Games for the practice of English grammar. Educational games in English lessons (grammatical, lexical, linguistic games, etc.)

Games for the practice of English grammar. Educational games in English lessons (grammatical, lexical, linguistic games, etc.)
Games for the practice of English grammar. Educational games in English lessons (grammatical, lexical, linguistic games, etc.)

Grammar occupies a very important place in learning English for a number of reasons. First, without it, it is impossible to learn how to speak correctly, build phrases and suggestions, even if you have an enviable lexic reserve. But in essence, grammar is just a set of rules, and to teach them most people are not so interesting. But the teachers and methodologists are not in vain eating their bread, they constantly try to dilute the dry grammatical rules, coming up with games that are not only interesting and fascinating, but also harmoniously fit into the educational process and help you easily and unobtrusively teach the necessary material.

When to use

Despite the proven benefit and feasibility of using the game by the educational process in general and when studying the grammatical material in particular, it is important to remember that the best is a good enemy. Therefore, they also need to be used in moderation and correctly. First, remember that playing, students, especially if these are children, and not individually, but in the group, very excited and become energetic. Therefore, if you planned after the game to discuss a new topic, you will lose time, as it may be quite difficult to establish discipline. Games are better to use on the consolidation of the studied theme, so that the development of new grammatical designs should be easily and naturally in the game and friendly atmosphere. Therefore, it is most advisable to use games in intermediate lessons in a discussion cycle of a certain grammatical topic. Regarding time at the lesson, it is better to do it closer to completion - it will help a little relax and leave pleasant impressions of the lesson until the next meeting.

Types of games

Games in English lesson can be the most diverse. Their use may be limited only by the duration of the lesson and the creativity of the teacher. For example, games can be using various objects as requisites and without them. According to I. Frank, details contribute to the game that the gaming situation is more realistic, which, in turn, helps a better learning of the material. But, of course, when it comes to learning on Skype, it is unlikely possible. According to its nature of the game, there may be subject, scene, business, role-playing, imitation and dramatization games. In order to make more diversity in the gameplay, the teacher can use various types of work during classes, such as individual, steam room, group and frontal. Each of them has its advantages for a student, therefore, giving preference to one, should not be neglected and others.


  • For example, if you study with students "Going To" turnover, offer them a certain situation where they need to describe what they plan to do. It can be a trip to London (here at the same time it will be possible to learn the sights of London) or the organization of the party or vacation plans.
  • When studying the time of Present Continuous, you can use the game with cards. For this you need a series of pictures on topics. If this is the "Food", then you can find pictures where someone drinks tea, someone eats a pear, people are covered on the table, they prepare lunch, etc. On the hole, carved in the postcard, is visible only by the head of a person. Showing a postcard to students, teacher asks: "What is he doing?" Students must guess by asking leading questions at the appropriate time: "Is He Eating Soup?" "Is He Cooking?" Both. The teacher responds to "No, He Is Not", "Yes, He IS". Questions can also be asked to each other using pair work and practicing both skills - ask questions and respond to them.
  • To explore predictions, you can use different types of games, for example, active. If you are engaged in children, they will like it very much if you give them instructions where you need to become (Behind The Door, At The Table, Near The Bookcase, ETC). It is known that connecting motor activity to the memorization process, memory is activated even more. This game can be held online - take turns to make a certain item in your room or in the picture, and guess where it is located.
  • For many students, the stumbling block in learning English is the wrong verbs. Agree to flaw about a hundred verbs with three forms oh, how not fun. But this routine can be brightened using a gaming approach. You need to cook cards. On one side, write 3 forms of verb, for example: Drive, Drove, Driven. On the back of the card, write down the same forms, but only with rearranged letters, for example: RDVEI, ERDVO, NEDRIV. Show students the opposite sides of these cards or you can write these forms in the chat in Skype, for example, a disciples should try to guess these three forms of verb. After the task is made, the teacher turns the card with the front side, after which it is necessary to correctly read all three forms so that they are defined in memory correctly. At first it can be complicated, but a little learning, as a rule, everything with interest and hunting play this game.

If you ask anyone learning English that it is most difficult for him, ninety percent will answer that this is a grammar, a particularly branched system of English times. In the hands of the teacher, a huge force that can make the learning process not only light, but also fascinating and more efficient. Remember that everything that a person does with pleasure, he does much better. With the help of games, you can learn even the most difficult and tedious grammatical rules. If the games become an integral part of your classes, then your students will become more successful in learning English.

Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom

Grammatical games

The main objectives of grammatical games: teach children to use speech samples containing certain grammatical difficulties; Practically apply grammar knowledge, create a natural situation for consuming grammatical structures in natural communication situations

1 . Hide - and - Seek in the picture.

Purpose: training use of place prepositions.

It is necessary to have a large picture of the room. Driving (one of the students) "hiding" somewhere in the picture, writes on paper where he hid and gives it to the teacher. Children, asking for watering issues, are "looking for" it in the picture. To make more things like real hide and seek, you can read the prickly book:

Bushel of Wheat, Bushel of Clover,
All Not HID, CAN't Hide Over.
All Eyes Open! Here I Come.

Where are your toys ?

    Are You Under the Bed?

    Are you Behind the Door?

    Are you on the chair?

    Are you in the box?

2. Act As You Say.

purpose : workout use Present Continuous.

The task is to execute commands with comments. Play 3 student: 1 - gives the team, 2 - performs and says what he does, 3 - describes the actions of the second.

Daily Life.

1 - PLAY VOLLEYBALL. 2 - I am Playing Volleyball. 3 - He / She is Playing Volleyball.

1 - Wash Your Face. 2 - I am Washing My Face. 3 - He / She Is Washing His / Her Face.

1 - Do Exercises. 2 - I am doing exercises. 3 - He / She Is Doing Exercises.

3. Magic Box.

Purpose: fastening the use of studied time forms.

In a bright box, the teacher lies with cards. Children stretch over one card. Task: You need to make a story (you can joking), using the verb, written in the card, in all known temporary forms. The teacher pulls the card first and performs the task as an example. If possible, all actions can be illustrated by facial expressions, gestures.


I Take A SHOWER EVERY DAY. I am Taking A Shower Now. But i Didn't Take A SHOWER YESTERDAY BECAUSE I WENT For a Walk with My Dog and Came Home Late. Tomorrow I Will Take A SHOWER BECAUSE I WILL DO Exercises.

The first to answer strong disciples. After completing your task, they can help weaker students or take another card and task writing.

4. Theater.

Purpose: training of education of the affirmative, questionative, negative forms of studied times.

The class is divided into two teams. Each member of the teams are distributed cards - roles with composite parts of the sentence. With the help of these "roles", the participants ask questions to rivals, the rivals respond to them, laying down in a row and forming an offer.

5. Playing with a picture.

For better assimilation of students in the structures inPRESENT.Continuous. You can use the game with the picture. Schoolchildren are invited to guess that

doing one or another character depicted in the picture, which they have not yet seen.Guys ask questions, for example: P 1 : Is the Girl Sitting AT The Table?

T: No, She is not.

P. 2 : Is the Girl Standing?

The student is defeated, which guessed the action shown in the picture. He becomes the lead and takes another picture.

