How is the receipt for receiving cash for renting an apartment? How to write a receipt in receipt of funds for renting an apartment in the Russian Federation.

How is the receipt for receiving cash for renting an apartment? How to write a receipt in receipt of funds for renting an apartment in the Russian Federation.
How is the receipt for receiving cash for renting an apartment? How to write a receipt in receipt of funds for renting an apartment in the Russian Federation.

For the most part, this document is needed to be a tenant in order to avoid unpleasant situations. Only with such a document can be proved that money for renting premises was still transferred to the owner of the tenant.

Do you need a receipt in case of cashless calculation (on a bank card)? Receipt is needed mainly when payments in cash, After all, to track such payments is almost impossible. But bank payments should be traced.

Of course, if you need, it can be taken just in case, but due to the fact that non-cash payments are usually done if the owner of the housing is far enough and can not come, there is no point in the receipt.

It is enough just to translate funds indicating the purpose of payment. In the case of a controversial situation, data on money transfer can provide a bank.

In our articles you will find samples of the necessary documents: attached to him of the residential premises, as well as in a leased apartment, and to the contract.

How to arrange?

In what form to issue a receipt for renting an apartment? There is no certain form of such a receipt. It can be compiled both in writing and in the printed version. The main thing is that there are data on the one who, who, for which and in what volume is transmitted. It is important that the passport data of both parties will be spelled out.

Does a certain form required? There are no regulatory acts that would affirm a certain form of this document. It can be made in arbitrary form.

What do you need to specify in a receipt? When you make up this document, you need to make the parties on the parties, to register in detail who, who, how much and what money gives.

Also the receipt needs a live signature of both sides.. This means that two people should sign. This is necessary in case of a graultic examination.

Tips for a lawyer to draw up receipt of funds See in this video:

Legal force

Does the receipt of money for rent rent an apartment legal force? Yes, any receipt, even if it is composed in free form, has signatures of both sides and is not examined by a notary, has legal force.

Do witnesses need when receiving a receipt? If they are, it's good. But their presence is not necessary.

Do you need to assure and register receipt? Receipt in the transfer of money can not be assigned in the notary.

However, if the disputed situation arises, it will have to prove that this receipt was signed by these people. And it will be more difficult to do so, rather than if this document was certified by the notary.

But assurance costs money, for the assurance of the document you need at least to pay state duty in 200 rubles (ST 333.24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), also the notary reception is worth a certain amount.

Therefore, we assure a receipt or not - such a decision takes the tenant itself, weighing all the risks. Do you need to think, is it likely that this document will require you in court or not? It is not necessary to register it.

About the residential premises, you can also find out on our website.


This period is three years. It is considered common in civil cases. I.e, it is best to store all receipts within three years.

A clear case, in fact it becomes not needed earlier. After all, all its meaning is to prove that the payment for rent still was, and after 2-2.5 years it is unlikely that someone will hardly evaluate the tenants due to the notice of any old pay.


Any document that confirms the payment is very important. It is just necessary for tenants, as well as a rental agreement. These documents are designed to protect the rights of tenants. Therefore, do not neglect the receipts when transferring money to the owner of the housing.

Why and who needs receipts?
First of all, the receipts are necessary as evidence that the transfer of some amount of money from one individual to another. Thus, if we talk about the rental market of apartments, then the receipts are primarily needed by the tenant. It is they, and not only not so much the lease agreement, are evidence that the lease payment was transferred to a specific person (the owner of the apartment).

Cases when the owners of removable apartments after some time (half a year, a year and even more) stated that the tenant violated the terms of the contract and no money from him the owner and did not see the mass. Large-scale impudence, maybe you do not have to meet in your path, but the situations where the owner "hints" that the payment once was "missing", although they are baptized, and no one is incorporated from such anything. Except as receipts.

What form do you need to make a receipt?

As in the case of the preparation of a lease agreement, a strictly defined form (sample, form) for receipts by law did not establish (Article 161 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). They are compiled in simple writing (preferably from hand). It is necessary that the receipt contains the data of the parties (at least F. I. O. and passport data), information about the amount of transmitted money, the conditions for their transfer. Approximate text receipts may be:

Cash receipt
I, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich (Passport: Series, number), received Petrova Petr Petrovich (passport: series, number) 20 000 rubles (twenty thousand rubles). The indicated money was received by me in accordance with the terms of the rental agreement (apartment address, contract number, date of conclusion). The money received when signing a real receipt.
Signature ................ / Ivanov I.I. /
August 13, 2010

Strictly speaking, since all the data of the parties (passport, a place of constant or temporary registration) are listed in the lease agreement, then they can not specify them in the receipt. But some lawyers believe that it is better to be restrained. The same applies to handwritten compilation of receipts. The truth is hardly the owner of the apartment will want to write a certain text every month. Therefore, you can make text on the computer and print forms, but leave the gaps to fill in them - F. I. O. Recipient and signatures. The main thing is that in the case of a trial, the handwriting could be unambiguously identified. The city must be specified, because it depends on this, where to submit to the court in the event of claims.

What to do if the lease agreement indicates a fictitious amount (for example, five thousand rubles), and in fact, the rental fee is much higher (twenty thousand)? What amounts to specify in receipts?
In this case, the tenant and the owner of the apartment act at their own risk. Of course, in the receipt it is necessary to specify real amounts. Otherwise, the tenant, for example, can pay for the last month five thousand and "escape" in the contract, after which it will be difficult to prove that it should be difficult (or rather impossible).

