Last rule analysis. Brief analysis of poems in prose Turgenev

Last rule analysis. Brief analysis of poems in prose Turgenev
Last rule analysis. Brief analysis of poems in prose Turgenev

Last Rule (I)

"If you wish to pour and even damage the enemy to hurt and even damage the enemy," one old runtime said me, "then reproach him in that lack of or vice, which you feel." Disgrace ... and reproach!

Firstly, it will make others think that you have no damage.

Secondly, your indignation can even be sincere ... You can use our own conscience.

If you, for example, a renegade, - reproach the enemy is that he has no belief!

If you are ourselves in the shower yourself, say to him with the urban, that he is a moat ... Lackey of Civilization, Europe, socialism!

- You can even say: Laca without a lactue! - I noticed.

- And it is possible, - picked up the passage.

February, 1878.


The poem is directed against the critics annoying Turgenev. It is very likely that B. M. Markevich was meant here, as in the poem "GAD", excluded from the cycle due to its greater transparency and similarities with the face, which Turgenev portrayed with a strong hostility. - See below, p. 520. The "Last Rule" first was not among the fifty poems sent to the Journal of Europe. Turgenev sent it later, simultaneously with their correction, instead of the "threshold" seized by him (see Stasylevich's letter from 4 (16) of October 1882). However, in a letter to it, from 13 (25), October, Turgenev asks to throw out the "threshold" without replacing him again sent by the poem ("it is not suitable for others"). Nevertheless, the "everyday rule" was printed, and with the wrong date: instead of October 1882 in the white manuscript - "April 1878" (the date of another "everyday rule" - see below, p. 520) and therefore is placed chronologically incorrectly In a number of poems of 1878.

Like all the poems of 1881-1882 (with the exception of the "prayer" and "Russian language", which were in a typical manuscript of the "Bulletin of Europe"), the "everyday rule" has only one autograph recorded in a rough form in the notebook of white autographs. Compared to this autograph in the "Bulletin of Europe", the text is sharper and sharper: for example, instead of "drunkard" it became - "Renegage", instead of "Laki ... Enlightenment" - "Lackey ... Socialism".

V.I. Lenin in his polemical articles repeatedly recalled this poem in prose and brought separate phrases from it (see: Lenin V.I. Full. Cathedral cit., t. 6, p. 11, 14, 15, 22; For a complete set of these references, see: Hippolyte I. Lenin about Turgenev. M., 1934, p. 11, 20-21).

1) The history of creating a cycle "Poems in Prose" I.S. Turgenev.

In the last years of life, hard sick I.S. Turgenev is increasingly beginning to visit philosophical reflections on the meaning of human existence, about life and death. The writer rethinks his works in his own way, and the result of this rethinking of the leading motifs of creativity is the cycle of the miniature of the "poem in prose", which became the peculiar outcome of the life of I.S. Turgenev and his last works.

2) Features of the genre. According to the genre, it is a "poem in prose", and not just philosophical stories, as the sounds are too harmonious, they are melodiously merged into words and phrases ... "This is an alloy of poetry and prose, melodies and rhythm marked by the seal of an extraordinary stylistic grace." "Poems in prose" is a collection of original philosophical statements, life conclusions ... This is a kind of result, the trait, the point that Turgenev puts at the end of all its works at the end of his life. It reflected everything that it was "disengaged" in all works of the writer. Turgenev created a unique genre, the only one in his own way.

Why I.S. Turgenev has their small miniatures calls "poems in prose"? (The main thing for the writer is the transfer of feelings)

3) The theme of "poems in prose" I.S. Turgenev . The subjects of poems are extremely diverse, but at the same time, all of them are inextricably linked, connected to one common motive. The main, prevailing themes of "poems in prose":

Memories of long-standing love;

Reflections on the inevitability of death;

Meditsa about the insignificance of human life in front of the eternity of nature. This cycle is opposed, opposition to life and death, youth and old age, good and evil, past and present. These motifs "come into fight" among themselves. Turgenev often encounters them, intertwines. In general, the whole development of thought, "deploying the narration" is very similar to the development of those in the music works of Chopin, Mozart and others. "Poems in prose" is a kind of sonatas, but not in music, but in the literature. All works of Turgenev unites the viewing of eternal problems, which, in principle, worry society and at this time. L. Ozers: "In the collection there are many so-called eternal themes and motives facing all generations and uniting people of different times." For example, image of the theme of nature. I.S. Turgenev has always adopted the beauty and "endless harmony" of nature. He was convinced that a person is only silly when "relies" to her. All the life of the writer worried about the place of man in nature. He was indignant and at the same time scared the power and power of it, the need to obey its cruel laws, which are all equal in equal. The idea that ", matter remains, individuals disappear," Turgeneva tormented. After all, the life of a person is so beautiful and so small, so instant in comparison with the life of nature. This is a contradiction, the conflict between human life and the life of nature remains unresolved for Turgenev. "Do not let slip life between your fingers." Here is the main philosophical thought and instruction of the writer, expressed in many "poems ...". That is why often the lyrical hero of Turgenev recalls his life, analyzes it, often you can hear the phrase from his mouth: "About life, life, where did you leave so without a trace? Do you deceived me, I could not take advantage of your gifts? " Turgenev once again tells us that life is only a moment, it is necessary to live it so that at the end does not look around with horror, do not remove: "Travel, useless life." Often in order to show all the mumbling of life, Turgenev compares the present and the past. After all, it is at such moments that recalling their past, a person begins to appreciate his life.

4) Analysis of the poem in prose ". In this lyrical etude I.S. Turgenev reflects on the essence of the Russian language, the need for a native language, especially "in the days of doubt, in the days of doubtful thinking about fate ... Motherland." Russian is supporting and supporting the author who is far from their homeland. While writing lyrical miniature I.S. Turgenev lived abroad. The writer characterizes Russian using the following epithets: "Great, mighty, truthful and free." Reflecting on the serious fate of his people, I.S. Turgenev writes: "... how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that is accomplished at home." But the final of the poem in prose is not tragic, the writer believes in the mental strength, the moral power, the spiritual resistance of his people: "But you can not believe that such a language is not given a great people!" The people are directly related to the development of the Russian language, which strikes with its depth and beauty.

What epitles writer gives Russian? ("Great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language")

What a feeling is imbued with this work I.S. Turgenev? (a sense of deep love for his native country and her language)

5) Analysis of the poem in the prose "Gemini".

How did you understand the meaning of miniatures? (Breaking another, we do not notice your own flaws.)

6) Analysis of the poem in the prose "Two Rich".

In the lyrical miniature "Two Rich", the generosity of Rothschild is compared, "who pays whole thousand from the enormous income on the raising of children, for the treatment of patients, for the championship of older," with one poorly peasant family, "who adopted a niece-niece into her rooted Domishko" . By lining the act of rich, the author writes: "Far Rothschild before this man." Indeed, the charity of a rich man does not affect his personal material well-being. The poor peasant family according to the last pennies on the upbringing of Katki-Syroidight. Now even the poor is not enough to the poor. Thus, a man and a woman turn out to be generous, as they are ready to give the latter. In the work, the writer compares two types of wealth: the huge income of the Rothschild and its material costs for charity and the spiritual wealth of the peasant family.

Why is Rothschild, who allocate a lot of funds to charity, far to the poor peasant family, who took on the education of the orphan-niece? (Poor man, taking to the upbringing of the niece-sirotot, must refuse himself in the need itself.)

7) Analysis of the poem in the Sparrow Prose.

He occupied an exceptional place in the work of the writer. The love of Turgenev is not an intimate feeling. It is always a strong passion, powerful force. She is able to confront everything, even death. "Love for him is hardly the only one that the human person finds his highest statement." "Only she, only love holds and moves life" ("Sparrow"). She can make a person strong and volitional, capable of feat. For Turgenev, there is only love-sacrifice, love is "abandoning egoism." He is confident that only such love can bring true happiness. Love-pleasure is rejected by him. Every person is obliged to go for this victim, any living being. All of the above named I.S. Turgenev expressed in his poem "Sparrow". Even a bird who lost the nest for which death seemed to be inevitable, can save love, which is stronger than will. Only she, love, can give strength to fight and sacrifice themselves. In this poem you can see allegory. The dog is here - "Fate", the evil rock, which is over each of us, that mighty and, it would seem unbeatable power.

Themes of poems in the prose of Turgenev are completely different. They reflect social problems regarding moral categories and affect universal value. Periodically, these texts are useful to reread, to celebrate something important and significant in them. That is why they are still relevant and in our time. Analysis of poems in prose Turgenev allows you to deeper to understand the problems of its works, imbued with touching texts that are taught good, justice and responsibility.

