Dance marathon script for children 4 years old. Dance marathon script with prom contests

Dance marathon script for children 4 years old.  Dance marathon script with prom contests
Dance marathon script for children 4 years old. Dance marathon script with prom contests

If graduates stay at school all night after the ceremonial part, it is necessary to think over in detail and draw up an entertainment program. This program can consist of several parts:

1. Dance marathon.
2. Beauty Contest "Miss Graduate" and "Mister Graduate".
3. Concert of amateur performances.
4. Entertaining games.

Since graduates will sit down at the festive table several times and celebrate this first and important event in their life, it is advisable to hold a dance marathon after the first feast, a beauty contest and an amateur concert after the second, and in the morning, when the children want to sleep, entertaining games ...
Two presenters are selected for the celebration - a boy and a girl. They must be able to sing, dance, joke and entertain the audience.
In addition, you can set aside a separate room and equip it as a cinema, where throughout the evening those who wish can watch videos about their school life (if any), feature films and cartoons.

Dance marathon

Presenter: Dear friends! In a few hours, we will forever part with our beloved school. But this time has not come yet, let's have fun from the bottom of our hearts!
Host: We start our graduation party with "School Waltz". Maestro, music! (Students should learn the waltz before the graduation night.)
Presenter: Now, from a slow and smooth waltz, let's move on to modern rhythms. The school disc jockey presents his dance program. (Everyone is dancing to some rhythmic dances.)
Host: Let's move on to the "Romashka" dance marathon. Whoever dances the proposed dance better will receive a prize. So let's get started!

A large chamomile is attached to the wall. The name of the dance is written on the back of each petal. Participants of the marathon receive individual serial numbers. The presenter in turn tears off the petals and announces the dance that is written on the back. Everyone is dancing. The couple who performed the dance better than others wins. The jury consists of teachers and parents present in the room. After the end of each dance, the jury will present prizes: a bunch of grapes, bananas, a bunch of carrots, a bunch of lettuce, a bag of apples, a bunch of bagels, etc.
Dance music for this marathon is pre-recorded.

Presenter: And now another competition, but it requires a lot of flexibility and endurance. This is a dance on the newspaper. Only couples compete. The prize is a surprise.

Unfolded newspapers are laid out on the floor of the hall. They include music, which consists of five fragments:
1 fragment - the participants dance on the whole newspaper.
Fragment 2 - participants dance on a newspaper folded in two.
Fragment 3 - participants dance on a newspaper folded in four.
Fragment 4 - participants dance on a newspaper folded eight times.
Fragment 5 - participants dance on a newspaper folded sixteen times, i.e. the young man stands on one leg, holding the girl in his arms and swaying to the beat of the music.
The winner is the couple who will never leave the newspaper until the end of the competition.

Host: And now dancing is for everyone. Another dance selection is offered by the school disc jockey. (Several dances are danced.)
Presenter: At the end of the marathon, we will hold a fun dance competition called "The ball has burst!" The couple whose balloons burst during the dance will receive a prize - a balloon with a surprise.

Each dance couple receives 4 balloons, which are placed in turn between partners at the level of the abdomen (first dance), chest (second dance), between the backs (third dance), between the foreheads (fourth dance). During the dance, the partners, pressing against each other, must crush the ball.
The jury will determine the winner.

Beauty Contest "Miss Graduate" and "Mister Graduate"

Before the start of the competition, a jury (an odd number) is selected from teachers, parents and guests of the holiday. They sit at a separate table in front of the stage. On the table are containers with the numbers of the participants in the competition. The chairman of the jury has an envelope with questions for the participants of the third round.
Each participant of the competition receives a personal serial number.

Host: We continue the festive evening and invite you to the beauty contest. Dear teachers, parents and guests, dear jury, we ask you to be extremely objective when choosing the winner and winner of our competition.
Presenter: The competition is held in three rounds. Contestants will be judged in three categories: elegance, talent, and erudition. The winners will receive valuable prizes.
Host: Nobody doubts that among. the contestants are all elegant, all talented, all polymaths. But still, some of them are a little more elegant, talented and erudite. And there are those in which all these qualities are combined into one whole. Who is this?
Presenter: Patience, friends. We'll find out soon enough. So, let's start the first round. The elegance of the competition participants is evaluated. Dear members of the jury, you must select five winners for boys and five winners for girls. Music!

To the music, first the girls come on the stage, then the boys. They make several passes around the stage and slowly go backstage. The jury members put five beans into the girls 'containers, then five beans into the boys' containers. After the votes have been counted, the chairman announces who has made it to the second round.
Losers' containers are removed from the table.

Host: We are starting the second round of our competition. Now the participants of the competition must show their talents to the jury. It can be a song, dance, poem, trick, spoken genre, etc. - whatever you want. The jury will select two boys and two girls.

Contestants take turns on the stage and perform a number rehearsed before the holiday. After the screening, the jury votes again, dropping two beans into the girls 'containers and two beans into the boys' containers.
The jury chairman announces the winners.

Presenter: And, finally, the third round is the last. This is a competition of scholars. Who will win? Passions are running high! A participant under number is invited to the stage ... The floor is given to the Chairman of the jury.

