The most famous and scary ghosts in the world. The most famous ghosts

The most famous and scary ghosts in the world.  The most famous ghosts
The most famous and scary ghosts in the world. The most famous ghosts

In our world there is a lot of everything mysterious, unknown and poorly understood. These phenomena include the paranormal, which still excites the minds of many people who believe in ghosts. In this article, we will talk about some of the most famous ghosts. To believe in it or not is a purely individual matter, but it's worth finding out.

One of the most famous ghosts, living in an equally legendary place - the Tower of London. Anne was the wife of King Henry VIII and the mother of the Queen Elizabeth I. The loving king, with his eye on the maid of honor, decided to get rid of his lawful wife, accusing her of adultery. young woman executed by beheading, and since then, her spirit began to appear in the castle and beyond. Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen woman ghost holding his head under his arm.

It is said that four of the six wives of King Henry became ghosts after their death. Probably to weave their ghostly intrigues against the treacherous spouse.

Another well-known and unexplored phenomenon. This ghost ship observed off the South African coast. True, the distance to it is always quite large, as if for some reason it cannot approach the shore or cruise ships. According to legend, the captain of this ship took revenge on the girl who rejected him by killing her fiancé. And the girl, out of grief, threw herself off the cliff into the sea.

In order to avoid punishment, Philip van der Decken (that was the name of the killer) decided to escape on his ship, but got into a severe storm. He did not want to wait out the storm in a quiet bay, but tried to go around the reefs in bad weather and vowed to destroy any member of the team who tried to go ashore or interfere with him. In anger, he shook his fists and cursed everything around. Providence punished the conceited Philip, and his ship sank with the entire crew.

Now ghost ship plows the oceans and only once a decade the captain can go ashore exactly for a day to find a girl who would agree to marry him. Then the curse will dissipate. Van der Decken worn out over the centuries, or modern girls are looking for princes, not pirates.

In fact, there are a great many phantoms with this name in the world, but, like most creatures of the other world, they are not distinguished by kindness. But White panna from the Czech Republic, on the contrary, is the guardian of her kind.

Perhta Rožmberk, still a young girl, was forcibly given in marriage to the nobleman Jan Liechtenstein, who was distinguished by a very steep and vicious disposition. Throughout the twenty years of her marriage, the meek woman endured the bullying of her husband and his sisters. On his deathbed, the husband tried to seek forgiveness from Perkhta, but was refused, with the words: “Let you have no peace in this world or in the next,” expired.

In an unkind hour, he said this, for his curse came true and after death the soul of Perkhta did not find peace. So she wanders restless soul around the castle, being a harbinger of death for any member of the family, if they see her in black gloves, if she appears in red, then a fire should be expected. And if she smiles, then in the near future the Rozhmberk family will have good luck and good news.

Each of us is free to believe or not to believe in the other world. Ghosts, spirits or ghosts have long been the main characters folklore, fairy tales and various films. Do they really exist? It seems that there is no smoke without fire, in any case, many witnesses are vying with each other trying to convince others that they actually saw a ghost. Where can you find the most famous and creepy ghosts?

Killer Interest

In Europe, meeting a ghost is as easy as shelling pears. According to the form of their manifestation, ghosts are divided into “black monks” and “white ladies” - they are classified simply by appearance. Blurry silent figures appear before their involuntary witnesses in the form of dark or white spots of ethereal substance. Hence such simplest classification guests from the underworld.
A very famous ghost in England is the “Black Nun”. It is said to be the ghost of Sarah Whitehead, whose brother worked as a clerk at the Bank of England in London. The dishonest worker was accused of financial fraud and sentenced to death. The sister tried in vain to save her brother from a harsh sentence and, after her death, does not leave attempts to dissuade her relative not to commit financial crime. Whether this is really so - no one will know, but the ghostly figure of a woman is sometimes seen in the building of the ill-fated bank.

Married to the next world

One of the old houses in London in Berkeley Square sheltered a ghost, a meeting with which is fraught with a posthumous obituary in local newspapers. Anyway, several people died of heart failure after encountering the nightmare of the mysterious house.

Households claim that the ghost is seen in the form of a young girl whose integrity was encroached upon by her own uncle. Not wanting to stigmatize herself, the young lady committed suicide and was later reborn as a restless ghost within the walls of a dysfunctional house.

Other knowledgeable people it is said that the ghost appears to its victims in the form little boy, who once died of fear within the walls of this building and now the ghost uses his image as a reminder of his first victim.

Still others argue that the ghost is actually a thin man with a pale face, one of the guests of the house, who, due to illness, was no longer destined to leave it. The only surprise is that if you believe in the destructiveness of meetings with the famous ghost, too many witnesses leave the notorious ghost alive. In any case, the institution is wildly popular with tourists.

