Music competitive program in the summer camp. Scenario of the game competitive program in the summer camp Music competitive event for the camp

Music competitive program in the summer camp. Scenario of the game competitive program in the summer camp Music competitive event for the camp
Music competitive program in the summer camp. Scenario of the game competitive program in the summer camp Music competitive event for the camp

Music marathon "New Generation"

Equipment: computer with columns, orange, pictures for tables and chest icons with key images, leafles and handles for the competition"Who is bigger!", "Bileti" for the competition"Song walks in a circle", Distribution: Words of songs for the competition "Daily, sing", notes with the name of the song for the contest "Understand me", a table for maintaining a jury, award for the winners.

We invite 18-20 people from the hall.

Then the guys are divided into 2 teams. Teams Delim to the "First-second" score (or get out of the box of two colors or breastplate icons with the image of keys). Children sit down.


I, of course, the key, I do not argue
But I will not open your doors.
Musicians help -
I will answer the doors to doors.
(Treble clef)

Who guess, he brings a team name "Treble clef". The cement asks what else they know the musical key. The second command gets the name "bass key".

Guys are given on the tables pictures with appropriate keys and breastplate icons on double-sided church.

Presentation of the jury.

    "Pass Orange." This is not a contest, but just a game of relaxation and cohesion. Her goal is to remove the tension, install the fun and friendly atmosphere.

Teams become one big circle. To the music of D.olna convey the orange, holding his chin.

    "Who is bigger!"

Teams in turn call musical instruments orrecord them on sheets, which are then checked.

    "Musical Erudite" (For fans, while the guys are preparing task).

    Wrinkled tit
    All the village is merins.
    Then get fatty, then lose weight

    On the whole house is shy.

    Top - leather
    Below - too,
    And in the middle - empty.Drum

    In the forest grew
    from the forest carried
    cut the knife
    in the hands of crying
    and who listens - jumps.Dub

    Seven guys on the ladder played a song.Notes

    Piano with the accordion became friends
    And forever united.
    And you guess the name
    Commonwealth Fur and keys?Accordion

    This string instrument
    Slistening at any time -
    And on stage in the best hall,
    And in the campaign on the prival.Guitar

    So that the artist is pleading,
    Guess that the hall shouted?

    There are four musicians in it,
    Virtuoso and talent,
    Return any motive.
    How is the team called?

    As a monologue musical is called,
    When is he on the scene by an artist go?

  • He waves smooth hands
    Hears each tool.
    He is the most important orchestra,
    He is in the orchestra - president!(Conductor)

    "Guess the tool."

    Children in sound are determined, the sound of which musical instrument they heard.

    "Detected the sound."

    The guys define the nature of the listened sound: the door creak, wind noise, etc.

    "Understand me".

    Participants receive notes with the name of the song. It is necessary to show a song with Pantonymis so that the partner can guess what matters about. ("The grasshopper was sitting in the grass ...", "Christmas tree was born in the forest ...".)

    "Excess chair." (The game for the audience, while the guys are preparing drawing their songs.)

    9 chairs are put in the circle, 10 participants are published, 5 from each team. It is necessary after stopping the music to sit on the chair. To whom did not get the chair - leaves and picks up with him a chair. The representative of whose team will win, that he will bring victory.

    The jury summarizes the intermediate results.

    "Song walks in a circle" (Captains of teams pull tickets: flowers, "color" songs, seasons, friendship). Participants need to sing a song aboutcolors; seasons; friendship, etc. They pull "tickets" with the task.

    While the guys are preparing, the presenter tells the audience about the history of the records. (Book "The History of Things" from the series "I Skame World", LLC "Publishing Astrel", 2001, section "Items of pleasure", Head "Double Pleasure", p. 422-427.)

    "Meloman, or guess the melody."

    Children are offered a minus one for which they define a song by saying its name or excerpt text.

    "Try, sing."

