Scenario of an entertainment program for a disco (competitions) - "Star of disco". Scenario of a competitive play disco on the theme: "Dance mosaic

Scenario of an entertainment program for a disco (competitions) -
Scenario of an entertainment program for a disco (competitions) - "Star of disco". Scenario of a competitive play disco on the theme: "Dance mosaic

Admit it, sometimes you can't sleep at night ...? Do you want something like that, that kind of ..? Casinos, night bars, nightclubs, all this is expensive and necessarily involves a glass, or even a dozen bottles of champagne. Young people do not need to warm themselves up artificially, the energy is overwhelming, and oh, how they do not want to sleep at night !!! And what if at midnight you start a disco in the park in the open air, for example, after the prom at school, or somewhere in the ballroom ... or ... yes, anywhere. Prepare in advance music program, make a good advertisement night disco, of course, to think over, so that the transport is ready to take the night owls home, to include this in the ticket price. Find sponsors who would be happy to help young people to have a good rest. Let's start with a simple disco, although we'll call it the Moon Ball. The following meetings in this series can be turned into discos with a carnival, and meetings with famous people, with fireworks, etc. The main thing is to start. Try from easy to hard. The Moon Ball invites.

I Lead: Moonlight ball! Moonlight ball!

Who danced at the moonlit ball?

Who met love at the moonlit ball?

Who will answer that there is a "Moon Ball"?

II Lead: I will answer the questions at once:

We do not yet know what a moon ball is!

These questions cannot be answered right away,

After all, the moon ball has not yet begun!

I Lead: Well, then I open it!

Ladies! Gentlemen! I appeal to your attention!

Let the fanfare go!

We are opening the ball!

We meet the music with joy, with a smile!

After the fanfare has sounded, a waltz is played, couples of the ballroom dance ensemble dance.

I Lead: So, in the best Russian traditions, we opened our Moon Ball! Tonight, for several hours, music will sound, the beauty of the dances will take your breath away, the heart will beat joyfully from the beauty of smiles and radiance of the eyes!

II Lead: By the way, the eyes shine with an extraordinary radiance only in the light of the moon! It is strange that declarations of love most often occur under the moon! But this happens everywhere, in all countries and in any weather!

I Lead: There is nothing strange about that! The moon is so mysterious, so amazing! In Japan, for example, just like admiring cherry blossoms, admire the moon, guessing in its outlines, in the illumination of the omens of fate.

II Lead: Our moon rose above us today to bring friends together, to give lovers the opportunity to be together, dance, joke and even play pranks. Who has not yet met, do not be discouraged, dance will introduce you. I announce the first lunar dance marathon.

15 minutes.1st dance block.

I Lead: Well, gentlemen, sleepwalkers, now I will definitely say, the ball is open! You did a great job with the first marathon, and we still have many dance routes ahead! Today, on our lunar expedition, there will be groups with us ... (the presenter lists the bands whose recordings will be performed at the disco).

II Lead: Today we are with us in search of a moonstone for the queen of the ball, those daredevils who will take part in fun contests, lotteries, etc. The gentleman with the most smiling moon icons will introduce his lady and call her the queen of the ball! I understand that we live in a democratic society, and it would be possible to arrange the election of the queen, but somehow we are all tired of the slogans "Vote, or you will lose", or "Vote, and you will win!" Here, today, we all benefit, because we can have fun and dance together!

I Lead: It's right! One baby friend of mine just says to her mother: “Don't put me to bed! I do not want to sleep, I want to live! " This is how today we live this moonlit night in the world of music and smiles, and we will even see, not in a dream, but in reality, the queen, the queen of the lunar ball!

II Lead: The moon ball continues. Remember, in one of her hits, Sofia Rotaru sang: “Moon, moon, flowers, flowers! How the world lacks love and kindness. " We hope that you all love each other today and that is why we are all kind!

I Lead: Our next dance marathon will take place along the routes of love together with the group ... We dance and listen to about love! Love is main reason of all life on earth. Love each other and love life!

2nd block musical numbers- 15 minutes.

I Lead: Do you remember that the names of lunar craters, peaks, oceans, valleys contain many words about beauty, courage, love ... For example, "Valley of Love ...". And which of the daredevils will now come to our podium to deal with the word "Moon" itself and some words in which there is a root of "moons", ie with related words, and with words related to the moon !?

II Lead: Remember, the lucky daredevils are awarded the “Smiling Moon” badges, which give the right to participate in the appointment of the queen of the ball. Ladies, we ask you to inspire your gentlemen to participate in this simple competition and let them go for a few minutes!

I Lead: So, let's start the lexicon marathon. To think over the answer - 10 seconds!

And now the questions:

1. What does the word "moon" mean?

2. What is another name for the moon? (Crescent moon)

3. Can a satellite of any planet be called the Moon? (Yes, you can, if it's not an artificial satellite)

4. How many moons does Saturn have? (10 moons)

5. What is a lunar? (Space rocket heading towards the moon)

6. Who is the harrier? (A bird of prey, as well as a gray-haired man)

7. What is sleepwalking? (Walking in a dream)

II Lead(after awarding the winners with the moon badges): We thank the daredevils! And now we invite the ladies who will continue the lexicon marathon! And, by the way, in the presence of many moon icons, obtained by their own labor, or by the labor of gentlemen, ladies can participate in determining the queen of the ball! If you ladies even type in yourself large quantity badges than all other contenders, you become the queen of the ball!

I Lead: So, for the ladies, the next lunar lexical competition is a neologism competition! Those. it is necessary to come up with new polysyllabic words where the word "moon" is involved. For example, everyone knows compound word Lunokhod is an automatic self-propelled vehicle that moves on the moon!

II Lead: And I came up with a word - neologism, as you put it - "moon eater"!

I Lead: Who is this?

II Lead: This is a terrible monster that eats the moon! After all, at Korney Chukovsky, for example, the crocodile swallowed the sun! And I have a "moon-eater"!

I Lead: So, everything is clear to everyone! Let's start the competition of "lunar" neologisms!

II Lead:(after the presentation of the badges): By the way, if we are engaged in lexicology, in the first competition for gentlemen, to the word "sleepwalking" can be added to the definition of "walking in a dream" - "dancing while others are sleeping."

I Lead: I agree! So, dance while others sleep! Or - dance sleepwalking - a new phenomenon in the history of sleepwalking!

3rd dance block - 15 min.

I Lead: Did you know, dear guests of the lunar ball, that lunatics are called som-nam-boo-la-mi differently. That's the word!

II Lead: No, do not be alarmed, there will be no more verbal duels, and there will be a pantomime competition, we will become somnambulists who, with movements, as in a dream, will show us something from the life of lunatics and non-lunatics, and we will guess what kind of life it is!

I Lead: So, a competition without words, though ... Words-tasks in envelopes delivered here by lunar mail. We invite ladies and gentlemen. Read your "convertible" task and show it with a pantomime so that the guests of the ball understand and guess! If you have been understood and guessed right, you will get a badge, if you have not been understood ... alas.

Tasks for the somnambulist competition:

1. Show a pantomime of work in the country.

2. Show the disco.

3. Show a trip to Japan.

4. Show that you were accidentally "slammed" inside a large refrigerator.

5. Show kindergarten.

6. Show the flight of a rocket to the moon.

7. Show the Beaumond TV program.

8. Show the Olympic Games.

9. Show the Kennel Club.

10. Show pouring rain.

II Lead(after the presentation of the badges): And now another version of the somnambulist competition. You move in a dream and tell what you see. On the word "stop" the next participant begins to move, show and tell. A story of three or four sentences is also in envelopes. The competition is won by the one who is absolutely serious and artistic. But the guests can laugh as much as they like! The assignment envelopes contain stories that will become known to the participants only when they open their envelope.

In envelopes:(the presenter can interrupt the reader with the word "stop")

1. I'm walking along a tightrope in the circus, suddenly a cake falls on my head, I start licking the cream and fall into the arena.

2. Now I have a watermelon in my hands. I want to cut it and I can't, the watermelon starts to yell and scream for help.

3. All sit quietly. I AM - scary ghost... I'm going to scare you all with my loud, Homeric laugh - ha ha ha.

4. I am sailing on the sea, suddenly meeting me gold fish... She says to me: "What do you want?" And I told her: "A thousand dollars." And she told me: "I'm not a new Russian, I have no currency."

5. I fly to the stars, on one star I meet Kirkorov, I tell him: "Hello, Filya!" And he told me: "You yourself are Piggy!"

6. I'm running from a gang of robbers, clutching my wallet! They catch up: "Life or wallet!" I say that there is no life, and there is nothing in the wallet either, tk. there is an economic crisis in the country. The bandits faint (collective), and I run on.

