the father's hut. They went further. They go and go, and the forest is deeper and dark and dark, and if it were not possible to help, they would come out of his strength.

It came noon, and they noticed a beautiful snow-white bird on a branch. She sang so well that they stopped and heard her stump. But suddenly the bird was silent and waving wings, flew in front of them, and they went behind her, and walked, until finally, did not get to the hut, where the bird sat down on the roof. They approached closer, see - a hut is made of bread, the roof on it from gingerbread, and the windows are all of the transparent candy.

- Here we will get up for her, - said Genzel, - and we will have a glorious treat! I stretch a piece of roof, and you, Gretel, take the window, - it must be very sweet.

It was climbed by a hostel on the hut and trample a piece of the roof to try, what it taste, and Gretel went to the window and began to nibble him.

Suddenly he was heard from inside someone's thin voice:

Mr. yes chum everything under the window,

Who gnaws and gives the house?

Children replied:

This is a wonderful guest,

The wind is miserable!

And, not paying attention, they continued to embody the house.

The Hanzel, who really liked the roof, pulled a big piece from her and dropped down, and Gretel broke the whole round glass of the candy and, sitting around the hut, began to be eased.

Suddenly the door opens, and leaves there, leaning on the crutch, old-pretaraya grandma. Genzel and Gretel were frightened that they dropped a delicacy from the hands. Shone the old woman head and says:

- E, cute kids, who brought you here? Well, please please, enter the hut, wonder you will not be here.

She took them both by his arms and introduced into her hut. Brought them delicious food - milk with pancakes, sprinkled sugar, apples and nuts. Then she stuck two beautiful beds and covered them with white blankets. Hezel and Grenel lay down and thought that they would have come to heaven.

But the old woman only pretended to be so kind, and she was actually an evil witch that she lies with children, and the hut was built for bait. If someone came to her in his hands, she killed him, then cooked and eaten, and it was a holiday for her. The witches always have red eyes, and they see the distance in the distance, but they have Nuhh, like the beasts, and they feel the proximity of man.

When Genel and Greetsel approached her hut, she walked viciously and said with a grin:

- So they caught! Well, now they will not leave me!

Early in the morning, when the children still slept, she got up, looked as they sleep well and what they had chubby and ruddy cheeks, and murmured to themselves: "I'll get a gathering dish to myself."

She grabbed the Hansel his bony hand, carried him into the hlev and locked him behind the lattice door - let him shout at how much he wakes up, he would not help him. She then went to the Greetsel, stretching her, woke and says:

- Get up, Lazyka, yes, do it take me, Swari your brother something delicious, "he sits in a hlev, let it be careful. And when he wipes, I'll eat it.

He was overwhelmed by Gretel bitter tears, but what to do? - I had to execute the order of the evil witch.

And they were cooked for the most delicious dishesAnd the Gretel got some uncle.

An old woman was made every morning to a little hlev, and said:

- Hezel, a long-lasting my fingers, I want to see if you were hushed up enough.

But Hezel stretched her bone, and the old woman, who had weak eyes, could not see what it was, and thought that the fingers of the Hansel, and wondered why it was not fat.

So four weeks passed, but the Hansel still remained thin, "the old woman lost all patience and no longer wanted to wait.

- Hey, Gretel, "she shouted the girl," to move live, bring the waters: it's all the same - Li-Genzel, or Thusch, and tomorrow I will bury him and welcome.

Oh, how did the poor sister grieved when she had to carry water, how she treated her tears with streams on the cheeks!

- Lord, yes, help us! - she exclaimed. - It would be better for us to confuse wild animals in the forest, then at least we died together.

- Well, nothing to hone! - shouted the old woman. "Now nothing helps you."

Early, in the morning, Gretel was supposed to get up, go into the courtyard, hang the boiler with water and divorce the fire.

- At first we will binge bread, "the old woman said," I have already sinking the oven and kneaded the scope. "She pushed the poor Gretel to the oven herself, from where the big flame was hung.

- Well, fly to the oven, "said the witch," Did you look, whether she is Natoplen, is it time to plant bread? "

It was only climbing was the Gretel in the oven, and the old woman at that time wanted to close it with the damper, so that the Gretel was fried, and then eat. But Gretel guessed that he was climbing the old woman, and he says:

- Yes, I do not know how to do it, how can I get there?