Ghost of Anne Boleyn

The beauty Boleyn, whom the king of England laid eyes on in his time and made her queen, is the most famous ghost in the center of old London. Outstanding historical figure posed such a strong threat royal court that behind-the-scenes intriguers made titanic efforts to slander the rootless queen who gave England the next Queen Elizabeth. Anne Boleyn, who gave rise to the Renaissance and brought the idea of ​​the Reformation to Europe, was accused of terrible sins, adultery and treason to the king, for which, after imprisonment, she was put to death by cutting off her head.

But strong-willed and determined people like Boleyn do not give up so easily. Therefore, many witnesses have repeatedly observed the unconquered queen in the bowels of the Tower of London in the form of a headless ghost, who walks around inside the fortress walls, holding a severed head in her hands, testifying silently against her executioners and envious people.

Ghosts of abandoned thousands

In northern Italy, there is actually a creepy place - the island of Poveglia. Many have heard about him as a forbidden territory belonging to numerous ghosts. The territory of the island is guarded by the police. But this is due to the fact that three years ago the Italian government decided to lease the territory of the abandoned island for a long-term lease.

The island itself has sad story and reputation. The fact is that since Roman times, this small land located five kilometers from the coast of Venice was used as a quarantine reservation during plague epidemics. For several centuries, many people were brought here, who met their death here. Abandoned to the mercy of fate and abandoned by all, many thousands of unfortunate people dropped their exhausted, weakened bodies to the ground, deprived even of the luxury of a civilized burial. According to modern historians, about one hundred and sixty thousand people found their last restless refuge on the island.

The island was used in a similar way in later centuries, when a quarantine group of sailors who came from long-distance navigation. Very often, sailors died from diseases brought to the Old World from new open areas and in this case the island became their last refuge.

In addition, in the twenties of the last century, a psychiatric hospital was built on the island, which did not at all add to the popularity of the place. One can only guess how many restless ghosts live within the boundaries of this island. The head physician of a psychiatric hospital could shed light on this mystery if he had not committed suicide under mysterious circumstances. In any case, eyewitnesses claim that they often hear bells ringing in the evening from the side of the island abandoned by everyone.

Sukharev Tower

In the capital, Sukharev Tower has always been considered one of the creepiest places. Back in the time of Peter the Great, the well-known scientist, astronomer and alchemist Jacob Bruce conducted his research in the tower. It is believed that he managed to find the notorious Book of Darkness in the depths of the ancient library - the most coveted artifact of various kinds of warlocks and cultists. Whether the old wise man began to study this gift from the underworld, or whether he still did not dare to break the seal of Satan is not clear. Only the light in the lonely room at the top of the gloomy tower for some reason lit up by itself even after the death of the scientist, and the stooped, thin ghostly figure was occasionally observed by late passers-by many years later on dark cloudy Moscow evenings.

Belief in ghosts and ghosts is so strong that some of them have received truly worldwide fame. Films are dedicated to them. Books are written about them. They are studied in every possible way and constantly republished material in print media. If they were representatives of the physical world, they could become millionaires on their fame, but so far those who use them manage to do it.

All over the world, in every country, there are a lot of houses that have received the nickname "haunted house". And again in this competition convincingly holds the palm old europe. Foggy Albion is especially different from all, where almost every city has such a house. Let's start with England.

Most famous ghosts: Borly Rectory.

The world fame of this house, which is directly called that, began after the famous explorer and ghost hunter G. Price, already mentioned by me above, wrote the book “The Most Restless House in England” about it. Then the whole world learned that there are places where evil spirits are as natural as the noise of leaves in the yard. In any case, this is what Price claimed, who, by the way, was repeatedly accused of juggling and falsifying facts, which in any case is normal for such things.

The parsonage house - Borley Rectory - was built in the town of Borley, which is fifty miles south of London, in 1963 by the priest Henry Bull. Since England is not distinguished by special geographical expanses, it is not surprising that other buildings have stood on the site of the construction of the house for many centuries: the manor house and the Benedictine monastery. Perhaps it was the factor of stratification of times that could play a major role. This was confirmed by the story of a certain nun from the monastery, who was immured alive within its walls and her ghost, allegedly, was observed more than once by local residents. He was also seen by G. Ball, who built the house.

Until 1928, two generations of residents of the house were replaced and they are all in different times noted strange phenomena associated not only with a nun, but also with strange flying fireballs.

When the new owners moved into the house, then all the fun began. Such a clear and strong activity of inexplicable phenomena (knocks, door movements, creaks, steps, glows, etc.) was observed in the house that new family Rev. Smith could not stand it and turned to the Harry Price National Laboratory for Psychical Research, who subsequently spent a lot of time in the house, studying it. However, the phenomena did not stop and the family soon left their place of residence and relatives of the priest Balla, who built the house, moved into Borli Rectory. But even those could not live in this house for a long time, since the strange phenomena only worsened and they also moved out. Price then rented the house and, with a team of assistants, began to study it, which later became public knowledge.