When you get acquainted with them, the feeling of light bears appears. One of the most interesting and memorable are the short notes of Turgenev. The genre of poem in prose appeared precisely since the creation of these amazing mini-stories. Ivan Sergeevich became its founder. Consider more separate texts.

"Two rich"

Here the author compares among himself examples of generosity of the soul. One person, wealthy in all respects, sacrifices huge amounts of money to help sick and disadvantaged. The other is a poor peasant - refuses to himself in the most needed. The main goal is becoming concern for Sydote niece. He does not regret money on someone else's child and does not even think about how many he has to sacrifice. Turgenev emphasizes the idea that the true benefit always comes from compassion, the ability to abandon something important in the name of the well-being of the other.


In this work there is a reasoning about the noble blowing of the bird, which the author witnessed. He admires the sincere dedication of an adult sparrow, who rushed to protect the chick. It involuntarily passes a comparison with human destinies and needs. The "Sparrow" of Turgenev is aimed at the disclosure of moral values: the ability to sacrifice themselves, to make responsibility for what is happening.

After all, every threatening situation has its own solution. You only need to look good looking inside yourself, detect your internal resources. In many cases, the "Sparrow" of Turgenev is remembered more than other texts. It is included in the school curriculum, quoted, even those who have nothing to do with literature admire.


Very touching story that gives an impression. The author shows the feelings of a simple peasantry - the widow, who died the only son. An elderly woman is barely rests from grief, but faces lack of brownie: that it seems that it is not strong enough. The "coarse feelings" of the peasant women in fact hide under themselves the need to take care of the bread daily daily. While the lady easily got any benefits. Because she could afford to grow for a long time, refusing not only from food, but also any other pleasures. "Sing" is an indicative story that all is different values, and what is the difficulty for one, another gets easily.

"Russian language"

Wonderful text that you want to periodically read and reread. The author praises his native speech, considering it by the standard of beauty and grace. The poem in the prose of Turgenev "Russian Language" makes you think about a lot: about choosing your individual path, about where you can always find a support and support. The author feels the consonance of his soul with his own speech, sincerely admits her. The poem in the prose of Turgenev "Russian language" is filled with unprecedented tenderness, penetrated by intimate feelings. This text awakens in the heart of good memories.

"Enemy and friend"

The theme of this work is quite ambiguous, which does not allow you to immediately understand what its incredit meaning is concluded. And a friend may accidentally ruin, and the enemy at some point to tell the truth. The author emphasizes the multiplicity of the problem itself.


Awesome life-affirming work that helps to feel how great the variety of life. It is filled with unimaginable love to everything that differs from other poems in the prose of Turgenev. "Pigeons" is a real anthem of life. The work helps to understand how sometimes we are mistaken about some manifestations of reality. According to the author, the most important thing in life is love and compassion.

Watching the behavior of birds, the writer is enthusiastic by their selfless manifestations, the desire to help and be necessary to each other. It is probably comparing this picture with human relationships that are not always so harmonious and beautiful.

"What am I thinking"

The work, received by gloomy configure before the inevitable proximity of death. The writer preds that the end of his life path will come soon and therefore it suffers.

He is scared by the unknown, as well as the prospect of what life lives is not the best way. It seems that there is nothing good in front, and the heart slowly fills the longing. "What I will think" is one big question to which it is impossible to answer, without plunging into the details, without considering concrete circumstances. Analysis of poems in prose Turgenev emphasizes how the person himself, being in old age, can be asked to be seriously issues, thereby depriving itself to peace of mind and confidence.

Summing up, you can not just miss a lot, but also to evaluate it is biased.


The work that bears grief for useless life. The author in each sentence argues that any moment pricelessly, but we spend time on the essential nonsense! In essence, people live him as if they had no other opportunities and alternatives. The vehicles of each individual path complicates the understanding of the meaning of its destination.

"Writer and Critic"

Here we are talking about what is the real talent in life and what it is measured. The writer sees the meaning of life in a genuine dedication and the greatest desire to convey to readers some bright idea, which has a newver value. The critic discovers in such an existence something unworthy, but he can only reason and evaluate. The author shows that the real writer and critic live in each of us. One obsessed with the dream of creativity, the other than him constantly scolds, returning to harsh unsightly reality. Their dispute can continue until someone gives it to another and will not pass their own positions.


In this work, the author tries to comprehend the incredit value of life. The look of the animal seems to reflect his own fears that have become unbearable and too obsessive. The poem in the prose of Turgenev "Dog" shows the connection of the life of a pet with the thoughts and feelings of his owner.

If a person has not a very positive arrangement of the Spirit, the animal begins to behave in a similar way: worried, it looks plaintively in the eyes. In all this traced the relationship of close souls. The poem in the prose of Turgenev "Dog" is aimed at the disclosure of the feelings that a man hid from himself, fearing new disappointments.

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow!"

The work that makes think about the meaning of life. People tend to bring tomorrow, building plans, but they miss this moment. Even the one who took place in life, managed to express his talent, undoubtedly, he regrets the unrealized opportunities before death.

Thus, the analysis of poems in prose Turgenev shows that the author reflecting a lot about the essence and value of his being. Own life was represented by a deliberately lost party. Individual experiences of the writer found an embodiment in sophisticated and concise stories that are easily read. Analysis of poems in prose Turgenev shows how difficult the last years of Ivan Sergeyevich's life were. He is constantly referring to his memories and does not find comfort in them. In many individual works, the thought is traced about the meaninglessness of the future life, the topic of disappointment sounds the topic of disappointment. The poems themselves in prose are sufficiently capacious, filled with wisdom, although they are not optimistic.


The identity of the writer, his perception of the world and attitude to reality, emotional and life experience give rise to the uniqueness and uniqueness of creativity. Creative individuality is expressed through the character of its shaped vision, creative goals, art method and style. The peculiarity of the writer can be detected by comparing its works with the creations of contemporaries, predecessors, through the poetics of its works and features of the artistic method. This study is an attempt to comprehend artistic skills. I.S. Turgenev, penetrate the unique world of its images, the individuality of the style.

I.S. Turgenev is a major artist who managed to open so much unusual in the ordinary, everyday world. This is one of those writers who are distinguished by an unusually subtle and organic merger of realistically - a particular epic image with lyricism.

Contrast in the works of the Great Artist Words - Psychological Detail: Contrast. Such motives and images that are not indifferent to all or many people: youth and old age, love and hatred, faith and hopelessness, struggle and humility, tragic and joyful, bright and dark, life and death MIG and Eternity. For this work is characteristic aesthetic-philosophical aspect Studies indicated in the title problems.

As objectstudies served "Poem in Prose" I.S. Turgenev. Appeal to the work of the writer is not only personally significant for the author, but also relevant for several reasons. The poem from this cycle is little studied at school, although they attract readers of depth of content, their philosophical filler. The works are perceived differently by readers and have different impact on them: an emotional, aesthetic, psychological, moral, in recent years of the writer's life was worried about the indigenous questions of being, the "eternal" questions of the life that he puts and is trying to comprehend in his poems in prose. Almost all themes and motifs of creativity I.S. were reflected in them. Turgenev, again meaningful and listed by the writer on the slope of the years. They have a lot of sadness, but sadness light; The most bright and artistic perfect miniatures are permeated with life-affirming, complete faith in a person notes. From here targetthis study: to establish that the cross-cutting motive of the Turgenev cycle is contrast, manifesting both at the level of the entire cycle and at the level of one work. This goal has determined setting next tasks:

  1. analyze theoretical material related to the study of "poems in prose" I.S. Turgeneva;
  2. identify the specifics and features of the "poem in prose" genre;
  3. conduct analysis of individual works and reveal the basic contrast motives and images inherent in this cycle;
  4. consider the influence of philosophical understanding of life facts on the spiritual life of a person.

When solving the above tasks were used the following methods I. receptions:

  1. contextual;
  2. descriptive method;
  3. component analysis;
  4. reception of internal interpretation (reception of systematics and classification).

