Competition of dance steam people. Movable, musical and dance games

Competition of dance steam people. Movable, musical and dance games
Competition of dance steam people. Movable, musical and dance games

If you have fallen out the role of a massacre in the team, and you are looking for what to diversify a holiday evening, then besides the toasts and congratulatory words, try to include dance contests in the script. Definitely bosses, and employees will appreciate it. True, before their implementation, the public must "mature", so they are better to include after several toasts. We bring to your attention a few contests. We hope they will make your evening unforgettable.


Music for dance competitions is selected recognizable. It can be a folk melody, rock and roll, waltz, tango or composition from a famous movie. The main thing is that it is fun and characteristic, that is, approached under created images. And even better alternate cheerful and fast with slow and calm melodies, so as not to cause overexcitation or boredom among the public. By drawing up the script of the dance competition, do not forget about the attributes that need to be prepared in advance. Also remember both short breaks, where the audience can stay, dance in his pleasure, drink a glass of wine or eat a sandwich. You do not need to put all the rooms in a row. Competitions dance well alternate with toasts, jokes and intellectual competitions (riddles, for example).

Dance Cocktail Under Rock and Roll

Players get into the pair. The main thing is to distribute them at a safe distance from each other. The presenter says that players should do on certain words. For example, the word "Cola" participants dance, holding hands. When the lead pronounces the word "wine", the girls must jump on the guys on the hips. When Tamada says "vodka", young people should plant (put) ladies on the shoulders. Win the most persistent!

Sitational dance

Participants are divided into teams from 3 to 5 people. Each group is distributed a card, which describes the situation: sunrise, forest fire, raging sea, fight against ring, etc. The task of each team is to portray the situation so that other viewers understand the action. At the end, all participants need to distribute encouragement prizes for efforts.

Musical carousel

This game is probably familiar with everyone since childhood, but it does not lose its relevance and attractiveness, because it can always be diversified. So, the traditional version of the game: Music sounds - everything is dancing, the melody ends - everyone is trying to sit on the chairs. Who was not enough, he drops out. The second option: At the end of the music, everyone is trying to sit on the floor who last lost. Third Option: Girls sit on the backs of cropped guys (they should be less). Fourth option: you can think of yourself what to sit on players, such as a fitness ball. By the way, any contests dance can be originated as it is convenient for you.

Dance on the newspaper

For dance, some wishes to take part in the Couple Competition are chosen. Each pair gives a newspaper sheet on which they should dance then under fast, then under slow music. At the end of each melody, the page is twice as well. Couples that got stuck, drop out. The game continues until one pair remains. If players are equally graceful, in the end you can offer men to take ladies on your hands. Long in this case, no one will last.


Contests dance are interesting not only to young people, because their goal is not so much to show the skill (if it is at all), how much to cheer the public. For example, a couple with various growth, age and a complex look comically. Choosing participants, consider it, but do not replay so that no one is offended.

These fun games and contests will suit not only on birthdays. They can be used on any fun holiday - from a family celebration to corporate party.

To spend great time, you just need a few components: good company And rich fantasy. You will have to decide with the company yourself, and we will help with fantasy. Before you the top of the most fun contests, most of which do not require props, you can play anywhere.

1. "An unexpected find"

Highly funny competitionbecause you can enjoy laugh at the participants!

Description of the competition: You need to wrap in foil large pieces of different products and put them all into a paper bag. Lead calls a product. Players take turns get from the package wrapped in foil "Delicates" and are superior, no matter what. Then put back into the package and transmit further. If the player does not want to bite, he drops out. Wins the one who got the named product, he receives him as a gift \u003d).

Raisin Games in "Delicatesa". The more original to taste they will, the more interesting to observe the response of the participants. Here are examples: bulbs, garlic, lemon, bitter pepper, liven sausage, slice of sala, pie.

Number of players: 5-10, depending on the number of products.

2. "Magic Package"

The essence of the competition:hold out to the last.

Description of the competition:participants are in a circle. Package package is made in his middle. Everyone in turns should go to the package and raise it without using hands and standing on one leg. The highlight of the competition is that the leading with each circle scissors cuts off 5 cm package. The one who will not lose balance will be defeated, dropping everything lower.

Number of players: 4-6 people.

3. "Tough Tango"

The essence of the competition:strengthen on the smallest piece of fabric, continuing to dance tango.

Description of the competition:we choose 2-3 pairs, can one sex. For each pair on Earth, flood fabric big size - It may be an old sheet. Participants must dance to this tissue to the music. For laughter, give every man a flower in your teeth and ask to make a serious look.