The chairman in turn asks questions to the participants of the competition: two or three questions to each. Then the jury deliberates, choosing the winners.

Host: All participants of the competition are invited to the stage. I now give the floor to the Chairman of the Jury.

The chairman of the jury announces the winner of the Miss Graduate and Mister Graduate beauty pageants. The winners are tied on the chest with ribbons with the inscriptions: "Miss Graduate" and "Mister Graduate". Memorable gifts are awarded. Everyone applauds and congratulates the winners.

Presenter: Now let's see a concert of amateur performances. After all, each participant in the competition prepared his own number. And even if he did not win, but he has something to entertain and please us. So, the first to speak ...

Entertaining games

Everyone gathers in the hall. The boys sit down opposite the girls.

Presenter: Now we are going to play the game "Guess the guy by the ears."

Each girl is blindfolded in turn and, turning several times, is brought to one of the young men. She must determine who it is by her ears. The girl who guesses the owner of the ears wins. She gets a prize.

Host: And now the young men must find their Cinderella. The next game is called The Crystal Slipper.

The boys leave the hall. One shoe is taken off the girls and given to the boys. The girl's second leg is closed with a tight bag. The boys, entering the hall, must determine whose shoe they have and put it on the girl's leg. Then, when all the shoes are on the girls' feet, the bags are removed. The winner is the one who found the pair.

Presenter: Everyone loves to play in burima since childhood. Let's play with you too. A team of girls (no more than five people) should compose poems for rhymes: “a candle-stove, a cucumber-well; table-floor; the crown is the end. "

A team of young men (no more than five people) receives rhymes: “turnip-cap; bully cockroach; swore, fought; caught, punished. " While the teams are writing poetry, we will also play rhymes.

A game is played with the audience. The presenter throws a balloon into the crowd and names any word, and the one who catches it speaks to her the word in rhyme. Then the verses of the teams are read and the team with the funniest verses wins.

Host: And now the Zombie contest. The winners will receive a prize.

Two young men stand side by side: hand in hand. The touching hands are tied, and with their free hands, the right of one young man and the left of the other, they must wrap the soft toy in paper, tie the bundle with a ribbon and tie a bow.
Whoever can do it gets a prize.

Presenter: Everyone is invited to the delicious "Try and Bite" contest.

Those who wish come to a rope stretched at the level of the nose, on which oranges, apples, bananas, pears, etc. are suspended, and try to bite off a piece of them, holding their hands behind their backs. Whoever succeeds gets this fruit.

Host: And now there is a competition for real men. All drinkers are invited to the demonstration table. Choose any drink, but you can only drink it if you quickly (in three minutes) fill your glass with this drink with a teaspoon.
Presenter: At the end of our entertainment program, a win-win lottery. I ask you to pull the lottery tickets with numbers from the drum. (When all tickets have been distributed, the winnings will be handed out.)
Presenters (in turn): The owner of the lottery ticket number 1 receives, etc.
1. Universal cleaning device for the morning toilet (toothbrush).
2. Travel agency souvenir (badge).
3. The right to a car (lottery ticket).
4. Remedy for anger (donut on a string).
5. Guiding thread (spool of thread).
6. Apparatus for transmitting thoughts over a distance (postal envelope with a stamp).
7. The most fashionable clips (clothespin).
8. A piece of school (chalk).
9. Spare parts for sneakers (laces).
10. English lock (pin).
11. Catch of thought (pencil).
12. Typewriter (pen).
13. Antique hanger (nail).
14. Measuring device (centimeter).
15. Tool of labor (spoon).
16. Diet food (chewing gum).
17. Crystal chandelier (light bulb).
18. Disinfectant (soap).
19. Universal backpack (plastic bag).
20. Means for weight loss (skipping rope).
21. Aircraft (ball).
22. Bird of the future (egg).
23. Washing machine (eraser).
24. Artist's painting _____ (postcard).
25. Electric lighter (box of matches).
26. Sewing machine (needle and thread).
27. Tear absorber (handkerchief).
28. Remedy for talkativeness (dummy).
29. Fruit of temptation (apple).
30. Hair dryer for hair styling (comb).
31. Kiss M. Monroe (lipstick).

Host: Congratulations on your wonderful winnings and we hope that you will keep them all your life. Let them resemble fun and cloudless school years;
Host: Our entertainment program is over.
Host: It's time to say goodbye to school with friends and teachers. But we will meet more than once. After all, school friendship is the strongest. And now the farewell waltz. Ladies, invite your gentlemen!

Everyone dances to the sound of "School Waltz" and disperses.

Entertainment program "Let's dance". Scenario

Preliminary preparation... Selection of dance tunes, children search for information about dances. Mastering the dance by the leader (of his choice).

The hall is decorated with colorful balloons made of foil stars. You also need to think about color music. A dance melody sounds. The presenter comes out to the audience.

Leading. Hello dear friends! We invited you not only to sit and listen to music, but also to have fun, dance, compete, and smile. Dancing is movement, good mood. No fun holiday is complete without dancing. It is not easy to tell about the birth of the dance, but it happened when humanity was still leading a semi-wild lifestyle. People in dances imitated animals, believing that this helps the hunt. Gradually the art of dance became more complicated. They became more plastic, differed in a variety of gestures, movements, poses. There was a dance etiquette, posture and gait.