1. The theme of "poems in prose" I.S. Turgenev

Themes of poems are extremely diverse. Researchers carefully read 77 poems in Prose I.S. Turgenev and systematized them according to the principle of contrast, namely: it was noted that among the main contrasting motives of works, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Love and friendship- "Rosa", "Azure Kingdom", "Two Brothers", "How are good, as fresh roses", "path to love", "love", "Sparrow".
  2. Compassion, sacrifice- "Memory of Yu. Vyrevskaya", "Threshold", "Two Rich", "You Clasp".
  3. Figure life, life and death, meaning of life, loneliness- "Conversation", "Masha", "Memory Yu. Vruvskaya", "Insect", "soup", "Nymphs", "Tomorrow! Tomorrow! "," What am I thinking? "," N.N. "," Stop! "," Meeting "," When I Will Not "," When I am alone "," phrase "," Monk "," We still wake, "" Drozd 1 "," Drozd 2 "," Hourglass "," Y - A ... Y - A! "-" Dog "," Pigeons "," Without a nest "," Y - A ... - A! "," Old woman "," two quatrains "," necessity, strength, freedom "," double ".
  4. All living creatures are the same in front of the mother nature.- "Dog", "Rival", "Drozd 1", "Marine Sailing".
  5. Morality, morality; Human dignity of the Russian peasant - "Satisfied man", "Lights Rule", "Fool", "Eastern Legend", "Gad", "Writer and Critic", "Beggar", "Last Date", "soup", "hang it."
  6. The contradiction of the world: True and lies; from part and tears last Life, Love; love and death; youth, beauty; old age - "Milosnya", "Egoist", "Pier at the Supreme Being", "Enemy and Friend", "Prayer", "I'm sorry", "Curse", "The Last Rule", "to argue with whom", "Brahmin", "Truth and True", "Partridge", "My Trees", "Rival", "Skull", "Prayer", "Cup", "Rosa", "Milosnya", "Visit", "Drozd", "I got up At night, "Sparrow," Visit "," Azure Kingdom "," Whose wine? "," Oh my youth "," Stone "," Tomorrow! Tomorrow! "," Whose wine? "," Oh my youth "," when I won't "," I got up at night, "" When I am alone, "caught under the wheel", "old man."
  7. Admiration by the Russian language - "Russian language".

Researchers are observed frequent use by I.S. Turgenev in miniatures contrast descriptions of nature: sky, dawn, sea, sun, clouds, clouds; close attention the author draws on description of the eye (in 12 poems); a person's appearance; in three poems, the artist, using the antithesis, describes dnah; picture sounds. N.aswork in a particular work helps to convey both plants: smells, appearance, reader's presentation, where these flowers and trees grow: wormwood, lily of the lily, rose, rested, linden, poplar, rye.

2. 1. Contrast as the main motive of lyrical miniatures

All works I.S. Turgenev unites the viewing of eternal problems, which always worried, worry and will excite society. According to L.A. Ozersov, "In the collection there are many so-called eternal themes and motives facing all generations and uniting people of different times ..." (Ozers L.A. "Turgenev I.S. Poems in Prose", M., 1967, with .11) Consider some topics and poems.

I.S. Turgenev always admired the beauty and "infinite harmony" of nature. He was convinced that a person is just strong when "relies" on her. All the life of the writer worried about the place of man in nature. He was frightened by the power and power of it, the need to obey it with cruel laws, in front of which everyone is equal, his horrified "law", according to which, born, a person was already sentenced to death. In poem "Nature" We read that Nature "does not see any good, nor evil." In response to a person's letting about justice, she replies: "The mind is not a law - what is justice? I gave you life - I am her and take it and give you other, worms and people ... I don't care ... And you still defend - and do not bother me! " She does not care that a person that the worm is all the waters. Everyone has one life - the greatest value.

2.1.1. All living creatures are the same in front of the mother nature.

In poems "Dog", "Drozd 1", "Marine swimming" Considering question of life and death, mumbling of human life, insignificance of each individual life in the face of death. Life The author compares with a stray spot, which will get out at the first "raid" storm. This is a fertile, a separate creature that feels the approach of death, and "one life is pumped to another". In these poems, again traced thought of equality and insignificance of all living beings before the "law" of nature: "Two pairs of the same eye", "I took her hand - she stopped squeaking and rushing." The author puts alongside a person and the animal to emphasize the difference, but at the same time the relativeness of the hero and animals. It is for this purpose that he introduces pleuonasm: "There is no difference" and "we are identical", "We are all children of one mother" are close in meaning and emphasize the equivalence of a person and an animal in the face of death, life tests. For the same purpose in the text used repetitions of some of those phrases: The same feeling, one and the same light, the same life, the same unconscious thought. With the help of Turgenev trails, death revives death, gives her "life": "Warring a terrible, frantic storm," the "sounds of eternity" are heard.

And most importantly, what is in life that you need to take care, catch and not let go, youth and love. After all the life of man is so beautiful and so small, so instant in comparison with the life of nature.This is a contradiction, the conflict between human life and the life of nature remains unresolved for Turgenev. "Do not let slip life between your fingers." Here is the main philosophical thought and the instruction of a writer, expressed in many "poems ...".

2.1.2. The contradiction of the world: True and lies; happiness and tears last Life, Love; love and death; youth, beauty; old age

In the language of "poems in prose" I.S. Turgenev sought the harmony of life and the word, to the naturalness, to the truth of the feelings embodied in the language. In this thematic group, the author widely used anaphor: "Honesty was his capital", "honesty gave him the right"; rhetorical questions: "What does it mean to forgive?"; rhetorical exclamation: "Yes, I am worthy, I am a moral person!"; parallelism: "I'm sorry ... I'm sorry ...".

A striking poem "I'm sorry" built on the use by the author of parallelism and antithesis ("disgrace and beauty", "children and old people"). Contrast tonality in poems of this thematic group is very subtly replaced by one another, pushing the reader to think about reflections, make it still and still reread the work to understand their deeper. Such a feeling as if the author knows and doubts at the same time in what we tell.

In poems "Visit", "Azure Kingdom", "Whose wines? ", "Oh my youth" "Youth, female, virgin beauty", "The kingdom of lazuries, light, youth and happiness", "oh my youth!, My freshness" is opposed to loss, ricking "deaf gnawing", "I - old age," "Azure kingdom I saw you In a dream, "you can only shine in front of me in a moment - early in the morning of early spring." A large number of epithets: "Gentle alosity of blooming roses", "busty azure sky", "affectionate sun", "harsh rudeness"; ompmits: "Fog did not get up, did not wander the breeze," metaphor: "Shallow ripples of gold scales", "diving on soft waves", "does not understand a clean soul" - help the writer in the marginal shortness of each poem to establish deep intimate contact with the reader, demonstrate sensitivity and humanity in solving different issues set in one way or another poem.

Lyrical miniatures : "A rock", "Tomorrow! Tomorrow!", "Whose wines? ", "Oh my youth", "When I won't", "I got up at night", "When I'm alone", "Caught under wheel", "Old man" - Full of gloomy, dark paints. Turgenev data from these poems is opposed to light, rainbow poems, imbued with optimistic sentiment ("Azure Kingdom", "Village"). Usually they are all about the same love, beauty, her strength. In these poems, it is felt that the author still believes in virtue of the beautiful, in a happy life that he, unfortunately, was not ("Sparrow"). Memories of the past life ("Young female souls flew on my old heart on all sides ... It was greeted by the traces of the experienced fire", "empty and sluggish almost every day - he (man) values \u200b\u200blife, hopes for her", "you are Youth, I am old age), bright, juicy paints allow for a moment to feel the tide of vitality, survive the feelings of happiness, the once worried hero.

2.1.3. Morality, morality; Human dignity of the Russian peasant

The best features of the Russian people, his middleness, responsiveness to the suffering of near Turgenev captured in poems "Two rich", "Masha", "Soup", "hang it!". Here, as in the "Notes of the Hunter", the moral superiority of a simple Russian man over representatives of the dominant classes is shown.

Satyric paphos washed with the part of the poems in prose, in which the plotting, slanderousness, korestoloby. Such human vices, like egoism, greed, anger, are sharply exposed in poems: "Satisfied man", "writer and critic", "Fool", "Egoist", "Enemy and Friend", "Gad", "Correspondent", " Everyday rule. " Some of these poems are based on life facts. For example, in the poem "GAD" depicts a separate reaction journalist B.M. Markevich. A number of poems in prose will penetrate sad meditations, pessimistic sentiments inspired by a long-term disease of the writer.

However, no matter how sad and painful impressions of the writer's personal life, they did not obscure the world before him.

2.1.4. Love and friendship

Often, in order to show the mumbling of life, I.S. Turgenev compares the present and past. After all, it is at such moments that recalling our past, a person begins to appreciate his life ... ( "Double"). Indeed, as masterfully creates Turgenev an image of a junk youth - "the kingdoms of lazuries, light, youth and happiness" - in the poem "Azure Kingdom" He opposes this bright kingdom "dark, heavy days, cold and darkness of old age" ... and everywhere, everywhere this philosophical idea, which has already been mentioned a little earlier: show all the contradictions and overcome. And this fully affected "Prayer":"Great God, do so that twice two - there were no four!" "On the disgrace ... cheap got a virtue."