7. I sit watching TV. The screen is either erotic, or "In the world of animals." And I need the program "Guess the melody", I start crying, crying long and bitterly. And the presenter from this musical guessing game sticks out straight from the TV and says: “ Goodnight, kids! "

I Lead:(after the presentation of the badges): The competitions were great, and now there is a dance marathon, the paths of which will lead us to sunny Latin America. Solar squared! Firstly, because the sun is for real, and secondly, because when the moon shines on us, in Latin America- day, the sun is shining there!

4th block - Latin American melodies.

II Lead: So how, my friends? Aren't you tired of traveling to the Western Hemisphere? No? Wonderful? And what if we go to the Southern Hemisphere, fly over the equator and find ourselves, for example, in Australia, in the wonderful Luna Park!

I Lead: Why waste time flying? We can open our Luna Park at our moon ball! How to do it? Here is the ribbon, here is the scissors! You are attending the opening ceremony of Luna Park! (Cuts the ribbon)... We believe that if the ribbon is cut, the park is open, which means that all the attractions are open too! For example - a room of laughter! Instead of mirrors - jokes, of course, decent, we are in a decent society!

II Lead: Can I participate? I know one decent anecdote, 30-40 minutes of commercials! So ...

I Lead (interrupting): No, what are you, it doesn't suit us. The joke should be very funny and very short.

Competition of jokes, awarding badges.

I Lead: And now - the carousel! Choose a figure for yourself, on which you "roll", and on behalf of this figure say the wishes of happiness, health, good mood, whatever you want! For example: I choose a cockerel! On behalf of the cockerel, I wish everyone to get up earlier, rejoice at the sun, not to cock over trifles, but if you have to fight, be brave, turn from a cock into an eagle!

Competition of wishes.

II Lead: In our Luna Park, by the way, there is also a cool dance! Let's Dance.

5th music block - 15 min.

I Lead: From the dance hall, right along the park alleys, we go out to a huge, bright drum. This is the Luna Lottery!

Buy tickets here, without leaving the drum. The ticket costs an acrobatic sketch (you can handstand, "Swallow, etc.).

I sell this ticket - ticket no. Open your ticket, read the name of the prize! So, a box of chocolates! May you have more sweet moments in your life!

Ticket number 2 - sell for a song, win a prize!

Ticket number 3 - children's poem - a prize.

Ticket number 4 - solo dance, prize.

Ticket number 6 - guess the melody with 7 notes, prize.

Ticket number 7 - happy - "grand prix" - I sell for the best lunar costume from the available means, under the motto "Moon dreams".

Prizes or winnings are awarded

along with smiling moon icons.

II Lead: After the "Luna-lottery" - "Luna-round dance", around the "Luna-drum".

6th music block - 15 min.

I Lead: The ball is in full swing, but there is still no queen. It's time for her to "run the show" and give us a little rest. We count the lunar badges that our ladies possess. So, most of all smiling natural satellites, i.e. the moon ... We declare you the queen of the ball!

II Lead: We will crown you right there! Here is your crown!

(Presenting the crown with the sign of the Moon).

I Lead: And here is your first decree, read it out.

Queen: Decree No. 1 "I am the highest highness, the queen of the Lunar Ball, I order all ladies and gentlemen never to lose heart, sing, dance, have fun, and if you fall in love with each other, get married!"

II Lead: And here is your second decree!

Queen: Decree No. 2 "I am the queen of the Lunar Ball, I order you to stay awake at night, come to the moon balls, never get bored!"

I Lead: Thank you, Your Highness, we are not going to get bored! Even though life is problematic, it is nevertheless very pretty!

I Lead: Well, we will continue the Moon Balls! And now we will hand over the moonstone to the queen!

II Lead: You know, I think I lost it! We'll have to schedule the next Moon Ball! Your Highness, do not order to be executed, order to announce the program of the next disco!

The Queen agrees.

The host announces the program of the next disco.

I Lead: Today everyone learned a little about what a moon ball is!

We part for a little while.

We will return to the Lunar Ball!

We wish happiness to all friends,

Always, always we are glad to see you!

Final dance marathon- 30 minutes.

Universal student

Competitive game program for universities, colleges and schools.

The scene is framed under country club... A choir of girls in sundresses performs Russian folk song... After the performance, the girls leave, and the presenters enter the stage from different sides: Frosya and Snezhana. Frosya in a long polka-dot print dress. Snezhana is a typical city dweller in a fashionable outfit.

Frosya. Oh, Snezhana ... (He looks at her.) What are you all overdressed ... What are you doing in our village?

Snezhana. Frosya! Good to see you. I came to my grandmother for the summer, to relax before studying at the institute. Imagine, I did it! There were five people per seat. And how are you? What are you doing?

Frosya. So I ... also went to college!

Snezhana. And in what, if not a secret?

Frosya. And in the one where you sing. I am the main singer in my village. And I sing in the choir, (proudly) and solo. And arias from operas I can, and Russian folk songs. I have, you know, what a voice - how to sing, you can hear it at the other end of the village.

Snezhana. Did they accept you at the institute?

Frosya. Not yet.

Snezhana. What do they say?

Frosya. They say: "Come tomorrow."

Snezhana. If so, you should not be a student.

Frosya. And why is that?

Snezhana. Because they feed you "breakfasts". And a real student is immediately accepted.

Frosya. And what is he - a real student?

Snezhana. A student is cool. He is a lot

what he can and knows a lot ... Just

station wagon.

Frosya. Interestingly, and among these people (points to the audience in the hall) is there such a supermarket? I would have looked at least with one eye - what he is ...

Snezhana. First, not a supermarket, but a station wagon. Not a shop, but a jack of all trades who knows everything and can do everything. And secondly, let's try to choose such a student.

Frosya(solemnly). So we choose a real generalist student. (Confused.) Oh, so I came up with ... How can we choose the most universal student of all people? Snezhana. It's very simple. First, let's decipher the word "student".

Addressing the audience sitting in the hall.

The first letter in the word "student" is the letter "c". What do you think, dear viewers, what quality of a student can begin with the letter "c"? That's right, quick wits. Come to us, please.

Frosya(interrupting). Oh, I get it! The next letter is "t". What should a student have? Starts with "t"! Yeah, talent. Come to us.

Snezhana. And what quality inherent in a student begins with "y"? That's right, mind. Come here please.

Frosya. And the "d" also has this ... quality. As you said? Goodwill? Fits. Get up close.

Snezhana. Does anyone know a student's character trait with the letter "e"? Yes, that's right. Ruffle. Please come to us.

Frosya. There is a lot to say about the letter "n". Who is brave? Yeah, there must be a "real" student. Come out.

Snezhana. The last letter is "t" again. Who will name the word? "Quiet"? So be it. Please come to us. So, we have seven applicants for the title of universal student.

All applicants line up on stage.

Frosya. Yeah ... What are they going to do?

Snezhana. Like what? Complete various tasks. Whoever stays in the final is a true universal student. Understood? Okay, I'll do the first round. (Addressing the players.) Dear players, a real student should look awesome in any outfit. So we'll see how the London dandy suit suits you.

By the way, do you remember where it comes from "how a dandy London is dressed ..."? Yes. you are right, "Eugene Onegin". But this is so, a question of filling. Frosya, bring the props.

A group of "musical support" enters the stage. They bring out the props for the first game: trays with gloves, top hats and bow ties. Singing a ditty.

Girls, guys, dress up

Get dressed quickly!

Here is the top hat, here are the gloves

Well, put on a bow tie!

Snezhana. And what is this booth? Where did these people come from?

Frosya. This is not a farce. This is a choir where I am a soloist. Let them help us, okay? It's more fun with them.

Snezhana. Okay, let them stay. Musical arrangement for our game will be. (Addressing the participants.) Dear players, your task is to put on all this as soon as possible while the music is playing. Is the task clear? Then attention, let's start!

Participants perform the task to the music.

Snezhana. Stop the game! Thanks! (Addressing the loser.) Alas, my friend, you are a little different from the London dandy, which is why you leave our qualifying round with this prize.

The assistants bring out a 2 liter bottle of sparkling water. The loser is escorted into the hall with a ditty.

My darling drank water, swallowed all two liters. At night, the crane blew it off, flooded all the neighbors.

Snezhana. Our players have passed the first test. What to do next?

Frosya. I know. As you know, the highest class for a student is an "excellent" grade! (Addressing the players.) What other words ending in "but" do you know? For example: kazi-no, verete-no. The one who will not be able to remember the desired word for 3 seconds will leave our game. Is the task clear? Then we started!

Players name words.

The word "casino" was already there, one ... two ... three! Alas, you have to stomp from here to place. But don't worry too much, we will give you a prize.

A support group appears. Singing a ditty. The loser is awarded a prize- dominoes- and he was escorted into the hall.

"Casino", "spindle" - It all ends with "but". Your vocabulary is small, But Pushkin is the highest class.

Snezhana. By the way, your prize - dominoes - also ends with "but". But this is so, by the way I had to. And I have already come up with the next task that our applicants for the role of a true universal student must complete. Students are not very rich people, so they try to save money.

Frosya. Yeah, especially on the driveway. How many times have I seen them ride free trolleybus trams in the city?

