Victor Shklovsky, "Sentimental Journey". Victor Shklovsky, "Sentimental Journey" Viktor Shklovsky - Sentimental Journey

Victor Shklovsky, "Sentimental Journey". Victor Shklovsky, "Sentimental Journey" Viktor Shklovsky - Sentimental Journey

From 1917 to 1922, besides the foregoing, he married a woman named Lucy (this book was also dedicated), because of another woman fought for a duel, a lot was hungry, he worked together with Gorky in the World Literature, lived in the art house ( In the then the main writer barracks, stirring in the Palace of the merchant Eliseeva), taught literature, released books, together with friends created a very influential scientific school. In the wardings he took the book. He again taught Russian writers to read Stern, who is again (in the XVIII century) wrote a "sentimental journey". I explained how the novel "Don Quixote" is arranged and how many other literary and non-straining things are arranged. With many people successfully planted. Lost his chestnut curls. In the portrait of the artist Yuri Annensky - Schinel, a huge forehead, an ironic smile. Remained optimistic.

Once he met a cleaner of shoes, an old familiar icehouse of Lazarus Zervandov, and recorded his story about the outcome of the iceors from Northern Persia to Mesopotamia. Placed it in his book as an excerpt of the heroic epic. In St. Petersburg, at this time, people of Russian culture were tragically experienced a catastrophic change, the epoch was expressively determined as the death time of Alexander Blok. This is also in the book, it also appears as a tragic epic. Genres were transformed. But the fate of Russian culture, the fate of the Russian intelligentsia appeared with an inevitable clarity. The theory was clear. The craft was a culture, the craft determined fate.

On May 20, 1922, in Finland, Shklovsky wrote: "When you fall a stone, you don't need to think when you think, then you do not need to fall. My two crafts are mixed. "

In the same year in Berlin, he finishes the book by the names of those who are worthy of their craft, those who have their craft leaves the ability to kill and take meanness.

Zoo, or letters not about love, or third Eloise (1923)

Illegally emigrating from Soviet Russia in 1922, the author arrived in Berlin. Here he met many Russian writers who, like most Russian emigrants, lived in the Zoo Metro Station. ZOO is a zoological garden, and therefore, having decided to present Russian literary-grade emigration to the Germans in Berlin among indifferent and engaged in Germans, the author began to describe these Russians as representatives of some exotic fauna, absolutely not adapted to normal European life. And therefore the place in the zoological garden. With a special confidence, the author attributed this to himself. As the majority of Russians, who have passed through two wars and two revolutions, he did not even know the European - too leaning towards a plate. Pants were also not as necessary - without the necessary folded fold. And the Russians have a heavier gait than the middle European. Starting to work on this book, the author soon discovered two extremely mandes. The first: it turns out, he is in love with a beautiful and smart woman named Alya. Second: He can't live abroad, since he will deteriorate from this life, acquiring the habits of the ordinary Europeans. He must return to Russia, where friends were left and where, as he feels, he needs himself, his books, his ideas (his ideas are all connected with the theory of prose). Then this book settled as follows: letters from the author to Ale and letters from Ali to the author written by him. Alya prohibits writing about love. He writes about literature, about Russian writers in exile, on the impossibility of living in Berlin, about many other things. It turns out interesting.

Russian writer Alexey Mikhailovich Remizov invented the Great Decorations of the Order of the Type of Masonic Lodge. He lived in Berlin about the way there would be a monkey king Assyka.

The Russian writer Andrei White, with whom the author more than once mistakenly changed the cough, the effect of his speeches was not at all inferior to the truly shaman.

Russian artist Ivan Puni in Berlin worked a lot. In Russia, he was also very busy with work and did not immediately notice the revolution.

The Russian artist Mark Chagall does not belong to the cultural world, but simply as he painted the best of all in his vitebsk, and draws better than everyone in Europe.

Russian writer Ilya Ehrenburg smokes constantly the phone, but he is a good writer, so still not known.

Russian philologist Roman Jacobson is distinguished by the fact that wearing narrow pants, has red hair and can live in Europe.

The Russian philologist Peter Bogatyrev, on the contrary, cannot live in Europe and, in order to survive, should surcharge at a concentration camp for Russian Cossacks, awaiting returning to Russia.

