How the highest education in the United States is arranged: the main differences from the span of the system. Education system in America

How the highest education in the United States is arranged: the main differences from the span of the system. Education system in America
How the highest education in the United States is arranged: the main differences from the span of the system. Education system in America

Secondary and higher education in the USA

In the United States there is no unified national education system, each state defines its structure independently. Education for the most part state, it is monitored and funded at the federal level at the state level and local level. The system of public schools is most common, one except for them, the education system includes cownate and private educational institutions (three thousand privileged private schools) in which about 14% of all student is studying in which. America's higher educational institutions are mainly private.

Schoolchildren children in America become between the ages of 5 and 8 and finish school aged 14 to 18.

The US education system includes:

  • pre-school entities, where children are studying 3-5 years
  • primary school (1-8 classes), in which children aged 6-13 years old
  • high School (9-12 classes) in which students are trained at the age of 14-17 years
  • educational institutions of the last level of learning related to the higher education system

Primary education

In 5 years, children go to primary school (Elementary School, Grade School or Grammar School), in Zero class (Kindergarten). Although it is not necessary in some schools, almost all children pass this stage of learning, also called "Pre-school" (Preschool). Depending on the school district, in the fifth or sixth grade, the initial formation of the American student ends.

Secondary education

The first school in the United States (Middle School, Junior High School or Intermediate School) is divided into two stages - younger and old, each time. The younger secondary school ends with the eighth grade, the older secondary school is classes from the ninth to the twelfth. In most senior secondary schools, students study mathematics (2 years), English (4 years), natural (2 years) and social sciences (3 years). Usually, American children finish high school for about 18 years. To obtain a diploma about the end of the secondary school graduates, it is enough to receive tests of 16 academic courses over the past four years of study.

Colleges: Local, technical, urban and primary education.

Four-year colleges and universities Those who received secondary education may come:

  • in community colleges (Community College)
  • technical College (Technical College)
  • in city colleges (city college)
  • in primary colleges (Junior College)

After two years of study, all of them that give a degree (Associate's Degree) comparable with secondary special education. There is a different way to continue learning - to go to colleges or universities, where the four-year education is completed by the degree of bachelor. To obtain it, students must dial a certain number of credit units and pass the required exams. The bachelor's degree can, again, continue learning to get a master's degree (2-3 years) or doctors of philosophy (3 years or more).

Higher education

American Higher education is considered one of the best in the world, and it is usually received for 4 years of study in college or university. In the United States, it is customary to call all universities with colleges (College), even if we are talking about universities.

All American universities can be divided into three types. Depending on the availability of research programs or graduate school programs, higher education institutions are divided into colleges and universities.

Most of the four-year colleges are small (less than 2,000 students and most of them religious) and private. Universities in turn are divided into two types: private universities and universities of states. The latter are usually quite large and largely inferior to private. The most famous US universities are owned by the most famous universities, such as Stepford, Harvard, Princeton, Yel and others. A number of universities and colleges carry out students only according to the results of the Competition of the High School Documents Competition, however, prestigious universities usually arrange a competitive selection, TAT as the number of applicants significantly exceeds the possibility of admission to educational institutions.

Elementary School: Determine the strengths

Academic year

In most US schools, the school year begins at the end of August and lasts from 170 to 186 days. Weekends and holidays depend on a particular state. The most common holidays during the school year are usually associated with the holidays: Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Easter.

Higher education system in the USA

In America, more than 4,700 of higher educational institutions, in which 21 million students are trained, there are about 5% of foreign citizens among them (according to 2015). In colleges and universities of the United States annually study 4,900 Russian students.

Than colleges differ from universities

Universities that offer only undergraduate programs are called colleges. As a rule, most of them are private. Humanitarian colleges are called "colleges of free arts", many of them are comparable to prestiges with universities of the ivy league.

Universities are both private and state. On the equipment or educational process, the method of financing does not affect. However, most American schoolchildren dream to study in private universities - classes are less in them, and teachers have the opportunity to pay more attention to students.

