Why dream of terrible dreams? If a terrible dream dreamed.

Why dream of terrible dreams? If a terrible dream dreamed.
Why dream of terrible dreams? If a terrible dream dreamed.

How to behave if you dreamed horrible dream or nightmare? What do terrible dreams and nightmare mean? What if you had a bad dream? Can terrible dreams and nightmares affect real life? Read the article below.

But how to clean myself and your aura? Can be used . You can go to the temple and there with prayers to remove "energy vampires" - a sucking essence or entity. You can refer to a professional.

But first of all, after waking up from such a "sticky" sleep, beware of hosted water or water, over which, read 33 times the prayer "Our Father" or any mantra 108 times. Also make a few sips of this water. You can light the candle or incense.

It is worth saying: regular reading of prayers, mantras, regular cleansing of space and purity emotional - no offense, painful and unjustified expectations, any others Negative emotions - clean and strengthen your field so much that no essence is already trying to you. You just do not have to ask yourself a question that should be done if you dreamed a bad dream. You will see rainbow beautiful dreams! Prayers, mantras and methods of cleansing themselves and spaces are looking for the same blog: to the right in the heading column and are called what they did not find - there is a search form. Good luck to you on your way!

As for good dreams: there are such! They just need to memorize, and even better - to write. If what you dreamed, you would like to get in real life, waking up, tell me: "Let it be so!". Or just: "So! So! So!". You will symbolically give your consent to a similar event in your life.

Good dreams! And the question of filling : How do you react to bad dreams and good? What do you feel more often? Do not greed, tell us in the comments!

With love, field joy

Many at least once in life had to experience fear in front of nightmares.

Waking up in a cold sweat, with eyes expanded from fear, a man in the smallest detail remembers his horror disturbed. So why do scary dreams dream?

What are nightmares?

Nightmare is realistic terrible, frightening dreamwhich causes a person to wake up among the nights.

As a rule, nightmares occur during the periods of the rapid sleep phase, so the nightmare is sharply interrupted, sleep awakens frightened, it can remember his sleep in detail.

In such a state man quickly comes to yourselfmay feel certain vigor.

Nightmalls are a consequence of brain activity. In this way, a person is experiencing negative emotions, stress, bad impressions, solves some of their internal questions and conflicts.

Permanent nightmares can lead to inappropriate, headache, depressed, feeling anxiety ,.

I wonder what creative people see nightmares much more often The rest, thanks to their rapid imagination.

How do you manifest?

Nightmalls are manifested by the fact that a person wakes up among the night from a strong frightement, may scream (in a dream or even after awakening). Cold sweat is highlighted, heartbeat is rapidly, pressure can increase.

If the nightmare strongly reflected on the sleep, the scared state can still be saved for some time. It becomes difficult to fall asleep, because of which it can occur.

If nightmares are disturbing every day, then the man feels fatigue, constantly not falling out, He can disturb the alarming thoughts, pursue certain fears.

Such a state can lead to depression and other disorders.

When nightmares "come" in the fast sleep phase, then the awakening understands that it was just a terrible dream, calm down during this period easier.

With a phase of deep sleep is much more complicated. Waking up, a person may not understand where is located, it comes to myself quite a long time.

It is accompanied by drowsiness, increased pressure, feeling of cold, severe heartbeat. In this phase it's more difficult to remember what led to fright.

What are terrible dreams? What do they mean? 10 worst dreams:


For each person its concept of terrible dreams. Someone dreams something really terrifying He shouts in a dream, wakes up all in tears, and for someone this dream would not seem so frightening.

After all, all people are different, everyone has their own fears and experiences.

But there are several "Universal" nightmares, which will make any person, at least, flinch.

  • fall in black abyss, or fall from: Many people claim that they dreamed, as they fly somewhere into the emptiness and wake up before what they should crash;
  • Someone close: most at least once in life, it dreamed that a close and beloved person dies;
  • animal attack: Such a dream is really scarets, especially if a person is very afraid of dogs, and he dreams that he bites the flock of these animals;
  • natural disasters;
  • dreams about dead relatives;
  • strange people in masks: most people say that they are periodically shot by characters in strange masks, or in strange clothes.

What nightmares are usually shot to people? Find out of the video:

Why do people scream in a dream from fear?

Sometimes there are really terrible and frightening dreams that the person survived once and that greatly appeared on his mind or subconscious. Such dreams can cause a cry in the middle of the night, a strong fright and panic.

Exists a few reasonsFor which a person can shout in a dream:

Causes of nightmarish dreams

What is the dreams of nightmaresFrom which you wake up:

Frequently dreaming bad dreams - what does it mean?

If nightmares are disturbing often or constantly - this may indicate that there is some kind of problemwhich man tries to ignore and avoid in every way.

In this case, it is worth understanding that it needs to be immediately solved. Because nightmares will pursue the sleeping not yet one night in a row.

Nightmares. Commentary of the psychologist:

How to get rid of?

What to do to not dream nightmares? Tips of the psychologist:

Same thing every night

What to do, if dream of one and the same nightmare every night?

If the same dream bothers every night, then it is worth come true that the subconscious is trying to say that there is a problem for which a person simply closes his eyes.

In our life often happens so that we don't want to solve something Or are afraid to do it. At the same time, it bothers us. And it does not matter, on a conscious or subconscious level.

As a rule, all our fears and experiences are poured into our dreams.

When a man is too long runs from the problemShe can scatter him in the form of a nightmare.

If the same dream bothers a lot of nights in a row, then you should admit that the problem exists. It is necessary to find the courage to solve it, look at the fear right in the eye, then the nightmare will disappear in itself.

What if the child is tormented by nightmares?

When the kid is shot by nightmares, it is necessary to watch and figure out how often it happens. If this happens not often, then worried about nothing.

Nightmalls are a norm for still faded child nervous system. With age it will pass.

But if nightmares are a rather frequent phenomenon for a child, it is worth paying attention to this problem.

First you need contact a specialist. It will help determine the cause. Next, he will explain what to do and how to deal with them.

the main thing, what should be done:

Why are terrible dreams in a child? About, how mom can helpIn the video:

What is the benefit?

It would seem, what benefit can the nightmares can bring. But they can really be useful.

In nightmares, a person can experience the consequences of an injury that left the imprint on his emotional state. Thus, he splashes all his negative emotions in a dream.

During the turning point of human life, nightmares as if help to go to a new level. As a rule, such dreams, though terrible, but have ending and often favorable.

Nightmares may testify about the presence of a problem about which a person may not suspect. In such a way, dreams help to find out and solve it.

Nightmalls are always scary and unpleasant. Linding them, you should not be afraid and closed in yourself.

Need to understand that it's just a dream, not a reality. It is worth a deeper to look into your dreams, maybe they want to say what will help get rid of problems.

What do nightmare dreams mean:

Dreams see everything, but not everyone remembers. However, the terrible sleep is remembered much better than "ordinary" - therefore sometimes it seems that people are more likely to see bad dreams than good.

By the way, not all terrible dreams are nightmares, some of the unpleasant visions of Somologians (doctors who study the human dream) are called "night fear." These terrible dreams are at different stages of night rest. The rapid sleep phase is the part of the "Sleepy Cycle", during which nightmares usually come: these are plot dreams that can be called "horror films". Awakening, a person almost remembers anything, but the feeling of fear is imprinted in his memory.

Often awakening after nightmarish dreams due to emission of adrenaline is accompanied by rapid heartbeat and abundant sweating. Often, people in such cases wake up from their own voices, because they scream.

Deep sleep phase after midnight - time when night fears may appear in dreams. A similar plot dreams for a very short time - literally two or three minutes, - however, due to its saturation, it produces an extremely painful impression on a person, and often drives sleeping in a strong fright.

