Oratoria Messiah. Oratoria "Messiah" George Friedrich Handel

Oratoria Messiah. Oratoria "Messiah" George Friedrich Handel

Georg Friedrich Handel. Oratoria "Messiah"

Christmas Oratoria "Messiah" is one of the brightest and joyful works of Handel. But the appointment of art composer saw not only to deliver pleasure to people.

The Titan of the Baroque era, standing in one row of C, the composer is considered the author of such a largest musical genre as an oratorio (translated from the Latin "eloquence"), where the main place is given to the chorus and only then to soloists and the orchestra.

The most famous oratorio of Handel - "Messiah" (it is also called Christmas), which tells about the wrappers who came with gifts to the baby. This is one of the brightest and joyful works: everything that the man oppresses, all the suffering and sorry she leaves on the second plan, and everything that pleases and gives a person hope for love and happiness, shows largely, diverse and convincing. If Handel wants to convey triumph and win, he resorts to fanfar intonations, and the joy of pastoral, quietly draws with the help of soft, dance sounds.

It is said that when Handel composed "Messiah," he was often caught by crying at the table, such a composer fascinated the beauty of the music, which was coming out of his feather.

The first execution of the oratorius took place in Dublin on April 12, 1742. All income from the concert composer handed the shelters and hospital for the poor. And even the first edition and copies from him bequeathed the shelter "with the right to use how much useful for the needs of society."

In the future, Gendel repeatedly performed an oral in London, every time improving the essay. The ladies asked not to wear wide skirts, but gentlemen - to come without a sword, otherwise the halls did not hold everyone.

When the success of the oratorio became durable, Handel began to give annual concerts in favor of the poor and always conducted himself, despite the blindness of the last days of his life. Shortly before the death, he took care of the shelter for found, helped in the upbringing and device of children. A year before the death of Georg Friedrich, Gendel gave his name a little girl Mary-August.

What caused a small major composer, constantly constrained in the means, to such actions? Maybe faith in the high purpose of art?

I remember the words that Handel said to one nobleman after the first performance of the "Messiah" in London: "I would be annoying, Milord, if I delivered people only pleasure; My goal is to make them the best. "

Based on the materials of Oksana Vanyushina, the magazine "Man without borders"

Sounds of music

In the choir "And The Glory of the Lord" ("And the glory of the Lord"), Genenderen retells the prophecies of the Old Testament about the coming of the Messiah. The composer writes vocal melodies in a raised and elevated style.

"For Unto US Child Is Born" ("For a baby was born to us"), opens with the joyful sound of soprano, which the tenors are invarious. We hear the Christmas song, touched by their naivety and simpleness. She is dedicated to Christmas. This music has an exclamation of a festive crowd, and chime christmas bells. She always raises the mood. Complex music requiring large vocal skills from performers, replete with a variety of passages at the choir, laid on an important text, praising a newborn baby: "Wonderful, adviser, God is strong, father of eternity, prince of the world."

The most famous Hall "Alliluya" is striking the greatness and solemnity. In the UK, at one time, having heard him, even the kings rose to welcome this very triumphant of choirs. And by tradition, the whole room still stands when the musicians perform this part. Energetic, solemn statements are opposed to complex figurative passages. String and chorus are connected in apotheraposis with a piercing high sound of pipes and blows of drums. For more than 250 years, the audience has been inspired every time in the sounds of this majestic and unusable music.


1. Presentation - 6 slides, PPSX;
2. Music sounds:
Handel. "Alliluya", from the "Messiah", mp3;
Handel. "And the Glory of the Lord will appear," from the Orator of Mesia, MP3;
Handel. "For the baby was born to us," Mesia's Oratoria, MP3;
3. Accompanying article, DOCX.

On April 13, 1742, the Oratorious of Georg Friedrich Handel was fulfilled on April 13, 1742.

Titanium Baroque era, standing in one row with Bach, composer Georg Friedrich Gendel is considered the author of such a largest musical genre as an oratorio (translated from Latin "eloquence"), where the main place is given to the chorus and only then soloists and the orchestra.
The most famous oratorio of Handel - "Messiah" (it is also called Christmas), which tells about the wrappers who came with gifts to the baby.
This is one of the brightest and joyful works: everything that the man oppresses, all the suffering and sorry she leaves in the second plan, and everything that pleases and gives a person hope for love and happiness, shows largely, diverse and convincing.
If Handel wants to convey triumph and win, he resorts to fanfar intonations, and the joy of pastoral, quietly draws with the help of soft, dance sounds.
The most famous choir of "Alliluya" amazes the greatness and solemnity. According to tradition, the whole hall rises when the musicians perform this part.
It is said that when Gendel composed the "Messiah", he was often caught by crying at the table, as far as the composer fascinated the beauty of the music, which came out of his feather.

The first execution of the oratorio took place in Dublin on April 13, 1742. All income from the concert composer handed the shelters and hospital for the poor. And even the first edition and copies from him bequeathed the shelter "with the right to use how much useful for the needs of society." When the success of the oratorio became durable, Handel began to give annual concerts in favor of the poor and always conducted himself, despite the blindness of the last days of his life.
What caused a small major composer, constantly constrained in the means, to such actions? Maybe faith in the high purpose of art?
Handel said to one nobleman after the first performance of the "Messiah" in London: "I would be annoyed, Milord, if I delivered people only pleasure; My goal is to make them the best. "

Later, the writers will be awarded by Handel the sublime epitheet - "Creator Messiah", and for many generations "Messia" will be synonymous with Handel.

"In the life of great people, it is often observed that in that moment, when everything seems lost when everything collapses, they are close to victory. Handel seemed to be defeated. And just at that time he created the creation, who was destined to strengthen the world glory "- Romain Rollan.

This musical and literary composition tells about the crisis moments of the composer's life, a happy output of them and how Handel created his brilliant work "Messiah", who revived his glory and perpetuating his name for descendants. Genuine events are interpreted and artistically disclosed inherent in the tongue and a story with a clear composition, intense effect and drama of an unusual plot.
In his novel, "Resurrection Georg Friedrich Handel" Stefan Collegu tells:
"Four months, Genendel could not create, and his work was his life. The right side of the body was dead. He could not walk, could not write, could not play with his right hand to any sound on Chambalo. Handel could not speak. Giant, he felt helpless, stamped in an invisible grave. "We may succeed to us to save," the doctor stated the doctor, "and we, alas, not to return."

Georg Friedrich Handel
(1685 - 1759)