Snezhana. That's right, Frosya. They ride like hares. And hares, as you know, are jumpy people. So I offer our applicants to jump on two legs like hares. Do you see the ears?

The helpers take out the bunny ears.

Your task is to run up to your ears, put them on your head and jump on two legs to return to your place.

Frosya. And the one who jumps last will lose. All clear? Jump-jump, let's start!

Participants complete the task. The support group takes out a bunch of carrots, hands it to the loser, escorts them into the hall and sings a ditty. Four players remain on the stage.

I decided to grow it myself

Bunny ears are long.

Do you want to become a student -

Eat more carrots.

Frosya. Snezhana, such a delicious carrot, it's time for dinner. I want to eat...

Snezhana. Okay, okay ... Let's have a snack. Distribute candy to the hall. Sweets need to be unwrapped and eaten.

The assistants distribute sweets to the participants and spectators in the hall and sing a ditty.

All milenki like milenki, Well, mine, like a bubble, - Likes to eat some candy, Pounds a bag behind a bag.

Frosya. Dear viewers, have you all eaten? In our village after lunch Magic word everyone says. Do you know which one? That's right, "thank you." Let us and we say together: "Thank you!" (The audience shouts.) You shout out loud, however. Well done!

Snezhana. Yes, dear viewers, you have made a lot of trash here. And who will put things in order? Pushkin?

Frosya. And what about our players? I think that a real student should be able to tidy up a room in an instant. You never know ... the parents will come or the commandant of the hostel will drop by ... Snezhana. Oh, Frosya, smart idea. (Addressing the players.) Now we will choose the most decent of you. Here are the bags. Attention: in 20 seconds you need to collect as many candy wrappers as possible in the hall. Is the task clear? Then we started!

Music sounds. Players run to the hall and complete the task.

Snezhana. Stop the game! We ask the players to come up to the stage. The girls will help you count the number of candy wrappers. And we are all (addressing the audience) we know perfectly well that the session will come soon and it will be necessary to prepare for the exams.

Frosya. You will need to go to the library, re-read a lot of different books. To-con-spec-t-ry them. Although you can tear out the sheets from books and take them with you to the exam.

Snezhana. Frosya, what are you talking about? Nowadays there is a copier. You can simply photocopy the materials you need to prepare for the exams. It's simple. Frosya. And brilliant. Like Pushkin. (Addressing the audience.) Let's play with you. It's like we went to the library. Repeat words and movements after me.

The presenters pronounce the text and show the movements, the audience repeat.

We went to the library - (They march in place.)

One, two, left, right! We went around a big puddle ... (A large circle was drawn in the air with the right hand.) Top-top ... (They stomp.) slap-slap ... (Clap their hands.) Here's a dog to meet us ... (By connecting the wrists with the palms, they show the dog's mouth.)

Rrrr-woof, rrrr-woof! We ran away from her ... (Running in place.) Uh-uh-uh-uh!

We went to the library. Hello big house for books! (Shows a large circle with both hands.) We took the books we needed: This, this, this, this! (They point the index finger in different directions.) Oh, here's the cool stuff: Wo! In! We tore out the sheets: And once, and again! (They "tear out" the sheets with their right hand.)

Take the glue, glue it in place You, you, you, you! (They point a forefinger at the audience.) We glued the sheets: Like this, like this! (Show thumb hands.) We'd better be smarter. Yes? Yes! (Head nods.)

We will go to the library - One, two, left, right! Let's go around the big puddle: Top-top, slap-slap.

And towards us a dog: Rrrr-wow, rrrr-wow! We will run away from her: Uh-uh-uh-uh!

And let's go to the library. Hello big house for books! Let's take the books we need: This, this, this, this! Oh, here's the cool stuff: Wo! In!

We'll go to the copier now: (They march in place.) One, two, left, right! And we will ask my aunt to do it - Pliz, pliz! (Reverance right, left.) Photocopies of leaflets: One, two, three, four! (Show one, two, three, four fingers.) Those that are needed, huh? Yes! (They nod their heads.)

Snezhana. Played and that's enough - we need to see what our players have there?

The assistants name the number of candy wrappers collected by the participants in the hall.

Alas (referring to the losing player) we must say goodbye to you. And as a consolation, we give you this "vacuum cleaner", which will help you to put things in order in the house. Thank you for playing, go to the gym.

Assistants bring out the prize- broom, sing a ditty and escort the player to the hall.

My darling is like a calf -

Just chew brooms,

Walked me home

Couldn't kiss.

Snezhana(referring to the players). And you

turned out to be the most decent


Frosya. And I also know when students

show their resourcefulness -

before the exam.

Snezhana. What, do they write cheat sheets? So it is

everyone knows.

Frosya. No, not only. Also a freebie

called at night to take "5" exams

pass. Yes, there is a lot you can do for free. And eat and drink ... tea ... six or at least five glasses.

Snezhana. I think that 5-6 glasses of tea for free, in order to avoid trouble, our applicants will not drink, but how many balls they can grab for free - now we'll see. Balls please! (The assistants carry out the inflated balloons.) Your task, dear players, is to take and hold in your hands as many of these balls as possible for 20 seconds. Is the assignment clear? Attention, we started!

Music sounds, the participants perform the task.

So the one who will now leave the stage has been determined. And of course, with a consolation prize. We give you all the balloons that you could "grab".

The support group sings a ditty and escorts the loser to the hall.

Count your balls

Look, don't miss it.

You wanted everything for free

And you leave without glory.

Snezhana. You know, Frosya, but not all

students are used to taking exams for

freebies. Some before the exam

spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. Let's

now we will hold a competition that

let's call it "twist and twist". Attention,

conditions of the competition.

The assistants take out two balls and a long

tape attached to two pencils. A bright bow is tied in the center of the ribbon to mark the half of the ribbon.

Frosya. Dear participants, before you is the tape marked in the middle. Your task is to hold the ball with your knees, wind the tape around the pencil, trying to get to its middle as quickly as possible. Is the task clear? Then we started!

The support group performs a ditty, during which the players complete the task.

Someone is cute - I have a workman. His fashionable gait Carried away my peace too. Snezhana(addressing the winner). In such a difficult struggle, you became the winner, and with you (refers to another player) we have to part. As a consolation, we give you this chocolate so that the upcoming session will seem sweet to you.

The assistants bring out the chocolate, sing a ditty and escort the player into the hall.

You sit on the stump,

Eat a chocolate bar.

Take for exams

"Spurs" and a notebook.

Frosya(addressing the winner). You

we congratulate you on your victory. You and only

you become a universal student.

It turns out "extras", depicts admiration for the student. Singing a ditty.

My darling is great. He is both a reader, he is a reaper ... He is a brave man, he is a creator, He is a joker too!

Snezhana. There are countless qualifications of all, which are in our universities! Friends, let's not be lazy! Forward! Students! Everyone to learn!

Frosya. And to you, dear genius, I want to say that I will be equal only to you. And on next year I will definitely go to college. That's for sure. And I also want to give you this book with the poems of another genius - Pushkin A.S. and applause from the audience! Thanks. Go to the hall.

The whole support group goes on stage, they sing a ditty.

So we played with you, is it good or bad, and now we ask you to clap.

They bow and go backstage.

For adults and not only

Freshman Night

I Initiation into students at a medical school.

"Gernet Nikolay Sergeevich

Equipment: chairs, ropes, steelyard, pens, paper.

The hall is dark. Music sounds. As the volume of the music rises, the lights turn on. In the middle of the stage, all the freshmen are sitting with their backs to each other - "captives", tied with ropes in pairs. Around them, in a circle, the aborigines of the Hippocratic tribe are dancing a ritual dance. The music ends, the presenters (with a "peace pipe) come out. They tell the story of the tribe, sitting on the skin of a killed bear."

Lead 1. For many years now, (name of your region) has been home to strange creatures from the Hippocratic tribe. They walk on their hind limbs, use the simplest tools - a fork, a spoon and a scalpel, which speaks of the embryonic state of their intellect. In winter they hibernate. If they are awakened during the session, they become very aggressive. Men actively hunt for the fairer sex in spring and summer. With these reserves, they live the whole winter.

Lead 2. Individuals of the tribe are clearly divided into two categories: rational beings and non-rational beings. I would like to pay special attention to the description of the unreasonable being. Unlike the first, they sleep a lot, and in the most inappropriate places for this - at lectures and classes. At night, ritual dances are arranged, thereby attracting females to themselves. They drink a lot of fiery water and, as a result, sometimes do not appear in the ancestral cave for a long time.

African music sounds unexpectedly. Aborigines jump out of the hall and dance around the "captives" a ritual of sacrifice.

Lead 1. Horrible! Guys! (Refers to "captives".) If now you cannot quickly untangle and untie all the knots on the rope while the music is playing, then you will be eaten by hungry natives. Your bones will be used for preparations, and students will learn from them.