The owner of the apartment does not want to mess away every time with receipts, but I agree upon receipt of money to put my signature in the notebook, where the schedule is being made for the apartment. Is it considered to be a reception?

If the title page is indicated on the title page that the money is transmitted monthly in accordance with the lease agreement such, the passport details of the parties are indicated, and then there are phrases "Money (amount) received", date, signature, transcript, then we can assume that such The notebook completely replaces standard receipts. Just make sure that it is clear for which money is transmitted, in what size, by what numbers who pass them and where (in which city). That is, the requirements are standard.

Do you need receipts if the rent comes from my bank account to the owner's account by non-cash?

In this case, the receipts can not be bred. The Bank stores the history of perfect operations, so you can always see the path that the cash is passing, including their recipient. True, Ideally, accompany such operations need the corresponding comment on the payment of such a lease agreement. " But usually use such comments as "refund of unused funds" or "Debt Return" (since such operations are not subject to VAT). In any case, in the history of banking operations will be seen how often the money came to the recipient's account, in what size and for what numbers.

The owner of the apartment and in this case it is necessary to progress in advance and signed the lease agreement in advance, since the tenant's unclean on hand can go to the bank and challenge the last operations, saying, for example, that it was wrong and money should be transferred to a completely different person.

The rule in any case is simple: any real estate transactions (and indeed any transactions in which large amounts of money appear) must be carried out in writing, making up a contract and receipt. Even if relatives are involved in the transaction: according to statistics, more than half of the irrevocable debts and unfulfilled obligations arise exactly "thanks to the" close relatives or friendly links of the parties.

Arseny Zhuravlev Owner

Official rent apartment for rent

In modern Russia, the delivery of apartments or rooms for rent (hoo) - the phenomenon is quite common. However, both the owners of apartments and their tenants have a very vague idea that these procedures are governed by the norms of civil and housing codes of the Russian Federation, and the arrival of the apartment must be carried out on the basis of the contract.
Therefore, this article will be very useful as a practical allowance for renting a housing (hiring), and the information, in it, will help to answer a lot of issues on this topic.

Terminology of landlord

General rules for rent (hiring) of residential premises are enshrined in Article 671 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This article shares two different terms that should not be confused. If we are talking about the relationships of legal entities (if the organization leases the organization), then the transaction between the parties will be considered a lease. At the same time, the organization may in turn transfer rented housing solely to its employees or use it to reside other citizens.

This restriction is particularly relevant in cases where there are intentions to use housing under the office, offices and for other purposes that are not related to the accommodation of citizens. Similar use of housing According to the provisions of Article 671 of the Civil Code, it is unacceptable.

If the tenant is a citizen, then it is about hiring. And call such a transaction is incorrect from the point of view of the law. Therefore, if individuals conclude a contract among themselves, he must provide for the placement precisely, but not rent.

Documents for the conclusion of the official agreement

The practice of concluding contracts for hiring housing is on the path that only three documents are enough to commit transactions:

  • Passports of the Moderator;
  • Passports of the employer;
  • Certificates of ownership or other document confirming the right of the owner or other commissioned to rent housing.
  • They will necessarily need to compile a competent contract. The requirement of any additional documents for this type of transaction is unnecessary.

    Agreement hiring housing

    Modern practice of resolving issues of hillium housing often concerns the activities of realtors. Since in a major city without their annoying assistance, it is extremely difficult to find the owner of the apartment.

    As part of the provision of its services, realtors offer a ready-made copy of the contract, the sample of which can also be found on the Internet. In this regard, it should be noted that in contrast to many other transactions offered by the realtors and the forms available on the Internet are not always suitable for a specific situation.

    Therefore, it is worth being prepared for the fact that the contract will have to be independently based on the existing examples, since all the nuances do not provide a standard contract, and many items in samples are obviously dangerous for both sides and may entail trouble. For example, if the contract contains an item on the property responsibility of the employer, then it is worth a sign of such an agreement with great care.

    In the event that you decide to prepare a contract on your own, and this is the best option, it must be written in 2 identical instances that must contain:

  • Name, date and place of compilation;
  • The initials that are filled in standard format: Full name, registration, series and passport number, by whom and when the document is issued.
  • Information about the residential premises: address, total area, room (cadastral, inventory, accounting, etc., which is taken from the certificate of ownership);
  • The deadline for which the contract is drawn up (no more than 1 year). Otherwise the contract will not be valid without registering in Rosreestre;
  • The cost of hiring and the procedure for making payments;
  • Rights and obligations of the parties;
  • Responsibility in violation of the terms of the contract;
  • Signatures and initials of the parties.
  • In addition to the listed items, the parties have the right to fix any other points of the transaction, which have a value for them. At the same time, heavily climb the agreement with meaningless and empty phrases, references to the current legislation should not.
    It should also be remembered that if the parties are going to issue annexes to the contract, then the text of the contract should be kept on them.

    Appendices to the contract, the act of transfer of apartment and property

    In practice, two applications are known. This is a receipt, as well as an act of transferring an apartment and property. As for receipt, there are usually no problems here. The receipt is an application to the Agreement, which confirms the owner's signature the fact of receiving payment for the past or coming period.

    The presence of a receipt is required if the parties have concluded a written contract. In this case, the receipt is the most practical option for confirming the fact of payment, and, consequently, the fulfillment of their duties under the contract.

    In addition to receipt, you can often find the second application (sometimes there may be two), which concerns the transfer of apartment and property (furniture, household appliances, etc.).

