The impact of the urban environment on the health of residents. Air pollution by natural and anthropogenic emissions

The impact of the urban environment on the health of residents.  Air pollution by natural and anthropogenic emissions
The impact of the urban environment on the health of residents. Air pollution by natural and anthropogenic emissions

Pollution of the atmospheric air with various harmful substances leads to the occurrence of diseases of the human organs and, first of all, of the respiratory system.

The atmosphere always contains a certain amount of impurities from natural and anthropogenic sources. Impurities released by natural sources include: dust (plant, volcanic, space origin; arising from soil erosion, sea salt particles), smoke, gases from forest and steppe fires and volcanic origin. Natural sources of pollution are either distributed, for example, the fallout of cosmic dust, or short-term, spontaneous, for example, forest and steppe fires, volcanic eruptions, etc. The level of air pollution from natural sources is background and changes little over time.

The main anthropogenic pollution of the atmospheric air is created by enterprises in a number of industries, motor transport and heat power engineering.

The most common toxic substances that pollute the atmosphere are: carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (S0 2), nitrogen oxides (No x), hydrocarbons (C NS H T) and solids (dust).

In addition to CO, S0 2, NO x, C n H m and dust, other more toxic substances are also emitted into the atmosphere: fluorine compounds, chlorine, lead, mercury, benz (a) pyrene. Ventilation emissions from an electronics plant contain vapors of hydrofluoric, sulfuric, chromic and other mineral acids, organic solvents, etc. Currently, there are more than 500 harmful substances that pollute the atmosphere, and their number is increasing. Emissions of toxic substances into the atmosphere lead, as a rule, to an excess of the current concentrations of substances over the maximum permissible concentrations.

High concentrations of impurities and their migration in the atmospheric air lead to the formation of secondary more toxic compounds (smog, acids) or to such phenomena as the "greenhouse effect and destruction of the ozone layer.

Smog- severe air pollution observed in large cities and industrial centers. There are two types of smog:

Dense fog mixed with smoke or gas production waste;

Photochemical smog is a veil of corrosive gases and aerosols of increased concentration (without fog) resulting from photochemical reactions in gas emissions under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

Smog reduces visibility, increases corrosion of metal and structures, adversely affects health and is the cause of increased morbidity and mortality of the population.

Acid rain known for more than 100 years, however, the problem of acid rain began to be given due attention relatively recently. For the first time the expression "acid rain" was used by Robert Angus Smith (Great Britain) in 1872.

Essentially, acid rain occurs as a result of chemical and physical transformations of sulfur and nitrogen compounds in the atmosphere. The end result of these chemical transformations is sulfuric (H 2 S0 4) and nitric (HN0 3) acids, respectively. Subsequently, acid vapors or molecules absorbed by cloud droplets or aerosol particles fall to the ground in the form of a dry or wet sediment (sedimentation). At the same time, near the sources of pollution, the share of dry acidic precipitation exceeds the share of wet ones for sulfur-containing substances by 1.1 times and for nitrogen-containing ones - by 1.9 times. However, with distance from direct sources of pollution, wet sediments can contain more contaminants than dry ones.

If air pollutants of anthropogenic and natural origin were evenly distributed over the Earth's surface, the effect of acid precipitation on the biosphere would be less harmful. There are direct and indirect effects of acid precipitation on the biosphere. The direct impact is manifested in the direct death of plants and trees, which to the greatest extent occurs near the source of pollution, within a radius of up to 100 km from it.

Airborne pollution and acid rain accelerate the corrosion of metal structures (up to 100 microns / year), destroy buildings and monuments, especially those built of sandstone and limestone.

The indirect impact of acid precipitation on the environment is carried out through processes occurring in nature as a result of changes in the acidity (pH) of water and soil. Moreover, it manifests itself not only in the immediate vicinity of the source of pollution, but also at considerable distances, amounting to hundreds of kilometers.

A change in the acidity of the soil disrupts its structure, affects fertility and leads to the death of plants. An increase in the acidity of fresh water bodies leads to a decrease in fresh water reserves and causes the death of living organisms (the most sensitive begin to die already at pH = 6.5, and at pH = 4.5, only a few species of insects and plants are able to live).

Greenhouse effect... The composition and state of the atmosphere affect many processes of radiant heat exchange between the Cosmos and the Earth. The process of transferring energy from the Sun to the Earth and from the Earth to Space keeps the temperature of the biosphere at a certain level - on average + 15 °. At the same time, the main role in maintaining temperature conditions in the biosphere belongs to solar radiation, which carries to the Earth a determining part of thermal energy, in comparison with other heat sources:

Heat from solar radiation 25 10 23 99.80

Warmth from natural sources

(from the bowels of the Earth, from animals, etc.) 37.46 10 20 0.18

Heat from anthropogenic sources

(electrical installations, fires, etc.) 4.2 10 20 0.02

The disturbance of the thermal balance of the Earth, leading to an increase in the average temperature of the biosphere, which has been observed in recent decades, occurs due to the intense release of anthropogenic impurities and their accumulations in the layers of the atmosphere. Most gases are transparent to solar radiation. However, carbon dioxide (C0 2), methane (CH 4), ozone (0 3), water vapor (H 2 0) and some other gases in the lower atmosphere, letting the sun's rays in the optical wavelength range - 0.38 .. .0.77 microns, prevent the passage of thermal radiation reflected from the Earth's surface into space in the infrared wavelength range - 0.77 ... 340 microns. The greater the concentration of gases and other impurities in the atmosphere, the smaller the proportion of heat from the Earth's surface goes into Space, and the more, therefore, it is retained in the biosphere, causing climate warming.

Modeling of various climatic parameters shows that by 2050 the average temperature on Earth can rise by 1.5 ... 4.5 ° C. Such warming will cause melting of polar ice and mountain glaciers, which will lead to a rise in the level of the World Ocean by 0.5 ... 1.5 m. At the same time, the level of rivers flowing into the seas will rise (the principle of communicating vessels). All this will cause the inundation of the island countries, coastal strip and territories located below sea level. Millions of refugees will appear, forced to leave their homes and migrate inland. All ports will need to be rebuilt or refurbished to accommodate the new sea level. Global warming can have an even stronger impact on the distribution of precipitation and agriculture, due to the disruption of circulation links in the atmosphere. Further warming of the climate by 2100 may raise the level of the World Ocean by two meters, which will lead to the flooding of 5 million km 2 of land, which is 3% of all land and 30% of all productive lands of the planet.

The greenhouse effect in the atmosphere is a fairly common phenomenon at the regional level. Anthropogenic sources of heat (thermal power plants, transport, industry), concentrated in large cities and industrial centers, an intense influx of greenhouse gases and dust, a steady state of the atmosphere create spaces around cities with a radius of up to 50 km or more with increased by 1 ... 5 ° With temperatures and high concentrations of contaminants. These zones (domes) over the cities are clearly visible from outer space. They are destroyed only with intensive movements of large masses of atmospheric air.

Depletion of the ozone layer... The main substances that deplete the ozone layer are chlorine and nitrogen compounds. According to estimates, one chlorine molecule can destroy up to 10 5 molecules, and one nitrogen oxide molecule - up to 10 ozone molecules. The sources of chlorine and nitrogen compounds entering the ozone layer are:

Freons, whose lifespan reaches 100 years or more, have a significant effect on the ozone layer. Remaining in an unchanged form for a long time, they at the same time gradually move to higher layers of the atmosphere, where short-wave ultraviolet rays knock out chlorine and fluorine atoms from them. These atoms react with ozone in the stratosphere and accelerate its decay, while remaining unchanged. Thus, freon plays the role of a catalyst here.

Sources and levels of pollution of the hydrosphere. Water is the most important factor of the environment, which has a manifold effect on all vital processes of the body, including human morbidity. It is a universal solvent for gaseous, liquid and solid substances, and also participates in the processes of oxidation, intermediate metabolism, and digestion. Without food, but with water, a person is able to live for about two months, and without water - for several days.

The daily water balance in the human body is about 2.5 liters.

The hygienic value of water is great. It is used to maintain in proper sanitary condition the human body, household items, home, has a beneficial effect on the climatic conditions of rest of the population and everyday life. But it can also be a source of danger to humans.

