War and the world of Princess Marya. "Motheric purity of Marya Bolkonskaya" (according to novel L.N

War and the world of Princess Marya.
War and the world of Princess Marya. "Motheric purity of Marya Bolkonskaya" (according to novel L.N

The image of the princess Marya is one of the favorite female images L.N. Tolstoy. The prototype of the princed swarm of Bolkonsky was the author's mother, which he did not remember, but in his imagination represented her spiritual appearance. Tolstoy prayed her soul, and this prayer helped him in heavy moments of life.

The outer characteristic of the heroine, as well as all the favorite heroes of Tolstoy, is unattractive, it seemed to themselves and at all uncessly, they did not find her beauty and secular scoes. However, her eyes, "big, deep, radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them)" spoke about rich and beautiful inner world, which is much more important than outer beauty. The eyes of the Princess Mary were shone when she began to talk about what he loves, they were "were so good that very often, despite the urgency of the whole person ... was attractive than beauty."

Princess Marya lives in the estate of the bald mountains with the father of Nikolai Andreevich, Catherine's noble, which was exiled under Pavel, after which he did not leave the estate.

Father of the Bolkonsky Pedantic, often rude and obese. He often mocks her daughter, but she loves him gently and deeply.

The author made a girlfriend an amazing fate. She passes a hard way, but all her romantic dreams are performed. Princess Bolkonskaya is ready for a self-sacrifice that is her moral principle. She lives according to Christian morality: loves everyone and forgives everyone. Mary Bolkonskaya is highly educated, she loves music, reads a lot. Father tries to prepare children independent life, seeks to teach them to think and make responsible decisions. "... Mathematics a great deal, my madam. And so that you look like our stupid ladies, I do not want, "Nikolai Andreevich repeats.

But princess and not like these young ladies. Living locked in the village without participating in pleasure secular life, rewriting with Julia Karagina, her friend's friend, Marya sincerely consoles and supports it. In the letters, the girlfriend contains only secular gossip, and empty chatter.

Princess Mary can deeply feel and her nature is so subtle that she is capable of some inner a little understand what is happening with her loved ones. It was she who refused to believe that Prince Andrei died under Austerlitz. Princess worried about suddenly rejected Pierre, and not in vain, on his way there is really too many difficulties. Marya feels that her brother is unhappy in marriage. She is trying to understand and find the excuse of the "Little Princess". Princess, Marya blesses and spends last Minutes With Prince Andrey before his departure to war. And the princess Marya belongs to the novel basic ideas about the war and the world. Back to the first pages of Roman Marya writes Juli that the war is evidence that people forgotten God. The same thought is much later expressing Prince Andrei.

Rich Princess Bolkonskaya was an enviable bride. Arrival in the house Bolkonian Prince Vasily Kuragin with an Non-Son Anatolam and his walling caused a big change in the inner world of the girl. If before that she believed that her life was filled with love for God, now she understands that there is also earthly love. Princess is ready to love Anatol, but fortunately, he quickly demonstrates his true essence. It is designed by the fate of a completely different person - Nikolai Rostov, who appears in the most difficult moment for her. But the relationship between them is difficult. Nikolai feels that he has no right to love the princess Marius, because he gave the word Sona, in addition, Bolkon's wealth confuses him. Marya Nikolaevna also believes that he has lost his father and brother, she cannot think about personal happiness. But it is worth seeing to see each other, how much doubts go away.

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In the novel L.N. Thick many female images deprived of pleasant appearance. Such a state of things negatively affects the owners of such a shortage - they are ignored in society, they have every chance to stay alone and not to give family happiness.
One of these characters is Marie Bolkonskaya.

The origin of Marie Bolkonskaya

Marya Bolkonskaya noble origin. Their genus has ancient roots. Prince Rurik is their ancestor.

Their family is very rich.

Family Marya Bolkonskoy

Bolkonsky family is not so numerous as the rest of the family. At the head of the family is the prince of Nikolai - a former military, a complex character and a steep gear.

Mother Mary is no longer alive.

In addition to the girl, there is still one child in the family - her elder brother Andrei. He was successfully married to the Princess Lisa Manine, but this brother's marriage ended the tragedy - his young wife did not survive after childbirth and died. The child managed to save - Marya adopts the functions of the mother to raise the child. This action is not forced - a young girl is nice to do a nephew.