Price, allegedly, was able to make contact with the ghost of a nun and recorded many other phenomena. However, the history of the house ended in 1939. When a new tenant lived in the house, an inexplicable fire broke out. Oddly enough, the burned-out house continued to amaze the locals and all of England, when even Price himself was long dead, as unexplained phenomena in the surrounding area continued. They say that you can still see the ghost of a nun in the alley not far from the house. Someone even managed to take a picture of him.

The most famous ghosts : Edinburgh castle.

Built in the 11th century, the castle has become a symbol of the typical concept of haunted castles. Fans of the paranormal claim that it is practically teeming with all sorts of wickedness. Rather, his dungeons are teeming with wickedness.

Where so many ghosts came from, or so many statements that they are there, is unknown. Maybe because the castle was built on an almost 133-meter high rock - the remains of an ancient volcano. Maybe because in the 17th century captured soldiers were kept in it. Maybe because during the terrible plague in the area of ​​the southern bridge of the castle people were buried alive. However, most likely, this cannot be explained by anything. Probably, people themselves get what they want to see or they see what they were inspired to see. One way or another, no tour of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is complete without a tour of the ancient castle. And no inspection of the ancient castle ends with stories and, allegedly, testimonies of tourists about the presence of ghosts in this colorful building.

The hysteria around Edinburgh Castle not only does not fade with time and with the increasing development of civilization, but quite the contrary. This is evidenced by an unprecedented ghost hunt in the history of mankind, which happened in 2001 in this very place. A group led by the famous British psychiatrist and ghost hunter Richard Wisemann and nine other scientists, accompanied by at least two hundred volunteers, explored all the corridors, basements and attics of this structure for several days in search of evidence of a mystical presence in it.

I was personally struck by the fact that professional and recognized scientists dealt with this issue, and not typical ufologists, who, unfortunately, very often do not differ in their objective perception of the world. Although it is not at all surprising that the entire procession was led by no one, but a psychiatrist. This is probably the most suitable specialist for most of these cases.

As befits a serious approach, this pandemonium did not gather in the cult castle just to stare at it and search the darkest corners for ghosts stunned by a huge crowd. Scientists are fully armed with all the necessary equipment capable of recording the most insignificant fluctuations and unnatural changes in the internal environment of the building.

What did you end up capturing? Of course, no one saw the ghosts with their own eyes, but they still managed to document a number of oddities on photos, videos or devices: inexplicable shadows on the walls and ceilings; mysterious silhouettes in the dark; strange green blots on surfaces. And this is not counting those subjective experiences of danger and fear that accompany almost all participants in the experience.

Most Famous Ghosts: London Underground.

Ghosts in England have chosen all possible forests, parks, cemeteries, castles, churches, shops and almost all mansions. It seems that old England attracts not only immigrants from all over the world in search of a better life, but also ghosts who seem to like the local climate. So it turns out that they have already filled all possible habitat spaces and even began to settle in completely unusual places. For example, in the subway. Just like beggars.

No kidding, the London Underground is indeed another place where, according to eyewitnesses, there are also a lot of ghosts that frighten the measured English. In 1994, they closed the Aldwych station and began to rent it out for various parties and other recreational activities who began to visit, as they say, some kind of deceased famous singer experiencing nostalgia for the attention of the public. She is regularly seen by the workers of this former station. Sometimes it is possible to notice traces remaining in those places where she was.

At the site of the current Covent Garden station, there was once a pharmacy, which was often visited by the actor William Terriss, who was killed in 1897. Since the middle of the 20th century, he is very often seen at this metro station. Once, when he appeared in the rest room for subway workers, many witnesses of this fact asked the authorities to transfer them to other areas of work.

The most famous ghost of the London underground is Ann Naylor, murdered in 1758, who regularly visits Farringdon station at night. The belated ones visited the stations and those who rush to work before everyone else very often hear her screams and speech in this place, and therefore she received the nickname Screaming Ann.

The most famous ghosts : The White house.

In general, it is not uncommon to observe the ghosts and ghosts of great personalities of bygone years in their places. former job. Even in the Moscow Kremlin after the death of V.I. Lenin, his ghost was observed many times. The same applies to the ghost of Ivan the Terrible and a number of other famous rulers. The situation is no better with the official residence of Japanese prime ministers. The fact is that this building has always enjoyed a bad reputation and bloody incidents took place in it. It would be funny, but it adds problems directly to prime ministers who are forced to work in such an atmosphere. Some of them, such as Yoshiro Mori, directly stated that the residence was haunted.

But the most bizarre cases occurred in the Republic of Malawi, where the president had to call priests of all possible denominations to expel the spirit from his residence, and in Israel, where a security camera in the Knesset once discovered a strange luminous object.