Currently, about half of the world's population is deprived of the opportunity to consume sufficient quantities of clean fresh water. Developing countries suffer the most from this, in which 61% of rural residents are forced to use epidemiologically unsafe water, and 87% do not have a sewage system.

It has long been noted that the water factor is extremely important in the spread of acute intestinal infections and invasions. Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, etc. may be present in the water of water sources. Some pathogenic microorganisms persist for a long time and even multiply in natural water.

Untreated sewage water can be a source of contamination of surface water bodies.

Water epidemics are considered to be characterized by a sudden rise in morbidity, maintaining a high level for some time, limiting the epidemic outbreak to the circle of people using a common source of water supply, and the absence of diseases among residents of the same settlement, but using a different source of water supply.

Recently, the original quality of natural water has been changing due to irrational human economic activity. Penetration into the aquatic environment of various toxicants and substances that change the natural composition of water poses an exceptional danger to natural ecosystems and humans.

There are two directions in human use of the Earth's water resources: water use and water consumption.

At water use water, as a rule, is not withdrawn from water bodies, but its quality can vary. Water use includes the use of water resources for hydropower, shipping, fishing and fish farming, recreation, tourism and sports.

At water consumption water is withdrawn from water bodies and either is included in the composition of the produced product (and, together with evaporation losses during the production process, is included in the irreversible water consumption), or is partially returned to the reservoir, but usually of significantly poorer quality.

Wastewater annually carries a large amount of various chemical and biological pollutants into the water bodies of Kazakhstan: copper, zinc, nickel, mercury, phosphorus, lead, manganese, oil products, detergents, fluorine, nitrate and ammonium nitrogen, arsenic, pesticides - this is far from complete and a constantly growing list of substances entering the aquatic environment.

Ultimately, water pollution poses a threat to human health through the consumption of fish and water.

Not only primary pollution of surface waters is dangerous, but also secondary pollution, the occurrence of which is possible as a result of chemical reactions of substances in the aquatic environment.

The consequences of pollution of natural waters are manifold, but, ultimately, they reduce the supply of drinking water, cause diseases of people and all living things, disrupt the cycle of many substances in the biosphere.

Sources and levels of lithosphere pollution... As a result of economic (domestic and industrial) human activities, different amounts of chemicals enter the soil: pesticides, mineral fertilizers, plant growth stimulants, surfactants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), industrial and domestic wastewater, industrial emissions. enterprises and transport, etc. Accumulating in the soil, they adversely affect all metabolic processes occurring in it, and impede its self-purification.

The problem of recycling household waste is becoming more and more complex. Huge garbage dumps have become a characteristic feature of the city's outskirts. It is no coincidence that the term "garbage civilization" is sometimes used in relation to our time.

In Kazakhstan, on average, up to 90% of all toxic production wastes are subject to annual burial and organized storage. This waste contains arsenic, lead, zinc, asbestos, fluorine, phosphorus, manganese, petroleum products, radioactive isotopes and wastes from galvanic production.

Severe soil pollution in the Republic of Kazakhstan occurs due to the lack of the necessary control over the use, storage, transportation of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. The fertilizers used, as a rule, are not cleaned, therefore, along with them, many toxic chemical elements and their compounds get into the soil: arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, lead, nickel, zinc, selenium. In addition, an excess of nitrogen fertilizers leads to the saturation of vegetables with nitrates, which causes human poisoning. Currently, there are many different pesticides (pesticides). In Kazakhstan alone, more than 100 types of pesticides are used annually (metaphos, decis, BI-58, vitovax, vitotiuram, etc.), which have a wide spectrum of action, although they are used for a limited number of crops and insects. They persist in the soil for a long time and exhibit toxic effects on all organisms.

There are cases of chronic and acute poisoning of people during agricultural work in fields, vegetable gardens, orchards treated with pesticides or contaminated with chemicals contained in the atmospheric emissions of industrial enterprises.

The release of mercury into the soil, even in insignificant quantities, has a great influence on its biological properties. Thus, it was found that mercury reduces the ammonifying and nitrifying activity of the soil. The increased content of mercury in the soil of populated areas adversely affects the human body: there are frequent diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems, urogenital organs, and a decrease in fertility.

When lead gets into the soil, it inhibits the activity of not only nitrifying bacteria, but also microorganisms-antagonists of E. coli and dysentery bacillus Flexner and Sonne, prolongs the period of soil self-cleaning.

The chemical compounds in the soil are washed off from its surface into open water bodies or enter the groundwater flow, thereby affecting the qualitative composition of drinking water, as well as food products of plant origin. The qualitative composition and amount of chemicals in these products is largely determined by the type of soil and its chemical composition.

The special hygienic significance of the soil is associated with the danger of transmission to humans of pathogens of various infectious diseases. Despite the antagonism of the soil microflora, pathogens of many infectious diseases are able to remain viable and virulent in it for a long time. During this time, they can pollute underground water sources and infect humans.

Pathogens of a number of other infectious diseases can spread with soil dust: tuberculosis microbacteria, polio viruses, Coxsackie, ECHO, etc. The soil plays an important role in the spread of epidemics caused by helminths.

3. Industrial enterprises, energy facilities, communications and transport are the main sources of energy pollution of industrial regions, urban environment, housing and natural areas. Energy pollution includes vibration and acoustic effects, electromagnetic fields and radiation, exposure to radionuclides and ionizing radiation.

Vibrations in the urban environment and residential buildings, the source of which is shock processing equipment, rail vehicles, construction machines and heavy vehicles, propagate along the ground.

Noise in the urban environment and residential buildings is created by vehicles, industrial equipment, sanitary installations and devices, etc. On city highways and in the adjacent areas, sound levels can reach 70 ... 80 dB A, and in some cases 90 dB A and more. Sound levels are even higher in the airport area.

Sources of infrasound can be of both natural origin (wind blowing on building structures and the water surface) and anthropogenic (mobile mechanisms with large surfaces - vibrating platforms, vibrating screens; rocket engines, high-power internal combustion engines, gas turbines, vehicles). In some cases, the sound pressure levels of infrasound can reach the standard values ​​of 90 dB, or even exceed them, at considerable distances from the source.

The main sources of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of radio frequencies are radio engineering facilities (RTO), television and radar stations (radar), thermal shops and areas (in areas adjacent to enterprises).

In everyday life, sources of EMF and radiation are televisions, displays, microwave ovens and other devices. Electrostatic fields in conditions of low humidity (less than 70%) create rugs, capes, curtains, etc.

The radiation dose generated by anthropogenic sources (with the exception of radiation during medical examinations) is small compared to the natural background of ionizing radiation, which is achieved by using collective protection equipment. In cases where the regulatory requirements and radiation safety rules are not observed at economic facilities, the levels of ionizing effects increase sharply.

The dispersion of the radionuclides contained in the emissions into the atmosphere leads to the formation of contamination zones near the source of emissions. Typically, the zones of anthropogenic irradiation of residents living around nuclear fuel reprocessing enterprises at a distance of up to 200 km range from 0.1 to 65% of the natural background radiation.

The migration of radioactive substances in the soil is mainly determined by its hydrological regime, the chemical composition of the soil and radionuclides. Sandy soil has a lower sorption capacity, clay soil, loams and chernozems have a higher sorption capacity. 90 Sr and l 37 Cs have a high retention strength in soil.

The experience of eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant shows that agricultural production is unacceptable in areas with a pollution density above 80 Ci / km 2, and in areas contaminated with up to 40 ... 50 Ci / km 2, it is necessary to limit the production of seed and industrial crops, as well as feed for young animals and fattening beef cattle. With a pollution density of 15 ... 20 Ci / kmg for 137 Cs, agricultural production is quite acceptable.

Of the considered energy pollution in modern conditions, the greatest negative impact on humans is exerted by radioactive and acoustic pollution.

Negative Factors in Emergencies... Emergencies occur during natural events (earthquakes, floods, landslides, etc.) and during man-made accidents. To the greatest extent, accidents are characteristic of the coal, mining, chemical, oil and gas and metallurgical industries, geological exploration, boiler inspection facilities, gas and material handling facilities, as well as transport.

