Nightlife Sousse - Disco and Clubs. Disco and clubs in the Sousse The most popular disco Sousse in the open sky

Nightlife Sousse - Disco and Clubs. Disco and clubs in the Sousse The most popular disco Sousse in the open sky
Nightlife Sousse - Disco and Clubs. Disco and clubs in the Sousse The most popular disco Sousse in the open sky

The biggest and most expensive disco Susa. Located in the very center, by no pass.
Warning: On the way to Bora-Bor, you can receive very strange offers from young people who look like our "Gopniks". Actually, these are their gopniks and there are, which come from their villages for the summer to Sousse Money to earn money. Do not insult and do not be afraid, they just really want to get to the disco, and they will be allowed to go there only if he is personally known if he is rich and they know about it (they know everything and everyone is a feature of mentality) or if this "local" In fact, from Algeria - that is, it is also not allegedly poor (once goes to this club). Well, there is the probability that the local "spacet" will be allowed with a foreign one, and better than two. And of course, it should be enough for him to visit such events. We are not afraid, gently send them and put them on yourself.

Entrance is paid. There are several "cordons of the guard", it sees so that no one runs \u003d). You will pay directly in front of the input. The price is called you. Usually they do not greadify and 20 dinar will be enough. Well, yes, it's a lot, but the disco is worth it. But. They may say that "about the girls today the entrance for you will be free" and all that is so different. You shouldn't believe, you did not blame with him.
Subscribe, you say, I was told for free.
They say you: who said?
That one! TO
then won? I do not know him. Who it?
Here sigh, calmly pay 20 dinars and go, telling myself, figs with you, I want to disco). It is possible to go with the Arabs easier and most likely for free, but we did not try. (here to read "with the Arabs of which are allowed").

The territory of the disco is huge, I do not even know how to describe it in one word. Let's just say, in shape she strongly reminded me the amphitheater. You can submit a circus arena. But there is no roof, which is good and bad. Good is an open-air. Bad is that stuffy. But this is Africa, gentlemen, for freshness not here. There are several, the people of Darkness.

The national composition is the most diverse. Most of our, Italians and Algerians. In general, at this trip, many truths about the Arab population opened, because we all produce a TV and all propaganda there, well, and here I understood that the Arab women can dance and not weak so dancing and be in dresses.

Absolute flows the river, champagne in all directions, but the prices for alcohol are very and very large (for our pockets), 10 -12 Dinar for a cocktail, if I'm not mistaken, we usually bought them for 5-6.
But, as they say, brand. The disco is not simple.

In the center of the cabinet, the platform, as you wish, call, about a meter on one and a half above the main dance floor, you can dance "dance". Things they make enchanting, just acrobats and aerial gymnasts together. I even shot on camera. Ooooo beautiful!
Under the Tumba - one of the bars. It is not very convenient to lean, but very original and clearly successful use of space.

That I am most struck - this is the sound. Stunning acoustics. And even that house, which in our clubs tackle, is simply excellent here)

In general, if you love to relax beautifully and ready to pay this place here. If I am in Sousse in the summer, I will come there. \u003d)

And by the way, I have never heard and did not hear and did not read that there was someone for money. And this is an indicator. Actually, why so much protection.

P.S. By the way, in Vietnamese will not be allowed. But it is in your own interests. Wait without fingers. \u003d)

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Being a Muslim city, Sousse does not boast the most lively nightlife in the world. The money of tourists, however, did their job, and about a dozen good nightclubs, bars and discos in the city you can find.

In addition to discos conducted in the hotels themselves, it is constantly open here:

Club Bora Bora.

The most famous nightclub in the open sky. The entrance ticket is quite expensive. From 1 to 4 there is a show with belly dancing and erotic dancing.

Coordinates: 35.850961.10.618853; GPS: 35 ° 51'3.46 "N, 10 ° 37'7.87" E
Address: Avenue 14 Janvier
Phone: (+ 216) 24 040 040

Club Bonaparte

Thematic evenings, DJ'i

Coordinates: 35.839951.10.626128; GPS: 35 ° 50'23.82 "N, 10 ° 37'34.06" E
Address: Avenue Taïeb Mehiri Street
Telephone: (+ 216) 27 182 787

Club Bananas Club.

The club is open up to 4 am. Latino Music, R & B, Disco, Afro-Bit, Soul and Other

Club Vanilla Lounge.

Music of the 80s, 90s.

Disco Living Disco.

The entrance is free, the guard is good. Open up to 4 am.