There is a competition. The guys unraveled, and the natives retreat into the background, sit on the floor near the drums and beat the drum roll.

Lead 2. Well done! Once you get out of this story, then everything else is nothing to you. Because in 6 years of life in this tribe ...

Lead 1. Provided that they deserve this right to live in the Hippocratic tribe.

Lead 2. Yes of course. Well, in 6 years you still have to

to get out and not from such positions. For example, repay all debts

elders by the end of the season.

The "captives" unfold their chairs towards the audience and sit down.

Lead 1(addresses to Moderator 2). Look how they look. Dirty, in torn clothes. No personal hygiene. Can we help them dress up?

Lead 2. Came up with it too! Yes, they themselves can do it. They have arms, legs, their head seems to be still on their shoulders. Come on guys, run to the masses and quickly dress up yourself for a meeting with the leader of the tribe. Your task: take any clothes and accessories from your fellow tribesmen and put yourself in order. But at the same time, you need to look as original as possible.

Lead 1. You have time - while the music is playing. As soon as it stops, you return to your seats.

Together. Ready! Let's start!

Music sounds. After the competition, the guys return to their places on the stage in a new guise.

Lead 2. Now everyone is ready to meet the leader of the tribe. It remains to choose the leader of the team, the most original one, who turned out to be the most adventurous, who managed to put on such-and-such outfits ...

Lead 1. Let's ask the audience to clap the costumes of the "prisoners" and thus choose the leader of the team.

The hall evaluates each "prisoner" by clapping. Drums begin to beat, music sounds, foreshadowing the appearance of the tribal leader.

Lead 2. Quiet! I seem to hear footsteps. The chief of the tribe is heading here.

The music intensifies. The leader of the tribe (a thin young man in a suit and tie) enters the stage. The face is covered with a large mask resembling common features rector. He makes a speech, the presenter translates it into a language that is more understandable for everyone else.

Leader. Dear fellow tribesmen!

Lead 1. Hi all!

Leader. I am glad to welcome you in this hall at such a solemn event as the initiation of a freshman into students.

Lead 1. It's so cool that you can still, if not see, then hear me.

Leader. Hardly anyone today needs to prove the importance and significance of science and higher education... Without this, the integration of our country into the world system is impossible. Without it young man in modern conditions it is difficult to take place as a person.

Lead 1. Do you, dude, understand that you are an insect without a piece of paper?

Leader. Today our university prepares medical specialists for everything (name of the region). And they all find a worthy application of their knowledge and skills obtained in (name educational institution), serve the noble cause of protecting the health of the population.

Lead 1... After this office, you have a direct road to a remote village. You will mow the grass, dig potatoes, give birth to the cows, buy up in stores and use vodka at your discretion in order to protect the health of your neighbor.

Leader. I wish you success in this difficult endeavor.

Lead 1. Hello everyone! Just not to fly out for your debts.

Leader. And in conclusion, I want to present an invaluable gift - the book "Advice for a Freshman".

Lead 1. In short, here's a brochure for you.

Music sounds. The leader hands over the books and leaves.

Lead 1. Well, what are we to do with these "captives"? Yes, even in the load with recommendations "for self-survival." Look, look, they are already buried in the books.

Lead 2. They are probably looking for how to survive.

Lead 1. Let's check it out. Let's give them a little more time so that they memorize all the names of people from the book, on whom it directly depends whether our captives will live or not.

Leading 2 (refers to the "captives"). Open the book quickly and start memorizing everyone who decides your destinies. You have time while the music is playing.

Lead 1. Ready! Let's start!

Music sounds. Simultaneously the game is on with the audience. Each half of the hall receives a bundle of newspapers: the audience quickly unfolds the newspaper, while passing the bundle further, there should be a "ribbon" of newspapers across the entire hall. After the game, the presenters begin to test the "captives" for knowing the names.

Lead 2. Enough, stop looking into a book and see ...

Lead 1. Prepared to answer questions. Tribesmen from

the halls can help you with their shouts.

Lead 2. The first question. What is the name of the leader of the Hippocratic tribe? (Students say the name of the rector.)

Lead 1. Who is the leader of a group of people who have come together to solve other people's problems? (Preceding the trade union committee.)

Lead 2. Who can best make cool amulets out of your fangs? (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry.)

Lead 1. Who will provide a roof over your head? (Head of the hostel.)

School activities and school holidays


The scenario is suitable for holding a disco in the evening after lessons for students in grades 5-8.

Location: Assembly Hall.

Number of participants: 30-80 people.

Age of participants: 13-15 years old.

Duration of the event: 4 hours.

Material support:

for room decoration: balloons, dance invitation posters, drawings with dancing couples;

musical accompaniment;

props for contests: newspapers for the competition "Dancing on the Ice", balloons;

prize fund.

Room decoration

The decoration of the room can correspond to the time of year when the event is held, or to a specific dance that will be learned at the evening. You can decorate the room balloons, invitations to dance, posters with dancing couples. For a dance evening, color music, various lighting effects are needed.

The original decoration of the room is the cords stretched under the ceiling, on which you can fix balloons, New Year's rain, cut out of cardboard and pasted over with foil stars, crescents. These items should be suspended so that children can touch them by jumping.

Preparing for the event

The host of the holiday needs to learn a fairly simple dance in advance. This can be a popular dance (for example, a macarena), a forgotten dance (for example, a letka-enka), a simplified version ballroom dance(e.g. tango, cha-cha-cha, jive). You can invent several original movements of your own dance.

When preparing for the evening, special attention should be paid to the musical accompaniment.

Event plan

  1. Dance quiz.
  2. Dance competitions.
  3. New dance.
  4. Games.
  5. Dancing.
  6. Natural selection.

Games are held in the event that the activity of those present decreases. At the same time, most of the games and competitions are held to music, which allows those who do not participate in competitions to dance the way they like.

1. Dance quiz

Host: Greetings to all guests of our disco club. Let's check your "dance literacy" - how much do you know about dancing, can you dance?

Competition 1

The guys should list the names of the dances. The most active participants receive prizes.

This competition can be held in the following form. Participants list the names of the dances in no particular order. After each named word, the presenter counts up to three, and if during this time no one will name new dance, victory is awarded to the player who had the last word.

Competition 2 - quiz

The moderator asks a question related to the dance, the participants answer in random order.

The guys with the greatest number of correct answers get a prize.

Examples of quiz questions

  1. Polish dance, the name of which is formed from the name of the city in which it was invented. (Krakowiak)
  2. Ballroom dance, "relative" of rock and roll (Jive)
  3. Which country's folk dance is the hopak? (Ukraine)
  4. Greek dance that was danced by gods and heroes Ancient Hellas... (Sirtaki)
  5. Sailor dance. (Apple)
  6. Which of the following dances does not actually exist: mamba, papamba, samba? (Pa-pamba)
  7. What dance was I. Strauss called the king? (Waltz)
  8. What kind of dance can you dance to this music? (Several pieces of music are played)

Competition 3

The presenter offers not only to name, but also to show several movements of the named dance. Participants who named and demonstrated the most dances will receive prizes. When choosing winners, preference is given not to those who pronounce the name of the dance, but to those who show it.

Leading: I see that you are well prepared for coming to the disco club. Welcome!

(30-40 minute dance block)

2. Dance competitions

In between dances, the following competitions can be held.

Dance competition Ice floe

Newspapers are given to the participants. They should dance without leaving the newspaper. At each signal from the presenter, the newspaper is folded in half, and the dance continues. Music changes all the time. If someone leaves the newspaper during a dance, he is eliminated from the competition. The last participant remaining in the game receives a prize.

The game can be played for dancing couples.

Dance Competition Originality

The participants dance to the music. At the same time, the music is constantly changing. The audience jury evaluates the dancers and awards prizes.

Examples of nominations for awarding prizes

The most original dance.

The most flexible dance.

Most fiery dance.

Best dance technique.

The most resourceful dancer.

The most tireless dancer.

The most inventive dancer.

3. New dance

Leading: I made sure that you all dance beautifully. But do you know such an amazing, incendiary dance like ... ( the name of the dance being learned ). Do not know? This is terrible! How could there be guests in our club who cannot dance the most fashionable, the most popular ... (name of the dance)! Well, nothing, it's fixable - now I'll teach you.

The presenter is learning a dance with the guys. This can be done not by the presenter, but, for example, by a rhythm teacher.

4. Games

After learning the dance, the disco continues. In between dances, the host offers the following games to those present:

Trickle game

All become pairs one after another. The players of each pair join hands and raise the clasped hands with a "house" so that a corridor is formed between all the pairs. The driver who does not have a pair goes along this corridor, chooses any player and becomes the last pair with him. The unpaired player becomes the driver.

London Bridge game

This is old english game... All members sing a song. Two drivers take both hands and lift them up in the form of a bridge, while the rest pass “under the bridge”. When the line "My Fair Miss" is sung, the "bridge" is lowered, and the one who is caught replaces one of the drivers. To make the game more interesting, you can play with several "bridges" (several pairs of drivers). And so that every time when the bridge is lowered, one of the participants is caught, passing under the "bridges" join hands, forming a chain. The driver, who was changed, stands in a chain in place of the caught player.