Particularly in terms of visions of ghosts, the White House in the US capital Washington became famous, where presidential administrations and the presidents themselves have long met. The spirit of President Abraham Lincoln is especially disturbing in the chambers of the people's deputies, who, as it happened, slips in the chronicles of the anomalous not for the first time. The first person to see Lincoln's spirit was the wife of President Calvin Coolidge, who saw him directly in the Oval Office, where he was most often seen. Then one of Roosevelt's secretaries saw him. The stubborn ghost did not even pass by such a high person as the Dutch Queen Wilhelmina, who spent the night in the White House during the time of the same Roosevelt.

According to rumors, allegedly, there are a lot of other famous and not so ghosts in the White House. For example, the wife of President Woodrow Wilson saw in the garden in front of the building the ghost of the wife of one of former heads states. And vice-president Henry Wilson was seen several times in the basements of the building. Among other celebrities whose spirits were seen at one time or another in the White House, one can note two former speakers of the House of Representatives D. Cannon and C. Clark, who regularly visit the current inhabitants of this building, although it is, of course, simply impossible to verify this, since despite the total video control, no evidence of these phenomenal phenomena has ever been presented to the public.

It would be possible to attribute all unusual phenomena in the White House to journalists looking for good fees, but among the witnesses of unusual phenomena in the most important residence of the world were such personalities as Bill Clinton's wife Hilary, who, by her own admission, was shivering from the noise of invisible steps people. Unlike other presidents' wives, Hilary deserves more credibility, if only because of her personal extremely successful political career.

The most famous ghosts : Golshany.

The history of a small town in Belarus could be observed on the air "Inexplicable, but a fact", where many witnesses and workers gave interviews historical museum located in a 17th century Franciscan monastery. Briefly, the story is that from the very moment the buildings were built, strange phenomena were observed in them. Until now, museum workers are sometimes witnesses of ghosts and inexplicable phenomena. More than one research group came to Golshany, and some of them also managed to see these phenomena.

Those who believe in the presence of a real ghost in this place are completely sure that it belongs to a young girl who was immured alive in the walls of the monastery during its construction. The fact is that during the unsuccessful construction, the so-called building sacrifice. This brutal custom building houses was widespread in the old days. It is believed that in many historical palaces and fortresses there are grooves in the walls with the same immured children or girls.

This simple story would have been an ordinary tale, but one day, with Providence repair work the builders found in the wall the same construction victim, which only once again proved that not everything was in order with the monastery.

The most famous ghosts : White Ladies.

It just so happened that completely different ghosts in different countries people randomly started giving the same names. This is not surprising, because for every castle you can’t get enough of a new name for a ghost, but there are ghosts, judging by the stories of eyewitnesses, in every ancient castle. So several ghosts were born in the wide world at once, called the White Ladies. The most famous of them are three: Belarusian, Czech and Estonian. And in each case, the White Ladies are the most famous in their countries.

The Belarusian White Lady is the same construction victim in Golshany, which is described above. It is impossible to envy her fate, but the Czech namesake, who during her lifetime was called Perkhta from famous surname Rozhmberkov. Fatal for her was the moment of the marriage, to which her hard father forced her, and which she did not want at all, as if she felt unkind. And so it turned out. Her husband was extremely cruel and Perkhta lived with him for more than twenty years in unbearable conditions. Immediately after her death, a strange white female ghost began to be noticed in absolutely all the castles of the Rozhmberk family, of which there are as many as five. Until now, the White Lady is regularly spotted in these castles and has become the most famous Czech ghost.

No less sad is the story of the Estonian White Lady. According to legend, during the Middle Ages, a monk of the Dome Cathedral at the Bishop's Castle fell in love with a local peasant woman. However, her parents wanted to pass her off as a rich man and she was forced to disguise herself as a boy and hide in the cathedral as a chorister until better times. However, the couple soon saw through. The monk was left to die in the dungeon, and the girl was walled up alive in the wall.

How much the legend corresponds to reality is difficult to say. However, the ghost of a girl can still be observed in the city of Haapsalu, as they assure locals and ghost hunters. Moreover, this is the very rare case when anyone can become an eyewitness. To do this, you only need to be in this city in the first days of August each year and watch the local Bishop's Castle, or rather, the remains of it. As even the official authorities of the city, represented by the mayor himself, who probably hopes to attract tourists in this way, assure, the White Lady can be observed in these places even during the day, but it is even better on a full moon with a clear sky.

Interestingly, people at the ruins of the castle gather not only to stare at the ghost, but also because it has become a symbol of strong and happy love. It is for this reason that during the August days in the city of Haapsalu there are many more couples in love than typical ghost hunters.

The most famous ghosts : Black hunchback in Ostankino.

No one remembers exactly when for the first time on the territory of the modern Ostankino district and the Ostankino Museum-Estate, built at the end of the 18th century, a very strange old woman began to appear, who was nicknamed the ghost of the Black Hunchback. At first, it was simply seen by individual peasants. Then she warned about the bad consequences of local builders who dug up some kind of wasteland for production purposes. At the same time, every time somehow out of nowhere appeared and disappeared. Everything would be fine if one day, as rumors say in everyone, she did not dream of Emperor Paul himself when he was in these places and did not warn him of impending troubles (he was killed in March 1801).

