Competitions and games for Easter. Cheerful games and competitions for Easter for children and adults

Competitions and games for Easter. Cheerful games and competitions for Easter for children and adults

Avvakumova Natalia.
Entertainment "Easter Games and Competitions"

Entertainment« Easter games and contests» For children of the middle speech therapy group

purpose: To introduce children with the traditions of Russian

folk holiday "Light Easter» .

Tasks: To bring up respect for Russian customs and Orthodox holidays. Instilling love for Russian folklore, Russian games and competitors. Awake interest and desire to play and win. Develop Creative abilities, thinking, attention, small and general motility of children.

Under the music of A. Yermolov "Spring Krasnaya", children enter the hall and sit on chairs.

The hall includes a lead greeting with children:

"Hello, girls and boys! Congratulations to you with the largest Christian holiday. Of course, you know what holiday has come?

Holiday Easter!

Right. Easter Call holidays holidays, celebration from celebrations.

Tell me guys, and what treats are traditionally prepared for easter table.? (Answers children: easter, cakes, painted eggs)

This holiday is rich not only with a delicious treat, he is rich in customs and traditions. There is a belief that Easter sun playing. And many people were trying to pour it before moment: Early in the morning climbed the roofs of houses to see how the sun "WILL WILL"And the children appealed to the Sun with the Sillar.

1. Sun - burdens,

Looking in the window!

Sun, show

Red, stand up!

2. Sun, heating,

Small kids pity!

Baby will take a walk,

Will run and play.

Leading: Holiday Easter lasts a whole week. She is not like any other per year, and it is called bright. And whatever the weather stood these days on yard: And the warmth and sun and even the rain will sing the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In the bright week, everyone who wishes can climb the church bell tower and call the bell. There is a joyful bell ringing everywhere. Such a ringing is called Easter Blagoves.

And on Easter In Russia, always satisfied funny children games, let's, and we will play!

1. Puzzle game "Smalled egg".

Children are divided into two teams. Before each command, cut out figures. Figures are pieces of eggs. The task of the team - as soon as possible to collect the testicle.

2. Game "Skating eggs".

(Children take turns to the hill and ride the egg, who will bring toy, he will win).

3. game - relay "Who will quickly postpone the egg in a spoon".

(Children must move the egg in a spoon from the start to the finish, passing a spoon with the next participant.)

4. Game "Who will harm eggs faster"

(one child from the team is necessary, as quickly as possible to collect the testicles scattered around the hall to the basket)

5. Racing easter rabbits

(Who is the first thing that goes in the bag to the finish - he is declared high-speed easter rabbit.)

6. Competition for Easter: "Bring Pisanka"

In that competition You will also need a pair number of participants. All pairs are issued multicolored balloons. The ball needs to come down to each other by the sides and will reach the finish from the start, without losing the ball. What a couple is the first one and won.

7. Game: "Cruffers"

Children spin their paintings - whose longer scrolls, he won.

8. Game: "Fight painting"

Playing shout: "One two Three! My egg, grazing! Ready to fight!" Players are beaten by painted by any side, usually sharp. Whose egg is divided, or give a crack, that loser.

Leading: - That's our holiday ends. Let's get up in a circle and all together twist at the festive dance and perform a song "Christ is risen!"

Horticulture "Christ is risen" Words and music N. Tananko.

And let us always accompany the luck, the joyful mood will continue in our souls!

MBOU "Rylskaya Main Communication School №2"

Game competitive program

"Meet Easter"

Prepared and spent: tutor

Dmitrieva Tatyana Viktorovna

Game competitive program "Meet Easter"

Purpose: To introduce the history of the tradition of celebrating the bright holiday Easter, traditions of dyeing Easter eggs.


    To acquaint children with traditions of the celebration of Easter in Russia, rites, games accompanying this holiday.

    To acquaint with the history of the tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter.

    Create conditions for children of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Christian holiday Easter.

    Reliable respect for Russian Orthodox traditions.

    Improve creative abilities.