    The preparation of such acts is not mandatory. Sometimes it is enough to do only by one contract. In any case, the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation do not require its preparation.

    The meaning of this act is to fix the state of the apartment, as well as the list of property transmitted by residents. To be honest, that theoretically draw up a similar document is very simple, samples are available. However, in practice there is a lot of problems. First, tenants will never be able to check the condition of the apartment's engineering networks, the serviceability of furniture and household appliances. Secondly, neither the owner nor the tenants are insured against the potential disgraces of the parties, such as replacing furniture, etc. And just make a list of things happens very difficult. Since the sofa is a sofa - retail. And if high-quality and good furniture is transmitted, then the act should indicate all the information on this furniture, that is, denote all essential characteristics. Since no one guarantees that instead of Italian furniture tomorrow in the apartment will not be the usual Soviet in very poor condition. And no matter who will be the initiator of the substitution, tenants or the owner of the apartment.

    Therefore, before making a similar act and noted in the contract items about property responsibility for the transferred premises and property, it is worth thinking well, and whether you need to do it. It is especially worth alert if the owner of the apartment offers a very detailed description of the dear furniture and technology, while leaving the keys to the apartment. Since potential damage may exceed any benefits of hiring low-cost housing.

    Taxes and illegal delivery of apartments for rent

    The issue of taxation also matters when renting an apartment for rent (hire). However, before talking about taxes and the procedure for their payment, it is worth noting the question of the legitimacy of the apartment in the hir.

  • In accordance with tax legislation, rent housing is entitled:
  • Citizens, as individuals;
  • Citizens, as individual entrepreneurs.
  • Depending on which the status is choosing a citizen, its taxation system will act for him. The most common option is when the owner of the apartment is an ordinary citizen without the status of IP. In this case, it should be paid a tax in the amount of 13 percent of the leased received. At the same time, most residents of Russia do not pay such tax. Since to fix in practice, the fact of obtaining income is very, very difficult, especially if the copies of the contract remain on the hands of the parties to the transaction and the official instances do not fall. At the same time, if the housing owner saves taxes, he should be very correct with the tenants, as the receipt and contract is a potential trump card against the negligent owner of the housing.

    According to the norms of the law, upon delivery of the apartment, the owner should apply to the tax declaration annually, in which the amount of income received is noted. This declaration is submitted in the form of NDFL-3 on time from January 1 to April 1, the next year after year, in which income was received.

    If a person gives several apartments, and this activity is systemic for him, then it is about entrepreneurial activities. In this case, it is worth thinking about the preparation of a patent, since the patent fee can be significantly lower than taxes at a rate of 13 percent from several apartments.

    As for responsibility, in the event that the amount of income received from which taxes were not paid will be confirmed, and the tax inspectorate will have relevant documents, the responsibility provides for Article 122 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. According to her standards, the owner will have to pay tax, as well as a penalty of 20 percent of its amount.

    At the same time, the possibility of attracting the owner who violated the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, and to administrative responsibility for failure to provide information about the income received. However, this issue must already solve the tax authorities depending on the specific situation.

    Receipt in receipt of money for rental Apartments: Writing Rules

    Not everyone can afford to purchase their own housing area, so a person who wants to live independently, or with his family, often comes to the option of long-term rental apartments. When a citizen rents a room, in particular an apartment, he must protect himself from unforeseen mercies related to payment.

    After all, unfortunately, there are also unscrupulous owners of premises, which for one reason or another will want to evict the tenant. It is always necessary to take care during the transfer of cash to receipt of the receipt.

    The owner of the apartment may ask to leave the room, although you all paid for everything in time and forever, but without the presence of this paper in court the apartment will not prove anything.

    Nuances rental residential premises

    To rent an apartment safer under the rental contract

    Naturally, the lessors have the life circumstances in which they are forced to ask for ahead of schedule to leave the apartment. If there is an apartment rental agreement, the property owner has the right to evict tenants in the following situations:

  • tenants cause irreparable damage to the property in the apartment;
  • the tenant does not comply with the terms of the contract relating to the operation of property;
  • there is no housing rental fee for more than two months in a row (provided that the lease agreement has expired).
  • All of the above situations are based on the information specified in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 619. Other factors listed in the document (Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) can serve as early termination of the lease agreement.

    IMPORTANT: The landlord does not have the right to terminate the lease agreement without a significant reason, without pre-warning the tenant.

    The warning should be formed in writing and get into the hands of the tenant in advance (under the concept of "in advance" mean a reasonable period of time, for which the tenant can find something else housing, collect and transport personal belongings).

    For whom you need a receipt

    Advantageously in the presence of receipts need one who pays money for housing. Thus, this person can protect himself in an unforeseen situation and prove its right. If the tenant will transmit money in cash to calculate, then in this case it is especially important to have a receipt for obtaining funds, since in case of which, it will not be possible to prove the fact of transmission.

    If payment is made by sending money to a bank card, then this condition is not so necessary, since any bank payment can be traced. But for personal confidence and in such a situation, you can take a receipt, only if the landlord is not on distant distance, for example, in another country (there is simply no particular sense).

    It is advisable when transferring the required amount to the owner of the apartment owner, specify the appointment of payment. Bank employees will always be able to conflict to provide evidence of payment.

    Rules of receipt

    Receipt in receipt of money for rental Apartments: Sample

    The established standards for which it is necessary to make a receipt does not exist, so that we can say that paper compilation is carried out in a free format. It can be filling manually, or the text typed on the keyboard.