    The song is turned on. Players start parallel with the phonogram sing. Suddenly the sound disappears, but the players continue to sing. Then the sound is reinforced. Who exactly "will invest" in the song?

    Summarizing. Speech by the jury, announcement and rewarding winners.

    Host: Guys, in what famous children's song everything is very similar to our life in the camp: first work, then we rest, then we dine? Of course, this is a song about Antoshka.

    We comply with the song "Antoshka" (you can choose from the teams of "soloists" - the best experts and singers following the results of the game).

  • Flowers

  • "Colored" songs



    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Let's go dig potatoes,
    Antoshka, Antoshka,

  • Let's go dig potatoes!

    We did not pass,
    We were not asked for us,

    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Play us on the harmonica,
    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Play us on the harmonica!

    We did not pass,
    We were not asked for us,

    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Preparing to dinch a spoon
    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Get to the dinner spoon!

    This, brothers, I am strength,
    I will refuse now hardly


    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Let's go dig potatoes,
    Antoshka, Antoshka,

  • Let's go dig potatoes!

    We did not pass,
    We were not asked for us,

    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Play us on the harmonica,
    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Play us on the harmonica!

    We did not pass,
    We were not asked for us,

    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Preparing to dinch a spoon
    Antoshka, Antoshka,
    Get to the dinner spoon!

    This, brothers, I am strength,
    I will refuse now hardly

  • By expanses, by expanses

    Better a chorus, better than a chorus.
    Sing-ka with us, twink, quieter,
    Once a needle, two needles - there will be a Christmas tree.


    Together having fun on the expanses,
    By expanses, by expanses
    And, of course, it is better to choose a choir,
    Better a chorus, better than a chorus.

    In heaven, dawn the strip will be covered,
    Once birch, two birch - will be a grove,
    Once dirt, two planks - there will be a ladder,
    Once word, two words - there will be a song.

  • Together having fun on the expanses,
    By expanses, by expanses
    And, of course, it is better to choose a choir,
    Better a chorus, better than a chorus.
    We have a happy path to choose need,
    Time rain, two rain - there will be a rainbow,
    Once dirt, two planks - there will be a ladder,
    Once word, two words - there will be a song.

    Together having fun on the expanses,
    By expanses, by expanses
    And, of course, it is better to choose a choir,
    Better a chorus, better than a chorus.


    From smile gloomy day light,

    From a smile in the sky rainbow wakes up ...

    And she will not come back to you.

  • Chorus:

    And then probably,

    Suddenly clouds bother,

    And the grasshopper stuffing on the violin ...

    From a blue stream

    River begins,

    From a blue stream

  • River begins,

    Well, friendship begins with a smile.

    From the smile of the solar one

    It will stop crying the saddest rain.

    Sleepy forest forgive with silence

    And climbs into green hands.

  • Chorus.

    From a smile will be all warm -

    And elephant and even a little snail ...

    So let's go everywhere on Earth,

    As if the light bulbs turn on smiles!


    • Title competition

      Treble clef

      Bass clef



      Who is bigger?

      Guess the instrument

      Detected sound

      Understand me

      Excess chair

      Song walks in a circle

      Meloman, or guess the melody

      Have time to sing!


    • Consolidated statement (arithmetic average)

      Title competition

      Treble clef

      Bass clef

"With the song and friends to live wearer"

Purpose: Rail in children a cognitive interest in the musical position. Develop communicative and creative abilities. Cause a positive emotional response.

Equipment: Children's song phonograms, a set of children's musical instruments, seven chairs for the game, cards with assessments for the jury, the hall is decorated with the use of musical symbols (notes, violin keys, etc.).

Event flow:
Leading: Dear kids:

Both girls and boys.

Happy holidays congratulations

And I invite you to play.

With you long, very long

We will sing, joke, play,

And, of course, and, of course,

We will dance with you!

I suggest you start our holiday with a warm-up - Games "Chlopai-Tops". Guys,

help me clap, stump and, of course, shout.

