The benefits of ballroom dancing for children. Ballroom dancing - the best way to develop your child

The benefits of ballroom dancing for children. Ballroom dancing - the best way to develop your child
The benefits of ballroom dancing for children. Ballroom dancing - the best way to develop your child

Sports ballroom dancing for children: answers to popular parents

In the past, ball dances were noble entertainment, intended for the highest society, and training this art was considered a sign of an exquisite taste and good upbringing. Why did the ability to dance so appreciated? It is only worth seeing the grace, aristocratic posture and the Manera of the behavior of professional dancers - and everything becomes clear. Today, dancing are no less popular, they are not only a decoration of secular rounds, but also included in the program of international sports competitions.

Do you want your child to be a successful professional dancer? Sports ballroom dancing is what you need. However, let's analyze all the "for" and "against" this classes, we will estimate the training program and find out some of the secrets of success. As the saying goes: "Warned - it means armed."

Is it worth it?

Any occupation has its own "pros" and "minuses". Choosing a certain sport, it is worth it to analyze all the positive and negative arguments.

Advantages of sports ballroom dancing for children:

  • development of the respiratory system of the child, improving immunity and general health;
  • uniform development of all muscle groups;
  • excellent physical shape and well-developed muscular dancer corset;
  • development of musical hearing;
  • increasing stress resistance;
  • prevention of complexes in children;
  • development of the force of will, confidence, self-control;
  • improved posture and plasticity.

Disadvantages of sports ballroom dancing:

  • high probability injury, unsuccessful falls;
  • large cash costs for costumes, participation in contests, trips, etc.;
  • ballery dance takes out a lot of physical strength and time in both children and parents;
  • possible difficulties in relationships in a pair (resentment and disagreements between dance partners can be copied for years and negatively affect the moral condition of the child and the quality of classes).

So, you took the final decision in favor of the dances. What about the child? Do not forget about his desires and opportunities. Pay attention to how the kid reacts to music, as it moves and how artistic it is. If the behavior of the child does not change with the sounds of the incendiary music, obviously, the dances will not suit him.

When to start?

Dancing is never late, but in sports it is important not to miss a suitable age for starting. However, it is also not worth a hurry, leading a three-year-old child for dancing. Excessive loads at an early age can harm the younger body. Classes in 3-4 years may have the form of a relaxed game, and for serious classes it is important to have a formed psyche and endurance. The most suitable age to start learning sports ballroom dancing is 6-7 years old.

How to prepare a child for dancing?

Awakening of interest in sport is the first step towards success. Forcibly behave for dancing is not worth it, it is important to interest Chado, show him the advantages and beauty of this classes. Look with the child competitive performances, ask his opinion, offer to try. Do not put too high to the baby, trying to satisfy your ambitions. Let the child goes to a few workouts, will decide. If after 3-4 classes sports interest did not appear, do not insist.

What is included in the ballroom dancing program?

Before you begin, it is important to learn how to learn about sports ballroom dancing as possible to compare the level of future loads with the possibilities of the child. Sports ballroom dances are divided into two programs: European and Latin American. All dances of these programs together constitute the so-called "competitive ten", represented at all competitions. Each dance has its own unique charm, its history and stylist. Find the most interesting information about this sport and tell her future dancer.

European Ballroom Dance Program

Dance name


Dance style

Music style


Additional Information

Slow waltz

appeared in Austria in the XVIII century.

Social, ballroom dance with smooth, pendulum movements.

Orchestra music, classic works with characteristic melodiousness.

31 tact per minute.

Slow waltz - the basis of the European program. This dance has the unofficial title of "king of dances."

Vienna Waltz

It happened from the People's Austrian dance at the end of the 18th century.

Social, ballroom with characteristic circular rotations of partners, slipping and sharp turns of the head.

Tool waltza music with a high pace.

60 clocks per minute.

Viennese Waltz contains the smallest number of figures from all European dances.


Appeared in the XIX century in Spain and Argentina

Social, broken with progressive movements and unusual diagonal directions.

Instrumental music with slow paced.

30-32 tact per minute.

Tango is one of the most complex and vibrant dances of the European program.


Appeared in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Social, broken with elongated lines and continuous movements.

Rhythmic, swing music.

29-32 Takta per minute.

Foxtrot - the slowest European program dance

Quixsthep (fast focus)

Appeared on the eve of the First World War in England.