Event flow:

Phonogram "Ring bells"

    Children read poems .

1.Paschnaya Blagovest

Runs suffered

To the blue skies,

Walking out

Quiet valley

Distinguishes sleep

Somewhere for dear

Fucks ringing.

2. From the country of distant

Swallows fly,

Fun twist

People say:

"People awake!

Spring is coming to us!

And from the spring and Easter

Joy carries us! "

3. Christos risen!

Everywhere, Blagovsty buzzes,

Of all the churches, the people of Valit

Cose as in the glow of heaven

Again in the spring, Christ is resurrected!

From the fields, the cover of the snow is removed,

Bear rebelled from winter dreams,

And the Middle Forest Greens ...

So Christ is already resurrected!

Land wakes up again

And dress the fields!

Spring goes, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

4. "Bells"

Good on the bell tower

Call the bell

To the holiday was 90

So that the soul is stuffed.

As if angelic singing

This wonderful chime

Light Sunday Sunday

Sound from all sides.

Easter - Light Resurrection. This is the main event in the spiritual life of Christians received the name of the holiday of the holidays, king days. Preparing for it 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or passionate. The Great Thursday is the day of spiritual cleansing, the adoption of the sacrament of communion. Good Friday - a reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ, the day of sadness. The Great Saturday is the day of waiting, the gospel of the resurrection is already reading in the church. Easter - Sunday, when we celebrate the resurrection of the Savior

Preparing for Easter, people are filled with joy and faith. From clean Thursday, the favorite action begins - the painting and painting of eggs. Do you know that the eggs painted in one color were called sharp; If there were stains, strips, etc. were designated on a common colored background. There were still eggs - eggs, painted by the scene or ornamental patterns. In addition, a lot of meaning was invested. Wavy lines are sea-oceans. Circle - bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made painten and writings folded on fresh sprouted greens of oats, wheat, and sometimes - on delicate green leaves of salad, which were specially grown to the holiday. Juicy greens and bright colors of Easter eggs created a festive mood.

The closest relatives are going to the Easter breakfast. The owner approaches guests with wishes and words "Christ is risen!", And then kisses everyone. You must answer like this: "Truly risen!" The combat egg is cut into as many parts of those present. A candle is burning on the table as a reminder of the lightness of this day. It is necessary to start an Easter breakfast from the scene. Even crumbs of this bread, which fell to the floor, in no case should not be thrown away. The whole bright week lasts a holiday

    Competition "Easter Kushanye"

From the issued set of products, children are preparing decorations for the Easter table (boiled eggs; fresh apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots; parsley greenery, dill; canned green peas, corn).

    Easter Scene "Golden Egg"


Lived - were grandfather yes babe

They had a chicken-row.

Demolished the chicken egg

Not simple ─ golden.

Baba: Hey, old man, wake up soon!

Grandfather: Wolves or doors?

What are you noise, old woman?

Baba: Yes, look I found:

Our Pestruha Dignity

Under the bush, the egg demolished.

Grandfather: What is your trouble?

After all, the egg is even where!

Baba: Yes, the egg is not easy,

A, looked, gold.

Grandfather: Golden! Indeed?

We are getting rich with you.

Baba: Oh, burns, blind eyes!

Grandfather: Miracles!

Baba: Miracles!

Grandfather: You bother him in a chest (you can hear on the door)!

Baba: there is no one at home!

Grandfather: You go, borrow

Yes, it would be necessary to lower the pieces.

Baba (Returning):

Wednesday to the city I will go,

There the bazaar happens on Wednesday.

Greaters are a lot there!

Egg and selling them.

Here I will plan to download

Different skirts forty pieces

Shawl in flowers blue,

To the edges of the chest of the chest.

Grandfather: What are you in challenging illets!

Iha, the Molod

Dress up in different trash.

No, if we are rich,

I build instead of hut

Three-storey chambers

And gazebo in the corners.

Baba: punish with a stupid husband!

What are you old, do not whistle!

We live others worse

Neither who we are floors!

Grandfather: I am the owner or not?! (Egg falls and breaks).