You can also count the Mademoiselle of Bryry - a companion-survival.

The appearance of the Princess Marie.

Nature was extremely unjust with a young girl - her appearance wishes to be much better. Characters about her respond to this: "She doesn't need to spoil anything - they are already obstructed."

Marie. low height, she is overlooking her face, her body was deprived of graziness and beautiful shapes. It was physically weak and extremely unattractive.

The only thing that was beautiful in her appearance is the eyes: deep, radiant and sincere. Her eyes "were so good that very often, despite the urgency of the whole face, these eyes were attractive than beauty."

Marie's gait was also not like a light female female - her steps were heavy.
The surrounding understood that Marie had a single chance to marry love: "And who will take it from love? Foon, awkward. Take over links for wealth. "

Princess Nellow, she understands the true state of affairs and is aware of his physical flaws, but, as well as everyone else, she wants to be beloved and happy.

Moral and moral appearance Princess

The inner world of Princess Marya Bolkonsky is significantly different from her appearance.

Marie received education at home. Father taught her exact sciences, in particular mathematics and geometry. Also, the girl knows how to play on the keycorder. She often indulges musical training And it can be played for a long time: "Twenty-once heard the difficult passages of the Sonatata are heard."

The girl has clean soulShe is full of noble aspirations. Those who communicate with her for a while, celebrate this fact. They are intense by the sincerity and kindness of the girl. Marie does not know how to deceive people and smash, she is alien to prudence and coquetry.

She has a calm temper, she has the ability to analyze the actions and words of others. This allows it to be in non-conflict relationship even with the most hot-tempered people. Princess primarily draws attention to inner world A man is not important to her inner shell of man, but his thoughts and moral appearance.

Marie deeply believing girl. Religion becomes her passion in which she finds answers to many of those interested in its inquisitive mind questions:

"Religion, and only one religion, can no longer say us, but get rid of despair; One religion can explain to us what a person cannot understand without her help. "

Marie often helps homeless people, she makes it secret from his father: "A comfortable dream and hope was given to her God's people - Yurody and wanderers who visited her secretly from Prince. "

The second passion becomes her nephew Nicholya - the girl gets sincere pleasure, playing and teaching a child. Communication with the child was her consolation and actually the only joy in life.

The ratio of Marie to family members

Relationships in the family of Bolkonsky are stretched and tense. First of all, this is due to the nature and temper of the old graph. He is hot-tempered and sharp. He does not know how to keep himself in his hands and often turns to his relatives in the gross form. Marie now and then he suffers him of mock and unjustified comments. "All outbreaks of his unfortunate anger for the most part They collapsed to Princess Marre. He seemed diligently sought all the most sick places to her so that how hard it could morally torment it. "

She persistently tolerate all his insults. Marie does not believe that her father hates her, she understands that he does not know how to express his love and care in a different way.

The ratio of Marie to the Higher Society

According to his status, Marie has all the right to lead active activities In aristocratic circles, but it does not do it. The girl spent his whole life in the village, and she had no desire to change something in this regard. It is likely that the reward of other norms of behavior was played on such a relationship - coquetry, often turning into a love relationship, deception, lie, hypocrisy - all this is alien to Marie. Another reason for refusing to visit public seats It could probably be a relation to the appearance of the princesses. Naturally, the girl was not alien to love and affection, she wanted to create his personal family, and in society she would have to notice the predominance of the external qualities of a person over moral appearance. Marie would have become lonely in such a world.

Readiness to show friendly relations

Marie is not alien to communication with people. She is willing to keep up with them friendly relations. So, for example, she actively communicates with the prince Julie Karagina. In fact, it is her only friend. Juli, like Marie, is also not endowed with a cute little man, so the unpleasant feelings about the perception of appearance are familiar to both girls. Friends sincere in their friendly gusts are ready to support each other in any situations.

The second person, with whom Marie binds the feelings of friendship, - Mademoiselle Brying. The girl lives in the Bolkon's house and is a companion. Their communication is radically different from friendship with Julia. First of all, this concerns the relationship of Mademoiselle Brying to Marie. In her case, this is a pseudo friendship. The girl is ready to deceive Marie for selfie goals.