Went on the roof of the sparrow,
Collected your friends.
Many - a lot of us
Chlupy girls now!

Went on the roof of the sparrow,
Collected your friends.

Many - a lot of us
Top boys now!

Went on the roof of the sparrow,
Collected your friends.
Many - a lot of us
Jump girls now!

Went on the roof of the sparrow,
Collected your friends.
Many - a lot of us
Shout free !! Girls now! And boys! And together!
Well done!


Who in his studies distinguished

Hands I ask to raise!

Who fours and five

Not lazy to receive?

(Spectators raise hands)

It means that you have great knowledge

Unravel the riddles can be the most ordinary.

Mys of the riddle.

All the hot sun heats up

In the color outfit, the meadows dress,

Play, swim will call,

Mushrooms and berries will bring.

How is the time of year?

Who will call me now? (Summer )

Lead . And what is summer?

3rd child . This is a lot of light!

4th child. This field!

5th child. This is a forest!

6th child. These are thousands of miracles!

1st child. This is a fast river!

2nd child. It is in the sky clouds!

3rd child. These are bright flowers!

4th child. This is a blue height!

V. Stepanov


Well, together, well, together

Calling Summer Summer Meet!

I sing everything together "Summer Summer" - Karaoke

Competition "Brainstorming".

    What was the name of the heroine of a fairy tale, which, for the first time, hitting the ball, fascinated the king and prince with his wonderful song?(Cinderella)

    Name favorite Karabas Barabas musical instrument(Trumpet)

    What flower has a musical name?(Bell)

    What is the name of the best, and the main thing that called on everyone to live in friendship and harmony?(Leopold)

    Which tool can make it possible to make a hole in it? (Dudge)

    How many strings do balalaika? (3) And the violin? (four)

    What is the name of the song that they sing before bedtime?(Lullaby)

    The profession of a person who composes music?(Composer)

Summing up the competition A song Pause - each detachment performs a prepared song.
Children perform their favorite songs at will.

In singing, you are good, and now I drank from the soul!

Dance pause - mass dance "We will go left ..."

Well, now check how you know children's songs in the musical and entertainment quiz "Guess the melody".

1 Competition for commands is called "Guess the melody".




    "If good you"


    "Song of Friendship" - "Barbarika"
    Evaluation of the competition.

    2 contest "Find out the song on the description."

    A song about how the air helicopter was brought for a birthday present. ("Let run clumsily")

    Song of the holiday, which is met with tears in the eyes. ("Victory Day")

    Song on how to walk well with friends and sing songs. ("Fear together")

    Song girl who wore a bright headdress. ("Dog. Red Cap")

    A song about what will happen if you multiply one number to another. ("2x2 \u003d 4")

    A song about transport that rolls towards new adventure. ("Blue carriage")

    Song of the worn winter shoes. ("Felt boots")
    Competition results.

Dance pause - mass dance "If you have fun"

3 contest "The performance of the song - karaoke" - each squad


Music sounds again

Invites you to dance!

Dance pause - Common dance.


Summer red will pass -

Again the school will call you!

For now - walk,

Sun in the sun!

Visit new forces!

To every day of vacation

Only joy brought!

That's farewell it's time!

To new meetings! We are waiting for you again, Devora!

Come, come

And come with friends with you.

We will be glad to see you

In this hall every time!

There is a disco program from 5-6 dances.


1st presenter.

Hello, my friends,

We are happy with you.

Who is here in the hall only not!

You all now we helmet hello.

2nd presenter.

We are glad to start our holiday,

We will sing and dance.

And contest songs here, friends

I declare open.

1st presenter.

Dear Guys! Today we have a "song contest". You all prepared in advance for this contest. We will choose the best performers, the best dancers. In this we rely on our jury. (Presentation of the jury)

2nd lead. Now we will draw a draw with participants. (The draw is performed.)

1st lead. So, we start our concert.