For Russians in Berlin, several newspapers are published, and for monkeys in the zoological garden, and it also misses his homeland. In the end, the author could take it on himself.

Having written twenty-two letters (eighteen ala and four of Ali), the author understands that his position in all respects hopelessly, addresses the last, twenty-third letter to the Central RSFSR and asks to allow him to return. At the same time, it reminds that when the ersroma is taken, everyone gave up. And it is now incorrect.

Viktor Borisovich Shklovsky 1893-1984

Sentimental journey
Zoo, or letters not about love, or third Eloise (1923)

Entertaining and practical knowledge. Mythology.

AREA Eurasian Pranodina, according to linguistics data, was between the Northern Parcarpathy and Baltic.
The main part of this range in IX thousand to n. e. Over only one archaeological culture occupied - Svider-Skye, coexisting in the West with a relatives-lessenburg archaeological culture.
Svetdo culture - archaeological equivalent of boreal community. This conclusion can be done by combining the data of the Eurasian vocabulary and the characteristics of the archaeological culture. Eurasian at that distant time was widely used onions and arrows, hunted with dogs, taking off the wolf; Created a new tool - ax. (Andreev, 1986, p. 48, No. 75; p. 248, No. 198; p. 18, №140). (Fig. 44: 7 a).
If these language realities belong to the Carpathian basin and the northern regions adjacent to it, no earlier than IX thousand BC are dated. e. (Safronov, 1989) or the end of the Paleolithic (Andreev, 1986), then the only culture, the carriers of which invented and widely used the ax, domesticated the wolf, bringing the breed of dogs, there were carriers of a commander culture. Pri-
17 Zap. 136 241.
The essence of a variety of flint tips of arrows in the exhaust complexes is the proof of the hunting type of the economy in the exhausters, with the leading tools of hunting - Luke and arrows. (Fig. 43.)
This pre-conclusion can be supported by and comparing 203 of the roots of the Boreal Language, according to which the Eurasian culture of Eurasian society IX thousand BC is quite clearly restored. e.
In addition, it is necessary to determine if there was a MiG-Razchovy Sviders in Anatoly and whether they had a genetic connection with Chatal-Guyukuk, the early-European attribution of which was established on 27 signs ten years ago (Safronov, 1989, p. 40 - 45).
Since our challenge is to compare the verbal portrait of Eurasian culture with the realities of the Sweater Archaeological Culture, the material analogy will be given to each sign of Eurasian Pranodina and Practices.
Localization of the Pranodina of Eurasians according to linguistics data on its ecology. The discoverer of the Eurasian (Boreal) community, N.D. Andreev, allocated signs (in the future presentation: P. I ...), indicating the landscape-climatic characteristics of the Arala Eurasian Pranodina.
The climate in the pranodine zone of the Eurasians was the cloyer with long winter and cruel blizzards, alternating a fatal outcome.
P. 1 "Winter", "Snow Time" p.2 "Cold", "Footage" P.Z "LED"
P.4 "Inay", "Thin ice"
P.Z "Ice Cork"
P.6 "Slise on Ice", "Snow"
P.7 "Misel", "Cold", "dress"
P.8 "PURGA", "COLD WEAT", "blowing war"
P.9 "Wind", "blow", "Northern"
P. 10 "freeze", "fake"

Viktor Borisovich Shklovsky

Sentimental journey

Memories 1917-1922 (Petersburg-Galization-Preia - Saratov - Kiev - Petersburg - Dnipro - Petersburg - Berlin)

First part

Revolution and Front

Before the revolution, I worked as an instructor of a spare armor division - consisted of a privileged soldier.

I will never forget the feeling of the terrible blowing day, which I experienced and my brother, who served as a staff writer.

I remember the thieves of the street after 8 hours and three-month hopeless sitting in the barracks, and the main thing is the tram.

The city was facing a military camp. "SemiChniki" - so called the soldiers of military patrols for the fact that they were said - they received two kopecks for each arrested, "they caught us, drove into the courtyards, pinched a curfew. The reason for this war was the overflow of soldiers of cars tram and the refusal of soldiers to pay for travel.

The bosses considered this question - the question of honor. We, the soldiers' mass, responded to a deaf embittered sabotage.