Marie Bolkonskaya and Anatole Kuragin

Naturally, marriage was the only way to break out of the house and stop their miserable life in insults. Therefore, when Anatole Kuragin arrives with his father to wait for the girl, she is alarming.

"In the disturbances about marriage, the princess Marya also dreamed of family happiness, and children, but in the main way, the strongest and the dream of her dream was.

Anatole is impressive with her appearance - it is very beautiful. He seems to the girl a good man, but her father does not think so - Nikolai Bolkonsky is not as naive and gullible man as his daughter. From his gaze did not hide the fact that Anatole does not experience not that love, even feelings of sympathy for his daughter, nor the interest of a young man by the servant of Bolkonsky.

He speaks about this daughter and pursues her for the idea that Anatol is not a couple, it is only interested in money, but the final choice leaves for her daughter. Marie becomes a witness to the tenderness of Anatoly with Mademoiselle Brying and refuses young man.

Marriage with Nikolai Rostov

New Hope On personal happiness was lit in the soul of Marie with the emergence of Nikolai Rostov in her life. Marriage with this person allowed the princess to develop morally and spiritually. She realized herself as a mother. The role of the teacher is close to Marie, she is happy to engage in their children and even leads a diary, which records all kinds of information related to the development stages and the peculiarities of the upbringing of their children.

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Marya Bolkonskaya - Princess from famous novel "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy, daughter Nikolai Bolkonsky. Her life was distinguished from other Russian girls. She almost always was busy and his father tried to engage in the right upbringing of his daughter. Due to the fact that she had to engage in the exact sciences of Princess Mary became a relatively smart girl.

Princess Marya differs from all women who are described in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy. She rose in the village, a stern father was engaged in education. She did not know those entertainment that Natasha Rostova was available. In addition, Marya Nikolaevna rose without a mother, which also imposed an imprint on life, she had to live with the Father, which she was at the same time afraid and respected. She has almost no friends, so she pays attention to the correspondence with Julia Karagina. With Natasha Rostoy, they initially did not get friendship, but over time everything will change. They will bring them closer to Andrei Bolkonsky. Women will take care of him together and their attitude to each other will change.

As for the appearance of the girl, it was difficult to single out here. The body is weak, the face is thin. Most of all in the image of Marya Bolkonskoy, sad and big eyes. They were so beautiful that even nobody paid attention to the ugly body. The girl's nature was alive, she could quickly change the mood and, especially the imprint of others was postponed. For example, the prince is not in the spirit, then the princess was upset. Marya Bolkonskaya practically changed in front of her eyes when Beloved Anatoly came. Princess always dreamed of marriage, happy family life And, of course, about love. It was distinguished by silence and hard gait.

For Maryia Bolkonskoy great importance Always had a family and she loved the parent home very much. My father Nikolai Bolkonsky had a complex character, but his daughter loved him and always admired his actions. Loved Princess Maria and his brother - Andrei Bolkonsky. When he came to the forest mountains from St. Petersburg, the girl always met with love. So for Mary family always had great value. She believed in God, to what he controls everything. Princess is distinguished by strong gloominess, kindness. Marya Nikolaevna tried to see in people only best features. For the sake of the happiness of other people, she was ready to sacrifice himself. Naive, kind, dreamy, intelligent princess causes sympathy from the readers of the novel "War and Peace".

Marya Bolkonskaya, though an ugly girl, but endowed with deep spirituality. In the text, the author pays little attention compared to Natasha Rostova. The heroine of Roman dreamed of marriage with Anatoly Kuragin. Although Princess Marya seems to us so weak, a little defenseless, but she can surprise the reader. She can withstand all the lives of life that fell on her destiny.

Reading the novel, it can be understood that L. N. Tolstoy loves his heroine Mary Nikolaevna. Of course, the Natasha is more likely to have more sympathy, but the princess is also important for the writer. At the end of the novel he will give Mary Bolkonian seven.which she dreamed about so.

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Bolkonskaya Marya - Princess, the daughter of the old prince Bolkonsky, the sister of Prince Andrei, subsequently the wife of Nikolai Rostov. Marya "ugly a weak body and thin face ... the eyes of the princes, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), were so good that very often, despite the urgency of the whole face, these eyes were made An attractive beauty. "

Marya is very religious, accepts mantis and wanderers, tortured father and brother. She has no friends with whom she could share their thoughts. Her life focuses on love for his father, often unfair towards her, to his brother and his son Nikolenka (after the death of "little princess"), which she can replace his mother.