Messiah (English Messiah, HWV 56, 1741) - Oratorius for soloists, choir and orchestra Georg Friedrich Handel, its most famous composition and one of the most famous works of Western choral art.
In Judaism and Christianity, the Messiah ("Askannik") - the Savior's Savior sent to Earth. For Christians, the Messiah is Jesus Christ. Handel was a pious Christian, and his essay represents the life of Jesus Christ and its significance in accordance with Christian creed. The text for the oratory is taken from the generally accepted in the time of English-speaking Protestants of the Bible's translation - Bible King Yakov.
"Messiah" is the most famous work of Handel (only "music on water" approaching him is approaching it, remaining unusually popular among classical music lovers.
Handel called his oratorile "Messiah" (without article "The"), but it is very often mistakenly called "The Messiah". This folk name has become so habitual that the correct already cuts the ear.
Although the oratorio was thoughtful and was first fulfilled at Easter, after the death of Handel became traditional to fulfill the "Messiah" during the Advent period, the Christmas post. In Christmas concerts, only the first part of the oratorio and the Hall "Alliluya" are usually included, but some orchestras are fulfilled entirely. This work can also be heard at the Easter week, and passages telling about the resurrection are often included in Easter Church Services. Aria Soprano "I Know Than My Redeemer Liveth" ("And I know, my Redeemer is alive") you can hear during the requiem services.
The oratorio consists of three parts. Most of the libretto are taken from the Old Testament. The basis of the first part of the oratorio is the book of the Prophet Isaiah, in which the arrival of the Messiah is predicted. There are several quotes from the Gospels at the end of the first and beginning of the second part: about the angel who appeared to the shepherds, from the Gospel of Luke, two mysterious quotes from the Gospel of Matthew and one of the Gospel from John ("Behold The Lamb of God", "Lamb of God "). In the second part, the texts of the prophecies of Isaiah and quotes from Psaltiri are used. The third part includes one quote from the Book of Job ("I Know Than My Redeemer Liveth", "and I know, my Redeemer is alive"), and then mostly used the text of the first message to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul.
It is also interesting that the most famous choir "Hallelujah" ("Hallelujah") at the end of the second part and the final choir "Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain" ("worthy of the Lamb Night") are taken from the Book of Revelation of John the Bogosla, the only book of prophecies in the new Covenant.
Libretto was composed by Charles Jennes from the Bible fragments of King Yakov. C. Jennes conceived a work as a opera in three acts, each of which consists of several scenes:
I - prophecy of salvation;
II - prophecy about the arrival of the Messiah and the question that it foreshadows the world;
III - the prophecy of the birth of Christ;
IV - the phenomenon of angels shepherds;
V - Wonders of Christ on Earth.
I - Sacrifice, Bucking and Cross Flies;
II - Death and Resurrection of Christ;
III - ascension;
IV - The Lord reveals his essence in heaven;
V is the beginning of preaching;
VI - the world and his rulers reject the Gospel;
VII - Lord Triumph.
I - the promise of the Atonement of the Fall of Adam;
II - Judgment Day;
III - victory over death and sin;
IV - the glorification of Jesus Christ.
By this separation it is easy to determine which parts are considered suitable for Christmas, and which for Easter. Rooms 1-18 of the first part corresponding to the scenes I-IV are considered as christmas fragments, numbers 19 and 20 of the first part and the number 22 of the second part can be considered transition, everything else is suitable for Easter. According to this scheme, the choir "Alliluia", which many is considered to be christmas song, is definitely related to the Easter part. Nevertheless, many choral societies perform the work of the entire time of the year on the joy of listeners.
At the end of the summer of 1741, Handel, which is at the peak of his musical career, however, burdened by debts, begins to compose music to the libretto based on the biblical plots. The work was started on August 22, the first part was completed on August 28, the second - September 6, the third - September 12, by September 14, the oratorio was instrumental. Total Handel took 24 days to write such a grand work. In the Brochure of the Choir Society of Dublin Trinity College, it is approved that when Handel composed the "Messiah", his servant often found the composer with a quietly crying at the table, so Handele fascinated the beauty and greatness of music from under his feather.
The orally began to rehearse, but Genendel suddenly leaves for Dublin at the invitation of the Duke of Devonshire, the governor of the English king in Ireland. The composer is taken with a big welcome, he gives concerts all season (from December 1741 to April 1742).
The Oratoria "Messiah" was first fulfilled on April 13, 1742 during a charity concert on Fishemblble Street in the Dublin Temple Bar. Before the concert had to overcome organizational difficulties and at the last moment make changes to the score. J. Swift, being the dean of the Dublin Cathedral of St. Patrick, had some pressure and generally banned the execution of the "Messiah" for a while. He demanded that the work be renamed to the "sacred orator" and that the money received from the concert went to the rescue of the local hospital for the sacrificed.
At the premiere of "Messiah", Genendel led the execution of the Claviersin, the orchestra conducted by Matthew Douletg - a student of Geminiani, Irish violinist, conductor and composer who worked with Handele in London since 1719. Solo parties sang Soprano K.-M. Avolio, Metzo-soprano M. Sibber, Alta U. Lamb and D. Ward, Tenor D. Bailey and Bas D. Mason, two small choirs participated (about 20 people) of both Cathedrals Dublin.
In London, where the premiere took place on March 23, 1743, the Messia met wary. For seven years, the oratorio went without the original name and was made sufficiently restrained. Only starting from the London presentation on March 23, 1749, the oratorio sounded under his genuine name and received finally full and unconditional recognition. Since 1750, hedel annually in the spring before Easter completed its oratoralization season for the Messia, and the last lifetime execution took place on April 6, 1759, a week before the college of the composer.
Handel conducted the "Messia" many times, often making changes to satisfy the needs of the current moment. As a result, there is no version that could be called "authentic", and many changes and treatments have been made in the next century. It should be noted the processing of V. A. Mozart with German text. Currently, the Orchestra, choir and four soloists are participating performed by the "Messiah": bass, tenor, contralto or counterfeit and soprano.
The tenor D. Bird and T. Lowe, Bas T. Reinehold, S. Chempiese and R. Uss, Soprano E. Dupace (Francézin), D. Phrazi and K. Passerini, Metzo Sopranni K. Gally and Alt Gwadanya.
The triumphal march of the "Messiah" in Europe took place only after the death of Handel. In 1772, M. Arn was led by the first execution of the oratory in Germany in 1772, followed by the Hamburg fulfillment of 1775 under the control of K. F. E. Baha in the German translation of Klopshtock and Eveling, in 1777 under the control of Abbot Fogler in Mannheim, in 1780 and 1781 in Weimara under the control of V. Wolf translated Gerder. In 1786, A. Hiller led the first execution of the Messiah in Italian.
The house where Handel worked on the Messia, now turned into a Handel House Museum (Eng. Handel House Museum) and is open to visits.
List of music numbers
As already noted, Handel himself often changed the executive staff. Now most choirs are used by the version of 1912 under the editors of Thomas Navlad's third. Below voices? And words are given according to this version. However, there are no cases when arias are performed by other votes, due to lack of time or musical complexity, some arias are excluded or entire sections are passed. The crucial list is in no way "official", simply now most often the oratorio is fulfilled.
The Russian text of the biblical poems is given by synodal translation.
Scene 1. Prophecy Isaiah about salvation
No. 1. Overture (inf.)
No. 2. Accompanited Recittiv (Tenor): Comfort Ye My People (inf.)
IP. 40: 1-3.
Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye My People, Saith Your God; SPEAK YE Comfortably to Jerusalem; And Cry Unto Her, That Her Warfare Is Accomplish? D, That Her Iniquity Is Pardoned.
The Voice of Him That Crieth In The Wilderness, Prepare Ye The Way of The Lord, Make Straight in the Desert a Highway for Our God.
Comfort, comfort my people, god says yours; Speak to the heart of Jerusalem and procure him that it was the time of struggle, it was satisfied for it.
The voice of the blatant in the desert: Cook the way to the Lord, make a straight line in the steppes of the path to our God.
No. 3. Aria (tenor): Every Valley SHALL BE Exalted (inf.)
IP. 40: 4.
Every Valley Shall Be Exalted, and Every Mountain and Hill Made Low; The Crooked Straight, And The Rough Places Plain.
Every one will be filled, and every mountain and hill are let down, curvatures will straighten and uneven ways are made smooth.
No. 4. Choir: And The Glory of the Lord (inf.)
IP. 40: 5.
And the glory of the Lord will appear, and it seems every flesh [Salvation of God]; For the mouths of the Lord were noticed.
Scene 2. Prophecy of the vessel day
No. 5. Accompanited Rechitative (BAS): Thus Saith The Lord (inf.)
AGG. 2: 6, 7