Maybe this is the guys, but I am sure that the seat without holidays in the barracks, where the people were baltered and dear from affairs, people were fucked without any business on the horses, barren, dark tomorrow and the malice of soldiers for what they were hunted through the streets - All this has more revolutionized St. Petersburg garrison than permanent military failures and stubborn, universal senses about "treason."

The tram topics created a special folklore, a pitiful and characteristic. For example: Sister of Mercy rides with wounded, the general is tied to the wounded, insults and sister; Then she throws off the raincoat and finds himself in the uniform of the Great Princess; So they said: "In Mundire." The general becomes kneel and asks for forgiveness, but she does not forgive him. As you can see - the folklore is still completely monarchical.

This story is attached to Warsaw, then to St. Petersburg.

She talked about the murder of the Cossack General, who wanted to make the Cossack with the tram and broke his crosses. Murder because of the tram, it seems, really happened in St. Petersburg, but I rather relate to epic processing; At that time, on trams, the generals had not yet traveled, excluding retired poor people.

Agitation in parts was not; At the very least, I can say it about my part, where I spent with the soldiers all the time from five to six in the morning until the evening. I am talking about party agitation; But even with her absence, still a revolution was somehow solved, "they knew that she would have thought that it would break out after the war.

Agiculate in parts was no one, the party people were little, if there were, so among the workers who almost did not have communication with soldiers; intelligentsia - in the most primitive sense of the word, t<о> E.<сть> All having any education, at least two classes of gymnasium, was produced in officers and behaved, at least in the St. Petersburg garrison, no better, and maybe - worse personnel officers; The ensign was not popular, especially the rear, teeth climbed into the pan battalion. About him soldiers sang:

Before rushing in the garden,
Now - Your Honor.

From these people, many are only to blame for the fact that too easily succumbed to the magnificent carriage of military schools. Many of them subsequently sincerely were betrayed by the case of the revolution, the truth is also easy to succumb to its influence, as it was easily obsessed.

The story with Rasputin was widespread I do not like this story; In the way she said, the spiritual rotting of the people of post-revolutionary sheets was seen, all these "Grisks and his Delicheski" and the success of this literature showed me that for very wide masses Rasputin was a kind of national hero, something like a wrenci key.

But by virtue of a variety of reasons, of which some nerves scratched and created a reason for the outbreak, while others acted from the inside, slowly changing the psyche of the people, rust, iron hoops, tightening the mass of Russia, stretched.

The food of the city has worsened, it has become bad for the standards. There was a shortage of bread, the bread shops had tails, the shops had already begun on the bypass canal, and those lucky who managed to get bread, carried him home, holding hard in her hands, looking in love with him.

They bought bread from the soldier, crusts and pieces were disappeared in the barracks, first of the "local signs" barracks along with the sour smell of captivity.

The cry of "Bread" was heard under the windows and at the gate of the Kazarram, already protected by watch and duty officers who fluently overlooking their comrades.

A barracks, who blurred in the old strict, pressed by cruel, but already insecure hand of the bosses, wandered. By this time, the personnel soldier, and indeed a soldier 22 - 25 years old, was rare. He was brutally and stupidly interrupted in war.

Personnel Unter-Officers were lined as simple ordinary in the first echelons and died in Prussia, under Lviv and with the famous "great" retreat, when the Russian army paved the whole land with its corpses. St. Petersburg soldier of those days is a displeased peasant or an unhappy man in the street.

These people, not even disguised in gray overcoats, and just wrapped in them, were reduced to the crowds, gangs and gangs, called spare battalions.

In essence, the barracks became simply bricks, which all new and new, green and red pieces of appeals were driven by herds of human flesh.

The numerical attitude of the command formulation to the soldiers' mass was, in all likelihood, not higher than the supervisors to the slaves at slavery ships.

And there were rumors over the walls of the barracks that "workers are going to speak" that "Collins on February 18 want to go to the State Duma."

At the semi-furnace, semi-grand soldier mass had few connections with workers, but all the circumstances were so that they created the possibility of some detonation.

I remember the days before. Dreamy conversations of driver-driver, which would be good to catch a corneumon, shoot into the police, and then throw a bronper somewhere in a stamping and leave a note on it: "Deliver to Mikhailovsky Manege." Very characteristic feature: Caring for the car remained. Obviously, people have not yet been confident that it is possible to knock over the old system, they just wanted to hang. And the police were angry for a long time, mainly for the fact that she was released from service at the front.