The fate of the dances is different - some are born in obscurity and die quickly, others live for a very long time, sometimes for more than one century.

You can talk about dancing for hours, but it will be better if we dance now. Boys invite girls!

A slow dance melody sounds.

Children are dancing.

Leading. What do you guys think, what kinds of dances are there? (For each correct answer - a sweet prize.)

1. Folk dance (dance).

2. Stage dance (on stage).

3. Ballroom dance (on balls and dance floors).

Now we will watch the performance of the guys who are engaged in dancing on purpose, visit the dance and choreographic studio.

Children show two dances (optional: tango, waltz, disco, etc.)

Leading... Let's test your "dance literacy" - what do you know about dancing? So the dance quiz! For every correct answer - a sweet prize.

1. What is the name of the dance teacher? (Dancemaster)

2. Which dance is recognized as the "king" of dancing? (Waltz)

3. Which composer was called "the king of the waltz"? (I. Strauss)

4. Whose old dance is this - "Polka"? (Czech)

5. What is the name of the Greek dance that was danced in Ancient Hellas? (Sirtaki)

6. Rock and Roll - Translate the name of the dance. Where did he come from? ("Wobble", "twirl", America of the 50s.)

7. Whose dance is "Shayk" and how is its name translated? (English, "shake", its essence is this: to imitate the behavior of the famous "Beatles".)

8. Whose dance is Mazurka? (Dance of Polish riders.)

9. Which of you will name the ballroom dances of Russia? ("Boyarushnya", "Modern", "Chardash", "Ermak", "Ball Burrt", "Ladies' Whim", etc.)

10. What is the name of the Polish dance, the name of which is derived from the name of the city in which it was invented? In the past, dance was very popular in Russia. ("Krakowiak")

11. Which country's folk dance is "Hopak"? (Ukraine)

12. Which of the following dances does not actually exist: "Mamba", "Papamba", "Samba"? ("Papamba")

13. What is a hit? (The dance that is currently popular.)

14. Name American dances. (Boogie Woogie, Twist, Rock and Roll.)

15. What is this "white dance" and what is it called? (An episode at the evening, when the right to invite to dance is given to a woman, it is also called "ladies'".)

Leading... I declare "white dance"! Girls invite boys!

Music sounds. Children are dancing.

a) waltz,

b) polkas,

c) gypsies.

The best dancers receive prizes. The "best" are determined by the audience.

The presenter learns a dance with the children. After learning the dance and its collective performance, the presenter conducts the following dance competitions.

Potato foxtrot

The competition is attended by two dancers. A medium sized potato string is tied around the waist. The potatoes should barely touch the floor. A matchbox is placed in front of each dancer. The dancer should push boxes of potatoes to the finish line without putting his hands on it. At the same time, it is imperative to perform dance moves with cheerful music until the very finish. The winner is the one who dances faster and pushes the boxes to the finish line with potatoes.

Dance of the wild macaques

The competition is attended by two dancers. Each of them holds a spoon with an orange or a potato in their teeth. Hands behind your back. The task is to drop the opponent's orange with your spoon and not let yours drop, while performing dance moves.

Ice dancing

Newspapers are given to the participants of the competition. You have to dance without leaving the newspaper. As soon as the music dies down, everyone should fold the newspaper in half and the dance then continues. Music changes all the time. If someone stepped off the newspaper during a dance, he would be eliminated from the competition. The last remaining one wins the competition.

Dance of the frogs

Several pairs of fins are required to play this fun game. The presenter invites several interested persons (the number is determined by the number of fins) and invites them, putting on fins, to perform the "lady" to the appropriate music. After the dance has been performed, the audience determines the winner.

Dancing plus

The presenter reports that many modern dances are performed with various objects: umbrellas, scarves, hats ... and offers the contestants familiar items from the school duty - a mop and a bucket:

a) perform a dance with a bucket to the music "Lezginka",

b) perform a dance with a mop to the music


After the performance of the dances, the audience determines the winners.


The participants of the competition dance to the music. The music is gradually changing. Spectators evaluate the dancers in the nominations:

a) the most plastic dance,

b) the most original dance,

c) the most fun dance,

d) the most tireless dancer,

e) the most resourceful dancer,

f) the highest dance technique. Prizes are awarded to the winners.

Leading(against the background of waltz music). Our dance evening is coming to an end. Let us recall the remarkable lines of N. Listov:

I remember the waltz, the sound is lovely -

On a spring night, at a late hour,

And a wonderful song flowed.

Yes, it was a waltz, lovely, languid,

Yes, that was a wonderful waltz.

Now it's winter, and they ate the same,

Covered in dusk, they stand

And under the window blizzards are rustling

And the sounds of the waltz do not sound ...

Where is this waltz, old, languid,

Where is this wonderful waltz?

Let's finish our evening with a waltz. Everyone dances!

In the finale, everyone's favorite waltz sounds: "School Waltz", "Lyric Waltz" by D. Shostakovich, "Waltz about Waltz" by E. Kolmanovsky, etc.