Why do we all from time see terrible dreams? Why do they dream often, and others do not see them at all? There is still no unambiguous response to this question, scientists call different reasons that can provoke nightphalings and nightmares:

  • Psychological crisis.
  • Stress.
  • Depression.
  • Overwork.
  • Diseases of mental or neurological properties.
  • Reception of certain drugs.
  • Improper nutrition (use before bedtime fat or acute food, overeating).
  • Alcohol.
  • Hidden disease.
  • Emotional shock or severe impressionable.

Scary dreams can even serve a man even a good service. For example, suggest what exactly the problem is to decide to improve your well-being and mood. The main thing is to correctly interpret the "horror stories" that we will dream.

Methods of struggle

Why do we dream of frightening visions? Dream Interpretation finds a lot of explanations, but most often it is a banal stress. What to do if the cause of stress is the work? It is necessary to organize breaks for resting the day, try to maximize the evening from serious things.

What else can I do to avoid insidious stress, because of which frightening visions are they? Less conflict with others, not to communicate with uncompatient people, to be only in those places where you are comfortable. Before bedtime, it is worth listening to calm music or light an aromatic candle.

To eliminate the influence on your dreams of food factors, it is not necessary during dinner there is a fatty and acute food, you do not need to argue overnight. Alcohol abuse also does not contribute to healthy and calm sleep. It is better to limit ourselves to ferocular products or fruits.

Rituals help and rituals - when you keep them in the evening. You can arrange one and the same cosmetic procedure every evening, or iron a cat, or take a shower before bed - the main thing that the ritual was the same. In addition, if your bedding is uncomfortable, you need to replace them.

If you are an impressionable nature, do not look at the night of the TV, close the windows with tight curtains and make you not bothered outside sounds. After all, what we dream is very much depends on such stimuli, like light and sounds.

What else should be done to normalize sleep, it is for a walk in the fresh air, at least half an hour a day. If a terrible dream is repeated, you need to examine the doctor - perhaps a dream - a symptom of some disease. If you take medicines that can break your dream, it is also worth consulting with the doctor if they drink them further.

You can talk with someone from your loved ones about your dreams - in conversation you will be able to understand that you are worried about why you will have such dreams. If such a method of "psychotherapy" does not lead to anything, then it will be better to turn to a professional psychologist.

Waiting and interpretation

When a terrible dream had dreamed, it could be the beneficial work of our subconscious. Why beneficial? Because so we are easier to cope with psychological injuries, drove deep into the experiences and restore spiritual forces. Repeating terrible plots can tell what our problem has become, and even - what to do to solve it.

Why and what we dream of a bad dream will help to understand the psychological dream book. This dream book emphasizes not on the national tradition, namely on the psychological aspect of dreams and on what we can do to get out of the current situation.

Why, for example, a person dreams of such a plot: he stuck in the swamp and can't get out? Dream Interpretation replies: Sleeping is not enough independence in making decisions, you need to make more responsibility for yourself.

What dreams of a nightmare in which sleeping sink? Dream interpretation answers: the dreams is too emotional, and it does not go for good, it is worth a little to press emotions, and the relationship with others will be applied. He dreamed that they turned out to be naked on the square or in another inappropriate situation - the psychological dream book believes that it is necessary to work on improving self-esteem.

What dreams fall from a big height and fly into the abyss? Dream Interpretation gives an answer to this question: probably now in real life you lack support for loved ones.

If you had a terrible dream of a woman during pregnancy, he can especially scare a future mother. Hormonal restructuring of the body during pregnancy, increased emotionality and impressionability can lead to the fact that dreams will turn into nightmares.

Future mothers look into the dream book, looking for the cause, forgetting that during pregnancy, any impressions may cause strong reactions of the body. By the way, the dream book, interpreting the experience of women during pregnancy, also speaks more about the psychological state of a woman, and not about what a nightmare is dreaming ".

Childhood fears

A special case of nightmares are terrible dreams in children. Psychologists say that if the child under eight years is starving nightmares - there is nothing that should make parents panic.

During sleep, the brain streamlines all the impressions that the child had to experience the day. In dreams, children are experiencing their daily fears and problems, the nervous system learns to cope with them. It is noticed that under the age of five years, terrible dreams are more likely to dream boys than girls.

With age, the emotional load, which you have to worry about the child increases and becomes the maximum when it comes to go school. However, if the bad dreams, from which a child with a cry wakes up and recalls not one day, will often dream, or the child dreams the same nightmare, parents need to take action. As in the case when terrible night visions do not stop in Chad after 12 years.

Kids may be afraid of darkness, thunderstorms, other people's people - all this will definitely manifest in a dream. It is worse when our own parents become a source of fears - their quarrels, clarifying relationships, the habit of frightening children something for "bad behavior." Features of nutrition or impending disease can also cause nightmares.

What else can scary visions from the kid can explain? The lack of a day mode is very important that the child goes to bed at the same time. And right before bedtime, children are not recommended to play movable noisy games or take a hot bath.

What to do so that the child does not wake up among the nights with screams from his imaginary vision? Children's psychologists say that you need to maximize children access to films and computer games that are not relevant to their age category.

The child, falling asleep, should feel protected, so you need to put a baby to sleep, read him for the night of books, talking to him. Rituals for kids are of great importance, therefore, in addition to the above, it is good if the child appears a plush "friend" with which he will fit to sleep.

If the nightmares have a child repeated, then it is necessary to find out why, what events are preceded by the fact that the baby is shot by bad dreams. And, of course, to exclude them from the life of your Chad.

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Dream book

Horrible dream

Dream Dream Son Dreamed, why dream of a terrible dream in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a terrible dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Why dream of terrible dreams?

Dreams are one of the most uncharted and mysterious areas of the human psyche. By the way, bad dreams are divided into nightmares and night fears. What is the difference between these concepts, what the scary dreams are dreaming - learn from this article.

To begin with, we suggest you understand the difference between night fears and nightmares. The nightmares occur in the rapid sleep phase and is a very complex plot, it can be a whole "film". Waking up, a person remembers very little, but the feeling of depression, fear and horror remain. It was during nightmares that a man wakes up in a cold sweat with screams and frequent heartbeat. In such a state, adrenaline emissions. Night fear is a dream resulting in the deep phase of sleep, about two hours after falling asleep - in the first half of the night. Such a dream takes about two minutes, has a short duration and simple plot, but, nevertheless, it can very much sleeping person. On the question of why terrible dreams are shot, scientists have not yet found the final answer. But it is already known that terrible dreams are shot by people during the psychological crisis. The main cause of nightmares and night fears is stress, overwork and depression. People with large psychological and nervous loads are most susceptible to such dreams. Sometimes people can chase the same nightmare for years. By the way, it is proved that often the cause of nightmares are the side effects of drugs. Also bad dreams may occur due to acute or fatty foods, overeating, obtained by day information, alcohol and disease.

What to do when there are scary dreams?

If you are subject to nightmares, it is a reason to think about what you need to contact a specialist. The psychologist will help to figure out for such dreams.

You can get rid of terrible dreams yourself, folk methods.

  1. Try in a dream to cope with what is happening or getting rid of your opponent. Learn to manage your dreams.
  2. Waking up, do not look right into the window and in the mirror. Say the following phrase: "Wherever the night, there and sleep gone."
  3. Tell us about your bad dream around you, so you "exchange" it.
  4. Try to "work out" bad sleep - for this you need to partially implement it into reality, to repeat some moments in reality.

All of these means can only reduce the effects of terrible dreams, but will not be able to prevent them.

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what does every dream mean

What dreams of terrible dreams

What dreams of a nightmare

American dream book

Nightmares - should be perceived as a positive experience. They allow us to work with unresolved problems of real life that we are trying to prevent consciousness. These problems harm us at all levels of life, including health and relationships. Imagine what is returned to the nightmare, and lose it in the imagination several times. Change the plot of dreams so that the outcome is in your favor. This will help heal the areas of your soul that have become a source of nightmare.

English Dream

If you dream of a heavy nightmare, about which you can't remember without shudding - this is a sign that you are under the influence of a stupid and careless person who can spoil your life if you do not protect yourself.