Writer and Writer Lily Kim lives in California with a teenage daughter and in its own experience delivers in the American education system. At the request, she explains how different levels of education are arranged than this system is different from our, where it is better to learn and why.

In addition to another measurement system (mile, pounds, oz), other sockets and other voltages in them, an insane system of the medustry, after moving to America, we needed to adapt to America and to a completely different system of education. In the most general form, it works like this:

  • Preschool education (Preschool)
  • Primary School: C 1 to Grade 5
  • Secondary School (Secondary School): 6-8 Classes (Middle School) and Grade 9 (Junior High School)
  • Senior School (High School): 10-12 Classes
  • Higher education (Higher Education) - Colleges and universities.

Types of school

All educational institutions may be state-owned (contained on public funds), municipal (Public Schools, Community Colleges - are contained on the means of the local municipality; schools are funded by real estate tax - therefore the more expensive the area, the better there is Public School), or private.

Immediately after moving, all familiar advised me to save on something else, but to send a child to an inexpensive, but still a private school so that it could adapt in a gentle mode: less students in class, and teachers pay them more attention. When she got used to the language and environment, and I had money on moving to a good area, I translated it to Public School.

Public School free, but you need to prove that you really live in the area. Some of our acquaintances came to Charter School and Magnet School. Charters are also free schools, but in order to go to them, not necessarily live in the area. Suppose people cannot remove or buy accommodation in an expensive area, and where they can, are very bad schools.

In bad areas, real estate is cheap and taxes from it do not do it, so 6 thousand can spend the student per year, and in good - 36.

Of course, it will be very noticeable in the quality of teachers and management, class equipment and in the end - the performance of students. In order not to create a "closed poverty circle" ghetto, charter schools were created. They have mixed financing - both state, and municipal, and private donations. They have a good level of education, but the place can be obtained only by winning the annual lottery in which all the filed applications are involved. Magnet is free schools with some bias: science, art, sport. They are also not tied to the area.

Private Schools - paid. They are any. Large variation is very large. With accommodation (Boarding School) and ordinary. Some provide Financial AID - this is not a scholarship, but a significant discount for training. Each case, the Council disassembles individually. Suppose, school training costs 47 thousand a year, but the Council may decide that two adopted African children of one family can learn for 20 thousand per year for two. Or a woman who has lost her husband who can no longer pay the full cost, can get an individual discount, so that her children make themselves in that school to which they are accustomed to, say, for 50% of the full cost. There are no single criteria.

Evaluation System

Americans have an alphabetic system where the top five is "a", and the number is "f". In school ratings you can see the mysterious abbreviation GPA. This is a middle score, Grade Point Average. Unfortunately, I did not understand at the time of receipt, how important the correct recalculation of estimates when transferring from the Russian school to American. Because if in Russia they have the value of the estimate of the current year, then in America - the middle score, accumulated over the entire period of study.

Middle GPA in America is considered 3.5 - so it is necessary to have 4.0 to enter prestigious High School. At the end of the Middle School with GPA 4.0 and above give a medal. Although my daughter graduated from high school as A + Student, her GPA was 3.5 due to the incorrect recalculation of points received at the Moscow School.

Universities Middle score are considered to be completely different criteria.

Academic year

All vacations in the United States are much shorter than Russian, which creates problems with travel planning to the family to Russia. The American academic year continues from August to May-June. It often sounds the opinion that the long summer holidays must be canceled, because they were introduced due to heat, which did not allow students to be in classes. Now the air conditioner can solve this issue so that children do not hang out for several months without doing, losing time and forgetting everything that passed.

The year is divided into trimesters. Long holidays come on Thanksgiving and Easter. Christmas holidays are usually short, about a week from December 24 to January 1. The second is already starting yet.

All this can be different, as schools have a very large autonomy in terms of the formation of curricula, rules, schedules. Therefore, so much depends on the quality of teachers and management.