Rogova Olga Sergeevna,

additional education teacher

House of children's creativity "Harmony"

Borskoe village Samara region

Props: musical accompaniment corresponding to the competitions; jitons (can be candies); the winner's medal "Disco Dancer"; a belt with a rope tied to it with a potato at the end; newspaper; rope (cord 7-10 m long); a set of disposable spoons and oranges; ball (small); soft toy hare, wolf; scarf (blindfold); broom. The note For a creative, collective mood and cognitive - entertainment purpose, you can attract a children's dance group (or a duet, soloist, etc.), which will present their dance numbers between competitions, which will increase the conviviality and interest of the event.

Time passes, century after century ...
A cheerful man was born.
Fashions and rhythms changed too
But we can't live without dancing

Leading... Hello dear friends! We invited you not only to sit and listen to music, but also to have fun, dance, compete, and smile. Dancing is movement, good mood. No fun holiday is complete without dancing and music. It is not easy to tell about the birth of the dance, but it happened when humanity was still leading a semi-wild lifestyle. People in dances imitated animals, believing that this helps the hunt. Gradually the art of dance became more complicated. They have their own dance etiquette, their own posture and gait.

The fate of the dances is different - some are born in obscurity and die quickly, others live for a very long time, sometimes for more than one century.

You can talk about dancing for hours, but it will be better if we dance now.

But, before each lesson, the dancers do a warm-up. (Stand in a circle)

Therefore, we, as real dancers, will now perform a warm-up.


To the rhythmic and groovy music, the presenter offers to dance:

With eyes



Only with the head

With fingers only

By the hands

With hands up to elbows

Only with your hands

Only with hands and head

Only above the waist

The whole body, but the feet are "glued to the floor"

Lifting legs as high as possible

Bouncing as high as possible

Leading... During our program, you earn tokens today. As a result, the one with the highest number of zhitons gets the title of the winner "Disco Dancer". Let's test your "dance literacy" - what do you know about dancing? so , dance quiz ! For each correct answer - a token.

1. What is the name of the dance teacher? (Dancemaster, Choreographer)

2. Which dance is recognized as the "king" of dancing? (Waltz)

3. Which composer was called "the king of the waltz"? (I. Strauss)

4. Whose old dance is this - "Polka"? (Czech)

5. What is the name of the Greek dance that was danced in Ancient Hellas? (Sirtaki)

6. Rock and Roll - Translate the name of the dance. Where did he come from? ("Wobble", "twirl", America of the 50s.)

7. Whose dance is "Shayk" and how is its name translated? (English, "shake", its essence is this: to imitate the behavior of the famous "Beatles".)

8. Whose dance is Mazurka? (Dance of Polish riders.)

9. Which of you will name the ballroom dances of Russia? ("Boyarushnya", "modern", "czardash", "Ermak", "bal-burrt", "ladies' whim", etc.)

10. What is the name of the Polish dance, the name of which is derived from the name of the city in which it was invented? In the past, dance was very popular in Russia. ("Krakowiak")

11. Which country's folk dance is "Hopak"? (Ukraine)

12. Which of the following dances does not actually exist: "Mamba", "Papamba", "Samba"? ("Papamba")

13. What is a hit? (The dance that is currently popular.)

14. Name American dances. (Boogie Woogie, Twist, Rock and Roll.)

15. What is this "white dance" and what is it called? (An episode at the evening, when the right to invite to dance is given to a woman, it is also called "ladies'".)

16. What is the name of the dance in which the rhythm is clearly beaten with special heels on the shoes? (Tap dance)

Leading... We further check your "dance literacy". I announce a competition for the best performance: Potato foxtrot The competition is attended by two dancers. A medium sized potato string is tied around the waist. The potatoes should barely touch the floor. A matchbox is placed in front of each dancer. The dancer should push boxes of potatoes to the finish line without putting his hands on it. At the same time, it is imperative to perform dance movements with cheerful music until the very finish. The winner is the one who dances faster and pushes the boxes to the finish line with potatoes. (The performer who has done it accurately, correctly, receives a badge, possibly every participant)

Ice dancing Newspapers are given to the participants of the competition. You have to dance without leaving the newspaper. As soon as the music dies down, everyone should fold the newspaper in half and the dance then continues. Music changes all the time. If someone stepped off the newspaper during a dance, he would be eliminated from the competition. The last remaining winner wins the competition (receives a badge).

On a thread Participants share in pairs: one lowers on the palm of the hand to the floor, the other holds his legs. A thick rope (cord) lies on the path of movement, you need to walk with your palms along this rope to go a given distance, keeping your position in a pair. Those who walked the distance without breaking the rules receive a badge.

Dance of the wild macaques All dancers take part in the competition in turn. Each of them holds a spoon with an orange (potato) in their teeth. Hands behind your back. The task is to go the distance without dropping an orange (potato).

Leading. The next task is for all participants. Observers will follow the artistry and activity of our members. The most expressive ones receive a ziton. Your task is to depict what I will read to the music.

Competition "Top class"

Hey boys, hey girls.
Why are you standing on the sidelines?
I'll play a game for you.
Show the top class!

1st team

Boys get behind the wheel.
And buckle up tight.
Step on the gas!
Show the top class!

2nd team

You girls are not weak
Jump high together?
Right here, right now!
Show the top class!

3rd team

Well, boys, well done!
You are now our swimmers,
You are swimming breaststroke.
Show the top class!