Social, ballroom dance, requiring lightness and mobility.

Orchestra music, high pace of jazz and swing.

48-52 tact per minute.

Kvikstep is the most dynamic dance of the European program.

And yet dancing. Decided to write what he had suffered a long time and slowly - the basics of sports ballroom dancing. I am writing for the same parents as I myself. For parents who can not understand, but what happens at all. For parents, whose head comes from the number of information that must be learned.

Do I advise anyone to give a child to sports ballroom dancing? Of course no.
1. It is expensive
2. takes a lot of time
3. "crashes" a lot of weekend
4. This is waiting hours
5. Sick your nerves!

Suppose you gave the child to sports ballroom dancing.
At first, the child has only group classes twice a week. If the child is small, he is taught to dance:
5 years
children's Polka, ducklings, disco
6 years
slow Waltz, Berlin Polka, Disco
7 years and older
slow Waltz, Cha Cha-Cha and Polka

In all clubs teach the same steps. These are the steps necessary for certification. In children, the tournament is equal to certification. But there are certain programs, such as six steps of skill (but about it later).

When your child learned the first steps, the coach says it is time to participate in tournaments.

After the child's speech, do not forget to take a printed list (looks like a ribbon), on which it is written how many points scored your child who was the chief judge where the event was going on, how many people were, your child's number. Put a piece of paper in the tournament! If there are no books yet, do not throw off a piece of paper, you will arrive later!
Your child moves to the next level when the coach decides. Or then when 100 points are scored in tournaments.

Do not forget to take water! Children although drinking! And it can be no means that the chocolate can be - it does not overload the stomach before the performance and gives a small charge of energy :)
In tournaments, you should always have pins with you to push the number, as they sell pins not always.
At the beginning of the year, the coach usually collects money and makes a book athlete. If the book is ready for the first tournament, do not forget to take it with you. If the book is not yet ready, do not forget to take a dwelling about the birth of a child or your passport, where the child is recorded.
Do not forget to find out the name and surname of the coach and the name of the club!

You arrive an hour before the start. Buy an entrance ticket for yourself, baby, and if you want, you can also buy a cup of one dance, but it is not necessary. For example, Polka Cup.
After buying a ticket, you go and register a child, you give you a number. Disguise a child:
body tights, sandals, white swimsuit, black skirt or (if allowed, rating dress), on the head bundle (lacquer should be without a sparkler, no makeup)
white Long Sleeve Shirt, Black Pants, Black Tie Or Butterfly, Black Socks and Black Dance Shoes

and pin your child on the back number.
Solo, couples and cups are usually dancing in tournaments. In the kids, the program is called:
Bebi 1 and Bebi 2

In children from seven years and older
H3, H4 ... H6 - by the number of executable dances.
After H6, classes E, D, C, B, A. A class is the highest. Behind him Master of Sport.

In tournaments your child is dancing its program. Judges appreciate the child on the three-point system. The highest score for one dance - 3 points. The lowest - 1. Sometimes the judge may not raise an assessment at all. The highest score in H3 - 9 points. That is, 3 dance three points for each. Sometimes children who scored 9 points are dancing again H3. And among them choose the best - 1.2 and 3rd place.

If you bought a cup of one dance, then the child dances along with all one dance. If you're lucky, your child will fall into the semifinals, and then in the final. Usually 7 people remain in the final. From 1 to 7th place.

First dance program H3. These children come earlier. When they fulfill their program, they will receive prizes, then, naturally, going to leave home. And at this time there is already registration of children who will dance H4.
If your child dances two programs, then you first register on H3, and when registration on H4 begins, then on H4. Naturally, the child will have another number. Do not forget that you need to buy another ticket.

There is also a program of certification "Six Stages of Mastery"
This is a system for assessing dance skill of children 1-3 years of study. The smallest dancers (5-6 years old, the 1st year of study are groups of preschoolers) participate in the steps called Babi 1 and Bebi-2. Older dancers (6 years and older) gradually pass from 1 to 6 stage skill.