The destruction or depressurization of high-pressure systems, depending on the physicochemical properties of the working environment, can lead to the appearance of one or a complex of damaging factors:

Shock wave (consequences - injuries, destruction of equipment and supporting structures, etc.);

Combustion of buildings, materials, etc. (consequences - thermal burns, loss of strength of structures, etc.);

Chemical pollution of the environment (consequences - asphyxiation, poisoning, chemical burns, etc.);

Environmental contamination with radioactive substances. Emergency situations also arise as a result of unregulated storage and transportation of explosives, flammable liquids, chemical and radioactive substances, supercooled and heated liquids, etc. Explosions, fires, spills of chemically active liquids, emissions of gas mixtures are the result of violation of the operating procedure.

One of the most common causes of fires and explosions, especially at oil and gas and chemical production facilities and during the operation of vehicles, are static electricity discharges. Static electricity is a set of phenomena associated with the formation and retention of a free electric charge on the surface and in the bulk of dielectric and semiconducting substances. Static electricity is caused by electrification processes.

Natural static electricity is generated on the surface of clouds as a result of complex atmospheric processes. Charges of atmospheric (natural) static electricity form a potential relative to the Earth of several million volts, leading to lightning strikes.

Sparks from artificial static electricity are common causes of fires, and sparks from atmospheric static electricity (lightning) are common causes of larger emergencies. They can cause both fires and mechanical damage to equipment, disruptions in communication lines and power supply in certain areas.

Static electricity discharges and sparks in electrical circuits pose a great danger in conditions of a high content of flammable gases (for example, methane in mines, natural gas in living quarters) or flammable vapors and dust in rooms.

The main causes of major industrial accidents are:

Failures of technical systems due to manufacturing defects and violations of operating conditions; many modern potentially hazardous production facilities are designed so that the probability of a major accident at them is very high and is estimated at a risk of 10 4 or more;

Erroneous actions of operators of technical systems; statistics show that more than 60% of accidents occurred as a result of errors of the service personnel;

Concentration of various industries in industrial zones without proper study of their mutual influence;

High energy level of technical systems;

External negative impacts on energy facilities, transport, etc.

Practice shows that it is impossible to solve the problem of completely eliminating negative influences in the technosphere. To ensure protection in the technosphere, it is only possible to limit the impact of negative factors to their permissible levels, taking into account their combined (simultaneous) action. Compliance with the maximum permissible exposure levels is one of the main ways to ensure the safety of human life in the technosphere.

4. The working environment and its characteristics. About 15 thousand people die in production every year. and about 670 thousand people are injured. According to the deputy. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR V.Kh. Dogudzhiev in 1988, 790 major accidents and 1 million group injuries occurred in the country. This determines the importance of the safety of human activity, which distinguishes it from all living things - Humanity at all stages of its development paid serious attention to the conditions of activity. In the writings of Aristotle, Hippocrates (III-V) century BC) working conditions are considered. During the Renaissance, the physician Paracelsus studied the dangers of mining, the Italian physician Ramazzini (17th century) laid the foundations of professional hygiene. And society's interest in these problems is growing, since the term "safety of activity" is a person, and "man is the measure of all things" (philosopher Protagoras, 5th century BC).

Activity is the process of human interaction with nature and the built environment. The totality of factors affecting a person in the process of activity (labor) in production and in everyday life make up the conditions of activity (labor). Moreover, the effect of factors of conditions can be favorable and unfavorable for a person. The impact of a factor that can constitute a threat to life or damage to human health is called a hazard. Practice shows that any activity is potentially dangerous. This is an axiom about the potential danger of an activity.

The growth of industrial production is accompanied by a continuous increase in the impact of the industrial environment on the biosphere. It is believed that every 10 ... 12 years the volume of production doubles, respectively, the volume of emissions into the environment also increases: gaseous, solid and liquid, as well as energy. At the same time, there is pollution of the atmosphere, water basin and soil.

Analysis of the composition of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere by a machine-building enterprise shows that, in addition to the main pollutants (CO, S0 2, NO n, C n H m, dust), the emissions contain toxic compounds that have a significant negative impact on the environment. The concentration of harmful substances in ventilation emissions is low, but the total amount of harmful substances is significant. Emissions are produced with variable frequency and intensity, but due to the low emission height, dispersion and poor cleaning, they greatly pollute the air on the territory of the enterprises. With a small width of the sanitary protection zone, difficulties arise in ensuring air purity in residential areas. Power plants of the enterprise make a significant contribution to air pollution. They emit into the atmosphere CO 2, CO, soot, hydrocarbons, SO 2, S0 3 PbO, ash and particles of unburned solid fuel.

Noise generated by an industrial plant should not exceed the maximum permissible spectra. Enterprises can operate mechanisms that are a source of infrasound (internal combustion engines, fans, compressors, etc.). The permissible levels of sound pressure of infrasound are established by sanitary standards.

Impact technological equipment (hammers, presses), powerful pumps and compressors, motors are sources of vibration in the environment. Vibrations propagate along the ground and can reach the foundations of public and residential buildings.

Control questions:

1. How are energy sources subdivided?

2. What energy sources are natural?

3. What are physical hazards and hazards?

4. How are chemical hazards and harmful factors classified?

5. What do biological factors include?

6. What are the consequences of air pollution with various harmful substances?

7. What are some of the impurities released by natural sources?

8. What sources create the main anthropogenic air pollution?

9. What are the most common toxic substances that pollute the atmosphere?

10. What is smog?

11. What types of smog are distinguished?

12. What causes acid rain?

13. What causes ozone layer depletion?

14. What are the sources of pollution of the hydrosphere?

15. What are the sources of lithosphere pollution?

16. What is surfactant?

17. What is the source of vibration in urban environments and residential buildings?

18. What level can the sound reach on city highways and in the surrounding areas?

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Air pollution by natural and anthropogenic emissions in agricultural and industrialized regions, and especially in large cities, has become an important problem, the severity of which is constantly increasing from year to year. Emissions from a growing fleet of vehicles, thermal power plants, construction and mining industries, the domestic sector, the use of fertilizers in agriculture and other sources lead to the fact that the surface layers of the atmosphere over large areas are heavily contaminated with various ingredients. All this worsens the environmental conditions of the population, negatively affects the health status and life expectancy of people. Thus, calm and weak winds, inversion layers in the atmosphere, fogs contribute to an increase in the concentration of impurities, creating significant atmospheric pollution over certain regions. Moderate and strong winds result in the dispersion of impurities and their transport over long distances. Prolonged heavy rains clean the atmosphere well, while torrential rains have a weaker washout effect due to their short duration. Synoptic situations, being a complex of different weather and meteorological conditions, integrally determine the pollution regime over a specific territory. In this regard, the solution to the problem of maintaining the purity of atmospheric air in cities largely depends on understanding the role of meteorological conditions and correctly taking into account the ability of the atmosphere to cleanse itself.

The aim of this course work is to study the issue of air pollution in the literature, as well as to study air pollution in the city of Balakovo in the autumn seasons of 2006-2007.

1 . Meteorological conditions for the formation of the level of atmospheric pollution

As is known, unfavorable meteorological conditions lead to a sharp increase in the concentration of harmful substances in the surface layer of the atmosphere. It has now been established that there is a definite relationship between the levels of air pollution and climatic factors. The degree and intensity of air pollution is influenced by the terrain, direction and speed of wind, humidity, amount, intensity and duration of precipitation, circulation of air currents, inversions, etc.

In some periods, unfavorable for the dispersion of emissions, the concentration of harmful substances can sharply increase relative to the average or background urban pollution. The frequency and duration of periods of high air pollution will depend on the mode of emissions of harmful substances (one-time, emergency, etc.), as well as on the nature and duration of meteorological conditions that contribute to an increase in the concentration of impurities in the surface air layer.

In order to avoid an increase in the levels of atmospheric air pollution under unfavorable meteorological conditions for the dispersion of harmful substances, it is necessary to predict and take into account these conditions. At present, factors have been established that determine the change in the concentration of harmful substances in the atmospheric air when the meteorological conditions change.

Forecasts of unfavorable meteorological conditions can be made both for the city as a whole, and for groups of sources or for individual sources. Usually there are three main types of sources: high with hot (warm) emissions, high with cold emissions, and low.