1st team

Our lovely girls -
Cute kittens.
Are there artists among you?
Show the top class!

2nd team

You guys don't yawn!
Throw snowballs at the target as soon as possible.
Who's got a good eye here?
Show the top class!

3rd team

Dress, shoes, bag, makeup ...
We want to see women of fashion.
The podium is waiting for you.
Show the top class!

1st team

Make us boys laugh
Draw clowns
To laugh for an hour.
Show the top class!

2nd team

Which one of you is a musician here?
Who is hiding their talent?
Your instrument is a contrabass.
Show the top class!

3rd team

You are folk dancers.
And you're on tour soon.
You started to dance together.
Show the top class!

Giraffe Players stand in a circle. To the accompaniment of musical accompaniment, without the participation of hands, you need to pass the ball (coconut), holding it in the neck, to another participant. The one who did not hold back is eliminated.

Chase the hare In a circle, accompanied by musical accompaniment, we pass toys - a hare and a wolf. Task - The wolf must catch up with the hare.

"Round dance all year round"

Leading: each person is unique in his natural appearance. Each nationality and culture of a person is also unique in its own way. What nationalities and national dances do you know? (answers). What Russian national dances do you know? (Dance, dance, round dance).

Now the next competition is "Round dance all year round". The participants are divided into two teams. The leader is blindfolded, one player standing behind, controlling the leader by the shoulders, must go a given distance without disengaging, returning to the place, the next one joins, etc. The winner is the team that has inseparably covered the distance in a chain (each member of the winning team is given a badge).

Cinderella at a disco party

Leading: Everyone dreamed of going to the ball as a child, like Cinderella, but this is not an easy way, as we know from a fairy tale. Before the holiday, you need to properly prepare. We are modern people, but preparation for a disco party is also necessary. Now we are going to prepare for the party. (Stand in a circle)

Calling guests- we call by phone,

Friends pass over each other- claps in turn into the palm of a neighbor,

Let's wash the dishes- imitation of washing dishes,

Cooking treats- knead the dough (cross fists and side step),

We make pies (two claps in front with a step forward and backward),

We wash the floors- bend over to the floor and swing your hips to the right and left gallop,

Knock out the carpets- blows with a cam to the top,

NSLet's prepare an outfit. You need to wash it, rinse it, for this Cinderella goes out onto the porch.

Erase the outfit- legs together turns the heels to the right - to the left and rinse in the hands.

While rinsing, I lost the soap.

Looking for soap- busting with a toe around him.

Suddenly a wasp sat on the nose.

We drive the wasp- we stretch our nose to the right - to the left.

Push the left shoulder up.

Lift the knee up and brush the wasp off it with our hands.

Suddenly a prickly hedgehog creeps up, you need to jump over it.

We jump over the hedgehog- jumping with tucked knees to the right, to the left

We squeeze out the linen - smooth squats up and squeeze with palms.

Ironing the outfit- at the width of the shoulders, stroke the palm along ourselves with the right - left hand.

Hairstyle- jump to the right - to the left and with our hand we draw curls near the temple (or comb our hair).

We meet guests - clap in the palm of the neighbor on the right - on the left.

Disco dance- dismounts sideways to the center with an ejection. (Repeat everything to rhythmic music)

Clockwork Panicle».

Leading: In modern dances, an object is often used: an umbrella, a ribbon, a rope, a ball, etc. Now I offer you a dance-game "Clockwork Whisk". I give you all a well-known item - the Broom. You pass it in a circle to the music as soon as the music stops - the participant who has the broom in his hands goes to the center of the hall and performs a dance with a broom. (Receives a badge)

Leading : Our dance marathon has come to an end. We count the tokens and determine the winner of "Disco Dancer".

“We don’t have time to dance when the Earth dies,” Snork said.

- Well, a little! - begged Miss Snork. - After all, the Earth will perish only in two days!



  • tape recorder or CD-player (preferably two)
  • any music (the more varied, the better) 2 hours of continuous sounding
  • microphone
  • diplomas
  • prizes
  • jury (pre-instructed: their problem is only to choose from the already prepared nominations the most suitable for each team)


  • team name
  • image (distinctive mark) - clothes, a pattern on the forehead, a bandana, dark glasses - it doesn't matter, the main thing is for the whole team. The simplest thing is to draw something on the cheek.
  • yell (what the team will scream when the leader calls her)
  • movement (what the team will show when the leader calls it)
  • business card - dance performance of the team (to the music brought by the team)
  • the team must have a leader

Rules of the game:

  • do not stop even if there is no music
  • do not drink any liquid
  • the whole team is on the dance floor, no one leaves
  • dance is any movement!
  • the ability to support an opponent is especially appreciated
  • attention - to the leader!

Throughout the game, the music sounds continuously! When the presenter speaks, the music becomes quieter, but not to "0", and then it is output again.