On certification there are a number of rules and traditions that need to be observed.First, the certification has adopted a certain dress - For girls it is a white swimsuit, a black skirt, bodily tights or white socks and dance shoes (with 4 stages allowed to dance in rating dress), for boys - white shirt with long sleeves, black pants, black tie or butterfly, black socks and black dancing shoes. Hairstyle in girls - a bundle (other options are not allowed if the girl has a short haircut, all hair needs to be used as much as possible with the help of invisible hairpins and equipment), all hair should be collected in a hairstyle with a varnish or other means for laying (without brilliance) and invisible hairpins. Clothes and hairpins should be without decorations and sequins. Hairstyle is better to do in advance, at home, so that before the performance it was necessary only to fix. Secondly, the congregation exists a tradition - children give flowersto your coach. It happens before the start of each stage after the parade of the participants. Therefore, with you, you need to have a flower -poshkolka coach on certification is present from the morning until the evening, and the disciples are usually a lot, it is better to give one flower with a mesmer smell and so that it does not plant. It will be not too much to those who learn the steps of Bebi 1 or Bebi 2 or 1 stage, bring with them any container for flowers so that they do not start up to the evening (for example, a cropped 5-liter bottle of water) - it will be a manifestation Respect for coach. Third, with it necessary to have 4 English pins - It is English, they are necessary for pinning numbers, ordinary pins may damage the child. Fourthly participation in certification paid (Usually it is 250-300 rubles from the viewer and from the participant, and the participant pays this contribution for each stage). Well, the last thing - the coach reports in advance, at what time you need to come for registration. Attention! If you are late, you may not register, and the child will not be able to participate in certification. Plan the time in advance to come without delay.

Where is the certification? Most often, the certification takes place in the dance hall "Nika" (Cyrovograd street, 21a, the nearest metro station "Prague"). Have you come to certification that you need to do next?First of all, it is necessary to pay a fee for participation in certification. Then you need to register. Next to the registration lists of participants are postponed (look carefully, for which stage the list is posted, sometimes registration is delayed). You need to find the name of your child's surname and number. You call this number and school number on registration. If you suddenly did not find your last name in the list, you need to come up for registration and simply name the name and name of the child, the team and the name of the coach. A man registering you usually asks the surname of the child, be careful. As you will register your child, it will be written by his name and surname on the diploma. After that, you will be given a number. It needs to pin with a child on his back. In the Hall, try to stay next to the coach and other children and parents from your club, so as not to miss the parade of the participants and workout (children give the opportunity to repeat the dances before the performance). All children are dressed equally, from the back look equally. Be careful, do not lose your child in the crowd))). After graduation, you need to quickly remove the room and give it to the coach.

What dances are fulfilled on certification?

The program "Dance Planet of Childhood":

I step (Bebi 1) - Children's Polka, ducklings, disco
II Step (Bebi 2) - Slow Waltz, Berlin Polka, Disco

According to the program 6, the following dances are played:

I Step - Slow Waltz, Cha C-Cha and Polka.
Stage II - Slow Waltz, Samba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Disco
III Step - Slow Waltz, Samba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Disco
IV Step - Slow Waltz, Rhythmic Foxtrot, Samba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Jiv
V Step - Slow Waltz, Quixtep, Samba, Cha-Cha-cha, Jive
Vi Step - Slow Waltz, Quixtep, Samba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Jiv

See which figures are executed on what steps you can

What is the assessment system on certification?

On certification of the assessment, 5 judges are exhibited. Participants in the competitive certification are assessed by the 5-point system.

1 point - The participant does not dance a competitive program
2 points - dancing a competitive program, but not in accordance with the musical rhythm
3 points - Dancing a competitive program to music, but does not hold the hull line.
4 points - Dances into music, keeps the line of the case, but technically does not accurately perform the figures.
5 points - Dancing music, keeps the line of the case, technically correctly performs the figures.

According to the results of the assessments, the participant is awarded: a diploma, a diploma, a diploma with honors. According to the results of estimates, the participant is awarded: a diploma, a diploma, a diploma with honors.

Number of dance


Number of points



bebi-1, Bebi-2, 1 step


Diploma with honors



53 or less



2 and 3 steps


Every parent wants his child to grow healthy and strong. But not everyone knows that the baby must be monitored from the very old age. And especially for his physical development. The best way to strengthen the health of your child is to give it to the dance school. After all, the dances are well developing a child, and for girls it is the best sport.

The best option for children is sports ballroom dancing. Unlike other types of dances, children from birth can be engaged in ballroom dancing.

Ballroom dances are useful to many:

  • develop motility,
  • coordination of movements
  • sense of rhythm,
  • ear for music,
  • the ability to manage your body.