Usually there are three main types of sources: high with hot (warm) emissions, high with cold emissions, and low. For the indicated types of emission sources, the abnormally unfavorable conditions for dispersion of impurities are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Complexes of unfavorable meteorological conditions for sources of different types

Sources of

Thermal stratification of the lower atmosphere

Wind speed (m / s) at the level

Inversion type, height above the emission source, m

High with hot emissions


Raised, 100-200

High with cold emissions


Raised, 10-200


Ground, 2-50

In addition to the complexes of unfavorable meteorological conditions, given in table. 1 you can add the following:

For high springs with hot (warm) emissions:

a) the height of the mixing layer is less than 500 m, but more than the effective height of the source; the wind speed at the height of the source is close to the dangerous wind speed;

b) the presence of fog and the wind speed is more than 2 m / s.

For high sources with cold emissions: presence of fog and calm.

For low emission sources: a combination of calm and surface inversion. It should also be borne in mind that when impurities are transferred to densely built-up areas or in conditions of complex relief, concentrations can increase several times.

1.1 Influence of the wind regime on the level of atmospheric pollution. Directionwind speed and speed

Recently, studies of the regularities of the distribution of atmospheric pollutants and the peculiarities of their spatial-temporal distribution, depending on the wind regime of the territory, have become of great importance. They are the basis for an objective assessment of the state and trend of changes in air pollution, as well as the development of possible measures to ensure the purity of the atmosphere.

The nature of the transport and dispersion of impurities mainly depends on the wind regime, as well as on the source of the emission.

For low and fugitive emission sources, the formation of an increased level of air pollution occurs with weak winds due to the accumulation of impurities in the surface layer of the atmosphere, and with very strong winds, concentrations decrease due to rapid transport.

In cities with a large number of low sources, an increase in the level of pollution occurs when the wind speed drops to 1-2 m / s. So, it is found that the concentration of dust. SO2, CO and NO2 increase by 30-40% compared to the level at other wind speeds. Particularly unfavorable conditions are created when weak winds persist for a long time and are observed over a large area.

With emissions from industrial plants with high chimneys, significant concentrations of impurities near the ground are observed at the so-called "dangerous" wind speed. For pipes of large power plants, this speed is 4-6 m / s (depending on the emission parameters), and for relatively cold emissions from ventilation devices at chemical and other enterprises, the dangerous wind speed is 1-2 m / s.

The wind direction has a great influence on the formation of the level of air pollution. In cities where emission sources are located in the same area, the highest background concentration of an admixture will be observed when winds from these sources are present. In the case of dispersed emission sources, the concentration of impurities is little or not at all dependent on the direction of the wind. The area of ​​greatest air pollution is often created in the city center. However, due to the peculiarity of the relief, each city reacts to wind conditions in its own way, especially when the terrain is difficult.

The dependence of the level of air pollution in the city on the direction of the wind is quite simple. If enterprises are located on the outskirts or outside of the city, then the concentrations in urban areas increase with the transfer of emitted impurities from the emission sources. However, even in such simple cases, the effect of wind direction on the level of air pollution in the city should be specially studied, since it must be borne in mind that the air flow can be distorted under the influence of complex relief, water bodies, as well as the direct thermal effect of large industrial complexes. Unfavorable wind directions can also be detected when the sources are evenly located on the territory of the city due to various effects of overlapping emissions.

In some cities with a shape close to a rectangle or ellipse, air pollution is increased when the wind is directed along this rectangle or the major axis of the ellipse. Depending on the wind speed at the level of the weather vane, the presence of two maxima of air pollution is revealed: with calmness and with a wind speed of about 4 - 6 m / s, which is associated with the action of two classes of sources, high and low. The maximum during calmness is more clearly manifested in the presence of a surface inversion, and the maximum in moderate wind - in its absence.

The situation when there is no surface inversion during calmness is associated with a relatively low air pollution in the city as a whole.

The following patterns are characteristic for different cities and seasons:

· With stable stratification, air pollution decreases with increasing wind speed;

· With unstable stratification, the maximum air pollution is observed at wind speeds close to dangerous for the main sources of emissions located in the city.

Wind speed at a level of about 500 - 1000 m can characterize the intensity of the removal of the upper part of the urban "cap of smoke" outside the city limits. It is found that as the wind increases at these altitudes, air pollution on average decreases slightly. At the same time, the effect of a decrease in concentrations is revealed when a very weak wind (1 - 2 m / s) is established at the indicated levels. This may be due to an increase in the rise of overheated air over the city.

1.2 Stability of the atmosphere

There are numerous indications of the formation of an increased level of air pollution during stable stratification of the lower atmosphere, primarily in the presence of surface and low-lying elevated inversions. In conditions of elevated inversions, the propagation of impurities in the vertical direction is limited. The concentration of impurities in the air increases if the elevated inversion is accompanied by unstable stratification. The dependence of air pollution on atmospheric stability is largely determined by wind speed.

Air pollution is most dependent on thermal stratification with very light surface winds. In this case, with an increase in stability, the concentration of impurities increases. With moderate winds, 3-7 m / s, with increasing resilience, air pollution is reduced. With strong winds and atmospheric stability, there is practically no connection between them. The nature of the combined effect of thermal stratification and wind speed for different cities and all seasons of the year is approximately the same.

1.3 Thermal stability of the atmosphere. Air temperature

Thermal stability is characterized by a vertical difference in air temperature? Т. The dependence of the parameter P on ΔT is found in the layer from the ground to the level of AT925gPa or AT500gPa. The relationship between P and ΔT is most significant under inversion conditions, with an inverse linear correlation.

On average, air pollution is increased when calm is accompanied by surface inversion, that is, in a situation of stagnant air. During stagnation, there is practically no air transfer and its vertical mixing is sharply weakened.

At the same time, under conditions of stagnation, a high level of air pollution is not always observed. In such conditions, periods with P> 0.2 are observed only in 60 - 70% of cases. This means that along with the process of transport and dispersal of impurities, there are other factors that determine the level of impurity concentrations in the city.

One of these factors is the thermal state of the air mass, characterized by the air temperature. In winter, an increase in the level of pollution is most often detected with a decrease in temperature. This is primarily characteristic of anticyclonic weather, when stable thermal stratification is established at low air temperatures. In addition, with a decrease in temperature, the amount of fuel burned increases and, consequently, the amount of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Thus, an increase in air pollution with a decrease in temperature is associated not only with the thermal state of the air mass, but also with accompanying factors.

With weak winds, air pollution in the city in some cases increases with an increase in air temperature. This is most clearly revealed in winter in conditions of stagnant air that persists throughout the day. Thus, the situation of stagnant air combined with relatively high temperatures is unfavorable. Significant air pollution in winter is also detected when relatively high temperatures are accompanied by wind speeds of no more than 4-5 m / s. Such conditions are usually observed in warm sectors of cyclones.

Temperature inversions, which characterize the features of the stratification of the lower troposphere, are also among the unfavorable weather conditions. Inversions formed at a certain height from the surface of the earth (raised inversions) create an obstacle (ceiling) for vertical air exchange. In this case, an increase in the ground concentration of an admixture from emissions from high sources depends significantly on the height of the lower inversion boundary above the source and on the height of the source itself. If the inversion layer is located directly above the pipe, then anomalous, very dangerous pollution conditions are created due to the limitation of the rise of emissions and obstacles to their penetration into the upper atmosphere. The increase in the maximum concentration of impurities near the ground under these conditions is approximately 50-70%. If the layer of weakened turbulence is located at a sufficiently high altitude from the source (200 m or more), the increase in the concentration of the impurity will be small. With increasing distance from the source, the effect of the retarding layer increases. At the same time, the temperature inversion layer located below the emission level will prevent the transfer of the impurity to the ground.

For urban conditions, with a large number of low emission sources, hazardous conditions for the accumulation of impurities are created by surface and elevated inversions, since both of them lead to a weakening of vertical dispersion and transport of impurities.

1.4 Precipitation. Fogs

The main mechanism for removing impurities from the atmosphere is their washout by precipitation. The effectiveness of air purification in this way is mainly related to their quantity and duration. This refers to city-wide air pollution, to concentrations formed outside the direct impact of emission sources. When impurities are transferred from the side of objects, the effect of washing out impurities from the air is less pronounced.

Precipitation removes impurities from the atmosphere. The restoration of the initial level of air pollution in the city occurs gradually, over approximately 12 hours.

The air is most pure immediately after precipitation. In the first 12 hours after their precipitation, the frequency of high concentrations is lower than in the following hours. The degree of air purification depends on the amount of precipitation - the more precipitation falls, the cleaner the air.