It is better to learn the lyrics of the song in advance, however, you can play the game with the musical recording of the song.

Lyrics of the London Bridge song in Russian

Falling, crumbling
London Bridge,
Falls, falls down.
Who will fix
London Bridge,
My lovely miss?

So as not to fall down.
We will build a bridge of clay and wood,
My lovely miss.

It will blur, no matter how hard you work.
The wood and clay will be washed away by the wave,
My lovely miss.

He will not fall down.
We'll build a bridge of iron and steel
My lovely miss.

The bridge will not be saved anyway.
Iron and steel will bend and crack
My lovely miss.

Let's build from gold and silver
The bridge, so as not to fall down.
Let's build from gold and silver
My lovely miss.

And gold protects the way.
Let the bridge guard the whole night
And our bridge will not fall!

London Bridge is falling, crumbling
Falls, falls down.
But we will fix
London Bridge,
My lovely miss?

Dragon Tail game

Participants stand in a row one after another and hold onto the belt of the player in front. The goal of the first player in the chain is to catch the last one. The chain must not break.

Game centipede

The players stand in a row one after another, and each holds onto the belt of the player in front of him. The host gives the centipede various tasks that it must perform.

Game Shapes

All participants are divided into pairs. Then, together with the leader, the couples practice several figures. After that, the game begins. The presenter pronounces the name of the figure, and each pair should depict it as quickly as possible. The couple who made a mistake or showed a piece later than the others is charged with a penalty task. Then the game resumes. With a large number of pairs (more than 7), you can play the knockout. In this case, the last pair remaining in the game is considered the winner. The figures in this game can be dance moves from various dances.

5. Dancing with games

It is necessary not to forget about the theme of the evening and most take time to dance. The dances themselves can be diversified, including from time to time non-standard music (Russian folk, songs from cartoons, etc.) or by announcing "Dance of the Papuans", "Dance of Snowflakes", "Dance of Friendship".

In addition, games can be held during the dances.

Engine game

Participants become one after another a little train and "ride" around the hall, between other dancers. Two or three participants begin the "little train", gradually other dancers are added to them.

Snake game

Participants join hands and move along the hall with side steps. When enough has joined the snake big number participants, the "snake head" (the first person standing in the chain) begins to spin the chain in a spiral. As a result, the snake turns out to be coiled in rings, the beginning of the snake is in the very middle of the rings, from where it is impossible to get out without unhooking the chain. The game ends with a fun unraveling of the rings.

Game Do as I do

Participants stand in a circle. The dancers take turns showing different movements, which are repeated by other participants standing in a circle.

Go out in a circle game

Participants dance in a circle. One of the participants goes to the center of the circle and starts dancing there. After a while, he pulls another participant to the center of the circle, and he himself takes his place.

The best way to end the party is by playing a game.

Natural selection game

Participants stand in a circle and dance. During the dance, they pass an object to each other (a plush toy or small balloon). Suddenly the music is interrupted, and the one who has the object in his hands drops out of the circle. Then the music is played again and the dance continues. The last participant remaining in the circle receives a prize.

It is advisable to involve everyone present in this game. At the beginning, the pauses between the pieces of music are quite long. Then the intervals between turning off the music are reduced.

    Disco order

    Regulations on the disco.

    Disco script.

    Application for materials





ORDER No. ____

from ___________

About holdingthematic



Conduct themed discos for the pupils of the DUOO them. K. Babin according to the camp program and the plan - a grid of events.

1. Responsibility for the organization, provision of conditions and the holding of thematic discos shall be assigned to the methodologist L.N. Ganich, deputy director for the economic part A.V. Berezan. and Art. teacher organizer Korotenko N.V.

2. The teacher, the organizer, Korotenko N.V., the operator for the maintenance of the equipment, Korotenko I.A.

2.1. to draw up and approve (at the teachers' council) the Regulation regulating the holding of thematic discos for pupils of the DUOO named after K. Babina.

2.2. to compose an event scenario and choose a musical accompaniment.

3. Responsibility for the life, health and behavior of children during discos shall be assigned to educators and counselors of the detachments. Conduct a safety briefing with the pupils against signature.

4. Methodist LN Ganich, Deputy Director for Economic Affairs Berezan A.V.

4. 1. Make a schedule of duty on the territory during the evening discos. from the staff of the DUOO.

5. To Doctor Petrenko S. I. DUOO them. K. Babina to provide medical support during discos.

6. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the methodologist of the DUOO them. K. Babina L.N. Ganich

This order comes into force from the moment of signing.

Director of DUOO them. K. Babina Savchenko V.M.

Familiarized with:

Korotenko N.V.

Petrenko S.I.

Kondratyev A. Yu,

Berezan A.V.

Ganich L.N.

Kosolapova N.B.

A.I. Belaya

Kapatsina A.Ya.

Boklach D.V.

Dotsyak M.A.

Shapovalova E.K.

I. A. Korotenko

A.V. Zagorkova

Chaly D.O.

S.V. Nadtoka

Sereda E.R.

O.V. Titarenko

Getun B.D

Toshoporan Yu.V.

Zhilinskaya A.S.

Voronina E.K.

A.V. Novak

Moiseenko A.M.

Dotsyak M.A.

Iskra E.A.

Gladkaya E.O.

Samus E.V.

Smooth. A.G.

Titaeva D.A.




about holding a farewell fire

This Regulation determines the procedure for holding evening thematic discos

Targets and goals:

    the formation of pupils' sense of belonging to the camp, to its traditions;

    popularization of active forms of leisure among pupils aimed at forming healthy way life;

    instill in children a sense of belonging to the events that took place in the life of the camp;

    to unite children in squads in the process of performing squad and camp songs and dances.


The event is attended by all teams in full force, administration, camp staff.


The event is held on the dance floor on the territory of the DUOO named after K. Babina.

Form of carrying out:

Theatricalized - musical performance.



Event progress


Yan Savitsky, film director.

Mikhail Pankratov, videographer.


Any disco, groovy music sounds. Come out

2 Leaders.

1st presenter. Good evening!

2nd leader. Hello, hello, hello!

1st presenter. Let me introduce! Main director film studio "Kadr" Yan Savitsky!

2nd leader. And I, the videographer of the film studio Mikhail Pankratov ( takes the guys on camera).

1st presenter. In general, guys, everything is very simple. Today in the camp we will shoot a movie, and it is called “ Summer fairy tale princess of Almivia ". Your applause!

2nd leader. And we came here in order to choose among you the most worthy, the most artistic, the most, the most talented in the main role in film...

1st and 2nd presenter (together). Princess Almivia's Summer Tale.

2nd leader. How do we identify talented guys among all these boys and girls?

1st presenter. As usual, Mikhail, we will do some kind of casting. And now I invite three boys to this stage.

2nd leader. In our film, there is a scene where the main character rides a horse to rescue Princess Almivia from the dirty clutches of the Angry Barbun Krivchak. So, they are the first participants in our competition. Let's support them with applause!

1st presenter. Yes, I forgot to say that, having won the competition, you will receive such an invitation card ( shows), which will give you the right to star in a film called ...

Everything (together). Princess Almivia's Summer Tale!



The presenter puts 3 chairs on the stage, on the seats he puts pumps for inflatable boats. Non-inflated balloons are put on the ends of the hoses and secured with tape. On command, the guys jump on the pumps, holding the hose in their hand. The balloons must inflate, and whoever bursts the balloon first wins. During the game, the contestants should emit the joyful whinnying of the horse, on which they supposedly jump. This competition, like all subsequent ones, is filmed by a videographer.

The winner is awarded.


1st presenter. And we continue our program, we continue to choose the best. And I ask: what do they like to give famous artists cinema? That's right, autographs. And now let's imagine that everyone in this room is the superstars of such blockbusters as Titanic, Rimbaud, Terminator, Toughie", And our four new contestants ( guys go up to the stage) will take your autographs.

The participants of the game are given sheets and felt-tip pens, on command the contestants run into the hall and collect signatures from the children, only legible signatures are counted. Whoever collects more autographs in 1.5 minutes will win.

Musical break - 2 songs.

Mummy in love

1st presenter. And our casting continues. Recently, a film crew and I traveled to Egypt and met a mummy there. And you don't need to go anywhere because you will see this mummy here, in our camp. For the next competition, I need four boys and four girls.

Participants go up to the stage.

The presenter divides 4 pairs into 1st and 2nd numbers, as a result, there should be 2 girls and 2 boys, who will be the first numbers, and the second he gives out rolls of toilet paper. On command, the second numbers are made from the first mummies. This task is given 3 minutes, after the mummies are ready, the presenter asks the DJ to turn on a slow dance, mummies-boys invite mummies-girls to dance. After the dance, the mummy with the most paper left on is declared the winner.