In California, all schools are inclusive. This means that students with special needs learn together with everyone if the state of health allows them. However, not in all schools there may be a special worker who is accompanying such students. They may simply miss, or maybe not to be funds to pay them salary. Schools in good areas can afford a sufficient number of specialists and equipment to create a secure environment for everyone.

In the first year after moving, the daughter asked me: "Mom, why in America so many people with disabilities? In Russia, here are not at all. " It was not easy to explain why she had not seen people with special needs.

Adaptation process

The most difficult thing was to follow the requirement "not to interfere with children's school." Here it is an imperative - the parent must give the child the opportunity to make mistakes and correct them in a safe training environment, which school is. Important work for each subject they are encouraged to take as early as possible - and then go to correct, bring to perfection at least the whole trimester. All of the commissioned at the last moment is estimated below - the penalty for tightened.

Helping children is not accepted. When I first came to the school "scientific fair", where the children represented their projects, it was amazed: how is all the coryato. Then I realized that this is how the works of children look like, for which parents only purchased materials.

My daughter adapted easily and quickly. For the year she completely passed into English, found friends, got used to the unthinkable variety of names and appearance. In many respects we moved, because from the moment of the first long stay in America, when she was 7-8 years old, she constantly asked when we move.

I remember how she once came from the Russian school in tears, shouting: "I'm not stupid, I'm just a little! Why do they turn to us, as if we are fools? " This was the key difference for her: if there are very strict rules for everyone in the American school, they were treated with unconditional respect, as a small person for whom it is necessary to adapt the information precisely because it is still small, not stupid.

Provide children a good education in America is hard enough. Because parents need to pay not only for the university, but in some cases also for the internship (in a number of prestigious professions).

Yes - you need to pay companies to work there for free after the end of the prestigious, incredibly expensive university. Buy access to experience and connections. Not in every sphere - but more and more.

Community College.

This is a transitional step between school and higher education. Closest to the Soviet concept of "Technical School". As a rule, the two-year program is provided, after which students can either work, or translate to read into the usual four-year program.

Higher education

The first step is a general specialization. As a result, you can get the degree of "bachelor" in some area. You can already start working with this degree.

For those who claim higher and prestigious positions, the Master's degree and further "Doctor" are needed - PhD.

Types of higher educational institutions

The State College or University is contained on public money, they can get free education when complying with certain conditions. For each institution they will be different.

Private colleges or universities provide a higher level of education. Gifted students can receive a grant for training there, or gaining a very high number of points in aggregate (study, sports, leadership, volunteering, scientific projects), - to receive state support for education in private colleges and universities.

After serving in the army, Veterans have the right to receive education for the State Account in any higher educational institution, which is enough for Credits received during the service. Particularly distinguished can gain enough to study in the most prestigious private universities.

American education is prestigious and in demand in the world. Upon graduation, students receive international standard diplomas. Many US educational institutions occupy the top lines of world rankings. How can I get an education in the USA, what is needed for this?

Features of American education

In the US, almost 100% of the population are competent. In the American Constitution, the issues of educational policy are not mentioned, so there is no uniform education system. The structure is determined by the state authorities, and the federal authorities affect it minimal. The level of education of Americans directly depends on their income. The main language of classes is English. In private institutions, training can be carried out in other languages.

The American educational system includes:

  • preschool institutions;
  • primary and secondary school;
  • higher educational institutions.

The structure of the US study is determined mainly at the state level

Preschool education

The pre-school education system is called "Preschool". In preschool institutions resembling Russian kindergartens, children are trained in special training programs for school from 3 to 5 years. Institutions can be private or government. This stage of education is not mandatory. Preschool institutions may issue certificates upon completion, because they may be required when entering school some states.

Level of school education

School education system includes three steps:

  1. Elementary School (elementary school).
  2. Middle School (High School).
  3. HIGH SCHOOL (senior school).

The academic year is divided into 3 trimesters - autumn, spring and summer. Classes begin at the end of August or early September. Between Trimesters schools closes on vacation. The duration of the school year ranges from 170 to 186 days. Training takes 5 days a week.