6. Lotto.

Lotto "Glages in pictures" is a good visual manual for training grammatical forms.On the maps - several pictures depicting any actions of a person, for example: skating, playing chess, reading book, etc. On Fishke - one picture. The teacher shows the chip with a picture (the boy skates) and asks:WhatiS.he.doing.?

Students find the same picture and respond:


With the right answer, he gets a chip.

The goal is to automate the skills in the use of general issues.

A. CAN A BOY SWIM? V. Do Fishes Live In the Sea?

CAN A CAT FLY? Do Books Sing?

CAN A FISH RUN? Do You Live in A Tree?



7. Commentator.

Students in turn perform actions and comment on them, for example:I.aM.sitting.. I Am Standing Up. I am Going to the window.

The teacher gives a student a card for each correctly named action. The winner becomes the one who scored more cards.

8. What Do. You. Like To. Do. ?

The goal is to activate in common issues.

One of the students comes out that he likes to do, the rest ask him Until until you guess. Guessing becomes leading.

9. Have You.

Purpose: Training students in the use of general issues with the verbto.have. On the teacher's table laid toys. Pupils are invited to look at them and remember. / Pre-can be repeated with students all names in English. Then the students turn away, and the leading takes from the table any toy and hides it behind her back. The rest of the toys are closed by a newspaper. Pupils ask questions etc. And so as long as any of the students do not bother the hidden toy. He takes the place of the lead.

10. Changes .

One student comes out of class. At this time, some changes occur in the class: one or two student change their places behind the parties, the chair moves, the window opens, etc.

When the leading returns, he must answer the question "Whathas.changed? " i.e. call everything that has changed in the classroom.For example: The Window Was Shat, Now It is Open. PETE WAS AT THE FIRST Desk, Now He is at the Third Desk.The score can be command or individual. For each proper proposal, the command / or student / receives one point.

11. Favorite Karlson classes.

Guys, you know Carlson, who lives on the roof.

Before me, the picture on which Carlson is depicted at his favorite occupation. Guess what he does. Students ask questions:IS.he.playing.ball? E.tC..

12. Room battle.

This is a grammatical game to work out the structure.

In the game - two people.

Each of the participants draws a plan of its room (they should not see each other's drawings), as well as an empty square, which is a partner room plan, which will be filled with "furniture" during the game.

At the same time, the names and the number of items in the rooms are negotiated in advance. Then they take turns ask each other questions, trying to find out the location of the furniture in the partner's room.

For example: Is there A Table in the Middle of the Room? Is there A TV-Set in the Left Corner?

If the answer is an affirmative, then the asking makes the corresponding drawings in an empty square and sets the following question.

If the answer is negative, it loses the right to ask questions and answers the partner's questions. The one who first gouted the location of the furniture in the partner's room and filled the empty square.

13. Gifts.

Purpose: fixing vocabulary on the topic, automation of the consumption of studied verbs in the future of time in oral speech.

Game move: two teams are formed. Two rows of words are written on the board: 1) Gift name, 2) List of verbs. Playing must say using the verbs from the list that they will do with gifts obtained on birthday. Each participant of the game comes up with one suggestion. The team wins that faster to cope with the task will make sentences without errors.

14. Figures.

Purpose: Repetition of quantitative numerals.

Game move: two teams are formed. On the right and on the left on the board is written by the same number of numbers. The teacher calls the numbers one after another. Representatives of the teams must quickly find and delete the named figure on their half of the board. The team wins that faster to cope with the task.

Grammatical games

The purpose of this species is to teach students to use speech samples containing certain grammatical difficulties, to create a natural situation for the use of this speech sample, develop the speech creative activity and independence of students.

Examples of games:

1 game:

The verb to Have is well absorbed in the game "Button". All students hold palm with a boat. The lead puts a button in the hands of one of them, and the other lead must guess who she is. The second lead addresses the student: "Button, Button! Have you a button? No, he hears in response and drawn with the same question to another student. The game continues until the presenter farts, who has a button in the hands; At the same time, he can only ask three questions. This game prepares students for dialogic speech.

2 game:

For processing more complex phrases with the verb to have, the game "Fast train" can be used. A moderate pace of pronouncing phrases is proposed, for example: "I Have a Book in My Hand." After some time I warn that the train is gaining speed and speeds up the pace of pronouncing the phrase. All students are in a hurry to speak the phrase to "keep up with the train."

3 game:

Children become a circle leading in the middle. Children lead dance and sing a song:

One and Two,

I and You

One and Two,

Who Are you?

The student, opposite which turned out to be the leading answers the question. Following covers:

One, Two, Three

He and She.

One, Two, Three

Who is She?

This question is answered by the leading, opposite which was any of the students.

4 Game:

Children get into the chain and behind the back transmit some toy. The leading believes to 10 and command: Stop! And after that, trying to guess who has a toy, while setting the question: do you have a dog? If he guessed, the student answers: Yes, I do and becomes water.

5 game:

Children lead dance and pronounce reading:


Five Potatoes, Six Potatoes, SEVEN POTATOES MORE.

As soon as the belonging is completed, the children should call the name of the one on whom it ended: HIS Name is ... who did not have time or did not correctly name Her or His, sits down in place.

6 game "Wearenice"

Children get up in two ranks opposite each other. The teacher asks to repeat every line, accompanying words with gestures:

I am nice (indicate yourself)

You are Nice (indicate on the opposite way in the other rank)

We Are Nice (children, in each rank point to all standing nearby)

And You (indicate all faithful)

HE IS NICE (point to boys)

She is nice (point to girls)

They Are Nice, Too (indicate on the all)

7 the game "WHERE DO YOU LIVE?"

The game goes along the chain. Children pass to a friend a friend's ball with the words:

Uch.1: You are A Crocodile. Where do you live?

Uch.2: I live in the river.(referring to the next student) You are A FROG.Where do you live?

Uch.3: I live in the pond. You are a horse. Where do you live?

Uch.4: I Live in the Farm. You are a bear. Where do you live?

Uch.5: I Live in the Forest. You are A Dog. Where do you live?

Uch.6: I live in the house. You are a tiger. Where do you live?

Uch.7: I live in the zoo.

Grammatical games.


Teach students to use speech samples containing certain grammatical difficulties

Create a natural situation to use this speech sample

Develop speech creative activity of students

The game "WhatiS.tHIS?”

The teacher shows a postcard to children asking: "Guess., whatiS.tHIS?” Guys ask questions: "Is This a Girl?" The teacher replies: "No it isn 't" or "Yes, IT IS."

Game "Memory Game."

Teaches you to use the type of structure type:IT.s.Vera.s.pen.. Eggs between rows with a basket. Each student puts in her some item illustrating the studied vocabulary, saying: "TakeiT.please.. "I thank students, and then put the basket on the table. Showing one of the items ask the question: "Whosepen.iS.tHIS? "Wishing answers:"IT.Vera.pen.. " The one who learned the largest number of items is defeated.

Game "Focifer."

The question is practiced and answers to it: " iS. tHIS?” "This is a Big, Small, Long, Short, Round, Square, Thick, Thin Box." The magician asks a question.If the subject is named incorrect, he shows him and says: "That.s. wrong.. "If the subject is said, then the student acts as a magician and the game continues.