So to this day, the Black Hunchback appears from time to time in the area of ​​​​the television center, and its inhabitants have long established the custom of taking this mystical character seriously. At any corporate television party, it is customary to leave a glass of vodka and a bar of chocolate for your grandmother, as if appeasing her in case of emergencies. They believe in her existence not only from conversations and legends, but also because there is a lot of evidence that she regularly appears in the television center. Especially this often happens at critical moments for him.

Many associate the mysticism of the Ostankino places with historical data, that earlier there were someone's remains on them, from which the name of the area came from. However, this is excluded, since the original name was Ostashkovo.

The most famous ghosts : Mikhailovsky Castle.

Possibly the most famous in the territory modern Russia haunt of the ghost. Yes, what a ghost. According to testimonies and legends based on real facts, the ghost of Emperor Paul himself roams in the Mikhailovsky Castle. It should be noted that it is not always possible to see it there. They say that only once a year - on his birthday on September 20, 1754. On this day, allegedly, you can see him walking around the building, looking out the windows and opening the doors.

Why should Paul the First appear exactly on his birthday in this particular place? There are two reasons for this. Firstly, the castle built by the architects Bazhenov and Brenn was originally the intention of the Emperor himself. Pavel himself participated in the direct architectural design of the building. Subsequently, the Mikhailovsky Castle became not only a favorite dwelling place for the royal person, but also his kind of fortress, in which he could feel safe. As you know, contemporaries did not really like Pavel for his views, let's say, not entirely patriotic. In other words, the love invested in the building, according to psychics, could not remain without a trace, and even after his death could have power. It seems like, even in the next world, in the other world, he regularly recalls his favorite place in all of Russia (he also had a lot of favorite places abroad).

Secondly, it was in the Mikhailovsky Castle that the violent death of Paul the First overtook, why his spirit can still be tied to a place, as ghost hunters believe. It is curious, but by a strange coincidence, before the appearance of the castle, in its place was the Summer Palace of Elizabeth Petrovna, in which future emperor came into being. It turns out that his life path started and ended in the same place. Is it not an argument in favor of his presence in this place so far?

Undoubtedly, very controversial issue that in this ancient building there is at least some otherworldly power. However, its history makes us connect to the imagination all possible stereotypes about ghosts and everything connected with it, and perhaps that is why people consider the Mikhailovsky Castle a haunted place.

The ghost of the American White House. He was seen by Winston Churchill and the Dutch princess Juliana, as well as daughter former president Maureen Reagan. Who is he? So, according to Churchill, Juliana and Maureen Reagan, this is none other than Abraham Lincoln, the greatest of American presidents. “I'm not kidding,” says Maureen Reagan. “We actually saw him.”

Maureen and her husband Dennis Revell often spent the night in Lincoln's bedroom when visiting Washington, D.C., and she claims to have seen the apparition, sometimes red and sometimes orange. Maureen and her husband swear it was Lincoln's ghost. Neither President Reagan nor Nancy have ever seen a ghost in their eight years in the White House. The same can be said about President Bush and his wife Barbara. Mrs. Reagan chuckles at the notion that Lincoln's spirit still haunts historic building, but she remembers that their dog, Reke, often barked when approaching this bedroom, and never entered it.

However, ghosts do not limit their appearance only to houses and castles. One of the most common stories about the supernatural is the story of the ghosts of Flight 401. In December 1972, the Eastern Airlines Tristan crashed into the swamps of Florida and crashed. 101 people were killed, including the pilot and flight engineer. But since then, Captain Bob Loft and Flight Engineer Dan Ripo have been seen by crew members on at least twenty other Eastern Tristans.

Most of these visions, reported by highly qualified aviators who can hardly be suspected of being panic-stricken, were on aircraft using parts and equipment taken from Flight 401. Many of those who claimed to have seen the ghosts of Loft and Ripo, knew both of them personally.

Now let's go to Hollywood. With over 25 million Americans claiming to have seen ghosts, it's no surprise that many Hollywood stars have experienced the supernatural as well. Actress Elkie Sommer bought a house in Beverly Hills that turned out to be haunted, though she didn't know it until she moved in.

It all started when she and Joe Hyams had just moved into the house. Lying in the bedroom, they heard an incomprehensible noise coming from below, from the living room. This happened every night. But a few weeks later they were awakened by a loud knock on the bedroom door. Hyams jumped out of bed and opened the door - no one and nothing, except for thick black smoke billowing from below. He ran down the stairs in horror - the living room was engulfed in flames. Nobody knows for sure what happened. The mediums explained to the spouses that the ghost probably decided to play a joke with the fire, but then changed his mind and ran upstairs to warn them.