In this thematic group contrast: rose and tears, azure kingdom and sleep, love and hatred, love can kill the human "I".

Interesting was to use the consumption of particres, used mainly in writing speech, they fill the works by nobility and tenderness: "Returning to the living room, suddenly stopping."

Poem "Sparrow" - The brightest and wonderful "sketch of nature" is the life-affirming and vigorous, who infects forever living life, selflessness. Despite the small volume, the work of Turgenev carries a huge philosophical generalization. Little scene makes the author think about the eternal engine of the world - love. Love, selfless impulse of a small bird, accidentally seen by the Russian writer, makes it possible to think about wisdom and love.

Love occupied an exceptional place in the work of the writer. Turgenev love is always a strong passion, mighty force. She is able to confront everything, even death: "Only she, only love holds and moves life." She can make a person strong and volitional, capable of feat. For Turgenev, there is only love - the victim. He is confident that only such love can bring true happiness. In all his works, I.S.Turgenov represents love, as a great vital test, as the test of human forces. Every person is obliged to go for this victim, any living being. Even a bird who lost the nest for which death seemed to be inevitable, can save love, which is stronger than will. Only she, love, can give strength to fight and sacrifice themselves.

In this poem you can see allegory. The dog is here - "Fate", the evil rock, which over each of us, that mighty and, it would seem unbeatable force. She also slowly approached the chick, like that spot from the poem of the "old woman", and in morestally, death slowly sinks, "crawling" right to us. And here refutes the phrase old women "Will you will not leave!". You will leave, as you leave, the love is stronger than you, she will "close" the "tolement revealed fall" and even fate, even this huge monster can be selected. Even it can stop, depart ... to admit strength, the power of love ...

On the example of this poem, we can confirm the words written earlier: "Poems in prose" - the cycle of opposition. In this case, the power of love is opposed by the power of evil, death.

2.1.5. Compassion, sacrifice

One of the best political poems in prose is considered to be "Threshold". Printed "Threshold" for the first time in September 1883. It is written under the impression of the faith of the Zasulich, an honest and dedicated Russian girl who shot in the St. Petersburg city team F. F.Teplov. She stands on the threshold of a new life. The writer creates a noble image of a woman revolutionary, ready to go to any suffering and deprivation in the name of happiness and freedom of the people. And she crosses through this symbolic threshold.

"... And the heavy curtain fell behind it.

Fool! - I rushed someone from behind.

Holy! - swept from somewhere in response. "

What contrast is transferred to the same relation to the same fact, phenomenon, event from two completely different people!

"Threshold" makes each reader think about their lives, comprehend and, if necessary, rethink it.

2.1.6. Figure life, life and death, meaning of life, loneliness, fate

"Poems in prose" - a cycle - opposition, opposition to life and death, youth and old age, good and evil, past and present. These motives are "joined the fight" among themselves. I.S. Turgenev often encounters them, intertwines, and all the contradictory ultimate author seeks to merge together ("Double").

ON THE. Dobrolyubov wrote about Turgenev prose: "... and sad, and this feeling is fun: there are light memories of childhood, irrevocably flashed, there are proud and joyful hopes of youth. Everything passed and will not be more; But the person did not disappear, who, at least in the memory, can return to these light gender ... and the benefit of the one who knows how to wake up such memories, cause such a mood of the soul. " (Dobrolyubov N.A. Coll. Works in three volumes, T.3, M., 1952, p.48.) Indeed, it can be noted that many poems in prose, which at first glance are pessimistic and gloomy, actually awaken In man "The state of mental height and enlighteability." The so-called Turgenev Lurism gives the works of the writer an extraordinary incessity. All this we write to the fact that it is in such poems where the past and the present, this lyricism is fully manifested.

The poem of this group is so rich in the content that the researchers placed them in different groups.

2.1.7. Admiration by Russian language

Among poems in prose a prominent place occupies a patriotic miniature "Russian language". With extraordinary subtlety and tenderness treated the Great Word Artist to the Russian language. I.S. Turgenev belongs to a wonderful formula: language \u003d people. Most of the life spent over the border, the connoisseurs of many foreign languages, I.S. Turgenev did not cease to admire the Russian language, calling him "Great and Mighty", communicating with him the hope of a bright future of Russia: "But it is impossible to believe that such a language is not given to the Great People." The writer urged to take care of our fine language. He believed that the Russian language belongs to the future that with the help of such a language you can create great works.

2. 2. Contrast as a means of penetration into the images of the heroes "poems in prose"

In the history of Russian literature, it was probably another such a major writer as Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who would be so sincerely, gently loved the nature of his native land and so fully, a versatile reflected her in his work. For many years abroad in separation from Russia, the writer suffered not only because of illness, but also because he could not visit his Spassky - Lutovinov. With a huge artistic force reflected I.S. Turgenev is a non-market and the incomplete beauty of the nature of the middle strip in the "poems in prose".

Eye Description:

"Almighty" - "Eyes are not radiant, but bright; The gaze is shrill, but not angry. "

"Visit" - "laughed huge, black, blonde eyes."

"Sing" - "Eyes blushed and swollen."

"Two brothers" - "Eyes of Brown, with a crowned, with dense eyelashes; Summer look "; Huge, round, pale - gray eyes. "

"Sphinx" - "Your eyes are these colorless, but deep eyes speak too ... and also silent and mysterious about their speech."

"How good, as fresh roses were ..." - "How simplely - inspired thoughtful eyes", "Boyko look at me with his bright eyes."

"Stop!" - "Your gaze deep."

"Drozd" - "Overflowing sounds ... breathe eternity."

"I got up at night" - "there was a plaintive sound."

"When I'm alone" - "no sound ...".

"Caught under the wheel" - "This splash and moans are the same sounds, and nothing more."

"Y - A ... Y - A!" - "Strange, I do not immediately understand, but alive ... human sound ..."

"Nature" - "Earth around the dudder groaned and trembled."

"There is no greater grief" - "Sweet Sounds of the Young Voice."

"Village" - "smooth blue covered with all the sky."

"Talk" - "over the mountains pale - green, bright, silent sky."

"End of Light" - "gray, one-color sky hangs over it like a canopy."

"Visit" - "Milk - White Sky quietly flashed."

"Azure Kingdom" - "over the head of the vast, the same azure sky."

"Nymphs" - "transparently bluish over him southern sky."

"Pigeons" - "rush red, low, as if in the shreds torn clouds."

Description of human appearance:

"Village" - "Ruzhokudnaya guys, in clean low-spoiled shoes ...", "curly children's heads".

"Masha" - "Rust, Static, Well done," well. "

"Beggar" - "Beggar, Shallow Old Man."

"Last date" - "Yellow, dried ..."

"Visit" - "Winged little woman; A wreath of Lrangeis covered scattered curves round head. "

The harmony and tenderness of the tones, the skillful and subtle combination of light and the shadow characterize the Turgenev Manera and in the outfit of man, and paintings of nature. He binds his landscapes with the mood of man, with his spiritual appearance. In miniatures, the landscape then shall with the mental state of the hero, the landscape sketch is permeated by philosophical reflections. Light, joyful, encouraging paints are larger than sad, sad.

Undoubtedly, Russian poets have made a huge contribution to world literature. For example, Pushkin is a genius of Russian literature, which is famous for its works on the whole world. His poems are read in many countries.

No need to forget about the contribution of Lomonosov to world literature. After all, it was he who opened the theory of three hundred, which is also important. After all, to this day they are studied in schools and universities. Read ODDs written in Lomonosov's theory. All this means that making a contribution to Russian literature, each writer Il Poet makes an incomprehensible contribution to world literature.

Thus, it can be concluded that each Russian author benefits and invaluable contribution to world literature, thanks to the writing of works. A large world is open to the reader in the past of peoples and events, which he can find out only plunging into their works, disassembled every line and meaningful philosophical topics. Also, the reader can compare between Russian literature and foreign, correctly and equal to equal to each phenomenon.

"Poems in Prose" I.S. Romegenev

"Poems in prose" I.S.Turgenev

Along with the works devoted to the abstract-ethical issues, "poems in prose" appeared. They were created for four years (from 1878 to 1882), they were written, as the writer claimed, for himself and for a small mug of people sympathizing with such things.

"Poems in prose" consist of two sections "senile" and "new poems in prose". The first section (51 poem) was printed in the journal "Journal of Europe" No. 12 for 1882. "New poems in prose" during the life of Turgenev was not printed.

Turgenev has created a whole book of poems in prose, expressively denoting their characteristic features.