Vedic dream book from Sri Swami Shivananda

Nightmare - This dream says that you manipulate stupid people. Be careful and attentive with them.

Newest dream book

Wake up from the seen nightmare - to the disease of the heart, it makes sense to be examined by a doctor. You should pay attention to your heart. Do not sleep on your back!

Psychoanalytic dream book

Nightmare - expresses an intense mental conflict, which is most likely concentrated on some forms of depressed sexual desires. These desires are practically not realized, accompanied by fear that turns erotic dreams into a nightmare. Fear, which is the basis for the experience of the nightmare, is associated with the inner complex of guilt, often emanating from the ban and suppress the desire. Pressure on the chest, chest, leading to severe breathing or limited movements. Submission in the act of sexual intercourse in which the individual plays a passive role. Sadism and aggression. Combination of love with a sense of guilt and fear. If the desire is incessive, then a strong sense of inner guilt can be associated with a punishment expressed in impotence. In a certain area, the dismantling incubation turns out to be successful, reflecting and facilitating the guilt, if it is loaded with religious rites contributing to the transfer of sin on a particular demon. And the process itself does not change, only words change: Libido is a slit demon, before which the individual does not feel responsibility. It is not necessary to detect a source of an unsolvable conflict, so all items are known and are presented in the symbolic or in real form. As well as the fear of darkness, fear can be scattered by working out the symbolic essence of the figures and emotions of dreams.

Early childhood nightmares, found or repeating at middle age - belong to the traumatic experience of birth.

Family dream book

A nightmare - dream of disputes and failures in affairs. A young woman has a similar dream - a disappointment and unkought neglect. This dream can also be a warning: caution should be cautious about health and nutrition.

Modern dream book

If nightmares are tormented in a dream - it foreshadows disagreements and failures in commercial affairs. A young woman is such a dream - it will proper disappointment and undeserved disrespect.

Also nightmares - can warn the dream to be careful to his health and was more picking up in food.

Dream 2012.

A nightmare is a message of many useful information about the mental and physical state of the dream.

You can not succumb to fear, it is necessary to deal with the article "Why does scary dreams dream and how to get rid of them?") And thank your subconscious mind (Higher "I") for help.

Dream of the XXI century

Nightmares - dreaming of unfavorable events, followed by failures in business and belling with loved ones. Young woman This dream will break up disappointment.

If the nightmares were tormented in a dream - it means that she should be strengthened by his health and be legible in food.

Dream interpretation for lovers

If the girl is shot by nightmares who upset her psyche - this means that her interests will neglect the beloved person and it will be disappointed in love.

Dance Deniz Lynn

Nightmares - report many useful information, and we must be grateful to them for those messages that they bear to us. They allow us to deal with those unresolved problems that we used to turn away during wakefulness and try to prevent consciousness. These unresolved problems affect all aspects of our lives, including harm health and relationships. If you dream of a repeating nightmare, try to remember it in the afternoon, return to the nightmare, losing it in imagination several times, and find out all the information that he carries in itself. Try to change its outcome and some details. This will help you to heal the areas of your soul that cause this nightmare and his refund.

Dream interpretation for bitch

Nightmare - disputes with relatives and close people, failures and annoying blunders at work, disappointment in the beloved person because of his careless attitude towards you, and be attentive to what you eat and drink.

Constantly repeating nightmare - try to watch sleep to the end and try to present a happy finale.

Dmitry Dream and Winter Dream

Any nightmare in a dream is always a consequence of nervous overvoltage and. Reflection of your negative emotions. It seems that in some matters you look at life too gloomily, and this negative does not give you peace in a dream. Try to look at things with a light side, and nightmare will leave you.

Dream Miller

To see in a dream that the disgusting nightmares are put on you - means disputes and failures in business.

Young woman is a dream - a disappointment and undesuned neglect. It can also be a warning for a woman who saw this dream: be careful with your health and food.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dreams that cause strong negative emotions, after which you wake up in the cold sweat and with a happy sense of relief is aware that everything that you see and experienced only, that, it is unrealistic, that is, it happened with you without revealing - such dreams, naturally, do not fore Good, but at the same time can serve as a warning if you perceive them in such a aspect.

Dream Sightmill, what dreams of a nightmare in a dream to see

Psychoanalytic dream book Dream Interpretation: Sightmill to see in a dream

A nightmare - a nightmare expresses an intensive mental conflict, which is most likely concentrated on some forms of depressed sexual desires. These desires are practically not realized, accompanied by fear that turns erotic dreams into a nightmare. Fear, which is the basis for the experience of the nightmare, is associated with the inner complex of guilt, often emanating from the ban and suppress the desire. Pressure on the chest, chest, leading to severe breathing or limited movements. Submission in the act of sexual intercourse in which the individual plays a passive role. Sadism and aggression. Combination of love with a sense of guilt and fear. If the desire is incessive, then a strong sense of inner guilt can be associated with a punishment expressed in impotence. In a certain area, the dismantling incubation turns out to be successful, reflecting and facilitating the guilt, if it is loaded with religious rites contributing to the transfer of sin on a particular demon. And the process itself does not change, only words change: Libido is a slit demon, before which the individual does not feel responsibility. It is not necessary to detect a source of an unsolvable conflict, so all items are known and are presented in the symbolic or in real form. As well as the fear of darkness, fear can be scattered by working out the symbolic essence of the figures and emotions of dreams. Early childhood nightmares, found or repeated at middle age, belong to traumatic birthday experience, according to the dream book - a predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century What dreams of a nightmare?

The nightmare - nightmares will dream of unfavorable events, followed by failures in matters and belling with loved ones. Young woman This dream will break up disappointment. If the nightmares were tormented in a dream - it means that she should be strengthened by his health and be legible in food.

Dream Interpretation of the psychologist Miller What dreams of a nightmare:

A nightmare is to see in a dream that the disgusting nightmares are put on you, means disputes and failures in matters. Young woman This dream will proper disappointment and undeserved neglect. It can also be a warning for a woman who saw this dream: be careful with your health and food.

Vedic dream book Dream Interpretation: a nightmare to see in a dream

Nightmare - This dream says that you manipulate stupid people. Be careful and attentive with them.

Horror in dreams

Dreams are kind, cute, causing a smile, and sometimes we have horrors. What dreams like this and what our subconscious is warned about, sending such dreams, know dreams. Let's remember that specifically we scared us in a dream, and we will be interpreted.

Dream Miller

The dream book Gustuus Miller tells that the terrible dreams man sees when there is quarrels and difficulties in his life. For a young girl, nightmares mean disappointment and neglect, which will be collapsed undeservedly. But if this dream is a pregnant woman, then she should exclude conflicts and trace their diet.

Watch Horands - Unusual Entertainment

Did a terrible dream after watching the horror movie? Here everything is simple - your psyche experienced a shock on the eve, and as a result you saw horrors also in a dream. But if you did not look at any horrors, then you should be prepared for someone will offer you not quite ordinary entertainment. Think a hundred times before agreeing, recommends Lunar Dream.

You see that you are watching the horror movie TV, although in reality you did not do this, and shout from the horror you saw - you should not start anything new and refrain from extreme entertainment.

Testing inhuman fear - to silly mistakes

I dreamed that you, walking on the dark street, are experiencing strong fear because of the rustles and shadows around you - in reality you are worried about something wrong and now your mistakes will "come sideways".

Testing a panic horror in a dream for unknown reasons - to make the wrong choice. And if this dream during pregnancy is that it says that a woman who is a child is subject to the influence of hormones, so different horrors wonder.

Dreamed that you were amented in a panic and shout like insane? Know: Stubbornness is a bad assistant in affairs that require a constructive approach. Learn to listen to the arguments of others in order not to make ridiculous errors.

Be a source of nightmares, or you are waiting for despondency

To see himself a hero of a horror film, and in the image of a nightmarish character - to sadness and despondency, suggests the dream of Pastor Loffa.