Thus Saith The Lord of Hosts: --Yet Once A Little While and I Will Shake The Heavens, And The Earth, The Sea, And The Dry Land; And I Will Shake All Nations, And The Desire of All Nations Shall Come.
For this is how the Lord Savaof says: once again, - and it will be soon - I am shook the sky and the land, the sea and land, and shook all the peoples - and will come by all nations.
Mal. 3: 1.
The Lord, Whom Seek, Shall Suddenly Come to His Temple, Even The Messenger of the Covenant, Whom Ye Delight In; Behold, He Shall Come, Saith The Lord of Hosts.
And suddenly will come to the temple of his Lord, whom you are looking for, and the Angel of the Covenant you wish; Here, he goes, says the Lord Savaof.
No. 6. Aria (Alto): But WHO May Abide (inf.)
Mal. 3: 2.
But Who May Abide The Day of His Coming, and Who Shall Stand WHEN HE APPEARETH?
For he is like a refiner "S Fire.
And who will stand the coming day, and who will stand when he appears?
For it is like a fire melting.
No. 7. Choir: And He Shall Purify (inf.)
Mal. 3: 3.
And cleanse the Sons of Levi to bring the victim to the Lord in the truth.
Scene 3. The Prophecy of the birth of Christ
No. 8. Recatative (Alt): Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive (inf.)
IP. 7:14 - MF. 1:23
Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive, And Bear A Son, and Shall Call His Name Emmanuel, God with US.
CE, Virgo in the womb Invest and give birth to a son, and gave him the name to him Emmanuel, God is with us.
No. 9. Aria (Alt) and Chorus: o Thou Tel Tellest Good Tidings To Zion (inf.)
IP. 40: 9, 60: 1
O thou tellest good tidings to zion, get thee up into the high mountain; O thou tellest good tiding to jerusalem, Lift Up Thy Voice with Strengthh; Lift It Up, Be Not Afraid; Say Unto The Cities of Judah, Behold Your God!
Go up on a high mountain, gospeling sion! Having a strength of your voice, the gossip of Jerusalem! Went, do not be afraid; Tell the cities of Jody: That's what God is!
Rodid, glow, [Jerusalem], for your light came, and the glory of the Lord rushed over to you.
No. 10. Accompanited Rechitative (BAS): For, Behold, Darkness SHALL COVER THE EARTH (inf.)
IP. 60: 2, 3
For, Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth and Gross Darkness The People; But The Lord Shall Arise Upon Thee, and His Glory Shall Be Seen Upon Thee, And The Gentiles Shall Come to Thy Light and Kings To the Brightness of Thy Rising.
For here, darkness will cover the earth, and darkness - nations; And the Lord will reach over to you, and his glory will appear over to you. And the peoples to the world will come, and the kings - to the ascending on top of the shine.
No. 11. Aria (BAS): The People That Walked In Darkness (inf.)
IP. 9: 2.
The People That Walked In Darkness Have Seen A Great Light: And Theat Town Dwell In The Land Of The Shadow of Death, Upon Them Hath the Light Shined.
The people walking in the dark will see the Light Great; At the country living in the country, the death light will reach.
No. 12. Choir: For Unto US A CHILD IS BORN (inf.)
IP. 9: 6.
For Unto US A CHILD IS BORN, UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN, AND THE GOVERNMENT SHALL BE UPON HIS SHOULDER: AND HIS NAME SHALL BE CALL? D Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
For the baby was born to us - Son Dan us; Oblastia on the ramen of him, and the name of him will be magazed: a wonderful, adviser, a strong, father of eternity, Prince of the world.
Scene 4 Angels phenomenon shepherds
No. 13. Pastoral Symphony (inf.)
No. 14. Recitaliv (soprano): There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field (inf.)
LK. 2: 8.
There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field, Keeping Watch Over Their Flocks by Night.
In that country were on the field of the shepherds, which contained the night custody from her herd.
No. 14A. Accompanied Recittiv (Soprano): and Lo! The Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them (inf.)
LK. 2: 9.
And Lo! The Angel of the Glory of the Lord Shone Round ABOUT THEM, And The Were Sore Afraid.
Suddenly, the angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord talked them; And feared the Great fear.
No. 15. Recitalizing (soprano): And The Angel Said Unto Them (inf.)
LK. 2:10, 11.
And the Angel Said Unto Thatm, Fear Not; For, Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings of Great Joy, Which Shall Be to All People.
For Unto You are Born This Day in the city of David A Saviur, Which Is Christ the Lord.
And he told the angel: do not be afraid; I argue you a great joy that will be all people:
for now it was born in the city of David Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
No. 16. Accompanited Rechitative (Soprano): And Suddenly There Was With The Angel (inf.)
LK. 2:13
And Suddenly There Was With The Heavenly Host Praising God, and saying:
And suddenly appeared with the angel's numerous host of heaven, the famous God and the writing:
No. 17. Choir: Glory to God (inf.)
LK. 2:14.
Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace On Earth, Good Will Towards Men.
Glory to the High God, and on Earth, the world, in the people, in favor of favor!
Scene 5. Wonders of Christ on Earth
No. 18. Aria (Soprano): Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion (inf.)
Forces 9: 9, 10
REJOICE GREATLY, O DAUGHTER OF ZION; Shoutter, o Daughter of Jerusalem: Behold, Thy King Comeh Unto Thee.
He Is The Righteous Savior, And He Shall Speak Peace Unto The Heathen.
Likui from joy, Shadder Zion, Cement, Dshchen Jerusalem: Sea king is coming to you.
He is a true Savior, and he will hesitate the world to nations.
No. 19. Recatative (Alt): Then Shall The Eyes of the Blind Be Opened (inf.)
IP. 35: 5, 6
Then the eyes of the blind will open, and the ears of the deaf are rejected. Then the chrome jumped like a deer, and the tongue will sing.
No. 20. Duet (Alto, Soprano): He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd (inf.)
IP. 40:11
Alt: He Shall Feed His Flock Like A Shepherd; And He Shall Gather The Lambs with His Arm, And Carry Them in His Bosom, and Gently LEAD Those That Are with Young.
Like a shepherd he will graze her herd; The lands will take on their hands and wear their chest, and led dairy.
MF. 11:28, 29.
Soprano: Come Unto Him, All Ye That Labour and Are Heavy Laden, and He Shall Give You Rest.
Take His Yoke Upon You, and Learn of Him for He Is Meek and Lowly Of Heart: And Ye Shall Find Rest Unto Your Souls.
Come to me all those who are worried and burdened, and I will calm you;
take the Google on myself and learn from me, for I have a tender and humble heart, and find peace of your souls.
No. 21. Choir: His Yoke Is Easy, and His Burty Is Light (inf.)
MF. 11:30
I want my good, and my burden is easy.
Scene 1. Sacrifice, Beach and Cross Flies
No. 22. Choir: Behold The Lamb of God (inf.)
In. 1:29
Behold The Lamb of God, That Taketh Away The Sins of the World.
Here is the Lamb of God, who takes over the sin of the world.
No. 23. Aria (Alt): He Was Despised (inf.)
IP. 53: 3.
He Was Despis? D and Rejected Of Men: a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.
He was condom and domeen before people, the husband of sorry and the experience of the disease.
IP. 50: 6.
HE GAVE HIS Back to Them That Plucked Off The Hair: He Hid Not His Face from Shame and Spitting.
I betrayed my baby's ridge and my lounges amazing; My faces did not close from the crop and debris.
No. 24. Choir: Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs (inf.)
IP. 53: 4, 5
Surely He Hath Borried Our Griefs, And Carried Our Sorrows; HE WAS Wounded for Our Trangressions; He Was Bruised for Our Iniquities; The ChastiSement Of Our Peace Was Upon Him.
But he took over our genthes and suffered our diseases; He was ulcerated for our sins and we torment our lawlessness; The punishment of our world was on it.
No. 25. Choir: And With His Stripes We Are Healed (inf.)
IP. 53: 5.
And we were healed by the wounds.
No. 26. Choir: All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray (inf.)
IP. 53: 6.
All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray; We Have Turn? D Every One to His Own Way; And The Lord Hath Laid ON HIM The Iniquity Of US All.
We all wandered like sheep, everyone followed on their own way: and the Lord placed his sins of all of us.
No. 27. Accompanited Rechitative (Tenor): All They That See Him Laugh Him to Scorn (inf.)
PS. 21: 8.
All They Town See Him, Laugh Him to Scorn, They Shoot Out Their Lips, and Shake Their Heads Saying:
All seeing me, must be swearing by me, they say rubbish, nodding his head:
No. 28. Choir: He Trusted in God That He Would Deliver HIM (inf.)
PS. 21: 9.
He Trusted in God That He Would Deliver Him; Let Him Deliver Him, if He Delight in Him.
"He relied on the Lord; let him save him, let him save, if he is pleasing to him."
No. 29. Accompanied Recitalization (tenor): Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart (inf.)
PS. 68:21
Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart; He is Full of Heaviness. HE LOOKED FOR SOME TO HAVE PITY ON HIM, BUT THERE WAS NO MAN; Neither Found He Any to Comfort Him.
I crushed my heart, and I'm exhausted, I waited for compassion, but there is no it, - comforters, but I do not find it.
No. 30. Aria (tenor): Behold, and See If there Be Any Sorrow (inf.)
Plach 1:12
Behold, And See If there Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow.
Take a look and see if there is a disease like my disease.
Scene 2. Death and Resurrection of Christ
No. 31. Accompanited Recittiv (Tenor): He Was Cut Off Out Of The Land Of The Living (inf.)
IP. 53: 8.
He will be rejected from the land of living; For the crimes of the people of my sang.
No. 32. Aria (tenor): But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell (inf.)
PS. 15:10
For you will not leave my soul in hell and you do not give your saint to your depression.
Scene 3. Ascension
No. 33. Choir: Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates (inf.)
PS. 23: 7-10.