Lorism, recreating the spiritual system, the mood of the author. In most cases, direct autobiographic and first-person story. Increased expressiveness of the voice, transmitting the joy, then sadness, then delight, then confusion. Deliciousness, carrying confessional character.

By the content of the cycle of "poems in prose" is very diverse. The significant part of the "poems" affects the socio-political problems, is devoted to the reflection of the writer about the Russian people, about the Motherland, about happiness and beauty, about the humanities of human relations. When solving their deeply intimate contact with the reader, sensitivity and humanity, whatever the question resolved - a purely personal, public or planet.

The poem in prose makes it possible to thicken, flatten the huge temporal and spatial values \u200b\u200bto the value of one phrase. The acute observation allows an ordinary household item to turn into symbols.

The rhythm of poems in prose every time is diverse, subordinated to the author's intonation. Each phrase, line, paragraph, the whole thing is withstanding in a specific musical vein. This melody sometimes comes to Turgenev to Sladcoma, the ceiling Belkanto, as they say in Italy beautiful, smooth singing.

Each poem in prose, like pebbles of a certain color, is put on the artist in his place, and if you move away for a distance and made a look at the whole, then the pebbles collected together seems to be a mosaic that create a one-piece picture.

One of the best political poems in prose is considered to be "threshold." Printed "Threshold" for the first time in September 1883. It is written under the impression of the faith of the Zasulich, an honest and sailorous Russian girl who shot the P. P.Teplovsky's St. Petersburg city team. She stands on the threshold of a new life. The writer creates a noble image of a woman revolutionary, ready to go to any suffering and deprivation in the name of happiness and freedom of the people. And she crosses through this symbolic threshold ...

"... And the heavy curtain fell behind it.

- fool! - I rushed someone from behind.

- Holy! - swept from somewhere in response. "

What contrast is transferred to the same relation to the same fact, phenomenon, event from two completely different people!

There are not only two of the sayings directly opposite to each other. Here are two views on the world, for life, people. On the question of how to live a person

a sales and romantic collided his life (OE citizen with a capital letter, a person of honor and high community consciousness). The heroine, who decided to sacrifice his life, the man in the street says "Dura!", Romantic - "Holy!". For these short words, two philosophies. The man in the street argues, it would seem soberly: Everyone lives in the world only once, and therefore - you live yourself in your pleasure, eat, drink, have fun; He talks like that without thinking about the fact that the benefits that he takes, no, not takes - enough, went to him the price of victims brought by strong and brave people. Romantic calls the heroine saint. Romantic - a man who seems in life not only small things and small goals, but also great things and great goals, ready to make excellent and heroic in the name of a common good.

"Threshold" makes each reader think about their lives, comprehend and, if necessary, rethink it.

This poem in prose says to each of us, especially in young young years: Visit people to the fate of people and directing their lives to a high purpose worthy of man!

Turgenev and the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 responded. In these years, as in the era of the creation of the novel "On the eve", he reflects a lot about the newly emerged oriental question, about the liberation movement of Slavny peoples. The writer sympathizes the rebel Bulgarians and encourages the Russian people to help them. He condemns a bloody slaughter that has drawn in the "expansive death fall" thousands of people. Condeming the meaninglessness of bloodshed and the madness of military leaders, Turgenev with hot sympathy talks about the victims of the war. One of these victims was Julia Petrovna Vrowskaya - the widow of General I.A.Vrevsky, killed in the Caucasus in 1858. In 1874, she stayed at Turgenev in Spassky-Lutovin - from 21 to 26 June. Preserved forty-eight letters of Turgenev to Vrevskaya. Already in the spring of 1874, Turgenev wrote her about his feeling of Kney, "" somewhat strange, but sincere and good. " He is almost in love with her. In 1877, he wrote her another revelation: "Since I met you, I loved you friendly and at the same time I had a relentless desire to possess you."

For Vrevskaya Turgenev became one of the closest friends. Maybe she liked he more than a friend. But she did not think about marriage. She dreamed of any feat in the name of mankind; She had dreams to go to India, obviously - to faded the poor.

War began. Vrevskaya told Turgenev, which rides the sister of mercy in Bulgaria. "I wish you from all my heart, so that the feat of the feat did not turn out to be unbearable," the writer answered.

In 1878, Vrevskaya died of typhus in the Bulgarian hospital. The poem "Memory Yu.P. Verevskaya" was, according to Turgenev, the flower, which he laid on her grave.

The best features of the Russian people, his middleness, responsiveness to the suffering of the near Turgenev captured in the poems of "two rich", "Masha", "soup", "hang it!". Here, as in the "Notes of the Hunter", the moral superiority of a simple Russian man over representatives of the dominant classes is shown.

In the "poems in prose" with a special warmth of Turgenev writes about the Motherland. He sounded for the first time, this topic never disappeared from the writer's creativity.

Among the poems in prose a prominent place occupies a patriotic miniature "Russian language". With extraordinary subtlety and tenderness treated the Great Word Artist to the Russian language. The writer urged to take care of our fine language. He believed that the Russian language belongs to the future that with the help of such a language you can create great works.

Satyric paphos washed with the part of the poems in prose, in which the plotting, slanderousness, korestoloby. Such human vices, like egoism, greed, anger, are sharply exposed in poems: "Satisfied man", "writer and critic", "Fool", "Egoist", "Enemy and Friend", "Gad", "Correspondent", " Everyday rule. " Some of these poems are based on life facts. For example, in the poem "GAD" depicts a separate reaction journalist B.M. Markevich. A number of poems in prose will penetrate sad meditations, pessimistic sentiments inspired by a prolonged disease of the writer.

However, no matter how sad and painful impressions of the writer's personal life, they did not obscure the world before him. Unsreased disease, Turgenev still sought their own suffering, pessimistic mood. He did not lose faith in the future of the people, in the celebration of progress and humanity. Personal suffering writer contrasted the thoughts that claimed faith in man. Paphosum of humanity and optimism is imbued with the poem "Sparrow", "We still wake!".

"Love ... stronger death and fear of death. Only her, only love holds and moves life, "this is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem of the Sparrow. In the poem "We still wake!" Life approval is expressed even more brighter: let the deadly hawk grokely circling over the bell-haired sparrows. They are cheerful and carefree, life is triumph. Let death inevitable. But it should not be inclined to be premature. We must fight. Fighters and death are not terrible. In the final, the author who distinguishes the gloomy duma, exclaims "We still wake the damn!"

In the "poems in prose" talent Turgenev flashed with new faces. Most of these lyrical miniatures are distinguished by musicality, romanticity; They are expressive with landscape sketches made in realistic, then in a romantic manner, and often with the introduction of fantastic flavor.

Until now, the Turgenev "poems in prose" remain a sample of the workshop of the Russian syllable. The writer knew the mystery and artistic and at the same time ethical suggestion and knew how to worry not only by beauty, but also the conscience of his talent. I bore the restraint of the syllable in generosity of thoughts and colors, eliminating the entire superfluous and hindering the holistic perception of the work, simplicity at depth - all this reader is in the "poems in prose".

In the genre attitude, the cycle of "poems in prose" Molla: There are such genre varieties like sleep, vision, miniature story, dialogue, monologue, legend, elegacy, message, satire and even necrologist. This variety of forms, wound with the beauty and elegance of the syllable, testifies to the high mastery of the artist. Turgenev enriched Russian literature with new visual means and paved the road to such writers as I. Bunin, V. Korolenko and others who continued the development of this genre.

1. Trail to Turgenev V.Afanasyev, P. Bogoletov.

2. Creative path of Turgenev. PG Paustovyt.

3. "Poem in prose" Turgenev. L.A. Ozers

Many Russian poets touched upon the topic of freedom, equality, honesty, of course, not the first, but only they were able so elegantly and accurately convey it to their readers, why became so popular.

For example, Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy in his novel - the epic "War and World" described in detail the events of that time: serfdom, the war with the French, the moral landmarks of the Russians. In his heroes showed typical representatives of Russia, without hiding and their negative features. Through his novels, the reader not only draws something new for himself, absorbs moral lessons, but he can see the picture passed. And foreign writers dedicated their works under a description of those or other events, which allows learning historical phenomena from two sides.

"Hunter's notes. Tale. Poem in prose »Ivan Turgenev

Notes of the hunter. Tale. Poem in prose

Description: The cycle of the stories "Notes of the Hunter" (1847-1852), which had a noticeable impact on Russian literature, became one of the most notable works in the work of Turgenev.
Thanks to the "memorization", the author received world fame, his cooperation with the "contemporary" began with them.
You will hear the stories from the "Hunter's Notes" cycle, the story "Mum", "Asya" and "First Love", as well as poems in prose.