Elementary School (Elementary School)

Primary schools in the United States are independent educational institutions for children from 5-6 to 11-12 years. Most of the class classes are held by one program teacher, including:

  • literature
  • spelling and letter
  • learning native language
  • music,
  • painting,
  • mathematics
  • history
  • geography
  • natural science
  • physical education, work (conducted by teachers by profile).

Most of the study time is given to the study of the native language.

Training classes are formed depending on the abilities of students who are detected according to the results of the IQ test. The following groups are formed:

  • A - gifted;
  • B - with average indicators;
  • C - unable.

In primary school, children go from age 5-6 years

Children from the group A almost from the first days of school prepare for admission to college.

High School (Middle, High School)

Medium schools are divided into younger and elders.

In middle junior schools, children are trained from 11-12 to 13-14 years (from 6 to grade 8). The term of study is 3 years. All subjects are taught by different teachers, specialists in their own profile. Mandatory disciplines in curriculum are:

  • mathematics,
  • english,
  • natural and social sciences,
  • figure.

Also, students can independently choose one or two disciplines (technologies, art, foreign language). Upon progress, students are distributed into two streams - ordinary and advanced. Advanced classes are disciplines for enhanced programs.

In secondary high schools, children are trained from 13-14 to 17-18 years (from 9 to 12th grade). Curriculums, as a rule, include a compulsory study of mathematics, English, natural and social sciences. From grade 9, profile items are introduced into the program.

Middle senior schools are divided into 3 main profiles:

  • academic - prepare for admission to the university, the selection of students is made in accordance with the results of the IQ test;
  • professional - prepare for work by profession, theoretical preparation is minimized, the emphasis is on obtaining practical knowledge;
  • multidisciplinary - give general knowledge insufficient to work by profession and for admission to the university.

At the end of secondary schools, children have a completely different level of preparation. Education in high school is mandatory. For admission to universities it is necessary to get a certificate of maturity. It is issued after receiving tests of 16 disciplines in the middle junior school and after passing the standardized tests of SAT and ACT in the middle senior school.

In the US, high schools are divided into various profiles

System of higher education

In the US, any university is usually called a college.

The procedures for admission to American universities are associated with their prestigiousness, although uniform requirements for applicants are not presented. Introductory tests may include interview, testing, written and oral exams. Applicants must upon admission to submit documents on the end of high school:

  • certificate of maturity;
  • list of studied disciplines with estimates;
  • certificates of testing;
  • characteristic.

Some universities produce selection without entrance tests, based on school estimates. Prestigious universities usually conduct contests due to a large number of applicants. Unlike the Russian higher education system, American is not focused on the planned and target admission of students. Colleges formally accept students of any age categories. There are no uniform learning terms. For the most part, US universities are private, so training in them is paid.

American universities are divided into 4 types - two-year and four-year colleges, community colleges and professional schools. After completion of community colleges and professional schools, students receive a certificate. In two-year colleges, you can get a bachelor's degree and a master's degree after an additional 2 years of study. At universities, students can study in doctoral studies after graduation.

Training in biennium colleges can be compared to obtaining university education during the first 3 years. Training programs include general education, technical and professional courses. Usually, many students are accepted into such colleges, most of which can choose the visit mode.

Universities have four-year training programs. Graduates get bachelor's degree. Traditionally, universities are divided into three types:

  • NII - are focused on research and development;
  • Land-Grant - give applied knowledge in the field of agriculture, technology;
  • SEA-GRANT - Sea studies.

Academic groups do not exist: every student visits selection classes. The main form of classes - lectures, the duration of which is up to 2 hours. Study days - from Monday to Sunday. You can get a bachelor's degree after passing exams and a set of a certain number of test units. The master's degree is assigned to students with a bachelor's degree subject to further training for another 1-2 years also after passing exams. Doctoral studies - the highest stage of training of specialists, where applicants are accepted with a master's degree. Doctoral studies are focused on conducting independent scientific research.

Graduates of universities receive a bachelor's degree, after two more years of study, a master's degree is assigned.