Not quite a good interpretation of sleep, in which you see that the passersby is scattered from you and screaming - wherever you go, you will be tested everywhere bad news that are directly related to you.

He dreamed that you were deliberately dressed up in something terrible and look horror on people - if you do not take yourself in your hands and you will not start responding for your actions, you are depressed, shares the information for women's dream book.

Fearless, as a symbol of struggle and victory

If in his dream you managed to overcome a stupor, having met with a monster - a victory awaits you outside the world of night dreams.

Fighting with panic and horror that covered you in a dream is a sign of the presence of leadership qualities in you, prompts the modern dream book.

To see some terrible creature in your house, but not to feel horror - nothing will stop you in the struggle for your ideas and desires.

If you happened in your nightly Gresses to see people with an expression of horror on the face, creating chaos and mess - you are waiting for a serious struggle with a rival, which is stronger than you.

What a terrible dream dreams. No horror with fictional heroes, but simply from life. See VN.

Arthur Hydarov

It is probably a disease ..

Irina Evtushenko

Scary dreams usually dreams to warn a person about the danger of various kinds. Wooden house dreams of certain restrictions in your life. Cats and dog usually reflect your friends, and since they are dead, then they need your help in something. Worms for illness.

See in a dream dead - unfavorable sign. To see the worms in dream means that intrigue intrigues of the mercenary acquaintances.

Ksenia Romanova.

If you dream of a dead one of your loved ones - a dream is a warning: you must stand for some kind of test, maybe even loss. To hear the voice of a deceased friend in a dream - to the bad news. A man seeing a dream about death, such a dream is sent as a warning. Talking in a dream with the deceased father is the urge to carefully think over the starting case, all related operations. Sleep warns of intrigues plotted by someone against you. Men and women after such sleep should, with more judgment, think about their behavior, take a reputation. The conversation in a dream with the deceased mother is perceived as a call to control their inconsistencies, pay attention to health. The conversation with the deceased brother is a sign that someone needs your help and compassion. If someone deceased is to you in a dream cheerful and lively - this means that you incorrectly organized your life that such serious mistakes that will have an impact on all of your fate, unless you mobilize the will to eliminate them. If in a conversation with a deceased relative, he tries to pull out you some promise - the warning is that you have to resist the coming disintegration, the period of decline in affairs and more carefully listen to the wise advice. Voice in a dream, belonging to the deceased relative, is the only real form of warning sent by the external force from a close future, which our sleeping brain can perceive. Paracelsa, we find advice with great attention to what they say to us in a dream the appearances of dead loved ones: Sleeping can get even tips from the dead in a dream, and experience shows that their use brought the desired results; The shadow of the deceased person close to us just awakens the sleeping sections of the brain, causing knowledge of knowledge to life.

Why will the terrible dreams dream?

I think this is a biased response. Scary dreams can dream depending on the position of the body, if something hurts: for example, if the heart hurts and sleep on the left side.

And so actually, terrible dreams will dream due to the voltage of the nervous system, I think. If the horror movie look before bed, for example

when you worry, then it is often .. or worry about something

Most often from experiences. But they can also warn about something.

We hope for the best and worst, these feelings are inseparable, their combination is absolutely natural for a normal person. And if you have scary dreams, it suggests that, surviving his fears (including those that you do not even suspect) in a dream, you extend them, win. A dreamy nightmare is not proof that you have a base for excitement (by the way, there are always such grounds and absolutely in all, as well as the grounds for hope), but the evidence of deliverance from the subconscious fear.

Scary, and sometimes frightening us dreams usually dream due to difficulties and problems in humans (test work for example, but most often with more serious: the death of a close relative, a quarrel, parting with a guy, etc.). When we dream of dreams, the brain seems to recycle the information that worries us. But there are both legless dreams when a person dreams what is waiting for him in the future, on the subconscious, he understands it perfectly well and feels)

the subconscious breaks, if something goes wrong, worry, stress, or even the usual failure, all this can cause terrible dreams.

Ekaterina Bochagova

Adrenaline in real life is missing.

Help what to do is not to dream nightmares?

xx xx

every time in front of bedtime, rubbing the eyelids garlic. Nightmares as a hand remove. True and sleep will not))

Do not eat at night.

Anya Orekhova

not to night

you do not think that they are for you to dream every night

To the psychotherapist go. Even if it does not help with nightmares, it will be nice to just chat))))))

Personal Cabinet Delos

you need to find the cause of which they dream and get rid of it!

Turik Termit.

One doctor said that one of the reasons for nightmares is not a grip of vitamins.

Look before bedtime, something erotic might and the topic of dreams will change.

Alexandra Schroeder

Try to walk to a psychologist. There are special methods of working with nightmares.

Another option: now holidays up to 10 numbers and this is a great opportunity to stay with you. Relax more, look for a positive in life, more often walk, go to the park of the protein fits)))) drink your favorite tea, we can wear your favorite clothes, etc. Relax and gradually thoughts will come in order.

In general, if you consider nightmares, the internal conflicts are solved through them, problems I.T.D. And no matter how a terrible sleep was, it was the path of unconscious to find a solution in a situation that you may not even realize. Therefore, the solution is on the way

Third option-creativity: anyone, because it is another way to express the unconscious-draw, write poems, lay a diary and write the first thing that comes to mind (then you can throw it out if you wish it) a good way to create a collage. Take a bunch of magazines, different materials and create it on any topic. For example: it's me. And express your inner world on the sheet of Watman.

Fourth variant, take a leaflet with a handle. Hold the most bright detail in the nightmare .. and several in turn to each pick up a bunch of associations. For example: Bright detail-run. Movement .. etc. Write without stopping, until you feel that it is (.) This value. Associations may not be completely related, but for you there is a lot of meaning not to be realized, trust yourself. Gradually decrypt sleep.

I hope you will succeed.

Andrew Malugin.

:)))) One hundred grams of brandy before bedtime.)))) And even if they decline further. then, then 200 grams. And you win them :))))

Vladimir Podolsky

It helps well: 1stole spoon of honey is not very hot water for 20 - 30 minutes before sleep. Sleep will be deeper, though almost the demon dreams. If you drink honey with cold water, the opposite effect will be observed, the sleep will be shallow, if you fall out at all!) For an hour before sleep, it is necessary to accept (weakly contrast shower), and honey should be real! Try it will definitely help! Checked many times, different people! Happy New Year!

He myself suffer. The dreams are constantly shot (not only nightmares). In the morning you get up as if I did not sleep! Prescribed antidepressants. The dreams still dream, but some muddy and not terrible. But what to do I do not know. Every evening I lie down, I close my eyes and persuade myself that everything is good, everyone is healthy, I all had time and tomorrow will be a wonderful day. No matter how country it becomes easier and sleep without nightmares.

Relax. Better in nature. Without phones, without a computer. The brain "Excellent braking". Information in the Great Teller.

And the alarming state is always unpleasant. In particular, if this happens in a dream, when the subconsciousness is not able to adequately react and turns out to be absolutely unprotected from such a night "horror movie". But many people, not knowing why terrible dreams are dreaming, they do not know how to interpret them correctly. Therefore, after them, be sure to change in their lives and believe that they can be precursors of terrible upcoming problems. In order to know for sure that he may know that one or a dream, you need to be able to understand it correctly and listen to the prompts that are taught in his story.

Why dream nightmares?

Scary dreams can often be enjoyed if the on the day before the horror film was viewed either overflowing the stomach due to the satisted dinner eaten in the evening. In addition to these reasons, psychology specialists revealed a number of prerequisites for people with such visions.

These include stressful situations, nervous breakdowns and disorders, the specifics of the diet, the use of certain drugs or abuse of alcoholic beverages. Nightmares can also be a certain expression of any dissatisfied state or anxiety. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the present reason for which terrible dreams are shot.