The game "Questions.”

Fighting the subject, the presenter starts with the promotion: "I. spy with. mY. little. eye. something. beginning with. D.", Calling the first letter, conceived words. Pupils ask a question, trying to guess: "IS. iT. a. cat.?”

The game "Their Gate..”

The game allows you to repeat, consolidate all types of question offers in memory. Two students, connecting hands, become in front of the class, forming the gate. The rest are approaching them and ask questions. Depending on the correctness of the question, the answer follows: "Their gate. iS. open."or"Their gate. iS. shut.

Game "stupid piglets."

It is advisable for this game to have a piglet mask. The piglets can not remember the schedule of lessons and still asks the guys all the time: "Do. you. have 5 lessons oN. Monday.? Do. you. have English oN. Tuesday?”

Game "Conductor."

The role of Conductor is the teacher. The conductor raises a card with a question mark and choir utters: "What are you. doing.? "The teacher shows one of the disciples and he says:"I. aM. speaking English. "The choir commented:"He. iS. speaking English. "The conductor again raises the question mark, and the game continues.

The game "THERE iS.…”

The group is divided into two teams. The teacher adds objects to the box, whose names are known to students. After that, members of the teams in turn call these items in English: "THERE iS. a. book iN. their box..”

The game "Zoo.”

1. Tell the class, which of these animals you can see in the zoo.

Student - "I CAN SEE A Tiger in the Zoo.

2. There are no animals in the zoo.

Student- "Cows Don't Live In The Zoo or There Is No Cow in The Zoo."

3. What animals can be seen in the village.


The game "Hedgehogs..”

I give suggestions in Russian, students are looking for an equivalent proposal in English in the text. The student who first found the right sentence read it. For example: "Our school is not very big." Student of text: "Our School IS NOT SO LARGE"

The game "Butterfly."

With words:"Fly, butterfly., fly! "Some of the children throws up the butterfly up, above the paper sheet, on which the grammatical structure is written. It is necessary to find an offer with this structure.

The game "Blind. Man.s. Buff..”

Game in Zhmurki. Drinking with tied eyes constantly asks: "Where are you.? "Everything is rotational, sometimes changing the voices, shout:"I. aM. here. "But here I caught a" sacrifice. "Are you. Lena.?” Lena.:” Yes, I. aM.. " Lena began to drive.

The study of grammatical phenomena is one of the most difficult moments in learning English. But here you can also help various rhymes and poems. They can be used both on the initial and average and advanced stages of teaching English.


I am a pupil.

You are A Writer.

She is a teacher.

He is a fighter.


I "VE Got / She / He / It Has Got

I am a kitten.

I "VE Got A Mitten.

I am a giraffe.


IT IS A Kitten.

IT HAS Got A Mitten.

IT is a giraffe.



Present Continuous.

I Am Calling My Friends

AT Half Past Three.



Pete is Reading a Book

Kate IS Learning to Cook

Pat Is Feeding Her Cat,

Jack Is Tidying His Flat.


Present Perfect.

I "VE Been to the Zoo,

I "VE Seen a Kangaroo,

I "VE Eaten a Cake-



Subjunctive Mood.

IF I WERE A CAT - I Would Catch a Rat.

If I WERE A BALL - I Would Jump and Fall.

IF I WERE A Bee - I Would Hide in the Tree.

If I Were A Kangaroo - I Would Live In The Zoo.

I Wish I Could Run Like A Dog.

I Wish I Could Swim Like a Frog.

I Wish i Could Fly Like a Butterfly.

I Wish i Could Smile Like a Crocodile.


Passive Voice

The Book Was Read.

The Pet Was Fed.

The Work Was Done.

The Song Was Sung.

The Letter Was Written


Then It Was Read

And Quickly Sent Back.

These games pursue the goals:

teach students to use speech samples containing certain grammatical difficulties;

create a natural situation to use this speech sample;

develop the speech creative activity of students.

I would like to give examples of such games:

I. Hide-and-Seek in a picture.

The teacher says: "Let" S Play Hide-and-Seek Today! "


T: Let "S Count Out.

Chose a leading. The guys were already gathered to hide, as disguised them: it turns out that hide and seekers will be unreal. "Hide" need mentally for one of the items depicted in a big picture. In the most interesting way to lead - he writes on the note, where he hid, and gives it to the teacher. So that it looks like a real hide and seek, the class reads the promotion, which usually accompanies this game from English children:

Bushel of Wheat, Bushel of Clover:

All Not Hid, CAN "T Hide Over.

All Eyes Open! Here I Come.

Start "Search":

P 1: Are You Behind The Wardrobe?

IT: NO, I Am Not.

P 2: Are You Under the Bed?

IT: NO, I Am Not.

P 3: Are you in the Wardrobe?

IT: NO, I Am Not.

P 4: Are You Behind The Curtain?

Guessing gets one point and the right to "hide."

Each game requires a presenter, because his role is especially great, and the teacher is best to fulfill, he must be a soul of the game and charge everyone with his azart. So, for example, the success of the next game depends on how the teacher behaves, since here the plot of the game is built on the community of the situation.

II. I TOOK A Trip.

The class studied the verb shapes in Past Indefinite.

Taking advantage of the fact that students were driving somewhere, the teacher asks the question: "You Went On A Trip. What did you take with you?"




I Took An Umbrella. I TOOK A NOTE-BOOK.

Teacher: Very Good. But I Know Very Well That That Was The Only Thing You Took. YES, DON "T BE SURPRISED. THAT WAS A Very Unisual Trip.

The disciples began to understand that the teacher came up again and that they should play:

Katya Took Only A Suitcase, Misha Took Only A Food Basket, Andrei Took Only A Clock, In A Word, Each Took Only One Thing. Is IT Clear? ALL RIGHT. Let "S GO ON. I WANT TO ASK:


Katya: I Ate a Book.

Andrei: I ATE A CLOCK.

Jane: I Ate A Dog.

Kolya: I Ate An Umbrella.

The guys laughed necessarily and from the soul. The teacher then explain that according to the rules of the game the game, it is not possible to laugh, and the one who cannot withstand comes out of the game.

Continuing the game, the teacher can ask:

What Did You Put On Your Head?

What Did You Put On Your Feet?

What Kind of Transport DID YOU GO IN?

For the game you can use other inspired, for example:

You Went To the Park. What Did You See There? You Went to the Market. What Did You BUY THERE?

It is only important to understand the principle: responding to the first question, students remember each item, which then should be called in responses to other teacher questions.

1. The purpose of the game is to work out the prepositions, the question is Were Was ...? and answers to him.

The teacher declares the objects on the table, the names of which in English are known for students: a book, pen, penalties. Then he leaves the book on the table, puts the pen in the book, and the penalty hides in the table. Daving the guys one-day minute to remember where subjects are located, the teacher again decides them on the table, and then asks children questions:



P 2: The Pen Was In The Book.


P 3: The Pencil-Box Was In The Table.

Then the teacher pretends to forgot where the items were. Students remind him

P 1: The Book Was On The Table.