Additional education

On the basis of universities, training courses under the Foundation program are held. They are intended for applicants, the level of knowledge of which is significantly lower than the required during admission. The dates of learning depend on the education and degree of abstracts.

Vacation classes in children's camps are organized for high school students. The camps system is focused on overcoming the linguistic barrier.

Cost of training in the USA

Almost all stages of training in the United States are paid, since most of educational institutions are funded by private individuals.

The cost of obtaining secondary education in private schools is from 2000 to 50,000 dollars a year. The cost of additional courses begins from 1000 dollars a week.

Training in higher educational institutions costs students from $ 10,000 per year, depending on the institution. In addition, students need to pay for medical insurance (about $ 2,000 a year) and accommodation (about $ 10,000 per year).

Training can be both free (including students from the CIS countries) within the framework of student exchange programs and grants and scholarship systems.

Video: How much is the study in the States?

Table: Popular educational institutions among foreigners and citizens of the country

University Short description
The oldest elite university United States. In the teaching staff - practicing scientists, politicians, businessmen.
Harvard University The oldest university in the country. Enters the league of Ivy. Graduates of the university are many well-known politicians, businessmen, scientists. The university is famous for large-scale scientific research.
The 4th oldest university in the country. Enters the league of Ivy. The main direction is psychology and history. It has a large campus with developed infrastructure.
Northwestern University The largest university USA. About 20,000 students are trained here. Finanted from the federal budget. A distinctive feature is a large selection of training programs.
Enters the league of Ivy. The main directions - 14. 43 graduates are the laureates of the Nobel Prize.
It is included in the top 30 best educational institutions in the world. Grants are provided for training and scholarships.
University of Notre Dame The main profile is a business education. There are many famous businessmen and politicians among graduates. Scholarships are provided for gifted students.
Private educational institution. The main profile is art and humanitarian disciplines. A distinctive feature is a high quality of education with a small university (about 2,000 students study).
The main university of the federal value involved in the preparation of US naval officers. Upon admission to applicants, rigid requirements are presented, for example, it is necessary to preserve the recommendations of the Congressmen.

Ivy League - Association of Eight Private American Universities, located in the Seven States in the North-East of the United States.

Photo Gallery: The best US universities according to foreigners

One of the United States private universities - Bard College University of Notre Dame - University, famous thanks to Business Education University Duke - University, providing grants and scholarships to students of Cornell University - one of the prestible US University North-Western United States University - the largest university USA Princeton University - a private university, which is part of the Ivy Leagus Harvard - University, famous for large-scale scientific research. One of the universities of Ivy League - Yale University Naval Academy - the main university Navy USA

Requirements for foreigners upon admission

For children who are going to undergo training in American schools, it is often necessary to preliminary preparation, including English courses (2-6 months) and the study of the main disciplines. Mandatory condition - the presence of excellent marks in the school certificate.

To enroll in universities, documents are required:

  • certificate of secondary education;
  • submission documents;
  • testing Testing Test.

Check in more detail on the websites of universities, as the requirements can vary greatly. When admission (for Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhstanis) also need to be tested SAT (I, II) and ACT. Entering universities should not be under the age of 17.

Scholarships and grants

In the United States, higher and postgraduate education is paid and often inadequate. However, students can receive grants and scholarships, due to which training costs are minimized. Financing such programs universities, funds and organizations, including private ones. Preference is given to candidates:

  • with sporting achievements;
  • with government benefits (students from poor families, with disabilities);
  • working at the university;
  • working in charitable organizations.

Grants and scholarships of universities are discounts on training, since most often do not cover all costs, and are provided for students with a degree. Candidates with outstanding qualities and knowledge can get a grant or scholarship. Full information on the conditions of scholarships and candidate requirements is available on the official website of the US Council (

Accommodation students

American education system does not providefree students stay. Pupils can be placed in campus, residences, hotels, hostels, studios. There is also an option to stay in an American family. The cost of living is usually 10-15 thousand dollars and depends on the state, city, territorial location of removable housing, season.