Baba (crying): Oh, the egg rolled,

Rolled and crashed.

Grandfather: Calm down, Enough, Baba!

Applies eggs to us Ryab.

We will color these eggs

And hand in Easter children.

Grandfather and Baba endure Lukoshko with candy and bestow children.

Questions on the fairy tale.

    Easter games (For participation in games, children get sweet prizes)

During the Easter week, it is customary to visit, give gifts, send greeting cards. These days, no soul should feel lonely and forgotten (bell ringing). I invite you all to the game.

"Where is the egg brewing?"

Two people participate in the game. In the old days, the egg was covered with hats, you can take plastic cups. One of the players on time comes out of the room or just closes his eyes. Empty inverted cups put on the table, an egg is hiding under them, the name of the player is and asked: "Where is the egg cooking?", Drinking chooses a cup and raises it if there is an egg, then takes it to himself as a prize.

"Split an egg"

Play two, everyone has their own egg. At the same time, players spin Easter eggs on the table, who from whom the egg will spin longer - he won, the winner takes the Egg of the loser player. You can play not only together, but also three, four of us, then the winner is already taking no one egg, but all.

"Paint on Earth"

The egg is put on the ground. In ten steps, one of the players is worth it. He tie his eyes with a handkerchief. With blindfolded eyes, he meals ten steps, unleash his eyes and tries to get an egg without going off the place. If I get, I won, I will not get - lost.

Children get up in pairs, each egg. It is necessary to ride the egg on the hill so that it does not fall, did not break up and the opponent's eggs can be launched.

"Color the egg"

Children tie their eyes with a napkin, and they paint eggs - blanks

"Do not drop egg"

Children are divided into two teams, each team has an egg and a spoon. The first participant must bear the egg on a spoon with one hand, bypass the obstacle, return and give a spoon to the next player. Whose team first will cope with the task and will not break the egg, is the winner.

    Easter quiz

And now check your knowledge in Easter "sweet" quiz, why sweet, guess? (for the correct answer - candy)

    How did you call Easter in Russia? (Light Resurrection, Great Day, Christ day, king day)

    The name of the Mother of the Savior? (Maria)

    How many students - the Apostles had Christ? (12)

    One of them became a traitor. What was his name? (Judas)

    On what day of the week the Christ was devoted to what crucible, in what - rested? (Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)

    Maria Magdalene came to the emperor Tiberius and said: "Christ is risen!" What did she prevent him from? (egg)

    So the tradition appeared to paint eggs. Do you know how the eggs painted in one color are called? (Painted) And if there are stains, stripes on a general background with a different color? (Krapanki) And there were still eggs painted by scene or ornamental patterns, are they called? (Pianks)

    What is the last week before Easter? (Passionate or Great Seventhris dedicated to the suffering of Jesus Christ)

    Summing up the contest of decorative - applied creativity "Light Easter".

Exhibition of workbook works.

    Children read poems , quietly sounds ringing bells.

1 .Kuli and willow - Easter symbol,

Spring, family heat.

So let the day such a beautiful

Bell calls the bells.

Let there be a house of a complete bowl,

Let the joy not leave us

And the path of the freedom of our freedom

We are illuminated in a difficult hour.

2. Happy Easter from the soul wish

Christ is risen - here are the main words!

Let you, the Lord from the misfortunes,

And rewards for good deeds!

3. "Christ is risen!" - Sing bells.

And the news is joyful, light.

Over the world worn wave,

And the world hesitates the songs of that.

"Christ is risen!" - Sings Earth,

Sea and mountains, and fields ...

And they in response sounds from heaven:

"Truly Rissed!"

Final Song "Easter"


    "Bible for kids", JSC "Young Guard", M., 1993

    Journal "Schoolboy" No. 3, 2009, Article Ageeva E.S. Holiday Easter.

    Paskina V.M. "Lived - were, the dance was drove" folklore holidays in 5-9 classes. / V.M. Paskina. Art. A.A. Selivanov. - Yaroslavl: Academy, 2005-160c.