Oscar winner Ellen Burstyn, who played in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, also met a ghost, and this ghost turned out to be a friendly acquaintance of hers. It happened shortly after the death of Lee Strasberg, the famous mentor of the actors. In 1981, Ellen was visiting the widow of the deceased. She was already falling asleep when his ghost appeared and spoke. “I suddenly felt that someone touched me on the shoulder, and Lee appeared. He told me: “Be courageous. Yes, mourn, but death is the continuation of life, not the end of it.”

James Brolin experienced even more unpleasant moments while filming The Amityville Horror. He claims that even the shooting of the film itself took place in some kind of ominous atmosphere. James recalls: “Already on the first day of filming, I went into the elevator in the house where I lived and pressed the button for the first floor. Halfway down the elevator suddenly stopped between floors with a terrible creak. The light flickered and went out, and I found myself in terrible darkness. I screamed and called for help, but no one heard me. It was a terrible moment. In deathly silence and darkness, terrible thoughts crawl into my head. The minutes felt like an eternity.” Half an hour later, the elevator continued on its way down. It was only on set that James Brolin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, the film that Brolin starred in was far scarier than any story that had ever happened to the actor. The Amityville Horror script is still considered one of the most terrifying in world cinema. The horror story that inspired the best-selling novel and film began on a November night in 1974, when twenty-three-year-old Ronald de Feo brutally massacred his entire family, murdering six members of his family, one by one, in six bedrooms in the House, located in the suburb of Long -Island.

Thirteen months later, topographer Lutz and his family moved into this very house. But after twenty-eight days, the new tenants hurried to part with their purchase. They couldn't take it anymore. Green mud constantly oozed through the walls of the house. It was swarming with flies. Doors fell off their hinges on their own. In the living room, the sounds of jazz were heard every now and then. Grunting pig snouts appeared in the windows. In the end, the family, which had small children, could not withstand this terrible onslaught of evil spirits and, leaving everything, went on the run.

The terrifying influence of otherworldly forces was experienced by the Englishman Matthew Manning. In 1967, something strange suddenly began to happen in the house where he lived with his parents. His father Derek noticed that every time he put a silver mug on the shelf, it ended up on the floor. Over the next few weeks, some items were found in places other than where they had been left. Gradually, the anxiety experienced by the owners about this, grew into superstitious fear. Heavy objects such as tables and chairs began to move and turn over.

Matthew, in his book The Connection, described some creepy experience: “I went to bed ... Suddenly, a terrible creak was heard from the side of the closet, which lasted for half a minute. Listening, I turned on the lamp and saw with horror that the cabinet was moving from the wall in my direction. After moving about eighteen inches, the cupboard stopped. As soon as I turned off the light, my bed shook wildly. Then the shaking suddenly stopped, and I felt the bed lift almost a full foot off the floor. The next morning, a terrible mess reigned in the house, as after a massacre: overturned furniture lay around, paintings fell from the walls, the table turned upside down, the floor was littered with household utensils and dishes. Further events took on an increasingly sinister turn. Puddles of water began to appear on the floor, and, which is completely incomprehensible, inscriptions began to appear on the walls. One of the inscriptions warned: "Matthew, beware!"

Unbelievable, but true: when Matthew left for the boarding school, the poltergeist moved there after him, and the strange things that happened to him in his parents' house now began to happen in the boarding school. And only in 1971, when Matthew, with the help of doctors, took care of his psyche, exercising and tempering it, the poltergeist phenomena gradually ceased.

However, not all poltergeist manifestations are so terrible. This is evidenced by the story that happened to Francis Martin and his family. In October 1963, Mr. Martin discovered a wet spot on the living room wall of his home in Methuen, Massachusetts. Suddenly there was a bang and a jet of water hit the wall. Water poured for twenty seconds. After several such sudden fountain eruptions, the alarmed family moved in with relatives in the house next door. But in the neighboring house, everything happened again - soon water gushed here too! They called the fire inspector, who carefully checked all the pipes in the house for leaks, but the pipes were intact. Not wanting to flood the relatives' home, the Martin family returned to their home. But first, they cut off the public water supply and drained water from all pipes. However, this did not help. The inexplicable gushing of water from the walls continued. The strange phenomenon recurred periodically for several weeks, until it suddenly stopped on its own, as if someone - or something - suddenly turned off the tap.

London ghosts. Although America is rich in ghosts, yet the most famous ghosts in the world live, apparently, in London. City, from back streets on the outskirts to the world famous places, such as the Tower, the Bank of England and Kensington Palace, literally filled with hundreds of spirits. The Bank of England, for example, is haunted by the Black Nun, a ghost that roams the bank garden. It is believed to be the ghost of Sarah Whitehead, the sister of former bank clerk Philip Whitehead, who was arrested in 1811 for forging checks. Whitehead was sentenced to death penalty, and his sister was so shocked by this tragedy that for the next twenty-five years she went to the bank every day and looked for her brother there. When Sarah Whitehead died, she was buried in the old church on the bank grounds, where a garden was later planted. Since then, for more than a hundred and fifty years, she has often been seen wandering here in an eternal search for her long-dead brother.