If nightmares do not disappear, it means that the problem of repeating bad dreams lies somewhere deep in the subconscious of man. Then psychologists recommend analyzing the night "horror movie." But it is necessary to do this without waking up among the nights, and the day when a person feels more protected from these nightmares.

When can horror dreamed?

Scary dreams arise mainly deeply at night, while the most terrible phase lasts only a couple of minutes. But despite such a small duration, the human body for a dream reacts very violently. The heartbeat begins, throughout the body in some cases a shiver passes, so the dreams often wakes up with a cry and in

Many experts believe that a dreamy nightmare can be not only the reaction of subconscious on certain events in life, but also a signal that you need to think about the state of your health. Therefore, in order to unambiguously understand what to do when the terrible dreams are shot, you need to identify the problem of their occurrence.

Analysis of night horror

To begin, it is necessary to put the questions yourself: "What does she do not give peace?", "Why does this nightmare cause a feeling of anxiety?", "What exactly are these terrible dreams?"

What people can pursue dreams often symbolize a set of personality qualities of a person, as well as events, feelings and abilities that they are rejected in his real life. The main task of psychoanalysis of night horrors is to understand that it displaces and is not accepted in itself and subsequently can cause such a strong nightmare.

Nightmares can also help discover the already existing problem in the body, which a person did not suspect a reality.

If terrible dreams accompany the turning points in life, then in the end there should be a good junction. Since nightmares in this case show a person that he switched to a new degree of its development.

Thus, getting rid of deep psychological reasons, people not only can forever spread with terrible dreams, but also change their lives for the better.

Indescribable fear, a strong attack of panic and anxious state are always unpleasant. In particular, if this happens in a dream, when the subconsciousness is not able to adequately react and turns out to be absolutely unprotected from such a night "horror movie".

But many people, not knowing why terrible dreams are dreaming, they do not know how to interpret them correctly. Therefore, after them, be sure to change in their lives and believe that they can be precursors of terrible upcoming problems.

In order to know for sure that he may know that one or a dream, you need to be able to understand it correctly and listen to the prompts that are taught in his story.

Why dream nightmares?

Scary dreams can often be enjoyed if the on the day before the horror film was viewed either overflowing the stomach due to the satisted dinner eaten in the evening. In addition to these reasons, psychology specialists revealed a number of prerequisites for people with such visions.

These include stressful situations, nervous breakdowns and disorders, poor well-being, the specifics of the diet, the use of certain drugs or abuse of alcoholic beverages. Nightmares can also be a certain expression of any dissatisfied state or anxiety. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the present reason for which terrible dreams are shot.

If nightmares do not disappear, it means that the problem of repeating bad dreams lies somewhere deep in the subconscious of man. Then psychologists recommend analyzing the night "horror movie." But it is necessary to do this without waking up among the nights, and the day when a person feels more protected from these nightmares.

When can horror dreamed?

Scary dreams arise mainly deeply at night, while the most terrible phase lasts only a couple of minutes. But despite such a small duration, the human body for a dream reacts very violently. The heartbeat begins to get fat, throughout the body in some cases a shiver passes, so the dreams often wakes up with a cry and in cold sweat.

Many experts believe that a dreamy nightmare can be not only the reaction of subconscious on certain events in life, but also a signal that you need to think about the state of your health. Therefore, in order to unambiguously understand what to do when the terrible dreams are shot, you need to identify the problem of their occurrence.

Analysis of night horror

To begin, it is necessary to put the questions yourself: "What does she do not give peace?", "Why does this nightmare cause a feeling of anxiety?", "What exactly are these terrible dreams?"

What people can pursue dreams often symbolize a set of personality qualities of a person, as well as events, feelings and abilities that they are rejected in his real life. The task of psychoanalysis of night horrors is to understand that it is supplanted and not accepted in itself and subsequently can cause such a strong nightmare.

For example, if a person dreamed that he had a lion, it could mean that he would avoid manifesting his masculinity and aggression. This happens, since he is trying to behave according to the rules, inspired by him since childhood.

What to do if a nightmare dreamed?

In the event that a terrible dream was harmful, it is not necessary to be afraid and wait for something bad at once. Psychologists advise not to give terrible plots of great importance, but they cannot be completely ignored.

People are used to immediately after nightmares to seek interpretation to ordinary dreams. But it is worth remembering that there are always considered classical cases in which individual alarms and human experiences are not taken into account, as well as its current life situation. Therefore, bad dreams need to be deciphering in a different, listening to their inner feelings.

Interpretation of nightmares

In order to know what to do if terrible dreams are shot, you need to understand their meaning. For example, a nightmare in which the fire was hardened means that in his daily life a man is too careless with fire.

Natural disasters and various disasters can come in night dreams if people have a threat or perceive some events taking place in their lives, dangerous for themselves.

A person can dream that he is chased or attacked by him when he is very afraid of something and wants to hide from it either to hide. If he sees himself sick, wounded or dying, it means that some transitional period occurred in life.

People are often seen in a dream that their spouse throws them. This plot speaks about the cooling relationship between partners, as well as the fact that a person is afraid to stay alone.

And why dream terrible dreams from Wednesday to Thursday? After all, many argue that such nightmares are the most truthful and there is a high probability that they can be realized in reality. In this case, it is best to forget them and configure yourself to a positive wave in order for the domestic forces to overcome all the unpleasant thoughts and do not let sleep in life.

Anxiety dreams during the waiting period of the baby

"What dreams of terrible dreams with pregnancy?" - This question is asked for many future moms. At this time, the life of the woman is overflowing with new sensations and emotions, which is associated with the raging hormones in their body. They begin to perceive everything differently and worry about any reason, so the likelihood that nightmares will occur periodically, very high.

Future mothers tend to exaggerate the meaning of bad dreams and at the same time begin to worry much, constantly looking for the secret meaning of these night horrors, especially if there were such dreams from Wednesday to Thursday.

The interpretation of nightmares in this case may show that the woman is afraid that she is not ready for motherhood, either afraid of losing a not yet born child.

As a result, it's just "pregnant experiences" and nothing more.

How to get rid of terrible dreams?

Of all the above, you can only make one conclusion: the nightmares are not necessary, as they are only the generation of the human subconscious. If they do not ignore them, then you can understand what thoughts or problems have accumulated in humans. Therefore, so that nightmares stop, you just need to eliminate all the reasons that contribute to their appearance.

Some experts advise those people who suffer from terrible dreams, discuss their plot with someone who can fully trust. The side view will always help detect complexes or the flaws that a person does not even suspect.

In addition, the nightmares can be defeated using drawing. For this, it is simply necessary to paint the terrible paintings from a bad dream, remembering and fixing on a sheet of paper all the smallest details. When the drawing is completed, it needs to be carefully considered and try to search the image that causes indignation and fear.

Some evening rituals such as bathtubs with essential oils and complete relaxation can also be facilitated.

What to do to make a nightmare not come true?

When a terrible dream has already dreamed, and a person is extremely fear that all its events can occur in real life, better to do as follows:

  • After waking up to say three times: "Where the night, there and sleep," and then spit 3 times through the left shoulder.
  • Remove all bed linen on which a man slept, inside out when he dreamed of a nightmare.
  • Describe your terrible dreams on paper, as well as write in detail about all negative emotions about this and burn this sheet. As they speak in the people, a dream should be blown up with ashes.

After the nightmare, the first thing you need to do in the morning is to immediately store the bed. This action is done in order to close the inner world and do not give there to penetrate the unborn guests.

What can be useful in terrible dreams?

According to some psychologists, nightmares can be favorable for a person in the following cases:

  • If terrible dreams are visited after any serious injury of a psychological nature, then in this case the night horrors allow a person to spill all negative emotions and in such a way to restore its sincere equilibrium.
  • Nightmares can also help discover the already existing problem in the body, which a person did not suspect a reality.
  • If terrible dreams accompany the turning points in life, then in the end there should be a good junction. Since nightmares in this case show a person that he switched to a new degree of its development.