How to get a training visa

An educational visa can receive students of high school or higher educational institutions. When enrolling in an educational institution, each student is entered into the database of tracking foreign students of Sevis. To obtain a visa, you need to interview in the consulate or the US Embassy, \u200b\u200bas well as fill out an online application on the site, attach a photo size of 5x5 cm, pay for the duty and fees. The passport of the student must be valid for six months since the expected date of graduation. It is also necessary to confirm the presence of a sufficient amount of funds for learning and accommodation in the United States.

Employment courses and employment prospects

In the period of study, students can attend other courses at will. The main thing is that their visit will not affect the main study.

American education is expensive. To reduce costs, many Americans students work around while studying.

Foreign students can work. The F1 class curriculum gives you the opportunity to work for the first year to 20 hours during the week on the territory of the educational institution or by the specialties corresponding to the student's profile and coordinated with the leadership of the university. After the first year of study, the student can apply to the Association for Foreigners (USCIS) and receive an official work permit on the specialties not related to the learning profile. Not all young people get such permission. Students of the Master and Last Courses can get a job in university divisions. Many employers illegally hire foreign students. Work should not violate the conditions for granting a training visa. Their violation is entitled to cancel a visa and diploma.

After study, students can stay in the United States as part of the OPT program or get a working visa. The Visa category F1 gives the right to work within 1-2 years after the end of the university under the OPT Production Practice Program. The application for new immigration documents is submitted to the university. The design of the working visa takes place through the employer who accepted a graduate to work. If a student intends to remain forever to live in the United States, during the period of work it is necessary to apply for Green cards, in 5 years you can qualify for citizenship. Immigration through study is a real chance to leave and entrenched in the country.

Final table: pros and cons of American education

pros Minuses
Education is focused on the individual preferences of each student and to work by profession. Weak secondary education
American universities occupy leading positions in world rankings High cost of learning
US diplomas are recognized in most countries The quality of education in all educational institutions is different
Excellent opportunity for foreign students learn English Most universities are private
The possibility of further employment in the USA High competition in prestigious educational institutions
Variety of educational institutions and their specializations There is no uniform entrance test program
Opportunity to get grants, scholarship Preference in admission is given to the applicants who have passed the preparatory courses at the university
Basic exam form - Testing Not provided free accommodation

It is well known that the education system in the United States is one of the best in the world. That is why young people from different countries of our planet seek to get to study in American universities who occupy leading places in the ranking of the best universities in the world.

Trying to solve the problems that exist in the Russian education system, many specialists try to apply the positive experience of other countries. But before introducing any innovation to our kindergartens, schools and universities, it is worth carefully reading and analyze all its pros and cons.

So, consider the features of the US education system and compare it with the one that exists in our country.

Training in America

The modern US education system has developed under the direct influence of many economic, social and historical factors. That is why it is characterized by some features that do not coincide with Western European standards. So, in the United States there is no unified state education system. In addition, each of the States of America has the right to independently determine its structure.

The entire territory of the United States is divided into 15.5 thousand school districts. As a rule, these are small education, which visits up to 50 thousand students. But some of these school districts are simply huge. An example of this can serve as New York. In the school district located on its territory, about a million children are studying. Each of these entities performs work on the collection of taxes sent to the needs of educational institutions, to develop and adopt programs, a set of teachers, etc.

In the modern American system of learning there are principles of self-financing, self-government and self-determination. At the same time, its effective interaction with federal and local authorities is carried out.

To date, the US education system includes:

Preschool institutions;
- general education "all-encompassing" 12-year schools, giving full secondary education;
- Professional and higher educational institutions.

As a rule, American children begin their training from the preschool class, and then continue to go to school for twelve years.

Primary education

Initial training in the USA, the child receives at the age of five, being in the older group of kindergarten. This is the time when a smooth transition from playing reading and writing begins.

The initial education system in the United States is focused on the experience of his own social experience. In English, this is referred to as a multivalued word as Experience. Under this implies the child to receive the skill of independence, upbringing in it a respectful attitude to peers, as well as an adequate understanding of the world around him, which is achieved without multigid and excessive theorizing.