Game progress:

  • "Warm-up" While the teams get together, music sounds. (Option: the host invites the teams to the dance floor). When everyone has gathered, the music continues to sound, everyone dances, and the presenter takes turns calling commands so that they shout a cry and show movement. After that, everyone will warm up for 2-3 minutes.
  • "We are already here!" At the sign of the leader of the team, they simultaneously shout a cry and make a gesture:
  • who is louder
  • in a whisper
  • as soon as possible
  • as slow as possible
  • sing a call to the music that is playing at the moment (any)
  • in a shrill voice
  • bass
  • in the voice of her class teacher
  • Dance "For the Leader". All teams dance, repeating the movements of their leader (5 min)
  • "A real warm-up." The host invites the teams to dance:
  • through the eyes
  • tongue
  • face
  • only with the head
  • only with your fingers
  • hands
  • hands to elbows
  • only with your hands
  • only hands and head
  • only above the belt
  • whole body, but feet "stuck to the floor"
  • lifting your legs as high as possible
  • bouncing as high as possible

All together it lasts 7-10 minutes.

  • Dance "For the Leader". Well, everyone has warmed up, now you can dance (3-5 minutes)
  • "Roll call" The host calls the teams, they yell. Thus, it is confirmed that all

ready for the "Business Card".

  • "Business card". The commands take turns showing what is cooked. The rest at this time dance, if space permits. Better, of course, to show in the middle, and the rest stood in a circle. When the team showed their "business card", it leaves to the cheers of the others.
  • Dance "For the Leader" (5 min)
  • Dance "Behind the Leader" (2-3 minutes) - it is better to give easier movements, you can have fun
  • Dance "Best Leader" - the leaders of the teams in turn become common, ie. everyone dances behind them. Each - 2-3 minutes.
  • "We dance like" (5 min):
  • in the far north
  • in space
  • in Africa
  • on a packed bus
  • on the rope
  • at the lesson
  • under the water
  • on nails
  • in the restaurant on the table
  • Dance "For the Leader" (5 min)
  • "We dance with ..." (5 min)
  • a bouquet of roses
  • automatic in hand
  • toothbrush in the mouth
  • skis on your feet
  • backpack on the back
  • dog on a leash
  • two bags of eggs in hand
  • Dance "For the Leader" (5 min)
  • "We dance as if we ..." (5 min)
  • builders
  • dentists
  • divers
  • traffic cops
  • footballers
  • strippers
  • spies
  • musicians
  • sick with severe rhinitis
  • ballerinas
  • monkey
  • Dance "For the Leader" (5 min)
  • "Roll call"
  • "The most ... team" We dance as if our team is the most:
  • strong
  • fast
  • slow
  • high
  • low
  • narrow
  • broad
  • long
  • Dance "For the Leader" (5 min)
  • "The little train". All teams dance with "little trains", the task of the "head" is to catch

someone else's "tail", you can not be torn. If the "tail" is caught, one long command is obtained. Then we build one big train, as a result we get up in a big circle, continuing to dance.

  • "Wave". The presenter points with his hand or runs in a circle, those to whom he points,

jump up. We invite everyone to squat down and dance, once again we make a "wave".

  • Everyone is dancing in a circle. Those who wish in turn run out to the middle and show a solo dance, the rest repeat.
  • "Handshake" (this is one of the variants of the ending). We shake hands with neighbors to the right and to the left. Then the same thing, but after one. Step forward. The same thing, but after two. Are we weak in three? (in principle, they did it after 4).
  • Well, everyone shook hands. The jury will now announce the results. Rewarding (it is better to prepare in advance certificates of the type "the most friendly team", "the most original", "the most technical", "the most diverse", etc., as well as the Special Prize "the most friendly to the rivals")
  • At the end of the game, if the situation permits, you can continue the disco for those who wish.





for those who are fond of dancing,

dance marathon

"Dance Through the Ages"

Yekaterinburg - 2013

Dance Marathon Scenario - 2013

"Dance through the ages"

Purpose of the event- education of a versatile personality based on the integration of various types of choreographic art; support, development and assistance in the creative and professional growth of the most gifted children.

Main goals:

learning tasks

Acquaintance with the history of the development of choreography, its main directions.

developmental tasks

- development of basic performing skills

Development and activation of creative perception and thinking

Development of independence and amateur performance, self-control

Developing a sense of collectivism

educational tasks

- education of a harmoniously developed personality

Formation of the abilities of artistic and aesthetic perception, such social and psychological qualities of a person that provide the ability to emotionally experience and evaluate aesthetically significant objects and phenomena

Fostering a tolerant attitude towards the diversity of different trends and styles of choreographic art

Fostering ethnic competence, a benevolent attitude towards people of other nationalities

Education for citizenship


Leading "Dance":

A cheerful man was born.

Fashions and rhythms changed too

But we cannot live without dancing.

Time passes, century after century ...

A person always lived in worries.

But on every holiday and at leisure time

The fun dance was my best friend.

Time passes, century after century.

Let the snow melt between us.

And let on our big planet

People are dancing and the sun is shining.

Hello dear friends! You recognized me? Who am I?