Coordinates: 35.843387,10.623938; GPS: 35 ° 50'36.19 "N, 10 ° 37'26.18" E
Address: Boulevard 14 Janvier
Phone: (+ 216) 24 040 040

Bananas, Vanilla and Living are under one roof

Saloon Disco-Pub Club

Small popular club. On the second floor there is a rather expensive restaurant, but in it often plays live music. Disco on the first floor "Disco Goldrush".

Telephone: (+216) 98 535 697

Disco Metallica.

Popular among local youth. Located next to the Houria Palace Hotel Hotel. Drinks are local and European.

Oxy Lounge disco

Karaoke on Tuesdays and Fridays, live music on Sundays

Coordinates: 35.845082.10.624518; GPS: 35 ° 50'42.30 "N, 10 ° 37'28.26" E
Address: Boulevard 14 Janvier
Telephone: (+216) 73 620 611

Night club Rediguana.

Located in Port El Cantaui. Music is different.

Telephone: (+216) 96 240 250
E-mail: [Email Protected]

Disco Dreams.

Real Tunisian Disco. Located somewhere in the city center. There are bartenders of a woman that rarely for Tunisia.

Tunisia is, today, the most outdoor and liberal of Muslim countries, so you can wear the same open clothing at home, like at home. Tunisians are afraid to communicate with their police, so at night in tourist areas you can feel in relative security.

Tunisia is considered one of the most popular resorts of the Mediterranean direction. This state attracts tourists with its oriental flavor, a series of snow-white beaches, a mass of natural and architectural attractions, as well as a good service of local hotels. The main contingent of vacationers in Tunisia, as a rule, make up married couples and young people. Of the foreigners there are most of the Germans, Russians are relatively fewer than in the same Turkey or Egypt. Beach holidays in Tunisia can be combined with visiting therapeutic centers of thalassotherapy, traveling to the oldest city of Carthage and two-day safaris on jeeps in the desert. The main disadvantage of holidays in Tunisia is a weak tourist infrastructure, hotels in the country a bit, in connection with this, it is really difficult to choose a decent hotel. The warmest resort is the island of Djerba, but even on it in not the season will have to be content with bathing in closed pools, the sea during this period is quite cold.

Country Country: Tunisia. Main resorts: Mahahdi, Monastir, Sousse, Hammamet, Djerba Island.

How to get to Tunisia

From Russia to Tunisia can be reached by plane. Tunisair and Nouvelair airlines perform regular flights along the route Moscow Tunisia. Sousse and Hammamet cities can be flying Transaero aircraft. More expensive will fly to Tunisia with a change in Istanbul or Rome. Time in the way in this case takes about 6.5 hours. The holiday season from St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kiev in Tunisia and Monastir are sent many charter flights.

Citizens of the Russian Federation visa in Tunisia is not required if their stay in the country will not exceed 30 days. Upon arrival at the airport of Tunisia, you must fill in the immigration card. One part of it should be kept until the end of the journey and present at the airport when departing from the country.


The territory of Tunisia is forbidden to import national currency, pornographic materials, narcotic substances, some types of plants and animals, explosives and weapons, antiques, animal skins products. Video equipment is subject to compulsory declaration. 1 liter of strong alcohol, 2 liters of wine, 20 packs of cigarettes can be transported. Export from the country almost everything except the national currency. Jewelry, silver, carpets can be removed only after checking the check on their purchase.

Hotels Tunisa

Most hotels in Tunisia is located on the first coastline. Each hotel has a cosmetic center, offers thalassotherapy services. High-level hotels in the country are very small. Also in Tunisia, you can find very exotic cave hotels with beds located in the clay legs or small awnings right in the midst of the Sahara. Animation is usually represented only in 3 * -4 * hotels.

Attractions and entertainment

The Tunisis sightseeing trip will cost 210 TND. It includes a visit to the Roman amphitheater in Al Jemy, the sacred city of Kairuan, the Berbering settlement in Matmatat, overnight in Duza and camel skiing on the Barhaan Sakhara. Other numerous excursions pass through the Carthage, Cap-Bon Peninsula, Sousse, Monastir, Freigia Park, Roman ruins of Duggi and the Mediterranean port of Bizert.