2. The task of this game is to consolidate the student in the memory of the vocabulary and turnover of There IS ...

The group is divided into two teams. The teacher adds objects into the box, whose names are known to schoolchildren. After that, members of the teams in turn call these items in English.




Wins a team who called more items.

1. In the process of the game, the vocabulary has been repeated.

First version of the game. The teacher hangs on the board 2 pictures (prepared), drawing the attention of students to the fact that they are almost identical at first glance. It is time for the guys to compare these two pictures and would say that they differ from each other. Then the teacher removes the pictures and asks the guys to call those objects that are depicted on them.

Second version of the game. A teacher hangs on a pre-prepared picture on the board, where, for example, an apple is blue, the dog is green, etc. He asks students to carefully look at the picture, to name all objects whose color does not match the valid.

For example:

P 1: I See a Blue Apple. Apples Are Not Blue. Apples Are Green, Red and Yellou.

Then the teacher, as in the first case removes the picture and asks the guys to list all the items that are depicted on it.

P 1: In The Picture I See A Tree.

P 2: In The Picture I See A House.

You can complicate the game, asking students to name the same color of the subject, its size or shape.

P 1: In The Picture I See A Green Tree.

P 2: In The Picture I See A Large White House.

2. In the process of this game, schoolchildren ask questions, respond to them in Ptesent Indefinite Tense and describe thematic pictures.

The teacher gives the first team a picture (for example, on the topic "Classroom") and offers the guys within two or three minutes carefully consider it. Then he transmits the picture to members of the second team, which asks questions to its opponents. For example:

How Many Desks Are There in the Crass Room?

Where Is the Chair?

What Things Do You See On The Desk?

Where Is the Book?

After answering questions, the correctness of which are controlled by members of the second team, the picture is postponed again, and the members of the second team describe it.

Do you like games? We think everyone who studies English wants the learning process to be light and exciting as a favorite game. We also believe that learning English is needed with pleasure, so today we offer you 10 sites with the collections of free online games for learning English. They will help you not just a pleasant time, but also expand the vocabulary, tighten the knowledge of grammar and spelling. Are you ready to play English?

9. Cambridge English.

Games for learning English from the organization Cambridge English, according to their developers, are focused on children, however, we recommend that you pull up our knowledge here if you start learning English and tired of exercises from the textbook. It is advisable to do here at the BEGINNER-ELEMENTARY level.

Despite the fact that games here are not very much, we recommend this site as a good training platform for those who want to better remember the basic vocabulary with the help of simple and fun games.


The site of the famous British Council will also please the lovers of study with entertainment. You can try to engage on it from the level of Elementary, however, some games will be interesting and on Intermediate, and on Upper-intermediate.

Here you will find games for the expansion of the vocabulary, checking the spelling skill, as well as all sorts of puzzles with words. Simple entertainment will help you improve your knowledge of English.

We offered you a list of 10 wonderful sites with games to explore English. Play them at least 10-15 minutes a day, and let independent English classes become a daily pleasant time for you.

The game, as you know, is the main activity of the child. It is a kind of general language for all guys. At the same time, the game is a teaching tool that activates the mental activity of the student, allows you to make an educational process attractive and interesting, has an emotional impact on the training. This is a powerful incentive to mastering the tongue.

According to the psychologist A.A. Lyontieva, the motivation created by the game must be represented along with communicative, cognitive and aesthetic motivation. All this together taken is the motivation of the teaching. The strongest motivating factor is the techniques and teaching methods that satisfy the needs of schoolchildren in the novelty of the material under study, in the diversity of the exercises. The use of various learning techniques contributes to the consolidation of language phenomena in memory, creating more persistent visual and auditory images, maintaining interest and activity of students.

All games can be divided into two groups: preparatory games and creative games. Preparatory games contribute to the formation of new skills, namely games:

- grammatical

- lexical

- phonetic

- spelling

Preparatory games, as it were, "build" the foundation of speech, because without grammatical structures, vocabulary, phonetics and spelling will not master the language. And monotonous workouts that do not bring satisfaction can be replaced with games and play situations that will help boring work to make more interesting and exciting.

Brief classification of games

Grammar Games:

These games are chamfering to teach students to eat speech samples containing certain grammatical difficulties, create a natural situation to use this speech sample, develop speech activity and independence of students.

Grammar games help overcome the difficulties of learning language. They meet the age-related possibilities of children and are useful for the development of their independence.

All games enrich the vocabulary of children. But you should not get involved in the task of accumulation of words: you need to follow the words to be well understood and that schoolchildren learned to freely use them in speech.

As a grammatical material, you should use samples of speech masters of the word. Simple and sonorous lines are easily remembered by children and improve their speech. However, it is impossible to shone itself with the requirements of exemplary connected speech. For some games it is impossible. Therefore, individual words are allowed, and individual combinations of words, and the most simple everyday phrases.

Many games may be accompanied by creative tasks: to make a story on supporting words, make a proposal, come up with an example by analogy (the same), answer the question, etc.

Explanations to the game addressed to the teacher, and the teacher himself, together with the children, on the basis of the explanation will be "Rules". This is a fairly interesting job for the guys. I want to provide more space for homemade students.

All kids kids are made by themselves or with their parents in their free time, in labor lessons. Following my instructions, cut, glue, draw, inscribive cards. I consider the process of making the game very important. The children are perfectly mastered and remember what they did.

Lexical games:

Lexically aimed exercises in the form of the game contribute to the development of the attention of students, their cognitive interest; Help the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the lesson.

Lexical games can be linguistic and speech.

The purpose of language lexical games is to train students in mastering words outside the context, as well as the assimilation of all systemic signs of a foreign language word. In the language game, the process of mastering lexical units is strictly regulated. All the attention of schoolchildren is aimed at reproducing the educational material, while strictly recorded and accounting for students' errors.

The purpose of the speech lexical game is the solution of various communicative tasks with existing lexical means. When solving such problems, students are fascinated on the content of the statement, and not on the form, as in the first case.

When conducting lexical games (language and speech), a major role is given to the teacher, which here is the organizing figure. It defines the function of the game and its place in the educational process, the form of holding, as well as the time you need for the game. In this case, the fact that the teacher, organizing the game, should involve as many students of the group (class) as possible, and then imperceptibly and skillfully come out of it. Further, the teacher only observes the game, manages it, while giving some recommendations and prompts if difficulties arise during the game. At this time, the teacher imperceptibly writes errors to systematize them and conduct their correction in subsequent correction.

Phonetic games:

One species of the game in the training of a foreign language are phonetic games that contribute to the formation of speech skills.

Phonetic games are of two types: those that are aimed at warning (prevention) errors, and those that are aimed at correcting (correction) errors. The difficulty in working with the games is that all, even the most complex sounds and soundness are found already from the very first lessons, so that language material should not be simplified that the material spent in class does not immediately go into spontaneous speech.

Phonetic games are carried out on a principle of simple - to complex, or associated with the words are entered in classes, or need to correct the most rough errors. When conducting a phonetic game, at the beginning there is some important to absorb the difference in sounding. Then the difference in pronouncing with the difference in the sense is associated. Each time the difference in the meaning, quite clearly prominent to children, is associated with the difference in sound.