Every 20-30 seconds, the fabric fold halfway. Players continue to dance.

So lasts until the fabric space remains at all. A couple will win, which will continue the dance without touching the foot of the floor.

Number of players:2-3 pairs.

4. "Delicious relay"

The essence of the competition: To come to the finish line first.

Description of the competition: It is necessary to divide guests for 2 teams of 3-5 people. The first participants put a slice of cucumber, chocolate or cookies on the forehead. It must be moved to the chin, not using hands. If he fell - the player begins again. The relay is then transmitted to another team member. The team will win that the first finishes.

Number of players:6-10 people.

5. "King of Elephant"

The essence of the competition: Do not get confused and become an elephant king.

Description of the competition: Players sit in a circle. The king of an elephant is chosen, which is the "head" of the circle. Each participating chooses the animal that will portray, and a special sign. For example, the worm can cheer with a thumb right hand. The king of the elephant pulls one hand up.

The first shows your signal king elephant. The next player should show its signal, and then his own. The other repeats the signal of the previous one and shows its. And so in turn. At the end of the circle, the king of the elephant must repeat all signals. If anyone is confused, he sits in the "end" of the circle. The one who will win on the site of the king of an elephant and is not confused during three circles.

Number of players:up to 11 people.

6. "Classic Sharads"

The essence of the competition: Collect the greatest number Points, guessing idioms in drawings.

Description of the competition: The judge comes up with famous expression, And the participant of the first team should draw it so that others guess. For each guess drawing, the team is obtained by 1 point. The team will win, which will drop more points.

If the opponent is guessing, then their participant draws. If a team of one who draws is guessing, they receive 2 points, and another participant comes to draw. If no one is guessing, the same player draws the following expression.

Number of players:2-4 teams of 3-5 people and judges.

7. "Unseen History"

The essence of the competition: Common efforts to come up with a cool story.

Description of the competition: This competition will give the opportunity to relax at the table, but continue to have fun. Players sit in the circle and in turn, a few sentences, tell funny story. In meaning, each proposal must match, forming one text. The one who laughs or smile - drops out. And so to the very end, until the winner remains.

Number of players: not limited.

8. "Dynamic Racing"

The essence of the competition: Find an item, ahead of rivals.

Description of the competition: Players are divided into pairs. One of the partners tighten the eyes tightly. We put the subject (anything) away from the participants, and in space between them and the subject we create minor barricades. You can use bottles, for example.

The same who in a pair stayed with open eyes, Must be prompted by a partner where the subject is located. The latter should still guess the voice of his partner, among the votes of rivals partners.

Number of players: Any pair.

9. "Kozaki-robbers for a new way"

The essence of the competition: At the prompts to find a treasure, ahead of the opponents team.

Description of the competition: Leading hide treasure and create tips different colorsso that the players find it. Each command chooses its color and should find only your tips. We will win those who are the first to find treasure. They may have toys, souvenirs, food, and so on.

Number of players:2-4 teams of 3-6 people and several leading.

10. "Bright garland"

The essence of the competition:the first to create a garland from the balls.

Description of the competition:each team gives 10-15 balls and threads. All balls need to inflate and create garland of them.

The team will win, which will qualitatively fulfill the task of the first. The quality is checked by the public, using applause.

Number of players:2-4 teams of 4-5 people.

W. all corporate or friendly party 80 percent depends on it music design, therefore, first of all, when organizing a holiday, you must take care of quality dance music and entertainment program. Lately A special popularity is also gaining entertainment, and in corporate parties dedicated to March 8 or February 23, it is worth a couple of such games for the culprits of the celebration.

We offer new original dance contests for corporate party on February 23 and March 8who wonderfully fit into entertainment program Holiday.

Dance Competition on March 8 "Sunny Horovoda"

Ladies come out each with their cavalier, face each other (boy - girl) form a circle and begin the "sunny" dance. The master explains the rules of the game: "Everyone moves to the music, and let their hands are on that part of the body of your neighbors, which comes in each of the songs. For example, if the song is about hands, then yours left hand - on the hand of the neighbor on the left, right - on the arm of the neighbor on the right. In this case, the dance, moving and dancing. If, a song about ears, then, accordingly, we carry out the ears of the nearest neighbors, etc. Started! "

(Surfaces from the hands of the hands up "Well, where the handles, but where are your hands," Korolev "Ukuha", Glucose "Walk Russia and cry Europe, and I have the most ...", disco .)