2nd presenter.

This song knows everything around.

And her and adults and children sing.

Because with a song such

It is interesting to live, friends, on white light.

I will now remind you of words

What do you know immediately without error:

"A river begins with a blue bitch,

Well, and friendship begins with a smile. "

The phonogram of the song "Smile" and the friendly singles are singing.

1st lead. And now the participants are. We welcome them.

There is a concert part. The end summarizes the results. Winners are awarded.

Each change is carried out a lot of activities on various topics.

Main Theme / Events Shift

How to pass evening events

Evening events in the camp alternate with films on the big screen and all the favorite disco.

  • Evening performances are organized on the stage from each detachment in which everyone who wants children participate. In a five-minute production from each detachment, counselors and children give the viewer an idea through dance, a song, acting skills.
  • On all speeches are taken out of the rich costumes, in which you can find everything:
    - Folk Sarafany,
    - ball dresses,
    - Costumes of animals,
    - Suits for fabulous characters
    - Much more.
  • If necessary, performances are accompanied by a predetermined phonogram.
  • Concerts are illuminated by theatrical sophods and are filmed on video and photos, and later laid out in official groups In contact with and instagram.

Day events

In the afternoon, besides constantly working circles, sports games are held - volleyball, football, mini football, table tennis, archery, armresload, relay and other competitions.

Organized for children Quests or "Wholework" - thematic games with stages located throughout the camp area:

Miss Camp

Miss Camp is one of the most favorite events of children and counselors in Eagle. This is a show that everyone remembers for life. Each girl contestant has a chance to get the title and the Crown "Miss Camp" for a whole year. Preparation for the competition is an important component of the success of the event.

Each contestant helps counselors, circles and a large number of friends.

The dresses are sewn, the avant-garde costume is invented, the song, dance support, is written, a decent cavalier is written. Girls rehearsed with choreographer, advised with costumes, vocal teacher. And when all cookings in the children's camp are completed, the queen of the evening under the loud ovations of fans are gracefully enter the specially equipped podium with sofits, a beautifully decorated scene smiling invited to a professional jury's camp ... At that moment everyone sees a charming young lady in a teenage girl, which is very important For young lady.

Day of Russian Culture

You at least once walked under the button accordion and children's laughter. Funny guys and girls dressed in Russian popus costumes, dancing and playing on all sorts of musical instruments like ratchets, spoons, whistle. Not? Then you do not know what to wake up in a great mood in the orcenok children's camp! And if you add to all this: a fun fair with a variety of contests, pancakes with condensed milk and jam, many goodies, jumping in an inflatable castle (trampoline), horse riding, Russian folk games.

Plus a wonderful costume Russian fairy tale, in which children and counselors are taking part. And at the end of the festive disco! It's hard to believe, but it all happens in one day, in the Russian day, which holds the orcenok children's camp!


It's a shame, boring and unfair when the energy boils in you and I want to walk, jump and have fun all night long, but in the children's camp, "hang up". What happiness that there is a night!

Romance time of the night, the beauty of the starf old, the freshness of the wind and the secrets of pink dawn. Orcenok camp falls asleep, and a detachment, dressed in warmer and taking everything you need, goes on the night. Bonus, bounted on coals potatoes, bread fried on fire, songs under the guitar, horseback riding, terrible stories and, finally, meeting dawn ...

Tourist relay

Among the usual sunny day, an alarm will suddenly be heard in the children's camp. What is it? Fire? Disaster? War? Not! This is a tourstaffet! All run away to the ruler, there is a rumble of squads, counting the number of children and a tourstaffet starts! And this means that the team from each camp squad is exhibited on the serious battle of the most endless, fast and clever.

Spectators are happy to support their own, and participants try not to hit the face by the face overcoming the bar of obstacles: to run on the log, climb through the rope staircase, sprinkle inlaptic, not taped a low grid, fly a hole on a tarzanque, overcome the crossing, climb through the wall, slip on bumps. But that's not all, it is not all true, it is important to fulfill the responsible tasks: put a tent for a while, rally the fire, transfer the "wounded", collect the machine.