    Journals "Primary School" №4, 2000, No. 1, 2006.

Regional state budgetary educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, "Romanovsky special (correctional) children's homefor children with disabilities health "

Game competitive program

"Meet Easter"

Age of students 8-16 years


Provinea V.M.,


from. Romanovo, 2013

Game competitive program "Meet Easter"

Purpose: To introduce the history of the tradition of celebrating the bright holiday Easter, traditions of dyeing Easter eggs.


  1. To introduce pupils with traditions of Easter celebration in Russia, rites, games accompanying this holiday.
  2. To acquaint with the history of the tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter.
  3. Create conditions for the perception of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Christian holiday Easter.
  4. Reliable respect for Russian Orthodox traditions.
  5. Improve creative abilities.

Event flow:

Phonogram "Ring bells"

  1. Children read poems (Watch Appendix No. 1).

1.Paschnaya Blagovest

Runs suffered

To the blue skies,

Walking out

Quiet valley

Distinguishes sleep

Somewhere for dear

Fucks ringing.

2. From the country of distant

Swallows fly,

Fun twist

People say:

"People awake!

Spring is coming to us!

And from the spring and Easter

Joy carries us! "

3. Christos risen!

Everywhere, Blagovsty buzzes,

Of all the churches, the people of Valit

Cose as in the glow of heaven

Again in the spring, Christ is resurrected!

From the fields, the cover of the snow is removed,

Bear rebelled from winter dreams,

And the Middle Forest Greens ...

So Christ is already resurrected!

Land wakes up again

And dress the fields!

Spring goes, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

4. "Bells"

Good on the bell tower

Call the bell

To the holiday was 90

So that the soul is stuffed.

As if angelic singing

This wonderful chime

Light Sunday Sunday

Sound from all sides.

  1. History of the holiday Easter.

Narrator 1. Easter - Light Resurrection. This is the main event in the spiritual life of Christians received the name of the holiday of the holidays, king days. Preparing for it 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or passionate. The Great Thursday is the day of spiritual cleansing, the adoption of the sacrament of communion. Good Friday - a reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ, the day of sadness. The Great Saturday is the day of waiting, the gospel of the resurrection is already reading in the church. Easter - Sunday, when we celebrate the resurrection of the Savior.

Quantizer 2. The Son of God came to this world to save people. He preached the love and kingdom of heaven, created many miracles, healed and resurrected people. Do you remember the Christmas story? The appearance of Christ many rejoiced. But there were those who did not believe in its holiness. They prevented Jesus to talk about the kingdom of God. Among the leaders of that time there were many people who hated Christ and wanted to get rid of him. Judas, one of the students of the Lord, and he had 12, decided to convey Christ to these evil people. He came to his teacher and kissed him. It was a sign. Jesus immediately took into custody. And Juda for it received 30 silver coins. Thus, he sold his teacher. Iisus was interrogated before Sedrin - the Supreme Jewish court. Elders and judges were looking for evidence to condemn Jesus. They mocked him, but he endured, he was condemned for the death penalty. It was a terrible event. Jesus crucified on the cross on the mountain of Calvary. When he died, the earth shuddered, began to break down the rocks. It happened on Friday. Now we call this day a passionate Friday. When Saturday was held, at night, on the third day after his suffering, Jesus Christ came to life, rustled from the dead. On Sunday morning, women came with incense to lubricate the body of the Savior. But instead of him saw an angel. He informed about the resurrection of the Lord: "Do not be afraid. I know you are looking for a crucified Jesus. But do not look for a living among the dead. He rose, as promised to you. Go and tell Jesus's disciples that he was risen from the dead and waiting for them. " Joy covered people.