Dance competition for February 23 "Dance with chains"

"Dance with riding" you can emphasize the theme of the holiday (like B), and at the same time, and make a variety of dance block. The mank on this competition can be a promise to increase military rank Or assign it to someone who did not serve. Each pair is issued "epaulets" that need to be fixed on the partner's shoulders in any way: using the elements of its clothing or body parts, you can do everything in addition to keeping them.

As musical accompaniment It is best to take a variety of energetic dances. The task of steam is to artistically and do not drop the epaulets. Now about the pursuit: they can be tissue or cardboard with drawn or outer stars, once a five more real, so that they hang (tissue) or shrink (cardboard) on the shoulders of dancing.

Those who drop the shoulder straps are dropped out of the competition, taking a consoletive prize and applause. Couples held the entire marathon's epaulets - get the next "titles" or comic medals.

Same moment on March 8 "Eastern Love"

During the dance pause, you can arrange a small drawing for men. Ladies to distribute monistoes and treat them to, slightly drunk, cleaned to themselves incendiary dance Partners, then removed the monista with themselves, put on men and went into the hall to admire their dance. The lead explains that it is impossible to refuse, because for your own frivolity you have to pay, and why not make such a gift to women for the holiday (For several minutes under the hot support of the hall and the incendiary oriental music of a man dancing).

Dance entertainment "Horovoda greetings"

Previously, the presenter suggests that in each country and every nation has their own traditions and rituals of greetings and tells what (description below). Then he proposes to try them to demonstrate to each other, but suddenly like it, and it will become a traditional corporate greeting.

Guests form two circles: internal (Guests are moving, dancing, clockwise) and external (counterclock-wise). When music stops, the lead calls the country (prompts movement), And all standing opposite each other are divided by appropriate greetings. Entertainment will especially win if you pick up different national melodies.

France - hugging

China - prayer movement of hands in front of the breast

Norway - strong handshakes

Chukotka - rub noses

Samoa - intense sniffing

Russia - Trookretfully kissing

Japan - Low Powers

New Guinea - Playful Eyebrow Movements

Africa - patting hands in their hips and joyful facial grimaces.

(Name of the terrain) - Rotate back to each other and the handshake between the legs.

Dance Battle by February 23 at the "Hussar Pirushka".

Have you ever been to the holiday where there were no dances? Yes, without dancing and a holiday is not a holiday. Particularly guests want to dance somewhere after 3-4 toast, when blood warmed up. And to help them, but at the same time and have fun. We offer to play dance contests. For cheerful company People will definitely fit these contests. They will play with interest and get a maximum of pleasure. See and choose the best of them.

Competition - Traveling to music countries.
Each country has its own music. And in each country, under his music dance in a special way. In this competition, your guests will also dance to the music different countries. For example, under the Georgian, under French and under the Polish.
Everything is simple: certain music and guests are dancing. Who danced is better, he gets a prize.

By the way!
This contest can be used to get acquainted with guests. For example, ask: Is there a visit in the hall with Polish roots? And maybe there are those who have distorted ancestors ever in Poland? There are such? Go to me to the music! And then the national Polish melody is included. And so do with all guests, only change your words to not repeat.

Competition - dance with parts of the body.
Do not be scared, there is no criminal. On the contrary, that's merry contest And he will like guests.
Couples participate in the competition: boy and girl. They dance as they usually dance a slow dance. But there is one thing, but! - When the song is turned on, then they should put the hands of each other to the place about which they go to the song. For example:
- Well, where are the handles, well, where are your handles (it means there should be on handles)
- Dance Russia, and cry europe, and I have the most best Pop (here hands put together to each other on the ass)
Songs about part of the body a lot. Choose those that are suitable for your company.

Competition - repeat after me.
All guests are involved in this competition. They get up on one side, and leading to another. Under the merry and crowning music, the presenter has the first movement. Then everything together repeat it. Next, the presenter shows the first and second movement. For music, guests repeat all this. Next, the presenter repeats the first and second movement and adds the third. And the guests repeat all this to the music. And so on until there is 5-7 dance movements.
After the leading can change and show your movements under your music.

Competition - Characters from films.
We are all watching movies, and in films there are heroes. For example, such: cowboys, macho, gangsters, sailors, and so on. Call 4-7 men on stage. They are determined by lot. Who and what role plays. Men go to another room. Music turns on and the hero comes out. If a cowboy song is turned on, then the cowboy comes out. If the gangster, then the gangster and so on. And they do not just come out, but dance under their music. After all the dances, ask the rest of the guests to say who and what role played. AND best actor Award the prize.