I remember, two weeks before the revolution we, walking as a team (about a person in two hundred), hug to the detachment of the city and shouted: "Pharaohs, Pharaohs!"

In the last days of February, the people literally rushed to the police, the counters of the Cossacks, expelled to the street, did not touch anyone, we went, dormantly laughing. It was very raised the congestion of the crowd. On Nevsky fired, a few people killed, the killed horse lay near the angle of the foundry for a long time. I remembered her, then it was unusual.

Before the revolution, the author worked as an instructor of a spare armored battalion. In the commententy year, he came with his battalion to the Tauride Palace. The revolution relieved him
like other spare, from multi-month tedious and humiliating seating in barracks. I saw thisone (and I saw and understood everything in my own way) the main reason for the rapid victory of the Eschometric revolution. The democracy put forward Shklovsky, a supporter of the continuation of the war, which Ontine likened the wars of the French Revolution, to the post of assistant commissioner of the Western Front. An illicor courses student of the Philological Faculty, a futurist, a curly young man, on Figurepine resembling Danton, now in the center of historical events. He sits together with the vigorous and arrogant Democrat Savinkov, expresses his opinion to the nervous,
durable Kerensky, going to the front, attends General Kornilov (Society as sneaken by doubts, which of them are best suited to the role of Bonaparta of the Russian Revolution).
The impression of the front: the Russian army also had hernia to the revolution, and now she simply cannot. Despite the dedicated activity of the Kchellovsky Commissioner, which includes a combat vehicle, rewarded with the St. George Cross from Kornilov's hands (attack on the River Lomnica, under the fire-eyed shelf, wounded in the stomach), it becomes clear that the Russian army is incurable of a non-frequency intervention. After the decisive failure of the Cornilov dictatorship, the Bolshevik vivissection is inevitable. Now the longing of the called somewhere on the outskirts - got into the train and went. In Persia, again the Commissar Government in the Russian Extinguction Corps. Fights with Turks near Lake Urmia, where Russian troops are located, long ago are no longer being conducted. Persians are in poverty and hunger, alcohol, Armenians and Iceoras (descendants of Assyrians) are engaged in what they cut each other. Shklovsky Auxoron, ingenious, friendly and few. In the end, after October 1917, the Russian army is discharged from Persia. The author (sitting on the roof of the car) is returning to his homeland after Russia, a fighting by all the types of nationalism. In St. Petersburg, Plotsky interrogates CC. He, a professional narrator, tells about Persia, and they are released. Meanwhile, the need to fight the Bolsheviks for Russia and for freedom is applied apparent. Shklovsky heads the armor department of underground organizations of the Constituent Assembly (ECOMOV). However, the performance is postponed. The continuation is supposed to be in the Volga region, but nothing happens in Saratov. The underground work to him is Nepo Soul, and he goes to the fantastic Ukrainian-German Kiev of Hetman Scoropads.
He does not want to fight for Hetman-Germanic against Petluras against Petlira, who was trusted with him (sugar in the jets fall asleep with his experienced hand). Comes news about the arrest of fragmented assembly. The faint, which happened to Shklovsky at the same time news, meant to fight the Bolsheviks. Forces no longer had. Nothing could not be stopped. Everything rolled aprels. I arrived in Moscow and capitulated. In CC, he was again released as a good acquaintance of Maxigor. In St. Petersburg there was hunger, the sister died, his brother was shot by the Bolsheviks. I went again south,
in Kherson, at the occurrence of Whites, it was mobilized already in the Red Army. An unsuccessful demolition. Once the bomb exploded in his hands. Survived, visited relatives,
jewish people in Elisavetgrad returned to St. Petersburg. After they began to judge SEROV for their fight against the Bolsheviks, suddenly noticed a surveillance. I did not return home, I went to the backlord. Then he arrived in Berlin. From 1917 to 1922, besides the foregoing, he married a woman of sending Lucy (this book was also dedicated), because of another woman fought on a duel, a lot of hungry, work with Gorky in the World Literature, lived in the art house ( In the then Major writer's main writer, stirring in the Palace of the merchant Eliseeva), taught literature, released books, together with SDORDS, created a very influential scientific school. In the wardings he took the book. Again, tag-film writers to read Stern, who once (in the XVIII century) was the first to write a "sentimental". I explained how the novel "Don Quixote" is arranged and how many non-literary and non-straining things are arranged. With many people successfully planted. Lost sabashnoy curls. In the portrait of the artist Yuri Annensky - Schinel, huge forehead, ironyulib. He remained an optimist. Modified a cleaner of the shoes, an old familiar Icesor Lazarus Zervandov, and recorded Himrasskaz about the outcome of the Icesor from Northern Persia to Mesopotamia. Placed it in his book as a fragment ofheroid epic. In St. Petersburg, at this time, people of Russian culture are tragically experiencing a casual change, the epoch was expressively determined as the death time of Alexander Blok.
This is also in the book, it also appears as a tragic epic. Genres were transformed. But the fate of the Russian intelligentsia appeared with an inevitable clarity. The theory is clarified. The craft was a culture, the craft was determined by fate. May 20, 1922 in Finland, Shklovsky wrote: "When you fall a stone, then you don't need to think when you think
that is not necessary to fall. I am mixed up two crafts. "In the same year in Berlin, he finishes the book by the names of those who are worthy of their craft, those who have no kill the opportunity to kill and take meanness.