The indicated dependences refer to the city-wide air pollution, to the concentrations formed outside the direct impact of sources. With direct transfer of emissions from sources, the effect of washing out impurities from the air is less pronounced.

The effect of fog on the content and distribution of impurities in the air is very complex and varied. Quite often, specific meteorological conditions (inversions, calm or weak wind) are observed here, which already by themselves contribute to the accumulation of impurities in the surface layer, as well as absorption of impurities by droplets. These impurities with droplets remain in the surface air layer. Due to the creation of significant concentration gradients (outside the drops), impurities are transferred from the surrounding space to the fog area, so the total concentration of substances increases. A significant danger is the location of smoke torches above the fog layer, which, under the influence of this effect, spread into the surface air layer.

The accumulation of impurities in the atmosphere, caused by weak winds in a large thickness of the atmosphere and inversions, intensifies under fog conditions. Fogs containing particles of smoke and harmful substances are called smogs. The presence of smogs is associated with periods of especially dangerous air pollution, accompanied by an increase in morbidity and mortality of the population. Distinguish between smogs associated with the deposition of harmful substances on fog droplets and resulting from photochemical reactions of harmful substances.

In fogs, the effect of accumulation of impurities from the upper and lower layers is observed. As a result of this effect, the concentration of impurities in the air and droplets in the fog increases. When the impurities are absorbed by moisture, new, more toxic substances are formed.

At low air temperatures (-35 ° C and below), emissions from thermal power plants and boiler houses contribute to the formation of fog containing particles of frozen moisture with a high content of sulfuric acid.

In the presence of inversion and fog, the content of impurities is 20-30% higher than only in fog, and 6 hours after the onset of fog, in the presence of inversion, this difference recovers 30-60%.

Dangerous air pollution conditions also developed during photochemical smog. Oxidants, including ozone, are reaction products of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. The chemical reactions leading to the formation of photochemical smog are very complex and their number is large. Ozone and atomic oxygen, interacting with organic compounds, form a substance that is the main visible and most harmful end product of photochemical smog - peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN). Since PAN concentration is not usually measured, the intensity of the smog is characterized by the concentration of ozone. Weak smog is usually observed at an ozone concentration of 0.2-0.35 mg / m3. The formation of photochemical smog occurs in areas where the influx of solar radiation is greatest, and the intensity of vehicle traffic causes high concentrations of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons.

1.5 Inertial factor

R R R(or other generalized indicator of air pollution in the city) is large, then the current day air pollution is usually increased. The opposite situation takes place when the value of the city-wide pollution indicator on the previous day is small ( R?<0,1). В этом случае в последующие дни загрязнение воздуха чаще всего понижено, в том числе и в такой неблагоприятной ситуации, как застой воздуха. Коэффициент корреляции между значениями параметра R on adjacent days is 0.6-0.7.

The effect of the above-mentioned factor is largely determined by meteorological inertia, which means a tendency towards the preservation of atmospheric processes that determine the level of concentrations. Some of the meteorological factors affecting the concentration of air pollutants may not be known, and when the steady-state level of air pollution is taken into account, they are to some extent automatically taken into account. The inertia of air pollution itself can play a significant role.

1.6 Meteorological potential for self-cleaning of the atmosphere

The influence of meteorological factors on the level of atmospheric pollution is manifested more clearly if a combination of meteorological quantities is considered. Recently, along with such complex characteristics as the potential for atmospheric pollution (PAP) and the scattering power of the atmosphere (SAR), the coefficient of self-cleaning of the atmosphere has been used.

The potential for atmospheric pollution is the ratio of the average levels of concentrations of harmful impurities for given emissions in a specific qav. i and conditional qav about the area:

PCA is the reciprocal of the PZA. The coefficient of self-cleaning of the atmosphere K is defined as the ratio of the repeatability of conditions conducive to the accumulation of impurities to the repeatability of conditions conducive to the removal of impurities from the atmosphere:

where Рш 0 repeatability of wind speeds 0 0 1 m / s, Рт 0 repeatability of fogs, Рв 0 repeatability of wind speed ?? 6 m / s, Ро 0 repeatability of precipitation ?? 0.5 mm.

However, in this form, K characterizes the conditions of accumulation, not dispersion. Therefore, it is better to consider the K2 value inverse to K as the coefficient of self-cleaning of the atmosphere.

For those regions in which the recurrence of fogs is small, but the recurrence of surface retention layers (CCD) is significant, it makes sense when calculating K2 to take into account, instead of the repeatability of fogs (Pt), the frequency of CCD (Rin). Then

Rv + Ro

K2 = --------------

Rsh + Rin

At K2 ??? 0.33 conditions are extremely unfavorable for dispersion, at 0.33< K2???0,8 - неблагоприятные, при 0,8 < K2??1,25 - ограниченно благоприятные и при К2?>1.25 - favorable conditions.

The coefficient of self-cleaning of the atmosphere makes it possible to assess the contribution of meteorological quantities and phenomena to the formation of the level of air pollution.

2 Assessment of air pollution in the city ofBalakovo in the autumn seasons of 2006-2007

At present, to assess the level of air pollution in Russia, the State Atmospheric Pollution Monitoring Network (GSMZA) has been created, which covers 264 cities (659 Roshydromet stations and 64 departmental stations - 1996).

The main tasks of the Federal Air Pollution Monitoring System are a comprehensive and complete assessment of the state of atmospheric pollution in Russian cities for making decisions on environmental safety, monitoring the effectiveness of measures to reduce emissions, identifying areas with dangerously high levels of pollution that pose a risk to the health and life of the population. In 1996, the Council of the European Economic Community recommended a list of substances whose concentrations must be controlled in all countries: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, suspended particles with a diameter of less than 10 microns (PM-10), total suspended solids, lead, ozone, benzene, carbon monoxide, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, mercury, aromatic hydrocarbons including benzo (a) pyrene. Concentrations of PM-10 and ozone are not currently determined from this list in Russia; the concentrations of cadmium and arsenic are occasionally measured. In most cities there are 205 stationary posts (PNZ), in large cities with a population of more than 1 million inhabitants - more than 10. There are also regular observations at route posts, using vehicles equipped for this purpose.

Observations at stationary posts are carried out according to one of three programs: complete, incomplete and reduced. Observations according to the full program are carried out four times a day: at 1, 7, 13, 19 hours local time, according to the incomplete program - three times a day: at 7, 13, 19 hours, according to the shortened one - at 7 and 13 hours.

In each city, the concentrations of the main and most typical substances for the emissions of industrial enterprises are determined. For example, in the area of ​​an aluminum plant, the concentration of hydrogen fluoride is estimated, in the area of ​​enterprises producing mineral fertilizers, the concentrations of ammonia and nitrogen oxides are determined, etc. The rules for performing work related to the organization and operation of the air pollution monitoring network are reflected in the "Guidelines for the control of air pollution".

Currently, a lot of work is underway to create an automatic network for observing and monitoring the environment (ANCOS), with the help of which five pollutants and four meteorological parameters are determined. The information goes to the collection center on a computer, which processes and reproduces it on the TV screen.

2.1 Generalized indicators of air pollution

To assess the degree of air pollution in the city as a whole, various generalized indicators are used. One of the simplest integral indicators of air pollution is the normalized (dimensionless) concentration of impurities (q), averaged over the entire city and over all observation periods:

where q i - average daily concentration on i-th paragraph, q sz.sez .. - the average seasonal concentration in the same point, N is the number of stationary points (PNZ) in the city.

Rationing for the average seasonal concentration makes it possible to exclude the influence of changes in the total concentration from year to year, which makes it possible to use it to analyze a number of observations over several years.

To characterize air pollution in the city as a whole, the background pollution parameter is used as a generalized indicator on the recommendation of the MGO

P = m / n,

where n- the total number of observations of the concentration of impurities in the city during one day at all stationary points, m- number observations during the same day with an increased concentration of q, which exceeds the seasonal average value of qav.sec by more than 1.5 times (q> 1.5 qav.sec.)

On the basis of observations for previous years, qav.sees for winter, spring, summer and autumn is calculated for each stationary post separately for each year.

When calculating the parameter R in order to use it as a characteristic of background air pollution, it is necessary that the number of stationary posts in the city be at least three, and the number of observations of the concentration of impurities at all points during the day at least 20.