  • The name of the landlord and its passport data (as needed);
  • The name of the tenant and its passport data (as needed);
  • The amount of the transferred funds;
  • A description of the fact that exactly pays money and for which service;
  • Live signature of the owner and tenant (the concept of "live signature" is a signature put by a citizen's hand, in order to be able to prove the authenticity by graphological expertise if a disputed situation arises).

Does the receipt of legal force?

Receipt in receipt of money for rental apartments has legal force

The answer is. Any receipt of money transfer is legal force, despite the fact that it is compiled in free form. Evidence of authentication is served by the two parties "live" signatures.

Regarding whether it is necessary to assure this paper from a notary, then it is more likely to decide the tenant. Of course, the certified document is not disputed and is considered to be the present automatically, but it is worth considering the fact that the process is not free.

The minimum cost for certification is the payment of the state duty, which is 200 rubles (Article 333 paragraph 24 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Notary services also cost money, but here prices can vary.

More secure of course is the decision to assure a receipt notarized, but the tenant himself has the right to solve whether it is worth it. It is necessary to evaluate all the risks, and also think about whether such a situation is possible at which the trial will be required.

How long the receipt is considered valid

The validity of the receipt on the fact of the transfer of the apartment rental fees is three years from the date of signing. Such a term is envisaged and is common to all civil cases. Like any other current document, it is recommended that it is recommended that it is recommended to store until the end of the term.

It is logical that the idea that this paper is already required, after all, after two or more years, you can forget not only about the paid payment, but in general about this apartment, if you have long moved away.

Clearance is drawn up so that during the lease period there is evidence that the tenant lives legally and fulfills all its duties specified in the contract.

It can be summarized, which suggest that the compilation of the receipt is extremely desirable, because the state will not be able to protect the interests of the tenant, if not to provide the necessary evidence. Removing the apartment on legal grounds, that is, with the compilation of the official lease agreement, with the signing of the receipt to the next time, a person can protect himself in an unforeseen situation and not to remain "in fools" according to the result.

It is better to initially consider this procedure with responsibility and not neglect the preparation of receipt of money transfer.

Write a proper receipt you will teach the video. Footage:


Helpful information. Samples of documents required when passing, removal of the apartment.

11 messages

Agreement hiring residential premises

«____" ________________ 200 __ G. Saint Petersburg № ____________

We, the undersigned
registered at the address: _____________________________________________________
hereinafter referred to as "Moderator" on the one hand, and
hereinafter referred to as the "employer" on the other hand, concluded this Agreement on
lit as follows:

1. Subject of the contract and other general provisions

1.1. Under this Hiring Treaty, the Moderator undertakes to provide the employer in
temporary possession and use of free insulated residential premises suitable for
permanent residence in it for fee.
1.2. For this Agreement, the following residential premises are provided:
(Apartment, residential building, part of an apartment or residential building)
hereinafter referred to as the "room".
1.3. The room belongs to ______________________________________________ on the right
property confirmed __________________________ registered in
________________________ "________" _______________________________ 200__. for № _______.
1.4. The room has a total area of \u200b\u200b______ sq.m., including the living
square ______ sq.m. The room is equipped with hot and cold water supply,
sewer, electrical displacement, gas supply and telephone.
1.5. Also, the following household items are transferred to the employer
and the situation in accordance with the description of the property (Appendix 1).
1.6. In accordance with this Agreement, in addition to the employer in the premises will constantly
reside the following citizens:
1.7. Citizens permanently residing with the employer have equal
the right to use the room. Relationship between the employer and such citizens
defined by law.
Responsibility to the hospital for the actions of citizens permanently residing
The employer, in case of violation of the conditions of this contract, bears

2. Responsibilities of the Parties under this Agreement

2.1. Moderator undertakes:
- transfer to the employer free space in a state suitable for living;
- to guarantee the employer at the time of signing this Agreement
the following conditions: the premises are not leased (hir), not alienated, not laid, not
in the dispute, under prohibition (arrest) is not, the subject of debt is not, free
from claims of third parties;
- to carry out the proper operation of a residential building in which
put in the hiring room, provide or ensure the provision of the employer for
fee of necessary utilities, to ensure the repair of common property
apartment buildings and devices for the provision of public services in
- to visit the room to check the procedure for its use and state only in
the presence of the employer once in _____________________ with preliminary agreement
dates and time not less than __d (___) before the date of the alleged visit.
- produce overhaul of the premises;
- Suggest the employer to conclude an agreement on the same or other conditions either
prevent the employer about the refusal to extend this Agreement in connection with
the decision not to pass for at least a year the room in the hiring (if the lodger is not
fulfilled this duty, and the tenant did not refuse to extend the contract, the contract
it is considered extended under the same conditions and for the same time).
2.2. The employer undertakes:
- use the room for accommodation only, to ensure safety
Premises and maintain it in proper condition;
- Do not reorganize and reconstruct the premises without consent
- in a timely manner fees;
- independently make utility payments;
- carry out the maintenance of the premises;
- Do not prevent visitors to the position of the room in line with the conditions,
established by this Agreement;
- free the placement after the lease term established by this Agreement.
- to compensate the harm (damage) caused by the placement or property as a result
neglected or use is not intended during the lease period set
this Agreement.
2.3. The signator is not entitled to re-equip the accommodated room
the consent of the employer, if such re-equipment significantly changes the conditions of use
dented room.