The US education system provides that at this stage, a teacher with an assistant works with a group consisting of twenty children. Volunteers play a big role in educational work. They help organize leisure, excursions and classes.

Who are volunteers? It is usually men and women of mature age, which are granted free of charge for the public good. In schools and kindergartens, they help teachers and caregivers, engaged in children and giving them the warmth of their soul.

But not only this education system in the US is different from the Russian. While still in kindergarten, each child can attend the library and work on the computer. And those children who have certain communication problems are allocated in separate small groups. In each of them, only one teacher works with three pupils. This allows you to pay more attention to every child and develop individual creative abilities in a small person.

What else is the system of pre-school education in the US differ from the Russian? Surprisingly, but in the kindergartens of America you will not find beds. The children who have decided to relax, simply spread the towel on the carpet and sleep until the educator reads them a fairy tale. Such principles exist in public kindergartens who attend more than fifty percent of five-year-old Americans. But in the United States there are private preschool institutions. They satisfy a wider range of parental requirements.

Creation of classes

The secondary education system in the United States includes a school that, unlike Russian, has each of its links (primary, secondary and older) in individual buildings. This has its pros and cons. On the one hand, the inter-serrated groups do not intersect with each other, which eliminates the likelihood of conflicts. But at the same time, children from one family, studying in different links, do not have the opportunity to go to one educational institution.

The system of school education in the United States, presented by the initial level, includes training from the 1st to the 5th grade. In this link, all classes are conducted by one teacher. Classes are formed purposefully. In each of them, children are sent according to the results of pre-testing. At the same time, three main groups are distinguished. The first of them get the most capable students. Classes with them are held at the very serious level. This is a group of gifted children to which the most serious requirements impose. Every year in such a class, the teacher changes and the composition of students.

Reformation of groups is carried out in order to educate individualism, as well as smooth and friendly relations with different people. In this case, American schoolchildren simply do not have time for installing personal attachments with teachers and classmates. Of course, the relationship in such a team is quite cool, but this allows children to be not centered on any one person. The annual change of teachers and classmates allows the American child to maintain peace of mind in uncertainty situations, as well as reduce overall anxiety for their future.

The initial education system of Russia and the United States is different and the fact that in our schools the teacher conducts classes with the same students from the first to the fourth grade. In addition, America has less time to arithmetic. The set of other objects is practically no different from the one that exists in Russian schools. The length of the school week is five days.

high school

In this link, children are trained from the sixth in the eighth grade. Moreover, for high school in the United States there are no uniform textbooks and programs. Each districts are engaged in the development of their own recommendations, and the subject programs are allowed to draw up teachers themselves. It is worth noting that school teachers in America are people who have completed the relevant faculties in colleges and universities. In other words, their level of qualifications on the relevant subject does not cause any doubts. But after receiving a diploma to work with children, they can only having confirmation of pedagogical qualifications.

Basic school subjects

In America, there is a certain list of lessons that should be included in the school curriculum. There is a US education system in English. That is why his study refers to the obligatory subjects. In addition, the school curriculum includes mathematics and natural science, physical education with hygiene, work, visual art and housekeeping. All lessons will last from 40 to 50 minutes.

Changes in the US are short. Children give from 3 to 5 minutes only in order to get a notebook from the locker and textbooks for the next lesson. That is why, unlike Russian schools, it is impossible to find children in the US who do not know how to take themselves between calls.

In America, students are engaged in no more than six lessons per day. In high school, as well as in the initial, the school week consists of five days.

If you make a comparison of the education system of Russia and the United States, then in America, children with great pleasure are engaged in sports and sing. In this country, schools are proud of similar teams. Our children also have the opportunity to develop their sports and musical abilities. However, all this is included in the additional education system. And the most talented children attend specialized sports and music schools. In the US, gifted schoolchildren have the opportunity to develop, without leaving the walls of their educational institution. In this country, it is believed that the intellectual, spiritual and physical development of the child should receive at the same time. That is why there are no divisions on cultural and sporting events and directly training sessions. This is a big plus of the American school, as there is a harmonious development of children without "distortion" or in the region of unnecessary development of the muscles, or in the sphere of artistic separation from the existing reality.