Probably the most famous and scary ghost in London lives in a house in Berkeley Square. It was reported to have frightened at least three people to death. In one case we are talking O small child, tortured or dying of fear in the children's room of the house in Berkeley Square. It is said that his wailing ghost sometimes appears here.

Another story tells of the ghost of a young woman who once lived in this house with her lustful uncle. Fleeing from his dirty harassment, she jumped out of the window of the upper floor. Eyewitnesses claim to have seen her ghost screaming from the window ledge.

The third story tells about the ghost of a terrible pale-faced man. At one time the house was empty, and two sailors decided to pass the night here. Suddenly they were awakened by the sound of footsteps on the stairs. Someone entered the room. Seeing him, one of the sailors, the poor fellow, was so frightened that he fell out of the window and fell to his death. Another sailor who survived this horror was later found on the street. He fainted from fear.

The house in Berkeley Square in Victorian times became so widely known that it became a place of pilgrimage for tourists. One very inquisitive citizen, Lord Littleton, even spent the night in a haunted room, armed with two guns loaded with buckshot and bullets made from silver sixpence pieces. The Lord believed that this guarantees him protection from evil spirits. He later said that he had to shoot at a ghost that rushed at him from the darkness. Littleton also claimed to have seen a woman who, after spending a night in the house, went insane.

It is said that during the long and sinister history of this house, two more people died here from fear. One day, in one of the haunted rooms, a maid was found crying hysterically on the floor. She was taken to St. George's Hospital, where she died the very next day. But when the maid was still alive, the doctors tried to ask her about the reasons for such a strong fright. She refused to talk about the experience, saying only that it was "so terrible" that it is indescribable. Soon after, a volunteer was found who agreed to spend the night in this room to find out what could have happened there. In the morning he was found dead, his eyes wide with terror. All this, however, happened quite a long time ago. Whatever devilry no one was in the house in Berkeley Square, she has not bothered anyone here for many years.

Another famous haunted place in London is the Theater Royal on Drury Lane. This ancient building, built three hundred years ago, is haunted by more than one ghost. The most famous of them is, of course, "The Man in Grey", which over the past two hundred years has been seen by dozens of frightened actors and theatergoers. He appears in breeches, a frock coat and a three-cornered hat, walks through the entire hall along the aisle between the chairs, then disappears through the wall. Sometimes the "Man in Gray" was seen sitting in one of the spectator chairs. They even say that his appearance before the performance is a harbinger of a successful performance. Most of the actors involved in the play "Dancing Years" claim to have seen "The Man in Gray" when they gathered on stage to take pictures.

According to theater historians, about a hundred years ago, a small room was discovered in this theater, in which they found the skeleton of a man with a knife sticking out between the ribs. It is believed that he was the victim of the theater manager. The ghost of comedy dancer Dan Lino also appears to be haunted here. In the mirror of the dressing room, which he used during performances, a face sometimes appears. Those who saw him claim that this is the face of Lino.

Strange incidents sometimes occur in the theater, confirming the assumption that ghosts are not fiction at all. Some actors said that on stage they felt the tremors of "invisible hands", and Michael Crawford said that in one difficult stage episode he was helped by someone's hand. The theatrical archivist George Gore claimed that as he left his office, invisible hands were pulling on his coat.

The Drury Lane Theater is perhaps the most famous, but not the only one haunted. It turns out that ghosts live in five more theaters. Among them is the spirit of John Buckstone, whose appearance also guarantees the success of the play. Buckstone, an actor and director of the Haymarket Theatre, was a favorite of Queen Victoria. His ghost, quite friendly, according to eyewitnesses, appears in one of the boxes of the theater, and the door of his old dressing room opens and closes by itself. The Haymarket is also haunted by the ghost of Henry Field, who was an actor and theater manager in the 18th century. The Colosseum Theater is haunted by the ghost of a young World War I soldier. On each anniversary of his death, he takes a seat in the mezzanine. They say that he spent his last evening in London in this theater, the next day he went to war and was killed.

Royal ghosts In London there are ghosts for every taste - from clowns to kings. Lots of people in different years claimed to have seen the face of King George II in the window above the main entrance to Kensington Palace. They say that before his death, the king looked out the window at the weather vane in the hope that the wind was about to change its direction and become favorable for ships carrying important dispatches from Germany, which he loved so much. These dispatches George II longed to read before the hour of his death. But on October 25, 1760, he died without waiting for the wind to change. And until now, as eyewitnesses say, the sad pale face of George II no, no, yes, and will appear in the window to look at the weather vane.