After the demonstration of the sounding in the game context, it is assumed that they have become a solid association, the teacher asks to repeat the sounding, and then gives tasks to distinguish the pairs: Guess the sound that is happening now, etc. After that, the children themselves can pronounce sounding depending on the situation.

Phonetic games are used to develop auditory attention and memory, teach them to listen to the sounds of the German language according to their characteristics. This is important for the formation of the skills of foreign language pronunciation, intonation. Many games contribute to memorizing words, learn to speak in a fast and slow pace.

Spelling games:

Specographic games contribute to the formation and development of speech skills. The main purpose of these games is the development of the spelling of French words. Part of the games are designed to train students' memory, others - to reproduce the spelling of the word. As a rule, in this type of exercise includes spelling bookmarks, drawing up words from one word, from these letters and others.

Part II.

Grammatical games

"Doll - Third Face"

Purpose: Development of the ability of dialogic and monologic speech.

Duration: 45 min.

Age / class: elementary school, grade 4

Equipment: Doll (any)

Number of students: 10

Rules of the game:The gaming task with a doll in this function may be such: "Your doll is already big. She knows how to jump, run, sing and dance. Tell your neighbors about everything that your doll knows how to ask him that he knows how to do his doll. "

Like the usual role-playing game, the game with a doll allows you to save the plot chains of tasks. One example of such chains.

1. Dunno came to the store to buy balls. But since he did not know the names of flowers, he began to show his finger on the balls. Sellers did not want to talk with such an ignorable boy. Let's teach melanger correctly to call colors.

2. Dunno did not remember everything and asks the guys: What Color Is IT?

3. Dunno remembered your answers well, did you remember his question? Let's check! You ask the question is minor, and he answers.

The game is offered and tested: Kozlovskaya A.A.

"Hide - and - Seek in the Picture"

Purpose: Training use of place prepositions.

Duration: 20 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: 11 sheets -cakes, picture with room image

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game: It is necessary to have a large picture of the room. Driving (one of the students) "hiding" somewhere in the picture, writes on paper where he hid and gives it to the teacher. Children, asking for watering issues, are "looking for" it in the picture. To make more things like real hide and seek, you can read the prickly book:

Bushel of Wheat, Bushel of Clover,
All Not HID, CAN't Hide Over.
All Eyes Open! Here I Come.

Children ask questions to hardening:

· Are you Under the Bed?

· Are you behind the door?

· Are you on the chair?

· Are you in the box?

P.S.:For the game to be interesting and exciting, you must use a picture with a large number of places where you can hide. If you have the topic of the lesson "Home, Sweet Home", then this is an excellent opportunity to repeat also vocabulary, in addition to the use of place prepositions. It is desirable that the children take around the whole participants to see the picture well. Within the game of the game you need to change, so that others can try themselves as a leading. You can diversify the game using not one room image, but a few.


Purpose: Training of education of the affirmative, questionative, negative forms of studied times

Duration: 10- 15 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 8

Equipment: Cards with composite parts offer

Number of participants: 9

Rules of the game: The class is divided into two teams. Each member of the teams there are cards with composite parts of the sentence. Holding the cards in the right order and forming suggestions, the participants ask questions to rivals, an opponent who collected the correct answer from the cards, answers the question.

The first to answer strong disciples. After completing your task, they can help weaker students.

P.S.: This game was well perceived by the class, however, there were also some difficulties in children who knew the material was not entirely well. Therefore, at initial stages, it is possible to use formulas formulas for the formulas and their affirmative, questionative and negative forms (table). How the option can be gradually complicated by the rules of the game. Suppose, in the first lesson, to carry out this game to workout the time of the Simple group, then Continuous - Perfect- Perfect Continuous in an active pledge with the preceding repetition of the rules of education. And after all these stages, hold the game to train all times of active collateral without the use of tables and formulas formulas. Then you can go to the passive pledge.

What Do You Like To Do? "

Purpose: Activation in the speech of general issues.

Duration: 15-20min.

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: not

Number of students:8

Rules of the game: One of the students makes sure that he likes to do, the rest ask him questions: do you like to swim? Do You Like To Play Football? Until until you guess. Guessing becomes leading.

P.S.: It is advisable to sit in a circle or a round table to see and hear the responding. The game was well perceived by grade 5.

Savvuldi D.I.,

"Multiple number (body parts) plurals"

Purpose:training students in use Multiple number

Duration: 15-20min.

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: ball or soft toy

Number of students:8

Rules of the game: The teacher throws the ball by the child, calling the noun (part of the body or something else) in the singular. The child calls it a noun in a plural and throws the ball to the teacher.

P.S.: When performing this game, students should sit down in a circle. So easier to play. The number of children is not limited.

The game is offered and tested: in high school in grade 5.

Savvuldi D.I.,

"Crosses and Spots"

purpose: Automate and develop the resistance and flexibility of grammatical and lexical skills.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Age / class: elementary school, grade 4

Equipment:cards with verbs.

Number of students: whole class

Rules of the game: For this game, you can use cards with verbs, or just decompose words on cards or pictures. Playing to comply with the principle of graduality. Playing takes himself a card if:

  • Called the verb in Russian;
  • Translated it into English;
  • Gave 3 forms of verb;
  • Compiled a simple sentence, for example: "I Go to School Every Day.";
  • The proposal to Past Ind.: "I Went To School Yesterday.";
  • The proposal in the 3rd face of the only number: "He Goes to School Every Day.";
  • Issued a question (general, special);
  • Made a denial;

P.S.: "Crosses and Spots" are applicable only for students who confidently can play this game in Russian, and which are painlessly relate to their own losing. The game applies at any stage to raise the emotional tone of the student.

"Pass The Card"

Purpose:training and repetition of the Have / Has design

Duration:10-15 minutes

Age / class: Junior School, 3-6 Class

Equipment: Cards, box

Number of participants:10

Rules of the game: Children are searched by a semicircle and transmit each other a box with cards, calling it. . For complication of tasks, children can pronounce: "I have a ..." / "I have a ... and a ...". Then talk about comrades and answer that they have: She Has a ... / He Has a ....

Note: It is possible to use during extracurricular activities


Purpose:Development of the skill of structuring proposals. Development of the grammatical knowledge base of students

Duration: 5-10 min.

Age / class: Primary school, 3-4 class.

Equipment: A4 sheets with words that are parts of the sentence, magnets for the board.

Number of participants: The whole class.

Rules of the game:Participants are distributed by sheets with words with which they can make a proposal. The offer is pronounced in Russian, students must compile this offer in English, alternately entering the board and attaching their word. Before the disciples begin to go to the board, the teacher repeats the rules to avoid typical errors. The proposed proposal is verified by the teacher and collectively corrects.


Purpose: Development of lexical and grammatical skills

Duration: 20 minutes

Age / class:

Equipment: Cards with illustrations (lexica passed), a few cards with a double image of any object

Number of participants:11

Rules of the game:Participants are sitting in a circle. Each participant will be distributed on 5-7 cards. The remaining cards are put in the center. The participant starts the game with a card on which a double image of the object. The player puts this card and calls in English, which is depicted on it (there is ... \\ there are ...). Next, the game goes according to the rules of the game "Domino". Wins the one who has no single card left. The remaining participants of the game put their cards into the center of the circle, while calling in English, which is shown on each illustration.