Narrator 3. Since then, we celebrate Easter - the holiday of Renaissance. The Lord defeated death and showed that for those who believe in Him and lives according to His commandments, there is no death nor hell. Ready to Easter, people are filled with joy and faith. From clean Thursday, the favorite action begins - the painting and painting of eggs. Do you know that the eggs painted in one color were called sharp; If there were stains, strips, etc. were designated on a common colored background. There were still eggs - eggs, painted by the scene or ornamental patterns. In addition, a lot of meaning was invested. Wavy lines are sea-oceans. Circle - bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made painten and writing on fresh sprouted green oats, wheat, and sometimes - on delicate green leaves of salad, which were specially grown to the holiday. Juicy greens and bright colors of Easter eggs created a festive mood. On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, a festive worship is happening (the Easter Service of God). In beautiful baskets for the church, various dishes are carried - cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize well-being, pussy and paint. Salt is put in the basket - the wisdom symbol. The solemn procession with singing and priest blesses people. Returning home, people are talking - they eat delicious food after the Great Post. A rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the lord of the Lord. The closest relatives are going to the Easter breakfast. The owner approaches guests with wishes and words "Christ is risen!", And then kisses everyone. You must answer like this: "Truly risen!" The combat egg is cut into as many parts of those present. A candle is burning on the table as a reminder of the lightness of this day. It is necessary to start an Easter breakfast from the scene. Even crumbs of this bread, which fell to the floor, in no case should not be thrown away. The whole bright week lasts a holiday.

  1. Competition "Easter Kushanye" (Watch Appendix No. 2).

From the issued set of products, children are preparing decorations for the Easter table (boiled eggs; fresh apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots; parsley greenery, dill; canned green peas, corn).

The narrator. Custom to paint eggs for Easter and give them to each other ancient, they are associated with Maria Magdalina. Having come to Rome to preach the gospel, she gave the Emperor Tiberius a red egg with the words: "Christ is risen!" In ancient manuscripts, a symbolic interpretation of this custom made by the Holy John Damascus was preserved. According to this interpretation, the egg symbolizes the image of the universe, the yolk - the earth, the protein - the air, the film around the protein - the clouds. According to the rules, the Easter egg should be red, since the world was saved by the blood of Christ, and boiled, so the resurrection of Christ "thicust" strengthened the universe.

  1. Easter Scene "Golden Egg"(Watch Appendix No. 3).


Lived - were grandfather yes babe

They had a chicken-row.

Demolished the chicken egg

Not simple ─ golden.

Baba: Hey, old man, wake up soon!

Grandfather: Wolves or doors?

What are you noise, old woman?

Baba: Yes, look I found:

Our Pestruha Dignity

Under the bush, the egg demolished.

Grandfather: What is your trouble?

After all, the egg is even where!

Baba: Yes, the egg is not easy,

A, looked, gold.

Grandfather: Golden! Indeed?

We are getting rich with you.

Baba: Oh, burns, blind eyes!

Grandfather: Miracles!

Baba: Miracles!

Grandfather: You bother him in a chest (you can hear on the door)!

Baba: there is no one at home!

Grandfather: You go, borrow

Yes, it would be necessary to lower the pieces.

Baba (Returning):

Wednesday to the city I will go,

There the bazaar happens on Wednesday.

Greaters are a lot there!

Egg and selling them.

Here I will plan to download

Different skirts forty pieces

Shawl in flowers blue,

To the edges of the chest of the chest.

Grandfather: What are you in challenging illets!

Iha, the Molod

Dress up in different trash.

No, if we are rich,

I build instead of hut

Three-storey chambers

And gazebo in the corners.

Baba: punish with a stupid husband!

What are you old, do not whistle!

We live others worse

Neither who we are floors!

Grandfather: I am the owner or not?! (Egg falls and breaks).

Baba (crying): Oh, the egg rolled,

Rolled and crashed.

Grandfather: Calm down, Enough, Baba!

Applies eggs to us Ryab.

We will color these eggs

And hand in Easter children.

Grandfather and Baba endure Lukoshko with Easter eggs and give children.

  1. Easter games (For participation in games, children get sweet prizes)

During the Easter week, it is customary to visit, give gifts, send greeting cards. These days, no soul should feel lonely and forgotten (bell ringing). I invite you all to the game.

"Where is the egg brewing?"