April 29th was International Dance Day. I congratulate all of you on the last holiday. I wish you a good mood, joy, earn as many prizes as possible and dance, as they say, until you drop. Dancing is movement, it is life. Dancing is youth. Youth of soul and body. The fate of the dances is different - some are born in obscurity and die quickly, others live for centuries. Try to earn a prize. Name a dance that has been around for over a century? (Waltz.) And I wonder, when and where was the dance born? It is difficult to say about the date of birth of the dance, but it was even then, when mankind led a semi-wild lifestyle. Dance is an ancient wanderer. He came to us from the hoary antiquity ... In my opinion, he is the same age as “Homo sapiens.” Everyone knows that labor formed a person, and I will add - also dance! It reflects, dating back to the earliest times, the need of a person to pass people their joy or sorrow, through the movements of their bodies. People in dances imitated animals, believing that it helps hunting and finding food. Dances accompanied a certain work and had their own rhythm. Archaeologists in different parts of the world have found rock paintings depicting dancing men. Almost. all important events in the life of a primitive man were marked by dances: birth, death, war, the election of a new leader, the healing of the sick. The dance expressed prayers for rain, sunlight, fertility, protection and forgiveness. Gradually the art of dance became more complicated. They became technically more difficult. , more plastic, differed in a variety of poses, gestures, movements.There appeared its own dance etiquette, its own posture and gait.

You can talk about dancing for hours, but it will be better if now we invite our guests to the stage.

Well, well, let's hit the road!

    Music sounds. "Bon Voyage!"

Teams participate in our program …………!

Their support groups!

And also all the spectators and fans present in our hall!

Let me introduce you to the jury of our competition and the guests of honor: …………….

At the music console, our permanent DJ! ......................................... .............

And it's time to declare 1 competition "Dance business card" (Own music), which will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the participating teams. To begin with, I will ask the captains to come up for a draw (draw is being carried out). And I remind our jury that the contests will be evaluated on a 5-point scale.

So, the first team to enter the dance floor is …….

(the competition "Dance Business Card" is held, after the performance, each team changes clothes, if necessary, goes into the hall and sits down in their seats, next to the support groups)

Leading "Dance":

Let's try to recreate perhaps one of the first dances of mankind, and see what comes of it.

Master Class: Everybody performs "Dance of Fire".

(You can use the recording as a soundtrack African drums)

Leading "Dance":

I declare 2nd competition "Synchronized dance" , in it the teams must show how they can move smoothly and synchronously, the captain shows - the team repeats. I invite the team to the site ……!

(Competition "Synchronized Dance" is being held)

Leading "Dance":

There was also another art. Let's remember what they danced at the royal courts of Europe in the 16th-17th centuries. Who knows?

(polonaise, moriscu, rigodon, bure, pavane, chime, volta, galliard, minuet)

All these dances were created by the people. And in high society, the folk dance style changed in accordance with court etiquette. And in 1661, the Royal Academy of Dance appeared in France. And the King of France Louis XIV ordered dance teachers to meet regularly and talk about dances, reflect, take care of their improvement.

Master Class : Everybody does a dance "Minuet"

(You can use the recording of J.S.Bach “ Minuet 18th century G minor ")

Leading "Dance":

Have a little rest, we can continue our marathon! For 3 contests I am

I will ask the team captains to come up to me, because this "Competition of captains". We, with our DJ, specially prepared a piece of music with a duration of exactly 60 seconds. The captains will take turns to this music (and it is unfamiliar to them!) Do different dance elements, trying not to repeat themselves. Our independent expert choreographer will count how many elements each of the captains managed to do in 60 seconds; we will add the earned points to the piggy bank of each team. The first to enter the site is the team captain ……….

("Competition of captains" is being held)

Leading "Dance":

Here came the twentieth century, life has changed - it has become faster and more fleeting. The dances have also changed, new ones have appeared. In the 1920s, Argentine tango conquered everyone. His true homeland is Spain.

Master Class : Everybody does a dance « Tango Kumparsita »

Leading "Dance":

Our captains have proved that they rightfully bear this title, they know how and love to dance. Dear members of the jury, I remind you that this competition is assessed on a 5-point scale, give your marks to our captains. And now let's see what dances our teams know and can dance. Begin 4th competition "Surprise" ... Here on these cards are written the names of folk dances, as well as numbers in the order of performance, you will have a couple of minutes to prepare, and then you will have to show a bunch of several elements of the dance that you fall out, our DJ will turn on the appropriate music. The draw begins!

Leading "Dance":

While our teams are getting ready, we will hold a small dance quiz among the fans.

    1. Which dance is recognized as the "king" of dancing? (Waltz.)

      Whose old dance "Polka" is this? (Czech Republic)

      Whose dance is "Sirtaki"? (Greece)

      What is the name of the dance teacher? (Dancemaster.)

      What is this "white dance" and what is it called? (The episode at the evening, when the right to invite to dance is given to a woman, is also called "ladies'".)

      What was the name of the dance teacher in Yu. Olesha's fairy tale "Three Fat Men"? (Razdvatris.)

      Waltz from A. Rosenbaum's hit - ... (Boston.)

      Which country is considered the birthplace of the dance "Barynya"? (Russia.)

      Shouting dance "Assa!" - ... (Lezginka.)

      What is the name of the partner in the dance?

A. Order bearer. B. Laureate. B. Cavalier. G. Cavalier.

11. The most pleasant noise for artists during a performance is ... (Applause.)

12. What is the name of the time for eating sweets in the theater buffet? (Intermission.)

14. What is the name of the "theater" variety of Russian chocolates?

A. "Wig." C. "Mask". B. "Makeup" D. "Role".

Leading "Dance":

Now let's see how our teams master the art of dance. I invite the team that got the card number 1! Dear guests and fans, we welcome the participants with applause, they need your support for a successful performance!