On the day, when tourist relay is held in the orlock's children's camp, dinner is preparing at the field army kitchen. After the competition, children with appetite dine food specially cooked on firewood. A hike atmosphere is created. And at the end of this unusual day in the children's camp, the Orlock passes a disco on which the winners are awarded!

Conducting the last year you can see in.

Night adventure

Mysterious events always attract people. The night of adventures in the children's camp is the test path in the dark with terrible stories and characters for older children and fabulous heroes for younger children. On the way there may be big wild animals, souls of pioneers, monsters, skeletons, zombies, crosses, leads, rider without a head ....

Passing the path, everyone can get rid of their fears "throwing" them in the cherished fire at the end of the way, become bolder and more confident in themselves, pull out the prediction on the near future from the Sharmancer. The night of adventures in the children's camp is completed with magic salute to commemoration of good.

Cheerful express

Cheerful relay for the whole children's camp serves as a good start to each shift. The rules are simple, the children's group moves to the music, holding hands from the station to the station, performs tasks, answers questions. Here, the guys are becoming coarse, friendly and initiative. By passing each station, the detachment receives points on the basis of the calculation of which the winner squad is detected.


Taking part in contests and creative tasks, children earn "rubles" of the orcenok children's camp. Making money fun, but how to spend them? Here you need a smart head and competent financial calculation, because you can order a song, ride a horse, buy sweets, souvenirs, toys.

Sympathy day

This day, all boys and girls, and small and large are waiting in the children's camp of Eagle. On this day there are plenty of options to admit to love, express your sympathy, send congratulations. You can get and send Valentinku through the postal service "Angels" with confessions and congratulations. You can call the local phone in the radio broadcast of the children's camp and order a song, pass hello, congratulations.

Very nice, hear your voice in the radio broadcast on the whole camp. In addition, you can send SMS from your mobile phone, which are in real time displayed on the screen of televisions in each case. Throughout this time and children, and adults can come to the video gallery and record their congratulations. In the evening, in front of the film, the entire Children's Camp of Orcenok is going to film conveying, before which everyone is looking forward to video taking on a large club screen.

Festival of the peoples of the world

Do you consider to visit 14 countries of the world in one day it is impossible? Everyone is possible in Eagle! The guys learn about each country presented on stage, about its geographical location, symbols, customs, will get acquainted with the traditional costumes of this country, her dances and songs. And maybe it may be that very important persons of these countries will appear on the stage, for example, presidents, great artists, athletes, say, Ronaldinho's football player is very fun pleonized by the guys.

On this day, we do not forget about Russian traditions, the counselors always represent Russia, using the ancient Russian customs in their speeches.

Birthday Camp

Unfortunately, the birthday only once a year. This is how the guys say about your birthday and about the birthday of Orlenka. This holiday is so scaled and colorful that at the end of the day it becomes sad that the day ended. From the morning, a festive mood is created when the dressed leaders with songs and booms pass through the buildings and will be all children, congratulating the holiday!

Important guests and delegations come from other camps, and the guys of the Orlyata meet them and show mugs, conduct a camp tour. Of course, all the gathered is waiting for a festive concert, striking with her mind! After all, for limited time on stage, you need to show everything that happens in our road and your beloved camp, show his story, his customs and achievements.

The guys from all detachments are very reverent and responsible participate in this holiday. On this day, the camp treats all by different yummy - popcorn, sweet cotton and festive breakfasts, dinners and dinners. Well, in the evening, of course, the magic salute and loud cries "Happy Birthday, Orcenok !!!"

Gold microphone

Talented Russia

This is an event for all talents of our camp. If you are reading the poems so that everyone is silent, sing the songs so that you want to sing, dancing so that you are breathtaking, play on a musical instrument so that others want to go to music school, and maybe you know how to do it all at the same time And much more - "Talented Russia" for you!