In addition, children who are engaged in dancing are less shy and get used to the scene from an early age. It does not matter where the child will work in the future, but the fear of the audience will overcome.

Each age has its own characteristics of the teaching of the dance.

As a rule, classes with children from 2 to 6 years pass in the game form, based on numerous jumps, stretch marks, gymnastics. Such techniques to help strengthen the muscles of children, their overall physical training is developing. The dance technique begin to demand from about 6 years, when children are already physically prepared for this.

Based on ballroom dancing, various contests are held, competitions. By participating in such events, a child from an early age will strive to defeat or try to take a prize place.

Thus, the incentive of the child's work is produced over himself.

Ballroom dances contribute not only to the physical development of the child, but also social. After all, visiting dance groups, the child will lead a lot of new friends.

It is important to note the influence of parents at the desire of a child to do dancing. Often parents give a child to a dance school and forget to be interested in the success of their baby. But the child wants to praise him, supported. Therefore, parents need to attend their child's workouts as much as possible. It will stimulate a child to engage as best as possible to please their mother and dad.

When choosing a dance and sports club, you need to pay great attention to the dance coach. It is important that this is a person who loves his work, has the experience of teaching preferably at least 10 years. Then the child's learning will be successful.

Advantages of sports ballroom dancing in childhood before other sports

Taking care of your children, an important meaning of parents always attach their child's health. In order for the child to grow healthy, it develops harmoniously, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.

What includes the concept of "healthy lifestyle"? First, proper balanced nutrition containing a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements. Secondly, an active lifestyle. It is necessary to move a lot and play moving games. Play sports, better than dancing.

Today, the choice of sports sections is very large, where it would be possible to give his child.

But in most sports there is a local load on certain muscles of the body, and not evenly on the whole organism. This leads to the fact that the muscles of the body develop unevenly.

The main and correct goal is a balanced body development, an increase in endurance, improving the appearance and health of the child.

It is necessary to choose one sport that would have answered all these requirements. This is a sports ball dance.

Recently, the first place in the list of parental preferences is confidently occupied by dance studios. As a rule, in such studios, the child does not lead in order to receive returns in the form of medals and other awards. Mostly, the older generation takes care of improving health and the formation of the aesthetic taste of its offspring, and in this sports ballroom dancing are out of competition.

How many years have to give children to sports ballroom dancing

The parents face the question immediately after the birth of their child, which you can open the ability and when it is best to do.

Some of them believe that it will be better as soon as possible. But let's decide this question regarding dances, since it is precisely their parents choose to add their favorite children. Let's figure it out that there are dances, which in the very easy manifestation determine the load. Professionals determine the age of six years for dancing. By this time, the child had already formed a skeleton. The child by this time is able to fulfill all the exercises and control their execution. The best place for the child will be the school of dances. But parents must remember that it is impossible to demand good results from the child. It is necessary to understand the purpose of the classes of dancing. This will happen for general development or for further dancing.

In the first variant - for general development - it is recommended to start classes at a later age. It all depends on the school of dances and teachers to whom parents entrusted the child. Do not forget that for a three-year-old baby, these classes will become an interesting entertainment and no more. In such dances they can teach them in kindergarten.

The second option is serious classes with the "perspective in dancing" - you need to start in preschool age. What will lose the child, if he will go to the dancing classes later?

With age, it will be less and less to find time for these occupation. In the question, what is the age of ideal to start class dancing, we must follow the advice of specialists who can help figure out this issue. Coaches recommends starting from the preparatory stage. Well, if a child from three to four years will be engaged in rhythmoplasty. This will teach it the simplest movements and skillfully prepare the body for the load. At the age of five, it is possible to determine what the child is capable of and if he has an interest, then five years old is the most beautiful age for the beginning of serious practicing ballroom dancing.

Ballroom dance lessons for children

The beginning of the classes of dancing is fascinating both for children and for their parents. In fact, the ballroom dance is a wonderful occupation for children, since it is able to encourage positive self-esteem like girls and boys. Dance lessons can teach a child confidence, self-discipline and equilibrium. The child who began to dance at an early age is likely to develop love for art, as well as a passion for rhythm and movement. And most importantly, dancing is just very fun.