- That's stupid geese, "said the old woman," see how big mouth, I could climb there, "and she climbed onto the seal and looked at her head into the oven.

Here Gretel as the witch pushes, so that he found himself right in the ovens itself. Then Gretel covered the stove with an iron damper and locked on the valve. Uh, how terriblely overwhelmed witch! And the Gretel ran away; And the damned witch burned down in terrible mute.

Gretel rushed as soon as possible to the General, she opened his hlev and shouted:

- Henzel, we are saved: the old witch died!

A hostel jumped out of the chlev, like a bird from a cage, when to open her door. How they were delighted, as they rushed to each other on her neck, how they jumped from joy, as they kissed themselves! And since now they have nothing to be afraid, they entered the witch's hut, but they stood there everywhere in the corners of the strains with pearls and precious stones.

- These, perhaps, will be better than our pebbles, "said Genzel and put full pockets with them. And Gretel says:

- I also want to bring something home, - and put on their full apron.

- Well, now we run quickly from here, "said Genzel," because we still need to get out of the witch forest.

Here they passed so hour two and came up, finally, on a large lake.

- Do not move to us through him, "says Genzel," nowhere to see a path or a bridge.

- Yes, and the boats are not visible, - Gretel replied, - and woven white dodger; If I ask her, she will help us cross on the other side.

And Gretel clicked:

Duck, my duck,

Boil to us a little

No walkway nor the bridge

Cross us, do not leave!

Sweep dung, he sat down at her and called his sister, so that she sat down with him.

- No, - answered Gretel, - the opener will be too hard; Let it turn you first, and then me.

So good duck and did, and when they happily crossed the other coast and went further, then the forest was all familiar and familiar to them, and they finally noticed the father's house. Here on the joy they went to run, jumped into the room and rushed to the father on the neck.

Since then, as a father threw the children in the forest, he did not have a minute of joy, and his wife was died. Revealed the Gretel Apron, and crumbled around the room of pearls and gems, and the Genel took them out of his pocket with whole horses.

And the end of their needs and grieving, and they healed happily all together.

Consultation for parents

. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Nowadays, the books moved to the background, they were replaced, computers, tablets, telephones, gadgets. Parents are also preferred give the child to his tablet, as good - silence, no one bothers them to do their own affairs. And then the question arises unexpected: the child does not know how to communicate, write correctly. Why is this happening? May be, parents We need to remember your childhood and teach a child to love the book.

The first books for our children are fairy tales. Through tales of the childmeet the surrounding world, form character, instill life values. We denuncate child necessary information or rule in form tales.

Kids who in childhood constantly listened fairy tales, much faster and less painfully adapt in kindergartens, schools. These children are faster mutual language from unfamiliar peopleAnd it is practically no complexes in their lives. If you want your child perceived life positively, to easily take failures, at the same time, at the same time, the proper lesson, at the same time, be happy to be happy and went to his goal, read him fairy tales. Read fairy tales as often as possible and as long as possible: Remember, fairy tales - This is not just a pleasant, interesting pastime, but it is also one of the most powerful tools that help the kids correctly, harmoniously develop. Optimal time it is considered to read the fairy tale before bedtimesince at this time you can also discuss read and still a fairy tale before bedtime is your communication with your child on magic, understandable to him, these are small safe life lessons . Story At night - this is a kind of wish good night to your to kid.

Story represents one of the most affordable tools to develop child. Properly selected tale talented and psycho-emotional features of children are capable not only to positively influence the emotional state of the kids, but also to correct their behavior. In addition, listening fairy tale, the child gets a beautiful and correct pattern of speech, which is extremely important for speech Development. Children with whom early childhood read fairy tales Much faster begin to speak correctly.