A huge number of guys passes several qualifying rounds and eventually getting into the final, the best of the best come to the scene! But help make their performance bright all the guys detachment! Therefore, if you decide to go to Orilok, be sure to determine the repertoire for yourself and immediately begin rehearsals!

Here we are

It is the time of first acquaintance between the detachments. After all, the camp does not know what the names chose squads and under what devises they will now live. It is at this event that a cheerful, creative, friendly mood for the entire shift is asked. For some of the guys, this is the very first exit to the scene of the camp, and for someone even the very first performance in life, so festive excitement is always felt.

This event is held at the beginning of each shift and is the first joint performance of the entire squad, which undoubtedly unites the guys in a strong creative union!

Solemn rule

The solemn line is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the shift. At the opening of the change, the camp administration represents children of teachers, camp circles, reports a plan of events. Under the anthem of Russia solemnly raise the flag.

The closure of the shift is carried out on the day of departure. All children and employees are going on the line to summarize, award the most active, creative and sports children. The flag of Russia is descended, but after a few days later the guys of the next shift, again raise it.

Concert of counselors

Change in comes to an end ... and each sums up the results of unforgettable days of relaxation in the children's camp of the Eagle. Thank friends, camp, their counselors. And the counselors with sadness say goodbye to children who have become relatives for them. All their skills and talents are appreciated at the concert of the counselor, in order to express their emotions and feelings for the past shift in the children's camp. The counselors read poems, show scenes, dance, play musical instruments. There is a place of lyrics, humor, a splash of energy. And for the last, a farewell song ... And here, wiping tears, we all understand that the change was not in vain ...

Stolen afternooner

To show their directorial and creative abilities in the children's camp, in the preparation of the event "stolen afnemic" for the smallest. The kids come to the afternoon snack in the dining room camps, and here the pirates are pirates, they steal their legitimate sweets in their eyes.

Good fabulous heroes appear for the help of children, whether the cat in boots, Malvina, Thychochka, the Fairy that lead them in the footsteps of the pirates, stopping the hints of the grandmother, damn, Koshovy, Robin Hood, Humanoids, Space Aliens and other heroes. Scenarios are always different, characters and tasks, respectively, too. Emotions overwhelm, as a result, the entire children's camp always remains, pleased: the younger guys found their afternoon, and the elders - they rejoice that they did not break the hungry kids.

Verpel Course

Very important for a good rest in the children's camp is a cohesive, friendly team building its relationship on the principles of respect, mutual assistance and support. It is for the development of these qualities "Rope course" is sent.

As a result of overcoming complex stages, where each person is needed, important and valuable, begins to form a responsible position for each other and the team. Exercises are built in such a way that they would involve both active and slightly showing themselves members of the children's team, as a result of which each member of the group and the entire group are generally involved in achieving the goals.

As a result, the detachment becomes cohesive, a friendly atmosphere is formed, mutual assistance skills are developing, the barriers are overcome in communication, leaders are detected. Such an event The Children's Camp of Orlenok holds every shift for the detachments of secondary and older ages.

Competition video clips

To reveal the abilities of Clipmakers - very fashionable today professions, you can, if you participate in the event "Competition of video clips". It is here that the guys have to cut the clip, for any musical hit and play it right on stage.

As a result, the entire camp will witness a new creation in the sphere of show business. Believe me, the clips are created in our camp, often turn out to be brighter, more fun and ideheous than those that are twisted on television.

Day "Memory of Fallen"

Contest drawings on asphalt

Who is how not children can make the world brighter, kinder and lighter? In our camp, even gray asphalt tracks become colorful when the drawing contest on the asphalt is held.

Most often, the guys paint asphalt on a given topic, for example, "let the sun will always be", the "day of laughter" and others. The guys all the detachment invent the idea and embody her. Walking around the camp You realize that in Eagle, talented, good and friendly children are resting.