Competition - Oriental dances.
For the competition you need girls, for example, 4-6 girls. They go with you to another room and there wearing oriental clothes: a handkerchief, a dressing on the face and a dressing on the waist. Enabled oriental melody and girl in eastern dance come out. Attralling a minute or two, the girls invite men to their dance. Those men who agreed come out. During dancing, the girl must quickly transfer their east clothes to men. That is, to remove a handkerchief from yourself and tie a man and just do with other details of the clothes. When men are dressed up, the girls go, and men continue the dance.

Competition - a musical umbrella.
As you already guessed, you need an umbrella. They attach beautiful papers on it, on which the dance names are written: Lezginka, Tango, Lambad and so on. Each dance twice. All guests get into the circle and music turns on. Guests dance and pass to each other an umbrella. As soon as the music breaks down, who in the hand is an umbrella, he breaks one any card. And the game continues on. When all the cards are on the hands of the guests. Then the rest are sitting in place. And those who are with cards play on. And then you need to find your pair, and dance your dance with it.

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Your guests do not like to dance. Or, on the contrary, do not put your guests at the table, because they constantly dance? And for those for others there is an excellent option that will arrange all. Spend your anniversary dance contests for guests. Competitions can be arranged for different music so that everyone "found" something and participated in contests.

In fact, there are many dance contests, and they are all beautiful in their own way. And we will try to describe for you as many such contests.
The first competition will help to meet all guests. For this you need cutting songs with different names. And you make a list of guests by name and turn on the cuts in the queue order. And guests, having heard a song about his name. Go to the hall and dance for this music. And so all guests take turns when he hears a song about his name. And when all guests entered the hall and dance, you can define someone who came out more spectacular. He can be handed a prize.

The next competition is very interesting and if you remove it on the video, it will turn out to be super cinema! But first it is necessary to make a lodder to the competition. You need things you can wear on your feet: flippers, skiing, rollers, huge shoes and everything else that you can find. And to each inventory to come up with a riddle, for example:
Two long boards
Put on socks.
Two sticks in your hands you will take
And quickly go in the snow?
(answer - skis)
Who guess, he comes out and puts on skis on his feet. And so on, so far the entire inventory will not be deed and the guests will not wear it. And when everyone was put on her legs, the music turns on, and the guests begin to dance! You just imagine. How will guests be dancing in skis or in flops?! Change the music more often to make more diversity: Waltz, Rock, Pops, Cha-Cha-cha, Chechenetka, and so on. You can even Lezginka, then laughter will be!

And now ask your guests to remember the songs in which there are numbers. That is songs about numbers. And who from guests calls the song, he goes into the center and dances under her. And for the guests more Yaros participated in the competition, show them the prize for which they fight. And who will give more songs and will be better, that prize will receive. And there are such songs such:
18 I already;
Argentina Jamaica 5-0;
Million Scarlet roses;

Competition for car lovers. You need pictures of different car brands. And the participants as much as pictures. You will assign participants to another room and show them cars, that is, every given a certain brand of car. And explain that they come out in turn and to the music, and at the same time show their movements of the car. They can invite girls or friends to ride with them. And while men are preparing, you explain the essence of the competition to guests. Let them look carefully, because after the competition they have to determine who traveled on what brand! And who can determine, he will receive a prize - he rides with a man in his car.

Next, the competition in the form of dancing for all guests. All guests dance in a circle. Then the lead chooses a girl and a guy to the center. They dance the seconds of thirty, the music is silent, and they must be originally saying goodbye to each other. After a man chooses another man, and he dances with his partner. And again, the seconds are thirty, after which the music is silent and the dancing in the center again they say goodbye. And the girl is already outgoing, but she chooses another, which will dance instead of her. And so on, until everyone is dragging. And after the presenter chooses the winners: who is better than dance (what a couple), and who better said goodbye to each other. They are awarded prizes.

If guests are present at your holiday of different ages, i.e of different generation, then arrange a dance battle between them! To do this, divide guests for generations, for example, for 35 in one corner, to 35 in another corner. And include small musical slices different years. When you turn on the music from the 80s, then those who are for 30 are dancing. When something new and modern, those who are up to 35 years old are dancing. And the last dance can be included a song from the 80s, but in recycling on modern way. Then they dance all together! And after you declare that there are no winners, because music unites all generations.