Who is the King of Glory? The Lord Strong and Mighty, The Lord Mighty in Battle.
Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; And The King Of Glory Shall Come in.
Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of Hosts, He Is The King Of Glory.

Who is the king of glory? - Lord strong and strong, Lord, strong in Brahi.
Raise your gates, your tops, and climb, eternal doors, and the king of glory will be included!
Who is the king of glory? "Lord forces, he is the king of glory."
Scene 4. Christ take in heaven
No. 34. Recatative (tenor): Unto Which of the Angels Said He (inf.)
Heb. 1: 5.
Unto Which of the Angels Said He at Any Time, Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee?
For to whom when God said from the angels: you are my son, I now bore you?
No. 35. Choir: Let All The Angels of God Worship HIM (inf.)
Heb. 1: 6.
Let All The Angels of God Worship Him.
And let all the angels of God worship him.
Scene 5. Beginning of preaching
No. 36. Aria (soprano / bass): Thou Art Gone Up on High (inf.)
PS. 67:19
Thou Art Gone Up On High, Thou Hast Led Captivity Captive, and Receiv? D Gifts for Men; Yea, Even for Thine Enemies, That The Lord God Might Dwell Among Them.
You went to the height, captured captive, took the gifts for people, so that and from the opposed people could dwell from the Lord God.
No. 37. Choir: The Lord Gave The Word (inf.)
PS. 67:12
The Lord Gave The Word: Great Was The Company of the Preachers.
The Lord will give the floor: the lords are a great set.
No. 38. Aria (soprano): How Beautiful Are The Feet of Them (inf.)
Rome. 10:15
How Beautiful Are The Feet of Them That Preach The Gospel of Peace and Bring Glad Tidings of Good Things.
How beautiful legs of the gossy world, gospeling good!
No. 39. Choir: Their Sound IS Gone Out Into All Lands (inf.)
Rome. 10:18
Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands, And The World of the Words.
Over all of the land, their voice passed, and to the limits of the universe of their words.
Scene 6. The world rejects the Gospel
No. 40. Aria (bass): Why do the Nations So Furiously Rage (inf.)
PS. 2: 1, 2
Why do Nations So Furiously Rage Together? Why do the people Imagine a Vain Thing?
The Kings of the Earth Rise Up, And The Rules Take Consel Together Against The Lord, and Against His Annointed.
Why do peoples join, and tribes plot vain?
The kings of the earth rise, and the princes advise together against the Lord and against his anointed.
No. 41. Chorus: Let US Break Their Bonds Asunder (inf.)
PS. 2: 3.
Let US Break Their Bonds Asunder, and Cast Away Their Yokes From US.
They terminate the bonds of them, and overthrow their shackles.
No. 42. Recatative (tenor): Heav dwelleth in heaven (inf.)
PS. 2: 4.
He That Dwelleth in Heaven Shall Laugh Them to Scorn; The Lord Shall Have Them in Derision.
Living in heaven will laugh, the Lord is responsive to them.
Scene 7. Lord Triumph
No. 43. Aria (tenor): Thou Shalt Break Them (inf.)
PS. 2: 9.
Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron; Thou Shalt Dash Them in Pieces Like A Potter "S Vessel.
You hit them with iron boat; Crushing them like a potter vessel.
No. 44. Choir: Hallelujah (inf.)
Revelation 19: 6; 11:15; 19:16
Hallelujah! For the Lord God Omnipotent Reigneh.
The Kingdom of this World Is Become The Kingdom of Our Lord, And of His Christ: And He Shall Reign For Ever and Ever.
King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, Hallelujah!
Alilia! For the Lord god married the Almighty.
The kingdom of the world was predicted by the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ, and will reign in the eyelids.
King of Kings and the Lord of the dominant.
Scene 1. The promise of eternal life
No. 45. Aria (Soprano): I Know Than My Redeemer Liveth
Job. 19:25, 26.
I Know Than My Redeemer Liveth, and That He Shall Stand At The Latter Day Upon The Earth:
And Though Worms Destroy This Body, Yet In My Flesh Shall I See God.
And I know, my Redeemer is alive, and he is on the last day
i will restore the disintegrating skin from the dust, and I'm in the flesh of my narrow of God.
1 Cor. 15:20
For now is Christ Risen From The Dead, The First-Fruits of Them That Sleep.
But Christ rose from the dead, the firstborn from the dead.
No. 46. \u200b\u200bChoir: Since by Man Came Death
1 Cor. 15:21, 22.
SINCE by Man Came Death, by Man Came Also The Resurrection of the Dead. For As in Adam All Die, Even SO in Christ Shall All Be Made Alive.
For, like death through a person, so through a person and resurrection of the dead. As in Adam everyone die, so in Christ everyone will come to life.
Scene 2. Judgment Day
No. 47. Accompanited Rechitative (BAS): Behold, I Tell You A Mystery
1 Cor. 15:51, 52.
Behold, I Tell You a Mystery: WE SHALL NOT ALL SLEEP; But We Shall All Be Changed in A Moment, In A Twinkling Of An Eye, At The Last Trumpet.
I tell you the mystery: not all of us will die, but everything will be changed suddenly, in the blink of an eye, with the last pipe.
No. 48. Aria (BAS): The Trumpet Shall Sound
1 Cor. 15:52, 53.
The Trumpet Shall Sound, And The Dead Shall Be Raised in Corruptible, and We Shall Be Changed.
For this Corruptible Must Put On Incorruption, And This Mortal Must Put on Immortality.
For Vastabit, and the dead will resurrect to be immense, and we will change.
For a thunder should be laid in a volatile, and to lie down to immortality to the mortal.
Scene 3. victory over sin
No. 49. Recatative (Alt): Then SHALL BRUGHT TO PASS
1 Cor. 15:54.
Then Shall Be Brought to Pass The Saying That Is Written: Death IS Swallowed Up in Victory.
Then the word written will come true: "the victory death is absorbed."
No. 50. Duet (Alto and tenor): O Death, Where Is Thy Sting?
1 Cor. 15:55, 56.
O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? O GRAVE, WHERE IS THY VICTORY? The Sting Of Death IS Sin, And The Law.
"Death! Where is your sting? Hell! Where is your victory?" The sting of death is sin; And the power of sin is the law.
No. 51. Choir: But Thanks Be to GoD
1 Cor. 15:57
But Thanks Be to God, Who Giveth US The Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thanks to God who gave us victory by the Lord by our Jesus Christ!
No. 52. Aria (Soprano): If God Be for US, Who Can Be Against US?
Rome. 8:31, 33, 34
It is Christ That Died, Yea, Rather, That Is Risen Again, Who is at the right hand of god, Who Makes Intercession for us.
If God is for us, who is against us? Who will blame the chosen God? God justifies them. Who condemns?
Christ Jesus died, but also resurrected: he and the onesnaire God, he applies to us.
Scene 4. The glorification of Jesus Christ
No. 53. Choir: Worty Is The Lamb That Was Slain
Revelation 5:12, 13.
Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain by His Blood, To Receive Power, And Riches, And Wisdom, And Strength, and Honour, and Glory and Blesing.
Blessing and Honour, Glory and Power, Be Unto Him That Sitteth Upon The Throne, and Unto The Lamb, For Ever and Ever.
Destino the Lamb Locked to take strength and wealth, and wisdom and fortress, and honor and glory and blessing.
The blessing and honor, and the glory and the power in the eyelids in the eyelids sitting on the throne and the lambs.

The composition of the artists: soprano, alto, tenor, bass, choir, orchestra.
History of creation

"In the life of great people, it is often observed that in that moment, when everything seems lost when everything collapses, they are close to victory. Handel seemed to be defeated. And just at that time he created the creation, who was destined to strengthen the world fame, "the researcher of his creativity Romen Rolland. The author of almost forty operas, a plurality of instrumental writings, turned out from the mid-1730s to the Genre of the Oracrona (already created "Holiday Alexander", "Saul", "Israel in Egypt"), Gendel lost the love of the public. His enemies - English aristocrats who preferred to Handele of Italian composers, hired people to tear the posters, and his concerts stopped visiting. Handel, who decided to leave England, where the quarter of a century lived, announced on April 8, 1741 his last concert. However, the composer's forces did not dry: in 24 days, from August 22 to September 14, the composer created one of his best orals - the Messia. He worked inspired and, when he graduated from "Alliluyu," exclaimed, pouring into tears: "I thought that the sky was opened, and I see the Creator of all things." It was one of the happiest moments in the life of the composer.

Some researchers attributed Handel not only music, but also the text of the oratorio. However, the text belonged to a friend Handel - the writer Charles Jennes (1700-1773), which, as the legend says, said that the music of the Messiah is hardly worthy of his poems. Jennes, using gospel motives about the birth, feat and triumph of Jesus, does not personify the acting persons. It includes several texts from the New Testament: Apocalypse, the first message of the Apostle Paul to Corinthians and Psalm No. 2, in the century before, in the era of the English revolution, translated by the Great English Poet John Milton, on the tragedy of which Gendel will soon write its next oratorio - "Samson".