A sentimental journey is an autobiographical story of a Russian scientist, literary critic, who was not resolutely sitting in place. The time period in which the book unfolds - from 1917 to 1922.

The first thing that affects this text is an incredible contrast of war and poetry. Our hero is distinguished by terrible activity involved in life. He is experiencing all the events of his era, as his own destiny. Shklovsky camishes at the front of the First World War as an assistant commissioner of the temporary government, he himself goes to the attack with a grenade in his hand somewhere on the south-western front and gets a bullet in the stomach, and then George for courage, alone accelerates with the board in the hands of the pogot In Persia, suaches the tanks of the hetman armored vehicles in Kiev. And all this time, the strokes writes a book "Communication of adections of renovation with common style techniques". Surprisingly. Shklovsky sees in war, as the Cossack butt kills the child-Kurd; sees along the road corpses of peaceful people who were killed to check the rifle sight; She sees how women sell women in the market on the market, and people flour down from hunger, and in his head the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work "plot as a phenomenon of style". Lives in two worlds. The book about the plot and style he, by the way, will add in Samara, where it will work in a shoe workshop, hiding from the check under someone else's surname. Already after the victory of the Bolsheviks. And the books needed for quotation it will bring, expanding on sheets and individual nurses. Hunger, executions, civil war, and Shklovsky rides from Samara to Moscow on a fake passport and there is a small report on the topic "Plot in verse." And then go to Ukraine and gets like it seems to be directly on the page of the "White Guard" novel with a terrible confusion of Germans, scorpin, petlura and the expectation of the allies. And then he returns to Moscow, and the bitter will contacted Sverdlov "to stop the case of Esch Shklovsky," and then the Bolshevik-Shklovsky will go to the civil war. And it will be with joy: "I'm going on my star and I don't know if she is, or this is a lantern in the field."

The second, which amazes in the text - the author's intonation. The intonation of a quiet crazy. Here is one of the military scenes: Shklovsky came to the battalion, which refuses to occupy the position. There is almost no cartridges at the disposal of the battalion, and it is ordered to take a position. Shklovsky - power. Need to do something. Further quote: "I got from somewhere through the arriving Van rifle, the cartridges and sent them into battle. Almost the entire battalion died in one desperate attack. I understand them. It was suicide. Went to sleep". Episode is over. It is not just the lack of ethical assessment of his actions, it is amazing at all the lack of reflection about what is happening. We are accustomed to the fact that books about war or revolution are always extremely emotional and ideological. They have good and bad, and most often - the absolute good and absolute evil. Shklovsky does not make such violence over reality, he is watching the picture before the eyes with the imperturbability of Daus. It seems to just catalog life, gently lay out the cards. "I am a theorist of art," he writes, "I am a falling stone and looking down." Shklovsky is such a warring Dao, which goes into the attack, but somewhat dispelled, unsure, because the truth is illusory and also because a new book about Lawrence Stern is standing in the head. You will say, Taoov with bombs does not happen. Well yes! But the Shklovsky is not a Chinese.