P.S.:for the game you need as much as possible cards

The game is offered and tested: Savchenko A.A.

"Last Word Chain"

Purpose: Development of monologue skills, skills for building a logically connected statement.

Duration: 10- 15 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 8

Equipment: Text, cards to this text.

Number of participants: 9

Rules of the game:To start the game, the teacher utters the first sentence. The next student must come up with a proposal that began with the last word of the previous proposal. If the student makes it difficult, he misses the move, and moves to the next student:

1) I Have Got A Cat.
The Cat Is Gray.
The Gray Cat Is Under the Chair.
The Chair Is Near The Table.
The Table IS in the Room.

2) I Like Christmas.
Christmas is Celebrated on the 25 of December.
December is in winter.
Winter Is My Favourite Season.
The Season I Don't Like Is Autumn.

P.S.: When performing this game, students are best to sit in a circle or for a round table. So they will be configured on the task. A teacher can see and control everyone so that students cannot suggest each other. You can also use any item that will be transmitted to the responding from the already answered so that the attention of students is aimed only on the answer.

The game is proposed and tested by Emirassanova A.S.


Purpose: Develop the ability to correctly use the verb 'Can', ask questions and respond to using the verb 'Can'
Duration: 5-10 min.
Age / class : Junior School, 4th Class
Equipment: Cards with verbs action
Number of participants: 10-15
Rules of the game: The teacher puts the card with verbs into the box, and the disciples are pulled out one card and show it to the teacher. The teacher then sets the studies on the chain of the question 'Can You ... and adds verb, which is written on the student card. The answer will be 'No, I CAN't' / 'Yes, I Can'. Then students using their verbs, ask the same questions to the teacher.

The game is offered and tested: Shulgoy A.D.

Lexical games

"Work with a new vocabulary"

Purpose: Enter new lexical units on specified topics.

Duration: 45 min.

Age / class: elementary school, grade 4

Equipment: Cards with a word translation, paper for error correction.

Number of students: 10

Rules of the game:The class is divided into three subgroups.

First, the vocabulary is injected front. Then work begins in small groups: students get cards with the task to translate words.
The card necessarily gives the key to verify the correctness of the answers. Pupils work in pairs. After that, students unite in the fourths and train in spelling new words. A strong student dictates words, the rest are written and then checked. If someone was mistaken, then the word should write several times to memorize. At the end, a written task is given. It is performed "on a chain".

Examples of tasks for working in groups above the lexical material on the topic: "Weather"

1. NEW WORDS. (Lexics is introduced front).

Weather, Seasons, Sun, Shine, Clouds, Snow, Rain, Icy, Windy, Wet, Humid.

2. Work in pairs.

BUT). The presenter first utters the phrase in English; The partner repeats it and translates into Russian.
The Weather Is Fine and Warm.
The Wind Is Blowing.

B). The leading pronounces the Russian proposal; A partner translates him into English in writing, then hesitates out loud.
What a glorious morning! Fall. Heat. But it's time to go to a chick.
"What is the weather today?" - "terrible."
It's true! In England, is really cool in the summer? It is interesting.

3. Spelling (dictates the captain of the team)
Cloudy and Wet, Windy and Snowy, Cold But Sunny, Hot and Cloudy.

4. Control task (by chain).
Summer the sun shines brightly.
The weather today is warm.
Winter - Cold season.
Autumn often blows the wind.
Now there is heavy snow.

P.S.:During this game, children can sit in a circle. This audience should be well lit.

The game is offered and tested Kozlovskaya A.A.

« Let's Draw a Picture »

Purpose: consolidation of vocabulary on the topics

Duration: 20 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 8

Equipment: Dramed leaflets, colored markers

Number of participants: 9

Rules of the game: Each student needs to prepare a sheet in advance, discharged on 20 cells. The teacher calls words on the topics studied (not only noun, but also adjectives, and verb, and even phrase). Pupils must draw every word that matches its cell. Then the teacher is called the cell number, and the task of students - with the help of its drawing "Restore" the word.

P.S.: This game is well used when studying those associated with parts of the body, fruits, vegetables, animals. Children will be able to visually submit an object and depict it on paper. It will be more difficult to be the case with abstract concepts, they will be more difficult to depict on paper, or come up with an association.

The teacher must have pre-pre-calculated leaflets, as well as colored markers must lie on each desk.

The game is proposed and tested by Emirassanova A.S.


Purpose: Fixing vocabulary on the lesson, memory training.

Duration: 20 minutes

high School, Grade 5

Equipment: Board, picture with image

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game: On the board weighs the picture with the image of the room. Starting the game, the teacher calls the first word. Each subsequent student must call all previous words in the order in which they are included in the game, and say a new word. If someone forgot the word or confused order, he drops out of the game.

P.S.:The picture must be with a large number of items on the topic covered. It is desirable that the children take around the whole participants to see the picture well. This game makes it possible to repeat vocabulary on any topic. In order to make the game more interesting, children can be divided into two teams and arrange a competition. Before spending the game, you must make sure that the vocabulary is well mastered by children.

The game is designed and tested: Ajaliyeva I.A.

"Magic Box »

Purpose: Repetition of lexical units, development of memory, improving the hearing and pronunciation skills

Duration:10-15 minutes
Age / class : High School, Grade 5

Equipment: box, cards with words

Number of participants: 8 people

Rules of the game: Each student must stretch the sheet where the word is written. He must translate this word into English. And so this box passes in a circle several times until there is no single leaflet in the box.

P.S. Intelligent game can use when studying various topics. Students can sit both in a circle and for their jobs.

The game is offered and tested: in high school in grade 5.

Savvuldi D.I.,


Purpose: Training students in the use of vocabulary in situations close to the natural situation;

Duration: 15-20min.

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: Chamomile with removable multi-colored petals.

Number of students:8 people

Rules of the game: The class is divided into two teams. Schoolchildren with each other in a chain call color petal. If the student was wrong, all petals return to the place and the game starts first.

P.S.: In this game, you can use not only petals, but also a conventional colored paper. Preferably, the team members were sitting in one circle.

The game is offered and tested: in high school in grade 5.

Savvuldi D.I.,


Purpose: Automate and develop the resistance and flexibility of lexical skills and speaking skills.
Duration: 3 minutes
Age / class: elementary school, grade 4

Equipment: Board, chalk, sponge
Number of participants: 2
Rules of the game: On the board, the table is drawn, in which it is indicated, for example, time. Two students are called to the board, which must select the cell, and correctly call the time. If the student called the time correctly, he puts the cross / Nolik. In addition to the fact that students should correctly call the time, each of them strive to win (according to the rules of the game "Cross-Tiks").

12:48 15:35 6:17
8:30 5:45 23:06
14:11 19:20 13:15

The game is offered and tested: Blue L.I.

"Synonymous series"

Purpose: Automate and develop the resistance and flexibility of lexical skills.

Duration: 5 minutes

Age / class: elementary school, grade 4

Equipment:cards with verbs.