3. Board size and calculation procedure

3.1. By agreement of the parties, the contract establishes a fee for accommodation:
________________________________________________________________ rubles B.
month. Payment is made until ______ the number of the month preceding the paid
Prepayment is ______________________________________________ rubles
for ________ months.
3.2. The costs of payment of utility services carry ____________________, which
undertakes independently monthly to ____ number of the month following
paid, pay:
- communal payments;
- electricity;
- gas;
- telephone.
3.3. Specified in clause 3.1. Fee for accommodation Final and revision is not
subject to

4. Human contract term

4.1. The term of the contract of employment is established with "______" ________________ 201_
by "______" _____________________________________ 201__. inclusive.

5. Termination of this Agreement

5.1. The employer has the right with the consent of other citizens permanently residing with him
at any time, terminate this agreement with a written warning
Moderator for three months.
5.2. This Agreement may be terminated in court on demand.
Moderator in cases:
- non-signator of fee more than two times after the established
this payment term contract;
- destruction or damage to the room by employer or other citizens, for actions
which he answers.
5.3. This Agreement may be terminated in court on demand.
any of the parties in the contract:
- if the room ceases to be suitable for permanent residence as well as
case of his emergency condition;
- in other cases provided for by housing legislation.
5.4. If after the prevention of the employer about the need to eliminate the violation,
Employer or other citizens, for the actions of which he answers, continue
use the premises are not intended or violating the rights and interests of their
neighbors, the Moderator has the right to terminate a contract of hiring.
5.5. In case of termination of the contract of hiring in court, the employer and
other citizens living in the room by the time of termination of the contract
distribution from the room.

6. Ensuring the fulfillment of obligations

6.1. When transferring the room, the employer transmits the lift to the payment warranty
Employer payments provided for by this Agreement and Reimbursement of Property
harm (damage), amount in the amount (________) rubles.
6.2. This amount is returned to the employer no later than five banking days from
end of the rental rental minus the arrears of the employer payments,
provided for by this Agreement and compensation for harm (damage).
6.2.1 In the event of unpaid accounts for telephone calls in accordance with
p.3.7. exhibited for the lease period under this contract the employer undertakes to pay
their lifter for one day from the date of presentation.
6.3. The absence of debts on the payments provided for by clause 3.2. actual agreement,
confirmed by the employer documented.
6.4. According to the end of hiring the premises, the lodge is granted the right to compensation for harm
(Damage) by solid deduction from the amount of funds specified in paragraph 6.1.
actual agreement. The remaining amount is returned to the employer for five banking
days from the end of the lease term.

7. The procedure for transferring the premises and property

7.1. Moderator undertakes to provide placement in temporary possession and use
with "______" _________ 200_, when transferring an apartment by the Parties is made by the act of transfer
apartments and property.
7.2. Transfer of premises and property to the employer is issued by the end of the hiring
7.3. The room and property are transferred to the employer and are accepted by the signator in a state,
in which they were transferred to the hiring, taking into account their natural depreciation (wear).

8. Final provisions

8.1. After the expiration of this Agreement, the employer has preferential
the right to conclude an agreement to hire the premises for a new term.
8.2. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing, compiled on ____ pages
in ______ copies, one for each of the parties that have equal legal force.
8.3. Inalienable parts of this contract from the date of signing is the act
premises transfer (Appendix 2) and inventory of property (Appendix 1) compiled in two
copies, one for each of the parties.
8.4. All fixes and additions in the text of this Agreement have a real
legal force only with their mutual certificate to the parties or their authorized
8.5. All disputes arising between the parties in connection with the execution of this Agreement,
are solved by negotiation, and in case of the impossibility of the latter, in the prescribed law
6.8. Addresses and details of the parties:


passport: Series ______________, number ______________, issued ___________________________

Signatures of the Parties: Moderator ___________________ HOTEL _________________________

With the terms of this Treaty agree (owners of the apartment and constantly
living older than 14 years)

Transfer of apartment and property to the Hirma Treaty No. ______ from ______________
saint Petersburg.

Hereinafter referred to as the Moderator, on the one hand, and _______________________________________
____________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the employer, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as a present act on the following:

1. In accordance with the employment agreement, the hill handed over, and the tenant accepted into temporary compensated possession and use of ____ room apartment (room), located at the address: _________________________________________________, then on the text of the apartment, the keys to the apartment, as well as the property, respectively, with paragraph 3 of this act.
2. When viewed apartments, the following state of the apartment objects is established:
plumbing _______________________________________________________
paul _____________________________________________________________
ceiling __________________________________________________________
window _________________________________________________________________
wiring ___________________________________________________
doors _____________________________________________________________
other _____________________________________________________________
3. In conjunction with the apartment, the hodger conveyed, and the tenant took the following property for temporary compensated possession and use:
Name Completeness / Service
4. The readings of the electric meter on the day of signing of this act, are _______
5. Accounting instrument indicators (counter) Cold water consumption on the day of signing this act, amount to _____________________________________________
6. Accounting instrument indicators (counter) of hot water consumption on the day of signing this act, make up _____________________________________________
7. The employer of claims to the transmitted apartment (including sanitary and technical condition) has no.
8. The keys to the apartment are transmitted simultaneously with the signing of this Act.
9. This Act is compiled in two copies that have equal legal force, one for each of the parties.

Moderator: ____________________________________________________________________
(Name, signature)
Handling: _________________________________________________________________
(Name, signature)

"___" _____________ 20 ___


st. Petersburg "____" ________________ 201__.