1. Tale
Mu Mu
The first love
2. From the "Hunter Notes" cycle
Bezhin Mead.
Chore and Kalinich
Forest and steppe
Two landlords
County tech
3. Poem in prose
List of poems
To the reader
Old woman
You hear a fool's court ...
Satisfied man
Everyday rule
End of the world
Eastern legend
Two quatrains
Black workers and Belarus
rose flower
Memory Yu.P. Vrevskaya
Last date
Necessitas, Vis, Libertas
Azure kingdom
Two rich
Old man
Two brothers
Pier at the Supreme Being
Enemy and friend
A rock
Tomorrow, tomorrow!
Hang him!
What I will think.
How good, how fresh roses were ...
Sea swimming
N. N.
We still wake!
Russian language
A meeting
I'm sorry…
Thrush. Part 1-2.
Without nest
Whose fault?
Writer and critic
Who to argue with ...
Oh my youth! Oh my freshness!
To *** (then no swelter swipe ...)
I walked among the high mountains ...
When I won't ...
I got up at night ...
When I'm alone ...
Path to love
You cried ...
Truth and truth
Nessun Maggior Dolore.
Caught under the wheel
Uh ... uh!
My trees

But the cycle has a subtitle "Poems in prose." Turgenev gave in it an indication of the genre, using a kind of oxymoron.

Before us, a lyrical prose, the authentic creators of which were in the XIX century Walt Whitman ("Leaves of the Grass") and Charles Bajler ("Little poems in prose"). And those and other works of Turgenev knew, and Whitman even translated into Russian. It was a high assessment of such prose in someone else's performance pushed him to create his own. Thus, at the first stage of work, we consider the cycle in the context of European literature. You can read several texts of these works of Bodler and Whitman to feel similarity.

What makes Turgenev prose poetry?

Brevity. From 3 ("Last Rule"), 4 5 ("You cried", "simplicity", "love") lines up to 1.5 2 pages ("hang it", "Drozd", "trees", etc.). No more…

Lorism, autobiographic. The absence of a phabuline (eventful) exploration, sometimes the main event becomes feelings, experiences. The story is conducted from the first person, while the pronoun "I" is often used, it is clearly defined that we have a case from the author's life, his vision, his sleep.

The abundance of paths, speech expressive means (anaphor, inversions, repetitions), which makes the works by poetic, melodic, rhythmic. Pupils lead numerous examples.

So, before us, poetry, although the absence of rhymes, graphic design brings them closer with prose.

But this is not just poems, but combined into the cycle. What binds them among themselves?

Genre forms are diverse, but repeatable, there are lovers.

a) dreams, vision ("end of the world", "Insect", "Nature", "Meeting" dreams; "Skulls", "Threshold", "Christ", etc. vision);

b) memories ("rival", "Masha", "Sparrow", "hang it!", "We still wake," etc.);

c) legends, parables, fairy tales "Fool", "Eastern Legend" "enemy and friend").

d) philosophical and psychological reflections "Old man", "Sphinx", stone "," Stop! " and etc.).

There is unity at the level of theme, problems, ideological content.

a) socio-political issues:

about the relations of the Russian people and the intelligentsia ("threshold", "black-workers and the Belarusian");

on the moral superiority of a simple Russian man, his heartlessness, responsiveness ("Masha", "two rich", "hang it!").

b) moral issues:

There are many satirical miniatures "Satisfied man", "Durak", "Egoist" "GAD", "Last Rule".

c) Philosophical issues:

Especially a lot of reflection about death. Death motives, old age, loneliness students are defined as end-to-end in poems: "What will I think?", "Dog", "Last Date", "Old Man", "Tomorrow! Tomorrow!" and etc.

Death also appears in the allegorical images of the old women, skulls converging to the secular routa, and in the image of a terrible insect, flies, the end of the world, darkness.

Reflections on the greatness and eternity of nature (space) and the mortality of life is also one of the cross-cutting topics. She sounds in the poems "Talk", "Nature", "My Trees", "Sea Swimming".

Reflection on the passage and eternal power of beauty: "Visit", "stand!".

Faith in a non-restful strength of life, in the greatness of love sounds in the poems of the "Sparrow", "We still wake", "UA-UA!", "Core kingdom".

The mood is sad, melancholic, specified by poems about old age, loneliness, death is replaced by life-affirming, optimistic. Rightly what Turgenev placed after the "hourglass" "UA-UA!", And after the "Sparrow" "Skulls"? No, it's not by chance. In this approval of the cyclicality of our senses, experiences. Cyclic The main law of development, in this cycle of poems, he characterizes the state of the soul of the lyrical hero.

What is he, lyrical hero cycle?

Mashed life, in many ways disappointed, but also in love, which is waiting for death, lonely, but also knowing how to love, appreciate the beauty ...

All this Turgenev, his soul!

You should not forget that the cycle was created in the late 70s, the writer at that time was already a node, lived in France, away from the Motherland, did not have his family.

I.S. Turgenev "Poems in Prose": a holistic cycle analysis

The task. Find and correct as carefully as possible - lexical, grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors in the educational composition. Extra favor your conclusion to the writing.

"What kind of humanity, that for a warm word with simplicity and rainbow paints, that for sadness, the humility of fate and the joy for human existence", wrote P.V. Annenkov about one of the last Turgenev works of the "poem in prose" ("Senilia.«).

In the late 70s, when this cycle was created, the writer was already alone. Living abroad, he felt longing in his native nature, people. Without creating your family, I lived the troubles and the joys of the Polina Viardo family. But the main thing - in his soul there was a dedication sense of loneliness, which he felt in the face of the approaching death.

Read the cycle "Poem in Prose" it means to enter the soul of an old man. Because no wonder Turgenev chose for him and the second name « Senilia."(" Senual "). What is in this soul?

Born over the years and intense wisdom, admiring the beauty of life, fear of death, memories of lived. Reching and sarcasm is replaced by joy and pacification, but more often Elegic sadness, sadness. Outgoing from life thinks about the eternal, and these thoughts are unemployed.

The motive of death becomes the main in the works of the cycle. It is in allegorical images: the old women ("old woman"), "small and sweeble", with "yellow, wrinkled, eye-minded, toothless face", flies ("insect") who bited the very carefree person, skulls ("skulls") converging to secular Rauta. It appears in the form of the end of the world, the darkness that no one ("end of the world" does not pass).

With the motive of death, the theme and eternity of nature, which established death as the law of development is connected. In the poems "Nature", "marine swimming" sounds thought: "We are all children of one mother - nature." Everything! No matter, man you or bird, flea or animal. All Brennas in the face of eternity. The symbol of eternity is the mountains ("conversation"), trees ("My trees"). Two Alpine peaks of Jungfrau and Finstoreargorn live in a different spatial-temporal dimension than people ("black goats") from their foot. Millennium of human life for them is one minute. Talking for a few minutes, a whole human civilization passed. In the poem "My Trees", "stiff, curly" the owner of the richest estate, who welcomed "on my hereditary earth, under the canopy of my age-old trees" His guest, receives a sentence: can not "semi-dimensional worm" call her what is more than eternal. Old oak becomes a symbol of eternity. Reflecting on the eternal, the lyrical hero is experiencing sadness, sometimes reaching pessimism. But this mood is replaced by joyful, triumphant in those verses, where the faith is tangible due to life, in the greatness of love - "Sparrow", "We still wake!", "UA-UA!"

Announced Chernogoody Sparrow "With a desperate and miserable pisk, defended his chick from a dog, toothy, with a disclosed mouth." Strength, which made a small bird on this feat, is named love. In love sees Turgenev overcoming death and fear of death. "Only love keeps and moves," he says. Overcoming death - and in the approval of the beautiful. Yes, everything beautiful passes instantly. But the meeting with wonderful gives the feeling of the eternity of this moment.

Last Rule Turgenev Rule

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Poetic screening of the story of I.S. Romegenev. KRASNOETV, MUMU, MU-MU Soyuzmultfilm, 1987. Elap of the story I.S. Turgenev. . Audiobook. Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich. "Mummy" reads: Dmitry Savin this
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The sad story of "Mu-Mu" about the deaf-and-and-the-day janitor Gerasima, told by I.S. Turgenev, known from school years. Contrasting the world. The film of the same name I. S. Turgenev. The touching film by the story of I. S. Turgenev about a very serf and true friend of man. Voice of the book "Mumu" by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev Mumu. If, after full page download, you continue to see this inscription instead.

Download Ivan Turgenev - Torrent free download notes of the hunter. Tale. Poems in prose.

School Library "invites you to listen to the cycle of the stories" Notes of the Hunter "(1. Turgenev. Thanks to" Posses ", the author received world fame, his cooperation began with the" contemporary "N.