Thus, getting rid of deep psychological reasons, people not only can forever spread with terrible dreams, but also change their lives for the better.

Source: http: //.ru/article/237814/k-chemu-snyateSya-Strashnyie-Snyi

What to do if terrible dreams are dreaming?

Dreams we are unnecessary, and no matter how you want to manage them, it is unlikely.

Often we do not remember them at all, sometimes we see strange, funny or ridiculous pictures in the Gresses, sometimes immersed in pleasant and fabulous dreams, where everything as we would like to appear. But sometimes every of us will shoot terrible nightmares - and this is not avoided.

Absolutely, every person since childhood sees terrible dreams, someone happens more often, someone is less likely, but there is an unlikely to be the one who will never have terrible dreams and who has never happened. What to do, if you can't come to yourself after waking up, what is the creepy, terrible things and how to treat them?

First of all, remember: if you dreamed a terrible dream, do not be afraid of anything. Do not rush to the dreams immediately, do not screw yourself, the first thing you need to do is calm down.

The terrible dream is not threatened with anything, and it is extremely rare that the nightmare foreshadows something bad in reality! Moreover, the prophetic nightmares do not happen.

So beware of cold water, distracted, look at something positive or think about pleasant. And then you will figure it out what it is. Because, of course, like all other dreams, nightmares do not take off just like that, without reason.

What to do?

To begin with, we analyze where terrible dreams come from, what myths with them are connected and how to actually relate to such phenomena.

First of all, if you had a terrible dream at night, it indicates your alarmed or stressful state. The first thing to do and take is to do it.

And believe me, it doesn't matter, you dream every horror from Thursday to Friday, or haunting the same nightmare - Dream Dream Interpretation, but you need to put yourself in order.

  • Start falling out, do not eat overnight, stop watching news, scary and negative movies, protect yourself from negative energies and unpleasant communication.
  • Reduce fear factors, anxiety, uncertainty. Very often, horror dreams precisely because of an excessive voltage when the brain does not rest. Anxieties in Gresses are transformed into terrible pictures.

Analyze dasing

If the dream came from Thursday to Friday, or in some significant day, it especially matters. Remember one thing - its events will not repeat that it is only a metaphor, a symbol.

We are accustomed to something to be afraid, divide the phenomena on pleasant and unpleasant, and if you try to leave for a time from evaluative thinking and cold, soberly analyze a terrible vision, much will become clear.

Scroll it into memory, like a film that does not have any relationship to you personally:

  • What is he talking about?
  • What message carries?
  • Who or what are you afraid of?

If the vision or creepy image is repeated, it is serious to it seriously. Especially if nightmares are filmed to you regularly from Thursday to Friday - this night is celebrated by significant Gresses, which should be paid attention to.

Think what kind of image or vision? Obviously, this is your fear, or what you hide from.

Try to tell your dream to a friend or girlfriend - and you will see what is insignificant and funny it will become. Because what you are panically afraid, scary only for you!

Think what you are afraid in real life, which is stubbornly hiding. And open it! The nightmares will disappear, and with them - most of the alarms and problems in reality.

Methods of getting rid of nightmares

There is an interesting technique that psychoanalysts working with dreams have been developed. Dream interpretation is not important scientists, they do not give the meanings to the dream for the night from Thursday on Friday, and so on. But they found a wise decision.

Often the nightmares are repeated, the same scary sleep dreams again and again, and there is no exit. And all because every time you wake up from fear, and sleep does not have time to end.

For example, a terrible beast pursues you, and you wake up before he shifts you. Try in touching, in your fantasies, finish this dream.

Let him catch up with you, let you rent to the ground, falling from the roof, let it happen what you are afraid. This is just a dream! Connect the fantasy.

Fight a pursuer, "Dorisite" a sword or assistant friends. Let the parachute open before the earth itself. Change the outcome of a terrible sleep, look at it in the imagination, and it will stop exist!

Main values

Nevertheless, every dream, nightmare or simple, from Thursday to Friday or on the other night, always matters. And he needs to know, looking in the dream book.

There are the main types of nightmares that are characteristic and distributed. And they are very easy to express them!

1. Any persecution always means an attempt to avoid, to get away from something. Care is a protective mechanism of the psyche that does not lead to good.

What are you running from? From dangers, difficulties, from love, responsibility, some of your qualities, if you stop hiding, not only the dreams will pass, but also the real life will reveal significantly for the better.

2. Why dream of a threat to life? Each specific situation means one of his own, it will say the dream book, but in general the threat to life dreams, as an indicator that you reveal to keep up to control everything, do not intend to leave the comfort zone and are not ready to accept the life as it is.

Understand that life is life, and you need to take, understand, realize and take into your hands. Want to change something - change, but do not try to relieve yourself in that everything is fine, if there are problems!

3. Often in nightmares will dream of death. What is it? Especially scary if death has been harmful from Thursday to Friday, because this night is considered at night the prophetic dreams. Do not be afraid!

In fact, no matter how much a dream is, it is only good! Death in Gres always symbolizes the update, a new life stage, even healing.

Why are dreams with death so unpleasant and scary? Everything is simple. Significant changes, even for the better, it is always not easy, always stress, and often we are afraid of them. Stop afraid of the new - and not only nightmares will end, but life will become much brighter and happier!

If you are shot by nightmares from Thursday on Friday and the dream book warns about something, be conscious, this is the main thing. Dream Interpretation can say a lot of wise and useful things, but remember - only you manage your own destiny, and decide what to be afraid, and what to win. Vasilina Serov.

Source: http://www.grc-eka.ru/sonnik/son-strashnyj.html.

What to do if a terrible dream dreamed

Dreams are an amazing part of human life, which has long been worried about our ancestors. Dreams can delight, surprise, alarming, bring to lead from the remote or closest future. But are always dreams warn about the upcoming events? And what should I do if you had a nightmare nightmare - just forget about him or still take precautions?

Sleep in hand

In the interpretation of sleep, the exact time in which you saw the exciting images. It is worth carefully look at their dream, if it dreamed of New Moon or Full Moon.

The dream at the beginning of the new lunar month forms the trends of events for four weeks ahead and how it would warn you about possible troubles. However, a nightmare diskeding to the new moon should not come true in detail.

Such a dream simply tells you that it is necessary to strengthen the vigilance or fear of people with certain features of character.

Maybe such a dream indicate and on the design of specific people against you personally, so in any case, just follow caution and remember that "warned - it means armed." If the nightmare visited you in the days of the full moon, then it is also worth carefully analyzing the dream images.

Most often, there are warnings about what needs to be done in the coming weeks to secure possible trouble. Sleep says that you have enough time to correct the situation, but also it is impossible to slow.

But the bad dreams, who are shooting on the days of Moonless, preceding the beginning of the new lunar cycle, are most often empty and they only say that it would be good for the next lunar month to work less hard and more rest.

Unpleasant events and people in the dreams of mildunity are just a reflection of our overwork.

Work with omnory

Despite the fact that most of our dreams are just a reflection of daylight experiences and thoughts, it is also not worth the extension of the existence of prophetic dreams. Perhaps, each of us can recall at least a few cases from your life when what he saw in a dream was embodied in reality, and sometimes - exactly to the smallest details.

And good, if we like the dream. But is it possible to prevent an incarnation in the reality of the nightmare? If there was a bad dream, which you was greeted, was convincing, then first of all you do not need to panic. The dreams always warn, and if they are shot, it means there is always time and the ability to avoid trouble.

Sometimes it is enough to change only the item in your behavior, and the trouble will bypass.

You cancel the decision to go to a party or on a date with a stranger, you go to work another expensive or simply use the opportunity to arrange a day off today and devote it to homemade. It seems that these are little things, but in this way you change your scenario of behavior, and therefore changes the course of events of your life.