Two people participate in the game. In the old days, the egg was covered with hats, you can take plastic cups. One of the players on time comes out of the room or just closes his eyes. Empty inverted cups put on the table, an egg is hiding under them, the name of the player is and asked: "Where is the egg cooking?", Drinking chooses a cup and raises it if there is an egg, then takes it to himself as a prize.

"Split an egg"

Play two, everyone has their own egg. At the same time, players spin Easter eggs on the table, who from whom the egg will spin longer - he won, the winner takes the Egg of the loser player. You can play not only together, but also three, four of us, then the winner is already taking no one egg, but all.

"Paint on Earth"

The egg is put on the ground. In ten steps, one of the players is worth it. He tie his eyes with a handkerchief. With blindfolded eyes, he meals ten steps, unleash his eyes and tries to get an egg without going off the place. If I get, I won, I will not get - lost.

Children get up in pairs, each egg. It is necessary to ride the egg on the hill so that it does not fall, did not break up and the opponent's eggs can be launched.

"Color the egg"

Children tie their eyes with a napkin, and they paint eggs - blanks (watch Appendix No. 4)

"Do not drop egg"

Children are divided into two teams, each team has an egg and a spoon. The first participant must bear the egg on a spoon with one hand, bypass the obstacle, return and give a spoon to the next player. Whose team first will cope with the task and will not break the egg, is the winner.

  1. Easter quiz

- And now check your knowledge in Easter "sweet" quiz, why sweet, guess? (for the correct answer - candy)

  • How did you call Easter in Russia? (Light Resurrection, Great Day, Christ day, king day)
  • The name of the Mother of the Savior? (Maria)
  • How many students - the Apostles had Christ? (12)
  • One of them became a traitor. What was his name? (Judas)
  • On what day of the week the Christ was devoted to what crucible, in what - rested? (Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
  • Maria Magdalene came to the emperor Tiberius and said: "Christ is risen!" What did she prevent him from? (egg)
  • So the tradition appeared to paint eggs. Do you know how the eggs painted in one color are called? (Painted) And if there are stains, stripes on a general background with a different color? (Krapanki) And there were still eggs painted by scene or ornamental patterns, are they called? (Pianks)
  • What is the last week before Easter? (Passionate or Great Seventhris dedicated to the suffering of Jesus Christ)
  1. Summing up the contest of decorative - applied creativity "Light Easter".

Exhibition of works of pupils (Watch Appendix No. 5).

Characters: Three leading.

The hall is decorated with ward branches, candles. Music sounds. ("Christ Risen" A. Chernov)

First presenter.

Holy Night ... Will flooded with lights

Prayer sinners goes back to heaven,

As in the altar burning Fimiam -

The second leading.

Nature with gentle trepid

Flickering stars in the depths of heaven,

Reigns over the sinful world silence ...

Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Third presenter.

As before the storm, the grass froze,

Nature before secretly dushing forest,

Only the wind whispers tender words:

"Christ is risen! Truly rissed! "

First presenter. Hello, guests are expensive!

The second leading. Welcome to Holiday Holy Easter!

Third presenter. On this day, Christ was risen, which was the sign of victory over death and the celebration of life.

First lead. On this day, the bells in the temples are ringing especially solemnly. And this ringing is heard far away, far.

The phonogram of "Easter Blagoves" sounds.

Second lead. Orthodox Easter is rich in rites and customs.

Third presenter. So on Easter, it is customary to be made - exchange painted eggs, while saying: "Christ is risen!" - "Truly Rissed!"

First presenter. Eggs painted red paint, which symbolizes the revival of the blood of Jesus Christ.

Second lead. Yes, and the egg symbolizes the emergence of life.

Third lead. The painted eggs were sanctified in the church. It was believed that such an egg protects the house from the fire, and the harvest from the hail.

First lead. The egg served and the main hero of Easter entertainment.

The second leading. And we now invite you to take part in Easter fun. Games with Easter eggs.