The choice of fairy tales for children needs to be taken away with all seriousness. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child - so that the tale was interesting to him and did not scare the baby. It is unlikely that you will read the fairy tales of Brothers Grimm a year old child, and the "golden egg" senior preschooler. And not because these fairy tales are bad - just each of them is suitable for a certain age of a child. Choosing a fairy tale for a child, you need to take into account the features of its character and temperament. For hyperoportable children, fairy tales with a fast, active plot are suitable - so that the child does not become unmanageable, it is better to choose a fairy tale in a calmer. If your child loves to fool up very much - while you should not read the fairy tales, the main character of which are the hooligans chosen. However, if in a particular fairy tale of hooligans, they are clearly punished - such a fairy tale, on the contrary, you need to read a small tutor as an educational moment. And if your baby is unnecessarily sentimental - "gray neck" or "thumbnail" with a dead swallow can bring it to tears and hysterics (even if everything ends well). By the way, as for terrible fairy tales. Scary fairy talesdespite everything is extremely useful for the child - because if he will hear fairy tales, describing only the world, full good people and creatures, it can grow unprepared to reality. The main thing here is to take into account the age of the baby and the level of fear that he can withstand. It is unlikely that the child is scared "Kolobka", despite the fact that at the end of the main character eaten. In this sense, it is necessary to take into account the age of the baby, choosing a fairy tale for him. To understand whether the fairy tale chosen is suitable for your child, try to read it for the first time - and try to look at the fairy tale through the child's eyes, if you are confused by many moments in a fairy tale - it is better to postpone it until your child is growing a little. Like to read(narrate) fairy Tale Children? One of the main conditions is an emotional attitude of an adult to to kid. Here are some rules that make reading out loud more fascinating: 1. Show the child that reading out loud gives you pleasure. 2. While reading, keep visual contact with your child. 3. Read the children leisurelyBut not monotonously, try to transmit rhythmic speech music. 4. Play voice: read something faster, then slower, then loudly, then quietly - depending on the content of the text, trying to pass the character of the characters, as well as a funny or sad situation, but not "removing". 5. Reduce the text if it is too tightened, since the child will still stop perceiving heard. Briefly retell the end. 6. Read the fairy tales alwaysWhen a child wants to listen to them. 7. Read out loud every dayMake from this family ritual. 8. Do not persuade to listen, and "seduce" the child, let him choose books. Pay attention to appearance Books: They should be durable, colorful, bright. Many pictures are easily perceived child at this age, rinse it vocabulary. Kids from 1-3 years fit fairy tales of ordinary people. They should have many repetitions: "BIL, BILED - not broken," "pulls, pulled", "rolls a bun, rolls", etc. The best Russian people: « Kolobok "," Ryabina "; "As a goat hood built," (arr. M. Bulatova); "Teremok", (arr. M. Bulatova); "Masha and the Bear", (arr. M. Bulatova); "Repka", (arr. K. Ushinsky); "Goats and wolf", (arr. K. Ushinsky); "Swan geese"; "Fear is great", arr. M. Serovoy; "Fox and hare", arr. V. Daly; : "Phone", "Moydodyr", "Muha Costume", "Aibolit", K. Chukovsky; "Apple", "Celebration Wand", V. Suteev; "The fairy tale about the brave hare - long ears, oblique eyes, short tail, "D. Mamin-Sibiryak.



Consultation for parents

Thanks to the fairy tale, the child knows the world not only by the mind, but also in the heart. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Nowadays, the books moved to the background, they were replaced, computers, tablets, telephones, gadgets. Parents also prefer to give a child to their tablet, as well - silence, no one prevents them from doing their affairs. And then the question arises unexpected: the child does not know how to communicate, write correctly. Why is this happening? May be,parents need to remember their childhood and teach a child to love the book.

The first books for our children are fairy tales. Through the tales of the child, they introduce the world around the world, form a character, instill life values. We denounce the child the necessary information or the rule in the form of fairy tales.

The kids who in childhood constantly listened to fairy tales, much faster and less painfully adapted in kindergartens, schools. It is these children who are faster than those who are unfamiliar to unfamiliar people, and it is practically no complexes in their lives. If you want your child to perceive life positively, to easily accept failures, at the same time, at the same time, the proper lesson, at the same time, be happy about the luck and went to his goal, read it fairy tales. Read fairy tales as much as possible and as long as possible: Remember, fairy tales - This is not just a pleasant, interesting pastime, but it is also one of the most powerful tools that help the kids correctly, harmoniously develop. The optimal time is considered to read the fairy tale before bedtime, since at this time you can also discuss your read and still a fairy tale before bedtime - this is your communication with your child on a magical, understandable to him, these are small safe life lessons. The fairy tale for the night is a kind of wishing good night to your child.