The capital of the country Tunisia combines the best traditions of the ancient Eastern city. The most attractive destination for tourists is his old part - Medina, with a closely adjacent buildings for it, closely adjacent to each other. Zitun's mosque is considered the main attraction of the city, the only Muslim temple, which is allowed to visit people of any nationality and religious affiliation. Internally, the mosque can be inspected from the coupon surrounded by columns. In the Middle Ages, Zitun was a Muslim University, her halls accommodate up to 10 thousand students. It is possible to get acquainted with the culture and life of the local population in the preserved color of the 19th century Museum Dar Ben Abdallah. Most tourist excursions on the capital include numerous markets and street bazaars. Each media market is located on a separate street and offers specialized products. For example, in the market of wool and perfumes you can buy excellent wool products and fragrant oils, on the wedding market - the necessary accessories for the wedding ceremony, etc. The new part of the city is worth visiting the Catholic Cathedral, Drama Theater, National Museum of Bardo. Around after a mature excursion, tourists can have a snack in one of numerous cafes or restaurants. Most inexpensive cafes are located on Habib Burgibiba Street, more expensive and exquisite institutions can be found in the central district of the city.

No tourist route in the capital does not visit his main suburbs - Carthage. Thousands of years ago, this city was considered one of the most powerful and prosperous. By age, he is also inferior to the Italian capital Rome. Ancient Carthage was almost complete destruction, what remains of him today, annually attracts thousands of archaeologists, historians and tourists from around the world in these edges. Ruins of Carthage are located on a length of 6 km long, so it is very important to plan your route in advance. A ticket to visit Cartagen costs about 10 TND, valid for one day from the date of purchase. During an excursion through the ancient ruins, it is worth paying attention to the Roman amphitheater, designed for 36 thousand people, the famous Altar Tofeta, which is a burial in the open air, the terms of Antonin, one of the largest ancient resort complexes, in size is inferior only to the famous terms of Diocletian in Rome. Everyone can climb the hill of Birsca, from which the structure of the Great City once began. His vertex is the Cathedral of St. Louis and the Carthaginian Museum with the extensive collection of the artifacts of the past, found in the excavation process.

The main resort cities of Tunisia are: Monastir, Sousse, Hammamet, Mahahdi and the island of Djerba. In addition to recreation on the Mediterranean coast, all resorts can offer a rich excursion program. Each hotel has its own SPA-center offering services to strengthen the body, skin rejuvenation, as well as the famous thalassotherapy for the whole world. In the SPA-centers of Hammamet for conducting procedures, fresh marine dirt is used, which comes into them through specially removed far into the sea. The best centers of thalassotherapy are considered: Bio Azur, Vital Center Thalgo (in Hammamete), Abou Nawas Bou Jaafar Center (in Sousse), Image Health Center (in Monastir).

The main attractions of a small resort town of Monastir include: The defensive fortress of the 7th century Ribat-Hartem with the Museum of Islam, Mosque and Mausoleum of the First President of Tunisia - Habiba Burbibiba. There are several restaurants, cafes, discos and shops in the city center. On the sea coast there are yacht club, a karting center, a riding school and a golf course.

Hammamet is considered the most respectable resort of Tunisia, famous for its snow-white beaches, an abundance of wellness centers and a variety of nightlife. From local attractions it is worth visiting Ribat and Old Medina, Medieval Spanish Fortress, Dar Hammamet House, House of Georg Sebastiana.

Scuba diving in Tunisia does not use much popular, although there are several diving centers in the country. During dives, such representatives of the underwater world can be found as sea perch, shrimp, squid and octopuses. Not far from the Port El Cantausi resort complex at a small depth, tourists have the opportunity to inspect the ships sunken once. The largest and most picturesque coral reef of the Mediterranean Sea is located in the coastal waters of the Tabarka resort. Every year underwater photography festival is held here.

Restaurants and local cuisine

Tunisian cuisine is a mixture of Asian and European, Arab and French traditions. Many dishes are prepared here from fish (mainly tuna) with the addition of burning pepper, a variety of spices and seasonings. The traditional dishes of the country are considered to be meat "Shorby", Ceff meatballs with the addition of sauce, Chebureki "BRIC" with an unusual filling of eggs, tuna, potatoes and parsley. Meat dishes are prepared mainly of lamb and beef. Special honor is used by the Obvarabskaya dish Couscus, there is more than a hundred recipes for its preparation in the country. In Tunisia, you can try real oriental sweets, which are preparing with the addition of honey, sugar, dates and nuts. From drinks preference is given to sweet green tea and coffee. Drinks are served in small cups without handle. Local wines are produced from grapes grown in the north. The truly quality wine can be purchased at GENERAL state stores.

Tips in the cafe constitute 1-2 TND, in the restaurant - 10% of the total cost of the order.


As souvenirs from Tunisia, you can bring ceramic products, hookahs, silver ornaments, olive oil, diverse and diverse oriental sweets. The country is famous for high-quality handmade carpets from cashmere, silk and wool. In the markets and in private shops, it is customary to bargain. Sellers often reduce the price. In state supermarkets, prices are strictly fixed. On ordinary days, shops work from 8 am to 8 pm, with a break for lunch. During the occurrence of the Ramadan holiday, all the outlets are open to 2 o'clock in the afternoon, then with the onset of twilight and to deep night.