Christmas story

Each of us, be he a child or an adult, is waiting for a new year a magical fairy tale with a good end. In our children's camp in the winter shift, the fairy tale becomes reality. Small and adults become fabulous characters. Bright suits, interesting stories, humor and mysticism - immerses everyone in the festive atmosphere and impressions just a few hours before the new year.

Do not do in our fairy tale without Santa Claus and Snow Maiden with a magic bag of gifts for children in the morning on January 1. Many trouble pursues the main characters, but ... good always wins evil. Every year in the orcenant children's camp, a new fairy tale, new heroes, new scenery and new children's impressions.

Scenario of the competitive entertainment program "Clip-Klyak"

Goals and objectives:

Develop artistic and aesthetic, musical, theatrical abilities of children;

Introduce the guys with musical literature (Russian and foreign pop);

Develop observation, intelligence, resourcefulness;

Teach the guys to work in the team, obey certain rules, develop the feelings of collectivism and partnership.

Time spending: 1 hour 30 minutes. Venue: Concert Hall.

Props: Lottery fabrics, stars with the names of pop stars, texts of children's songs, lothotron, prizes.

For the contests, squads should prepare clips of Russian or foreign stars of pop.


Sasha Djjikin

Masha Tusovkin

Any fun music sounds. Leading Sasha and Masha come to the scene.

Sasha. Hello, boys and girls! Masha. Hello everyone! Excellent! How much in the hall of familiar persons!

Sasha. And see how they smile! Probably guesses what we want to say something important.

Masha. Well, dear friends, we are pleased to inform you the sensational news that only two people know about: I am Masha Tusovkin!

Sasha. And I - Sasha DJAKIN! So, attention! Today, here, now, in this wonderful hall there is a club of lovers of modern music entitled "Clip-Klyak"! Your rapid applause!

Masha. But this is just the beginning, because the stars of foreign and Russian pop, such as ...

The presenter lists the musical groups to which the detachments put clips.

Sasha. And after a few minutes we will certainly see their performances! But this is also not all, because I suggest everyone present in the hall to become members of our music club "Clip-Klyak"! Your applause!

Masha. For this you need quite a bit desire, namely - to take part in contests. By the way, everyone who comes on this scene will receive such a token with the number. (Shows a token, resembling a CD, which is written by a marker of a figure.) He will give you the right to participate in the grand lumber, where the main prize of our evening will be played.

Sasha. So, the music lovers club opens their doors, and the first who will enter them with their clip are the youngest detachment of our camp ...

Speech 9 detachment.

Masha. And we begin to choose members of the Clip-Klyap club, and for the beginning I suggest to reach the scene to three girls and three boys.


Masha. I hope that this task will not seem too difficult to you. All of you have leaves on which the names of Russian pop stars are written. Everyone takes turns to go on stage and sing under the phonogram in the image of the star that you got. So, we meet!

The presenter reads the names of the performers of popular songs, DJ includes a one-minute passage of phonograms of these stars, their participants are depicted.

1. Zhanna Friske "La La La"

2. Bianca "About Summer"

3. Christina Orbakayte "Without you"

4. Oleg Gazmanov "Sailor"

5. Verka Serduchka "Gop Gop Gop"

6. Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin "This is love"

7. Andrei Gubin "Winter. Cold "

Sasha. And now I want the hall to be simply exploded by applause, because the eighth detachment with the clip goes on the stage ...

Speech of 8 detachment.


Masha. And we continue to choose club members and five people who are familiar with the work of the American pop star Michael Jackson are invited to the scene.

Participants go to the scene.

And the task is very simple. Now our DJ will include the famous Michael song, and you need to portray his famous lunar gait.

Competitors depict.

Sasha. And now meet - the clip from the seventh squad!

Speech 7 detachment.


Masha. In order to take part in the next competition, ask yourself a question: Can you act as Showman? If you can, then go to the scene. For this game, I will need five participants.