The game "Relay with Easter Egg"

The playground is placed using a launch / finish and turning place using the checkpoint. The game involves two teams. Each team gets a spoon and egg. The task of players is to run a distance, holding a spoon with an egg stretched out. The team wins the team that will pass faster and does not break the egg.

Egg Fighting game

Each player team gets an egg. Communion team players occupy areas opposite. Then, on the team, players roll eggs towards each other. That team wins, who has more eggs survived.

As an option of the game, you can not roll the eggs, but you have a "changing".

Game "Egg Tir"

For the game, target prizes are needed, which are located at some distance from the line with which the "shooting" will be conducted. Each player gets an egg that needs to roll towards the target. With the exact hit of the egg to the target, the player takes the prize.

Third presenter. Jesus Christ suffered for the redemption of ours from sins, died and resurrected, his resurrection defeating death and giving us eternal life.

First presenter. Many poems and songs folded the graceful people in memory of these events.

The second leading. Some of them we suggest you now listen.

Song sounds "You redeemed peace from sin" (Collection of glorification songs)

You redeemed the world from sin,

You gave him love and light,

He lit the extinct hearts and gave hope.

We prestibly prestibly

And every road for you,

Thank you for all and extol!

Glory to you and great

Glory in centuries and nations!

Your strength is limitless,

Your mercy is all kind!

Sin and illness you took

Washing in his holy blood

You lived with an excess to us for freedom!

How children are faithful

We want to know the law of love,

For everything, father, thank and extol!

Third lead. And now we invite you to an Easter feast. We ask for the table.

Participants in the holiday sitting at the tables.

First presenter. The main dishes at the Easter Peir since ancient times were cakes and Easter.

Second lead. Also prepared an Easter lamb, whose bones were not thrown away, and drove on the Niva to save the harvest from the hail.

Skating Yaitz
One of the favorite Easter games in Russia. For the game you need to make a cardboard or wooden "rink". Around the "rink" is released by the place that must be dissolved. On the aligned place around the "rink" lay down prizes: toys, various little things (combs, key chains, bookmarks, etc.) or painted eggs. Further, one each player comes to the "rink", puts his egg in the middle of the rink and pushes it, the object that the egg will fall, gets the owner of the egg.

Search for Easter eggs
Such a game is arranged at home for children who came to visit. On the eve of the arrival of adults in the room (apartment - who do not mind to ask for a search for all the living space) hide in different parts of eggs with surprises (self-made homemade eggs from paper, cardboard, you can use eggs such as "Kinder Surprise"). When waiting for a large number of children to visit, you can create teams between which to arrange competitions on the number of eggs collected for a certain period of time. It is desirable that every child would be able to find at least one "egg" surprise.

Chokean eggs
Very simple and pretty exciting old Russian fun. The rivals are equipped with eggs and knock on either sharp or a stupid end. In losing, one has cracked the egg. The winner is determined by the number of surviving eggs.

Relay with egg
Team game, players are divided into two teams. The first players take spoons in the hands (an egg put on a spoon) and so run to the swivel flag, turn and run back, transmit a spoon to the next player. The team that the first comes running, that and won the relay. For complexity and diversity, a spoon during the run can be held in the mouth.

Find thimble
The game with a guided age is at least five hundred years. The presenter is selected, the remaining players leave the room. During the absence of players, the lead hides in the room in the room, but in such a way that it was on the surface - it was possible to discover it, just looking at the room with eyes. Further, players at the invitation of the lead enter the room and are looking for eyes of thimble. Who found a thimble, silently sits down, and the one who did not see the thimble and five minutes later, must pay the phanta.

To play, choose a leading. Driving on a journey and players take orders for souvenirs from "relatives" from different cities. Players are called only cities, since what souvenirs have prepared "relatives" they do not know. When playing, it is better to use the names of well-known cities and on different letters. Traveler - driven remembers all requests, sitting on the "track", the moment of farewell and sending on a journey, that is, goes beyond the room. On the "journey" is given for 5 minutes (no more), in this time cut, it is inventing gifts from "relatives". Moreover, the first letter in the name of the gift should coincide with the first letter in the title of the city. For example, the player called the city Vologda can be conveyed from "relatives": boots, broom, bucket, wax, etc., and a player called Tula - slippers, cane, panties, a plate, a kerching, panties, etc.