I, ____________________________________________________________________________
registered at the address: _______________________________________________________
i give a receipt in the fact that I received money in the amount of ______________________________
from Mr. _________________________________________________________________________
passport ____________________________________________________________________________
as a two-month advances for renting apartments from me at: ________
for which I undertake to lease Mr. ____________________________________________
__________________________________ The apartment belonging to me on the above
address for a term of ___________ on _____________

In the case of damage in the apartment of the property, this amount will be withdrawn by me in
as compensation for caused material damage, while the tenant will be
immediately denied further renting an apartment.

Inventory of valuable things located in the apartment, apply.

The receipt when renting a residential premises is needed by the employer, as proof offulfilled obligations to the owner of the housing. After all, the situation of sudden at the initiative of the housing housing is not uncommon.

And if the employers pass on the fee without receiving any written evidence from the owner, they risk staying and without funds, and without a place to stay.

In addition, it is usually indicated by an item on its termination unilaterally in the case of Systematic non-payment Contributions for accommodation.

The employer who transmits money and does not receive documentary confirmation, can not prove the fact of payment And the hill may calmly set it as soon as it wants it.

Learn more about our article.

Some housing tenants underestimatethe role of this document, referring to the relevant items of the agreement, prescribing the size of the rent.

But after all, it does not say that they really transferred contributions to accommodate to the honer at appropriate terms.

In addition, it is often indicated in the agreements updated rental costs, in order to reduce tax payments. And the employer, in the case of litigation, will not be able to return the full cost paid to the means of means, if this amount is not documented.

About what includes in itself, you can find out on our website.

Receipts when renting an apartment for rent.


CONCENT - Document that is issued recipientmoney.

When leased, the owner confirms the fact of receiving the fee for any period of residence of employers.

Strictly fixed shape It does not exist, there are only certain rules for compiling and necessary for instructions in it. Paper must contain the following items:

It is advisable to transfer funds in the presence witnesses.

If there are witnesses, they can also put his signatures, specifying your data.

About how quickly and correctly, as well as about the benefits, you can learn from our articles.

Statement of payments

Some housing owners refuse to draw up written confirmation every time you receive money. In this case, the employers can use the so-called statement of payments.

It can be a notebook on the title page of which it is indicated that the rent is transmitted monthly.

  1. Amount.
  2. Date.
  3. Signature in obtaining.

Notebook must be issued in this way to be understandablewho, who and for which he transmits money.

Find out if it is possible, and what responsibility is provided for, on our website.

With cashless calculation

If the calculation between the employer and the housing is carried out through the bank card, then the design of additional securities is not required.

You can at any time get a printout from the bankFrom which it will clearly follow when, to whom and what amount was translated. In the presence of cashless item In agreement between the owner and the tenant, this will be a confirmation of payment.

You can also specify the translation purpose of translation In the comment to the payment.

The owner of the premises is also worth insureproperly compiled in this case by the contract.

Since the unfinished employer can declare that it was mistaken when translated, and the bank will return to him translated funds.

Learn from our articles about whether it is possible, in a residential room, as well as how or, without fines and problems with the law.

Legal force document

Properly composed paper can serve as evidence of receiving money during court proceedings. It is only important to monitor so that it does not have a subtime, corrections. No crawling is allowed.

Copies of such papers, even certified by notary, are not recognized by the court.

Separately, it should be noted that the removal of notary is not required. The signature and the seal of the notary will not spoil it, but they will not add any power. Therefore, it is not necessary to assure the notary, this is a waste of time and money.

Article 161 of the Civil Counts Indicates the need to compile written confirmation under the transaction over 10 thousand rubles, but does not require registration or notarization in legal organizations.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 161. Transactions performed in simple writing
Must be accomplished in simple writing, with the exception of transactions requiring a notary certificate:

  • transactions of legal entities among themselves and with citizens;
  • transactions of citizens among themselves in the amount exceeding ten thousand rubles, and in cases provided for by law, regardless of the amount of the transaction.

Compliance with simple written form is not required for transactions, which, in accordance with Article 159 of this Code, can be performed orally.

There is legal force when renting an apartment, you can learn from our other article.


Payment for accommodation is usually avansova.

Paid for the next month of residence is warrantythe fact that you have the right to use the room during this period.

It follows from this that the written proof of payment for accommodation protects you from eviction in this month.

The further action is to confirm your good faith compliance with the points of the contract. Therefore, the receipts act as much time on which the agreement is concluded About lease.

Keep all the papers received from the housing owner for all the time of living in it.

What to pay attention to?

There are many cases in judicial practice when the incorrectly compiled document leads to the loss of significant amounts of financial resources. With all the freedom of the formulation, there are basic nuances for which we need to pay attention When it is compiled:

  1. The recipient must independently write to write Confirmation of funds. Do not give in to his persuasion and do not write themselves. There is a risk that the recipient will refuse money, and it will be difficult for you to prove your truth.
  2. To compile paper, offer to the hide his handle. Cases of fraudulent use of special, fading inks, when filled sheets turn into clean on time.
  3. Be sure to checkIt is indicated that the money was received in the expense of rental housing with the address.
  4. Must be indicated date of compilation and placewhere money was transferred.
  5. The signature must decipher full name compiler.

Print text

Is it possible to use the printed form?

Yes, you can print the text of the document in advance. This appearance is also it has legal force in modern conditions.