Having received an invitation to Lord-governor of Ireland to lead the concerts, Gendel at the end of 1741 came to Dublin, where his writings were already heard in the program of philharmonic society. Here, unlike London, he was met with enthusiasm, which he wrote about the annoying letter to Jennes a few days before the New Year. His concerts were held with great success - before the beginning of April they took place 12. And finally, on April 13, 1742, "Messiah" first sounded under the author of the author in Great Music Hall. It was the only charitable concert, given by Handelem in Dublin. Since then, the tradition of the execution of the "Messiah" has been established in favor of those in need (in recent years of his life, the composer regularly gave this oratorile in favor of the London shelter for found and secured a monopoly on income from concerts, forbidden, until he is alive, publishing scores and passages from it ).

In London, the Mesia met the resistance of the clerks and until the end of the 40s sounded only 5 times; The name was forbidden, at the posters, it was simply "spiritual oratorio". However, during his life, Handele, despite the biblical plot, rarely sounded in English churches - concerts were usually held in the theater or other secular public halls. Last execution took place 8 days before the death of the composer, who he himself played on the body. There are many copyright options for the Messiah - Handel constantly changed the Aria, consistent with the possibilities of singers.

At Hardin, Handel, in Germany, the Messiah first sounded in 1772 translated into German of the famous poet Klopshtock; The next translation belonged to the not less well-known poet Gerder. At the continent, the oratorio was usually performed in the editorial office of Mozart made for Vienna in 1789, it was in this form "Messiah" was known throughout the XIX century and won widely popular popularity.

Despite the lack of specific heroes, the oratorio contains a variety of solo and duet rooms: recipatatives accompanied by harpsichord, similar to SECCA spectatives in the Italian opera of the time; Aria lyric, pastoral and especially typical Heroic, as well as Arioso and Duets. More than a quarter of the work make up a choir; There are several orchestral numbers. Despite the tradition established by subsequently, the tradition of attracting a large number of performers, during his life Handel "Messia" performed 33 orchestrans and 23 singers.

The oratorio consists of three parts. In the 1st part (the birth of the Messiah), light pastoral paints prevail, the 2nd (Passion of Christ) are characterized by sharp contrast comparisons, a brief final part (triumph of Christianity) is permeated with a single uniform mood. №2-3, the speaking and aria of the tenor "All Valines", full of greatness, are illuminated by light and joy. Choir "Dacy Born for us Baby" (№11) captivates the simple topic in the folk spirit, decorated with the jubilization of votes and the passages of violins. Orchestra Pastoral No. 12 is built on genuine Italian melody. In the sound of strings, accompanying the speeches of Soprano (№13-14), hears the rust of the wings of the angels flying to the newborn Savior. The noble, discreet, elevated warehouse was noted by Aria Alta "he was condom" (No. 20). The sharp dotted "rhythm of the scourge" in the orchestra unites it with the next choir "True, truthfully, he took it." Brief Ariozo Tenor "Looking, Looking, and I tell me who knew the suffering of Horsh" (№27) is characterized by a sorrowful declamation. The solemn choir "Above the head, the Site of the Gate" (No. 30) was built on an anti-phon comparison of parties of three female and two men's voices. Written on the text of the 2nd Psalm Choir (№37) "terminate the bonds and overthrow the shackles of them" and the aria of the tenor (№38) "You will hit them with iron; We crush them like a potter vessel "permeated with a harsh heroic spirit. The top of the Oratoria and one of the most famous Creators of Handel - Choir (№39) "Alliluya", the final 2 part. In England, he is listening to standing as the reading of the gospel in the church. In this nationwide hymn of victory, the composer masterfully combines a brief uncomplicated melody in the dance rhythm and unison entanglement of the ancient German Protestant Horal - the militant anthem of the peasant war of the beginning of the XVI century. No less popular in England Aria Soprano (№40) "I know, the Savior is alive." In the brilliant heroic aria of Basa (№43), "here the pipes sound" (on the text of the apocalypse) solo the pipe, reminding about the awakening of the dead with the sounds of an eternal pipe. Complete orally a grand chorus with pipes and licenses (№47), a typical Gendle victorious final, consisting of several episodes crowded by Fuga.


It is also interesting that the most famous choir "Hallelujah" ("Hallelujah") at the end of the second part and the final choir "Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain" ("worthy of the Lamb Snapped") are taken from the only book of prophecies in.

Libretto was composed by Charles Jennes from the Bible fragments of King Yakov. C. Jennes conceived a work as a opera in three acts, each of which consists of several scenes:

I. I - prophecy of salvation; II - prophecy about the arrival of the Messiah and the question that it foreshadows the world; III - prophecy about the birth of the Virgin; IV - the phenomenon of angels shepherds; V - Wonders of Christ on Earth. II. I - Sacrifice, Bucking and Cross Flies; II - Death and Resurrection of Christ; III - ascension; IV - The Lord reveals his essence in heaven; V is the beginning of preaching; VI - the world and his rulers reject the Gospel; VII - Lord Triumph. III I - the promise of the Atonement of the Fall of Adam; II -; III - victory over death and sin; IV - the glorification of Jesus Christ.

By this separation it is easy to determine which parts are considered suitable for Christmas, and which for Easter. Rooms 1-18 of the first part corresponding to the scenes I-IV are considered as christmas fragments, numbers 19 and 20 of the first part and the number 22 of the second part can be considered transition, everything else is suitable for Easter. According to this scheme, the choir "Alliluya", which many is considered to be christmas song, is definitely related to the Easter part. Nevertheless, many choral societies perform the work of the entire time of the year on the joy of listeners.

Work on the oral and premiere

At the end of the summer of 1741, Handel, located at the peak of his musical career, but burdened by debts, begins to compose music to the libretto based on the biblical plots of Libretto Ch. Jennes. On August 22, the work was started, on August 28, the first part was completed, on September 6 - the second, on September 12 - the third, by September 14, the oratorio was tool. So, in one breath, in 24 days, Handel creates a grand work - "Messiah".

It is said that when Handel composed "Messiah", his servant often found the composer quietly crying at the table, so Handele fascinated the beauty and greatness of music from under his feather. The secondary source of this story is a brochure of the Choir Society of Dublin Trinity College. The original source of the author is unknown.

Hendel finishes "Messia" on September 12. The orally began to rehearse, but Genendel suddenly leaves for Dublin at the invitation of the Duke of Devonshire, the governor of the English king in Ireland. The composer is taken with a big welcome, he gives concerts all season (from December 1741 to April 1742).

The Oratoria "Messiah" was first fulfilled April 13, 1742. It was a charitable concert on Fishembl Street in Dublin Tapml Bar. Before the concert had to overcome organizational difficulties and at the last moment make changes to the score. As the Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, he had some pressure and generally banned the execution of the "Messiah" for a while. He demanded that the work was renamed to the "sacred oral" and that the money received from the concert went to the rescue of the local hospital for the insane. Music material for the "Messiah" (as well as for other Gendle works) is freely borrowed from earlier works of both Handele himself and other authors.

The premiere of "Messiah" took place in Dublin of the year. Handel led the fulfillment by the orchestra conducted by Matthew Douborg - a student of Geminiani, Irish violinist, conductor and composer, who worked with Handele in London from 1719. Solo Party at the premiere sang K.-M. Avolio, M. Sibber, W. Lamb and D. Ward, D. Bailey and D. Mason, the performed two small choirs (about 20 people) of both Dublin cathedrals participated.

In London, the Messia met wary. For seven years, the oratorio went without the original name and was made sufficiently restrained. Only starting from the London presentation on March 23, 1749, the oratorio sounded under his genuine name and received finally full and unconditional recognition. Since 1750, hedel annually in the spring before Easter completed its oratorical season of the Messia, and the last lifetime execution took place on April 6, 1759, a week before the college of the composer.

Handel conducted the "Messia" repeatedly, often making changes to meet the needs of the current moment. As a result, there is no version that could be called "authentic", and many changes and treatments were made in the next century. It should be noted processing with German text. Currently, the Orchestra, choir and four soloists are participating performed by the Messiah: bass, tenor, counterpart or counterfeit and soprano.

In London performances, the oratories were famous for the tenor D. Bird and T. Lowe, Bas T. R. Reinehold, S. Chempiess and R. Uss, Soprano E. Dupace (Francénes), D. Phrazi and K. Passerini, Metzo-soprano K. Galli, Alt Gwadanya.