To choose gifts you need to go with humor. The main thing is that the hardest remember correctly, who called what city, come up with gifts for the corresponding letter it is not cunning. After 5 minutes, the journey ends, driven enters the room and takes congratulations on a successful arrival. Driving begins to transfer hotels from "relatives". If the hotel did not correctly handed the hotel, that is, a player, not a given city called, he refuses to accept someone else's gift. With the number of playing more than 5 people, one error is saying goodbye, for two errors will have to part with its phantom.

Who is leading?
In this game, the number of players should not be less than 6 people. One player leaves the room. During this period, the remaining players form a circle (sitting on the floor) and choose the lead. The latter begins to make the simplest movements, for example, blinks, shakes his head, shakes his hands, shakes his fists and the like. For the leading, the remaining players begin to repeat his movements, and they try to repeat the new movements for him faster. At this stage, the player who left the room, he becomes in the middle of the circle and watches the movements of the players. He must reveal the lead, which is not very simple, as in his presence leading will not make new movements. After still, as it excels, there is a leading, he already leaves the room and the game begins again.

Find whistle
This game is designed for beginners who are not familiar with it. For the organization of the game you need: chairs, thread 20 cm long, pin, whistle and three people who do not know the game.
Three "novice" leave the room. The remaining players are located on the chairs of a dense circle, faces inward. After that, one of the "exilets" is invited, which becomes a circle. At this time, one blinds his eyes, another cautiously (imperceptible) attaches a whistle pin on his back on his back. It is later announced that someone from the seating players stole a magic whistle, and he must discover the thief. One of the players neatly whistles in the whistle and also gently lowers it, so as not to feel "novice". It all depends on the cleaner of the hands, with neat movements, a lot leaving the water, while the "newcomer", constantly turning on the whistle, guess that the whistle's thief is nobody like him, and that the stolen thing hangs on his back. Next comes the second "novice".

Also a rather an old game. Usually, the tasks of the phantom (if you do not prepare in advance) are very monotonous: to read the rhyme, sing a song, to dance, tell the anecdote. If you approach the question in advance, then you can diversify the tasks: by the help of your figure, you will portray a famous picture by applying a pantomime, to tell the well-known event, compose a chastushka about a passing party, depict some animal or to stage the dressor (animal trainer).

Tongue Twisters

Game for masters of a conversational genre, not suffering from diction defects. In advance on the cards are written in diaphors. During the game, the presenter distributes each player on one card. Out on the general listening on one player. At first, the player slowly reads the patter to him, so that everyone understood her meaning. The lead gives the team, and the player in the fast pace pronounces the patter. The winner with the most clear diction is the one who did not swallow words and did not make a single error.

Speed \u200b\u200bfigures:

Flowing Barbara was fraught with an unfinished barn.

Bull stupubub, a stupid bull, the bull Bela's lip was Tup.

From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field.

Lucking Senka Sanka with Sonya on sledding. Sanki Skok - Senka with legs, Sanka in Bok, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

Sixteen walked mice and six found a pennie, and the mouse meal slightly shake.

On Thursday of the fourth number in four with a quarter of an hour, four black curly delicacies drew black ink drawing.

Extremely pure.

Malania-talked milk swollen-chopped, but did not bother.

The commander spoke about the colonel, about the Colonel, about Lieutenant Colonel, about Lieutenantkress, about the submarine, and he said about the subpenter, but said that the goose musting - do not look for - do not you find that scales have a shit, bristles have a bell that the wasp is not a mustache, but a mustache.

Not that, comrades, Comrade Comrade, who, when comrade, comrade Comrade, and the one, comrades, Comrade Comrade, who, without comrade, comrade.

Spearly speaking, unkalked that all patters reports, re-promptly, but, tightened, unknown that they would not protigue all the patters, you would not revive.