National currency of the country is Dinar (TND). You can exchange money in exchange offices, hotels, banks and by mail. The exchange rate is almost everywhere the same. When departing from the country, dinars can be converted to euros or dollars. To do this, you must have a check on the initial exchange. Money can be removed in ATM, and only in dinars.


According to the cities of the country, it is convenient to move by bus (often there is air conditioning in them), for longer distances - by train (convenience depending on the chosen class). Tickets are purchased at stations, their price depends on travel distance. In city buses tickets sell conductors. Taxi cars differ from all the other yellow, the trip to them is paid in the counter. If the counter is absent, you need to immediately negotiate the price. One taxi machine is calculated only on 4 people. Night trip costs 50% more expensive day. Inside the cities, 8-seater shuttle buses "Luazh" rush. The passage in them costs 2 TND.

You can take a rental car in a special car rental office. They are usually near hotels, resort zones and airports. For renting a car you need to be over 21 years and have driving experience from 1 year. The rental price is about 80 TND per day. Tunisians go through the European Rules of Motion. For a trip to Sugar, you need to get a special permission. Often it is provided only to the drivers of all-wheel drive jeeps.

Climate of the country

Summer heat in Tunisia (+ 33, + 35 degrees) is not as noticeable, as in our country, and is transferred quite easily due to dry air. The average daily temperature of January is + 21 degrees. Over the summer, the Water of the Mediterranean Sea is well warmed, because it is possible to swim here even late in autumn. The tourist season lasts from May to October. On the Southern Island of the country, the winter jerba does not happen, the air temperature is always comfortable.

Security of tourists

Tunisia is a Muslim country, so you should not walk through the streets of cities in some bathing suits or short shorts. The photographing of military facilities and the presidential palace is prohibited. Money, tickets and valuable things are recommended to store in the hotel's safe. In local stores and shops can be deceived, so the delivery need to recalculate without departing from the box office. To drink more reliably use bottled water. Special vaccinations for a trip to Tunisia are not required. To drive around the desert, choose lightweight cotton clothes, the most closing body. In order to avoid sunburn, it is recommended to use the creams with a high SPF factor.

Living Club (22: 00-04: 00)

The club is located next to the hotel Samara. This is one of the most popular Sousse clubs with music in the style of Pop, Dance, Trance and Hause. Daily at the club pass the mad parties, on which the invited DJs are coming. The design of the club is made in European style, with large white sofas and leather chairs and soft ultraviolet light.

Club Bananas (23: 00-04: 00)

Bananas Club-popular Latina Bar Sousse. Located in the same building with the Living Club. Sells lessons are held several times a week or play there. Registration of the club in Cuban style. Music: Latino, Reggae and R & B.

Disco Maracana.

In the center of the resort area of \u200b\u200bthe Sousse, not far from the sea. On the first floor there is a large dance hall with a powerful sound system and a laser show. The program is conducted by professional DJ. Sometimes foam discos are conducted. On the second floor you can sit at the table at the bar and listen to music.

Disco Bora Bora (22: 00-05: 00)

Next to the hotel Tour Khalef is located the famous Bora Bora is a disco in the open sky, and, of course, the best club in the Sousse. The club simultaneously holds more than 2,000 people and includes not only a big dance floor, but the beach. In the middle of the dance floor, a scene is installed on which the best dancers and animators are speeches all night. Other disco does not inferior to European clubs. Lovers of nightlife will certainly appreciate the powerful sound, light and fakir show and, of course, traditional foam parties for the summer.

Arena Club (22: 00-05: 00)

This club will attract electronic music lovers. It is located on the central street of Sursu - Boulevard on November 7 in the TEJ MARHABA shopping center. The club is decorated in black and white gamme. Visitors are offered the entire range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages of both imported and local production. The entrance is free, every guest cocktail as a gift. Music style - TECHNO, Lounge, Hause.

Disco Red iguana.

Disco - Restaurant is located in Port El Cantaui. The club's premises are decorated in ethosal. The professional team team periodically organizes holidays and invites famous DJs, playing only the most popular international hits. The Red Iguana also has a restaurant operating from 22 to 1 o'clock in the morning. Music style: club, disco.

Bar The Saloon.

The popular bar-restaurant and disco is decorated in the souss of the original style of American salons of the 19th century. Located next to the hotel Tej Marhaba. On the first floor there is a real cowboy restaurant with live music in the style of the Wild West (a large outdoor restaurant area), and in the basement of the building there is one of the most popular discos of the city.