Participants go to the scene.

Your task: the scene is preparing to leave the sixth detachment with the clip of the group "Alarm", and each of you, as a real showman, must declare their output.

Competitors declare each in its own way the group's yield.

And now let's ask the winner of this competition again to declare the video of the sixth detachment.

Speech 6 detachment.

Who is first

Sasha. And we continue to choose members of our music club, and for the next competition I need five boys and five girls who love to dance.

Dancers go on stage.

So, when the music will sound, you should dance, and as soon as she stops, you need to quickly sit down. Who will come in the last, he comes out of the game. And so as long as the most attentive participant remains.

Competition is held.

Masha. And now let's shout and praise in your hands as you have never shouting and not clapped, because the fifth detachment comes on the scene

Speech 5 detachment.


Masha. And the next game for anyone who loves and knows songs in which there are numbers. And I declare the beginning of a musical auction, in which anyone present in the auditorium can take part. Your task: to call or sing a song in which the numbers are mentioned, well, for example: "Twice two - four ..." Whoever fulfills my task, he will win in this competition.

Competition is held.

Sasha. And now meet the fourth detachment with the clip ...

Speech 4 detachment.

Song inside out

Sasha. We continue, continue to choose the most musical guys of our camp, and for the next competition I invite three participants to the scene.

Competition participants go on stage.

Here is a task: I will read the passages from the songs, but inside out. For example: "Yes, the robbers fall late!" Alterate these words on the contrary, and it turns out the phrase from one of your favorite songs: "Oh, early, the guard arises!" Well, if the task is clear, then I start reading inside out the excerpts from children's song, and who will first give the right answer, he will win. Go!

1. Tuchi, black-eyed crocodiles. (Clouds, blonde horses.)

2. He runs through the moon. (I'm lying in the sun.)

3. Masha, Masha, stand, put the cucumber. (Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes.)

4. One sad run in the room. (Together there is fun to walk through the expanses.)

5. Yo-oh, e-oh, today we will give all the poor! (Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, tomorrow, robbing king!)

6. Black aircraft over the earth fly. (White ships float across the sky.)

7. Do not crawl beautiful drivers in the snow. (Let there be awkward pedestrians on puddles.)

8. On the leg of someone else's log. No no no. (In my head, yes, yes, yes!)

9. Six black chipmunks, yes, six black chipmunks. (Three white horse, eh, three white horses.)

Masha. It was a moment that we were all very much waiting, especially the fans of the third squad, we meet the clip ...

Speech 3 detachment.

Sasha. And we continue to choose members of our club "Clip-Klyak", and for the next competition I invite three participants to the scene, which can perform rap.

Competitors go on stage, Masha gives them lyrics.

So, dear participants, you have to fulfill well-known children's songs: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "Song of the Red Cap", "Sleep Tired Toys", and sing them as if real rappers did.

DJ includes one of the phonograms of Eminem.

Guys take turns performed rap.

Masha. It's time to meet with stormy applause clip of the second detachment

Speech 2 detachment.

Guess the melody

Masha. For the next contest, I invite five people.

Participants go to the scene.

Now DJ will include superhita, and who will first name the performer, he will win. Started!

DJ includes 15 passages from any famous songs, guys guess.

Sasha. The climax of our program has come, because the first detachment with the clip comes to the scene ...

Performance 1 detachment.

Masha. It's time to summarize and learn the best clips. But before the jury will notice the distinguished musical groups that today performed on our scene, I suggest choosing a lucky clip-klyak club and spend the lottery.

The leaders collect all the tokens of the guys and fold them in Lothotron, Sasha holds a lottery and selects the winner, which is given a compact disk with popular music. It comes to the jury, the detachments are rewarded for the best clips.

So our program came to the end, but the Clip-Klyak Club does not close its doors. They will always remain open to those who love and appreciate good music!

Sasha. Thank you all, see you at the disco!