High school

At this stage of education, children are taught from the ninth to the twelfth class. This link develops such training programs that provide for continuous English learning. Among other items are social sciences, the study of which is given to at least three years. Mathematics and objects of natural science children are taught for two years.

Among the features of the American School School, you can allocate the existence of three areas - academic, professional and multidisciplinary. The student has the right to its choice only after independent computer testing.

That of the disciples who chose an academic profile can get good scientific training. It will be needed for further education. Profile will make it possible to get the skills needed for direct practical activities. At the same time, children give a smaller volume of general education.

The reasonable selection of a particular profile of the senior schooling schoolchildren helps to make consultants. At the same time, each child gets the formation for which it is capable.

The Russian high school students, as a rule, represent themselves in the future only as students of prestigious universities. Almost all parents seek to receive higher education as a child. As for the American training system, it, unlike ours, focuses students on the fact that, despite any ability, they will always find their place in life. This allows children to not be afraid of their future and be more relaxed.

In different countries of the world, training may differ very significantly. So, the education system of the United Kingdom and the United States will be varied. At the level of senior school in England, children have no mandatory objects for which they have to pass exams. Here everything is connected with the requirements that universities put forward, in which the current high school students will come. That is, the choice of its future profession, English children make in advance to pay special attention to this or that subject.

But in Japan, the senior link does not give children the opportunity to choose. There is a large number of mandatory items that should know everything without exception.

School ratings

The assessment of knowledge in the American school provides for the existence of a five-point scale that has alphabetic designations. In it, but means excellent, in - well, C - satisfactory, D is bad, and F is unsatisfactory. Often, teachers add plus or minus to estimates of American children.

Intralass control consists of tests and tests. It is held at the discretion of the teacher. There are in American school and intraschool control. He is carried out by the school administration. All this is very similar to the Russian system.

Professional education

This type of training is carried out in secondary schools. It is also carried out by regional professional centers and skills centers. Here, students are proposed to master the diverse specialties until they achieve the level of a qualified worker.

The US vocational education system has a very impressive scale. As a rule, students pass at least two or three training courses. In some schools, almost two thirds of children are engaged in such a program.

The vocational education system is preparing not only workers, but also personnel who will be engaged in services, office employees, etc.

In order for students to capture similar skills, specialized flows and separations are formed in secondary schools. In many educational institutions, workshops are working, and the study of items on professional specialization is organized directly in the lessons.

Higher education

Surprisingly, in America, such a thing as a university simply does not exist. The higher education system in the United States is considered post-school. At the same time, it includes a variety of institutions whose work is based on:

Curriculum flexibility, as well as their mobile adaptation to various social needs;
- manifold of training forms;
- high democratic learning processes;
- Freedom of choice by the student of the program and form of training.

The higher education system in the United States includes public and private universities that play a significant role in learning students. These are numerous colleges and universities, which are the final stage of the educational process.

USA applicants are given the possibility of submitting documents simultaneously in several universities. This significantly increases the chance of admission.

Colleges offer their students a four-year study course. When it is completed and the surrender of the appropriate exam is issued a bachelor's degree. In colleges you can get a master's degree. For this, it is necessary to learn more than one or two years and protect the analytical report of the scientific direction.

The highest stage of university education are doctoral programs. They are focused on independent scientific work of those students who have a master's degree.


Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the education system in the United States is fundamentally different from the one that exists in Russia. It is adapted to the needs existing in society. In addition, the American system distinguishes flexibility and ability to change for the further development of scientific and technological progress. Of course, she reaches children from the ability to create decisions by offering ready-made response options to tests. But, on the other hand, such a system prepares excellent specialists in their case, even be very narrow. At the same time, the country's economy receives those frames that she needs.