Of course, the story of the famous London ghosts cannot be considered exhaustive without mentioning the Tower, where a fair number of strange events took place over the centuries. One of the most amazing reports of unexplained phenomena came from Edward Swift, who was custodian of the royal treasures for almost forty years before retiring in 1852.

Swift recalled that one day, in October 1817, they were having dinner with the whole family in the living room of the treasure chamber, when a very strange vision suddenly appeared before their eyes: “a cylindrical body like a glass test tube” hung in the air above their table for about two minutes. Suddenly, this test tube, which, according to Swift's description, was filled with a thick blue-white liquid, slowly floated around the table. Mrs. Swift screamed, “Oh God! It grabbed me!" Then Swift jumped up and swung his chair at a strange object. In the blink of an eye, the mysterious vial vanished. Incredibly, neither Swift's son nor daughter-in-law saw this "test tube"!

According to eyewitnesses, the most striking and terrible vision observed in the Tower is the scene of the execution of the Countess of Salisbury, beheaded by order of King Henry VIII. This vision appears only on the anniversary of the execution. Eyewitnesses testify that the countess is seen very clearly, her insane cries are heard when the ghost of the executioner comes to her. After the execution, the terrible vision disappears.

Not surprisingly, most of the ghosts of the Tower of London live in the Bloody Tower. Here appear two little princes, King Edward V and his younger brother Richard, Duke of York. They were killed on the orders of Richard, Duke of Gloucestershire, who later became King Richard III. Their ghosts have been seen many times wandering hand in hand in an eternal search for peace. The headless body of Anna Bolin, one of several executed wives of King Henry VIII, was seen in different places Tower of London. Field Marshal Count Grenfell served as a young lieutenant in the Tower. Once he reported that he saw the ghost of Anna at the walls of the royal chambers, where she languished on the night before her execution. Grenfell said that her decapitated body appeared in front of him and he lost consciousness. But the authorities did not believe the young lieutenant and assumed that he was drunk. Later at the tribunal, when other guards confirmed his little resemblance to the truth story, Grenfell was acquitted.

The most famous ghosts in history

We hear about ghosts all the time and not only in fiction or cinema. Oh no, from time to time messages from them reach us in the form of rumors, or slip in the news.

Yes, it’s a sin to hide almost everyone in their life at least once faced with a strange event or phenomenon. Many of which can be attributed to ghosts.

True, most of them, of course, have rational explanation but most agree not all. There are cases that cannot be explained by anything other than paranormal phenomena.

Here we offer to get acquainted with some of the most famous ghosts. Of course, the list will not be complete, because in different corners world, have their famous habitats and famous spirits.

However, the list is not small. Who knows which of the ghosts presented here is real and who is not. The best way check, see with your own eyes.

And so which of the ghosts deserved world fame:

- Slave from the Myrtle Plantation- this plantation and mansion still exist and are famous among otherworldly seekers.

The fact is that at least two ghosts live here, the slave of the poisoner who took revenge on the owner, but who by mistake killed his wife and daughters with poison. She was hanged for this and she. The second ghost is just the youngest daughter who fell from her hands. He is usually seen in the mirrors in the house.

This spirit lives in Illinois. small town Justit, for more than eight decades, has been replenished from time to time with cases of meeting a blue-eyed blonde young girl who asks her to be picked up on the side of the road.

She calls herself Mary and always wears White dress. When drivers give her a ride, she always disappears at the Resurrection Cemetery.

- in fact, there are several such ships, but the most famous of them is the “Flying Dutchman”, he was launched in 1641 and disappeared the same year, after his captain Hendrik van der Decken went to the most terrible storm around the Cape of Good Hope.

The ship was never seen again, but its ghost began to appear in that area next to other ships, and then disappear without a trace.

- this woman went down in history, her fate was very tragic but bright. Second wife of King Henry VIII of England, mother of the future Queen Elizabeth I.

Three years after the wedding, she was accused of incest and witchcraft. The verdict was execution, after which the ghost of the queen was seen more than once in several old churches, as well as castles in London. According to some, however, this is not one ghost, but several.

- not very big city of Coronado in California, has one hotel created in the Victorian style.

Horrifyingly, the lodger Kate Morgan, who moved in, was found shot to death on the path that led to the sea.

Apparently she shot herself, and her spirit never found peace. Since mystical things began to happen in the hotel.

In particular, some guests claimed to have seen the ghost of a woman.

- yes, yes, all King fans will remember The Shining. It is thanks to this work that the hotel became famous.

- This ghost lives in the English Castle. According to legend, this woman, whose name was Sarah Wyhead.

She is looking for her brother, who was once accused of counterfeiting bank checks. This was such a big shock that even after death she continues to look for him.

- is considered one of the most terrible in London. This ghost or ghosts is in the form of a girl or a little boy.

And they say it can bring with its presence to such an attack of fear that people risk their lives, face it.

This is only a small part of the huge list of famous ghosts, which, moreover, is gradually replenished. You can learn about other famous ghosts in other articles on the site.