And further. If you refuse to conceptualize reality, and took it to catalog, be ready that you have to write about any scooter. The librarian is not the most cheerful profession. The text Shklovsky is also boring in places. But, God, what sometimes there are descriptions that the usual yawning passes, the back of the back is forgotten and as if you fall under black and white lines, like under the ice. For example: the regiment stands in the trench, stretched on the mile. People who boil in the bowler porridge are missing in the pit on the bowl. Only the grass stems only. And you studied in St. Petersburg at the historical and philological faculty and you need to agitate to fought. And now you go on the trench, you say, and people somehow squeeze. For the bottom of the trench, the streams flow. The farther by the flow, the rawrity the walls, full strength and smundling soldiers. Having learned that there is mainly Ukrainians, you speak Ukraine, about independence. In response: "We don't need it!" Yes? We are for the community. Watching you in your hands, waiting for a miracle. And the miracle you can not do. And only a leisurely whistle of German bullets.

In the text Shklovsky there is still a lot of interesting things: the story about living is to be the St. Petersburg writers during the Civil War, about the block, Gorky, "Seraponov Brothers". There is even theoretical manifesto formal school in literary studies. Manual How to disable armored vehicles. And other life. A lot of life. I advise.

Viktor Borisovich Shklovsky

Sentimental journey

Memories 1917-1922 (Petersburg-Galization-Preia - Saratov - Kiev - Petersburg - Dnipro - Petersburg - Berlin)

First part

Revolution and Front

Before the revolution, I worked as an instructor of a spare armor division - consisted of a privileged soldier.

I will never forget the feeling of the terrible blowing day, which I experienced and my brother, who served as a staff writer.

I remember the thieves of the street after 8 hours and three-month hopeless sitting in the barracks, and the main thing is the tram.

The city was facing a military camp. "SemiChniki" - so called the soldiers of military patrols for the fact that they were said - they received two kopecks for each arrested, "they caught us, drove into the courtyards, pinched a curfew. The reason for this war was the overflow of soldiers of cars tram and the refusal of soldiers to pay for travel.

The bosses considered this question - the question of honor. We, the soldiers' mass, responded to a deaf embittered sabotage.

Maybe this is the guys, but I am sure that the seat without holidays in the barracks, where the people were baltered and dear from affairs, people were fucked without any business on the horses, barren, dark tomorrow and the malice of soldiers for what they were hunted through the streets - All this has more revolutionized St. Petersburg garrison than permanent military failures and stubborn, universal senses about "treason."

The tram topics created a special folklore, a pitiful and characteristic. For example: Sister of Mercy rides with wounded, the general is tied to the wounded, insults and sister; Then she throws off the raincoat and finds himself in the uniform of the Great Princess; So they said: "In Mundire." The general becomes kneel and asks for forgiveness, but she does not forgive him. As you can see - the folklore is still completely monarchical.

This story is attached to Warsaw, then to St. Petersburg.

She talked about the murder of the Cossack General, who wanted to make the Cossack with the tram and broke his crosses. Murder because of the tram, it seems, really happened in St. Petersburg, but I rather relate to epic processing; At that time, on trams, the generals had not yet traveled, excluding retired poor people.

Agitation in parts was not; At the very least, I can say it about my part, where I spent with the soldiers all the time from five to six in the morning until the evening. I am talking about party agitation; But even with her absence, still a revolution was somehow solved, "they knew that she would have thought that it would break out after the war.

Agiculate in parts was no one, the party people were little, if there were, so among the workers who almost did not have communication with soldiers; intelligentsia - in the most primitive sense of the word, t<о> E.<сть> All having any education, at least two classes of gymnasium, was produced in officers and behaved, at least in the St. Petersburg garrison, no better, and maybe - worse personnel officers; The ensign was not popular, especially the rear, teeth climbed into the pan battalion. About him soldiers sang:

Before rushing in the garden,

Now - Your Honor.

From these people, many are only to blame for the fact that too easily succumbed to the magnificent carriage of military schools. Many of them subsequently sincerely were betrayed by the case of the revolution, the truth is also easy to succumb to its influence, as it was easily obsessed.