But at the end of the full text, the recipient of money must write his ownthat he received money in full, no complaints, then put the date, signature and decoding the signature.

Written confirmation of payment for accommodation is a way insurefrom the actions of unscrupulous owners of housing, seeking to get light money. Do not neglect the rules for making a deal to prevent unpleasant consequences.

When concluding a lease agreement of the residential premises, the tenant undertakes to pay the owner of housing a certain amount of money in the time stipulated agreement. The transfer of funds can be fixed using funds, a receipt can also be drawn up in obtaining cash for rent, we offer a sample of such a receipt to download below.

The receipt is made up of first person by a person who received funds. The document is drawn up in a single copy and is transmitted to the tenant. The tenant can attach the resulting receipt to the contract, the document will serve as evidence that the tenant regularly fulfills its obligations - makes the necessary amount of money within the prescribed period.

Many tenants and owners of apartments are trying to build attitudes on trust, tenants do not require any documents from the landlord when transferring them to another rental rental payment. Nevertheless, no one is insured against deception. The tenant will not be able to prove the fact of execution of obligations if he does not have any confirmation documents. Therefore, it is not necessary to neglect the writing of such a document, you should be safely demanded from the landlord to make a receipt that it received a certain amount of money for renting residential premises.

How to write a receipt

  • who received money;
  • from whom they are obtained;
  • what is obtained cash;
  • what is the size of the amount received.

FIO should be prescribed, passport details of the funds participating in the reception-transmission of funds.

Be sure to spell, for which residential premises money is received - you should write an apartment address. It is also necessary to indicate that this amount was introduced as a rental payment for the apartment No.__ from _______________. If the payment is made for a certain month, then it also needs to be prescribed in the text of the receipt.

The amount received from the tenant is written in words and numbers, such writing allows you to avoid ambiguous readings.

The comprehensive form form signs a person who has received funds for renting an apartment.

Does Requirement of Notarus be required

Notarization is not mandatory. If you wish, one of the parties can be depended on the notary document, however, with a monthly payments, it is very problematic with a non-notary receipt.

If the parties want to get additional guarantees in the fact that the document is legal, then you can invite two independent witnesses who will be present at the time of transferring money and their signatures on the form will confirm this. In addition to signatures, witnesses should leave their passport details.

The receipt of the departure for renting an apartment is a serious document confirming the receipt of money by the owner from the employer. The law does not register the official form at which such a document should be drawn up - it can be framed in any form.

The main thing is to adhere to certain requirements so that the document can be presented in.

Renting his living space, owners (as well as tenants) try not to burden themselves by writing a receipt of money for renting an apartment. However, this piece of paper has a huge impact on both sides. What is important to the receipt and how to write it?

First of all, you need to be friends with the law and comply with the rules prescribed in it.

For example, according to Article 161 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, each transaction committed exceeding 10,000 rubles should be fixed on the letter. That is, when the rental cost is equal to or higher than the law of ten thousand rubles, it is necessary to write a receipt. The document will confirm receipt for hired housing.

This paper is especially needed, because Proves the commitments made by him to the owner of the property and the rental of the apartment. Each contract for the lease of non-residential or residential premises contains an item where it is written that the owner may terminate the contract with the employer at any time due to the lack of payments (Article 161).

Written form is not a mandatory requirement for transactions that, according to Art. 159, may be perfect. However, if a person takes off the room, and I did not confirm my payment, then because of the unfair owner, it can stay on the street without money, because The owner of the apartment will dissolve the agreement tomorrow. Because to protect yourself, you need to insist on the design of official paper on the transfer of funds in the account of the rental payment to avoid disassembling with the owner.

It is important to know: if the landlord is asking to pay at once in 2-3 months or six months ahead, then in this case, the receipt is especially necessary. It should be remembered that the Agreement owner can break at any time, and the employer will not be able to prove the transfer of funds without receipt. Therefore, it is better to abandon the transfer of a large deposit or require the compilation of the document.

What form is made up?

There is no definite forms to draw up a document for paying for hiding apartments. Many so that during court proceedings to prove their right to prove their right, using the examination.

It is important to know: a printed version of the design of the document is also allowed, but the personal data of both sides, signatures and amount are prescribed manually. With long-term lease, it is preferable to draw up a document in printed form. However, in the case of a printed option, better.

Nothing difficult in writing a document in obtaining cash for rent is not. Most often it writes its owner of the residential premises, because it is he will receive money for hiring. However, in recent times, the initiator of the preparation of the document is becoming an apartment to fix the transfer of its funds on paper, avoiding misunderstandings in the future.

With the unfair fulfillment of the obligations by the owner, the tenant will be problematic to prove to receive the owner of the money and even the contract of hiring does not use, because It is prescribed only the amount, and not confirmation of the receipt of funds for renting an apartment by the owner.

Sometimes, a monthly design of the apartment may serve as a refusal from the preparation of the owner of the apartment. Then you can offer to lead the statement of payments: in a clean notebook on the title page, write the name, data of passports, the address of registrations, for what purpose are the cash, the lease period, the data of the contract.

And then simply fill in graphs where information about the employer and the owner are prescribed: in the first column - the date of payment of payment, in the second - for what period, in the third - the amount, in the fourth - the signature of the owner, in the fifth - the signature of the apartment. In such a form of receipt, it is easier to fix the transfer of funds.

Such a statement is also used as evidence of timely payment for the rental room.