A. Nekrasov. You will hear the stories from the "Hunter's Notes" cycle, the story "Mum", "Asya" and "First Love", as well as poems in prose. Contents: 1. Tale. Mu Mu. Asya. The first love. From the cycle & Hunter's notes & Bezhin meadow. Horing and Kalinich. Singers. Biryuk. Forest and steppe. Two landowners. Office.

County leak. 3. Poems in prose.

To the reader. Village. Conversation. Old woman.

Dog. Rival. Beggar. You will hear a fool's court .. Satisfied man. Everyday rule. End of the world. Masha. Fool. Eastern legend. Two quatrains.

Sparrow. Skull. Black worker and whitefly. Rose flower. The memory of Yu. P. Vyrevskaya. Last date. Threshold. Visit.

Necessitas, Vis, Libertas. Alms. Insect. Soup Azure kingdom. Two rich. Old man. Correspondent. Two brothers. Egoist. Pier at the Supreme Being. Sphinx. Nymphs. Enemy and friend.

Christ. A rock. Pigeons. Tomorrow, tomorrow! Nature. Hang him! What will I think? How good, how fresh were roses .. Sea swimming. N. N. Stove! Monk. We still wake! Prayer.

Russian language. A meeting. I'm sorry .. curse. Twins. Thrush. Part 1- 2. Without a nest. Cup. Whose fault? Gad. Writer and critic. Who to argue with .. oh my youth!

Oh my freshness! To *** (then not Sweddwe's swallow ..) I walked among the high mountains .. when I won't be .. hourglass. I got up at night .. when I am alone .. The way to love. Phrase. Simplicity. Brahmin.

You cried .. love. Truth and truth. Partridge. Nessun Maggior Dolore. Caught under the wheel. U- and .. u- and! My trees.

1.Prosis I.S. Turgenev.

2. Metric way O.E. Mandelstam.

3. Modern and expressive painted vocabulary and phraseology of the modern Russian language.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818 - 1883). Noble family, from Orlovsk province. He studied at the philosophical F-th to St. Petersburg. And Berlinsk. Un-Tah, after acquaintance with the singer Polina Viaro advantage. He lived abroad.

Evolution. Turgeneva-writer Very interesting. He began as a poet, but as a poet, mad. write lyrics The verse-me, but also the stir-plot, in the spirit of "delta" literature (stories in the poems "Parasha", "conversation", "Andrei"; the story in the verse "landowner"). In the 40th year The literature itself. The situation is put forward. Forward prose, the interest of the reader to poetry significantly decreases. It is impossible to say that this particular process was the reason for TURG. I switched to prose, but also not to pay attention to this trend. It is impossible. Be that as it may, with a serm. 40x. Turg. He writes prose.

"Hunter's Notes"(1847-1852, "Contemporary").. Famous exactly as Pozaika Turgenev made a cycle of the stories "Notes of the Hunter". The 1st Machion of the Cycle (Perse. "Chorine and Kalinich", "Ermolai and Mellenchikha") have features common with genre of physiological. Essay. But in different. From the essays Daly, Grigorovich, etc. will present. Natur. Shk., in which there is a rule of absent. The plot, and the hero appeared. Generalization of workshops. Signs (Sharganger, janitor, etc.), for the essay of the Turg. character. Typification of the hero (i.e., expressing character. Damn in a specific image), creating a situation that contributes. identifying and disclosure of character. In the 70s. Turg. Additional. "Z. about." Another 3 stories: "End of Chertopkhanov", "live power", "knocks!". Analysis of the contract. "Horing and Kalinich".In "Z. about." Narrator, accompanied by. Cross. Hunter Yermolaya or one, wanders with a rifle on the forests of Orlovsk. and Kaluzhsk. province and gives observations in the spirit of physiological. Essays. Pretty brightly "physiologist" at Turgenev manifested in the first story of the cycle (he was written first) "Horing and Kalinich". Rask begins. CO comparative. Descriptions of the men Orlovsk. and Kaluzhsk. province. This description is quite in the spirit of natur. schools, because The author brings the generalized image of the Men of the Orlovsky and the man of Kaluga (Oryolovsky Ugryum, it's small thanks, lives in bad aspens. The hollow, wears lapties; Kaluzhsk. - Cheerful, high, lives in good pine. High, on the holiday. Wear boots) and a generalized area of \u200b\u200bterrain in which this man lives, i.e. Subtext: Wednesday affects Har-r and living conditions (Orlovsk. There is no trees, the horses are closely, etc.; Kaluga. - On the contrary). It seems that not two neighboring are described. Areas, and different climates. belt. But this essay start is given not for the sake of the description, it needs to be the author to go to the story about how the landowner Petr Petrovich is sent. For hunting with prep. Semi-cylinder and result. I met 2 of his peasants. In Piz. The essay we feel the presence of an observer author, but the hero is not like that. In "Z. about." The observer author is personified in the image of Peter Petrovich's hunter, which removes the essay detachment and almost the absence of the plot. Images of the Korean and Kalinic are the images of individual, not generalized, but are different types of personality: a chorine is rationalist (Turg. Compared. It with Socrates), Kalinich is an idealist. Descriptions of some. The moments of the life of the peasants (selling braids and sickles, buying rags) are not as the observation of the author, but as information, drawn from the conversation with the cross. After orders. With Horre, the author concludes that Peter the Great was Russian. In his conversion-yam (controversy with Slavophiles, who considered the conversion. Peter harmful), because Russian man. Do not mind passing by Europe what is useful for him. "Two landlords."Nat's impact much brighter. shk. Manifested in the story "Two landlords". The purpose of the hero is a familiar. Reader with 2 landowners who have often hunted. Story can be partition. On 2 parts - essay on landowners and household scenes in the house 2nd, Mardaria Apollum. 1st part prest. It is a detailed, detailed description of habits, a manner, portrait character-to-the characters, which by themselves - type. Speaking surnames in Pos. - puffy and slagunov. All this part is the entry into household scenes that the Demserter. Preventive chaos in relation. To all surrounding. (Keeping. Sacred to drink vodka, scene with chickens: peasant. Kuras wandered on Barsk. The courtyard, Mardary first ordered to drive them, and when it became known, whose chickens took away; relative to the peasants as a cattle: "Persers, damned ! ", Etc.), and besides the peasant. The humility and the joy that the barin is still "not like that. Such a barina in the whole province will not be ourselves. " The plot is minimally expressed, the main thing is to conclusion: "Here it is, old Russia." "Live power."The story was written later, in 1874, and quite very different. From early stories. Gain out the thumbnail, one-piece finish. The plot, the main storyteller on quite a long time. Time ledge. Place Lucierier, who is hanging. About your existence. The narrator, though remains an observer, but it is expressed less clearly (in the portrait character-ke Lukeria, when he surprised, in what form he reached Luchery, Jeanne d'Ark, when asking. Podazor in the village of Luchery). An interesting detail is the dreams of Luchery, they are very bright and yavl as expressing. Ideas hanging out. Suffering and very faithful psychological. character-ko (immobilization. A person lives and rest. Only in his dreams, the dreams compensate for the lack of events in real life). This RASC - One of the most heartfelt.

Generally before Turgenev costs 1 important problem: stop being a poet and become a prose. It is harder than it may seem. In search of a new manner of Turgenev writes a story "Diary of an extra person" (1850). The self-sizing of the hero of this, I am "an extra person," is picked up with criticism, and all the characters of the type of Onegin, Pechorina, and then - and the Turgenev Rudine, appear. Later, they are now referred to as superfluous people.

In 1852 - 1853Being on the position. exile in the native estate of Spassky-Lutovinov, Turg. Continue. Work on the development of a new creature. manners. Roman "Two generations" over which he works. At this time, remained unfinished. 1 end. and public publishing Roman - "Rudin" (1855)then - "Noble nest" (1858), "On the eve" (1860), "Fathers and children" (1862). In the same period, he writes a story "MUMU" (1852)and "Asya" (1857), Tale in letters "Correspondence" (1854).

Prose Turg. - Not "prediction" appeared new people in Russian. Society (Dobrolyubov believed that TURG. Somehow guessing the appears of new sociality. types in society), it is not Ohahanich-smi only with social motifs. Each of his leads and novels - about tragic. love, and often there is a situation of a love triangle or its likeness ("Fathers and Children": Pavel Kirsanov - Countess R. - Her husband; Bazarov - Anna Odintova - Death; "Noborsk Neck": Lavretsky - His wife Varvara Pavlovna - Lisa; " On the eve of ": Elena - Insarov - Death again).