Number of students: 11

Rules of the game: Each student is offered the word to which he must pick up the maximum number of synonyms. When the student meets the student, others have the opportunity to supplement his response. On the board are written names (on the list) and for each full synonymous series, opposite the surname put a smiley, for not full - tick.

The game is offered and tested: Blue L.I.

"What is missing"

Purpose: develop care, repeat the material passed

Duration:15 minutes

Age / class: Junior - Second School, 3-5 Class

Equipment: Cards

Number of participants: 8

Rules of the game: On the carpet (table), cards are laid out with words, children call them. The teacher gives the team: "Close Your Eyes!" And removes 1-2 cards. Then gives the command: "Open Your Eyes!" And asks the question: "What is Missing?" Children remember missing words.

P.S.: It is possible to use in nature in the commands (one command asks a question another team)

The game is offered and tested: Nikolaichuk L.I.


purpose: Repetition of the loaning and testing of sound (in this case R)

Duration:5 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment:visual material, magnets, board

Number of participants: 8- 10

Rules of the game: All words have passed on a certain sound. Of them are a story. When a word on sound is found in history - it is shown to children on the card, and they call him a chorus.

For example: live-was (Rabbit). And he had a wonderful (Rope). Our (Rabbit) simply adored jumping through her (Rope) along the long (RoAD). And along (Road) they grew unusually beautiful (Roses). Every morning, if not (Rain), our (Rabbit) collected beautiful (Roses) and attributed to his friends! ETC.

P.S.: It is carried out in class at the lesson, permissible during extracurricular activities.

The game is offered and tested: Nikolaichuk L.I.

"Make A Story"

Purpose: Development of the ability to hear and understand, as well as logically think

Duration: 20 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 5, 10 years

Equipment: Handout

Number of students: 11

Rules of the game:

Each participant receives a card with one proposal from a certain story. He is not allowed to show this proposal to other participants or write down - he must remember it. It gives 2 minutes. The cards are then going, and the teacher reads the story. Playing listened to him, and then each of them in accordance with the logic of the construction in turn call their offer. Strong students get more complex proposals, and the weak is easier.

P.S.: It is necessary to choose a story according to the software requirements for one classroom!

"Try to Guess"

Purpose: - to activate the reading activities of students;

Repeat vocabulary on the topic appearance.
Duration: 25 minutes
Age / class : High School, Grade 5
Equipment: Board, Marker
Number of participants: 11
Rules of the game: The class is divided into two teams. From among one of the teams, the teacher chooses the leader. The leader chooses any student and describes it / her without calling him / her name. The members of both teams are trying to guess, about whom is talking. That team, the member of which guess, gets one point. From among the winning team, a new leader is chosen, and the game begins again. The team who scores more glasses won.

P.S: Before the start of the game, it is necessary to explain to the children that they should lift the hand, and not speak at the same time. Otherwise, points will not count. Before the game, the board should be divided into two parts by a vertical line: to the right to write "Team A", on the left "team in". Below with crossings or checkmarks to mark the number of points earned by teams.


Purpose: - intensify the reading activities of students;

Develop a speech reaction of students.

Repeat vocabulary on the topic of the country and nationality.

Duration: 25 minutes
Age / class : High School, Grade 5
Equipment: Board, Marker
Number of participants: 11
Rules of the game: On the board are written the names of countries in English. The number of countries corresponds to the number of students in the classroom. The teacher chooses the leader and invites him to choose one of the countries, but not to pronounce its name out loud. The rest of the students try to find out which of the countries the leader was guess, asking questions. The student who marries first, becomes the leader and the game begins first. Gongs of the country teacher stresses.

Example: S1: Are You FROM Poland?


S3: Are You From Bulgaria?

L: Yes, I Am Bulgarian.

The game is offered and tested by Mishchenko W. E.

"The Chain of Words"

Purpose: 1. Reassembled lexical units

2. Development of speaking skills.

Duration: 5-7 minutes

Age / class: Primary school, 3-4 class.

Equipment: ball

Number of students: The whole class.

Rules of the game: The teacher calls an obsessed word according to a given vocabulary in Russian and throws the ball a student. The student who caught the ball should translate the word into English. Thus, all students are involved in the game. This game can be carried out on the fixation of any lexical units, for example: the names of colors, professions, animals, days of the week, etc.

P.S: This game is the most effective directly at the initial stage of learning, as it is characterized by a narrow format of the task.



2. Development of associative memory.

Duration: 10-15 min.

Age / class: High school, 6-7 class.

Equipment: lexical units on a specific topic

Number of students: The whole class.

Rules of the game: Participants in the circle. The teacher assigns each student "Name" i.e. A certain word on the vocational vocabulary. For a start, to remember your "names" students in turns pronounce them, then the immediate game begins. With the pronouncement of the key phrase "ONE-TWO", the student who opens the game, pronounces his name and name of another participant, for example: "One-Two" - "Bear-Dog", "One-Two" - "Dog-Cat". The game is carried out at the speed and checks the degree of knowledge of words, if any student breaks for a long time in response or forgets the names of other participants, it comes out of the game.

The game is offered and tested Mustafaeva e.N.


purpose: 1. Fastening the vassed vocabulary.

2. Expansion of the synonymous vocabulary stock.

3. Development of spontaneous speech.

Duration: 5-10 minutes

Age / class: High school, 6-7 class.

Equipment: Lexical units, active vocabulary of students.

Number of participants: the whole class.

Rules of the game: The teacher asks a lexical theme and calls a student who should lead five words related to this vocabulary, then the teacher asks another student and should add the sixth word to the list of previous ones. Similarly, a survey is carried out on any vocabulary.

The game is offered and tested Mustafaeva e.N.

"Draw and remember!"

Purpose: Development and consolidation of lexical skills

Duration: 45 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 5, 10 years

Equipment: Handout

Number of students: 11

Rules of the game:

The famous artist came to visit us. He brought each student specially discharged on 20 cells a sheet of paper. The artist calls words on the topics studied (not only nouns, but also adjectives, and verbs, and phrases). Pupils must draw every word that matches its cell. The artist then calls the cell number, and the task of students - with the help of its drawing "restore" the word or phrase.

P.S: The artist must bring felt-colors to students!

The game is offered and tested by Savchenko A.A.


purpose: Secure learned vocabulary
Duration: 4 - 5 min
Age / class: for example younger school, 3, 4th grade
Equipment: Board, working notebooks
Number of participants: 10-15 people
Rules of the game: On the board recorded 10 words. Children must choose any 7 and record them in a notebook. The teacher calls words that are written on the board. If the title name is recorded by a child in a notebook, he emphasizes his pencil. Wins the one who emphasizes all the words. Stressing the last word, he loudly says Bingo.

The game is offered and tested Schulgoy A.D.

"How Many Pages?"

Purpose: Nutigator training more than 20

Duration: 20 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: books

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game:

A teacher on the table always lies a lot of beautiful books. Once he asks in children, showing one of the books:

How Many Pages Are There in This Book?

Children are trying to guess: - There Are ...

Then the teacher looks at which number of pages in the book, pronounces and children repeat the choir.