The winner is awarded, he is presented with an invitation card.

Musical pause - 2 melodies.

Voice acting

1st presenter. And we continue to prepare for the filming of the film, which is called ... ( the guys are shouting: "Princess Almivia's Summer Tale"!) Right! Well done! But tell me, what do they do with the film when they finish making it? That's right, voiced. And the next competition is called "Voiceover". I invite you to voice situations that are probably familiar to you.

The presenter invites 3 players to the stage, their task is to voice the most believable text that will be read to them.

Text options:

1. Morning came in the camp *, the leader of the second detachment Vasily woke up *, brushed his teeth *, washed *, woke up the children *, they reluctantly got up *, went to exercise *, birds chirped cheerfully in the street *, they jumped and ate worms *, suddenly there was a thunder *, it started to rain *, the detachments ran into the building with joyful shouts *, the counselor Olya dreamed horrible dream *.

2. It was lunch time in the camp *, the fifth detachment entered the dining room with its chants *, but dinner had not yet been set *, the eighth detachment * was having dinner at the next table *, the girls crunched cucumbers *, the boys drank compote *, the dogs barked happily outside the windows * , the watchman brought them bones *, a bread truck passed *, the guys chattered their teeth from hunger *, but then dinner was quickly covered *, the happy children sat down at the table *, counselor Anton had a terrible dream *.

3. In the camp evening *, the first squad went to the disco *, the DJ was on fire *, the girls squeaked with delight *, the boys pulled the girls by the pigtails *, the counselors counted the children *, cows appeared on the camp territory *, the watchman threatened the cows *, and together with the guys tried to drive them out of the camp territory *, the cows resisted *, and DJ Max lit everything and lit *, the guys had fun from the heart *, counselor Alina had a terrible dream *.

1. Night *, in the village of Kantemirovka it is quiet *, the wind is howling *, the cock crowed *, the yard dogs * immediately barked, the hens in the chicken coop cackled sluggishly in response *, the sound of footsteps * was heard, the sun appeared from the horizon *.

2. Early morning*, Doctor Aibolit sits in the room *, grunting affectionately, a pig appears in the room *, Aibolit gently scratches her belly *, the pig squeals with pleasure *, woodpeckers are tapping regularly *, Kudro parrot begs for sugar in a hissing whisper *, the sun rises *.

3. Evening *, behind the curtains of the circus thunderous applause *, inhuman laughter of a clown *, tigers * growl in fright *, an elephant steps on the caretaker's feet in surprise *, The sound of an ambulance siren * is heard *, the sun sets *.

The winner is determined by applause.

The winner is awarded.

Musical pause.

Dancing with balls

1st presenter. So, there are only a few minutes left before the filming of our film begins. But first, let's hold one more, final competition. There is a scene in the film where the princess is dancing with the king. Well, who likes to dance, go up to the stage.

Dance couples go up to the stage.

Each pair is given a balloon. At the command of the couple, they pinch the ball with that part of the body that the presenter calls, for example: head, knees, little finger, back of the head, heels, back and begin to dance. The task of the guys is not to drop the ball and dance better than others, you cannot support and correct the ball with your hands.

The winners are awarded. The presenter asks the winning children not to leave the stage.

1st presenter. Now the moment has come that we have been waiting for. I invite to the stage everyone who has an invitation to shoot in the film Princess Almivia's Summer Tale.

7-8 children with tickets enter the stage, the presenter announces musical break in 3 melodies, and he himself leaves with the artists in order to pass the costumes to the guys and explain their acting task to them.

1st presenter. So, the hour has come when we finally shoot our film. And I want you to welcome our artists with thunderous applause. Here they are, welcome! ( guys come on stage dressed as heroes they will play). Meet! ( children artists, when called, come forward and bow) In our film you will meet such characters as: Tsar da-Nadvsyam, Princess Almivia, the old witch Zaglohaya Shlyamba, negative character Evil-eyed Barbun Kravchuk, horse Koberul, positive hero Zamkhaty Maklokhiy. And the ubiquitous police! So let's get started, is the camera ready? ( videographer nods). Yes, I completely forgot: everyone who does not participate in the film will be our extras. ( Turns to the hall) When you hear the phrase: "Everyone is noisy!", - shout loudly, clap your hands, stamp your feet. Let's rehearse. Everyone is noisy! ( screams, noise, rumbling). Well done, the crowd is ready, the artists are ready! Camera, let's go!

Disco with contests

A disco is always more interesting if there are fun contests... Here is some of them.

Am, am

3 couples enter the stage. The boy removes his hands behind his back, the girl is blindfolded and given a banana. On command, the girls must feed the bananas to the guys. The winner is the couple in which the boy eats the banana first and shouts "Om, om!"

Samba, Rumba, Lambada

10 people are invited to the stage. The presenter says that now everyone will see how New Year's round dances are held in Brazil, and declares himself a “Christmas tree”. All players stand around him, turn to the right, take the person in front by the shoulders (waist). The presenter says: "Samba!", Everyone should take a step forward right foot, then: "Rumba!", the players step forward with their left foot. When the presenter says "Lambada!", Everyone in the circle, without removing their hands from the shoulders of a neighbor, is dancing lambada. The presenter says that he likes the way the guys dance and suggests making the task more difficult. Now all players take the shoulders not in front of the standing participant, but after one. The circle narrows and starts all over again: "Samba, Rumba, Lambada!"


3 boys enter the stage. The presenter gives them a sheet of paper and offers to make airplanes. Whoever launches them into the hall first will win. The only difficulty is that the guys have to do the airplanes with one left hand, putting their right hand behind their back.

Digital disco

Upon entering dance hall the children receive tickets with numbers from 0 to 9. The presenter starts the game program and asks the child who has a ticket with the number 7. The first child with such a ticket to enter the stage wins. After a while, the presenter calls, for example, the number 16. Two players are already entering the stage - with the numbers 1 and 6. Then 490, etc. The task of the guys is to quickly find their bearings, unite in groups and go on stage with tickets.

Heel - Shoulder

5 couples are invited to the stage. The presenter invites them to dance to the groovy music, but with one condition: on command, the couples must connect with those parts of the body that he names and continue to dance in the position in which the presenter calls (palm to palm, ear to shoulder, heel to heel, knee to shoulder, elbow to heel, nape to lower back).

Two tangerines

The presenter invites 2 people to the stage. He gives them a tangerine each. The task of the guys is to clean the tangerine and eat it 1 slice at a time, alternating with the enemy. Whoever eats a slice of tangerine last wins the competition.


This competition is attended by 3 boys. Each person receives a plastic one and a half liter bottle, which contains 7 markers without caps. Caps are issued separately. The host invites the children to charge the machine. To do this, the team needs to open the bottle cap, get the felt-tip pens out of it, put caps on them (by color). Put the markers back into the bottle and close the lid. The most agile wins this competition.

Music disco

The presenter invites everyone in the audience to remember songs in which words begin with the syllable "do". As in an auction, the reward goes to whoever is the last to sing an excerpt from a song. Then there is a game with the syllables "re", "mi", "fa", "la", "si".

Add a poem

Children who love to compose poems take part in this competition. 5 players enter the stage, they are given sheets on which it is written:





Participants need to finish writing a poem in 1 minute. Then they read out their verses, and the host rewards the winner.


Two players sit on chairs with their backs to each other. You need to sit straight, move your legs. A short rope is stretched under the chairs. On command, both bend down at the same time, trying to grab the rope from under the chairs. Whoever succeeds first wins.

Five points

Fold up identical sheets of paper and pierce them through with an awl in five places. Each player receives a piece of paper, and then draws on it a drawing of any object so that the drawing line passes through 5 points without interruption. This task is given 3 minutes, after which the author of the most original drawing is declared the winner.

Disco questions and answers

The facilitator prepares 2 decks of cards - one with questions, the other with answers. During game program he invites two volunteers to the stage and invites them to choose cards and read out their questions and answers to each other. Then the next couple is invited.

Sample cards



1.Do you have success with girls (guys)?

1) give me three days to think

2.You like Toothpaste Colgate?

2.Only in the dark

3. Aren't you tired of your roommates yet?

3.And you don't want anything else?

4. When do you have an idea to do something useful?

4.Only in moments of weakness

5. How often do you wash your face?

5. Do I look sick?

6. Have you ever been put in a corner?

6.Yes, especially with butter

7. Do you like to eat semolina porridge?

7. Do you doubt it?

8. At the disco, would you invite me to dance?

8.Just within the bounds of common sense

9. How long does it take to get to Magadan by train?

9 you know better about it

10 why are you so happy?

10.Every Tuesday

11. Can you call yourself cute?

11 would never see him

12.Where and when do you get scared?

12.Two times a week

13. Do you wash often?

13.In principle not, although you can try

14. Do you enjoy sharing gifts?

14.On Saturday it is necessary

15. Would you share a second dinner with me?

15. There is a person here that I cannot answer you

16. Have you ever wanted to send your counselors to the lion's cage?

16.Yes, if someone helps them

17 do you play football?