Story represents one of the most affordable tools to develop a child. Properly selected fairy tales, taking into account age and psycho-emotional features of children, are capable not only to positively influence the emotional state of the kids, but also to correct their behavior. In addition, listening to the fairy tale, The child gets a beautiful and correct speech sample, which is extremely important for speech development. Children who have been reading fairy tales from the earliest childhood to speak much faster.

The choice of fairy tales for children needs to be taken away with all seriousness. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child - so that the tale was interesting to him and did not scare the baby. It is unlikely that you will read the fairy tales of Brothers Grimm a year old child, and the "golden egg" senior preschooler. And not because these fairy tales are bad - just each of them is suitable for a certain age of a child. Choosing a fairy tale for a child, you need to take into account the features of its character and temperament. For hyperoportable children, fairy tales with a fast, active plot are suitable - so that the child does not become unmanageable, it is better to choose a fairy tale in a calmer. If your child loves to fool up very much - while you should not read the fairy tales, the main character of which are the hooligans chosen. However, if in a particular fairy tale of hooligans, they are clearly punished - such a fairy tale, on the contrary, you need to read a small tutor as an educational moment. And if your baby is unnecessarily sentimental - "gray neck" or "thumbnail" with a dead swallow can bring it to tears and hysterics (even if everything ends well). By the way, as for terrible fairy tales. Terrible fairy tales, no matter what is extremely useful for the child - because if he will hear fairy tales, describing only the world, full of good people and creatures, it can grow unprepared to reality. The main thing here is to take into account the age of the baby and the level of fear that he can withstand. It is unlikely that the child is scared "Kolobka", despite the fact that at the end of the main character eaten. In this sense, it is necessary to take into account the age of the baby, choosing a fairy tale for him. To understand whether the fairy tale chosen is suitable for your child, try to read it for the first time - and try to look at the fairy tale through the child's eyes, if you are confused by many moments in a fairy tale - it is better to postpone it until your child is growing a little.How to read (tell) a fairy tale for children? One of the main conditions is an emotional attitude of an adult toto kid . Here are some rules that make reading out loud more fascinating: 1. Show the child that reading out loud gives you pleasure. 2. While reading, keep visual contact with your child. 3.Read the children leisurelyBut not monotonously, try to transmit rhythmic speech music. 4. Play voice:read something faster, then slower, then loudly, then quietly - depending on the content of the text, trying to pass the character of the characters, as well as a funny or sad situation, but not "removing". 5. Reduce the text if it is too tightened, since the child will still stop perceiving heard. Briefly retell the end. 6.Read the fairy tales alwaysWhen a child wants to listen to them. 7.Read out loud every dayMake from this family ritual. 8. Do not persuade to listen, and "seduce" the child, let him choose books. Pay attention to the appearance of the book: they must be durable, colorful, bright. Many pictures are easily perceivedchild at this age, I caught his vocabulary. Kids from 1-3 years fitfairy tales of ordinary people. They should have manyrepetitions : "BIL, BILED - not broken," "pulls, pulled", "rolls a bun, rolls", etc.The best Russian peopletales for children of this age: « Kolobok "," Ryabina "; "As a goat hood built," (arr. M. Bulatova); "Teremok", (arr. M. Bulatova); "Masha and the Bear", (arr. M. Bulatova); "Repka", (arr. K. Ushinsky); "Goats and wolf", (arr. K. Ushinsky); "Swan geese"; "Fear is great", arr. M. Serovoy; "Fox and hare", arr. V. Daly;Literary Tales of Writers of Russia: "Phone", "Moydodyr", "Mug of Costs", "Aibolit", K. Chukovsky; "Apple", "Celebration Wand", V. Suteev; "The fairy tale about the brave hare is a long ears, oblique eyes, a short tail", D. Mamin-Sibiryak.