P.S.:The game perfectly helps repeat the numeral. Instead of a teacher, one of the students can ask a question. To diversify the game, you can ask a question - How Many Pictures Are There in This Book? Pupils may assume how many pictures, what they are (colorful, interesting, etc.) It is desirable that students sat at the round table.

The game is designed and tested: Ajaliyeva I.A.

Phonetic games

"Monkey Talk [Ð]"

Purpose:work out the correctness of the pronunciation of sound [Ð]

Duration: 15 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: books

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game:

Teacher: It seems to me that you can all very well depict small monkeys - how they build faces, how they chat. Monkeys in the English zoo talk in English. And when they pronounce the sound [ð] they try very hard - they try to show their tongues to visitors. The angry monkey is shouting at all: "They, They, They", and the monkey's scient tail speaks as a poet: "Thee, Thee, Thee":

Little Monkey In The Tree

This is What He Says to Me,

Thee, thee, thee ".

Monkey Jumps from Limb to Limb

While I Chatter Back to HIM:

"Thee, Thee, Thee

They, they, they.

P.S.:The game is perfectly suitable in order to work out the pronunciation of the sound [Ð]. 2 classes are required to learn poem. You can share participants for two teams. The audience should be bright and spacious. One team meets the lead as a poetic monkey "Thee, Thee, Thee", and the second as an angry "They, They, They". You can change remarks. Change the lead The main thing is that each team does not confuse the replica. And clearly uttered the sound [ð].

The game is designed and tested: Ajaliyeva I.A.

"Sending a Telegram"

Purpose: training students in the pronouncement of English sounds.

Duration: 20-30Minut

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: Cards with words.

Number of students:8

Rules of the game: The class chooses the lead. The teacher asks him to imagine himself as a telegraphist and send a telegram - to say spelled words by pause after each word.

P.S.: Words to take from those studied topics. The class must be complete leaf.

The game is offered and tested: in high school in grade 5.

Savvuldi D.I.,

Name the word (game with the subject)

Purpose: formation of phonmethic hearing skills.

Duration: 15-20Minut

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: ball or soft toy

Number of students:8

Rules of the game: The presenter throws the ball in turn, calling the word in which this sound is heard.

For example: Fat, Map, Cap, Sat, Dad

P.S.: Games are very suitable for testing sounds. It is desirable that students sat in a circle.

The game is offered and tested: in high school in grade 5.

Savvuldi D.I.,

"I Hear, I DON" T HEAR "

Purpose:formation of the skills of phonderatic hearing

Duration:5 minutes

Age / class: Primary school, 3-4 class.

Equipment:words with long and brief vowels.

Rules of the game:Trainees are divided into teams. Teacher pronounces words. If he pronounces a word in which there are long vowel - students raise their left hand if there is a brief vows in the named word. The teacher writes player errors on the board. Wins the team that has done less mistakes.

The game is proposed tested: Mustafaeva e.N.

Spelling games

« The COMB »

Purpose: Fixing the studied vocabulary, the development of spelling skills

Duration: 10-15 minutes

Age / class: High School, Grade 8

Equipment: Board, color chalk

Number of participants: 9

Rules of the game: The class is divided into 2 teams. A long word is written on the board for each team. Representatives of teams in turn run up to the blackboard and write words beginning with the letters that make up the original word vertically. The words of one command should not be repeated. The team wins the team that first and correctly wrote words. Words can be different parts of speech, the main thing is that they are longer than the words of rivals.

E. D. U. C. A. T. I. O. N.
X. I. S. U. U. E. N. P. O.
P. S. A. R. T. A. V. P. T.
E. A. G. R. H. C. E. O. E.
R. P. E. I. O. H. S. R. B.
I. P. C. R. E. T. T. O.
E. O. U. I. R. I. U. O.
N. I. L. T. G. N. K.
C. N. U. Y. A. I.
E. T. M. T. T.
I. Y.

P.S.: Please note that this game is best carried out in a room where much space. If there is little space and in order to avoid noise and walking in class, it is desirable that the teacher himself take turns to write down the word of each student, alternating one team on the other, also children gives the opportunity to tell the words of the opponent with the wrong answer or if it is not at all. The teacher must have color chalk, so that at the end of the game quickly and accurately calculate the points of each team on the color of the word written on the board.

The game is proposed and tested by Emirassanova A.S.

"Insert the letter"

Purpose:checking the absorption of spelling within the studied lexical material.

Duration: 20 minutes

Age / class : High School, Grade 5

Equipment: Board, Mel.

Number of participants: 11

Rules of the game:

The board is divided into two parts. For each command, words are recorded in each of which the letter is missing. Representatives of the teams alternately go to the board, insert the missing letter or letters and read the word and translate it.

For example:

P.S.:The game is perfect for the absorption of spelling within the studied lexical material. Words must be recorded on the board before the lesson starts. It is desirable to drill the board to the words not to be seen.

The game is designed and tested: Ajaliyeva I.A.


Purpose:development of spelling skills.

Duration: 15-20min.

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: not

Number of participants: 8

Rules of the game: Selected presenter. His task is to write the Word, but he writes the word with his hand in the air. The task of the rest is to write down words in notebooks. Wins the one who correctly recorded all the words.

P.S.:The class should be well lit. The game is suitable for studying spelling, on the studied vocabulary.

The game is offered and tested: in high school in grade 5.

Savvuldi D.I.,


Purpose: Formation of spelling skills

Duration: 15-20Minut

Age / class: High School, Grade 5

Equipment: List of words, leaves, knobs

Number of participants 8

Rules of the game: Students are invited to quickly view the list of words, and then call words in which there is a given letter. Wins the one who can call more words.

P.S.:This is playing for the absorption of spelling, according to the already studied vocabulary.

The game is offered and tested: in high school in grade 5.

Savvuldi D.I.,


Purpose: 1. Fastening the grammatical knowledge base of students.

2. Development of letters skill.

Duration: 5-10 minutes

Age / class: Primary school, 3-4 class.

Equipment: Board, Mel.

Number of participants: The whole class.

Rules of the game: On the board they wrote proposals in which the verb is missing. Pupils take turns and fit the verb in the right form.

The game is offered and tested: Mustafaeva e.N.


The role of games in the method of teaching a foreign language is difficult to overestimate. This is primarily due to the specifics of the subject. On the one hand, the need to learn by heart is the language material, grammar, etc. Often it causes hostility from students, and here just gaming moments can have invaluable assistance in creating a positive mood to a foreign language lesson in general, and to the material studied in particular. On the other hand, there are essentially communicative exercises, it significantly helps in achieving the main goal of learning a foreign language, namely to teach communication in the language.

The game is understood as the game used in the educational process as a task containing the learning task, which will ensure the achievement of a certain educational goal. In games, phonetic, lexical, grammatical games, speech (games for teaching speaking, listening, reading) are distinguished. In this paper, we reviewed how the game affects the improvement of motivation to study English in school.

A set of games aimed at improving the motivation of students to study English has been tested.

So, the goal of our study on the efficiency of the use of games in the lessons of the English language - was performed, and the hypothesis is confirmed.


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  • Chapter 2. Optimization of the cognitive function of the language. § 1. Computer linguistics23