17 whenever I see a pretty girl

18. Do you walk at night?

18. Imagine, this is the only thing I dream about

Fish disco

In their detachments, the guys must make 5 fish from scrap materials, choose three fishermen, and come up with costumes for them. Amateurs come on stage during the disco fishing and show everyone the fish they caught, tell everyone about it. After that, the presenters collect all the catch in a common pot and spend competition program... Each team of fishermen has one participant. They receive fishing rods - on a stick 1 m long, to the end of which a felt-tip pen is tied with a thread. The player stands on a chair and, at the command of the leader, tries to lower the felt-tip pen into the neck of a plastic one and a half liter bottle, which stands in front of the chair at a distance of one and a half meters. The winner is identified among the participants. After a while, the second numbers come out, then the third. After that, the host holds the same competition between the three finalists and awards the winner with the diploma "The most avid fisherman (fisherwoman) of the camp"

Thematic disco "Hipsters against Gangsters"!

Lead 1: Everyone, everyone good evening! We are glad to welcome you today in our hall at the thematic disco "Hipsters against Gangsters"!

Host 2: Today we will have a whole evening with you to relax, have fun, play and, most importantly, dance! Ready?!

Host 1. An incredible feeling of unbridled fun, freedom and drive.

Host 2. Infectious rock 'n' roll, everlasting boogie-woogie, mischievous twist and swing - all these energetic body movements will fill us tonight.

Host 1. But guys, do not forget that first of all we have gathered here to help the correctional boarding school in the village. Voskresenskoe, because all the proceeds cash will go to the charity of this school.

Presenter 2. Also, a disco is held with the aim of promoting healthy lifestyle, prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction, bad habits, extremism and terrorism among youth.

Host 1. Before we start our disco for the most stylish and brightest, let them check if everything is in place?

Host 2. Yes, exactly. Hipsters - are you here?

Host 1. Gangsters? I do not hear you!

Moderator 1. So, our teams are defined: the Hipster team and the Gangster team!

Host 2. You are ready to participate in contests and competitions with your rivals and show them what you are capable of !!! (Yeah)

Host 1. Excellent! So let's all together, shout together and clap as best we can, welcoming each other !!!

Lead 2. So, it should be noted that

according to the results of all competitions at the awards ceremony, the most of the most will receive the title of a true Gangster and Hipster !!! So there is something to fight for!

Host 1. Oh, yes, we almost forgot! Down with familiarity.

Host 2. Today, during the entire disco, you should not call each other by name and call yours.

Presenter 1. Everyone, without exception, should come up with a pseudonym for their style.

Presenter 2. And if it suddenly happens that you have used your name, you will have to make amends with some very interesting task !!!

Host 1. Well, why is everything clear to everyone? So let's start the same !!!

Host 2. Are you ready to rock? Well then let's go!

Competition 1. "Hot Dances"

Host 1. Well, friends! Where dudes and gangsters, there is a step! Who will participate in the tap dance competition?

Presenter 2. The team of dudes and the team of gangsters will have to come up with and learn the rhythm repeated by the kicks!

Host 1. But that's not all !!!

Each of the teams must beat down the other team with their own rhythm when you come together to dance opposite each other.

Host 2. Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our evening.

"Dance warm-up" Babinskie dances

Competition 2. "Find an Object"

Host 1. Each of the guests secretly hides in their clothes one of the small items that we distribute in advance.

Host 2. We post a list of all hidden objects and announce the start of the game.

Presenter 1. Your task is to find objects on top of each other.

Lead 2. The winner is the one who discovered the largest number hidden objects.

Dance warm-up

Competition 3. "On the legs, like on a boulevard"

Leader 1. So, the participants are in a row. One balloon is tied to the ankles of each participant's feet.

Presenter 2. The task of the couple is to dance in such a way as to hit the legs of other participants with their balloons as often as possible.

Host 1. The couple, whose "weights" have burst or blown away - leaves the funny dance floor.

Presenter 2. The best ones get well-deserved rewards !!!

Dance warm-up

Competition 4. "Steam Engine"

Presenter 1. In this game, we all become one after another in a string, holding on to the belt or shoulders of the person in front.

Lead 2. The head of the train - the "locomotive" - ​​runs fast, often and unexpectedly changes its direction.

Presenter 1. And you and I must watch him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

Host 2. BUT, that's not all !!! We will call that part of the body that you must grab onto during the movement (stomach, knees, nose, heels, etc.). Ready? Let's go then!

Dance warm-up.

Competition 5. "Dancers"

Presenter 1. For you now there will sound a cut from the music of different times, arranged in such a way that one dance abruptly replaces another.

Host 2. This will reveal not only the one who can dance the best, but also the one who has the fastest reaction.

Host 1. And don't forget, those who will be the most active will receive a prize!

Dance warm-up

Moderator 1. So, it's time to take stock,

perhaps the coolest and brightest party in the style of "Hipsters against Gangsters" that I have ever seen !!!

Host 2. Finally,

the time has come when we can reward the true Gangster and Hipster! And to present them with honestly deserved prizes.

Presenter 1. To be awarded this honorary title, we invite

Host 2. Well,

let's give them another round of applause! They deserve it.

Host 1. Well done guys! But our time has come to an end. And on this cheerful note, our disco is over!

Host 2. Thanks to everyone who took an active part! And, of course, do not forget to say thank you to our organizers

Lead 1.

Well, well, see you soon! We hope you enjoyed it!

Host 2. Goodbye! Until next time!

Penalty Quiz:

1. What distinctive feature dude? (Bright, defiant clothes).

2. What is the name of the boots with high rubber soles? (Boots on "semolina porridge).

3. What accessory did the dandy prefer, which ordinary people certainly did not have, that was in short supply? (Sunglasses).

4. What is your favorite style drink? (Cocktail).

5. The name of the fashionable hairstyle of the dandies - men? (Cook).

6. What did dudes usually give their dudes after a night together? (Stockings).

7. Who is a dynamic? (The girl who gave the dude a false hope, and she herself ran away early from the party in a taxi. The taxi was then called "dynamo").

8. The word "dudes" was offensive. What did the dudes call themselves? (Staff members).

Scenic move of the orange disco "Danc Mix"

IN 1: Hello, Dear friends!

IN 2: We are glad to welcome all fans of fiery orange discos!

IN 1: Orange party is a summer, sunny mood in autumn!

IN 2: Orange color- the color of the setting sun and the most useful vitamins!

IN 1: This is a huge charge of positive energy!

IN 2: This is our orange world, full of smiles, kindness and joy!

IN 1: The most important thing at a disco is what? (turns to the audience, listens to the answer options)

IN 2: That's right, dancing!

IN 1: So let's dance!

IN 2: Are you ready to rock? (the answer is YES!). Well, let's go then ...

IN 1: Let's start with a dance warm-up

IN 2: We dance first with SHOULDERS ...

IN 1: Don't stop, keep moving, great start!

IN 2: Friends, attention! Who brought with them the symbol of our orange disco (orange, tangerine, grapefruit)? (Whoever answered first, we invite 2-3 people to the stage)

IN 1: In exchange for your fruit, you enter the competition (takes fruit from the participants). Explaining the rules of the competition. The task of the contestants is to rhythmically spin the hoop and drink the contents of the glass to the music. It is important not to spill a drop of liquid or drop the hoop. The winner will receive a prize reminiscent of summer.

IN 2: Participants received their inventory and go down to the center of the hall. The rest all support the participants with loud applause!

Competition is being held

IN 1: And, we have a winner! Your prize. And the following dance compositions we dedicate to the participants of the competition. Everyone dances!

Dance non-stop (2-3 songs)

IN 1: Friends, who wants candy? (from the audience: Me!) Come here, hold! (gives candy).
Who else wants candy? (from the audience: I! I! I!). Eh, no, this candy will be given to the one who will dance the best in the next task "Manage to pass".

IN 2: We all stand in a circle, we pass the orange to the music. Whose orange will it be? (we take 1 orange from those who wish) the music dies down, whoever has an orange in his hands dances in the center. (Do this 2 times)

For the best dancer we give back the promised candy

IN 2: We continue our bright, juicy orange dis-ko-te-ku !!!

Dance non-stop (2-3 songs)

IN 1: So, friends, the last song sounds

IN 2: and by tradition we end the orange disco with the Druzhba train, let's go ...

IN 1: We wish everyone great mood, positive and explosive emotions !!!

IN 2: Until next time !!!

Additional contests if the audience is not dancing:

Two tangerines

The presenter invites 2 interested persons to the stage. He gives them a tangerine each. The task of the guys is to clean the tangerine and eat it 1 slice at a time, alternating with the enemy. Whoever eats a slice of tangerine last wins the competition. The prize is an orange.

Disco figure, freeze!