Parameter R calculated for each day for individual impurities and for all impurities together. For many cities, the parameter R can be calculated for several impurities (dust, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide). It is only necessary to exclude those specific impurities that are measured at individual PNZ. Parameter R can vary from 1 (all measured concentrations exceed 1.5 qav.sec) to zero (none of the concentrations exceeds 1.5 qav.sec).

There are three levels of air pollution in the city:

High (I group) - R>0,35;

Increased (II group) - 0.20<R?0,35

Reduced (III group) - R?0,20.

In the case of low repeatability of values R> 0.35 for a high level is taken R> 0.30 or R> 0.25, and for a reduced one - R? 0.15 or R?0,10.

Options q and P are relative characteristics and do not depend on the average level of air pollution. Consequently, their values ​​are mainly determined by meteorological conditions.

At present, to characterize air quality in cities and identify substances that make the greatest contribution to atmospheric pollution, as well as for a comparative assessment of atmospheric air pollution in individual regions or cities, it is customary to use the standard index (SI) and the integrated air pollution index (KIZA).

SI is the highest concentration of a substance measured in a short period (20 minutes), divided by the maximum one-time maximum permissible concentration (MPC m.r.). With SI< 1 загрязнение воздуха не оказывает заметного влияния на здоровье человека и окружающую среду. При СИ >10 air pollution is characterized as high.

The Integrated Air Pollution Index (KIZA) allows you to identify how many times the total level of air pollution by several impurities exceeds the permissible value. To do this, levels of contamination by various substances lead to a level of contamination with one substance (usually sulfur dioxide). This reduction is carried out using the exponent C i ... Air pollution index for NS that substance (API) is calculated by the formula (1):

where q Wedi is the average monthly, season, year concentration of an individual impurity, MPCc.c.i is the average daily maximum permissible concentration of the same impurity.

For substances of various hazard classes, the following Ci values ​​were obtained

To reduce the degree of pollution by all substances to pollution with a substance of the third hazard class (sulfur dioxide), you can write down the KIZA formula (2), taking into account n substances:

Thus, KIZA is the sum of the monthly, seasonal, and annual average concentrations q Wedi usually five substances, reduced to the value of the concentration of sulfur dioxide in fractions of maximum permissible concentration. In accordance with existing assessment methods, the level of pollution is considered low if KIZA is below 5, increased at KIZA from 5 to 6, high at KIZA from 7 to 13, and very high if KIZA is equal to or greater than 14.

The degree of air pollution in the city as a whole is associated with the inertial factor. Air pollution in the city R depends on its value on the previous day R?. If on the previous day the parameter value R(or other generalized indicator of air pollution in a city) is large, then the current day air pollution is usually increased. The opposite situation takes place when the value of the city-wide pollution indicator on the previous day is small ( R?<0,1). В этом случае в последующие дни загрязнение воздуха чаще всего понижено, в том числе и в такой неблагоприятной ситуации, как застой воздуха. Коэффициент корреляции между значениями параметра R on adjacent days is 0.6-0.7.

2.2 Brief description of Balakovo

The city of Balakovo, a large industrial center of the Saratov region, is located on the left bank of the Volga, on the border of the Middle and Lower Volga regions, 181 km from the city of Saratov, 260 km from the city of Samara. The resident population as of 01.01.2009 is 198.00 thousand people.

The city is divided into three parts: island, seacoast and central. Business Balakovo is represented by two dozen enterprises of chemistry, mechanical engineering, energy, construction industry, food industry.

The city's coat of arms depicts a symbolized boat with a sheaf of wheat sailing along the Volga. The Volga region is a grain region. And the modern symbols of the city are considered to be a chemical retort, a trowel and a peaceful atom. Balakovo is a city of chemists, power engineers and builders.

The geographical proximity of Balakov to a number of large regional centers ensures stable economic ties of the city with neighboring regions and contributes to the expansion of the range of industry markets.

The city is located on the Sennaya-Volsk-Pugachev railway line, connected with cities and nearby settlements by automobile routes.

The favorable geographical position of Balakovo at the intersection of the main railway with the main river of the European part predetermined the location of a large river port in the city. The duration of navigation is 7-8 months. The water area is 31.9 thousand hectares.

Balakovo's climate is moderately continental and arid. A characteristic feature of the climate is the predominance of clear and slightly cloudy days throughout the year, moderately cold and little snowy winters, short dry springs, hot dry summers. Recently, the climate tends to become warmer in winter. The number of frost-free days in the city of Balakovo reaches 150-160 per year, which is due to the proximity of the wide water surface of the Volga. The amount of precipitation is uneven, during the year it is from 50 to 230% of the norm, on average, it falls from 340 to 570 mm per year.

The region is characterized by a fairly wide variety of landscapes. The main source of drinking and industrial water supply in Balakovo is the waters of the Volga River.

Industry of the city: Balakovskaya NPP, Saratovskaya HPP, Balakovskaya CHPP-4, Balakovskiy Passenger Automobile Plant OJSC, Argon Plant (carbon fiber production), Balakovorezinotekhnika, Balakovo Mineral Fertilizers LLC, Volzhsky Diesel. Maminykh (the former Volgodizelmash and the Dzerzhinsky plant in the USSR), the Shipyard, ZEMK GEM, Khimform CJSC, Balakovsky Mortar-Concrete Plant OJSC (BRBZ OJSC).

2.3 Analysis of the results of the study of atmospheric air pollution in the cityBalakovo in the autumn season2006 year

The material for the analysis of air pollution in the city of Balakovo was the data of three points located in different areas of the city (Appendix).

PNZ-01 is located at the intersection of Titov and Lenin streets near the Volga bank. Saratovskaya hydroelectric power station, JSC "Himform" are located nearby. PNZ-04 is located at the intersection of Trnavskaya and Boulevard Roz streets, characterizes the state of atmospheric air near streets with heavy traffic, Balakovo Mineral Fertilizers LLC and Balakovo NPP. PNZ-05 is located at the intersection of Vokzalnaya and Saratovskoe shosse streets near the railway tracks. Also nearby are Balakovskaya CHPP-4, Argon Plant (carbon fiber production), Balakovorezinotekhnika OJSC.

Observations of air pollution are carried out according to an incomplete program at 07, 13, 19 hours local time for the main impurities: dust, carbon monoxide and sulfur and nitrogen dioxides. In addition, at all points, samples are taken for specific harmful impurities: at PNZ-01 - nitrogen oxide, hydrogen sulfide; at PNZ-04 - carbon disulfide, hydrogen fluoride, ammonia, formaldehyde; at PNZ-05 - hydrogen sulfide, phenol, ammonia, formaldehyde. For the analysis of air pollution, the concentrations of impurities in mg / m3 measured at individual PNZ were used.

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3. Factors of air pollution .

Technogenic and anthropogenic pollution is the most dangerous for the atmosphere. Thousands of tons of various harmful substances enter the air basin of the Novosibirsk region with emissions from industrial enterprises and transport. The level of air pollution depends on:

From the quantitative and qualitative composition of industrial emissions;

Their frequency and the height at which the release is carried out;

From climatic conditions that determine their transfer, dispersal;

From atmospheric precipitation, washing out harmful substances;

On the intensity of photochemical reactions in the atmosphere.

The total mass of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere in 2003 was 206.4 thousand tons. (count the number of wagons). The main sources of air pollution are enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, thermal power engineering, chemical and cement industries, oil and gas processing, transport. All these enterprises, except for oil and gas processing, are concentrated in Novosibirsk and the adjacent territories. Each industrial source emits its own specific set of pollutants:

Heat power engineering - oxides of sulfur, carbon, metals, nitrogen, dust;

Transport - oxides of carbon and nitrogen, hydrocarbons, heavy metals;

Cement production - carbon oxides, dust.

Let's analyze the table "Gross emission of air pollutants in the Novosibirsk region"

According to 2002 and 2003 data, it can be seen that the increase in emissions occurs from year to year. The largest emissions are carbon oxides, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides.

To determine the degree of air pollution, an indicator is introduced - the air pollution index (WPI). WPI denotes the amount of harmful substances in a certain volume of air (1m 3 ). To monitor the degree of air pollution, laser spectroscopes are used, which detect the presence of pollutants in the air at a distance of 2 km. Indicators of WPI have been established:

    up to 5 points - clean air;

    from 5 - 6 points - increased pollution;

    from 7 to 13 points - high WPI;

    more than 14 points - very high.