(the "Surprise" competition is underway)

Leading "Dance":

In the 40s of the twentieth century, rock and roll, boogie-woogie, twist, shake appeared. Each dance entered the arena swiftly and aggressively, it appeared like “caliph for an hour” and quickly gave way to another.

Master Class: Everybody does a dance "Shayk".

(You can use the recording of the Soviet shake "Going girl" )

Leading "Dance":

Dear guests, our teams have shown themselves in all their splendor today.

This was the last competition. I will ask the jury to leave to sum up the results of our dance marathon, we will conduct it with thunderous applause!

And we start "Auction"!!!. I ask you to take turns saying the names of any dances (excluding those that you invented and named yourself), the team that last named the dance wins.

("Auction" is underway)

Leading "Dance":

While the jury is still deciding your destinies, let's play and dance.

Dance games:

    If you like ...

    The giraffe has spots ...

    Boogie Woogie.

  • Golden Gate

    Get ready to charge

The jury summed up the results of our competition. I ask to leave the team together with

support groups for rewarding!

(the jury awards the winners and participants)

Graduate Diploma Awarding dance club "BALAMUTY":

    Migalatiy Ekaterina

    Baranova Julia

Leading "Dance":

Today we saw a miracle that lives next to us. This miracle cannot be touched, but can be seen and heard. It can make us laugh and cry. It has a soul and a heart. A miracle is born here on stage and its name is dance.

To understand the spirit of the dance, it is enough to immerse yourself in the rustle of dense foliage. Without looking up from the branches, the leaves dance and sing, giving birth to a symphony of green shades, enchanting the eye and hearing.

It is enough to sit on the seashore for a minute, turning your face to it, and surrender to the indefatigable rhythm with which the waves run ashore.

It is enough to trace the flight of a bird or a falling leaf in autumn.

Just look at how clouds dance in the sky, taking in turn thousands of fantastic forms.

If the eyes cannot see, then the body cannot dance either. If the eyes do not see, then there are no sounds to compose music from them. If beautiful melodies were sounded, they would awaken in our body the desire to move to the beat, consistently and proportionally. After all, the soul knows how to dance ...

So go for it, if you want and diligence, everything will work out! And I want to end our dance holiday with the words:

Dance people enjoy

Smile at each other in the dance.

Create beauty in the world,

Giving hope and dream!

    Music sounds. Big round dance

Appendix # 1.


Teams prepare for the competition within 2 weeks. It is necessary to prepare costumes and phonograms, come up with mottos, "chants" for support groups. Learn and practice the movements and elements for synchronized dance. Learn the elements of folk dances. Read literature, learn as much as possible about the art of dancing.

1. "Dance business card" (appearance, artistry, originality)

The competition is being prepared in advance. A small choreographic sketch with elements of theatricalization is a team performance that reflects the team's credo, its spirit and style. Come up with a team motto and greetings to the opposing teams and the jury. Duration no more than 5 minutes. Prepare a phonogram. The draw can be done using a regular lotto or game dice.

2. "Synchronous dance" (synchronicity, rhythm, friendship)

Elements and movements for the competition are invented, rehearsed and worked out in advance. It is obligatory to repeat after the team captain. The difficulty is that the teams do not know the music to which the competition will be held, the DJ will prepare pieces of music 2 minutes long. at a fast pace, different for each team.

3. "Competition of captains" (originality, ingenuity)

It is necessary to show as many different movements as possible in 1 minute. The difficulty is to show the elements clearly, separately, so that the expert can count them, but at the same time do not stop. time is short, and the opponent can use it more rationally.

4. "Surprise" (originality, rhythm, artistry)

Teams are informed in advance which dances will be included in this competition . The difficulty is that no one knows which one your team will drop out, so you need to learn a lot of elements. The whole team should be dancing, not one or two representatives!

Approximate view of cards with the task for the "Surprise" competition

round dance









Appendix # 2.

Nomination in which the team distinguished themselves:

The most original team;

The most danceable team;

Most artistic team;

The most unpredictable team;

The most rhythmic team;

The most cheerful team;

The most technical team;

Most Synchronous Team;

The most friendly team, etc.

dance dance, dance, dance, jump, jump, move, spin, curl, slide, swing, swing; dance, dance, dance music, ball, dance evening, tour.

Minuet(fr. menuet, from menu - small (in the concept small, insignificant)) - an old folk French graceful dance, so named because of its small steps. Derived from the slow folk dance of the province of Poitou.

Initially, the gallant (court) minuet was performed by one pair. The movements of the minuet were built mainly on bows and curtsies, which created not so much the impression of a dance as a "dance invitation" or a prelude.

Tango(Spanish tango) - Argentine folk dance; a pair dance of free composition, characterized by an energetic and clear rhythm.

Initially, it was developed and spread in Argentina, then it became popular all over the world. Music and dance elements of tango are popular in dance activities, gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, and more.

SHAKE 1) Modern English ballroom dance, which emerged as a pair dance of an improvisational nature. 2) Music for such a dance.

Synchronicity- simultaneity, simultaneity, parallelism.