After the death of Handel "Messiah" began a triumphal march in Europe. The first performance in Germany in 1772 in Hamburg was led by M. Arn, followed by the Hamburg fulfillment of 1775 under the control of K. F. E. Baha in the German translation of Klopshtock and Eveling, in 1777 under the control of Abbot Fogler in Mannheim, in 1780 and 1781 For years in Weimara under the control of V. Wolf in Gerder. In 1786, A. Hiller led the Messia in Italian.

The house where Handel worked on the "Messia" is now open to visits, this handel House Museum).

Musical language

Handel is known for use in many of its works a special letter manner when a note record is drawing as it draws the appropriate text. Perhaps the most famous and frequent example of this technique is the tenor aria "Every Valley Shall Be Exalted" from the beginning of the first part of the Messiah. To the words "... and every Mountain and Hill Made Low; The Crooked Straight and The Rough Places Plain ("Any Mountain and the Hill is reduced, curvatures will straighten and uneven ways will be made smooth") Handel composed such music:

Image: Every Valley.jpg

The melody rises to the upper phase on the first syllable "Mountain" ("Mountain") and descends to octave on the second syllable. Four notes of the word "Hill" ("Hill") form a small hill, on the word "low" ("low") accounts for the lowest note of phrases. On the word "Crooked" ("curve") melody passes from to Diese on C, to stay on the SI on the word "straight" ("straight"). The word "Plain" ("smooth, level") in most cases falls on the upper mi, three clutches with a small variation. Handel applies the same reception during the repetition of the final phrase: "curvatures" of the curves, and on the word "smooth" melody descends on three long plains. Handel uses this technique throughout Aria, especially on the word "exalted" ("sublime"), which comes several melts from the sixteenth and two jumps to the upper mi:

Image: Every Valley2.jpg

For the language of the English poetry of the time it was characteristic that the suffix "-ed" of the past time and communities of the last time of weak verbs were often uttered as a separate syllable, such as, for example, in the following fragment from And The Glory of the Lord:

Image: And The Glory.jpg

The word "Revealed" should have been pronounced on three syllables. In many printed publications, the letter "E", which was not uttered in speech, but was supposed to be a span as a separate syllable, was noted by a special sign "Gravis": "Revealèd".


The most famous fragment of the oratorio is Aliluya Choir, which completes the second of the three parts. The text is taken from the three poems of the Apocalypse:

And I heard the voice of the numerous people, as if the noise of the waters of many, as if the voice of thunder strong, speaking: Allilia! For the Lord god married the Almighty. [Open. 19: 6] And the seventh Angel Vostorobil, and spelled loud voices in the sky, saying: the kingdom of the world was legitimized by the kingdom of our Lord and Him Christ, and will reign in the eyelids. [Open. 11:15] On the clothes and on the hip it is written, the name: "King of the Kings and the Lord of the dominant." [Open. 19:16]

In many countries around the world, it is customary to get up during the execution of this part. Tradition goes back to the episode when it was so shocked by the music, which jumped on his feet. As now, when the king is worth, standing and all those present. However, now this story is not considered to be reliable: the king could not at all at the premiere.

People who are not familiar with the work sometimes leave after this number, believing that this is the end of the oratorio, while "Alliluya", as mentioned above, simply completes the second of the three parts of the work.

List of music numbers

As already noted, Handel himself often changed the executive staff. Now most choirs are used by the version of the year edited by Thomas Navlad's third. Below voices and words are given by this version. However, there are no cases when arias are performed by other votes, due to lack of time or musical complexity, some arias are excluded or entire sections are passed. The crucial list is in no way "official", simply now most often the oratorio is executed.