Beginning of classes by ballroom dancing at an early age

Some people believe that the child should be credited to the dance school as soon as possible, and sometimes they do it when it is fulfilled only 2 years. Baby and preschoolers are usually starting with preparation groups, and not with structured dance classes. If the child turned 4 or 5 years old, it is worth considering its emotional maturity and the degree of personality formation. If the baby is very stronger, coercion it to dancing can completely discourage his desire to dance. However, if a child is ready to deal with something new in the team of unfamiliar people, then the early start of classes is extremely beneficial affects his abilities.

Find trainer and dance school

When making a decision on where the child will learn dancing, several things should be taken into account. Sports ballroom dances have gained great popularity in recent years, and for sure, each city will have several studios, from which you can choose. It is worth making a list of possible options, and then go to each studio to see and decide. All dance studios are different and, of course, you need to take into account the level and professionalism of the coaches, and choose a dance school, where the child will be able to get the best dance training.

Sportswear Clothes

Probably one of the most important things at the beginning of the dancing classes is the purchase of special clothing and shoes. If someone is not sure what kind of clothes, the child should be in class dancing classes, it is worth asking the coach. In our school of dancing in the section Sports ballroom dancing There is a description Clothing and footwear for sports dancing, you can familiarize yourself with it and keep up to date.

Beautiful posture, flexibility, coordination, equilibrium, habit to respect the opposite sex - this is not all the advantages of training at sports ballroom dancing. And if you plan to apply your child in this beautiful sport, or is the parent of the dancer, you made an absolutely right choice, and we wish you success and victories.

Sooner or later, the time in the life of each parent comes when it is necessary to decide on where to send their child to the theater studio, a sports section or art school. Are you parents girls who dream of becoming a princess? Or do you have a beautiful, but shy and unsure of my boy? Then it is recommended to consider as a good option - sports and ballroom dancing for children.

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Photo Gallery: Sports and Ballroom Dancing for Children

Sports of ballroom dancing are great for romantic and young specimens, because they are very well developing plasticity, they do not just listen to music, but also feel it. Boys in the studios of ballroom dancing most often lead mothers who wish to grow out of their children comprehensively developed real men.

Very favorable dance preparation affects the general development of the child, representing an excellent means of moral and moral and physical education. In addition, she very well reveals all children's creative potential.

As mentioned earlier, sport-ball dances contribute to the physical development of the child - strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular system of the child's body, train and strengthen various muscle groups. The child will be able to own his body perfectly, use it in order to convey its feelings and emotions. In addition, dances have a beneficial effect on the emotional background of the child, and also teach to keep their emotions under control.

Sports and ballroom dancing for children - yes or not?

Sports and ballroom dancing look very beautiful. But before hurry to record a child in the nearest studio, you need to accurately decide whether you are ready to deal with your child. So, what should I consider?

Sports and ballroom dances are a whole art, but at the same time, it is also a sport. Yes, ball sports dances are officially recognized as one of the sports. Therefore, dancers are considered not only artists, but at the same time athletes. So children who are engaged in sports ballroom dancing develop artistry and creative abilities, and also endurance and dexterity.

It is worth noting that as in any other sport, there is a great spirit of rivalry in ballroom dancing. Therefore, he actively participates in the formation of a childhood nature, teaches to be hardworking and purposeful, to achieve their goals, in one word contributes to the development of a target and strong person in the child.

Due to the fact that sports and ballroom dancing are a real sport, like all other types, it requires a serious and responsible approach. If you preferred for a child professional training with ballroom dancing, then, as in the rest of the sport, be prepared for the fact that it is possible to achieve success only thanks to frequent and long-term training, as well as a very serious attitude and approach to business not only from the child, But from the side of the parents.

Footwear and clothes for ballroom dancing

By deciding to enter into the life of your child, sports and ballroom dancing, it is impossible not to take into account the financial side of this issue. Ballroom sports dances are among the most expensive sports. It's not just the cost of learning dance itself, although it is not cheap. But the most expensive are children's costumes for ballroom dancing.

In addition, the child will necessarily need a pair of training shoes and at least two training costumes, and suits will also be needed. You can buy such costumes for training in specialized stores. A little more difficult to be the case with costumes for performance - they are sewn only under the order. This also applies boys and girls. Moreover, the cost of a ballroom costume varies quite very much - starting with several hundred dollars. I would like to note that the article is talking about children who are engaged in ballroom dancing, so parents must take into account that such a suit for the speech is enough for no more than a year. After all, in contrast to adults, children grow very quickly, growing out of expensive costumes.