For convinced fatalists, firmly believe in the fact that the presenter cannot be changed, in esoteric, there is also a suitable reception. You take a step towards seen in a dream. Yes, go to the party, where you brought an unpleasant event or accept an invitation to date from your new acquaintance.

But these steps you are doing thought, the most realizing every minute action. And - yes, do not forget to prepare for the fact that at a certain point in time, something can go wrong as planned. Here you will help you a combination of vigilance, intuition and readiness to fight any trouble.

You do not avoid a bad omen, but ready to counteract troubles.

Sleep-sleeve as a good sign

For lovers of literal interpretation of night visions, there is a good news - not every bad event that gave you in a dream must certainly come true in detail.

If you see that a close person does not feel that it may be a warning, and the sign of what he has a long and happy life. It depends a lot here when you dreamed of this dream and from the details of the very dream.

Of course, if you are excited, it is better to turn to an experienced interpreter of dreams, but you should not immediately say goodly to the expensive person.

The scandal with his beloved in a dream is also far from always saying that it is time to put a cross on the relationship. Yes, the pair clearly have difficulties in the expression of feelings, perhaps even - some kind of inactiveness.

But such a dream shows the possibility of a frank conversation for souls - not at elevated colors, but sincerely and respectful to its second half. And finally, we mention about one practice of working with unpleasant dreams.

Seeing a bad dream, do not hurry to swallow your soul oppressive thoughts. Waking up, try to rewrite your dream, make it a different script and change the ending.

Moreover, even the most incredible actions will be correct - you are not working with reality, but with your own sleep, but in the kingdom of morpheys, everything is possible. If someone is chasing you - imagine how you easily jumble through the high barrier, or attack your offender.

It is very important to "rewrite" your dream when you just woke up, and the line between sleep and reality is still thin and ghostly. Not all dreams, including bad, must come true in reality. But often in a dream, we get information that allows you to prepare for the events of the near future.

You can interpret dreams not only having a weighty dream book in your hands, but also guided by lunar cycles, with the help of runes and tarot cards. The main thing is to remember that the dream is dreaming when we still have time and the ability to change your future.

Do you have any prophetic dreams? Or perhaps you had to deal with the interpretation of dreams?

Source: Astro7.ru.

by hypercomments

Source: http://merlinclub.ru/astrologiya/sny-i-ih-tolkovanie/strashnyj-son.html

Why did you dream of a terrible dream?

Dreams see everything, but not everyone remembers. However, the terrible sleep is remembered much better than "ordinary" - therefore sometimes it seems that people are more likely to see bad dreams than good.

By the way, not all terrible dreams are nightmares, some of the unpleasant visions of Somologians (doctors who study the human dream) are called "night fear." These terrible dreams are at different stages of night rest.

The rapid sleep phase is the part of the "Sleepy Cycle", during which nightmares usually come: these are plot dreams that can be called "horror films".

Awakening, a person almost remembers anything, but the feeling of fear is imprinted in his memory.

Often awakening after nightmarish dreams due to emission of adrenaline is accompanied by rapid heartbeat and abundant sweating. Often, people in such cases wake up from their own voices, because they scream.

Deep sleep phase after midnight - time when night fears may appear in dreams. A similar plot dreams for a very short time - literally two or three minutes, - however, due to its saturation, it produces an extremely painful impression on a person, and often drives sleeping in a strong fright.

Why do we all from time see terrible dreams? Why do they dream often, and others do not see them at all? There is still no unambiguous response to this question, scientists call different reasons that can provoke nightphalings and nightmares:

  • Psychological crisis.
  • Stress.
  • Depression.
  • Overwork.
  • Diseases of mental or neurological properties.
  • Reception of certain drugs.
  • Improper nutrition (use before bedtime fat or acute food, overeating).
  • Alcohol.
  • Hidden disease.
  • Emotional shock or severe impressionable.

Scary dreams can even serve a man even a good service. For example, suggest what exactly the problem is to decide to improve your well-being and mood. The main thing is to correctly interpret the "horror stories" that we will dream.

Methods of struggle

Why do we dream of frightening visions? Dream Interpretation finds a lot of explanations, but most often it is a banal stress. What to do if the cause of stress is the work? It is necessary to organize breaks for resting the day, try to maximize the evening from serious things.

What else can I do to avoid insidious stress, because of which frightening visions are they? Less conflict with others, not to communicate with uncompatient people, to be only in those places where you are comfortable. Before bedtime, it is worth listening to calm music or light an aromatic candle.

To eliminate the influence on your dreams of food factors, it is not necessary during dinner there is a fatty and acute food, you do not need to argue overnight. Alcohol abuse also does not contribute to healthy and calm sleep. It is better to limit ourselves to ferocular products or fruits.

Rituals help and rituals - when you keep them in the evening. You can arrange one and the same cosmetic procedure every evening, or iron a cat, or take a shower before bed - the main thing that the ritual was the same. In addition, if your bedding is uncomfortable, you need to replace them.

If you are an impressionable nature, do not look at the night of the TV, close the windows with tight curtains and make you not bothered outside sounds. After all, what we dream is very much depends on such stimuli, like light and sounds.

What else should be done to normalize sleep, it is for a walk in the fresh air, at least half an hour a day. If a terrible dream is repeated, you need to examine the doctor - perhaps a dream - a symptom of some disease. If you take medicines that can break your dream, it is also worth consulting with the doctor if they drink them further.

You can talk with someone from your loved ones about your dreams - in conversation you will be able to understand that you are worried about why you will have such dreams. If such a method of "psychotherapy" does not lead to anything, then it will be better to turn to a professional psychologist.

Waiting and interpretation

When a terrible dream had dreamed, it could be the beneficial work of our subconscious. Why beneficial? Because so we are easier to cope with psychological injuries, drove deep into the experiences and restore spiritual forces. Repeating terrible plots can tell what our problem has become, and even - what to do to solve it.

Why and what we dream of a bad dream will help to understand the psychological dream book. This dream book emphasizes not on the national tradition, namely on the psychological aspect of dreams and on what we can do to get out of the current situation.

Why, for example, a person dreams of such a plot: he stuck in the swamp and can't get out? Dream Interpretation replies: Sleeping is not enough independence in making decisions, you need to make more responsibility for yourself.

What dreams of a nightmare in which sleeping sink? Dream interpretation answers: the dreams is too emotional, and it does not go for good, it is worth a little to press emotions, and the relationship with others will be applied. He dreamed that they turned out to be naked on the square or in another inappropriate situation - the psychological dream book believes that it is necessary to work on improving self-esteem.

What dreams fall from a big height and fly into the abyss? Dream Interpretation gives an answer to this question: probably now in real life you lack support for loved ones.

If you had a terrible dream of a woman during pregnancy, he can especially scare a future mother. Hormonal restructuring of the body during pregnancy, increased emotionality and impressionability can lead to the fact that dreams will turn into nightmares.

Future mothers look into the dream book, looking for the cause, forgetting that during pregnancy, any impressions may cause strong reactions of the body. By the way, the dream book, interpreting the experience of women during pregnancy, also speaks more about the psychological state of a woman, and not about what a nightmare is dreaming ".

Childhood fears

A special case of nightmares are terrible dreams in children. Psychologists say that if the child under eight years is starving nightmares - there is nothing that should make parents panic.

During sleep, the brain streamlines all the impressions that the child had to experience the day. In dreams, children are experiencing their daily fears and problems, the nervous system learns to cope with them. It is noticed that under the age of five years, terrible dreams are more likely to dream boys than girls.

With age, the emotional load, which you have to worry about the child increases and becomes the maximum when it comes to go school.

However, if the bad dreams, from which a child with a cry wakes up and recalls not one day, will often dream, or the child dreams the same nightmare, parents need to take action.

As in the case when terrible night visions do not stop in Chad after 12 years.

Kids may be afraid of darkness, thunderstorms, other people's people - all this will definitely manifest in a dream. It is worse when our own parents become a source of fears - their quarrels, clarifying relationships, the habit of frightening children something for "bad behavior." Features of nutrition or impending disease can also cause nightmares.