Marya is a smart, meek, educated woman who does not hoping for personal happiness. Because of the unfair reproaches of the father and the impossibility of more tolerate, she wanted to even go into the wandering. Her life changes after meeting with Nikolai Rostov, who managed to guess the wealth of her soul. Coming out married, the heroine is happy, completely dividing all the views of her husband "for duty and oath."
Bolkonsky Nikolai Andreevich - Prince, General-Annef, repayed from service with Pavel I and exiled to the village. Father Princess Maryia and Prince Andrew. In the image of the old prince Tolstoy restored many features of their grandfather by Mother, Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, "Smart, Proud and Greedy Man."

Bolkonsky father lives in the village, pedantically distributing his time, most of all without making idleness, stupidity, superstition and disorders of the established order; With all demanding and cutting, often hesitate their daughter pickles, in the depths of the soul, loving it. All the revered prince "walked in an old one, in the cafetan and powder," was low, "in a frightened wig ... with little dry handles and gray hanging eyebrows, sometimes, as he was inhabited, covered with the brilliance of smart and exactly young shiny eyes." He is very proud, smart, restrained in the manifestation of feelings; It is hardly the main care of his concern is to preserve the family honor and dignity. Before last days Life old prince It retains interest in political and military events, only before the death itself, losing real ideas about the scale of incompleteness with Russia. It is their feelings of pride, duty, patriotism and a scrupted honesty in Son Andrei.

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Marya Bolkonskaya - Princess from the famous novel "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy, daughter Nicholas Bolkonsky. Her life was distinguished from other Russian girls. She almost always was busy and his father tried to engage in the right upbringing of his daughter. Due to the fact that she had to engage in the exact sciences of Princess Mary became a relatively smart girl.Princess Marya differs from all women who are described in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy. She rose in the village, a stern father was engaged in education. She did not know those entertainment that Natasha Rostova was available. In addition, Marya Nikolaevna rose without a mother, which also imposed an imprint on life, she had to live with the Father, which she was at the same time afraid and respected. She has almost no friends, so she pays attention to the correspondence with Julia Karagina. With Natasha Rostoy, they initially did not get friendship, but over time everything will change. They will bring them closer to Andrei Bolkonsky. Women will take care of him together and their attitude to each other will change. As for the appearance of the girl, it was difficult to single out here. The body is weak, the face is thin. Most of all in the image of Maryia Bolkonskoy, sad and big eyes were distinguished. They were so beautiful that even nobody paid attention to the ugly body. The girl's nature was alive, she could quickly change the mood and, especially the imprint of others was postponed. For example, the prince is not in the spirit, then the princess was upset. Marya Bolkonskaya practically changed in front of her eyes when Beloved Anatoly came. Princess always dreamed of marriage, happy family life and, of course, about love. It was distinguished by silence and hard gait. For Maryia Bolkonskaya, a family has always had a great importance and she loved the parent home very much. My father Nikolai Bolkonsky had a complex character, but his daughter loved him and always admired his actions. Loved Princess Maria and his brother - Andrei Bolkonsky. When he came to the forest mountains from St. Petersburg, the girl always met with love. So for Maria, the family has always had a huge importance. She believed in God, to what he controls everything. Princess is distinguished by strong gloominess, kindness. Marya Nikolaevna in all people tried to see only the best characteristics in people. For the sake of the happiness of other people, she was ready to sacrifice himself. Naive, kind, dreamy, intelligent princess causes sympathy from the readers of the novel "War and Peace". Marya Bolkonskaya, though an ugly girl, but endowed with deep spirituality. In the text, the author pays little attention compared to Natasha Rostova. The heroine of Roman dreamed of marriage with Anatoly Kuragin. Although Princess Marya seems to us so weak, a little defenseless, but she can surprise the reader. She can withstand all the lives of life that fell on her destiny. Reading the novel, it can be understood that L. N. Tolstoy loves his heroine Mary Nikolaevna. Of course, the Natasha is more likely to have more sympathy, but the princess is also important for the writer. At the end of the novel, he will give Mary of the Bolkonsky family, which she so dreamed of