The story with Rasputin was widespread I do not like this story; In the way she said, the spiritual rotting of the people of post-revolutionary sheets was seen, all these "Grisks and his Delicheski" and the success of this literature showed me that for very wide masses Rasputin was a kind of national hero, something like a wrenci key.

But by virtue of a variety of reasons, of which some nerves scratched and created a reason for the outbreak, while others acted from the inside, slowly changing the psyche of the people, rust, iron hoops, tightening the mass of Russia, stretched.

The food of the city has worsened, it has become bad for the standards. There was a shortage of bread, the bread shops had tails, the shops had already begun on the bypass canal, and those lucky who managed to get bread, carried him home, holding hard in her hands, looking in love with him.

They bought bread from the soldier, crusts and pieces were disappeared in the barracks, first of the "local signs" barracks along with the sour smell of captivity.

The cry of "Bread" was heard under the windows and at the gate of the Kazarram, already protected by watch and duty officers who fluently overlooking their comrades.

A barracks, who blurred in the old strict, pressed by cruel, but already insecure hand of the bosses, wandered. By this time, the personnel soldier, and indeed a soldier 22 - 25 years old, was rare. He was brutally and stupidly interrupted in war.

Personnel Unter-Officers were lined as simple ordinary in the first echelons and died in Prussia, under Lviv and with the famous "great" retreat, when the Russian army paved the whole land with its corpses. St. Petersburg soldier of those days is a displeased peasant or an unhappy man in the street.

These people, not even disguised in gray overcoats, and just wrapped in them, were reduced to the crowds, gangs and gangs, called spare battalions.

In essence, the barracks became simply bricks, which all new and new, green and red pieces of appeals were driven by herds of human flesh.

The numerical attitude of the command formulation to the soldiers' mass was, in all likelihood, not higher than the supervisors to the slaves at slavery ships.

And there were rumors over the walls of the barracks that "workers are going to speak" that "Collins on February 18 want to go to the State Duma."

At the semi-furnace, semi-grand soldier mass had few connections with workers, but all the circumstances were so that they created the possibility of some detonation.

I remember the days before. Dreamy conversations of driver-driver, which would be good to catch a corneumon, shoot into the police, and then throw a bronper somewhere in a stamping and leave a note on it: "Deliver to Mikhailovsky Manege." Very characteristic feature: Caring for the car remained. Obviously, people have not yet been confident that it is possible to knock over the old system, they just wanted to hang. And the police were angry for a long time, mainly for the fact that she was released from service at the front.

I remember, two weeks before the revolution we, walking as a team (about a person in two hundred), hug to the detachment of the city and shouted: "Pharaohs, Pharaohs!"

In the last days of February, the people literally rushed to the police, the counters of the Cossacks, expelled to the street, did not touch anyone, we went, dormantly laughing. It was very raised the congestion of the crowd. On Nevsky fired, a few people killed, the killed horse lay near the angle of the foundry for a long time. I remembered her, then it was unusual.

On the Znamenskaya Square, the Cossack killed the bailiff, who hit a demon of a demonstration.

In the streets stood indecisive patrols. I remember the confused machine-gun team with small machine guns on the wheels (Sokolov machine), with machine-gun ribbons on the buzzers of horses; Obviously, some kind of truck-machine-gun team. She stood on the pool, the corner of the Baskovaya Street; A machine gun, like a little tricky, pressed against the pavement, also confused, there was a crowd, not an attacker, but somehow hesitated shoulder, bezheless.

In Vladimir, there were patrols of the Semenov Regiment - Caine Reputation.

Patrols stood indecisive: "We are nothing, we are like others." A huge apparatus of coercion, prepared by the government, bucks. During the night, the Volynts did not stand, they were talking, on the team "On the prayer" rushed to the rifles, broke the Tseykhgauz, took the cartridges, ran into the street, joined several small teams standing around, and put patrols in the area of \u200b\u200btheir barracks - in the foundry. By the way, the Volynians broke our gaptwathera near their barracks. The liberated arrested was the command in the command; The officer of our neutrality occupied, it was also in the peculiar opposition of "evening time". The barracks noisy and waited when they come to drive her out to the street. Our officers said: "Do what you know."