Another 1 Plast of Turgenev Prose is the decision of the eternal pressing rus. Question "What to do?". He is trying to resolve in their disputes on socio-politics. Questions of Rudin and Pigasov, Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov, Lauretsky and Panshin, in the Late Roman "Smoke" - Sozonate Potugin and Grigory Litvinov (and others).

The philosophical component is also important, especially bright in "fathers and children." Researchers Prov. That Reminisz. From the works of Pascal is actively using in the death monologue of Bazarov.

The image of a "new" person. Turgenev's novels "Rudin" and "On the eve".

Turgenev. 2 types of "new" man - Rudin and Insarov ("On the eve"). The first one did not., Cr. Death on the barricades in the FR (later inserted the final episode. Rudin wants to at least achieve something, do at least some great thing). The second does not have time, dies from char. Insarov in the novel called. "hero". Rudin - a typical coward, for everything enough, does not bring anything to the end, no one loves, incl. The homeland is that, according to Lenznev, he leads to the collapse. Rudin is not created. His, only feeds on other people's ideas. INS. Turgenev loves, he is close to arr. Fighter, hero, but ins. - Bulgarian, not Russian. \u003d\u003e WIT Question: When the heroes appear in Russia. INS. First of all, loves his country, but it is capable of feelings for a woman. However, this arr. Turgenev is not fully worked out. Women:Elena (Na., Insarov's wife) Critics were attributed to Emancipe, he considered expressing. Wovers of women. New. Man, incl., Woman is a man thinking, doubting, bid. Freedom of choice and conscience, but TURG. He considers (in these novels) that he has not appeared yet, there are only blanks.

"Fathers and children" Turgenev. The image of the nihilist. Spheres around the image of the chief hero.

Controversy around arr. GL Hero Began immediately after the revenue of the novel. In "Tech". for March 1862 - announcement of Antonovich - A. argues that NiHist Bazarov is written off from Dobrolyubov. Chernyshevsky - considers caricature images of all nihilists in the novel, including, naturally, Bazarov. Pisarevpublishes in the "Russian Word" article "Bazarov". He notes that T does not like Bazarov that despite all the attempts of trying to blacken it, B is pretty, the uncommon mind is visible, "thought and things merge into one whole." By definition of Pisarev, not loves either fathers or children. Without having a day. Show Life B, T shows his decent death. PR. Makes the conclusion: not bad, bad conditions. Herzmen It believes that T, out of dislike B, makes it from the very beginning ridiculous, makes it comes to speak absurdity, etc. Strahov (Magazine "Time") Bazarov - Titan, rising against Mother Earth, it is shown with all the power of poetic. art. Everyone converge on the thoughts, which is shown only to the resort, not visible synthesis, the work of thought, the cat. He led Bazarov to such a lifestyle and an understanding of the OCD. World.

The last novels of Turgenev - "smoke" (started in 1862, publ. In 1867), "Novy" (1876).

Last. Romanes Turg. "Smoke" (publ. In 1867) and "New" (1876) stand in a number of his novels a few mansion. They are evidence. On noticeable changes in the worldview. Roman action "Smoke"because In 1862 Date is given on the first line, the binding of time: like, reforms passed, nothing has changed, under his feet - hlybye, above the head - freedom (celenko), people are in suspended. Roman Democratic. Directions. Criticism determined it as "novel + 2 pamphlet + polit. Allusion. The action is happening. Abroad, in Baden, two mug of local Russian-speaking. Societies parody polit. Circles of Russia (conservative liberals). GL Hero - Litvinov, young man, poor landowner, images. and pleasant. The hero is not an arguing, the hero-ideologist of Turgenev ended, l says in the case, often falls under the influence (bride, aunts of the bride, Irina). Former and newly acquired love L - Irina. They wanted to run together, but she refused. Now and, no matter how agrees, though L is the bride - Tatyana. Irina plays according to the laws of Badensky, not wanting to play in these games. Litvinov - Slave, he obeys Irina, like Dr. Hero - Potugin (almost an ideologist, supporter of reforms, C and connected by a terrible secret: she blew him to take a child of the late girlfriend, but the girl died), like her rich husband (version - and Fare of themselves to pull out the family, went out for the old gene., but nothing is clear to the end). It is not clear, passionate and or cold. And the calculation, in its image there is a mystical, it is beautiful. Bride l sincerely admire. In the end, when it became clear what and only plays, and how I would have forgiven Lithuania, he decides to return to his homeland, and travels to Russia on the train. In the landscape - image of smoke. Its direction depends on the wind. Smoke without fire ... Russia, love - smoke. Baden-shape.

Poems in prose (Senilia.. 50 poems in prose).In draft sketches from 1877, the 1e name-E -Posthuma (posthumous, lat.), Therefore, it is assumed that TURG. I did not intend to first press. them in life. But in 1883 50 verse in prose overlook the "messenger of Europe". At the end of the 20x. Xxx. In manuscripts, Turg. Another 31 verse was found in prose. Now they are published in 2 parts: in the 1st - 50 verse, in 2nd - 31 verses. Genres. Psycho."Verse. in pr. " introduced new. Prosaich. Genre of small form in Russian. Lit-ru. There was a plurality of imitation and production, developing. This genre (Garin, Balmont, Bunin). By itself, the genre of verse in prose appeared in Franz. (The term arose after going to the light of Sat-ka Charles Bodler "Little Steemot-I in Prose"). The term "poem-me", elected by Baudelair, was most likely a compromise defining new. Genre as intermediate. between prose and poetry. Bodler genre attracted. Establishing a form, he wrote in one of the letters that this form is very suitable for the inside. The world of contemporary He is, and besides, this genre was embodied the dreams of creating a "poetic of prose, musical without rhyme and without rhythm." Turg. Nowhere is not mentioned. The fact that he was familiar with these bodler arms, but it is assumed that he knew them well. And although the subject of the verse bodler and Turg. Various, in relation The genre can be observed known. similarity. Somehow The researchers also put forward the idea that the verse in prose is the "last poem of Turgenev." Disputes in the issue of genres. Psycho-Tay "Verse-th in prose" continues. Topics.A number of motifs can be distinguished in the "verse yah in prose". One themes devoted. Group verse, others - one or two. The main motifs. 1) Rustic.: Village, soup. The image of the village arose. And in other verse in prose, but it does not become the motive - only the background. 2) Man and Nature: conversation, dog, sparrow, nymphs, pigeons, nature, sea sailing. A person acts at the entrance. Contemplator of nature, then feelings. Its unity with her, then it will betrand in the form of a scary. ruthless. Figures, the main thing for which is equilibrium, and there is no case to insignificant. Human. ideas like good, etc. 3) Death: Old woman, rival, skull, last date, insect, tomorrow! Tomorrow! What will I think?, How good, how fresh were roses. Death is often personified (then the old woman, then beautiful. Woman, reconciling. Enemies, then a terrible insect). Often a person does not think about death, but she is very close. 4) Christian. Motives: Beggar, memory Yu.P. Verevskaya, threshold, alms, two rich, Christ, "hang it!". Thin and brightly given images of sufferers, all-friendly, compassion. 5) Russia / Russian. Act and morals: "You hear a fool's court," a satisfied person, the everyday rule, a fool, two quatrains, black-workers and whitelle, correspondent, Sphinx, enemy and friend, Russian. Perhaps this motive is the sest. But not myself. important. These verse is often irony and even sarcastic. Har-r. 6) The end of the world: the end of the world. 7) Love: Masha, Rose, Stone, Stop! 8) Old age and youth: visit, azure kingdom, old man. Often it is difficult to allocate some central in the verse-AI. Motive, since the nature and death, nature and love, death and love, etc. are woven together.

Self. The line in the work of Turgenev was present. by himself "Strange Tale"(Mystich. Fantasy; "Faust", 1856; "Ghosts", 1864; "Dog", 1870; "Clara Milich", 1883, etc.). Attempts to prove many times, that this is aiming - something uncharacteristic for Turgenev (but since he wrote it, then why uncharacteristic?). In short, the need for him, apparently, was this: from realism to mysticism. Yes, and philosophical interests are played here not the last role.

Another line - cultural history. Scenesin prose Turgenev ("Brigadier", 1866; "History of Lieutenant Ergunova", 1868; "Old portraits", 1881, etc.). The writer's interest in Otch. History, especially the 18th century, makes itself felt also in the novel "Novy" (figures of old people of Fomushki and Fomushki - Foma Lavrentievich and Eutemy Pavlovna, the pictures of the nobility organized by the old man. Life). Turgenev masterfully recreated. The pictured era, in the "Brigadier" even introduces poems written by the hero, styliz. Under the poetry of the late 18th century.

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