In addition to the nuances listed above, it is not necessary to bypass and the upcoming costs of trips to the competition. In addition, it will be necessary to pay contributions, it will be necessary to pay the way to the place of competition, as well as food and accommodation. Thus, there is not a small amount.

At what age is it better to go to parquet?

When the decision is made in favor of class dancing in your child's life, then the next question arises - from what age should you give a child for ballroom dancing? It is quite difficult to definitely answer this question. On the one hand, to achieve good results, as in any other sport, the child must be given from an early age. On the other hand, children who have not reached at least five to six years will be quite difficult to assess and correctly perceive the requirements of the coach. There are such basal dance studios in which children begin to engage in about four years. But before recording your child there, it should really appreciate his strength. Do not rush events, giving a child to the studio of ballroom dancing, if it is quickly tired, it is not capable of coordinating movement and concentrate its attention. However, if your baby is well developed quite well to perceive the coach teams, it has a good ability to coordinate its movements, has a musical rumor and good memory, it is quite possible to try to write it on sports and ballroom dancing. But still, experts argue that the optimal age for testing dances is the age of about five to six years.

Principle of work coach with children

Of course, each parent is interesting how they work with children in ballroom dance studios. Suppose your child is already recorded in the dance studio, what's next? At the beginning of training, the coach usually holds a parent meeting, which tells about what will need to buy a child for further classes.

Throughout the first year of training, most often, children are dancing alone. They gradually know the dances and their secrets. At the initial stage of training, the coach is trying to train children with basic movements in ballroom dancing, as well as the basics of choreography and rhythmics. Children study the foundations of such main dances as slow waltz, Cha-Cha-Cha, Kvik-step, jive and such auxiliary dances, like disco, polka, blues.

By the second year of study, when children reach six to seven years, the coach puts them on the pairs. In class, children learn to perform movements that took place in the first year of study, but already in pairs. Already in the second year, children begin to elaborate in their first competitions on ballroom dancing.

Of course, not from every child who will come to the studio of ball dance, you can educate the future champion, but in any case such dance lessons will not be a gift for a child. Due to its grace and elegance, your child will always be the center of attention!

You are standing at the crossroads: in what sports section, a circle or team to give your child.

You have a quiet and shy boy, you understand that he is a creative nature, but at the same time, he lacks physical training.

You have a girl who is on the question "Who do you want to be?", Immediately answers: "Of course princess!"

In this case, the optimal solution will be ballroom dancing. After all, this is a whole complex of various dance styles and directions, where every child can choose what he liked. Sports of ballroom dances include the following programs:

  • European. This includes such directions as slow waltz, Vienna Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Quixtep.
  • Latin American (Cha-Cha-Cha, Samba, Rumba, Jaif, Pasodobl).
  • Sports rock and roll.
  • Some folk dance directions

Educational features of ballroom dancing

In addition to the intellectual and creative education of the child, ballroom dancing is also a serious physical activity. Dance exercises are developing all muscle groups, have a beneficial effect on the cardiological and respiratory system of the body, correct the wrong posture. Dance helps to feel their body, manage it, use the plasticity of their body to express their emotions and feelings.

Children who regularly take part in competitions are becoming more responsible and collected, learn to make decisions, help the neighbors. Classes by ballroom dancing, as a kind of physical training, also positively affect mental and emotional processes, positively affect the formation of the child's personality.


Before giving a child to ballroom dancing, you should know that this is a very expensive view of the dispute. The main part of the costs here is associated with the high cost of dance costumes and special shoes. The costumes themselves are usually seen to order in a specialized studio. Shoes also require high quality and quite expensive. In addition, regular contributions to participate in competitions are required, etc.


As in any other sport, in dancing, regular training is required to achieve results and a serious attitude. This is especially true for the preparation period for competitions, when skipping training sessions are unacceptable.


Ballroom dances are the most ideal sport for girls. They teach to hear music, develop a feeling of rhythm. And what an neurouge! Beautiful dresses, circling couple, beautiful music. Every girl in the depths of the soul dreams of being a princess and dancing on the ball.

The boys lead here, as a rule, romantic parents who want to grow a real prince. Ballroom dancing is difficult to call a courageous sport (despite a very serious physical activity), but in the future they will serve the boy a good service. He will be able to shine with his skill at the disco, and will also confidently feel with the opposite sex. After all, no girl will refuse to dance.