According to the pollution index, an indicator is determined - the maximum permissible concentration, which is determined by regulatory enactments (mg / m 3).

Table 1

Index of pollution by individual ingredients of atmospheric air in the Novosibirsk region.


Pollution factors

1.Solid and suspended matter (soot, dust)

Undeveloped roads

In Novosibirsk from 9 to 25 - very high;

In the region from 7 to 9 (dust in summer, soot in winter)

2.Carbon oxide

Industrial emissions;


It is not washed out by precipitation and does not appear in chemical compounds with other impurities. Its content is mainly regulated by the conditions of transfer and dispersion.

MPC from 0.7 to 1.6

elevated and high

3.Nitrogen dioxide

Formed as a result of combustion processes, the amount of emissions depends on the temperature of the exhaust gases

1.3 - 1.5 MPC


Emitted from the production of plastics, varnishes, paints, woodworking, vehicles

Increased 1 - 2.3 MPC

Industrial emissions, depending on dispersion conditions

0.003 - 3.9 MPC

6. Hydrogen fluoride

Metallurgical enterprises

Increased 1.2 - 5.9 MPC

7 benz (a) pyrene

The source is vehicles, boiler houses, CHP

Increased 1.4 - 4.9 MPC (WHO - 2.9)

Industrial emissions

Maximum allowable in some cases 1.4 -9 MPC

9 sulfur dioxide

Combustion of coal and other solid fuels;

Industrial emissions

Increased 0.9 - 1.4 MPC

The highest air pollution is observed in the industrial zones of the Novosibirsk region (Novosibirsk, Iskitim, Berdsk, Barabinsk, Kuibyshev). But as a result of air mobility and its dispersion, the entire air environment of the region is exposed to pollution, only the MPC will be different.

The snow cover makes it possible to more definitely track the prevalence of pollutants in a separate territory of the region. Snow lasts 5 months or 168 days. During this period, a huge amount of atmospheric pollutants accumulates in the snow cover.

Let's analyze table

table 2

Concentration of substances

SO, sulfates

Nitrogen aluminum






7. Maslyanino



The table shows that even in the absence of large industrial enterprises in the Tatar, Karasuk, Kargatsky, Maslyaninsky districts, the degree of snow pollution is increased due to dispersion of emissions.

    Air protection measures.

The main ways to reduce and completely eliminate pollution are: the development and implementation of treatment facilities, waste-free production technologies, the fight against exhaust gases from cars, landscaping. Wastewater treatment plants are the main means of combating industrial air pollution. Purification of emissions is carried out by passing them through various filters (mechanical, electrical, magnetic, sound, etc.), water and chemically active liquids. All of them are designed to capture dust, vapors and gases.

Waste-free technology is similar to the processes taking place in the biosphere, where unnecessary waste does not exist in its cycle and where all of them are fully utilized by various parts of the ecosystem. Emissions into the atmosphere are completely excluded, and are used to extract ingredients from industrial air that can be used in production (sulfur, nitrogen, carbon, metals).

To protect the air from the exhaust gases of cars, filters and devices that burn fuel are used to reduce their emissions. Substances are added to the gasoline to replace the gasoline content. Road construction in the region is improving, road repairs are being systematically carried out, excluding frequent changes in engine mode and reducing exhaust emissions.

Greening of settlements and industrial facilities is essential in the fight against air pollution. Green plants, as a result of photosynthesis, free the air from carbon dioxide and enrich it with oxygen. Up to 72% of airborne dust particles and up to 60% of sulfur dioxide settle on trees and bushes. Deciduous trees are especially prone to dust and pollutants.

The quality of the air environment is monitored at meteorological stations. The most systematic monitoring is carried out in Novosibirsk. The quality of the air environment should be measured around the clock and the population should receive information on air pollution.

5. Protection of the air in the Novosibirsk region.

The danger of air pollution is severe. Air is a mobile object of nature, which is constantly moving and changing its properties and composition. In the process of atmospheric circulation, the air can become polluted in places where there are no "dirty" industries. Polluting emissions can persist in the air for several days and move with the air, fall out with precipitation in different places. Air pollution is a time bomb that threatens the entire population of the Earth.

All efforts of modern production should be aimed at implementing measures to reduce and completely eliminate air pollution. The main means of fighting industrial pollution are cleaning filters. Purification filters, depending on the component of pollution that must be retained, are mechanical, electrical, magnetic, sound, etc. Industrial emissions into the atmosphere are passed through one or more filters, water, chemically active liquids and capture dust, soot, gases, vapors. Coarse cleaning of industrial emissions removes 70 to 84% of pollutants. With medium cleaning, up to 95 -98% is delayed, with fine cleaning - up to 99% and higher.

It is impossible to solve the problem of protecting the atmosphere only with the help of cleaning filters. It is necessary to introduce waste-free technologies into industrial practice.

One of the ways to protect the atmosphere from pollution is to switch to alternative energy sources. In terms of gas reserves, Russia is ahead of other countries in the world. Gasification of the economy and economy of Russia is 45% in our region.

To reduce toxic substances in the exhaust gases of cars, it is planned to replace gasoline with other types of fuel - alcohol, gas. Installing filters to clean car exhaust gases, using lead-free additives, reduce air pollution. Maintaining roads in good condition, creating an extended roadbed and junctions on city streets eliminates frequent changes in engine operating modes and reduces emissions.

Green spaces through photosynthesis free the air from carbon dioxide and enrich it with oxygen. Up to 72% of dust and suspended particles, up to 70% of sulfur dioxide settle on the leaves of trees and shrubs. Green spaces regulate the microclimate of settlements, dampen noise that is harmful to human health.

The layout of the city is of great importance to maintain cleanliness. Residential areas are best located on elevated areas and on the leeward side. Place industrial zones outside the city.

One of the activities to reduce emissions into the atmosphere is the "Law on Environmental Protection" of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This Law defines the security measures approved by GOSTs:

Standards and methods for measuring the content of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons in the exhaust gases of cars with gasoline engines;

Norms and methods for measuring the smoke content of diesel exhaust gases;

Air quality control rules for settlements;

Rules for establishing permissible emissions of harmful substances by industrial enterprises;

Instructions on the procedure for consideration, approval and expertise of air protection measures and the issuance of permits for the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere.

In addition to the national regulatory framework governing global issues of atmospheric protection and its rational use in the region, an environmental control service has been created that monitors the implementation of the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection".

Control questions

    Describe the factors of technogenic air pollution in our area.

    Ingredients that pollute the air in the Novosibirsk region. Criteria for measuring the level of air pollution.

    The level of air pollution in Tatarsk in winter and summer. Necessary measures to improve the quality of the air in our city.

    The impact of air pollution on the health of people, plants, animals.


    Ushakov S.A., Katz Ya.G. The ecological state of the territory of Russia. M .: Academy, 2002

    The state of the environment of the Novosibirsk region in 2003 (Report of the Ministry of Natural Resources for the Novosibirsk region)

    Konstantinov V.M. Ecological foundations of nature management. M., ACADEMA. 2006

A feature of standardizing the quality of atmospheric air is the dependence of the impact of pollutants present in the air on the health of the population not only on the value of their concentrations, but also on the duration of the time interval during which a person breathes this air.

Therefore, in the Russian Federation, as in the rest of the world, for pollutants, as a rule, two standards are established: calculated for a short period of exposure to pollutants (this standard is called the "maximum permissible maximum one-time concentration"); and a standard calculated for a longer exposure period (8 hours, a day, for some substances - a year). In the Russian Federation, this standard is established for 24 hours and is called the "maximum permissible average daily concentration".

MPC - the maximum permissible concentration of a pollutant in the atmospheric air - a concentration that does not have a direct or indirect adverse effect on the present or future generation throughout life, does not reduce a person's working capacity, does not worsen his well-being and sanitary living conditions. The MPC values ​​are given in mg / cubic meter. m.

MPCmr is the maximum permissible maximum one-time concentration of a chemical in the air of populated areas, mg / m3. m. This concentration when inhaled for 20-30 minutes should not cause reflex reactions in the human body.