What else can scary visions from the kid can explain? The lack of a day mode is very important that the child goes to bed at the same time. And right before bedtime, children are not recommended to play movable noisy games or take a hot bath.

What to do so that the child does not wake up among the nights with screams from his imaginary vision? Children's psychologists say that you need to maximize children access to films and computer games that are not relevant to their age category.

The child, falling asleep, should feel protected, so you need to put a child to sleep, read him on the night of books, talking to him. Rituals for kids are of great importance, therefore, in addition to the above, it is good if the child appears a plush "friend" with which he will fit to sleep.

If the nightmares have a child repeated, then it is necessary to find out why, what events are preceded by the fact that the baby is shot by bad dreams. And, of course, to exclude them from the life of your Chad.
Olga Inoshetseva

Source: http://usonnik.ru/s/strashnyj-son.html

Why dream nightmares?

You come from work, doing homemade. By the end of the day, the force on the outcome, and I want to just sleep and relax. Fall asleep. But, after some time, you understand that there is no full stay because of a terrible sleep, which causes tension and anxiety.

Each of us is one-time or repeatedly encountered this phenomenon. So why dream nightmares?

Nightmares: benefit or harm?

Nightmares consider frightening, frightening a man of dreams. According to scientists, this is a product of our brain activity, which is struggling hard with negative emotions, stress or conflict.

In their opinion, it is even useful to see nightmares periodically because they neutralize the unpleasant sensations accumulated in real life.

It is difficult for us to believe, but the "viewing" of terrible sleep should lead to a psychological "reboot", discharge consciousness, distract from the experiences with which we are faced during the day.

What could be their benefit for a person?

  1. Maintenance of the turning point in life (sleep associated with overcoming obstacles, obstacles; victory in a dream; the solution of the difficulty / unrealistic task - indicate your internal forces and convince the problem to solve the problem).

    Such dreams symbolic represent your transition to another stage in development, confirm personal growth.

  2. Unloading the nervous system, a splash of negative emotions (insults, anger, irritation, dissatisfaction) after parting, the loss of a loved one, change the working conditions.

    "View" nightmares (according to specialists) in this case helps to achieve emotional equilibrium, come to the balance sheet of positive and negative emotions.

  3. An indication of the real problem, which we for some reason we do not notice or do not attach significance.

    Nightmalls are becoming a kind of "warning", the motive for the concentration of attention on one or another side of your life.

Negative sides of the "nightmarish" dreams

At the same time, an ordinary person is difficult to take the benefit of a nightmare. Bad dreams can provoke premature awakening, and then cause insomnia.

They are remembered for a long time and bring concern to our life before unknown and inexplicable. If nightmares are repeated regularly, they become a source of inappropriate, poor mood and well-being manifested during the daytime.

What are the causes of nightmares?

People of different ages, nationalities and religions, from various social layers, are faced with terrible dreams, regardless of the status and material condition. All of them periodically (and someone else) nightmares are shot.

And, it would seem, what could be common between them? Modern specialists allocated a number of generalized causes of the emergence of "frightening" dreams:


Very often the horrors of children who have a high emotional sensitivity threshold.

The reasons for the appearance of frightening dreams in childhood may be frequent quarrels of parents (including at night), lack of friends or even the negative attitude of peers towards child, physical punishment, deception. All this leads to the formation of emotional injuries.

Overwork (physical fatigue / severe psychological stress)

A person constantly mentally "returns" to one or another unresolved situation, including during sleep. Or when it is forced during the day to experience many stressful situations.

The risk group in this area includes people of such professions as doctors, employees of various rescue services, law enforcement agencies.

Stress / depression

Stressful states also quite often cause repeated nightmares. Psychologists determine this as a direct relationship between such psychological states and frightening dreams.

The brain of a person who is in stress or depression does not rest even in a dream - the subconscious continues to search for "exit" from a closed circle of established circumstances.

A strong emotional shock can go into nightmarish dreams: if you have become a member of the accident, an accident, a witness of violence or bullying, then most likely you will come across "continuation of these horrors" and during a night rest.

There is also a sustainable concept of "post-traumatic stress disorder", which specialists most often observe in people who returned from the combat zones.

In particularly impressionable personalities, nightmares can even appear from watching thrillers, militants or horror movies before bedtime.

Also the cause of stress or depression, and, consequently, terrible dreams may be unpleasant repetitive actions (unloved work, regular communication with unpleasant people).

Health problems

The causes of nightmares may not only be the psychological states of a person, but also poor well-being discovered or not yet manifested internal organs.

The probability of the appearance of nightmarish dreams in such cases is high, if a person is tormented by headaches, the body temperature increases, overexcitation, neurosis, or oxygen starvation increase. Breathing disorder during snoring - can also lead to the emergence of "terrible pictures".


One of the most banal reasons for the appearance of nightmares and, perhaps, one of the most easily expenses is to overeat. If you move before bedtime, then, most likely, get a disorder of organs, overexcitation - and, as a result, terrible dreams.

So, you are with a lot of probability "ascend" on bad dreams, if you use fatty or acute food before bedtime, such food contributes to increasing body temperature, accelerates metabolism and 100% will prevent you from fully rest.

Bad conditions sleep

External stimuli: bright light, flicker, loud sounds, music, lack of air - go into dreams in exaggerated form, including with "nightmarly" content.

One of the options for the reasons for negative plots in dreams may even be the wrong placement / bed location! It is necessary to rearrange the bed or just fly to another bed, nightmares can retreat.

Creative person

It is believed to be nightmares with creative individuals more often than others, as they have greater sensitivity towards the outside world and deeply experiencing what is happening.

Sometimes people "creativity" are able to predict the onset of negative consequences of any action in reality. Scary dreams in such cases act as a kind of warning.

Harmful habits and medication

People who abused alcohol (with a hangover or after the feed), drugs (God forbid!) Or products containing the increased share of caffeine, "attract" negative dreams to themselves, because they are in extreme excitement, the body does not rest and is not relaxing, "withdrawing »These substances.

The beginning of the reception of drugs (or, on the contrary, completion) is able to cause nightmarish visions in a dream (especially if these medicines are with a sleeping pills, soothing or relate to antidepressants).

"Secret" personality

And in the end of the list, I would like to say that nightmarish dreams are sometimes becoming a "shadow" of a person - the fact that he cannot take in herself, and in life hides behind restraint, education (for example, aggressive feelings, or uncertainty).

What if nightmare come regularly?

Prevent bad dreams, as well as reduce their influence on the physical and emotional state will help compliance with the following recommendations:

Sleep and nutrition mode

  1. Every night try to fall asleep until 22:00.
  2. Eat 3-4 hours before sleep. Abandon the evening use of nuts, legumes, meat.

Healthy lifestyle and relaxation

  1. Before going to bed, do something pleasant for yourself: take a bath, drink warm chamomile tea or milk with honey.
  2. Get rid of unpleasant dreams perfectly helps walking in the fresh air, venting the room or sleep with an open window.
  3. Moderate sports and physical exertion will help relieve tension, discharge, reduce the level of anxiety.
  1. The use of drawing therapy - with drawing individual parts of the nightmare and adding bright colors to the "picture", making positive elements (sun, smiles, etc.
  2. Use of some elements from yoga (for example, respiratory gymnastics for calm music).

Search and solving problems during wakefulness

  1. Search exit from complex situations, finding internal or external resources to exit stress.
  2. Discussion of nightmares with loved ones and relatives - a side view can help identify / solve the problem.
  3. Strengthen self-assessment.
  4. If you are in the center of nightmare, "reprogram" yourself for a positive outcome of sleep.

If terrible dreams are repeated even after the adoption of the measures listed above, the best solution will appeal for help from the doctor.

Whatever the reasons for you are the dreams of nightmares, we wish you their speedy elimination, sweet dreams and a full-fledged holiday in the night and daytime!