IP. 40: 1-3. Comfort Ye, Comfort Ye My People, Saith Your God; SPEAK YE Comfortably to Jerusalem; And Cry Unto Her, That Her Warfare Is Accomplishèd, That Her Iniquity Is Pardoned. The Voice of Him That Crieth In The Wilderness, Prepare Ye The Way of The Lord, Make Straight in the Desert a Highway for Our God. Comfort, comfort my people, god says yours; Speak to the heart of Jerusalem and procure him that it was the time of struggle, it was satisfied for it. The voice of the blatant in the desert: Cook the way to the Lord, make a straight line in the steppes of the path to our God. IP. 40: 4. Every Valley Shall Be Exalted, and Every Mountain and Hill Made Low; The Crooked Straight, And The Rough Places Plain. Every one will be filled, and every mountain and hill are let down, curvatures will straighten and uneven ways are made smooth. IP. 40: 5. And The Glory of the Lord Shall Be Revealèd and All Flesh Shall See It Together; For the Mouth of the Lord Hath Spoken It. And the glory of the Lord will appear, and it seems every flesh [Salvation of God]; For the mouths of the Lord were noticed. AGG. 2: 6, 7 Thus Saith The Lord of Hosts: --Yet Once A Little While and I Will Shake The Heavens, And The Earth, The Sea, And The Dry Land; And I Will Shake All Nations, And The Desire of All Nations Shall Come. For this is how the Lord Savaof says: once again, - and it will be soon - I am shook the sky and the land, the sea and land, and shook all the peoples - and will come by all nations. Mal. 3: 1. The Lord, Whom Seek, Shall Suddenly Come to His Temple, Even The Messenger of the Covenant, Whom Ye Delight In; Behold, He Shall Come, Saith The Lord of Hosts. And suddenly will come to the temple of his Lord, whom you are looking for, and the Angel of the Covenant you wish; Here, he goes, says the Lord Savaof. Mal. 3: 2. But Who May Abide The Day of His Coming, and Who Shall Stand WHEN HE APPEARETH? For He is Like A Refiner's Fire. And who will stand the coming day, and who will stand when he appears? For it is like a fire melting. Mal. 3: 3. And He SHALL PURIFY THE SONS OF LEVI, THAT THEY MAY OFFER UNTO THE LORD AN OFFERING IN RIGHTEOUSNESSNESS. And cleanse the Sons of Levi to bring the victim to the Lord in the truth. IP. 7:14 - MF. 1:23. Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive, And Bear A Son, and Shall Call His Name Emmanuel, God with US. CE, Virgo in the womb Invest and give birth to a son, and gave him the name to him Emmanuel, God is with us. IP. 40: 9, 60: 1 O thou tellest good tidings to zion, get thee up into the high mountain; O thou tellest good tiding to jerusalem, Lift Up Thy Voice with Strengthh; Lift It Up, Be Not Afraid; Say Unto The Cities of Judah, Behold Your God! ARISE, SHINE, FOR THY LIGHT IS COME, AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD IS RISEN UPON THEE. Go up on a high mountain, gospeling sion! Having a strength of your voice, the gossip of Jerusalem! Went, do not be afraid; Tell the cities of Jody: That's what God is! Rodid, glow, [Jerusalem], for your light came, and the glory of the Lord rushed over to you. IP. 60: 2, 3 For, Behold, Darkness Shall Cover The Earth and Gross Darkness The People; But The Lord Shall Arise Upon Thee, and His Glory Shall Be Seen Upon Thee, And The Gentiles Shall Come to Thy Light and Kings To the Brightness of Thy Rising. For here, darkness will cover the earth, and darkness - nations; And the Lord will reach over to you, and his glory will appear over to you. And the peoples to the world will come, and the kings - to the ascending on top of the shine. IP. 9: 2. The People That Walked In Darkness Have Seen A Great Light: And Theat Town Dwell In The Land Of The Shadow of Death, Upon Them Hath the Light Shined. The people walking in the dark will see the Light Great; At the country living in the country, the death light will reach. IP. 9: 6. For Unto US A CHILD IS BORN, UNTO US A SON IS GIVEN, AND THE GOVERNMENT SHALL BE UPON HIS SHOULDER: AND HIS NAME SHALL BE CALLèED WONDERFUL, COUNSELLOR, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, THE PRINCE OF PEACE. For the baby was born to us - Son Dan us; Oblastia on the ramen of him, and the name of him will be magazed: a wonderful, adviser, a strong, father of eternity, Prince of the world. LC. 2: 8. There Were Shepherds Abiding In The Field, Keeping Watch Over Their Flocks by Night. In that country were on the field of the shepherds, which contained the night custody from her herd. LC. 2: 9. And Lo! The Angel of the Glory of the Lord Shone Round ABOUT THEM, And The Were Sore Afraid. Suddenly, the angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord talked them; And feared the Great fear. LC. 2:10, 11. And the Angel Said Unto Thatm, Fear Not; For, Behold, I Bring You Good Tidings of Great Joy, Which Shall Be to All People. For Unto You are Born This Day in the city of David A Saviur, Which Is Christ the Lord. And he told the angel: do not be afraid; I argue you a great joy that will be all people: for now it was born in the city of David Savior, who is Christ the Lord. LC. 2:13 And Suddenly There Was With The Heavenly Host Praising God, and saying: And suddenly appeared with the angel's numerous host of heaven, the famous God and the resulting: LC. 2:14. Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace On Earth, Good Will Towards Men. Glory to the High God, and on Earth, the world, in the people, in favor of favor! Forces 9: 9, 10 REJOICE GREATLY, O DAUGHTER OF ZION; Shoutter, o Daughter of Jerusalem: Behold, Thy King Comeh Unto Thee. He Is The Righteous Savior, And He Shall Speak Peace Unto The Heathen. Likui from joy, Shadder Zion, Cement, Dshchen Jerusalem: Sea king is coming to you. He is a true Savior, and he will hesitate the world to nations. IP. 35: 5, 6 Then SHALL THE EYES OF THE EARS OF THE DEAF UNSTOPPèèE; Then SHALL THE LAME MAN LEAP AS AN HART, AND THE TONGUE OF THE DUMB SHALL SING. Then the eyes of the blind will open, and the ears of the deaf are rejected. Then the chrome jumped like a deer, and the tongue will sing. IP. 40:11 Alto: HE SHALL FEED HIS FLOCK LIKE A SHEPHERD; And He Shall Gather The Lambs with His Arm, And Carry Them in His Bosom, and Gently LEAD Those That Are with Young. Like a shepherd he will graze her herd; The lands will take on their hands and wear their chest, and led dairy. MF. 11:28, 29. Soprano: Come Unto Him, All Ye That Labour And Are Heavy Laden, and He Shall Give You Rest. Take His Yoke Upon You, and Learn of Him for He Is Meek and Lowly Of Heart: And Ye Shall Find Rest Unto Your Souls. Come to me all those who are worried and burdened, and I will calm you; Take the Google on myself and learn from me, for I have a tender and humble heart, and find peace of your souls. MF. 11:30 HIS YOKE IS EASY AND HIS BURTHEN IS LIGHT. I want my good, and my burden is easy. In. 1:29 Behold The Lamb of God, That Taketh Away The Sins of the World. Here is the Lamb of God, who takes over the sin of the world. IP. 53: 3. He Was Despisèd and Rejected Of Men: a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief. He was condom and domeen before people, the husband of sorry and the experience of the disease. IP. 50: 6. HE GAVE HIS Back to Them That Plucked Off The Hair: He Hid Not His Face from Shame and Spitting. I betrayed my baby's ridge and my lounges amazing; My faces did not close from the crop and debris. IP. 53: 4, 5 Surely He Hath Borried Our Griefs, And Carried Our Sorrows; HE WAS Wounded for Our Trangressions; He Was Bruised for Our Iniquities; The ChastiSement Of Our Peace Was Upon Him. But he took over our genthes and suffered our diseases; He was ulcerated for our sins and we torment our lawlessness; The punishment of our world was on it. IP. 53: 5. And with His Stripes We Are Healèd. And we were healed by the wounds. IP. 53: 6. All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray; We Have Turnèd Eve One To His Own Way; And The Lord Hath Laid ON HIM The Iniquity Of US All. We all wandered like sheep, everyone followed on their own way: and the Lord placed his sins of all of us. PS. 21: 8. All They Town See Him, Laugh Him to Scorn, They Shoot Out Their Lips, and Shake Their Heads Saying: All seeing me, you must swear by me, they say in rubbing, nodding head: PS. 21: 9. He Trusted in God That He Would Deliver Him; Let Him Deliver Him, if He Delight in Him. "He relied on the Lord; Let him save him, let him save if he got him. " PS. 68:21 Thy Rebuke Hath Broken His Heart; He is Full of Heaviness. HE LOOKED FOR SOME TO HAVE PITY ON HIM, BUT THERE WAS NO MAN; Neither Found He Any to Comfort Him. I crushed my heart, and I'm exhausted, I waited for compassion, but there is no it, - comforters, but I do not find it. Plach 1:12 Behold, And See If there Be Any Sorrow Like Unto His Sorrow. Take a look and see if there is a disease like my disease. IP. 53: 8. HE WAS CUT OFF OUT OF THE LAND OF THE LIVING: FOR THE TRANSGRESSION OF THY PEPLE WAS HE STRICKEN. He will be rejected from the land of living; For the crimes of the people of my sang. PS. 15:10 But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell; NOR DIDST THOU SUFFER THY HOLY ONE TO SEE CORRUPTION. For you will not leave my soul in hell and you do not give your saint to your depression. PS. 23: 7-10. Who is the King of Glory? The Lord Strong and Mighty, The Lord Mighty in Battle. Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; And The King Of Glory Shall Come in. Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of Hosts, He Is The King Of Glory. Raise your gates, your tops, and climb, eternal doors, and the king of glory will be included! Who is the king of glory? - Lord strong and strong, Lord, strong in Brahi. Raise your gates, your tops, and climb, eternal doors, and the king of glory will be included! Who is the king of glory? "Lord forces, he is the king of glory." Heb. 1: 5. Unto Which of the Angels Said He at Any Time, Thou Art My Son, This Day Have I Begotten Thee? For to whom when God said from the angels: you are my son, I now bore you? Heb. 1: 6. Let All The Angels of God Worship Him. And let all the angels of God worship him. PS. 67:19 Thou Art Gone Up on High, Thou Hast Led Captivity Captive, and Receivèd Gifts for Men; Yea, Even for Thine Enemies, That The Lord God Might Dwell Among Them. You went to the height, captured captive, took the gifts for people, so that and from the opposed people could dwell from the Lord God. PS. 67:12 The Lord Gave The Word: Great Was The Company of the Preachers. The Lord will give the floor: the lords are a great set. Rome. 10:15 How Beautiful Are The Feet of Them That Preach The Gospel of Peace and Bring Glad Tidings of Good Things. How beautiful legs of the gossy world, gospeling good! Rome. 10:18 Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands, And The World of the Words. Over all of the land, their voice passed, and to the limits of the universe of their words. PS. 2: 1, 2 Why do Nations So Furiously Rage Together? Why do the people Imagine a Vain Thing? The Kings of the Earth Rise Up, And The Rules Take Consel Together Against The Lord, and Against His Annointed. Why do peoples join, and tribes plot vain? The kings of the earth rise, and the princes advise together against the Lord and against his anointed. PS. 2: 3. Let US Break Their Bonds Asunder, and Cast Away Their Yokes From US. They terminate the bonds of them, and overthrow their shackles. PS. 2: 4. He That Dwelleth in Heaven Shall Laugh Them to Scorn; The Lord Shall Have Them in Derision. Living in heaven will laugh, the Lord is responsive to them. PS. 2: 9. Thou Shalt Break Them With A Rod Of Iron; Thou Shalt Dash Them in Pieces Like A Potter's Vessel. You hit them with iron boat; Crushing them like a potter vessel. Revelation 19: 6; 11:15; 19:16 Hallelujah! For the Lord God Omnipotent Reigneh. The Kingdom of this World Is Become The Kingdom of Our Lord, And of His Christ: And He Shall Reign For Ever and Ever. King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords, Hallelujah! Alilia! For the Lord god married the Almighty. The kingdom of the world was predicted by the kingdom of our Lord and His Christ, and will reign in the eyelids. King of Kings and the Lord of the dominant. THE THIRD PART No. 45. Aria (soprano): I Know Than My Redeemer Liveth Job. 19:25, 26. I Know Than My Redeemer Liveth, and That He Shall Stand At The Latter Day Upon The Earth: And Though Worms Destroy This Body, Yet In My Flesh Shall I See God. And I know, my Redeemer is alive, and he will restore my sneezing from the duct on the last day, and I'm in the flesh of my narrow of God. 1 Cor. 15:20 For now is Christ Risen From The Dead, The First-Fruits of Them That Sleep. But Christ rose from the dead, the firstborn from the dead. No. 46. Chorus: SINCE by Man Came Death 1 Cor. 15:21, 22. SINCE by Man Came Death, by Man Came Also The Resurrection of the Dead. For As in Adam All Die, Even SO in Christ Shall All Be Made Alive. For, like death through a person, so through a person and resurrection of the dead. As in Adam everyone die, so in Christ everyone will come to life. No. 47. Accompanited Rechitative (BAS): Behold, I Tell You A Mystery 1 Cor. 15:51, 52. Behold, I Tell You a Mystery: WE SHALL NOT ALL SLEEP; But We Shall All Be Changed in A Moment, In A Twinkling Of An Eye, At The Last Trumpet. I tell you the mystery: not all of us will die, but everything will be changed suddenly, in the blink of an eye, with the last pipe. No. 48. Aria (bass): THE TRUMPET SHALL SOUND 1 Cor. 15:52, 53. The Trumpet Shall Sound, And The Dead Shall Be Raised in Corruptible, and We Shall Be Changed. For this Corruptible Must Put On Incorruption, And This Mortal Must Put on Immortality. For Vastabit, and the dead will resurrect to be immense, and we will change. For a thunder should be laid in a volatile, and to lie down to immortality to the mortal. No. 49. Recitaliv (Alt): THEN SHALL BRUGHT TO PASS 1 Cor. 15:54. Then Shall Be Brought to Pass The Saying That Is Written: Death IS Swallowed Up in Victory. Then the word written will come true: "the death of victory is absorbed." No. fifty. Duet (alt and tenor): O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? 1 Cor. 15:55, 56. O Death, Where Is Thy Sting? O GRAVE, WHERE IS THY VICTORY? The Sting Of Death IS Sin, And The Law. "Death! Where is your sting? hell! Where is your victory? " The sting of death is sin; And the power of sin is the law. No. 51. Chorus: But Thanks Be to God 1 Cor. 15:57 But Thanks Be to God, Who Giveth US The Victory Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks to God who gave us victory by the Lord by our Jesus Christ! No. 52. Aria (soprano): If God BE for us, Who can be against us? Rome. 8:31, 33, 34 If God BE for us, Who can be against us? WHO SHALL LAY Any Thing to the Charge of God's Electo? IT IS GOD THAT JUSTIFIETH, WHO IS HE THAT CONDEMNETH? It is Christ That Died, Yea, Rather, That Is Risen Again, Who is at the right hand of god, Who Makes Intercession for us. If God is for us, who is against us? Who will blame the chosen God? God justifies them. Who condemns? Christ Jesus died, but also resurrected: he and the onesnaire God, he applies to us. No. 53. Chorus: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain Revelation 5:12, 13. Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain by His Blood, To Receive Power, And Riches, And Wisdom, And Strength, and Honour, and Glory and Blesing. Blessing and Honour, Glory and Power, Be Unto Him That Sitteth Upon The Throne, and Unto The Lamb, For Ever and Ever. AMEN. Destino the Lamb Locked to take strength and wealth, and wisdom and fortress, and honor and glory and blessing. The blessing and honor, and the glory and the power in the eyelids in the eyelids sitting on the throne and the lambs.