When calculating the card (non-cash), the apartment is enough to get a printout in the bank, where it is indicated who, what number and what amount he translated. It will also help prove the fact that the tenant listed the money in a timely manner. Well, if the purpose of the payment is indicated when translating.

It is necessary to write paper by relying on specific items that should definitely be attended so that the document may have.

Legal force and validity

To make the receipt to legitimate, comply with certain rules when it is compiled.

At that, it is not necessary to escape from the notary. In art. 163-164 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that transactions require notarization of only those that require state registration. It does not apply to rental apartments. However, any incomplete detection can be disputed in court and is not a fact that it turns out to prove its authenticity. Consequently, she and without printing a specialist will have legal force. But if it comes to the trial, it will be more difficult to prove my correctness, because the notary will actually act as a witness. Therefore, sometimes it is better not to regret the time and money, to arrange and pay the state duty of 200 rubles, which is then nervous and for a long time to "knock out" the duty at the lessor.

If the receipt is independently, then it is important to regite everything in it: dates, goals, personal data of the participants of the transaction (Passport details, FULL NAME), address of removable housing, not forgetting about signatures and amount).

A valid will be considered the receipt to which there are no blots at all, the rapid and overclocking. Even with the mark "Corrected to believe", the paper will lose strength and the court, most likely to challenge the document not in favor of the apartment. Fill the document need blue paste - black is not allowed.

If we talk about the timing, the receipt is an indefinite document, because Confirms the fact of transferring money for renting an apartment for rent, and time can go any fact that will be unchanged. Store all documents is especially important if a person still lives in this apartment.

Special attention should be paid to the accuracy of the indicated personal data, and the amount will be fixed better in national currency, even if the calculation passes in another currency - to enter a preferably equivalent amount.

A clear entry in a receipt will be useful will be the owner of the apartment: it is so easier to check the absence of debt.

It is important to know: each party must have its own instance of the document. Copies, even certified by the notary, are invalid and have no legal force.

Container content - Main requirements

It is preferable to give money and write a receipt in receipt of money for renting an apartment, inviting witnesses, which, in case of what will confirm that the process has passed successfully. In this case, it is advisable to specify witnesses and their personal data with the signature.

What information should be attended to be present in the document:

  1. FULL NAME + Passport each.
  2. The place (the same apartment, for example) where the document is drawn up.
  3. The city and address of the premises for which the payment is transmitted.
  4. Full cost (numbers and writing).
  5. What is the purpose of money.
  6. At the end: the number + signatures.

Usually, in the body of the document, it is used briefly formulating, confirming the acquisition of the owner of the money apartment in a certain parties. And next to the signature of the landlord. It is also important in the document to trace the correspondence of the payment date on the day of the transfer of funds - they must coincide.

It is important to know: when when retarding the delivery it turns out that there are several owners from living space - in the receipt will have to prescribe the amounts that are due or all owners should leave their signature.

Sample (blank) receipts about receiving cash for rent apartment

Algorithm for drawing an apartment rental

Sometimes, the landlords passing the room legally intentionally prescribe a smaller cost in the receipt to be able to pay less damage. Often, it is 2 times lower than the real (instead of 25,000 indicate 12,000). Thus, the owner of the apartment can harm himself, because The apartment, moving, can pay only the cost specified in the contract and hide. The owner will practically impossible to prove its right point.

The word is standard in the center, the word is written - "CONTACT", under it clarify in connection with which: "On receiving a sum of money".

It looks like this: "I, such a owner (completely full name, key passport data), received (the leaser receipt in receiving the rent is written briefly, but in compliance with the exact indication of all items) from (also fully named the property with passport data) Money in size ... thousand rubles for the period .. (number, month, year in words).

Then the sentences are followed: "Cash is obtained by me according to the terms of the lease agreement (detailed address, the contract number, the number when it was compiled and signed). Money is transmitted during the preparation of this receipt. "

At the bottom of the owner of the apartment remains to put a signature, once again specify the name with the decoding and the same date that is indicated in the body of the document.

Example of document

It is important that the owner of an apartment receiving money himself wrote this document. If you make a receipt instead of it - it will become invalid.

The handle owner is better to offer its own, because In some cases, there are casual situations: the document is drawn up, and after some time instead - an empty sheet. Similar to the fading ink. Until now, this old trick is actively used by fraudsters.

Landlord will be useful in turn to take a receipt from the tenant on the safety of its property. Samples of writing this document can also be found on the Internet and download.

  1. Always this document should be written by hand, but if you still agreed on the views of the printed document, then let the receiving money personally register the amount, as well as its full name and put the signature.
  2. The receipt date is indicated by the body of the document, and it must fully match the date of transfer of money. You will definitely write the date at the same time.
  3. The receipt should register the place of residence of the other person, as well as all those involved in the preparation of the document. If the place of actual accommodation is different from the site of registration, it is necessary to specify the place of registration, and the place of the actual place of residence.
  4. In paper, specify the passport details of all persons. The amount of writing is better not only for numbers, but also in words, you can in brackets.
  5. In the receipt, it is always necessary to always prescribe the fact of transferring or receiving funds, that is: "Such a citizen conveyed, such a citizen received money in size .... thousand rubles "

These rules are universal for any types of money transfer receipts (during loans, compensation for damages, etc.). The receipt will help protect the interests in the future if it is saved.

It should be remembered that the properly compiled for renting an apartment is a reliable way to insure yourself from. Therefore, on the compilation of this document, it is necessary to insist and disagree without its design to give money.