MPCss - maximum permissible average daily concentration of a chemical in the air of populated areas, mg / m3. m. This concentration should not have a direct or indirect harmful effect on a person with indefinitely long (years) inhalation.
Three indicators of air quality are used as mandatory statistical characteristics of air pollution: the air pollution index - IPA, the standard index - SI and the highest frequency of exceeding the MPC - NP.

ISA is a comprehensive air pollution index that takes into account several impurities. The complex API is calculated using a special formula that takes into account the average annual concentration of the pollutant, its average daily maximum permissible concentration and the coefficient, which depends on the degree of harmfulness of the pollutant.

ISA characterizes the level of chronic, long-term air pollution.

SI - standard index, the highest measured one-time concentration of an impurity, divided by MPC. It is determined from the observation data at a post for one impurity, or at all posts of the territory under consideration for all impurities for a month or a year. It characterizes the degree of short-term pollution.

NP is the highest recurrence (in percent) of exceeding the maximum one-time MPC according to the observation data for one impurity at all posts of the territory for a month or a year.

In accordance with existing assessment methods, four levels of atmospheric pollution are distinguished:
1. Low at API from 0 to 4, SI<1, НП < 10 %;
2. Increased with API from 5 to 6, SI<5 , НП от 10 до20 %;
3. High with API from 7 to 13, SI from 5 to 10, NP from 20 to 50%;
4. Very high with API equal to or greater than 14, SI> 10, IR> 50%.

Protection and improvement of the air environment includes a set of scientifically based socio-economic, technical, sanitary and hygienic and other measures to protect atmospheric air from pollution by industrial and transport emissions, which can be combined into the following main groups:
1. Constructive and technological measures that exclude the release of hazardous substances at the very source of their formation.
2. Improving the composition of the fuel, improving the carburation apparatus, reducing or eliminating the ingress of waste into the atmosphere with the help of treatment facilities.
3. Prevention of air pollution through the rational placement of sources of harmful emissions and the expansion of green spaces.
4. Control over the state of the air environment by special government agencies and the public.

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There are various sources of air pollution, and some of them have significant and extremely adverse environmental impacts. It is worth considering the main pollutants in order to prevent serious consequences and preserve the environment.

Source classification

All sources of pollution are divided into two broad groups.

  1. Natural or natural, which encompass factors caused by the activity of the planet itself and in no way dependent on humanity.
  2. Artificial or anthropogenic pollutants associated with vigorous human activities.

If the degree of impact of the pollutant is taken as the basis for the classification of sources, then powerful, medium and small ones can be distinguished. The latter include small boiler plants, local boilers. The category of powerful sources of pollution includes large industrial enterprises that emit tons of harmful compounds into the air every day.

By place of education

According to the characteristics of the mixture yield, pollutants are divided into non-stationary and stationary. The latter are constantly in one place and carry out emissions in a certain area. Non-stationary sources of ambient air pollution can move and thus spread hazardous compounds through the air. First of all, these are automobile vehicles.

Also, the spatial characteristics of the emissions can be taken as the basis for the classification. High (pipes), low (drains and ventilation openings), areal (large accumulations of pipes) and linear (highways) pollutants are distinguished.

By level of control

According to the level of control, pollution sources are divided into organized and unorganized. The impact of the former is regulated and monitored periodically. The latter, on the other hand, carry out emissions in inappropriate places and without appropriate equipment, that is, illegally.

Another option for dividing sources of air pollution is based on the scale of distribution of pollutants. Pollutants can be local, affecting only certain, not extensive areas. Also, regional sources are distinguished, the action of which extends to entire regions and large zones. But the most dangerous are global sources that affect the entire atmosphere.

By the nature of pollution

If the nature of the negative polluting effect is used as the main classification criterion, then the following categories can be distinguished:

  • Physical pollutants include noise, vibration, electromagnetic and thermal radiation, radiation, and mechanical stress.
  • Biological contaminants can be viral, microbial, or fungal in nature. These pollutants include both the pathogenic microorganisms themselves in the air and the waste products and toxins they release.
  • Sources of chemical air pollution in the living environment include gaseous mixtures and aerosols, for example, heavy metals, dioxides and oxides of various elements, aldehydes, ammonia. Such compounds are usually discarded by industrial plants.

Anthropogenic pollutants have their own classifications. The first assumes the nature of the sources and includes:

  • Transport.
  • Household - arising in the processes of waste processing or fuel combustion.
  • Manufacturing, covering substances formed during technical processes.

According to their composition, all polluting components are subdivided into chemical (aerosol, dusty, gaseous chemicals and substances), mechanical (dust, soot and other solid particles) and radioactive (isotopes and radiation).

Natural sources

Consider the main sources of air pollution of natural origin:

  • Volcanic activity. From the depths of the earth's crust during eruptions, tons of boiling lava rise, during the combustion of which clouds of smoke are formed, containing particles of rocks and layers of soil, soot and soot. Also, the combustion process can generate other hazardous compounds, for example, sulfur oxides, hydrogen sulfide, sulfates. And all these substances under pressure are ejected from the crater and immediately rush into the air, contributing to its significant pollution.
  • Fires occurring in peat bogs, steppes and forests. Every year they destroy tons of natural fuel, during the combustion of which harmful substances are released that clog the air pool. In most cases, fires are caused by the negligence of people, and it can be extremely difficult to stop the element of fire.
  • Plants and animals also unknowingly pollute the air. The flora can give off gases and spread pollen, all contributing to the clogging of the air basin. Animals in the process of life also emit gaseous compounds and other substances, and after their death, decomposition processes have a detrimental effect on the environment.
  • Dust storms. During such phenomena, tons of soil particles and other solid elements rise into the atmosphere, which inevitably and significantly pollute the environment.

Anthropogenic sources

Anthropogenic sources of pollution are a global problem of modern mankind, caused by the rapid pace of development of civilization and all spheres of human life. Such pollutants are created by man, and although they were originally introduced for the good and to improve the quality and comfort of life, today they are a fundamental factor in global air pollution.

Consider the main artificial pollutants:

  • Cars are the scourge of modern humanity. Today, many have them and have turned from luxury into necessary means of transportation, but, unfortunately, few think about how harmful the use of vehicles is to the atmosphere. When fuel is burned and during engine operation, a constant stream is emitted from the exhaust pipe, which include carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, benzopyrene, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, nitrogen oxides. But it is worth noting that air and other types of transport, including rail, air, and water, have a detrimental effect on the environment.
  • Activity of industrial enterprises. They can be engaged in the processing of metals, the chemical industry and any other type of activity, but almost all large factories are constantly throwing tons of chemicals, solid particles, and combustion products into the air. And if we consider that only a few enterprises use treatment facilities, then the scale of the negative impact of the constantly developing industry on the environment is simply enormous.
  • Use of boiler plants, nuclear and thermal power plants. Combustion of fuel is a harmful and hazardous process from the point of view of atmospheric pollution, during which a lot of various substances, including toxic ones, are released.
  • Another factor contributing to the pollution of the planet and its atmosphere is the widespread and active use of various types of fuel, such as gas, oil, coal, and firewood. When they are burned and under the influence of oxygen, numerous compounds are formed that rush up and rise into the air.

Can pollution be prevented

Unfortunately, in the current modern conditions of life for most people, it is extremely difficult to completely eliminate atmospheric pollution, but it is still very difficult to try to stop or minimize some areas of the destructive influence exerted on it. And only comprehensive measures taken everywhere and jointly will help in this. These include:

  1. The use of modern and high quality wastewater treatment plants in large industrial enterprises, the activities of which are related to emissions.
  2. Rational use of vehicles: switching to high-quality fuel, using emission-reducing agents, stable machine operation and troubleshooting. And it is better, if possible, to abandon cars in favor of trams and trolleybuses.
  3. Implementation of legislative measures at the state level. Some laws are already in force, but new ones are needed, with more significant force.
  4. The introduction of ubiquitous pollution control points, which are especially needed within large enterprises.
  5. Transition to alternative and less hazardous to the environment energy sources. Thus, windmills, hydroelectric power plants, solar panels, and electricity should be used more actively.
  6. Timely and competent waste processing will help to avoid the emissions emitted by them.
  7. Greening the planet will be an effective measure, as many plants release oxygen and thereby purify the atmosphere.

The main sources of air pollution are considered, and such information will help to understand the essence of the problem of environmental degradation, as well as to stop the impact and preserve nature.