The paraphrase of the well-known children's game "The sea is worried". During the dance, the presenter counts:
Orange disco worries - time. Orange disco worries - two. Orange disco worries - three. Disco figure - freeze!
Turns off music abruptly. Everyone freezes motionless. The presenter comments on the "sculptures" and asks to come up with something more interesting.
Dance music and counting resume.
Another pause.
Finally, on the third pause, the presenter awards prizes to those who have come up with the most interesting poses.

"Dancing with a rope"

A satin ribbon is stretched across the entire hall at the level of the dancers' belt. Their task is to go to the music under it. The level of the tape is constantly decreasing.

"Race for the Leader"

One active participant is selected, who shows movements on the stage, the rest repeat after him


All those present form a chain or split into several chain commands. The first is the "head", the last, respectively, is the "tail". Music starts and the caterpillar starts to move forward. At the same time, the "head" shows various dance movements as it wants - it waves its arms, lunges, walks like a goose step, and so on. Everyone else should repeat the movements behind her. When the “head” gets tired, it turns to the next player, strokes him on the head and goes to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “jokes”. The competition lasts as long as the music is playing.

Chained by one chain

Teams of 3-7 people participate. According to the number of participants, hats or panamas are sewn to the rope with an interval of 1 meter. Participants put them on their heads and dance to the music. The team that lost the cap earlier from the participant loses. You cannot hold the hat with your hands.

Dance conveyor

Participants are divided into groups of 5-12 people. Several melodies sound for 1-2 minutes, the groups must, quickly rebuilding, dance the appropriate movements. The most harmonious, fast and original team wins.


Several teams of 3 people participate. They are told that now they will have to dance, and the jury will evaluate them, but by what criteria they will inform later, so they need to try very hard. As soon as the dance is over, the number of buttons on the outerwear of the participants is counted in each team. The winner is the team with the most buttons found by the jury. Alternatively, in this competition, you can ask the teams to do a button dance.


Teams with an equal number of participants stand in a line and as soon as the music begins to play, they must pass the box of matches worn on the nose from the participant to the participant without using their hands. The winner is the team that, without dropping the boxes, manages to pass it while the music was playing.


Princess Nesmeyana is selected from among the participants, then those who wish to participate in the competition are invited to the stage. They need to make Nesmeyana laugh with their dance, without touching her.

Dancing by name

During the disco, the presenter announces that now only those who hear their name will dance. For example: now everyone is dancing Sasha, and now Elena. You can call several names at the same time.

Bronze deer

It is best to hold this competition in a summer camp. All the boys who consider themselves the most tanned are invited from the audience. The winner and prize-winners are selected from them, who are awarded the title of "bronze deer". They perform the "reindeer" victory dance.

Record weight

Weighing scales are installed in the disco room. Couples are invited to participate in this competition. Throughout the evening, they can be weighed on the scales, and the couple, which weighs more than all other couples, becomes the winner and is awarded the "heroic" prize.

Air dance

All participants are divided into pairs. Each pair is given 2-3 inflated balloons. In the 1st round of the dance, you need to hold them with your bodies, dance so that none of the balls falls. In the 2nd round - you need to burst the balls, and you cannot damage them with your hands, feet, teeth or sharp objects.

Companies parade

All teams line up on the site and, at the signal of the presenter, begin to move in an original way to the music.


The hall is conventionally divided into groups, which need to perform synchronous dance movements to the music.

The "thinnest" company "

You need to get into the gymnastic hoop. Which company will have more people in the hoop, that one won.

Square - oval - triangle

Teams dance in a circle and, at the signal of the leader, rearrange themselves into a triangle, then into a square, etc.

Dances together - strange dances

Two people from the team (a boy and a girl) dance to a slow composition, and the young man holds his partner in his arms throughout the dance.

In the animal world

Participants need to dance as they would: elephants, snakes, centipedes, giraffes, etc.


One person from the company becomes a cabbage. The rest in one minute must decorate it with the help of improvised means. The winner is the company that "raised" the largest cabbage swarm.

Lower and lower

At a certain height (human height), a crossbar is installed, under which all participants must pass in turn, while performing dance movements. Gradually the crossbar is lowered. The game is played until one of the most flexible participants remains.

Sprawling dance

Turn on any music and choose two players who will start dancing with each other. Then stop the music. The dancers split up, and each of them chooses a different partner or partner. Now 2 couples dance until the music stops. Then everyone chooses a new partner, and 8 people dance. This continues until everyone is dancing.

For this icebreaker game, you need an even number of players. If one extra player appears, then he can start and stop the music.

Musical falls

These are "musical chairs" that do not require chairs. All that is needed is music, which the presenter either plays on the piano or uses discs or cassettes instead. He can even dispense with music altogether and just clap his hands. The players move in time with the rhythm. When the leader stops, everyone should sit on the floor. The one who sits down last leaves the game and must step aside to the leader. To protect yourself from possible mistakes, you must sit on the floor completely.

Change the type of music or rhythm so that one music is loud, another soft, and one jazz beat. Also change the duration of each a piece of music so that players are completely unprepared for the moment the sound stops. Use a few very short passages. They will make the game even more exciting.

When there are only two players left, they will be watching each other intently, and perhaps you will have several draws in a row as they touch the floor at the same time. If this happens, ask them to close their eyes and keep moving to the music. You will soon find out the winner.

Disco script "Dance and have fun".

Host: Good afternoon, dear guys! We welcome you today in our hall at the "Dance and have fun" game disco.

Today we will have a rest, have fun, play and most importantly dance with you! So let's start the same! Are you ready to rock?

The answer is “Yes! "Well, let's go then!

The game "Snake". All those present form a chain or split into several chain commands. The first is the "head", the last, respectively, is the "tail". Music starts and the caterpillar starts to move forward. At the same time, the "head" shows various dance movements as it wants - it waves its arms, lunges, walks like a goose step, and so on. Everyone else should repeat the movements behind her. When the “head” gets tired, it turns to the next player, strokes him on the head and goes to the tail, after which everything continues with a new leader and new “jokes”. The competition lasts as long as the music is playing.

Host: Well done! This is how you should dance throughout our program. The one who is the most active today will receive a good prize! So it's worth the fight!

The program of our evening:

The first is dancing!

The second is fun dances!

The third is fast dances!

Fourth - slow dancing!

Fifth - dancing until you drop! All in all:

Disco, disco!

Here is fun, so fun

Mountains of jokes, a lot of laughter!

That's what disco means!

I offer a game disco!

Dance game "We are changing". Everyone is spinning in pairs under the arm, as soon as I say the word "We are changing", everyone immediately begins to look for another partner for themselves, and they also continue to spin under the arm to the music, etc.

The game "Growing dance". Turn on any music and choose two players who will start dancing with each other. Then stop the music. The dancers split up, and each of them chooses a different partner or partner. Now 2 couples dance until the music stops. Then everyone chooses a new partner, and 8 people dance. This continues until everyone is dancing.

Game "Train". In this game, we all become one after another in a string, holding on to the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train - the "locomotive" - ​​runs fast, often and unexpectedly changes direction. You and I must keep an eye on him and at the same time not leave the train.

I will refer to the part of the body that you must grab onto during the movement (belly, shoulders, ears, head, belt, etc.). Ready? The answer is “Yes! "Let's go, then!

Host: For the next competition, 8 people are needed.

All participants in this competition stand in a circle, put their hats on their heads.

Listen to me carefully and complete my assignments:

1 put your right hand on your neighbor's head;

2 take off your hat right hand from a neighbor and put it on your head;

3 take off your hat from your head and shout out "Hop";

4 put both hands on the shoulders of the neighbor and close the circle;

5 take off your hat, bow and say "Mercy"

Ready? The answer is "Yes" Well then let's go!

Competition "Hats" (Props: hats 8 pcs., Prizes 8 pcs.)

Irga "Nesmeyana". Princess Nesmeyana is selected from among the participants, then those who wish to participate in the competition are invited to the stage. They need to make Nesmeyana laugh with their dance, without touching her.

Game "Dancing by name". During the disco, the presenter announces that now only those who hear their name will dance. For example: now all Sasha's, all Elena's are dancing. You can call several names at the same time.

Game "Tapes". The presenter asks a group of girls and boys to stand separately. He takes several ribbons in his hand (in the middle of the ribbon). From one end, the girls take the ribbons, and from the other, the boys. The presenter releases the tapes and walks away. Boys and girls unwind the ribbons and meet, forming pairs for a slow dance.

"Dance game". Children become boys and girls in a trickle. The usual game is in progress, accompanied by fast music(As soon as the music changes to slow, the formed couples dance a slow dance)

Game "Object in a circle". Those who wish to participate in the game form a large circle in the hall. One of the participants is given an object: a ball, a balloon. A fast phonogram is turned on, and the object is transmitted from participant to participant in a circle. The melody suddenly stops, and the participant who is holding the object in his hands at this moment is eliminated from the game. A dropout occurs every time the melody stops until there is no more last participant who becomes the winner.