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"Messiah" (eng. Messiah) - Oratorius for soloists, choir and orchestra Georg Friedrich Handel, its most famous composition and one of the most famous works of Western choral art.

In Judaism and Christianity, the Messiah ("Askannik") - the Savior's Savior sent to Earth. For Christians, the Messiah is Jesus Christ. Handel was a pious Christian, and his essay represents the life of Jesus Christ and its significance in accordance with Christian creed. The text for the oratory is taken from the generally accepted in the time of English-speaking Protestants of the Bible's translation - Bible King Yakov.

"Messiah" is the most famous work of Handel (in popularity to it only approaching "Music on water"), remaining unusually popular among classical music lovers.

Handel called his oratorile "Messiah" (without Article "The"), but it is very often mistakenly referred to as "The Messiah". This folk name has become so habitual that the correct already cuts the ear.

Although the oratorio was thinking and was first fulfilled at Easter, after the death of Handel became traditional to fulfill the "Messia" during the Advent period, the Christmas post. Only the first part of the oratorio and the Hallelujah's choir are usually included in Christmas concerts, but some orchestras are fulfilled entirely. This work can also be heard at the Easter week, and passages telling about the resurrection are often included in Easter Church Services. Aria Soprano "I Know Than My Redeemer Liveth" ("And I know, my Redeemer is alive") you can hear during the requiem services.

The oratorio consists of three parts. Most of the libretto are taken from the Old Testament, which is surprising when it comes to the work that tells about the Savior. The basis of the first part of the oratorio is the book of the Prophet Isaiah, in which the arrival of the Messiah is predicted. There are several quotes from the Gospels at the end of the first and beginning of the second part: about the angel who appeared to the shepherds, from the Gospel of Luke, two mysterious quotes from the Gospel of Matthew and one of the Gospel from John ("Behold The Lamb of God", "Lamb of God "). In the second part, the texts of the prophecies of Isaiah and quotes from Psaltiri are used. The third part includes one quote from the Book of Job ("I Know Than My Redeemer Liveth", "And I know, my Redeemer is alive"), and then mostly used the text of the first message to the Corinthians of the Holy Apostle Paul.

It is also interesting that the most famous choir "Hallelujah" ("Hallelujah") at the end of the second part and the final choir "Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain" ("worthy Lamba") are taken from the Book of Revelation of John the Bogosla, the only book of prophecies in the new Covenant.

At the end of the summer of 1741, Handel, located at the peak of his musical career, but burdened by debts, begins to compose music to the libretto based on the biblical plots of Libretto Ch. Jennes. On August 22, the work was started, on August 28, the first part was completed, on September 6 - the second, on September 12 - the third, by September 14, the oratorio was tool. So, in one breath, in 24 days, Handel creates a grand work - "Messiah".

It is said that when Handel composed "Messiah", his servant often found the composer quietly crying at the table, so Handele fascinated the beauty and greatness of music from under his feather. The secondary source of this story is a brochure of the Choir Society of Dublin Trinity College. The original source of the author is unknown.

Hendel finishes "Messia" on September 12. The orally began to rehearse, but Genendel suddenly leaves for Dublin at the invitation of the Duke of Devonshire, the governor of the English king in Ireland. The composer is taken with a big welcome, he gives concerts all season (from December 1741 to April 1742).

The Oratoria "Messiah" was first fulfilled April 13, 1742. It was a charitable concert on Fishembl Street in Dublin Tapml Bar. Before the concert had to overcome organizational difficulties and at the last moment make changes to the score. J. Swift, being the dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, had some pressure and generally banned the execution of the "Messiah" for a while. He demanded that the work was renamed to the "sacred oral" and that the money received from the concert went to the rescue of the local hospital for the insane.

At the premiere of the Messiah, Gendel led the execution of the Claviersin, the orchestra conducted by Matthew Douletg - a student of Geminiani, Irish violinist, conductor and composer, who worked with Handele in London since 1719. Solo parties sang Soprano K.-M. Avolio, Metzo-soprano M. Sibber, Alta U. Lamb and D. Ward, Tenor D. Bailey and Bas D. Mason, two small choirs participated (about 20 people) of both Cathedrals Dublin.

In London, the Messia met wary. For seven years, the oratorio went without the original name and was made sufficiently restrained. Only starting from the London presentation on March 23, 1749, the oratorio sounded under his genuine name and received finally full and unconditional recognition. Since 1750, hedel annually in the spring before Easter completed its oratorical season of the Messia, and the last lifetime execution took place on April 6, 1759, a week before the college of the composer.

Handel conducted the "Messia" repeatedly, often making changes to meet the needs of the current moment. As a result, there is no version that could be called "authentic", and many changes and treatments were made in the next century. It should be noted the processing of V. A. Mozart with German text. Currently, the Orchestra, choir and four soloists are participating performed by the Messiah: bass, tenor, counterpart or counterfeit and soprano.

In London performances, the oratories were famous for the tenor D. Bird and T. Lowe, Bas T. R. Reinehold, S. Chempiess and R. Uss, Soprano E. Dupace (Francénes), D. Phrazi and K. Passerini, Metzo-soprano K. Galli, Alt Gwadanya.

After the death of Handel "Messiah" began a triumphal march in Europe. The first performance in Germany in 1772 in Hamburg was led by M. Arn, followed by the Hamburg fulfillment of 1775 under the control of K. F. E. Baha in the German translation of Klopshtock and Eveling, in 1777 under the control of Abbot Fogler in Mannheim, in 1780 and 1781 For years in Weimara under the control of V. Wolf in Gerder. In 1786, A. Hiller led the Messia in Italian.

The house where Handel worked on the Messia, is now open for visits, this is a Handel House Museum.